Squashed 'yocto-poky/' content from commit ea562de

git-subtree-dir: yocto-poky
git-subtree-split: ea562de57590c966cd5a75fda8defecd397e6436
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/filesystems b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/filesystems
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e6c41c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/filesystems
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/fstab b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/fstab
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d79a016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/fstab
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# stock fstab - you probably want to override this with a machine specific one
+/dev/root            /                    auto       defaults              1  1
+proc                 /proc                proc       defaults              0  0
+devpts               /dev/pts             devpts     mode=0620,gid=5       0  0
+tmpfs                /run                 tmpfs      mode=0755,nodev,nosuid,strictatime 0  0
+tmpfs                /var/volatile        tmpfs      defaults              0  0
+# uncomment this if your device has a SD/MMC/Transflash slot
+#/dev/mmcblk0p1       /media/card          auto       defaults,sync,noauto  0  0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/host.conf b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/host.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a8c1e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/host.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+order hosts,bind
+multi on
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/inputrc b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/inputrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5c4c8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/inputrc
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# /etc/inputrc - global inputrc for libreadline
+# See readline(3readline) and `info rluserman' for more information.
+# Be 8 bit clean.
+set input-meta on
+set output-meta on
+# To allow the use of 8bit-characters like the german umlauts, comment out
+# the line below. However this makes the meta key not work as a meta key,
+# which is annoying to those which don't need to type in 8-bit characters.
+# set convert-meta off
+# try to enable the application keypad when it is called.  Some systems
+# need this to enable the arrow keys.
+# set enable-keypad on
+# see /usr/share/doc/bash/inputrc.arrows for other codes of arrow keys
+# do not bell on tab-completion 
+# set bell-style none 
+# some defaults / modifications for the emacs mode
+$if mode=emacs
+# allow the use of the Home/End keys
+# "\e[1~": beginning-of-line
+# "\e[4~": end-of-line
+# allow the use of the Delete/Insert keys
+# "\e[3~": delete-char
+# "\e[2~": quoted-insert
+# mappings for "page up" and "page down" to step to the beginning/end 
+# of the history
+# "\e[5~": beginning-of-history
+# "\e[6~": end-of-history
+# alternate mappings for "page up" and "page down" to search the history
+# "\e[5~": history-search-backward
+# "\e[6~": history-search-forward
+# # mappings for Ctrl-left-arrow and Ctrl-right-arrow for word moving
+# "\e[5C": forward-word
+# "\e[5D": backward-word
+# "\e\e[C": forward-word
+# "\e\e[D": backward-word
+# $if term=rxvt
+# "\e[8~": end-of-line
+# $endif
+# for non RH/Debian xterm, can't hurt for RH/DEbian xterm
+# "\eOH": beginning-of-line
+# "\eOF": end-of-line
+# for freebsd console
+# "\e[H": beginning-of-line
+# "\e[F": end-of-line
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/issue b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/issue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/issue
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/issue.net b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/issue.net
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/issue.net
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/licenses/GPL-2 b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/licenses/GPL-2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d60c31a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/licenses/GPL-2
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/motd b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/motd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/motd
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/nsswitch.conf b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/nsswitch.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06f03d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/nsswitch.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# /etc/nsswitch.conf
+# Example configuration of GNU Name Service Switch functionality.
+# If you have the `glibc-doc' and `info' packages installed, try:
+# `info libc "Name Service Switch"' for information about this file.
+passwd:         compat
+group:          compat
+shadow:         compat
+hosts:          files dns
+networks:       files
+protocols:      db files
+services:       db files
+ethers:         db files
+rpc:            db files
+netgroup:       nis
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/profile b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/profile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53c2680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/profile
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# /etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for the Bourne shell (sh(1))
+# and Bourne compatible shells (bash(1), ksh(1), ash(1), ...).
+EDITOR="vi"			# needed for packages like cron, git-commit
+test -z "$TERM" && TERM="vt100"	# Basic terminal capab. For screen etc.
+if [ ! -e /etc/localtime -a ! -e /etc/TZ ]; then
+	TZ="UTC"		# Time Zone. Look at http://theory.uwinnipeg.ca/gnu/glibc/libc_303.html 
+				# for an explanation of how to set this to your local timezone.
+	export TZ
+if [ "$HOME" = "ROOTHOME" ]; then
+   PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
+if [ "$PS1" ]; then
+# works for bash and ash (no other shells known to be in use here)
+   PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
+if [ -d /etc/profile.d ]; then
+  for i in /etc/profile.d/* ; do
+    . $i
+  done
+  unset i
+if [ -x /usr/bin/resize ];then
+  /usr/bin/resize >/dev/null
+umask 022
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/rotation b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/rotation
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c227083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/rotation
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/share/dot.bashrc b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/share/dot.bashrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4be6368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/share/dot.bashrc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
+export PS1='\h:\w\$ '
+umask 022
+# You may uncomment the following lines if you want `ls' to be colorized:
+# export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
+# eval `dircolors`
+# alias ls='ls $LS_OPTIONS'
+# alias ll='ls $LS_OPTIONS -l'
+# alias l='ls $LS_OPTIONS -lA'
+# Some more alias to avoid making mistakes:
+# alias rm='rm -i'
+# alias cp='cp -i'
+# alias mv='mv -i'
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/share/dot.profile b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/share/dot.profile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..979793e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/share/dot.profile
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# ~/.profile: executed by Bourne-compatible login shells.
+if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
+  . ~/.bashrc
+# path set by /etc/profile
+# export PATH
+mesg n
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/shells b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/shells
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f63987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/shells
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# /etc/shells: valid login shells
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/usbd b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/usbd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files/usbd
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files_3.0.14.bb b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files_3.0.14.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e16fe72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-files/base-files_3.0.14.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+SUMMARY = "Miscellaneous files for the base system"
+DESCRIPTION = "The base-files package creates the basic system directory structure and provides a small set of key configuration files for the system."
+SECTION = "base"
+PR = "r89"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://licenses/GPL-2;md5=94d55d512a9ba36caa9b7df079bae19f"
+# Removed all license related tasks in this recipe as license.bbclass 
+# now deals with this. In order to get accurate licensing on to the image:
+# Set COPY_LIC_MANIFEST to just copy just the license.manifest to the image
+# For the manifest and the license text for each package:
+SRC_URI = "file://rotation \
+           file://nsswitch.conf \
+           file://motd \
+           file://inputrc \
+           file://host.conf \
+           file://profile \
+           file://shells \
+           file://fstab \
+           file://filesystems \
+           file://issue.net \
+           file://issue \
+           file://usbd \
+           file://share/dot.bashrc \
+           file://share/dot.profile \
+           file://licenses/GPL-2 \
+           "
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+docdir_append = "/${P}"
+dirs1777 = "/tmp ${localstatedir}/volatile/tmp"
+dirs2775 = ""
+dirs755 = "/bin /boot /dev ${sysconfdir} ${sysconfdir}/default \
+           ${sysconfdir}/skel /lib /mnt /proc ${ROOT_HOME} /run /sbin \
+           ${prefix} ${bindir} ${docdir} /usr/games ${includedir} \
+           ${libdir} ${sbindir} ${datadir} \
+           ${datadir}/common-licenses ${datadir}/dict ${infodir} \
+           ${mandir} ${datadir}/misc ${localstatedir} \
+           ${localstatedir}/backups ${localstatedir}/lib \
+           /sys ${localstatedir}/lib/misc ${localstatedir}/spool \
+           ${localstatedir}/volatile \
+           ${localstatedir}/volatile/log \
+           /home ${prefix}/src ${localstatedir}/local \
+           /media"
+dirs755-lsb = "/srv  \
+               ${prefix}/local ${prefix}/local/bin ${prefix}/local/games \
+               ${prefix}/local/include ${prefix}/local/lib ${prefix}/local/sbin \
+               ${prefix}/local/share ${prefix}/local/src \
+               ${prefix}/lib/locale"
+dirs2775-lsb = "/var/mail"
+volatiles = "log tmp"
+conffiles = "${sysconfdir}/debian_version ${sysconfdir}/host.conf \
+             ${sysconfdir}/inputrc ${sysconfdir}/issue /${sysconfdir}/issue.net \
+             ${sysconfdir}/nsswitch.conf ${sysconfdir}/profile \
+             ${sysconfdir}/default"
+# By default the hostname is the machine name. If the hostname is unset then a
+# /etc/hostname file isn't written, suitable for environments with dynamic
+# hostnames.
+# The hostname can be changed outside of this recipe by using
+# hostname_pn-base-files = "my-host-name".
+hostname = "${MACHINE}"
+BASEFILESISSUEINSTALL ?= "do_install_basefilesissue"
+# In previous versions of base-files, /run was a softlink to /var/run and the
+# directory was located in /var/volatlie/run.  Also, /var/lock was a softlink
+# to /var/volatile/lock which is where the real directory was located.  Now,
+# /run and /run/lock are the real directories.  If we are upgrading, we may
+# need to remove the symbolic links first before we create the directories.
+# Otherwise the directory creation will fail and we will have circular symbolic
+# links.
+pkg_preinst_${PN} () {
+    #!/bin/sh -e
+    if [ x"$D" = "x" ]; then
+        if [ -h "/var/lock" ]; then
+            # Remove the symbolic link
+            rm -f /var/lock
+        fi
+        if [ -h "/run" ]; then
+            # Remove the symbolic link
+            rm -f /run
+        fi
+    fi     
+do_install () {
+	for d in ${dirs755}; do
+		install -m 0755 -d ${D}$d
+	done
+	for d in ${dirs1777}; do
+		install -m 1777 -d ${D}$d
+	done
+	for d in ${dirs2775}; do
+		install -m 2775 -d ${D}$d
+	done
+	for d in ${volatiles}; do
+		ln -sf volatile/$d ${D}${localstatedir}/$d
+	done
+	ln -snf ../run ${D}${localstatedir}/run
+	ln -snf ../run/lock ${D}${localstatedir}/lock
+	rotation=`cat ${WORKDIR}/rotation`
+	if [ "$rotation" != "0" ]; then
+ 		install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/rotation ${D}${sysconfdir}/rotation
+	fi
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/fstab ${D}${sysconfdir}/fstab
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/filesystems ${D}${sysconfdir}/filesystems
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/usbd ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/usbd
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/profile ${D}${sysconfdir}/profile
+	sed -i 's#ROOTHOME#${ROOT_HOME}#' ${D}${sysconfdir}/profile
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/shells ${D}${sysconfdir}/shells
+	install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/share/dot.profile ${D}${sysconfdir}/skel/.profile
+	install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/share/dot.bashrc ${D}${sysconfdir}/skel/.bashrc
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/inputrc ${D}${sysconfdir}/inputrc
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/nsswitch.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/nsswitch.conf
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/host.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/host.conf
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/motd ${D}${sysconfdir}/motd
+	if [ "/usr/bin" != "${bindir}" ]; then
+		sed -i "s,/usr/bin/resize,${bindir}/resize," ${D}${sysconfdir}/profile
+	fi
+	ln -sf /proc/mounts ${D}${sysconfdir}/mtab
+DISTRO_VERSION[vardepsexclude] += "DATE"
+do_install_basefilesissue () {
+	if [ "${hostname}" ]; then
+		echo ${hostname} > ${D}${sysconfdir}/hostname
+	fi
+	install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/issue*  ${D}${sysconfdir}
+        if [ -n "${DISTRO_NAME}" ]; then
+		printf "${DISTRO_NAME} " >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/issue
+		printf "${DISTRO_NAME} " >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/issue.net
+		if [ -n "${DISTRO_VERSION}" ]; then
+			printf "${DISTRO_VERSION} " >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/issue
+			printf "${DISTRO_VERSION} " >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/issue.net
+		fi
+		printf "\\\n \\\l\n" >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/issue
+		echo >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/issue
+		echo "%h"    >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/issue.net
+		echo >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/issue.net
+ 	fi
+do_install_append_linuxstdbase() {
+	for d in ${dirs755-lsb}; do
+                install -m 0755 -d ${D}$d
+        done
+	for d in ${dirs2775-lsb}; do
+                install -m 2775 -d ${D}$d
+        done
+PACKAGES = "${PN}-doc ${PN} ${PN}-dev ${PN}-dbg"
+FILES_${PN} = "/"
+FILES_${PN}-doc = "${docdir} ${datadir}/common-licenses"
+CONFFILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/fstab ${@['', '${sysconfdir}/hostname'][(d.getVar('hostname', True) != '')]} ${sysconfdir}/shells"
+CONFFILES_${PN} += "${sysconfdir}/motd ${sysconfdir}/nsswitch.conf ${sysconfdir}/profile"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd/add_shutdown.patch b/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd/add_shutdown.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f357d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd/add_shutdown.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+We need to have a shutdown group to allow the shutdown icon
+to work correctly. Any users that want to use shutdown like
+the xuser should be added to this group.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [Embedded]
+Signed-off-by: Saul Wold <sgw@linux.intel.com>
+Index: base-passwd-3.5.26/group.master
+--- base-passwd-3.5.26.orig/group.master
++++ base-passwd-3.5.26/group.master
+@@ -36,5 +36,6 @@ sasl:*:45:
+ plugdev:*:46:
+ staff:*:50:
+ games:*:60:
+ users:*:100:
+ nogroup:*:65534:
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd/disable-docs.patch b/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd/disable-docs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14c08b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd/disable-docs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Disable documentation for now as it uses tools currently not supported
+by OE-Core. It uses sgmltools and po4a.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [OE-Core specific]
+Signed-off-by: Saul Wold <sgw@linux.intel.com>
+Index: base-passwd-3.5.28/Makefile.in
+--- base-passwd-3.5.28.orig/Makefile.in
++++ base-passwd-3.5.28/Makefile.in
+@@ -25,13 +25,10 @@ gen_configure	= config.cache config.stat
+ 		  confdefhs.h config.h Makefile
+ all: update-passwd
+-	$(MAKE) -C doc all
+-	$(MAKE) -C man all
+ install: all
+ 	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)
+ 	$(INSTALL) update-passwd $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)/
+-	$(MAKE) -C man install
+ update-passwd.o: version.h
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd/input.patch b/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd/input.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3abbcad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd/input.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Add an input group for the /dev/input/* devices.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+Signed-off-by: Darren Hart <dvhart@linux.intel.com>
+ group.master |    1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+Index: base-passwd-3.5.26/group.master
+--- base-passwd-3.5.26.orig/group.master
++++ base-passwd-3.5.26/group.master
+@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ uucp:*:10:
+ man:*:12:
+ proxy:*:13:
+ kmem:*:15:
+ dialout:*:20:
+ fax:*:21:
+ voice:*:22:
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd/nobash.patch b/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd/nobash.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5a6922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd/nobash.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+use /bin/sh instead of /bin/bash, since the latter may not be included in
+some images such as minimal
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+Signed-off-by: Scott Garman <scott.a.garman@intel.com>
+--- base-passwd/passwd.master~nobash
++++ base-passwd/passwd.master
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ daemon:*:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
+ bin:*:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh
+ sys:*:3:3:sys:/dev:/bin/sh
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd/noshadow.patch b/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd/noshadow.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e27bf7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd/noshadow.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+remove "*" for root since we don't have a /etc/shadow so far.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+Signed-off-by: Scott Garman <scott.a.garman@intel.com>
+--- base-passwd/passwd.master~nobash
++++ base-passwd/passwd.master
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ daemon:*:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh
+ bin:*:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh
+ sys:*:3:3:sys:/dev:/bin/sh
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd_3.5.29.bb b/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd_3.5.29.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac9bd81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/base-passwd/base-passwd_3.5.29.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+SUMMARY = "Base system master password/group files"
+DESCRIPTION = "The master copies of the user database files (/etc/passwd and /etc/group).  The update-passwd tool is also provided to keep the system databases synchronized with these master files."
+SECTION = "base"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=eb723b61539feef013de476e68b5c50a"
+RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON = "Version 3.5.38 requires cdebconf for update-passwd utility"
+SRC_URI = "https://launchpad.net/debian/+archive/primary/+files/${BPN}_${PV}.tar.gz \
+           file://add_shutdown.patch \
+           file://nobash.patch \
+           file://noshadow.patch \
+           file://input.patch \
+           file://disable-docs.patch \
+          "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "6beccac48083fe8ae5048acd062e5421"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "f0b66388b2c8e49c15692439d2bee63bcdd4bbbf7a782c7f64accc55986b6a36"
+inherit autotools
+SSTATEPOSTINSTFUNCS += "base_passwd_sstate_postinst"
+do_install () {
+	install -d -m 755 ${D}${sbindir}
+	install -o root -g root -p -m 755 ${B}/update-passwd ${D}${sbindir}/
+	install -d -m 755 ${D}${mandir}/man8 ${D}${mandir}/pl/man8
+	install -p -m 644 ${S}/man/update-passwd.8 ${D}${mandir}/man8/
+	install -p -m 644 ${S}/man/update-passwd.pl.8 \
+		${D}${mandir}/pl/man8/update-passwd.8
+	gzip -9 ${D}${mandir}/man8/* ${D}${mandir}/pl/man8/*
+	install -d -m 755 ${D}${datadir}/base-passwd
+	install -o root -g root -p -m 644 ${S}/passwd.master ${D}${datadir}/base-passwd/
+	sed -i 's#:/root:#:${ROOT_HOME}:#' ${D}${datadir}/base-passwd/passwd.master
+	install -o root -g root -p -m 644 ${S}/group.master ${D}${datadir}/base-passwd/
+	install -d -m 755 ${D}${docdir}/${BPN}
+	install -p -m 644 ${S}/debian/changelog ${D}${docdir}/${BPN}/
+	gzip -9 ${D}${docdir}/${BPN}/*
+	install -p -m 644 ${S}/README ${D}${docdir}/${BPN}/
+	install -p -m 644 ${S}/debian/copyright ${D}${docdir}/${BPN}/
+base_passwd_sstate_postinst() {
+	if [ "${BB_CURRENTTASK}" = "populate_sysroot" -o "${BB_CURRENTTASK}" = "populate_sysroot_setscene" ]
+	then
+		# Staging does not copy ${sysconfdir} files into the
+		# target sysroot, so we need to do so manually. We
+		# put these files in the target sysroot so they can
+		# be used by recipes which use custom user/group
+		# permissions.
+		# Install passwd.master and group.master to sysconfdir and mv
+		# them to make sure they are atomically install.
+		install -d -m 755 ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${sysconfdir}
+		for i in passwd group; do
+			install -p -m 644 ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${datadir}/base-passwd/$i.master \
+				${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${sysconfdir}/
+			mv ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${sysconfdir}/$i.master ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${sysconfdir}/$i
+		done
+	fi
+python populate_packages_prepend() {
+    # Add in the preinst function for ${PN}
+    # We have to do this here as prior to this, passwd/group.master
+    # would be unavailable. We need to create these files at preinst
+    # time before the files from the package may be available, hence
+    # storing the data from the files in the preinst directly.
+    f = open(d.expand("${STAGING_DATADIR}/base-passwd/passwd.master"), 'r')
+    passwd = "".join(f.readlines())
+    f.close()
+    f = open(d.expand("${STAGING_DATADIR}/base-passwd/group.master"), 'r')
+    group = "".join(f.readlines())
+    f.close()
+    preinst = """#!/bin/sh
+mkdir -p $D${sysconfdir}
+if [ ! -e $D${sysconfdir}/passwd ]; then
+\tcat << 'EOF' > $D${sysconfdir}/passwd
+""" + passwd + """EOF
+if [ ! -e $D${sysconfdir}/group ]; then
+\tcat << 'EOF' > $D${sysconfdir}/group
+""" + group + """EOF
+    d.setVar('pkg_preinst_${PN}', preinst)
+addtask do_package after do_populate_sysroot
+ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN} = "1"
+PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-update"
+FILES_${PN}-update = "${sbindir}/* ${datadir}/${PN}"
+pkg_postinst_${PN}-update () {
+if [ -n "$D" ]; then
+	exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox.inc b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed8f9fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+SUMMARY = "Tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities in a single small executable"
+DESCRIPTION = "BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single small executable. It provides minimalist replacements for most of the utilities you usually find in GNU fileutils, shellutils, etc. The utilities in BusyBox generally have fewer options than their full-featured GNU cousins; however, the options that are included provide the expected functionality and behave very much like their GNU counterparts. BusyBox provides a fairly complete POSIX environment for any small or embedded system."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.busybox.net"
+BUGTRACKER = "https://bugs.busybox.net/"
+DEPENDS += "kern-tools-native"
+# bzip2 applet in busybox is based on lightly-modified bzip2 source
+# the GPL is version 2 only
+LICENSE = "GPLv2 & bzip2"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=de10de48642ab74318e893a61105afbb"
+SECTION = "base"
+# Whether to split the suid apps into a seperate binary
+export EXTRA_CFLAGS = "${CFLAGS}"
+export EXTRA_OEMAKE += "'LD=${CCLD}'"
+PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-httpd ${PN}-udhcpd ${PN}-udhcpc ${PN}-syslog ${PN}-mdev ${PN}-hwclock"
+FILES_${PN}-httpd = "${sysconfdir}/init.d/busybox-httpd /srv/www"
+FILES_${PN}-syslog = "${sysconfdir}/init.d/syslog* ${sysconfdir}/syslog-startup.conf* ${sysconfdir}/syslog.conf* ${systemd_unitdir}/system/syslog.service ${sysconfdir}/default/busybox-syslog"
+FILES_${PN}-mdev = "${sysconfdir}/init.d/mdev ${sysconfdir}/mdev.conf ${sysconfdir}/mdev/*"
+FILES_${PN}-udhcpd = "${sysconfdir}/init.d/busybox-udhcpd"
+FILES_${PN}-udhcpc = "${sysconfdir}/udhcpc.d ${datadir}/udhcpc"
+FILES_${PN}-hwclock = "${sysconfdir}/init.d/hwclock.sh"
+INITSCRIPT_PACKAGES = "${PN}-httpd ${PN}-syslog ${PN}-udhcpd ${PN}-mdev ${PN}-hwclock"
+INITSCRIPT_NAME_${PN}-httpd = "busybox-httpd"
+INITSCRIPT_NAME_${PN}-hwclock = "hwclock.sh"
+INITSCRIPT_NAME_${PN}-mdev = "mdev"
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS_${PN}-mdev = "start 03 S ."
+INITSCRIPT_NAME_${PN}-syslog = "syslog"
+INITSCRIPT_NAME_${PN}-udhcpd = "busybox-udhcpd" 
+SYSTEMD_PACKAGES = "${PN}-syslog"
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN}-syslog = "busybox-syslog.service"
+CONFFILES_${PN}-syslog = "${sysconfdir}/syslog-startup.conf.${BPN}"
+CONFFILES_${PN}-mdev = "${sysconfdir}/mdev.conf"
+RRECOMMENDS_${PN} = "${PN}-syslog ${PN}-udhcpc"
+inherit cml1 systemd update-rc.d ptest
+# internal helper
+def busybox_cfg(feature, tokens, cnf, rem):
+	if type(tokens) == type(""):
+		tokens = [tokens]
+	rem.extend(['/^[# ]*' + token + '[ =]/d' for token in tokens])
+	if feature:
+		cnf.extend([token + '=y' for token in tokens])
+	else:
+		cnf.extend(['# ' + token + ' is not set' for token in tokens])
+# Map distro features to config settings
+def features_to_busybox_settings(d):
+	cnf, rem = ([], [])
+	busybox_cfg(bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ipv6', True, False, d), 'CONFIG_FEATURE_IPV6', cnf, rem)
+	busybox_cfg(bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'largefile', True, False, d), 'CONFIG_LFS', cnf, rem)
+	busybox_cfg(bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'largefile', True, False, d), 'CONFIG_FDISK_SUPPORT_LARGE_DISKS', cnf, rem)
+	busybox_cfg(bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'nls', True, False, d), 'CONFIG_LOCALE_SUPPORT', cnf, rem)
+	busybox_cfg(bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ipv4', True, False, d), 'CONFIG_FEATURE_IFUPDOWN_IPV4', cnf, rem)
+	busybox_cfg(bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ipv6', True, False, d), 'CONFIG_FEATURE_IFUPDOWN_IPV6', cnf, rem)
+	busybox_cfg(bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'wifi', True, False, d), 'CONFIG_RFKILL', cnf, rem)
+	busybox_cfg(bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'bluetooth', True, False, d), 'CONFIG_RFKILL', cnf, rem)
+	return "\n".join(cnf), "\n".join(rem)
+# X, Y = ${@features_to_uclibc_settings(d)}
+# unfortunately doesn't seem to work with bitbake, workaround:
+def features_to_busybox_conf(d):
+	cnf, rem = features_to_busybox_settings(d)
+	return cnf
+def features_to_busybox_del(d):
+	cnf, rem = features_to_busybox_settings(d)
+	return rem
+configmangle = '/CROSS_COMPILER_PREFIX/d; \
+		'
+OE_FEATURES := "${@features_to_busybox_conf(d)}"
+OE_DEL      := "${@features_to_busybox_del(d)}"
+DO_IPv4 := "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ipv4', 1, 0, d)}"
+DO_IPv6 := "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ipv6', 1, 0, d)}"
+python () {
+  if "${OE_DEL}":
+    d.setVar('configmangle_append', "${OE_DEL}" + "\n")
+  if "${OE_FEATURES}":
+    d.setVar('configmangle_append',
+                   "/^### DISTRO FEATURES$/a\\\n%s\n\n" %
+                   ("\\n".join((d.expand("${OE_FEATURES}").split("\n")))))
+  d.setVar('configmangle_append',
+                 "/^### CROSS$/a\\\n%s\n" %
+                  ("\\n".join(["CONFIG_CROSS_COMPILER_PREFIX=\"${TARGET_PREFIX}\"",
+			       "CONFIG_EXTRA_CFLAGS=\"${CFLAGS}\" \"${HOST_CC_ARCH}\""
+                        ])
+                  ))
+do_prepare_config () {
+	sed -e 's#@DATADIR@#${datadir}#g' \
+		< ${WORKDIR}/defconfig > ${S}/.config
+	sed -i -e '/CONFIG_STATIC/d' .config
+	echo "# CONFIG_STATIC is not set" >> .config
+	for i in 'CROSS' 'DISTRO FEATURES'; do echo "### $i"; done >> \
+		${S}/.config
+	sed -i -e '${configmangle}' ${S}/.config
+	if test ${DO_IPv4} -eq 0 && test ${DO_IPv6} -eq 0; then
+	  # disable networking applets
+	  mv ${S}/.config ${S}/.config.oe-tmp
+	  awk 'BEGIN{net=0}
+	  /^# Networking Utilities/{net=1}
+	  /^#$/{if(net){net=net+1}}
+	  {if(net==2&&$0 !~ /^#/&&$1){print("# "$1" is not set")}else{print}}' \
+		  ${S}/.config.oe-tmp > ${S}/.config
+	fi
+# returns all the elements from the src uri that are .cfg files
+def find_cfgs(d):
+    sources=src_patches(d, True)
+    sources_list=[]
+    for s in sources:
+        if s.endswith('.cfg'):
+            sources_list.append(s)
+    return sources_list
+do_configure () {
+	do_prepare_config
+	merge_config.sh -m .config ${@" ".join(find_cfgs(d))}
+	cml1_do_configure
+do_compile() {
+	if [ "${BUSYBOX_SPLIT_SUID}" = "1" -a x`grep "CONFIG_FEATURE_INDIVIDUAL=y" .config` = x ]; then
+	# split the .config into two parts, and make two busybox binaries
+		cp .config .config.orig
+		oe_runmake busybox.cfg.suid
+		oe_runmake busybox.cfg.nosuid
+		for i in `cat busybox.cfg.suid busybox.cfg.nosuid`; do
+			echo "# $i is not set" >> .config.disable.apps
+		done
+		merge_config.sh -m .config.orig .config.disable.apps
+		cp .config .config.nonapps
+		for s in suid nosuid; do
+			cat busybox.cfg.$s | while read item; do
+				grep -w "$item" .config.orig
+			done > .config.app.$s
+			merge_config.sh -m .config.nonapps .config.app.$s
+			oe_runmake busybox_unstripped
+			mv busybox_unstripped busybox.$s
+			oe_runmake busybox.links
+			mv busybox.links busybox.links.$s
+		done
+		# copy .config.orig back to .config, because the install process may check this file
+		cp .config.orig .config
+		# cleanup
+		rm .config.orig .config.app.suid .config.app.nosuid .config.disable.apps .config.nonapps
+	else
+		oe_runmake busybox_unstripped
+		cp busybox_unstripped busybox
+		oe_runmake busybox.links
+	fi
+do_install () {
+	if [ "${prefix}" != "/usr" ]; then
+		sed -i "s:^/usr/:${prefix}/:" busybox.links*
+	fi
+	if [ "${base_sbindir}" != "/sbin" ]; then
+		sed -i "s:^/sbin/:${base_sbindir}/:" busybox.links*
+	fi
+	if [ "${base_bindir}" != "/bin" ]; then
+		sed -i "s:^/bin/:${base_bindir}/:" busybox.links*
+	fi
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	if ! grep -q "CONFIG_FEATURE_INDIVIDUAL=y" ${B}/.config; then
+		# Install /bin/busybox, and the /bin/sh link so the postinst script
+		# can run. Let update-alternatives handle the rest.
+		install -d ${D}${base_bindir}
+		if [ "${BUSYBOX_SPLIT_SUID}" = "1" ]; then
+			install -m 4755 ${B}/busybox.suid ${D}${base_bindir}
+			install -m 0755 ${B}/busybox.nosuid ${D}${base_bindir}
+			install -m 0644 ${S}/busybox.links.suid ${D}${sysconfdir}
+			install -m 0644 ${S}/busybox.links.nosuid ${D}${sysconfdir}
+			if grep -q "CONFIG_FEATURE_SH_IS_ASH=y" ${B}/.config; then
+				ln -sf busybox.nosuid ${D}${base_bindir}/sh
+			fi
+			# Keep a default busybox for people who want to invoke busybox directly.
+			# This is also useful for the on device upgrade. Because we want
+			# to use the busybox command in postinst.
+			ln -sf busybox.nosuid ${D}${base_bindir}/busybox
+		else
+			if grep -q "CONFIG_FEATURE_SUID=y" ${B}/.config; then
+				install -m 4755 ${B}/busybox ${D}${base_bindir}
+			else
+				install -m 0755 ${B}/busybox ${D}${base_bindir}
+			fi
+			install -m 0644 ${S}/busybox.links ${D}${sysconfdir}
+			if grep -q "CONFIG_FEATURE_SH_IS_ASH=y" ${B}/.config; then
+				ln -sf busybox ${D}${base_bindir}/sh
+			fi
+			# We make this symlink here to eliminate the error when upgrading together
+			# with busybox-syslog. Without this symlink, the opkg may think of the
+			# busybox.nosuid as obsolete and remove it, resulting in dead links like
+			# /bin/sed -> /bin/busybox.nosuid. This will make upgrading busybox-syslog fail.
+			# This symlink will be safely deleted in postinst, thus no negative effect.
+			ln -sf busybox ${D}${base_bindir}/busybox.nosuid
+		fi
+	else
+		install -d ${D}${base_bindir} ${D}${base_sbindir}
+		install -d ${D}${libdir} ${D}${bindir} ${D}${sbindir}
+		cat busybox.links | while read FILE; do
+			NAME=`basename "$FILE"`
+			install -m 0755 "0_lib/$NAME" "${D}$FILE.${BPN}"
+		done
+		# add suid bit where needed
+		for i in `grep -E "APPLET.*BB_SUID_((MAYBE|REQUIRE))" include/applets.h | grep -v _BB_SUID_DROP | cut -f 3 -d '(' | cut -f 1 -d ','`; do
+			find ${D} -name $i.${BPN} -exec chmod a+s {} \;
+		done
+		install -m 0755 0_lib/libbusybox.so.${PV} ${D}${libdir}/libbusybox.so.${PV}
+		ln -sf sh.${BPN} ${D}${base_bindir}/sh
+		ln -sf ln.${BPN} ${D}${base_bindir}/ln
+		ln -sf test.${BPN} ${D}${bindir}/test
+		if [ -f ${D}/linuxrc.${BPN} ]; then
+			mv ${D}/linuxrc.${BPN} ${D}/linuxrc
+		fi
+		install -m 0644 ${S}/busybox.links ${D}${sysconfdir}
+	fi
+	if grep -q "CONFIG_SYSLOGD=y" ${B}/.config; then
+		install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/syslog ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/syslog.${BPN}
+		install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/syslog-startup.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/syslog-startup.conf.${BPN}
+		install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/syslog.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/syslog.conf.${BPN}
+	fi
+	if grep "CONFIG_CROND=y" ${B}/.config; then
+		install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/busybox-cron ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/
+	fi
+	if grep "CONFIG_HTTPD=y" ${B}/.config; then
+		install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/busybox-httpd ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/
+		install -d ${D}/srv/www
+	fi
+	if grep "CONFIG_UDHCPD=y" ${B}/.config; then
+		install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/busybox-udhcpd ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/
+	fi
+	if grep "CONFIG_HWCLOCK=y" ${B}/.config; then
+		install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/hwclock.sh ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/
+	fi
+	if grep "CONFIG_UDHCPC=y" ${B}/.config; then
+		install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/udhcpc.d
+		install -d ${D}${datadir}/udhcpc
+                install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/simple.script ${D}${sysconfdir}/udhcpc.d/50default
+		install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/default.script ${D}${datadir}/udhcpc/default.script
+	fi
+	if grep "CONFIG_INETD=y" ${B}/.config; then
+		install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/inetd ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/inetd.${BPN}
+		sed -i "s:/usr/sbin/:${sbindir}/:" ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/inetd.${BPN}
+		install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/inetd.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/
+	fi
+        if grep "CONFIG_MDEV=y" ${B}/.config; then
+               install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/mdev ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/mdev
+               if grep "CONFIG_FEATURE_MDEV_CONF=y" ${B}/.config; then
+                       install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/mdev.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/mdev.conf
+                       install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/mdev
+                       install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/find-touchscreen.sh ${D}${sysconfdir}/mdev
+                       install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/mdev-mount.sh ${D}${sysconfdir}/mdev
+               fi
+	fi
+    if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','systemd','true','false',d)}; then
+        if grep -q "CONFIG_SYSLOGD=y" ${B}/.config; then
+            install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+            sed 's,@base_sbindir@,${base_sbindir},g' < ${WORKDIR}/busybox-syslog.service.in \
+		> ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/busybox-syslog.service
+            if [ -f ${WORKDIR}/busybox-syslog.default ] ; then
+		install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/default
+		install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/busybox-syslog.default ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/busybox-syslog
+            fi
+            ln -sf /dev/null ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/syslog.service
+        fi
+        if grep -q "CONFIG_KLOGD=y" ${B}/.config; then
+            install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+            sed 's,@base_sbindir@,${base_sbindir},g' < ${WORKDIR}/busybox-klogd.service.in \
+		> ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/busybox-klogd.service
+        fi
+    fi
+    # Remove the sysvinit specific configuration file for systemd systems to avoid confusion
+    if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'sysvinit', 'false', 'true', d)}; then
+	rm -f ${D}${sysconfdir}/syslog-startup.conf.${BPN}
+    fi
+inherit update-alternatives
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN}-syslog += "syslog-conf"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[syslog-conf] = "${sysconfdir}/syslog.conf"
+python () {
+    if bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'sysvinit', True, False, d):
+        pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
+        d.appendVar('ALTERNATIVE_%s-syslog' % (pn), ' syslog-init')
+        d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME', 'syslog-init', '%s/init.d/syslog' % (d.getVar('sysconfdir', True)))
+        d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET', 'syslog-init', '%s/init.d/syslog.%s' % (d.getVar('sysconfdir', True), d.getVar('BPN', True)))
+        d.appendVar('ALTERNATIVE_%s-syslog' % (pn), ' syslog-startup-conf')
+        d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME', 'syslog-startup-conf', '%s/syslog-startup.conf' % (d.getVar('sysconfdir', True)))
+        d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET', 'syslog-startup-conf', '%s/syslog-startup.conf.%s' % (d.getVar('sysconfdir', True), d.getVar('BPN', True)))
+python do_package_prepend () {
+    # We need to load the full set of busybox provides from the /etc/busybox.links
+    # Use this to see the update-alternatives with the right information
+    dvar = d.getVar('D', True)
+    pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
+    def set_alternative_vars(links, target):
+        f = open('%s%s' % (dvar, links), 'r')
+        for alt_link_name in f:
+            alt_link_name = alt_link_name.strip()
+            alt_name = os.path.basename(alt_link_name)
+            # Match coreutils
+            if alt_name == '[':
+                alt_name = 'lbracket'
+            d.appendVar('ALTERNATIVE_%s' % (pn), ' ' + alt_name)
+            d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME', alt_name, alt_link_name)
+            if os.path.exists('%s%s' % (dvar, target)):
+                d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET', alt_name, target)
+        f.close()
+        return
+    if os.path.exists('%s/etc/busybox.links' % (dvar)):
+        set_alternative_vars("${sysconfdir}/busybox.links", "${base_bindir}/busybox")
+    else:
+        set_alternative_vars("${sysconfdir}/busybox.links.nosuid", "${base_bindir}/busybox.nosuid")
+        set_alternative_vars("${sysconfdir}/busybox.links.suid", "${base_bindir}/busybox.suid")
+pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
+	# This part of code is dedicated to the on target upgrade problem.
+	# It's known that if we don't make appropriate symlinks before update-alternatives calls,
+	# there will be errors indicating missing commands such as 'sed'.
+	# These symlinks will later be updated by update-alternatives calls.
+	test -n 2 > /dev/null || alias test='busybox test'
+	if test "x$D" = "x"; then
+		# Remove busybox.nosuid if it's a symlink, because this situation indicates
+		# that we're installing or upgrading to a one-binary busybox.
+		if test -h ${base_bindir}/busybox.nosuid; then
+			rm -f ${base_bindir}/busybox.nosuid
+		fi
+		for suffix in "" ".nosuid" ".suid"; do
+			if test -e ${sysconfdir}/busybox.links$suffix; then
+				while read link; do
+					if test ! -e "$link"; then
+						case "$link" in
+							/*/*/*)
+								to="../..${base_bindir}/busybox$suffix"
+								;;
+							/bin/*)
+								to="busybox$suffix"
+								;;
+							/*/*)
+								to="..${base_bindir}/busybox$suffix"
+								;;
+						esac
+						# we can use busybox here because even if we are using splitted busybox
+						# we've made a symlink from /bin/busybox to /bin/busybox.nosuid.
+						busybox rm -f $link
+						busybox ln -s $to $link
+					fi
+				done < ${sysconfdir}/busybox.links$suffix
+			fi
+		done
+	fi
+pkg_prerm_${PN} () {
+	# This is so you can make busybox commit suicide - removing busybox with no other packages
+	# providing its files, this will make update-alternatives work, but the update-rc.d part
+	# for syslog, httpd and/or udhcpd will fail if there is no other package providing sh
+	tmpdir=`mktemp -d /tmp/busyboxrm-XXXXXX`
+	ln -s ${base_bindir}/busybox $tmpdir/[
+	ln -s ${base_bindir}/busybox $tmpdir/test
+	ln -s ${base_bindir}/busybox $tmpdir/head
+	ln -s ${base_bindir}/busybox $tmpdir/sh
+	ln -s ${base_bindir}/busybox $tmpdir/basename
+	ln -s ${base_bindir}/busybox $tmpdir/echo
+	ln -s ${base_bindir}/busybox $tmpdir/mv
+	ln -s ${base_bindir}/busybox $tmpdir/ln
+	ln -s ${base_bindir}/busybox $tmpdir/dirname
+	ln -s ${base_bindir}/busybox $tmpdir/rm
+	ln -s ${base_bindir}/busybox $tmpdir/sed
+	ln -s ${base_bindir}/busybox $tmpdir/sort
+	ln -s ${base_bindir}/busybox $tmpdir/grep
+	export PATH=$PATH:$tmpdir
+pkg_prerm_${PN}-syslog () {
+	# remove syslog
+	if test "x$D" = "x"; then
+		if test "$1" = "upgrade" -o "$1" = "remove"; then
+			${sysconfdir}/init.d/syslog stop
+		fi
+	fi
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/0001-chown-fix-help-text.patch b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/0001-chown-fix-help-text.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4299799
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/0001-chown-fix-help-text.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+From d291c2fdd5cb8616605c67ecbfb04274fa094242 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Junling Zheng <zhengjunling@huawei.com>
+Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2015 02:32:23 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] chown: fix help text
+Derived from:
+Only when DESKTOP is enabled, chown has -L, -H and -P options.
+Upstream-Status: Backport
+Signed-off-by: Junling Zheng <zhengjunling@huawei.com>
+Signed-off-by: Denys Vlasenko <vda.linux@googlemail.com>
+ coreutils/chown.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/coreutils/chown.c b/coreutils/chown.c
+index cb07bbc..679c0d8 100644
+--- a/coreutils/chown.c
++++ b/coreutils/chown.c
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
+ /* http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007904975/utilities/chown.html */
+ //usage:#define chown_trivial_usage
+-//usage:       "[-RhLHP"IF_DESKTOP("cvf")"]... OWNER[<.|:>[GROUP]] FILE..."
++//usage:       "[-Rh"IF_DESKTOP("LHPcvf")"]... OWNER[<.|:>[GROUP]] FILE..."
+ //usage:#define chown_full_usage "\n\n"
+ //usage:       "Change the owner and/or group of each FILE to OWNER and/or GROUP\n"
+ //usage:     "\n	-R	Recurse"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/0001-ifconfig-fix-double-free-fatal-error-in-INET_sprint.patch b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/0001-ifconfig-fix-double-free-fatal-error-in-INET_sprint.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d729b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/0001-ifconfig-fix-double-free-fatal-error-in-INET_sprint.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+From a97777889328157bb7d06ec618bad16712a9c345 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Denys Vlasenko <vda.linux@googlemail.com>
+Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2015 12:11:30 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] ifconfig: fix double free fatal error in INET_sprint
+Derived from:
+While INET_sprint or INET6_sprint is called circularly by keeping
+ifconfiging, sap->sa_family would be cleaned by other parallel processes
+such as dhclient sometimes, and then there would be a double free error
+like the following:
+  *** glibc detected *** ifconfig: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x000a6008 ***
+  ======= Backtrace: =========
+  /lib/libc.so.6(+0x6bc84)[0x40133c84]
+  /lib/libc.so.6(cfree+0x94)[0x40138684]
+  ifconfig[0x1c460]
+  ifconfig[0x1c6a0]
+  ifconfig[0x1ccf4]
+  ifconfig[0x187c8]
+  ifconfig[0xd544]
+  ifconfig[0xd5dc]
+  ifconfig[0xdca8]
+  /lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0x110)[0x400df258]
+  ======= Memory map: ========
+  00008000-0009c000 r-xp 00000000 1f:05 444328     /bin/busybox
+  000a3000-000a4000 rw-p 00093000 1f:05 444328     /bin/busybox
+This patch moved free() two lines down to address this problem.
+Upstream-Status: Backport
+Signed-off-by: Denys Vlasenko <vda.linux@googlemail.com>
+ networking/interface.c | 4 ++--
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/networking/interface.c b/networking/interface.c
+index bf7d2b1..b0572d0 100644
+--- a/networking/interface.c
++++ b/networking/interface.c
+@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ static const char* FAST_FUNC INET_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
+ {
+ 	static char *buff; /* defaults to NULL */
+-	free(buff);
+ 	if (sap->sa_family == 0xFFFF || sap->sa_family == 0)
+ 		return "[NONE SET]";
++	free(buff);
+ 	buff = INET_rresolve((struct sockaddr_in *) sap, numeric, 0xffffff00);
+ 	return buff;
+ }
+@@ -173,9 +173,9 @@ static const char* FAST_FUNC INET6_sprint(struct sockaddr *sap, int numeric)
+ {
+ 	static char *buff;
+-	free(buff);
+ 	if (sap->sa_family == 0xFFFF || sap->sa_family == 0)
+ 		return "[NONE SET]";
++	free(buff);
+ 	buff = INET6_rresolve((struct sockaddr_in6 *) sap, numeric);
+ 	return buff;
+ }
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/busybox-appletlib-dependency.patch b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/busybox-appletlib-dependency.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de2dbcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/busybox-appletlib-dependency.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+# copy commit message from OE as the patch comment:
+#    commit 98c24291aa165f53423c27ae033831ce0b3bb676
+#    Author: Roman I Khimov <khimov@altell.ru>
+#    Date:   Thu Mar 26 23:03:58 2009 +0000
+#    busybox: update appletlib dependency patch
+#    Previous version still failed from time to time on clean-start builds
+#    with 4 bitbake threads and '-j16'. Building busybox as sole target worked
+#    well.
+#    The reason is that previous version introduced a race between applets make
+#    processes spawned from top-level Makefile and from libbb Makefile.
+#    Fix it with high-level dependency that doesn't create races.
+#    Signed-off-by: Koen Kooi <koen@openembedded.org>
+# above comment added by Kevin Tian <kevin.tian@intel.com>, 2010-07-06
+Index: busybox-1.13.2/Makefile
+--- busybox-1.13.2.orig/Makefile	2009-03-19 15:44:37.419270265 +0300
++++ busybox-1.13.2/Makefile	2009-03-19 15:45:57.737521296 +0300
+@@ -471,6 +471,10 @@
+ 		util-linux/ \
+ 		util-linux/volume_id/ \
++# Lib interdeps
++# libbb uses headers generated in applets
++libbb: applets
+ ifeq ($(dot-config),1)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/busybox-cross-menuconfig.patch b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/busybox-cross-menuconfig.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bda8685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/busybox-cross-menuconfig.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+From: Jason Wessel <jason.wessel@windriver.com>
+Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2013 12:31:40 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH] menuconfig,check-lxdiaglog.sh: Allow specification of ncurses location
+Upstream-Status: Submitted
+[ based on: https://lkml.org/lkml/2013/3/3/103 ]
+This patch syncs up with the way the menuconfig ncurses / curses
+is detected and the HOST_EXTRACFLAGS works in the Linux kernel
+and it allows the menuconfig to work with a sysroot version
+of the curses libraries.
+In some cross build environments such as the Yocto Project build
+environment it provides an ncurses library that is compiled
+differently than the host's version.  This causes display corruption
+problems when the host's curses includes are used instead of the
+includes from the provided compiler are overridden.  There is a second
+case where there is no curses libraries at all on the host system and
+menuconfig will just fail entirely.
+The solution is simply to allow an override variable in
+check-lxdialog.sh for environments such as the Yocto Project.  Adding
+a CROSS_CURSES_LIB and CROSS_CURSES_INC solves the issue and allowing
+compiling and linking against the right headers and libraries.
+Signed-off-by: Jason Wessel <jason.wessel@windriver.com>
+cc: Michal Marek <mmarek@suse.cz>
+cc: linux-kbuild@vger.kernel.org
+ scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/Makefile          |    2 +-
+ scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/check-lxdialog.sh |    8 ++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+--- a/scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/check-lxdialog.sh
++++ b/scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/check-lxdialog.sh
+@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
+ # What library to link
+ ldflags()
+ {
++	if [ x"$CROSS_CURSES_LIB" != x ]; then
++		echo "$CROSS_CURSES_LIB"
++		exit
++	fi
+ 	for ext in so a dylib ; do
+ 		for lib in ncursesw ncurses curses ; do
+ 			$cc -print-file-name=lib${lib}.${ext} | grep -q /
+@@ -19,6 +23,10 @@ ldflags()
+ # Where is ncurses.h?
+ ccflags()
+ {
++	if [ x"$CROSS_CURSES_INC" != x ]; then
++		echo "$CROSS_CURSES_INC"
++		exit
++	fi
+ 	if [ -f /usr/include/ncursesw/ncurses.h ]; then
+ 		echo '-I/usr/include/ncursesw -DCURSES_LOC="<ncurses.h>"'
+ 	elif [ -f /usr/include/ncursesw/curses.h ]; then
+--- a/scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/Makefile
++++ b/scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/Makefile
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ check-lxdialog  := $(srctree)/$(src)/che
+ # Use reursively expanded variables so we do not call gcc unless
+ # we really need to do so. (Do not call gcc as part of make mrproper)
+-HOST_EXTRACFLAGS = $(shell $(CONFIG_SHELL) $(check-lxdialog) -ccflags)
++HOST_EXTRACFLAGS += $(shell $(CONFIG_SHELL) $(check-lxdialog) -ccflags)
+ HOST_LOADLIBES   = $(shell $(CONFIG_SHELL) $(check-lxdialog) -ldflags $(HOSTCC))
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/busybox-udhcpc-no_deconfig.patch b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/busybox-udhcpc-no_deconfig.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c9ce3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/busybox-udhcpc-no_deconfig.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+From 53626cd06a3ef05ed847daea802ef0aa9661caa7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Anders Darander <anders@chargestorm.se>
+Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2011 08:51:31 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] busybox-udhcpc-no_deconfig.patch
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Add a new option -D to the udhcpc client that allows for
+dhcp renewal to occur without having to down the interface
+in the process.
+Signed-off-by: Greg Moffatt <greg.moffatt@windriver.com>
+Updated to latest Busybox 1.17.3
+Signed-off-by: Mark Hatle <mark.hatle@windriver.com>
+Updated to Busybox 1.18.4
+option spec is changed
+Signed-off-by: Qing He <qing.he@intel.com>
+Updated to Busybox 1.19.3
+Signed-off-by: Anders Darander <anders@chargestorm.se>
+Fixed options -b, -a and -P.
+Signed-off-by: Andreas Oberritter <obi@opendreambox.org>
+ networking/udhcp/dhcpc.c |   29 +++++++++++++++++++++--------
+ 1 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+Index: busybox-1.20.2/networking/udhcp/dhcpc.c
+--- busybox-1.20.2.orig/networking/udhcp/dhcpc.c
++++ busybox-1.20.2/networking/udhcp/dhcpc.c
+@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
+ #include <netpacket/packet.h>
+ #include <linux/filter.h>
++/* option whether to down the interface when reconfiguring */
++static int allow_deconfig = 1;
+ /* "struct client_config_t client_config" is in bb_common_bufsiz1 */
+@@ -81,8 +84,9 @@ enum {
+ 	OPT_x = 1 << 18,
+ 	OPT_f = 1 << 19,
+ 	OPT_B = 1 << 20,
++	OPT_D = 1 << 21,
+ /* The rest has variable bit positions, need to be clever */
+-	OPTBIT_B = 20,
++	OPTBIT_D = 21,
+ 	USE_FOR_MMU(             OPTBIT_b,)
+@@ -1040,7 +1044,8 @@ static void perform_renew(void)
+ 		state = RENEW_REQUESTED;
+ 		break;
+ 	case RENEW_REQUESTED: /* impatient are we? fine, square 1 */
+-		udhcp_run_script(NULL, "deconfig");
++		if (allow_deconfig)
++			udhcp_run_script(NULL, "deconfig");
+ 	case RELEASED:
+ 		change_listen_mode(LISTEN_RAW);
+@@ -1064,7 +1069,8 @@ static void perform_release(uint32_t ser
+ 		bb_info_msg("Unicasting a release of %s to %s",
+ 				inet_ntoa(temp_addr), buffer);
+ 		send_release(server_addr, requested_ip); /* unicast */
+-		udhcp_run_script(NULL, "deconfig");
++		if (allow_deconfig)
++			udhcp_run_script(NULL, "deconfig");
+ 	}
+ 	bb_info_msg("Entering released state");
+@@ -1215,7 +1221,7 @@ int udhcpc_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, c
+ 	/* O,x: list; -T,-t,-A take numeric param */
+ 	opt_complementary = "O::x::T+:t+:A+" IF_UDHCP_VERBOSE(":vv") ;
+ 	IF_LONG_OPTS(applet_long_options = udhcpc_longopts;)
+-	opt = getopt32(argv, "CV:H:h:F:i:np:qRr:s:T:t:SA:O:ox:fB"
++	opt = getopt32(argv, "CV:H:h:F:i:np:qRr:s:T:t:SA:O:ox:fBD"
+ 		USE_FOR_MMU("b")
+@@ -1316,6 +1322,9 @@ int udhcpc_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, c
+ 		logmode |= LOGMODE_SYSLOG;
+ 	}
++	if (opt & OPT_D)
++		allow_deconfig = 0;
+ 	/* Make sure fd 0,1,2 are open */
+ 	bb_sanitize_stdio();
+ 	/* Equivalent of doing a fflush after every \n */
+@@ -1330,7 +1339,8 @@ int udhcpc_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, c
+ 	srand(monotonic_us());
+ 	state = INIT_SELECTING;
+-	udhcp_run_script(NULL, "deconfig");
++	if (allow_deconfig)
++		udhcp_run_script(NULL, "deconfig");
+ 	change_listen_mode(LISTEN_RAW);
+ 	packet_num = 0;
+ 	timeout = 0;
+@@ -1484,7 +1494,8 @@ int udhcpc_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, c
+ 				}
+ 				/* Timed out, enter init state */
+ 				bb_info_msg("Lease lost, entering init state");
+-				udhcp_run_script(NULL, "deconfig");
++				if (allow_deconfig)
++					udhcp_run_script(NULL, "deconfig");
+ 				state = INIT_SELECTING;
+ 				client_config.first_secs = 0; /* make secs field count from 0 */
+ 				/*timeout = 0; - already is */
+@@ -1667,7 +1678,8 @@ int udhcpc_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, c
+ 						send_decline(/*xid,*/ server_addr, packet.yiaddr);
+ 						if (state != REQUESTING)
+-							udhcp_run_script(NULL, "deconfig");
++							if (allow_deconfig)
++								udhcp_run_script(NULL, "deconfig");
+ 						change_listen_mode(LISTEN_RAW);
+ 						state = INIT_SELECTING;
+ 						client_config.first_secs = 0; /* make secs field count from 0 */
+@@ -1711,7 +1723,8 @@ int udhcpc_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, c
+ 				bb_info_msg("Received DHCP NAK");
+ 				udhcp_run_script(&packet, "nak");
+ 				if (state != REQUESTING)
+-					udhcp_run_script(NULL, "deconfig");
++					if (allow_deconfig)
++						udhcp_run_script(NULL, "deconfig");
+ 				change_listen_mode(LISTEN_RAW);
+ 				sleep(3); /* avoid excessive network traffic */
+ 				state = INIT_SELECTING;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/defconfig b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/defconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f5df9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/defconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,1054 @@
+# Automatically generated make config: don't edit
+# Busybox version: 1.23.2
+# Thu Jul 30 11:00:00 2015
+# Busybox Settings
+# General Configuration
+# CONFIG_DESKTOP is not set
+# CONFIG_INCLUDE_SUSv2 is not set
+# CONFIG_PAM is not set
+# CONFIG_SELINUX is not set
+# Build Options
+# CONFIG_STATIC is not set
+# CONFIG_PIE is not set
+# CONFIG_NOMMU is not set
+# Debugging Options
+# CONFIG_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_UNIT_TEST is not set
+# CONFIG_WERROR is not set
+# CONFIG_DMALLOC is not set
+# CONFIG_EFENCE is not set
+# Installation Options ("make install" behavior)
+# Busybox Library Tuning
+# Applets
+# Archival Utilities
+# CONFIG_UNLZMA is not set
+# CONFIG_LZMA is not set
+# CONFIG_UNXZ is not set
+# CONFIG_XZ is not set
+# CONFIG_BZIP2 is not set
+# CONFIG_DPKG is not set
+# CONFIG_DPKG_DEB is not set
+# CONFIG_LZOP is not set
+# CONFIG_RPM is not set
+# CONFIG_RPM2CPIO is not set
+# Coreutils
+# CONFIG_HOSTID is not set
+# CONFIG_BASE64 is not set
+# CONFIG_CAL is not set
+# CONFIG_CATV is not set
+# CONFIG_CKSUM is not set
+# CONFIG_COMM is not set
+# CONFIG_DOS2UNIX is not set
+# CONFIG_UNIX2DOS is not set
+# CONFIG_EXPAND is not set
+# CONFIG_FOLD is not set
+# CONFIG_FSYNC is not set
+# CONFIG_INSTALL is not set
+# CONFIG_NICE is not set
+# CONFIG_PRINTENV is not set
+# CONFIG_SHA1SUM is not set
+# CONFIG_SHA256SUM is not set
+# CONFIG_SHA512SUM is not set
+# CONFIG_SHA3SUM is not set
+# CONFIG_SPLIT is not set
+# CONFIG_SUM is not set
+# CONFIG_TAC is not set
+# CONFIG_UNEXPAND is not set
+# CONFIG_UUDECODE is not set
+# CONFIG_UUENCODE is not set
+# Common options
+# Common options for cp and mv
+# Common options for ls, more and telnet
+# Common options for df, du, ls
+# Common options for md5sum, sha1sum, sha256sum, sha512sum, sha3sum
+# Console Utilities
+# CONFIG_FGCONSOLE is not set
+# CONFIG_KBD_MODE is not set
+# CONFIG_RESIZE is not set
+# CONFIG_SETFONT is not set
+# CONFIG_SHOWKEY is not set
+# Common options for loadfont and setfont
+# Debian Utilities
+# Editors
+# CONFIG_ED is not set
+# Finding Utilities
+# Init Utilities
+# CONFIG_INIT is not set
+# Login/Password Management Utilities
+# CONFIG_ADD_SHELL is not set
+# CONFIG_USE_BB_PWD_GRP is not set
+# CONFIG_USE_BB_SHADOW is not set
+# CONFIG_ADDUSER is not set
+# CONFIG_ADDGROUP is not set
+# CONFIG_DELUSER is not set
+# CONFIG_DELGROUP is not set
+# CONFIG_GETTY is not set
+# CONFIG_LOGIN is not set
+# CONFIG_PASSWD is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTPW is not set
+# CONFIG_CHPASSWD is not set
+# CONFIG_SU is not set
+# CONFIG_SULOGIN is not set
+# CONFIG_VLOCK is not set
+# Linux Ext2 FS Progs
+# CONFIG_LSATTR is not set
+# CONFIG_TUNE2FS is not set
+# Linux Module Utilities
+# CONFIG_MODINFO is not set
+# Options common to multiple modutils
+# CONFIG_FEATURE_2_4_MODULES is not set
+# Linux System Utilities
+# CONFIG_BLOCKDEV is not set
+# CONFIG_FATATTR is not set
+# CONFIG_MDEV is not set
+# CONFIG_REV is not set
+# CONFIG_ACPID is not set
+# CONFIG_BLKID is not set
+# CONFIG_FDFLUSH is not set
+# CONFIG_FDFORMAT is not set
+# CONFIG_FINDFS is not set
+# CONFIG_FSCK_MINIX is not set
+# CONFIG_MKFS_EXT2 is not set
+# CONFIG_MKFS_MINIX is not set
+# CONFIG_MKFS_REISER is not set
+# CONFIG_MKFS_VFAT is not set
+# CONFIG_GETOPT is not set
+# CONFIG_HD is not set
+# CONFIG_IPCRM is not set
+# CONFIG_IPCS is not set
+# CONFIG_LSPCI is not set
+# CONFIG_LSUSB is not set
+# CONFIG_RDEV is not set
+# CONFIG_RTCWAKE is not set
+# CONFIG_SCRIPT is not set
+# CONFIG_SETARCH is not set
+# Common options for mount/umount
+# CONFIG_VOLUMEID is not set
+# Miscellaneous Utilities
+# CONFIG_CONSPY is not set
+# CONFIG_CROND is not set
+# CONFIG_NANDWRITE is not set
+# CONFIG_NANDDUMP is not set
+# CONFIG_SETSERIAL is not set
+# CONFIG_TASKSET is not set
+# CONFIG_UBIATTACH is not set
+# CONFIG_UBIDETACH is not set
+# CONFIG_UBIMKVOL is not set
+# CONFIG_UBIRMVOL is not set
+# CONFIG_UBIRSVOL is not set
+# CONFIG_WALL is not set
+# CONFIG_ADJTIMEX is not set
+# CONFIG_BBCONFIG is not set
+# CONFIG_BEEP is not set
+# CONFIG_CHAT is not set
+# CONFIG_CHRT is not set
+# CONFIG_CRONTAB is not set
+# CONFIG_DEVFSD is not set
+# CONFIG_DEVFSD_FG_NP is not set
+# CONFIG_DEVMEM is not set
+# CONFIG_EJECT is not set
+# CONFIG_FBSPLASH is not set
+# CONFIG_FLASHCP is not set
+# CONFIG_FLASH_LOCK is not set
+# CONFIG_IONICE is not set
+# CONFIG_INOTIFYD is not set
+# CONFIG_LAST is not set
+# CONFIG_HDPARM is not set
+# CONFIG_MAKEDEVS is not set
+# CONFIG_MAN is not set
+# CONFIG_MT is not set
+# CONFIG_READAHEAD is not set
+# CONFIG_RUNLEVEL is not set
+# CONFIG_RX is not set
+# CONFIG_SETSID is not set
+# CONFIG_TIMEOUT is not set
+# CONFIG_TTYSIZE is not set
+# CONFIG_VOLNAME is not set
+# CONFIG_WATCHDOG is not set
+# Networking Utilities
+# CONFIG_NAMEIF is not set
+# CONFIG_NBDCLIENT is not set
+# CONFIG_NC_SERVER is not set
+# CONFIG_NC_EXTRA is not set
+# CONFIG_NC_110_COMPAT is not set
+# CONFIG_WHOIS is not set
+# CONFIG_ARP is not set
+# CONFIG_ARPING is not set
+# CONFIG_BRCTL is not set
+# CONFIG_DNSD is not set
+# CONFIG_ETHER_WAKE is not set
+# CONFIG_FTPD is not set
+# CONFIG_FTPGET is not set
+# CONFIG_FTPPUT is not set
+# CONFIG_HTTPD is not set
+# CONFIG_IFENSLAVE is not set
+# CONFIG_IFPLUGD is not set
+# CONFIG_INETD is not set
+# CONFIG_IPADDR is not set
+# CONFIG_IPLINK is not set
+# CONFIG_IPROUTE is not set
+# CONFIG_IPTUNNEL is not set
+# CONFIG_IPRULE is not set
+# CONFIG_IPCALC is not set
+# CONFIG_NTPD is not set
+# CONFIG_PSCAN is not set
+# CONFIG_SLATTACH is not set
+# CONFIG_TCPSVD is not set
+# CONFIG_TELNETD is not set
+# CONFIG_TFTPD is not set
+# Common options for tftp/tftpd
+# CONFIG_TFTP_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_TRACEROUTE6 is not set
+# CONFIG_TUNCTL is not set
+# CONFIG_UDHCPC6 is not set
+# CONFIG_DHCPRELAY is not set
+# CONFIG_FEATURE_UDHCP_RFC3397 is not set
+# CONFIG_FEATURE_UDHCP_8021Q is not set
+# CONFIG_UDPSVD is not set
+# CONFIG_VCONFIG is not set
+# CONFIG_ZCIP is not set
+# Print Utilities
+# CONFIG_LPD is not set
+# CONFIG_LPR is not set
+# CONFIG_LPQ is not set
+# Mail Utilities
+# CONFIG_MAKEMIME is not set
+# CONFIG_REFORMIME is not set
+# CONFIG_SENDMAIL is not set
+# Process Utilities
+# CONFIG_IOSTAT is not set
+# CONFIG_LSOF is not set
+# CONFIG_MPSTAT is not set
+# CONFIG_NMETER is not set
+# CONFIG_PMAP is not set
+# CONFIG_POWERTOP is not set
+# CONFIG_PSTREE is not set
+# CONFIG_PWDX is not set
+# CONFIG_SMEMCAP is not set
+# CONFIG_KILLALL5 is not set
+# CONFIG_PGREP is not set
+# CONFIG_PKILL is not set
+# Runit Utilities
+# CONFIG_RUNSV is not set
+# CONFIG_RUNSVDIR is not set
+# CONFIG_SV is not set
+# CONFIG_SVLOGD is not set
+# CONFIG_CHPST is not set
+# CONFIG_SETUIDGID is not set
+# CONFIG_ENVUIDGID is not set
+# CONFIG_ENVDIR is not set
+# CONFIG_SOFTLIMIT is not set
+# CONFIG_CHCON is not set
+# CONFIG_GETSEBOOL is not set
+# CONFIG_LOAD_POLICY is not set
+# CONFIG_RUNCON is not set
+# CONFIG_SETFILES is not set
+# CONFIG_SETSEBOOL is not set
+# CONFIG_SESTATUS is not set
+# Shells
+# CONFIG_ASH_CMDCMD is not set
+# CONFIG_ASH_MAIL is not set
+# CONFIG_CTTYHACK is not set
+# CONFIG_HUSH is not set
+# CONFIG_HUSH_HELP is not set
+# CONFIG_HUSH_JOB is not set
+# CONFIG_HUSH_TICK is not set
+# CONFIG_HUSH_IF is not set
+# CONFIG_HUSH_LOOPS is not set
+# CONFIG_HUSH_CASE is not set
+# CONFIG_HUSH_LOCAL is not set
+# CONFIG_HUSH_EXPORT_N is not set
+# CONFIG_HUSH_MODE_X is not set
+# CONFIG_MSH is not set
+# CONFIG_SH_MATH_SUPPORT_64 is not set
+# System Logging Utilities
+# klogd should not be used together with syslog to kernel printk buffer
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/fail_on_no_media.patch b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/fail_on_no_media.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6745f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/fail_on_no_media.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+The current behaviour of busybox is to try all fstype when automounting
+even when no media exists.  The util-linux mount command bails when no
+media exists, so change the behaviour of busybox to do the same.
+It could also be argued that the KERN_INFO message from btrfs could be
+removed, but that would be harder to accomplish.
+Signed-off-by: Saul Wold <sgw@linux.intel.com>
+Index: busybox-1.20.2/util-linux/mount.c
+--- busybox-1.20.2.orig/util-linux/mount.c
++++ busybox-1.20.2/util-linux/mount.c
+@@ -598,7 +598,13 @@ static int mount_it_now(struct mntent *m
+ 				break;
+ 			errno = errno_save;
+ 		}
++		/*
++		 * Break if there is no media, no point retrying for all
++		 * fs types since there is no media available
++		 */
++		if (rc == -1 && errno == ENOMEDIUM) {
++			bb_perror_msg_and_die("mounting %s on %s failed", mp->mnt_fsname, mp->mnt_dir);
++		}
+ 		if (!rc || (vfsflags & MS_RDONLY) || (errno != EACCES && errno != EROFS))
+ 			break;
+ 		if (!(vfsflags & MS_SILENT))
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/get_header_tar.patch b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/get_header_tar.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e528ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/get_header_tar.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+# copy commit message from OE as the patch comment:
+#    commit 5a0e1d473ca7aca5ffefffe9a2ec44ae7a1f35bc
+#    Author: Frans Meulenbroeks <fransmeulenbroeks@gmail.com>
+#    Date:   Wed Feb 11 22:40:21 2009 +0100
+#    busybox: fix tar problem with filenames that are exactly 100 bytes
+# above comment added by Kevin Tian <kevin.tian@intel.com>, 2010-07-06
+--- busybox-1.13.2/archival/libarchive/get_header_tar.c.orig	2008-11-09 18:28:02.000000000 +0100
++++ busybox-1.13.2/archival/libarchive/get_header_tar.c	2009-02-11 22:34:52.000000000 +0100
+@@ -252,6 +252,8 @@
+ 			file_header->name = concat_path_file(tar.prefix, tar.name);
+ 		} else
+ 			file_header->name = xstrdup(tar.name);
++		if (strlen(file_header->name) > 100) 
++			file_header->name[100] = 0;
+ 	}
+ 	/* Set bits 12-15 of the files mode */
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/getopts.cfg b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/getopts.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8db0a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/getopts.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/login-utilities.cfg b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/login-utilities.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc9b2db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/login-utilities.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/mount-via-label.cfg b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/mount-via-label.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fe7ab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/mount-via-label.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/recognize_connmand.patch b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/recognize_connmand.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f42c74c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/recognize_connmand.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+This adds connmand to the list of know dhcp clients
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [OE-Core]
+Signed-off-by: Saul Wold <sgw@linux.intel.com>
+Index: busybox-1.22.1/networking/ifupdown.c
+--- busybox-1.22.1.orig/networking/ifupdown.c
++++ busybox-1.22.1/networking/ifupdown.c
+@@ -521,6 +521,10 @@ struct dhcp_client_t {
+ };
+ static const struct dhcp_client_t ext_dhcp_clients[] = {
++	{ "connmand",
++		"true",
++		"true",
++	},
+ 	{ "dhcpcd",
+ 		"dhcpcd[[ -h %hostname%]][[ -i %vendor%]][[ -I %client%]][[ -l %leasetime%]] %iface%",
+ 		"dhcpcd -k %iface%",
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/sha1sum.cfg b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/sha1sum.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20e72d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/sha1sum.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/sha256sum.cfg b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/sha256sum.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce652ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox/sha256sum.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox_1.23.2.bb b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox_1.23.2.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4d9f97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox_1.23.2.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+require busybox.inc
+SRC_URI = "http://www.busybox.net/downloads/busybox-${PV}.tar.bz2;name=tarball \
+           file://get_header_tar.patch \
+           file://busybox-appletlib-dependency.patch \
+           file://busybox-udhcpc-no_deconfig.patch \
+           file://find-touchscreen.sh \
+           file://busybox-cron \
+           file://busybox-httpd \
+           file://busybox-udhcpd \
+           file://default.script \
+           file://simple.script \
+           file://hwclock.sh \
+           file://mount.busybox \
+           file://syslog \
+           file://syslog-startup.conf \
+           file://syslog.conf \
+           file://busybox-syslog.default \
+           file://mdev \
+           file://mdev.conf \
+           file://mdev-mount.sh \
+           file://umount.busybox \
+           file://defconfig \
+           file://busybox-syslog.service.in \
+           file://busybox-klogd.service.in \
+           file://fail_on_no_media.patch \
+           file://run-ptest \
+           file://inetd.conf \
+           file://inetd \
+           file://login-utilities.cfg \
+           file://recognize_connmand.patch \
+           file://busybox-cross-menuconfig.patch \
+           file://0001-ifconfig-fix-double-free-fatal-error-in-INET_sprint.patch \
+           file://0001-chown-fix-help-text.patch \
+           file://mount-via-label.cfg \
+           file://sha1sum.cfg \
+           file://sha256sum.cfg \
+           file://getopts.cfg \
+SRC_URI[tarball.md5sum] = "7925683d7dd105aabe9b6b618d48cc73"
+SRC_URI[tarball.sha256sum] = "05a6f9e21aad8c098e388ae77de7b2361941afa7157ef74216703395b14e319a"
+do_install_ptest () {
+        cp -r ${B}/testsuite ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/
+        cp ${B}/.config      ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/
+        ln -s /bin/busybox   ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/busybox
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox_git.bb b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox_git.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ade72f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox_git.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+require busybox.inc
+SRCREV = "be947c4d97c0dacb703a6f24dd813ff6dd3a33b6"
+# Lookout for PV bump too when SRCREV is changed
+PV = "1.23.2+git${SRCPV}"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+SRC_URI = "git://busybox.net/busybox.git \
+           file://get_header_tar.patch \
+           file://busybox-appletlib-dependency.patch \
+           file://busybox-udhcpc-no_deconfig.patch \
+           file://find-touchscreen.sh \
+           file://busybox-cron \
+           file://busybox-httpd \
+           file://busybox-udhcpd \
+           file://default.script \
+           file://simple.script \
+           file://hwclock.sh \
+           file://mount.busybox \
+           file://syslog \
+           file://syslog-startup.conf \
+           file://syslog.conf \
+           file://busybox-syslog.default \
+           file://mdev \
+           file://mdev.conf \
+           file://mdev-mount.sh \
+           file://umount.busybox \
+           file://defconfig \
+           file://busybox-syslog.service.in \
+           file://busybox-klogd.service.in \
+           file://fail_on_no_media.patch \
+           file://run-ptest \
+           file://inetd.conf \
+           file://inetd \
+           file://login-utilities.cfg \
+           file://recognize_connmand.patch \
+           file://busybox-cross-menuconfig.patch \
+           file://0001-ifconfig-fix-double-free-fatal-error-in-INET_sprint.patch \
+           file://0001-chown-fix-help-text.patch \
+           file://mount-via-label.cfg \
+           file://sha1sum.cfg \
+           file://sha256sum.cfg \
+do_install_ptest () {
+        cp -r ${B}/testsuite ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/
+        cp ${B}/.config      ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/
+        ln -s /bin/busybox   ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/busybox
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-cron b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-cron
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f0e6b15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-cron
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+DESC="Busybox Periodic Command Scheduler"
+ARGS="-c /etc/cron/crontabs"
+test -f $DAEMON || exit 0
+set -e
+case "$1" in
+    start)
+        echo -n "starting $DESC: $NAME... "
+	start-stop-daemon -S -b -n $NAME -a $DAEMON -- $ARGS
+	echo "done."
+	;;
+    stop)
+        echo -n "stopping $DESC: $NAME... "
+	start-stop-daemon -K -n $NAME
+	echo "done."
+	;;
+    restart)
+        echo -n "restarting $DESC: $NAME... "
+ 	$0 stop
+	$0 start
+	echo "done."
+	;;
+    reload)
+    	echo -n "reloading $DESC: $NAME... "
+    	killall -HUP $(basename ${DAEMON})
+	echo "done."
+	;;
+    *)
+	echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|reload}"
+	exit 1
+	;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-httpd b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-httpd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c8348e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-httpd
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+DESC="Busybox HTTP Daemon"
+test -f $DAEMON || exit 0
+set -e
+case "$1" in
+    start)
+        echo -n "starting $DESC: $NAME... "
+	if [ ! -d $HTTPROOT ]; then
+		echo "$HTTPROOT is missing."
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	start-stop-daemon -S -b -n $NAME -a $DAEMON -- $ARGS
+	echo "done."
+	;;
+    stop)
+        echo -n "stopping $DESC: $NAME... "
+	start-stop-daemon -K -n $NAME
+	echo "done."
+	;;
+    restart)
+        echo "restarting $DESC: $NAME... "
+ 	$0 stop
+	$0 start
+	echo "done."
+	;;
+    reload)
+    	echo -n "reloading $DESC: $NAME... "
+    	killall -HUP $(basename ${DAEMON})
+	echo "done."
+	;;
+    *)
+	echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|reload}"
+	exit 1
+	;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-klogd.service.in b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-klogd.service.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7c7755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-klogd.service.in
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Description=Kernel Logging Service
+ExecStart=@base_sbindir@/klogd -n
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-syslog.default b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-syslog.default
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e516caf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-syslog.default
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# The above option means syslogd will log to 16K shm circular buffer.
+# You could use `logread' to read it.
+# All available options are:
+# -O FILE       :      Log to FILE (default:/var/log/messages)
+# -l N          :      Log only messages more urgent than prio N (1-8)
+# -S            :      Smaller output
+# -s SIZE       :      Max size (KB) before rotation (default:200KB, 0=off)
+# -b N          :      N rotated logs to keep (default:1, max=99, 0=purge)
+# -R HOST[:PORT]:      Log to HOST:PORT (default PORT:514)
+# -L            :      Log locally and via network
+# -D            :      Drop duplicates
+# -C[size_kb]   :      Log to shared mem buffer (use logread to read it)
+# -f FILE       :      Use FILE as config (default:/etc/syslog.conf)
+# -m MIN        :      Minutes between mark lines (default:20, 0=off)
+# -K            :      Log to kernel printk buffer (use dmesg to read it)
+# Example 1:
+# Log to local file /var/log/mylog
+# OPTIONS="-O /var/log/mylog"
+# Example 2:
+# Log to remote host
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-syslog.service.in b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-syslog.service.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e04321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-syslog.service.in
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Description=System Logging Service
+ExecStart=@base_sbindir@/syslogd -n $OPTIONS
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-udhcpd b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-udhcpd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c43903e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/busybox-udhcpd
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+DESC="Busybox UDHCP Server"
+test -f $DAEMON || exit 1
+set -e
+case "$1" in
+    start)
+        echo -n "starting $DESC: $NAME... "
+	if [ ! -f /etc/udhcpd.conf ]; then
+		echo "error: /etc/udhcpd.conf is missing."
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	/sbin/start-stop-daemon -S -b -n $NAME -a $DAEMON -- $ARGS
+	echo "done."
+	;;
+    stop)
+        echo -n "stopping $DESC: $NAME... "
+	/sbin/start-stop-daemon -K -n $NAME
+	echo "done."
+	;;
+    restart)
+        echo "restarting $DESC: $NAME... "
+ 	$0 stop
+	$0 start
+	echo "done."
+	;;
+    reload)
+    	echo -n "reloading $DESC: $NAME... "
+    	killall -HUP $(basename ${DAEMON})
+	echo "done."
+	;;
+    *)
+	echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|reload}"
+	exit 1
+	;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/default.script b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/default.script
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2ac987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/default.script
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+exec run-parts -a "$1" /etc/udhcpc.d
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/find-touchscreen.sh b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/find-touchscreen.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52c5e7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/find-touchscreen.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+if grep -q "input:.*-e0.*,3,.*a0,1,\|ads7846" /sys/class/$MDEV/device/modalias ; then
+	ln -sf /dev/$MDEV /dev/input/touchscreen0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/hwclock.sh b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/hwclock.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be5f94d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/hwclock.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Provides:          hwclock
+# Required-Start:    
+# Required-Stop:     $local_fs
+# Default-Start:     S
+# Default-Stop:      0 6
+# Short-Description: Set system clock
+# Description:       Set system clock to hardware clock, according to the UTC
+#                    setting in /etc/default/rcS (see also rcS(5)).
+# WARNING:      If your hardware clock is not in UTC/GMT, this script
+#               must know the local time zone. This information is
+#               stored in /etc/localtime. This might be a problem if
+#               your /etc/localtime is a symlink to something in
+#               /usr/share/zoneinfo AND /usr isn't in the root
+#               partition! The workaround is to define TZ either
+#               in /etc/default/rcS, or in the proper place below.
+[ ! -x /sbin/hwclock ] && exit 0
+[ -f /etc/default/rcS ] && . /etc/default/rcS
+[ "$UTC" = "yes" ] && tz="--utc" || tz="--localtime"
+case "$1" in
+        start)
+                if [ "$VERBOSE" != no ]
+                then
+                        echo "System time was `date`."
+                        echo "Setting the System Clock using the Hardware Clock as reference..."
+                fi
+		if [ "$HWCLOCKACCESS" != no ]
+		then
+			if [ -z "$TZ" ]
+			then
+	                   hwclock $tz --hctosys
+			else
+			   TZ="$TZ" hwclock $tz --hctosys
+			fi
+		fi
+                if [ "$VERBOSE" != no ]
+                then
+                        echo "System Clock set. System local time is now `date`."
+                fi
+                ;;
+        stop|restart|reload|force-reload)
+		#
+		# Updates the Hardware Clock with the System Clock time.
+		# This will *override* any changes made to the Hardware Clock.
+		#
+		# WARNING: If you disable this, any changes to the system
+		#          clock will not be carried across reboots.
+		#
+		if [ "$VERBOSE" != no ]
+		then
+			echo "Saving the System Clock time to the Hardware Clock..."
+		fi
+		if [ "$HWCLOCKACCESS" != no ]
+		then
+			hwclock $tz --systohc
+		fi
+		if [ "$VERBOSE" != no ]
+		then
+			echo "Hardware Clock updated to `date`."
+		fi
+                exit 0
+                ;;
+	show)
+		if [ "$HWCLOCKACCESS" != no ]
+		then
+			hwclock $tz --show
+		fi
+		;;
+        *)
+                echo "Usage: hwclock.sh {start|stop|show|reload|restart}" >&2
+		echo "       start sets kernel (system) clock from hardware (RTC) clock" >&2
+		echo "       stop and reload set hardware (RTC) clock from kernel (system) clock" >&2
+                exit 1
+                ;;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/inetd b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/inetd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf50bcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/inetd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# start/stop inetd super server.
+if ! [ -x /usr/sbin/inetd ]; then
+	exit 0
+case "$1" in
+    start)
+	echo -n "Starting internet superserver:"
+	echo -n " inetd" ; start-stop-daemon -S -x /usr/sbin/inetd > /dev/null
+	echo "."
+	;;
+    stop)
+	echo -n "Stopping internet superserver:"
+	echo -n " inetd" ; start-stop-daemon -K -x /usr/sbin/inetd > /dev/null
+	echo "."
+	;;
+    restart)
+	echo -n "Restarting internet superserver:"
+	echo -n " inetd "
+	killall -HUP inetd
+	echo "."
+	;;
+    *)
+	echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/inetd {start|stop|restart}"
+	exit 1
+	;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/inetd.conf b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/inetd.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b02fe85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/inetd.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# /etc/inetd.conf:  see inetd(8) for further informations.
+# Internet server configuration database
+# If you want to disable an entry so it isn't touched during
+# package updates just comment it out with a single '#' character.
+# <service_name> <sock_type> <proto> <flags> <user> <server_path> <args>
+#:INTERNAL: Internal services
+#echo		stream	tcp	nowait	root	internal
+#echo		dgram	udp	wait	root	internal
+#chargen	stream	tcp	nowait	root	internal
+#chargen	dgram	udp	wait	root	internal
+#discard		stream	tcp	nowait	root	internal
+#discard		dgram	udp	wait	root	internal
+#daytime		stream	tcp	nowait	root	internal
+#daytime	dgram	udp	wait	root	internal
+#time		stream	tcp	nowait	root	internal
+#time		dgram	udp	wait	root	internal
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/mdev b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/mdev
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9625247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/mdev
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /dev  -o size=64k,mode=0755
+mkdir /dev/pts /dev/shm
+chmod 777 /dev/shm
+mount -t devpts devpts /dev/pts
+touch /dev/mdev.seq
+echo "/sbin/mdev" > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug
+mdev -s
+# We might have mounted something over /dev, see if /dev/initctl is there.
