rainier: Get virtual temp sensor config from D-Bus

This tells phosphor-virtual-sensors to look on D-Bus for a virtual
sensor config of type ModifiedMedian. This way we can use the same
recipe for different hardware configurations.

Change-Id: I3ebd0a636f07a0854251e06b952ad9646f12f637
Signed-off-by: Rashmica Gupta <rashmica.g@gmail.com>
diff --git a/meta-ibm/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-virtual-sensor/p10bmc/virtual_sensor_config.json b/meta-ibm/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-virtual-sensor/p10bmc/virtual_sensor_config.json
index 8df08f9..15bf456 100644
--- a/meta-ibm/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-virtual-sensor/p10bmc/virtual_sensor_config.json
+++ b/meta-ibm/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-virtual-sensor/p10bmc/virtual_sensor_config.json
@@ -2,31 +2,9 @@
-            "Name": "Ambient_Virtual_Temp",
-            "SensorType": "temperature"
-        },
-        "Threshold" :
-        {
-            "CriticalHigh": 100,
-            "CriticalLow": 0,
-            "WarningHigh": 100,
-            "WarningLow": 0
-        },
-        "Params":
-        {
-            "DbusParam":
-            [
-                {
-                    "ParamName": "T0",
-                    "Desc":
-                    {
-                        "Name": "Ambient_0_Temp",
-                        "SensorType": "temperature"
-                    }
-                }
-            ]
-        },
-        "Expression": "T0"
+            "Config" : "D-Bus",
+            "Type" : "ModifiedMedian"
+        }