Merge pull request #1 from shenki/master

Add script for building the aspeed kernelsm, thanks @shenki 
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e687407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# This build script is for running the Jenkins builds using docker.
+# It expects a variable as part of Jenkins build job matrix:
+#   distro = fedora|ubuntu
+# Trace bash processing
+set -x
+# Default variables
+# Timestamp for job
+echo "Build started, $(date)"
+# Configure docker build
+if [[ "${distro}" == fedora ]];then
+  if [[ -n "${http_proxy}" ]]; then
+    PROXY="RUN echo \"proxy=${http_proxy}\" >> /etc/dnf/dnf.conf"
+  fi
+  Dockerfile=$(cat << EOF
+FROM fedora:latest
+RUN dnf --refresh upgrade -y
+RUN dnf install -y git gcc make uboot-tools gcc-arm-linux-gnu
+RUN groupadd -g ${GROUPS} ${USER} && useradd -d ${HOME} -m -u ${UID} -g ${GROUPS} ${USER}
+RUN /bin/bash
+elif [[ "${distro}" == ubuntu ]]; then
+  if [[ -n "${http_proxy}" ]]; then
+    PROXY="RUN echo \"Acquire::http::Proxy \\"\"${http_proxy}/\\"\";\" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/000apt-cacher-ng-proxy"
+  fi
+  Dockerfile=$(cat << EOF
+FROM ubuntu:latest
+RUN echo $(date +%s) && apt-get update
+RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get upgrade -yy
+RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -yy build-essential git gcc-arm-none-eabi u-boot-tools
+RUN groupadd -g ${GROUPS} ${USER} && useradd -d ${HOME} -m -u ${UID} -g ${GROUPS} ${USER}
+RUN /bin/bash
+# Build the docker container
+docker build -t linux-aspeed/${distro} - <<< "${Dockerfile}"
+if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]]; then
+  echo "Failed to build docker container."
+  exit 1
+# Create the docker run script
+export PROXY_HOST=${http_proxy/#http*:\/\/}
+export PROXY_HOST=${PROXY_HOST/%:[0-9]*}
+export PROXY_PORT=${http_proxy/#http*:\/\/*:}
+mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}
+cat > "${WORKSPACE}"/ << EOF_SCRIPT
+set -x
+# Go into the linux-aspeed directory (the script will put us in a build subdir)
+cd linux-aspeed
+# Configure a build
+make aspeed_defconfig
+make -j 8
+# Build barreleye image
+make aspeed-bmc-opp-barreleye.dtb
+cat arch/arm/boot/zImage arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-bmc-opp-barreleye.dtb > barreleye-zimage
+./scripts/ -A arm -O linux -C none  -T kernel -a 0x40008000 -e 0x40008000 -d-e 0x40008000 -n obmc-beye-`date +%Y%m%d%H%M` -d aspeed-zimage uImage.barreleye
+# build palmetto image
+make aspeed-bmc-opp-palmetto.dtb
+cat arch/arm/boot/zImage arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-bmc-opp-palmetto.dtb > palmetto-zimage
+./scripts/ -A arm -O linux -C none  -T kernel -a 0x40008000 -e 0x40008000 -d-e 0x40008000 -n obmc-palm-`date +%Y%m%d%H%M` -d aspeed-zimage uImage.palmetto
+chmod a+x ${WORKSPACE}/
+# Run the docker container, execute the build script we just built
+docker run --cap-add=sys_admin --net=host --rm=true -e WORKSPACE=${WORKSPACE} --user="${USER}" \
+  -w "${HOME}" -v "${HOME}":"${HOME}" -t linux-aspeed/${distro} ${WORKSPACE}/
+# Timestamp for build
+echo "Build completed, $(date)"