meta-openembedded and poky: subtree updates
Squash of the following due to dependencies among them
and OpenBMC changes:
meta-openembedded: subtree update:d0748372d2..9201611135
meta-openembedded: subtree update:9201611135..17fd382f34
poky: subtree update:9052e5b32a..2e11d97b6c
poky: subtree update:2e11d97b6c..a8544811d7
The change log was too large for the jenkins plugin
to handle therefore it has been removed. Here is
the first and last commit of each subtree:
cppzmq: bump to version 4.6.0
mpv: Remove X11 dependency
package_ipk: Remove pointless comment to trigger rebuild
pbzip2: Fix license warning
Change-Id: If0fc6c37629642ee207a4ca2f7aa501a2c673cd6
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <>
diff --git a/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/opkg/ b/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/opkg/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66a74dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/opkg/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+SUMMARY = "Open Package Manager"
+SUMMARY_libopkg = "Open Package Manager library"
+SECTION = "base"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=94d55d512a9ba36caa9b7df079bae19f \
+ file://src/opkg.c;beginline=4;endline=18;md5=d6200b0f2b41dee278aa5fad333eecae"
+DEPENDS = "libarchive"
+PE = "1"
+SRC_URI = "${BPN}/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.gz \
+ file://opkg.conf \
+ file://0001-opkg_conf-create-opkg.lock-in-run-instead-of-var-run.patch \
+ file://run-ptest \
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "bd13e5dfc1c2536f0c7b2e15f795278e"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "86887852c43457edfff9d8b6d9520f3f1cdd55f25eb600a6eb31e1c4e151e106"
+# This needs to be before ptest inherit, otherwise all ptest files end packaged
+# in libopkg package if OPKGLIBDIR == libdir, because default
+# PTEST_PATH ?= "${libdir}/${BPN}/ptest"
+PACKAGES =+ "libopkg"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig ptest
+target_localstatedir := "${localstatedir}"
+OPKGLIBDIR ??= "${target_localstatedir}/lib"
+PACKAGECONFIG ??= "libsolv"
+PACKAGECONFIG[gpg] = "--enable-gpg,--disable-gpg,\
+ gnupg gpgme libgpg-error,\
+ ${@ "gnupg" if ("native" in d.getVar("PN")) else "gnupg-gpg"}\
+ "
+PACKAGECONFIG[curl] = "--enable-curl,--disable-curl,curl"
+PACKAGECONFIG[ssl-curl] = "--enable-ssl-curl,--disable-ssl-curl,curl openssl"
+PACKAGECONFIG[openssl] = "--enable-openssl,--disable-openssl,openssl"
+PACKAGECONFIG[sha256] = "--enable-sha256,--disable-sha256"
+PACKAGECONFIG[libsolv] = "--with-libsolv,--without-libsolv,libsolv"
+EXTRA_OECONF += " --disable-pathfinder"
+EXTRA_OECONF_class-native = "--localstatedir=/${@os.path.relpath('${localstatedir}', '${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}')} --sysconfdir=/${@os.path.relpath('${sysconfdir}', '${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}')}"
+do_install_append () {
+ install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/opkg
+ install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/opkg.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/opkg/opkg.conf
+ echo "option lists_dir ${OPKGLIBDIR}/opkg/lists" >>${D}${sysconfdir}/opkg/opkg.conf
+ # We need to create the lock directory
+ install -d ${D}${OPKGLIBDIR}/opkg
+do_install_ptest () {
+ sed -i -e '/@echo $^/d' ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/tests/Makefile
+ sed -i -e '/@PYTHONPATH=. $(PYTHON) $^/a\\t@if [ "$$?" != "0" ];then echo "FAIL:"$^;else echo "PASS:"$^;fi' ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/tests/Makefile
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_update-alternatives} opkg-arch-config libarchive"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}_class-native = ""
+RDEPENDS_${PN}_class-nativesdk = ""
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-ptest += "make binutils python3-core python3-compression"
+RREPLACES_${PN} = "opkg-nogpg opkg-collateral"
+RCONFLICTS_${PN} = "opkg-collateral"
+RPROVIDES_${PN} = "opkg-collateral"
+FILES_libopkg = "${libdir}/*.so.* ${OPKGLIBDIR}/opkg/"
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
+CONFFILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/opkg/opkg.conf"