obmc-phosphor-initfs: Create README.md

Create a README.md documenting features, optional configuration, invocation, and operation of the `init`, `shutdown`, and `update` scripts supporting storage in MTD partitions (SPI attached NOR devices).
diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/initrdscripts/files/README.md b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/initrdscripts/files/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d383e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/initrdscripts/files/README.md
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+# Phosphor initfs
+The obmc-phosphor-initfs package contains a collection of scripts that combine to maintain a filesystem using the default static images in flash.  When ombined with supporting utilities, they implement the [Systemd Init Interface]() using images stored in mapped memory technology devices (MTD) such as nor flash attached over a SPI bus and provide support to replace the images.
+### Usage
+`shutdown [_verb_ [ _systemd-options_ ]]`
+  `_verb_` can be `shutdown`, `reboot`, `poweroff`, or `kexec`.   
+  All are invoked with `-f` and `kexec` is also invoked with `-e`.
+`update [_options_]`
+### Features
+#### Filesystem content delivered in Read-only images
+- Delivered as an integrated unit
+  - Take a known amount of space
+    - Image size verified before delivery
+  - Compressed during image creation
+    - Reduces valuable space in flash
+  - Components tested together
+- Local modifications written into one filesystem
+  - Can be cleaned and recreated for maintence
+  - Stored in flash optimized filesystem
+    - Understands erase blocks and interrupted writes
+    - Shares overhead for erase blocks and logging
+  - Can be filtered to known file paths
+    - As recovery method when file system full
+    - Upon code update or entry into development sandbox
+      - Prevents unintentional overlay base image including point in time
+  - Supports peristent writes in multple directories
+    - `etc` requires some content to be overridden
+    - `var` requires write access but no base content
+    - `/home` desirable when login allowed
+  -  Currently overlays full filesystem
+    - Provides easy development environment to replace any file that fits in rwfs or RAM
+    - Future plans to limit to required directories
+#### Configurable and Extensible
+- Configuration from sources available at OS, bootloader prompt, or image creation
+  - See security considerations for methods to limit options
+- Images stored in labeled MTD partitions
+  - The label reflects their content: `rwfs`, `rofs`, `u-boot-env`
+  - Image name matches MTD label
+  - Additional partitions can be created and update images supplied
+  - Full device labels are supported and contained partitions are scanned for delaying mounts
+- Support to
+  - apply remaining images at shutdown
+  - prune or erase writable filesystem
+  - download or inject rofs
+  - inject additional updates supporting automated recovery
+  - copy content into RAM allowing image application during runtime
+  - perfor manual intervention and debug via shell on console device
+##### Runtime configuration selecting additional or alterative `init`
+- Selected by long option names to avoid conflicts
+- Controlled by initrd content for deployment conotrol
+  - Signed initrd or initramfs images allows owner control
+  - Options can be built initrd image
+    - Providing a set of always selected options
+    - Optionally ignoring other sources below
+- Can be read from kernel command line
+  - typically `bootargs` variable at execution of `boot` command
+- Can be read from Das U-Boot compatiable environment
+  - Contained in two variables
+    - Avoids undesired configuration from other macros
+    - Allows one to always be cleared during os boot
+  - Requires `setenv` then `saveenv` at bootloader
+  - Alternatively can be set via `fw_setenv` from operating system
+- Supports tweaks to execution and storage
+  - Erase writable filesystem
+    - optionally preserving selected content
+  - Invoke a shell on detected error or demand
+  - One or both layers of overlay copied into RAM supporting
+    - Code update during system runtime (as flash is not mounted)
+    - Support developer test and debug
+      - Allow replacment of any content for one boot
+      - Content obtained from initrd, MTD, or network
+      - Initial overlay can be primed from writable overlay
+      - Selected iles can be written back to writable overlay
+#### systemd
+- Implments the [Systemd Initrd Interface]()
+  - `init` locates and mounts the filesystem stack