+if test ! -p /dev/initctl
+        rm -f /dev/initctl
+        mknod -m 600 /dev/initctl p
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/mdev-mount.sh b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/mdev-mount.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5d66d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/mdev-mount.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+[ -f /etc/default/mdev ] && . /etc/default/mdev
+if [ "${MDEV_AUTOMOUNT}" = "n" ] ; then
+	exit 0
+case "$ACTION" in
+	add|"")
+		ACTION="add"
+		# check if already mounted
+		if grep -q "^/dev/${MDEV} " /proc/mounts ; then
+			# Already mounted
+			exit 0
+		fi
+		DEVBASE=`expr substr $MDEV 1 3`
+		if [ "${DEVBASE}" == "mmc" ] ; then
+			DEVBASE=`expr substr $MDEV 1 7`
+		fi
+		# check for "please don't mount it" file
+		if [ -f "/dev/nomount.${DEVBASE}" ] ; then
+			# blocked
+			exit 0
+		fi
+		# check for full-disk partition
+		if [ "${DEVBASE}" == "${MDEV}" ] ; then
+			if [ -d /sys/block/${DEVBASE}/${DEVBASE}*1 ] ; then
+				# Partition detected, just quit
+				exit 0
+			fi
+			if [ ! -f /sys/block/${DEVBASE}/size ] ; then
+				# No size at all
+				exit 0
+			fi
+			if [ `cat /sys/block/${DEVBASE}/size` == 0 ] ; then
+				# empty device, bail out
+				exit 0
+			fi
+		fi
+		# first allow fstab to determine the mountpoint
+		if ! mount /dev/$MDEV > /dev/null 2>&1
+		then
+			mkdir "$MOUNTPOINT"
+			mount -t auto /dev/$MDEV "$MOUNTPOINT"
+		fi
+		;;
+	remove)
+		MOUNTPOINT=`grep "^/dev/$MDEV\s" /proc/mounts | cut -d' ' -f 2`
+		if [ ! -z "$MOUNTPOINT" ]
+		then
+			umount "$MOUNTPOINT"
+			rmdir "$MOUNTPOINT"
+		else
+			umount /dev/$MDEV
+		fi
+		;;
+	*)
+		# Unexpected keyword
+		exit 1
+		;;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/mdev.conf b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/mdev.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17e93da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/mdev.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+$MODALIAS=.* 0:0 660 @modprobe "$MODALIAS"
+console 0:0 0600 
+cpu_dma_latency 0:0 0660 
+fb0:0 44 0660 
+full 0:0 0666 
+initctl 0:0 0600 
+ircomm[0-9].* 0:20 0660 
+kmem 0:15 0640 
+kmsg 0:0 0660 
+log 0:0 0666 
+loop[0-9].* 0:6 0640 
+mem 0:15 0640 
+network_latency 0:0 0660 
+network_throughput 0:0 0660 
+null 0:0 0666 
+port 0:15 0640 
+ptmx 0:5 0666 
+ram[0-9].* 0:6 0640 
+random 0:0 0666 
+sda 0:6 0640 
+tty 0:5 0666 
+tty.* 0:0 0620 
+urandom 0:0 0666 
+usbdev.* 0:0 0660 */etc/mdev/usb.sh
+vcs.* 0:5 0660 
+zero 0:0 0666 
+snd/pcm.* 0:0 0660
+snd/control.* 0:0 0660
+snd/timer 0:0 0660
+snd/seq 0:0 0660
+snd/mini.* 0:00 0660
+input/event.* 0:0 0660 @/etc/mdev/find-touchscreen.sh
+input/mice 0:0 0660
+input/mouse.* 0:0 0660
+tun[0-9]* 0:0 0660 =net/
+[hs]d[a-z][0-9]? 0:0 660 */etc/mdev/mdev-mount.sh
+mmcblk[0-9].* 0:0 660 */etc/mdev/mdev-mount.sh
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/mount.busybox b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/mount.busybox
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fef945b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/mount.busybox
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+exec /bin/busybox mount $@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/run-ptest b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/run-ptest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3608a8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/run-ptest
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+current_dir=$(readlink -f $0)
+export bindir=$(dirname $current_dir)
+cd testsuite || exit 1
+./runtest -v | sed -r 's/^(SKIPPED|UNTESTED):/SKIP:/'
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/simple.script b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/simple.script
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22168b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/simple.script
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# udhcpc script edited by Tim Riker <Tim@Rikers.org>
+[ -z "$1" ] && echo "Error: should be called from udhcpc" && exit 1
+[ -n "$subnet" ] && NETMASK="netmask $subnet"
+# return 0 if root is mounted on a network filesystem
+root_is_nfs() {
+	sed -n 's/^[^ ]* \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) .*$/\1 \2/p' /proc/mounts |
+	grep -q "^/ \(nfs\|smbfs\|ncp\|coda\)$"
+if [ -x /sbin/ip ]; then
+  have_bin_ip=1
+  BROADCAST="broadcast +"
+[ -n "$broadcast" ] && BROADCAST="broadcast $broadcast"
+case "$1" in
+	deconfig)
+		if [ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]; then
+			/sbin/resolvconf -d "${interface}.udhcpc"
+		fi
+		if ! root_is_nfs ; then
+                        if [ $have_bin_ip -eq 1 ]; then
+                                ip addr flush dev $interface
+                                ip link set dev $interface up
+                        else
+                                /sbin/ifconfig $interface
+                        fi
+		fi
+		;;
+	renew|bound)
+                if [ $have_bin_ip -eq 1 ]; then
+                        ip addr add dev $interface local $ip/$mask $BROADCAST
+                else
+                        /sbin/ifconfig $interface $ip $BROADCAST $NETMASK
+                fi
+		if [ -n "$router" ] ; then
+			if ! root_is_nfs ; then
+                                if [ $have_bin_ip -eq 1 ]; then
+                                        while ip route del default dev $interface 2>/dev/null ; do
+                                                :
+                                        done
+                                else
+                                        while route del default gw dev $interface 2>/dev/null ; do
+                                                :
+                                        done
+                                fi
+			fi
+			metric=10
+			for i in $router ; do
+                                if [ $have_bin_ip -eq 1 ]; then
+                                        ip route add default via $i metric $metric
+                                else
+                                        route add default gw $i dev $interface metric $metric 2>/dev/null
+                                fi
+                                metric=$(($metric + 1))
+			done
+		fi
+		# Update resolver configuration file
+		R=""
+		[ -n "$domain" ] && R="domain $domain
+		for i in $dns; do
+			echo "$0: Adding DNS $i"
+			R="${R}nameserver $i
+		done
+		if [ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]; then
+			echo -n "$R" | /sbin/resolvconf -a "${interface}.udhcpc"
+		else
+			echo -n "$R" > "$RESOLV_CONF"
+		fi
+		;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/syslog b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/syslog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89c4d12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/syslog
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Provides:             sysklogd
+# Required-Start:       $remote_fs $time
+# Required-Stop:        $remote_fs $time
+# Default-Start:        2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop:         0 1 6
+# Short-Description:    System logger
+set -e
+if [ -f /etc/syslog-startup.conf ]; then
+	. /etc/syslog-startup.conf
+	for D in $DESTINATION; do
+		if [ "$D" = "buffer" ]; then
+		elif [ "$D" = "file" ]; then
+			if [ -n "$LOGFILE" ]; then
+			fi
+			if [ -n "$ROTATESIZE" ]; then
+			fi
+			if [ -n "$ROTATEGENS" ]; then
+			fi
+		elif [ "$D" = "remote" ]; then
+		fi
+	done
+	if [ "$LOG_LOCAL" = "1" -a "$LOG_REMOTE" = "1" ]; then
+	fi
+	if [ "$REDUCE" = "yes" ]; then
+	fi
+	if [ "$DROPDUPLICATES" = "yes" ]; then
+	fi
+	if [ -n "$LOGLEVEL" ]; then
+	fi
+	# default: log to 16K shm circular buffer
+case "$1" in
+  start)
+	echo -n "Starting syslogd/klogd: "
+	start-stop-daemon -S -b -n syslogd -a /sbin/syslogd -- -n $SYSLOG_ARGS
+	start-stop-daemon -S -b -n klogd -a /sbin/klogd -- -n
+	echo "done"
+	;;
+  stop)
+	echo -n "Stopping syslogd/klogd: "
+	start-stop-daemon -K -n syslogd
+	start-stop-daemon -K -n klogd
+	echo "done"
+	;;
+  restart)
+  	$0 stop
+	$0 start
+	;;
+  *)
+	echo "Usage: syslog { start | stop | restart }" >&2
+	exit 1
+	;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/syslog-startup.conf b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/syslog-startup.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fda450a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/syslog-startup.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# This configuration file is used by the busybox syslog init script,
+# /etc/init.d/syslog[.busybox] to set syslog configuration at start time.
+DESTINATION=file		# log destinations (buffer file remote)
+LOGFILE=/var/log/messages	# where to log (file)
+REMOTE=loghost:514		# where to log (syslog remote)
+REDUCE=no			# reduce-size logging
+DROPDUPLICATES=no		# whether to drop duplicate log entries
+#ROTATESIZE=0			# rotate log if grown beyond X [kByte]
+#ROTATEGENS=3			# keep X generations of rotated logs
+BUFFERSIZE=64			# size of circular buffer [kByte]
+FOREGROUND=no			# run in foreground (don't use!)
+#LOGLEVEL=5			# local log level (between 1 and 8)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/syslog.conf b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/syslog.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75bb630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/syslog.conf
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#  /etc/syslog.conf	Configuration file for busybox's syslogd utility
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/umount.busybox b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/umount.busybox
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f373162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/files/umount.busybox
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+exec /bin/busybox umount $@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/Makevars b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/Makevars
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32692ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/Makevars
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Makefile variables for PO directory in any package using GNU gettext.
+# Usually the message domain is the same as the package name.
+# These two variables depend on the location of this directory.
+subdir = po
+top_builddir = ..
+# These options get passed to xgettext.
+XGETTEXT_OPTIONS = --keyword=_ --keyword=N_
+# This is the copyright holder that gets inserted into the header of the
+# $(DOMAIN).pot file.  Set this to the copyright holder of the surrounding
+# package.  (Note that the msgstr strings, extracted from the package's
+# sources, belong to the copyright holder of the package.)  Translators are
+# expected to transfer the copyright for their translations to this person
+# or entity, or to disclaim their copyright.  The empty string stands for
+# the public domain; in this case the translators are expected to disclaim
+# their copyright.
+COPYRIGHT_HOLDER = Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This is the email address or URL to which the translators shall report
+# bugs in the untranslated strings:
+# - Strings which are not entire sentences, see the maintainer guidelines
+#   in the GNU gettext documentation, section 'Preparing Strings'.
+# - Strings which use unclear terms or require additional context to be
+#   understood.
+# - Strings which make invalid assumptions about notation of date, time or
+#   money.
+# - Pluralisation problems.
+# - Incorrect English spelling.
+# - Incorrect formatting.
+# It can be your email address, or a mailing list address where translators
+# can write to without being subscribed, or the URL of a web page through
+# which the translators can contact you.
+# This is the list of locale categories, beyond LC_MESSAGES, for which the
+# message catalogs shall be used.  It is usually empty.
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/codepage.patch b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/codepage.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c287014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/codepage.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+# Patch managed by http://www.mn-logistik.de/unsupported/pxa250/patcher
+--- console-tools-0.3.2/contrib/codepage.c~codepage
++++ console-tools-0.3.2/contrib/codepage.c
+@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
+ 	  return 0;
+         fprintf(stderr, "\
+-Warning: CP format is a hack!\n
++Warning: CP format is a hack!\n\
+          The files produced may or may not be usable!\n");
+ 	sprintf(outfile, "%d.cp", CPEntryHeader.codepage);
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/compile.patch b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/compile.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c93f511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/compile.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+--- console-tools-0.3.2/kbdtools/showkey.c~compile	1999-08-25 17:20:08.000000000 -0400
++++ console-tools-0.3.2/kbdtools/showkey.c	2004-05-09 03:03:23.000000000 -0400
+@@ -264,7 +264,6 @@
+ 	  break;
+ 	case cmd_keymap:
+ 	  printf(")\n");
+-	default:
+ 	}
+     }
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/configure.patch b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/configure.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15c100c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/configure.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+--- console-tools-0.3.2/configure.in~configure
++++ console-tools-0.3.2/configure.in
+@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
+ dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
+ # Initialize
+ define(ct_unicodedata_default,/usr/share/unidata/UnicodeData-2.txt)
+ ct_localdatadir_default=/usr/local/share     # iff --enable-localdatadir without specific dir
+ #AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(autoconf)
+ AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(console-tools, 0.3.2)
+ # Defaults
+@@ -25,7 +26,6 @@
+ # i18n stuff
+ ALL_LINGUAS="cs de ru ga fr"
+-AC_OUTPUT_COMMANDS([sed -e "/POTFILES =/r po/POTFILES" po/Makefile.in > po/Makefile])
+ AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(LOCALEDIR, "/usr/share/locale")
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/fix-libconsole-linking.patch b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/fix-libconsole-linking.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be61eb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/fix-libconsole-linking.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+Fix the following error detected with i586-pokymllib32-linux-gcc (the
+multilib x86-64 lib32 compiler):
+    ../lib/ctutils/.libs/libctutils.so: undefined reference to `get_kernel_sfm'
+    collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
+It seems that libctutils.so (the library that uses get_kernel_sfm) must
+be stated before libconsole.so (the library that exports the function) when
+using multilib gcc
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Constantin Musca <constantinx.musca@intel.com>
+Index: console-tools-0.3.2/fontfiletools/Makefile.am
+--- console-tools-0.3.2.orig/fontfiletools/Makefile.am
++++ console-tools-0.3.2/fontfiletools/Makefile.am
+@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ EXTRA_DIST = fonts2virfont.c virfont.h
+ # libconsole is needed by ctutils
+ LDADD = ../lib/ctlocal/libctlocal.a ../lib/cfont/libcfont.la \
+-	../lib/console/libconsole.la \
+-	../lib/ctutils/libctutils.la ../lib/generic/libctgeneric.la
++	../lib/ctutils/libctutils.la \
++	../lib/console/libconsole.la ../lib/generic/libctgeneric.la
+Index: console-tools-0.3.2/vttools/Makefile.am
+--- console-tools-0.3.2.orig/vttools/Makefile.am
++++ console-tools-0.3.2/vttools/Makefile.am
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ bin_PROGRAMS = chvt deallocvt writevt fg
+ 	vcstime vt-is-UTF8 openvt @RESIZECONS@
+ EXTRA_PROGRAMS = resizecons
+-LDADD = ../lib/ctlocal/libctlocal.a ../lib/console/libconsole.la \
++LDADD = ../lib/ctlocal/libctlocal.a ../lib/ctutils/libctutils.la \
+ 	../lib/cfont/libcfont.la \
+-	../lib/ctutils/libctutils.la ../lib/generic/libctgeneric.la
++	../lib/console/libconsole.la ../lib/generic/libctgeneric.la
+ vcstime_LDADD = ../lib/ctlocal/libctlocal.a
+ screendump_LDADD = ../lib/ctlocal/libctlocal.a
+Index: console-tools-0.3.2/kbdtools/Makefile.am
+--- console-tools-0.3.2.orig/kbdtools/Makefile.am
++++ console-tools-0.3.2/kbdtools/Makefile.am
+@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ EXTRA_PROGRAMS = getkeycodes setkeycodes
+ loadkeys_SOURCES = loadkeys.y analyze.l
+ YFLAGS = -d
+-LDADD = ../lib/ctlocal/libctlocal.a ../lib/console/libconsole.la \
++LDADD = ../lib/ctlocal/libctlocal.a ../lib/ctutils/libctutils.la \
+ 	../lib/cfont/libcfont.la \
+-	../lib/ctutils/libctutils.la ../lib/generic/libctgeneric.la
++	../lib/console/libconsole.la ../lib/generic/libctgeneric.la
+ loadkeys_LDADD = $(LDADD) @LEXLIB@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/kbdrate.patch b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/kbdrate.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f370be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/kbdrate.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+Patch from Matthias Goebl <oe@m.goebl.net>
+Added via OE bugtracker: bug #478
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+--- console-tools-0.3.2/kbdtools/kbd_mode.c.orig
++++ console-tools-0.3.2/kbdtools/kbd_mode.c
+@@ -29,11 +29,16 @@
+   OPT("-u --unicode  ", _("UTF-8 mode (UNICODE)"));
+   OPT("-s --scancode ", _("scancode mode (RAW)"));
+   OPT("   --mode={8bit,keycode,unicode,scancode} ", _("set mode"));
++  OPT("-r --rate=RATE ", _("set repeat rate (default: 33)"));
++  OPT("-d --delay=DELAY ", _("set repeat delay (default: 250)"));
+   OPT("-h --help     ", HELPDESC);
+   OPT("-V --version  ", VERSIONDESC);
+ }
++int rate=-1;
++int delay=-1;
+ static int parse_cmdline (int argc, char *argv[])
+ {
+     int mode = -1;
+@@ -46,11 +51,13 @@
+       { "mode"     , required_argument, NULL, 'm' },
+       { "scancode" , no_argument, NULL, 's' },
+       { "unicode"  , no_argument, NULL, 'u' },
++      { "rate"     , required_argument, NULL, 'r' },
++      { "delay"    , required_argument, NULL, 'd' },
+       { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }
+     };
+     int c;
+-    while ( (c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "Vhaksu", long_opts, NULL)) != EOF) 
++    while ( (c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "Vhaksur:d:", long_opts, NULL)) != EOF) 
+       switch (c) {
+       case 'h':
+ 	usage ();
+@@ -58,6 +65,14 @@
+       case 'V':
+ 	version ();
+ 	exit(0);
++      case 'r':
++	rate = atoi(optarg);
++	mode = -2;
++	break;
++      case 'd':
++	delay = atoi(optarg);
++	mode = -2;
++	break;
+       case 'a':
+ 	mode = K_XLATE;
+ 	break;
+@@ -129,6 +144,20 @@
+       exit(0);
+     }
++  if ( rate != -1 || delay != -1 )
++    {
++    struct kbd_repeat kbd_rep;
++    kbd_rep.delay = delay;
++    kbd_rep.period = rate;
++    if (ioctl(fd, KDKBDREP, &kbd_rep))
++      {
++	fprintf(stderr, progname);
++	perror(_(": error setting keyboard repeat mode\n"));
++	exit(1);
++      }
++    if(mode==-2) exit(0);
++    }
+   if (ioctl(fd, KDSKBMODE, mode))
+     {
+       fprintf(stderr, progname);
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/lcmessage.m4 b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/lcmessage.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18d47a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/lcmessage.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Check whether LC_MESSAGES is available in <locale.h>.
+# Ulrich Drepper <drepper@cygnus.com>, 1995.
+# This file can be copied and used freely without restrictions.  It can
+# be used in projects which are not available under the GNU General Public
+# License or the GNU Library General Public License but which still want
+# to provide support for the GNU gettext functionality.
+# Please note that the actual code of the GNU gettext library is covered
+# by the GNU Library General Public License, and the rest of the GNU
+# gettext package package is covered by the GNU General Public License.
+# They are *not* in the public domain.
+# serial 2
+  [if test $ac_cv_header_locale_h = yes; then
+      [AC_TRY_LINK([#include <locale.h>], [return LC_MESSAGES],
+       am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES=yes, am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES=no)])
+    if test $am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES = yes; then
+        [Define if your <locale.h> file defines LC_MESSAGES.])
+    fi
+  fi])
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/no-dep-on-libfl.patch b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/no-dep-on-libfl.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6735a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/no-dep-on-libfl.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+No reason to link with libfl since 'loadkeys' implements
+its own yywrap()/yylex() functions.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Jacob Kroon <jacob.kroon@mikrodidakt.se>
+Index: console-tools-0.3.2/kbdtools/Makefile.am
+--- console-tools-0.3.2.orig/kbdtools/Makefile.am
++++ console-tools-0.3.2/kbdtools/Makefile.am
+@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ LDADD = ../lib/ctlocal/libctlocal.a ../l
+ 	../lib/cfont/libcfont.la \
+ 	../lib/console/libconsole.la ../lib/generic/libctgeneric.la
+-loadkeys_LDADD = $(LDADD) @LEXLIB@
+ bin_SCRIPTS = mk_modmap
+ noinst_HEADERS = loadkeys.h
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/nodocs.patch b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/nodocs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ed6092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/nodocs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+The docs need tools we don't have to build so disable them.
+Also remove intl since the Makefile doesn't work with 3.82 and we
+don't want to build libintl anyway.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+RP 2012/10/17
+Index: console-tools-0.3.2/Makefile.am
+--- console-tools-0.3.2.orig/Makefile.am	1999-04-15 01:33:24.000000000 +0000
++++ console-tools-0.3.2/Makefile.am	2012-10-17 11:48:14.107069145 +0000
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ # -*- makefile -*-
+-SUBDIRS = lib fontfiletools vttools kbdtools screenfonttools contrib doc \
+-	compat include examples po intl
++SUBDIRS = lib fontfiletools vttools kbdtools screenfonttools contrib \
++	compat include examples po
+ EXTRA_DIST = BUGS RELEASE CREDITS COPYING.kbd local-scripts/* debian/* *.lsm
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/uclibc-fileno.patch b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/uclibc-fileno.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c95068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools-0.3.2/uclibc-fileno.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+Fixing the locale issues isn't enough, console-tools also does a couple of
+other pretty stupid things (like FILE *f; f->_fileno instead of fileno(f)),
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+--- console-tools-0.3.2/lib/cfont/fontstruct.c.ark	2005-05-22 19:12:38.000000000 +0000
++++ console-tools-0.3.2/lib/cfont/fontstruct.c	2005-05-22 19:13:23.000000000 +0000
+@@ -50,8 +50,7 @@
+    * get filesize
+    */
+-  /* FIXME: should not use _fileno ! */
+-  if (fstat(fontfile->_fileno, &stbuf) == -1)
++  if (fstat(fileno(fontfile), &stbuf) == -1)
+     goto rsf_return_error;
+   if (S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode))
+@@ -211,8 +210,7 @@
+    * get filesize
+    */
+-  /* FIXME: should not use _fileno ! */
+-  if (fstat(fontfile->_fileno, &stbuf) == -1)
++  if (fstat(fileno(fontfile), &stbuf) == -1)
+     goto rfg_return_error;
+   if (S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode))
+--- console-tools-0.3.2/lib/console/acm.c.ark	2005-05-22 19:17:15.000000000 +0000
++++ console-tools-0.3.2/lib/console/acm.c	2005-05-22 19:17:23.000000000 +0000
+@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
+   lct_boolean parse_failed = False;
+   lct_boolean is_unicode;
+-  if (fstat(fp->_fileno, &stbuf)) 
++  if (fstat(fileno(fp), &stbuf)) 
+     perror(_("Cannot stat ACM file")), exit(1);
+   /* first try a wg15-charmap (glibc) file format */
+--- console-tools-0.3.2/include/lct/local.h.ark	2005-05-22 19:08:54.000000000 +0000
++++ console-tools-0.3.2/include/lct/local.h	2005-05-22 19:09:12.000000000 +0000
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
+ #include <locale.h>
+-#ifdef HAVE_LOCALE_H
++#if defined(HAVE_LOCALE_H) && defined(HAVE_LIBINTL_H)
+ # include <libintl.h>
+ # define _(String) gettext (String)
+ # ifdef gettext_noop
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools_0.3.2.bb b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools_0.3.2.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c60a5a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/console-tools/console-tools_0.3.2.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+SECTION = "base"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING.kbd;md5=9b2d91511d3d80d4d20ac6e6b0137fe9"
+SUMMARY = "Allows you to set-up and manipulate the Linux console"
+DESCRIPTION = "Provides tools that enable the set-up and manipulation of the linux console and console-font files."
+PR = "r8"
+SRC_URI = "${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/lct/console-tools-${PV}.tar.gz \
+           file://codepage.patch \
+           file://configure.patch \
+           file://compile.patch \
+           file://kbdrate.patch \
+           file://uclibc-fileno.patch \
+           file://nodocs.patch \
+           file://fix-libconsole-linking.patch \
+           file://no-dep-on-libfl.patch \
+           file://lcmessage.m4 \
+           file://Makevars"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "bf21564fc38b3af853ef724babddbacd"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "eea6b441672dacd251079fc85ed322e196282e0e66c16303ec64c3a2b1c126c2"
+do_configure_prepend () {
+	mkdir -p ${S}/m4
+	cp ${WORKDIR}/lcmessage.m4 ${S}/m4/
+	rm -f ${S}/acinclude.m4
+	cp ${WORKDIR}/Makevars ${S}/po/
+inherit autotools gettext update-alternatives
+bindir_progs = "chvt deallocvt fgconsole openvt"
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN} = "${bindir_progs}"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "bash"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-6.9-cp-i-u.patch b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-6.9-cp-i-u.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5452b46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-6.9-cp-i-u.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [legacy version]
+This patch was imported from the Fedora Core 8 coreutils-6.9-9 package.
+The package is stated as being Licensed as GPLv2+.
+Signed-off-by: Mark Hatle <mark.hatle@windriver.com>
+When "cp -i --update old new" would do nothing because "new" is
+newer than "old", cp would nonetheless prompt for whether it is
+ok to overwrite "new".  Then, regardless of the response (because
+of the --update option), cp would do nothing.
+The following patch eliminates the unnecessary prompt in that case.
+diff --git a/src/copy.c b/src/copy.c
+index b7bf73b..0e549d2 100644
+--- a/src/copy.c
++++ b/src/copy.c
+@@ -1210,6 +1210,30 @@ copy_internal (char const *src_name, char const *dst_name,
+ 	      return false;
+ 	    }
++	  if (!S_ISDIR (src_mode) && x->update)
++	    {
++	      /* When preserving time stamps (but not moving within a file
++		 system), don't worry if the destination time stamp is
++		 less than the source merely because of time stamp
++		 truncation.  */
++	      int options = ((x->preserve_timestamps
++			      && ! (x->move_mode
++				    && dst_sb.st_dev == src_sb.st_dev))
++			     : 0);
++	      if (0 <= utimecmp (dst_name, &dst_sb, &src_sb, options))
++		{
++		  /* We're using --update and the destination is not older
++		     than the source, so do not copy or move.  Pretend the
++		     rename succeeded, so the caller (if it's mv) doesn't
++		     end up removing the source file.  */
++		  if (rename_succeeded)
++		    *rename_succeeded = true;
++		  return true;
++		}
++	    }
+ 	  /* When there is an existing destination file, we may end up
+ 	     returning early, and hence not copying/moving the file.
+ 	     This may be due to an interactive `negative' reply to the
+@@ -1302,30 +1326,6 @@ copy_internal (char const *src_name, char const *dst_name,
+ 		      return false;
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+-	      if (x->update)
+-		{
+-		  /* When preserving time stamps (but not moving within a file
+-		     system), don't worry if the destination time stamp is
+-		     less than the source merely because of time stamp
+-		     truncation.  */
+-		  int options = ((x->preserve_timestamps
+-				  && ! (x->move_mode
+-					&& dst_sb.st_dev == src_sb.st_dev))
+-				 : 0);
+-		  if (0 <= utimecmp (dst_name, &dst_sb, &src_sb, options))
+-		    {
+-		      /* We're using --update and the destination is not older
+-			 than the source, so do not copy or move.  Pretend the
+-			 rename succeeded, so the caller (if it's mv) doesn't
+-			 end up removing the source file.  */
+-		      if (rename_succeeded)
+-			*rename_succeeded = true;
+-		      return true;
+-		    }
+-		}
+ 	    }
+ 	  if (x->move_mode)
+diff --git a/tests/mv/update b/tests/mv/update
+index 0c06024..6c3d149 100755
+--- a/tests/mv/update
++++ b/tests/mv/update
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ #!/bin/sh
+ # make sure --update works as advertised
+-# Copyright (C) 2001, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++# Copyright (C) 2001, 2004, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+@@ -46,11 +46,16 @@ fi
+ fail=0
+-for cp_or_mv in cp mv; do
+-  # This is a no-op.
+-  $cp_or_mv --update old new || fail=1
+-  case "`cat new`" in new) ;; *) fail=1 ;; esac
+-  case "`cat old`" in old) ;; *) fail=1 ;; esac
++for interactive in '' -i; do
++  for cp_or_mv in cp mv; do
++    # This is a no-op, with no prompt.
++    # With coreutils-6.9 and earlier, using --update with -i would
++    # mistakenly elicit a prompt.
++    $cp_or_mv $interactive --update old new < /dev/null > out 2>&1 || fail=1
++    test -s out && fail=1
++    case "`cat new`" in new) ;; *) fail=1 ;; esac
++    case "`cat old`" in old) ;; *) fail=1 ;; esac
++  done
+ done
+ # This will actually perform the rename.
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-build-with-acl.patch b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-build-with-acl.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8273d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-build-with-acl.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [embedded specific]
+Fix the following issue so that coreutils can build with ACL:
+configure: WARNING: libacl development library was not found or not usable.
+configure: WARNING: GNU coreutils will be built without ACL support.
+Signed-off-by: Jackie Huang <jackie.huang@windriver.com>
+ m4/acl.m4 |    2 +-
+ 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/m4/acl.m4 b/m4/acl.m4
+index d6a448a..a9d4836 100644
+--- a/m4/acl.m4
++++ b/m4/acl.m4
+@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([gl_ACL_GET_FILE],
+           ]])],
+        [gl_cv_func_working_acl_get_file=yes],
+        [gl_cv_func_working_acl_get_file=no],
+-       [gl_cv_func_working_acl_get_file=cross-compiling])])
++       [gl_cv_func_working_acl_get_file=yes])])
+   AS_IF([test $gl_cv_func_working_acl_get_file = yes], [$1], [$2])
+ ])
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-fix-install.patch b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-fix-install.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88f61fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-fix-install.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [legacy version]
+The install command doesn't over write the dangling symlink, for
+$ install fileA /tmp/fileA
+If /tmp/fileA is a dangling symlink, there would be an error:
+install: cannot create regular file '/tmp/fileA': File exists
+This is because of the following code in copy.c:
+  if (!new_dst)
+    {
+      if (XSTAT (x, dst_name, &dst_sb) != 0)
+        {
+          if (errno != ENOENT)
+            {
+              error (0, errno, _("cannot stat %s"), quote (dst_name));
+              return false;
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              new_dst = true;
+            }
+        }
+XSTAT() use stat() for dst_name(the dangling symlink /tmp/fileA) when
+install.c invokes it, and stat will set errno to ENOENT, and then
+new_dst will be set to true which means that /tmp/fileA doesn't exist,
+then we will create /tmp/fileA without remove it first, so the error
+This is fixed in a way which adds the member cmd_install in
+struct cp_options to make sure my change only affected to the install
+command and use lstat to fix the problem.
+Signed-off-by: Robert Yang <liezhi.yang@windriver.com>
+Signed-off-by: Mark Hatle <mark.hatle@windriver.com>
+ src/copy.c    |   10 +++++++++-
+ src/copy.h    |    3 +++
+ src/install.c |    1 +
+ 3 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/copy.c b/src/copy.c
+--- a/src/copy.c
++++ b/src/copy.c
+@@ -1029,6 +1029,7 @@ copy_internal (char const *src_name, char const *dst_name,
+   bool delayed_ok;
+   bool copied_as_regular = false;
+   bool preserve_metadata;
++  int dst_stat_result;
+   if (x->move_mode && rename_succeeded)
+     *rename_succeeded = false;
+@@ -1069,7 +1070,14 @@ copy_internal (char const *src_name, char const *dst_name,
+   if (!new_dst)
+     {
+-      if (XSTAT (x, dst_name, &dst_sb) != 0)
++      if ( x->cmd_install && ( x->backup_type == no_backups))
++        dst_stat_result = lstat (dst_name, &dst_sb);
++      else
++        {
++          dst_stat_result = XSTAT (x, dst_name, &dst_sb);
++        }
++      if (dst_stat_result != 0)
+ 	{
+ 	  if (errno != ENOENT)
+ 	    {
+diff --git a/src/copy.h b/src/copy.h
+--- a/src/copy.h
++++ b/src/copy.h
+@@ -114,6 +114,9 @@ struct cp_options
+      If that fails, then resort to copying.  */
+   bool move_mode;
++  /* For the install command */
++  bool cmd_install;
+   /* Whether this process has appropriate privileges to chown a file
+      whose owner is not the effective user ID.  */
+   bool chown_privileges;
+diff --git a/src/install.c b/src/install.c
+--- a/src/install.c
++++ b/src/install.c
+@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ cp_option_init (struct cp_options *x)
+   x->hard_link = false;
+   x->interactive = I_UNSPECIFIED;
+   x->move_mode = false;
++  x->cmd_install = true;
+   x->chown_privileges = chown_privileges ();
+   x->one_file_system = false;
+   x->preserve_ownership = false;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-fix-texinfo.patch b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-fix-texinfo.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ae5a2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-fix-texinfo.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+From 170be4023bbf9e9698a709e03265945588ac8e01 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Robert Yang <liezhi.yang@windriver.com>
+Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 00:21:50 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH] doc/coreutils.texi: Use '@item' instead of '@itemx'
+Use '@item' instead of '@itemx' in several places, as Texinfo 5 refuses
+to process an '@itemx' that is not preceded by an '@item'.  Ensure that
+node extended names in menus and sectioning are consistent, and that
+ordering and presence of nodes in menus and in the actual text are
+consistent as well.
+Upstream-Status: Backport [From: coreutils.7620.n7.nabble.com, bug#11828]
+Signed-off-by: Robert Yang <liezhi.yang@windriver.com>
+ doc/coreutils.texi | 82 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/doc/coreutils.texi b/doc/coreutils.texi
+index 588147f..2dae3fe 100644
+--- a/doc/coreutils.texi
++++ b/doc/coreutils.texi
+@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ symbolic link to a directory.  @xref{Target directory}.
+ @end macro
+ @macro optSi
+-@itemx --si
++@item --si
+ @opindex --si
+ @cindex SI output
+ Append an SI-style abbreviation to each size, such as @samp{M} for
+@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ Use the @option{--si} option if you prefer powers of 1000.
+ @end macro
+ @macro optStripTrailingSlashes
+-@itemx @w{@kbd{--strip-trailing-slashes}}
++@item @w{@kbd{--strip-trailing-slashes}}
+ @opindex --strip-trailing-slashes
+ @cindex stripping trailing slashes
+ Remove any trailing slashes from each @var{source} argument.
+@@ -2496,7 +2496,7 @@ by 1048576.
+ However, if @var{n} starts with a @samp{-},
+ print all but the last @var{n} bytes of each file.
+-@itemx -n @var{n}
++@item -n @var{n}
+ @itemx --lines=@var{n}
+ @opindex -n
+ @opindex --lines
+@@ -2633,7 +2633,7 @@ This option is the same as @option{--follow=name --retry}.  That is, tail
+ will attempt to reopen a file when it is removed.  Should this fail, tail
+ will keep trying until it becomes accessible again.
+-@itemx --retry
++@item --retry
+ @opindex --retry
+ This option is useful mainly when following by name (i.e., with
+ @option{--follow=name}).
+@@ -2641,7 +2641,7 @@ Without this option, when tail encounters a file that doesn't
+ exist or is otherwise inaccessible, it reports that fact and
+ never checks it again.
+-@itemx --sleep-interval=@var{number}
++@item --sleep-interval=@var{number}
+ @opindex --sleep-interval
+ Change the number of seconds to wait between iterations (the default is 1.0).
+ During one iteration, every specified file is checked to see if it has
+@@ -2651,7 +2651,7 @@ Historical implementations of @command{tail} have required that
+ an arbitrary floating point number (using a period before any
+ fractional digits).
+-@itemx --pid=@var{pid}
++@item --pid=@var{pid}
+ @opindex --pid
+ When following by name or by descriptor, you may specify the process ID,
+ @var{pid}, of the sole writer of all @var{file} arguments.  Then, shortly
+@@ -2674,7 +2674,7 @@ terminate until long after the real writer has terminated.
+ Note that @option{--pid} cannot be supported on some systems; @command{tail}
+ will print a warning if this is the case.
+-@itemx --max-unchanged-stats=@var{n}
++@item --max-unchanged-stats=@var{n}
+ @opindex --max-unchanged-stats
+ When tailing a file by name, if there have been @var{n} (default
+@@ -2686,7 +2686,7 @@ number of seconds between when tail prints the last pre-rotation lines
+ and when it prints the lines that have accumulated in the new log file.
+ This option is meaningful only when following by name.
+-@itemx -n @var{n}
++@item -n @var{n}
+ @itemx --lines=@var{n}
+ @opindex -n
+ @opindex --lines
+@@ -2817,7 +2817,7 @@ option.
+ @opindex --numeric-suffixes
+ Use digits in suffixes rather than lower-case letters.
+-@itemx --verbose
++@item --verbose
+ @opindex --verbose
+ Write a diagnostic to standard error just before each output file is opened.
+@@ -3055,7 +3055,7 @@ Print only the newline counts.
+ @opindex --max-line-length
+ Print only the maximum line lengths.
+-@itemx --files0-from=@var{FILE}
++@item --files0-from=@var{FILE}
+ @opindex --files0-from=@var{FILE}
+ @cindex including files from @command{du}
+ Rather than processing files named on the command line, process those
+@@ -3250,7 +3250,7 @@ an MD5 checksum inconsistent with the associated file, or if no valid
+ line is found, @command{md5sum} exits with nonzero status.  Otherwise,
+ it exits successfully.
+-@itemx --status
++@item --status
+ @opindex --status
+ @cindex verifying MD5 checksums
+ This option is useful only when verifying checksums.
+@@ -5837,7 +5837,7 @@ command line unless the @option{--dereference-command-line} (@option{-H}),
+ If a command line argument specifies a symbolic link, show information
+ for the file the link references rather than for the link itself.
+-@itemx --dereference-command-line-symlink-to-dir
++@item --dereference-command-line-symlink-to-dir
+ @opindex --dereference-command-line-symlink-to-dir
+ @cindex symbolic links, dereferencing
+ Do not dereference symbolic links, with one exception:
+@@ -7015,15 +7015,15 @@ If specified, the @var{attribute_list} must be a comma-separated list
+ of one or more of the following strings:
+ @table @samp
+-@itemx mode
++@item mode
+ Preserve the file mode bits and access control lists.
+-@itemx ownership
++@item ownership
+ Preserve the owner and group.  On most modern systems,
+ only users with appropriate privileges may change the owner of a file,
+ and ordinary users
+ may preserve the group ownership of a file only if they happen to be
+ a member of the desired group.
+-@itemx timestamps
++@item timestamps
+ Preserve the times of last access and last modification, when possible.
+ In general, it is not possible to preserve these attributes
+ when the affected file is a symbolic link.
+@@ -7031,12 +7031,12 @@ However, FreeBSD now provides the @code{lutimes} function, which makes
+ it possibile even for symbolic links.  However, this implementation does
+ not yet take advantage of that.
+ @c FIXME: once we provide lutimes support, update the above.
+-@itemx links
++@item links
+ Preserve in the destination files
+ any links between corresponding source files.
+ @c Give examples illustrating how hard links are preserved.
+ @c Also, show how soft links map to hard links with -L and -H.
+-@itemx all
++@item all
+ Preserve all file attributes.
+ Equivalent to specifying all of the above.
+ @end table
+@@ -7049,12 +7049,12 @@ mode bits of the corresponding source file, minus the bits set in the
+ umask and minus the set-user-ID and set-group-ID bits.
+ @xref{File permissions}.
+-@itemx @w{@kbd{--no-preserve}=@var{attribute_list}}
++@item @w{@kbd{--no-preserve}=@var{attribute_list}}
+ @cindex file information, preserving
+ Do not preserve the specified attributes.  The @var{attribute_list}
+ has the same form as for @option{--preserve}.
+-@itemx --parents
++@item --parents
+ @opindex --parents
+ @cindex parent directories and @command{cp}
+ Form the name of each destination file by appending to the target
+@@ -7070,7 +7070,7 @@ cp --parents a/b/c existing_dir
+ copies the file @file{a/b/c} to @file{existing_dir/a/b/c}, creating
+ any missing intermediate directories.
+-@itemx @w{@kbd{--reply}=@var{how}}
++@item @w{@kbd{--reply}=@var{how}}
+ @opindex --reply
+ @cindex interactivity
+ @c FIXME: remove in 2008
+@@ -7742,7 +7742,7 @@ Prompt whether to overwrite each existing destination file, regardless
+ of its permissions.
+ If the response is not affirmative, the file is skipped.
+-@itemx @w{@kbd{--reply}=@var{how}}
++@item @w{@kbd{--reply}=@var{how}}
+ @opindex --reply
+ @cindex interactivity
+ @c FIXME: remove in 2008
+@@ -7847,7 +7847,7 @@ files are named or if a recursive removal is requested.  Ignore any
+ previous @option{--force} (@option{-f}) option.  Equivalent to
+ @option{--interactive=once}.
+-@itemx --interactive [=@var{when}]
++@item --interactive [=@var{when}]
+ @opindex --interactive
+ Specify when to issue an interactive prompt.  @var{when} may be
+ omitted, or one of:
+@@ -7866,7 +7866,7 @@ removal is requested.  Equivalent to @option{-I}.
+ Specifying @option{--interactive} and no @var{when} is equivalent to
+ @option{--interactive=always}.
+-@itemx --one-file-system
++@item --one-file-system
+ @opindex --one-file-system
+ @cindex one file system, restricting @command{rm} to
+ When removing a hierarchy recursively, skip any directory that is on a
+@@ -7884,7 +7884,7 @@ warn about and skip directories on other file systems.
+ Of course, this will not save your @file{/home} if it and your
+ chroot happen to be on the same file system.
+-@itemx --preserve-root
++@item --preserve-root
+ @opindex --preserve-root
+ @cindex root directory, disallow recursive destruction
+ Fail upon any attempt to remove the root directory, @file{/},
+@@ -7892,7 +7892,7 @@ when used with the @option{--recursive} option.
+ This is the default behavior.
+ @xref{Treating / specially}.
+-@itemx --no-preserve-root
++@item --no-preserve-root
+ @opindex --no-preserve-root
+ @cindex root directory, allow recursive destruction
+ Do not treat @file{/} specially when removing recursively.
+@@ -8874,7 +8874,7 @@ actually changes.
+ Do not print error messages about files whose ownership cannot be
+ changed.
+-@itemx @w{@kbd{--from}=@var{old-owner}}
++@item @w{@kbd{--from}=@var{old-owner}}
+ @opindex --from
+ @cindex symbolic links, changing owner
+ Change a @var{file}'s ownership only if it has current attributes specified
+@@ -8928,14 +8928,14 @@ is a symbolic link.
+ By default, no diagnostic is issued for symbolic links encountered
+ during a recursive traversal, but see @option{--verbose}.
+-@itemx --preserve-root
++@item --preserve-root
+ @opindex --preserve-root
+ @cindex root directory, disallow recursive modification
+ Fail upon any attempt to recursively change the root directory, @file{/}.
+ Without @option{--recursive}, this option has no effect.
+ @xref{Treating / specially}.
+-@itemx --no-preserve-root
++@item --no-preserve-root
+ @opindex --no-preserve-root
+ @cindex root directory, allow recursive modification
+ Cancel the effect of any preceding @option{--preserve-root} option.
+@@ -9054,14 +9054,14 @@ is a symbolic link.
+ By default, no diagnostic is issued for symbolic links encountered
+ during a recursive traversal, but see @option{--verbose}.
+-@itemx --preserve-root
++@item --preserve-root
+ @opindex --preserve-root
+ @cindex root directory, disallow recursive modification
+ Fail upon any attempt to recursively change the root directory, @file{/}.
+ Without @option{--recursive}, this option has no effect.
+ @xref{Treating / specially}.
+-@itemx --no-preserve-root
++@item --no-preserve-root
+ @opindex --no-preserve-root
+ @cindex root directory, allow recursive modification
+ Cancel the effect of any preceding @option{--preserve-root} option.
+@@ -9175,14 +9175,14 @@ actually changes.
+ Do not print error messages about files whose permissions cannot be
+ changed.
+-@itemx --preserve-root
++@item --preserve-root
+ @opindex --preserve-root
+ @cindex root directory, disallow recursive modification
+ Fail upon any attempt to recursively change the root directory, @file{/}.
+ Without @option{--recursive}, this option has no effect.
+ @xref{Treating / specially}.
+-@itemx --no-preserve-root
++@item --no-preserve-root
+ @opindex --no-preserve-root
+ @cindex root directory, allow recursive modification
+ Cancel the effect of any preceding @option{--preserve-root} option.
+@@ -9603,7 +9603,7 @@ The program accepts the following options.  Also see @ref{Common options}.
+ @opindex --all
+ Show counts for all files, not just directories.
+-@itemx --apparent-size
++@item --apparent-size
+ @opindex --apparent-size
+ Print apparent sizes, rather than disk usage.  The apparent size of a
+ file is the number of bytes reported by @code{wc -c} on regular files,
+@@ -9654,7 +9654,7 @@ Does not affect other symbolic links.  This is helpful for finding
+ out the disk usage of directories, such as @file{/usr/tmp}, which
+ are often symbolic links.
+-@itemx --files0-from=@var{FILE}
++@item --files0-from=@var{FILE}
+ @opindex --files0-from=@var{FILE}
+ @cindex including files from @command{du}
+ Rather than processing files named on the command line, process those
+@@ -9733,7 +9733,7 @@ Output a null byte at the end of each line, rather than a newline.
+ This option enables other programs to parse the output of @command{du}
+ even when that output would contain file names with embedded newlines.
+-@itemx --si
++@item --si
+ @opindex --si
+ @cindex SI output
+ Append an SI-style abbreviation to each size, such as @samp{MB} for
+@@ -9754,13 +9754,13 @@ Display only a total for each argument.
+ Report the size of each directory separately, not including the sizes
+ of subdirectories.
+-@itemx --time
++@item --time
+ @opindex --time
+ @cindex last modified dates, displaying in @command{du}
+ Show time of the most recent modification of any file in the directory,
+ or any of its subdirectories.
+-@itemx --time=ctime
++@item --time=ctime
+ @itemx --time=status
+ @itemx --time=use
+ @opindex --time
+@@ -9770,7 +9770,7 @@ or any of its subdirectories.
+ Show the most recent status change time (the @samp{ctime} in the inode) of
+ any file in the directory, instead of the modification time.
+-@itemx --time=atime
++@item --time=atime
+ @itemx --time=access
+ @opindex --time
+ @opindex atime@r{, show the most recent}
+@@ -9911,7 +9911,7 @@ $ stat --format=%d:%i / /usr
+ 2057:2
+ @end example
+-@itemx --printf=@var{format}
++@item --printf=@var{format}
+ @opindex --printf=@var{format}
+ @cindex output format
+ Use @var{format} rather than the default format.
+@@ -12240,7 +12240,7 @@ Overrides all other options.
+ @opindex -s
+ Ignored; for compatibility with other versions of @command{who}.
+-@itemx -u
++@item -u
+ @opindex -u
+ @cindex idle time
+ After the login time, print the number of hours and minutes that the
+@@ -12254,7 +12254,7 @@ user has been idle.  @samp{.} means the user was active in the last minute.
+ List only the entries that correspond to processes via which the
+ system is waiting for a user to login.  The user name is always @samp{LOGIN}.
+-@itemx --lookup
++@item --lookup
+ @opindex --lookup
+ Attempt to canonicalize hostnames found in utmp through a DNS lookup.  This
+ is not the default because it can cause significant delays on systems with
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-i18n.patch b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-i18n.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6537223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-i18n.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,4051 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [legacy version]
+This patch was imported from the Fedora Core 8 coreutils-6.9-9 package.
+The package is stated as being Licensed as GPLv2+.
+The comment indicates that the purpose is lin18nux/lsb compliance.
+Signed-off-by: Mark Hatle <mark.hatle@windriver.com>
+--- /dev/null	2007-03-01 09:16:39.219409909 +0000
++++ coreutils-6.8+/tests/sort/sort-mb-tests	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
+@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
++#! /bin/sh
++case $# in
++  0) xx='../../src/sort';;
++  *) xx="$1";;
++test "$VERBOSE" && echo=echo || echo=:
++$echo testing program: $xx
++test "$srcdir" || srcdir=.
++test "$VERBOSE" && $xx --version 2> /dev/null
++export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
++locale -k LC_CTYPE 2>&1 | grep -q charmap.*UTF-8 || exit 77
++$xx -t ï¼  -k2 -n mb1.I > mb1.O
++if test $code != 0; then
++  $echo "Test mb1 failed: $xx return code $code differs from expected value 0" 1>&2
++  errors=`expr $errors + 1`
++  cmp mb1.O $srcdir/mb1.X > /dev/null 2>&1
++  case $? in
++    0) if test "$VERBOSE"; then $echo "passed mb1"; fi;;
++    1) $echo "Test mb1 failed: files mb1.O and $srcdir/mb1.X differ" 1>&2
++       (diff -c mb1.O $srcdir/mb1.X) 2> /dev/null
++       errors=`expr $errors + 1`;;
++    2) $echo "Test mb1 may have failed." 1>&2
++       $echo The command "cmp mb1.O $srcdir/mb1.X" failed. 1>&2
++       errors=`expr $errors + 1`;;
++  esac
++$xx -t ï¼  -k4 -n mb2.I > mb2.O
++if test $code != 0; then
++  $echo "Test mb2 failed: $xx return code $code differs from expected value 0" 1>&2
++  errors=`expr $errors + 1`
++  cmp mb2.O $srcdir/mb2.X > /dev/null 2>&1
++  case $? in
++    0) if test "$VERBOSE"; then $echo "passed mb2"; fi;;
++    1) $echo "Test mb2 failed: files mb2.O and $srcdir/mb2.X differ" 1>&2
++       (diff -c mb2.O $srcdir/mb2.X) 2> /dev/null
++       errors=`expr $errors + 1`;;
++    2) $echo "Test mb2 may have failed." 1>&2
++       $echo The command "cmp mb2.O $srcdir/mb2.X" failed. 1>&2
++       errors=`expr $errors + 1`;;
++  esac
++if test $errors = 0; then
++  $echo Passed all 113 tests. 1>&2
++  $echo Failed $errors tests. 1>&2
++test $errors = 0 || errors=1
++exit $errors
+--- /dev/null	2007-03-01 09:16:39.219409909 +0000
++++ coreutils-6.8+/tests/sort/mb2.I	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
+@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+--- /dev/null	2007-03-01 09:16:39.219409909 +0000
++++ coreutils-6.8+/tests/sort/mb2.X	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
+@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+--- /dev/null	2007-03-01 09:16:39.219409909 +0000
++++ coreutils-6.8+/tests/sort/mb1.I	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
+@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
++Appleï¼ 10
++Bananaï¼ 5
++Citrusï¼ 20
++Cherryï¼ 30
+--- /dev/null	2007-03-01 09:16:39.219409909 +0000
++++ coreutils-6.8+/tests/sort/mb1.X	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
+@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
++Bananaï¼ 5
++Appleï¼ 10
++Citrusï¼ 20
++Cherryï¼ 30
+--- coreutils-6.8+/tests/sort/Makefile.am.i18n	2007-01-24 07:47:37.000000000 +0000
++++ coreutils-6.8+/tests/sort/Makefile.am	2007-03-01 15:09:59.000000000 +0000
+@@ -66,15 +66,17 @@
+ bigfield.O bigfield.E
+ ##test-files-end
+-EXTRA_DIST = Test.pm $x-tests $(explicit) $(maint_gen)
+-noinst_SCRIPTS = $x-tests
++run_gen += mb1.0 mb2.0
++EXTRA_DIST = Test.pm $x-tests $(explicit) $(maint_gen) mb1.I mb1.X mb2.I mb2.X
++noinst_SCRIPTS = $x-tests # $x-mb-tests
+   CU_TEST_NAME=`basename $(abs_srcdir)`,$$tst \
+   PATH="$(VG_PATH_PREFIX)`pwd`/../../src$(PATH_SEPARATOR)$$PATH"
+ editpl = sed -e 's,@''PERL''@,$(PERL),g' -e 's,@''srcdir''@,$(srcdir),g'
+-TESTS = $x-tests
++TESTS = $x-tests $x-mb-tests
+ mk_script = $(srcdir)/../mk-script
+ $(srcdir)/$x-tests: $(mk_script) Test.pm Makefile.am
+--- coreutils-6.8+/lib/linebuffer.h.i18n	2005-05-14 07:44:24.000000000 +0100
++++ coreutils-6.8+/lib/linebuffer.h	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
+@@ -22,6 +22,11 @@
+ # include <stdio.h>
++/* Get mbstate_t.  */
++#  include <wchar.h>
++# endif
+ /* A `struct linebuffer' holds a line of text. */
+ struct linebuffer
+@@ -29,6 +34,9 @@
+   size_t size;			/* Allocated. */
+   size_t length;		/* Used. */
+   char *buffer;
++  mbstate_t state;
++# endif
+ };
+ /* Initialize linebuffer LINEBUFFER for use. */
+--- coreutils-6.8+/src/expand.c.i18n	2007-01-14 15:41:28.000000000 +0000
++++ coreutils-6.8+/src/expand.c	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
+@@ -38,11 +38,28 @@
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <getopt.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
++/* Get mbstate_t, mbrtowc(), wcwidth(). */
++# include <wchar.h>
+ #include "system.h"
+ #include "error.h"
+ #include "quote.h"
+ #include "xstrndup.h"
++/* MB_LEN_MAX is incorrectly defined to be 1 in at least one GCC
++   installation; work around this configuration error.  */
++#if !defined MB_LEN_MAX || MB_LEN_MAX < 2
++# define MB_LEN_MAX 16
++/* Some systems, like BeOS, have multibyte encodings but lack mbstate_t.  */
++#if HAVE_MBRTOWC && defined mbstate_t
++# define mbrtowc(pwc, s, n, ps) (mbrtowc) (pwc, s, n, 0)
+ /* The official name of this program (e.g., no `g' prefix).  */
+ #define PROGRAM_NAME "expand"
+@@ -183,6 +200,7 @@
+ 	      stops = num_start + len - 1;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+       else
+ 	{
+ 	  error (0, 0, _("tab size contains invalid character(s): %s"),
+@@ -365,6 +383,142 @@
+     }
+ }
++static void
++expand_multibyte (void)
++  FILE *fp;			/* Input strem. */
++  mbstate_t i_state;		/* Current shift state of the input stream. */
++  mbstate_t i_state_bak;	/* Back up the I_STATE. */
++  mbstate_t o_state;		/* Current shift state of the output stream. */
++  char buf[MB_LEN_MAX + BUFSIZ];  /* For spooling a read byte sequence. */
++  char *bufpos;			/* Next read position of BUF. */
++  size_t buflen = 0;		/* The length of the byte sequence in buf. */
++  wchar_t wc;			/* A gotten wide character. */
++  size_t mblength;		/* The byte size of a multibyte character
++				   which shows as same character as WC. */
++  int tab_index = 0;		/* Index in `tab_list' of next tabstop. */
++  int column = 0;		/* Column on screen of the next char. */
++  int next_tab_column;		/* Column the next tab stop is on. */
++  int convert = 1;		/* If nonzero, perform translations. */
++  fp = next_file ((FILE *) NULL);
++  if (fp == NULL)
++    return;
++  memset (&o_state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++  memset (&i_state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++  for (;;)
++    {
++      /* Refill the buffer BUF. */
++      if (buflen < MB_LEN_MAX && !feof(fp) && !ferror(fp))
++	{
++	  memmove (buf, bufpos, buflen);
++	  buflen += fread (buf + buflen, sizeof(char), BUFSIZ, fp);
++	  bufpos = buf;
++	}
++      /* No character is left in BUF. */
++      if (buflen < 1)
++	{
++	  fp = next_file (fp);
++	  if (fp == NULL)
++	    break;		/* No more files. */
++	  else
++	    {
++	      memset (&i_state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++	      continue;
++	    }
++	}
++      /* Get a wide character. */
++      i_state_bak = i_state;
++      mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, bufpos, buflen, &i_state);
++      switch (mblength)
++	{
++	case (size_t)-1:	/* illegal byte sequence. */
++	case (size_t)-2:
++	  mblength = 1;
++	  i_state = i_state_bak;
++	  if (convert)
++	    {
++	      ++column;
++	      if (convert_entire_line == 0)
++		convert = 0;
++	    }
++	  putchar (*bufpos);
++	  break;
++	case 0:		/* null. */
++	  mblength = 1;
++	  if (convert && convert_entire_line == 0)
++	    convert = 0;
++	  putchar ('\0');
++	  break;
++	default:
++	  if (wc == L'\n')   /* LF. */
++	    {
++	      tab_index = 0;
++	      column = 0;
++	      convert = 1;
++	      putchar ('\n');
++	    }
++	  else if (wc == L'\t' && convert)	/* Tab. */
++	    {
++	      if (tab_size == 0)
++		{
++		  /* Do not let tab_index == first_free_tab;
++		     stop when it is 1 less. */
++		  while (tab_index < first_free_tab - 1
++		      && column >= tab_list[tab_index])
++		    tab_index++;
++		  next_tab_column = tab_list[tab_index];
++		  if (tab_index < first_free_tab - 1)
++		    tab_index++;
++		  if (column >= next_tab_column)
++		    next_tab_column = column + 1;
++		}
++	      else
++		next_tab_column = column + tab_size - column % tab_size;
++	      while (column < next_tab_column)
++		{
++		  putchar (' ');
++		  ++column;
++		}
++	    }
++	  else  /* Others. */
++	    {
++	      if (convert)
++		{
++		  if (wc == L'\b')
++		    {
++		      if (column > 0)
++			--column;
++		    }
++		  else
++		    {
++		      int width;		/* The width of WC. */
++		      width = wcwidth (wc);
++		      column += (width > 0) ? width : 0;
++		      if (convert_entire_line == 0)
++			convert = 0;
++		    }
++		}
++	      fwrite (bufpos, sizeof(char), mblength, stdout);
++	    }
++	}
++      buflen -= mblength;
++      bufpos += mblength;
++    }
+ int
+ main (int argc, char **argv)
+ {
+@@ -429,7 +583,12 @@
+   file_list = (optind < argc ? &argv[optind] : stdin_argv);
+-  expand ();
++  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
++    expand_multibyte ();
++  else
++    expand ();
+   if (have_read_stdin && fclose (stdin) != 0)
+     error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "-");
+--- coreutils-6.8+/src/join.c.i18n	2007-01-14 15:41:28.000000000 +0000
++++ coreutils-6.8+/src/join.c	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
+@@ -23,16 +23,30 @@
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <getopt.h>
++/* Get mbstate_t, mbrtowc(), mbrtowc(), wcwidth().  */
++# include <wchar.h>
++/* Get iswblank(), towupper.  */
++# include <wctype.h>
+ #include "system.h"
+ #include "error.h"
+ #include "hard-locale.h"
+ #include "linebuffer.h"
+-#include "memcasecmp.h"
+ #include "quote.h"
+ #include "stdio--.h"
+ #include "xmemcoll.h"
+ #include "xstrtol.h"
++/* Some systems, like BeOS, have multibyte encodings but lack mbstate_t.  */
++#if HAVE_MBRTOWC && defined mbstate_t
++# define mbrtowc(pwc, s, n, ps) (mbrtowc) (pwc, s, n, 0)
+ /* The official name of this program (e.g., no `g' prefix).  */
+ #define PROGRAM_NAME "join"
+@@ -104,10 +118,12 @@
+ /* Last element in `outlist', where a new element can be added.  */
+ static struct outlist *outlist_end = &outlist_head;
+-/* Tab character separating fields.  If negative, fields are separated
+-   by any nonempty string of blanks, otherwise by exactly one
+-   tab character whose value (when cast to unsigned char) equals TAB.  */
+-static int tab = -1;
++/* Tab character separating fields.  If NULL, fields are separated
++   by any nonempty string of blanks.  */
++static char *tab = NULL;
++/* The number of bytes used for tab. */
++static size_t tablen = 0;
+ static struct option const longopts[] =
+ {
+@@ -190,6 +206,8 @@
+ /* Fill in the `fields' structure in LINE.  */
++/* Fill in the `fields' structure in LINE.  */
+ static void
+ xfields (struct line *line)
+ {
+@@ -199,10 +217,11 @@
+   if (ptr == lim)
+     return;
+-  if (0 <= tab)
++  if (tab != NULL)
+     {
++      unsigned char t = tab[0];
+       char *sep;
+-      for (; (sep = memchr (ptr, tab, lim - ptr)) != NULL; ptr = sep + 1)
++      for (; (sep = memchr (ptr, t, lim - ptr)) != NULL; ptr = sep + 1)
+ 	extract_field (line, ptr, sep - ptr);
+     }
+   else
+@@ -229,6 +248,148 @@
+   extract_field (line, ptr, lim - ptr);
+ }
++static void
++xfields_multibyte (struct line *line)
++  char *ptr = line->buf.buffer;
++  char const *lim = ptr + line->buf.length - 1;
++  wchar_t wc = 0;
++  size_t mblength = 1;
++  mbstate_t state, state_bak;
++  memset (&state, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
++  if (ptr == lim)
++    return;
++  if (tab != NULL)
++    {
++      unsigned char t = tab[0];
++      char *sep = ptr;
++      for (; ptr < lim; ptr = sep + mblength)
++	{
++	  sep = ptr;
++	  while (sep < lim)
++	    {
++	      state_bak = state;
++	      mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, sep, lim - sep + 1, &state);
++	      if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
++		{
++		  mblength = 1;
++		  state = state_bak;
++		}
++	      mblength = (mblength < 1) ? 1 : mblength;
++	      if (mblength == tablen && !memcmp (sep, tab, mblength))
++		break;
++	      else
++		{
++		  sep += mblength;
++		  continue;
++		}
++	    }
++	  if (sep == lim)
++	    break;
++	  extract_field (line, ptr, sep - ptr);
++	}
++    }
++  else
++    {
++      /* Skip leading blanks before the first field.  */
++      while(ptr < lim)
++      {
++        state_bak = state;
++        mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, ptr, lim - ptr + 1, &state);
++        if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
++          {
++            mblength = 1;
++            state = state_bak;
++            break;
++          }
++        mblength = (mblength < 1) ? 1 : mblength;
++        if (!iswblank(wc))
++          break;
++        ptr += mblength;
++      }
++      do
++	{
++	  char *sep;
++	  state_bak = state;
++	  mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, ptr, lim - ptr + 1, &state);
++	  if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
++	    {
++	      mblength = 1;
++	      state = state_bak;
++	      break;
++	    }
++	  mblength = (mblength < 1) ? 1 : mblength;
++	  sep = ptr + mblength;
++	  while (sep != lim)
++	    {
++	      state_bak = state;
++	      mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, sep, lim - sep + 1, &state);
++	      if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
++		{
++		  mblength = 1;
++		  state = state_bak;
++		  break;
++		}
++	      mblength = (mblength < 1) ? 1 : mblength;
++	      if (iswblank (wc))
++		break;
++	      sep += mblength;
++	    }
++	  extract_field (line, ptr, sep - ptr);
++	  if (sep == lim)
++	    return;
++	  state_bak = state;
++	  mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, sep, lim - sep + 1, &state);
++	  if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
++	    {
++	      mblength = 1;
++	      state = state_bak;
++	      break;
++	    }
++	  mblength = (mblength < 1) ? 1 : mblength;
++	  ptr = sep + mblength;
++	  while (ptr != lim)
++	    {
++	      state_bak = state;
++	      mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, ptr, lim - ptr + 1, &state);
++	      if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
++		{
++		  mblength = 1;
++		  state = state_bak;
++		  break;
++		}
++	      mblength = (mblength < 1) ? 1 : mblength;
++	      if (!iswblank (wc))
++		break;
++	      ptr += mblength;
++	    }
++	}
++      while (ptr != lim);
++    }
++  extract_field (line, ptr, lim - ptr);
+ /* Read a line from FP into LINE and split it into fields.
+    Return true if successful.  */
+@@ -249,6 +410,11 @@
+   line->nfields_allocated = 0;
+   line->nfields = 0;
+   line->fields = NULL;
++  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
++    xfields_multibyte (line);
++  else
+   xfields (line);
+   return true;
+ }
+@@ -303,56 +469,114 @@
+ keycmp (struct line const *line1, struct line const *line2)
+ {
+   /* Start of field to compare in each file.  */
+-  char *beg1;
+-  char *beg2;
+-  size_t len1;
+-  size_t len2;		/* Length of fields to compare.  */
++  char *beg[2];
++  char *copy[2];
++  size_t len[2];	/* Length of fields to compare.  */
+   int diff;
++  int i, j;
+   if (join_field_1 < line1->nfields)
+     {
+-      beg1 = line1->fields[join_field_1].beg;
+-      len1 = line1->fields[join_field_1].len;
++      beg[0] = line1->fields[join_field_1].beg;
++      len[0] = line1->fields[join_field_1].len;
+     }
+   else
+     {
+-      beg1 = NULL;
+-      len1 = 0;
++      beg[0] = NULL;
++      len[0] = 0;
+     }
+   if (join_field_2 < line2->nfields)
+     {
+-      beg2 = line2->fields[join_field_2].beg;
+-      len2 = line2->fields[join_field_2].len;
++      beg[1] = line2->fields[join_field_2].beg;
++      len[1] = line2->fields[join_field_2].len;
+     }
+   else
+     {
+-      beg2 = NULL;
+-      len2 = 0;
++      beg[1] = NULL;
++      len[1] = 0;
+     }
+-  if (len1 == 0)
+-    return len2 == 0 ? 0 : -1;
+-  if (len2 == 0)
++  if (len[0] == 0)
++    return len[1] == 0 ? 0 : -1;
++  if (len[1] == 0)
+     return 1;
+   if (ignore_case)
+     {
+-      /* FIXME: ignore_case does not work with NLS (in particular,
+-         with multibyte chars).  */
+-      diff = memcasecmp (beg1, beg2, MIN (len1, len2));
++      if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
++      {
++        size_t mblength;
++        wchar_t wc, uwc;
++        mbstate_t state, state_bak;
++        memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t));
++        for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
++          {
++            copy[i] = alloca (len[i] + 1);
++            for (j = 0; j < MIN (len[0], len[1]);)
++              {
++                state_bak = state;
++                mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, beg[i] + j, len[i] - j, &state);
++                switch (mblength)
++                  {
++                  case (size_t) -1:
++                  case (size_t) -2:
++                    state = state_bak;
++                    /* Fall through */
++                  case 0:
++                    mblength = 1;
++                    break;
++                  default:
++                    uwc = towupper (wc);
++                    if (uwc != wc)
++                      {
++                        mbstate_t state_wc;
++                        memset (&state_wc, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t));
++                        wcrtomb (copy[i] + j, uwc, &state_wc);
++                      }
++                    else
++                      memcpy (copy[i] + j, beg[i] + j, mblength);
++                  }
++                j += mblength;
++              }
++            copy[i][j] = '\0';
++          }
++      }
++      else
++      {
++        for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
++          {
++            copy[i] = alloca (len[i] + 1);
++            for (j = 0; j < MIN (len[0], len[1]); j++)
++              copy[i][j] = toupper (beg[i][j]);
++            copy[i][j] = '\0';
++          }
++      }
+     }
+   else
+     {
+-      if (hard_LC_COLLATE)
+-	return xmemcoll (beg1, len1, beg2, len2);
+-      diff = memcmp (beg1, beg2, MIN (len1, len2));
++      copy[0] = (unsigned char *) beg[0];
++      copy[1] = (unsigned char *) beg[1];
+     }
++  if (hard_LC_COLLATE)
++    return xmemcoll ((char *) copy[0], len[0], (char *) copy[1], len[1]);
++  diff = memcmp (copy[0], copy[1], MIN (len[0], len[1]));
+   if (diff)
+     return diff;
+-  return len1 < len2 ? -1 : len1 != len2;
++  return len[0] - len[1];
+ }
+ /* Print field N of LINE if it exists and is nonempty, otherwise
+@@ -377,11 +601,18 @@
+ /* Print the join of LINE1 and LINE2.  */
++#define PUT_TAB_CHAR							\
++  do									\
++    {									\
++      (tab != NULL) ?							\
++	fwrite(tab, sizeof(char), tablen, stdout) : putchar (' ');	\
++    }									\
++  while (0)								
+ static void
+ prjoin (struct line const *line1, struct line const *line2)
+ {
+   const struct outlist *outlist;
+-  char output_separator = tab < 0 ? ' ' : tab;
+   outlist = outlist_head.next;
+   if (outlist)
+@@ -397,12 +628,12 @@
+ 	  if (o->file == 0)
+ 	    {
+ 	      if (line1 == &uni_blank)
+-	        {
++		{
+ 		  line = line2;
+ 		  field = join_field_2;
+ 		}
+ 	      else
+-	        {
++		{
+ 		  line = line1;
+ 		  field = join_field_1;
+ 		}
+@@ -416,7 +647,7 @@
+ 	  o = o->next;
+ 	  if (o == NULL)
+ 	    break;
+-	  putchar (output_separator);
+ 	}
+       putchar ('\n');
+     }
+@@ -434,23 +665,23 @@
+       prfield (join_field_1, line1);
+       for (i = 0; i < join_field_1 && i < line1->nfields; ++i)
+ 	{
+-	  putchar (output_separator);
+ 	  prfield (i, line1);
+ 	}
+       for (i = join_field_1 + 1; i < line1->nfields; ++i)
+ 	{
+-	  putchar (output_separator);
+ 	  prfield (i, line1);
+ 	}
+       for (i = 0; i < join_field_2 && i < line2->nfields; ++i)
+ 	{
+-	  putchar (output_separator);
+ 	  prfield (i, line2);
+ 	}
+       for (i = join_field_2 + 1; i < line2->nfields; ++i)
+ 	{
+-	  putchar (output_separator);
+ 	  prfield (i, line2);
+ 	}
+       putchar ('\n');
+@@ -859,20 +1090,41 @@
+ 	case 't':
+ 	  {
+-	    unsigned char newtab = optarg[0];
+-	    if (! newtab)
++	    char *newtab;
++	    size_t newtablen;
++	    if (! optarg[0])
+ 	      error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("empty tab"));
+-	    if (optarg[1])
++	    newtab = xstrdup (optarg);
++	    if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
++	      {
++		mbstate_t state;
++		memset (&state, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
++		newtablen = mbrtowc (NULL, newtab,
++				     strnlen (newtab, MB_LEN_MAX),
++				     &state);
++		if (newtablen == (size_t) 0
++		    || newtablen == (size_t) -1
++		    || newtablen == (size_t) -2)
++		  newtablen = 1;
++	      }
++	    else
++	      newtablen = 1;
++	    if (newtablen == 1 && newtab[1])
++	      {
++		if (STREQ (newtab, "\\0"))
++		  newtab[0] = '\0';
++	      }
++	    if (tab != NULL && strcmp (tab, newtab))
+ 	      {
+-		if (STREQ (optarg, "\\0"))
+-		  newtab = '\0';
+-		else
+-		  error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("multi-character tab %s"),
+-			 quote (optarg));
++		free (newtab);
++		error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("incompatible tabs"));
+ 	      }
+-	    if (0 <= tab && tab != newtab)
+-	      error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("incompatible tabs"));
+ 	    tab = newtab;
++	    tablen = newtablen;
+ 	  }
+ 	  break;
+--- coreutils-6.8+/src/uniq.c.i18n	2007-01-14 15:41:28.000000000 +0000
++++ coreutils-6.8+/src/uniq.c	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
+@@ -23,6 +23,16 @@
+ #include <getopt.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
++/* Get mbstate_t, mbrtowc(). */
++# include <wchar.h>
++/* Get isw* functions. */
++# include <wctype.h>
+ #include "system.h"
+ #include "argmatch.h"
+ #include "linebuffer.h"
+@@ -32,7 +42,19 @@
+ #include "quote.h"
+ #include "xmemcoll.h"
+ #include "xstrtol.h"
+-#include "memcasecmp.h"
++#include "xmemcoll.h"
++/* MB_LEN_MAX is incorrectly defined to be 1 in at least one GCC
++   installation; work around this configuration error.  */
++#if !defined MB_LEN_MAX || MB_LEN_MAX < 2
++# define MB_LEN_MAX 16
++/* Some systems, like BeOS, have multibyte encodings but lack mbstate_t.  */
++#if HAVE_MBRTOWC && defined mbstate_t
++# define mbrtowc(pwc, s, n, ps) (mbrtowc) (pwc, s, n, 0)
+ /* The official name of this program (e.g., no `g' prefix).  */
+ #define PROGRAM_NAME "uniq"
+@@ -109,6 +131,10 @@
+ /* Select whether/how to delimit groups of duplicate lines.  */
+ static enum delimit_method delimit_groups;
++/* Function pointers. */
++static char *
++(*find_field) (struct linebuffer *line);
+ static struct option const longopts[] =
+ {
+   {"count", no_argument, NULL, 'c'},
+@@ -198,7 +224,7 @@
+    return a pointer to the beginning of the line's field to be compared. */
+ static char *
+-find_field (const struct linebuffer *line)
++find_field_uni (struct linebuffer *line)
+ {
+   size_t count;
+   char *lp = line->buffer;
+@@ -219,6 +245,83 @@
+   return lp + i;
+ }
++  do									\
++    {									\
++      mbstate_t state_bak;						\
++									\
++      CONVFAIL = 0;							\
++      state_bak = *STATEP;						\
++									\
++      MBLENGTH = mbrtowc (&WC, LP + POS, SIZE - POS, STATEP);		\
++									\
++      switch (MBLENGTH)							\
++	{								\
++	case (size_t)-2:						\
++	case (size_t)-1:						\
++	  *STATEP = state_bak;						\
++	  CONVFAIL++;							\
++	  /* Fall through */						\
++	case 0:								\
++	  MBLENGTH = 1;							\
++	}								\
++    }									\
++  while (0)
++static char *
++find_field_multi (struct linebuffer *line)
++  size_t count;
++  char *lp = line->buffer;
++  size_t size = line->length - 1;
++  size_t pos;
++  size_t mblength;
++  wchar_t wc;
++  mbstate_t *statep;
++  int convfail;
++  pos = 0;
++  statep = &(line->state);
++  /* skip fields. */
++  for (count = 0; count < skip_fields && pos < size; count++)
++    {
++      while (pos < size)
++	{
++	  MBCHAR_TO_WCHAR (wc, mblength, lp, pos, size, statep, convfail);
++	  if (convfail || !iswblank (wc))
++	    {
++	      pos += mblength;
++	      break;
++	    }
++	  pos += mblength;
++	}
++      while (pos < size)
++	{
++	  MBCHAR_TO_WCHAR (wc, mblength, lp, pos, size, statep, convfail);
++	  if (!convfail && iswblank (wc))
++	    break;
++	  pos += mblength;
++	}
++    }
++  /* skip fields. */
++  for (count = 0; count < skip_chars && pos < size; count++)
++    {
++      MBCHAR_TO_WCHAR (wc, mblength, lp, pos, size, statep, convfail);
++      pos += mblength;
++    }
++  return lp + pos;
+ /* Return false if two strings OLD and NEW match, true if not.
+    OLD and NEW point not to the beginnings of the lines
+    but rather to the beginnings of the fields to compare.
+@@ -227,6 +330,8 @@
+ static bool
+ different (char *old, char *new, size_t oldlen, size_t newlen)
+ {
++  char *copy_old, *copy_new;
+   if (check_chars < oldlen)
+     oldlen = check_chars;
+   if (check_chars < newlen)
+@@ -234,14 +339,92 @@
+   if (ignore_case)
+     {
+-      /* FIXME: This should invoke strcoll somehow.  */
+-      return oldlen != newlen || memcasecmp (old, new, oldlen);
++      size_t i;
++      copy_old = alloca (oldlen + 1);
++      copy_new = alloca (oldlen + 1);
++      for (i = 0; i < oldlen; i++)
++	{
++	  copy_old[i] = toupper (old[i]);
++	  copy_new[i] = toupper (new[i]);
++	}
+     }
+-  else if (hard_LC_COLLATE)
+-    return xmemcoll (old, oldlen, new, newlen) != 0;
+   else
+-    return oldlen != newlen || memcmp (old, new, oldlen);
++    {
++      copy_old = (char *)old;
++      copy_new = (char *)new;
++    }
++  return xmemcoll (copy_old, oldlen, copy_new, newlen);
++static int
++different_multi (const char *old, const char *new, size_t oldlen, size_t newlen, mbstate_t oldstate, mbstate_t newstate)
++  size_t i, j, chars;
++  const char *str[2];
++  char *copy[2];
++  size_t len[2];
++  mbstate_t state[2];
++  size_t mblength;
++  wchar_t wc, uwc;
++  mbstate_t state_bak;
++  str[0] = old;
++  str[1] = new;
++  len[0] = oldlen;
++  len[1] = newlen;
++  state[0] = oldstate;
++  state[1] = newstate;
++  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
++    {
++      copy[i] = alloca (len[i] + 1);
++      for (j = 0, chars = 0; j < len[i] && chars < check_chars; chars++)
++	{
++	  state_bak = state[i];
++	  mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, str[i] + j, len[i] - j, &(state[i]));
++	  switch (mblength)
++	    {
++	    case (size_t)-1:
++	    case (size_t)-2:
++	      state[i] = state_bak;
++	      /* Fall through */
++	    case 0:
++	      mblength = 1;
++	      break;
++	    default:
++	      if (ignore_case)
++		{
++		  uwc = towupper (wc);
++		  if (uwc != wc)
++		    {
++		      mbstate_t state_wc;
++		      memset (&state_wc, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++		      wcrtomb (copy[i] + j, uwc, &state_wc);
++		    }
++		  else
++		    memcpy (copy[i] + j, str[i] + j, mblength);
++		}
++	      else
++		memcpy (copy[i] + j, str[i] + j, mblength);
++	    }
++	  j += mblength;
++	}
++      copy[i][j] = '\0';
++      len[i] = j;
++    }
++  return xmemcoll (copy[0], len[0], copy[1], len[1]);
+ }
+ /* Output the line in linebuffer LINE to standard output
+    provided that the switches say it should be output.
+@@ -295,15 +478,43 @@
+     {
+       char *prevfield IF_LINT (= NULL);
+       size_t prevlen IF_LINT (= 0);
++      mbstate_t prevstate;
++      memset (&prevstate, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t));
+       while (!feof (stdin))
+ 	{
+ 	  char *thisfield;
+ 	  size_t thislen;
++	  mbstate_t thisstate;
+ 	  if (readlinebuffer (thisline, stdin) == 0)
+ 	    break;
+ 	  thisfield = find_field (thisline);
+ 	  thislen = thisline->length - 1 - (thisfield - thisline->buffer);
++	  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
++            {
++            thisstate = thisline->state;
++            if (prevline->length == 0 || different_multi
++              (thisfield, prevfield, thislen, prevlen, thisstate, prevstate))
++              {
++                fwrite (thisline->buffer, sizeof (char),
++                        thisline->length, stdout);
++                SWAP_LINES (prevline, thisline);
++                prevfield = thisfield;
++                prevlen = thislen;
++                prevstate = thisstate;
++              }
++          }
++	else
+ 	  if (prevline->length == 0
+ 	      || different (thisfield, prevfield, thislen, prevlen))
+ 	    {
+@@ -322,17 +533,26 @@
+       size_t prevlen;
+       uintmax_t match_count = 0;
+       bool first_delimiter = true;
++      mbstate_t prevstate;
+       if (readlinebuffer (prevline, stdin) == 0)
+ 	goto closefiles;
+       prevfield = find_field (prevline);
+       prevlen = prevline->length - 1 - (prevfield - prevline->buffer);
++      prevstate = prevline->state;
+       while (!feof (stdin))
+ 	{
+ 	  bool match;
+ 	  char *thisfield;
+ 	  size_t thislen;
++	  mbstate_t thisstate;
+ 	  if (readlinebuffer (thisline, stdin) == 0)
+ 	    {
+ 	      if (ferror (stdin))
+@@ -341,6 +561,15 @@
+ 	    }
+ 	  thisfield = find_field (thisline);
+ 	  thislen = thisline->length - 1 - (thisfield - thisline->buffer);
++	  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
++	    {
++              thisstate = thisline->state;
++              match = !different_multi (thisfield, prevfield,
++                                thislen, prevlen, thisstate, prevstate);
++            }
++	  else
+ 	  match = !different (thisfield, prevfield, thislen, prevlen);
+ 	  match_count += match;
+@@ -373,6 +602,9 @@
+ 	      SWAP_LINES (prevline, thisline);
+ 	      prevfield = thisfield;
+ 	      prevlen = thislen;
++	      prevstate = thisstate;
+ 	      if (!match)
+ 		match_count = 0;
+ 	    }
+@@ -417,6 +649,19 @@
+   atexit (close_stdout);
++  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
++    {
++      find_field = find_field_multi;
++    }
++  else
++    {
++      find_field = find_field_uni;
++    }
+   skip_chars = 0;
+   skip_fields = 0;
+   check_chars = SIZE_MAX;
+--- coreutils-6.8+/src/fold.c.i18n	2007-02-23 12:01:47.000000000 +0000
++++ coreutils-6.8+/src/fold.c	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
+@@ -23,11 +23,33 @@
+ #include <getopt.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
++/* Get mbstate_t, mbrtowc(), wcwidth().  */
++# include <wchar.h>
++/* Get iswprint(), iswblank(), wcwidth().  */
++# include <wctype.h>
+ #include "system.h"
+ #include "error.h"
+ #include "quote.h"
+ #include "xstrtol.h"
++/* MB_LEN_MAX is incorrectly defined to be 1 in at least one GCC
++      installation; work around this configuration error.  */
++#if !defined MB_LEN_MAX || MB_LEN_MAX < 2
++# undef MB_LEN_MAX
++# define MB_LEN_MAX 16
++/* Some systems, like BeOS, have multibyte encodings but lack mbstate_t.  */
++#if HAVE_MBRTOWC && defined mbstate_t
++# define mbrtowc(pwc, s, n, ps) (mbrtowc) (pwc, s, n, 0)
+ #define TAB_WIDTH 8
+ /* The official name of this program (e.g., no `g' prefix).  */
+@@ -35,23 +57,44 @@
+ #define AUTHORS "David MacKenzie"
++#define FATAL_ERROR(Message)                                            \
++  do                                                                    \
++    {                                                                   \
++      error (0, 0, (Message));                                          \
++      usage (2);                                                        \
++    }                                                                   \
++  while (0)
++enum operating_mode
++  /* Fold texts by columns that are at the given positions. */
++  column_mode,
++  /* Fold texts by bytes that are at the given positions. */
++  byte_mode,
++  /* Fold texts by characters that are at the given positions. */
++  character_mode,
+ /* The name this program was run with. */
+ char *program_name;
++/* The argument shows current mode. (Default: column_mode) */
++static enum operating_mode operating_mode;
+ /* If nonzero, try to break on whitespace. */
+ static bool break_spaces;
+-/* If nonzero, count bytes, not column positions. */
+-static bool count_bytes;
+ /* If nonzero, at least one of the files we read was standard input. */
+ static bool have_read_stdin;
+-static char const shortopts[] = "bsw:0::1::2::3::4::5::6::7::8::9::";
++static char const shortopts[] = "bcsw:0::1::2::3::4::5::6::7::8::9::";
+ static struct option const longopts[] =
+ {
+   {"bytes", no_argument, NULL, 'b'},
++  {"characters", no_argument, NULL, 'c'},
+   {"spaces", no_argument, NULL, 's'},
+   {"width", required_argument, NULL, 'w'},
+@@ -81,6 +124,7 @@
+ "), stdout);
+       fputs (_("\
+   -b, --bytes         count bytes rather than columns\n\
++  -c, --characters    count characters rather than columns\n\
+   -s, --spaces        break at spaces\n\
+   -w, --width=WIDTH   use WIDTH columns instead of 80\n\
+ "), stdout);
+@@ -98,7 +142,7 @@
+ static size_t
+ adjust_column (size_t column, char c)
+ {
+-  if (!count_bytes)
++  if (operating_mode != byte_mode)
+     {
+       if (c == '\b')
+ 	{
+@@ -121,30 +165,14 @@
+    to stdout, with maximum line length WIDTH.
+    Return true if successful.  */
+-static bool
+-fold_file (char const *filename, size_t width)
++static void
++fold_text (FILE *istream, size_t width, int *saved_errno)
+ {
+-  FILE *istream;
+   int c;
+   size_t column = 0;		/* Screen column where next char will go. */
+   size_t offset_out = 0;	/* Index in `line_out' for next char. */
+   static char *line_out = NULL;
+   static size_t allocated_out = 0;
+-  int saved_errno;
+-  if (STREQ (filename, "-"))
+-    {
+-      istream = stdin;
+-      have_read_stdin = true;
+-    }
+-  else
+-    istream = fopen (filename, "r");
+-  if (istream == NULL)
+-    {
+-      error (0, errno, "%s", filename);
+-      return false;
+-    }
+   while ((c = getc (istream)) != EOF)
+     {
+@@ -172,6 +200,15 @@
+ 	      bool found_blank = false;
+ 	      size_t logical_end = offset_out;
++	      /* If LINE_OUT has no wide character,
++		 put a new wide character in LINE_OUT
++		 if column is bigger than width. */
++	      if (offset_out == 0)
++		{
++		  line_out[offset_out++] = c;
++		  continue;
++		}
+ 	      /* Look for the last blank. */
+ 	      while (logical_end)
+ 		{
+@@ -218,11 +255,225 @@
+       line_out[offset_out++] = c;
+     }
+-  saved_errno = errno;
++  *saved_errno = errno;
++  if (offset_out)
++    fwrite (line_out, sizeof (char), (size_t) offset_out, stdout);
++  free(line_out);
++static void
++fold_multibyte_text (FILE *istream, size_t width, int *saved_errno)
++  char buf[MB_LEN_MAX + BUFSIZ];  /* For spooling a read byte sequence. */
++  size_t buflen = 0;	/* The length of the byte sequence in buf. */
++  char *bufpos;         /* Next read position of BUF. */
++  wint_t wc;		/* A gotten wide character. */
++  size_t mblength;	/* The byte size of a multibyte character which shows
++			   as same character as WC. */
++  mbstate_t state, state_bak;	/* State of the stream. */
++  int convfail;		/* 1, when conversion is failed. Otherwise 0. */
++  char *line_out = NULL;
++  size_t offset_out = 0;	/* Index in `line_out' for next char. */
++  size_t allocated_out = 0;
++  int increment;
++  size_t column = 0;
++  size_t last_blank_pos;
++  size_t last_blank_column;
++  int is_blank_seen;
++  int last_blank_increment;
++  int is_bs_following_last_blank;
++  size_t bs_following_last_blank_num;
++  int is_cr_after_last_blank;
++#define CLEAR_FLAGS				\
++   do						\
++     {						\
++	last_blank_pos = 0;			\
++	last_blank_column = 0;			\
++	is_blank_seen = 0;			\
++	is_bs_following_last_blank = 0;		\
++	bs_following_last_blank_num = 0;	\
++	is_cr_after_last_blank = 0;		\
++     }						\
++   while (0)
++#define START_NEW_LINE			\
++   do					\
++     {					\
++      putchar ('\n');			\
++      column = 0;			\
++      offset_out = 0;			\
++      CLEAR_FLAGS;			\
++    }					\
++   while (0)
++  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++  for (;; bufpos += mblength, buflen -= mblength)
++    {
++      if (buflen < MB_LEN_MAX && !feof (istream) && !ferror (istream))
++	{
++	  memmove (buf, bufpos, buflen);
++	  buflen += fread (buf + buflen, sizeof(char), BUFSIZ, istream);
++	  bufpos = buf;
++	}
++      if (buflen < 1)
++	break;
++      /* Get a wide character. */
++      convfail = 0;
++      state_bak = state;
++      mblength = mbrtowc ((wchar_t *)&wc, bufpos, buflen, &state);
++      switch (mblength)
++	{
++	case (size_t)-1:
++	case (size_t)-2:
++	  convfail++;
++	  state = state_bak;
++	  /* Fall through. */
++	case 0:
++	  mblength = 1;
++	  break;
++	}
++      if (operating_mode == byte_mode)			/* byte mode */
++	increment = mblength;
++      else if (operating_mode == character_mode)	/* character mode */
++	increment = 1;
++      else						/* column mode */
++	{
++	  if (convfail)
++	    increment = 1;
++	  else
++	    {
++	      switch (wc)
++		{
++		case L'\n':
++		  fwrite (line_out, sizeof(char), offset_out, stdout);
++		  continue;
++		case L'\b':
++		  increment = (column > 0) ? -1 : 0;
++		  break;
++		case L'\r':
++		  increment = -1 * column;
++		  break;
++		case L'\t':
++		  increment = 8 - column % 8;
++		  break;
++		default:
++		  increment = wcwidth (wc);
++		  increment = (increment < 0) ? 0 : increment;
++		}
++	    }
++	}
++      if (column + increment > width && break_spaces && last_blank_pos)
++	{
++	  fwrite (line_out, sizeof(char), last_blank_pos, stdout);
++	  putchar ('\n');
++	  offset_out = offset_out - last_blank_pos;
++	  column = column - last_blank_column + ((is_cr_after_last_blank)
++	      ? last_blank_increment : bs_following_last_blank_num);
++	  memmove (line_out, line_out + last_blank_pos, offset_out);
++	  goto rescan;
++	}
++      if (column + increment > width && column != 0)
++	{
++	  fwrite (line_out, sizeof(char), offset_out, stdout);
++	  goto rescan;
++	}
++      if (allocated_out < offset_out + mblength)
++	{
++	  allocated_out += 1024;
++	  line_out = xrealloc (line_out, allocated_out);
++	}
++      memcpy (line_out + offset_out, bufpos, mblength);
++      offset_out += mblength;
++      column += increment;
++      if (is_blank_seen && !convfail && wc == L'\r')
++	is_cr_after_last_blank = 1;
++      if (is_bs_following_last_blank && !convfail && wc == L'\b')
++	++bs_following_last_blank_num;
++      else
++	is_bs_following_last_blank = 0;
++      if (break_spaces && !convfail && iswblank (wc))
++	{
++	  last_blank_pos = offset_out;
++	  last_blank_column = column;
++	  is_blank_seen = 1;
++	  last_blank_increment = increment;
++	  is_bs_following_last_blank = 1;
++	  bs_following_last_blank_num = 0;
++	  is_cr_after_last_blank = 0;
++	}
++    }
++  *saved_errno = errno;
+   if (offset_out)
+     fwrite (line_out, sizeof (char), (size_t) offset_out, stdout);
++  free(line_out);
++/* Fold file FILENAME, or standard input if FILENAME is "-",
++   to stdout, with maximum line length WIDTH.
