tree: 57c8ed99889e4b07346294705c088fac8a5871c9 [path history] [tgz]
  1. classes/
  2. conf/
  3. lib/
  4. recipes-bsp/
  5. recipes-devtools/
  6. recipes-test/

meta-arm-systemready Yocto Layer

This layer contains classes and recipes for building and running Arm SystemReady validation on the supported machines.

Information regarding contributing, reporting bugs, etc can be found in the top-level meta-arm file.


This layer provides support for the following on supported machines:

  • Building the firmware for the Arm SystemReady certification program
  • Running Arm SystemReady ACS (Architecture Compliance Suite) tests
  • Running Linux distributions installation tests

This layer is designed to work alongside with a BSP layer. For example, the meta-arm-bsp layer in the top-level meta-arm defines the fvp-base machine, which can be used with the recipes provided by this layer to build the firmware, run the Arm SystemReady IR ACS tests, and run Linux distributions installation. Note that users can use this layer with their BSP layer to perform the same build and tests.

Firmware Build

The recipe is to build the firmware. It requires the ARM_SYSTEMREADY_FIRMWARE variable set at the MACHINE configuration level to list the build dependencies.

ACS Tests

The recipe to run the ACS tests fetches and deploys the prebuilt ACS test suite disk image, and generates the necessary metadata to support executing the test suite using the bitbake testimage task. A test case SystemReadyACSTest is introduced in lib/oeqa/runtime/cases to monitor the ACS tests output from the bitbake testimage task. The ARM_SYSTEMREADY_ACS_CONSOLE variable must be set at the MACHINE configuration level for this test case.

There are two additional recipes for generating the Arm SystemReady ACS tests report files through the use of the EDK2 SCT Results Parser and the Arm SystemReady scripts. These packages are installed in the and recipes respectively.

The class arm-systemready-acs.bbclass implements the common logic to deploy the Arm SystemReady ACS prebuilt image and set up the testimage environment. This class also contains a testimage "postfunc" called acs_logs_handle which generates report files and analyzes the test results.

The test result analysis is performed by first using the EDK2 SCT Results Parser to create a file, then running the Arm SystemReady result check script to check the contents of the result partition as well as the console log. The result check will fail if any of the expected files or directories are missing, or if any file's contents do not pass its file-specific checks.

The ACS test results which are checked by the script can be viewed in ${TMPDIR}/work/aarch64-oe-linux/arm-systemready-ir-acs/2.0.0-r0/testimage/. If the check fails, the bitbake testimage task will fail.

Linux Distributions Installation

Recipes for testing the installation of Linux distributions are provided under recipes-test/arm-systemready-linux-distros. These recipes help to download the installation CD for the Linux distribution and generate an empty disk as the target disk for the installation.

Supported Band and Machine

Arm SystemReady has four bands:

Currently, this layer only supports Arm SystemReady IR ACS version v23.03_2.0.0, which is verified on the fvp-base machine.

Build and Run

To build the firmware for Arm SystemReady on the supported machines (take the fvp-base machine as an example):

kas build kas/fvp-base.yml:kas/arm-systemready-firmware.yml

To run the Arm SystemReady ACS tests on the supported machines (take running Arm SystemReady IR on the fvp-base machine as an example):

kas build kas/fvp-base.yml:kas/arm-systemready-ir-acs.yml

To run the Linux distributions installation on the supported machines (take installing openSUSE on the fvp-base machine as an example):

kas build kas/fvp-base.yml:kas/arm-systemready-linux-distros-opensuse.yml

kas shell \
    kas/fvp-base.yml:kas/arm-systemready-linux-distros-opensuse.yml \
    -c "../scripts/runfvp --verbose --console"

Guidelines for Reusing and Extending

Currently, this layer only supports the Arm SystemReady IR band running on the fvp-base machine defined in the meta-arm-bsp layer. The supported Arm SystemReady IR implementation can be reused on other machines. Furthermore, the current implementation can be further extended to support SR, ES and LS bands.


To reuse the supported Arm SystemReady IR on other machines, you will need to:

  1. Set the ARM_SYSTEMREADY_FIRMWARE variable at the MACHINE configuration level to list the build dependencies. The configuration file of the fvp-base machine can be used as a reference.
  2. Set the ARM_SYSTEMREADY_ACS_CONSOLE variable at the MACHINE configuration level for running the ACS tests in the bitbake testimage task. Also refer to the configuration file of the fvp-base machine.


To extend support for other bands, you will need to:

  1. Add a new recipe to inherit arm-systemready-acs.bbclass. You can use as a reference.
  2. Add a new testimage test case for the newly added band. Refer to
  3. Set the necessary variables and prepare the ACS baseline files (as listed in the above Reuse section) at the MACHINE configuration level from the BSP layer for the machine to be supported.

Note: When reusing and extending, the current classes and libs may need to be modified or refactored as necessary.