+  - `shutdown` is copied into `/run/initramfs` by `init` and 
+    - Unmounts overlay allowing `rwfs` to unmount
+    - Calls `update` after filesystems are unmounted
+      - with watchdogd pinging watchdog device
+- Both `init` and `shutdown` integrate with `update` for code update and development environment support
+- All three share knowlege of expected filesystem mountpoinits and update image storage locations
+#### Provides an enviornment and method to update content
+- Images staged in `/run/initramfs` (a `tmpfs`)
+- Images written to MTD partition with `flash_copy`
+- Flash written when images are unmounted (eg at system reboot or shutdown)
+- Special hooks allow reboot into online volatile environment
+  - Supports image update while main operation continues
+  - Provides temporary environemnt to download, test, and debug
+- Can flash image
+#### Troubleshooting and Recovery environment
+- Init configuration tweaks were developed incrementally during the debug of
+  - the `init` script
+  - the code `update` script
+- Debug shell
+  - Can Replace default of inducing kernel panic expecting watchdog or panic timer to cause reboot
+  - Allows interactive troubleshooting and recovery
+  - Allows multiple transitions between code update and full filesystem
+  - Note job control is not available on `/dev/console`
+    - execute `getty -l /bin/sh _console-device_` to obtain job control
+    - to find console device try `cons=$(tr ' ' '\n' < /sys/class/tty/console/active | tail -n 1)`
+- Will call shell repeatedly until
+  - The shell exists cleanly (`exit 0`)
+  - The file `/takeover` is found, in which case
+    - The shell will be invoked via `exec(2)`
+    - Allowing edit of `init` script
+      - to be restarted via `exec init`
+##### Security Considerations
+- By default `init` exits on error inducing  kernel panic
+  - It's expected the kernel `panic=` or watchdog will result in a new attempt
+- Initrd signing can be combined with secure boot to prevent options parsing 
+  - images or signed injections and selection mechanisms would need to be created to support
+    - factory reset
+    - clean rwfs filesystem
+    - runtime, online code update
+      - Content copied into memory
+- File injection can can be used
+  - Files injected into initrd can select some options
+  - Files injected into initrd can skip other sources
+- All network download or indivual url schemes can be disabled by patching configuration variable settings in the init script
+##### Security Considerations
+- Scripts can be modified before execution as desribed in [Developer notes](README.md#Deceloper)
+  - `shutdown` and `update` execute from `/run/initramfs`
+    - they can be edited altering their content before invocation
+  - `init` can exit to a shell and then be replaced or restarted
+  - `init` can be invoked after `shutdown` commpletes instead of calling the `_verb_`
+- Features can be selected at bootloader via
+  - Can be configured by injecting files into initramfs
+  - Can be configured to automatically download read only image from network
+  - Files injected into the initrd
+    - Concatinating cpio.gz use for iniramfs
+    - Building an image with additional file(s)
+  - The kernel command line
+    - In `Das U-Boot` when `boot` command is issued the contents of `bootargs` are passed to the payload
+  - From named bootloader environment variables
+    - `openbmcinit` for persistent options
+    - `openbmconce` for options expected to be cleared each boot
+      - the variable is expected to be cleared by a systemd unit
+##### patchable or editable configuration
+`# Set to y for yes, anything else for no.`
+option and default | description
+`force_rwfst_jffs2=y` | If rwfs is recognized as containing a block based filesystem save files and erase the partition to select replacement jffs filesystem
+`flash_images_before_init=n` | apply injected images before mounting filesystem
+`consider_download_files=y` | look for option to download image-rofs from network
+`consider_download_tftp=y` | recognise `tftp:` scheme
+`consider_download_http=y` | recognise `http:` scheme
+`consider_download_ftp=y` | recognise `ftp:` scheme
+#### `init` options
+option | description
+`enable-initrd-debug-sh` | invoke debug shell loop instead of exiting expecting a kernel panic
+`debug-init-sh` | invoke shell after establishing `shutdown` evironment
+`clean-rwfs-filesystem` | remove paths not designated for preservation across code updates from rwfs filesystem
+`factory-reset` | erase rwfs filesystem without preserving any writable content
+`overlay-filesystem-in-ram` | store overlay in ram (starting with no content)
