meta-ieisystems: nf5280m7: Add SDR inventory

Add SDR inventory to parse the nf5280m7 device, map SDR data with
inventory information and report SDR content through IPMI.

Signed-off-by: George Liu <>
Change-Id: If1b6643bccd4a1ed0269c71b6c203fde5d8e14ac
diff --git a/meta-ieisystems/meta-nf5280m7/recipes-phosphor/configuration/ b/meta-ieisystems/meta-nf5280m7/recipes-phosphor/configuration/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bde5908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-ieisystems/meta-nf5280m7/recipes-phosphor/configuration/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+SUMMARY = "YAML configuration for NF5280M7"
+PR = "r1"
+LICENSE = "Apache-2.0"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/files/common-licenses/Apache-2.0;md5=89aea4e17d99a7cacdbeed46a0096b10"
+inherit allarch
+SRC_URI = " \
+        file://nf5280m7-ipmi-fru.yaml \
+        file://nf5280m7-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml \
+        file://nf5280m7-ipmi-inventory-sensors.yaml \
+        file://nf5280m7-ipmi-sensors.yaml \
+        "
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+do_install() {
+    cat nf5280m7-ipmi-fru.yaml > fru-read.yaml
+    install -m 0644 -D nf5280m7-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml \
+        ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-extra-properties.yaml
+    install -m 0644 -D fru-read.yaml \
+        ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-fru-read.yaml
+    install -m 0644 -D nf5280m7-ipmi-inventory-sensors.yaml \
+        ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-inventory-sensors.yaml
+    install -m 0644 -D nf5280m7-ipmi-sensors.yaml \
+        ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-sensors.yaml
+FILES:${PN}-dev = " \
+        ${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-extra-properties.yaml \
+        ${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-fru-read.yaml \
+        ${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-inventory-sensors.yaml \
+        ${datadir}/${BPN}/ipmi-sensors.yaml \
+        "
+ALLOW_EMPTY:${PN} = "1"
diff --git a/meta-ieisystems/meta-nf5280m7/recipes-phosphor/configuration/nf5280m7-yaml-config/nf5280m7-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml b/meta-ieisystems/meta-nf5280m7/recipes-phosphor/configuration/nf5280m7-yaml-config/nf5280m7-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9edbf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-ieisystems/meta-nf5280m7/recipes-phosphor/configuration/nf5280m7-yaml-config/nf5280m7-ipmi-fru-properties.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable:
+        Cached: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable:
+        FieldReplaceable: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+        Present: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable:
+        Cached: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable:
+        FieldReplaceable: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+        Present: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable:
+        Cached: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable:
+        FieldReplaceable: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+        Present: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable:
+        FieldReplaceable: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable:
+        Cached: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+        Present: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable:
+        FieldReplaceable: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable:
+        Cached: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+        Present: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable:
+        FieldReplaceable: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable:
+        Cached: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+        Present: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable:
+        FieldReplaceable: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable:
+        Cached: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+        Present: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable:
+        FieldReplaceable: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable:
+        Cached: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+        Present: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable:
+        FieldReplaceable: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable:
+        Cached: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+        Present: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable:
+        FieldReplaceable: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable:
+        Cached: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+        Present: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Replaceable:
+        FieldReplaceable: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Cacheable:
+        Cached: 'true'
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+        Present: 'true'
diff --git a/meta-ieisystems/meta-nf5280m7/recipes-phosphor/configuration/nf5280m7-yaml-config/nf5280m7-ipmi-fru.yaml b/meta-ieisystems/meta-nf5280m7/recipes-phosphor/configuration/nf5280m7-yaml-config/nf5280m7-ipmi-fru.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95088ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-ieisystems/meta-nf5280m7/recipes-phosphor/configuration/nf5280m7-yaml-config/nf5280m7-ipmi-fru.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+    /system:
+        entityID: 6
+        entityInstance: 1
+        interfaces:
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset:
+                BuildDate:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date
+                    IPMIFruSection: Product
+                Manufacturer:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer
+                    IPMIFruSection: Product
+                Model:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Model Number
+                    IPMIFruSection: Product
+                PartNumber:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Part Number
+                    IPMIFruSection: Product
+                SerialNumber:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number
+                    IPMIFruSection: Product
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.AssetTag:
+                AssetTag:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Asset Tag
+                    IPMIFruSection: Product
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision:
+                Version:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Version
+                    IPMIFruSection: Product
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+                PrettyName:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Name
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.VendorInformation:
+                FRUFileID:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: FRU File ID
+                    IPMIFruSection: Product
+                CustomField1:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Custom Field 1
+                    IPMIFruSection: Product
+                CustomField2:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Custom Field 2
+                    IPMIFruSection: Product
+                CustomField3:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Custom Field 3
+                    IPMIFruSection: Product
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.System:
+    /system/chassis/motherboard:
+        entityID: 7
+        entityInstance: 1
+        interfaces:
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset:
+                BuildDate:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+                Manufacturer:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+                PartNumber:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Part Number
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+                SerialNumber:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+                PrettyName:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Name
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.VendorInformation:
+                FRUFileID:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: FRU File ID
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+                CustomField1:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Custom Field 1
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+                CustomField2:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Custom Field 2
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+                CustomField3:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Custom Field 3
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+    /system/chassis:
+        entityID: 7
+        entityInstance: 2
+        interfaces:
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset:
+                SerialNumber:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number
