subtree updates july 21 2023 pi,security,arm

meta-arm: d6fac49541..b4d50a273d:
  Abdellatif El Khlifi (5):
        arm-bsp/documentation: corstone1000: Update change log
        arm-bsp/doc: corstone1000: Update the software architecture document
        arm-bsp/documentation: corstone1000: update the release note
        arm-bsp/documentation: corstone1000: update user guide
        kas: set the SHAs for 2023.06 release

  Jon Mason (7):
        arm/optee-test: modify to use build openssl
        arm/optee: update to 3.22.0
        arm-bsp/machine: work around rootfs name issue
        ci/clang: add llvm-native from clang README
        arm/optee-os: update/clean-up patches and recipes
        arm-bsp/juno: remove commented out KCONFIG
        arm/linux-yocto: move 6.1 patches to a unique bbappend

  Khem Raj (1):
        gn: Disable warning as error but not disable completely

  Mikko Rapeli (1):
        optee-os optee-test: switch from SRC_URI:append to SRC_URI +=

  Peter Hoyes (5):
        runfvp: Add missing conffile include
        arm/oeqa: Merge all OEFVP*Target classes
        arm/OEFVPTarget: Add support for model state transitions
        arm/oeqa: Convert linuxboot test case into fvp_boot
        arm/oeqa: Introduce the fvp_devices test suite

  Ross Burton (14):
        CI: use Kas 3.3
        CI: update to Kas format 14
        CI: use branch, not refspec
        CI: generate and use a Kas lock file
        CI: add a tool to fetch a lockfile.yml for a specified build
        arm/scp-firmware: set default SCP_PLATFORM to MACHINE
        arm-bsp/scp-firmware: remove redundant SCP_PLATFORM
        arm/scp-firware: update compiler variables
        arm/scp-firmware: log what platform/firmware/type is being built
        arm/scp-firmware: fix intermittent compile failures
        CI: track master
        arm-bsp/u-boot: add temporary 2023.01 recipe
        toolchain: remove pointless provides
        arm-bsp/linux-yocto: fix Upstream-Status

  Rouven Czerwinski (3):
        optee-os: add optional optee-os-ta package
        optee-os: deploy ta elf files
        optee-test: add TA elfs to deploydir

  Tomás González (2):
        arm-bsp/documentation: corstone1000: Update the user guide
        arm-bsp/documentation: corstone1000: Update the release notes

  Ziad Elhanafy (5):
        arm-bsp/conf: Remove hardcoded .rootfs from image path
        arm/classes: Remove IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX from image path
        arm: Set FVP EULA environment variable details message
        kas: Add fvp-eula.yml and remove license related settings
        arm-bsp/documentation: Replace FVP_BASE_R_ARM_EULA_ACCEPT with ARM_FVP_EULA_ACCEPT

meta-raspberrypi: dff85b9a9f..e3f733cadd:
  Khem Raj (1): Update to 6.1.38
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <>
Change-Id: Iebdd94d49998e9297e49ee2463761f2f3acb45c1
diff --git a/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/recipes-security/optee/optee-client/ b/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/recipes-security/optee/optee-client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4d2195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-arm/meta-arm-bsp/recipes-security/optee/optee-client/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Source function library
+. /etc/init.d/functions
+DESC="OP-TEE Supplicant"
+test -f $DAEMON || exit 0
+test -f @sysconfdir@/default/$NAME && . @sysconfdir@/default/$NAME
+test -f @sysconfdir@/default/rcS && . @sysconfdir@/default/rcS
+SSD_OPTIONS="--oknodo --quiet --exec $DAEMON -- -d $OPTARGS"
+set -e
+case $1 in
+    start)
+	    echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
+	    start-stop-daemon --start $SSD_OPTIONS
+        echo "${DAEMON##*/}."
+        ;;
+    stop)
+	    echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "
+	    start-stop-daemon --stop $SSD_OPTIONS
+        echo "${DAEMON##*/}."
+        ;;
+    restart|force-reload)
+	    $0 stop
+	    sleep 1
+	    $0 start
+        ;;
+    status)
+        status ${DAEMON} || exit $?
+        ;;
+    *)
+        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|force-reload|status}" >&2
+        exit 1
+        ;;
+exit 0