Check /media for active PNOR versions.

- On several systems we found out that the persistence
  priority file was not deleted as part of the delete
  interface. Therefore creating symlinks based just on
  those files was not a reliable solution.
- The new design approach checks both /media and the
  persistence priority files before updating the symlinks.

Change-Id: Ida2a4a5d5daf4ae8b9c9a17d755b6ca0ccd1c132
Signed-off-by: Saqib Khan <>
diff --git a/meta-openbmc-machines/meta-openpower/common/recipes-phosphor/flash/openpower-software-manager/obmc-flash-bios b/meta-openbmc-machines/meta-openpower/common/recipes-phosphor/flash/openpower-software-manager/obmc-flash-bios
index 1ed2529..befd086 100644
--- a/meta-openbmc-machines/meta-openpower/common/recipes-phosphor/flash/openpower-software-manager/obmc-flash-bios
+++ b/meta-openbmc-machines/meta-openpower/common/recipes-phosphor/flash/openpower-software-manager/obmc-flash-bios
@@ -208,27 +208,34 @@
+  PERSISTENCE_PATH="/var/lib/obmc/openpower-pnor-code-mgmt/"
-  # Get the current PNOR version using the priorities stored in
-  # the persistence storage files.
-  persistencePath="/var/lib/obmc/openpower-pnor-code-mgmt/"
-  data="$(grep -r "priority" ${persistencePath})"
-  if [[ -z "$data" ]]; then
-    return 0;
-  fi
-  IFS=$'\n' array=(${data})
-  for element in ${array[@]};
-  do
-    element="${element#$persistencePath}"
-    version="$( cut -d ':' -f 1 <<< "$element" )";
-    priority="${element: -1}"
+  # Get a list of all active PNOR versions
+  data="$(ls -d ${PNOR_RO_PREFIX}*)"
+  IFS=$'\n'  array=(${data})
-    if [[ priority -le lowestPriority  ]]; then
-      lowestPriority=${priority}
-      currentVersion=${version}
+  currentVersion=""
+  lowestPriority=255
+  for element in ${array[@]}; do
+    #Remove the PNOR_RO_PREFIX from the path to get version ID.
+    versionId="${element#${PNOR_RO_PREFIX}}"
+    # Get the priority of active versions from persistence files.
+    if [[ -f "${PERSISTENCE_PATH}${versionId}" ]]; then
+      data="$(grep -r "priority" ${PERSISTENCE_PATH}${versionId})"
+      priority="${data: -1}"
+      if [[ priority -le lowestPriority  ]]; then
+        lowestPriority=${priority}
+        currentVersion=${versionId}
+      fi
+  # Return if no active version found
+  if [ -z $currentVersion ]; then
+    return 0;
+  fi
   if [ ! -d "${PNOR_ACTIVE_PATH}" ]; then
         mkdir -p "${PNOR_ACTIVE_PATH}"