+                    IPMIFruSection: Chassis
+                PartNumber:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Part Number
+                    IPMIFruSection: Chassis
+                Model:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Type
+                    IPMIFruSection: Chassis
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.VendorInformation:
+                CustomField1:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Custom Field 1
+                    IPMIFruSection: Chassis
+                CustomField2:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Custom Field 2
+                    IPMIFruSection: Chassis
+                CustomField3:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Custom Field 3
+                    IPMIFruSection: Chassis
+    /system/chassis/hddbp0:
+        entityID: 17
+        entityInstance: 1
+        interfaces:
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset:
+                BuildDate:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                SerialNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                PartNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Part Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                Manufacturer:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+                 PrettyName:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Name
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision:
+                 Version:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: FRU File ID
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+    /system/chassis/hddbp1:
+        entityID: 18
+        entityInstance: 1
+        interfaces:
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset:
+                BuildDate:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                SerialNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                PartNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Part Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                Manufacturer:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+                 PrettyName:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Name
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision:
+                 Version:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: FRU File ID
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+    /system/chassis/hddbp2:
+        entityID: 19
+        entityInstance: 1
+        interfaces:
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset:
+                BuildDate:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                SerialNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                PartNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Part Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                Manufacturer:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+                 PrettyName:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Name
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision:
+                 Version:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: FRU File ID
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+    /system/chassis/hddbp3:
+        entityID: 20
+        entityInstance: 1
+        interfaces:
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset:
+                BuildDate:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                SerialNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                PartNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Part Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                Manufacturer:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+                 PrettyName:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Name
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision:
+                 Version:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: FRU File ID
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+    /system/chassis/hddbp4:
+        entityID: 21
+        entityInstance: 1
+        interfaces:
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset:
+                BuildDate:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                SerialNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                PartNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Part Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                Manufacturer:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+                 PrettyName:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Name
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision:
+                 Version:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: FRU File ID
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+    /system/chassis/hddbp5:
+        entityID: 22
+        entityInstance: 1
+        interfaces:
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset:
+                BuildDate:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                SerialNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                PartNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Part Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                Manufacturer:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+                 PrettyName:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Name
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision:
+                 Version:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: FRU File ID
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+    /system/chassis/hddbp6:
+        entityID: 23
+        entityInstance: 1
+        interfaces:
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset:
+                BuildDate:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                SerialNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                PartNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Part Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                Manufacturer:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+                 PrettyName:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Name
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision:
+                 Version:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: FRU File ID
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+    /system/chassis/hddbp7:
+        entityID: 24
+        entityInstance: 1
+        interfaces:
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset:
+                BuildDate:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Mfg Date
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                SerialNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                PartNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Part Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+                Manufacturer:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer
+                   IPMIFruSection: Board
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item:
+                 PrettyName:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Name
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision:
+                 Version:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: FRU File ID
+                    IPMIFruSection: Board
+    /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/PSU0:
+        entityID: 25
+        entityInstance: 1
+        interfaces:
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset:
+                SerialNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Product
+                PartNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Model Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Product
+                Manufacturer:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer
+                   IPMIFruSection: Product
+                Model:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Name
+                    IPMIFruSection: Product
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision:
+                Version:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Version
+                    IPMIFruSection: Product
+    /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/PSU1:
+        entityID: 26
+        entityInstance: 1
+        interfaces:
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset:
+                SerialNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Serial Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Product
+                PartNumber:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Model Number
+                   IPMIFruSection: Product
+                Manufacturer:
+                   IPMIFruProperty: Manufacturer
+                   IPMIFruSection: Product
+                Model:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Name
+                    IPMIFruSection: Product
+            xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision:
+                Version:
+                    IPMIFruProperty: Version
