poky: reset subtree on master HEAD(a88251b3e7)
As part of the last subtree update, I used master-next as the
subtree basis because there was a fix we needed in order to get QEMU
to pass. I didn't realize that master-next deviated (because they use
to just have short-term patches in it). Reset the content to the same
fix but from the master branch.
Change-Id: Ic7d2f0ac42e9da3eb263586b26ba56d8798d5bcf
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
diff --git a/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/python/python3_3.12.3.bb b/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/python/python3_3.12.3.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b49a58a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/python/python3_3.12.3.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+SUMMARY = "The Python Programming Language"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.python.org"
+DESCRIPTION = "Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively."
+LICENSE = "PSF-2.0"
+SECTION = "devel/python"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=fcf6b249c2641540219a727f35d8d2c2"
+SRC_URI = "http://www.python.org/ftp/python/${PV}/Python-${PV}.tar.xz \
+ file://run-ptest \
+ file://create_manifest3.py \
+ file://get_module_deps3.py \
+ file://python3-manifest.json \
+ file://check_build_completeness.py \
+ file://reformat_sysconfig.py \
+ file://cgi_py.patch \
+ file://0001-Makefile.pre-use-qemu-wrapper-when-gathering-profile.patch \
+ file://0001-python3-use-cc_basename-to-replace-CC-for-checking-c.patch \
+ file://crosspythonpath.patch \
+ file://0001-test_locale.py-correct-the-test-output-format.patch \
+ file://0020-configure.ac-setup.py-do-not-add-a-curses-include-pa.patch \
+ file://0001-Skip-failing-tests-due-to-load-variability-on-YP-AB.patch \
+ file://0001-test_ctypes.test_find-skip-without-tools-sdk.patch \
+ file://makerace.patch \
+ file://0001-sysconfig.py-use-platlibdir-also-for-purelib.patch \
+ file://0001-Lib-pty.py-handle-stdin-I-O-errors-same-way-as-maste.patch \
+ file://deterministic_imports.patch \
+ file://0001-Avoid-shebang-overflow-on-python-config.py.patch \
+ file://0001-Update-test_sysconfig-for-posix_user-purelib.patch \
+ file://0001-skip-no_stdout_fileno-test-due-to-load-variability.patch \
+ file://0001-test_storlines-skip-due-to-load-variability.patch \
+ file://0001-gh-114492-Initialize-struct-termios-before-calling-t.patch \
+ "
+SRC_URI:append:class-native = " \
+ file://0001-Lib-sysconfig.py-use-prefix-value-from-build-configu.patch \
+ "
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "56bfef1fdfc1221ce6720e43a661e3eb41785dd914ce99698d8c7896af4bdaa1"
+# exclude pre-releases for both python 2.x and 3.x
+UPSTREAM_CHECK_REGEX = "[Pp]ython-(?P<pver>\d+(\.\d+)+).tar"
+CVE_PRODUCT = "python cpython"
+CVE_STATUS[CVE-2007-4559] = "disputed: Upstream consider this expected behaviour"
+CVE_STATUS[CVE-2019-18348] = "not-applicable-config: This is not exploitable when glibc has CVE-2016-10739 fixed"
+CVE_STATUS[CVE-2020-15523] = "not-applicable-platform: Issue only applies on Windows"
+CVE_STATUS[CVE-2022-26488] = "not-applicable-platform: Issue only applies on Windows"
+# The module will be removed in the future and flaws documented.
