reset upstream subtrees to HEAD

Reset the following subtrees on HEAD:
  poky: 8217b477a1(master)
  meta-xilinx: 64aa3d35ae(master)
  meta-openembedded: 0435c9e193(master)
  meta-raspberrypi: 490a4441ac(master)
  meta-security: cb6d1c85ee(master)

Squashed patches:
  meta-phosphor: drop systemd 239 patches
  meta-phosphor: mrw-api: use correct install path

Change-Id: I268e2646d9174ad305630c6bbd3fbc1a6105f43d
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <>
diff --git a/poky/meta/recipes-support/debianutils/ b/poky/meta/recipes-support/debianutils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cc78a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poky/meta/recipes-support/debianutils/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+SUMMARY = "Miscellaneous utilities specific to Debian"
+SECTION = "base"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://debian/copyright;md5=f01a5203d50512fc4830b4332b696a9f"
+SRC_URI = "${BPN}/${BPN}_${PV}.tar.xz"
+# the package is taken from; that source is static and goes stale
+# so we check the latest upstream from a directory that does get updated
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "80e2e670d8f6c0036770e971237f1f5c"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "099f1e8a7278b26145a2ba2dda84c4118403bfab38c8d7070a6235a7ffcb55ed"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/${BPN}"
+inherit autotools update-alternatives
+do_configure_prepend() {
+    sed -i -e 's:tempfile.1 which.1:which.1:g' ${S}/
+do_install_append() {
+    if [ "${base_bindir}" != "${bindir}" ]; then
+        # Debian places some utils into ${base_bindir} as does busybox
+        install -d ${D}${base_bindir}
+        for app in run-parts tempfile; do
+            mv ${D}${bindir}/$app ${D}${base_bindir}/$app
+        done
+    fi
+# Note that we package the update-alternatives name.
+PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-run-parts"
+FILES_${PN}-run-parts = "${base_bindir}/run-parts.debianutils"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "${PN}-run-parts"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}_class-native = ""
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN} = "add-shell installkernel remove-shell savelog tempfile which"
+ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY_${PN}-run-parts = "60"
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN}-run-parts = "run-parts"
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN}-doc = "which.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[which.1] = "${mandir}/man1/which.1"