+                    IPMIFruSection: Product
diff --git a/meta-ieisystems/meta-nf5280m7/recipes-phosphor/configuration/nf5280m7-yaml-config/nf5280m7-ipmi-inventory-sensors.yaml b/meta-ieisystems/meta-nf5280m7/recipes-phosphor/configuration/nf5280m7-yaml-config/nf5280m7-ipmi-inventory-sensors.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..388f9c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-ieisystems/meta-nf5280m7/recipes-phosphor/configuration/nf5280m7-yaml-config/nf5280m7-ipmi-inventory-sensors.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+    sensorID: 1
+    sensorType: 1
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 2
+    sensorType: 1
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 3
+    sensorType: 1
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 4
+    sensorType: 1
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 5
+    sensorType: 4
+    eventReadingType: 11
+    offset: 8
+    sensorID: 13
+    sensorType: 1
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 34
+    sensorType: 1
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 35
+    sensorType: 1
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 46
+    sensorType: 2
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 47
+    sensorType: 2
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 48
+    sensorType: 2
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 49
+    sensorType: 2
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 50
+    sensorType: 2
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 78
+    sensorType: 2
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 79
+    sensorType: 2
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 80
+    sensorType: 2
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 81
+    sensorType: 2
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 82
+    sensorType: 2
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 83
+    sensorType: 2
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 84
+    sensorType: 2
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 85
+    sensorType: 2
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 86
+    sensorType: 2
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 87
+    sensorType: 2
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 88
+    sensorType: 2
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 93
+    sensorType: 8
+    eventReadingType: 111
+    offset: 8
+    sensorID: 94
+    sensorType: 8
+    eventReadingType: 111
+    offset: 8
+    sensorID: 95
+    sensorType: 8
+    eventReadingType: 111
+    offset: 8
+    sensorID: 96
+    sensorType: 8
+    eventReadingType: 11
+    offset: 8
+    sensorID: 140
+    sensorType: 199
+    eventReadingType: 3
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 144
+    sensorType: 18
+    eventReadingType: 111
+    offset: 2
+    sensorID: 200
+    sensorType: 1
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 201
+    sensorType: 1
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 202
+    sensorType: 1
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 203
+    sensorType: 1
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 204
+    sensorType: 1
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 232
+    sensorType: 29
+    eventReadingType: 111
+    offset: 8
+    sensorID: 234
+    sensorType: 1
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 235
+    sensorType: 1
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 248
+    sensorType: 1
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 252
+    sensorType: 18
+    eventReadingType: 7
+    offset: 8
+    sensorID: 253
+    sensorType: 27
+    eventReadingType: 111
+    offset: 2
+    sensorID: 254
+    sensorType: 15
+    eventReadingType: 111
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 205
+    sensorType: 1
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
+    sensorID: 206
+    sensorType: 1
+    eventReadingType: 1
+    offset: 0
diff --git a/meta-ieisystems/meta-nf5280m7/recipes-phosphor/configuration/nf5280m7-yaml-config/nf5280m7-ipmi-sensors.yaml b/meta-ieisystems/meta-nf5280m7/recipes-phosphor/configuration/nf5280m7-yaml-config/nf5280m7-ipmi-sensors.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d40de52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-ieisystems/meta-nf5280m7/recipes-phosphor/configuration/nf5280m7-yaml-config/nf5280m7-ipmi-sensors.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,1475 @@
+  bExp: 0
+  entityID: 55
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
+  multiplierM: 1
+  mutability: Mutability::Read
+  path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/Inlet_Temp
+  offsetB: 0
+  rExp: 0
+  readingType: readingData
+  scale: 0
+  sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf
+  sensorReadingType: 1
+  sensorType: 1
+  serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties
+  unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC
+  bExp: 0
+  entityID: 3
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
+  multiplierM: 1
+  mutability: Mutability::Read
+  path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/Outlet_Temp
+  offsetB: 0
+  rExp: 0
+  readingType: readingData
+  scale: 0
+  sensorNamePattern: nameLeaf
+  sensorReadingType: 1
+  sensorType: 1
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+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
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+      Value:
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+          255:
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
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+      Value:
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
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+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
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+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
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+  entityInstance: 15
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+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
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+  entityInstance: 0
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+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
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+  entityInstance: 0
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+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
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+  entityInstance: 0
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+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
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+      Value:
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+          255:
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
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+  multiplierM: 6
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+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
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+  multiplierM: 3
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
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+  multiplierM: 2
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
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+  multiplierM: 0x09
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+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
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+  multiplierM: 0x09
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
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+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
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+  sensorType: 11
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+  entityInstance: 0
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+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
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+  entityInstance: 0
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+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
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+  unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.Watts
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+  entityInstance: 0
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+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
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+  bExp: 0
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+  entityInstance: 0
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+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
+            type: double
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+  entityInstance: 0
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+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
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+  multiplierM: 6
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+  entityInstance: 0
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+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
+            type: double