++   Return 0 if successful, 1 if an error occurs. */
++static bool
++fold_file (char *filename, size_t width)
++  FILE *istream;
++  int saved_errno;
++  if (STREQ (filename, "-"))
++    {
++      istream = stdin;
++      have_read_stdin = 1;
++    }
++  else
++    istream = fopen (filename, "r");
++  if (istream == NULL)
++    {
++      error (0, errno, "%s", filename);
++      return 1;
++    }
++  /* Define how ISTREAM is being folded. */
++  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
++    fold_multibyte_text (istream, width, &saved_errno);
++  else
++    fold_text (istream, width, &saved_errno);
+   if (ferror (istream))
+     {
+       error (0, saved_errno, "%s", filename);
+@@ -255,7 +506,8 @@
+   atexit (close_stdout);
+-  break_spaces = count_bytes = have_read_stdin = false;
++  operating_mode = column_mode;
++  break_spaces = have_read_stdin = false;
+   while ((optc = getopt_long (argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1)
+     {
+@@ -264,7 +516,15 @@
+       switch (optc)
+ 	{
+ 	case 'b':		/* Count bytes rather than columns. */
+-	  count_bytes = true;
++	  if (operating_mode != column_mode)
++	    FATAL_ERROR (_("only one way of folding may be specified"));
++	  operating_mode = byte_mode;
++	  break;
++	case 'c':
++	  if (operating_mode != column_mode)
++	    FATAL_ERROR (_("only one way of folding may be specified"));
++	  operating_mode = character_mode;
+ 	  break;
+ 	case 's':		/* Break at word boundaries. */
+--- coreutils-6.8+/src/sort.c.i18n	2007-02-24 11:23:23.000000000 +0000
++++ coreutils-6.8+/src/sort.c	2007-03-01 15:10:57.000000000 +0000
+@@ -23,10 +23,19 @@
+ #include <config.h>
++#include <assert.h>
+ #include <getopt.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/wait.h>
+ #include <signal.h>
++# include <wchar.h>
++/* Get isw* functions. */
++# include <wctype.h>
+ #include "system.h"
+ #include "argmatch.h"
+ #include "error.h"
+@@ -116,14 +125,38 @@
+ /* Thousands separator; if -1, then there isn't one.  */
+ static int thousands_sep;
++static int force_general_numcompare = 0;
+ /* Nonzero if the corresponding locales are hard.  */
+ static bool hard_LC_COLLATE;
+ static bool hard_LC_TIME;
+ #endif
+ #define NONZERO(x) ((x) != 0)
++/* get a multibyte character's byte length. */
++  do									\
++    {									\
++      wchar_t wc;							\
++      mbstate_t state_bak;						\
++									\
++      state_bak = STATE;						\
++      mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, PTR, LIM - PTR, &STATE);			\
++									\
++      switch (MBLENGTH)							\
++	{								\
++	case (size_t)-1:						\
++	case (size_t)-2:						\
++	  STATE = state_bak;						\
++		/* Fall through. */					\
++	case 0:								\
++	  MBLENGTH = 1;							\
++      }									\
++    }									\
++  while (0)
+ /* The kind of blanks for '-b' to skip in various options. */
+ enum blanktype { bl_start, bl_end, bl_both };
+@@ -261,13 +294,11 @@
+    they were read if all keys compare equal.  */
+ static bool stable;
+-/* If TAB has this value, blanks separate fields.  */
+-enum { TAB_DEFAULT = CHAR_MAX + 1 };
+-/* Tab character separating fields.  If TAB_DEFAULT, then fields are
++/* Tab character separating fields.  If tab_length is 0, then fields are
+    separated by the empty string between a non-blank character and a blank
+    character. */
+-static int tab = TAB_DEFAULT;
++static char tab[MB_LEN_MAX + 1];
++static size_t tab_length = 0;
+ /* Flag to remove consecutive duplicate lines from the output.
+    Only the last of a sequence of equal lines will be output. */
+@@ -639,6 +670,44 @@
+     update_proc (pid);
+ }
++/* Function pointers. */
++static void
++(*inittables) (void);
++static char *
++(*begfield) (const struct line*, const struct keyfield *);
++static char *
++(*limfield) (const struct line*, const struct keyfield *);
++static int
++(*getmonth) (char const *, size_t);
++static int
++(*keycompare) (const struct line *, const struct line *);
++static int
++(*numcompare) (const char *, const char *);
++/* Test for white space multibyte character.
++   Set LENGTH the byte length of investigated multibyte character. */
++static int
++ismbblank (const char *str, size_t len, size_t *length)
++  size_t mblength;
++  wchar_t wc;
++  mbstate_t state;
++  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++  mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, str, len, &state);
++  if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
++    {
++      *length = 1;
++      return 0;
++    }
++  *length = (mblength < 1) ? 1 : mblength;
++  return iswblank (wc);
+ /* Clean up any remaining temporary files.  */
+ static void
+@@ -978,7 +1047,7 @@
+   free (node);
+ }
+ static int
+ struct_month_cmp (const void *m1, const void *m2)
+@@ -993,7 +1062,7 @@
+ /* Initialize the character class tables. */
+ static void
+-inittables (void)
++inittables_uni (void)
+ {
+   size_t i;
+@@ -1005,7 +1074,7 @@
+       fold_toupper[i] = toupper (i);
+     }
+   /* If we're not in the "C" locale, read different names for months.  */
+   if (hard_LC_TIME)
+     {
+@@ -1031,6 +1100,64 @@
+ #endif
+ }
++static void
++inittables_mb (void)
++  int i, j, k, l;
++  char *name, *s;
++  size_t s_len, mblength;
++  char mbc[MB_LEN_MAX];
++  wchar_t wc, pwc;
++  mbstate_t state_mb, state_wc;
++  for (i = 0; i < MONTHS_PER_YEAR; i++)
++    {
++      s = (char *) nl_langinfo (ABMON_1 + i);
++      s_len = strlen (s);
++      monthtab[i].name = name = (char *) xmalloc (s_len + 1);
++      monthtab[i].val = i + 1;
++      memset (&state_mb, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t));
++      memset (&state_wc, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t));
++      for (j = 0; j < s_len;)
++	{
++	  if (!ismbblank (s + j, s_len - j, &mblength))
++	    break;
++	  j += mblength;
++	}
++      for (k = 0; j < s_len;)
++	{
++	  mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, (s + j), (s_len - j), &state_mb);
++	  assert (mblength != (size_t)-1 && mblength != (size_t)-2);
++	  if (mblength == 0)
++	    break;
++	  pwc = towupper (wc);
++	  if (pwc == wc)
++	    {
++	      memcpy (mbc, s + j, mblength);
++	      j += mblength;
++	    }
++	  else
++	    {
++	      j += mblength;
++	      mblength = wcrtomb (mbc, pwc, &state_wc);
++	      assert (mblength != (size_t)0 && mblength != (size_t)-1);
++	    }
++	  for (l = 0; l < mblength; l++)
++	    name[k++] = mbc[l];
++	}
++      name[k] = '\0';
++    }
++  qsort ((void *) monthtab, MONTHS_PER_YEAR,
++      sizeof (struct month), struct_month_cmp);
+ /* Specify the amount of main memory to use when sorting.  */
+ static void
+ specify_sort_size (char const *s)
+@@ -1241,7 +1368,7 @@
+    by KEY in LINE. */
+ static char *
+-begfield (const struct line *line, const struct keyfield *key)
++begfield_uni (const struct line *line, const struct keyfield *key)
+ {
+   char *ptr = line->text, *lim = ptr + line->length - 1;
+   size_t sword = key->sword;
+@@ -1251,10 +1378,10 @@
+   /* The leading field separator itself is included in a field when -t
+      is absent.  */
+-  if (tab != TAB_DEFAULT)
++  if (tab_length)
+     while (ptr < lim && sword--)
+       {
+-	while (ptr < lim && *ptr != tab)
++	while (ptr < lim && *ptr != tab[0])
+ 	  ++ptr;
+ 	if (ptr < lim)
+ 	  ++ptr;
+@@ -1282,11 +1409,70 @@
+   return ptr;
+ }
++static char *
++begfield_mb (const struct line *line, const struct keyfield *key)
++  int i;
++  char *ptr = line->text, *lim = ptr + line->length - 1;
++  size_t sword = key->sword;
++  size_t schar = key->schar;
++  size_t mblength;
++  mbstate_t state;
++  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++  if (tab_length)
++    while (ptr < lim && sword--)
++      {
++	while (ptr < lim && memcmp (ptr, tab, tab_length) != 0)
++	  {
++	    GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
++	    ptr += mblength;
++	  }
++	if (ptr < lim)
++	  {
++	    GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
++	    ptr += mblength;
++	  }
++      }
++  else
++    while (ptr < lim && sword--)
++      {
++	while (ptr < lim && ismbblank (ptr, lim - ptr, &mblength))
++	  ptr += mblength;
++	if (ptr < lim)
++	  {
++	    GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
++	    ptr += mblength;
++	  }
++	while (ptr < lim && !ismbblank (ptr, lim - ptr, &mblength))
++	  ptr += mblength;
++      }
++  if (key->skipsblanks)
++    while (ptr < lim && ismbblank (ptr, lim - ptr, &mblength))
++      ptr += mblength;
++  for (i = 0; i < schar; i++)
++    {
++      GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
++      if (ptr + mblength > lim)
++	break;
++      else
++	ptr += mblength;
++    }
++  return ptr;
+ /* Return the limit of (a pointer to the first character after) the field
+    in LINE specified by KEY. */
+ static char *
+-limfield (const struct line *line, const struct keyfield *key)
++limfield_uni (const struct line *line, const struct keyfield *key)
+ {
+   char *ptr = line->text, *lim = ptr + line->length - 1;
+   size_t eword = key->eword, echar = key->echar;
+@@ -1299,10 +1485,10 @@
+      `beginning' is the first character following the delimiting TAB.
+      Otherwise, leave PTR pointing at the first `blank' character after
+      the preceding field.  */
+-  if (tab != TAB_DEFAULT)
++  if (tab_length)
+     while (ptr < lim && eword--)
+       {
+-	while (ptr < lim && *ptr != tab)
++	while (ptr < lim && *ptr != tab[0])
+ 	  ++ptr;
+ 	if (ptr < lim && (eword | echar))
+ 	  ++ptr;
+@@ -1348,10 +1534,10 @@
+      */
+   /* Make LIM point to the end of (one byte past) the current field.  */
+-  if (tab != TAB_DEFAULT)
++  if (tab_length)
+     {
+       char *newlim;
+-      newlim = memchr (ptr, tab, lim - ptr);
++      newlim = memchr (ptr, tab[0], lim - ptr);
+       if (newlim)
+ 	lim = newlim;
+     }
+@@ -1384,6 +1570,107 @@
+   return ptr;
+ }
++static char *
++limfield_mb (const struct line *line, const struct keyfield *key)
++  char *ptr = line->text, *lim = ptr + line->length - 1;
++  size_t eword = key->eword, echar = key->echar;
++  int i;
++  size_t mblength;
++  mbstate_t state;
++  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++  if (tab_length)
++    while (ptr < lim && eword--)
++      {
++	while (ptr < lim && memcmp (ptr, tab, tab_length) != 0)
++	  {
++	    GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
++	    ptr += mblength;
++	  }
++	if (ptr < lim && (eword | echar))
++	  {
++	    GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
++	    ptr += mblength;
++	  }
++      }
++  else
++    while (ptr < lim && eword--)
++      {
++	while (ptr < lim && ismbblank (ptr, lim - ptr, &mblength))
++	  ptr += mblength;
++	if (ptr < lim)
++	  {
++	    GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
++	    ptr += mblength;
++	  }
++	while (ptr < lim && !ismbblank (ptr, lim - ptr, &mblength))
++	  ptr += mblength;
++      }
++  /* Make LIM point to the end of (one byte past) the current field.  */
++  if (tab_length)
++    {
++      char *newlim, *p;
++      newlim = NULL;
++      for (p = ptr; p < lim;)
++ 	{
++	  if (memcmp (p, tab, tab_length) == 0)
++	    {
++	      newlim = p;
++	      break;
++	    }
++	  GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
++	  p += mblength;
++	}
++    }
++  else
++    {
++      char *newlim;
++      newlim = ptr;
++      while (newlim < lim && ismbblank (newlim, lim - newlim, &mblength))
++	newlim += mblength;
++      if (ptr < lim)
++	{
++	  GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
++	  ptr += mblength;
++	}
++      while (newlim < lim && !ismbblank (newlim, lim - newlim, &mblength))
++	newlim += mblength;
++      lim = newlim;
++    }
++# endif
++  /* If we're skipping leading blanks, don't start counting characters
++   *      until after skipping past any leading blanks.  */
++  if (key->skipsblanks)
++    while (ptr < lim && ismbblank (ptr, lim - ptr, &mblength))
++      ptr += mblength;
++  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++  /* Advance PTR by ECHAR (if possible), but no further than LIM.  */
++  for (i = 0; i < echar; i++)
++    {
++      GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
++      if (ptr + mblength > lim)
++	break;
++      else
++	ptr += mblength;
++    }
++  return ptr;
+ /* Fill BUF reading from FP, moving buf->left bytes from the end
+    of buf->buf to the beginning first.  If EOF is reached and the
+    file wasn't terminated by a newline, supply one.  Set up BUF's line
+@@ -1466,8 +1753,24 @@
+ 		  else
+ 		    {
+ 		      if (key->skipsblanks)
+-			while (blanks[to_uchar (*line_start)])
+-			  line_start++;
++			{
++			  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
++			    {
++			      size_t mblength;
++			      mbstate_t state;
++			      memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++			      while (line_start < line->keylim &&
++				     ismbblank (line_start,
++						line->keylim - line_start,
++						&mblength))
++				line_start += mblength;
++			    }
++			  else
++			  while (blanks[to_uchar (*line_start)])
++			    line_start++;
++			}
+ 		      line->keybeg = line_start;
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+@@ -1500,7 +1803,7 @@
+    hideously fast. */
+ static int
+-numcompare (const char *a, const char *b)
++numcompare_uni (const char *a, const char *b)
+ {
+   while (blanks[to_uchar (*a)])
+     a++;
+@@ -1510,6 +1813,25 @@
+   return strnumcmp (a, b, decimal_point, thousands_sep);
+ }
++static int
++numcompare_mb (const char *a, const char *b)
++  size_t mblength, len;
++  len = strlen (a); /* okay for UTF-8 */
++  while (*a && ismbblank (a, len > MB_CUR_MAX ? MB_CUR_MAX : len, &mblength))
++    {
++      a += mblength;
++      len -= mblength;
++    }
++  len = strlen (b); /* okay for UTF-8 */
++  while (*b && ismbblank (b, len > MB_CUR_MAX ? MB_CUR_MAX : len, &mblength))
++    b += mblength;
++  return strnumcmp (a, b, decimal_point, thousands_sep);
++#endif /* HAV_EMBRTOWC */
+ static int
+ general_numcompare (const char *sa, const char *sb)
+ {
+@@ -1543,7 +1865,7 @@
+    Return 0 if the name in S is not recognized.  */
+ static int
+-getmonth (char const *month, size_t len)
++getmonth_uni (char const *month, size_t len)
+ {
+   size_t lo = 0;
+   size_t hi = MONTHS_PER_YEAR;
+@@ -1698,11 +2020,79 @@
+   return diff;
+ }
++static int
++getmonth_mb (const char *s, size_t len)
++  char *month;
++  register size_t i;
++  register int lo = 0, hi = MONTHS_PER_YEAR, result;
++  char *tmp;
++  size_t wclength, mblength;
++  const char **pp;
++  const wchar_t **wpp;
++  wchar_t *month_wcs;
++  mbstate_t state;
++  while (len > 0 && ismbblank (s, len, &mblength))
++    {
++      s += mblength;
++      len -= mblength;
++    }
++  if (len == 0)
++    return 0;
++  month = (char *) alloca (len + 1);
++  tmp = (char *) alloca (len + 1);
++  memcpy (tmp, s, len);
++  tmp[len] = '\0';
++  pp = (const char **)&tmp;
++  month_wcs = (wchar_t *) alloca ((len + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t));
++  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++  wclength = mbsrtowcs (month_wcs, pp, len + 1, &state);
++  assert (wclength != (size_t)-1 && *pp == NULL);
++  for (i = 0; i < wclength; i++)
++    {
++      month_wcs[i] = towupper(month_wcs[i]);
++      if (iswblank (month_wcs[i]))
++	{
++	  month_wcs[i] = L'\0';
++	  break;
++	}
++    }
++  wpp = (const wchar_t **)&month_wcs;
++  mblength = wcsrtombs (month, wpp, len + 1, &state);
++  assert (mblength != (-1) && *wpp == NULL);
++  do
++    {
++      int ix = (lo + hi) / 2;
++      if (strncmp (month, monthtab[ix].name, strlen (monthtab[ix].name)) < 0)
++	hi = ix;
++      else
++	lo = ix;
++    }
++  while (hi - lo > 1);
++  result = (!strncmp (month, monthtab[lo].name, strlen (monthtab[lo].name))
++      ? monthtab[lo].val : 0);
++  return result;
+ /* Compare two lines A and B trying every key in sequence until there
+    are no more keys or a difference is found. */
+ static int
+-keycompare (const struct line *a, const struct line *b)
++keycompare_uni (const struct line *a, const struct line *b)
+ {
+   struct keyfield const *key = keylist;
+@@ -1875,6 +2265,179 @@
+   return key->reverse ? -diff : diff;
+ }
++static int
++keycompare_mb (const struct line *a, const struct line *b)
++  struct keyfield *key = keylist;
++  /* For the first iteration only, the key positions have been
++     precomputed for us. */
++  char *texta = a->keybeg;
++  char *textb = b->keybeg;
++  char *lima = a->keylim;
++  char *limb = b->keylim;
++  size_t mblength_a, mblength_b;
++  wchar_t wc_a, wc_b;
++  mbstate_t state_a, state_b;
++  int diff;
++  memset (&state_a, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++  memset (&state_b, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++  for (;;)
++    {
++      unsigned char *translate = (unsigned char *) key->translate;
++      bool const *ignore = key->ignore;
++      /* Find the lengths. */
++      size_t lena = lima <= texta ? 0 : lima - texta;
++      size_t lenb = limb <= textb ? 0 : limb - textb;
++      /* Actually compare the fields. */
++      if (key->random)
++        diff = compare_random (texta, lena, textb, lenb);
++      else if (key->numeric | key->general_numeric)
++	{
++	  char savea = *lima, saveb = *limb;
++	  *lima = *limb = '\0';
++	  if (force_general_numcompare)
++	    diff = general_numcompare (texta, textb);
++	  else
++	    diff = ((key->numeric ? numcompare : general_numcompare)
++		(texta, textb));
++	  *lima = savea, *limb = saveb;
++	}
++      else if (key->month)
++	diff = getmonth (texta, lena) - getmonth (textb, lenb);
++      else
++	{
++	  if (ignore || translate)
++	    {
++	      char *copy_a = (char *) alloca (lena + 1 + lenb + 1);
++	      char *copy_b = copy_a + lena + 1;
++	      size_t new_len_a, new_len_b;
++	      size_t i, j;
++	      /* Ignore and/or translate chars before comparing.  */
++  do									\
++    {									\
++      wchar_t uwc;							\
++      char mbc[MB_LEN_MAX];						\
++      mbstate_t state_wc;						\
++									\
++      for (NEW_LEN = i = 0; i < LEN;)					\
++	{								\
++	  mbstate_t state_bak;						\
++									\
++	  state_bak = STATE;						\
++	  MBLENGTH = mbrtowc (&WC, TEXT + i, LEN - i, &STATE);		\
++									\
++	  if (MBLENGTH == (size_t)-2 || MBLENGTH == (size_t)-1		\
++	      || MBLENGTH == 0)						\
++	    {								\
++	      if (MBLENGTH == (size_t)-2 || MBLENGTH == (size_t)-1)	\
++		STATE = state_bak;					\
++	      if (!ignore)						\
++		COPY[NEW_LEN++] = TEXT[i++];				\
++	      continue;							\
++	    }								\
++									\
++	  if (ignore)							\
++	    {								\
++	      if ((ignore == nonprinting && !iswprint (WC))		\
++		   || (ignore == nondictionary				\
++		       && !iswalnum (WC) && !iswblank (WC)))		\
++		{							\
++		  i += MBLENGTH;					\
++		  continue;						\
++		}							\
++	    }								\
++									\
++	  if (translate)						\
++	    {								\
++									\
++	      uwc = towupper(WC);					\
++	      if (WC == uwc)						\
++		{							\
++		  memcpy (mbc, TEXT + i, MBLENGTH);			\
++		  i += MBLENGTH;					\
++		}							\
++	      else							\
++		{							\
++		  i += MBLENGTH;					\
++		  WC = uwc;						\
++		  memset (&state_wc, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t));		\
++									\
++		  MBLENGTH = wcrtomb (mbc, WC, &state_wc);		\
++		  assert (MBLENGTH != (size_t)-1 && MBLENGTH != 0);	\
++		}							\
++									\
++	      for (j = 0; j < MBLENGTH; j++)				\
++		COPY[NEW_LEN++] = mbc[j];				\
++	    }								\
++	  else								\
++	    for (j = 0; j < MBLENGTH; j++)				\
++	      COPY[NEW_LEN++] = TEXT[i++];				\
++	}								\
++      COPY[NEW_LEN] = '\0';						\
++    }									\
++  while (0)
++	      IGNORE_CHARS (new_len_a, lena, texta, copy_a,
++			    wc_a, mblength_a, state_a);
++	      IGNORE_CHARS (new_len_b, lenb, textb, copy_b,
++			    wc_b, mblength_b, state_b);
++	      diff = xmemcoll (copy_a, new_len_a, copy_b, new_len_b);
++	    }
++	  else if (lena == 0)
++	    diff = - NONZERO (lenb);
++	  else if (lenb == 0)
++	    goto greater;
++	  else
++	    diff = xmemcoll (texta, lena, textb, lenb);
++	}
++      if (diff)
++	goto not_equal;
++      key = key->next;
++      if (! key)
++	break;
++      /* Find the beginning and limit of the next field.  */
++      if (key->eword != -1)
++	lima = limfield (a, key), limb = limfield (b, key);
++      else
++	lima = a->text + a->length - 1, limb = b->text + b->length - 1;
++      if (key->sword != -1)
++	texta = begfield (a, key), textb = begfield (b, key);
++      else
++	{
++	  texta = a->text, textb = b->text;
++	  if (key->skipsblanks)
++	    {
++	      while (texta < lima && ismbblank (texta, lima - texta, &mblength_a))
++		texta += mblength_a;
++	      while (textb < limb && ismbblank (textb, limb - textb, &mblength_b))
++		textb += mblength_b;
++	    }
++	}
++    }
++  return 0;
++  diff = 1;
++  return key->reverse ? -diff : diff;
+ /* Compare two lines A and B, returning negative, zero, or positive
+    depending on whether A compares less than, equal to, or greater than B. */
+@@ -2744,7 +3305,7 @@
+   initialize_exit_failure (SORT_FAILURE);
+   hard_LC_COLLATE = hard_locale (LC_COLLATE);
+   hard_LC_TIME = hard_locale (LC_TIME);
+ #endif
+@@ -2765,6 +3326,27 @@
+       thousands_sep = -1;
+   }
++  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
++    {
++      inittables = inittables_mb;
++      begfield = begfield_mb;
++      limfield = limfield_mb;
++      getmonth = getmonth_mb;
++      keycompare = keycompare_mb;
++      numcompare = numcompare_mb;
++    }
++  else
++    {
++      inittables = inittables_uni;
++      begfield = begfield_uni;
++      limfield = limfield_uni;
++      getmonth = getmonth_uni;
++      keycompare = keycompare_uni;
++      numcompare = numcompare_uni;
++    }
+   have_read_stdin = false;
+   inittables ();
+@@ -3015,13 +3597,35 @@
+ 	case 't':
+ 	  {
+-	    char newtab = optarg[0];
+-	    if (! newtab)
++	    char newtab[MB_LEN_MAX + 1];
++	    size_t newtab_length = 1;
++	    strncpy (newtab, optarg, MB_LEN_MAX);
++	    if (! newtab[0])
+ 	      error (SORT_FAILURE, 0, _("empty tab"));
+-	    if (optarg[1])
++	    if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
++	      {
++		wchar_t wc;
++		mbstate_t state;
++		size_t i;
++		memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t));
++		newtab_length = mbrtowc (&wc, newtab, strnlen (newtab,
++							       MB_LEN_MAX),
++					 &state);
++		switch (newtab_length)
++		  {
++		  case (size_t) -1:
++		  case (size_t) -2:
++		  case 0:
++		    newtab_length = 1;
++		  }
++	      }
++	    if (newtab_length == 1 && optarg[1])
+ 	      {
+ 		if (STREQ (optarg, "\\0"))
+-		  newtab = '\0';
++		  newtab[0] = '\0';
+ 		else
+ 		  {
+ 		    /* Provoke with `sort -txx'.  Complain about
+@@ -3032,9 +3636,12 @@
+ 			   quote (optarg));
+ 		  }
+ 	      }
+-	    if (tab != TAB_DEFAULT && tab != newtab)
++	    if (tab_length
++		&& (tab_length != newtab_length
++		    || memcmp (tab, newtab, tab_length) != 0))
+ 	      error (SORT_FAILURE, 0, _("incompatible tabs"));
+-	    tab = newtab;
++	    memcpy (tab, newtab, newtab_length);
++	    tab_length = newtab_length;
+ 	  }
+ 	  break;
+--- coreutils-6.8+/src/unexpand.c.i18n	2007-01-14 15:41:28.000000000 +0000
++++ coreutils-6.8+/src/unexpand.c	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
+@@ -39,11 +39,28 @@
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <getopt.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
++/* Get mbstate_t, mbrtowc(), wcwidth(). */
++# include <wchar.h>
+ #include "system.h"
+ #include "error.h"
+ #include "quote.h"
+ #include "xstrndup.h"
++/* MB_LEN_MAX is incorrectly defined to be 1 in at least one GCC
++      installation; work around this configuration error.  */
++#if !defined MB_LEN_MAX || MB_LEN_MAX < 2
++# define MB_LEN_MAX 16
++/* Some systems, like BeOS, have multibyte encodings but lack mbstate_t.  */
++#if HAVE_MBRTOWC && defined mbstate_t
++# define mbrtowc(pwc, s, n, ps) (mbrtowc) (pwc, s, n, 0)
+ /* The official name of this program (e.g., no `g' prefix).  */
+ #define PROGRAM_NAME "unexpand"
+@@ -110,6 +127,208 @@
+   {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
+ };
++static FILE *next_file (FILE *fp);
++static void
++unexpand_multibyte (void)
++  FILE *fp;			/* Input stream. */
++  mbstate_t i_state;		/* Current shift state of the input stream. */
++  mbstate_t i_state_bak;	/* Back up the I_STATE. */
++  mbstate_t o_state;		/* Current shift state of the output stream. */
++  char buf[MB_LEN_MAX + BUFSIZ];  /* For spooling a read byte sequence. */
++  char *bufpos;			/* Next read position of BUF. */
++  size_t buflen = 0;		/* The length of the byte sequence in buf. */
++  wint_t wc;			/* A gotten wide character. */
++  size_t mblength;		/* The byte size of a multibyte character
++				   which shows as same character as WC. */
++  /* Index in `tab_list' of next tabstop: */
++  int tab_index = 0;		/* For calculating width of pending tabs. */
++  int print_tab_index = 0;	/* For printing as many tabs as possible. */
++  unsigned int column = 0;	/* Column on screen of next char. */
++  int next_tab_column;		/* Column the next tab stop is on. */
++  int convert = 1;		/* If nonzero, perform translations. */
++  unsigned int pending = 0;	/* Pending columns of blanks. */
++  fp = next_file ((FILE *) NULL);
++  if (fp == NULL)
++    return;
++  memset (&o_state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++  memset (&i_state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++  for (;;)
++    {
++      if (buflen < MB_LEN_MAX && !feof(fp) && !ferror(fp))
++	{
++	  memmove (buf, bufpos, buflen);
++	  buflen += fread (buf + buflen, sizeof(char), BUFSIZ, fp);
++	  bufpos = buf;
++	}
++      /* Get a wide character. */
++      if (buflen < 1)
++	{
++	  mblength = 1;
++	  wc = WEOF;
++	}
++      else
++	{
++	  i_state_bak = i_state;
++	  mblength = mbrtowc ((wchar_t *)&wc, bufpos, buflen, &i_state);
++	}
++      if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
++	{
++	  i_state = i_state_bak;
++	  wc = L'\0';
++	}
++      if (wc == L' ' && convert && column < INT_MAX)
++	{
++	  ++pending;
++	  ++column;
++	}
++      else if (wc == L'\t' && convert)
++	{
++	  if (tab_size == 0)
++	    {
++	      /* Do not let tab_index == first_free_tab;
++		 stop when it is 1 less. */
++	      while (tab_index < first_free_tab - 1
++		  && column >= tab_list[tab_index])
++		tab_index++;
++	      next_tab_column = tab_list[tab_index];
++	      if (tab_index < first_free_tab - 1)
++		tab_index++;
++	      if (column >= next_tab_column)
++		{
++		  convert = 0;	/* Ran out of tab stops. */
++		  goto flush_pend_mb;
++		}
++	    }
++	  else
++	    {
++	      next_tab_column = column + tab_size - column % tab_size;
++	    }
++	  pending += next_tab_column - column;
++	  column = next_tab_column;
++	}
++      else
++	{
++	  /* Flush pending spaces.  Print as many tabs as possible,
++	     then print the rest as spaces. */
++	  if (pending == 1)
++	    {
++	      putchar (' ');
++	      pending = 0;
++	    }
++	  column -= pending;
++	  while (pending > 0)
++	    {
++	      if (tab_size == 0)
++		{
++		  /* Do not let print_tab_index == first_free_tab;
++		     stop when it is 1 less. */
++		  while (print_tab_index < first_free_tab - 1
++		      && column >= tab_list[print_tab_index])
++		    print_tab_index++;
++		  next_tab_column = tab_list[print_tab_index];
++		  if (print_tab_index < first_free_tab - 1)
++		    print_tab_index++;
++		}
++	      else
++		{
++		  next_tab_column =
++		    column + tab_size - column % tab_size;
++		}
++	      if (next_tab_column - column <= pending)
++		{
++		  putchar ('\t');
++		  pending -= next_tab_column - column;
++		  column = next_tab_column;
++		}
++	      else
++		{
++		  --print_tab_index;
++		  column += pending;
++		  while (pending != 0)
++		    {
++		      putchar (' ');
++		      pending--;
++		    }
++		}
++	    }
++	  if (wc == WEOF)
++	    {
++	      fp = next_file (fp);
++	      if (fp == NULL)
++		break;          /* No more files. */
++	      else
++		{
++		  memset (&i_state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++		  continue;
++		}
++	    }
++	  if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
++	    {
++	      if (convert)
++		{
++		  ++column;
++		  if (convert_entire_line == 0)
++		    convert = 0;
++		}
++	      mblength = 1;
++	      putchar (buf[0]);
++	    }
++	  else if (mblength == 0)
++	    {
++	      if (convert && convert_entire_line == 0)
++		convert = 0;
++	      mblength = 1;
++	      putchar ('\0');
++	    }
++	  else
++	    {
++	      if (convert)
++		{
++		  if (wc == L'\b')
++		    {
++		      if (column > 0)
++			--column;
++		    }
++		  else
++		    {
++		      int width;            /* The width of WC. */
++		      width = wcwidth (wc);
++		      column += (width > 0) ? width : 0;
++		      if (convert_entire_line == 0)
++			convert = 0;
++		    }
++		}
++	      if (wc == L'\n')
++		{
++		  tab_index = print_tab_index = 0;
++		  column = pending = 0;
++		  convert = 1;
++		}
++	      fwrite (bufpos, sizeof(char), mblength, stdout);
++	    }
++	}
++      buflen -= mblength;
++      bufpos += mblength;
++    }
+ void
+ usage (int status)
+ {
+@@ -531,7 +750,12 @@
+   file_list = (optind < argc ? &argv[optind] : stdin_argv);
+-  unexpand ();
++  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
++    unexpand_multibyte ();
++  else
++    unexpand ();
+   if (have_read_stdin && fclose (stdin) != 0)
+     error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "-");
+--- coreutils-6.8+/src/pr.c.i18n	2007-01-14 15:41:28.000000000 +0000
++++ coreutils-6.8+/src/pr.c	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
+@@ -313,6 +313,32 @@
+ #include <getopt.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
++/* Get MB_LEN_MAX.  */
++#include <limits.h>
++/* MB_LEN_MAX is incorrectly defined to be 1 in at least one GCC
++   installation; work around this configuration error.  */
++#if !defined MB_LEN_MAX || MB_LEN_MAX == 1
++# define MB_LEN_MAX 16
++/* Get MB_CUR_MAX.  */
++#include <stdlib.h>
++/* Solaris 2.5 has a bug: <wchar.h> must be included before <wctype.h>.  */
++/* Get mbstate_t, mbrtowc(), wcwidth().  */
++# include <wchar.h>
++/* Get iswprint(). -- for wcwidth().  */
++# include <wctype.h>
++#if !defined iswprint && !HAVE_ISWPRINT
++# define iswprint(wc) 1
+ #include "system.h"
+ #include "error.h"
+ #include "hard-locale.h"
+@@ -324,6 +350,18 @@
+ #include "strftime.h"
+ #include "xstrtol.h"
++/* Some systems, like BeOS, have multibyte encodings but lack mbstate_t.  */
++#if HAVE_MBRTOWC && defined mbstate_t
++# define mbrtowc(pwc, s, n, ps) (mbrtowc) (pwc, s, n, 0)
++"this configure-time declaration test was not run"
++extern int wcwidth ();
+ /* The official name of this program (e.g., no `g' prefix).  */
+ #define PROGRAM_NAME "pr"
+@@ -416,7 +454,20 @@
+ #define NULLCOL (COLUMN *)0
+-static int char_to_clump (char c);
++/* Funtion pointers to switch functions for single byte locale or for
++   multibyte locale. If multibyte functions do not exist in your sysytem,
++   these pointers always point the function for single byte locale. */
++static void (*print_char) (char c);
++static int (*char_to_clump) (char c);
++/* Functions for single byte locale. */
++static void print_char_single (char c);
++static int char_to_clump_single (char c);
++/* Functions for multibyte locale. */
++static void print_char_multi (char c);
++static int char_to_clump_multi (char c);
+ static bool read_line (COLUMN *p);
+ static bool print_page (void);
+ static bool print_stored (COLUMN *p);
+@@ -426,6 +477,7 @@
+ static void pad_across_to (int position);
+ static void add_line_number (COLUMN *p);
+ static void getoptarg (char *arg, char switch_char, char *character,
++		       int *character_length, int *character_width,
+ 		       int *number);
+ void usage (int status);
+ static void print_files (int number_of_files, char **av);
+@@ -440,7 +492,6 @@
+ static void pad_down (int lines);
+ static void read_rest_of_line (COLUMN *p);
+ static void skip_read (COLUMN *p, int column_number);
+-static void print_char (char c);
+ static void cleanup (void);
+ static void print_sep_string (void);
+ static void separator_string (const char *optarg_S);
+@@ -455,7 +506,7 @@
+    we store the leftmost columns contiguously in buff.
+    To print a line from buff, get the index of the first character
+    from line_vector[i], and print up to line_vector[i + 1]. */
+-static char *buff;
++static unsigned char *buff;
+ /* Index of the position in buff where the next character
+    will be stored. */
+@@ -559,7 +610,7 @@
+ static bool untabify_input = false;
+ /* (-e) The input tab character. */
+-static char input_tab_char = '\t';
++static char input_tab_char[MB_LEN_MAX] = "\t";
+ /* (-e) Tabstops are at chars_per_tab, 2*chars_per_tab, 3*chars_per_tab, ...
+    where the leftmost column is 1. */
+@@ -569,7 +620,10 @@
+ static bool tabify_output = false;
+ /* (-i) The output tab character. */
+-static char output_tab_char = '\t';
++static char output_tab_char[MB_LEN_MAX] = "\t";
++/* (-i) The byte length of output tab character. */
++static int output_tab_char_length = 1;
+ /* (-i) The width of the output tab. */
+ static int chars_per_output_tab = 8;
+@@ -643,7 +697,13 @@
+ static bool numbered_lines = false;
+ /* (-n) Character which follows each line number. */
+-static char number_separator = '\t';
++static char number_separator[MB_LEN_MAX] = "\t";
++/* (-n) The byte length of the character which follows each line number. */
++static int number_separator_length = 1;
++/* (-n) The character width of the character which follows each line number. */
++static int number_separator_width = 0;
+ /* (-n) line counting starts with 1st line of input file (not with 1st
+    line of 1st page printed). */
+@@ -696,6 +756,7 @@
+    -a|COLUMN|-m is a `space' and with the -J option a `tab'. */
+ static char *col_sep_string = "";
+ static int col_sep_length = 0;
++static int col_sep_width = 0;
+ static char *column_separator = " ";
+ static char *line_separator = "\t";
+@@ -852,6 +913,13 @@
+   col_sep_length = (int) strlen (optarg_S);
+   col_sep_string = xmalloc (col_sep_length + 1);
+   strcpy (col_sep_string, optarg_S);
++  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
++    col_sep_width = mbswidth (col_sep_string, 0);
++  else
++    col_sep_width = col_sep_length;
+ }
+ int
+@@ -877,6 +945,21 @@
+   atexit (close_stdout);
++/* Define which functions are used, the ones for single byte locale or the ones
++   for multibyte locale. */
++  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
++    {
++      print_char = print_char_multi;
++      char_to_clump = char_to_clump_multi;
++    }
++  else
++    {
++      print_char = print_char_single;
++      char_to_clump = char_to_clump_single;
++    }
+   n_files = 0;
+   file_names = (argc > 1
+ 		? xmalloc ((argc - 1) * sizeof (char *))
+@@ -949,8 +1032,12 @@
+ 	  break;
+ 	case 'e':
+ 	  if (optarg)
+-	    getoptarg (optarg, 'e', &input_tab_char,
+-		       &chars_per_input_tab);
++	    {
++	      int dummy_length, dummy_width;
++	      getoptarg (optarg, 'e', input_tab_char, &dummy_length,
++			 &dummy_width, &chars_per_input_tab);
++	    }
+ 	  /* Could check tab width > 0. */
+ 	  untabify_input = true;
+ 	  break;
+@@ -963,8 +1050,12 @@
+ 	  break;
+ 	case 'i':
+ 	  if (optarg)
+-	    getoptarg (optarg, 'i', &output_tab_char,
+-		       &chars_per_output_tab);
++	    {
++	      int dummy_width;
++	      getoptarg (optarg, 'i', output_tab_char, &output_tab_char_length,
++			 &dummy_width, &chars_per_output_tab);
++	    }
+ 	  /* Could check tab width > 0. */
+ 	  tabify_output = true;
+ 	  break;
+@@ -991,8 +1082,8 @@
+ 	case 'n':
+ 	  numbered_lines = true;
+ 	  if (optarg)
+-	    getoptarg (optarg, 'n', &number_separator,
+-		       &chars_per_number);
++	    getoptarg (optarg, 'n', number_separator, &number_separator_length,
++		       &number_separator_width, &chars_per_number);
+ 	  break;
+ 	case 'N':
+ 	  skip_count = false;
+@@ -1031,7 +1122,7 @@
+ 	  old_s = false;
+ 	  /* Reset an additional input of -s, -S dominates -s */
+ 	  col_sep_string = "";
+-	  col_sep_length = 0;
++	  col_sep_length = col_sep_width = 0;
+ 	  use_col_separator = true;
+ 	  if (optarg)
+ 	    separator_string (optarg);
+@@ -1188,10 +1279,45 @@
+    a number. */
+ static void
+-getoptarg (char *arg, char switch_char, char *character, int *number)
++getoptarg (char *arg, char switch_char, char *character, int *character_length,
++	   int *character_width, int *number)
+ {
+   if (!ISDIGIT (*arg))
+-    *character = *arg++;
++    {
++      if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)	/* for multibyte locale. */
++	{
++	  wchar_t wc;
++	  size_t mblength;
++	  int width;
++	  mbstate_t state = {'\0'};
++	  mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, arg, strnlen(arg, MB_LEN_MAX), &state);
++	  if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
++	    {
++	      *character_length = 1;
++	      *character_width = 1;
++	    }
++	  else
++	    {
++	      *character_length = (mblength < 1) ? 1 : mblength;
++	      width = wcwidth (wc);
++	      *character_width = (width < 0) ? 0 : width;
++	    }
++	  strncpy (character, arg, *character_length);
++	  arg += *character_length;
++	}
++      else			/* for single byte locale. */
++	{
++	  *character = *arg++;
++	  *character_length = 1;
++	  *character_width = 1;
++	}
++    }
+   if (*arg)
+     {
+       long int tmp_long;
+@@ -1256,7 +1382,7 @@
+ 	  else
+ 	    col_sep_string = column_separator;
+-	  col_sep_length = 1;
++	  col_sep_length = col_sep_width = 1;
+ 	  use_col_separator = true;
+ 	}
+       /* It's rather pointless to define a TAB separator with column
+@@ -1288,11 +1414,11 @@
+ 	     TAB_WIDTH (chars_per_input_tab, chars_per_number);   */
+       /* Estimate chars_per_text without any margin and keep it constant. */
+-      if (number_separator == '\t')
++      if (number_separator[0] == '\t')
+ 	number_width = chars_per_number +
+ 	  TAB_WIDTH (chars_per_default_tab, chars_per_number);
+       else
+-	number_width = chars_per_number + 1;
++	number_width = chars_per_number + number_separator_width;
+       /* The number is part of the column width unless we are
+ 	 printing files in parallel. */
+@@ -1307,7 +1433,7 @@
+     }
+   chars_per_column = (chars_per_line - chars_used_by_number -
+-		     (columns - 1) * col_sep_length) / columns;
++		     (columns - 1) * col_sep_width) / columns;
+   if (chars_per_column < 1)
+     error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("page width too narrow"));
+@@ -1432,7 +1558,7 @@
+   /* Enlarge p->start_position of first column to use the same form of
+      padding_not_printed with all columns. */
+-  h = h + col_sep_length;
++  h = h + col_sep_width;
+   /* This loop takes care of all but the rightmost column. */
+@@ -1466,7 +1592,7 @@
+ 	}
+       else
+ 	{
+-	  h = h_next + col_sep_length;
++	  h = h_next + col_sep_width;
+ 	  h_next = h + chars_per_column;
+ 	}
+     }
+@@ -1756,9 +1882,9 @@
+ align_column (COLUMN *p)
+ {
+   padding_not_printed = p->start_position;
+-  if (padding_not_printed - col_sep_length > 0)
++  if (padding_not_printed - col_sep_width > 0)
+     {
+-      pad_across_to (padding_not_printed - col_sep_length);
++      pad_across_to (padding_not_printed - col_sep_width);
+       padding_not_printed = ANYWHERE;
+     }
+@@ -2029,13 +2155,13 @@
+       /* May be too generous. */
+       buff = X2REALLOC (buff, &buff_allocated);
+     }
+-  buff[buff_current++] = c;
++  buff[buff_current++] = (unsigned char) c;
+ }
+ static void
+ add_line_number (COLUMN *p)
+ {
+-  int i;
++  int i, j;
+   char *s;
+   int left_cut;
+@@ -2058,22 +2184,24 @@
+       /* Tabification is assumed for multiple columns, also for n-separators,
+ 	 but `default n-separator = TAB' hasn't been given priority over
+ 	 equal column_width also specified by POSIX. */
+-      if (number_separator == '\t')
++      if (number_separator[0] == '\t')
+         {
+           i = number_width - chars_per_number;
+           while (i-- > 0)
+ 	    (p->char_func) (' ');
+         }
+       else
+-        (p->char_func) (number_separator);
++	for (j = 0; j < number_separator_length; j++)
++	  (p->char_func) (number_separator[j]);
+     }
+   else
+     /* To comply with POSIX, we avoid any expansion of default TAB
+        separator with a single column output. No column_width requirement
+        has to be considered. */
+     {
+-      (p->char_func) (number_separator);
+-      if (number_separator == '\t')
++      for (j = 0; j < number_separator_length; j++)
++	(p->char_func) (number_separator[j]);
++      if (number_separator[0] == '\t')
+         output_position = POS_AFTER_TAB (chars_per_output_tab,
+ 			  output_position);
+     }
+@@ -2234,7 +2362,7 @@
+   while (goal - h_old > 1
+ 	 && (h_new = POS_AFTER_TAB (chars_per_output_tab, h_old)) <= goal)
+     {
+-      putchar (output_tab_char);
++      fwrite (output_tab_char, sizeof(char), output_tab_char_length, stdout);
+       h_old = h_new;
+     }
+   while (++h_old <= goal)
+@@ -2254,6 +2382,7 @@
+ {
+   char *s;
+   int l = col_sep_length;
++  int not_space_flag;
+   s = col_sep_string;
+@@ -2267,6 +2396,7 @@
+     {
+       for (; separators_not_printed > 0; --separators_not_printed)
+ 	{
++	  not_space_flag = 0;
+ 	  while (l-- > 0)
+ 	    {
+ 	      /* 3 types of sep_strings: spaces only, spaces and chars,
+@@ -2280,12 +2410,15 @@
+ 		}
+ 	      else
+ 		{
++		  not_space_flag = 1;
+ 		  if (spaces_not_printed > 0)
+ 		    print_white_space ();
+ 		  putchar (*s++);
+-		  ++output_position;
+ 		}
+ 	    }
++	  if (not_space_flag)
++	    output_position += col_sep_width;
+           /* sep_string ends with some spaces */
+ 	  if (spaces_not_printed > 0)
+ 	    print_white_space ();
+@@ -2313,7 +2446,7 @@
+    required number of tabs and spaces. */
+ static void
+-print_char (char c)
++print_char_single (char c)
+ {
+   if (tabify_output)
+     {
+@@ -2337,6 +2470,74 @@
+   putchar (c);
+ }
++static void
++print_char_multi (char c)
++  static size_t mbc_pos = 0;
++  static char mbc[MB_LEN_MAX] = {'\0'};
++  static mbstate_t state = {'\0'};
++  mbstate_t state_bak;
++  wchar_t wc;
++  size_t mblength;
++  int width;
++  if (tabify_output)
++    {
++      state_bak = state;
++      mbc[mbc_pos++] = c;
++      mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, mbc, mbc_pos, &state);
++      while (mbc_pos > 0)
++	{
++	  switch (mblength)
++	    {
++	    case (size_t)-2:
++	      state = state_bak;
++	      return;
++	    case (size_t)-1:
++	      state = state_bak;
++	      ++output_position;
++	      putchar (mbc[0]);
++	      memmove (mbc, mbc + 1, MB_CUR_MAX - 1);
++	      --mbc_pos;
++	      break;
++	    case 0:
++	      mblength = 1;
++	    default:
++	      if (wc == L' ')
++		{
++		  memmove (mbc, mbc + mblength, MB_CUR_MAX - mblength);
++		  --mbc_pos;
++		  ++spaces_not_printed;
++		  return;
++		}
++	      else if (spaces_not_printed > 0)
++		print_white_space ();
++	      /* Nonprintables are assumed to have width 0, except L'\b'. */
++	      if ((width = wcwidth (wc)) < 1)
++		{
++		  if (wc == L'\b')
++		    --output_position;
++		}
++	      else
++		output_position += width;
++	      fwrite (mbc, sizeof(char), mblength, stdout);
++	      memmove (mbc, mbc + mblength, MB_CUR_MAX - mblength);
++	      mbc_pos -= mblength;
++	    }
++	}
++      return;
++    }
++  putchar (c);
+ /* Skip to page PAGE before printing.
+    PAGE may be larger than total number of pages. */
+@@ -2517,9 +2718,9 @@
+ 	  align_empty_cols = false;
+ 	}
+-      if (padding_not_printed - col_sep_length > 0)
++      if (padding_not_printed - col_sep_width > 0)
+ 	{
+-	  pad_across_to (padding_not_printed - col_sep_length);
++	  pad_across_to (padding_not_printed - col_sep_width);
+ 	  padding_not_printed = ANYWHERE;
+ 	}
+@@ -2620,9 +2821,9 @@
+ 	}
+     }
+-  if (padding_not_printed - col_sep_length > 0)
++  if (padding_not_printed - col_sep_width > 0)
+     {
+-      pad_across_to (padding_not_printed - col_sep_length);
++      pad_across_to (padding_not_printed - col_sep_width);
+       padding_not_printed = ANYWHERE;
+     }
+@@ -2635,8 +2836,8 @@
+   if (spaces_not_printed == 0)
+     {
+       output_position = p->start_position + end_vector[line];
+-      if (p->start_position - col_sep_length == chars_per_margin)
+-	output_position -= col_sep_length;
++      if (p->start_position - col_sep_width == chars_per_margin)
++	output_position -= col_sep_width;
+     }
+   return true;
+@@ -2655,7 +2856,7 @@
+    number of characters is 1.) */
+ static int
+-char_to_clump (char c)
++char_to_clump_single (char c)
+ {
+   unsigned char uc = c;
+   char *s = clump_buff;
+@@ -2665,10 +2866,10 @@
+   int chars;
+   int chars_per_c = 8;
+-  if (c == input_tab_char)
++  if (c == input_tab_char[0])
+     chars_per_c = chars_per_input_tab;
+-  if (c == input_tab_char || c == '\t')
++  if (c == input_tab_char[0] || c == '\t')
+     {
+       width = TAB_WIDTH (chars_per_c, input_position);
+@@ -2739,6 +2940,154 @@
+   return chars;
+ }
++static int
++char_to_clump_multi (char c)
++  static size_t mbc_pos = 0;
++  static char mbc[MB_LEN_MAX] = {'\0'};
++  static mbstate_t state = {'\0'};
++  mbstate_t state_bak;
++  wchar_t wc;
++  size_t mblength;
++  int wc_width;
++  register char *s = clump_buff;
++  register int i, j;
++  char esc_buff[4];
++  int width;
++  int chars;
++  int chars_per_c = 8;
++  state_bak = state;
++  mbc[mbc_pos++] = c;
++  mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, mbc, mbc_pos, &state);
++  width = 0;
++  chars = 0;
++  while (mbc_pos > 0)
++    {
++      switch (mblength)
++	{
++	case (size_t)-2:
++	  state = state_bak;
++	  return 0;
++	case (size_t)-1:
++	  state = state_bak;
++	  mblength = 1;
++	  if (use_esc_sequence || use_cntrl_prefix)
++	    {
++	      width = +4;
++	      chars = +4;
++	      *s++ = '\\';
++	      sprintf (esc_buff, "%03o", mbc[0]);
++	      for (i = 0; i <= 2; ++i)
++		*s++ = (int) esc_buff[i];
++	    }
++	  else
++	    {
++	      width += 1;
++	      chars += 1;
++	      *s++ = mbc[0];
++	    }
++	  break;
++	case 0:
++	  mblength = 1;
++		/* Fall through */
++	default:
++	  if (memcmp (mbc, input_tab_char, mblength) == 0)
++	    chars_per_c = chars_per_input_tab;
++	  if (memcmp (mbc, input_tab_char, mblength) == 0 || c == '\t')
++	    {
++	      int  width_inc;
++	      width_inc = TAB_WIDTH (chars_per_c, input_position);
++	      width += width_inc;
++	      if (untabify_input)
++		{
++		  for (i = width_inc; i; --i)
++		    *s++ = ' ';
++		  chars += width_inc;
++		}
++	      else
++		{
++		  for (i = 0; i <  mblength; i++)
++		    *s++ = mbc[i];
++		  chars += mblength;
++		}
++	    }
++	  else if ((wc_width = wcwidth (wc)) < 1)
++	    {
++	      if (use_esc_sequence)
++		{
++		  for (i = 0; i < mblength; i++)
++		    {
++		      width += 4;
++		      chars += 4;
++		      *s++ = '\\';
++		      sprintf (esc_buff, "%03o", c);
++		      for (j = 0; j <= 2; ++j)
++			*s++ = (int) esc_buff[j];
++		    }
++		}
++	      else if (use_cntrl_prefix)
++		{
++		  if (wc < 0200)
++		    {
++		      width += 2;
++		      chars += 2;
++		      *s++ = '^';
++		      *s++ = wc ^ 0100;
++		    }
++		  else
++		    {
++		      for (i = 0; i < mblength; i++)
++			{
++			  width += 4;
++			  chars += 4;
++			  *s++ = '\\';
++			  sprintf (esc_buff, "%03o", c);
++			  for (j = 0; j <= 2; ++j)
++			    *s++ = (int) esc_buff[j];
++			}
++		    }
++		}
++	      else if (wc == L'\b')
++		{
++		  width += -1;
++		  chars += 1;
++		  *s++ = c;
++		}
++	      else
++		{
++		  width += 0;
++		  chars += mblength;
++		  for (i = 0; i < mblength; i++)
++		    *s++ = mbc[i];
++		}
++	    }
++	  else
++	    {
++	      width += wc_width;
++	      chars += mblength;
++	      for (i = 0; i < mblength; i++)
++		*s++ = mbc[i];
++	    }
++	}
++      memmove (mbc, mbc + mblength, MB_CUR_MAX - mblength);
++      mbc_pos -= mblength;
++    }
++  input_position += width;
++  return chars;
+ /* We've just printed some files and need to clean up things before
+    looking for more options and printing the next batch of files.
+--- coreutils-6.8+/src/cut.c.i18n	2007-01-14 15:41:28.000000000 +0000
++++ coreutils-6.8+/src/cut.c	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
+@@ -29,6 +29,11 @@
+ #include <assert.h>
+ #include <getopt.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
++/* Get mbstate_t, mbrtowc().  */
++# include <wchar.h>
+ #include "system.h"
+ #include "error.h"
+@@ -37,6 +42,18 @@
+ #include "quote.h"
+ #include "xstrndup.h"
++/* MB_LEN_MAX is incorrectly defined to be 1 in at least one GCC
++   installation; work around this configuration error.	*/
++#if !defined MB_LEN_MAX || MB_LEN_MAX < 2
++# undef MB_LEN_MAX
++# define MB_LEN_MAX 16
++/* Some systems, like BeOS, have multibyte encodings but lack mbstate_t.  */
++#if HAVE_MBRTOWC && defined mbstate_t
++# define mbrtowc(pwc, s, n, ps) (mbrtowc) (pwc, s, n, 0)
+ /* The official name of this program (e.g., no `g' prefix).  */
+ #define PROGRAM_NAME "cut"
+@@ -67,6 +84,52 @@
+     }							\
+   while (0)
++/* Refill the buffer BUF to get a multibyte character. */
++  do									\
++    {									\
++      if (BUFLEN < MB_LEN_MAX && !feof (STREAM) && !ferror (STREAM))	\
++	{								\
++	  memmove (BUF, BUFPOS, BUFLEN);				\
++	  BUFLEN += fread (BUF + BUFLEN, sizeof(char), BUFSIZ, STREAM); \
++	  BUFPOS = BUF;							\
++	}								\
++    }									\
++  while (0)
++/* Get wide character on BUFPOS. BUFPOS is not included after that.
++   If byte sequence is not valid as a character, CONVFAIL is 1. Otherwise 0. */ 
++  do									\
++    {									\
++      mbstate_t state_bak;						\
++									\
++      if (BUFLEN < 1)							\
++	{								\
++	  WC = WEOF;							\
++	  break;							\
++	}								\
++									\
++      /* Get a wide character. */					\
++      CONVFAIL = 0;							\
++      state_bak = STATE;						\
++      MBLENGTH = mbrtowc ((wchar_t *)&WC, BUFPOS, BUFLEN, &STATE);	\
++									\
++      switch (MBLENGTH)							\
++	{								\
++	case (size_t)-1:						\
++	case (size_t)-2:						\
++	  CONVFAIL++;							\
++	  STATE = state_bak;						\
++	  /* Fall througn. */						\
++									\
++	case 0:								\
++	  MBLENGTH = 1;							\
++	  break;							\
++	}								\
++    }									\
++  while (0)
+ struct range_pair
+   {
+     size_t lo;
+@@ -85,7 +148,7 @@
+ /* The number of bytes allocated for FIELD_1_BUFFER.  */
+ static size_t field_1_bufsize;
+-/* The largest field or byte index used as an endpoint of a closed
++/* The largest byte, character or field index used as an endpoint of a closed
+    or degenerate range specification;  this doesn't include the starting
+    index of right-open-ended ranges.  For example, with either range spec
+    `2-5,9-', `2-3,5,9-' this variable would be set to 5.  */
+@@ -97,10 +160,11 @@
+ /* This is a bit vector.
+    In byte mode, which bytes to output.
++   In character mode, which characters to output.
+    In field mode, which DELIM-separated fields to output.
+-   Both bytes and fields are numbered starting with 1,
++   Bytes, characters and fields are numbered starting with 1,
+    so the zeroth bit of this array is unused.
+-   A field or byte K has been selected if
++   A byte, character or field K has been selected if
+    (K <= MAX_RANGE_ENDPOINT and is_printable_field(K))
+     || (EOL_RANGE_START > 0 && K >= EOL_RANGE_START).  */
+ static unsigned char *printable_field;
+@@ -109,9 +173,12 @@
+   {
+     undefined_mode,
+-    /* Output characters that are in the given bytes. */
++    /* Output bytes that are at the given positions. */
+     byte_mode,
++    /* Output characters that are at the given positions. */
++    character_mode,
+     /* Output the given delimeter-separated fields. */
+     field_mode
+   };
+@@ -121,6 +188,13 @@
+ static enum operating_mode operating_mode;
++/* If nonzero, when in byte mode, don't split multibyte characters.  */
++static int byte_mode_character_aware;
++/* If nonzero, the function for single byte locale is work
++   if this program runs on multibyte locale. */
++static int force_singlebyte_mode;
+ /* If true do not output lines containing no delimeter characters.
+    Otherwise, all such lines are printed.  This option is valid only
+    with field mode.  */
+@@ -132,6 +206,9 @@
+ /* The delimeter character for field mode. */
+ static unsigned char delim;
++static wchar_t wcdelim;
+ /* True if the --output-delimiter=STRING option was specified.  */
+ static bool output_delimiter_specified;
+@@ -205,7 +282,7 @@
+   -f, --fields=LIST       select only these fields;  also print any line\n\
+                             that contains no delimiter character, unless\n\
+                             the -s option is specified\n\
+-  -n                      (ignored)\n\
++  -n                      with -b: don't split multibyte characters\n\
+ "), stdout);
+       fputs (_("\
+       --complement        complement the set of selected bytes, characters\n\
+@@ -362,7 +439,7 @@
+ 	  in_digits = false;
+ 	  /* Starting a range. */
+ 	  if (dash_found)
+-	    FATAL_ERROR (_("invalid byte or field list"));
++	    FATAL_ERROR (_("invalid byte, character or field list"));
+ 	  dash_found = true;
+ 	  fieldstr++;
+@@ -387,14 +464,16 @@
+ 	      if (value == 0)
+ 		{
+ 		  /* `n-'.  From `initial' to end of line. */
+-		  eol_range_start = initial;
++		  if (eol_range_start == 0 ||
++		      (eol_range_start != 0 && eol_range_start > initial))
++		    eol_range_start = initial;
+ 		  field_found = true;
+ 		}
+ 	      else
+ 		{
+ 		  /* `m-n' or `-n' (1-n). */
+ 		  if (value < initial)
+-		    FATAL_ERROR (_("invalid byte or field list"));
++		    FATAL_ERROR (_("invalid byte, character or field list"));
+ 		  /* Is there already a range going to end of line? */
+ 		  if (eol_range_start != 0)
+@@ -467,6 +546,9 @@
+ 	      if (operating_mode == byte_mode)
+ 		error (0, 0,
+ 		       _("byte offset %s is too large"), quote (bad_num));
++	      else if (operating_mode == character_mode)
++		error (0, 0,
++		       _("character offset %s is too large"), quote (bad_num));
+ 	      else
+ 		error (0, 0,
+ 		       _("field number %s is too large"), quote (bad_num));
+@@ -477,7 +559,7 @@
+ 	  fieldstr++;
+ 	}
+       else
+-	FATAL_ERROR (_("invalid byte or field list"));
++	FATAL_ERROR (_("invalid byte, character or field list"));
+     }
+   max_range_endpoint = 0;
+@@ -570,6 +652,63 @@
+     }
+ }
++/* This function is in use for the following case.
++   1. Read from the stream STREAM, printing to standard output any selected
++   characters. 
++   2. Read from stream STREAM, printing to standard output any selected bytes,
++   without splitting multibyte characters.  */
++static void
++cut_characters_or_cut_bytes_no_split (FILE *stream)
++  int idx;		/* number of bytes or characters in the line so far. */
++  char buf[MB_LEN_MAX + BUFSIZ];  /* For spooling a read byte sequence. */
++  char *bufpos;		/* Next read position of BUF. */
++  size_t buflen;	/* The length of the byte sequence in buf. */
++  wint_t wc;		/* A gotten wide character. */
++  size_t mblength;	/* The byte size of a multibyte character which shows
++			   as same character as WC. */
++  mbstate_t state;	/* State of the stream. */
++  int convfail;		/* 1, when conversion is failed. Otherwise 0. */
++  idx = 0;
++  buflen = 0;
++  bufpos = buf;
++  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++  while (1)
++    {
++      REFILL_BUFFER (buf, bufpos, buflen, stream);
++      GET_NEXT_WC_FROM_BUFFER (wc, bufpos, buflen, mblength, state, convfail);
++      if (wc == WEOF)
++	{
++	  if (idx > 0)
++	    putchar ('\n');
++	  break;
++	}
++      else if (wc == L'\n')
++	{
++	  putchar ('\n');
++	  idx = 0;
++	}
++      else
++	{
++	  idx += (operating_mode == byte_mode) ? mblength : 1;
++	  if (print_kth (idx, NULL))
++	    fwrite (bufpos, mblength, sizeof(char), stdout);
++	}
++      buflen -= mblength;
++      bufpos += mblength;
++    }
+ /* Read from stream STREAM, printing to standard output any selected fields.  */
+ static void
+@@ -692,13 +831,192 @@
+     }
+ }
++static void
++cut_fields_mb (FILE *stream)
++  int c;
++  unsigned int field_idx;
++  int found_any_selected_field;
++  int buffer_first_field;
++  int empty_input;
++  char buf[MB_LEN_MAX + BUFSIZ];  /* For spooling a read byte sequence. */
++  char *bufpos;		/* Next read position of BUF. */
++  size_t buflen;	/* The length of the byte sequence in buf. */
++  wint_t wc = 0;	/* A gotten wide character. */
++  size_t mblength;	/* The byte size of a multibyte character which shows
++			   as same character as WC. */
++  mbstate_t state;	/* State of the stream. */
++  int convfail;		/* 1, when conversion is failed. Otherwise 0. */
++  found_any_selected_field = 0;
++  field_idx = 1;
++  bufpos = buf;
++  buflen = 0;
++  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++  c = getc (stream);
++  empty_input = (c == EOF);
++  if (c != EOF)
++    ungetc (c, stream);
++  else
++    wc = WEOF;
++  /* To support the semantics of the -s flag, we may have to buffer
++     all of the first field to determine whether it is `delimited.'
++     But that is unnecessary if all non-delimited lines must be printed
++     and the first field has been selected, or if non-delimited lines
++     must be suppressed and the first field has *not* been selected.
++     That is because a non-delimited line has exactly one field.  */
++  buffer_first_field = (suppress_non_delimited ^ !print_kth (1, NULL));
++  while (1)
++    {
++      if (field_idx == 1 && buffer_first_field)
++	{
++	  int len = 0;
++	  while (1)
++	    {
++	      REFILL_BUFFER (buf, bufpos, buflen, stream);
++		(wc, bufpos, buflen, mblength, state, convfail);
++	      if (wc == WEOF)
++		break;
++	      field_1_buffer = xrealloc (field_1_buffer, len + mblength);
++	      memcpy (field_1_buffer + len, bufpos, mblength);
++	      len += mblength;
++	      buflen -= mblength;
++	      bufpos += mblength;
++	      if (!convfail && (wc == L'\n' || wc == wcdelim))
++		break;
++	    }
++	  if (wc == WEOF)
++	    break;
++	  /* If the first field extends to the end of line (it is not
++	     delimited) and we are printing all non-delimited lines,
++	     print this one.  */
++	  if (convfail || (!convfail && wc != wcdelim))
++	    {
++	      if (suppress_non_delimited)
++		{
++		  /* Empty.	*/
++		}
++	      else
++		{
++		  fwrite (field_1_buffer, sizeof (char), len, stdout);
++		  /* Make sure the output line is newline terminated.  */
++		  if (convfail || (!convfail && wc != L'\n'))
++		    putchar ('\n');
++		}
++	      continue;
++	    }
++	  if (print_kth (1, NULL))
++	    {
++	      /* Print the field, but not the trailing delimiter.  */
++	      fwrite (field_1_buffer, sizeof (char), len - 1, stdout);
++	      found_any_selected_field = 1;
++	    }
++	  ++field_idx;
++	}
++      if (wc != WEOF)
++	{
++	  if (print_kth (field_idx, NULL))
++	    {
++	      if (found_any_selected_field)
++		{
++		  fwrite (output_delimiter_string, sizeof (char),
++			  output_delimiter_length, stdout);
++		}
++	      found_any_selected_field = 1;
++	    }
++	  while (1)
++	    {
++	      REFILL_BUFFER (buf, bufpos, buflen, stream);
++		(wc, bufpos, buflen, mblength, state, convfail);
++	      if (wc == WEOF)
++		break;
++	      else if (!convfail && (wc == wcdelim || wc == L'\n'))
++		{
++		  buflen -= mblength;
++		  bufpos += mblength;
++		  break;
++		}
++	      if (print_kth (field_idx, NULL))
++		fwrite (bufpos, mblength, sizeof(char), stdout);
++	      buflen -= mblength;
++	      bufpos += mblength;
++	    }
++	}
++      if ((!convfail || wc == L'\n') && buflen < 1)
++	wc = WEOF;
++      if (!convfail && wc == wcdelim)
++	++field_idx;
++      else if (wc == WEOF || (!convfail && wc == L'\n'))
++	{
++	  if (found_any_selected_field
++	      || (!empty_input && !(suppress_non_delimited && field_idx == 1)))
++	    putchar ('\n');
++	  if (wc == WEOF)
++	    break;
++	  field_idx = 1;
++	  found_any_selected_field = 0;
++	}
++    }
+ static void
+ cut_stream (FILE *stream)
+ {
+-  if (operating_mode == byte_mode)
+-    cut_bytes (stream);
++  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && !force_singlebyte_mode)
++    {
++      switch (operating_mode)
++	{
++	case byte_mode:
++	  if (byte_mode_character_aware)
++	    cut_characters_or_cut_bytes_no_split (stream);
++	  else
++	    cut_bytes (stream);
++	  break;
++	case character_mode:
++	  cut_characters_or_cut_bytes_no_split (stream);
++	  break;
++	case field_mode:
++	  cut_fields_mb (stream);
++	  break;
++	default:
++	  abort ();
++	}
++    }
+   else
+-    cut_fields (stream);
++    {
++      if (operating_mode == field_mode)
++	cut_fields (stream);
++      else
++	cut_bytes (stream);
++    }
+ }
+ /* Process file FILE to standard output.
+@@ -748,6 +1066,8 @@
+   bool ok;
+   bool delim_specified = false;
+   char *spec_list_string IF_LINT(= NULL);
++  char mbdelim[MB_LEN_MAX + 1];
++  size_t delimlen = 0;
+   initialize_main (&argc, &argv);
+   program_name = argv[0];
+@@ -770,7 +1090,6 @@
+       switch (optc)
+ 	{
+ 	case 'b':
+-	case 'c':
+ 	  /* Build the byte list. */
+ 	  if (operating_mode != undefined_mode)
+ 	    FATAL_ERROR (_("only one type of list may be specified"));
+@@ -778,6 +1097,14 @@
+ 	  spec_list_string = optarg;
+ 	  break;
++	case 'c':
++	  /* Build the character list. */
++	  if (operating_mode != undefined_mode)
++	    FATAL_ERROR (_("only one type of list may be specified"));
++	  operating_mode = character_mode;
++	  spec_list_string = optarg;
++	  break;
+ 	case 'f':
+ 	  /* Build the field list. */
+ 	  if (operating_mode != undefined_mode)
+@@ -789,10 +1116,35 @@
+ 	case 'd':
+ 	  /* New delimiter. */
+ 	  /* Interpret -d '' to mean `use the NUL byte as the delimiter.'  */
+-	  if (optarg[0] != '\0' && optarg[1] != '\0')
+-	    FATAL_ERROR (_("the delimiter must be a single character"));
+-	  delim = optarg[0];
+-	  delim_specified = true;
++	    {
++	      if(MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
++		{
++		  mbstate_t state;
++		  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
++		  delimlen = mbrtowc (&wcdelim, optarg, strnlen(optarg, MB_LEN_MAX), &state);
++		  if (delimlen == (size_t)-1 || delimlen == (size_t)-2)
++		    ++force_singlebyte_mode;
++		  else
++		    {
++		      delimlen = (delimlen < 1) ? 1 : delimlen;
++		      if (wcdelim != L'\0' && *(optarg + delimlen) != '\0')
++			FATAL_ERROR (_("the delimiter must be a single character"));
++		      memcpy (mbdelim, optarg, delimlen);
++		    }
++		}
++	      if (MB_CUR_MAX <= 1 || force_singlebyte_mode)
++		{
++		  if (optarg[0] != '\0' && optarg[1] != '\0')
++		    FATAL_ERROR (_("the delimiter must be a single character"));
++		  delim = (unsigned char) optarg[0];
++		}
++	    delim_specified = true;
++	  }
+ 	  break;
+@@ -805,6 +1157,7 @@
+ 	  break;
+ 	case 'n':
++	  byte_mode_character_aware = 1;
+ 	  break;
+ 	case 's':
+@@ -827,7 +1180,7 @@
+   if (operating_mode == undefined_mode)
+     FATAL_ERROR (_("you must specify a list of bytes, characters, or fields"));
+-  if (delim != '\0' && operating_mode != field_mode)
++  if (delim_specified && operating_mode != field_mode)
+     FATAL_ERROR (_("an input delimiter may be specified only\
+  when operating on fields"));
+@@ -854,15 +1207,34 @@
+     }
+   if (!delim_specified)
+-    delim = '\t';
++    {
++      delim = '\t';
++      wcdelim = L'\t';
++      mbdelim[0] = '\t';
++      mbdelim[1] = '\0';
++      delimlen = 1;
++    }
+   if (output_delimiter_string == NULL)
+     {
+-      static char dummy[2];
+-      dummy[0] = delim;
+-      dummy[1] = '\0';
+-      output_delimiter_string = dummy;
+-      output_delimiter_length = 1;
++      if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && !force_singlebyte_mode)
++	{
++	  output_delimiter_string = xstrdup(mbdelim);
++	  output_delimiter_length = delimlen;
++	}
++      if (MB_CUR_MAX <= 1 || force_singlebyte_mode)
++	{
++	  static char dummy[2]; 
++	  dummy[0] = delim;
++	  dummy[1] = '\0';
++	  output_delimiter_string = dummy;
++	  output_delimiter_length = 1;
++	}
+     }
+   if (optind == argc)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-ls-x.patch b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-ls-x.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aba8742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-ls-x.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [legacy version]
+This patch was imported from the Fedora Core 8 coreutils-6.9-9 package.
+The package is stated as being Licensed as GPLv2+.
+Signed-off-by: Mark Hatle <mark.hatle@windriver.com>
+--- coreutils-6.9/src/ls.c.ls-x	2007-06-13 14:27:36.000000000 +0100
++++ coreutils-6.9/src/ls.c	2007-06-13 14:28:42.000000000 +0100
+@@ -4151,16 +4151,16 @@
+   size_t pos = 0;
+   size_t cols = calculate_columns (false);
+   struct column_info const *line_fmt = &column_info[cols - 1];
+-  size_t name_length = length_of_file_name_and_frills (cwd_file);
++  struct fileinfo const *f = sorted_file[0];
++  size_t name_length = length_of_file_name_and_frills (f);
+   size_t max_name_length = line_fmt->col_arr[0];
+   /* Print first entry.  */
+-  print_file_name_and_frills (cwd_file);
++  print_file_name_and_frills (f);
+   /* Now the rest.  */
+   for (filesno = 1; filesno < cwd_n_used; ++filesno)
+     {
+-      struct fileinfo const *f;
+       size_t col = filesno % cols;
+       if (col == 0)
+--- coreutils-6.9/tests/ls/Makefile.am.ls-x	2007-03-18 21:36:43.000000000 +0000
++++ coreutils-6.9/tests/ls/Makefile.am	2007-06-13 14:28:42.000000000 +0100
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
+   stat-dtype \
+   inode dangle file-type recursive dired infloop \
+   rt-1 time-1 symlink-slash follow-slink no-arg m-option \
+-  stat-vs-dirent
++  stat-vs-dirent x-option
+--- /dev/null	2007-06-13 08:43:51.993263382 +0100
++++ coreutils-6.9/tests/ls/x-option	2007-06-13 14:28:42.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
++# Exercise the -x option.
++# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
++# 02110-1301, USA.
++if test "$VERBOSE" = yes; then
++  set -x
++  ls --version
++. $srcdir/../envvar-check
++. $srcdir/../lang-default
++t0=`echo "$0"|sed 's,.*/,,'`.tmp; tmp=$t0/$$
++trap 'status=$?; cd "$pwd" && chmod -R u+rwx $t0 && rm -rf $t0 && exit $status' 0
++trap '(exit $?); exit $?' 1 2 13 15
++mkdir -p $tmp || framework_failure=1
++cd $tmp || framework_failure=1
++mkdir subdir || framework_failure=1
++touch subdir/b || framework_failure=1
++touch subdir/a || framework_failure=1
++if test $framework_failure = 1; then
++  echo "$0: failure in testing framework" 1>&2
++  (exit 1); exit 1
++# Coreutils 6.8 and 6.9 would output this in the wrong order.
++ls -x subdir > out || fail=1
++ls -rx subdir >> out || fail=1
++cat <<\EOF > exp || fail=1
++a  b
++b  a
++cmp out exp || fail=1
++test $fail = 1 && diff out exp 2> /dev/null
++(exit $fail); exit $fail
+--- coreutils-6.9/NEWS.ls-x	2007-03-22 21:19:45.000000000 +0000
++++ coreutils-6.9/NEWS	2007-06-13 14:28:42.000000000 +0100
+@@ -13,6 +13,11 @@
+   Using pr -m -s (i.e. merging files, with TAB as the output separator)
+   no longer inserts extraneous spaces between output columns.
++** Bug fixes
++  ls -x DIR would sometimes output the wrong string in place of the
++  first entry.  [introduced in coreutils-6.8]
+ * Noteworthy changes in release 6.8 (2007-02-24) [not-unstable]
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-overflow.patch b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-overflow.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58074c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils-overflow.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [legacy version]
+This patch was imported from the Fedora Core 8 coreutils-6.9-9 package.
+The package is stated as being Licensed as GPLv2+.
+Signed-off-by: Mark Hatle <mark.hatle@windriver.com>
+--- coreutils-5.2.1/src/who.c.overflow	2005-05-25 09:59:06.000000000 +0100
++++ coreutils-5.2.1/src/who.c	2005-05-25 10:00:31.000000000 +0100
+@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
+ # define NEW_TIME 0
+ #endif
+-#define IDLESTR_LEN 6
++#define IDLESTR_LEN 10
+ # define PIDSTR_DECL_AND_INIT(Var, Utmp_ent) \
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils_fix_for_automake-1.12.patch b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils_fix_for_automake-1.12.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02730db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/coreutils_fix_for_automake-1.12.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+automake 1.12 has depricated automatic de-ANSI-fication support
+this patch avoids these kinds of errors:
+| configure.ac:40: error: automatic de-ANSI-fication support has been removed
+| /srv/home/nitin/builds/build-gcc47/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/share/aclocal-1.12/protos.m4:12: AM_C_PROTOTYPES is expanded from...
+| /srv/home/nitin/builds/build-gcc47/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/coreutils-native-6.9-r2/coreutils-6.9/m4/jm-macros.m4:138: gl_CHECK_ALL_TYPES is expanded from...
+| /srv/home/nitin/builds/build-gcc47/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/coreutils-native-6.9-r2/coreutils-6.9/m4/jm-macros.m4:24: coreutils_MACROS is expanded from...
+| configure.ac:40: the top level
+| autom4te: m4 failed with exit status: 1
+Signed-Off-By: Nitin A Kamble <nitin.a.kamble@intel.com>
+Index: coreutils-6.9/m4/jm-macros.m4
+--- coreutils-6.9.orig/m4/jm-macros.m4
++++ coreutils-6.9/m4/jm-macros.m4
+@@ -142,11 +142,6 @@ AC_DEFUN([gl_CHECK_ALL_TYPES],
+   dnl whether functions and headers are available, whether they work, etc.
+-  dnl This test must precede tests of compiler characteristics like
+-  dnl that for the inline keyword, since it may change the degree to
+-  dnl which the compiler supports such features.
+   dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/fix_for_manpage_building.patch b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/fix_for_manpage_building.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0d600a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/fix_for_manpage_building.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [legacy version]
+Use native coreutils binaries to build manpages in cross environment.
+This avoids man page build issues like this:
+| Making all in man
+| make[1]: Entering directory `/build_disk/poky_build/build1/tmp/work/i586-poky-linux/coreutils-6.9-r0/coreutils-6.9/man'
+| Updating man page cut.1
+| Updating man page dir.1
+| Updating man page expand.1
+| Updating man page fold.1
+| Updating man page install.1
+| Updating man page join.1
+| Updating man page pr.1
+| Updating man page ls.1
+| Updating man page sort.1
+| Updating man page unexpand.1
+| Updating man page uniq.1
+| Updating man page who.1
+| Updating man page vdir.1
+| help2man: can't get `--help' info from dir.td/dir
+| help2man: can't get `--help' info from cut.td/cut
+| make[1]: *** [dir.1] Error 126
+| make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
+| help2man: can't get `--help' info from fold.td/fold
+| help2man: can't get `--help' info from install.td/install
+| help2man: can't get `--help' info from expand.td/expand
+| help2man: can't get `--help' info from join.td/join
+| make[1]: *** [cut.1] Error 126
+| make[1]: *** [fold.1] Error 126
+| make[1]: *** [install.1] Error 126
+| help2man: can't get `--help' info from sort.td/sort
+| make[1]: *** [expand.1] Error 126
+| help2man: can't get `--help' info from pr.td/pr
+| make[1]: *** [join.1] Error 126
+| help2man: can't get `--help' info from ls.td/ls
+| help2man: can't get `--help' info from unexpand.td/unexpand
+| help2man: can't get `--help' info from uniq.td/uniq
+| help2man: can't get `--help' info from who.td/who
+| make[1]: *** [sort.1] Error 126
+| make[1]: *** [pr.1] Error 126
+| help2man: can't get `--help' info from vdir.td/vdir
+| make[1]: *** [ls.1] Error 126
+| make[1]: *** [uniq.1] Error 126
+| make[1]: *** [unexpand.1] Error 126
+| make[1]: *** [who.1] Error 126
+| make[1]: *** [vdir.1] Error 126
+| make[1]: Leaving directory `/build_disk/poky_build/build1/tmp/work/i586-poky-linux/coreutils-6.9-r0/coreutils-6.9/man'
+| make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
+| FATAL: oe_runmake failed
+| ERROR: Function 'do_compile' failed (see /build_disk/poky_build/build1/tmp/work/i586-poky-linux/coreutils-6.9-r0/temp/log.do_compile.12780 for further information)
+NOTE: package coreutils-6.9-r0: task do_compile: Failed
+ERROR: Task 8 (/home/nitin/prj/poky.git/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils_6.9.bb, do_compile) failed with exit code '1'
+This patch is made for gplv2 coreutils the recipe
+Nitin A Kamble <nitin.a.kamble@intel.com>
+Index: man/Makefile.am
+--- a/man.orig/Makefile.am
++++ b/man/Makefile.am
+@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ mapped_name = `echo $*|sed 's/install/gi
+ 	            $(PERL) -- $(srcdir)/help2man		\
+ 	             --source='$(PACKAGE_STRING)'		\
+ 	             --include=$(srcdir)/$*.x			\
+-	             --output=$t/$@ $t/$*;			\
++	             --output=$t/$@ $*;			\
+ 	       }						\
+ 	    && sed 's|$*\.td/||g' $t/$@ > $@			\
+ 	    && chmod a-w $@					\
+Index: man/Makefile.in
+--- a/man.orig/Makefile.in
++++ b/man/Makefile.in
+@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ yes.1:		$(common_dep)	$(srcdir)/yes.x		.
