subtree updates

meta-arm: 5712422011..1cad3c3813:
  Jon Mason (3):
        arm/pyhsslms: update to 2.0.0
        arm/trusted-firmware-m: update to 2.0.0
        arm/opencsd: update to 1.4.2

  Ross Burton (2):
        arm-bsp/documentation: upgrade Sphinx slightly
        arm/fvp-base-a-aem: upgrade to 11.24.11

  Vikas Katariya (2):
        arm-bsp/n1sdp: Downgrade to 6.1 linux yocto kernel
        arm-bsp/linux-yocto: Remove EOL Linux yocto kernel 6.5

meta-openembedded: 098dc606f9..4dbbef7a39:
  Alex Kiernan (1):
        thin-provisioning-tools: Drop musl fixes (fixed upstream)

  Derek Straka (9):
        python3-web3: update to version 6.14.0
        python3-engineio: update to version 4.8.2
        python3-marshmallow: update to version 3.20.2
        python3-apispec: update to version 6.4.0
        python3-protobuf: update to version 4.25.1
        python3-eth-hash: update to version 0.6.0
        python3-google-auth: update to version 2.26.2
        python3-socketio: update to version 5.11.0
        python3-google-api-python-client: update to version 2.113.0

  Fabio Estevam (1):
        v4l-utils: Update to 1.26.1

  Jörg Sommer (1):
        i2cdev: Fix MUSL build

  Khem Raj (7):
        thunar: inherit gtk-doc
        libxklavier: inherit gtk-doc
        libwnck: inherit gtk-doc
        schroedinger: inherit gtk-doc
        gst-shark: inherit gtk-doc
        evolution-data-server: Use inherit_defer for native class
        opencl-icd: Rename rdepends to virtual-opencl-icd

  Markus Volk (2):
        flatpak: fix gtk-doc build
        gvfs: drop gnome-keyring rdepend

  Peter Marko (1):
        grpc: correct dependencies

  Randy MacLeod (1):
        rng-tools: move from oe-core to meta-oe

  Ross Burton (9):
        libuser: fix gtk-doc configure call
        libuser: remove obsolete GTKDOC_DOCDIR assignment
        gtksourceview4: remove check for target gtk-doc
        gtksourceview4: remove obsolete workaround for build failures
        telepathy-glib: inherit gtk-doc
        glade: inherit gtk-doc, fix FILES
        libgxim: inherit gtk-doc
        gmime: inherit gtk-doc
        raptor2: inherit gtk-doc

  Wang Mingyu (3):
        frr: use update-alternatives for ietf-interfaces.yang
        libsmi: use update-alternatives for ietf-interfaces.yang
        frr: Fix install conflict when enable multilib.

  alperak (1):
        adcli: use https protocol for fetching

poky: 61182659c2..7af374c90c:
  Alexander Kanavin (3):
        glib-2.0: ensure GI_DATA_ENABLED is set
        gobject-introspection-data.bbclass: move do_compile() tweak to g-i class
        python: update 3.11.5 -> 3.12.1

  Alexander Sverdlin (2):
        linux-firmware: upgrade 20231030 -> 20231211
        linux-firmware: package PowerVR firmware

  André Draszik (1):
        linux-firmware: split out rockchip/dptx firmware

  Changhyeok Bae (1):
        iw: upgrade 5.19 -> 6.7

  Etienne Cordonnier (3): fix Darwin support
        chrpath.bbclass: fix Darwin support
        siteinfo.bbclass: add support for darwin19 and darwin21

  Fabio Estevam (2):
        mesa: Upgrade 23.3.2 -> 23.3.3
        libdrm: Upgrade to 2.4.120

  Joe Slater (1):
        init-ifupdown: add predictable interface names

  Kai Kang (1):
        xserver-xorg: 21.1.9 -> 21.1.11

  Khem Raj (3):
        webkitgtk: Workaround for clang compiler segfault
        mdadm: Disable 10ddf-fail-spare and 10ddf-fail-stop-readd testcases
        openssl: Fix build on riscv

