Add Kubernetes Launch Helper Script

When a pod or job is selected as the launch type, this script will be
sourced by the script to launch the build container with
kubectl using yaml files this script creates. It will assume it is being
sourced and will be using some of the variables established in the script to build and push the job, and to generate the
YAML file Kubernetes needs to launch the container. A few more variables
are specific to this script. They are all related to Kubernetes. The
multiple PVC's that will be mounted, the image repository, namespace to
launch into, the image pull secret if the repo needs authentication, and
a timeout that determines how long we wait for the container to start
running before assuming failure.

Change-Id: Icba8ca7b0fa49fe2cb3b5622e4a6b7981049fb98
Signed-off-by: Alanny Lopez <>
diff --git a/kubernetes/ b/kubernetes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6ea4bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# Script used to assist in launching Kubernetes jobs/pods. Expects to be used
+# as an supplemental script to the script as such will use some
+# of the variables it expects to carry over from that script.
+# Requirements:
+#  - Docker login credentials defined inside ~/.docker/config.json
+#  - Kubectl installed and configured on machine running the script
+#  - Access to a Kubernetes Cluster using v1.5.2 or newer
+#  - NFS directories for OpenBMC repo cache, BitBake shared state cache, and
+#    shared Jenkins home directory that holds workspaces.
+#  - All NFS directories should have RWX permissions for user being used to run
+#    the script
+#  - Persistent Volume and Claims created and mounted to NFS directories
+#  - Image pull secret exists for image pulls in Kubernetes cluster namespace
+# Variables used to create Kubernetes Job:
+#  namespace    = the namespace to be used within the Kubernetes cluster
+#  hclaim       = name of the Jenkins slave home PVC on Kubernetes cluster
+#  sclaim       = name of the shared state cache PVC on Kubernetes cluster
+#  oclaim       = name of OpenBMC cache repo PVC on the Kubernetes cluster
+#  registry     = the registry to use to pull and push images
+#  imgplsec     = the image pull secret used to access registry if needed
+#  timeout      = the amount of time in seconds that the build will wait for
+#                 the pod to start running on the cluster
+#  imgname      = the name the image will be given when built, must include
+#                 the repo in name for the push command to work.
+#  podname      = the name of the pod, will be needed to trace down the logs
+# Kubernetes Variables
+# Give the Docker image and the pod a name
+# Build the Docker image, using the Dockerfile carried from
+docker build -t ${imgname} - <<< "${Dockerfile}"
+# Push the image that was built to the image repository
+docker push ${imgname}
+if [[ "${launch}" == "pod" ]]; then
+  yamlfile=$(cat << EOF
+  apiVersion: v1
+  kind: Pod
+  metadata:
+    name: ${podname}
+    namespace: ${namespace}
+  spec:
+    nodeSelector:
+      worker: "true"
+      arch: ${ARCH}
+    volumes:
+    - name: home
+      persistentVolumeClaim:
+        claimName: ${hclaim}
+    - name: sscdir
+      persistentVolumeClaim:
+        claimName: ${sclaim}
+    - name: obmccache
+      persistentVolumeClaim:
+        claimName: ${oclaim}
+    hostNetwork: True
+    containers:
+    - image: ${imgname}
+      name: builder
+      command: ["${WORKSPACE}/"]
+      workingDir: ${HOME}
+      env:
+      - name: WORKSPACE
+        value: ${WORKSPACE}
+      - name: obmcdir
+        value: ${obmcdir}
+      securityContext:
+        capabilities:
+          add:
+          - SYS_ADMIN
+      volumeMounts:
+      - name: home
+        mountPath: ${HOME}
+      - name: sscdir
+        mountPath: ${sscdir}
+      - name: obmccache
+        mountPath: ${ocache}
+    imagePullSecrets:
+    - name: ${imgplsec}
+elif [[ "${launch}" == "job" ]]; then
+  yamlfile=$(cat << EOF
+  apiVersion: batch/v1
+  kind: Job
+  metadata:
+    name: openbmc${BUILD_ID}-${target}
+    namespace: ${namespace}
+    labels:
+      app: openbmc
+      stage: build
+  spec:
+    template:
+      metadata:
+        name: ${podname}
+        labels:
+          target: ${target}
+      spec:
+        nodeSelector:
+          worker: "true"
+          arch: ${ARCH}
+        volumes:
+        - name: home
+          persistentVolumeClaim:
+            claimName: ${hclaim}
+        - name: sscdir
+          persistentVolumeClaim:
+            claimName: ${sclaim}
+        - name: obmccache
+          persistentVolumeClaim:
+            claimName: ${oclaim}
+        restartPolicy: Never
+        hostNetwork: True
+        containers:
+        - image: ${imgname}
+          name: builder
+          command: ["${WORKSPACE}/"]
+          workingDir: ${HOME}
+          env:
+          - name: WORKSPACE
+            value: ${WORKSPACE}
+          - name: obmcdir
+            value: ${obmcdir}
+          securityContext:
+            capabilities:
+              add:
+              - SYS_ADMIN
+          volumeMounts:
+          - name: home
+            mountPath: ${HOME}
+          - name: sscdir
+            mountPath: ${sscdir}
+          - name: obmccache
+            mountPath: ${ocache}
+        imagePullSecrets:
+        - name: ${imgplsec}
+kubectl create -f - <<< "${yamlfile}"
+# Wait for Pod to be running before tailing log file
+while [ -z "$(kubectl describe pod ${podname} -n ${namespace} | grep Status: | grep Running)" ]; do
+  if [ ${timeout} -lt 0 ];then
+    kubectl delete -f - <<< "${yamlfile}"
+    echo "Timeout Occured: Job failed to start running in time"
+    exit 1
+  else
+    sleep 1
+    let timeout-=1
+  fi
+# Once pod is running track logs
+kubectl logs -f ${podname} -n ${namespace}
+# When job is completed wipe the job
+kubectl delete -f - <<< "${yamlfile}"
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