+ 	            $(PERL) -- $(srcdir)/help2man		\
+ 	             --source='$(PACKAGE_STRING)'		\
+ 	             --include=$(srcdir)/$*.x			\
+-	             --output=$t/$@ $t/$*;			\
++	             --output=$t/$@ $*;			\
+ 	       }						\
+ 	    && sed 's|$*\.td/||g' $t/$@ > $@			\
+ 	    && chmod a-w $@					\
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/futimens.patch b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/futimens.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ca590b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/futimens.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [legacy version]
+# coreutils uses gnulib which conflicts with newer libc header on futimens
+# this patch simply renames coreutils futimes to avoid confliction
+# Signed-off-by Kevin Tian <kevin.tian@intel.com>, 2010-08-18
+# (this patch is licensed under GPLv2)
+diff --git a/lib/utimens.c b/lib/utimens.c
+index 71bc510..ae870b8 100644
+--- a/lib/utimens.c
++++ b/lib/utimens.c
+@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ struct utimbuf
+    Return 0 on success, -1 (setting errno) on failure.  */
+ int
+-futimens (int fd ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
++futimens_coreutils (int fd ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+ 	  char const *file, struct timespec const timespec[2])
+ {
+   /* Some Linux-based NFS clients are buggy, and mishandle time stamps
+@@ -185,5 +185,5 @@ futimens (int fd ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+ int
+ utimens (char const *file, struct timespec const timespec[2])
+ {
+-  return futimens (-1, file, timespec);
++  return futimens_coreutils (-1, file, timespec);
+ }
+diff --git a/lib/utimens.h b/lib/utimens.h
+index 0097aaa..13fc45a 100644
+--- a/lib/utimens.h
++++ b/lib/utimens.h
+@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
+ #include <time.h>
+-int futimens (int, char const *, struct timespec const [2]);
++int futimens_coreutils (int, char const *, struct timespec const [2]);
+ int utimens (char const *, struct timespec const [2]);
+diff --git a/src/copy.c b/src/copy.c
+index 4bdb75c..04634f1 100644
+--- a/src/copy.c
++++ b/src/copy.c
+@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ copy_reg (char const *src_name, char const *dst_name,
+       timespec[0] = get_stat_atime (src_sb);
+       timespec[1] = get_stat_mtime (src_sb);
+-      if (futimens (dest_desc, dst_name, timespec) != 0)
++      if (futimens_coreutils (dest_desc, dst_name, timespec) != 0)
+ 	{
+ 	  error (0, errno, _("preserving times for %s"), quote (dst_name));
+ 	  if (x->require_preserve)
+diff --git a/src/touch.c b/src/touch.c
+index a79c26d..6ef317d 100644
+--- a/src/touch.c
++++ b/src/touch.c
+@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ touch (const char *file)
+       t = timespec;
+     }
+-  ok = (futimens (fd, (fd == STDOUT_FILENO ? NULL : file), t) == 0);
++  ok = (futimens_coreutils (fd, (fd == STDOUT_FILENO ? NULL : file), t) == 0);
+   if (fd == STDIN_FILENO)
+     {
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/gnulib_m4.patch b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/gnulib_m4.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f35552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/gnulib_m4.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [legacy version]
+# remove the line to cause recursive inclusion error from autoreconf, sicne
+# newer autoconf has included this definition. Simply rename it here.
+# Signed-off-by Kevin Tian <kevin.tian@intel.com>, 2010-08-18
+# (this patch is licensed under GPLv2)
+diff --git a/extensions.m4 b/extensions.m4
+index 143a9e5..f6558f1 100644
+--- a/m4/extensions.m4
++++ b/m4/extensions.m4
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
+ # ------------------------
+ # Enable extensions on systems that normally disable them,
+ # typically due to standards-conformance issues.
+ [
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/man-touch.patch b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/man-touch.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c42cb9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-6.9/man-touch.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [legacy version]
+# man page for 'touch' is generated differently from others. All other utilities
+# are provided static man source files, while for 'touch' it requires help2man
+# to invoke "touch --help" and then convert the output into the manual. Since touch
+# is with target format which can't be invoked on build system, disable building
+# 'touch' man page here.
+# Signed-off-by Kevin Tian <kevin.tian@intel.com>, 2010-08-18
+# (this patch is licensed under GPLv2)
+diff --git a/man/Makefile.am b/man/Makefile.am
+index 32df9d1..37b09e3 100644
+--- a/man/Makefile.am
++++ b/man/Makefile.am
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ dist_man_MANS = \
+   paste.1 pathchk.1 pr.1 printenv.1 printf.1 ptx.1 pwd.1 readlink.1 \
+   rm.1 rmdir.1 seq.1 sha1sum.1 sha224sum.1 sha256sum.1 sha384sum.1 sha512sum.1 \
+   shred.1 shuf.1 sleep.1 sort.1 split.1 stat.1 \
+-  su.1 sum.1 sync.1 tac.1 tail.1 tee.1 test.1 touch.1 tr.1 true.1 tsort.1 \
++  su.1 sum.1 sync.1 tac.1 tail.1 tee.1 test.1 tr.1 true.1 tsort.1 \
+   tty.1 unexpand.1 uniq.1 unlink.1 vdir.1 wc.1 \
+   whoami.1 yes.1 $(MAN)
+ optional_mans = \
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-8.24/0001-Unset-need_charset_alias-when-building-for-musl.patch b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-8.24/0001-Unset-need_charset_alias-when-building-for-musl.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba1a4ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-8.24/0001-Unset-need_charset_alias-when-building-for-musl.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+From b9565dc2fe0c4f7daaec91b7e83bc7313dee2f4a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 17:02:13 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] Unset need_charset_alias when building for musl
+localcharset uses ac_cv_gnu_library_2_1 from glibc21.m4
+which actually shoudl be fixed in gnulib and then all downstream
+projects will get it eventually. For now we apply the fix to
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ lib/gnulib.mk | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/lib/gnulib.mk b/lib/gnulib.mk
+index e1d74db..c0e92dd 100644
+--- a/lib/gnulib.mk
++++ b/lib/gnulib.mk
+@@ -1882,7 +1882,7 @@ install-exec-localcharset: all-local
+ 	  case '$(host_os)' in \
+ 	    darwin[56]*) \
+ 	      need_charset_alias=true ;; \
+-	    darwin* | cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*) \
++	    darwin* | cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc* | linux-musl*) \
+ 	      need_charset_alias=false ;; \
+ 	    *) \
+ 	      need_charset_alias=true ;; \
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-8.24/fix-selinux-flask.patch b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-8.24/fix-selinux-flask.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d1ae55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-8.24/fix-selinux-flask.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From a1d360509fa3a4aff57eedcd528cc0347a87531d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Robert Yang <liezhi.yang@windriver.com>
+Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 01:59:08 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] gnulib-comp.m4: selinux/flask.h should respect to
+ with_selinux
+Fixed when build with meta-selinux even when --without-selinux:
+runcon.c:49:28: fatal error: selinux/flask.h: No such file or directory
+ # include <selinux/flask.h>
+                            ^
+compilation terminated.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Robert Yang <liezhi.yang@windriver.com>
+ m4/gnulib-comp.m4 |    2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/m4/gnulib-comp.m4 b/m4/gnulib-comp.m4
+index 472d3a0..5f09734 100644
+--- a/m4/gnulib-comp.m4
++++ b/m4/gnulib-comp.m4
+@@ -1730,11 +1730,11 @@ AC_DEFUN([gl_INIT],
+     AC_LIBOBJ([select])
+   fi
+-  AC_CHECK_HEADERS([selinux/flask.h])
+   AC_LIBOBJ([selinux-at])
+   if test "$with_selinux" != no && test "$ac_cv_header_selinux_selinux_h" = yes; then
++    AC_CHECK_HEADERS([selinux/flask.h])
+     AC_LIBOBJ([getfilecon])
+   fi
+   gl_SERVENT
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-8.24/man-decouple-manpages-from-build.patch b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-8.24/man-decouple-manpages-from-build.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c896a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-8.24/man-decouple-manpages-from-build.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+From b4d258629f090066783c3b4c91b40f63b9d0a296 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Paul Gortmaker <paul.gortmaker@windriver.com>
+Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2015 16:51:57 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] man: decouple manpages from build
+The use of "help2man" doesn't work at all for cross compile, in
+addition to the extra requirement of perl it adds.
+Just decouple the manpages from the build in order to pave the way for
+importing prebuilt manpages that can be used in a cross build situation.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [upstream doesn't care about x-compile case.]
+Signed-off-by: Paul Gortmaker <paul.gortmaker@windriver.com>
+diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
+index fb4af27..7576b2c 100644
+--- a/Makefile.am
++++ b/Makefile.am
+@@ -214,5 +214,4 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -Ilib -I$(top_srcdir)/lib -Isrc -I$(top_srcdir)/src
+ include $(top_srcdir)/lib/local.mk
+ include $(top_srcdir)/src/local.mk
+ include $(top_srcdir)/doc/local.mk
+-include $(top_srcdir)/man/local.mk
+ include $(top_srcdir)/tests/local.mk
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-8.24/remove-usr-local-lib-from-m4.patch b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-8.24/remove-usr-local-lib-from-m4.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ef8a54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils-8.24/remove-usr-local-lib-from-m4.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+We have problem using hardcoded directories like /usr/local here
+which will be checked for cross builds. This is a special case which
+is valid for AIX only. We do not have AIX as one of our supported
+build host or target. Therefore we get rid of the hardcoded paths
+and make life easier for cross compilation process.
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [Upstream does care for AIX while we may not]
+Index: coreutils-8.14/m4/getloadavg.m4
+--- coreutils-8.14.orig/m4/getloadavg.m4	2011-09-19 08:09:24.000000000 -0700
++++ coreutils-8.14/m4/getloadavg.m4	2011-10-19 21:42:00.385533357 -0700
+@@ -41,16 +41,6 @@
+        [LIBS="-lutil $LIBS" gl_func_getloadavg_done=yes])
+    fi
+-   if test $gl_func_getloadavg_done = no; then
+-     # There is a commonly available library for RS/6000 AIX.
+-     # Since it is not a standard part of AIX, it might be installed locally.
+-     gl_getloadavg_LIBS=$LIBS
+-     LIBS="-L/usr/local/lib $LIBS"
+-     AC_CHECK_LIB([getloadavg], [getloadavg],
+-                  [LIBS="-lgetloadavg $LIBS" gl_func_getloadavg_done=yes],
+-                  [LIBS=$gl_getloadavg_LIBS])
+-   fi
+    # Set up the replacement function if necessary.
+    if test $gl_func_getloadavg_done = no; then
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils_6.9.bb b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils_6.9.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ff1d50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils_6.9.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+SUMMARY = "The basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities"
+DESCRIPTION = "The GNU Core Utilities provide the basic file, shell and text \
+manipulation utilities. These are the core utilities which are expected to exist on \
+every system."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/"
+BUGTRACKER = "http://debbugs.gnu.org/coreutils"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=751419260aa954499f7abaabaa882bbe \
+                    file://src/ls.c;beginline=4;endline=16;md5=15ed60f67b1db5fedd5dbc37cf8a9543"
+PR = "r5"
+inherit autotools gettext texinfo
+SRC_URI = "${GNU_MIRROR}/coreutils/${BP}.tar.bz2 \
+           file://gnulib_m4.patch \
+           file://futimens.patch \
+           file://coreutils-ls-x.patch \
+           file://coreutils-6.9-cp-i-u.patch \
+           file://coreutils-i18n.patch \
+           file://coreutils-overflow.patch \
+           file://coreutils-fix-install.patch \
+           file://man-touch.patch \
+           file://coreutils_fix_for_automake-1.12.patch \
+           file://coreutils-build-with-acl.patch \
+           file://coreutils-fix-texinfo.patch \
+           file://fix_for_manpage_building.patch \
+           "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "c9607d8495f16e98906e7ed2d9751a06"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "89c2895ad157de50e53298b22d91db116ee4e1dd3fdf4019260254e2e31497b0"
+EXTRA_OECONF += "ac_cv_func_getgroups_works=yes \
+                 ac_cv_func_strcoll_works=yes"
+# acl is not a default feature
+PACKAGECONFIG ??= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'acl', 'acl', '', d)}"
+# with, without, depends, rdepends
+PACKAGECONFIG[acl] = "ac_cv_header_sys_acl_h=yes,ac_cv_header_sys_acl_h=no,acl,"
+# [ gets a special treatment and is not included in this
+bindir_progs = "base64 basename cksum comm csplit cut dir dircolors dirname du \
+                env expand expr factor fmt fold groups head hostid id install \
+                join link logname md5sum mkfifo nice nl nohup od paste pathchk \
+                pinky pr printenv printf ptx readlink seq sha1sum sha224sum sha256sum \
+                sha384sum sha512sum shred shuf sort split sum tac tail tee test \
+                tr tsort tty unexpand uniq unlink users vdir wc who whoami yes uptime"
+# hostname gets a special treatment and is not included in this
+base_bindir_progs = "cat chgrp chmod chown cp date dd echo false kill ln ls mkdir \
+                     mknod mv pwd rm rmdir sleep stty sync touch true uname hostname stat"
+sbindir_progs= "chroot"
+# Let aclocal use the relative path for the m4 file rather than the
+# absolute since coreutils has a lot of m4 files, otherwise there might
+# be an "Argument list too long" error when it is built in a long/deep
+# directory.
+acpaths = "-I ./m4"
+do_install() {
+	autotools_do_install
+	install -d ${D}${base_bindir}
+	[ "${bindir}" != "${base_bindir}" ] && for i in ${base_bindir_progs}; do mv ${D}${bindir}/$i ${D}${base_bindir}/$i; done
+	install -d ${D}${sbindir}
+	[ "${bindir}" != "${sbindir}" ] && for i in ${sbindir_progs}; do mv ${D}${bindir}/$i ${D}${sbindir}/$i; done
+	# [ requires special handling because [.coreutils will cause the sed stuff
+	# in update-alternatives to fail, therefore use lbracket - the name used
+	# for the actual source file.
+	mv ${D}${bindir}/[ ${D}${bindir}/lbracket.${BPN}
+	# Newer versions of coreutils do not include su, to mimic this behavior
+	# we simply remove it.
+	rm -f ${D}${bindir}/su
+inherit update-alternatives
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN} = "lbracket ${bindir_progs} ${base_bindir_progs} ${sbindir_progs}"
+ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY[hostname] = "10"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[lbracket] = "${bindir}/["
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[lbracket] = "${bindir}/lbracket.${BPN}"
+python __anonymous() {
+	for prog in d.getVar('base_bindir_progs', True).split():
+		d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME', prog, '%s/%s' % (d.getVar('base_bindir', True), prog))
+	for prog in d.getVar('sbindir_progs', True).split():
+		d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME', prog, '%s/%s' % (d.getVar('sbindir', True), prog))
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils_8.24.bb b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils_8.24.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..034ebcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/coreutils/coreutils_8.24.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+SUMMARY = "The basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities"
+DESCRIPTION = "The GNU Core Utilities provide the basic file, shell and text \
+manipulation utilities. These are the core utilities which are expected to exist on \
+every system."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/"
+BUGTRACKER = "http://debbugs.gnu.org/coreutils"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d32239bcb673463ab874e80d47fae504\
+                    file://src/ls.c;beginline=5;endline=16;md5=38b79785ca88537b75871782a2a3c6b8"
+DEPENDS = "gmp libcap"
+DEPENDS_class-native = ""
+inherit autotools gettext texinfo
+SRC_URI = "${GNU_MIRROR}/coreutils/${BP}.tar.xz;name=tarball \
+           http://distfiles.gentoo.org/distfiles/${BP}-man.tar.xz;name=manpages \
+           file://man-decouple-manpages-from-build.patch \
+           file://remove-usr-local-lib-from-m4.patch \
+           file://fix-selinux-flask.patch \
+           file://0001-Unset-need_charset_alias-when-building-for-musl.patch \
+          "
+SRC_URI[tarball.md5sum] = "40efdbce865d2458d8da0a9dcee7c16c"
+SRC_URI[tarball.sha256sum] = "a2d75286a4b9ef3a13039c2da3868a61be4ee9f17d8ae380a35a97e506972170"
+SRC_URI[manpages.md5sum] = "728a91a5c1095a33cffb9959bb891963"
+SRC_URI[manpages.sha256sum] = "cf0333b5f134a331e0b46e2ddf90666f8bdc3281c1ca2c7ccbb75b437589ce37"
+EXTRA_OECONF_class-native = "--without-gmp"
+EXTRA_OECONF_class-target = "--enable-install-program=arch --libexecdir=${libdir}"
+# acl is not a default feature
+PACKAGECONFIG_class-target ??= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'acl', 'acl', '', d)}"
+PACKAGECONFIG_class-native ??= ""
+# with, without, depends, rdepends
+PACKAGECONFIG[acl] = "--enable-acl,--disable-acl,acl,"
+# [ df mktemp base64 gets a special treatment and is not included in this
+bindir_progs = "arch basename chcon cksum comm csplit cut dir dircolors dirname du \
+                env expand expr factor fmt fold groups head hostid id install \
+                join link logname md5sum mkfifo nice nl nohup nproc od paste pathchk \
+                pinky pr printenv printf ptx readlink realpath runcon seq sha1sum sha224sum sha256sum \
+                sha384sum sha512sum shred shuf sort split stdbuf sum tac tail tee test timeout\
+                tr truncate tsort tty unexpand uniq unlink uptime users vdir wc who whoami yes"
+# hostname gets a special treatment and is not included in this
+base_bindir_progs = "cat chgrp chmod chown cp date dd echo false kill ln ls mkdir \
+                     mknod mv pwd rm rmdir sleep stty sync touch true uname stat"
+sbindir_progs= "chroot"
+# Let aclocal use the relative path for the m4 file rather than the
+# absolute since coreutils has a lot of m4 files, otherwise there might
+# be an "Argument list too long" error when it is built in a long/deep
+# directory.
+acpaths = "-I ./m4"
+# Deal with a separate builddir failure if src doesn't exist when creating version.c/version.h
+do_compile_prepend () {
+	mkdir -p ${B}/src
+do_install_append() {
+	for i in df mktemp base64; do mv ${D}${bindir}/$i ${D}${bindir}/$i.${BPN}; done
+	install -d ${D}${base_bindir}
+	[ "${base_bindir}" != "${bindir}" ] && for i in ${base_bindir_progs}; do mv ${D}${bindir}/$i ${D}${base_bindir}/$i.${BPN}; done
+	install -d ${D}${sbindir}
+	[ "${sbindir}" != "${bindir}" ] && for i in ${sbindir_progs}; do mv ${D}${bindir}/$i ${D}${sbindir}/$i.${BPN}; done
+	# [ requires special handling because [.coreutils will cause the sed stuff
+	# in update-alternatives to fail, therefore use lbracket - the name used
+	# for the actual source file.
+	mv ${D}${bindir}/[ ${D}${bindir}/lbracket.${BPN}
+	# prebuilt man pages
+	install -d ${D}/${mandir}/man1
+	install -t ${D}/${mandir}/man1 ${S}/man/*.1
+	# prebuilt man pages don't do a separate man page for [ vs test.
+	# see comment above r.e. sed and update-alternatives
+	cp -a ${D}${mandir}/man1/test.1 ${D}${mandir}/man1/lbracket.1.${BPN}
+	# remove groups to fix conflict with shadow-native
+	rm -f ${D}${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/groups
+inherit update-alternatives
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN} = "lbracket ${bindir_progs} ${base_bindir_progs} ${sbindir_progs} base64 mktemp df"
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN}-doc = "base64.1 mktemp.1 df.1 lbracket.1 groups.1 kill.1 uptime.1 stat.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[base64] = "${base_bindir}/base64"
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[base64] = "${bindir}/base64.${BPN}"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[base64.1] = "${mandir}/man1/base64.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[mktemp] = "${base_bindir}/mktemp"
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[mktemp] = "${bindir}/mktemp.${BPN}"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[mktemp.1] = "${mandir}/man1/mktemp.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[df] = "${base_bindir}/df"
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[df] = "${bindir}/df.${BPN}"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[df.1] = "${mandir}/man1/df.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[lbracket] = "${bindir}/["
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[lbracket] = "${bindir}/lbracket.${BPN}"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[lbracket.1] = "${mandir}/man1/lbracket.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[groups.1] = "${mandir}/man1/groups.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[uptime.1] = "${mandir}/man1/uptime.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[kill.1] = "${mandir}/man1/kill.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[stat.1] = "${mandir}/man1/stat.1"
+python __anonymous() {
+	for prog in d.getVar('base_bindir_progs', True).split():
+		d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME', prog, '%s/%s' % (d.getVar('base_bindir', True), prog))
+	for prog in d.getVar('sbindir_progs', True).split():
+		d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME', prog, '%s/%s' % (d.getVar('sbindir', True), prog))
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dbus-wait/dbus-wait_git.bb b/meta/recipes-core/dbus-wait/dbus-wait_git.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..691dc86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dbus-wait/dbus-wait_git.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+SUMMARY = "A simple tool to wait for a specific signal over DBus"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/dbus-wait"
+SECTION = "base"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263"
+DEPENDS = "dbus"
+SRCREV = "6cc6077a36fe2648a5f993fe7c16c9632f946517"
+PV = "0.1+git${SRCPV}"
+PR = "r2"
+SRC_URI = "git://git.yoctoproject.org/${BPN}"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus-glib.inc b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus-glib.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abd0132
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus-glib.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+SUMMARY = "High level language (GLib) binding for D-Bus"
+DESCRIPTION = "GLib bindings for the D-Bus message bus that integrate \
+the D-Bus library with the GLib thread abstraction and main loop."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.freedesktop.org/Software/dbus"
+LICENSE = "AFL-2 | GPLv2+"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=cf5b3a2f7083750d504333114e738656 \
+                    file://dbus/dbus-glib.h;beginline=7;endline=21;md5=7755c9d7abccd5dbd25a6a974538bb3c"
+SECTION = "base"
+DEPENDS = "expat glib-2.0 virtual/libintl dbus-glib-native dbus"
+DEPENDS_class-native = "glib-2.0-native dbus-native"
+SRC_URI = "http://dbus.freedesktop.org/releases/dbus-glib/dbus-glib-${PV}.tar.gz \
+           file://no-examples.patch \
+           file://test-install-makefile.patch \
+inherit autotools pkgconfig gettext
+#default disable regression tests, some unit test code in non testing code
+#PACKAGECONFIG_pn-${PN} = "tests" enable regression tests local.conf
+PACKAGECONFIG[tests] = "--enable-tests,,,"
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--with-introspect-xml=${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}/dbus/dbus-bus-introspect.xml \
+                --with-dbus-binding-tool=${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/dbus-binding-tool"
+EXTRA_OECONF_class-native = "--with-introspect-xml=${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}/dbus/dbus-bus-introspect.xml"
+PACKAGES += "${PN}-bash-completion ${PN}-tests-dbg ${PN}-tests"
+FILES_${PN} = "${libdir}/lib*${SOLIBS}"
+FILES_${PN}-bash-completion = "${sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/dbus-bash-completion.sh \
+   ${libexecdir}/dbus-bash-completion-helper"
+FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/dbus-1.0/include ${bindir}/dbus-glib-tool"
+FILES_${PN}-dev += "${bindir}/dbus-binding-tool"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-tests += "dbus-x11"
+FILES_${PN}-tests = "${datadir}/${BPN}/tests"
+FILES_${PN}-tests-dbg = "${datadir}/${BPN}/tests/.debug/* \
+                         ${datadir}/${BPN}/tests/core/.debug/* \
+                         ${datadir}/${BPN}/tests/interfaces/.debug/*"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus-glib/no-examples.patch b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus-glib/no-examples.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbb4967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus-glib/no-examples.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Disable compiling examples
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [disable feature]
+Signed-off-by: Kevin Tian <kevin.tian@intel.com>
+Signed-off-by: Scott Garman <scott.a.garman@intel.com>
+--- dbus-glib-0.70/dbus/Makefile.am.orig	2006-07-23 16:04:43.000000000 +0200
++++ dbus-glib-0.70/dbus/Makefile.am	2006-07-23 16:04:52.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-SUBDIRS = . examples
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus-glib/test-install-makefile.patch b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus-glib/test-install-makefile.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..027c82b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus-glib/test-install-makefile.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+Change Makefile.am to install regression tests for test package purpose.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [test not install is for purpose from upstream]
+Signed-off-by: Yao Zhao <yao.zhao@windriver.com>
+Signed-off-by: Chong Lu <Chong.Lu@windriver.com>
+ test/Makefile.am            | 3 ++-
+ test/core/Makefile.am       | 3 ++-
+ test/interfaces/Makefile.am | 3 ++-
+ 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/test/Makefile.am b/test/Makefile.am
+index 379c8c3..6580927 100644
+--- a/test/Makefile.am
++++ b/test/Makefile.am
+@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ TESTS = \
+ 	$(test_scripts) \
+ 	$(NULL)
+-noinst_PROGRAMS = \
++testdir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@/tests
++test_PROGRAMS = \
+ 	$(test_programs) \
+ 	$(test_related_programs) \
+ 	$(NULL)
+diff --git a/test/core/Makefile.am b/test/core/Makefile.am
+index e4bceb4..54b077d 100644
+--- a/test/core/Makefile.am
++++ b/test/core/Makefile.am
+@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ endif
+ ## we use noinst_PROGRAMS not check_PROGRAMS for TESTS so that we
+ ## build even when not doing "make check"
+-noinst_PROGRAMS = \
++testdir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@/tests/core
++test_PROGRAMS = \
+ 	test-dbus-glib \
+ 	test-error-mapping \
+ 	test-service-glib \
+diff --git a/test/interfaces/Makefile.am b/test/interfaces/Makefile.am
+index a94d08d..707dcac 100644
+--- a/test/interfaces/Makefile.am
++++ b/test/interfaces/Makefile.am
+@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ if DBUS_BUILD_TESTS
+ ## we use noinst_PROGRAMS not check_PROGRAMS for TESTS so that we
+ ## build even when not doing "make check"
+-noinst_PROGRAMS = test-service test-client
++testdir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@/tests/interfaces
++test_PROGRAMS = test-service test-client
+ test_service_SOURCES = \
+ 	test-interfaces.c \
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus-glib_0.104.bb b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus-glib_0.104.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1263c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus-glib_0.104.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+require dbus-glib.inc
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "5497d2070709cf796f1878c75a72a039"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "bfc1f1a82bfc3ec3ecafe04d0e87bab7e999f50dce4f4a34d0b89caf6bd821f6"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus-test_1.8.20.bb b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus-test_1.8.20.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..704070b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus-test_1.8.20.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+SUMMARY = "D-Bus test package (for D-bus functionality testing only)"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://dbus.freedesktop.org"
+SECTION = "base"
+LICENSE = "AFL-2 | GPLv2+"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=10dded3b58148f3f1fd804b26354af3e \
+                    file://dbus/dbus.h;beginline=6;endline=20;md5=7755c9d7abccd5dbd25a6a974538bb3c"
+DEPENDS = "python-pygobject dbus dbus-glib"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "make"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-dev = ""
+SRC_URI = "http://dbus.freedesktop.org/releases/dbus/dbus-${PV}.tar.gz \
+           file://tmpdir.patch \
+           file://dbus-1.init  \
+           file://run-ptest \
+           file://python-config.patch \
+           file://clear-guid_from_server-if-send_negotiate_unix_f.patch \
+           "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "b49890bbabedab3a1c3f4f73c7ff8b2b"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "5c4fbf4c64621c96e871da91d2b729a5b00536e116d3c4612a469d924b1b703a"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig gettext ptest
+EXTRA_OECONF_X = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'x11', '--with-x', '--without-x', d)}"
+EXTRA_OECONF_X_class-native = "--without-x"
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--enable-tests \
+                --enable-modular-tests \
+                --enable-installed-tests \
+                --enable-checks \
+                --enable-asserts \
+                --enable-verbose-mode \
+                --disable-xml-docs \
+                --disable-doxygen-docs \
+                --disable-libaudit \
+                --disable-systemd \
+                --without-systemdsystemunitdir \
+                --with-dbus-test-dir=${PTEST_PATH} \
+                ${EXTRA_OECONF_X}"
+do_install() {
+    :
+do_install_ptest() {
+	install -d ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/test
+	case1="shell printf refs syslog"
+	for i in ${case1}; do install ${B}/test/test-$i ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/test; done
+	case2="marshal syntax corrupt dbus-daemon dbus-daemon-eavesdrop loopback relay"
+	for i in ${case2}; do install ${B}/test/.libs/test-$i ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/test; done
+	case3="bus bus-system bus-launch-helper"
+	for i in ${case3}; do install ${B}/bus/test-$i ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/test; done
+	install ${B}/dbus/test-dbus ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/test
+	cp -r ${B}/test/data ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/test
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-ptest += "bash"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus.inc b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3971081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+SUMMARY = "D-Bus message bus"
+DESCRIPTION = "D-Bus is a message bus system, a simple way for applications to talk to one another. In addition to interprocess communication, D-Bus helps coordinate process lifecycle; it makes it simple and reliable to code a \"single instance\" application or daemon, and to launch applications and daemons on demand when their services are needed."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://dbus.freedesktop.org"
+SECTION = "base"
+LICENSE = "AFL-2 | GPLv2+"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=10dded3b58148f3f1fd804b26354af3e \
+                    file://dbus/dbus.h;beginline=6;endline=20;md5=7755c9d7abccd5dbd25a6a974538bb3c"
+DEPENDS = "expat virtual/libintl"
+RDEPENDS_dbus_class-native = ""
+RDEPENDS_dbus_class-nativesdk = ""
+PACKAGES += "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ptest', '${PN}-ptest', '', d)}"
+ALLOW_EMPTY_dbus-ptest = "1"
+RDEPENDS_dbus-ptest_class-target = "dbus-test-ptest"
+SRC_URI = "http://dbus.freedesktop.org/releases/dbus/dbus-${PV}.tar.gz \
+           file://tmpdir.patch \
+           file://dbus-1.init \
+           file://os-test.patch \
+           file://clear-guid_from_server-if-send_negotiate_unix_f.patch \
+inherit useradd autotools pkgconfig gettext update-rc.d
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "start 02 5 3 2 . stop 20 0 1 6 ."
+python __anonymous() {
+    if not bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'sysvinit', True, False, d):
+        d.setVar("INHIBIT_UPDATERCD_BBCLASS", "1")
+GROUPADD_PARAM_${PN} = "-r netdev"
+USERADD_PARAM_${PN} = "--system --home ${localstatedir}/lib/dbus \
+                       --no-create-home --shell /bin/false \
+                       --user-group messagebus"
+CONFFILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/dbus-1/system.conf ${sysconfdir}/dbus-1/session.conf"
+DEBIANNAME_${PN} = "dbus-1"
+PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-lib"
+OLDPKGNAME = "dbus-x11"
+OLDPKGNAME_class-nativesdk = ""
+# for compatibility
+FILES_${PN} = "${bindir}/dbus-daemon* \
+               ${bindir}/dbus-uuidgen \
+               ${bindir}/dbus-cleanup-sockets \
+               ${bindir}/dbus-send \
+               ${bindir}/dbus-monitor \
+               ${bindir}/dbus-launch \
+               ${bindir}/dbus-run-session \
+               ${libexecdir}/dbus* \
+               ${sysconfdir} \
+               ${localstatedir} \
+               ${datadir}/dbus-1/services \
+               ${datadir}/dbus-1/system-services \
+               ${systemd_unitdir}/system/"
+FILES_${PN}-lib = "${libdir}/lib*.so.*"
+RRECOMMENDS_${PN}-lib = "${PN}"
+FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/dbus-1.0/include ${bindir}/dbus-glib-tool"
+pkg_postinst_dbus() {
+	# If both systemd and sysvinit are enabled, mask the dbus-1 init script
+        if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','systemd sysvinit','true','false',d)}; then
+		if [ -n "$D" ]; then
+			OPTS="--root=$D"
+		fi
+		systemctl $OPTS mask dbus-1.service
+	fi
+	if [ -z "$D" ] && [ -e /etc/init.d/populate-volatile.sh ] ; then
+		/etc/init.d/populate-volatile.sh update
+	fi
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--disable-tests \
+                --disable-xml-docs \
+                --disable-doxygen-docs \
+                --disable-libaudit \
+                --disable-systemd \
+                --without-dbus-glib"
+EXTRA_OECONF_append_class-native = " --disable-selinux"
+PACKAGECONFIG ??= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'systemd', '', d)} \
+                   ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'x11', 'x11', '', d)}"
+PACKAGECONFIG_class-native = ""
+PACKAGECONFIG_class-nativesdk = ""
+# Would like to --enable-systemd but that's a circular build-dependency between
+# systemd<->dbus
+PACKAGECONFIG[systemd] = "--with-systemdsystemunitdir=${systemd_unitdir}/system/,--without-systemdsystemunitdir"
+PACKAGECONFIG[x11] = "--with-x --enable-x11-autolaunch,--without-x --disable-x11-autolaunch, virtual/libx11 libsm"
+do_install() {
+	autotools_do_install
+	if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'sysvinit', 'true', 'false', d)}; then
+		install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+		sed 's:@bindir@:${bindir}:' < ${WORKDIR}/dbus-1.init >${WORKDIR}/dbus-1.init.sh
+		install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/dbus-1.init.sh ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/dbus-1
+	fi
+	if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'true', 'false', d)}; then
+		for i in dbus.target.wants sockets.target.wants multi-user.target.wants; do \
+			install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/$i; done
+		install -m 0644 ${B}/bus/dbus.service ${B}/bus/dbus.socket ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/
+		cd ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/dbus.target.wants/
+		ln -fs ../dbus.socket ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/dbus.target.wants/dbus.socket
+		ln -fs ../dbus.socket ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/sockets.target.wants/dbus.socket
+		ln -fs ../dbus.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/multi-user.target.wants/dbus.service
+	fi
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/volatiles
+	echo "d messagebus messagebus 0755 ${localstatedir}/run/dbus none" \
+	     > ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/volatiles/99_dbus
+	mkdir -p ${D}${localstatedir}/lib/dbus
+	chown messagebus:messagebus ${D}${localstatedir}/lib/dbus
+	chown root:messagebus ${D}${libexecdir}/dbus-daemon-launch-helper
+	chmod 4755 ${D}${libexecdir}/dbus-daemon-launch-helper
+	# Remove Red Hat initscript
+	rm -rf ${D}${sysconfdir}/rc.d
+	# Remove empty testexec directory as we don't build tests
+	rm -rf ${D}${libdir}/dbus-1.0/test
+	# Remove /var/run as it is created on startup
+	rm -rf ${D}${localstatedir}/run
+do_install_class-native() {
+	autotools_do_install
+	# for dbus-glib-native introspection generation
+	install -d ${D}${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}/dbus/
+	# N.B. is below install actually required?
+	install -m 0644 bus/session.conf ${D}${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}/dbus/session.conf
+	# dbus-glib-native and dbus-glib need this xml file
+	./bus/dbus-daemon --introspect > ${D}${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}/dbus/dbus-bus-introspect.xml
+	# dbus-launch has no X support so lets not install it in case the host
+	# has a more featured and useful version
+	rm -f ${D}${bindir}/dbus-launch
+do_install_class-nativesdk() {
+	autotools_do_install
+	# dbus-launch has no X support so lets not install it in case the host
+	# has a more featured and useful version
+	rm -f ${D}${bindir}/dbus-launch
+	# Remove /var/run to avoid QA error
+	rm -rf ${D}${localstatedir}/run
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
+INSANE_SKIP_${PN}-ptest += "build-deps"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus/clear-guid_from_server-if-send_negotiate_unix_f.patch b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus/clear-guid_from_server-if-send_negotiate_unix_f.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bb6d9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus/clear-guid_from_server-if-send_negotiate_unix_f.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+From b8f84bd39485d3977625c9a8b8e8cff5d23be56f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Roy Li <rongqing.li@windriver.com>
+Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 09:05:02 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH] dbus: clear guid_from_server if send_negotiate_unix_fd
+ failed
+Upstream-Status: Submitted
+bus-test dispatch test failed with below information:
+    ./bus/bus-test: Running message dispatch test
+    Activating service name='org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteEchoService'
+    Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.DBus.TestSuiteEchoService'
+    6363: assertion failed "_dbus_string_get_length (& DBUS_AUTH_CLIENT (auth)->guid_from_server) == 0" file "dbus-auth.c" line 1545 function process_ok
+      ./bus/bus-test(_dbus_print_backtrace+0x29) [0x80cb969]
+      ./bus/bus-test(_dbus_abort+0x14) [0x80cfb44]
+      ./bus/bus-test(_dbus_real_assert+0x53) [0x80b52c3]
+      ./bus/bus-test() [0x80e24da]
+      ./bus/bus-test(_dbus_auth_do_work+0x388) [0x80e3848]
+      ./bus/bus-test() [0x80aea49]
+      ./bus/bus-test() [0x80affde]
+      ./bus/bus-test(_dbus_transport_handle_watch+0xb1) [0x80ad841]
+      ./bus/bus-test(_dbus_connection_handle_watch+0x104) [0x8089174]
+      ./bus/bus-test(dbus_watch_handle+0xd8) [0x80b15e8]
+      ./bus/bus-test(_dbus_loop_iterate+0x4a9) [0x80d1509]
+      ./bus/bus-test(bus_test_run_clients_loop+0x5d) [0x808129d]
+      ./bus/bus-test() [0x806cab0]
+      ./bus/bus-test() [0x806e0ca]
+      ./bus/bus-test() [0x806da6f]
+      ./bus/bus-test(_dbus_test_oom_handling+0x18c) [0x80b5c8c]
+      ./bus/bus-test() [0x806f723]
+      ./bus/bus-test(bus_dispatch_test+0x3c) [0x8071aac]
+      ./bus/bus-test(main+0x1b7) [0x805acc7]
+      /lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf3) [0x45f919b3]
+      ./bus/bus-test() [0x805ae39]
+The stack is below:
+    #0  0xffffe425 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
+    #1  0x45fa62d6 in raise () from /lib/libc.so.6
+    #2  0x45fa9653 in abort () from /lib/libc.so.6
+    #3  0x080cfb65 in _dbus_abort () at dbus-sysdeps.c:94
+    #4  0x080b52c3 in _dbus_real_assert (condition=0,
+        condition_text=condition_text@entry=0x8117a38 "_dbus_string_get_length (& DBUS_AUTH_CLIENT (auth)->guid_from_server) == 0",
+        file=file@entry=0x8117273 "dbus-auth.c", line=line@entry=1545,
+        func=func@entry=0x8117f8e <__FUNCTION__.3492> "process_ok")
+        data=0x8157290) at dbus-connection.c:1515
+    #0  0x00000033fee353e9 in raise () from /lib64/libc.so.6
+    #1  0x00000033fee38508 in abort () from /lib64/libc.so.6
+    #2  0x000000000047d585 in _dbus_abort () at dbus-sysdeps.c:94
+    #3  0x0000000000466486 in _dbus_real_assert (condition=<optimized out>,
+        condition_text=condition_text@entry=0x4c2988 "_dbus_string_get_length (& DBUS_AUTH_CLIENT (auth)->guid_from_server) == 0",
+        file=file@entry=0x4c21a5 "dbus-auth.c", line=line@entry=1546,
+        func=func@entry=0x4c2fce <__FUNCTION__.3845> "process_ok")
+        at dbus-internals.c:931
+    #4  0x000000000048d424 in process_ok (args_from_ok=0x7fffffffe480,
+        auth=0x6ff340) at dbus-auth.c:1546
+    #5  handle_client_state_waiting_for_data (auth=0x6ff340,
+        command=<optimized out>, args=0x7fffffffe480) at dbus-auth.c:1996
+    #6  0x000000000048e789 in process_command (auth=0x6ff340) at dbus-auth.c:2208
+    #7  _dbus_auth_do_work (auth=0x6ff340) at dbus-auth.c:2458
+    #8  0x000000000046091d in do_authentication (
+        transport=transport@entry=0x6ffaa0, do_reading=do_reading@entry=1,
+        do_writing=do_writing@entry=0,
+        auth_completed=auth_completed@entry=0x7fffffffe55c)
+        at dbus-transport-socket.c:442
+    #9  0x0000000000461d08 in socket_handle_watch (transport=0x6ffaa0,
+        watch=0x6f4190, flags=1) at dbus-transport-socket.c:921
+    #10 0x000000000045fa3a in _dbus_transport_handle_watch (transport=0x6ffaa0,
+Once send_negotiate_unix_fd failed, this failure will happen, since
+auth->guid_from_server has been set to some value before
+send_negotiate_unix_fd. send_negotiate_unix_fd failure will lead to
+this auth be handled by process_ok again, but this auth->guid_from_server
+is not zero.
+So we should clear auth->guid_from_server if send_negotiate_unix_fd failed
+Signed-off-by: Roy Li <rongqing.li@windriver.com>
+ dbus/dbus-auth.c |    9 +++++++--
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/dbus/dbus-auth.c b/dbus/dbus-auth.c
+index d2c37a7..37b45c6 100644
+--- a/dbus/dbus-auth.c
++++ b/dbus/dbus-auth.c
+@@ -1571,8 +1571,13 @@ process_ok(DBusAuth *auth,
+   _dbus_verbose ("Got GUID '%s' from the server\n",
+                  _dbus_string_get_const_data (& DBUS_AUTH_CLIENT (auth)->guid_from_server));
+-  if (auth->unix_fd_possible)
+-    return send_negotiate_unix_fd(auth);
++  if (auth->unix_fd_possible) {
++     if (!send_negotiate_unix_fd(auth)) {
++         _dbus_string_set_length (& DBUS_AUTH_CLIENT (auth)->guid_from_server, 0);
++         return FALSE;
++     }
++     return TRUE;
++  }
+   _dbus_verbose("Not negotiating unix fd passing, since not possible\n");
+   return send_begin (auth);
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus/dbus-1.init b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus/dbus-1.init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42c8629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus/dbus-1.init
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Provides:          dbus
+# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog
+# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $syslog
+# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop:      1
+# Short-Description: D-Bus systemwide message bus
+# Description:       D-Bus is a simple interprocess messaging system, used
+#                    for sending messages between applications.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Debian init.d script for D-BUS
+# Copyright © 2003 Colin Walters <walters@debian.org>
+# set -e
+# Source function library.
+. /etc/init.d/functions
+DAEMONUSER=messagebus           # must match /etc/dbus-1/system.conf
+PIDFILE=/var/run/messagebus.pid # must match /etc/dbus-1/system.conf
+DESC="system message bus"
+test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
+# Source defaults file; edit that file to configure this script.
+if [ -e /etc/default/dbus ]; then
+  . /etc/default/dbus
+test "$ENABLED" != "0" || exit 0
+  mkdir -p "`dirname $PIDFILE`"
+  if [ -e $PIDFILE ]; then
+    PIDDIR=/proc/$(cat $PIDFILE)
+    if [ -d ${PIDDIR} -a  "$(readlink -f ${PIDDIR}/exe)" = "${DAEMON}" ]; then 
+      echo "$DESC already started; not starting."
+    else
+      echo "Removing stale PID file $PIDFILE."
+      rm -f $PIDFILE
+    fi
+  fi
+  if [ ! -d $UUIDDIR ]; then
+    mkdir -p $UUIDDIR
+  fi
+  dbus-uuidgen --ensure  
+  echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
+  start-stop-daemon -o --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE \
+    --user $DAEMONUSER --exec $DAEMON -- --system $PARAMS
+  echo "$NAME."
+  if [ -d $EVENTDIR ]; then
+      run-parts --arg=start $EVENTDIR
+  fi
+  if [ -d $EVENTDIR ]; then
+      # TODO: --reverse when busybox supports it
+      run-parts --arg=stop $EVENTDIR
+  fi
+  echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "
+  start-stop-daemon -o --stop  --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE \
+    --user $DAEMONUSER
+  # We no longer include these arguments so that start-stop-daemon
+  # can do its job even given that we may have been upgraded.
+  # We rely on the pidfile being sanely managed
+  # --exec $DAEMON -- --system $PARAMS
+  echo "$NAME."
+  rm -f $PIDFILE
+  echo -n "Reloading $DESC config: "
+  dbus-send --print-reply --system --type=method_call \
+            --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus \
+            / org.freedesktop.DBus.ReloadConfig > /dev/null
+  # hopefully this is enough time for dbus to reload it's config file.
+  echo "done."
+case "$1" in
+  start)
+    start_it_up
+  ;;
+  stop)
+    shut_it_down
+  ;;
+  status)
+    status $DAEMON
+    exit $?
+  ;;
+  reload|force-reload)
+    reload_it
+  ;;
+  restart)
+    shut_it_down
+    sleep 1
+    start_it_up
+  ;;
+  *)
+    echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/$NAME {start|stop|status|restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
+    exit 1
+  ;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus/os-test.patch b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus/os-test.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54c257f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus/os-test.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+dbus: remove build host test in configure script
+The dbus build tests the build host to detect what initscript
+environment it expects.  Remove the test and set it to "redhat"
+unconditionally as the oe-core initscript has a redhat-style pid file
+Signed-off-by: Andy Ross <andy.ross@windriver.com>
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [embedded]
+diff -u a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+--- a/configure.ac	2012-08-28 11:23:43.040609874 -0700
++++ b/configure.ac	2012-08-28 11:54:25.602913945 -0700
+@@ -1348,19 +1348,8 @@
+-#### Check our operating system
+-if test -f /etc/redhat-release || test -f $EXPANDED_SYSCONFDIR/redhat-release ; then
+-   operating_system=redhat
+-if test -f /etc/slackware-version || test -f $EXPANDED_SYSCONFDIR/slackware-version ; then
+-   operating_system=slackware
+-if test -f /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll || test -f $EXPANDED_BINDIR/cygwin1.dll ; then
+-   operating_system=cygwin
++#### Build host test removed from upstream code, openembedded initscript is redhat-like:
+ #### Sort out init scripts
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus/python-config.patch b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus/python-config.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2944002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus/python-config.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+When building the dbus-ptest package, we have to enable python.  However
+checking if the host-system python has the necessary library isn't useful.
+Disable the python module check for cross compiling.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [oe specific]
+Signed-off-by: Mark Hatle <mark.hatle@windriver.com>
+--- dbus-1.6.8/configure.ac.orig	2013-07-11 14:15:58.834554799 -0500
++++ dbus-1.6.8/configure.ac	2013-07-11 14:14:40.969554848 -0500
+@@ -257,13 +257,6 @@
+   # full test coverage is required, Python is a hard dependency
+   AC_MSG_NOTICE([Full test coverage (--enable-tests=yes) requires Python, dbus-python, pygobject])
+   AM_PATH_PYTHON([2.6])
+-  AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Python modules for full test coverage])
+-  if "$PYTHON" -c "import dbus, gobject, dbus.mainloop.glib"; then
+-    AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+-  else
+-    AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+-    AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot import dbus, gobject, dbus.mainloop.glib Python modules])
+-  fi
+ else
+   # --enable-tests not given: do not abort if Python is missing
+   AM_PATH_PYTHON([2.6], [], [:])
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus/run-ptest b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus/run-ptest
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c72d083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus/run-ptest
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+output() {
+  if [ $? -eq 0 ]
+    then echo "PASS: $i"
+    else echo "FAIL: $i"
+  fi
+for i in `ls test/test-*`; do ./$i ./test/data DBUS_TEST_HOMEDIR=./test >/dev/null; output; done
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus/tmpdir.patch b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus/tmpdir.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf086e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus/tmpdir.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+From 5105fedd7fa13dadd2d0d864fb77873b83b79a4b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Koen Kooi <koen@dominion.thruhere.net>
+Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 13:52:09 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] buildsys: hardcode socketdir to /tmp
+the TMPDIR env var isn't always pointing to the right target path
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [embedded]
+Signed-off-by: Koen Kooi <koen@dominion.thruhere.net>
+Original comment:
+	avoid to check tmp dir at build time. instead uses hard coded /tmp here
+	comment added by Kevin Tian <kevin.tian@intel.com>
+ configure.ac |   11 +----------
+ 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 408054b..6d26180 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -1483,16 +1483,7 @@ AC_SUBST(TEST_LAUNCH_HELPER_BINARY)
+                    [Full path to the launch helper test program in the builddir])
+-#### Find socket directories
+-if ! test -z "$TMPDIR" ; then
+-elif ! test -z "$TEMP" ; then
+-elif ! test -z "$TMP" ; then
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus_1.8.20.bb b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus_1.8.20.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8f2094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dbus/dbus_1.8.20.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+include dbus.inc
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "b49890bbabedab3a1c3f4f73c7ff8b2b"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "5c4fbf4c64621c96e871da91d2b729a5b00536e116d3c4612a469d924b1b703a"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear.inc b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2c736e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+SUMMARY = "A lightweight SSH and SCP implementation"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://matt.ucc.asn.au/dropbear/dropbear.html"
+SECTION = "console/network"
+# some files are from other projects and have others license terms:
+#   public domain, OpenSSH 3.5p1, OpenSSH3.6.1p2, PuTTY
+LICENSE = "MIT & BSD-3-Clause & BSD-2-Clause & PD"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=a5ec40cafba26fc4396d0b550f824e01"
+DEPENDS = "zlib"
+RPROVIDES_${PN} = "ssh sshd" 
+DEPENDS += "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pam', 'libpam', '', d)}"
+SRC_URI = "http://matt.ucc.asn.au/dropbear/releases/dropbear-${PV}.tar.bz2 \
+           file://0001-urandom-xauth-changes-to-options.h.patch \
+           file://0003-configure.patch \
+           file://0004-fix-2kb-keys.patch \
+           file://0007-dropbear-fix-for-x32-abi.patch \
+           file://init \
+           file://dropbearkey.service \
+           file://dropbear@.service \
+           file://dropbear.socket \
+           ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pam', '${PAM_SRC_URI}', '', d)} "
+PAM_SRC_URI = "file://0005-dropbear-enable-pam.patch \
+               file://0006-dropbear-configuration-file.patch \
+               file://dropbear"
+PAM_PLUGINS = "libpam-runtime \
+	pam-plugin-deny \
+	pam-plugin-permit \
+	pam-plugin-unix \
+	"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pam', '${PAM_PLUGINS}', '', d)}"
+inherit autotools update-rc.d systemd
+INITSCRIPT_NAME = "dropbear"
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "defaults 10"
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "dropbear.socket"
+CFLAGS_prepend = " -I. "
+LD = "${CC}"
+SBINCOMMANDS = "dropbear dropbearkey dropbearconvert"
+BINCOMMANDS = "dbclient ssh scp"
+ ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pam', '--enable-pam', '--disable-pam', d)}"
+CFLAGS += "-DSFTPSERVER_PATH=\\"${libdir}/openssh/sftp-server\\""
+do_install() {
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir} \
+		${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d \
+		${D}${sysconfdir}/default \
+		${D}${sysconfdir}/dropbear \
+		${D}${bindir} \
+		${D}${sbindir} \
+		${D}${localstatedir}
+	install -m 0755 dropbearmulti ${D}${sbindir}/
+	ln -s ${sbindir}/dropbearmulti ${D}${bindir}/dbclient
+	for i in ${SBINCOMMANDS}
+	do
+		ln -s ./dropbearmulti ${D}${sbindir}/$i
+	done
+	sed -e 's,/etc,${sysconfdir},g' \
+		-e 's,/usr/sbin,${sbindir},g' \
+		-e 's,/var,${localstatedir},g' \
+		-e 's,/usr/bin,${bindir},g' \
+		-e 's,/usr,${prefix},g' ${WORKDIR}/init > ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/dropbear
+	chmod 755 ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/dropbear
+	if [ "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pam', 'pam', '', d)}" = "pam" ]; then
+		install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/pam.d
+		install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/dropbear  ${D}${sysconfdir}/pam.d/
+	fi
+	# deal with systemd unit files
+	install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/dropbearkey.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/dropbear@.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/dropbear.socket ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+	sed -i -e 's,@BASE_BINDIR@,${base_bindir},g' \
+		-e 's,@BINDIR@,${bindir},g' \
+		-e 's,@SBINDIR@,${sbindir},g' \
+		${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/dropbear.socket ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/*.service
+inherit update-alternatives
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN} = "scp ssh"
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET = "${sbindir}/dropbearmulti"
+pkg_postrm_append_${PN} () {
+  if [ -f "${sysconfdir}/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key" ]; then
+        rm ${sysconfdir}/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key
+  fi
+  if [ -f "${sysconfdir}/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key" ]; then
+        rm ${sysconfdir}/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key
+  fi
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/0001-urandom-xauth-changes-to-options.h.patch b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/0001-urandom-xauth-changes-to-options.h.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc9d578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/0001-urandom-xauth-changes-to-options.h.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Subject: [PATCH 1/6] urandom-xauth-changes-to-options.h
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+ options.h | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/options.h b/options.h
+index 7d06322..71a21c2 100644
+--- a/options.h
++++ b/options.h
+@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ much traffic. */
+ /* The command to invoke for xauth when using X11 forwarding.
+  * "-q" for quiet */
+-#define XAUTH_COMMAND "/usr/bin/xauth -q"
++#define XAUTH_COMMAND "xauth -q"
+ #endif
+ /* if you want to enable running an sftp server (such as the one included with
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/0003-configure.patch b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/0003-configure.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c53ab01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/0003-configure.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+From c5f5c5054c1b15539dccf866e2c3faba7ed68456 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Eric=20B=C3=A9nard?= <eric@eukrea.com>
+Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2013 00:27:25 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 3/6] configure: add a variable to allow openpty check to be cached
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+ configure.ac | 11 ++++++++---
+ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 05461f3..9c16d90 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -166,15 +166,20 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(openpty,
+ 			AC_MSG_NOTICE(Not using openpty)
+ 		else
+ 			AC_MSG_NOTICE(Using openpty if available)
+-			AC_SEARCH_LIBS(openpty, util, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_OPENPTY,,Have openpty() function)])
++			AC_SEARCH_LIBS(openpty, util, [dropbear_cv_func_have_openpty=yes])
+ 		fi
+ 	],
+ 	[
+ 		AC_MSG_NOTICE(Using openpty if available)
++		AC_SEARCH_LIBS(openpty, util, [dropbear_cv_func_have_openpty=yes])
+ 	]
+ )
++if test "x$dropbear_cv_func_have_openpty" = "xyes"; then
++	AC_DEFINE(HAVE_OPENPTY,,Have openpty() function)
++	no_ptc_check=yes
++	no_ptmx_check=yes
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(syslog,
+ 	[  --disable-syslog        Don't include syslog support],
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/0004-fix-2kb-keys.patch b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/0004-fix-2kb-keys.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7539d20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/0004-fix-2kb-keys.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Subject: [PATCH 4/6] fix 2kb keys
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+ kex.h | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/kex.h b/kex.h
+index 72430e9..375c677 100644
+--- a/kex.h
++++ b/kex.h
+@@ -67,6 +67,6 @@ struct KEXState {
+ };
+-#define MAX_KEXHASHBUF 2000
++#define MAX_KEXHASHBUF 3000
+ #endif /* _KEX_H_ */
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/0005-dropbear-enable-pam.patch b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/0005-dropbear-enable-pam.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c408c57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/0005-dropbear-enable-pam.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Subject: [PATCH 5/6] dropbear enable pam
+dropbear: We need modify file option.h besides enabling pam in \
+configure if we want dropbear to support pam.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Xiaofeng Yan <xiaofeng.yan@windriver.com>
+ options.h | 4 ++--
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+Index: dropbear-2013.62/options.h
+--- dropbear-2013.62.orig/options.h	2014-01-14 21:53:02.803262009 +0000
++++ dropbear-2013.62/options.h	2014-01-14 21:53:56.119263462 +0000
+@@ -192,9 +192,9 @@
+  * PAM challenge/response.
+  * You can't enable both PASSWORD and PAM. */
+ /* PAM requires ./configure --enable-pam */
+-/*#define ENABLE_SVR_PAM_AUTH */
+ /* Whether to take public key options in 
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/0006-dropbear-configuration-file.patch b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/0006-dropbear-configuration-file.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa4c8d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/0006-dropbear-configuration-file.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Subject: [PATCH 6/6] dropbear configuration file
+dropbear: Change the path ("/etc/pam.d/sshd" as default) to find a pam configuration file \
+to "/etc/pam.d/dropbear for dropbear when enabling pam supporting"
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+Signed-off-by: Maxin B. John <maxin.john@enea.com>
+Signed-off-by: Xiaofeng Yan <xiaofeng.yan@windriver.com>
+diff -Naur dropbear-2013.60-orig/svr-authpam.c dropbear-2013.60/svr-authpam.c
+--- dropbear-2013.60-orig/svr-authpam.c	2013-10-16 16:34:53.000000000 +0200
++++ dropbear-2013.60/svr-authpam.c	2013-10-21 17:04:04.969416055 +0200
+@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
+ 	userData.passwd = password;
+ 	/* Init pam */
+-	if ((rc = pam_start("sshd", NULL, &pamConv, &pamHandlep)) != PAM_SUCCESS) {
++	if ((rc = pam_start("dropbear", NULL, &pamConv, &pamHandlep)) != PAM_SUCCESS) {
+ 		dropbear_log(LOG_WARNING, "pam_start() failed, rc=%d, %s", 
+ 				rc, pam_strerror(pamHandlep, rc));
+ 		goto cleanup;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/0007-dropbear-fix-for-x32-abi.patch b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/0007-dropbear-fix-for-x32-abi.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b450121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/0007-dropbear-fix-for-x32-abi.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+The dropbearkey utility built in x32 abi format, when generating ssh
+keys, was getting lost in the infinite loop.
+This patch fixes the issue by fixing types of variables and
+parameters of functions used in the code, which were getting
+undesired size, when compiled with the x32 abi toolchain.
+Received this fix from H J Lu.
+Signed-Off-By: Nitin A Kamble <nitin.a.kamble@intel.com>
+# HG changeset patch
+# User H.J. Lu <hjl.tools@gmail.com>
+# Date 1369344079 25200
+# Node ID a10a1c46b857cc8a3923c3bb6d1504aa25b6052f
+# Parent  e76614145aea67f66e4a4257685c771efba21aa1
+Typdef mp_digit to unsigned long long for MP_64BIT
+When GCC is used with MP_64BIT, we should typedef mp_digit to unsigned
+long long instead of unsigned long since for x32, unsigned long is
+32-bit and unsigned long long is 64-bit and it is safe to use unsigned
+long long for 64-bit integer with GCC.
+diff -r e76614145aea -r a10a1c46b857 libtommath/tommath.h
+--- a/libtommath/tommath.h	Thu Apr 18 22:57:47 2013 +0800
++++ b/libtommath/tommath.h	Thu May 23 14:21:19 2013 -0700
+@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
+    typedef signed long long   long64;
+ #endif
+-   typedef unsigned long      mp_digit;
++   typedef unsigned long long mp_digit;
+    typedef unsigned long      mp_word __attribute__ ((mode(TI)));
+    #define DIGIT_BIT          60
+# HG changeset patch
+# User H.J. Lu <hjl.tools@gmail.com>
+# Date 1369344241 25200
+# Node ID c7555a4cb7ded3a88409ba85f4027baa7af5f536
+# Parent  a10a1c46b857cc8a3923c3bb6d1504aa25b6052f
+Cast to mp_digit when updating *rho
+There is
+mp_montgomery_setup (mp_int * n, mp_digit * rho)
+We should cast to mp_digit instead of unsigned long when updating
+*rho since mp_digit may be unsigned long long and unsigned long long
+may be different from unsigned long, like in x32.
+diff -r a10a1c46b857 -r c7555a4cb7de libtommath/bn_mp_montgomery_setup.c
+--- a/libtommath/bn_mp_montgomery_setup.c	Thu May 23 14:21:19 2013 -0700
++++ b/libtommath/bn_mp_montgomery_setup.c	Thu May 23 14:24:01 2013 -0700
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
+ #endif
+   /* rho = -1/m mod b */
+-  *rho = (unsigned long)(((mp_word)1 << ((mp_word) DIGIT_BIT)) - x) & MP_MASK;
++  *rho = (mp_digit)(((mp_word)1 << ((mp_word) DIGIT_BIT)) - x) & MP_MASK;
+   return MP_OKAY;
+ }
+# HG changeset patch
+# User H.J. Lu <hjl.tools@gmail.com>
+# Date 1369344541 25200
+# Node ID 7c656e7071a6412688b2f30a529a9afac6c7bf5a
+# Parent  c7555a4cb7ded3a88409ba85f4027baa7af5f536
+Define LTC_FAST_TYPE to unsigned long long for __x86_64__
+We should define LTC_FAST_TYPE to unsigned long long instead of unsigned
+long if __x86_64__ to support x32 where unsigned long long is 64-bit
+and unsigned long is 32-bit.
+diff -r c7555a4cb7de -r 7c656e7071a6 libtomcrypt/src/headers/tomcrypt_cfg.h
+--- a/libtomcrypt/src/headers/tomcrypt_cfg.h	Thu May 23 14:24:01 2013 -0700
++++ b/libtomcrypt/src/headers/tomcrypt_cfg.h	Thu May 23 14:29:01 2013 -0700
+@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
+    #define ENDIAN_LITTLE
+    #define ENDIAN_64BITWORD
+    #define LTC_FAST
+-   #define LTC_FAST_TYPE    unsigned long
++   #define LTC_FAST_TYPE    unsigned long long
+ #endif
+ /* detect PPC32 */
+# HG changeset patch
+# User H.J. Lu <hjl.tools@gmail.com>
+# Date 1369344730 25200
+# Node ID a7d4690158fae4ede2c4e5b56233e83730bf38ee
+# Parent  7c656e7071a6412688b2f30a529a9afac6c7bf5a
+Use unsigned long long aas unsigned 64-bit integer for x86-64 GCC
+We should use unsigned long long instead of unsigned long as unsigned
+64-bit integer for x86-64 GCC to support x32 where unsigned long is
+diff -r 7c656e7071a6 -r a7d4690158fa libtomcrypt/src/headers/tomcrypt_macros.h
+--- a/libtomcrypt/src/headers/tomcrypt_macros.h	Thu May 23 14:29:01 2013 -0700
++++ b/libtomcrypt/src/headers/tomcrypt_macros.h	Thu May 23 14:32:10 2013 -0700
+@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
+ /* 64-bit Rotates */
+ #if !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(LTC_NO_ASM)
+-static inline unsigned long ROL64(unsigned long word, int i)
++static inline unsigned long long ROL64(unsigned long long word, int i)
+ {
+    asm("rolq %%cl,%0"
+       :"=r" (word)
+@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
+    return word;
+ }
+-static inline unsigned long ROR64(unsigned long word, int i)
++static inline unsigned long long ROR64(unsigned long long word, int i)
+ {
+    asm("rorq %%cl,%0"
+       :"=r" (word)
+@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@
+ #ifndef LTC_NO_ROLC
+-static inline unsigned long ROL64c(unsigned long word, const int i)
++static inline unsigned long long ROL64c(unsigned long long word, const int i)
+ {
+    asm("rolq %2,%0"
+       :"=r" (word)
+@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@
+    return word;
+ }
+-static inline unsigned long ROR64c(unsigned long word, const int i)
++static inline unsigned long long ROR64c(unsigned long long word, const int i)
+ {
+    asm("rorq %2,%0"
+       :"=r" (word)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/dropbear b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/dropbear
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47e787f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/dropbear
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+auth     include  common-auth
+account  include  common-account
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/dropbear.socket b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/dropbear.socket
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5c61b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/dropbear.socket
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/dropbear@.service b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/dropbear@.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fe9942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/dropbear@.service
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Description=SSH Per-Connection Server
+After=syslog.target dropbearkey.service
+ExecStart=-@SBINDIR@/dropbear -i -r /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key $DROPBEAR_EXTRA_ARGS
+ExecReload=@BASE_BINDIR@/kill -HUP $MAINPID
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/dropbearkey.service b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/dropbearkey.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccc21d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/dropbearkey.service
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Description=SSH Key Generation
+ExecStart=@SBINDIR@/dropbearkey -t rsa -f /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/init b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/init
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e8fed3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear/init
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# Provides:		sshd
+# Required-Start:	$remote_fs $syslog $networking
+# Required-Stop:	$remote_fs $syslog
+# Default-Start:	2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop:		1
+# Short-Description:	Dropbear Secure Shell server
+# Do not configure this file. Edit /etc/default/dropbear instead!
+DESC="Dropbear SSH server"
+set -e
+test ! -r /etc/default/dropbear || . /etc/default/dropbear
+test "$NO_START" = "0" || exit 0
+test -x "$DAEMON" || exit 0
+test ! -h /var/service/dropbear || exit 0
+for flag in `awk '{ if ($2 == "/") { split($4,FLAGS,",") } }; END { for (f in FLAGS) print FLAGS[f] }' </proc/mounts`; do
+  case $flag in
+   ro)
+     readonly_rootfs=1
+     ;;
+  esac
+if [ $readonly_rootfs = "1" ]; then
+  mkdir -p /var/lib/dropbear
+  DROPBEAR_RSAKEY_DEFAULT="/var/lib/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key"
+  DROPBEAR_DSSKEY_DEFAULT="/var/lib/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key"
+  DROPBEAR_RSAKEY_DEFAULT="/etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key"
+  DROPBEAR_DSSKEY_DEFAULT="/etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key"
+test -z "$DROPBEAR_BANNER" || \
+test -n "$DROPBEAR_RSAKEY" || \
+test -n "$DROPBEAR_DSSKEY" || \
+test -n "$DROPBEAR_KEYTYPES" || \
+gen_keys() {
+for t in $DROPBEAR_KEYTYPES; do
+  case $t in
+    rsa)
+        if [ -f "$DROPBEAR_RSAKEY" -a ! -s "$DROPBEAR_RSAKEY" ]; then
+                rm $DROPBEAR_RSAKEY || true
+        fi
+        test -f $DROPBEAR_RSAKEY || dropbearkey -t rsa -f $DROPBEAR_RSAKEY
+	;;
+    dsa)
+        if [ -f "$DROPBEAR_DSSKEY" -a ! -s "$DROPBEAR_DSSKEY" ]; then
+                rm $DROPBEAR_DSSKEY || true
+        fi
+        test -f $DROPBEAR_DSSKEY || dropbearkey -t dss -f $DROPBEAR_DSSKEY
+	;;
+  esac
+case "$1" in
+  start)
+	echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
+	gen_keys
+	start-stop-daemon -S -p $PIDFILE \
+	  -x "$DAEMON" -- $KEY_ARGS \
+	echo "$NAME."
+	;;
+  stop)
+	echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "
+	start-stop-daemon -K -x "$DAEMON" -p $PIDFILE
+	echo "$NAME."
+	;;
+  restart|force-reload)
+	echo -n "Restarting $DESC: "
+	start-stop-daemon -K -x "$DAEMON" -p $PIDFILE
+	sleep 1
+	start-stop-daemon -S -p $PIDFILE \
+	  -x "$DAEMON" -- $KEY_ARGS \
+	echo "$NAME."
+	;;
+  *)
+	N=/etc/init.d/$NAME
+	echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
+	exit 1
+	;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear_2015.68.bb b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear_2015.68.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b749d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/dropbear/dropbear_2015.68.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+require dropbear.inc
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "7664ac10f7cc2301c530eb80c756fc5d"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "55ea7c1e904ffe4b1cdbe1addca8291a2533d7d285fd22ac33608e9502a62446"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/expat/expat-2.1.0/autotools.patch b/meta/recipes-core/expat/expat-2.1.0/autotools.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e59969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/expat/expat-2.1.0/autotools.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Avoid using expat's m4 files
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [Other]
+Workaround specific to our build system.
+Signed-off-by: Kevin Tian <kevin.tian@intel.com>
+Signed-off-by: Scott Garman <scott.a.garman@intel.com>
+Updated to apply over expat 2.1.0
+Signed-off-by: Marko Lindqvist <cazfi74@gmail.com>
+diff -Nurd expat-2.1.0/configure.in expat-2.1.0/configure.in
+--- expat-2.1.0/configure.in	2012-03-04 01:45:53.000000000 +0200
++++ expat-2.1.0/configure.in	2012-05-10 21:04:44.000000000 +0300
+@@ -51,8 +51,6 @@
+ AC_CONFIG_HEADER(expat_config.h)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/expat/expat.inc b/meta/recipes-core/expat/expat.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dfafe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/expat/expat.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+SUMMARY = "A stream-oriented XML parser library"
+DESCRIPTION = "Expat is an XML parser library written in C. It is a stream-oriented parser in which an application registers handlers for things the parser might find in the XML document (like start tags)"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://expat.sourceforge.net/"
+SECTION = "libs"
+SRC_URI = "${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/expat/expat-${PV}.tar.gz \
+           file://autotools.patch"
+inherit autotools lib_package gzipnative
+# This package uses an archive format known to have issue with some
+# versions of gzip
+do_unpack[depends] += "gzip-native:do_populate_sysroot"
+do_configure_prepend () {
+	rm -f ${S}/conftools/libtool.m4
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/expat/expat_2.1.0.bb b/meta/recipes-core/expat/expat_2.1.0.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b958742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/expat/expat_2.1.0.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+require expat.inc
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=1b71f681713d1256e1c23b0890920874"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "dd7dab7a5fea97d2a6a43f511449b7cd"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "823705472f816df21c8f6aa026dd162b280806838bb55b3432b0fb1fcca7eb86"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/disable_java.patch b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/disable_java.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4c5f15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/disable_java.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Pulled from OpenEmbedded
+# Commented by: Saul Wold <saul.wold@intel.com>
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [licensing]
+Index: gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/configure.ac
+--- gettext-0.16.1.orig/gettext-tools/configure.ac	2006-11-27 09:02:01.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/configure.ac	2011-03-16 16:55:36.111396557 -0700
+@@ -36,27 +36,15 @@
+ gt_GCJ
+-if test -n "$HAVE_GCJ" && test "$JAVA_CHOICE" = yes; then
+ gt_JAVACOMP([1.3])
+ AC_CHECK_PROG(JAR, jar, jar)
+-if test -n "$HAVE_JAVACOMP" && test -n "$JAR" && test "$JAVA_CHOICE" != no; then
+-if test -n "$HAVE_JAVAEXEC" && test $BUILDJAVA = yes; then
+-  TESTJAVA=yes
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/fix_aclocal_version.patch b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/fix_aclocal_version.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7293f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/fix_aclocal_version.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+This patch updates the required version number from 2.61 to the 
+current 2.65 version of aclocal, this will need to be updated 
+when we update aclocal
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+Signed-off-by Saul Wold <sgw@linux.intel.com>
+Index: gettext-0.16.1/autoconf-lib-link/m4/lib-link.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1.orig/autoconf-lib-link/m4/lib-link.m4	2011-03-17 02:24:36.391519775 -0700
++++ gettext-0.16.1/autoconf-lib-link/m4/lib-link.m4	2011-03-17 02:24:45.569526073 -0700
+@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
+   define([NAME],[translit([$1],[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-],
+                                [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___])])
+   dnl Autoconf >= 2.61 supports dots in --with options.
+-  define([N_A_M_E],[m4_if(m4_version_compare(m4_defn([m4_PACKAGE_VERSION]),[2.61]),[-1],[translit([$1],[.],[_])],[$1])])
++  define([N_A_M_E],[m4_if(m4_version_compare(m4_defn([m4_PACKAGE_VERSION]),[2.65]),[-1],[translit([$1],[.],[_])],[$1])])
+   dnl By default, look in $includedir and $libdir.
+   use_additional=yes
+Index: gettext-0.16.1/autoconf-lib-link/tests/rpathly/aclocal.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1.orig/autoconf-lib-link/tests/rpathly/aclocal.m4	2011-03-17 02:24:36.391519775 -0700
++++ gettext-0.16.1/autoconf-lib-link/tests/rpathly/aclocal.m4	2011-03-17 02:24:45.570526904 -0700
+@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
+ # even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+-m4_if(m4_PACKAGE_VERSION, [2.61],,
+-[m4_fatal([this file was generated for autoconf 2.61.
++m4_if(m4_PACKAGE_VERSION, [2.65],,
++[m4_fatal([this file was generated for autoconf 2.65.
+ You have another version of autoconf.  If you want to use that,
+ you should regenerate the build system entirely.], [63])])
+Index: gettext-0.16.1/autoconf-lib-link/tests/rpathx/aclocal.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1.orig/autoconf-lib-link/tests/rpathx/aclocal.m4	2011-03-17 02:24:36.391519775 -0700
++++ gettext-0.16.1/autoconf-lib-link/tests/rpathx/aclocal.m4	2011-03-17 02:24:45.572525773 -0700
+@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
+ # even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+-m4_if(m4_PACKAGE_VERSION, [2.61],,
+-[m4_fatal([this file was generated for autoconf 2.61.
++m4_if(m4_PACKAGE_VERSION, [2.65],,
++[m4_fatal([this file was generated for autoconf 2.65.
+ You have another version of autoconf.  If you want to use that,
+ you should regenerate the build system entirely.], [63])])
+Index: gettext-0.16.1/autoconf-lib-link/tests/rpathy/aclocal.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1.orig/autoconf-lib-link/tests/rpathy/aclocal.m4	2011-03-17 02:24:36.391519775 -0700
++++ gettext-0.16.1/autoconf-lib-link/tests/rpathy/aclocal.m4	2011-03-17 02:24:45.578394916 -0700
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
+ # even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+-m4_if(m4_PACKAGE_VERSION, [2.61],,
++m4_if(m4_PACKAGE_VERSION, [2.65],,
+ [m4_fatal([this file was generated for autoconf 2.61.
+ You have another version of autoconf.  If you want to use that,
+ you should regenerate the build system entirely.], [63])])
+Index: gettext-0.16.1/autoconf-lib-link/tests/rpathz/aclocal.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1.orig/autoconf-lib-link/tests/rpathz/aclocal.m4	2011-03-17 02:24:36.391519775 -0700
++++ gettext-0.16.1/autoconf-lib-link/tests/rpathz/aclocal.m4	2011-03-17 02:24:45.586395416 -0700
+@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
+ # even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+-m4_if(m4_PACKAGE_VERSION, [2.61],,
+-[m4_fatal([this file was generated for autoconf 2.61.
++m4_if(m4_PACKAGE_VERSION, [2.65],,
++[m4_fatal([this file was generated for autoconf 2.65.
+ You have another version of autoconf.  If you want to use that,
+ you should regenerate the build system entirely.], [63])])
+Index: gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/aclocal.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1.orig/gettext-tools/aclocal.m4	2006-11-27 09:34:32.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/aclocal.m4	2011-03-17 02:27:01.135682807 -0700
+@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
+ # even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+-m4_if(m4_PACKAGE_VERSION, [2.61],,
+-[m4_fatal([this file was generated for autoconf 2.61.
++m4_if(m4_PACKAGE_VERSION, [2.65],,
++[m4_fatal([this file was generated for autoconf 2.65.
+ You have another version of autoconf.  If you want to use that,
+ you should regenerate the build system entirely.], [63])])
+Index: gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/examples/aclocal.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1.orig/gettext-tools/examples/aclocal.m4	2006-11-27 09:16:23.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/examples/aclocal.m4	2011-03-17 02:26:52.589396683 -0700
+@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
+ # even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+-m4_if(m4_PACKAGE_VERSION, [2.61],,
+-[m4_fatal([this file was generated for autoconf 2.61.
++m4_if(m4_PACKAGE_VERSION, [2.65],,
++[m4_fatal([this file was generated for autoconf 2.65.
+ You have another version of autoconf.  If you want to use that,
+ you should regenerate the build system entirely.], [63])])
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/fix_gnu_source_circular.patch b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/fix_gnu_source_circular.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0686149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/fix_gnu_source_circular.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+This patch removes the circular dependency on AC_GNU_SOURCE in
+Thanks to Mark Hatle for the timely pointers and fixes.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [licensing]
+Signed-off-by Saul Wold <sgw@linux.intel.com>
+diff -ru gettext-0.16.1/gettext-runtime/gnulib-m4/extensions.m4 gettext.patched/gettext-runtime/gnulib-m4/extensions.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1/gettext-runtime/gnulib-m4/extensions.m4	2006-11-27 09:14:38.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext.patched/gettext-runtime/gnulib-m4/extensions.m4	2011-03-16 23:54:01.711923448 -0700
+@@ -16,43 +16,47 @@
+ # ------------------------
+ # Enable extensions on systems that normally disable them,
+ # typically due to standards-conformance issues.
+-[/* Enable extensions on Solaris.  */
+-#ifndef __EXTENSIONS__
+-# undef __EXTENSIONS__
+-#ifndef _TANDEM_SOURCE
+-# undef _TANDEM_SOURCE
+-  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__],
+-    [ac_cv_safe_to_define___extensions__],
+-       [AC_LANG_PROGRAM([
+-#	  define __EXTENSIONS__ 1
+-       [ac_cv_safe_to_define___extensions__=yes],
+-       [ac_cv_safe_to_define___extensions__=no])])
+-  test $ac_cv_safe_to_define___extensions__ = yes &&
++#[/* Enable extensions on Solaris.  */
++##ifndef __EXTENSIONS__
++## undef __EXTENSIONS__
++##ifndef _TANDEM_SOURCE
++## undef _TANDEM_SOURCE
++#  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__],
++#    [ac_cv_safe_to_define___extensions__],
++#       [AC_LANG_PROGRAM([
++##	  define __EXTENSIONS__ 1
++#       [ac_cv_safe_to_define___extensions__=yes],
++#       [ac_cv_safe_to_define___extensions__=no])])
++#  test $ac_cv_safe_to_define___extensions__ = yes &&
+ # ------------------------
+ # Enable extensions on systems that normally disable them,
+ # typically due to standards-conformance issues.
+diff -ru gettext-0.16.1/gettext-runtime/gnulib-m4/gnulib-comp.m4 gettext.patched/gettext-runtime/gnulib-m4/gnulib-comp.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1/gettext-runtime/gnulib-m4/gnulib-comp.m4	2006-11-27 09:33:19.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext.patched/gettext-runtime/gnulib-m4/gnulib-comp.m4	2011-03-16 23:50:17.471531838 -0700
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
+   m4_pattern_allow([^gl_LIBOBJS$])dnl a variable
+   m4_pattern_allow([^gl_LTLIBOBJS$])dnl a variable
+ ])
+diff -ru gettext-0.16.1/gettext-runtime/gnulib-m4/mbchar.m4 gettext.patched/gettext-runtime/gnulib-m4/mbchar.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1/gettext-runtime/gnulib-m4/mbchar.m4	2006-11-27 09:14:38.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext.patched/gettext-runtime/gnulib-m4/mbchar.m4	2011-03-16 23:50:10.814396529 -0700
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
+ [
+   dnl The following line is that so the user can test HAVE_WCHAR_H
+   dnl before #include "mbchar.h".
+   AC_CHECK_HEADERS_ONCE([wchar.h])
+diff -ru gettext-0.16.1/gettext-runtime/gnulib-m4/wcwidth.m4 gettext.patched/gettext-runtime/gnulib-m4/wcwidth.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1/gettext-runtime/gnulib-m4/wcwidth.m4	2006-11-27 09:14:38.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext.patched/gettext-runtime/gnulib-m4/wcwidth.m4	2011-03-16 23:50:08.357396247 -0700
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
+ [
+   dnl Persuade glibc <wchar.h> to declare wcwidth().
+diff -ru gettext-0.16.1/gettext-runtime/m4/lock.m4 gettext.patched/gettext-runtime/m4/lock.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1/gettext-runtime/m4/lock.m4	2006-10-24 13:59:59.000000000 -0700
++++ gettext.patched/gettext-runtime/m4/lock.m4	2011-03-16 23:50:04.355891676 -0700
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
+   AC_BEFORE([$0], [gl_ARGP])dnl
+-  AC_REQUIRE([AC_GNU_SOURCE]) dnl needed for pthread_rwlock_t on glibc systems
++  dnl AC_REQUIRE([AC_GNU_SOURCE]) dnl needed for pthread_rwlock_t on glibc systems
+   dnl Check for multithreading.
+   AC_ARG_ENABLE(threads,
+ AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-threads={posix|solaris|pth|win32}], [specify multithreading API])
+diff -ru gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/extensions.m4 gettext.patched/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/extensions.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/extensions.m4	2006-11-27 09:14:54.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext.patched/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/extensions.m4	2011-03-16 23:53:28.487671266 -0700
+@@ -16,43 +16,47 @@
+ # ------------------------
+ # Enable extensions on systems that normally disable them,
+ # typically due to standards-conformance issues.
+-[/* Enable extensions on Solaris.  */
+-#ifndef __EXTENSIONS__
+-# undef __EXTENSIONS__
+-#ifndef _TANDEM_SOURCE
+-# undef _TANDEM_SOURCE
+-  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__],
+-    [ac_cv_safe_to_define___extensions__],
+-       [AC_LANG_PROGRAM([
+-#	  define __EXTENSIONS__ 1
+-       [ac_cv_safe_to_define___extensions__=yes],
+-       [ac_cv_safe_to_define___extensions__=no])])
+-  test $ac_cv_safe_to_define___extensions__ = yes &&
++#[/* Enable extensions on Solaris.  */
++##ifndef __EXTENSIONS__
++## undef __EXTENSIONS__
++##ifndef _TANDEM_SOURCE
++## undef _TANDEM_SOURCE
++#  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether it is safe to define __EXTENSIONS__],
++#    [ac_cv_safe_to_define___extensions__],
++#       [AC_LANG_PROGRAM([
++##	  define __EXTENSIONS__ 1
++#       [ac_cv_safe_to_define___extensions__=yes],
++#       [ac_cv_safe_to_define___extensions__=no])])
++#  test $ac_cv_safe_to_define___extensions__ = yes &&
+ # ------------------------
+ # Enable extensions on systems that normally disable them,
+ # typically due to standards-conformance issues.
+diff -ru gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/fnmatch.m4 gettext.patched/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/fnmatch.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/fnmatch.m4	2006-11-27 09:14:54.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext.patched/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/fnmatch.m4	2011-03-16 23:52:06.477463671 -0700
+@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
+ [
+   dnl Persuade glibc <fnmatch.h> to declare FNM_CASEFOLD etc.
+   _AC_FUNC_FNMATCH_IF([GNU], [ac_cv_func_fnmatch_gnu],
+diff -ru gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/getdelim.m4 gettext.patched/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/getdelim.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/getdelim.m4	2006-11-27 09:14:54.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext.patched/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/getdelim.m4	2011-03-16 23:52:22.871674845 -0700
+@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
+ [
+   dnl Persuade glibc <stdio.h> to declare getdelim().
+   AC_REPLACE_FUNCS(getdelim)
+   AC_CHECK_DECLS_ONCE(getdelim)
+diff -ru gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/getline.m4 gettext.patched/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/getline.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/getline.m4	2006-11-27 09:14:54.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext.patched/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/getline.m4	2011-03-16 23:51:49.829971108 -0700
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
+ [
+   dnl Persuade glibc <stdio.h> to declare getline().
+   AC_CHECK_DECLS([getline])
+diff -ru gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/gnulib-comp.m4 gettext.patched/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/gnulib-comp.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/gnulib-comp.m4	2006-11-27 09:33:36.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext.patched/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/gnulib-comp.m4	2011-03-16 23:52:18.970450488 -0700
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
+   m4_pattern_allow([^gl_LIBOBJS$])dnl a variable
+   m4_pattern_allow([^gl_LTLIBOBJS$])dnl a variable
+ ])
+diff -ru gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/mbchar.m4 gettext.patched/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/mbchar.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/mbchar.m4	2006-11-27 09:14:55.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext.patched/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/mbchar.m4	2011-03-16 23:51:40.844410216 -0700
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
+ [
+   dnl The following line is that so the user can test HAVE_WCHAR_H
+   dnl before #include "mbchar.h".
+   AC_CHECK_HEADERS_ONCE([wchar.h])
+diff -ru gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/stpcpy.m4 gettext.patched/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/stpcpy.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/stpcpy.m4	2006-11-27 09:14:55.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext.patched/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/stpcpy.m4	2011-03-16 23:52:14.691396045 -0700
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
+ [
+   dnl Persuade glibc <string.h> to declare stpcpy().
+   AC_REPLACE_FUNCS(stpcpy)
+   if test $ac_cv_func_stpcpy = no; then
+diff -ru gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/stpncpy.m4 gettext.patched/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/stpncpy.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/stpncpy.m4	2006-11-27 09:14:55.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext.patched/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/stpncpy.m4	2011-03-16 23:52:10.356641459 -0700
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
+ [
+   dnl Persuade glibc <string.h> to declare stpncpy().
+   dnl Both glibc and AIX (4.3.3, 5.1) have an stpncpy() function
+   dnl declared in <string.h>. Its side effects are the same as those
+diff -ru gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/wcwidth.m4 gettext.patched/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/wcwidth.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/wcwidth.m4	2006-11-27 09:14:55.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext.patched/gettext-tools/gnulib-m4/wcwidth.m4	2011-03-16 23:51:08.260324221 -0700
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
+ [
+   dnl Persuade glibc <wchar.h> to declare wcwidth().
+diff -ru gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/libgettextpo/gnulib-m4/gnulib-comp.m4 gettext.patched/gettext-tools/libgettextpo/gnulib-m4/gnulib-comp.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/libgettextpo/gnulib-m4/gnulib-comp.m4	2006-11-27 09:33:45.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext.patched/gettext-tools/libgettextpo/gnulib-m4/gnulib-comp.m4	2011-03-16 23:51:02.036061317 -0700
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
+   m4_pattern_allow([^gl_LIBOBJS$])dnl a variable
+   m4_pattern_allow([^gl_LTLIBOBJS$])dnl a variable
+ ])
+diff -ru gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/m4/regex.m4 gettext.patched/gettext-tools/m4/regex.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/m4/regex.m4	2006-11-27 09:02:05.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext.patched/gettext-tools/m4/regex.m4	2011-03-16 23:50:53.533477195 -0700
+@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
+   dnl to get them.