  Ola x Nilsson (2):
        insane.bbclass: Check for adjtime in check_32_bit_symbols
        insane.bbclass: Python code cleanup in check_32bit_symbols

  Petr Vorel (1):
        iputils: update to 20240117

  Randy MacLeod (2):
        rng-tools: move to meta-oe
        rng-tools: Revert "rng-tools: move to meta-oe"

  Richard Purdie (13):
        bitbake: ast/BBHandler: Add inherit_defer support
        allarch: Fix allarch corner case
        rootfs: Fix MULTILIB_RE_ALLOW to be inherit order independent
        rootfs-postcommands: Try and improve ordering constraints
        classes/recipes: Switch to use inherit_defer
        libtool: Update patches to mark as backports
        libtool: Update nios2 patch to match upstream merged version
        libtool: Update prefixmap and clang patches to match upstream submission
        libtool: Update cleanup sysroot handling patch
        libtool: Update patch offsets
        libtool: Update further patch status to backport
        reproducible: Fix race with externalsrc/devtool over lockfile
        build-appliance-image: Update to master head revision

  Ross Burton (4):
        musl: doesn't support riscv32
        libunwind: merge .inc and .bb
        libunwind: refresh patches
        libunwind: clean up configuration

  Simone Weiß (1):
        classes-global/insane: Add check for "virtual/" in RPROVIDES and RDEPENDS

  Tim Orling (1):
        python3-alabaster: upgrade 0.7.13 -> 0.7.16

  Trevor Woerner (1):
        bmaptool: add 3 fixes

  Vyacheslav Yurkov (9):
        recipetool: Don't fail on local go modules
        classes: go-vendor: Reference local modules
        classes: go-vendor: Handle modules from the same repo
        classes: go-vendor: Unlink vendor dir later
        recipetool: Proceed even with a missing license file
        recipetool: Disregard version in URL for replaced modules
        oeqa/selftest/recipetool: Move create_go test to a proper class
        oeqa/selftest/recipetool: Move helper function to the class scope
        oeqa/selftest/recipetool: Add test coverage for local go modules

  Wang Mingyu (22):
        mpg123: upgrade 1.32.3 -> 1.32.4
        bind: upgrade 9.18.20 -> 9.18.21
        iproute2: upgrade 6.6.0 -> 6.7.0
        kexec-tools: upgrade 2.0.27 -> 2.0.28
        libbsd: upgrade 0.11.7 -> 0.11.8
        libxmlb: upgrade 0.3.14 -> 0.3.15
        nghttp2: upgrade 1.57.0 -> 1.58.0
        ofono: upgrade 2.2 -> 2.3
        python3-numpy: upgrade 1.26.2 -> 1.26.3
        vte: upgrade 0.74.1 -> 0.74.2
        python3-cython: upgrade 3.0.7 -> 3.0.8
        python3-git: upgrade 3.1.40 -> 3.1.41
        python3-hypothesis: upgrade 6.92.2 -> 6.92.9
        python3-jinja2: upgrade 3.1.2 -> 3.1.3
        python3-markdown: upgrade 3.5 -> 3.5.2
        python3-more-itertools: upgrade 10.1.0 -> 10.2.0
        python3-pycryptodome: upgrade 3.19.1 -> 3.20.0
        python3-pycryptodomex: upgrade 3.19.1 -> 3.20.0
        python3-trove-classifiers: upgrade 2023.11.29 -> 2024.1.8
        stress-ng: upgrade 0.17.03 -> 0.17.04
        virglrenderer: upgrade 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1
        xz: upgrade 5.4.4 -> 5.4.5

