meta-google: ipmi-fru-sh: Fix word width detection

Sometimes, the first value returned is not stable and not what is
expected from the FRU. If we perform multiple queries we can get a
stable reading and correctly detect word length.

Change-Id: I73a88870bef231566f0249d0629c751be6a5002c
Signed-off-by: William A. Kennington III <>
diff --git a/meta-google/recipes-google/ipmi/ipmi-fru-sh/ b/meta-google/recipes-google/ipmi/ipmi-fru-sh/
index d02eeab..29b8e7f 100644
--- a/meta-google/recipes-google/ipmi/ipmi-fru-sh/
+++ b/meta-google/recipes-google/ipmi/ipmi-fru-sh/
@@ -80,8 +80,19 @@
     local offset_bw=offset_2bw
-    local rsp
-    rsp=$(i2ctransfer -f -y ${busaddr[0]} $(offset_1bw ${busaddr[1]} 0) r1) || return
+    local last=0
+    local rsp=0x100
+    local start=$SECONDS
+    # Query the FRU multiple times to ensure the return value is stabilized
+    while (( last != rsp )); do
+      # It shouldn't take > 0.1s to stabilize, limit instability
+      if (( SECONDS - start >= 10 )); then
+        echo "Timed out determining offset for ${busaddr[0]}@${busaddr[1]}" >&2
+        return 1
+      fi
+      last=$rsp
+      rsp=$(i2ctransfer -f -y ${busaddr[0]} $(offset_1bw ${busaddr[1]} 0) r1) || return
+    done
     # FRUs never start with 0xff bytes, so we can figure out addressing mode
     if (( rsp != 0xff )); then