+   dnl Persuade glibc <string.h> to declare mempcpy().
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/gettext-autoconf-lib-link-no-L.patch b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/gettext-autoconf-lib-link-no-L.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..072fe5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/gettext-autoconf-lib-link-no-L.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Pulled from OpenEmbedded
+# Commented by: Saul Wold <saul.wold@intel.com>
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [licensing]
+--- gettext-0.17/autoconf-lib-link/m4/lib-link.m4~	2009-04-17 15:12:30.000000000 -0700
++++ gettext-0.17/autoconf-lib-link/m4/lib-link.m4	2009-04-17 15:37:39.000000000 -0700
+@@ -267,6 +267,9 @@
+               fi
+             fi
+           fi
++          dnl Just let the compiler find the library, the compiler and user are smarter then this script
++          dnl when cross compiling and working with a relocated install.
++          found_dir=""
+           if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then
+             for x in $LDFLAGS $LTLIB[]NAME; do
+               AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([eval x=\"$x\"])
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/gettext-vpath.patch b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/gettext-vpath.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f09e450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/gettext-vpath.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Pulled from OpenEmbedded
+# Commented by: Saul Wold <saul.wold@intel.com>
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [licensing]
+Index: gettext-0.16.1/gettext-runtime/intl/Makefile.in
+--- gettext-0.16.1.orig/gettext-runtime/intl/Makefile.in	2006-11-27 09:02:00.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext-0.16.1/gettext-runtime/intl/Makefile.in	2011-03-16 16:04:49.175419930 -0700
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
+ #    'make' does the wrong thing if GNU gettext was configured with
+ #    "./configure --srcdir=`pwd`", namely it gets confused by the .lo and .la
+ #    files it finds in srcdir = ../../gettext-runtime/intl.
+-VPATH = $(srcdir)
++#VPATH = $(srcdir)
+ prefix = @prefix@
+ exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/hardcode_macro_version.patch b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/hardcode_macro_version.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4da8dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/hardcode_macro_version.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+This patch hardcodes in version 0.17 for the GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION,
+the version check is only part of 0.17 and will not affect any 0.16.1
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [licensing]
+Signed-off-by: Saul Wold <sgw@linux.intel.com>
+Index: gettext-0.16.1/gettext-runtime/m4/po.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1.orig/gettext-runtime/m4/po.m4	2011-03-17 02:24:28.953520231 -0700
++++ gettext-0.16.1/gettext-runtime/m4/po.m4	2011-03-17 02:28:25.455396862 -0700
+@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
+   AC_REQUIRE([AM_PROG_MKDIR_P])dnl defined by automake
++  dnl Hardcode the MACRO_VERSION to 0.17 for gnutls
+   dnl Perform the following tests also if --disable-nls has been given,
+   dnl because they are needed for "make dist" to work.
+Index: gettext-0.16.1/gettext-runtime/po/Makefile.in.in
+--- gettext-0.16.1.orig/gettext-runtime/po/Makefile.in.in	2011-03-17 02:24:28.953520231 -0700
++++ gettext-0.16.1/gettext-runtime/po/Makefile.in.in	2011-03-17 02:28:07.574395144 -0700
+@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
+ #
+ # Origin: gettext-0.16
++# Hardcode this value for gnutls building against gplv2 code
+Index: gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/po/Makefile.in.in
+--- gettext-0.16.1.orig/gettext-tools/po/Makefile.in.in	2011-03-17 02:24:28.953520231 -0700
++++ gettext-0.16.1/gettext-tools/po/Makefile.in.in	2011-03-17 02:28:07.574395144 -0700
+@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
+ #
+ # Origin: gettext-0.16
++# Hardcode this value for gnutls building against gplv2 code
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/linklib_from_0.17.patch b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/linklib_from_0.17.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d921069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.16.1/linklib_from_0.17.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,720 @@
+# Pulled from OpenEmbedded
+# Commented by: Saul Wold <saul.wold@intel.com>
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [licensing]
+Index: gettext-0.16.1/autoconf-lib-link/m4/lib-link.m4
+--- gettext-0.16.1.orig/autoconf-lib-link/m4/lib-link.m4	2006-11-27 09:01:58.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext-0.16.1/autoconf-lib-link/m4/lib-link.m4	2011-03-17 00:36:08.710836720 -0700
+@@ -6,12 +6,14 @@
+ dnl From Bruno Haible.
+ dnl AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS(name [, dependencies]) searches for libname and
+ dnl the libraries corresponding to explicit and implicit dependencies.
+ dnl Sets and AC_SUBSTs the LIB${NAME} and LTLIB${NAME} variables and
+ dnl augments the CPPFLAGS variable.
++dnl Sets and AC_SUBSTs the LIB${NAME}_PREFIX variable to nonempty if libname
++dnl was found in ${LIB${NAME}_PREFIX}/$acl_libdirstem.
+ [
+@@ -24,13 +26,16 @@
+     ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_libs="$LIB[]NAME"
+     ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_ltlibs="$LTLIB[]NAME"
+     ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_cppflags="$INC[]NAME"
++    ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_prefix="$LIB[]NAME[]_PREFIX"
+   ])
+   LIB[]NAME="$ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_libs"
+   LTLIB[]NAME="$ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_ltlibs"
+   INC[]NAME="$ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_cppflags"
++  LIB[]NAME[]_PREFIX="$ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_prefix"
+   dnl Also set HAVE_LIB[]NAME so that AC_LIB_HAVE_LINKFLAGS can reuse the
+   dnl results of this search when this library appears as a dependency.
+   HAVE_LIB[]NAME=yes
+@@ -46,6 +51,8 @@
+ dnl LTLIB${NAME} variables and augments the CPPFLAGS variable, and
+ dnl #defines HAVE_LIB${NAME} to 1. Otherwise, it sets and AC_SUBSTs
+ dnl HAVE_LIB${NAME}=no and LIB${NAME} and LTLIB${NAME} to empty.
++dnl Sets and AC_SUBSTs the LIB${NAME}_PREFIX variable to nonempty if libname
++dnl was found in ${LIB${NAME}_PREFIX}/$acl_libdirstem.
+ [
+@@ -82,17 +89,24 @@
+     CPPFLAGS="$ac_save_CPPFLAGS"
+     LIB[]NAME=
+     LTLIB[]NAME=
+   fi
+   undefine([Name])
+   undefine([NAME])
+ ])
+ dnl Determine the platform dependent parameters needed to use rpath:
+-dnl libext, shlibext, hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, hardcode_libdir_separator,
+-dnl hardcode_direct, hardcode_minus_L.
++dnl   acl_libext,
++dnl   acl_shlibext,
++dnl   acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec,
++dnl   acl_hardcode_libdir_separator,
++dnl   acl_hardcode_direct,
++dnl   acl_hardcode_minus_L.
+ [
+   dnl Tell automake >= 1.10 to complain if config.rpath is missing.
+@@ -109,12 +123,14 @@
+     acl_cv_rpath=done
+   ])
+   wl="$acl_cv_wl"
+-  libext="$acl_cv_libext"
+-  shlibext="$acl_cv_shlibext"
+-  hardcode_libdir_flag_spec="$acl_cv_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec"
+-  hardcode_libdir_separator="$acl_cv_hardcode_libdir_separator"
+-  hardcode_direct="$acl_cv_hardcode_direct"
+-  hardcode_minus_L="$acl_cv_hardcode_minus_L"
++  acl_libext="$acl_cv_libext"
++  acl_shlibext="$acl_cv_shlibext"
++  acl_libname_spec="$acl_cv_libname_spec"
++  acl_library_names_spec="$acl_cv_library_names_spec"
++  acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec="$acl_cv_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec"
++  acl_hardcode_libdir_separator="$acl_cv_hardcode_libdir_separator"
++  acl_hardcode_direct="$acl_cv_hardcode_direct"
++  acl_hardcode_minus_L="$acl_cv_hardcode_minus_L"
+   dnl Determine whether the user wants rpath handling at all.
+   AC_ARG_ENABLE(rpath,
+     [  --disable-rpath         do not hardcode runtime library paths],
+@@ -124,20 +140,24 @@
+ dnl AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY(name [, dependencies]) searches for libname and
+ dnl the libraries corresponding to explicit and implicit dependencies.
+ dnl Sets the LIB${NAME}, LTLIB${NAME} and INC${NAME} variables.
++dnl Also, sets the LIB${NAME}_PREFIX variable to nonempty if libname was found
++dnl in ${LIB${NAME}_PREFIX}/$acl_libdirstem.
+ [
+   define([NAME],[translit([$1],[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-],
+                                [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___])])
++  dnl Autoconf >= 2.61 supports dots in --with options.
++  define([N_A_M_E],[m4_if(m4_version_compare(m4_defn([m4_PACKAGE_VERSION]),[2.61]),[-1],[translit([$1],[.],[_])],[$1])])
+   dnl By default, look in $includedir and $libdir.
+   use_additional=yes
+     eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\"
+     eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\"
+   ])
+-  AC_LIB_ARG_WITH([lib$1-prefix],
+-[  --with-lib$1-prefix[=DIR]  search for lib$1 in DIR/include and DIR/lib
+-  --without-lib$1-prefix     don't search for lib$1 in includedir and libdir],
++  AC_LIB_ARG_WITH([lib]N_A_M_E[-prefix],
++[  --with-lib]N_A_M_E[-prefix[=DIR]  search for lib$1 in DIR/include and DIR/lib
++  --without-lib]N_A_M_E[-prefix     don't search for lib$1 in includedir and libdir],
+ [
+     if test "X$withval" = "Xno"; then
+       use_additional=no
+@@ -158,6 +178,7 @@
+   LIB[]NAME=
+   INC[]NAME=
+   rpathdirs=
+   ltrpathdirs=
+   names_already_handled=
+@@ -197,27 +218,53 @@
+           found_la=
+           found_so=
+           found_a=
++          eval libname=\"$acl_libname_spec\"    # typically: libname=lib$name
++          if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then
++            shrext=".$acl_shlibext"             # typically: shrext=.so
++          else
++            shrext=
++          fi
+           if test $use_additional = yes; then
+-            if test -n "$shlibext" \
+-               && { test -f "$additional_libdir/lib$name.$shlibext" \
+-                    || { test "$shlibext" = dll \
+-                         && test -f "$additional_libdir/lib$name.dll.a"; }; }; then
+-              found_dir="$additional_libdir"
+-              if test -f "$additional_libdir/lib$name.$shlibext"; then
+-                found_so="$additional_libdir/lib$name.$shlibext"
++            dir="$additional_libdir"
++            dnl The same code as in the loop below:
++            dnl First look for a shared library.
++            if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then
++              if test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext"; then
++                found_dir="$dir"
++                found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext"
+               else
+-                found_so="$additional_libdir/lib$name.dll.a"
++                if test "$acl_library_names_spec" = '$libname$shrext$versuffix'; then
++                  ver=`(cd "$dir" && \
++                        for f in "$libname$shrext".*; do echo "$f"; done \
++                        | sed -e "s,^$libname$shrext\\\\.,," \
++                        | sort -t '.' -n -r -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 -k5,5 \
++                        | sed 1q ) 2>/dev/null`
++                  if test -n "$ver" && test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver"; then
++                    found_dir="$dir"
++                    found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver"
++                  fi
++                else
++                  eval library_names=\"$acl_library_names_spec\"
++                  for f in $library_names; do
++                    if test -f "$dir/$f"; then
++                      found_dir="$dir"
++                      found_so="$dir/$f"
++                      break
++                    fi
++                  done
++                fi
+               fi
+-              if test -f "$additional_libdir/lib$name.la"; then
+-                found_la="$additional_libdir/lib$name.la"
++            fi
++            dnl Then look for a static library.
++            if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then
++              if test -f "$dir/$libname.$acl_libext"; then
++                found_dir="$dir"
++                found_a="$dir/$libname.$acl_libext"
+               fi
+-            else
+-              if test -f "$additional_libdir/lib$name.$libext"; then
+-                found_dir="$additional_libdir"
+-                found_a="$additional_libdir/lib$name.$libext"
+-                if test -f "$additional_libdir/lib$name.la"; then
+-                  found_la="$additional_libdir/lib$name.la"
+-                fi
++            fi
++            if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then
++              if test -f "$dir/$libname.la"; then
++                found_la="$dir/$libname.la"
+               fi
+             fi
+           fi
+@@ -227,26 +274,44 @@
+               case "$x" in
+                 -L*)
+                   dir=`echo "X$x" | sed -e 's/^X-L//'`
+-                  if test -n "$shlibext" \
+-                     && { test -f "$dir/lib$name.$shlibext" \
+-                          || { test "$shlibext" = dll \
+-                               && test -f "$dir/lib$name.dll.a"; }; }; then
+-                    found_dir="$dir"
+-                    if test -f "$dir/lib$name.$shlibext"; then
+-                      found_so="$dir/lib$name.$shlibext"
++                  dnl First look for a shared library.
++                  if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then
++                    if test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext"; then
++                      found_dir="$dir"
++                      found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext"
+                     else
+-                      found_so="$dir/lib$name.dll.a"
+-                    fi
+-                    if test -f "$dir/lib$name.la"; then
+-                      found_la="$dir/lib$name.la"
++                      if test "$acl_library_names_spec" = '$libname$shrext$versuffix'; then
++                        ver=`(cd "$dir" && \
++                              for f in "$libname$shrext".*; do echo "$f"; done \
++                              | sed -e "s,^$libname$shrext\\\\.,," \
++                              | sort -t '.' -n -r -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 -k5,5 \
++                              | sed 1q ) 2>/dev/null`
++                        if test -n "$ver" && test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver"; then
++                          found_dir="$dir"
++                          found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver"
++                        fi
++                      else
++                        eval library_names=\"$acl_library_names_spec\"
++                        for f in $library_names; do
++                          if test -f "$dir/$f"; then
++                            found_dir="$dir"
++                            found_so="$dir/$f"
++                            break
++                          fi
++                        done
++                      fi
+                     fi
+-                  else
+-                    if test -f "$dir/lib$name.$libext"; then
++                  fi
++                  dnl Then look for a static library.
++                  if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then
++                    if test -f "$dir/$libname.$acl_libext"; then
+                       found_dir="$dir"
+-                      found_a="$dir/lib$name.$libext"
+-                      if test -f "$dir/lib$name.la"; then
+-                        found_la="$dir/lib$name.la"
+-                      fi
++                      found_a="$dir/$libname.$acl_libext"
++                    fi
++                  fi
++                  if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then
++                    if test -f "$dir/$libname.la"; then
++                      found_la="$dir/$libname.la"
+                     fi
+                   fi
+                   ;;
+@@ -282,12 +347,12 @@
+                   ltrpathdirs="$ltrpathdirs $found_dir"
+                 fi
+                 dnl The hardcoding into $LIBNAME is system dependent.
+-                if test "$hardcode_direct" = yes; then
++                if test "$acl_hardcode_direct" = yes; then
+                   dnl Using DIR/libNAME.so during linking hardcodes DIR into the
+                   dnl resulting binary.
+                   LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$found_so"
+                 else
+-                  if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" && test "$hardcode_minus_L" = no; then
++                  if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" && test "$acl_hardcode_minus_L" = no; then
+                     dnl Use an explicit option to hardcode DIR into the resulting
+                     dnl binary.
+                     LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$found_so"
+@@ -318,13 +383,13 @@
+                     if test -z "$haveit"; then
+                       LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }-L$found_dir"
+                     fi
+-                    if test "$hardcode_minus_L" != no; then
++                    if test "$acl_hardcode_minus_L" != no; then
+                       dnl FIXME: Not sure whether we should use
+                       dnl "-L$found_dir -l$name" or "-L$found_dir $found_so"
+                       dnl here.
+                       LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$found_so"
+                     else
+-                      dnl We cannot use $hardcode_runpath_var and LD_RUN_PATH
++                      dnl We cannot use $acl_hardcode_runpath_var and LD_RUN_PATH
+                       dnl here, because this doesn't fit in flags passed to the
+                       dnl compiler. So give up. No hardcoding. This affects only
+                       dnl very old systems.
+@@ -512,18 +577,18 @@
+     done
+   done
+   if test "X$rpathdirs" != "X"; then
+-    if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_separator"; then
++    if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator"; then
+       dnl Weird platform: only the last -rpath option counts, the user must
+       dnl pass all path elements in one option. We can arrange that for a
+       dnl single library, but not when more than one $LIBNAMEs are used.
+       alldirs=
+       for found_dir in $rpathdirs; do
+-        alldirs="${alldirs}${alldirs:+$hardcode_libdir_separator}$found_dir"
++        alldirs="${alldirs}${alldirs:+$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator}$found_dir"
+       done
+-      dnl Note: hardcode_libdir_flag_spec uses $libdir and $wl.
++      dnl Note: acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec uses $libdir and $wl.
+       acl_save_libdir="$libdir"
+       libdir="$alldirs"
+-      eval flag=\"$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\"
++      eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\"
+       libdir="$acl_save_libdir"
+       LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$flag"
+     else
+@@ -531,7 +596,7 @@
+       for found_dir in $rpathdirs; do
+         acl_save_libdir="$libdir"
+         libdir="$found_dir"
+-        eval flag=\"$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\"
++        eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\"
+         libdir="$acl_save_libdir"
+         LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$flag"
+       done
+@@ -642,3 +707,79 @@
+   fi
+   AC_SUBST([$1])
+ ])
++dnl For those cases where a variable contains several -L and -l options
++dnl referring to unknown libraries and directories, this macro determines the
++dnl necessary additional linker options for the runtime path.
++dnl sets LDADDVAR to linker options needed together with LIBSVALUE.
++dnl If USE-LIBTOOL evaluates to non-empty, linking with libtool is assumed,
++dnl otherwise linking without libtool is assumed.
++  $1=
++  if test "$enable_rpath" != no; then
++    if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" && test "$acl_hardcode_minus_L" = no; then
++      dnl Use an explicit option to hardcode directories into the resulting
++      dnl binary.
++      rpathdirs=
++      next=
++      for opt in $2; do
++        if test -n "$next"; then
++          dir="$next"
++          dnl No need to hardcode the standard /usr/lib.
++          if test "X$dir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then
++            rpathdirs="$rpathdirs $dir"
++          fi
++          next=
++        else
++          case $opt in
++            -L) next=yes ;;
++            -L*) dir=`echo "X$opt" | sed -e 's,^X-L,,'`
++                 dnl No need to hardcode the standard /usr/lib.
++                 if test "X$dir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then
++                   rpathdirs="$rpathdirs $dir"
++                 fi
++                 next= ;;
++            *) next= ;;
++          esac
++        fi
++      done
++      if test "X$rpathdirs" != "X"; then
++        if test -n ""$3""; then
++          dnl libtool is used for linking. Use -R options.
++          for dir in $rpathdirs; do
++            $1="${$1}${$1:+ }-R$dir"
++          done
++        else
++          dnl The linker is used for linking directly.
++          if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator"; then
++            dnl Weird platform: only the last -rpath option counts, the user
++            dnl must pass all path elements in one option.
++            alldirs=
++            for dir in $rpathdirs; do
++              alldirs="${alldirs}${alldirs:+$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator}$dir"
++            done
++            acl_save_libdir="$libdir"
++            libdir="$alldirs"
++            eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\"
++            libdir="$acl_save_libdir"
++            $1="$flag"
++          else
++            dnl The -rpath options are cumulative.
++            for dir in $rpathdirs; do
++              acl_save_libdir="$libdir"
++              libdir="$dir"
++              eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\"
++              libdir="$acl_save_libdir"
++              $1="${$1}${$1:+ }$flag"
++            done
++          fi
++        fi
++      fi
++    fi
++  fi
++  AC_SUBST([$1])
+Index: gettext-0.16.1/autoconf-lib-link/config.rpath
+--- gettext-0.16.1.orig/autoconf-lib-link/config.rpath	2006-11-27 09:01:58.000000000 -0800
++++ gettext-0.16.1/autoconf-lib-link/config.rpath	2011-03-17 00:33:23.336539490 -0700
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ # Output a system dependent set of variables, describing how to set the
+ # run time search path of shared libraries in an executable.
+ #
+-#   Copyright 1996-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++#   Copyright 1996-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ #   Taken from GNU libtool, 2001
+ #   Originally by Gordon Matzigkeit <gord@gnu.ai.mit.edu>, 1996
+ #
+@@ -47,6 +47,18 @@
+ done
+ cc_basename=`echo "$cc_temp" | sed -e 's%^.*/%%'`
++# Code taken from libtool.m4's _LT_CC_BASENAME.
++for cc_temp in $CC""; do
++  case $cc_temp in
++    compile | *[\\/]compile | ccache | *[\\/]ccache ) ;;
++    distcc | *[\\/]distcc | purify | *[\\/]purify ) ;;
++    \-*) ;;
++    *) break;;
++  esac
++cc_basename=`echo "$cc_temp" | sed -e 's%^.*/%%'`
+ # Code taken from libtool.m4's AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_COMPILER_PIC.
+ wl=
+@@ -64,7 +76,14 @@
+           ;;
+       esac
+       ;;
+-    mingw* | pw32* | os2*)
++    darwin*)
++      case $cc_basename in
++        xlc*)
++          wl='-Wl,'
++          ;;
++      esac
++      ;;
++    mingw* | cygwin* | pw32* | os2*)
+       ;;
+     hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*)
+       wl='-Wl,'
+@@ -74,7 +93,7 @@
+       ;;
+     newsos6)
+       ;;
+-    linux*)
++    linux* | k*bsd*-gnu)
+       case $cc_basename in
+         icc* | ecc*)
+           wl='-Wl,'
+@@ -100,7 +119,7 @@
+     osf3* | osf4* | osf5*)
+       wl='-Wl,'
+       ;;
+-    sco3.2v5*)
++    rdos*)
+       ;;
+     solaris*)
+       wl='-Wl,'
+@@ -108,11 +127,14 @@
+     sunos4*)
+       wl='-Qoption ld '
+       ;;
+-    sysv4 | sysv4.2uw2* | sysv4.3* | sysv5*)
++    sysv4 | sysv4.2uw2* | sysv4.3*)
+       wl='-Wl,'
+       ;;
+     sysv4*MP*)
+       ;;
++    sysv5* | unixware* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | OpenUNIX*)
++      wl='-Wl,'
++      ;;
+     unicos*)
+       wl='-Wl,'
+       ;;
+@@ -141,6 +163,10 @@
+     # we just hope/assume this is gcc and not c89 (= MSVC++)
+     with_gnu_ld=yes
+     ;;
++  interix*)
++    # we just hope/assume this is gcc and not c89 (= MSVC++)
++    with_gnu_ld=yes
++    ;;
+   openbsd*)
+     with_gnu_ld=no
+     ;;
+@@ -189,11 +215,11 @@
+         ld_shlibs=no
+       fi
+       ;;
+-    interix3*)
++    interix[3-9]*)
+       hardcode_direct=no
+       hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir'
+       ;;
+-    linux*)
++    gnu* | linux* | k*bsd*-gnu)
+       if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then
+         :
+       else
+@@ -280,7 +306,7 @@
+             strings "$collect2name" | grep resolve_lib_name >/dev/null
+           then
+             # We have reworked collect2
+-            hardcode_direct=yes
++            :
+           else
+             # We have old collect2
+             hardcode_direct=unsupported
+@@ -359,7 +385,7 @@
+       hardcode_direct=yes
+       hardcode_minus_L=yes
+       ;;
+-    freebsd* | kfreebsd*-gnu | dragonfly*)
++    freebsd* | dragonfly*)
+       hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir'
+       hardcode_direct=yes
+       ;;
+@@ -412,18 +438,22 @@
+       hardcode_libdir_separator=:
+       ;;
+     openbsd*)
+-      hardcode_direct=yes
+-      if test -z "`echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__`" || test "$host_os-$host_cpu" = "openbsd2.8-powerpc"; then
+-        hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir'
++      if test -f /usr/libexec/ld.so; then
++        hardcode_direct=yes
++        if test -z "`echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__`" || test "$host_os-$host_cpu" = "openbsd2.8-powerpc"; then
++          hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir'
++        else
++          case "$host_os" in
++            openbsd[01].* | openbsd2.[0-7] | openbsd2.[0-7].*)
++              hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir'
++              ;;
++            *)
++              hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir'
++              ;;
++          esac
++        fi
+       else
+-        case "$host_os" in
+-          openbsd[01].* | openbsd2.[0-7] | openbsd2.[0-7].*)
+-            hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir'
+-            ;;
+-          *)
+-            hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir'
+-            ;;
+-        esac
++        ld_shlibs=no
+       fi
+       ;;
+     os2*)
+@@ -471,7 +501,7 @@
+         ld_shlibs=yes
+       fi
+       ;;
+-    sysv4*uw2* | sysv5OpenUNIX* | sysv5UnixWare7.[01].[10]* | unixware7*)
++    sysv4*uw2* | sysv5OpenUNIX* | sysv5UnixWare7.[01].[10]* | unixware7* |sco3.2v5.0.[024]*)
+       ;;
+     sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6*)
+       hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='`test -z "$SCOABSPATH" && echo ${wl}-R,$libdir`'
+@@ -488,33 +518,51 @@
+ # Check dynamic linker characteristics
+ # Code taken from libtool.m4's AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_DYNAMIC_LINKER.
++# Unlike libtool.m4, here we don't care about _all_ names of the library, but
++# only about the one the linker finds when passed -lNAME. This is the last
++# element of library_names_spec in libtool.m4, or possibly two of them if the
++# linker has special search rules.
++library_names_spec=      # the last element of library_names_spec in libtool.m4
+ libname_spec='lib$name'
+ case "$host_os" in
+   aix3*)
++    library_names_spec='$libname.a'
+     ;;
+   aix4* | aix5*)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     ;;
+   amigaos*)
++    library_names_spec='$libname.a'
+     ;;
+   beos*)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     ;;
+   bsdi[45]*)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     ;;
+   cygwin* | mingw* | pw32*)
+     shrext=.dll
++    library_names_spec='$libname.dll.a $libname.lib'
+     ;;
+   darwin* | rhapsody*)
+     shrext=.dylib
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     ;;
+   dgux*)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     ;;
+   freebsd1*)
+     ;;
+-  kfreebsd*-gnu)
+-    ;;
+   freebsd* | dragonfly*)
++    case "$host_os" in
++      freebsd[123]*)
++        library_names_spec='$libname$shrext$versuffix' ;;
++      *)
++        library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;;
++    esac
+     ;;
+   gnu*)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     ;;
+   hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*)
+     case $host_cpu in
+@@ -528,10 +576,13 @@
+         shrext=.sl
+         ;;
+     esac
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     ;;
+-  interix3*)
++  interix[3-9]*)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     ;;
+   irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     case "$host_os" in
+       irix5* | nonstopux*)
+         libsuff= shlibsuff=
+@@ -548,33 +599,46 @@
+     ;;
+   linux*oldld* | linux*aout* | linux*coff*)
+     ;;
+-  linux*)
++  linux* | k*bsd*-gnu)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     ;;
+   knetbsd*-gnu)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     ;;
+   netbsd*)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     ;;
+   newsos6)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     ;;
+   nto-qnx*)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     ;;
+   openbsd*)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext$versuffix'
+     ;;
+   os2*)
+     libname_spec='$name'
+     shrext=.dll
++    library_names_spec='$libname.a'
+     ;;
+   osf3* | osf4* | osf5*)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     ;;
+   solaris*)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     ;;
+   sunos4*)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext$versuffix'
+     ;;
+   sysv4 | sysv4.3*)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     ;;
+   sysv4*MP*)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     ;;
+   sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | unixware* | OpenUNIX* | sysv4*uw2*)
++    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+     ;;
+   uts4*)
+     ;;
+@@ -583,6 +647,8 @@
+ sed_quote_subst='s/\(["`$\\]\)/\\\1/g'
+ escaped_wl=`echo "X$wl" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"`
+ shlibext=`echo "$shrext" | sed -e 's,^\.,,'`
++escaped_libname_spec=`echo "X$libname_spec" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"`
++escaped_library_names_spec=`echo "X$library_names_spec" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"`
+ escaped_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=`echo "X$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"`
+ LC_ALL=C sed -e 's/^\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=/acl_cv_\1=/' <<EOF
+@@ -596,6 +662,12 @@
+ # Shared library suffix (normally "so").
+ shlibext="$shlibext"
++# Format of library name prefix.
++# Library names that the linker finds when passed -lNAME.
+ # Flag to hardcode \$libdir into a binary during linking.
+ # This must work even if \$libdir does not exist.
+ hardcode_libdir_flag_spec="$escaped_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.19.4/parallel.patch b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.19.4/parallel.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8e2c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-0.19.4/parallel.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+instal libgettextlib.a before removing it
+In a multiple job build, Makefile can simultaneously
+be installing and removing libgettextlib.a.  We serialize
+the operations.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Joe Slater <jslater@windriver.com>
+--- a/gettext-tools/gnulib-lib/Makefile.am
++++ b/gettext-tools/gnulib-lib/Makefile.am
+@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ endif
+ # Rules generated and collected by gnulib-tool.
+ include Makefile.gnulib
++# defined in Makefile.gnulib but missing this dependency
++install-exec-clean: install-libLTLIBRARIES
+ # Which classes to export from the shared library.
+ MOOPPFLAGS += --dllexport=styled_ostream
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-0.19.4/0001-PATCH-Disable-the-test-to-convert-euc-jp.patch b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-0.19.4/0001-PATCH-Disable-the-test-to-convert-euc-jp.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29ef2a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-0.19.4/0001-PATCH-Disable-the-test-to-convert-euc-jp.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+[PATCH] Disable the test to convert euc-jp
+Remove the test "Test against HP-UX 11.11 bug:
+No converter from EUC-JP to UTF-8 is provided"
+since we don't support HP-UX and if the euc-jp is not
+installed on the host, the dependence will be built without
+iconv support and will cause guile-native building fail.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [OE specific]
+Signed-off-by: Roy Li <rongqing.li@windriver.com>
+ iconv.m4 | 2 ++
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/iconv.m4 b/iconv.m4
+index 4e37363..35f54bd 100644
+--- a/iconv.m4
++++ b/iconv.m4
+@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([AM_ICONV_LINK],
+       }
+   }
+ #endif
++#if 0
+   /* Test against HP-UX 11.11 bug: No converter from EUC-JP to UTF-8 is
+      provided.  */
+   if (/* Try standardized names.  */
+@@ -176,6 +177,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([AM_ICONV_LINK],
+       /* Try HP-UX names.  */
+       && iconv_open ("utf8", "eucJP") == (iconv_t)(-1))
+     result |= 16;
+   return result;
+ ]])],
+           [am_cv_func_iconv_works=yes], ,
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-0.19.4/COPYING b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-0.19.4/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d11d1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-0.19.4/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+dnl Copyright (C) 1995-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-0.19.4/Makefile.in.in b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-0.19.4/Makefile.in.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8906ba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-0.19.4/Makefile.in.in
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+# Makefile for PO directory in any package using GNU gettext.
+# Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 2000-2007, 2009-2010 by Ulrich Drepper <drepper@gnu.ai.mit.edu>
+# This file can be copied and used freely without restrictions.  It can
+# be used in projects which are not available under the GNU General Public
+# License but which still want to provide support for the GNU gettext
+# functionality.
+# Please note that the actual code of GNU gettext is covered by the GNU
+# General Public License and is *not* in the public domain.
+# Origin: gettext-0.19
+SED = @SED@
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+gettextsrcdir = $(datadir)/gettext/po
+GMSGFMT_yes = @GMSGFMT_015@
+MSGFMT_yes = @MSGFMT_015@
+MSGMERGE = msgmerge
+MSGINIT = msginit
+MSGCONV = msgconv
+MSGFILTER = msgfilter
+DISTFILES.common = Makefile.in.in remove-potcdate.sin \
+$(DISTFILES.common.extra1) $(DISTFILES.common.extra2) $(DISTFILES.common.extra3)
+DISTFILES = $(DISTFILES.common) Makevars POTFILES.in \
+$(DISTFILES.extra1) $(DISTFILES.extra2) $(DISTFILES.extra3)
+POFILESDEPS_ = $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot
+DISTFILESDEPS_ = update-po
+# Makevars gets inserted here. (Don't remove this line!)
+.SUFFIXES: .po .gmo .mo .sed .sin .nop .po-create .po-update
+	@echo "$(MSGFMT) -c -o $@ $<"; \
+	$(MSGFMT) -c -o t-$@ $< && mv t-$@ $@
+	@lang=`echo $* | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`; \
+	test "$(srcdir)" = . && cdcmd="" || cdcmd="cd $(srcdir) && "; \
+	echo "$${cdcmd}rm -f $${lang}.gmo && $(GMSGFMT) -c --statistics --verbose -o $${lang}.gmo $${lang}.po"; \
+	cd $(srcdir) && rm -f $${lang}.gmo && $(GMSGFMT) -c --statistics --verbose -o t-$${lang}.gmo $${lang}.po && mv t-$${lang}.gmo $${lang}.gmo
+	sed -e '/^#/d' $< > t-$@
+	mv t-$@ $@
+all: all-@USE_NLS@
+all-yes: stamp-po
+# Ensure that the gettext macros and this Makefile.in.in are in sync.
+	  || { echo "*** error: gettext infrastructure mismatch: using a Makefile.in.in from gettext version $(GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION) but the autoconf macros are from gettext version @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@" 1>&2; \
+	       exit 1; \
+	     }
+# $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot is only created when needed. When xgettext finds no
+# internationalized messages, no $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot is created (because
+# we don't want to bother translators with empty POT files). We assume that
+# LINGUAS is empty in this case, i.e. $(POFILES) and $(GMOFILES) are empty.
+# In this case, stamp-po is a nop (i.e. a phony target).
+# stamp-po is a timestamp denoting the last time at which the CATALOGS have
+# been loosely updated. Its purpose is that when a developer or translator
+# checks out the package via CVS, and the $(DOMAIN).pot file is not in CVS,
+# "make" will update the $(DOMAIN).pot and the $(CATALOGS), but subsequent
+# invocations of "make" will do nothing. This timestamp would not be necessary
+# if updating the $(CATALOGS) would always touch them; however, the rule for
+# $(POFILES) has been designed to not touch files that don't need to be
+# changed.
+stamp-po: $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot
+	test ! -f $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot || \
+	  test -z "$(GMOFILES)" || $(MAKE) $(GMOFILES)
+	@test ! -f $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot || { \
+	  echo "touch stamp-po" && \
+	  echo timestamp > stamp-poT && \
+	  mv stamp-poT stamp-po; \
+	}
+# Note: Target 'all' must not depend on target '$(DOMAIN).pot-update',
+# otherwise packages like GCC can not be built if only parts of the source
+# have been downloaded.
+# This target rebuilds $(DOMAIN).pot; it is an expensive operation.
+# Note that $(DOMAIN).pot is not touched if it doesn't need to be changed.
+# The determination of whether the package xyz is a GNU one is based on the
+# heuristic whether some file in the top level directory mentions "GNU xyz".
+# If GNU 'find' is available, we avoid grepping through monster files.
+$(DOMAIN).pot-update: $(POTFILES) $(srcdir)/POTFILES.in remove-potcdate.sed
+	package_gnu="$(PACKAGE_GNU)"; \
+	test -n "$$package_gnu" || { \
+	  if { if (LC_ALL=C find --version) 2>/dev/null | grep GNU >/dev/null; then \
+		 LC_ALL=C find -L $(top_srcdir) -maxdepth 1 -type f \
+			       -size -10000000c -exec grep 'GNU @PACKAGE@' \
+			       /dev/null '{}' ';' 2>/dev/null; \
+	       else \
+		 LC_ALL=C grep 'GNU @PACKAGE@' $(top_srcdir)/* 2>/dev/null; \
+	       fi; \
+	     } | grep -v 'libtool:' >/dev/null; then \
+	     package_gnu=yes; \
+	   else \
+	     package_gnu=no; \
+	   fi; \
+	}; \
+	if test "$$package_gnu" = "yes"; then \
+	  package_prefix='GNU '; \
+	else \
+	  package_prefix=''; \
+	fi; \
+	if test -n '$(MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS)' || test '$(PACKAGE_BUGREPORT)' = '@'PACKAGE_BUGREPORT'@'; then \
+	  msgid_bugs_address='$(MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS)'; \
+	else \
+	  msgid_bugs_address='$(PACKAGE_BUGREPORT)'; \
+	fi; \
+	case `$(XGETTEXT) --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in \
+	  '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-5] | 0.1[0-5].* | 0.16 | 0.16.[0-1]*) \
+	    $(XGETTEXT) --default-domain=$(DOMAIN) --directory=$(top_srcdir) \
+	      --files-from=$(srcdir)/POTFILES.in \
+	      --copyright-holder='$(COPYRIGHT_HOLDER)' \
+	      --msgid-bugs-address="$$msgid_bugs_address" \
+	    ;; \
+	  *) \
+	    $(XGETTEXT) --default-domain=$(DOMAIN) --directory=$(top_srcdir) \
+	      --files-from=$(srcdir)/POTFILES.in \
+	      --copyright-holder='$(COPYRIGHT_HOLDER)' \
+	      --package-name="$${package_prefix}@PACKAGE@" \
+	      --package-version='@VERSION@' \
+	      --msgid-bugs-address="$$msgid_bugs_address" \
+	    ;; \
+	esac
+	test ! -f $(DOMAIN).po || { \
+	  if test -f $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot; then \
+	    sed -f remove-potcdate.sed < $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot > $(DOMAIN).1po && \
+	    sed -f remove-potcdate.sed < $(DOMAIN).po > $(DOMAIN).2po && \
+	    if cmp $(DOMAIN).1po $(DOMAIN).2po >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
+	      rm -f $(DOMAIN).1po $(DOMAIN).2po $(DOMAIN).po; \
+	    else \
+	      rm -f $(DOMAIN).1po $(DOMAIN).2po $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot && \
+	      mv $(DOMAIN).po $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot; \
+	    fi; \
+	  else \
+	    mv $(DOMAIN).po $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot; \
+	  fi; \
+	}
+# This rule has no dependencies: we don't need to update $(DOMAIN).pot at
+# every "make" invocation, only create it when it is missing.
+# Only "make $(DOMAIN).pot-update" or "make dist" will force an update.
+	$(MAKE) $(DOMAIN).pot-update
+# This target rebuilds a PO file if $(DOMAIN).pot has changed.
+# Note that a PO file is not touched if it doesn't need to be changed.
+	@lang=`echo $@ | sed -e 's,.*/,,' -e 's/\.po$$//'`; \
+	if test -f "$(srcdir)/$${lang}.po"; then \
+	  test -f $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot || $(MAKE) $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot; \
+	  test "$(srcdir)" = . && cdcmd="" || cdcmd="cd $(srcdir) && "; \
+	  echo "$${cdcmd}$(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) --lang=$${lang} $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot"; \
+	  cd $(srcdir) \
+	    && { case `$(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in \
+	           '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-7] | 0.1[0-7].*) \
+	             $(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot;; \
+	           *) \
+	             $(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) --lang=$${lang} $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot;; \
+	         esac; \
+	       }; \
+	else \
+	  $(MAKE) $${lang}.po-create; \
+	fi
+install: install-exec install-data
+install-data: install-data-@USE_NLS@
+	if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then \
+	  $(MKDIR_P) $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir); \
+	  for file in $(DISTFILES.common) Makevars.template; do \
+	    $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/$$file \
+			    $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/$$file; \
+	  done; \
+	  for file in Makevars; do \
+	    rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/$$file; \
+	  done; \
+	else \
+	  : ; \
+	fi
+install-data-no: all
+install-data-yes: all
+	@catalogs='$(CATALOGS)'; \
+	for cat in $$catalogs; do \
+	  cat=`basename $$cat`; \
+	  lang=`echo $$cat | sed -e 's/\.gmo$$//'`; \
+	  dir=$(localedir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES; \
+	  $(MKDIR_P) $(DESTDIR)$$dir; \
+	  if test -r $$cat; then realcat=$$cat; else realcat=$(srcdir)/$$cat; fi; \
+	  $(INSTALL_DATA) $$realcat $(DESTDIR)$$dir/$(DOMAIN).mo; \
+	  echo "installing $$realcat as $(DESTDIR)$$dir/$(DOMAIN).mo"; \
+	  for lc in '' $(EXTRA_LOCALE_CATEGORIES); do \
+	    if test -n "$$lc"; then \
+	      if (cd $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang && LC_ALL=C ls -l -d $$lc 2>/dev/null) | grep ' -> ' >/dev/null; then \
+	        link=`cd $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang && LC_ALL=C ls -l -d $$lc | sed -e 's/^.* -> //'`; \
+	        mv $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc.old; \
+	        mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc; \
+	        (cd $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc.old && \
+	         for file in *; do \
+	           if test -f $$file; then \
+	             ln -s ../$$link/$$file $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc/$$file; \
+	           fi; \
+	         done); \
+	        rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc.old; \
+	      else \
+	        if test -d $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc; then \
+	          :; \
+	        else \
+	          rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc; \
+	          mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc; \
+	        fi; \
+	      fi; \
+	      rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc/$(DOMAIN).mo; \
+	      ln -s ../LC_MESSAGES/$(DOMAIN).mo $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc/$(DOMAIN).mo 2>/dev/null || \
+	      ln $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES/$(DOMAIN).mo $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc/$(DOMAIN).mo 2>/dev/null || \
+	      cp -p $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES/$(DOMAIN).mo $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc/$(DOMAIN).mo; \
+	      echo "installing $$realcat link as $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc/$(DOMAIN).mo"; \
+	    fi; \
+	  done; \
+	done
+install-strip: install
+installdirs: installdirs-exec installdirs-data
+installdirs-data: installdirs-data-@USE_NLS@
+	if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then \
+	  $(MKDIR_P) $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir); \
+	else \
+	  : ; \
+	fi
+	@catalogs='$(CATALOGS)'; \
+	for cat in $$catalogs; do \
+	  cat=`basename $$cat`; \
+	  lang=`echo $$cat | sed -e 's/\.gmo$$//'`; \
+	  dir=$(localedir)/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES; \
+	  $(MKDIR_P) $(DESTDIR)$$dir; \
+	  for lc in '' $(EXTRA_LOCALE_CATEGORIES); do \
+	    if test -n "$$lc"; then \
+	      if (cd $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang && LC_ALL=C ls -l -d $$lc 2>/dev/null) | grep ' -> ' >/dev/null; then \
+	        link=`cd $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang && LC_ALL=C ls -l -d $$lc | sed -e 's/^.* -> //'`; \
+	        mv $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc.old; \
+	        mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc; \
+	        (cd $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc.old && \
+	         for file in *; do \
+	           if test -f $$file; then \
+	             ln -s ../$$link/$$file $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc/$$file; \
+	           fi; \
+	         done); \
+	        rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc.old; \
+	      else \
+	        if test -d $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc; then \
+	          :; \
+	        else \
+	          rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc; \
+	          mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc; \
+	        fi; \
+	      fi; \
+	    fi; \
+	  done; \
+	done
+# Define this as empty until I found a useful application.
+uninstall: uninstall-exec uninstall-data
+uninstall-data: uninstall-data-@USE_NLS@
+	if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then \
+	  for file in $(DISTFILES.common) Makevars.template; do \
+	    rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(gettextsrcdir)/$$file; \
+	  done; \
+	else \
+	  : ; \
+	fi
+	catalogs='$(CATALOGS)'; \
+	for cat in $$catalogs; do \
+	  cat=`basename $$cat`; \
+	  lang=`echo $$cat | sed -e 's/\.gmo$$//'`; \
+	    rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(localedir)/$$lang/$$lc/$(DOMAIN).mo; \
+	  done; \
+	done
+check: all
+info dvi ps pdf html tags TAGS ctags CTAGS ID:
+	rm -f remove-potcdate.sed
+	rm -f stamp-poT
+	rm -f core core.* $(DOMAIN).po $(DOMAIN).1po $(DOMAIN).2po *.new.po
+	rm -fr *.o
+clean: mostlyclean
+distclean: clean
+	rm -f Makefile Makefile.in POTFILES *.mo
+maintainer-clean: distclean
+	@echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use;"
+	@echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+	rm -f stamp-po $(GMOFILES)
+distdir = $(top_builddir)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/$(subdir)
+dist distdir:
+	@$(MAKE) dist2
+# This is a separate target because 'update-po' must be executed before.
+dist2: stamp-po $(DISTFILES)
+	dists="$(DISTFILES)"; \
+	if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then \
+	  dists="$$dists Makevars.template"; \
+	fi; \
+	if test -f $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot; then \
+	  dists="$$dists $(DOMAIN).pot stamp-po"; \
+	fi; \
+	if test -f $(srcdir)/ChangeLog; then \
+	  dists="$$dists ChangeLog"; \
+	fi; \
+	for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do \
+	  if test -f $(srcdir)/ChangeLog.$$i; then \
+	    dists="$$dists ChangeLog.$$i"; \
+	  fi; \
+	done; \
+	if test -f $(srcdir)/LINGUAS; then dists="$$dists LINGUAS"; fi; \
+	for file in $$dists; do \
+	  if test -f $$file; then \
+	    cp -p $$file $(distdir) || exit 1; \
+	  else \
+	    cp -p $(srcdir)/$$file $(distdir) || exit 1; \
+	  fi; \
+	done
+update-po: Makefile
+	$(MAKE) $(DOMAIN).pot-update
+	$(MAKE) update-gmo
+# General rule for creating PO files.
+	@lang=`echo $@ | sed -e 's/\.po-create$$//'`; \
+	echo "File $$lang.po does not exist. If you are a translator, you can create it through 'msginit'." 1>&2; \
+	exit 1
+# General rule for updating PO files.
+	@lang=`echo $@ | sed -e 's/\.po-update$$//'`; \
+	if test "$(PACKAGE)" = "gettext-tools"; then PATH=`pwd`/../src:$$PATH; fi; \
+	tmpdir=`pwd`; \
+	echo "$$lang:"; \
+	test "$(srcdir)" = . && cdcmd="" || cdcmd="cd $(srcdir) && "; \
+	echo "$${cdcmd}$(MSGMERGE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) --lang=$$lang $$lang.po $(DOMAIN).pot -o $$lang.new.po"; \
+	cd $(srcdir); \
+	if { case `$(MSGMERGE) --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in \
+	       '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-7] | 0.1[0-7].*) \
+	         $(MSGMERGE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) -o $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po $$lang.po $(DOMAIN).pot;; \
+	       *) \
+	         $(MSGMERGE) $(MSGMERGE_OPTIONS) --lang=$$lang -o $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po $$lang.po $(DOMAIN).pot;; \
+	     esac; \
+	   }; then \
+	  if cmp $$lang.po $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
+	    rm -f $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po; \
+	  else \
+	    if mv -f $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po $$lang.po; then \
+	      :; \
+	    else \
+	      echo "msgmerge for $$lang.po failed: cannot move $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po to $$lang.po" 1>&2; \
+	      exit 1; \
+	    fi; \
+	  fi; \
+	else \
+	  echo "msgmerge for $$lang.po failed!" 1>&2; \
+	  rm -f $$tmpdir/$$lang.new.po; \
+	fi
+update-gmo: Makefile $(GMOFILES)
+	@:
+# Recreate Makefile by invoking config.status. Explicitly invoke the shell,
+# because execution permission bits may not work on the current file system.
+# Use @SHELL@, which is the shell determined by autoconf for the use by its
+# scripts, not $(SHELL) which is hardwired to /bin/sh and may be deficient.
+Makefile: Makefile.in.in Makevars $(top_builddir)/config.status @POMAKEFILEDEPS@
+	cd $(top_builddir) \
+	  && @SHELL@ ./config.status $(subdir)/$@.in po-directories
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make not to export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-0.19.4/aclocal.tgz b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-0.19.4/aclocal.tgz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b04ba55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-0.19.4/aclocal.tgz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-0.19.4/config.rpath b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-0.19.4/config.rpath
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b625621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-0.19.4/config.rpath
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Output a system dependent set of variables, describing how to set the
+# run time search path of shared libraries in an executable.
+#   Copyright 1996-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+#   Taken from GNU libtool, 2001
+#   Originally by Gordon Matzigkeit <gord@gnu.ai.mit.edu>, 1996
+#   This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation gives
+#   unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without
+#   modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# The first argument passed to this file is the canonical host specification,
+# or
+# The environment variables CC, GCC, LDFLAGS, LD, with_gnu_ld
+# should be set by the caller.
+# The set of defined variables is at the end of this script.
+# Known limitations:
+# - On IRIX 6.5 with CC="cc", the run time search patch must not be longer
+#   than 256 bytes, otherwise the compiler driver will dump core. The only
+#   known workaround is to choose shorter directory names for the build
+#   directory and/or the installation directory.
+# All known linkers require a '.a' archive for static linking (except MSVC,
+# which needs '.lib').
+host_cpu=`echo "$host" | sed 's/^\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\(.*\)$/\1/'`
+host_vendor=`echo "$host" | sed 's/^\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\(.*\)$/\2/'`
+host_os=`echo "$host" | sed 's/^\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\(.*\)$/\3/'`
+# Code taken from libtool.m4's _LT_CC_BASENAME.
+for cc_temp in $CC""; do
+  case $cc_temp in
+    compile | *[\\/]compile | ccache | *[\\/]ccache ) ;;
+    distcc | *[\\/]distcc | purify | *[\\/]purify ) ;;
+    \-*) ;;
+    *) break;;
+  esac
+cc_basename=`echo "$cc_temp" | sed -e 's%^.*/%%'`
+# Code taken from libtool.m4's _LT_COMPILER_PIC.
+if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+  wl='-Wl,'
+  case "$host_os" in
+    aix*)
+      wl='-Wl,'
+      ;;
+    mingw* | cygwin* | pw32* | os2* | cegcc*)
+      ;;
+    hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*)
+      wl='-Wl,'
+      ;;
+    irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*)
+      wl='-Wl,'
+      ;;
+    linux* | k*bsd*-gnu | kopensolaris*-gnu)
+      case $cc_basename in
+        ecc*)
+          wl='-Wl,'
+          ;;
+        icc* | ifort*)
+          wl='-Wl,'
+          ;;
+        lf95*)
+          wl='-Wl,'
+          ;;
+        nagfor*)
+          wl='-Wl,-Wl,,'
+          ;;
+        pgcc* | pgf77* | pgf90* | pgf95* | pgfortran*)
+          wl='-Wl,'
+          ;;
+        ccc*)
+          wl='-Wl,'
+          ;;
+        xl* | bgxl* | bgf* | mpixl*)
+          wl='-Wl,'
+          ;;
+        como)
+          wl='-lopt='
+          ;;
+        *)
+          case `$CC -V 2>&1 | sed 5q` in
+            *Sun\ F* | *Sun*Fortran*)
+              wl=
+              ;;
+            *Sun\ C*)
+              wl='-Wl,'
+              ;;
+          esac
+          ;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    newsos6)
+      ;;
+    *nto* | *qnx*)
+      ;;
+    osf3* | osf4* | osf5*)
+      wl='-Wl,'
+      ;;
+    rdos*)
+      ;;
+    solaris*)
+      case $cc_basename in
+        f77* | f90* | f95* | sunf77* | sunf90* | sunf95*)
+          wl='-Qoption ld '
+          ;;
+        *)
+          wl='-Wl,'
+          ;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    sunos4*)
+      wl='-Qoption ld '
+      ;;
+    sysv4 | sysv4.2uw2* | sysv4.3*)
+      wl='-Wl,'
+      ;;
+    sysv4*MP*)
+      ;;
+    sysv5* | unixware* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | OpenUNIX*)
+      wl='-Wl,'
+      ;;
+    unicos*)
+      wl='-Wl,'
+      ;;
+    uts4*)
+      ;;
+  esac
+# Code taken from libtool.m4's _LT_LINKER_SHLIBS.
+case "$host_os" in
+  cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*)
+    # FIXME: the MSVC++ port hasn't been tested in a loooong time
+    # When not using gcc, we currently assume that we are using
+    # Microsoft Visual C++.
+    if test "$GCC" != yes; then
+      with_gnu_ld=no
+    fi
+    ;;
+  interix*)
+    # we just hope/assume this is gcc and not c89 (= MSVC++)
+    with_gnu_ld=yes
+    ;;
+  openbsd*)
+    with_gnu_ld=no
+    ;;
+if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then
+  # Set some defaults for GNU ld with shared library support. These
+  # are reset later if shared libraries are not supported. Putting them
+  # here allows them to be overridden if necessary.
+  # Unlike libtool, we use -rpath here, not --rpath, since the documented
+  # option of GNU ld is called -rpath, not --rpath.
+  hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir'
+  case "$host_os" in
+    aix[3-9]*)
+      # On AIX/PPC, the GNU linker is very broken
+      if test "$host_cpu" != ia64; then
+        ld_shlibs=no
+      fi
+      ;;
+    amigaos*)
+      case "$host_cpu" in
+        powerpc)
+          ;;
+        m68k)
+          hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir'
+          hardcode_minus_L=yes
+          ;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    beos*)
+      if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then
+        :
+      else
+        ld_shlibs=no
+      fi
+      ;;
+    cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*)
+      # hardcode_libdir_flag_spec is actually meaningless, as there is
+      # no search path for DLLs.
+      hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir'
+      if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep 'auto-import' > /dev/null; then
+        :
+      else
+        ld_shlibs=no
+      fi
+      ;;
+    haiku*)
+      ;;
+    interix[3-9]*)
+      hardcode_direct=no
+      hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir'
+      ;;
+    gnu* | linux* | tpf* | k*bsd*-gnu | kopensolaris*-gnu)
+      if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then
+        :
+      else
+        ld_shlibs=no
+      fi
+      ;;
+    netbsd*)
+      ;;
+    solaris*)
+      if $LD -v 2>&1 | grep 'BFD 2\.8' > /dev/null; then
+        ld_shlibs=no
+      elif $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then
+        :
+      else
+        ld_shlibs=no
+      fi
+      ;;
+    sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | unixware* | OpenUNIX*)
+      case `$LD -v 2>&1` in
+        *\ [01].* | *\ 2.[0-9].* | *\ 2.1[0-5].*)
+          ld_shlibs=no
+          ;;
+        *)
+          if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then
+            hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='`test -z "$SCOABSPATH" && echo ${wl}-rpath,$libdir`'
+          else
+            ld_shlibs=no
+          fi
+          ;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    sunos4*)
+      hardcode_direct=yes
+      ;;
+    *)
+      if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then
+        :
+      else
+        ld_shlibs=no
+      fi
+      ;;
+  esac
+  if test "$ld_shlibs" = no; then
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=
+  fi
+  case "$host_os" in
+    aix3*)
+      # Note: this linker hardcodes the directories in LIBPATH if there
+      # are no directories specified by -L.
+      hardcode_minus_L=yes
+      if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+        # Neither direct hardcoding nor static linking is supported with a
+        # broken collect2.
+        hardcode_direct=unsupported
+      fi
+      ;;
+    aix[4-9]*)
+      if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then
+        # On IA64, the linker does run time linking by default, so we don't
+        # have to do anything special.
+        aix_use_runtimelinking=no
+      else
+        aix_use_runtimelinking=no
+        # Test if we are trying to use run time linking or normal
+        # AIX style linking. If -brtl is somewhere in LDFLAGS, we
+        # need to do runtime linking.
+        case $host_os in aix4.[23]|aix4.[23].*|aix[5-9]*)
+          for ld_flag in $LDFLAGS; do
+            if (test $ld_flag = "-brtl" || test $ld_flag = "-Wl,-brtl"); then
+              aix_use_runtimelinking=yes
+              break
+            fi
+          done
+          ;;
+        esac
+      fi
+      hardcode_direct=yes
+      hardcode_libdir_separator=':'
+      if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+        case $host_os in aix4.[012]|aix4.[012].*)
+          collect2name=`${CC} -print-prog-name=collect2`
+          if test -f "$collect2name" && \
+            strings "$collect2name" | grep resolve_lib_name >/dev/null
+          then
+            # We have reworked collect2
+            :
+          else
+            # We have old collect2
+            hardcode_direct=unsupported
+            hardcode_minus_L=yes
+            hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir'
+            hardcode_libdir_separator=
+          fi
+          ;;
+        esac
+      fi
+      # Begin _LT_AC_SYS_LIBPATH_AIX.
+      echo 'int main () { return 0; }' > conftest.c
+      ${CC} ${LDFLAGS} conftest.c -o conftest
+      aix_libpath=`dump -H conftest 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e '/Import File Strings/,/^$/ { /^0/ { s/^0  *\(.*\)$/\1/; p; }
+      if test -z "$aix_libpath"; then
+        aix_libpath=`dump -HX64 conftest 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e '/Import File Strings/,/^$/ { /^0/ { s/^0  *\(.*\)$/\1/; p; }
+      fi
+      if test -z "$aix_libpath"; then
+        aix_libpath="/usr/lib:/lib"
+      fi
+      rm -f conftest.c conftest
+      # End _LT_AC_SYS_LIBPATH_AIX.
+      if test "$aix_use_runtimelinking" = yes; then
+        hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-blibpath:$libdir:'"$aix_libpath"
+      else
+        if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then
+          hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-R $libdir:/usr/lib:/lib'
+        else
+          hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-blibpath:$libdir:'"$aix_libpath"
+        fi
+      fi
+      ;;
+    amigaos*)
+      case "$host_cpu" in
+        powerpc)
+          ;;
+        m68k)
+          hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir'
+          hardcode_minus_L=yes
+          ;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    bsdi[45]*)
+      ;;
+    cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*)
+      # When not using gcc, we currently assume that we are using
+      # Microsoft Visual C++.
+      # hardcode_libdir_flag_spec is actually meaningless, as there is
+      # no search path for DLLs.
+      hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=' '
+      libext=lib
+      ;;
+    darwin* | rhapsody*)
+      hardcode_direct=no
+      if { case $cc_basename in ifort*) true;; *) test "$GCC" = yes;; esac; }; then
+        :
+      else
+        ld_shlibs=no
+      fi
+      ;;
+    dgux*)
+      hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir'
+      ;;
+    freebsd2.[01]*)
+      hardcode_direct=yes
+      hardcode_minus_L=yes
+      ;;
+    freebsd* | dragonfly*)
+      hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir'
+      hardcode_direct=yes
+      ;;
+    hpux9*)
+      hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir'
+      hardcode_libdir_separator=:
+      hardcode_direct=yes
+      # hardcode_minus_L: Not really in the search PATH,
+      # but as the default location of the library.
+      hardcode_minus_L=yes
+      ;;
+    hpux10*)
+      if test "$with_gnu_ld" = no; then
+        hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir'
+        hardcode_libdir_separator=:
+        hardcode_direct=yes
+        # hardcode_minus_L: Not really in the search PATH,
+        # but as the default location of the library.
+        hardcode_minus_L=yes
+      fi
+      ;;
+    hpux11*)
+      if test "$with_gnu_ld" = no; then
+        hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir'
+        hardcode_libdir_separator=:
+        case $host_cpu in
+          hppa*64*|ia64*)
+            hardcode_direct=no
+            ;;
+          *)
+            hardcode_direct=yes
+            # hardcode_minus_L: Not really in the search PATH,
+            # but as the default location of the library.
+            hardcode_minus_L=yes
+            ;;
+        esac
+      fi
+      ;;
+    irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*)
+      hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir'
+      hardcode_libdir_separator=:
+      ;;
+    netbsd*)
+      hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir'
+      hardcode_direct=yes
+      ;;
+    newsos6)
+      hardcode_direct=yes
+      hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir'
+      hardcode_libdir_separator=:
+      ;;
+    *nto* | *qnx*)
+      ;;
+    openbsd*)
+      if test -f /usr/libexec/ld.so; then
+        hardcode_direct=yes
+        if test -z "`echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__`" || test "$host_os-$host_cpu" = "openbsd2.8-powerpc"; then
+          hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir'
+        else
+          case "$host_os" in
+            openbsd[01].* | openbsd2.[0-7] | openbsd2.[0-7].*)
+              hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir'
+              ;;
+            *)
+              hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir'
+              ;;
+          esac
+        fi
+      else
+        ld_shlibs=no
+      fi
+      ;;
+    os2*)
+      hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir'
+      hardcode_minus_L=yes
+      ;;
+    osf3*)
+      hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir'
+      hardcode_libdir_separator=:
+      ;;
+    osf4* | osf5*)
+      if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+        hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir'
+      else
+        # Both cc and cxx compiler support -rpath directly
+        hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-rpath $libdir'
+      fi
+      hardcode_libdir_separator=:
+      ;;
+    solaris*)
+      hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir'
+      ;;
+    sunos4*)
+      hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir'
+      hardcode_direct=yes
+      hardcode_minus_L=yes
+      ;;
+    sysv4)
+      case $host_vendor in
+        sni)
+          hardcode_direct=yes # is this really true???
+          ;;
+        siemens)
+          hardcode_direct=no
+          ;;
+        motorola)
+          hardcode_direct=no #Motorola manual says yes, but my tests say they lie
+          ;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    sysv4.3*)
+      ;;
+    sysv4*MP*)
+      if test -d /usr/nec; then
+        ld_shlibs=yes
+      fi
+      ;;
+    sysv4*uw2* | sysv5OpenUNIX* | sysv5UnixWare7.[01].[10]* | unixware7* | sco3.2v5.0.[024]*)
+      ;;
+    sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6*)
+      hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='`test -z "$SCOABSPATH" && echo ${wl}-R,$libdir`'
+      hardcode_libdir_separator=':'
+      ;;
+    uts4*)
+      hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir'
+      ;;
+    *)
+      ld_shlibs=no
+      ;;
+  esac
+# Check dynamic linker characteristics
+# Code taken from libtool.m4's _LT_SYS_DYNAMIC_LINKER.
+# Unlike libtool.m4, here we don't care about _all_ names of the library, but
+# only about the one the linker finds when passed -lNAME. This is the last
+# element of library_names_spec in libtool.m4, or possibly two of them if the
+# linker has special search rules.
+library_names_spec=      # the last element of library_names_spec in libtool.m4
+case "$host_os" in
+  aix3*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname.a'
+    ;;
+  aix[4-9]*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  amigaos*)
+    case "$host_cpu" in
+      powerpc*)
+        library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;;
+      m68k)
+        library_names_spec='$libname.a' ;;
+    esac
+    ;;
+  beos*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  bsdi[45]*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*)
+    shrext=.dll
+    library_names_spec='$libname.dll.a $libname.lib'
+    ;;
+  darwin* | rhapsody*)
+    shrext=.dylib
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  dgux*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  freebsd[23].*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext$versuffix'
+    ;;
+  freebsd* | dragonfly*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  gnu*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  haiku*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*)
+    case $host_cpu in
+      ia64*)
+        shrext=.so
+        ;;
+      hppa*64*)
+        shrext=.sl
+        ;;
+      *)
+        shrext=.sl
+        ;;
+    esac
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  interix[3-9]*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    case "$host_os" in
+      irix5* | nonstopux*)
+        libsuff= shlibsuff=
+        ;;
+      *)
+        case $LD in
+          *-32|*"-32 "|*-melf32bsmip|*"-melf32bsmip ") libsuff= shlibsuff= ;;
+          *-n32|*"-n32 "|*-melf32bmipn32|*"-melf32bmipn32 ") libsuff=32 shlibsuff=N32 ;;
+          *-64|*"-64 "|*-melf64bmip|*"-melf64bmip ") libsuff=64 shlibsuff=64 ;;
+          *) libsuff= shlibsuff= ;;
+        esac
+        ;;
+    esac
+    ;;
+  linux*oldld* | linux*aout* | linux*coff*)
+    ;;
+  linux* | k*bsd*-gnu | kopensolaris*-gnu)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  knetbsd*-gnu)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  netbsd*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  newsos6)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  *nto* | *qnx*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  openbsd*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext$versuffix'
+    ;;
+  os2*)
+    libname_spec='$name'
+    shrext=.dll
+    library_names_spec='$libname.a'
+    ;;
+  osf3* | osf4* | osf5*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  rdos*)
+    ;;
+  solaris*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  sunos4*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext$versuffix'
+    ;;
+  sysv4 | sysv4.3*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  sysv4*MP*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | unixware* | OpenUNIX* | sysv4*uw2*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  tpf*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+  uts4*)
+    library_names_spec='$libname$shrext'
+    ;;
+escaped_wl=`echo "X$wl" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"`
+shlibext=`echo "$shrext" | sed -e 's,^\.,,'`
+escaped_libname_spec=`echo "X$libname_spec" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"`
+escaped_library_names_spec=`echo "X$library_names_spec" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"`
+escaped_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=`echo "X$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"`
+LC_ALL=C sed -e 's/^\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=/acl_cv_\1=/' <<EOF
+# How to pass a linker flag through the compiler.
+# Static library suffix (normally "a").
+# Shared library suffix (normally "so").
+# Format of library name prefix.
+# Library names that the linker finds when passed -lNAME.
+# Flag to hardcode \$libdir into a binary during linking.
+# This must work even if \$libdir does not exist.
+# Whether we need a single -rpath flag with a separated argument.
+# Set to yes if using DIR/libNAME.so during linking hardcodes DIR into the
+# resulting binary.
+# Set to yes if using the -LDIR flag during linking hardcodes DIR into the
+# resulting binary.
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-0.19.4/remove-potcdate.sin b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-0.19.4/remove-potcdate.sin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2436c49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-0.19.4/remove-potcdate.sin
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Sed script that remove the POT-Creation-Date line in the header entry
+# from a POT file.
+# The distinction between the first and the following occurrences of the
+# pattern is achieved by looking at the hold space.
+/^"POT-Creation-Date: .*"$/{
+# Test if the hold space is empty.
+# Yes it was empty. First occurrence. Remove the line.
+# The hold space was nonempty. Following occurrences. Do nothing.
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-native_0.19.4.bb b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-native_0.19.4.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d4a443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext-minimal-native_0.19.4.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+SUMMARY = "Minimal gettext for supporting native autoconf/automake"
+DESCRIPTION = "Contains the m4 macros sufficient to support building \
+autoconf/automake. This provides a significant build time speedup by \
+the removal of gettext-native from most dependency chains (now only \
+needed for gettext for the target)."
+SRC_URI = "file://aclocal.tgz \
+           file://config.rpath \
+           file://Makefile.in.in \
+           file://remove-potcdate.sin \
+           file://COPYING \
+           file://0001-PATCH-Disable-the-test-to-convert-euc-jp.patch \
+LICENSE = "FSF-Unlimited"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=1b20675cd5158442f6007d022f46b35b"
+inherit native
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+do_install () {
+	install -d ${D}${datadir}/aclocal/
+	cp ${WORKDIR}/*.m4 ${D}${datadir}/aclocal/
+	install -d ${D}${datadir}/gettext/po/
+	cp ${WORKDIR}/config.rpath ${D}${datadir}/gettext/
+	cp ${WORKDIR}/Makefile.in.in ${D}${datadir}/gettext/po/
+	cp ${WORKDIR}/remove-potcdate.sin ${D}${datadir}/gettext/po/
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext_0.16.1.bb b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext_0.16.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9f7a7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext_0.16.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+SUMMARY = "Utilities and libraries for producing multi-lingual messages"
+DESCRIPTION = "GNU gettext is a set of tools that provides a framework to help other programs produce multi-lingual messages. These tools include a set of conventions about how programs should be written to support message catalogs, a directory and file naming organization for the message catalogs themselves, a runtime library supporting the retrieval of translated messages, and a few stand-alone programs to massage in various ways the sets of translatable and already translated strings."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/gettext.html"
+SECTION = "libs"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=9ea3144f04c41cd2eada5d3f472e6ea5"
+PR = "r6"
+DEPENDS = "virtual/libiconv"
+DEPENDS_class-native = ""
+PROVIDES = "virtual/libintl virtual/gettext"
+PROVIDES_class-native = ""
+SRC_URI = "${GNU_MIRROR}/gettext/gettext-${PV}.tar.gz \
+           file://gettext-vpath.patch \
+           file://linklib_from_0.17.patch \
+	   file://gettext-autoconf-lib-link-no-L.patch \
+           file://disable_java.patch \
+           file://fix_aclocal_version.patch \
+           file://fix_gnu_source_circular.patch \
+           file://hardcode_macro_version.patch \
+          "
+LDFLAGS_prepend_libc-uclibc = " -lrt -lpthread "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "3d9ad24301c6d6b17ec30704a13fe127"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "0bf850d1a079fb5a61f0a47b1a9efd35eb44032255375e1cedb0253bc27b376d"
+inherit autotools texinfo
+EXTRA_OECONF += "--without-lisp --disable-csharp --disable-openmp --without-emacs"
+acpaths = '-I ${S}/autoconf-lib-link/m4/ \
+           -I ${S}/gettext-runtime/m4 \
+           -I ${S}/gettext-tools/m4'
+do_configure_prepend() {
+	rm -f ${S}/config/m4/libtool.m4
+# these lack the .x behind the .so, but shouldn't be in the -dev package
+# Otherwise you get the following results:
+# 7.4M    glibc/images/ep93xx/Angstrom-console-image-glibc-ipk-2008.1-test-20080104-ep93xx.rootfs.tar.gz
+# 25M     uclibc/images/ep93xx/Angstrom-console-image-uclibc-ipk-2008.1-test-20080104-ep93xx.rootfs.tar.gz
+# because gettext depends on gettext-dev, which pulls in more -dev packages:
+# 15228   KiB /ep93xx/libstdc++-dev_4.2.2-r2_ep93xx.ipk
+# 1300    KiB /ep93xx/uclibc-dev_0.9.29-r8_ep93xx.ipk
+# 140     KiB /armv4t/gettext-dev_0.14.1-r6_armv4t.ipk
+# 4       KiB /ep93xx/libgcc-s-dev_4.2.2-r2_ep93xx.ipk
+PACKAGES =+ "libgettextlib libgettextsrc"
+FILES_libgettextlib = "${libdir}/libgettextlib-*.so*"
+FILES_libgettextsrc = "${libdir}/libgettextsrc-*.so*"
+PACKAGES =+ "gettext-runtime gettext-runtime-dev gettext-runtime-staticdev gettext-runtime-doc"
+FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/${BPN}/*"
+FILES_gettext-runtime = "${bindir}/gettext \
+                         ${bindir}/ngettext \
+                         ${bindir}/envsubst \
+                         ${bindir}/gettext.sh \
+                         ${libdir}/libasprintf${SODEV} \
+                         ${libdir}/GNU.Gettext.dll \
+                        "
+FILES_gettext-runtime_append_libc-uclibc = " ${libdir}/libintl.so.* \
+                                             ${libdir}/charset.alias \
+                                           "
+FILES_gettext-runtime-staticdev += "${libdir}/libasprintf.a"
+FILES_gettext-runtime-dev += "${includedir}/autosprintf.h \
+                              ${libdir}/libasprintf${SOLIBDEV}"
+FILES_gettext-runtime-dev_append_libc-uclibc = " ${libdir}/libintl.so \
+                                                 ${includedir}/libintl.h \
+                                               "
+FILES_gettext-runtime-doc = "${mandir}/man1/gettext.* \
+                             ${mandir}/man1/ngettext.* \
+                             ${mandir}/man1/envsubst.* \
+                             ${mandir}/man1/.* \
+                             ${mandir}/man3/* \
+                             ${docdir}/gettext/gettext.* \
+                             ${docdir}/gettext/ngettext.* \
+                             ${docdir}/gettext/envsubst.* \
+                             ${docdir}/gettext/*.3.html \
+                             ${datadir}/gettext/ABOUT-NLS \
+                             ${docdir}/gettext/csharpdoc/* \
+                             ${docdir}/libasprintf/autosprintf.html \
+                             ${infodir}/autosprintf.info \
+                            "
+do_install_append() {
+	rm -f ${D}${libdir}/preloadable_libintl.so
+# Anyone inheriting gettext will have both gettext-native and gettext
+# available, and we don't want to use older macros from the target gettext in
+# a non-gplv3 build, so kill them and let dependent recipes rely on
+# gettext-native.
+SYSROOT_PREPROCESS_FUNCS += "remove_sysroot_m4_macros"
+remove_sysroot_m4_macros () {
+    rm -r "${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${datadir}/aclocal"
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext_0.19.4.bb b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext_0.19.4.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cebf6c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/gettext/gettext_0.19.4.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+SUMMARY = "Utilities and libraries for producing multi-lingual messages"
+DESCRIPTION = "GNU gettext is a set of tools that provides a framework to help other programs produce multi-lingual messages. These tools include a set of conventions about how programs should be written to support message catalogs, a directory and file naming organization for the message catalogs themselves, a runtime library supporting the retrieval of translated messages, and a few stand-alone programs to massage in various ways the sets of translatable and already translated strings."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/gettext.html"
+SECTION = "libs"
+LICENSE = "GPLv3+ & LGPL-2.1+"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d32239bcb673463ab874e80d47fae504"
+DEPENDS = "gettext-native virtual/libiconv expat"
+DEPENDS_class-native = "gettext-minimal-native"
+PROVIDES = "virtual/libintl virtual/gettext"
+PROVIDES_class-native = "virtual/gettext-native"
+RCONFLICTS_${PN} = "proxy-libintl"
+SRC_URI = "${GNU_MIRROR}/gettext/gettext-${PV}.tar.gz \
+	   file://parallel.patch \
+          "
+PACKAGECONFIG[msgcat-curses] = "--with-libncurses-prefix=${STAGING_LIBDIR}/..,--disable-curses,ncurses,"
+LDFLAGS_prepend_libc-uclibc = " -lrt -lpthread "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "d3511af1e604a3478900d2c2b4a4a48e"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "8ac9f1ed1a5f8c4e656a2f37f5ba6b9ee04c4df79a575e876b0b6946aa417f3f"
+inherit autotools texinfo
+EXTRA_OECONF += "--without-lispdir \
+                 --disable-csharp \
+                 --disable-libasprintf \
+                 --disable-java \
+                 --disable-native-java \
+                 --disable-openmp \
+                 --disable-acl \
+                 --with-included-glib \
+                 --without-emacs \
+                 --without-cvs \
+                 --without-git \
+                 --with-included-libxml \
+                 --with-included-libcroco \
+                 --with-included-libunistring \
+                "
+acpaths = '-I ${S}/gettext-runtime/m4 \
+           -I ${S}/gettext-tools/m4'
+# these lack the .x behind the .so, but shouldn't be in the -dev package
+# Otherwise you get the following results:
+# 7.4M    glibc/images/ep93xx/Angstrom-console-image-glibc-ipk-2008.1-test-20080104-ep93xx.rootfs.tar.gz
+# 25M     uclibc/images/ep93xx/Angstrom-console-image-uclibc-ipk-2008.1-test-20080104-ep93xx.rootfs.tar.gz
+# because gettext depends on gettext-dev, which pulls in more -dev packages:
+# 15228   KiB /ep93xx/libstdc++-dev_4.2.2-r2_ep93xx.ipk
+# 1300    KiB /ep93xx/uclibc-dev_0.9.29-r8_ep93xx.ipk
+# 140     KiB /armv4t/gettext-dev_0.14.1-r6_armv4t.ipk
+# 4       KiB /ep93xx/libgcc-s-dev_4.2.2-r2_ep93xx.ipk
+PACKAGES =+ "libgettextlib libgettextsrc"
+FILES_libgettextlib = "${libdir}/libgettextlib-*.so*"
+FILES_libgettextsrc = "${libdir}/libgettextsrc-*.so*"
+PACKAGES =+ "gettext-runtime gettext-runtime-dev gettext-runtime-doc"
+FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/${BPN}/*"
+FILES_gettext-runtime = "${bindir}/gettext \
+                         ${bindir}/ngettext \
+                         ${bindir}/envsubst \
+                         ${bindir}/gettext.sh \
+                         ${libdir}/libasprintf.so* \
+                         ${libdir}/GNU.Gettext.dll \
+                        "
+FILES_gettext-runtime_append_libc-uclibc = " ${libdir}/libintl.so.* \
+                                             ${libdir}/charset.alias \
+                                           "
+FILES_gettext-runtime-dev += "${libdir}/libasprintf.a \
+                      ${includedir}/autosprintf.h \
+                     "
+FILES_gettext-runtime-dev_append_libc-uclibc = " ${libdir}/libintl.so \
+                                                 ${includedir}/libintl.h \
+                                               "
+FILES_gettext-runtime-doc = "${mandir}/man1/gettext.* \
+                             ${mandir}/man1/ngettext.* \
+                             ${mandir}/man1/envsubst.* \
+                             ${mandir}/man1/.* \
+                             ${mandir}/man3/* \
+                             ${docdir}/gettext/gettext.* \
+                             ${docdir}/gettext/ngettext.* \
+                             ${docdir}/gettext/envsubst.* \
+                             ${docdir}/gettext/*.3.html \
+                             ${datadir}/gettext/ABOUT-NLS \
+                             ${docdir}/gettext/csharpdoc/* \
+                             ${docdir}/libasprintf/autosprintf.html \
+                             ${infodir}/autosprintf.info \
+                            "
+do_install_append() {
+    rm -f ${D}${libdir}/preloadable_libintl.so
+do_install_append_class-native () {
+	rm ${D}${datadir}/aclocal/*
+	rm ${D}${datadir}/gettext/config.rpath
+	rm ${D}${datadir}/gettext/po/Makefile.in.in
+	rm ${D}${datadir}/gettext/po/remove-potcdate.sin
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/0001-Remove-the-warning-about-deprecated-paths-in-schemas.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/0001-Remove-the-warning-about-deprecated-paths-in-schemas.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41a190e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/0001-Remove-the-warning-about-deprecated-paths-in-schemas.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+From 41534253b6b61ed4769eb6a3966698a50ee73b71 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Alexander Kanavin <alex.kanavin@gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2015 17:08:46 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH] Remove the warning about deprecated paths in schemas
+Some schemas in gsettings-desktop-schemas (such as proxy and locale)
+are still using deprecated paths, as of 3.16.1. This causes warning
+messages, and meta/lib/oe/rootfs.py complaints about them.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate
+Signed-off-by: Alexander Kanavin <alex.kanavin@gmail.com>
+ gio/glib-compile-schemas.c | 6 ------
+ 1 file changed, 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c b/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c
+index e42949b..ec79d7c 100644
+--- a/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c
++++ b/gio/glib-compile-schemas.c
+@@ -1202,12 +1202,6 @@ parse_state_start_schema (ParseState  *state,
+       return;
+     }
+-  if (path && (g_str_has_prefix (path, "/apps/") ||
+-               g_str_has_prefix (path, "/desktop/") ||
+-               g_str_has_prefix (path, "/system/")))
+-    g_printerr ("warning: Schema '%s' has path '%s'.  Paths starting with "
+-                "'/apps/', '/desktop/' or '/system/' are deprecated.\n", id, path);
+   state->schema_state = schema_state_new (path, gettext_domain,
+                                           extends, extends_name, list_of);
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/0001-configure.ac-Do-not-use-readlink-when-cross-compilin.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/0001-configure.ac-Do-not-use-readlink-when-cross-compilin.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0be3631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/0001-configure.ac-Do-not-use-readlink-when-cross-compilin.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+commit 9b38d507ec37b3d7d4df6095fa7ed16b47d399f7
+Author: Drew Moseley <drew_moseley@mentor.com>
+Date:   Sat Mar 29 21:10:43 2014 -0400
+    configure.ac: Do not use readlink when cross compiling.
+    Do not use readlink to set ABS_GLIB_RUNTIME_LIBDIR when cross
+    compiling.  Doing so causes host paths to potentially pollute
+    the target.
+    Note that in this case the path is not converted to absolute if
+    it contains any ".." references so it's not completely correct.
+    Upstream-Status: Submitted [https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=727575]
+    Signed-off-by: Drew Moseley <drew_moseley@mentor.com>
+diff -rub glib-2.38.2.orig/configure.ac glib-2.38.2/configure.ac
+--- glib-2.38.2.orig/configure.ac	2014-04-03 20:17:13.035567143 -0400
++++ glib-2.38.2/configure.ac	2014-04-03 20:19:07.071566057 -0400
+@@ -275,7 +275,11 @@
+            [],
+ 	   [with_runtime_libdir=""])
+ GLIB_RUNTIME_LIBDIR="$with_runtime_libdir"
++AS_IF([ test $cross_compiling = yes ], [
++], [
+ ABS_GLIB_RUNTIME_LIBDIR="`readlink -m $libdir/$with_runtime_libdir`"
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_GLIB_RUNTIME_LIBDIR, [test "x$with_runtime_libdir" != "x"])
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/add-march-i486-into-CFLAGS-automatically.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/add-march-i486-into-CFLAGS-automatically.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3aac35a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/add-march-i486-into-CFLAGS-automatically.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From 55253b55b9c65f3e0efbbe03cbab2a4c4014a16b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Song.Li <Song.Li@windriver.com>
+Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2012 15:09:41 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH] add -march=i486 into CFLAGS automatically
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+glib configure will check if current gcc need -march=i486,
+when gcc need -march=i486 but CFLAGS don't have,
+glib configure will abort and advise the user to add -march=i486 or later.
+This will break the build process,it's not good for automatic build system.
+so change this to adding -march=i485 automatically when it is needed.
+ configure.ac |    6 ++++--
+ 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+Index: glib-2.36.0/configure.ac
+--- glib-2.36.0.orig/configure.ac
++++ glib-2.36.0/configure.ac
+@@ -2378,7 +2378,7 @@ dnl
+ dnl Note that the atomic ops are only available with GCC on x86 when
+ dnl using -march=i486 or higher.  If we detect that the atomic ops are
+ dnl not available but would be available given the right flags, we want
+-dnl to abort and advise the user to fix their CFLAGS.  It's better to do
++dnl to add -march=i486 automatically to fix their CFLAGS.  It's better to do
+ dnl that then to silently fall back on emulated atomic ops just because
+ dnl the user had the wrong build environment.
+@@ -2401,7 +2401,8 @@ AC_CACHE_CHECK([for lock-free atomic int
+         AC_TRY_COMPILE([],
+                        [volatile int atomic = 2;\
+                         __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (&atomic, 2, 3);],
+-                       [AC_MSG_ERROR([GLib must be build with -march=i486 or later.])],
++                       [AC_MSG_WARN([GLib must be build with -march=i486 or later.])
++                       SAVE_CFLAGS="${SAVE_CFLAGS} -march=i486"],
+                        [])
+         CFLAGS="${SAVE_CFLAGS}"
+       fi
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/allow-run-media-sdX-drive-mount-if-username-root.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/allow-run-media-sdX-drive-mount-if-username-root.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d0c008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/allow-run-media-sdX-drive-mount-if-username-root.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From c53e94a520b573aa0dcf12903e9563fe8badc34c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Marius Avram <marius.avram@intel.com>
+Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 12:10:41 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH] Allow /run/media/sdX drive mount if username root
+In case that the username logged in the system is root
+the drives are directly mounted in /run/media/sdX and
+not /run/media/<username>/sdX as the function
+g_unix_mount_guess_should_display() expects.
+Without this change USB stick mounts are not accesible from
+graphical applications such as the File Manager (pcmanfm).
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate
+Signed-off-by: Marius Avram <marius.avram@intel.com>
+ gio/gunixmounts.c |    5 +++++
+ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/gio/gunixmounts.c b/gio/gunixmounts.c
+index 4999354..f6c1472 100644
+--- a/gio/gunixmounts.c
++++ b/gio/gunixmounts.c
+@@ -2136,6 +2136,11 @@ g_unix_mount_guess_should_display (GUnixMountEntry *mount_entry)
+           mount_path[sizeof ("/run/media/") - 1 + user_name_len] == '/')
+         is_in_runtime_dir = TRUE;
++      /* Allow no username in path in /run/media if current user is root */
++      if (strcmp(user_name, "root") == 0 &&
++          strncmp (mount_path, "/run/media/", sizeof("run/media")) == 0)
++        is_in_runtime_dir = TRUE;
+       if (is_in_runtime_dir || g_str_has_prefix (mount_path, "/media/"))
+         {
+           char *path;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/configure-libtool.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/configure-libtool.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d69a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/configure-libtool.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+From 1c5718648d49e795efee91c220a2bf9386c184f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Martin Jansa <Martin.Jansa@gmail.com>
+Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2012 18:24:50 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] configure: use $host_alias-libtool instead of libtool
+ directly
+Poky renames libtool to $host_alias-libtool.
