phosphor-ipmi-config: Refactor phosphor-ipmi-config provider
The phopshor-ipmi-config provider witherspoon-ipmi-config is removed to use the
default configuration files. cipher_list.json and dcmi_cap.json for the
witherspoon is the same as the default configuration file. dcmi_sensors.json,
dev_id.json and power_reading.json is specific to witherspoon. do_patch
populates the aux field in dev_id.json for witherspoon.
(From meta-ibm rev: 5e794ec57243fd8aced04118d8f9fc90a5bbd3a4)
Change-Id: Icd355780524b6104f89390dbe0017d2c667e963c
Signed-off-by: Tom Joseph <>
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <>
diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/conf/machine/witherspoon.conf b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/conf/machine/witherspoon.conf
index 1ccd1cf..0b17762 100644
--- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/conf/machine/witherspoon.conf
+++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/conf/machine/witherspoon.conf
@@ -19,9 +19,6 @@
# Inhibit phosphor-hwmon-config-mrw
VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_phosphor-hwmon-config_df-mrw = ""
-# Pick up the Witherspoon-specific IPMI configuration
-VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_ipmi-config = "witherspoon-ipmi-config"
# Inhibit phosphor-fan-presence-mrw-native
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/phosphor-fan-presence-config_df-mrw = \
@@ -29,5 +26,3 @@
# Inhibit phosphor-fan-control-fan-config-mrw-native
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/phosphor-fan-control-fan-config_df-mrw = \
-PREFERRED_RPROVIDER_virtual/phosphor-ipmi-config = "witherspoon-ipmi-config"
diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-config.bbappend b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-config.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8445c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-config.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend_witherspoon := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"
+# Calculate the auxiliary firmware revision to be updated in the dev_id.json
+# file. It is calculated from the VERSION_ID field which currently has two
+# formats. The revision field is 4 bytes, the first two bytes represent the
+# count of commits from the tagging and next two bytes represent the version.
+# Both fields are represented in BCD encoded format, so 9999 is the maximum
+# value both fields can take. With the format "v2.1-216-ga78ace8", Petitboot
+# would display the firmware revision as "Firmware version: 2.01.02160000",
+# "0216" is count and the revision is "0000". With the format
+# "ibm-v2.0-10-r41-0-gd0c319e" Petitboot would display the firmware revision
+# as "Firmware version: 2.00.00100041", "0010" is count and the revision
+# is "0041".
+inherit image_version
+unset do_patch[noexec]
+do_patch[depends] = "os-release:do_populate_sysroot"
+python do_patch() {
+ import json
+ import re
+ from shutil import copyfile
+ version_id = do_get_version(d)
+ # count from the commit version
+ count = re.findall("-(\d{1,4})-", version_id)
+ release = re.findall("-r(\d{1,4})", version_id)
+ if release:
+ auxVer = count[0] + "{0:0>4}".format(release[0])
+ else:
+ auxVer = count[0] + "0000"
+ workdir = d.getVar('WORKDIR', True)
+ file = os.path.join(workdir, 'dev_id.json')
+ # Update dev_id.json with the auxiliary firmware revision
+ with open(file, "r+") as jsonFile:
+ data = json.load(jsonFile)
+ jsonFile.truncate()
+ data["aux"] = int(auxVer, 16)
+ json.dump(data, jsonFile)
diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/witherspoon-ipmi-config/dcmi_sensors.json b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-config/dcmi_sensors.json
similarity index 100%
rename from meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/witherspoon-ipmi-config/dcmi_sensors.json
rename to meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-config/dcmi_sensors.json
diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/witherspoon-ipmi-config/dev_id.json b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-config/dev_id.json
similarity index 100%
rename from meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/witherspoon-ipmi-config/dev_id.json
rename to meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-config/dev_id.json
diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/witherspoon-ipmi-config/power_reading.json b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-config/power_reading.json
similarity index 100%
rename from meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/witherspoon-ipmi-config/power_reading.json
rename to meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-config/power_reading.json
diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/ b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ab47c6..0000000
--- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-SUMMARY = "Witherspoon IPMI daemon configuration"
-PR = "r1"
-inherit obmc-phosphor-license
-inherit allarch
-SRC_URI = " \
- file://cipher_list.json \
- file://dcmi_cap.json \
- file://dcmi_sensors.json \
- file://dev_id.json \
- file://power_reading.json \
- "
-FILES_${PN} = " \
- ${datadir}/ipmi-providers/cipher_list.json \
- ${datadir}/ipmi-providers/dcmi_cap.json \
- ${datadir}/ipmi-providers/dcmi_sensors.json \
- ${datadir}/ipmi-providers/dev_id.json \
- ${datadir}/ipmi-providers/power_reading.json \
- "
-do_fetch[noexec] = "1"
-do_configure[noexec] = "1"
-do_compile[noexec] = "1"
-# Calculate the auxiliary firmware revision to be updated in the dev_id.json
-# file. It is calculated from the VERSION_ID field which currently has two
-# formats. The revision field is 4 bytes, the first two bytes represent the
-# count of commits from the tagging and next two bytes represent the version.