Change-Id: I9581526d3addb54889dd73268e672c2d84345f3e
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <>
diff --git a/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-multimedia/v4l2apps/ b/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-multimedia/v4l2apps/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ae1a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-multimedia/v4l2apps/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+SUMMARY = "v4l2 and IR applications"
+LICENSE = "GPL-2.0-only & LGPL-2.1-only"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=48da9957849056017dc568bbc43d8975 \
+                    file://COPYING.libv4l;md5=d749e86a105281d7a44c2328acebc4b0"
+PROVIDES = "libv4l media-ctl"
+DEPENDS = "jpeg \
+           ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'x11', 'virtual/libx11', '', d)} \
+           ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'systemd', '', d)} \
+           ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'alsa', 'alsa-lib', '', d)} \
+           ${@bb.utils.contains_any('PACKAGECONFIG', 'qv4l2 qvidcap', 'qtbase qtbase-native', '', d)}"
+DEPENDS:append:libc-musl = " argp-standalone"
+DEPENDS:append:class-target = " udev"
+LDFLAGS:append = " -pthread"
+# v4l2 explicitly sets _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=32 to get access to
+# both 32 and 64 bit file APIs.  But it does not handle the time side?
+# Needs further investigation
+inherit meson gettext pkgconfig
+PACKAGECONFIG[qv4l2] = ",-Dqv4l2=disabled"
+PACKAGECONFIG[qvidcap] = ",-Dqvidcap=disabled"
+PACKAGECONFIG[v4l2-tracer] = ",-Dv4l2-tracer=disabled,json-c"
+SRC_URI = "\
+    git://;protocol=https;branch=stable-1.26 \
+    file://0001-keytable-meson-Restrict-the-installation-of-50-rc_ke.patch \
+    file://0004-Do-not-use-getsubopt.patch \
+SRCREV = "4aee01a027923cab1e40969f56f8ba58d3e6c0d1"
+PV .= "+git${SRCPV}"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+EXTRA_OEMESON = "-Dudevdir=${base_libdir}/udev -Dv4l2-compliance-32=false -Dv4l2-ctl-32=false"
+# Disable the erroneous installation of gconv-modules that would break glib
+# like it is done in Debian and ArchLinux.
+EXTRA_OEMESON += "-Dgconv=disabled"
+VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_ir-keytable-keymaps ?= "rc-keymaps"
+PACKAGES =+ "media-ctl ir-keytable rc-keymaps libv4l libv4l-dev qv4l2 qvidcap"
+RPROVIDES:${PN}-dbg += "libv4l-dbg"
+FILES:media-ctl = "${bindir}/media-ctl ${libdir}/*"
+FILES:qv4l2 = "\
+    ${bindir}/qv4l2 \
+    ${datadir}/applications/qv4l2.desktop \
+    ${datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/qv4l2.* \
+FILES:qvidcap = "\
+    ${bindir}/qvidcap \
+    ${datadir}/applications/qvidcap.desktop \
+    ${datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/qvidcap.* \
+FILES:ir-keytable = "${bindir}/ir-keytable ${base_libdir}/udev/rules.d/*-infrared.rules"
+RDEPENDS:ir-keytable += "${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_ir-keytable-keymaps}"
+RDEPENDS:qv4l2 += "\
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'qv4l2', 'qtbase', '', d)}"
+RDEPENDS:qvidcap += "\
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'qvidcap', 'qtbase', '', d)}"
+FILES:rc-keymaps = "${sysconfdir}/rc* ${base_libdir}/udev/rc*"
+FILES:${PN} = "${bindir} ${sbindir}"
+FILES:libv4l += "${libdir}/libv4l*${SOLIBS} ${libdir}/libv4l/*.so ${libdir}/libv4l/plugins/*.so \
+                 ${libdir}/libdvbv5*${SOLIBS} \
+                 ${libdir}/libv4l/*-decomp \
+                 ${libdir}/ \
+FILES:libv4l-dev += "${includedir} ${libdir}/pkgconfig \
+                     ${libdir}/libv4l*${SOLIBSDEV} ${libdir}/*.la \
+                     ${libdir}/v4l*${SOLIBSDEV} ${libdir}/libv4l/*.la ${libdir}/libv4l/plugins/*.la"
+PARALLEL_MAKE:class-native = ""