+./$host_alias-libtool isn't created until after configure runs with
+libtool >= 2.2.2
+so we can't call # it at this point. We can safely assume a version is
+from PATH though
+Rebased to glib-2.27.3 by Dongxiao Xu <dongxiao.xu@intel.com>
+Rebased to glib-2.32.1 by Martin Jansa <Martin.Jansa@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+Signed-off-by: Martin Jansa <Martin.Jansa@gmail.com>
+ configure.ac |    8 ++++----
+ 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index a6478c6..9a93d60 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -1470,7 +1470,7 @@ if test x"$glib_native_win32" = xyes; then
+ else
+   export SED
+-  G_MODULE_LDFLAGS=`(./libtool --config; echo eval echo \\$export_dynamic_flag_spec) | sh`
++  G_MODULE_LDFLAGS=`(./$host_alias-libtool --config; echo eval echo \\$export_dynamic_flag_spec) | sh`
+ fi
+ dnl G_MODULE_IMPL= don't reset, so cmd-line can override
+@@ -1535,9 +1535,9 @@ if test "$G_MODULE_IMPL" = "G_MODULE_IMPL_DL"; then
+ dnl *** check for OSF1/5.0 RTLD_GLOBAL brokenness
+ 	echo "void glib_plugin_test(void) { }" > plugin.c
+-	${SHELL} ./libtool --mode=compile --tag=CC ${CC} ${CFLAGS} \
++	${SHELL} ./$host_alias-libtool --mode=compile --tag=CC ${CC} ${CFLAGS} \
+ 		${CPPFLAGS} -c -o plugin.lo plugin.c >/dev/null 2>&1
+-	${SHELL} ./libtool --mode=link --tag=CC ${CC} ${CFLAGS} \
++	${SHELL} ./$host_alias-libtool --mode=link --tag=CC ${CC} ${CFLAGS} \
+ 		${LDFLAGS} -module -o plugin.la -export-dynamic \
+ 		-shrext ".o" -avoid-version plugin.lo \
+ 		-rpath /dont/care >/dev/null 2>&1
+@@ -1614,7 +1614,7 @@ fi
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for the suffix of module shared libraries)
+ export SED
+-shrext_cmds=`./libtool --config | grep '^shrext_cmds='`
++shrext_cmds=`./$host_alias-libtool --config | grep '^shrext_cmds='`
+ eval $shrext_cmds
+ module=yes eval std_shrext=$shrext_cmds
+ # chop the initial dot
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/fix-conflicting-rand.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/fix-conflicting-rand.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1571112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/fix-conflicting-rand.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Rename 'rand' variable to avoid conflict.
+Upstream-Status: pending
+Signed-off-by: Björn Stenberg <bjst@enea.com>
+diff -u glib-2.34.3/tests/refcount/signals.c~ glib-2.34.3/tests/refcount/signals.c
+--- glib-2.34.3/tests/refcount/signals.c	2012-11-26 17:52:48.000000000 +0100
++++ glib-2.34.3/tests/refcount/signals.c	2013-02-08 14:24:10.052477546 +0100
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
+ #define MY_IS_TEST_CLASS(tclass)   (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((tclass), G_TYPE_TEST))
+ #define MY_TEST_GET_CLASS(test)    (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((test), G_TYPE_TEST, GTestClass))
+-static GRand *rand;
++static GRand *grand;
+ typedef struct _GTest GTest;
+ typedef struct _GTestClass GTestClass;
+@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
+       NULL
+     };
+-    rand = g_rand_new();
++    grand = g_rand_new();
+     test_type = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_OBJECT, "GTest",
+         &test_info, 0);
+@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
+ static void
+ my_test_do_prop (GTest * test)
+ {
+-  test->value = g_rand_int (rand);
++  test->value = g_rand_int (grand);
+   g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (test), "test-prop");
+ }
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/glib-2.0-configure-readlink.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/glib-2.0-configure-readlink.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9759d11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/glib-2.0-configure-readlink.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+configure.ac: change readlink -f to -m
+Change "readlink -f" to "readlink -m" since $libdir/$with_runtime_libdir
+may not exist.
+This patch should go to the upstream, I will send it sooner.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Robert Yang <liezhi.yang@windriver.com>
+ configure.ac | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ AC_ARG_WITH(runtime-libdir,
+            [],
+ 	   [with_runtime_libdir=""])
+ GLIB_RUNTIME_LIBDIR="$with_runtime_libdir"
+-ABS_GLIB_RUNTIME_LIBDIR="`readlink -f $libdir/$with_runtime_libdir`"
++ABS_GLIB_RUNTIME_LIBDIR="`readlink -m $libdir/$with_runtime_libdir`"
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_GLIB_RUNTIME_LIBDIR, [test "x$with_runtime_libdir" != "x"])
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/glib-gettextize-dir.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/glib-gettextize-dir.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee43511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/glib-gettextize-dir.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# an very old patch cherry-picked in every glib-2.0 patch directory. The earliest container
+# for it is 2.6.5 in OE. The earliest commit for it is c8e5702127e507e82e6f68a4b8c546803accea9d
+# in OE side which ports from previous bitkeeper SCM. In OE side it's only used til 2.12.4.
+# keep it since it's always cleaner to not hardcode destination path. Use @datadir@ is more
+# portable here. mark for upstream
+# by Kevin Tian <kevin.tian@intel.com>, 06/25/2010
+# Rebased by Dongxiao Xu <dongxiao.xu@intel.com>, 11/16/2010
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+diff -ruN glib-2.27.3-orig/glib-gettextize.in glib-2.27.3/glib-gettextize.in
+--- glib-2.27.3-orig/glib-gettextize.in	2009-04-01 07:04:20.000000000 +0800
++++ glib-2.27.3/glib-gettextize.in	2010-11-16 12:55:06.874605916 +0800
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+ datadir=@datadir@
+ datarootdir=@datarootdir@
+ while test $# -gt 0; do
+   case "$1" in
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/ptest-paths.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/ptest-paths.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3be027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/ptest-paths.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Instead of writing the temporary mapping files in the mappedfile test to the
+user runtime directory, write them to $TMP.  The runtime directory may not
+currently exist if the test is executed on a non-desktop system and the test
+doesn't attempt to create the directory structure.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross.burton@intel.com>
+diff --git a/glib/tests/mappedfile.c b/glib/tests/mappedfile.c
+index 40e0e60..27a24be 100644
+--- a/glib/tests/mappedfile.c
++++ b/glib/tests/mappedfile.c
+@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ test_writable (void)
+   const gchar *new = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz";
+   gchar *tmp_copy_path;
+-  tmp_copy_path = g_build_filename (g_get_user_runtime_dir (), "glib-test-4096-random-bytes", NULL);
++  tmp_copy_path = g_build_filename (g_get_tmp_dir (), "glib-test-4096-random-bytes", NULL);
+   g_file_get_contents (g_test_get_filename (G_TEST_DIST, "4096-random-bytes", NULL), &contents, &len, &error);
+   g_assert_no_error (error);
+@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ test_writable_fd (void)
+   int fd;
+   gchar *tmp_copy_path;
+-  tmp_copy_path = g_build_filename (g_get_user_runtime_dir (), "glib-test-4096-random-bytes", NULL);
++  tmp_copy_path = g_build_filename (g_get_tmp_dir (), "glib-test-4096-random-bytes", NULL);
+   g_file_get_contents (g_test_get_filename (G_TEST_DIST, "4096-random-bytes", NULL), &contents, &len, &error);
+   g_assert_no_error (error);
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/run-ptest b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/run-ptest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..130ae09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/run-ptest
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+gnome-desktop-testing-runner glib
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/uclibc.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/uclibc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a154fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0/uclibc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Fix DATADIRNAME on uclibc/Linux
+translation files are always installed under PREFIX/share/locale in uclibc
+based systems therefore lets set DATADIRNAME to "share".
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Index: glib-2.38.2/m4macros/glib-gettext.m4
+--- glib-2.38.2.orig/m4macros/glib-gettext.m4	2013-11-07 07:29:13.000000000 -0800
++++ glib-2.38.2/m4macros/glib-gettext.m4	2014-03-15 14:51:54.712135644 -0700
+@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
+ 	      [CATOBJEXT=.mo
+                DATADIRNAME=lib])
+ 	    ;;
+-	    *-*-openbsd*)
++	    *-*-openbsd* | *-*-linux-uclibc*)
+ 	    CATOBJEXT=.mo
+             DATADIRNAME=share
+ 	    ;;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0_2.44.1.bb b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0_2.44.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e3d36a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib-2.0_2.44.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+require glib.inc
+PE = "1"
+SHRT_VER = "${@oe.utils.trim_version("${PV}", 2)}"
+SRC_URI = "${GNOME_MIRROR}/glib/${SHRT_VER}/glib-${PV}.tar.xz \
+           file://configure-libtool.patch \
+           file://fix-conflicting-rand.patch \
+           file://add-march-i486-into-CFLAGS-automatically.patch \
+           file://glib-2.0-configure-readlink.patch \
+           file://run-ptest \
+           file://ptest-paths.patch \
+           file://uclibc.patch \
+           file://0001-configure.ac-Do-not-use-readlink-when-cross-compilin.patch \
+           file://allow-run-media-sdX-drive-mount-if-username-root.patch \
+	   file://0001-Remove-the-warning-about-deprecated-paths-in-schemas.patch \
+          "
+SRC_URI_append_class-native = " file://glib-gettextize-dir.patch"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "83efba4722a9674b97437d1d99af79db"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "8811deacaf8a503d0a9b701777ea079ca6a4277be10e3d730d2112735d5eca07"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib.inc b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..072f790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glib-2.0/glib.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+SUMMARY = "A general-purpose utility library"
+DESCRIPTION = "GLib is a general-purpose utility library, which provides many useful data types, macros, type conversions, string utilities, file utilities, a main loop abstraction, and so on."
+HOMEPAGE = "https://developer.gnome.org/glib/"
+# pcre is under BSD;
+# docs/reference/COPYING is with a 'public domai'-like license!
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=3bf50002aefd002f49e7bb854063f7e7 \
+                    file://glib/glib.h;beginline=4;endline=17;md5=b4f0f4a399c19e5ebb20c31b79d6bc32 \
+                    file://gmodule/COPYING;md5=3bf50002aefd002f49e7bb854063f7e7 \
+                    file://gmodule/gmodule.h;beginline=4;endline=17;md5=b4f0f4a399c19e5ebb20c31b79d6bc32 \
+                    file://glib/pcre/COPYING;md5=266ebc3ff74ee9ce6fad65577667c0f4 \
+                    file://glib/pcre/pcre.h;beginline=11;endline=35;md5=de27f2bf633d20a2b7af0b1983423283 \
+                    file://docs/reference/COPYING;md5=f51a5100c17af6bae00735cd791e1fcc"
+BUGTRACKER = "http://bugzilla.gnome.org"
+SECTION = "libs"
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
+DEPENDS = "glib-2.0-native virtual/libiconv libffi zlib"
+DEPENDS_append_class-target = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ptest', ' dbus', '', d)}"
+DEPENDS_class-native = "pkgconfig-native gettext-native libffi-native zlib-native"
+DEPENDS_class-nativesdk = "nativesdk-libtool nativesdk-gettext nativesdk-libffi nativesdk-zlib ${BPN}-native"
+PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-utils ${PN}-bash-completion ${PN}-codegen"
+LEAD_SONAME = "libglib-2.0.*"
+FILES_${PN}-utils = "${bindir}/* ${datadir}/glib-2.0/gettext"
+inherit autotools gettext gtk-doc pkgconfig ptest-gnome
+S = "${WORKDIR}/glib-${PV}"
+CORECONF = "--disable-dtrace --disable-fam --disable-libelf --disable-systemtap --disable-man"
+PRINTF = "--enable-included-printf=no"
+PRINTF_darwin = "--enable-included-printf=yes"
+PRINTF_mingw32 = "--enable-included-printf=yes"
+EXTRA_OECONF_class-native = "${CORECONF} --disable-selinux"
+EXTRA_OECONF_append_libc-uclibc = " --with-libiconv=gnu"
+do_configure_prepend() {
+	sed -i -e '1s,#!.*,#!${USRBINPATH}/env python,' ${S}/gio/gdbus-2.0/codegen/gdbus-codegen.in
+FILES_${PN} = "${libdir}/lib*${SOLIBS} ${libdir}/gio ${datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas \
+               ${datadir}/glib-2.0/gettext/mkinstalldirs ${datadir}/glib-2.0/gettext/po/Makefile.in.in"
+FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/glib-2.0/include \
+                    ${libdir}/gio/modules/lib*${SOLIBSDEV} \
+                    ${libdir}/gio/modules/*.la"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${datadir}/glib-2.0/gdb ${datadir}/gdb \
+                    ${libdir}/gio/modules/.debug \
+                    ${libdir}/glib-2.0/installed-tests/glib/.debug"
+FILES_${PN}-codegen = "${datadir}/glib-2.0/codegen/*.py"
+FILES_${PN}-bash-completion = "${sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d \
+                               ${datadir}/bash-completion"
+USE_NLS = "yes"
+do_install_append () {
+	if [ -f ${D}${bindir}/gtester-report ]; then
+		sed ${D}${bindir}/gtester-report -i -e '1s|^#!.*|#!/usr/bin/env python|'
+	fi
+	# Remove some unpackaged files
+	rm -f ${D}${datadir}/glib-2.0/codegen/*.pyc
+	rm -f ${D}${datadir}/glib-2.0/codegen/*.pyo
+	# Some distros have both /bin/perl and /usr/bin/perl, but we set perl location
+	# for target as /usr/bin/perl, so fix it to /usr/bin/perl.
+	if [ -f ${D}${bindir}/glib-mkenums ]; then
+		sed -i -e '1s,#!.*perl,#! ${USRBINPATH}/env perl,' ${D}${bindir}/glib-mkenums
+	fi
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-ptest += "\
+            gnome-desktop-testing \
+            tzdata \
+            tzdata-americas \
+            tzdata-asia \
+            tzdata-europe \
+            tzdata-posix \
+            python-pygobject \
+            python-dbus \
+            shared-mime-info \
+           "
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-ptest_append_libc-glibc = "\
+            glibc-gconv-utf-16 \
+            glibc-charmap-utf-8 \
+            glibc-gconv-cp1255 \
+            glibc-charmap-cp1255 \
+            glibc-gconv-utf-32 \
+            glibc-gconv-utf-7 \
+            glibc-gconv-euc-jp \
+            glibc-gconv-iso8859-1 \
+            glibc-gconv-iso8859-15 \
+            glibc-charmap-invariant \
+            glibc-localedata-translit-cjk-variants \
+           "
+INSANE_SKIP_${PN}-ptest += "libdir"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glib-networking/glib-networking_2.44.0.bb b/meta/recipes-core/glib-networking/glib-networking_2.44.0.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f91b76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glib-networking/glib-networking_2.44.0.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+SUMMARY = "GLib networking extensions"
+DESCRIPTION = "glib-networking contains the implementations of certain GLib networking features that cannot be implemented directly in GLib itself because of their dependencies."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://git.gnome.org/browse/glib-networking/"
+BUGTRACKER = "http://bugzilla.gnome.org"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2"
+SECTION = "libs"
+DEPENDS = "glib-2.0 intltool-native"
+SRC_URI[archive.md5sum] = "6989b20cf3b26dd5ae272e04a9acb0b3"
+SRC_URI[archive.sha256sum] = "8f8a340d3ba99bfdef38b653da929652ea6640e27969d29f7ac51fbbe11a4346"
+PACKAGECONFIG ??= "ca-certificates gnutls"
+# No explicit dependency as it works without ca-certificates installed
+PACKAGECONFIG[ca-certificates] = "--with-ca-certificates=${sysconfdir}/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt,--without-ca-certificates"
+PACKAGECONFIG[gnutls] = "--with-gnutls,--without-gnutls,gnutls"
+PACKAGECONFIG[libproxy] = "--with-libproxy,--without-libproxy,libproxy"
+PACKAGECONFIG[pkcs11] = "--with-pkcs11,--without-pkcs11,p11-kit"
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--without-gnome-proxy"
+inherit gnomebase gettext
+FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/gio/modules/libgio*.so ${datadir}/dbus-1/services/"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/gio/modules/.debug/"
+FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/gio/modules/libgio*.la"
+FILES_${PN}-staticdev += "${libdir}/gio/modules/libgio*.a"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/cross-localedef-native/fix_for_centos_5.8.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/cross-localedef-native/fix_for_centos_5.8.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..186a480
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/cross-localedef-native/fix_for_centos_5.8.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [other]
+This is a hack to fix building the locale bits on an older
+CentOs 5.X machine
+Index: git/locale/programs/config.h
+--- git/locale/programs/config.h
++++ git.orig/locale/programs/config.h
+@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
+ #ifndef _LD_CONFIG_H
+ #define _LD_CONFIG_H	1
++#define DUMMY_LOCALE_T
+ /* Use the internal textdomain used for libc messages.  */
+ #define PACKAGE _libc_intl_domainname
+ #ifndef VERSION
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/cross-localedef-native_2.22.bb b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/cross-localedef-native_2.22.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2153ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/cross-localedef-native_2.22.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+SUMMARY = "Cross locale generation tool for glibc"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/libc.html"
+SECTION = "libs"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSES;md5=e9a558e243b36d3209f380deb394b213 \
+      file://COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263 \
+      file://posix/rxspencer/COPYRIGHT;md5=dc5485bb394a13b2332ec1c785f5d83a \
+      file://COPYING.LIB;md5=4fbd65380cdd255951079008b364516c"
+inherit native
+inherit autotools
+BRANCH ?= "release/${PV}/master"
+GLIBC_GIT_URI ?= "git://sourceware.org/git/glibc.git"
+SRC_URI = "${GLIBC_GIT_URI};branch=${BRANCH};name=glibc \
+           git://github.com/kraj/localedef;branch=master;name=localedef;destsuffix=git/localedef \
+           file://fix_for_centos_5.8.patch \
+           ${EGLIBCPATCHES} \
+           file://0017-timezone-re-written-tzselect-as-posix-sh.patch \
+           file://0018-eglibc-Cross-building-and-testing-instructions.patch \
+           file://0019-eglibc-Bring-Eglibc-option-group-infrastructure-to-g.patch \
+           file://0020-eglibc-Help-bootstrap-cross-toolchain.patch \
+           file://0021-eglibc-cherry-picked-from-http-www.eglibc.org-archiv.patch \
+           file://0022-eglibc-Clear-cache-lines-on-ppc8xx.patch \
+           file://0023-eglibc-Resolve-__fpscr_values-on-SH4.patch \
+           file://0024-eglibc-Forward-port-eglibc-options-groups-support.patch \
+           file://0025-eglibc-Install-PIC-archives.patch \
+           file://0026-eglibc-dl_debug_mask-is-controlled-by-__OPTION_EGLIB.patch \
+           file://0027-eglibc-use-option-groups-Conditionally-exclude-c-tes.patch \
+SRCREV_glibc ?= "a34d1c6afc86521d6ad17662a3b5362d8481514c"
+SRCREV_localedef ?= "c833367348d39dad7ba018990bfdaffaec8e9ed3"
+# Makes for a rather long rev (22 characters), but...
+SRCREV_FORMAT = "glibc_localedef"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--with-glibc=${S}"
+CFLAGS += "-fgnu89-inline -std=gnu99 -DIS_IN\(x\)='0'"
+do_configure () {
+	${S}/localedef/configure ${EXTRA_OECONF}
+do_install() {
+	install -d ${D}${bindir}
+	install -m 0755 ${B}/localedef ${D}${bindir}/cross-localedef
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-collateral.inc b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-collateral.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60655eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-collateral.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+LICENSE = "GPLv2 & LGPLv2.1"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM ?= "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/GPL-2.0;md5=801f80980d171dd6425610833a22dbe6 \
+                     file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/LGPL-2.1;md5=1a6d268fd218675ffea8be556788b780"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/index.html"
+# This needs to match with glibc.inc, otherwise glibc-scripts and glibc-locale
+# will fail to find main glibc, for details see
+# http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-core/2015-January/100679.html
+do_fetch[noexec] = "1"
+do_unpack[noexec] = "1"
+do_patch[noexec] = "1"
+do_configure[noexec] = "1"
+do_compile[noexec] = "1"
+do_install[depends] += "virtual/${MLPREFIX}libc:do_populate_sysroot"
+COMPATIBLE_HOST_libc-musl_class-target = "null"
+COMPATIBLE_HOST_libc-uclibc_class-target = "null"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-common.inc b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-common.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bba1568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-common.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+SUMMARY = "GLIBC (GNU C Library)"
+DESCRIPTION = "The GNU C Library is used as the system C library in most systems with the Linux kernel."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/libc.html"
+SECTION = "libs"
+LICENSE = "GPLv2 & LGPLv2.1"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM ?= "file://LICENSES;md5=07a394b26e0902b9ffdec03765209770 \
+      file://COPYING;md5=393a5ca445f6965873eca0259a17f833 \
+      file://posix/rxspencer/COPYRIGHT;md5=dc5485bb394a13b2332ec1c785f5d83a \
+      file://COPYING.LIB;md5=bbb461211a33b134d42ed5ee802b37ff "
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-initial.inc b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-initial.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3500848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-initial.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+DEPENDS = "linux-libc-headers virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc-initial libgcc-initial"
+PROVIDES = "virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}libc-initial"
+STAGINGCC = "gcc-cross-initial-${TARGET_ARCH}"
+STAGINGCC_class-nativesdk = "gcc-crosssdk-initial-${TARGET_ARCH}"
+do_configure () {
+	(cd ${S} && gnu-configize) || die "failure in running gnu-configize"
+	find ${S} -name "configure" | xargs touch
+	${S}/configure --host=${TARGET_SYS} --build=${BUILD_SYS} \
+		--prefix=/usr \
+		--without-cvs --disable-sanity-checks \
+		--with-headers=${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${includedir} \
+		--with-kconfig=${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE} \
+		--enable-hacker-mode --enable-addons
+do_compile () {
+	:
+do_install () {
+	oe_runmake cross-compiling=yes install_root=${D} \
+	includedir='${includedir}' prefix='${prefix}' \
+	install-bootstrap-headers=yes install-headers
+	oe_runmake csu/subdir_lib
+	mkdir -p ${D}${libdir}/
+	install -m 644 csu/crt[1in].o ${D}${libdir}
+	# Two headers -- stubs.h and features.h -- aren't installed by install-headers,
+	# so do them by hand.  We can tolerate an empty stubs.h for the moment.
+	# See e.g. http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2002-01/msg00900.html
+	mkdir -p ${D}${includedir}/gnu/
+	touch ${D}${includedir}/gnu/stubs.h
+	cp ${S}/include/features.h ${D}${includedir}/features.h
+	if [ -e ${B}/bits/stdio_lim.h ]; then
+		cp ${B}/bits/stdio_lim.h  ${D}${includedir}/bits/
+	fi
+	# add links to linux-libc-headers: final glibc build need this.
+	for t in linux asm asm-generic; do
+		ln -s ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${includedir}/$t ${D}${includedir}/
+	done
+do_install_locale() {
+	:
+do_siteconfig () {
+	:
+SSTATEPOSTINSTFUNCS += "glibcinitial_sstate_postinst"
+glibcinitial_sstate_postinst() {
+	if [ "${BB_CURRENTTASK}" = "populate_sysroot" -o "${BB_CURRENTTASK}" = "populate_sysroot_setscene" ]
+	then
+		# Recreate the symlinks to ensure they point to the correct location
+		for t in linux asm asm-generic; do
+			rm -f ${STAGING_DIR_TCBOOTSTRAP}${includedir}/$t
+			ln -s ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${includedir}/$t ${STAGING_DIR_TCBOOTSTRAP}${includedir}/
+		done
+	fi
+do_populate_sysroot[sstate-outputdirs] = "${STAGING_DIR_TCBOOTSTRAP}/"
+# We don't install any scripts so there is nothing to evacuate
+do_evacuate_scripts () {
+	:
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-initial_2.22.bb b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-initial_2.22.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ab01dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-initial_2.22.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+require glibc_${PV}.bb
+require glibc-initial.inc
+DEPENDS += "kconfig-frontends-native"
+# main glibc recipes muck with TARGET_CPPFLAGS to point into
+# final target sysroot but we
+# are not there when building glibc-initial
+# so reset it here
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-ld.inc b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-ld.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..962d666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-ld.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+def ld_append_if_tune_exists(d, infos, dict):
+    tune = d.getVar("DEFAULTTUNE", True) or ""
+    libdir = d.getVar("base_libdir", True) or ""
+    if tune in dict:
+        infos['ldconfig'].add('{"' + libdir + '/' + dict[tune][0] + '",' + dict[tune][1] + ' }')
+        infos['lddrewrite'].add(libdir+'/'+dict[tune][0])
+def glibc_dl_info(d):
+    ld_info_all = {
+        "mips": ["ld.so.1", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "mips64-n32": ["ld.so.1", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "mips64": ["ld.so.1", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "mipsel": ["ld.so.1", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "mips64el-n32": ["ld.so.1", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "mips64el": ["ld.so.1", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "mips-nf": ["ld.so.1", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "mips64-nf-n32": ["ld.so.1", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "mips64-nf": ["ld.so.1", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "mips64el-nf-n32": ["ld.so.1", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "mips64el-nf": ["ld.so.1", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "powerpc": ["ld.so.1", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "powerpc-nf": ["ld.so.1", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "powerpc64": ["ld64.so.1", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "powerpc64-nf": ["ld64.so.1", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "core2-32": ["ld-linux.so.2", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "core2-64": ["ld-linux-x86-64.so.2", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "x86": ["ld-linux.so.2", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "x86-64": ["ld-linux-x86-64.so.2", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "i586": ["ld-linux.so.2", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "corei7-32": ["ld-linux.so.2", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+        "corei7-64": ["ld-linux-x86-64.so.2", "FLAG_ELF_LIBC6"],
+    }
+    infos = {'ldconfig':set(), 'lddrewrite':set()}
+    ld_append_if_tune_exists(d, infos, ld_info_all)
+    original_tune=d.getVar("DEFAULTTUNE_MULTILIB_ORIGINAL",True)
+    if original_tune:
+        localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d)
+        localdata.setVar("DEFAULTTUNE", original_tune)
+        ld_append_if_tune_exists(localdata, infos, ld_info_all)
+    variants = d.getVar("MULTILIB_VARIANTS", True) or ""
+    for item in variants.split():
+        localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d)
+        overrides = localdata.getVar("OVERRIDES", False) + ":virtclass-multilib-" + item
+        localdata.setVar("OVERRIDES", overrides)
+        bb.data.update_data(localdata)
+        ld_append_if_tune_exists(localdata, infos, ld_info_all)
+    infos['ldconfig'] = ','.join(infos['ldconfig'])
+    infos['lddrewrite'] = ' '.join(infos['lddrewrite'])
+    return infos
+EGLIBC_KNOWN_INTERPRETER_NAMES = "${@glibc_dl_info(d)['ldconfig']}"
+RTLDLIST = "${@glibc_dl_info(d)['lddrewrite']}"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-locale.inc b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-locale.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df6d073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-locale.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+include glibc-collateral.inc
+SUMMARY = "Locale data from glibc"
+BPN = "glibc"
+# glibc-collateral.inc inhibits all default deps, but do_package needs objcopy
+# ERROR: objcopy failed with exit code 127 (cmd was 'i586-webos-linux-objcopy' --only-keep-debug 'glibc-locale/2.17-r0/package/usr/lib/gconv/IBM1166.so' 'glibc-locale/2.17-r0/package/usr/lib/gconv/.debug/IBM1166.so')
+# ERROR: Function failed: split_and_strip_files
+BINUTILSDEP = "virtual/${MLPREFIX}${TARGET_PREFIX}binutils:do_populate_sysroot"
+BINUTILSDEP_class-nativesdk = "virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}binutils-crosssdk:do_populate_sysroot"
+do_package[depends] += "${BINUTILSDEP}"
+# Binary locales are generated at build time if ENABLE_BINARY_LOCALE_GENERATION
+# is set. The idea is to avoid running localedef on the target (at first boot)
+# to decrease initial boot time and avoid localedef being killed by the OOM
+# killer which used to effectively break i18n on machines with < 128MB RAM.
+# default to disabled 
+ENABLE_BINARY_LOCALE_GENERATION_pn-nativesdk-glibc-locale = "0"
+#enable locale generation on these arches
+# BINARY_LOCALE_ARCHES is a space separated list of regular expressions
+BINARY_LOCALE_ARCHES ?= "arm.* aarch64 i[3-6]86 x86_64 powerpc mips mips64"
+# set "1" to use cross-localedef for locale generation
+# set "0" for qemu emulation of native localedef for locale generation
+PROVIDES = "virtual/libc-locale"
+PACKAGES = "localedef ${PN}-dbg"
+PACKAGES_DYNAMIC = "^locale-base-.* \
+                    ^glibc-gconv-.* ^glibc-charmap-.* ^glibc-localedata-.* ^glibc-binary-localedata-.* \
+                    ^glibc-gconv-.*  ^glibc-charmap-.*  ^glibc-localedata-.*  ^glibc-binary-localedata-.* \
+                    ^${MLPREFIX}glibc-gconv$"
+# Create a glibc-binaries package
+ALLOW_EMPTY_${BPN}-binaries = "1"
+PACKAGES += "${BPN}-binaries"
+RRECOMMENDS_${BPN}-binaries =  "${@" ".join([p for p in d.getVar('PACKAGES', True).split() if p.find("glibc-binary") != -1])}"
+# Create a glibc-charmaps package
+ALLOW_EMPTY_${BPN}-charmaps = "1"
+PACKAGES += "${BPN}-charmaps"
+RRECOMMENDS_${BPN}-charmaps =  "${@" ".join([p for p in d.getVar('PACKAGES', True).split() if p.find("glibc-charmap") != -1])}"
+# Create a glibc-gconvs package
+ALLOW_EMPTY_${BPN}-gconvs = "1"
+PACKAGES += "${BPN}-gconvs"
+RRECOMMENDS_${BPN}-gconvs =  "${@" ".join([p for p in d.getVar('PACKAGES', True).split() if p.find("glibc-gconv") != -1])}"
+# Create a glibc-localedatas package
+ALLOW_EMPTY_${BPN}-localedatas = "1"
+PACKAGES += "${BPN}-localedatas"
+RRECOMMENDS_${BPN}-localedatas =  "${@" ".join([p for p in d.getVar('PACKAGES', True).split() if p.find("glibc-localedata") != -1])}"
+DESCRIPTION_localedef = "glibc: compile locale definition files"
+# glibc-gconv is dynamically added into PACKAGES, thus
+# FILES_glibc-gconv will not be automatically extended in multilib.
+# Explicitly add ${MLPREFIX} for FILES_glibc-gconv.
+FILES_${MLPREFIX}glibc-gconv = "${libdir}/gconv/*"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/gconv/.debug/*"
+FILES_localedef = "${bindir}/localedef"
+do_install () {
+	mkdir -p ${D}${bindir} ${D}${datadir} ${D}${libdir}
+	if [ -n "$(ls ${LOCALETREESRC}/${bindir})" ]; then
+		cp -fpPR ${LOCALETREESRC}/${bindir}/* ${D}${bindir}
+	fi
+	if [ -n "$(ls ${LOCALETREESRC}/${localedir})" ]; then
+		mkdir -p ${D}${localedir}
+		cp -fpPR ${LOCALETREESRC}/${localedir}/* ${D}${localedir}
+	fi
+	if [ -e ${LOCALETREESRC}/${libdir}/gconv ]; then
+		cp -fpPR ${LOCALETREESRC}/${libdir}/gconv ${D}${libdir}
+	fi
+	if [ -e ${LOCALETREESRC}/${datadir}/i18n ]; then
+		cp -fpPR ${LOCALETREESRC}/${datadir}/i18n ${D}${datadir}
+	fi
+	if [ -e ${LOCALETREESRC}/${datadir}/locale ]; then
+		cp -fpPR ${LOCALETREESRC}/${datadir}/locale ${D}${datadir}
+	fi
+	chown root.root -R ${D}
+inherit libc-package
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "nativesdk"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-locale_2.22.bb b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-locale_2.22.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7702e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-locale_2.22.bb
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+require glibc-locale.inc
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-mtrace.inc b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-mtrace.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e12b079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-mtrace.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+include glibc-collateral.inc
+SUMMARY = "mtrace utility provided by glibc"
+DESCRIPTION = "mtrace utility provided by glibc"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "perl"
+RPROVIDES_${PN} = "libc-mtrace"
+SRC = "${STAGING_INCDIR}/glibc-scripts-internal-${MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS}"
+do_install() {
+	install -d -m 0755 ${D}${bindir}
+	install -m 0755 ${SRC}/mtrace ${D}${bindir}/
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-mtrace_2.22.bb b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-mtrace_2.22.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b69bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-mtrace_2.22.bb
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+require glibc-mtrace.inc
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-options.inc b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-options.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fd27f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-options.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+def glibc_cfg(feature, tokens, cnf):
+    if type(tokens) == type(""):
+        tokens = [tokens]
+    if feature:
+        cnf.extend([token + '=y' for token in tokens])
+    else:
+        for token in tokens:
+            cnf.extend([token + '=n'])
+            if token == 'OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH':
+                cnf.extend(["OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH_FIXED_CONFIG=\"${S}/nss/nsswitch.conf\""])
+                cnf.extend(["OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH_FIXED_FUNCTIONS=\"${S}/nss/fixed-nsswitch.functions\""])
+# Map distro features to glibc options settings
+def features_to_glibc_settings(d):
+    cnf = ([])
+    ipv4 = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ipv4', True, False, d)
+    ipv6 = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ipv6', True, False, d)
+    libc_backtrace = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-backtrace', True, False, d) 
+    libc_big_macros = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-big-macros', True, False, d)
+    libc_bsd = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-bsd', True, False, d)
+    libc_cxx_tests = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-cxx-tests', True, False, d)
+    libc_catgets = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-catgets', True, False, d)
+    libc_charsets = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-charsets', True, False, d)
+    libc_crypt = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-crypt', True, False, d)
+    libc_crypt_ufc = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-crypt-ufc', True, False, d)
+    libc_db_aliases = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-db-aliases', True, False, d)
+    libc_envz = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-envz', True, False, d)
+    libc_fcvt = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-fcvt', True, False, d)
+    libc_fmtmsg = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-fmtmsg', True, False, d)
+    libc_fstab = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-fstab', True, False, d)
+    libc_ftraverse = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-ftraverse', True, False, d)
+    libc_getlogin = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-getlogin', True, False, d)
+    libc_idn = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-idn', True, False, d)
+    libc_inet_anl = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-inet-anl', True, False, d)
+    libc_libm = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-libm', True, False, d)
+    libc_locales = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-locales', True, False, d)
+    libc_locale_code = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-locale-code', True, False, d)
+    libc_memusage = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-memusage', True, False, d)
+    libc_nis = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-nis', True, False, d)
+    libc_nsswitch = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-nsswitch', True, False, d)
+    libc_rcmd = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-rcmd', True, False, d)
+    libc_rtld_debug = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-rtld-debug', True, False, d)
+    libc_spawn = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-spawn', True, False, d)
+    libc_streams = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-streams', True, False, d)
+    libc_sunrpc = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-sunrpc', True, False, d)
+    libc_utmp = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-utmp', True, False, d)
+    libc_utmpx = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-utmpx', True, False, d)
+    libc_wordexp = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-wordexp', True, False, d)
+    libc_posix_clang_wchar = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-posix-clang-wchar', True, False, d)
+    libc_posix_regexp = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-posix-regexp', True, False, d)
+    libc_posix_regexp_glibc = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-posix-regexp-glibc', True, False, d)
+    libc_posix_wchar_io = bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-posix-wchar-io', True, False, d)
+    # arrange the dependencies among glibc configuable options according to file option-groups.def from glibc source code
+    new_dep = True
+    while new_dep:
+        new_dep = False
+        if ipv6 and not ipv4:
+            new_dep = True
+            ipv4 = True
+        if ipv4 and not libc_nsswitch:
+            new_dep = True
+            libc_nsswitch = True
+        if libc_cxx_tests:
+            if not libc_posix_wchar_io:
+                new_dep = True
+                libc_posix_wchar_io = True
+            if not libc_libm:
+                new_dep = True
+                libc_libm = True
+        if libc_catgets and not libc_locale_code:
+            new_dep = True
+            libc_locale_code = True
+        if libc_crypt_ufc and not libc_crypt:
+            new_dep = True
+            libc_crypt = True
+        if libc_getlogin and not libc_utmp:
+            new_dep = True
+            libc_utmp = True
+        if libc_inet_anl and not ipv4:
+            new_dep = True
+            ipv4 = True
+        if libc_locale_code and not libc_posix_clang_wchar:
+            new_dep = True
+            libc_posix_clang_wchar = True
+        if libc_nis:
+            if not ipv4:
+                new_dep = True
+                ipv4 = True
+            if not libc_sunrpc:
+                new_dep = True
+                libc_sunrpc = True
+        if libc_rcmd and not ipv4:
+            new_dep = True
+            ipv4 = True
+        if libc_sunrpc and not ipv4:
+            new_dep = True
+            ipv4 = True
+        if libc_utmpx and not libc_utmp:
+            new_dep = True
+            libc_utmp = True
+        if libc_posix_regexp_glibc and not libc_posix_regexp:
+            new_dep = True
+            libc_posix_regexp = True
+        if libc_posix_wchar_io and not libc_posix_clang_wchar:
+            new_dep = True
+            libc_posix_clang_wchar = True
+    glibc_cfg(ipv6, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_ADVANCED_INET6', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_backtrace, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_BACKTRACE', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_big_macros, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_bsd, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_BSD', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_cxx_tests, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_CXX_TESTS', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_catgets, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_CATGETS', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_charsets, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_CHARSETS', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_crypt, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_CRYPT', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_crypt_ufc, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_CRYPT_UFC', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_db_aliases, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_DB_ALIASES', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_envz, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_ENVZ', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_fcvt, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_FCVT', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_fmtmsg, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_FMTMSG', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_fstab, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_FSTAB', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_ftraverse, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_FTRAVERSE', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_getlogin, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_GETLOGIN', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_idn, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_IDN', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(ipv4, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_INET', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_inet_anl, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_INET_ANL', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_libm, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_LIBM', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_locales, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALES', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_locale_code, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_memusage, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_MEMUSAGE', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_nis, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_NIS', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_nsswitch, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_rcmd, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_RCMD', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_rtld_debug, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_RTLD_DEBUG', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_spawn, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_SPAWN', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_streams, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_STREAMS', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_sunrpc, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_SUNRPC', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_utmp, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_UTMP', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_utmpx, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_UTMPX', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_wordexp, 'OPTION_EGLIBC_WORDEXP', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_posix_clang_wchar, 'OPTION_POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_posix_regexp, 'OPTION_POSIX_REGEXP', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_posix_regexp_glibc, 'OPTION_POSIX_REGEXP_GLIBC', cnf)
+    glibc_cfg(libc_posix_wchar_io, 'OPTION_POSIX_WIDE_CHAR_DEVICE_IO', cnf)
+    return "\n".join(cnf)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-package.inc b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-package.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f60368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-package.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+# For now, we will skip building of a gcc package if it is a uclibc one
+# and our build is not a uclibc one, and we skip a glibc one if our build
+# is a uclibc build.
+# See the note in gcc/gcc_3.4.0.oe
+python __anonymous () {
+    import bb, re
+    uc_os = (re.match('.*uclibc*', d.getVar('TARGET_OS', True)) != None)
+    if uc_os:
+        raise bb.parse.SkipPackage("incompatible with target %s" %
+                                   d.getVar('TARGET_OS', True))
+# Set this to zero if you don't want ldconfig in the output package
+PACKAGES = "${PN}-dbg catchsegv sln nscd ldd tzcode ${PN}-utils glibc-thread-db ${PN}-pic libcidn libmemusage libsegfault ${PN}-pcprofile libsotruss ${PN} glibc-extra-nss ${PN}-dev ${PN}-staticdev ${PN}-doc"
+# The ld.so in this glibc supports the GNU_HASH
+RPROVIDES_${PN} = "eglibc rtld(GNU_HASH)"
+RPROVIDES_${PN}-utils = "eglibc-utils"
+RPROVIDES_${PN}-mtrace = "eglibc-mtrace libc-mtrace"
+RPROVIDES_${PN}-pic = "eglibc-pic"
+RPROVIDES_${PN}-dev = "eglibc-dev libc6-dev virtual-libc-dev"
+RPROVIDES_${PN}-staticdev = "eglibc-staticdev"
+RPROVIDES_${PN}-doc = "eglibc-doc"
+RPROVIDES_glibc-extra-nss = "eglibc-extra-nss"
+RPROVIDES_glibc-thread-db = "eglibc-thread-db"
+RPROVIDES_${PN}-pcprofile = "eglibc-pcprofile"
+RPROVIDES_${PN}-dbg = "eglibc-dbg"
+libc_baselibs = "${base_libdir}/libcrypt*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libcrypt-*.so ${base_libdir}/libc.so.* ${base_libdir}/libc-*.so ${base_libdir}/libm*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libm-*.so ${base_libdir}/libmvec-*.so ${base_libdir}/ld*.so.* ${base_libdir}/ld-*.so ${base_libdir}/libpthread*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libpthread-*.so ${base_libdir}/libresolv*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libresolv-*.so ${base_libdir}/librt*.so.* ${base_libdir}/librt-*.so ${base_libdir}/libutil*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libutil-*.so ${base_libdir}/libnsl*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libnsl-*.so ${base_libdir}/libnss_files*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libnss_files-*.so ${base_libdir}/libnss_compat*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libnss_compat-*.so ${base_libdir}/libnss_dns*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libnss_dns-*.so ${base_libdir}/libdl*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libdl-*.so ${base_libdir}/libanl*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libanl-*.so ${base_libdir}/libBrokenLocale*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libBrokenLocale-*.so"
+libc_baselibs_append_aarch64 = " /lib/ld-linux-aarch64*.so.1"
+INSANE_SKIP_${PN}_append_aarch64 = " libdir"
+FILES_${PN} = "${libc_baselibs} ${libexecdir}/* ${@base_conditional('USE_LDCONFIG', '1', '${base_sbindir}/ldconfig ${sysconfdir}/ld.so.conf', '', d)}"
+FILES_ldd = "${bindir}/ldd"
+FILES_libsegfault = "${base_libdir}/libSegFault*"
+FILES_libcidn = "${base_libdir}/libcidn-*.so ${base_libdir}/libcidn.so.*"
+FILES_libmemusage = "${base_libdir}/libmemusage.so"
+FILES_glibc-extra-nss = "${base_libdir}/libnss_*-*.so ${base_libdir}/libnss_*.so.*"
+FILES_sln = "${base_sbindir}/sln"
+FILES_${PN}-pic = "${libdir}/*_pic.a ${libdir}/*_pic.map ${libdir}/libc_pic/*.o"
+FILES_libsotruss = "${libdir}/audit/sotruss-lib.so"
+FILES_SOLIBSDEV = "${libdir}/lib*${SOLIBSDEV}"
+FILES_${PN}-dev += "${bindir}/rpcgen ${libdir}/*_nonshared.a ${base_libdir}/*_nonshared.a ${base_libdir}/*.o ${datadir}/aclocal"
+FILES_${PN}-staticdev += "${libdir}/*.a ${base_libdir}/*.a"
+FILES_nscd = "${sbindir}/nscd* ${sysconfdir}/init.d/nscd ${systemd_unitdir}/system/nscd* ${sysconfdir}/tmpfiles.d/nscd.conf \
+              ${sysconfdir}/nscd.conf ${sysconfdir}/default/volatiles/98_nscd ${localstatedir}/db/nscd"
+FILES_${PN}-mtrace = "${bindir}/mtrace"
+FILES_tzcode = "${bindir}/tzselect ${sbindir}/zic ${sbindir}/zdump"
+FILES_${PN}-utils = "${bindir}/* ${sbindir}/*"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libexecdir}/*/.debug ${libdir}/audit/.debug"
+FILES_catchsegv = "${bindir}/catchsegv"
+RDEPENDS_catchsegv = "libsegfault"
+FILES_${PN}-pcprofile = "${base_libdir}/libpcprofile.so"
+FILES_glibc-thread-db = "${base_libdir}/libthread_db.so.* ${base_libdir}/libthread_db-*.so"
+RPROVIDES_${PN}-dev += "libc-dev"
+RPROVIDES_${PN}-staticdev += "libc-staticdev"
+SUMMARY_sln = "The static ln"
+DESCRIPTION_sln = "Similar to the 'ln' utility, but statically linked.  sln is useful to make symbolic links to dynamic libraries if the dynamic linking system, for some reason, is not functional."
+SUMMARY_nscd = "Name service cache daemon"
+DESCRIPTION_nscd = "nscd, name service cache daemon, caches name service lookups for the passwd, group and hosts information.  It can damatically improvide performance with remote, such as NIS or NIS+, name services."
+SUMMARY_glibc-extra-nss = "hesiod, NIS and NIS+ nss libraries"
+DESCRIPTION_glibc-extra-nss = "glibc: nis, nisplus and hesiod search services."
+SUMMARY_ldd = "print shared library dependencies"
+DESCRIPTION_ldd = "${bindir}/ldd prints shared library dependencies for each program or shared library specified on the command line."
+SUMMARY_${PN}-utils = "Miscellaneous utilities provided by glibc"
+DESCRIPTION_${PN}-utils = "Miscellaneous utilities including getconf, iconv, locale, gencat, rpcgen, ..."
+DESCRIPTION_libsotruss = "Library to support sotruss which traces calls through PLTs"
+DESCRIPTION_tzcode = "tzcode, timezone zoneinfo utils -- zic, zdump, tzselect"
+inherit libc-common multilib_header
+do_install_append () {
+	rm -f ${D}${sysconfdir}/localtime
+	rm -rf ${D}${localstatedir}
+	# remove empty glibc dir
+	if [ -d ${D}${libdir}/glibc -a ! -e ${D}${libdir}/glibc/pt_chown ]; then
+		rmdir ${D}${libdir}/glibc
+	fi
+	oe_multilib_header bits/syscall.h
+	if [ -f ${D}${bindir}/mtrace ]; then
+		sed -i -e '1s,#!.*perl,#! ${USRBINPATH}/env perl,' -e '2s,exec.*perl,exec ${USRBINPATH}/env perl,' ${D}${bindir}/mtrace
+	fi
+	rm -rf ${D}${includedir}/rpcsvc/rquota*
+	# Info dir listing isn't interesting at this point so remove it if it exists.
+	if [ -e "${D}${infodir}/dir" ]; then
+		rm -f ${D}${infodir}/dir
+	fi
+	if [ "${USE_LDCONFIG}" != "1" ]; then
+		# We won't ship these files (see FILES above) so let's not install them
+		rm -f ${D}${sysconfdir}/ld.so.conf
+		rm -f ${D}${base_sbindir}/ldconfig
+		# This directory will be empty now so remove it too.
+		# But check whether it exists first, since it won't for glibc-initial.
+		if [ -d ${D}${sysconfdir} ]; then
+			rmdir ${D}${sysconfdir}
+		fi
+	fi
+	if echo ${PN}|grep -q "glibc-initial"; then
+		return
+	fi
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -d ${D}${localstatedir}/db/nscd
+	install -m 0755 ${S}/nscd/nscd.init ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/nscd
+	install -m 0755 ${S}/nscd/nscd.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/nscd.conf
+	sed -i "s%daemon%start-stop-daemon --start --exec%g" ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/nscd
+	install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+	install -m 0644 ${S}/nscd/nscd.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/
+	if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'true', 'false', d)}; then
+		install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/tmpfiles.d
+		echo "d /run/nscd 755 root root -" \
+			> ${D}${sysconfdir}/tmpfiles.d/nscd.conf
+	else
+		install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/volatiles
+		echo "d root root 0755 /var/run/nscd none" \
+			> ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/volatiles/98_nscd
+	fi
+do_install_append_aarch64 () {
+	if [ "${base_libdir}" != "/lib" ] ; then
+		# The aarch64 ABI says the dynamic linker -must- be /lib/ld-linux-aarch64[_be].so.1
+		install -d ${D}/lib
+		if [ -e ${D}${base_libdir}/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1 ]; then
+			ln -s ${@base_path_relative('/lib', '${base_libdir}')}/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1 \
+				${D}/lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1
+		elif [ -e ${D}${base_libdir}/ld-linux-aarch64_be.so.1 ]; then
+			ln -s ${@base_path_relative('/lib', '${base_libdir}')}/ld-linux-aarch64_be.so.1 \
+				${D}/lib/ld-linux-aarch64_be.so.1
+		fi
+	fi
+do_install_locale () {
+	dest=${D}/${includedir}/glibc-locale-internal-${MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS}
+	install -d ${dest}${base_libdir} ${dest}${bindir} ${dest}${libdir} ${dest}${datadir}
+	if [ "${base_libdir}" != "${libdir}" ]; then
+		cp -fpPR ${D}${base_libdir}/* ${dest}${base_libdir}
+	fi
+	if [ -e ${D}${bindir}/localedef ]; then
+		mv -f ${D}${bindir}/localedef ${dest}${bindir}
+	fi
+	if [ -e ${D}${libdir}/gconv ]; then
+		mv -f ${D}${libdir}/gconv ${dest}${libdir}
+	fi
+	if [ -e ${D}${exec_prefix}/lib ]; then
+		cp -fpPR ${D}${exec_prefix}/lib ${dest}${exec_prefix}
+	fi
+	if [ -e ${D}${datadir}/i18n ]; then
+		mv ${D}${datadir}/i18n ${dest}${datadir}
+	fi
+	cp -fpPR ${D}${datadir}/* ${dest}${datadir}
+	rm -rf ${D}${datadir}/locale/
+	cp -fpPR ${WORKDIR}/SUPPORTED ${dest}
+addtask do_install_locale after do_install before do_populate_sysroot do_package
+bashscripts = "mtrace sotruss xtrace"
+do_evacuate_scripts () {
+	target=${D}${includedir}/glibc-scripts-internal-${MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS}
+	mkdir -p $target
+	for i in ${bashscripts}; do
+		if [ -f ${D}${bindir}/$i ]; then
+			cp ${D}${bindir}/$i $target/
+		fi
+	done
+addtask evacuate_scripts after do_install before do_populate_sysroot do_package
+PACKAGE_PREPROCESS_FUNCS += "glibc_package_preprocess"
+glibc_package_preprocess () {
+	rm -rf ${PKGD}/${includedir}/glibc-locale-internal-${MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS}
+	rm -rf ${PKGD}/${includedir}/glibc-scripts-internal-${MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS}
+	for i in ${bashscripts}; do
+	    rm -f ${PKGD}${bindir}/$i
+	done
+	rm -rf ${PKGD}/${localedir}
+	if [ "${libdir}" != "${exec_prefix}/lib" ]; then
+		# This dir only exists to hold locales
+		rm -rf ${PKGD}${exec_prefix}/lib
+	fi
+pkg_postinst_nscd () {
+	if [ -z "$D" ]; then
+		if command -v systemd-tmpfiles >/dev/null; then
+			systemd-tmpfiles --create ${sysconfdir}/tmpfiles.d/nscd.conf
+		elif [ -e ${sysconfdir}/init.d/populate-volatile.sh ]; then
+			${sysconfdir}/init.d/populate-volatile.sh update
+		fi
+	fi
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_nscd = "nscd.service"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-scripts.inc b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-scripts.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a06773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-scripts.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+include glibc-collateral.inc
+SUMMARY = "utility scripts provided by glibc"
+DESCRIPTION = "utility scripts provided by glibc"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "bash glibc-mtrace"
+SRC = "${STAGING_INCDIR}/glibc-scripts-internal-${MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS}"
+bashscripts = "sotruss xtrace"
+do_install() {
+	install -d -m 0755 ${D}${bindir}
+	for i in ${bashscripts}; do
+		install -m 0755 ${SRC}/$i ${D}${bindir}/
+	done
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-scripts_2.22.bb b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-scripts_2.22.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a89bd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-scripts_2.22.bb
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+require glibc-scripts.inc
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-testing.inc b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-testing.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9bbf37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-testing.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+do_compile_append () {
+	# now generate script to drive testing
+	echo "#!/usr/bin/env sh" >${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	set >> ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	# prune out the unneeded vars
+	sed -i -e "/^BASH/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^USER/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^OPT/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^DIRSTACK/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^EUID/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^FUNCNAME/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^GROUPS/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^HOST/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^HOME/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^IFS/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^LC_ALL/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^LOGNAME/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^MACHTYPE/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^OSTYPE/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^PIPE/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^SHELL/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^'/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^UID/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^TERM/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^PATCH_GET/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^PKG_/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^POSIXLY_/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^PPID/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^PS4/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^Q/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^SHLVL/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^STAGING/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^LD_LIBRARY_PATH/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	sed -i -e "/^PSEUDO/d" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	# point to real sysroot not the toolchain bootstrap sysroot
+	sed -i -e "s/\-tcbootstrap//g" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	# use the final cross-gcc to test since some tests need libstdc++
+	sed -i -e "s/^PATH=.*\.gcc-cross-initial\:/PATH=/g" ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
+	# append execution part script
+cat >> ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc << STOP
+if [ "x\$target" = "x" ]
+	echo "Please specify the target machine and remote user in form of user@target"
+	exit 1;
+ssh \$target ls \$PWD\  2>&1 > /dev/null
+if [ "x\$?" != "x0" ]
+	echo "Failed connecting to \$target it could be because of:"
+	echo "1. You dont have passwordless ssh setup to access \$target"
+	echo "2. NFS share on \$target is not mounted or if mounted then not matching the build tree layout."
+	echo "   The tree should be accessible at same location on build host and target"
+	echo "   You can add nfs-client to IMAGE_FEATURES to get the nfs client on target"
+	echo "3. nfs server on build host is not running."
+	echo "   Please make sure that you have 'no_root_squash' added in /etc/exports if you want"
+	echo "   to test as root user on target (usually its recommended to create a non"
+	echo "   root user."
+	echo "   As a sanity check make sure that target can read/write to the glibc build tree"
+	echo "   Please refer to ${S}/EGLIBC.cross-testing for further instructions on setup"
+	exit 1
+	echo "# we test using cross compiler from real sysroot therefore override the" > ${B}/configparms
+	echo "# definitions that come from ${B}/config.make" >> ${B}/configparms
+	fgrep tcbootstrap ${B}/config.make > ${B}/configparms
+	sed -i -e "s/\-tcbootstrap//g" ${B}/configparms
+# g++ uses flag -nostdinc, so the locations of system include headers must be explicitly specified
+# If the locations are not already specified in config.make, then we provide the following locations:
+#    <sysroot>/usr/include/c++/<g++ version>
+#    <sysroot>/usr/include/c++/<g++ version>/<machine>
+cxxincludes=\`cat ${B}/config.make | gawk '\$1 == "c++-sysincludes"' | gawk -F"=" '{print \$2}' | sed "s/[ \t]\?//g"\`
+if [ -z "\$cxxincludes" ]; then
+  sysroot=\`cat ${B}/configparms | sed -n "/CXX/p" | sed -e "s/^.*--sysroot=//"\`
+  cxx=\`cat ${B}/configparms | gawk '\$1 ~ /^CXX/' | gawk -F"=" '{print \$2}' | gawk '{print \$1}'\`
+  cxxmachine=\`\$cxx -dumpmachine\`
+  cxxversion=\`\$cxx -dumpversion\`
+  # pass the new value of c++-sysincludes via configparms
+  echo "# c++-sysincludes added:" >> ${B}/configparms
+  echo "c++-sysincludes = -isystem \$sysroot/usr/include/c++/\$cxxversion -isystem \$sysroot/usr/include/c++/\$cxxversion/\$cxxmachine" >> ${B}/configparms
+wrapper="${S}/scripts/cross-test-ssh.sh \$target"
+localedef="${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/cross-localedef --little-endian --uint32-align=4"
+make tests-clean
+make cross-localedef="\$localedef" cross-test-wrapper="\$wrapper" -k check
+rm -rf ${B}/configparms
+	chmod +x ${B}/${HOST_PREFIX}testglibc
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc.inc b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17fa2d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+require glibc-common.inc
+require glibc-ld.inc
+require glibc-testing.inc
+STAGINGCC = "gcc-cross-initial-${TARGET_ARCH}"
+STAGINGCC_class-nativesdk = "gcc-crosssdk-initial-${TARGET_ARCH}"
+# glibc can't be built without optimization, if someone tries to compile an
+# entire image as -O0, we override it with -O2 here and give a note about it.
+def get_optimization(d):
+    selected_optimization = d.getVar("SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION", True)
+    if bb.utils.contains("SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION", "-O2", "x", "", d) == "x":
+        return selected_optimization
+    elif bb.utils.contains("SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION", "-O", "x", "", d) == "x":
+        bb.note("glibc can't be built with -O, -O -Wno-error will be used instead.")
+        return selected_optimization.replace("-O", "-O -Wno-error")
+    elif bb.utils.contains("SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION", "-O0", "x", "", d) == "x":
+        bb.note("glibc can't be built with -O0, -O2 will be used instead.")
+        return selected_optimization.replace("-O0", "-O2")
+    elif bb.utils.contains("SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION", "-Os", "x", "", d) == "x":
+        bb.note("glibc can't be built with -Os, -Os -Wno-error will be used instead.")
+        return selected_optimization.replace("-Os", "-Os -Wno-error")
+    elif bb.utils.contains("SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION", "-O1", "x", "", d) == "x":
+        bb.note("glibc can't be built with -O1, -O1 -Wno-error will be used instead.")
+        return selected_optimization.replace("-O1", "-O1 -Wno-error")
+    return selected_optimization
+SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION := "${@get_optimization(d)}"
+# siteconfig.bbclass runs configure which needs a working compiler
+# For the compiler to work we need a working libc yet libc isn't
+# in the sysroots directory at this point. This means the libc.so
+# linker script won't work as the --sysroot setting isn't correct.
+# Here we create a hacked up libc linker script and pass in the right
+# flags to let configure work. Ugly.
+EXTRASITECONFIG = "CFLAGS='${CFLAGS} -Wl,-L${WORKDIR}/site_config_libc -L${WORKDIR}/site_config_libc -L${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${libdir} -L${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${base_libdir} -Wl,-L${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${libdir} -Wl,-L${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${base_libdir}'"
+siteconfig_do_siteconfig_gencache_prepend = " \
+	mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/site_config_libc; \
+	cp ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${libdir}/libc.so ${WORKDIR}/site_config_libc; \
+	sed -i -e 's# ${base_libdir}# ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${base_libdir}#g' -e 's# ${libdir}# ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${libdir}#g' ${WORKDIR}/site_config_libc/libc.so; \
+# nptl needs unwind support in gcc, which can't be built without glibc.
+DEPENDS = "virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc-initial libgcc-initial linux-libc-headers virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}libc-initial"
+# nptl needs libgcc but dlopens it, so our shlibs code doesn't detect this
+#RDEPENDS_${PN} += "${@['','libgcc']['nptl' in '${GLIBC_ADDONS}']}"
+PROVIDES = "virtual/libc virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}libc-for-gcc"
+PROVIDES += "virtual/libintl virtual/libiconv"
+inherit autotools texinfo distro_features_check systemd
+require glibc-options.inc
+# The main purpose of setting this variable is to prevent users from accidently
+# overriding DISTRO_FEATRUES, causing obscure build failures because of lack
+# of libc functions.
+LEAD_SONAME = "libc.so"
+  ac_cv_path_BASH_SHELL=${base_bindir}/bash \
+  libc_cv_slibdir=${base_libdir} \
+  libc_cv_rootsbindir=${base_sbindir} \
+  libc_cv_localedir=${localedir} \
+  libc_cv_ssp=no \
+GLIBC_EXTRA_OECONF_class-nativesdk = ""
+# This needs to match with glibc-collateral.inc, otherwise glibc-scripts and glibc-locale
+# will fail to find main glibc, for details see
+# http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-core/2015-January/100679.html
+# glibc uses PARALLELMFLAGS variable to pass parallel build info so transfer
+# glibc make-syscalls.sh has a number of issues with /bin/dash and
+# it's output which make calls via the SHELL also has issues, so
+# ensure make uses /bin/bash
+EXTRA_OEMAKE += "SHELL=/bin/bash"
+OE_FEATURES = "${@features_to_glibc_settings(d)}"
+do_configure_prepend() {
+	sed -e "s#@BASH@#/bin/sh#" -i ${S}/elf/ldd.bash.in
+	echo '${OE_FEATURES}' > ${B}/option-groups.config
+do_configure_append() {
+	yes '' | oe_runmake config
+	# Remove quotation marks from OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH_FIXED_*. This will
+	# avoid install error.
+	sed -i 's/^OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH_FIXED_\(.*\)="\(.*\)"$/OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH_FIXED_\1=\2/' option-groups.config
+GLIBC_ADDONS ?= "nptl,libidn"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0001-nativesdk-glibc-Look-for-host-system-ld.so.cache-as-.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0001-nativesdk-glibc-Look-for-host-system-ld.so.cache-as-.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d66348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0001-nativesdk-glibc-Look-for-host-system-ld.so.cache-as-.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+From 0876fea1b5b26da84f298714a2e23ba696607dba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 01:48:24 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 01/27] nativesdk-glibc: Look for host system ld.so.cache as
+ well
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [embedded specific]
+The default lib search path order is:
+  2) RPATH from the binary
+  3) ld.so.cache
+  4) default search paths embedded in the linker
+For nativesdk binaries which are being used alongside binaries on a host system, we
+need the search paths to firstly search the shipped nativesdk libs but then also
+cover the host system. For example we want the host system's libGL and this may be
+in a non-standard location like /usr/lib/mesa. The only place the location is know
+about is in the ld.so.cache of the host system.
+Since nativesdk has a simple structure and doesn't need to use a cache itself, we
+repurpose the cache for use as a last resort in finding host system binaries. This
+means we need to switch the order of 3 and 4 above to make this work effectively.
+RP 14/10/2010
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ elf/dl-load.c | 17 ++++++++---------
+ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/elf/dl-load.c b/elf/dl-load.c
+index 0c052e4..f45085a 100644
+--- a/elf/dl-load.c
++++ b/elf/dl-load.c
+@@ -2040,7 +2040,14 @@ _dl_map_object (struct link_map *loader, const char *name,
+ 	fd = open_path (name, namelen, mode,
+ 			&loader->l_runpath_dirs, &realname, &fb, loader,
+ 			LA_SER_RUNPATH, &found_other_class);
++      /* try the default path.  */
++      if (fd == -1
++	  && ((l = loader ?: GL(dl_ns)[nsid]._ns_loaded) == NULL
++	   || __builtin_expect (!(l->l_flags_1 & DF_1_NODEFLIB), 1))
++	 && rtld_search_dirs.dirs != (void *) -1)
++	fd = open_path (name, namelen, mode & __RTLD_SECURE, &rtld_search_dirs,
++			&realname, &fb, l, LA_SER_DEFAULT, &found_other_class);
++      /* Finally try ld.so.cache */
+       if (fd == -1
+ 	  && (__glibc_likely ((mode & __RTLD_SECURE) == 0)
+@@ -2099,14 +2106,6 @@ _dl_map_object (struct link_map *loader, const char *name,
+ 	}
+ #endif
+-      /* Finally, try the default path.  */
+-      if (fd == -1
+-	  && ((l = loader ?: GL(dl_ns)[nsid]._ns_loaded) == NULL
+-	      || __glibc_likely (!(l->l_flags_1 & DF_1_NODEFLIB)))
+-	  && rtld_search_dirs.dirs != (void *) -1)
+-	fd = open_path (name, namelen, mode, &rtld_search_dirs,
+-			&realname, &fb, l, LA_SER_DEFAULT, &found_other_class);
+       /* Add another newline when we are tracing the library loading.  */
+       if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_LIBS))
+ 	_dl_debug_printf ("\n");
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0002-nativesdk-glibc-Fix-buffer-overrun-with-a-relocated-.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0002-nativesdk-glibc-Fix-buffer-overrun-with-a-relocated-.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b568fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0002-nativesdk-glibc-Fix-buffer-overrun-with-a-relocated-.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+From 086b65d9aacffc47fcd8df68818a476a5ae76fa1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 01:50:00 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 02/27] nativesdk-glibc: Fix buffer overrun with a relocated
+When ld-linux-*.so.2 is relocated to a path that is longer than the
+original fixed location, the dynamic loader will crash in open_path
+because it implicitly assumes that max_dirnamelen is a fixed size that
+never changes.
+The allocated buffer will not be large enough to contain the directory
+path string which is larger than the fixed location provided at build
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [OE SDK specific]
+Signed-off-by: Jason Wessel <jason.wessel@windriver.com>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ elf/dl-load.c | 12 ++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/elf/dl-load.c b/elf/dl-load.c
+index f45085a..f1eb5ed 100644
+--- a/elf/dl-load.c
++++ b/elf/dl-load.c
+@@ -1765,7 +1765,19 @@ open_path (const char *name, size_t namelen, int mode,
+        given on the command line when rtld is run directly.  */
+     return -1;
++  do
++    {
++      struct r_search_path_elem *this_dir = *dirs;
++      if (this_dir->dirnamelen > max_dirnamelen)
++	{
++	  max_dirnamelen = this_dir->dirnamelen;
++	}
++    }
++  while (*++dirs != NULL);
+   buf = alloca (max_dirnamelen + max_capstrlen + namelen);
++  dirs = sps->dirs;
+   do
+     {
+       struct r_search_path_elem *this_dir = *dirs;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0003-nativesdk-glibc-Raise-the-size-of-arrays-containing-.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0003-nativesdk-glibc-Raise-the-size-of-arrays-containing-.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a681a64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0003-nativesdk-glibc-Raise-the-size-of-arrays-containing-.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+From fd595a5ec885bcb4c14417daa21c2e61c5b72e42 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 01:51:38 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 03/27] nativesdk-glibc: Raise the size of arrays containing dl
+ paths
+This patch puts the dynamic loader path in the binaries, SYSTEM_DIRS strings
+and lengths as well as ld.so.cache path in the dynamic loader to specific
+sections in memory. The sections that contain paths have been allocated a 4096
+byte section, which is the maximum path length in linux. This will allow the
+relocating script to parse the ELF binary, detect the section and easily replace
+the strings in a certain path.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [SDK specific]
+Signed-off-by: Laurentiu Palcu <laurentiu.palcu@intel.com>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ elf/dl-cache.c             | 4 ++++
+ elf/dl-load.c              | 4 ++--
+ elf/interp.c               | 2 +-
+ elf/ldconfig.c             | 3 +++
+ elf/rtld.c                 | 5 +++--
+ sysdeps/generic/dl-cache.h | 4 ----
+ 6 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/elf/dl-cache.c b/elf/dl-cache.c
+index dec49bc..862f1d8 100644
+--- a/elf/dl-cache.c
++++ b/elf/dl-cache.c
+@@ -132,6 +132,10 @@ do									      \
+ while (0)
++const char LD_SO_CACHE[4096] __attribute__ ((section (".ldsocache"))) =
++		SYSCONFDIR "/ld.so.cache";
+ int
+ internal_function
+ _dl_cache_libcmp (const char *p1, const char *p2)
+diff --git a/elf/dl-load.c b/elf/dl-load.c
+index f1eb5ed..f664f50 100644
+--- a/elf/dl-load.c
++++ b/elf/dl-load.c
+@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ static size_t max_capstrlen attribute_relro;
+ /* Get the generated information about the trusted directories.  */
+ #include "trusted-dirs.h"
+-static const char system_dirs[] = SYSTEM_DIRS;
+-static const size_t system_dirs_len[] =
++static const char system_dirs[4096] __attribute__ ((section (".sysdirs"))) = SYSTEM_DIRS;
++volatile static const size_t system_dirs_len[] __attribute__ ((section (".sysdirslen"))) =
+ {
+ };
+diff --git a/elf/interp.c b/elf/interp.c
+index 422ea95e..6d61a36 100644
+--- a/elf/interp.c
++++ b/elf/interp.c
+@@ -18,5 +18,5 @@
+ #include <runtime-linker.h>
+-const char __invoke_dynamic_linker__[] __attribute__ ((section (".interp")))
++const char __invoke_dynamic_linker__[4096] __attribute__ ((section (".interp")))
+diff --git a/elf/ldconfig.c b/elf/ldconfig.c
+index f54ec22..0e78a83 100644
+--- a/elf/ldconfig.c
++++ b/elf/ldconfig.c
+@@ -167,6 +167,9 @@ static struct argp argp =
+   options, parse_opt, NULL, doc, NULL, more_help, NULL
+ };
++extern const char LD_SO_CACHE[4096] __attribute__ ((section (".ldsocache")));
+ /* Check if string corresponds to an important hardware capability or
+    a platform.  */
+ static int
+diff --git a/elf/rtld.c b/elf/rtld.c
+index 69873c2..6d3add7 100644
+--- a/elf/rtld.c
++++ b/elf/rtld.c
+@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ uintptr_t __pointer_chk_guard_local
+ strong_alias (__pointer_chk_guard_local, __pointer_chk_guard)
+ #endif
++extern const char LD_SO_CACHE[4096] __attribute__ ((section (".ldsocache")));
+ /* List of auditing DSOs.  */
+ static struct audit_list
+@@ -877,12 +878,12 @@ of this helper program; chances are you did not intend to run this program.\n\
+   --list                list all dependencies and how they are resolved\n\
+   --verify              verify that given object really is a dynamically linked\n\
+ 			object we can handle\n\
+-  --inhibit-cache       Do not use " LD_SO_CACHE "\n\
++  --inhibit-cache       Do not use %s\n\
+   --library-path PATH   use given PATH instead of content of the environment\n\
+ 			variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n\
+   --inhibit-rpath LIST  ignore RUNPATH and RPATH information in object names\n\
+ 			in LIST\n\
+-  --audit LIST          use objects named in LIST as auditors\n");
++  --audit LIST          use objects named in LIST as auditors\n", LD_SO_CACHE);
+       ++_dl_skip_args;
+       --_dl_argc;
+diff --git a/sysdeps/generic/dl-cache.h b/sysdeps/generic/dl-cache.h
+index 4b49869..1800d03 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/generic/dl-cache.h
++++ b/sysdeps/generic/dl-cache.h
+@@ -27,10 +27,6 @@
+   ((flags) == 1 || (flags) == _DL_CACHE_DEFAULT_ID)
+ #endif
+-#ifndef LD_SO_CACHE
+-# define LD_SO_CACHE SYSCONFDIR "/ld.so.cache"
+ #ifndef add_system_dir
+ # define add_system_dir(dir) add_dir (dir)
+ #endif
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0004-Backport-https-sourceware.org-ml-libc-ports-2007-12-.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0004-Backport-https-sourceware.org-ml-libc-ports-2007-12-.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7487503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0004-Backport-https-sourceware.org-ml-libc-ports-2007-12-.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+From 2560b564b5674bf2990e5607f6342c1647a5dc4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2015 04:01:01 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 04/27] Backport
+ https://sourceware.org/ml/libc-ports/2007-12/msg00000.html
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+2007-12-03  Kristian Van Der Vliet  <vanders@liqwyd.com>
+        * bits/stdio-lock.h (_IO_acquire_lock_clear_flags2): Define
+Signed-off-by: Kristian Van Der Vliet <vanders@liqwyd.com>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ bits/stdio-lock.h | 2 ++
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/bits/stdio-lock.h b/bits/stdio-lock.h
+index 0c5bb65..66304a6 100644
+--- a/bits/stdio-lock.h
++++ b/bits/stdio-lock.h
+@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ __libc_lock_define_recursive (typedef, _IO_lock_t)
+   _IO_cleanup_region_start ((void (*) (void *)) _IO_funlockfile, (_fp));      \
+   _IO_flockfile (_fp)
++# define _IO_acquire_lock_clear_flags2(_fp) _IO_acquire_lock (_fp)
+ # define _IO_release_lock(_fp) \
+   _IO_funlockfile (_fp);						      \
+   _IO_cleanup_region_end (0)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0005-fsl-e500-e5500-e6500-603e-fsqrt-implementation.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0005-fsl-e500-e5500-e6500-603e-fsqrt-implementation.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d3f859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0005-fsl-e500-e5500-e6500-603e-fsqrt-implementation.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1584 @@
+From aa0cd82892f32e58602143c697ef0524696a6428 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:01:50 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 05/27] fsl e500/e5500/e6500/603e fsqrt implementation
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Edmar Wienskoski <edmar@freescale.com>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrt.c        | 134 +++++++++++++++++++++
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrtf.c       | 101 ++++++++++++++++
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrt.c      | 134 +++++++++++++++++++++
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrtf.c     | 101 ++++++++++++++++
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c       | 134 +++++++++++++++++++++
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c      | 101 ++++++++++++++++
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c       | 134 +++++++++++++++++++++
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c      | 101 ++++++++++++++++
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c       | 134 +++++++++++++++++++++
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c      | 101 ++++++++++++++++
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c       | 134 +++++++++++++++++++++
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c      | 101 ++++++++++++++++
+ .../sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/Implies  |   1 +
+ .../linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e300c3/fpu/Implies     |   2 +
+ .../linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/Implies     |   1 +
+ .../sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/Implies |   1 +
+ .../sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/Implies |   1 +
+ .../sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/Implies |   1 +
+ .../sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/Implies |   1 +
+ 19 files changed, 1418 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/Implies
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e300c3/fpu/Implies
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/Implies
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/Implies
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/Implies
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/Implies
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/Implies
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..71e516d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
++/* Double-precision floating point square root.
++   Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#include <math.h>
++#include <math_private.h>
++#include <fenv_libc.h>
++#include <inttypes.h>
++#include <sysdep.h>
++#include <ldsodefs.h>
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_nan = {.word = 0x7fc00000 };
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_inf = {.word = 0x7f800000 };
++static const float two108 = 3.245185536584267269e+32;
++static const float twom54 = 5.551115123125782702e-17;
++static const float half = 0.5;
++/* The method is based on the descriptions in:
++   _The Handbook of Floating-Pointer Arithmetic_ by Muller et al., chapter 5;
++   _IA-64 and Elementary Functions: Speed and Precision_ by Markstein, chapter 9
++   We find the actual square root and half of its reciprocal
++   simultaneously.  */
++#ifdef __STDC__
++__ieee754_sqrt (double b)
++__ieee754_sqrt (b)
++     double b;
++  if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
++    {
++      double y, g, h, d, r;
++      ieee_double_shape_type u;
++      if (__builtin_expect (b != a_inf.value, 1))
++        {
++          fenv_t fe;
++          fe = fegetenv_register ();
++          u.value = b;
++          relax_fenv_state ();
++          __asm__ ("frsqrte %[estimate], %[x]\n"
++                   : [estimate] "=f" (y) : [x] "f" (b));
++          /* Following Muller et al, page 168, equation 5.20.
++             h goes to 1/(2*sqrt(b))
++             g goes to sqrt(b).
++             We need three iterations to get within 1ulp.  */
++          /* Indicate that these can be performed prior to the branch.  GCC
++             insists on sinking them below the branch, however; it seems like
++             they'd be better before the branch so that we can cover any latency
++             from storing the argument and loading its high word.  Oh well.  */
++          g = b * y;
++          h = 0.5 * y;
++          /* Handle small numbers by scaling.  */
++          if (__builtin_expect ((u.parts.msw & 0x7ff00000) <= 0x02000000, 0))
++            return __ieee754_sqrt (b * two108) * twom54;
++#define FMADD(a_, c_, b_)                                               \
++          ({ double __r;                                                \
++          __asm__ ("fmadd %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                     \
++                   : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++          __r;})
++#define FNMSUB(a_, c_, b_)                                          \
++          ({ double __r;                                                \
++          __asm__ ("fnmsub %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                     \
++                   : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++          __r;})
++          r = FNMSUB (g, h, half);
++          g = FMADD (g, r, g);
++          h = FMADD (h, r, h);
++          r = FNMSUB (g, h, half);
++          g = FMADD (g, r, g);
++          h = FMADD (h, r, h);
++          r = FNMSUB (g, h, half);
++          g = FMADD (g, r, g);
++          h = FMADD (h, r, h);
++          /* g is now +/- 1ulp, or exactly equal to, the square root of b.  */
++          /* Final refinement.  */
++          d = FNMSUB (g, g, b);
++          fesetenv_register (fe);
++          return FMADD (d, h, g);
++        }
++    }
++  else if (b < 0)
++    {
++      /* For some reason, some PowerPC32 processors don't implement
++         FE_INVALID_SQRT.  */
++      feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID_SQRT);
++      fenv_union_t u = { .fenv = fegetenv_register () };
++      if ((u.l & FE_INVALID) == 0)
++	feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID);
++      b = a_nan.value;
++    }
++  return f_wash (b);
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..26fa067
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
++/* Single-precision floating point square root.
++   Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#include <math.h>
++#include <math_private.h>
++#include <fenv_libc.h>
++#include <inttypes.h>
++#include <sysdep.h>
++#include <ldsodefs.h>
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_nan = {.word = 0x7fc00000 };
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_inf = {.word = 0x7f800000 };
++static const float threehalf = 1.5;
++/* The method is based on the descriptions in:
++   _The Handbook of Floating-Pointer Arithmetic_ by Muller et al., chapter 5;
++   _IA-64 and Elementary Functions: Speed and Precision_ by Markstein, chapter 9
++   We find the reciprocal square root and use that to compute the actual
++   square root.  */
++#ifdef __STDC__
++__ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
++__ieee754_sqrtf (b)
++     float b;
++  if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
++    {
++#define FMSUB(a_, c_, b_)                                               \
++      ({ double __r;                                                    \
++        __asm__ ("fmsub %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                       \
++                 : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++        __r;})
++#define FNMSUB(a_, c_, b_)                                              \
++      ({ double __r;                                                    \
++        __asm__ ("fnmsub %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                      \
++                 : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++        __r;})
++      if (__builtin_expect (b != a_inf.value, 1))
++        {
++          double y, x;
++          fenv_t fe;
++          fe = fegetenv_register ();
++          relax_fenv_state ();
++          /* Compute y = 1.5 * b - b.  Uses fewer constants than y = 0.5 * b.  */
++          y = FMSUB (threehalf, b, b);
++          /* Initial estimate.  */
++          __asm__ ("frsqrte %[x], %[b]\n" : [x] "=f" (x) : [b] "f" (b));
++          /* Iterate.  x_{n+1} = x_n * (1.5 - y * (x_n * x_n)).  */
++          x = x * FNMSUB (y, x * x, threehalf);
++          x = x * FNMSUB (y, x * x, threehalf);
++          x = x * FNMSUB (y, x * x, threehalf);
++          /* All done.  */
++          fesetenv_register (fe);
++          return x * b;
++        }
++    }
++  else if (b < 0)
++    {
++      /* For some reason, some PowerPC32 processors don't implement
++         FE_INVALID_SQRT.  */
++      feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID_SQRT);
++      fenv_union_t u = { .fenv = fegetenv_register () };
++      if ((u.l & FE_INVALID) == 0)
++	feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID);
++      b = a_nan.value;
++    }
++  return f_washf (b);
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..71e516d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
++/* Double-precision floating point square root.
++   Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#include <math.h>
++#include <math_private.h>
++#include <fenv_libc.h>
++#include <inttypes.h>
++#include <sysdep.h>
++#include <ldsodefs.h>
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_nan = {.word = 0x7fc00000 };
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_inf = {.word = 0x7f800000 };
++static const float two108 = 3.245185536584267269e+32;
++static const float twom54 = 5.551115123125782702e-17;
++static const float half = 0.5;
++/* The method is based on the descriptions in:
++   _The Handbook of Floating-Pointer Arithmetic_ by Muller et al., chapter 5;
++   _IA-64 and Elementary Functions: Speed and Precision_ by Markstein, chapter 9
++   We find the actual square root and half of its reciprocal
++   simultaneously.  */
++#ifdef __STDC__
++__ieee754_sqrt (double b)
++__ieee754_sqrt (b)
++     double b;
++  if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
++    {
++      double y, g, h, d, r;
++      ieee_double_shape_type u;
++      if (__builtin_expect (b != a_inf.value, 1))
++        {
++          fenv_t fe;
++          fe = fegetenv_register ();
++          u.value = b;
++          relax_fenv_state ();
++          __asm__ ("frsqrte %[estimate], %[x]\n"
++                   : [estimate] "=f" (y) : [x] "f" (b));
++          /* Following Muller et al, page 168, equation 5.20.
++             h goes to 1/(2*sqrt(b))
++             g goes to sqrt(b).
++             We need three iterations to get within 1ulp.  */
++          /* Indicate that these can be performed prior to the branch.  GCC
++             insists on sinking them below the branch, however; it seems like
++             they'd be better before the branch so that we can cover any latency
++             from storing the argument and loading its high word.  Oh well.  */
++          g = b * y;
++          h = 0.5 * y;
++          /* Handle small numbers by scaling.  */
++          if (__builtin_expect ((u.parts.msw & 0x7ff00000) <= 0x02000000, 0))
++            return __ieee754_sqrt (b * two108) * twom54;
++#define FMADD(a_, c_, b_)                                               \
++          ({ double __r;                                                \
++          __asm__ ("fmadd %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                     \
++                   : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++          __r;})
++#define FNMSUB(a_, c_, b_)                                          \
++          ({ double __r;                                                \
++          __asm__ ("fnmsub %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                     \
++                   : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++          __r;})
++          r = FNMSUB (g, h, half);
++          g = FMADD (g, r, g);
++          h = FMADD (h, r, h);
++          r = FNMSUB (g, h, half);
++          g = FMADD (g, r, g);
++          h = FMADD (h, r, h);
++          r = FNMSUB (g, h, half);
++          g = FMADD (g, r, g);
++          h = FMADD (h, r, h);
++          /* g is now +/- 1ulp, or exactly equal to, the square root of b.  */
++          /* Final refinement.  */
++          d = FNMSUB (g, g, b);
++          fesetenv_register (fe);
++          return FMADD (d, h, g);
++        }
++    }
++  else if (b < 0)
++    {
++      /* For some reason, some PowerPC32 processors don't implement
++         FE_INVALID_SQRT.  */
++      feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID_SQRT);
++      fenv_union_t u = { .fenv = fegetenv_register () };
++      if ((u.l & FE_INVALID) == 0)
++	feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID);
++      b = a_nan.value;
++    }
++  return f_wash (b);
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..26fa067
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
++/* Single-precision floating point square root.
++   Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#include <math.h>
++#include <math_private.h>
++#include <fenv_libc.h>
++#include <inttypes.h>
++#include <sysdep.h>
++#include <ldsodefs.h>
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_nan = {.word = 0x7fc00000 };
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_inf = {.word = 0x7f800000 };
++static const float threehalf = 1.5;
++/* The method is based on the descriptions in:
++   _The Handbook of Floating-Pointer Arithmetic_ by Muller et al., chapter 5;
++   _IA-64 and Elementary Functions: Speed and Precision_ by Markstein, chapter 9
++   We find the reciprocal square root and use that to compute the actual
++   square root.  */
++#ifdef __STDC__
++__ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
++__ieee754_sqrtf (b)
++     float b;
++  if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
++    {
++#define FMSUB(a_, c_, b_)                                               \
++      ({ double __r;                                                    \
++        __asm__ ("fmsub %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                       \
++                 : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++        __r;})
++#define FNMSUB(a_, c_, b_)                                              \
++      ({ double __r;                                                    \
++        __asm__ ("fnmsub %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                      \
++                 : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++        __r;})
++      if (__builtin_expect (b != a_inf.value, 1))
++        {
++          double y, x;
++          fenv_t fe;
++          fe = fegetenv_register ();
++          relax_fenv_state ();
++          /* Compute y = 1.5 * b - b.  Uses fewer constants than y = 0.5 * b.  */
++          y = FMSUB (threehalf, b, b);
++          /* Initial estimate.  */
++          __asm__ ("frsqrte %[x], %[b]\n" : [x] "=f" (x) : [b] "f" (b));
++          /* Iterate.  x_{n+1} = x_n * (1.5 - y * (x_n * x_n)).  */
++          x = x * FNMSUB (y, x * x, threehalf);
++          x = x * FNMSUB (y, x * x, threehalf);
++          x = x * FNMSUB (y, x * x, threehalf);
++          /* All done.  */
++          fesetenv_register (fe);
++          return x * b;
++        }
++    }
++  else if (b < 0)
++    {
++      /* For some reason, some PowerPC32 processors don't implement
++         FE_INVALID_SQRT.  */
++      feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID_SQRT);
++      fenv_union_t u = { .fenv = fegetenv_register () };
++      if ((u.l & FE_INVALID) == 0)
++	feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID);
++      b = a_nan.value;
++    }
++  return f_washf (b);
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..71e516d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
++/* Double-precision floating point square root.
