Squashed 'yocto-poky/' content from commit ea562de

git-subtree-dir: yocto-poky
git-subtree-split: ea562de57590c966cd5a75fda8defecd397e6436
diff --git a/meta/classes/logging.bbclass b/meta/classes/logging.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06c7c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/logging.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# The following logging mechanisms are to be used in bash functions of recipes.
+# They are intended to map one to one in intention and output format with the
+# python recipe logging functions of a similar naming convention: bb.plain(),
+# bb.note(), etc.
+LOGFIFO = "${T}/fifo.${@os.getpid()}"
+# Print the output exactly as it is passed in. Typically used for output of
+# tasks that should be seen on the console. Use sparingly.
+# Output: logs console
+bbplain() {
+	if [ -p ${LOGFIFO} ] ; then
+		printf "%b\0" "bbplain $*" > ${LOGFIFO}
+	else
+		echo "$*"
+	fi
+# Notify the user of a noteworthy condition. 
+# Output: logs
+bbnote() {
+	if [ -p ${LOGFIFO} ] ; then
+		printf "%b\0" "bbnote $*" > ${LOGFIFO}
+	else
+		echo "NOTE: $*"
+	fi
+# Print a warning to the log. Warnings are non-fatal, and do not
+# indicate a build failure.
+# Output: logs console
+bbwarn() {
+	if [ -p ${LOGFIFO} ] ; then
+		printf "%b\0" "bbwarn $*" > ${LOGFIFO}
+	else
+		echo "WARNING: $*"
+	fi
+# Print an error to the log. Errors are non-fatal in that the build can
+# continue, but they do indicate a build failure.
+# Output: logs console
+bberror() {
+	if [ -p ${LOGFIFO} ] ; then
+		printf "%b\0" "bberror $*" > ${LOGFIFO}
+	else
+		echo "ERROR: $*"
+	fi
+# Print a fatal error to the log. Fatal errors indicate build failure
+# and halt the build, exiting with an error code.
+# Output: logs console
+bbfatal() {
+	if [ -p ${LOGFIFO} ] ; then
+		printf "%b\0" "bbfatal $*" > ${LOGFIFO}
+	else
+		echo "ERROR: $*"
+	fi
+	exit 1
+# Like bbfatal, except prevents the suppression of the error log by
+# bitbake's UI.
+# Output: logs console
+bbfatal_log() {
+	if [ -p ${LOGFIFO} ] ; then
+		printf "%b\0" "bbfatal_log $*" > ${LOGFIFO}
+	else
+		echo "ERROR: $*"
+	fi
+	exit 1
+# Print debug messages. These are appropriate for progress checkpoint
+# messages to the logs. Depending on the debug log level, they may also
+# go to the console.
+# Output: logs console
+# Usage: bbdebug 1 "first level debug message"
+#        bbdebug 2 "second level debug message"
+bbdebug() {
+	USAGE='Usage: bbdebug [123] "message"'
+	if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+		bbfatal "$USAGE"
+	fi
+	# Strip off the debug level and ensure it is an integer
+	DBGLVL=$1; shift
+	NONDIGITS=$(echo "$DBGLVL" | tr -d [:digit:])
+	if [ "$NONDIGITS" ]; then
+		bbfatal "$USAGE"
+	fi
+	# All debug output is printed to the logs
+	if [ -p ${LOGFIFO} ] ; then
+		printf "%b\0" "bbdebug $DBGLVL $*" > ${LOGFIFO}
+	else
+		echo "DEBUG: $*"
+	fi