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+  multiplierM: 0x09
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+  entityInstance: 0
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+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
+            type: double
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+  multiplierM: 0x09
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+  rExp: -3
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+  bExp: 0
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+  entityInstance: 0
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+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
+            type: double
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+  multiplierM: 0x09
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+  unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.Volts
+  bExp: 0
+  entityID: 7
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
+            type: double
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+  multiplierM: 0x09
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+  rExp: -3
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+  unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.Volts
+  bExp: 0
+  entityID: 7
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
+            type: double
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+  multiplierM: 0x09
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+  bExp: 0
+  entityID: 7
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
+            type: double
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+  multiplierM: 0x09
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+  rExp: -3
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+  unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.Volts
+  bExp: 0
+  entityID: 7
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
+            type: double
+  mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read
+  multiplierM: 0x09
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+  rExp: -3
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+  bExp: 0
+  entityID: 7
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
+            type: double
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+  multiplierM: 0x09
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+  rExp: -3
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+  unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.Volts
+  bExp: 0
+  entityID: 20
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
+            type: double
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+  multiplierM: 1
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+  serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties
+  unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.Watts
+  entityID: 10
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    com.inspur.Sensor.Status:
+      EventData:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
+            type: uint16_t
+  mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read
+  path: /xyz/openbmc_project/State/PSU0_Status
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+  sensorType: 8
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+  entityID: 10
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    com.inspur.Sensor.Status:
+      EventData:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
+            type: uint16_t
+  mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read
+  path: /xyz/openbmc_project/State/PSU1_Status
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+  sensorReadingType: 111
+  sensorType: 8
+  serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties
+  entityID: 10
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    com.inspur.Sensor.Status:
+      EventData:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
+            type: uint16_t
+  mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read
+  path: /xyz/openbmc_project/State/PSU_Mismatch
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+  sensorReadingType: 111
+  sensorType: 8
+  serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties
+  entityID: 10
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    com.inspur.Sensor.Status:
+      EventData:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
+            type: uint16_t
+  mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read
+  path: /xyz/openbmc_project/State/PSU_Redundant
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+  sensorReadingType: 11
+  sensorType: 8
+  serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties
+  bExp: 0
+  entityID: 11
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
+  multiplierM: 1
+  mutability: Mutability::Read
+  offsetB: 0
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+  unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC
+  bExp: 0
+  entityID: 11
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
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+  mutability: Mutability::Read
+  offsetB: 0
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+  unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC
+  bExp: 0
+  entityID: 11
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
+  multiplierM: 1
+  mutability: Mutability::Read
+  offsetB: 0
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+  rExp: 0
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+  unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC
+  bExp: 0
+  entityID: 11
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
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+  mutability: Mutability::Read
+  offsetB: 0
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+  rExp: 0
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+  unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC
+  bExp: 0
+  entityID: 11
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
+  multiplierM: 1
+  mutability: Mutability::Read
+  offsetB: 0
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+  rExp: 0
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+  bExp: 0
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+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
+  multiplierM: 1
+  mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read
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+  rExp: 0
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+  unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC
+  bExp: 0
+  entityID: 4
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
+  multiplierM: 1
+  mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read
+  path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/HDD_Temp
+  rExp: 0
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+  unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC
+  entityID: 7
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    com.inspur.Sensor.Status:
+      EventData:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
+            type: uint16_t
+  mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read
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+  sensorType: 29
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+  bExp: 0
+  entityID: 3
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
+  multiplierM: 1
+  mutability: Mutability::Read
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+  unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC
+  bExp: 0
+  entityID: 3
+  entityInstance: 1
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
+  multiplierM: 1
+  mutability: Mutability::Read
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+  offsetB: 0
+  rExp: 0
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+  sensorType: 1
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+  unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC
+  bExp: 0
+  entityID: 4
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value:
+      Value:
+        Offsets:
+          255:
+            type: double
+  multiplierM: 1
+  mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read
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+  rExp: 0
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+  serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties
+  unit: xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC
+  entityID: 7
+  entityInstance: 0
+  interfaces:
+    com.inspur.Sensor.Status:
+      EventData:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
+            type: uint16_t
+  mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read
+  path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/PWR_CAP_Fail
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+  sensorType: 18
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+  entityID: 7
+  entityInstance: 0
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+    com.inspur.Sensor.Status:
+      EventData:
+        Offsets:
+          0xFF:
+            type: uint16_t
+  mutability: Mutability::Write|Mutability::Read
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+  sensorType: 27
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