+CVE_STATUS[CVE-2015-20107] = "upstream-wontfix: The mailcap module is insecure by design, so this can't be fixed in a meaningful way"
+CVE_STATUS[CVE-2023-36632] = "disputed: Not an issue, in fact expected behaviour"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/Python-${PV}"
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig qemu ptest multilib_header update-alternatives
+MULTILIB_SUFFIX = "${@d.getVar('base_libdir',1).split('/')[-1]}"
+ALTERNATIVE:${PN}-dev = "python3-config"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[python3-config] = "${bindir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}-config"
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[python3-config] = "${bindir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}-config-${MULTILIB_SUFFIX}"
+DEPENDS = "bzip2-replacement-native expat libffi bzip2 openssl sqlite3 zlib virtual/libintl xz virtual/crypt util-linux-libuuid libtirpc libnsl2 autoconf-archive-native ncurses"
+DEPENDS:append:class-target = " python3-native"
+DEPENDS:append:class-nativesdk = " python3-native"
+EXTRA_OECONF = " --without-ensurepip --enable-shared --with-platlibdir=${baselib} --with-system-expat"
+EXTRA_OECONF:append:class-native = " --bindir=${bindir}/${PN}"
+EXTRA_OECONF:append:class-target = " --with-build-python=nativepython3"
+EXTRA_OECONF:append:class-nativesdk = " --with-build-python=nativepython3"
+EXTRANATIVEPATH += "python3-native"
+# LTO will be enabled via packageconfig depending upong distro features
+LTO:class-target = ""
+ ac_cv_file__dev_ptmx=yes \
+ ac_cv_file__dev_ptc=no \
+ ac_cv_working_tzset=yes \
+# set thread stack size to 2MB on musl for interpreter and stdlib C extensions
+# so it does not run into stack limits due to musl's small thread stack
+# This is only needed to build interpreter and not the subsequent modules
+# Thats why CFLAGS_NODIST is modified instead of CFLAGS
+CACHED_CONFIGUREVARS:append:libc-musl = "\
+# PGO currently causes builds to not be reproducible so disable by default, see YOCTO #13407
+PACKAGECONFIG ??= "editline gdbm ${@bb.utils.filter('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'lto', d)}"
+PACKAGECONFIG[readline] = "--with-readline=readline,,readline,,,editline"
+PACKAGECONFIG[editline] = "--with-readline=editline,,libedit,,,readline"
+# Use profile guided optimisation by running PyBench inside qemu-user
+PACKAGECONFIG[pgo] = "--enable-optimizations,,qemu-native"
+PACKAGECONFIG[tk] = ",,tk"
+PACKAGECONFIG[tcl] = ",,tcl"
+PACKAGECONFIG[gdbm] = ",,gdbm"
+PACKAGECONFIG[lto] = "--with-lto,--without-lto"
+do_configure:prepend () {
+ mkdir -p ${B}/Modules
+ cat > ${B}/Modules/Setup.local << EOF
+${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'gdbm', '', '_gdbm _dbm', d)}
+${@bb.utils.contains_any('PACKAGECONFIG', 'readline editline', '', 'readline', d)}
+${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'tk', '', '_tkinter', d)}
+CPPFLAGS:append = " -I${STAGING_INCDIR}/ncursesw -I${STAGING_INCDIR}/uuid"
+# COMPILEALL_OPTS= ensures that .pyc are not compiled in parallel
+# This was found to lock up builds, break reproducibility, and produce strange file ownership
+# races.
+# The upstream commit introducing the change was:
+# https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/1a2dd82f56bd813aacc570e172cefe55a8a41504
+# The build lock up issue is reported here:
+# https://bugs.python.org/issue45945
+# The repro failures are documented here:
+# https://autobuilder.yocto.io/pub/repro-fail/oe-reproducible-20211130-yr_o1a8d/packages/diff-html/
+ LIB=${baselib} \
+# Generate a Profile Guided Optimisation wrapper script that uses qemu-user for
+# all cross builds.
