reset upstream subtrees to HEAD

Reset the following subtrees on HEAD:
  poky: 8217b477a1(master)
  meta-xilinx: 64aa3d35ae(master)
  meta-openembedded: 0435c9e193(master)
  meta-raspberrypi: 490a4441ac(master)
  meta-security: cb6d1c85ee(master)

Squashed patches:
  meta-phosphor: drop systemd 239 patches
  meta-phosphor: mrw-api: use correct install path

Change-Id: I268e2646d9174ad305630c6bbd3fbc1a6105f43d
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <>
diff --git a/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/tcltk/tk/confsearch.diff b/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/tcltk/tk/confsearch.diff
index 4dbd9a4..8cc07bc 100644
--- a/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/tcltk/tk/confsearch.diff
+++ b/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/tcltk/tk/confsearch.diff
@@ -1,35 +1,46 @@
+From 5539442e5f5442606071afc5cf02642314ad13bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Koen Kooi <>
+Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2011 22:52:35 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tk 8.5.8: import from OE rev
 Patch by Sergei Golovan allows to find in /usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.5
 and in /usr/share/tcltk/tk8.5 where they are located in Debian
---- tk8.5-8.5.8.orig/unix/configure
-+++ tk8.5-8.5.8/unix/configure
-@@ -1431,7 +1431,8 @@
- 			`ls -d /usr/contrib/lib 2>/dev/null` \
+ unix/configure | 1 +
+ unix/tcl.m4    | 2 ++
+ 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
+Index: a/unix/configure
+--- a/unix/configure.orig
++++ b/unix/configure
+@@ -1432,6 +1432,7 @@ echo "$as_me: error: ${with_tclconfig} d
  			`ls -d /usr/local/lib 2>/dev/null` \
+ 			`ls -d /usr/contrib/lib 2>/dev/null` \
  			`ls -d /usr/pkg/lib 2>/dev/null` \
-+			`ls -d /usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.5 2>/dev/null` \
++			`ls -d /usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.6 2>/dev/null` \
  			`ls -d /usr/lib 2>/dev/null` \
  			`ls -d /usr/lib64 2>/dev/null` \
- 			; do
- 		    if test -f "$i/" ; then
---- tk8.5-8.5.8.orig/unix/tcl.m4
-+++ tk8.5-8.5.8/unix/tcl.m4
-@@ -93,7 +93,8 @@
- 			`ls -d /usr/contrib/lib 2>/dev/null` \
+ 			`ls -d /usr/local/lib/tcl8.6 2>/dev/null` \
+Index: a/unix/tcl.m4
+--- a/unix/tcl.m4.orig
++++ b/unix/tcl.m4
+@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([SC_PATH_TCLCONFIG], [
  			`ls -d /usr/local/lib 2>/dev/null` \
+ 			`ls -d /usr/contrib/lib 2>/dev/null` \
  			`ls -d /usr/pkg/lib 2>/dev/null` \
-+			`ls -d /usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.5 2>/dev/null` \
++			`ls -d /usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.6 2>/dev/null` \
  			`ls -d /usr/lib 2>/dev/null` \
  			`ls -d /usr/lib64 2>/dev/null` \
- 			; do
- 		    if test -f "$i/" ; then
-@@ -223,7 +224,8 @@
- 			`ls -d ${prefix}/lib 2>/dev/null` \
+ 			`ls -d /usr/local/lib/tcl8.6 2>/dev/null` \
+@@ -227,6 +228,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([SC_PATH_TKCONFIG], [
  			`ls -d /usr/local/lib 2>/dev/null` \
  			`ls -d /usr/contrib/lib 2>/dev/null` \
-+			`ls -d /usr/share/tcltk/tk8.5 2>/dev/null` \
+ 			`ls -d /usr/pkg/lib 2>/dev/null` \
++			`ls -d /usr/share/tcltk/tk8.6 2>/dev/null` \
  			`ls -d /usr/lib 2>/dev/null` \
  			`ls -d /usr/lib64 2>/dev/null` \
- 			; do
- 		    if test -f "$i/" ; then
+ 			`ls -d /usr/local/lib/tk8.6 2>/dev/null` \
diff --git a/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/tcltk/ b/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/tcltk/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e38525..0000000
--- a/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/tcltk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-SUMMARY = "Tool Command Language ToolKit Extension"
-SECTION = "devel/tcltk"
-LICENSE = "tcl"
-LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://../license.terms;md5=c88f99decec11afa967ad33d314f87fe \
-    file://../compat/license.terms;md5=c88f99decec11afa967ad33d314f87fe \
-    file://../doc/license.terms;md5=c88f99decec11afa967ad33d314f87fe \
-    file://../library/license.terms;md5=c88f99decec11afa967ad33d314f87fe \
-    file://../macosx/license.terms;md5=c88f99decec11afa967ad33d314f87fe \
-    file://../tests/license.terms;md5=c88f99decec11afa967ad33d314f87fe \
-    file://../unix/license.terms;md5=c88f99decec11afa967ad33d314f87fe \
-    file://../win/license.terms;md5=c88f99decec11afa967ad33d314f87fe \
-    file://../xlib/license.terms;md5=c88f99decec11afa967ad33d314f87fe \
-DEPENDS = "tcl virtual/libx11 libxt"
-SRC_URI = "\
-    ${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/tcl/${BPN}${PV}-src.tar.gz \
-    file://confsearch.diff;striplevel=2 \
-    file://non-linux.diff;striplevel=2 \
-    file://tklibrary.diff;striplevel=2 \
-    file://tkprivate.diff;striplevel=2 \
-    file://fix-xft.diff \
-    file://configure.use.fontconfig.with.xft.patch \