-# Both fields are represented in BCD encoded format, so 9999 is the maximum
-# value both fields can take. With the format "v2.1-216-ga78ace8", Petitboot
-# would display the firmware revision as "Firmware version: 2.01.02160000",
-# "0216" is count and the revision is "0000". With the format
-# "ibm-v2.0-10-r41-0-gd0c319e" Petitboot would display the firmware revision
-# as "Firmware version: 2.00.00100041", "0010" is count and the revision
-# is "0041".
-inherit image_version
-do_patch[depends] = "os-release:do_populate_sysroot"
-python do_patch() {
- import json
- import re
- from shutil import copyfile
- version_id = do_get_version(d)
- # count from the commit version
- count = re.findall("-(\d{1,4})-", version_id)
- release = re.findall("-r(\d{1,4})", version_id)
- if release:
- auxVer = count[0] + "{0:0>4}".format(release[0])
- else:
- auxVer = count[0] + "0000"
- workdir = d.getVar('WORKDIR', True)
- file = os.path.join(workdir, 'dev_id.json')
- # Update dev_id.json with the auxiliary firmware revision
- with open(file, "r+") as jsonFile:
- data = json.load(jsonFile)
- jsonFile.truncate()
- data["aux"] = int(auxVer, 16)
- json.dump(data, jsonFile)
-do_install() {
- install -d ${D}${datadir}/ipmi-providers
- install -m 0644 -D ${WORKDIR}/cipher_list.json \
- ${D}${datadir}/ipmi-providers/cipher_list.json
- install -m 0644 -D ${WORKDIR}/dcmi_cap.json \
- ${D}${datadir}/ipmi-providers/dcmi_cap.json
- install -m 0644 -D ${WORKDIR}/dcmi_sensors.json \
- ${D}${datadir}/ipmi-providers/dcmi_sensors.json
- install -m 0644 -D ${WORKDIR}/dev_id.json \
- ${D}${datadir}/ipmi-providers/dev_id.json
- install -m 0644 -D ${WORKDIR}/power_reading.json \
- ${D}${datadir}/ipmi-providers/power_reading.json
diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/witherspoon-ipmi-config/cipher_list.json b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/witherspoon-ipmi-config/cipher_list.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f13b1e..0000000
--- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/witherspoon-ipmi-config/cipher_list.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- "a":{
- "cipher":1,
- "authentication":1,
- "integrity":0,
- "confidentiality":0
- },
- "b":{
- "cipher":2,
- "authentication":1,
- "integrity":1,
- "confidentiality":0
- },
- "c":{
- "cipher":3,
- "authentication":1,
- "integrity":1,
- "confidentiality":1
- },
- "d":{
- "cipher":15,
- "authentication":3,
- "integrity":0,
- "confidentiality":0
- },
- "e":{
- "cipher":16,
- "authentication":3,
- "integrity":4,
- "confidentiality":0
- },
- "f":{
- "cipher":17,
- "authentication":3,
- "integrity":4,
- "confidentiality":1
- }
diff --git a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/witherspoon-ipmi-config/dcmi_cap.json b/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/witherspoon-ipmi-config/dcmi_cap.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d88320..0000000
--- a/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/witherspoon-ipmi-config/dcmi_cap.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- "PowerManagement": 1,
- "OOBSecondaryLan": 0,
- "SerialTMODE": 0,
- "InBandSystemInterfaceChannel": 1,
- "SELAutoRollOver": 1,
- "FlushEntireSELUponRollOver": 0,
- "RecordLevelSELFlushUponRollOver": 0,
- "NumberOfSELEntries": 200,
- "TempMonitoringSamplingFreq":0,
- "PowerMgmtDeviceSlaveAddress": 0,
- "BMCChannelNumber": 0,
- "DeviceRivision": 0,
- "MandatoryPrimaryLanOOBSupport": 1,
- "OptionalSecondaryLanOOBSupport": 255,
- "OptionalSerialOOBMTMODECapability": 255