+write_pgo_wrapper:class-native = ":"
+write_pgo_wrapper() {
+ if ${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'pgo', 'true', 'false', d)}; then
+ cat >pgo-wrapper <<EOF
+cd ${B}
+${@qemu_wrapper_cmdline(d, '${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}', ['${B}', '${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}/${base_libdir}'])} "\$@"
+ chmod +x pgo-wrapper
+ fi
+do_compile:prepend() {
+ write_pgo_wrapper
+do_install:prepend() {
+ ${WORKDIR}/check_build_completeness.py ${T}/log.do_compile
+do_install:append:class-target() {
+ oe_multilib_header python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/pyconfig.h
+do_install:append:class-native() {
+ # Make sure we use /usr/bin/env python
+ for PYTHSCRIPT in `grep -rIl ${bindir}/${PN}/python ${D}${bindir}/${PN}`; do
+ sed -i -e '1s|^#!.*|#!/usr/bin/env python3|' $PYTHSCRIPT
+ done
+ # Add a symlink to the native Python so that scripts can just invoke
+ # "nativepython" and get the right one without needing absolute paths
+ # (these often end up too long for the #! parser in the kernel as the
+ # buffer is 128 bytes long).
+ ln -s python3-native/python3 ${D}${bindir}/nativepython3
+ # Remove the opt-1.pyc and opt-2.pyc files. There are over 3,000 of them
+ # and the overhead in each recipe-sysroot-native isn't worth it, particularly
+ # when they're only used for python called with -O or -OO.
+ #find ${D} -name *opt-*.pyc -delete
+ # Remove all pyc files. There are a ton of them and it is probably faster to let
+ # python create the ones it wants at runtime rather than manage in the sstate
+ # tarballs and sysroot creation.
+ find ${D} -name *.pyc -delete
+ # Nothing should be looking into ${B} for python3-native
+ sed -i -e 's:${B}:/build/path/unavailable/:g' \
+ ${D}/${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/config-${PYTHON_MAJMIN}${PYTHON_ABI}*/Makefile
+ # disable the lookup in user's site-packages globally
+ sed -i 's#ENABLE_USER_SITE = None#ENABLE_USER_SITE = False#' ${D}${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/site.py
+ # python3-config needs to be in /usr/bin and not in a subdir of it to work properly
+ mv ${D}/${bindir}/${PN}/python*config ${D}/${bindir}/
+do_install:append() {
+ for c in ${D}/${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/_sysconfigdata*.py; do
+ python3 ${WORKDIR}/reformat_sysconfig.py $c
+ done
+ rm -f ${D}${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/__pycache__/_sysconfigdata*.cpython*
+ mkdir -p ${D}${libdir}/python-sysconfigdata
+ sysconfigfile=`find ${D} -name _sysconfig*.py`
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s,^ 'LIBDIR'.*, 'LIBDIR': '${STAGING_LIBDIR}'\,,g" \
+ -e "s,^ 'INCLUDEDIR'.*, 'INCLUDEDIR': '${STAGING_INCDIR}'\,,g" \
+ -e "s,^ 'INCLUDEPY'.*, 'INCLUDEPY': '${STAGING_INCDIR}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}'\,,g" \
+ -e "s,${B},/build/path/unavailable/,g" \
+ $sysconfigfile
+ cp $sysconfigfile ${D}${libdir}/python-sysconfigdata/_sysconfigdata.py
+ # Unfortunately the following pyc files are non-deterministc due to 'frozenset'
+ # being written without strict ordering, even with PYTHONHASHSEED = 0
+ # Upstream is discussing ways to solve the issue properly, until then let's
+ # just not install the problematic files.
+ # More info: http://benno.id.au/blog/2013/01/15/python-determinism
+ rm -f ${D}${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/test/__pycache__/test_range.cpython*
+ rm -f ${D}${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/test/__pycache__/test_xml_etree.cpython*
+ # Similar to the above, we're getting reproducibility issues with
+ # /usr/lib/python3.10/__pycache__/traceback.cpython-310.pyc
+ # so remove it too
+ rm -f ${D}${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/__pycache__/traceback.cpython*
+ # Remove the opt-1.pyc and opt-2.pyc files. They effectively waste space on embedded
+ # style targets as they're only used when python is called with the -O or -OO options
+ # which is rare.