+`copy-files-to-ram` | copy files to be preserved into ram overlay
+`copy-base-filesystem-to-ram` | copy content of rofs into ram (allowing partition to be written during runtime)
+# init operation
+- Changes current directory to `/`
+- Establishes special filesystem mounts supporting utilities
+  - `/dev`
+  - `/proc`
+  - `/sys`
+- Creates `shutdown` execution environment under `/run/initramfs`
+  - Mount a `tmpfs` at `/run` and make directory as needed
+  - Recursively copy package and supporting utility content into directory
+- Assemble options into `/run/initramfs/init-options` by copying from `/init-options` or combining `/init-options-base` with the `openbmcinit` and `openbmconce` variables from `u-boot-env` partition and the kernel command line content in `/proc/cmdline` into `/run/initramfs/init-options`
+- Locates and prints MTD partitions labeled `rofs` and `rwfs` by number
+- Invoke Debug Shell if selected by `debug-init-sh`
+- Downloads `/run/image-rofs` if selected by `openbmc-init-download-files`
+  - Presumes use of the [nfsroot kernel command line]() option `ip=`
+    - Copies `/proc/net/pnp` to `/run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf` and establishes symlink from `/etc/resolv.conf`
+  - Obtains the download url from first location found among
+    - `/init-download-url`
+    - `/run/initramfs/init-download-url`
+    - `openbmcinitdownloadurl` bootloader environment variable
+  - Chooses command from the URL
+    | scheme | command |
+    |-|-|
+    | `http` | `wget` |
+    | `ftp` | `wget` |
+    | `tftp` | `tftp -g` |
+- Moves any injected code update images
+  - from `/image-*` to `/run/image-` for immediate use
+  - from `/image-*` to `/run/initramfs/image-*` for immediate update (selected by script config variable ``)
+- Considers `rwfs` image maintence
+  - If selected by `clean-rwfs-filesystem`
+  - If the content of `rwfs` recognised as another filesystem but configuration forces `jffs` (force migration from inferior interm choices)
+  - If selected by `factory-reset`
+    - also suppresses preservation of any content via `--no-save-files`
+  - By creating empty `/run/initramfs/image-rwfs` update
+- Invokes `update` to apply images preserving content
+  - Calls `flasherase` on `rwfs` if triggered by empty update
+- Copies files in preserve list into ram if selected by `copy-files-files-to-ram`
+- Copys `rofs` partition into ram (unless image downloaded) for loopback mount
+- Mounts `rofs` on `/run/ro`
+- If it exists, runs `fsck._rwfst_` from `rofs` using a `chroot` environment
+- Mounts `rwfs` on `/run/rw` (except when runninig with overlay in ram)
+- Establishs directories for work (empty) and overlay content in rw mount space
+- Fast forwards date to the latest of
+  - the current kernel time (supporting working RTC)
+  - `/etc/os-release` from mounted `rofs` image
+  - `/var/lib/systemd/random-seed` from possibly mounted `rwfs` filesystem
+- Creates overlay combining `rwfs` and `rofs` and mounts on `/root`
+- Confirms non-empty executable exists at `/sbin/init`
+- Moves basic filesystems onto `/root`
+- Invokes `switchroot` to
+  - Unlink content from initramfs
+  - Perform magic needed for `pivot_root`
+  - Invoke `/sbin/init`
+- mounts including
+    - `/usr` content
+    - `/etc` with writable overlay over the base image
+    - `/run/` including
+      - `/run/initramfs` execution environment
+        - `/run/initramfs/shutdown`
+    - Several other filesystems
+      - `/var` mounted writable space over empty base directory
+      - `/sys`
+      - `/proc`
+      - `/dev`
+##  Possible Future Enhancements
+- Restrict overlay directories to those required
+  - Match writability of other [filesystem layouts]()
+    - Only overlay `etc` from filesystem
+    - Bind mount `/var` and `/home`
+  - Provide option for full development overlay in ram
+- Split paths in filesystem to be preserved
+  - Allow selective factory reset by removing inidividual files
+  - Adopt inclusive naming standards
+- Allow support other image downloads
+- Parse config variables from file
+  - Disable / Enable configuration
+  - Name of image files
+  - Storage beyond MTD partitions
+  - Share between `init` `update` and `shutdown`
+- Option to automatically apply update images during boot
+## Reference
+- [filesystem layouts](https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/architecture/code-update/flash-layout.md#writable-filesystem-options)
+- [Systemd Initrd Interface](https://systemd.io/INITRD_INTERFACE/)
+- [nfsroot kernel command line](https://docs.kernel.org/admin-guide/nfs/nfsroot.html#kernel-command-line)