++   Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#include <math.h>
++#include <math_private.h>
++#include <fenv_libc.h>
++#include <inttypes.h>
++#include <sysdep.h>
++#include <ldsodefs.h>
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_nan = {.word = 0x7fc00000 };
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_inf = {.word = 0x7f800000 };
++static const float two108 = 3.245185536584267269e+32;
++static const float twom54 = 5.551115123125782702e-17;
++static const float half = 0.5;
++/* The method is based on the descriptions in:
++   _The Handbook of Floating-Pointer Arithmetic_ by Muller et al., chapter 5;
++   _IA-64 and Elementary Functions: Speed and Precision_ by Markstein, chapter 9
++   We find the actual square root and half of its reciprocal
++   simultaneously.  */
++#ifdef __STDC__
++__ieee754_sqrt (double b)
++__ieee754_sqrt (b)
++     double b;
++  if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
++    {
++      double y, g, h, d, r;
++      ieee_double_shape_type u;
++      if (__builtin_expect (b != a_inf.value, 1))
++        {
++          fenv_t fe;
++          fe = fegetenv_register ();
++          u.value = b;
++          relax_fenv_state ();
++          __asm__ ("frsqrte %[estimate], %[x]\n"
++                   : [estimate] "=f" (y) : [x] "f" (b));
++          /* Following Muller et al, page 168, equation 5.20.
++             h goes to 1/(2*sqrt(b))
++             g goes to sqrt(b).
++             We need three iterations to get within 1ulp.  */
++          /* Indicate that these can be performed prior to the branch.  GCC
++             insists on sinking them below the branch, however; it seems like
++             they'd be better before the branch so that we can cover any latency
++             from storing the argument and loading its high word.  Oh well.  */
++          g = b * y;
++          h = 0.5 * y;
++          /* Handle small numbers by scaling.  */
++          if (__builtin_expect ((u.parts.msw & 0x7ff00000) <= 0x02000000, 0))
++            return __ieee754_sqrt (b * two108) * twom54;
++#define FMADD(a_, c_, b_)                                               \
++          ({ double __r;                                                \
++          __asm__ ("fmadd %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                     \
++                   : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++          __r;})
++#define FNMSUB(a_, c_, b_)                                          \
++          ({ double __r;                                                \
++          __asm__ ("fnmsub %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                     \
++                   : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++          __r;})
++          r = FNMSUB (g, h, half);
++          g = FMADD (g, r, g);
++          h = FMADD (h, r, h);
++          r = FNMSUB (g, h, half);
++          g = FMADD (g, r, g);
++          h = FMADD (h, r, h);
++          r = FNMSUB (g, h, half);
++          g = FMADD (g, r, g);
++          h = FMADD (h, r, h);
++          /* g is now +/- 1ulp, or exactly equal to, the square root of b.  */
++          /* Final refinement.  */
++          d = FNMSUB (g, g, b);
++          fesetenv_register (fe);
++          return FMADD (d, h, g);
++        }
++    }
++  else if (b < 0)
++    {
++      /* For some reason, some PowerPC32 processors don't implement
++         FE_INVALID_SQRT.  */
++      feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID_SQRT);
++      fenv_union_t u = { .fenv = fegetenv_register () };
++      if ((u.l & FE_INVALID) == 0)
++	feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID);
++      b = a_nan.value;
++    }
++  return f_wash (b);
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..26fa067
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
++/* Single-precision floating point square root.
++   Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#include <math.h>
++#include <math_private.h>
++#include <fenv_libc.h>
++#include <inttypes.h>
++#include <sysdep.h>
++#include <ldsodefs.h>
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_nan = {.word = 0x7fc00000 };
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_inf = {.word = 0x7f800000 };
++static const float threehalf = 1.5;
++/* The method is based on the descriptions in:
++   _The Handbook of Floating-Pointer Arithmetic_ by Muller et al., chapter 5;
++   _IA-64 and Elementary Functions: Speed and Precision_ by Markstein, chapter 9
++   We find the reciprocal square root and use that to compute the actual
++   square root.  */
++#ifdef __STDC__
++__ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
++__ieee754_sqrtf (b)
++     float b;
++  if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
++    {
++#define FMSUB(a_, c_, b_)                                               \
++      ({ double __r;                                                    \
++        __asm__ ("fmsub %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                       \
++                 : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++        __r;})
++#define FNMSUB(a_, c_, b_)                                              \
++      ({ double __r;                                                    \
++        __asm__ ("fnmsub %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                      \
++                 : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++        __r;})
++      if (__builtin_expect (b != a_inf.value, 1))
++        {
++          double y, x;
++          fenv_t fe;
++          fe = fegetenv_register ();
++          relax_fenv_state ();
++          /* Compute y = 1.5 * b - b.  Uses fewer constants than y = 0.5 * b.  */
++          y = FMSUB (threehalf, b, b);
++          /* Initial estimate.  */
++          __asm__ ("frsqrte %[x], %[b]\n" : [x] "=f" (x) : [b] "f" (b));
++          /* Iterate.  x_{n+1} = x_n * (1.5 - y * (x_n * x_n)).  */
++          x = x * FNMSUB (y, x * x, threehalf);
++          x = x * FNMSUB (y, x * x, threehalf);
++          x = x * FNMSUB (y, x * x, threehalf);
++          /* All done.  */
++          fesetenv_register (fe);
++          return x * b;
++        }
++    }
++  else if (b < 0)
++    {
++      /* For some reason, some PowerPC32 processors don't implement
++         FE_INVALID_SQRT.  */
++      feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID_SQRT);
++      fenv_union_t u = { .fenv = fegetenv_register () };
++      if ((u.l & FE_INVALID) == 0)
++	feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID);
++      b = a_nan.value;
++    }
++  return f_washf (b);
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..71e516d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
++/* Double-precision floating point square root.
++   Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#include <math.h>
++#include <math_private.h>
++#include <fenv_libc.h>
++#include <inttypes.h>
++#include <sysdep.h>
++#include <ldsodefs.h>
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_nan = {.word = 0x7fc00000 };
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_inf = {.word = 0x7f800000 };
++static const float two108 = 3.245185536584267269e+32;
++static const float twom54 = 5.551115123125782702e-17;
++static const float half = 0.5;
++/* The method is based on the descriptions in:
++   _The Handbook of Floating-Pointer Arithmetic_ by Muller et al., chapter 5;
++   _IA-64 and Elementary Functions: Speed and Precision_ by Markstein, chapter 9
++   We find the actual square root and half of its reciprocal
++   simultaneously.  */
++#ifdef __STDC__
++__ieee754_sqrt (double b)
++__ieee754_sqrt (b)
++     double b;
++  if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
++    {
++      double y, g, h, d, r;
++      ieee_double_shape_type u;
++      if (__builtin_expect (b != a_inf.value, 1))
++        {
++          fenv_t fe;
++          fe = fegetenv_register ();
++          u.value = b;
++          relax_fenv_state ();
++          __asm__ ("frsqrte %[estimate], %[x]\n"
++                   : [estimate] "=f" (y) : [x] "f" (b));
++          /* Following Muller et al, page 168, equation 5.20.
++             h goes to 1/(2*sqrt(b))
++             g goes to sqrt(b).
++             We need three iterations to get within 1ulp.  */
++          /* Indicate that these can be performed prior to the branch.  GCC
++             insists on sinking them below the branch, however; it seems like
++             they'd be better before the branch so that we can cover any latency
++             from storing the argument and loading its high word.  Oh well.  */
++          g = b * y;
++          h = 0.5 * y;
++          /* Handle small numbers by scaling.  */
++          if (__builtin_expect ((u.parts.msw & 0x7ff00000) <= 0x02000000, 0))
++            return __ieee754_sqrt (b * two108) * twom54;
++#define FMADD(a_, c_, b_)                                               \
++          ({ double __r;                                                \
++          __asm__ ("fmadd %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                     \
++                   : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++          __r;})
++#define FNMSUB(a_, c_, b_)                                          \
++          ({ double __r;                                                \
++          __asm__ ("fnmsub %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                     \
++                   : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++          __r;})
++          r = FNMSUB (g, h, half);
++          g = FMADD (g, r, g);
++          h = FMADD (h, r, h);
++          r = FNMSUB (g, h, half);
++          g = FMADD (g, r, g);
++          h = FMADD (h, r, h);
++          r = FNMSUB (g, h, half);
++          g = FMADD (g, r, g);
++          h = FMADD (h, r, h);
++          /* g is now +/- 1ulp, or exactly equal to, the square root of b.  */
++          /* Final refinement.  */
++          d = FNMSUB (g, g, b);
++          fesetenv_register (fe);
++          return FMADD (d, h, g);
++        }
++    }
++  else if (b < 0)
++    {
++      /* For some reason, some PowerPC32 processors don't implement
++         FE_INVALID_SQRT.  */
++      feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID_SQRT);
++      fenv_union_t u = { .fenv = fegetenv_register () };
++      if ((u.l & FE_INVALID) == 0)
++	feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID);
++      b = a_nan.value;
++    }
++  return f_wash (b);
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..26fa067
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
++/* Single-precision floating point square root.
++   Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#include <math.h>
++#include <math_private.h>
++#include <fenv_libc.h>
++#include <inttypes.h>
++#include <sysdep.h>
++#include <ldsodefs.h>
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_nan = {.word = 0x7fc00000 };
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_inf = {.word = 0x7f800000 };
++static const float threehalf = 1.5;
++/* The method is based on the descriptions in:
++   _The Handbook of Floating-Pointer Arithmetic_ by Muller et al., chapter 5;
++   _IA-64 and Elementary Functions: Speed and Precision_ by Markstein, chapter 9
++   We find the reciprocal square root and use that to compute the actual
++   square root.  */
++#ifdef __STDC__
++__ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
++__ieee754_sqrtf (b)
++     float b;
++  if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
++    {
++#define FMSUB(a_, c_, b_)                                               \
++      ({ double __r;                                                    \
++        __asm__ ("fmsub %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                       \
++                 : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++        __r;})
++#define FNMSUB(a_, c_, b_)                                              \
++      ({ double __r;                                                    \
++        __asm__ ("fnmsub %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                      \
++                 : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++        __r;})
++      if (__builtin_expect (b != a_inf.value, 1))
++        {
++          double y, x;
++          fenv_t fe;
++          fe = fegetenv_register ();
++          relax_fenv_state ();
++          /* Compute y = 1.5 * b - b.  Uses fewer constants than y = 0.5 * b.  */
++          y = FMSUB (threehalf, b, b);
++          /* Initial estimate.  */
++          __asm__ ("frsqrte %[x], %[b]\n" : [x] "=f" (x) : [b] "f" (b));
++          /* Iterate.  x_{n+1} = x_n * (1.5 - y * (x_n * x_n)).  */
++          x = x * FNMSUB (y, x * x, threehalf);
++          x = x * FNMSUB (y, x * x, threehalf);
++          x = x * FNMSUB (y, x * x, threehalf);
++          /* All done.  */
++          fesetenv_register (fe);
++          return x * b;
++        }
++    }
++  else if (b < 0)
++    {
++      /* For some reason, some PowerPC32 processors don't implement
++         FE_INVALID_SQRT.  */
++      feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID_SQRT);
++      fenv_union_t u = { .fenv = fegetenv_register () };
++      if ((u.l & FE_INVALID) == 0)
++	feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID);
++      b = a_nan.value;
++    }
++  return f_washf (b);
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..71e516d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
++/* Double-precision floating point square root.
++   Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#include <math.h>
++#include <math_private.h>
++#include <fenv_libc.h>
++#include <inttypes.h>
++#include <sysdep.h>
++#include <ldsodefs.h>
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_nan = {.word = 0x7fc00000 };
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_inf = {.word = 0x7f800000 };
++static const float two108 = 3.245185536584267269e+32;
++static const float twom54 = 5.551115123125782702e-17;
++static const float half = 0.5;
++/* The method is based on the descriptions in:
++   _The Handbook of Floating-Pointer Arithmetic_ by Muller et al., chapter 5;
++   _IA-64 and Elementary Functions: Speed and Precision_ by Markstein, chapter 9
++   We find the actual square root and half of its reciprocal
++   simultaneously.  */
++#ifdef __STDC__
++__ieee754_sqrt (double b)
++__ieee754_sqrt (b)
++     double b;
++  if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
++    {
++      double y, g, h, d, r;
++      ieee_double_shape_type u;
++      if (__builtin_expect (b != a_inf.value, 1))
++        {
++          fenv_t fe;
++          fe = fegetenv_register ();
++          u.value = b;
++          relax_fenv_state ();
++          __asm__ ("frsqrte %[estimate], %[x]\n"
++                   : [estimate] "=f" (y) : [x] "f" (b));
++          /* Following Muller et al, page 168, equation 5.20.
++             h goes to 1/(2*sqrt(b))
++             g goes to sqrt(b).
++             We need three iterations to get within 1ulp.  */
++          /* Indicate that these can be performed prior to the branch.  GCC
++             insists on sinking them below the branch, however; it seems like
++             they'd be better before the branch so that we can cover any latency
++             from storing the argument and loading its high word.  Oh well.  */
++          g = b * y;
++          h = 0.5 * y;
++          /* Handle small numbers by scaling.  */
++          if (__builtin_expect ((u.parts.msw & 0x7ff00000) <= 0x02000000, 0))
++            return __ieee754_sqrt (b * two108) * twom54;
++#define FMADD(a_, c_, b_)                                               \
++          ({ double __r;                                                \
++          __asm__ ("fmadd %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                     \
++                   : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++          __r;})
++#define FNMSUB(a_, c_, b_)                                          \
++          ({ double __r;                                                \
++          __asm__ ("fnmsub %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                     \
++                   : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++          __r;})
++          r = FNMSUB (g, h, half);
++          g = FMADD (g, r, g);
++          h = FMADD (h, r, h);
++          r = FNMSUB (g, h, half);
++          g = FMADD (g, r, g);
++          h = FMADD (h, r, h);
++          r = FNMSUB (g, h, half);
++          g = FMADD (g, r, g);
++          h = FMADD (h, r, h);
++          /* g is now +/- 1ulp, or exactly equal to, the square root of b.  */
++          /* Final refinement.  */
++          d = FNMSUB (g, g, b);
++          fesetenv_register (fe);
++          return FMADD (d, h, g);
++        }
++    }
++  else if (b < 0)
++    {
++      /* For some reason, some PowerPC32 processors don't implement
++         FE_INVALID_SQRT.  */
++      feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID_SQRT);
++      fenv_union_t u = { .fenv = fegetenv_register () };
++      if ((u.l & FE_INVALID) == 0)
++	feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID);
++      b = a_nan.value;
++    }
++  return f_wash (b);
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..26fa067
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
++/* Single-precision floating point square root.
++   Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#include <math.h>
++#include <math_private.h>
++#include <fenv_libc.h>
++#include <inttypes.h>
++#include <sysdep.h>
++#include <ldsodefs.h>
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_nan = {.word = 0x7fc00000 };
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_inf = {.word = 0x7f800000 };
++static const float threehalf = 1.5;
++/* The method is based on the descriptions in:
++   _The Handbook of Floating-Pointer Arithmetic_ by Muller et al., chapter 5;
++   _IA-64 and Elementary Functions: Speed and Precision_ by Markstein, chapter 9
++   We find the reciprocal square root and use that to compute the actual
++   square root.  */
++#ifdef __STDC__
++__ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
++__ieee754_sqrtf (b)
++     float b;
++  if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
++    {
++#define FMSUB(a_, c_, b_)                                               \
++      ({ double __r;                                                    \
++        __asm__ ("fmsub %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                       \
++                 : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++        __r;})
++#define FNMSUB(a_, c_, b_)                                              \
++      ({ double __r;                                                    \
++        __asm__ ("fnmsub %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                      \
++                 : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++        __r;})
++      if (__builtin_expect (b != a_inf.value, 1))
++        {
++          double y, x;
++          fenv_t fe;
++          fe = fegetenv_register ();
++          relax_fenv_state ();
++          /* Compute y = 1.5 * b - b.  Uses fewer constants than y = 0.5 * b.  */
++          y = FMSUB (threehalf, b, b);
++          /* Initial estimate.  */
++          __asm__ ("frsqrte %[x], %[b]\n" : [x] "=f" (x) : [b] "f" (b));
++          /* Iterate.  x_{n+1} = x_n * (1.5 - y * (x_n * x_n)).  */
++          x = x * FNMSUB (y, x * x, threehalf);
++          x = x * FNMSUB (y, x * x, threehalf);
++          x = x * FNMSUB (y, x * x, threehalf);
++          /* All done.  */
++          fesetenv_register (fe);
++          return x * b;
++        }
++    }
++  else if (b < 0)
++    {
++      /* For some reason, some PowerPC32 processors don't implement
++         FE_INVALID_SQRT.  */
++      feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID_SQRT);
++      fenv_union_t u = { .fenv = fegetenv_register () };
++      if ((u.l & FE_INVALID) == 0)
++	feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID);
++      b = a_nan.value;
++    }
++  return f_washf (b);
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..71e516d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
++/* Double-precision floating point square root.
++   Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#include <math.h>
++#include <math_private.h>
++#include <fenv_libc.h>
++#include <inttypes.h>
++#include <sysdep.h>
++#include <ldsodefs.h>
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_nan = {.word = 0x7fc00000 };
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_inf = {.word = 0x7f800000 };
++static const float two108 = 3.245185536584267269e+32;
++static const float twom54 = 5.551115123125782702e-17;
++static const float half = 0.5;
++/* The method is based on the descriptions in:
++   _The Handbook of Floating-Pointer Arithmetic_ by Muller et al., chapter 5;
++   _IA-64 and Elementary Functions: Speed and Precision_ by Markstein, chapter 9
++   We find the actual square root and half of its reciprocal
++   simultaneously.  */
++#ifdef __STDC__
++__ieee754_sqrt (double b)
++__ieee754_sqrt (b)
++     double b;
++  if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
++    {
++      double y, g, h, d, r;
++      ieee_double_shape_type u;
++      if (__builtin_expect (b != a_inf.value, 1))
++        {
++          fenv_t fe;
++          fe = fegetenv_register ();
++          u.value = b;
++          relax_fenv_state ();
++          __asm__ ("frsqrte %[estimate], %[x]\n"
++                   : [estimate] "=f" (y) : [x] "f" (b));
++          /* Following Muller et al, page 168, equation 5.20.
++             h goes to 1/(2*sqrt(b))
++             g goes to sqrt(b).
++             We need three iterations to get within 1ulp.  */
++          /* Indicate that these can be performed prior to the branch.  GCC
++             insists on sinking them below the branch, however; it seems like
++             they'd be better before the branch so that we can cover any latency
++             from storing the argument and loading its high word.  Oh well.  */
++          g = b * y;
++          h = 0.5 * y;
++          /* Handle small numbers by scaling.  */
++          if (__builtin_expect ((u.parts.msw & 0x7ff00000) <= 0x02000000, 0))
++            return __ieee754_sqrt (b * two108) * twom54;
++#define FMADD(a_, c_, b_)                                               \
++          ({ double __r;                                                \
++          __asm__ ("fmadd %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                     \
++                   : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++          __r;})
++#define FNMSUB(a_, c_, b_)                                          \
++          ({ double __r;                                                \
++          __asm__ ("fnmsub %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                     \
++                   : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++          __r;})
++          r = FNMSUB (g, h, half);
++          g = FMADD (g, r, g);
++          h = FMADD (h, r, h);
++          r = FNMSUB (g, h, half);
++          g = FMADD (g, r, g);
++          h = FMADD (h, r, h);
++          r = FNMSUB (g, h, half);
++          g = FMADD (g, r, g);
++          h = FMADD (h, r, h);
++          /* g is now +/- 1ulp, or exactly equal to, the square root of b.  */
++          /* Final refinement.  */
++          d = FNMSUB (g, g, b);
++          fesetenv_register (fe);
++          return FMADD (d, h, g);
++        }
++    }
++  else if (b < 0)
++    {
++      /* For some reason, some PowerPC32 processors don't implement
++         FE_INVALID_SQRT.  */
++      feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID_SQRT);
++      fenv_union_t u = { .fenv = fegetenv_register () };
++      if ((u.l & FE_INVALID) == 0)
++	feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID);
++      b = a_nan.value;
++    }
++  return f_wash (b);
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..26fa067
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
++/* Single-precision floating point square root.
++   Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#include <math.h>
++#include <math_private.h>
++#include <fenv_libc.h>
++#include <inttypes.h>
++#include <sysdep.h>
++#include <ldsodefs.h>
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_nan = {.word = 0x7fc00000 };
++static const ieee_float_shape_type a_inf = {.word = 0x7f800000 };
++static const float threehalf = 1.5;
++/* The method is based on the descriptions in:
++   _The Handbook of Floating-Pointer Arithmetic_ by Muller et al., chapter 5;
++   _IA-64 and Elementary Functions: Speed and Precision_ by Markstein, chapter 9
++   We find the reciprocal square root and use that to compute the actual
++   square root.  */
++#ifdef __STDC__
++__ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
++__ieee754_sqrtf (b)
++     float b;
++  if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
++    {
++#define FMSUB(a_, c_, b_)                                               \
++      ({ double __r;                                                    \
++        __asm__ ("fmsub %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                       \
++                 : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++        __r;})
++#define FNMSUB(a_, c_, b_)                                              \
++      ({ double __r;                                                    \
++        __asm__ ("fnmsub %[r], %[a], %[c], %[b]\n"                      \
++                 : [r] "=f" (__r) : [a] "f" (a_), [c] "f" (c_), [b] "f" (b_)); \
++        __r;})
++      if (__builtin_expect (b != a_inf.value, 1))
++        {
++          double y, x;
++          fenv_t fe;
++          fe = fegetenv_register ();
++          relax_fenv_state ();
++          /* Compute y = 1.5 * b - b.  Uses fewer constants than y = 0.5 * b.  */
++          y = FMSUB (threehalf, b, b);
++          /* Initial estimate.  */
++          __asm__ ("frsqrte %[x], %[b]\n" : [x] "=f" (x) : [b] "f" (b));
++          /* Iterate.  x_{n+1} = x_n * (1.5 - y * (x_n * x_n)).  */
++          x = x * FNMSUB (y, x * x, threehalf);
++          x = x * FNMSUB (y, x * x, threehalf);
++          x = x * FNMSUB (y, x * x, threehalf);
++          /* All done.  */
++          fesetenv_register (fe);
++          return x * b;
++        }
++    }
++  else if (b < 0)
++    {
++      /* For some reason, some PowerPC32 processors don't implement
++         FE_INVALID_SQRT.  */
++      feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID_SQRT);
++      fenv_union_t u = { .fenv = fegetenv_register () };
++      if ((u.l & FE_INVALID) == 0)
++	feraiseexcept (FE_INVALID);
++      b = a_nan.value;
++    }
++  return f_washf (b);
+diff --git a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/Implies b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/Implies
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b103b4d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/Implies
+@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+diff --git a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e300c3/fpu/Implies b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e300c3/fpu/Implies
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..64db17f
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e300c3/fpu/Implies
+@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
++# e300c3 is a variant of 603e so use the same optimizations for sqrt
+diff --git a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/Implies b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/Implies
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7eac5fc
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/Implies
+@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+diff --git a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/Implies b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/Implies
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..264b2a7
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/Implies
+@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+diff --git a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/Implies b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/Implies
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a259344
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/Implies
+@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+diff --git a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/Implies b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/Implies
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a7bc854
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/Implies
+@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+diff --git a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/Implies b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/Implies
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..04ff8cc
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/Implies
+@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0006-readlib-Add-OECORE_KNOWN_INTERPRETER_NAMES-to-known-.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0006-readlib-Add-OECORE_KNOWN_INTERPRETER_NAMES-to-known-.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65c227f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0006-readlib-Add-OECORE_KNOWN_INTERPRETER_NAMES-to-known-.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+From 5ec1bc5172851278231ce940b68b35ce9cbf8500 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:11:22 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 06/27] readlib: Add OECORE_KNOWN_INTERPRETER_NAMES to known
+ names
+This bolts in a hook for OE to pass its own version of interpreter
+names into glibc especially for multilib case, where it differs from any
+other distros
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [OE specific]
+Signed-off-by: Lianhao Lu <lianhao.lu@intel.com>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ elf/readlib.c | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/elf/readlib.c b/elf/readlib.c
+index 7fd5b8a..2f5da9f 100644
+--- a/elf/readlib.c
++++ b/elf/readlib.c
+@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ static struct known_names interpreters[] =
+ #endif
+ };
+ static struct known_names known_libs[] =
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0007-ppc-sqrt-Fix-undefined-reference-to-__sqrt_finite.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0007-ppc-sqrt-Fix-undefined-reference-to-__sqrt_finite.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aec8fbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0007-ppc-sqrt-Fix-undefined-reference-to-__sqrt_finite.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+From ea98b1a12b5f779fd79478ff930a79ef60387851 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:15:07 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 07/27] ppc/sqrt: Fix undefined reference to `__sqrt_finite'
+on ppc fixes the errors like below
+| ./.libs/libpulsecore-1.1.so: undefined reference to `__sqrt_finite'
+| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+2012-01-06  Khem Raj  <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+        * sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c: Add __*_finite alias.
+        Remove cruft.
+        * sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c: Ditto.
+        * sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrt.c: Ditto.
+        * sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrtf.c: Ditto.
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrt.c    | 7 +------
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrtf.c   | 7 +------
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrt.c  | 1 +
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrtf.c | 1 +
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c   | 1 +
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c  | 1 +
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c   | 1 +
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c  | 1 +
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c   | 7 +------
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c  | 7 +------
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c   | 1 +
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c  | 1 +
+ 12 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+index 71e516d..1795fd6 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrt.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -39,14 +39,8 @@ static const float half = 0.5;
+    We find the actual square root and half of its reciprocal
+    simultaneously.  */
+-#ifdef __STDC__
+ double
+ __ieee754_sqrt (double b)
+-__ieee754_sqrt (b)
+-     double b;
+ {
+   if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
+     {
+@@ -132,3 +126,4 @@ __ieee754_sqrt (b)
+     }
+   return f_wash (b);
+ }
++strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrt, __sqrt_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+index 26fa067..a917f31 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -37,14 +37,8 @@ static const float threehalf = 1.5;
+    We find the reciprocal square root and use that to compute the actual
+    square root.  */
+-#ifdef __STDC__
+ float
+ __ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
+-__ieee754_sqrtf (b)
+-     float b;
+ {
+   if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
+     {
+@@ -99,3 +93,4 @@ __ieee754_sqrtf (b)
+     }
+   return f_washf (b);
+ }
++strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrtf, __sqrtf_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+index 71e516d..fc4a749 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrt.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -132,3 +132,4 @@ __ieee754_sqrt (b)
+     }
+   return f_wash (b);
+ }
++strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrt, __sqrt_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+index 26fa067..9d17512 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ __ieee754_sqrtf (b)
+     }
+   return f_washf (b);
+ }
++strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrtf, __sqrtf_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+index 71e516d..fc4a749 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -132,3 +132,4 @@ __ieee754_sqrt (b)
+     }
+   return f_wash (b);
+ }
++strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrt, __sqrt_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+index 26fa067..9d17512 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ __ieee754_sqrtf (b)
+     }
+   return f_washf (b);
+ }
++strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrtf, __sqrtf_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+index 71e516d..fc4a749 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -132,3 +132,4 @@ __ieee754_sqrt (b)
+     }
+   return f_wash (b);
+ }
++strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrt, __sqrt_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+index 26fa067..9d17512 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ __ieee754_sqrtf (b)
+     }
+   return f_washf (b);
+ }
++strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrtf, __sqrtf_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+index 71e516d..1795fd6 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -39,14 +39,8 @@ static const float half = 0.5;
+    We find the actual square root and half of its reciprocal
+    simultaneously.  */
+-#ifdef __STDC__
+ double
+ __ieee754_sqrt (double b)
+-__ieee754_sqrt (b)
+-     double b;
+ {
+   if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
+     {
+@@ -132,3 +126,4 @@ __ieee754_sqrt (b)
+     }
+   return f_wash (b);
+ }
++strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrt, __sqrt_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+index 26fa067..a917f31 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -37,14 +37,8 @@ static const float threehalf = 1.5;
+    We find the reciprocal square root and use that to compute the actual
+    square root.  */
+-#ifdef __STDC__
+ float
+ __ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
+-__ieee754_sqrtf (b)
+-     float b;
+ {
+   if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
+     {
+@@ -99,3 +93,4 @@ __ieee754_sqrtf (b)
+     }
+   return f_washf (b);
+ }
++strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrtf, __sqrtf_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+index 71e516d..fc4a749 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -132,3 +132,4 @@ __ieee754_sqrt (b)
+     }
+   return f_wash (b);
+ }
++strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrt, __sqrt_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+index 26fa067..9d17512 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ __ieee754_sqrtf (b)
+     }
+   return f_washf (b);
+ }
++strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrtf, __sqrtf_finite)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0008-__ieee754_sqrt-f-are-now-inline-functions-and-call-o.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0008-__ieee754_sqrt-f-are-now-inline-functions-and-call-o.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3fa931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0008-__ieee754_sqrt-f-are-now-inline-functions-and-call-o.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+From 2456ea44aeeedae87edb522f77a7969d636399b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:16:38 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 08/27] __ieee754_sqrt{,f} are now inline functions and call
+ out __slow versions
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrt.c    | 12 ++++++++++--
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrtf.c   |  8 +++++++-
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrt.c  | 14 +++++++++++---
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrtf.c | 12 ++++++++++--
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c   | 14 +++++++++++---
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c  | 12 ++++++++++--
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c   |  8 ++++++++
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c  |  8 ++++++++
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c   | 12 ++++++++++--
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c  |  9 ++++++++-
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c   | 14 +++++++++++---
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c  | 12 ++++++++++--
+ 12 files changed, 114 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+index 1795fd6..daa83f3 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrt.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ static const float half = 0.5;
+    simultaneously.  */
+ double
+-__ieee754_sqrt (double b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrt (double b)
+ {
+   if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
+     {
+@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ __ieee754_sqrt (double b)
+           /* Handle small numbers by scaling.  */
+           if (__builtin_expect ((u.parts.msw & 0x7ff00000) <= 0x02000000, 0))
+-            return __ieee754_sqrt (b * two108) * twom54;
++            return __slow_ieee754_sqrt (b * two108) * twom54;
+ #define FMADD(a_, c_, b_)                                               \
+           ({ double __r;                                                \
+@@ -126,4 +126,12 @@ __ieee754_sqrt (double b)
+     }
+   return f_wash (b);
+ }
++#undef __ieee754_sqrt
++__ieee754_sqrt (double x)
++   return __slow_ieee754_sqrt (x);
+ strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrt, __sqrt_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+index a917f31..b812cf1 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/603e/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ static const float threehalf = 1.5;
+    square root.  */
+ float
+-__ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
+ {
+   if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
+     {
+@@ -93,4 +93,10 @@ __ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
+     }
+   return f_washf (b);
+ }
++#undef __ieee754_sqrtf
++__ieee754_sqrtf (float x)
++  return __slow_ieee754_sqrtf (x);
+ strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrtf, __sqrtf_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+index fc4a749..7038a70 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrt.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ static const float half = 0.5;
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ double
+-__ieee754_sqrt (double b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrt (double b)
+ #else
+ double
+-__ieee754_sqrt (b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrt (b)
+      double b;
+ #endif
+ {
+@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ __ieee754_sqrt (b)
+           /* Handle small numbers by scaling.  */
+           if (__builtin_expect ((u.parts.msw & 0x7ff00000) <= 0x02000000, 0))
+-            return __ieee754_sqrt (b * two108) * twom54;
++            return __slow_ieee754_sqrt (b * two108) * twom54;
+ #define FMADD(a_, c_, b_)                                               \
+           ({ double __r;                                                \
+@@ -132,4 +132,12 @@ __ieee754_sqrt (b)
+     }
+   return f_wash (b);
+ }
++#undef __ieee754_sqrt
++__ieee754_sqrt (double x)
++   return __slow_ieee754_sqrt (x);
+ strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrt, __sqrt_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+index 9d17512..10de1f0 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e500mc/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ static const float threehalf = 1.5;
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ float
+-__ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
+ #else
+ float
+-__ieee754_sqrtf (b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrtf (b)
+      float b;
+ #endif
+ {
+@@ -99,4 +99,12 @@ __ieee754_sqrtf (b)
+     }
+   return f_washf (b);
+ }
++#undef __ieee754_sqrtf
++__ieee754_sqrtf (float x)
++  return __slow_ieee754_sqrtf (x);
+ strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrtf, __sqrtf_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+index fc4a749..7038a70 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ static const float half = 0.5;
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ double
+-__ieee754_sqrt (double b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrt (double b)
+ #else
+ double
+-__ieee754_sqrt (b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrt (b)
+      double b;
+ #endif
+ {
+@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ __ieee754_sqrt (b)
+           /* Handle small numbers by scaling.  */
+           if (__builtin_expect ((u.parts.msw & 0x7ff00000) <= 0x02000000, 0))
+-            return __ieee754_sqrt (b * two108) * twom54;
++            return __slow_ieee754_sqrt (b * two108) * twom54;
+ #define FMADD(a_, c_, b_)                                               \
+           ({ double __r;                                                \
+@@ -132,4 +132,12 @@ __ieee754_sqrt (b)
+     }
+   return f_wash (b);
+ }
++#undef __ieee754_sqrt
++__ieee754_sqrt (double x)
++   return __slow_ieee754_sqrt (x);
+ strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrt, __sqrt_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+index 9d17512..10de1f0 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ static const float threehalf = 1.5;
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ float
+-__ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
+ #else
+ float
+-__ieee754_sqrtf (b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrtf (b)
+      float b;
+ #endif
+ {
+@@ -99,4 +99,12 @@ __ieee754_sqrtf (b)
+     }
+   return f_washf (b);
+ }
++#undef __ieee754_sqrtf
++__ieee754_sqrtf (float x)
++  return __slow_ieee754_sqrtf (x);
+ strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrtf, __sqrtf_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+index fc4a749..1c34244 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -132,4 +132,12 @@ __ieee754_sqrt (b)
+     }
+   return f_wash (b);
+ }
++#undef __ieee754_sqrt
++__ieee754_sqrt (double x)
++   return __slow_ieee754_sqrt (x);
+ strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrt, __sqrt_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+index 9d17512..8126535 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -99,4 +99,12 @@ __ieee754_sqrtf (b)
+     }
+   return f_washf (b);
+ }
++#undef __ieee754_sqrtf
++__ieee754_sqrtf (float x)
++  return __slow_ieee754_sqrtf (x);
+ strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrtf, __sqrtf_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+index 1795fd6..13a8197 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ static const float half = 0.5;
+    simultaneously.  */
+ double
+-__ieee754_sqrt (double b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrt (double b)
+ {
+   if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
+     {
+@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ __ieee754_sqrt (double b)
+           /* Handle small numbers by scaling.  */
+           if (__builtin_expect ((u.parts.msw & 0x7ff00000) <= 0x02000000, 0))
+-            return __ieee754_sqrt (b * two108) * twom54;
++            return __slow_ieee754_sqrt (b * two108) * twom54;
+ #define FMADD(a_, c_, b_)                                               \
+           ({ double __r;                                                \
+@@ -126,4 +126,12 @@ __ieee754_sqrt (double b)
+     }
+   return f_wash (b);
+ }
++#undef __ieee754_sqrt
++__ieee754_sqrt (double x)
++  return __slow_ieee754_sqrt (x);
+ strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrt, __sqrt_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+index a917f31..fae2d81 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e5500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ static const float threehalf = 1.5;
+    square root.  */
+ float
+-__ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
+ {
+   if (__builtin_expect (b > 0, 1))
+     {
+@@ -93,4 +93,11 @@ __ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
+     }
+   return f_washf (b);
+ }
++#undef __ieee754_sqrtf
++__ieee754_sqrtf (float x)
++  return __slow_ieee754_sqrtf (x);
+ strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrtf, __sqrtf_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+index fc4a749..7038a70 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ static const float half = 0.5;
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ double
+-__ieee754_sqrt (double b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrt (double b)
+ #else
+ double
+-__ieee754_sqrt (b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrt (b)
+      double b;
+ #endif
+ {
+@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ __ieee754_sqrt (b)
+           /* Handle small numbers by scaling.  */
+           if (__builtin_expect ((u.parts.msw & 0x7ff00000) <= 0x02000000, 0))
+-            return __ieee754_sqrt (b * two108) * twom54;
++            return __slow_ieee754_sqrt (b * two108) * twom54;
+ #define FMADD(a_, c_, b_)                                               \
+           ({ double __r;                                                \
+@@ -132,4 +132,12 @@ __ieee754_sqrt (b)
+     }
+   return f_wash (b);
+ }
++#undef __ieee754_sqrt
++__ieee754_sqrt (double x)
++   return __slow_ieee754_sqrt (x);
+ strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrt, __sqrt_finite)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+index 9d17512..10de1f0 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ static const float threehalf = 1.5;
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ float
+-__ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
+ #else
+ float
+-__ieee754_sqrtf (b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrtf (b)
+      float b;
+ #endif
+ {
+@@ -99,4 +99,12 @@ __ieee754_sqrtf (b)
+     }
+   return f_washf (b);
+ }
++#undef __ieee754_sqrtf
++__ieee754_sqrtf (float x)
++  return __slow_ieee754_sqrtf (x);
+ strong_alias (__ieee754_sqrtf, __sqrtf_finite)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0009-Quote-from-bug-1443-which-explains-what-the-patch-do.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0009-Quote-from-bug-1443-which-explains-what-the-patch-do.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f54759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0009-Quote-from-bug-1443-which-explains-what-the-patch-do.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+From acf7a028817e71eb99d785037659abd4d120ffe2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:20:09 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 09/27] Quote from bug 1443 which explains what the patch does
+ :
+  We build some random program and link it with -lust.  When we run it,
+  it dies with a SIGSEGV before reaching main().
+  Libust.so depends on liburcu-bp.so from the usermode-rcu package.
+  Although libust.so is not prelinked, liburcu-bp.so IS prelinked; this
+  is critical.
+  Libust.so uses a TLS / __thread variable that is defined in liburcu-
+  bp.so.  There are special ARM-specific relocation types that allow two
+  shared libraries to share thread-specific data.  This is critical too.
+  One more critical issue: although liburcu-bp.so is prelinked, we can't
+  load it at its prelinked address, because we also link against
+  librt.so, and librt.so uses that address.
+  The dynamic linker is forced to relink liburcu-bp.so at a different
+  address.  In the course of relinking, it processes the special ARM
+  relocation record mentioned above.  The prelinker has already filled
+  in the information, which is a short offset into a table of thread-
+  specific data that is allocated per-thread for each library that uses
+  TLS.  Because the normal behavior of a relocation is to add the symbol
+  value to an addend stored at the address being relocated, we end up
+  adding the short offset to itself, doubling it.
+  Now we have an awkward situation.  The libust.so library doesn't know
+  about the addend, so its TLS data for this element is correct.  The
+  liburcu-bp.so library has a different offset for the element.  When we
+  go to initialize the element for the first time in liburcu-bp.so, we
+  write the address of the result at the doubled (broken) offset.
+  Later, when we refer to the address from libust.so, we check the value
+  at the correct offset, but it's NULL, so we eat hot SIGSEGV.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Andrei Dinu <andrei.adrianx.dinu@intel.com>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ sysdeps/arm/dl-machine.h | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/arm/dl-machine.h b/sysdeps/arm/dl-machine.h
+index 6fb20bd..8805537 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/arm/dl-machine.h
++++ b/sysdeps/arm/dl-machine.h
+@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ elf_machine_rel (struct link_map *map, const Elf32_Rel *reloc,
+ 	case R_ARM_TLS_DTPOFF32:
+ 	  if (sym != NULL)
+-	    *reloc_addr += sym->st_value;
++	    *reloc_addr = sym->st_value;
+ 	  break;
+ 	case R_ARM_TLS_TPOFF32:
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0010-eglibc-run-libm-err-tab.pl-with-specific-dirs-in-S.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0010-eglibc-run-libm-err-tab.pl-with-specific-dirs-in-S.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d71e576
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0010-eglibc-run-libm-err-tab.pl-with-specific-dirs-in-S.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+From 017322ee28c1579ce6c81904842aaada9c82403c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Ting Liu <b28495@freescale.com>
+Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2012 04:39:57 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH 10/27] eglibc: run libm-err-tab.pl with specific dirs in ${S}
+libm-err-tab.pl will parse all the files named "libm-test-ulps"
+in the given dir recursively. To avoid parsing the one in
+${S}/.pc/ (it does exist after eglibc adds aarch64 support,
+aarch64/libm-test-ulps), run libm-err-tab.pl with specific dirs
+in ${S}.
+Upstream-Status: inappropriate [OE specific]
+Signed-off-by: Ting Liu <b28495@freescale.com>
+ manual/Makefile | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/manual/Makefile b/manual/Makefile
+index 5382208..6b701b0 100644
+--- a/manual/Makefile
++++ b/manual/Makefile
+@@ -105,7 +105,8 @@ $(objpfx)libm-err.texi: $(objpfx)stamp-libm-err
+ $(objpfx)stamp-libm-err: libm-err-tab.pl $(wildcard $(foreach dir,$(sysdirs),\
+ 						     $(dir)/libm-test-ulps))
+ 	pwd=`pwd`; \
+-	$(PERL) $< $$pwd/.. > $(objpfx)libm-err-tmp
++	$(PERL) $< $$pwd/../ports > $(objpfx)libm-err-tmp
++	$(PERL) $< $$pwd/../sysdeps >> $(objpfx)libm-err-tmp
+ 	$(move-if-change) $(objpfx)libm-err-tmp $(objpfx)libm-err.texi
+ 	touch $@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0011-__ieee754_sqrt-f-are-now-inline-functions-and-call-o.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0011-__ieee754_sqrt-f-are-now-inline-functions-and-call-o.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07a112b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0011-__ieee754_sqrt-f-are-now-inline-functions-and-call-o.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+From 1be45f870ebbb0259bea5250a6d2c2fbcb33409d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:24:46 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 11/27] __ieee754_sqrt{,f} are now inline functions and call
+ out __slow versions
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: chunrong guo <B40290@freescale.com>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c  | 6 +++---
+ sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c | 4 ++--
+ 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+index 1c34244..7038a70 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrt.c
+@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ static const float half = 0.5;
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ double
+-__ieee754_sqrt (double b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrt (double b)
+ #else
+ double
+-__ieee754_sqrt (b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrt (b)
+      double b;
+ #endif
+ {
+@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ __ieee754_sqrt (b)
+           /* Handle small numbers by scaling.  */
+           if (__builtin_expect ((u.parts.msw & 0x7ff00000) <= 0x02000000, 0))
+-            return __ieee754_sqrt (b * two108) * twom54;
++            return __slow_ieee754_sqrt (b * two108) * twom54;
+ #define FMADD(a_, c_, b_)                                               \
+           ({ double __r;                                                \
+diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+index 8126535..10de1f0 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
++++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/e6500/fpu/e_sqrtf.c
+@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ static const float threehalf = 1.5;
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ float
+-__ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrtf (float b)
+ #else
+ float
+-__ieee754_sqrtf (b)
++__slow_ieee754_sqrtf (b)
+      float b;
+ #endif
+ {
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0012-Make-ld-version-output-matching-grok-gold-s-output.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0012-Make-ld-version-output-matching-grok-gold-s-output.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2677913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0012-Make-ld-version-output-matching-grok-gold-s-output.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+From 49471ab1f90e392da9520eea831ce8731be9fc8b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:25:45 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 12/27] Make ld --version output matching grok gold's output
+adapted from from upstream branch roland/gold-vs-libc
+Upstream-Status: Backport
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ configure    | 2 +-
+ configure.ac | 2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure b/configure
+index 45cc7cb..7d7299a 100755
+--- a/configure
++++ b/configure
+@@ -4709,7 +4709,7 @@ else
+   # Found it, now check the version.
+   { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking version of $LD" >&5
+ $as_echo_n "checking version of $LD... " >&6; }
+-  ac_prog_version=`$LD --version 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^.*GNU ld.* \([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9.]*\).*$/\1/p'`
++  ac_prog_version=`$LD --version 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^.*GNU [Bbinutilsd][^.]* \([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9.]*\).*$/\1/p'`
+   case $ac_prog_version in
+     '') ac_prog_version="v. ?.??, bad"; ac_verc_fail=yes;;
+     2.1[0-9][0-9]*|2.2[2-9]*|2.[3-9][0-9]*|[3-9].*|[1-9][0-9]*)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 7e9383a..a467a69 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ AC_CHECK_PROG_VER(AS, $AS, --version,
+ 		  [2.1[0-9][0-9]*|2.2[2-9]*|2.[3-9][0-9]*|[3-9].*|[1-9][0-9]*],
+ 		  AS=: critic_missing="$critic_missing as")
+ AC_CHECK_PROG_VER(LD, $LD, --version,
+-		  [GNU ld.* \([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9.]*\)],
++		  [GNU [Bbinutilsd][^.]* \([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9.]*\)],
+ 		  [2.1[0-9][0-9]*|2.2[2-9]*|2.[3-9][0-9]*|[3-9].*|[1-9][0-9]*],
+ 		  LD=: critic_missing="$critic_missing ld")
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0013-sysdeps-gnu-configure.ac-handle-correctly-libc_cv_ro.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0013-sysdeps-gnu-configure.ac-handle-correctly-libc_cv_ro.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1fda9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0013-sysdeps-gnu-configure.ac-handle-correctly-libc_cv_ro.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+From b55e49b199c46a278ab66b6b1e3eab483b913197 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:27:10 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 13/27] sysdeps/gnu/configure.ac: handle correctly
+ $libc_cv_rootsbindir
+Signed-off-by: Matthieu Crapet <Matthieu.Crapet@ingenico.com>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ sysdeps/gnu/configure    | 2 +-
+ sysdeps/gnu/configure.ac | 2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/gnu/configure b/sysdeps/gnu/configure
+index 9239297..c5ed3ca 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/gnu/configure
++++ b/sysdeps/gnu/configure
+@@ -32,6 +32,6 @@ case "$prefix" in
+   else
+     libc_cv_localstatedir=$localstatedir
+    fi
+-  libc_cv_rootsbindir=/sbin
++  test -n "$libc_cv_rootsbindir" || libc_cv_rootsbindir=/sbin
+   ;;
+ esac
+diff --git a/sysdeps/gnu/configure.ac b/sysdeps/gnu/configure.ac
+index 634fe4d..3db1697 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/gnu/configure.ac
++++ b/sysdeps/gnu/configure.ac
+@@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ case "$prefix" in
+   else
+     libc_cv_localstatedir=$localstatedir
+    fi
+-  libc_cv_rootsbindir=/sbin
++  test -n "$libc_cv_rootsbindir" || libc_cv_rootsbindir=/sbin
+   ;;
+ esac
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0014-Add-unused-attribute.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0014-Add-unused-attribute.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ba5d2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0014-Add-unused-attribute.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+From 0229d6c9c0e7721773118d5ae1d172c269bc9826 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:28:41 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 14/27] Add unused attribute
+Helps in avoiding gcc warning when header is is included in
+a source file which does not use both functions
+        * iconv/gconv_charset.h (strip):
+        Add unused attribute.
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+ iconv/gconv_charset.h | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/iconv/gconv_charset.h b/iconv/gconv_charset.h
+index 80290bc..7890a8e 100644
+--- a/iconv/gconv_charset.h
++++ b/iconv/gconv_charset.h
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ #include <locale.h>
+-static void
++static void __attribute__ ((unused))
+ strip (char *wp, const char *s)
+ {
+   int slash_count = 0;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0015-When-disabling-SSE-also-make-sure-that-fpmath-is-not.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0015-When-disabling-SSE-also-make-sure-that-fpmath-is-not.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b261ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0015-When-disabling-SSE-also-make-sure-that-fpmath-is-not.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+From f058c884dd26d10c94550ca5252ed6576614d659 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2015 03:23:45 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 15/27] When disabling SSE also make sure that fpmath is not
+ set to use SSE as well
+This fixes errors when we inject sse options through CFLAGS and now
+that we have -Werror turned on by default this warning turns to become
+error on x86
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+ sysdeps/x86/Makefile | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/x86/Makefile b/sysdeps/x86/Makefile
+index 19f5eca..827ea71 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/x86/Makefile
++++ b/sysdeps/x86/Makefile
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ ifeq ($(subdir),elf)
+ CFLAGS-.os += $(if $(filter $(@F),$(patsubst %,%.os,$(all-rtld-routines))),\
+-		   -mno-sse -mno-mmx)
++		   -mno-sse -mno-mmx -mfpmath=387)
+ tests-special += $(objpfx)tst-ld-sse-use.out
+ $(objpfx)tst-ld-sse-use.out: ../sysdeps/x86/tst-ld-sse-use.sh $(objpfx)ld.so
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0016-yes-within-the-path-sets-wrong-config-variables.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0016-yes-within-the-path-sets-wrong-config-variables.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..089e8b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0016-yes-within-the-path-sets-wrong-config-variables.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+From 70199fe59c38b621ab4121d7a55719b2b29b36de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:31:06 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 16/27] 'yes' within the path sets wrong config variables
+It seems that the 'AC_EGREP_CPP(yes...' example is quite popular
+but being such a short word to grep it is likely to produce
+false-positive matches with the path it is configured into.
+The change is to use a more elaborated string to grep for.
+Upstream-Status: Submitted [libc-alpha@sourceware.org]
+Signed-off-by: Benjamin Esquivel <benjamin.esquivel@linux.intel.com>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ sysdeps/aarch64/configure                              | 4 ++--
+ sysdeps/aarch64/configure.ac                           | 4 ++--
+ sysdeps/arm/configure                                  | 4 ++--
+ sysdeps/arm/configure.ac                               | 4 ++--
+ sysdeps/mips/configure                                 | 4 ++--
+ sysdeps/mips/configure.ac                              | 4 ++--
+ sysdeps/nios2/configure                                | 4 ++--
+ sysdeps/nios2/configure.ac                             | 4 ++--
+ sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mips/configure                 | 4 ++--
+ sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mips/configure.ac              | 4 ++--
+ sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/configure    | 8 ++++----
+ sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/configure.ac | 8 ++++----
+ 12 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/aarch64/configure b/sysdeps/aarch64/configure
+index 5bd355a..3bc5537 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/aarch64/configure
++++ b/sysdeps/aarch64/configure
+@@ -148,12 +148,12 @@ else
+   cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+ /* end confdefs.h.  */
+ #ifdef __AARCH64EB__
+-                      yes
++                      is_aarch64_be
+                      #endif
+ if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 |
+-  $EGREP "yes" >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
++  $EGREP "is_aarch64_be" >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
+   libc_cv_aarch64_be=yes
+ else
+   libc_cv_aarch64_be=no
+diff --git a/sysdeps/aarch64/configure.ac b/sysdeps/aarch64/configure.ac
+index 7851dd4..6e92381 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/aarch64/configure.ac
++++ b/sysdeps/aarch64/configure.ac
+@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ GLIBC_PROVIDES dnl See aclocal.m4 in the top level source directory.
+ # the dynamic linker via %ifdef.
+ AC_CACHE_CHECK([for big endian],
+   [libc_cv_aarch64_be],
+-  [AC_EGREP_CPP(yes,[#ifdef __AARCH64EB__
+-                      yes
++  [AC_EGREP_CPP(is_aarch64_be,[#ifdef __AARCH64EB__
++                      is_aarch64_be
+                      #endif
+   ], libc_cv_aarch64_be=yes, libc_cv_aarch64_be=no)])
+ if test $libc_cv_aarch64_be = yes; then
+diff --git a/sysdeps/arm/configure b/sysdeps/arm/configure
+index 158116b..5eaf54e 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/arm/configure
++++ b/sysdeps/arm/configure
+@@ -151,12 +151,12 @@ else
+   cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+ /* end confdefs.h.  */
+ #ifdef __ARM_PCS_VFP
+-		      yes
++		      use_arm_pcs_vfp
+ 		     #endif
+ if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 |
+-  $EGREP "yes" >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
++  $EGREP "use_arm_pcs_vfp" >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
+   libc_cv_arm_pcs_vfp=yes
+ else
+   libc_cv_arm_pcs_vfp=no
+diff --git a/sysdeps/arm/configure.ac b/sysdeps/arm/configure.ac
+index 859c92a..2f4a6e2 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/arm/configure.ac
++++ b/sysdeps/arm/configure.ac
+@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ AC_DEFINE(PI_STATIC_AND_HIDDEN)
+ # the dynamic linker via %ifdef.
+ AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether the compiler is using the ARM hard-float ABI],
+   [libc_cv_arm_pcs_vfp],
+-  [AC_EGREP_CPP(yes,[#ifdef __ARM_PCS_VFP
+-		      yes
++  [AC_EGREP_CPP(use_arm_pcs_vfp,[#ifdef __ARM_PCS_VFP
++		      use_arm_pcs_vfp
+ 		     #endif
+   ], libc_cv_arm_pcs_vfp=yes, libc_cv_arm_pcs_vfp=no)])
+ if test $libc_cv_arm_pcs_vfp = yes; then
+diff --git a/sysdeps/mips/configure b/sysdeps/mips/configure
+index 4e13248..f14af95 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/mips/configure
++++ b/sysdeps/mips/configure
+@@ -143,11 +143,11 @@ else
+ /* end confdefs.h.  */
+ dnl
+ #ifdef __mips_nan2008
+ #endif
+ if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 |
+-  $EGREP "yes" >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
++  $EGREP "use_mips_nan2008" >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
+   libc_cv_mips_nan2008=yes
+ else
+   libc_cv_mips_nan2008=no
+diff --git a/sysdeps/mips/configure.ac b/sysdeps/mips/configure.ac
+index bcbdaff..ad3057f 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/mips/configure.ac
++++ b/sysdeps/mips/configure.ac
+@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ dnl position independent way.
+ AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether the compiler is using the 2008 NaN encoding],
+-  libc_cv_mips_nan2008, [AC_EGREP_CPP(yes, [dnl
++  libc_cv_mips_nan2008, [AC_EGREP_CPP(use_mips_nan2008, [dnl
+ #ifdef __mips_nan2008
+ #endif], libc_cv_mips_nan2008=yes, libc_cv_mips_nan2008=no)])
+ if test x$libc_cv_mips_nan2008 = xyes; then
+diff --git a/sysdeps/nios2/configure b/sysdeps/nios2/configure
+index 14c8a3a..dde3814 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/nios2/configure
++++ b/sysdeps/nios2/configure
+@@ -142,12 +142,12 @@ else
+   cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+ /* end confdefs.h.  */
+ #ifdef __nios2_big_endian__
+-                      yes
++                      is_nios2_be
+                      #endif
+ if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 |
+-  $EGREP "yes" >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
++  $EGREP "is_nios2_be" >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
+   libc_cv_nios2_be=yes
+ else
+   libc_cv_nios2_be=no
+diff --git a/sysdeps/nios2/configure.ac b/sysdeps/nios2/configure.ac
+index f05f438..dc86399 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/nios2/configure.ac
++++ b/sysdeps/nios2/configure.ac
+@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ GLIBC_PROVIDES dnl See aclocal.m4 in the top level source directory.
+ # Nios II big endian is not yet supported.
+ AC_CACHE_CHECK([for big endian],
+   [libc_cv_nios2_be],
+-  [AC_EGREP_CPP(yes,[#ifdef __nios2_big_endian__
+-                      yes
++  [AC_EGREP_CPP(is_nios2_be,[#ifdef __nios2_big_endian__
++                      is_nios2_be
+                      #endif
+   ], libc_cv_nios2_be=yes, libc_cv_nios2_be=no)])
+ if test $libc_cv_nios2_be = yes; then
+diff --git a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mips/configure b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mips/configure
+index 83f8b13..2b6cbee 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mips/configure
++++ b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mips/configure
+@@ -387,11 +387,11 @@ else
+ /* end confdefs.h.  */
+ dnl
+ #ifdef __mips_nan2008
+ #endif
+ if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 |
+-  $EGREP "yes" >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
++  $EGREP "use_mips_nan2008" >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
+   libc_cv_mips_nan2008=yes
+ else
+   libc_cv_mips_nan2008=no
+diff --git a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mips/configure.ac b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mips/configure.ac
+index 5039ec9..1035f76 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mips/configure.ac
++++ b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/mips/configure.ac
+@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ AC_COMPILE_IFELSE(
+ LIBC_CONFIG_VAR([mips-mode-switch],[${libc_mips_mode_switch}])
+ AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether the compiler is using the 2008 NaN encoding],
+-  libc_cv_mips_nan2008, [AC_EGREP_CPP(yes, [dnl
++  libc_cv_mips_nan2008, [AC_EGREP_CPP(use_mips_nan2008, [dnl
+ #ifdef __mips_nan2008
+ #endif], libc_cv_mips_nan2008=yes, libc_cv_mips_nan2008=no)])
+ libc_mips_nan=
+diff --git a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/configure b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/configure
+index 70bb18a..ffd9e3e 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/configure
++++ b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/configure
+@@ -155,12 +155,12 @@ else
+   cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+ /* end confdefs.h.  */
+ #if _CALL_ELF == 2
+-                      yes
++                      use_ppc_elfv2_abi
+                      #endif
+ if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 |
+-  $EGREP "yes" >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
++  $EGREP "use_ppc_elfv2_abi" >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
+   libc_cv_ppc64_elfv2_abi=yes
+ else
+   libc_cv_ppc64_elfv2_abi=no
+@@ -188,12 +188,12 @@ else
+   cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+ /* end confdefs.h.  */
+ #ifdef _CALL_ELF
+-                         yes
++                         is_def_call_elf
+                        #endif
+ if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 |
+-  $EGREP "yes" >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
++  $EGREP "is_def_call_elf" >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
+   libc_cv_ppc64_def_call_elf=yes
+ else
+   libc_cv_ppc64_def_call_elf=no
+diff --git a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/configure.ac b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/configure.ac
+index 0822915..9a32fdd 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/configure.ac
++++ b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/powerpc64/configure.ac
+@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ LIBC_SLIBDIR_RTLDDIR([lib64], [lib64])
+ # Define default-abi according to compiler flags.
+ AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether the compiler is using the PowerPC64 ELFv2 ABI],
+   [libc_cv_ppc64_elfv2_abi],
+-  [AC_EGREP_CPP(yes,[#if _CALL_ELF == 2
+-                      yes
++  [AC_EGREP_CPP(use_ppc_elfv2_abi,[#if _CALL_ELF == 2
++                      use_ppc_elfv2_abi
+                      #endif
+   ], libc_cv_ppc64_elfv2_abi=yes, libc_cv_ppc64_elfv2_abi=no)])
+ if test $libc_cv_ppc64_elfv2_abi = yes; then
+@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ else
+   # Compiler that do not support ELFv2 ABI does not define _CALL_ELF
+   AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether the compiler defines _CALL_ELF],
+     [libc_cv_ppc64_def_call_elf],
+-    [AC_EGREP_CPP(yes,[#ifdef _CALL_ELF
+-                         yes
++    [AC_EGREP_CPP(is_def_call_elf,[#ifdef _CALL_ELF
++                         is_def_call_elf
+                        #endif
+     ], libc_cv_ppc64_def_call_elf=yes, libc_cv_ppc64_def_call_elf=no)])
+   if test $libc_cv_ppc64_def_call_elf = no; then
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0017-timezone-re-written-tzselect-as-posix-sh.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0017-timezone-re-written-tzselect-as-posix-sh.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ce8230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0017-timezone-re-written-tzselect-as-posix-sh.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+From c90306107fbbe2979012917e87747ce78c82ab88 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:33:03 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 17/27] timezone: re-written tzselect as posix sh
+To avoid the bash dependency.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Hongxu Jia <hongxu.jia@windriver.com>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ timezone/Makefile     | 2 +-
+ timezone/tzselect.ksh | 2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/timezone/Makefile b/timezone/Makefile
+index 24c93c6..886b06e 100644
+--- a/timezone/Makefile
++++ b/timezone/Makefile
+@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ $(testdata)/XT%: testdata/XT%
+ 	cp $< $@
+ $(objpfx)tzselect: tzselect.ksh $(common-objpfx)config.make
+-	sed -e 's|/bin/bash|$(BASH)|' \
++	sed -e 's|/bin/bash|/bin/sh|' \
+ 	    -e 's|TZDIR=[^}]*|TZDIR=$(zonedir)|' \
+ 	    -e '/TZVERSION=/s|see_Makefile|"$(version)"|' \
+ 	    -e '/PKGVERSION=/s|=.*|="$(PKGVERSION)"|' \
+diff --git a/timezone/tzselect.ksh b/timezone/tzselect.ksh
+index 9d70691..25f45a8 100755
+--- a/timezone/tzselect.ksh
++++ b/timezone/tzselect.ksh
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ REPORT_BUGS_TO=tz@iana.org
+ # Specify default values for environment variables if they are unset.
+ : ${AWK=awk}
+-: ${TZDIR=`pwd`}
++: ${TZDIR=$(pwd)}
+ # Check for awk Posix compliance.
+ ($AWK -v x=y 'BEGIN { exit 123 }') </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0018-eglibc-Cross-building-and-testing-instructions.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0018-eglibc-Cross-building-and-testing-instructions.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eacbc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0018-eglibc-Cross-building-and-testing-instructions.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+From eff048074ac7b5258bb615e5a5b221daa19b18ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:42:58 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 18/27] eglibc: Cross building and testing instructions
+Ported from eglibc
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ GLIBC.cross-building | 383 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ GLIBC.cross-testing  | 205 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 588 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 GLIBC.cross-building
+ create mode 100644 GLIBC.cross-testing
+diff --git a/GLIBC.cross-building b/GLIBC.cross-building
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..e6e0da1
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/GLIBC.cross-building
+@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
++                                                        -*- mode: text -*-
++                        Cross-Compiling GLIBC
++                  Jim Blandy <jimb@codesourcery.com>
++Most GNU tools have a simple build procedure: you run their
++'configure' script, and then you run 'make'.  Unfortunately, the
++process of cross-compiling the GNU C library is quite a bit more
++1) Build a cross-compiler, with certain facilities disabled.
++2) Configure the C library using the compiler you built in step 1).
++   Build a few of the C run-time object files, but not the rest of the
++   library.  Install the library's header files and the run-time
++   object files, and create a dummy libc.so.
++3) Build a second cross-compiler, using the header files and object
++   files you installed in step 2.
++4) Configure, build, and install a fresh C library, using the compiler
++   built in step 3.
++5) Build a third cross-compiler, based on the C library built in step 4.
++The reason for this complexity is that, although GCC and the GNU C
++library are distributed separately, they are not actually independent
++of each other: GCC requires the C library's headers and some object
++files to compile its own libraries, while the C library depends on
++GCC's libraries.  GLIBC includes features and bug fixes to the stock
++GNU C library that simplify this process, but the fundamental
++interdependency stands.
++In this document, we explain how to cross-compile an GLIBC/GCC pair
++from source.  Our intended audience is developers who are already
++familiar with the GNU toolchain and comfortable working with
++cross-development tools.  While we do present a worked example to
++accompany the explanation, for clarity's sake we do not cover many of
++the options available to cross-toolchain users.
++GLIBC requires recent versions of the GNU binutils, GCC, and the
++Linux kernel.  The web page <http://www.eglibc.org/prerequisites>
++documents the current requirements, and lists patches needed for
++certain target architectures.  As of this writing, these build
++instructions have been tested with binutils 2.22.51, GCC 4.6.2,
++and Linux 3.1.
++First, let's set some variables, to simplify later commands.  We'll
++build GLIBC and GCC for an ARM target, known to the Linux kernel
++as 'arm', and we'll do the build on an Intel x86_64 Linux box:
++    $ build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
++    $ host=$build
++    $ target=arm-none-linux-gnueabi
++    $ linux_arch=arm
++We're using the aforementioned versions of Binutils, GCC, and Linux:
++    $ binutilsv=binutils-2.22.51
++    $ gccv=gcc-4.6.2
++    $ linuxv=linux-3.1
++We're carrying out the entire process under '~/cross-build', which
++contains unpacked source trees for binutils, gcc, and linux kernel,
++along with GLIBC svn trunk (which can be checked-out with
++'svn co http://www.eglibc.org/svn/trunk eglibc'):
++    $ top=$HOME/cross-build/$target
++    $ src=$HOME/cross-build/src
++    $ ls $src
++    binutils-2.22.51  glibc  gcc-4.6.2  linux-3.1
++We're going to place our build directories in a subdirectory 'obj',
++we'll install the cross-development toolchain in 'tools', and we'll
++place our sysroot (containing files to be installed on the target
++system) in 'sysroot':
++    $ obj=$top/obj
++    $ tools=$top/tools
++    $ sysroot=$top/sysroot
++Configuring and building binutils for the target is straightforward:
++    $ mkdir -p $obj/binutils
++    $ cd $obj/binutils
++    $ $src/$binutilsv/configure \
++    >     --target=$target \
++    >     --prefix=$tools \
++    >     --with-sysroot=$sysroot
++    $ make
++    $ make install
++The First GCC
++For our work, we need a cross-compiler targeting an ARM Linux
++system.  However, that configuration includes the shared library
++'libgcc_s.so', which is compiled against the GLIBC headers (which we
++haven't installed yet) and linked against 'libc.so' (which we haven't
++built yet).
++Fortunately, there are configuration options for GCC which tell it not
++to build 'libgcc_s.so'.  The '--without-headers' option is supposed to
++take care of this, but its implementation is incomplete, so you must
++also configure with the '--with-newlib' option.  While '--with-newlib'
++appears to mean "Use the Newlib C library", its effect is to tell the
++GCC build machinery, "Don't assume there is a C library available."
++We also need to disable some of the libraries that would normally be
++built along with GCC, and specify that only the compiler for the C
++language is needed.
++So, we create a build directory, configure, make, and install.
++    $ mkdir -p $obj/gcc1
++    $ cd $obj/gcc1
++    $ $src/$gccv/configure \
++    >     --target=$target \
++    >     --prefix=$tools \
++    >     --without-headers --with-newlib \
++    >     --disable-shared --disable-threads --disable-libssp \
++    >     --disable-libgomp --disable-libmudflap --disable-libquadmath \
++    >     --disable-decimal-float --disable-libffi \
++    >     --enable-languages=c
++    $ PATH=$tools/bin:$PATH make
++    $ PATH=$tools/bin:$PATH make install
++Linux Kernel Headers
++To configure GLIBC, we also need Linux kernel headers in place.
++Fortunately, the Linux makefiles have a target that installs them for
++us.  Since the process does modify the source tree a bit, we make a
++copy first:
++    $ cp -r $src/$linuxv $obj/linux
++    $ cd $obj/linux
++Now we're ready to install the headers into the sysroot:
++    $ PATH=$tools/bin:$PATH \
++    > make headers_install \
++    >      ARCH=$linux_arch CROSS_COMPILE=$target- \
++    >      INSTALL_HDR_PATH=$sysroot/usr
++GLIBC Headers and Preliminary Objects
++Using the cross-compiler we've just built, we can now configure GLIBC
++well enough to install the headers and build the object files that the
++full cross-compiler will need:
++    $ mkdir -p $obj/glibc-headers
++    $ cd $obj/glibc-headers
++    $ BUILD_CC=gcc \
++    > CC=$tools/bin/$target-gcc \
++    > CXX=$tools/bin/$target-g++ \
++    > AR=$tools/bin/$target-ar \
++    > RANLIB=$tools/bin/$target-ranlib \
++    > $src/glibc/libc/configure \
++    >     --prefix=/usr \
++    >     --with-headers=$sysroot/usr/include \
++    >     --build=$build \
++    >     --host=$target \
++    >     --disable-profile --without-gd --without-cvs \
++    >     --enable-add-ons=nptl,libidn,../ports
++The option '--prefix=/usr' may look strange, but you should never
++configure GLIBC with a prefix other than '/usr': in various places,
++GLIBC's build system checks whether the prefix is '/usr', and does
++special handling only if that is the case.  Unless you use this
++prefix, you will get a sysroot that does not use the standard Linux
++directory layouts and cannot be used as a basis for the root
++filesystem on your target system compatibly with normal GLIBC
++The '--with-headers' option tells GLIBC where the Linux headers have
++been installed.
++The '--enable-add-ons=nptl,libidn,../ports' option tells GLIBC to look
++for the listed glibc add-ons. Most notably the ports add-on (located
++just above the libc sources in the GLIBC svn tree) is required to
++support ARM targets.
++We can now use the 'install-headers' makefile target to install the
++    $ make install-headers install_root=$sysroot \
++    >                      install-bootstrap-headers=yes
++The 'install_root' variable indicates where the files should actually
++be installed; its value is treated as the parent of the '--prefix'
++directory we passed to the configure script, so the headers will go in
++'$sysroot/usr/include'.  The 'install-bootstrap-headers' variable
++requests special handling for certain tricky header files.
++Next, there are a few object files needed to link shared libraries,
++which we build and install by hand:
++    $ mkdir -p $sysroot/usr/lib
++    $ make csu/subdir_lib
++    $ cp csu/crt1.o csu/crti.o csu/crtn.o $sysroot/usr/lib
++Finally, 'libgcc_s.so' requires a 'libc.so' to link against.  However,
++since we will never actually execute its code, it doesn't matter what
++it contains.  So, treating '/dev/null' as a C source file, we produce
++a dummy 'libc.so' in one step:
++    $ $tools/bin/$target-gcc -nostdlib -nostartfiles -shared -x c /dev/null \
++    >                        -o $sysroot/usr/lib/libc.so
++The Second GCC
++With the GLIBC headers and selected object files installed, we can
++now build a GCC that is capable of compiling GLIBC.  We configure,
++build, and install the second GCC, again building only the C compiler,
++and avoiding libraries we won't use:
++    $ mkdir -p $obj/gcc2
++    $ cd $obj/gcc2
++    $ $src/$gccv/configure \
++    >     --target=$target \
++    >     --prefix=$tools \
++    >     --with-sysroot=$sysroot \
++    >     --disable-libssp --disable-libgomp --disable-libmudflap \
++    >     --disable-libffi --disable-libquadmath \
++    >     --enable-languages=c
++    $ PATH=$tools/bin:$PATH make
++    $ PATH=$tools/bin:$PATH make install
++GLIBC, Complete
++With the second compiler built and installed, we're now ready for the
++full GLIBC build:
++    $ mkdir -p $obj/glibc
++    $ cd $obj/glibc
++    $ BUILD_CC=gcc \
++    > CC=$tools/bin/$target-gcc \
++    > CXX=$tools/bin/$target-g++ \
++    > AR=$tools/bin/$target-ar \
++    > RANLIB=$tools/bin/$target-ranlib \
++    > $src/glibc/libc/configure \
++    >     --prefix=/usr \
++    >     --with-headers=$sysroot/usr/include \
++    >     --with-kconfig=$obj/linux/scripts/kconfig \
++    >     --build=$build \
++    >     --host=$target \
++    >     --disable-profile --without-gd --without-cvs \
++    >     --enable-add-ons=nptl,libidn,../ports
++Note the additional '--with-kconfig' option. This tells GLIBC where to
++find the host config tools used by the kernel 'make config' and 'make
++menuconfig'.  These tools can be re-used by GLIBC for its own 'make
++*config' support, which will create 'option-groups.config' for you.
++But first make sure those tools have been built by running some
++dummy 'make *config' calls in the kernel directory:
++    $ cd $obj/linux
++    $ PATH=$tools/bin:$PATH make config \
++    >      ARCH=$linux_arch CROSS_COMPILE=$target- \
++    $ PATH=$tools/bin:$PATH make menuconfig \
++    >      ARCH=$linux_arch CROSS_COMPILE=$target- \
++Now we can configure and build the full GLIBC:
++    $ cd $obj/glibc
++    $ PATH=$tools/bin:$PATH make defconfig
++    $ PATH=$tools/bin:$PATH make menuconfig
++    $ PATH=$tools/bin:$PATH make
++    $ PATH=$tools/bin:$PATH make install install_root=$sysroot
++At this point, we have a complete GLIBC installation in '$sysroot',
++with header files, library files, and most of the C runtime startup
++files in place.
++The Third GCC
++Finally, we recompile GCC against this full installation, enabling
++whatever languages and libraries we would like to use:
++    $ mkdir -p $obj/gcc3
++    $ cd $obj/gcc3
++    $ $src/$gccv/configure \
++    >     --target=$target \
++    >     --prefix=$tools \
++    >     --with-sysroot=$sysroot \
++    >     --enable-__cxa_atexit \
++    >     --disable-libssp --disable-libgomp --disable-libmudflap \
++    >     --enable-languages=c,c++
++    $ PATH=$tools/bin:$PATH make
++    $ PATH=$tools/bin:$PATH make install
++The '--enable-__cxa_atexit' option tells GCC what sort of C++
++destructor support to expect from the C library; it's required with
++And since GCC's installation process isn't designed to help construct
++sysroot trees, we must manually copy certain libraries into place in
++the sysroot.
++    $ cp -d $tools/$target/lib/libgcc_s.so* $sysroot/lib
++    $ cp -d $tools/$target/lib/libstdc++.so* $sysroot/usr/lib
++Trying Things Out
++At this point, '$tools' contains a cross toolchain ready to use
++the GLIBC installation in '$sysroot':
++    $ cat > hello.c <<EOF
++    > #include <stdio.h>
++    > int
++    > main (int argc, char **argv)
++    > {
++    >   puts ("Hello, world!");
++    >   return 0;
++    > }
++    > EOF
++    $ $tools/bin/$target-gcc -Wall hello.c -o hello
++    $ cat > c++-hello.cc <<EOF
++    > #include <iostream>
++    > int
++    > main (int argc, char **argv)
++    > {
++    >   std::cout << "Hello, C++ world!" << std::endl;
++    >   return 0;
++    > }
++    > EOF
++    $ $tools/bin/$target-g++ -Wall c++-hello.cc -o c++-hello
++We can use 'readelf' to verify that these are indeed executables for
++our target, using our dynamic linker:
++    $ $tools/bin/$target-readelf -hl hello
++    ELF Header:
++    ...
++      Type:                              EXEC (Executable file)
++      Machine:                           ARM
++    ...
++    Program Headers:
++      Type           Offset   VirtAddr   PhysAddr   FileSiz MemSiz  Flg Align
++      PHDR           0x000034 0x10000034 0x10000034 0x00100 0x00100 R E 0x4
++      INTERP         0x000134 0x00008134 0x00008134 0x00013 0x00013 R   0x1
++          [Requesting program interpreter: /lib/ld-linux.so.3]
++      LOAD           0x000000 0x00008000 0x00008000 0x0042c 0x0042c R E 0x8000
++    ...
++Looking at the dynamic section of the installed 'libgcc_s.so', we see
++that the 'NEEDED' entry for the C library does include the '.6'
++suffix, indicating that was linked against our fully build GLIBC, and
++not our dummy 'libc.so':
++    $ $tools/bin/$target-readelf -d $sysroot/lib/libgcc_s.so.1
++    Dynamic section at offset 0x1083c contains 24 entries:
++      Tag        Type                         Name/Value
++     0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: [libc.so.6]
++     0x0000000e (SONAME)                     Library soname: [libgcc_s.so.1]
++    ...
++And on the target machine, we can run our programs:
++    $ $sysroot/lib/ld.so.1 --library-path $sysroot/lib:$sysroot/usr/lib \
++    > ./hello
++    Hello, world!
++    $ $sysroot/lib/ld.so.1 --library-path $sysroot/lib:$sysroot/usr/lib \
++    > ./c++-hello
++    Hello, C++ world!
+diff --git a/GLIBC.cross-testing b/GLIBC.cross-testing
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b67b468
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/GLIBC.cross-testing
+@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
++                                                        -*- mode: text -*-
++                      Cross-Testing With GLIBC
++                  Jim Blandy <jimb@codesourcery.com>
++Developers writing software for embedded systems often use a desktop
++or other similarly capable computer for development, but need to run
++tests on the embedded system, or perhaps on a simulator.  When
++configured for cross-compilation, the stock GNU C library simply
++disables running tests altogether: the command 'make tests' builds
++test programs, but does not run them.  GLIBC, however, provides
++facilities for compiling tests and generating data files on the build
++system, but running the test programs themselves on a remote system or
++Test environment requirements
++The test environment must meet certain conditions for GLIBC's
++cross-testing facilities to work:
++- Shared filesystems.  The 'build' system, on which you configure and
++  compile GLIBC, and the 'host' system, on which you intend to run
++  GLIBC, must share a filesystem containing the GLIBC build and
++  source trees.  Files must appear at the same paths on both systems.
++- Remote-shell like invocation.  There must be a way to run a program
++  on the host system from the build system, passing it properly quoted
++  command-line arguments, setting environment variables, and
++  inheriting the caller's standard input and output.
++To use GLIBC's cross-testing support, provide values for the
++following Make variables when you invoke 'make':
++- cross-test-wrapper
++  This should be the name of the cross-testing wrapper command, along
++  with any arguments.
++- cross-localedef
++  This should be the name of a cross-capable localedef program, like
++  that included in the GLIBC 'localedef' module, along with any
++  arguments needed.
++These are each explained in detail below.
++The Cross-Testing Wrapper
++To run test programs reliably, the stock GNU C library takes care to
++ensure that test programs use the newly compiled dynamic linker and
++shared libraries, and never the host system's installed libraries.  To
++accomplish this, it runs the tests by explicitly invoking the dynamic
++linker from the build tree, passing it a list of build tree
++directories to search for shared libraries, followed by the name of
++the executable to run and its arguments.
++For example, where one might normally run a test program like this:
++    $ ./tst-foo arg1 arg2
++the GNU C library might run that program like this:
++    $ $objdir/elf/ld-linux.so.3 --library-path $objdir \
++      ./tst-foo arg1 arg2
++(where $objdir is the path to the top of the build tree, and the
++trailing backslash indicates a continuation of the command).  In other
++words, each test program invocation is 'wrapped up' inside an explicit
++invocation of the dynamic linker, which must itself execute the test
++program, having loaded shared libraries from the appropriate
++To support cross-testing, GLIBC allows the developer to optionally
++set the 'cross-test-wrapper' Make variable to another wrapper command,
++to which it passes the entire dynamic linker invocation shown above as
++arguments.  For example, if the developer supplies a wrapper of
++'my-wrapper hostname', then GLIBC would run the test above as
++    $ my-wrapper hostname \
++      $objdir/elf/ld-linux.so.3 --library-path $objdir \
++      ./tst-foo arg1 arg2
++The 'my-wrapper' command is responsible for executing the command
++given on the host system.
++Since tests are run in varying directories, the wrapper should either
++be in your command search path, or 'cross-test-wrapper' should give an
++absolute path for the wrapper.
++The wrapper must meet several requirements:
++- It must preserve the current directory.  As explained above, the
++  build directory tree must be visible on both the build and host
++  systems, at the same path.  The test wrapper must ensure that the
++  current directory it inherits is also inherited by the dynamic
++  linker (and thus the test program itself).
++- It must preserve environment variables' values.  Many GLIBC tests
++  set environment variables for test runs; in native testing, it
++  invokes programs like this:
++    $ GCONV_PATH=$objdir/iconvdata \
++      $objdir/elf/ld-linux.so.3 --library-path $objdir \
++      ./tst-foo arg1 arg2
++  With the cross-testing wrapper, that invocation becomes:
++    $ GCONV_PATH=$objdir/iconvdata \
++      my-wrapper hostname \
++      $objdir/elf/ld-linux.so.3 --library-path $objdir \
++      ./tst-foo arg1 arg2
++  Here, 'my-wrapper' must ensure that the value it sees for
++  'GCONV_PATH' will be seen by the dynamic linker, and thus 'tst-foo'
++  itself.  (The wrapper supplied with GLIBC simply preserves the
++  values of *all* enviroment variables, with a fixed set of
++  exceptions.)
++  If your wrapper is a shell script, take care to correctly propagate
++  environment variables whose values contain spaces and shell
++  metacharacters.
++- It must pass the command's arguments, unmodified.  The arguments
++  seen by the test program should be exactly those seen by the wrapper
++  (after whatever arguments are given to the wrapper itself).  The
++  GLIBC test framework performs all needed shell word splitting and
++  expansion (wildcard expansion, parameter substitution, and so on)
++  before invoking the wrapper; further expansion may break the tests.
++The 'cross-test-ssh.sh' script
++If you want to use 'ssh' (or something sufficiently similar) to run
++test programs on your host system, GLIBC includes a shell script,
++'scripts/cross-test-ssh.sh', which you can use as your wrapper
++command.  This script takes care of setting the test command's current
++directory, propagating environment variable values, and carrying
++command-line arguments, all across an 'ssh' connection.  You may even
++supply an alternative to 'ssh' on the command line, if needed.
++For more details, pass 'cross-test-ssh.sh' the '--help' option.
++The Cross-Compiling Locale Definition Command
++Some GLIBC tests rely on locales generated especially for the test
++process.  In a native configuration, these tests simply run the
++'localedef' command built by the normal GLIBC build process,
++'locale/localedef', to process and install their locales.  However, in
++a cross-compiling configuration, this 'localedef' is built for the
++host system, not the build system, and since it requires quite a bit
++of memory to run (we have seen it fail on systems with 64MiB of
++memory), it may not be practical to run it on the host system.
++If set, GLIBC uses the 'cross-localedef' Make variable as the command
++to run on the build system to process and install locales.  The
++localedef program built from the GLIBC 'localedef' module is
++The value of 'cross-localedef' may also include command-line arguments
++to be passed to the program; if you are using GLIBC's 'localedef',
++you may include endianness and 'uint32_t' alignment arguments here.
++In developing GLIBC's cross-testing facility, we invoked 'make' with
++the following script:
++    #!/bin/sh
++    srcdir=...
++    test_hostname=...
++    localedefdir=...
++    cross_gxx=...-g++
++    wrapper="$srcdir/scripts/cross-test-ssh.sh $test_hostname"
++    localedef="$localedefdir/localedef --little-endian --uint32-align=4"
++    make cross-test-wrapper="$wrapper" \
++         cross-localedef="$localedef" \
++         CXX="$cross_gxx" \
++         "$@"
++Other Cross-Testing Concerns
++Here are notes on some other issues which you may encounter in running
++the GLIBC tests in a cross-compiling environment:
++- Some tests require a C++ cross-compiler; you should set the 'CXX'
++  Make variable to the name of an appropriate cross-compiler.
++- Some tests require access to libstdc++.so.6 and libgcc_s.so.1; we
++  simply place copies of these libraries in the top GLIBC build
++  directory.
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0019-eglibc-Bring-Eglibc-option-group-infrastructure-to-g.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0019-eglibc-Bring-Eglibc-option-group-infrastructure-to-g.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcb80f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0019-eglibc-Bring-Eglibc-option-group-infrastructure-to-g.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1436 @@
+From aa7c5fe86d04584a9aed4dc40ba856c65a1ef9c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:45:18 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 19/27] eglibc: Bring Eglibc option group infrastructure to
+ glibc
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ EGLIBC.option-groups              | 122 ++++++
+ Makefile                          |   1 +
+ config.make.in                    |   2 +
+ configure                         |  13 +
+ configure.ac                      |  10 +
+ option-groups.def                 | 868 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ option-groups.defaults            |  47 +++
+ option-groups.mak                 |  41 ++
+ options-config/Makefile           |  55 +++
+ options-config/config-postproc.pl |  58 +++
+ options-config/config-preproc.pl  |   8 +
+ scripts/option-groups.awk         |  63 +++
+ 12 files changed, 1288 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 EGLIBC.option-groups
+ create mode 100644 option-groups.def
+ create mode 100644 option-groups.defaults
+ create mode 100644 option-groups.mak
+ create mode 100644 options-config/Makefile
+ create mode 100644 options-config/config-postproc.pl
+ create mode 100644 options-config/config-preproc.pl
+ create mode 100644 scripts/option-groups.awk
+diff --git a/EGLIBC.option-groups b/EGLIBC.option-groups
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..6a50b8d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/EGLIBC.option-groups
+@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
++                                                        -*- mode: text -*-
++              The EGLIBC Component Configuration System
++                  Jim Blandy <jimb@codesourcery.com>
++The GNU C library (GLIBC) provides a broad range of functionality,
++ranging from internationalization support to transcendental
++mathematical functions.  Its website boasts that "nearly all known and
++useful functions from any other C library are available."  This
++exhaustive approach has been one of GLIBC's strengths on desktop and
++server systems, but it has also given GLIBC a large footprint, both in
++memory and on disk, making it a challenge to use in embedded systems
++with limited resources.
++The Embedded GNU C library (EGLIBC) is a variant of the GNU C library
++designed to work well on embedded systems.  In particular, EGLIBC's
++component configuration system allows embedded developers to build
++customized versions of the library that include only the features
++their application uses, reducing its space requirements.
++EGLIBC's component configuration system categorizes the library's
++functions into "option groups", and allows you to include or exclude
++option groups individually.  Some option groups depend on others;
++EGLIBC tracks these relationships, and ensures that the selected
++configuration yields a functioning library.