+ find ${D} -name *opt-*.pyc -delete
+do_install:append:class-nativesdk () {
+ # Make sure we use /usr/bin/env python
+ for PYTHSCRIPT in `grep -rIl ${bindir}/python ${D}${bindir}`; do
+ sed -i -e '1s|^#!.*|#!/usr/bin/env python3|' $PYTHSCRIPT
+ done
+ create_wrapper ${D}${bindir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN} TERMINFO_DIRS='${sysconfdir}/terminfo:/etc/terminfo:/usr/share/terminfo:/usr/share/misc/terminfo:/lib/terminfo' PYTHONNOUSERSITE='1'
+do_install_ptest:append:class-target:libc-musl () {
+ sed -i -e 's|SKIPPED_TESTS=|SKIPPED_TESTS="-x test__locale -x test_c_locale_coercion -x test_locale -x test_os test_re -x test__xxsubinterpreters -x test_threading"|' ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/run-ptest
+SYSROOT_PREPROCESS_FUNCS:append:class-target = " provide_target_config_script"
+SYSROOT_PREPROCESS_FUNCS:append:class-nativesdk = " provide_target_config_script"
+# This is installed into /usr/python-target-config/ and not /usr/bin
+# because adding target sysroot's /usr/bin/ to PATH has unwanted side effects
+# in components erroneously picking up other target executables from it
+provide_target_config_script() {
+ install -d ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${prefix}/python-target-config/
+ install ${D}/${bindir}/python3-config ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}/${prefix}/python-target-config/
+ install ${D}/${bindir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}-config ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}/${prefix}/python-target-config/
+SYSROOT_DIRS += "${prefix}/python-target-config/"
+SSTATE_SCAN_FILES += "Makefile _sysconfigdata.py"
+ populate_sysroot:*/lib*/python3*/_sysconfigdata*.py:${TMPDIR} \
+ populate_sysroot:*/lib*/python3*/_sysconfigdata*.py:${COREBASE} \
+ populate_sysroot:*/lib*/python3*/config-*/Makefile:${TMPDIR} \
+ populate_sysroot:*/lib*/python3*/config-*/Makefile:${COREBASE} \
+ populate_sysroot:*/lib*/python-sysconfigdata/_sysconfigdata.py:${TMPDIR} \
+ populate_sysroot:*/lib*/python-sysconfigdata/_sysconfigdata.py:${COREBASE} \
+ "
+PACKAGE_PREPROCESS_FUNCS += "py_package_preprocess"
+py_package_preprocess () {
+ # Remove references to buildmachine paths in target Makefile and _sysconfigdata
+ sed -i -e 's:--sysroot=${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}::g' -e s:'--with-libtool-sysroot=${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}'::g \
+ -e 's|${DEBUG_PREFIX_MAP}||g' \
+ -e 's:${HOSTTOOLS_DIR}/::g' \
+ -e 's:${RECIPE_SYSROOT_NATIVE}::g' \
+ -e 's:${RECIPE_SYSROOT}::g' \
+ ${PKGD}/${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/config-${PYTHON_MAJMIN}${PYTHON_ABI}*/Makefile \
+ ${PKGD}/${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/_sysconfigdata*.py \
+ ${PKGD}/${bindir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}-config
+ # Reformat _sysconfigdata after modifying it so that it remains
+ # reproducible
+ for c in ${PKGD}/${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/_sysconfigdata*.py; do
+ python3 ${WORKDIR}/reformat_sysconfig.py $c
+ done
+ # Recompile _sysconfigdata after modifying it
+ cd ${PKGD}
+ sysconfigfile=`find . -name _sysconfigdata_*.py`
+ ${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/python3-native/python3 \
+ -c "from py_compile import compile; compile('$sysconfigfile')"
+ ${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/python3-native/python3 \
+ -c "from py_compile import compile; compile('$sysconfigfile', optimize=1)"
+ ${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/python3-native/python3 \
+ -c "from py_compile import compile; compile('$sysconfigfile', optimize=2)"
+ cd -
+ mv ${PKGD}/${bindir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}-config ${PKGD}/${bindir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}-config-${MULTILIB_SUFFIX}
+ #Remove the unneeded copy of target sysconfig data
+ rm -rf ${PKGD}/${libdir}/python-sysconfigdata
+# We want bytecode precompiled .py files (.pyc's) by default
+# but the user may set it on their own conf
+ import collections, json
+ filename = os.path.join(d.getVar('THISDIR'), 'python3', 'python3-manifest.json')
+ # This python changes the datastore based on the contents of a file, so mark
+ # that dependency.
