Add Redfish message registry support for threshold SEL events

This change updates the SEL Logger threshold event monitor to
add the Redfish message registry information into the metadata
for the SEL journal entry.  This allows all the threshold SEL
events to appear in the message registry-based LogService.

Tested: Added various voltage threshold events and verified that
they show up as compliant with the Redfish message registry.

Change-Id: I830178abe058d7fe280581e84602ba8381f10953
Signed-off-by: Jason M. Bills <>
diff --git a/include/threshold_event_monitor.hpp b/include/threshold_event_monitor.hpp
index 0b75114..9352805 100644
--- a/include/threshold_event_monitor.hpp
+++ b/include/threshold_event_monitor.hpp
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #pragma once
 #include <sel_logger.hpp>
 #include <sensorutils.hpp>
+#include <string_view>
 enum class thresholdEventOffsets : uint8_t
@@ -29,6 +30,8 @@
 static constexpr const uint8_t thresholdEventDataTriggerReadingByte2 = (1 << 6);
 static constexpr const uint8_t thresholdEventDataTriggerReadingByte3 = (1 << 4);
+static const std::string openBMCMessageRegistryVersion("0.1");
 inline static sdbusplus::bus::match::match startThresholdEventMonitor(
     std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::connection> conn)
@@ -181,17 +184,90 @@
         // Construct a human-readable message of this event for the log
-        std::experimental::string_view sensorName(msg.get_path());
+        std::string_view sensorName(msg.get_path());
             std::min(sensorName.find_last_of("/") + 1, sensorName.size()));
-        std::string journalMsg(sensorName.to_string() +
-                               (assert ? " asserted " : " deasserted ") +
-                               propertiesChanged.begin()->first +
+        std::string threshold;
+        std::string direction;
+        std::string redfishMessageID;
+        if (event == "CriticalLow")
+        {
+            threshold = "critical low";
+            if (assert)
+            {
+                direction = "low";
+                redfishMessageID = "OpenBMC." + openBMCMessageRegistryVersion +
+                                   ".SensorThresholdCriticalLowGoingLow";
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                direction = "high";
+                redfishMessageID = "OpenBMC." + openBMCMessageRegistryVersion +
+                                   ".SensorThresholdCriticalLowGoingHigh";
+            }
+        }
+        else if (event == "WarningLow")
+        {
+            threshold = "warning low";
+            if (assert)
+            {
+                direction = "low";
+                redfishMessageID = "OpenBMC." + openBMCMessageRegistryVersion +
+                                   ".SensorThresholdWarningLowGoingLow";
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                direction = "high";
+                redfishMessageID = "OpenBMC." + openBMCMessageRegistryVersion +
+                                   ".SensorThresholdWarningLowGoingHigh";
+            }
+        }
+        else if (event == "WarningHigh")
+        {
+            threshold = "warning high";
+            if (assert)
+            {
+                direction = "high";
+                redfishMessageID = "OpenBMC." + openBMCMessageRegistryVersion +
+                                   ".SensorThresholdWarningHighGoingHigh";
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                direction = "low";
+                redfishMessageID = "OpenBMC." + openBMCMessageRegistryVersion +
+                                   ".SensorThresholdWarningHighGoingLow";
+            }
+        }
+        else if (event == "CriticalHigh")
+        {
+            threshold = "critical high";
+            if (assert)
+            {
+                direction = "high";
+                redfishMessageID = "OpenBMC." + openBMCMessageRegistryVersion +
+                                   ".SensorThresholdCriticalHighGoingHigh";
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                direction = "low";
+                redfishMessageID = "OpenBMC." + openBMCMessageRegistryVersion +
+                                   ".SensorThresholdCriticalHighGoingLow";
+            }
+        }
+        std::string journalMsg(std::string(sensorName) + " sensor crossed a " +
+                               threshold + " threshold going " + direction +
                                ". Reading=" + std::to_string(sensorVal) +
-                               " Threshold=" + std::to_string(thresholdVal));
+                               " Threshold=" + std::to_string(thresholdVal) +
+                               ".");
         selAddSystemRecord(journalMsg, std::string(msg.get_path()), eventData,
-                           assert, selBMCGenID);
+                           assert, selBMCGenID, "REDFISH_MESSAGE_ID=%.*s",
+                           redfishMessageID.length(),,
+                           "REDFISH_MESSAGE_ARG_1=%.*s", sensorName.length(),
+                 , "REDFISH_MESSAGE_ARG_2=%f",
+                           sensorVal, "REDFISH_MESSAGE_ARG_3=%f", thresholdVal);
     sdbusplus::bus::match::match thresholdEventMatcher(
         static_cast<sdbusplus::bus::bus &>(*conn),