Fixed typos, updated import mnt, added options variable

Updated the script so that we can ignore the import mnt by default, if
it isn't specified it will be ignored. If it is specified it will work
the way it did before this change. Added a new options variable to pass
options into the JENKINS_OPTS environment variable. Fixed a few errors
that were left over from when I was changing variable names.

Change-Id: Iab297015198120a06530fc69966f7c0503b6e017
Signed-off-by: Alanny Lopez <>
diff --git a/ b/
index eb9457e..5eecd06 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -16,9 +16,12 @@
 #  home_mnt           The directory on the host used as the Jenkins home
 #                     Default: "${WORKSPACE}/jenkins_home"
 #  host_import_mnt    The directory on the host used to import extra files
-#                     Default: "${WORKSPACE}/jenkins_import"
+#                     Default: "", variable ignored by default
 #  cont_import_mnt    The directory on the container used to import extra files
-#                     Default: "/mnt/jenkins_import"
+#                     Default: "/mnt/jenkins_import", will be ignored by default
+#  options            What will be passed as the environment variable for the
+#                     JENKINS_OPTS environment variable.
+#                     Default: "--prefix=/jenkins"
 # Build Variables:
 #  img_tag            The tag for the OpenJDK image used to build the Dockerfile
@@ -37,7 +40,7 @@
 #  j_gif              Jenkins group ID the container will use to run Jenkins
 #                     Default: "1000"
 #  j_home             Directory used as the Jenkins Home in the container
-#                     Default: "${WORKSPACE}/jenkins_home"
+#                     Default: "/var/jenkins_home"
 #  http_port          The port used as Jenkins UI port
 #                     Default: "8080"
 #  agent_port         The port used as the Jenkins slave agent port
@@ -54,8 +57,9 @@
 # Dockerfile Variables
@@ -66,9 +70,9 @@
 # Save the Jenkins.war URL to a variable and SHA if we care about verification
@@ -183,14 +187,15 @@
 # Build the image
-docker build --pull -t ${out_img} .
+docker build -t ${out_img} .
 if [[ ${launch} == "docker" ]]; then
   # Ensure directories that will be mounted exist
-  if [[ ! -d ${host_import_mnt} ]]; then
-    mkdir -p ${host_import_mnt}
+  if [[ ! -z ${host_import_mnt} && ! -d ${host_import_mnt} ]]; then
+      mkdir -p ${host_import_mnt}
   if [[ ! -d ${home_mnt} ]]; then
     mkdir -p ${home_mnt}
@@ -200,16 +205,18 @@
     echo "Not running as root:"
     echo "Checking if jgid and juid are the owners of mounted directories"
     test1=$(ls -nd ${home_mnt} | awk '{print $3 " " $4}')
-    test2=$(ls -nd ${host_import_mnt} | awk '{print $3 " " $4}' )
     if [[ "${test1}" != "${j_uid} ${j_gid}" ]]; then
       echo "Owner of ${home_mnt} is not the jenkins user"
       echo "${test1} != ${j_uid} ${j_gid}"
-    if [[ "${test2}" != "${j_uid} ${j_gid}" ]]; then
-      echo "Owner of ${host_import_mnt} is not the jenkins user"
-      echo "${test2} != ${j_uid} ${j_gid}"
-      willfail=1
+    if [[ ! -z "${host_import_mnt}" ]]; then
+      test2=$(ls -nd ${host_import_mnt} | awk '{print $3 " " $4}' )
+      if [[ "${test2}" != "${j_uid} ${j_gid}" ]]; then
+        echo "Owner of ${host_import_mnt} is not the jenkins user"
+        echo "${test2} != ${j_uid} ${j_gid}"
+        willfail=1
+      fi
     if [[ "${willfail}" == 1 ]]; then
       echo "Failing before attempting to launch container"
@@ -217,16 +224,23 @@
       exit 1
-    chown -R ${j_uid}:${j_gid} ${host_import_mnt}
+    if [[ ! -z ${host_import_mnt} ]]; then
+      chown -R ${j_uid}:${j_gid} ${host_import_mnt}
+    fi
     chown -R ${j_uid}:${j_gid} ${home_mnt}
+  #If we don't have import mount don't add to docker command
+  if [[ ! -z ${host_import_mnt} ]]; then
+   importvolcmd="-v ${host_import_mnt}:${cont_import_mnt}"
+  fi
   # Launch the jenkins image with Docker
   docker run -d \
-    -v ${host_import_mnt}:${cont_import_mnt} \
+    ${importvolcmd} \
     -v ${home_mnt}:${j_home} \
     -p ${http_port}:8080 \
     -p ${agent_port}:${agent_port} \
+    --env JENKINS_OPTS=\"${options}\" \
 elif [[ ${launch} == "k8s" ]]; then
@@ -234,4 +248,4 @@
   echo "Not yet Implemented"
   exit 1
   source ./kubernetes/ Build-Jenkins false false
\ No newline at end of file