+ bb.parse.mark_dependency(d, filename)
+ with open(filename) as manifest_file:
+ manifest_str = manifest_file.read()
+ json_start = manifest_str.find('# EOC') + 6
+ manifest_file.seek(json_start)
+ manifest_str = manifest_file.read()
+ python_manifest = json.loads(manifest_str, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict)
+ # First set RPROVIDES for -native case
+ # Hardcoded since it cant be python3-native-foo, should be python3-foo-native
+ pn = 'python3'
+ rprovides = (d.getVar('RPROVIDES') or "").split()
+ # ${PN}-misc-native is not in the manifest
+ rprovides.append(pn + '-misc-native')
+ for key in python_manifest:
+ pypackage = pn + '-' + key + '-native'
+ if pypackage not in rprovides:
+ rprovides.append(pypackage)
+ d.setVar('RPROVIDES:class-native', ' '.join(rprovides))
+ # Then work on the target
+ include_pycs = d.getVar('INCLUDE_PYCS')
+ packages = d.getVar('PACKAGES').split()
+ pn = d.getVar('PN')
+ newpackages=[]
+ for key in python_manifest:
+ pypackage = pn + '-' + key
+ if pypackage not in packages:
+ # We need to prepend, otherwise python-misc gets everything
+ # so we use a new variable
+ newpackages.append(pypackage)
+ # "Build" python's manifest FILES, RDEPENDS and SUMMARY
+ d.setVar('FILES:' + pypackage, '')
+ for value in python_manifest[key]['files']:
+ d.appendVar('FILES:' + pypackage, ' ' + value)
+ # Add cached files
+ if include_pycs == '1':
+ for value in python_manifest[key]['cached']:
+ d.appendVar('FILES:' + pypackage, ' ' + value)
+ for value in python_manifest[key]['rdepends']:
+ # Make it work with or without $PN
+ if '${PN}' in value:
+ value=value.split('-', 1)[1]
+ d.appendVar('RDEPENDS:' + pypackage, ' ' + pn + '-' + value)
+ for value in python_manifest[key].get('rrecommends', ()):
+ if '${PN}' in value:
+ value=value.split('-', 1)[1]
+ d.appendVar('RRECOMMENDS:' + pypackage, ' ' + pn + '-' + value)
+ d.setVar('SUMMARY:' + pypackage, python_manifest[key]['summary'])
+ # Prepending so to avoid python-misc getting everything
+ packages = newpackages + packages
+ d.setVar('PACKAGES', ' '.join(packages))
+ d.setVar('ALLOW_EMPTY:${PN}-modules', '1')
+ d.setVar('ALLOW_EMPTY:${PN}-pkgutil', '1')
+ if "pgo" in d.getVar("PACKAGECONFIG").split() and not bb.utils.contains('MACHINE_FEATURES', 'qemu-usermode', True, False, d):
+ bb.fatal("pgo cannot be enabled as there is no qemu-usermode support for this architecture/machine")
+# Files needed to create a new manifest
+do_create_manifest() {
+ # This task should be run with every new release of Python.
+ # We must ensure that PACKAGECONFIG enables everything when creating
+ # a new manifest, this is to base our new manifest on a complete
+ # native python build, containing all dependencies, otherwise the task
+ # wont be able to find the required files.
+ # e.g. BerkeleyDB is an optional build dependency so it may or may not
+ # be present, we must ensure it is.