-SRC_URI[md5sum] = "5e0faecba458ee1386078fb228d008ba"
-SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "49e7bca08dde95195a27f594f7c850b088be357a7c7096e44e1158c7a5fd7b33"
-S = "${WORKDIR}/${BPN}${PV}/unix"
-# Short version format: "8.6"
-VER = "${@os.path.splitext(d.getVar('PV'))[0]}"
-LDFLAGS += "-Wl,-rpath,${libdir}/tcltk/${PV}/lib"
-inherit autotools distro_features_check
-# depends on virtual/libx11
-    --enable-threads \
-    --with-x \
-    --with-tcl=${STAGING_BINDIR}/crossscripts \
-    --libdir=${libdir} \
-export TK_LIBRARY='${libdir}/tk${VER}'
-do_install_append() {
-    ln -sf libtk${VER}.so ${D}${libdir}/libtk${VER}.so.0
-    oe_libinstall -so libtk${VER} ${D}${libdir}
-    ln -sf wish${VER} ${D}${bindir}/wish
-PACKAGECONFIG[xft] = "--enable-xft,--disable-xft,xft"
-PACKAGECONFIG[xss] = "--enable-xss,--disable-xss,libxscrnsaver libxext"
-PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-lib"
-FILES_${PN}-lib = "${libdir}/libtk${VER}.so*"
-FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/tk*"
-# isn't getting picked up by shlibs code
-RDEPENDS_${PN} += "tk-lib"
-RDEPENDS_${PN}_class-native = ""
-BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
-# Fix the path in sstate
diff --git a/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/tcltk/ b/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/tcltk/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..459ae82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/tcltk/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+SUMMARY = "Tool Command Language ToolKit Extension"
+SECTION = "devel/tcltk"
+LICENSE = "tcl"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${S}/../license.terms;md5=c88f99decec11afa967ad33d314f87fe \
+    file://${S}/../compat/license.terms;md5=c88f99decec11afa967ad33d314f87fe \
+    file://${S}/../doc/license.terms;md5=c88f99decec11afa967ad33d314f87fe \
+    file://${S}/../library/license.terms;md5=c88f99decec11afa967ad33d314f87fe \
+    file://${S}/../macosx/license.terms;md5=c88f99decec11afa967ad33d314f87fe \
+    file://${S}/../tests/license.terms;md5=c88f99decec11afa967ad33d314f87fe \
+    file://${S}/../unix/license.terms;md5=c88f99decec11afa967ad33d314f87fe \
+    file://${S}/../win/license.terms;md5=c88f99decec11afa967ad33d314f87fe \
+    file://${S}/../xlib/license.terms;md5=c88f99decec11afa967ad33d314f87fe \
+DEPENDS = "tcl virtual/libx11 libxt"
+SRC_URI = "\
+    ${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/tcl/${BPN}${PV}-src.tar.gz \
+    file://confsearch.diff;striplevel=2 \
+    file://non-linux.diff;striplevel=2 \
+    file://tklibrary.diff;striplevel=2 \
+    file://tkprivate.diff;striplevel=2 \
+    file://fix-xft.diff \
+    file://configure.use.fontconfig.with.xft.patch \
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "e3cf6290999ee30651d75864eccfec63"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "d3f9161e8ba0f107fe8d4df1f6d3a14c30cc3512dfc12a795daa367a27660dac"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/${BPN}${PV}/unix"
+# Short version format: "8.6"
+VER = "${@os.path.splitext(d.getVar('PV'))[0]}"
+LDFLAGS += "-Wl,-rpath,${libdir}/tcltk/${PV}/lib"
+inherit autotools distro_features_check
+# depends on virtual/libx11
+    --enable-threads \
+    --with-x \
+    --with-tcl=${STAGING_BINDIR}/crossscripts \
+    --libdir=${libdir} \
+export TK_LIBRARY='${libdir}/tk${VER}'
+do_install_append() {
+    ln -sf libtk${VER}.so ${D}${libdir}/libtk${VER}.so.0
+    oe_libinstall -so libtk${VER} ${D}${libdir}
+    ln -sf wish${VER} ${D}${bindir}/wish
+    sed -i "s;-L${B};-L${STAGING_LIBDIR};g"
+    sed -i "s;'${WORKDIR};'${STAGING_INCDIR};g"
+    install -d ${D}${bindir_crossscripts}
+    install -m 0755 ${D}${bindir_crossscripts}
+PACKAGECONFIG[xft] = "--enable-xft,--disable-xft,xft"
+PACKAGECONFIG[xss] = "--enable-xss,--disable-xss,libxscrnsaver libxext"
+PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-lib"
+FILES_${PN}-lib = "${libdir}/libtk${VER}.so*"
+FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/tk*"
+# isn't getting picked up by shlibs code
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "tk-lib"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}_class-native = ""
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
+# Fix the path in sstate
+inherit binconfig
+SYSROOT_DIRS += "${bindir_crossscripts}"
+# Fix some paths that might be used by Tcl extensions
+# Cleanup host path from ${libdir}/ and remove the
+# ${bindir_crossscripts}/ from target
+PACKAGE_PREPROCESS_FUNCS += "tcl_package_preprocess"
+tcl_package_preprocess() {
+        sed -i -e "s;${DEBUG_PREFIX_MAP};;g" \
+               -e "s;-L${STAGING_LIBDIR};-L${libdir};g" \
+               -e "s;${STAGING_INCDIR};${includedir};g" \
+               -e "s;--sysroot=${RECIPE_SYSROOT};;g" \
+               ${PKGD}${libdir}/
+        rm -f ${PKGD}${bindir_crossscripts}/