meta-facebook: greatlakes: System state initialization

- System state initialization.

- Use script to determine 12V and host current state
  12V: use BMC gpio
  host: Use BIC gpio
- Set correct state on CurrentHostState property for host status
- Set correcr state on CurrentPowerState property for 12V status

Test Case:
1. 12V on and host off
2. 12V on and host on
3. 12V off and host off

Signed-off-by: Delphine CC Chiu <>
Change-Id: Ibff1f6e79290cfb39dc5442c240e324b38c18ecd
diff --git a/meta-facebook/meta-greatlakes/recipes-greatlakes/greatlakes-sysinit/files/greatlakes-system-state-init b/meta-facebook/meta-greatlakes/recipes-greatlakes/greatlakes-sysinit/files/greatlakes-system-state-init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..153d3f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-facebook/meta-greatlakes/recipes-greatlakes/greatlakes-sysinit/files/greatlakes-system-state-init
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# Provide source directive to shellcheck.
+# shellcheck source=meta-facebook/recipes-phosphor/state/phosphor-state-manager/greatlakes/power-cmd
+source /usr/libexec/phosphor-state-manager/power-cmd
+function get_power_status()
+        POWER_OK_SLOT=$(( $1+9 ))
+        HOST_INSTANCE=$(( $1-1  << 2 ))
+        chassis_status=$(gpioget 0 $POWER_OK_SLOT)
+        if [ "$chassis_status" == "$STATE_OFF" ]; then
+                echo "AC Off"
+                return 0
+        fi
+        response="$(busctl call "$SERVICE" "$OBJECT_PATH" "$INTERFACE" sendRequest yyyyay "$HOST_INSTANCE" 0x38 "$LUN" 0x03 "$IANA_LEN" "$IANA")"
+        # Responses are BIC gpio states, the GPIO B7 represents host DC status
+        result=$(echo "$response" | cut -d" " -f "$PWRGD_SYS_PWROK_INDEX")
+        res="$(( "$result" & 0x80  ))"
+        host_status="$(( "$res" >> 7 ))"
+        if [ "$host_status" == "$STATE_OFF" ]; then
+                echo "Host Off"
+                return 0
+        fi
+        PROPERTY_VAL="xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.HostState.$2"
+        busctl set-property "$HOST_BUS_NAME$1" "$HOST_OBJ_PATH$1" "$HOST_INTF_NAME" "$HOST_PROPERTY_NAME" s "$PROPERTY_VAL"
+        PROPERTY_VAL="xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis.PowerState.$2"
+POWER_STATUS=$(get_power_status "$SLOT_ID")
+# Default power status
+# Real power status
+if [ "$POWER_STATUS" != "AC Off" ]; then
+    if [ "$POWER_STATUS" != "Host Off" ]; then
+        HOST_STATE_VAL="Running"
+    fi
+set_chassis_state "$SLOT_ID" "$CHASSIS_STATE_VAL"
+set_host_state "$SLOT_ID" "$HOST_STATE_VAL"