+ cd ${WORKDIR}
+ # This needs to be executed by python-native and NOT by HOST's python
+ nativepython3 create_manifest3.py ${PYTHON_MAJMIN}
+ cp python3-manifest.json.new ${THISDIR}/python3/python3-manifest.json
+# bitbake python -c create_manifest
+# Make sure we have native python ready when we create a new manifest
+addtask do_create_manifest after do_patch do_prepare_recipe_sysroot
+# manual dependency additions
+RRECOMMENDS:${PN}-core:append:class-nativesdk = " nativesdk-python3-modules"
+RRECOMMENDS:${PN}-crypt:append:class-target = " ${MLPREFIX}openssl ${MLPREFIX}ca-certificates"
+RRECOMMENDS:${PN}-crypt:append:class-nativesdk = " ${MLPREFIX}openssl ${MLPREFIX}ca-certificates"
+# For historical reasons PN is empty and provided by python3-modules
+FILES:${PN} = ""
+RPROVIDES:${PN}-modules = "${PN}"
+FILES:${PN}-pydoc += "${bindir}/pydoc${PYTHON_MAJMIN} ${bindir}/pydoc3"
+FILES:${PN}-idle += "${bindir}/idle3 ${bindir}/idle${PYTHON_MAJMIN}"
+# provide python-pyvenv from python3-venv
+RPROVIDES:${PN}-venv += "${MLPREFIX}python3-pyvenv"
+# package libpython3
+PACKAGES =+ "libpython3 libpython3-staticdev"
+FILES:libpython3 = "${libdir}/libpython*.so.*"
+FILES:libpython3-staticdev += "${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/config-${PYTHON_MAJMIN}-*/libpython${PYTHON_MAJMIN}.a"
+INSANE_SKIP:${PN}-dev += "dev-elf"
+INSANE_SKIP:${PN}-ptest = "dev-deps"
+# catch all the rest (unsorted)
+PACKAGES += "${PN}-misc"
+RDEPENDS:${PN}-misc += "\
+ ${PN}-audio \
+ ${PN}-codecs \
+ ${PN}-core \
+ ${PN}-email \
+ ${PN}-numbers \
+ ${PN}-pickle \
+ ${PN}-pydoc \
+RDEPENDS:${PN}-modules:append:class-target = " ${MLPREFIX}python3-misc"
+RDEPENDS:${PN}-modules:append:class-nativesdk = " ${MLPREFIX}python3-misc"
+RDEPENDS:${PN}-modules:append:class-target = " ${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'gdbm', '${MLPREFIX}python3-gdbm', '', d)}"
+FILES:${PN}-misc = "${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN} ${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/lib-dynload"
+# catch manpage
+PACKAGES += "${PN}-man"
+FILES:${PN}-man = "${datadir}/man"
+# See https://bugs.python.org/issue18748 and https://bugs.python.org/issue37395
+RDEPENDS:libpython3:append:libc-glibc = " libgcc"
+RDEPENDS:${PN}-ctypes:append:libc-glibc = " ${MLPREFIX}ldconfig"
+RDEPENDS:${PN}-ptest = "${PN}-modules ${PN}-tests ${PN}-dev ${PN}-cgitb ${PN}-zipapp unzip bzip2 libgcc tzdata coreutils sed gcc g++ binutils \
+ locale-base-fr-fr locale-base-en-us locale-base-de-de"
+RDEPENDS:${PN}-ptest:append:libc-glibc = " locale-base-tr-tr"
+RDEPENDS:${PN}-tkinter += "${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'tk', '${MLPREFIX}tk ${MLPREFIX}tk-lib', '', d)}"
+RDEPENDS:${PN}-idle += "${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'tk', '${PN}-tkinter ${MLPREFIX}tcl', '', d)}"
+RDEPENDS:${PN}-pydoc += "${PN}-io"
+RDEPENDS:${PN}-tests:append:class-target = " ${MLPREFIX}bash"
+RDEPENDS:${PN}-tests:append:class-nativesdk = " ${MLPREFIX}bash"
+# Python's tests contain large numbers of files we don't need in the recipe sysroots
+SYSROOT_PREPROCESS_FUNCS += " py3_sysroot_cleanup"
+py3_sysroot_cleanup () {
+ rm -rf ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${libdir}/python${PYTHON_MAJMIN}/test