++Consistent and Predictable Behavior
++A flexible configuration system is a mixed blessing: if the options
++offered are poorly designed, it can be hard to see which choices will
++have the desired effects, and choices with obscure consequences can
++make debugging difficult.  EGLIBC's configuration follows some general
++principles to reduce these risks:
++- EGLIBC has a single default configuration for each target
++  architecture.
++- In the default configuration, all option groups are enabled, and
++  EGLIBC is upwardly API- and ABI-compatible with GLIBC.
++- As much as possible, configurations only affect what functions are
++  present, not how they behave.  If the system works with an option
++  group disabled, it will still work with it enabled.
++- As much as possible, configurations only select option groups ---
++  they do not describe characteristics of the target architecture.
++These rules mean that you have a simple debugging strategy available
++if you suspect that your EGLIBC configuration might be the source of a
++problem: fall back to the default configuration, re-test, and then
++disable option groups one by one, until the problem reappears.
++The Option Groups
++To see the current full list of implemented option groups, refer to the
++file 'option-groups.def' at the top of the source tree, or run
++'make menuconfig' from the top-level build directory.
++The POSIX.1-2001 specification includes a suggested partition of all
++the functions in the POSIX C API into option groups: math functions
++like 'sin' and 'cos'; networking functions like 'socket' and
++'connect'; and so on.  EGLIBC could use this partitioning as the basis
++for future option groups.
++The EGLIBC component configuration system resembles the approach used
++by the Linux kernel to select device drivers, network protocols, and
++other features.  A file named 'option-groups.config' in the top-level
++build directory contains assignments to Make variables, each of which
++enables or disables a particular option group.  If the variable's
++value is set to 'y', then the option group is enabled; if it set to
++anything else, the option group is omitted.  The file
++'option-groups.defaults', at the top of the source tree, establishes
++default values for all variables; all option groups are enabled by
++For example, the following 'option-groups.config' would omit locale
++data, but include mathematical functions, and everything else:
++Like the Linux kernel, EGLIBC supports a similar set of '*config' make
++targets to make it easier to create 'option-groups.config', with all
++dependencies between option groups automatically satisfied.  Run
++'make help' to see the list of supported make config targets.  For
++example, 'make menuconfig' will update the current config utilising a
++menu based program.
++The option group names and their type (boolean, int, hex, string), help
++description, and dependencies with other option groups, are described by
++'option-groups.def' at the top of the source tree, analogous to the
++'Kconfig' files in the Linux kernel.
++In general, each option group variable controls whether a given set of
++object files in EGLIBC is compiled and included in the final
++libraries, or omitted from the build.
++Each subdirectory's Makefile categorizes its routines, libraries, and
++executables by option group.  For example, EGLIBC's 'math/Makefile'
++places the 'libm' library in the OPTION_EGLIBC_LIBM group as follows:
++   extra-libs-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_LIBM) := libm
++Finally, common code in 'Makerules' cites the value of the variable
++'extra-libs-y', selecting only those libraries that belong to enabled
++option groups to be built.
++Current Status and Future Directions
++The EGLIBC component configuration system described here is still
++under development.
++We have used the system to subset some portions of EGLIBC's
++Index: libc/configure.ac
+diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
+index 658ccfa..f906391 100644
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ endif
+ include Makeconfig
++include options-config/Makefile
+ # This is the default target; it makes everything except the tests.
+ .PHONY: all
+diff --git a/config.make.in b/config.make.in
+index a9f5696..294f8d1 100644
+--- a/config.make.in
++++ b/config.make.in
+@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ c++-sysincludes = @CXX_SYSINCLUDES@
+ all-warnings = @all_warnings@
+ enable-werror = @enable_werror@
++kconfig_tools = @KCONFIG_TOOLS@
+ have-z-combreloc = @libc_cv_z_combreloc@
+ have-z-execstack = @libc_cv_z_execstack@
+ have-Bgroup = @libc_cv_Bgroup@
+diff --git a/configure b/configure
+index 7d7299a..4116404 100755
+--- a/configure
++++ b/configure
+@@ -641,6 +641,7 @@ INSTALL_INFO
+ libc_cv_gcc_static_libgcc
+@@ -755,6 +756,7 @@ with_fp
+ with_binutils
+ with_selinux
+ with_headers
+ with_default_link
+ enable_sanity_checks
+ enable_shared
+@@ -1459,6 +1461,9 @@ Optional Packages:
+   --with-selinux          if building with SELinux support
+   --with-headers=PATH     location of system headers to use (for example
+                           /usr/src/linux/include) [default=compiler default]
++  --with-kconfig=PATH     location of kconfig tools to use (from Linux kernel
++                          builds) to re-use for configuring EGLIBC option
++                          groups
+   --with-default-link     do not use explicit linker scripts
+   --with-cpu=CPU          select code for CPU variant
+@@ -3517,6 +3522,14 @@ fi
++# Check whether --with-kconfig was given.
++if test "${with_kconfig+set}" = set; then
++  withval=$with_kconfig; KCONFIG_TOOLS=$withval
+ # Check whether --with-default-link was given.
+ if test "${with_default_link+set}" = set; then :
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index a467a69..fc0ed4d 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -136,6 +136,16 @@ AC_ARG_WITH([headers],
+ 	    [sysheaders=''])
+ AC_SUBST(sysheaders)
++	    AC_HELP_STRING([--with-kconfig=PATH],
++			   [location of kconfig tools to use (from Linux
++			    kernel builds) to re-use for configuring EGLIBC
++			    option groups]),
++	    [KCONFIG_TOOLS=$withval],
++	    [KCONFIG_TOOLS=''])
+ AC_SUBST(use_default_link)
+ AC_ARG_WITH([default-link],
+ 	    AC_HELP_STRING([--with-default-link],
+diff --git a/option-groups.def b/option-groups.def
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..6aebd94
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/option-groups.def
+@@ -0,0 +1,868 @@
++# This file documents the option groups EGLIBC currently supports, in
++# a format akin to the Linux Kconfig system's.  The syntax may change
++# over time.
++# An entry of the form:
++#   config GROUP_NAME
++#       bool "one-line explanation of what this option group controls"
++#       help
++#           Multi-line help explaining the option group's meaning in
++#           some detail, terminated by indentation level.
++# defines an option group whose variable is GROUP_NAME, with
++# meaningful values 'y' (enabled) and 'n' (disabled).  The
++# documentation is formatted to be consumed by some sort of
++# interactive configuration interface, but EGLIBC doesn't have such an
++# interface yet.
++# An option may have a 'depends on' line, indicating which other options
++# must also be enabled if this option is.  At present, EGLIBC doesn't
++# check that these dependencies are satisfied.
++# Option group variables get their default values from the file
++# 'option-groups.defaults', in the top directory of the EGLIBC source
++# tree.  By default, all EGLIBC option groups are enabled --- their
++# variables are set to 'y'.
++# After including 'option-groups.defaults', the EGLIBC make machinery
++# includes the file 'option-groups.config' from the top of the build
++# tree, if it is present.  Developers can place assignments to option
++# group variables in that file to override the defaults.  For example,
++# to disable an option group, place a line of the form:
++# in 'option-groups.config' at the top of your build tree.  To
++# explicitly enable an option group, you may also write:
++# although this simply reestablishes the value already set by
++# 'option-groups.defaults'.
++   bool "IPv6 Advanced Sockets API support (RFC3542)"
++   depends on EGLIBC_INET
++   help
++       This option group includes the functions specified by RFC 3542,
++       "Advanced Sockets Application Program Interface (API) for
++       IPv6".
++       This option group includes the following functions:
++         inet6_opt_append
++         inet6_opt_find
++         inet6_opt_finish
++         inet6_opt_get_val
++         inet6_opt_init
++         inet6_option_alloc
++         inet6_option_append
++         inet6_option_find
++         inet6_option_init
++         inet6_option_next
++         inet6_option_space
++         inet6_opt_next
++         inet6_opt_set_val
++         inet6_rth_add
++         inet6_rth_getaddr
++         inet6_rth_init
++         inet6_rth_reverse
++         inet6_rth_segments
++         inet6_rth_space
++   bool "Functions for producing backtraces"
++   help
++       This option group includes functions for producing a list of
++       the function calls that are currently active in a thread, from
++       within the thread itself.  These functions are often used
++       within signal handlers, to produce diagnostic output.
++       This option group includes the following functions:
++         backtrace
++         backtrace_symbols
++         backtrace_symbols_fd
++   bool "Use extensive inline code"
++   help
++       This option group specifies whether certain pieces of code
++       should be inlined to achieve maximum speed.  If this option
++       group is not selected, function calls will be used instead,
++       hence reducing the library footprint.
++config EGLIBC_BSD
++   bool "BSD-specific functions, and their compatibility stubs"
++   help
++       This option group includes functions specific to BSD kernels.
++       A number of these functions have stub versions that are also
++       included in libraries built for non-BSD systems for
++       compatibility.
++       This option group includes the following functions:
++         chflags
++         fchflags
++         lchmod
++         revoke
++         setlogin
++   bool "Tests that link against the standard C++ library."
++   help
++       This option group does not include any C library functions;
++       instead, it controls which EGLIBC tests an ordinary 'make
++       tests' runs.  With this group disabled, tests that would
++       normally link against the standard C++ library are not
++       run.
++       The standard C++ library depends on the math library 'libm' and
++       the wide character I/O functions included in EGLIBC.  So those
++       option groups must be enabled if this test is enabled.
++   bool "Functions for accessing message catalogs"
++   depends on EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE
++   help
++       This option group includes functions for accessing message
++       catalogs: catopen, catclose, and catgets.
++       This option group depends on the EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE
++       option group.
++   bool "iconv/gconv character set conversion libraries"
++   help
++       This option group includes support for character sets other
++       than ASCII (ANSI_X3.4-1968) and Unicode and ISO-10646 in their
++       various encodings.  This affects both the character sets
++       supported by the wide and multibyte character functions, and
++       those supported by the 'iconv' functions.
++       With this option group disabled, EGLIBC supports only the
++       following character sets:
++          ANSI_X3.4         - ASCII
++          ANSI_X3.4-1968
++          ANSI_X3.4-1986
++          ASCII
++          CP367
++          CSASCII
++          IBM367
++          ISO-IR-6
++          ISO646-US
++          ISO_646.IRV:1991
++          OSF00010020
++          US
++          US-ASCII
++          10646-1:1993      - ISO 10646, in big-endian UCS4 form
++          10646-1:1993/UCS4
++          CSUCS4
++          ISO-10646
++          ISO-10646/UCS4
++          OSF00010104
++          OSF00010105
++          OSF00010106
++          UCS-4
++          UCS-4BE
++          UCS4
++          UCS-4LE           - ISO 10646, in little-endian UCS4 form
++          ISO-10646/UTF-8   - ISO 10646, in UTF-8 form
++          ISO-10646/UTF8
++          ISO-IR-193
++          OSF05010001
++          UTF-8
++          UTF8
++          ISO-10646/UCS2    - ISO 10646, in target-endian UCS2 form
++          OSF00010100
++          OSF00010101
++          OSF00010102
++          UCS-2
++          UCS2
++          UCS-2BE           - ISO 10646, in big-endian UCS2 form
++          UNICODEBIG
++          UCS-2LE           - ISO 10646, in little-endian UCS2 form
++          WCHAR_T           - EGLIBC's internal form (target-endian,
++                              32-bit ISO 10646)
++   bool "Encryption library"
++   help
++       This option group includes the `libcrypt' library which
++       provides functions for one-way encryption.  Supported
++       encryption algorithms include MD5, SHA-256, SHA-512 and DES.
++   bool "Ultra fast `crypt' implementation"
++   depends on EGLIBC_CRYPT
++   help
++       This option group provides ultra fast DES-based implementation of
++       the `crypt' function.  When this option group is disabled,
++       (a) the library will not provide the setkey[_r] and encrypt[_r]
++       functions and (b) the crypt[_r] function will return NULL and set the
++       errno to ENOSYS if /salt/ passed does not correspond to either MD5,
++       SHA-256 or SHA-512 algorithm.
++   bool "Functions for accessing the mail aliases database"
++   help
++       This option group includues functions for looking up mail
++       aliases in '/etc/aliases' or using nsswitch.  It includes the
++       following functions:
++         endaliasent
++         getaliasbyname
++         getaliasbyname_r
++         getaliasent
++         getaliasent_r
++         setaliasent
++       When this option group is disabled, the NSS service libraries
++       also lack support for querying their mail alias tables.
++config EGLIBC_ENVZ
++   bool "Functions for handling envz-style environment vectors."
++   help
++       This option group contains functions for creating and operating
++       on envz vectors.  An "envz vector" is a vector of strings in a
++       contiguous block of memory, where each element is a name-value
++       pair, and elements are separated from their neighbors by null
++       characters.
++       This option group includes the following functions:
++        envz_add        envz_merge
++        envz_entry      envz_remove
++        envz_get        envz_strip
++config EGLIBC_FCVT
++   bool "Functions for converting floating-point numbers to strings"
++   help
++       This option group includes functions for converting
++       floating-point numbers to strings.
++       This option group includes the following functions:
++         ecvt           qecvt
++	 ecvt_r		qecvt_r
++         fcvt		qfcvt
++	 fcvt_r		qfcvt_r
++         gcvt		qgcvt
++   bool "Functions for formatting messages"
++   help
++       This option group includes the following functions:
++         addseverity    fmtmsg
++   bool "Access functions for 'fstab'"
++   help
++       This option group includes functions for reading the mount
++       point specification table, '/etc/fstab'.  These functions are
++       not included in the POSIX standard, which provides the
++       'getmntent' family of functions instead.
++       This option group includes the following functions:
++         endfsent       getfsspec
++         getfsent       setfsent
++         getfsfile
++   bool "Functions for traversing file hierarchies"
++   help
++       This option group includes functions for traversing file
++       UNIX file hierachies.
++       This option group includes the following functions:
++         fts_open       ftw
++	 fts_read	nftw
++         fts_children	ftw64
++	 fts_set	nftw64
++         fts_close
++   bool "The getlogin function"
++   depends on EGLIBC_UTMP
++   help
++       This function group includes the 'getlogin' and 'getlogin_r'
++       functions, which return the user name associated by the login
++       activity with the current process's controlling terminal.
++       With this option group disabled, the 'glob' function will not
++       fall back on 'getlogin' to find the user's login name for tilde
++       expansion when the 'HOME' environment variable is not set.
++config EGLIBC_IDN
++   bool "International domain names support"
++   help
++       This option group includes the `libcidn' library which
++       provides support for international domain names.
++config EGLIBC_INET
++   bool "Networking support"
++   help
++       This option group includes networking-specific functions and
++       data.  With EGLIBC_INET disabled, the EGLIBC
++       installation and API changes as follows:
++       - The following libraries are not installed:
++         libnsl
++         libnss_compat
++         libnss_dns
++         libnss_hesiod
++         libnss_nis
++         libnss_nisplus
++         libresolv
++       - The following functions and variables are omitted from libc:
++         authdes_create           hstrerror              svc_fdset
++         authdes_getucred         htonl                  svc_getreq
++         authdes_pk_create        htons                  svc_getreq_common
++         authnone_create          if_freenameindex       svc_getreq_poll
++         authunix_create          if_indextoname         svc_getreqset
++         authunix_create_default  if_nameindex           svc_max_pollfd
++         bindresvport             if_nametoindex         svc_pollfd
++         callrpc                  in6addr_any            svcraw_create
++         cbc_crypt                in6addr_loopback       svc_register
++         clnt_broadcast           inet6_opt_append       svc_run
++         clnt_create              inet6_opt_find         svc_sendreply
++         clnt_pcreateerror        inet6_opt_finish       svctcp_create
++         clnt_perrno              inet6_opt_get_val      svcudp_bufcreate
++         clnt_perror              inet6_opt_init         svcudp_create
++         clntraw_create           inet6_option_alloc     svcudp_enablecache
++         clnt_spcreateerror       inet6_option_append    svcunix_create
++         clnt_sperrno             inet6_option_find      svcunixfd_create
++         clnt_sperror             inet6_option_init      svc_unregister
++         clnttcp_create           inet6_option_next      user2netname
++         clntudp_bufcreate        inet6_option_space     xdecrypt
++         clntudp_create           inet6_opt_next         xdr_accepted_reply
++         clntunix_create          inet6_opt_set_val      xdr_array
++         des_setparity            inet6_rth_add          xdr_authdes_cred
++         ecb_crypt                inet6_rth_getaddr      xdr_authdes_verf
++         endaliasent              inet6_rth_init         xdr_authunix_parms
++         endhostent               inet6_rth_reverse      xdr_bool
++         endnetent                inet6_rth_segments     xdr_bytes
++         endnetgrent              inet6_rth_space        xdr_callhdr
++         endprotoent              inet_addr              xdr_callmsg
++         endrpcent                inet_aton              xdr_char
++         endservent               inet_lnaof             xdr_cryptkeyarg
++         ether_aton               inet_makeaddr          xdr_cryptkeyarg2
++         ether_aton_r             inet_netof             xdr_cryptkeyres
++         ether_hostton            inet_network           xdr_des_block
++         ether_line               inet_nsap_addr         xdr_double
++         ether_ntoa               inet_nsap_ntoa         xdr_enum
++         ether_ntoa_r             inet_ntoa              xdr_float
++         ether_ntohost            inet_ntop              xdr_free
++         freeaddrinfo             inet_pton              xdr_getcredres
++         freeifaddrs              innetgr                xdr_hyper
++         gai_strerror             iruserok               xdr_int
++         getaddrinfo              iruserok_af            xdr_int16_t
++         getaliasbyname           key_decryptsession     xdr_int32_t
++         getaliasbyname_r         key_decryptsession_pk  xdr_int64_t
++         getaliasent              key_encryptsession     xdr_int8_t
++         getaliasent_r            key_encryptsession_pk  xdr_keybuf
++         gethostbyaddr            key_gendes             xdr_key_netstarg
++         gethostbyaddr_r          key_get_conv           xdr_key_netstres
++         gethostbyname            key_secretkey_is_set   xdr_keystatus
++         gethostbyname2           key_setnet             xdr_long
++         gethostbyname2_r         key_setsecret          xdr_longlong_t
++         gethostbyname_r          netname2host           xdrmem_create
++         gethostent               netname2user           xdr_netnamestr
++         gethostent_r             ntohl                  xdr_netobj
++         getifaddrs               ntohs                  xdr_opaque
++         getipv4sourcefilter      passwd2des             xdr_opaque_auth
++         get_myaddress            pmap_getmaps           xdr_pmap
++         getnameinfo              pmap_getport           xdr_pmaplist
++         getnetbyaddr             pmap_rmtcall           xdr_pointer
++         getnetbyaddr_r           pmap_set               xdr_quad_t
++         getnetbyname             pmap_unset             xdrrec_create
++         getnetbyname_r           rcmd                   xdrrec_endofrecord
++         getnetent                rcmd_af                xdrrec_eof
++         getnetent_r              registerrpc            xdrrec_skiprecord
++         getnetgrent              res_init               xdr_reference
++         getnetgrent_r            rexec                  xdr_rejected_reply
++         getnetname               rexec_af               xdr_replymsg
++         getprotobyname           rexecoptions           xdr_rmtcall_args
++         getprotobyname_r         rpc_createerr          xdr_rmtcallres
++         getprotobynumber         rresvport              xdr_short
++         getprotobynumber_r       rresvport_af           xdr_sizeof
++         getprotoent              rtime                  xdrstdio_create
++         getprotoent_r            ruserok                xdr_string
++         getpublickey             ruserok_af             xdr_u_char
++         getrpcbyname             ruserpass              xdr_u_hyper
++         getrpcbyname_r           setaliasent            xdr_u_int
++         getrpcbynumber           sethostent             xdr_uint16_t
++         getrpcbynumber_r         setipv4sourcefilter    xdr_uint32_t
++         getrpcent                setnetent              xdr_uint64_t
++         getrpcent_r              setnetgrent            xdr_uint8_t
++         getrpcport               setprotoent            xdr_u_long
++         getsecretkey             setrpcent              xdr_u_longlong_t
++         getservbyname            setservent             xdr_union
++         getservbyname_r          setsourcefilter        xdr_unixcred
++         getservbyport            svcauthdes_stats       xdr_u_quad_t
++         getservbyport_r          svcerr_auth            xdr_u_short
++         getservent               svcerr_decode          xdr_vector
++         getservent_r             svcerr_noproc          xdr_void
++         getsourcefilter          svcerr_noprog          xdr_wrapstring
++         h_errlist                svcerr_progvers        xencrypt
++         h_errno                  svcerr_systemerr       xprt_register
++         herror                   svcerr_weakauth        xprt_unregister
++         h_nerr                   svc_exit
++         host2netname             svcfd_create
++       - The rpcgen, nscd, and rpcinfo commands are not installed.
++       - The 'rpc' file (a text file listing RPC services) is not installed.
++       Socket-related system calls do not fall in this option group,
++       because many are also used for other inter-process
++       communication mechanisms.  For example, the 'syslog' routines
++       use Unix-domain sockets to communicate with the syslog daemon;
++       syslog is valuable in non-networked contexts.
++   bool "Asynchronous name lookup"
++   depends on EGLIBC_INET
++   help
++       This option group includes the `libanl' library which
++       provides support for asynchronous name lookup.
++config EGLIBC_LIBM
++   bool "libm (math library)"
++   help
++       This option group includes the 'libm' library, containing
++       mathematical functions.  If this option group is omitted, then
++       an EGLIBC installation does not include shared or unshared versions
++       of the math library.
++       Note that this does not remove all floating-point related
++       functionality from EGLIBC; for example, 'printf' and 'scanf'
++       can still print and read floating-point values with this option
++       group disabled.
++       Note that the ISO Standard C++ library 'libstdc++' depends on
++       EGLIBC's math library 'libm'.  If you disable this option
++       group, you will not be able to build 'libstdc++' against the
++       resulting EGLIBC installation.
++   bool "Locale definitions"
++   help
++       This option group includes all locale definitions other than
++       that for the "C" locale.  If this option group is omitted, then
++       only the "C" locale is supported.
++   bool "Locale functions"
++   depends on POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR
++   help
++       This option group includes locale support functions, programs,
++       and libraries.  With EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE disabled,
++       EGLIBC supports only the 'C' locale (also known as 'POSIX'),
++       and ignores the settings of the 'LANG' and 'LC_*' environment
++       variables.
++       With EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE disabled, the following
++       functions are omitted from libc:
++         duplocale   localeconv  nl_langinfo    rpmatch  strfmon_l
++         freelocale  newlocale   nl_langinfo_l  strfmon  uselocale
++       Furthermore, only the LC_CTYPE and LC_TIME categories of the
++       standard "C" locale are available.
++       The EGLIBC_CATGETS option group depends on this option group.
++   bool "Memory profiling library"
++   help
++       This option group includes the `libmemusage' library and
++       the `memusage' and `memusagestat' utilities.
++       These components provide memory profiling functions.
++   int "Memory profiling library buffer size"
++   depends on EGLIBC_MEMUSAGE
++   default "32768"
++   help
++       Libmemusage library buffers the profiling data in memory
++       before writing it out to disk.  By default, the library
++       allocates 1.5M buffer, which can be substantial for some
++       allows to change the default buffer size.  It specifies
++       the number of entries the buffer should have.
++       On most architectures one buffer entry amounts to 48 bytes,
++       so setting this option to the value of 512 will reduce the size of
++       the memory buffer to 24K.
++config EGLIBC_NIS
++   bool "Support for NIS, NIS+, and the special 'compat' services."
++   depends on EGLIBC_INET && EGLIBC_SUNRPC
++   help
++       This option group includes the NIS, NIS+, and 'compat' Name
++       Service Switch service libraries.  When it is disabled, those
++       services libraries are not installed; you should remove any
++       references to them from your 'nsswitch.conf' file.
++       This option group depends on the EGLIBC_INET option
++       group; you must enable that to enable this option group.
++   bool "Name service switch (nsswitch) support"
++   help
++       This option group includes support for the 'nsswitch' facility.
++       With this option group enabled, all EGLIBC functions for
++       accessing various system databases (passwords and groups;
++       networking; aliases; public keys; and so on) consult the
++       '/etc/nsswitch.conf' configuration file to decide how to handle
++       queries.
++       With this option group disabled, EGLIBC uses a fixed list of
++       services to satisfy queries on each database, as requested by
++       configuration files specified when EGLIBC is built.  Your
++       'option-groups.config' file must set the following two
++       variables:
++   string "Nsswitch fixed config filename"
++   depends on !EGLIBC_NSSWITCH
++   default ""
++   help
++          Set this to the name of a file whose contents observe the
++          same syntax as an ordinary '/etc/nsswitch.conf' file.  The
++          EGLIBC build process parses this file just as EGLIBC would
++          at run time if EGLIBC_NSSWITCH were enabled, and
++          produces a C library that uses the nsswitch service
++          libraries to search for database entries as this file
++          specifies, instead of consulting '/etc/nsswitch.conf' at run
++          time.
++          This should be an absolute filename.  The EGLIBC build
++          process may use it from several different working
++          directories.  It may include references to Makefile
++          variables like 'common-objpfx' (the top of the build tree,
++          with a trailing slash), or '..' (the top of the source tree,
++          with a trailing slash).
++          The EGLIBC source tree includes a sample configuration file
++          named 'nss/fixed-nsswitch.conf'; for simple configurations,
++          you will probably want to delete references to databases not
++          needed on your system.
++   string "Nsswitch fixed functions filename"
++   depends on !EGLIBC_NSSWITCH
++   default ""
++   help
++          The EGLIBC build process uses this file to decide which
++          functions to make available from which service libraries.
++          The file 'nss/fixed-nsswitch.functions' serves as a sample
++          configuration file for this setting, and explains its syntax
++          and meaning in more detail.
++          This should be an absolute file name.  The EGLIBC build
++          process may use it from several different working
++          directories.  It may include references to Makefile
++          variables like 'common-objpfx' (the top of the build tree,
++          with a trailing slash), or '..' (the top of the source tree,
++          with a trailing slash).
++          Be sure to mention each function in each service you wish to
++          use.  If you do not mention a service's function here, the
++          EGLIBC database access functions will not find it, even if
++          it is listed in the EGLIBC_NSSWITCH_FIXED_CONFIG
++          file.
++          In this arrangement, EGLIBC will not use the 'dlopen' and
++          'dlsym' functions to find database access functions.  Instead,
++          libc hard-codes references to the service libraries' database
++          access functions.  You must explicitly link your program
++          against the name service libraries (those whose names start
++          with 'libnss_', in the sysroot's '/lib' directory) whose
++          functions you intend to use.  This arrangement helps
++          system-wide static analysis tools decide which functions a
++          system actually uses.
++          Note that some nsswitch service libraries require other option
++          groups to be enabled; for example, the EGLIBC_INET
++          option group must be enabled to use the 'libnss_dns.so.2'
++          service library, which uses the Domain Name System network
++          protocol to answer queries.
++config EGLIBC_RCMD
++   bool "Support for 'rcmd' and related library functions"
++   depends on EGLIBC_INET
++   help
++      This option group includes functions for running commands on
++      remote machines via the 'rsh' protocol, and doing authentication
++      related to those functions.  This also includes functions that
++      use the 'rexec' protocol.
++      This option group includes the following functions:
++        rcmd            ruserok
++        rcmd_af         ruserok_af
++        rexec           iruserok
++        rexec_af        iruserok_af
++        rresvport       ruserpass
++        rresvport_af
++   bool "Runtime linker debug print outs"
++   help
++      This option group enables debug output of the runtime linker
++      which is activated via LD_DEBUG and LD_TRACE_PRELINKING
++      environment variables.  Disabling this option group yields
++      a smaller runtime linker binary.
++      BEWARE: Disabling this option group is likely to break
++      the `ldd' utility which may also be used by the prelinker.
++      In particular, the `--unused' ldd option will not work correctly.
++   bool "Support for POSIX posix_spawn functions"
++   help
++      This option group includes the POSIX functions for executing
++      programs in child processes without using 'fork' or 'vfork'.
++      This option group includes the following functions:
++        posix_spawn
++        posix_spawnattr_destroy
++        posix_spawnattr_getflags
++        posix_spawnattr_getpgroup
++        posix_spawnattr_getschedparam
++        posix_spawnattr_getschedpolicy
++        posix_spawnattr_getsigdefault
++        posix_spawnattr_getsigmask
++        posix_spawnattr_init
++        posix_spawnattr_setflags
++        posix_spawnattr_setpgroup
++        posix_spawnattr_setschedparam
++        posix_spawnattr_setschedpolicy
++        posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault
++        posix_spawnattr_setsigmask
++        posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose
++        posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2
++        posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen
++        posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy
++        posix_spawn_file_actions_init
++        posix_spawnp
++      This option group also provides the ability for the iconv,
++      localedef, and locale programs to operate transparently on
++      compressed charset definitions.  When this option group is
++      disabled, those programs will only operate on uncompressed
++      charmap files.
++   bool "Support for accessing STREAMS."
++   help
++      This option group includes functions for reading and writing
++      messages to and from STREAMS.  The STREAMS interface provides a
++      uniform mechanism for implementing networking services and other
++      character-based I/O.  (STREAMS are not to be confused with
++      <stdio.h> FILE objects, also called 'streams'.)
++      This option group includes the following functions:
++        getmsg          putpmsg
++        getpmsg         fattach
++        isastream       fdetach
++        putmsg
++   bool "Support for the Sun 'RPC' protocol."
++   depends on EGLIBC_INET
++   help
++      This option group includes support for the Sun RPC protocols,
++      including the 'rpcgen' and 'rpcinfo' programs.
++config EGLIBC_UTMP
++    bool "Older access functions for 'utmp' login records"
++    help
++       This option group includes the older 'utent' family of
++       functions for accessing user login records in the 'utmp' file.
++       POSIX omits these functions in favor of the 'utxent' family,
++       and they are obsolete on systems other than Linux.
++       This option group includes the following functions:
++         endutent
++         getutent
++         getutent_r
++         getutid
++         getutid_r
++         getutline
++         getutline_r
++         logwtmp
++         pututline
++         setutent
++         updwtmp
++         utmpname
++       This option group includes the following libraries:
++         libutil.so (and libutil.a)
++    bool "POSIX access functions for 'utmp' login records"
++    depends on EGLIBC_UTMP
++    help
++       This option group includes the POSIX functions for reading and
++       writing user login records in the 'utmp' file (usually
++       '/var/run/utmp').  The POSIX functions operate on 'struct
++       utmpx' structures, as opposed to the family of older 'utent'
++       functions, which operate on 'struct utmp' structures.
++       This option group includes the following functions:
++         endutxent
++         getutmp
++         getutmpx
++         getutxent
++         getutxid
++         getutxline
++         pututxline
++         setutxent
++         updwtmpx
++         utmpxname
++    bool "Shell-style word expansion"
++    help
++        This option group includes the 'wordexp' function for
++        performing word expansion in the manner of the shell, and the
++        accompanying 'wordfree' function.
++    bool "ISO C library wide character functions, excluding I/O"
++    help
++        This option group includes the functions defined by the ISO C
++        standard for working with wide and multibyte characters in
++        memory.  Functions for reading and writing wide and multibyte
++        characters from and to files call in the
++        POSIX_WIDE_CHAR_DEVICE_IO option group.
++        This option group includes the following functions:
++          btowc         mbsinit       wcscspn       wcstoll
++          iswalnum      mbsrtowcs     wcsftime      wcstombs
++          iswalpha      mbstowcs      wcslen        wcstoul
++          iswblank      mbtowc        wcsncat       wcstoull
++          iswcntrl      swprintf      wcsncmp       wcstoumax
++          iswctype      swscanf       wcsncpy       wcsxfrm
++          iswdigit      towctrans     wcspbrk       wctob
++          iswgraph      towlower      wcsrchr       wctomb
++          iswlower      towupper      wcsrtombs     wctrans
++          iswprint      vswprintf     wcsspn        wctype
++          iswpunct      vswscanf      wcsstr        wmemchr
++          iswspace      wcrtomb       wcstod        wmemcmp
++          iswupper      wcscat        wcstof        wmemcpy
++          iswxdigit     wcschr        wcstoimax     wmemmove
++          mblen         wcscmp        wcstok        wmemset
++          mbrlen        wcscoll       wcstol
++          mbrtowc       wcscpy        wcstold
++    bool "Regular expressions"
++    help
++        This option group includes the POSIX regular expression
++        functions, and the associated non-POSIX extensions and
++        compatibility functions.
++        With POSIX_REGEXP disabled, the following functions are
++        omitted from libc:
++          re_comp                 re_max_failures         regcomp
++          re_compile_fastmap      re_search               regerror
++          re_compile_pattern      re_search_2             regexec
++          re_exec                 re_set_registers        regfree
++          re_match                re_set_syntax           rpmatch
++          re_match_2              re_syntax_options
++        Furthermore, the compatibility regexp interface defined in the
++        <regexp.h> header file, 'compile', 'step', and 'advance', is
++        omitted.
++    bool "Regular expressions from GLIBC"
++    depends on POSIX_REGEXP
++    help
++	This option group specifies which regular expression
++        library to use.  The choice is between regex
++        implementation from GLIBC and regex implementation from
++        libiberty.  The GLIBC variant is fully POSIX conformant and
++        optimized for speed; regex from libiberty is more than twice
++        as small while still is enough for most practical purposes.
++    bool "Input and output functions for wide characters"
++    depends on POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR
++    help
++        This option group includes functions for reading and writing
++        wide characters to and from <stdio.h> streams.
++        This option group includes the following functions:
++          fgetwc        fwprintf      putwchar      vwscanf
++          fgetws        fwscanf       ungetwc       wprintf
++          fputwc        getwc         vfwprintf     wscanf
++          fputws        getwchar      vfwscanf
++          fwide         putwc         vwprintf
++        This option group further includes the following unlocked
++        variants of the above functions:
++          fgetwc_unlocked           getwc_unlocked
++          fgetws_unlocked           getwchar_unlocked
++          fputwc_unlocked           putwc_unlocked
++          fputws_unlocked           putwchar_unlocked
++        Note that the GNU standard C++ library, 'libstdc++.so', uses
++        some of these functions; you will not be able to link or run
++        C++ programs if you disable this option group.
++        This option group also affects the behavior of the following
++        functions:
++          fdopen
++          fopen
++          fopen64
++          freopen
++          freopen64
++        These functions all take an OPENTYPE parameter which may
++        contain a string of the form ",ccs=CHARSET", indicating that
++        the underlying file uses the character set named CHARSET.
++        This produces a wide-oriented stream, which is only useful
++        when the functions included in this option group are present.
++        If the user attempts to open a file specifying a character set
++        in the OPENTYPE parameter, and EGLIBC was built with this
++        option group disabled, the function returns NULL, and sets
++        errno to EINVAL.
++# This helps Emacs users browse this file using the page motion commands
++# and commands like 'pages-directory'.
++# Local Variables:
++# page-delimiter: "^config\\s-"
++# End:
+diff --git a/option-groups.defaults b/option-groups.defaults
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..8141201
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/option-groups.defaults
+@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
++# This file sets default values for all option group variables
++# mentioned in option-groups.def; see that file for a description of
++# each option group.
++# Subdirectory makefiles include this file before including the user's
++# settings from option-groups.config at the top of the build tree;
++# that file need only refer to those options whose default settings
++# are to be changed.
++# By default, all option groups are enabled.
+diff --git a/option-groups.mak b/option-groups.mak
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..f83e0c1
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/option-groups.mak
+@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
++# Setup file for subdirectory Makefiles that define EGLIBC option groups.
++# EGLIBC shouldn't need to override this.  However, the
++# cross-build-friendly localedef includes this makefile to get option
++# group variable definitions; it uses a single build tree for all the
++# multilibs, and needs to be able to specify a different option group
++# configuration file for each multilib.
++option_group_config_file ?= $(objdir)/option-groups.config
++# Read the default settings for all options.
++# We're included before ../Rules, so we can't assume $(..) is set.
++include $(firstword $(..) ../)option-groups.defaults
++# Read the developer's option group selections, overriding the
++# defaults from option-groups.defaults.
++-include $(option_group_config_file)
++# $(call option-disabled, VAR) is 'y' if VAR is not 'y', or 'n' otherwise.
++# VAR should be a variable name, not a variable reference; this is
++# less general, but more terse for the intended use.
++# You can use it to add a file to a list if an option group is
++# disabled, like this:
++#   routines-$(call option-disabled, OPTION_POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR) += ...
++define option-disabled
++$(firstword $(subst y,n,$(filter y,$($(strip $(1))))) y)
++# Establish 'routines-y', etc. as simply-expanded variables.
++aux-y	       	    :=
++extra-libs-others-y :=
++extra-libs-y   	    :=
++extra-objs-y   	    :=
++install-bin-y  	    :=
++install-others-y    :=
++install-sbin-y 	    :=
++others-y       	    :=
++others-pie-y   	    :=
++routines-y     	    :=
++test-srcs-y    	    :=
++tests-y        	    :=
++xtests-y       	    :=
+diff --git a/options-config/Makefile b/options-config/Makefile
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..db00708
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/options-config/Makefile
+@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
++# ===========================================================================
++# EGLIBC option-groups configuration targets
++# These targets are included from top-level makefile
++ifneq ($(kconfig_tools),)
++ifneq (no,$(PERL))
++ocdir := options-config
++OconfigDefaults     := option-groups.defaults
++OconfigDefaults_tmp := $(common-objpfx).tmp.defconfig
++OconfigDef          := option-groups.def
++Oconfig             := $(common-objpfx)option-groups.config
++Oconfig_tmp         := $(common-objpfx).tmp.config
++conf  := $(kconfig_tools)/conf
++mconf := $(kconfig_tools)/mconf
++preproc  := $(PERL) $(ocdir)/config-preproc.pl
++postproc := $(PERL) $(ocdir)/config-postproc.pl
++PHONY += defconfig config menuconfig
++defconfig: $(conf) $(OconfigDefaults) $(OconfigDef)
++	rm -f $(OconfigDefaults_tmp)
++	rm -f $(Oconfig_tmp)
++	$(preproc) $(OconfigDefaults) > $(OconfigDefaults_tmp)
++	KCONFIG_CONFIG=$(Oconfig_tmp) $< --defconfig=$(OconfigDefaults_tmp) \
++				$(OconfigDef)
++	$(postproc) $(OconfigDefaults) $(Oconfig_tmp) > $(Oconfig)
++	rm $(Oconfig_tmp)
++	rm $(OconfigDefaults_tmp)
++config: $(conf) $(OconfigDefaults) $(OconfigDef)
++	rm -f $(Oconfig_tmp)
++	$(preproc) $(wildcard $(Oconfig)) > $(Oconfig_tmp)
++	KCONFIG_CONFIG=$(Oconfig_tmp) $< --oldaskconfig $(OconfigDef)
++	$(postproc) $(OconfigDefaults) $(Oconfig_tmp) > $(Oconfig)
++	rm $(Oconfig_tmp)
++menuconfig: $(mconf) $(OconfigDefaults) $(OconfigDef)
++	rm -f $(Oconfig_tmp)
++	$(preproc) $(wildcard $(Oconfig)) > $(Oconfig_tmp)
++	KCONFIG_CONFIG=$(Oconfig_tmp) $< $(OconfigDef)
++	$(postproc) $(OconfigDefaults) $(Oconfig_tmp) > $(Oconfig)
++	rm $(Oconfig_tmp)
++# Help text used by make help
++	@echo  '  defconfig	  - New config with default from default config'
++	@echo  '  config	  - Update current config utilising a line-oriented program'
++	@echo  '  menuconfig	  - Update current config utilising a menu based program'
+diff --git a/options-config/config-postproc.pl b/options-config/config-postproc.pl
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..4dd1c63
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/options-config/config-postproc.pl
+@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
++$usage = "usage: $0 <default config file> <config file>\n";
++die "$usage" unless @ARGV;
++$defaults = shift @ARGV;
++die "$usage" unless @ARGV;
++die "Could not open $ARGV[0]" unless -T $ARGV[0];
++sub yank {
++    @option = grep(!($_ =~ /$_[0]\s*=/), @option);
++open(DEFAULTS, $defaults) || die "Could not open $defaults\n";
++# get the full list of available options using the default config file
++$i = 0;
++while (<DEFAULTS>) {
++    if (/^\s*OPTION_(\w+\s*=.*$)/) {
++	$option[$i++] = $1;
++    }
++# now go through the config file, making the necessary changes
++while (<>) {
++    if (/Linux Kernel Configuration/) {
++	# change title
++	s/Linux Kernel/Option Groups/;
++	print;
++    } elsif (/^\s*CONFIG_(\w+)\s*=/) {
++	# this is an explicit option set line, change CONFIG_ to OPTION_
++	# before printing and remove this option from option list
++	$opt = $1;
++	yank($opt);
++	print;
++    } elsif (/^\s*#\s+CONFIG_(\w+) is not set/) {
++	# this is a comment line for an unset boolean option, change CONFIG_
++	# to OPTION_, remove this option from option list, and convert to
++	# explicit OPTION_FOO=n
++	$opt = $1;
++	yank($opt);
++	print "OPTION_$opt=n\n";
++    } else {
++	print;
++    }
++# any boolean options left in @options, are options that were not mentioned in
++# the config file, and implicitly that means the option must be set =n,
++# so do that here.
++foreach $opt (@option) {
++    if ($opt =~ /=\s*[yn]/) {
++	$opt =~ s/=\s*[yn]/=n/;
++	print "OPTION_$opt\n";
++    }
+diff --git a/options-config/config-preproc.pl b/options-config/config-preproc.pl
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b83bb85
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/options-config/config-preproc.pl
+@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
++if (@ARGV) {
++    while (<>) {
++	print;
++    }
+diff --git a/scripts/option-groups.awk b/scripts/option-groups.awk
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..533af0c
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/scripts/option-groups.awk
+@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
++# option-groups.awk --- generate option group header file
++# Given input files containing makefile-style assignments to variables,
++# print out a header file that #defines an appropriate preprocessor
++# symbol for each variable left set to 'y'.
++BEGIN { FS="=" }
++# Trim spaces.
++{ gsub (/[[:blank:]]/, "") }
++# Skip comments.
++/^#/ { next }
++# Process assignments.
++NF == 2 {
++    vars[$1] = $2
++# Print final values.
++END {
++    print "/* This file is automatically generated by scripts/option-groups.awk"
++    print "   in the EGLIBC source tree."
++    print ""
++    print "   It defines macros that indicate which EGLIBC option groups were"
++    print "   configured in 'option-groups.config' when this C library was"
++    print "   built.  For each option group named OPTION_foo, it #defines"
++    print "   __OPTION_foo to be 1 if the group is enabled, or #defines that"
++    print "   symbol to be 0 if the group is disabled.  */"
++    print ""
++    print "#ifndef __GNU_OPTION_GROUPS_H"
++    print "#define __GNU_OPTION_GROUPS_H"
++    print ""
++    # Produce a sorted list of variable names.
++    i=0
++    for (var in vars)
++        names[i++] = var
++    n = asort (names)
++    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
++    {
++        var = names[i]
++        if (var ~ /^OPTION_/)
++        {
++            if (vars[var] == "y")
++                print "#define __" var " 1"
++            else if (vars[var] == "n")
++                print "#define __" var " 0"
++	    else if (vars[var] ~ /^[0-9]+/ ||
++		     vars[var] ~ /^0x[0-9aAbBcCdDeEfF]+/ ||
++		     vars[var] ~ /^\"/)
++		 print "#define __" var " " vars[var]
++	    else
++		print "/* #undef __" var " */"
++            # Ignore variables that don't have boolean, int, hex, or
++	    # string values. Ideally, this would be driven by the types
++	    # given in option-groups.def.
++        }
++    }
++    print ""
++    print "#endif /* __GNU_OPTION_GROUPS_H */"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0020-eglibc-Help-bootstrap-cross-toolchain.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0020-eglibc-Help-bootstrap-cross-toolchain.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df93094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0020-eglibc-Help-bootstrap-cross-toolchain.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+From 8fe0d29488b376011cdaaa462d557ffc0b31fb63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:49:28 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 20/27] eglibc: Help bootstrap cross toolchain
+Taken from EGLIBC, r1484 + r1525
+        2007-02-20  Jim Blandy  <jimb@codesourcery.com>
+                * Makefile (install-headers): Preserve old behavior: depend on
+                $(inst_includedir)/gnu/stubs.h only if install-bootstrap-headers
+                is set; otherwise, place gnu/stubs.h on the 'install-others' list.
+        2007-02-16  Jim Blandy  <jimb@codesourcery.com>
+                * Makefile: Amend make install-headers to install everything
+                necessary for building a cross-compiler.  Install gnu/stubs.h as
+                part of 'install-headers', not 'install-others'.
+                If install-bootstrap-headers is 'yes', install a dummy copy of
+                gnu/stubs.h, instead of computing the real thing.
+                * include/stubs-bootstrap.h: New file.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ Makefile                  | 22 +++++++++++++++++++++-
+ include/stubs-bootstrap.h | 12 ++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+ create mode 100644 include/stubs-bootstrap.h
+diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
+index f906391..e4e149e 100644
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -69,9 +69,18 @@ subdir-dirs = include
+ vpath %.h $(subdir-dirs)
+ # What to install.
+-install-others = $(inst_includedir)/gnu/stubs.h
+ install-bin-script =
++# If we're bootstrapping, install a dummy gnu/stubs.h along with the
++# other headers, so 'make install-headers' produces a useable include
++# tree.  Otherwise, install gnu/stubs.h later, after the rest of the
++# build is done.
++ifeq ($(install-bootstrap-headers),yes)
++install-headers: $(inst_includedir)/gnu/stubs.h
++install-others = $(inst_includedir)/gnu/stubs.h
+ ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
+ headers += gnu/lib-names.h
+ endif
+@@ -151,6 +160,16 @@ others: $(common-objpfx)testrun.sh
+ subdir-stubs := $(foreach dir,$(subdirs),$(common-objpfx)$(dir)/stubs)
++# gnu/stubs.h depends (via the subdir 'stubs' targets) on all the .o
++# files in EGLIBC.  For bootstrapping a GCC/EGLIBC pair, an empty
++# gnu/stubs.h is good enough.
++ifeq ($(install-bootstrap-headers),yes)
++$(inst_includedir)/gnu/stubs.h: include/stubs-bootstrap.h $(+force)
++	$(make-target-directory)
++	$(INSTALL_DATA) $< $@
++installed-stubs =
+ ifndef abi-variants
+ installed-stubs = $(inst_includedir)/gnu/stubs.h
+ else
+@@ -177,6 +196,7 @@ $(inst_includedir)/gnu/stubs.h: $(+force)
+ install-others-nosubdir: $(installed-stubs)
+ endif
+ # Since stubs.h is never needed when building the library, we simplify the
+diff --git a/include/stubs-bootstrap.h b/include/stubs-bootstrap.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..1d2b669
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/include/stubs-bootstrap.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++/* Placeholder stubs.h file for bootstrapping.
++   When bootstrapping a GCC/EGLIBC pair, GCC requires that the EGLIBC
++   headers be installed, but we can't fully build EGLIBC without that
++   GCC.  So we run the command:
++      make install-headers install-bootstrap-headers=yes
++   to install the headers GCC needs, but avoid building certain
++   difficult headers.  The <gnu/stubs.h> header depends, via the
++   EGLIBC subdir 'stubs' make targets, on every .o file in EGLIBC, but
++   an empty stubs.h like this will do fine for GCC.  */
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0021-eglibc-cherry-picked-from-http-www.eglibc.org-archiv.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0021-eglibc-cherry-picked-from-http-www.eglibc.org-archiv.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38bb8a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0021-eglibc-cherry-picked-from-http-www.eglibc.org-archiv.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+From fe2ae4f877928dd6bff5bac3f15bce4b50d2bd12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:51:16 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 21/27] eglibc: cherry-picked from
+ http://www.eglibc.org/archives/patches/msg00772.html
+It hasn't yet been merged into glibc
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ resolv/res_libc.c | 15 +++++++++++++--
+ 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/resolv/res_libc.c b/resolv/res_libc.c
+index ee3fa21..29e2340 100644
+--- a/resolv/res_libc.c
++++ b/resolv/res_libc.c
+@@ -22,12 +22,13 @@
+ #include <arpa/nameser.h>
+ #include <resolv.h>
+ #include <bits/libc-lock.h>
++#include <sys/stat.h>
+ /* The following bit is copied from res_data.c (where it is #ifdef'ed
+    out) since res_init() should go into libc.so but the rest of that
+    file should not.  */
++__libc_lock_define_initialized (static, lock);
+ extern unsigned long long int __res_initstamp attribute_hidden;
+ /* We have atomic increment operations on 64-bit platforms.  */
+ #if __WORDSIZE == 64
+@@ -35,7 +36,6 @@ extern unsigned long long int __res_initstamp attribute_hidden;
+ # define atomicincunlock(lock) (void) 0
+ # define atomicinc(var) catomic_increment (&(var))
+ #else
+-__libc_lock_define_initialized (static, lock);
+ # define atomicinclock(lock) __libc_lock_lock (lock)
+ # define atomicincunlock(lock) __libc_lock_unlock (lock)
+ # define atomicinc(var) ++var
+@@ -94,7 +94,18 @@ res_init(void) {
+ int
+ __res_maybe_init (res_state resp, int preinit)
+ {
++	static time_t last_mtime;
++	struct stat statbuf;
++	int ret;
+ 	if (resp->options & RES_INIT) {
++		ret = stat (_PATH_RESCONF, &statbuf);
++		__libc_lock_lock (lock);
++		if ((ret == 0) && (last_mtime != statbuf.st_mtime)) {
++			last_mtime = statbuf.st_mtime;
++			atomicinc (__res_initstamp);
++		}
++		__libc_lock_unlock (lock);
+ 		if (__res_initstamp != resp->_u._ext.initstamp) {
+ 			if (resp->nscount > 0)
+ 				__res_iclose (resp, true);
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0022-eglibc-Clear-cache-lines-on-ppc8xx.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0022-eglibc-Clear-cache-lines-on-ppc8xx.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a4c9c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0022-eglibc-Clear-cache-lines-on-ppc8xx.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+From be7273225698074347a71de58006977bb304d7f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:53:47 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 22/27] eglibc: Clear cache lines on ppc8xx
+2007-06-13  Nathan Sidwell  <nathan@codesourcery.com>
+            Mark Shinwell  <shinwell@codesourcery.com>
+        * sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/libc-start.c
+        (__libc_start_main): Detect 8xx parts and clear
+        __cache_line_size if detected.
+        * sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/dl-sysdep.c
+        (DL_PLATFORM_AUXV): Likewise.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/dl-sysdep.c  | 14 +++++++++++++-
+ sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/libc-start.c | 15 ++++++++++++++-
+ 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/dl-sysdep.c b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/dl-sysdep.c
+index c2504ff..d50f1cb 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/dl-sysdep.c
++++ b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/dl-sysdep.c
+@@ -24,9 +24,21 @@ int __cache_line_size attribute_hidden;
+ /* Scan the Aux Vector for the "Data Cache Block Size" entry.  If found
+    verify that the static extern __cache_line_size is defined by checking
+    for not NULL.  If it is defined then assign the cache block size
+-   value to __cache_line_size.  */
++   value to __cache_line_size.  This is used by memset to
++   optimize setting to zero.  We have to detect 8xx processors, which
++   have buggy dcbz implementations that cannot report page faults
++   correctly.  That requires reading SPR, which is a privileged
++   operation.  Fortunately 2.2.18 and later emulates PowerPC mfspr
++   reads from the PVR register.   */
+ #define DL_PLATFORM_AUXV						      \
+       case AT_DCACHEBSIZE:						      \
++	if (__LINUX_KERNEL_VERSION >= 0x020218)				      \
++	  {								      \
++	    unsigned pvr = 0;						      \
++	    asm ("mfspr %0, 287" : "=r" (pvr));				      \
++	    if ((pvr & 0xffff0000) == 0x00500000)			      \
++	      break;							      \
++	  }								      \
+ 	__cache_line_size = av->a_un.a_val;				      \
+ 	break;
+diff --git a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/libc-start.c b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/libc-start.c
+index a9364c7..a3ed1d4 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/libc-start.c
++++ b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/powerpc/libc-start.c
+@@ -68,11 +68,24 @@ __libc_start_main (int argc, char **argv,
+       rtld_fini = NULL;
+     }
+-  /* Initialize the __cache_line_size variable from the aux vector.  */
++  /* Initialize the __cache_line_size variable from the aux vector.
++     This is used by memset to optimize setting to zero.  We have to
++     detect 8xx processors, which have buggy dcbz implementations that
++     cannot report page faults correctly.  That requires reading SPR,
++     which is a privileged operation.  Fortunately 2.2.18 and later
++     emulates PowerPC mfspr reads from the PVR register.  */
+   for (ElfW (auxv_t) * av = auxvec; av->a_type != AT_NULL; ++av)
+     switch (av->a_type)
+       {
+       case AT_DCACHEBSIZE:
++	if (__LINUX_KERNEL_VERSION >= 0x020218)
++	  {
++	    unsigned pvr = 0;
++	    asm ("mfspr %0, 287" : "=r" (pvr) :);
++	    if ((pvr & 0xffff0000) == 0x00500000)
++	      break;
++	  }
+ 	__cache_line_size = av->a_un.a_val;
+ 	break;
+       }
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0023-eglibc-Resolve-__fpscr_values-on-SH4.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0023-eglibc-Resolve-__fpscr_values-on-SH4.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f3d753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0023-eglibc-Resolve-__fpscr_values-on-SH4.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+From 718e7e5db1c8b073adb9a79ec6f167238c2d8bda Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:55:53 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 23/27] eglibc: Resolve __fpscr_values on SH4
+2010-09-29  Nobuhiro Iwamatsu  <iwamatsu@nigauri.org>
+            Andrew Stubbs  <ams@codesourcery.com>
+        Resolve SH's __fpscr_values to symbol in libc.so.
+        * sysdeps/sh/sh4/fpu/fpu_control.h: Add C++ __set_fpscr prototype.
+        * sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sh/Versions (GLIBC_2.2): Add __fpscr_values.
+        * sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sh/sysdep.S (___fpscr_values): New constant.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sh/Versions |  1 +
+ sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sh/sysdep.S | 11 +++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sh/Versions b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sh/Versions
+index e0938c4..ca1d7da 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sh/Versions
++++ b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sh/Versions
+@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ libc {
+   GLIBC_2.2 {
+     # functions used in other libraries
+     __xstat64; __fxstat64; __lxstat64;
++    __fpscr_values;
+     # a*
+     alphasort64;
+diff --git a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sh/sysdep.S b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sh/sysdep.S
+index a02b7e2..b9be326 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sh/sysdep.S
++++ b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sh/sysdep.S
+@@ -30,3 +30,14 @@ ENTRY (__syscall_error)
+ #define __syscall_error __syscall_error_1
+ #include <sysdeps/unix/sh/sysdep.S>
++       .data
++       .align 3
++       .globl ___fpscr_values
++       .type ___fpscr_values, @object
++       .size ___fpscr_values, 8
++       .long 0
++       .long 0x80000
++weak_alias (___fpscr_values, __fpscr_values)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0024-eglibc-Forward-port-eglibc-options-groups-support.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0024-eglibc-Forward-port-eglibc-options-groups-support.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0514e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0024-eglibc-Forward-port-eglibc-options-groups-support.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16842 @@
+From 2a5d7bcf0ff791c95ee1388772408a1bf4454694 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 01:33:49 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 24/27] eglibc: Forward port eglibc options groups support
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ Makeconfig                              |   20 +-
+ Makerules                               |   19 +
+ argp/Makefile                           |    2 +
+ argp/argp-fmtstream.c                   |   25 +-
+ argp/argp-help.c                        |   13 +-
+ argp/argp-namefrob.h                    |    2 +
+ catgets/Makefile                        |   17 +-
+ crypt/Makefile                          |   20 +-
+ crypt/crypt-entry.c                     |   13 +
+ crypt/crypt_common.c                    |   42 +
+ crypt/crypt_util.c                      |   18 -
+ csu/Makefile                            |    2 +
+ debug/Makefile                          |   41 +-
+ debug/segfault.c                        |   11 +-
+ debug/tst-chk1.c                        |    7 +
+ dlfcn/Makefile                          |    7 +-
+ elf/dl-support.c                        |    3 +
+ elf/rtld.c                              |   17 +-
+ extra-lib.mk                            |    6 +-
+ grp/Makefile                            |    5 +
+ hesiod/Makefile                         |    6 +-
+ iconv/Makefile                          |    7 +
+ iconv/gconv_db.c                        |    3 +
+ iconv/gconv_trans.c                     |    7 +
+ iconv/iconv_prog.c                      |    8 +
+ iconvdata/Makefile                      |   27 +-
+ include/netdb.h                         |    4 +
+ inet/Makefile                           |   22 +-
+ intl/Makefile                           |    3 +-
+ intl/dcigettext.c                       |   39 +-
+ io/Makefile                             |   18 +-
+ libidn/Makefile                         |    5 +-
+ libidn/toutf8.c                         |   11 +-
+ libio/Makefile                          |   66 +-
+ libio/__fpurge.c                        |    2 +-
+ libio/fileops.c                         |   10 +-
+ libio/iofwide.c                         |   26 +
+ libio/ioseekoff.c                       |    2 +-
+ libio/ioseekpos.c                       |    2 +-
+ libio/iosetbuffer.c                     |    4 +
+ libio/libioP.h                          |   18 +-
+ libio/wdummyfileops.c                   |  161 +
+ locale/C-ctype.c                        |   20 +
+ locale/Makefile                         |   41 +-
+ locale/catnames.c                       |   48 +
+ locale/dummy-setlocale.c                |   33 +
+ locale/localeinfo.h                     |    2 +-
+ locale/programs/charmap-dir.c           |    6 +
+ locale/programs/ld-collate.c            |   17 +-
+ locale/programs/ld-ctype.c              |   27 +-
+ locale/programs/ld-messages.c           |    5 +
+ locale/programs/ld-time.c               |   31 +-
+ locale/programs/linereader.c            |    2 +-
+ locale/programs/localedef.c             |    8 +
+ locale/programs/locfile.c               |    5 +-
+ locale/programs/locfile.h               |   59 +-
+ locale/setlocale.c                      |   30 -
+ locale/xlocale.c                        |   37 +
+ localedata/Makefile                     |   35 +-
+ login/Makefile                          |   17 +-
+ malloc/Makefile                         |   10 +-
+ malloc/memusage.c                       |    7 +-
+ malloc/memusage.sh                      |    2 +-
+ math/Makefile                           |    6 +-
+ misc/Makefile                           |   25 +-
+ misc/err.c                              |   11 +
+ misc/error.c                            |    5 +
+ misc/tst-efgcvt.c                       |    2 +-
+ nis/Makefile                            |   31 +-
+ nptl/Makefile                           |   28 +-
+ nptl/pthread_create.c                   |    5 +
+ nscd/Makefile                           |   33 +-
+ nscd/nis_hash.c                         |    3 +
+ nss/Makefile                            |   67 +-
+ nss/fixed-nsswitch.conf                 |   22 +
+ nss/fixed-nsswitch.functions            |  121 +
+ nss/gen-fixed-nsswitch.c                |  803 +++
+ nss/getent.c                            |   46 +-
+ nss/getnssent_r.c                       |    9 +-
+ nss/nsswitch.c                          |  109 +-
+ nss/nsswitch.h                          |   18 +-
+ posix/Makefile                          |   94 +-
+ posix/bug-regex1.c                      |    3 +
+ posix/bug-regex6.c                      |    8 +-
+ posix/fnmatch.c                         |    6 +-
+ posix/fnmatch_loop.c                    |   23 +-
+ posix/glob.c                            |   15 +-
+ posix/regcomp.c                         |   98 +-
+ posix/regex.h                           |   11 +
+ posix/regex_internal.c                  |   45 +-
+ posix/regex_internal.h                  |   23 +-
+ posix/regexec-compat.c                  |   39 +
+ posix/regexec.c                         |   71 +-
+ posix/xregex.c                          | 8215 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ pwd/Makefile                            |    2 +
+ resolv/Makefile                         |   21 +-
+ stdio-common/Makefile                   |   35 +-
+ stdio-common/_i18n_number.h             |   13 +
+ stdio-common/fxprintf.c                 |    5 +
+ stdio-common/printf_fp.c                |   22 +
+ stdio-common/printf_fphex.c             |   13 +
+ stdio-common/printf_size.c              |    8 +
+ stdio-common/scanf14.c                  |    3 +
+ stdio-common/tst-popen.c                |    3 +
+ stdio-common/tst-sprintf.c              |    4 +-
+ stdio-common/tstdiomisc.c               |    5 +
+ stdio-common/vfprintf.c                 |   31 +-
+ stdio-common/vfscanf.c                  |   53 +-
+ stdlib/Makefile                         |   34 +-
+ stdlib/strtod_l.c                       |   13 +
+ stdlib/tst-strtod.c                     |    5 +
+ streams/Makefile                        |    5 +-
+ string/Makefile                         |   14 +-
+ string/strcoll_l.c                      |    5 +
+ string/strerror_l.c                     |    5 +
+ string/strxfrm_l.c                      |    5 +
+ string/test-strcmp.c                    |   28 -
+ string/tst-strxfrm.c                    |    3 +
+ string/tst-strxfrm2.c                   |    3 +
+ sunrpc/Makefile                         |   44 +-
+ sysdeps/arm/Makefile                    |    5 +-
+ sysdeps/generic/ldsodefs.h              |    8 +
+ sysdeps/gnu/Makefile                    |    3 +-
+ sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-opt/Makefile       |   27 +-
+ sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-opt/nldbl-compat.c |   40 +-
+ sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-opt/nldbl-compat.h |   24 +-
+ sysdeps/nptl/Makefile                   |    3 +
+ sysdeps/nptl/bits/libc-lock.h           |   45 +
+ sysdeps/nptl/bits/libc-lockP.h          |   50 +-
+ sysdeps/nptl/small-macros-fns.c         |   72 +
+ sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/gethostid.c     |    6 +
+ sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/libc_fatal.c    |    3 +
+ time/Makefile                           |   18 +-
+ time/strftime_l.c                       |   12 +-
+ time/strptime_l.c                       |   14 +-
+ timezone/Makefile                       |    2 +-
+ wcsmbs/Makefile                         |   27 +-
+ wcsmbs/wcsmbsload.c                     |   13 +
+ wctype/Makefile                         |   14 +-
+ 139 files changed, 11363 insertions(+), 583 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 crypt/crypt_common.c
+ create mode 100644 libio/wdummyfileops.c
+ create mode 100644 locale/catnames.c
+ create mode 100644 locale/dummy-setlocale.c
+ create mode 100644 nscd/nis_hash.c
+ create mode 100644 nss/fixed-nsswitch.conf
+ create mode 100644 nss/fixed-nsswitch.functions
+ create mode 100644 nss/gen-fixed-nsswitch.c
+ create mode 100644 posix/regexec-compat.c
+ create mode 100644 posix/xregex.c
+ create mode 100644 sysdeps/nptl/small-macros-fns.c
+diff --git a/Makeconfig b/Makeconfig
+index f136b88..52dae8f 100644
+--- a/Makeconfig
++++ b/Makeconfig
+@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ elf-objpfx = $(common-objpfx)elf/
+ # and run on the build system, causes that program with those
+ # arguments to be run on the host for which the library is built.
+ ifndef test-wrapper
+-test-wrapper =
++test-wrapper = $(cross-test-wrapper)
+ endif
+ # Likewise, but the name of the program is preceded by
+ # <variable>=<value> assignments for environment variables.
+@@ -1089,6 +1089,24 @@ libm = $(common-objpfx)math/libm.a
+ libmvec = $(common-objpfx)mathvec/libmvec.a
+ endif
++# Generate a header file that #defines preprocessor symbols indicating
++# which option groups are enabled.  Note that the option-groups.config file
++# may not exist at all.
++before-compile += $(common-objpfx)gnu/option-groups.h
++common-generated += gnu/option-groups.h gnu/option-groups.stmp
++headers += gnu/option-groups.h
++$(common-objpfx)gnu/option-groups.h: $(common-objpfx)gnu/option-groups.stmp; @:
++$(common-objpfx)gnu/option-groups.stmp:					\
++		$(..)scripts/option-groups.awk				\
++		$(..)option-groups.defaults				\
++		$(wildcard $(common-objpfx)option-groups.config)
++	$(make-target-directory)
++	@rm -f ${@:stmp=T} $@
++	LC_ALL=C $(AWK) -f $^ > ${@:stmp=T}
++	$(move-if-change) ${@:stmp=T} ${@:stmp=h}
++	touch $@
+ # These are the subdirectories containing the library source.  The order
+ # is more or less arbitrary.  The sorting step will take care of the
+ # dependencies.
+diff --git a/Makerules b/Makerules
+index f9ca3f5..1dd41aa 100644
+--- a/Makerules
++++ b/Makerules
+@@ -456,6 +456,25 @@ define sed-remove-objpfx
+ endef
+ endif
++# Include targets in the selected option groups.
++aux                  += $(aux-y)
++extra-libs           += $(extra-libs-y)
++extra-libs-others    += $(extra-libs-others-y)
++extra-objs           += $(extra-objs-y)
++install-bin          += $(install-bin-y)
++install-others       += $(install-others-y)
++install-sbin         += $(install-sbin-y)
++modules              += $(modules-y)
++others               += $(others-y)
++others-pie           += $(others-pie-y)
++routines             += $(routines-y)
++static-only-routines += $(static-only-routines-y)
++sysdep_routines      += $(sysdep_routines-y)
++test-srcs            += $(test-srcs-y)
++tests                += $(tests-y)
++xtests               += $(xtests-y)
+ # Modify the list of routines we build for different targets
+ ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
+diff --git a/argp/Makefile b/argp/Makefile
+index 1a87629..f7c1e40 100644
+--- a/argp/Makefile
++++ b/argp/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #
+ #	Makefile for argp.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= argp
+ include ../Makeconfig
+diff --git a/argp/argp-fmtstream.c b/argp/argp-fmtstream.c
+index 2b845e0..c344e7b 100644
+--- a/argp/argp-fmtstream.c
++++ b/argp/argp-fmtstream.c
+@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
+ #ifdef _LIBC
+ # include <wchar.h>
+ # include <libio/libioP.h>
++# include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ # define __vsnprintf(s, l, f, a) _IO_vsnprintf (s, l, f, a)
+ #endif
+@@ -100,7 +101,11 @@ __argp_fmtstream_free (argp_fmtstream_t fs)
+   __argp_fmtstream_update (fs);
+   if (fs->p > fs->buf)
+     {
++#ifdef _LIBC
+       __fxprintf (fs->stream, "%.*s", (int) (fs->p - fs->buf), fs->buf);
++      fwrite_unlocked (fs->buf, 1, fs->p - fs->buf, fs->stream);
+     }
+   free (fs->buf);
+   free (fs);
+@@ -145,9 +150,17 @@ __argp_fmtstream_update (argp_fmtstream_t fs)
+ 	      size_t i;
+ 	      for (i = 0; i < pad; i++)
+ 		{
++#ifdef _LIBC
+ 		  if (_IO_fwide (fs->stream, 0) > 0)
+-		    putwc_unlocked (L' ', fs->stream);
++                    {
++                      putwc_unlocked (L' ', fs->stream);
++                      abort ();
++                    }
+ 		  else
+ 		    putc_unlocked (' ', fs->stream);
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+@@ -308,9 +321,17 @@ __argp_fmtstream_update (argp_fmtstream_t fs)
+ 	      *nl++ = ' ';
+ 	  else
+ 	    for (i = 0; i < fs->wmargin; ++i)
++#ifdef _LIBC
+ 	      if (_IO_fwide (fs->stream, 0) > 0)
+-		putwc_unlocked (L' ', fs->stream);
++                {
++                  putwc_unlocked (L' ', fs->stream);
++                  abort ();
++                }
+ 	      else
+ 		putc_unlocked (' ', fs->stream);
+ 	  /* Copy the tail of the original buffer into the current buffer
+diff --git a/argp/argp-help.c b/argp/argp-help.c
+index b055e45..6b3c4c1 100644
+--- a/argp/argp-help.c
++++ b/argp/argp-help.c
+@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ char *alloca ();
+ #ifdef _LIBC
+ # include <../libio/libioP.h>
+ # include <wchar.h>
++# include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #endif
+ #ifndef _
+@@ -1702,7 +1703,7 @@ char *__argp_basename (char *name)
+ }
+ char *
+-__argp_short_program_name (void)
++(__argp_short_program_name) (void)
+ {
+   return program_invocation_short_name;
+@@ -1873,9 +1874,17 @@ __argp_failure (const struct argp_state *state, int status, int errnum,
+ #endif
+ 	    }
++#ifdef _LIBC
+ 	  if (_IO_fwide (stream, 0) > 0)
+-	    putwc_unlocked (L'\n', stream);
++            {
++              putwc_unlocked (L'\n', stream);
++              abort ();
++            }
+ 	  else
+ 	    putc_unlocked ('\n', stream);
+diff --git a/argp/argp-namefrob.h b/argp/argp-namefrob.h
+index f67c58f..e2002dc 100644
+--- a/argp/argp-namefrob.h
++++ b/argp/argp-namefrob.h
+@@ -76,10 +76,12 @@
+ #undef __argp_fmtstream_wmargin
+ #define __argp_fmtstream_wmargin argp_fmtstream_wmargin
++#if 0
+ #include "mempcpy.h"
+ #include "strcase.h"
+ #include "strchrnul.h"
+ #include "strndup.h"
+ /* normal libc functions we call */
+ #undef __flockfile
+diff --git a/catgets/Makefile b/catgets/Makefile
+index 4624a88..05714fd 100644
+--- a/catgets/Makefile
++++ b/catgets/Makefile
+@@ -22,20 +22,23 @@ subdir	:= catgets
+ include ../Makeconfig
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ headers		= nl_types.h
+-routines	= catgets open_catalog
+-others		= gencat
+-install-bin	= gencat
+-extra-objs	= $(gencat-modules:=.o)
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_CATGETS)    := catgets open_catalog
++others-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_CATGETS)      := gencat
++install-bin-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_CATGETS) := gencat
++extra-objs-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_CATGETS)  := $(gencat-modules:=.o)
+-tests = tst-catgets
+-test-srcs = test-gencat
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_CATGETS)       := tst-catgets
++test-srcs-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_CATGETS)   := test-gencat
+ ifeq ($(run-built-tests),yes)
+ tests-special += $(objpfx)de/libc.cat $(objpfx)test1.cat $(objpfx)test2.cat \
+ 		 $(objpfx)sample.SJIS.cat $(objpfx)test-gencat.out
+ endif
+ gencat-modules	= xmalloc
+ # To find xmalloc.c
+diff --git a/crypt/Makefile b/crypt/Makefile
+index 34c4dd7..7c18c88 100644
+--- a/crypt/Makefile
++++ b/crypt/Makefile
+@@ -18,21 +18,25 @@
+ #
+ #	Sub-makefile for crypt() portion of the library.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= crypt
+ include ../Makeconfig
+ headers := crypt.h
+-extra-libs := libcrypt
+-extra-libs-others := $(extra-libs)
++extra-libs-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_CRYPT) := libcrypt
++extra-libs-others-y := $(extra-libs-y)
+-libcrypt-routines := crypt-entry md5-crypt sha256-crypt sha512-crypt crypt \
+-		     crypt_util
++libcrypt-routines :=crypt-entry  md5-crypt sha256-crypt sha512-crypt crypt_common
++libcrypt-routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_CRYPT_UFC) := crypt crypt_util
++libcrypt-routines += $(libcrypt-routines-y)
+-tests := cert md5c-test sha256c-test sha512c-test badsalttest
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_CRYPT) := md5c-test sha256c-test sha512c-test badsalttest
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_CRYPT_UFC) += cert
+-ifeq ($(crypt-in-libc),yes)
++ifeq ($(crypt-in-libc)$(OPTION_EGLIBC_CRYPT),yesy)
+ routines += $(libcrypt-routines)
+ endif
+@@ -44,7 +48,7 @@ LDLIBS-crypt.so = -lfreebl3
+ else
+ libcrypt-routines += md5 sha256 sha512
+-tests += md5test sha256test sha512test
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_CRYPT) += md5test sha256test sha512test
+ # The test md5test-giant uses up to 400 MB of RSS and runs on a fast
+ # machine over a minute.
+@@ -64,8 +68,10 @@ $(objpfx)sha256test: $(patsubst %, $(objpfx)%.o,$(sha256-routines))
+ $(objpfx)sha512test: $(patsubst %, $(objpfx)%.o,$(sha512-routines))
+ endif
+ ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
+ $(addprefix $(objpfx),$(tests)): $(objpfx)libcrypt.so
+ else
+ $(addprefix $(objpfx),$(tests)): $(objpfx)libcrypt.a
+ endif
++endif # eglibc: OPTION_EGLIBC_CRYPT
+diff --git a/crypt/crypt-entry.c b/crypt/crypt-entry.c
+index 7e655ba..6ae5c2b 100644
+--- a/crypt/crypt-entry.c
++++ b/crypt/crypt-entry.c
+@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #endif
+ #include <string.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <fips-private.h>
+@@ -76,9 +77,11 @@ __crypt_r (key, salt, data)
+      const char *salt;
+      struct crypt_data * __restrict data;
+ {
+   ufc_long res[4];
+   char ktab[9];
+   ufc_long xx = 25; /* to cope with GCC long long compiler bugs */
+ #ifdef _LIBC
+   /* Try to find out whether we have to use MD5 encryption replacement.  */
+@@ -105,6 +108,7 @@ __crypt_r (key, salt, data)
+ 			     sizeof (struct crypt_data));
+ #endif
+   /*
+    * Hack DES tables according to salt
+    */
+@@ -144,6 +148,10 @@ __crypt_r (key, salt, data)
+    */
+   _ufc_output_conversion_r (res[0], res[1], salt, data);
+   return data->crypt_3_buf;
++  __set_errno (ENOSYS);
++  return NULL;
++#endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_CRYPT_UFC */
+ }
+ weak_alias (__crypt_r, crypt_r)
+@@ -168,7 +176,12 @@ crypt (key, salt)
+     return __sha512_crypt (key, salt);
+ #endif
+   return __crypt_r (key, salt, &_ufc_foobar);
++  __set_errno (ENOSYS);
++  return NULL;
++#endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_CRYPT_UFC */
+ }
+diff --git a/crypt/crypt_common.c b/crypt/crypt_common.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..cce6a31
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/crypt/crypt_common.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
++ * crypt: crypt(3) implementation
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 1991-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++ *
++ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ * License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not,
++ * see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++ *
++ * General Support routines
++ *
++ */
++#include "crypt-private.h"
++/* Table with characters for base64 transformation.  */
++static const char b64t[64] =
++__b64_from_24bit (char **cp, int *buflen,
++		  unsigned int b2, unsigned int b1, unsigned int b0,
++		  int n)
++  unsigned int w = (b2 << 16) | (b1 << 8) | b0;
++  while (n-- > 0 && (*buflen) > 0)
++    {
++      *(*cp)++ = b64t[w & 0x3f];
++      --(*buflen);
++      w >>= 6;
++    }
+diff --git a/crypt/crypt_util.c b/crypt/crypt_util.c
+index 1597885..9297974 100644
+--- a/crypt/crypt_util.c
++++ b/crypt/crypt_util.c
+@@ -242,10 +242,6 @@ static ufc_long eperm32tab[4][256][2];
+  */
+ static ufc_long efp[16][64][2];
+-/* Table with characters for base64 transformation.  */
+-static const char b64t[64] =
+ /*
+  * For use by the old, non-reentrant routines
+  * (crypt/encrypt/setkey)
+@@ -949,17 +945,3 @@ setkey(__key)
+ {
+   __setkey_r(__key, &_ufc_foobar);
+ }
+-__b64_from_24bit (char **cp, int *buflen,
+-		  unsigned int b2, unsigned int b1, unsigned int b0,
+-		  int n)
+-  unsigned int w = (b2 << 16) | (b1 << 8) | b0;
+-  while (n-- > 0 && (*buflen) > 0)
+-    {
+-      *(*cp)++ = b64t[w & 0x3f];
+-      --(*buflen);
+-      w >>= 6;
+-    }
+diff --git a/csu/Makefile b/csu/Makefile
+index 9f0855a..b1c3363 100644
+--- a/csu/Makefile
++++ b/csu/Makefile
+@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
+ # crtn.o, special "initializer" and "finalizer" files used in the link
+ # to make the .init and .fini sections work right.
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir := csu
+ include ../Makeconfig
+diff --git a/debug/Makefile b/debug/Makefile
+index 9ff357b..d23d97d 100644
+--- a/debug/Makefile
++++ b/debug/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #
+ #	Sub-makefile for debug portion of the library.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= debug
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ headers	:= execinfo.h
+ # Note that ptsname_r_chk and getlogin_r are not here, but in
+ # login/Makefile instead.  If that subdir is omitted from the
+ # build, its _FORTIFY_SOURCE support will be too.
+-routines  = backtrace backtracesyms backtracesymsfd noophooks \
++routines  = noophooks \
+ 	    memcpy_chk memmove_chk mempcpy_chk memset_chk stpcpy_chk \
+ 	    strcat_chk strcpy_chk strncat_chk strncpy_chk stpncpy_chk \
+ 	    sprintf_chk vsprintf_chk snprintf_chk vsnprintf_chk \
+@@ -36,20 +38,27 @@ routines  = backtrace backtracesyms backtracesymsfd noophooks \
+ 	    read_chk pread_chk pread64_chk recv_chk recvfrom_chk \
+ 	    readlink_chk readlinkat_chk getwd_chk getcwd_chk \
+ 	    realpath_chk fread_chk fread_u_chk \
+-	    wctomb_chk wcscpy_chk wmemcpy_chk wmemmove_chk wmempcpy_chk \
+-	    wcpcpy_chk wcsncpy_chk wcscat_chk wcsncat_chk wmemset_chk \
+-	    wcpncpy_chk \
+-	    swprintf_chk vswprintf_chk wprintf_chk fwprintf_chk \
+-	    vwprintf_chk vfwprintf_chk fgetws_chk fgetws_u_chk \
+ 	    confstr_chk getgroups_chk ttyname_r_chk \
+-	    gethostname_chk getdomainname_chk wcrtomb_chk mbsnrtowcs_chk \
+-	    wcsnrtombs_chk mbsrtowcs_chk wcsrtombs_chk mbstowcs_chk \
+-	    wcstombs_chk asprintf_chk vasprintf_chk dprintf_chk \
++	    gethostname_chk getdomainname_chk \
++	    asprintf_chk vasprintf_chk dprintf_chk \
+ 	    vdprintf_chk obprintf_chk \
+ 	    longjmp_chk ____longjmp_chk \
+ 	    fdelt_chk poll_chk ppoll_chk \
+ 	    stack_chk_fail fortify_fail \
+ 	    $(static-only-routines)
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_BACKTRACE) += backtrace backtracesyms backtracesymsfd
++	 += wprintf_chk fwprintf_chk				\
++	    vwprintf_chk vfwprintf_chk fgetws_chk fgetws_u_chk
++routines-$(OPTION_POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR)				\
++	 += wctomb_chk wcscpy_chk wmemcpy_chk wmemmove_chk wmempcpy_chk	\
++	    wcpcpy_chk wcsncpy_chk wcscat_chk wcsncat_chk wmemset_chk	\
++	    wcpncpy_chk							\
++	    swprintf_chk vswprintf_chk					\
++	    wcrtomb_chk mbsnrtowcs_chk					\
++	    wcsnrtombs_chk mbsrtowcs_chk wcsrtombs_chk mbstowcs_chk	\
++	    wcstombs_chk
+ static-only-routines := warning-nop stack_chk_fail_local
+ CFLAGS-backtrace.c = -fno-omit-frame-pointer
+@@ -131,11 +140,15 @@ LDFLAGS-tst-backtrace4 = -rdynamic
+ LDFLAGS-tst-backtrace5 = -rdynamic
+ LDFLAGS-tst-backtrace6 = -rdynamic
+-tests = backtrace-tst tst-longjmp_chk tst-chk1 tst-chk2 tst-chk3 \
+-	tst-lfschk1 tst-lfschk2 tst-lfschk3 test-strcpy_chk test-stpcpy_chk \
+-	tst-chk4 tst-chk5 tst-chk6 tst-lfschk4 tst-lfschk5 tst-lfschk6 \
+-	tst-longjmp_chk2 tst-backtrace2 tst-backtrace3 tst-backtrace4 \
+-	tst-backtrace5 tst-backtrace6
++tests = tst-longjmp_chk test-strcpy_chk test-stpcpy_chk tst-longjmp_chk2
++      += tst-chk1 tst-chk2 tst-chk3 tst-lfschk1 tst-lfschk2 tst-lfschk3
++      += backtrace-tst tst-backtrace2 tst-backtrace3 tst-backtrace4 \
++         tst-backtrace5 tst-backtrace6
++tests += tst-chk4 tst-chk5 tst-chk6 tst-lfschk4 tst-lfschk5 tst-lfschk6
+ ifeq (,$(CXX))
+ tests-unsupported = tst-chk4 tst-chk5 tst-chk6 \
+diff --git a/debug/segfault.c b/debug/segfault.c
+index 3459a2a..ee9a146 100644
+--- a/debug/segfault.c
++++ b/debug/segfault.c
+@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <_itoa.h>
+ #include <ldsodefs.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ /* This file defines macros to access the content of the sigcontext element
+    passed up by the signal handler.  */
+@@ -68,11 +69,13 @@ write_strsignal (int fd, int signal)
+ static void
+ catch_segfault (int signal, SIGCONTEXT ctx)
+ {
+-  int fd, cnt, i;
+-  void **arr;
++  int fd;
+   struct sigaction sa;
++  int cnt, i;
++  void **arr;
+   uintptr_t pc;
+   /* This is the name of the file we are writing to.  If none is given
+      or we cannot write to this file write to stderr.  */
+   fd = 2;
+@@ -91,6 +94,7 @@ catch_segfault (int signal, SIGCONTEXT ctx)
+ #endif
+   WRITE_STRING ("\nBacktrace:\n");
+   /* Get the backtrace.  */
+@@ -113,6 +117,7 @@ catch_segfault (int signal, SIGCONTEXT ctx)
+   /* Now generate nicely formatted output.  */
+   __backtrace_symbols_fd (arr + i, cnt - i, fd);
+   /* Now the link map.  */
+diff --git a/debug/tst-chk1.c b/debug/tst-chk1.c
+index 53559e6..362d92a 100644
+--- a/debug/tst-chk1.c
++++ b/debug/tst-chk1.c
+@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+ #include <sys/select.h>
+ #include <sys/socket.h>
+ #include <sys/un.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #define obstack_chunk_alloc malloc
+@@ -307,6 +308,7 @@ do_test (void)
+   snprintf (buf + 8, l0 + 3, "%d", num2);
+   swprintf (wbuf + 8, 3, L"%d", num1);
+@@ -314,6 +316,7 @@ do_test (void)
+   swprintf (wbuf + 8, l0 + 3, L"%d", num1);
+ # endif
+   memcpy (buf, str1 + 2, l0 + 9);
+@@ -381,6 +384,7 @@ do_test (void)
+ #endif
+   /* These ops can be done without runtime checking of object size.  */
+   wmemcpy (wbuf, L"abcdefghij", 10);
+@@ -605,6 +609,7 @@ do_test (void)
+ #endif
+   /* Now checks for %n protection.  */
+@@ -1192,6 +1197,7 @@ do_test (void)
+ # endif
+ #endif
+   if (setlocale (LC_ALL, "de_DE.UTF-8") != NULL)
+     {
+       assert (MB_CUR_MAX <= 10);
+@@ -1348,6 +1354,7 @@ do_test (void)
+       puts ("cannot set locale");
+       ret = 1;
+     }
+   int fd = posix_openpt (O_RDWR);
+   if (fd != -1)
+diff --git a/dlfcn/Makefile b/dlfcn/Makefile
+index 759780d..3827607 100644
+--- a/dlfcn/Makefile
++++ b/dlfcn/Makefile
+@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
+ # License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+ # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir		:= dlfcn
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -36,8 +38,11 @@ endif
+ ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
+ tests = glrefmain failtest tst-dladdr default errmsg1 tstcxaatexit \
+ 	bug-dlopen1 bug-dlsym1 tst-dlinfo bug-atexit1 bug-atexit2 \
+-	bug-atexit3 tstatexit bug-dl-leaf tst-rec-dlopen
++	tstatexit bug-dl-leaf tst-rec-dlopen
+ endif
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_CXX_TESTS) += bug-atexit3
+ modules-names = glreflib1 glreflib2 glreflib3 failtestmod defaultmod1 \
+ 		defaultmod2 errmsg1mod modatexit modcxaatexit \
+ 		bug-dlsym1-lib1 bug-dlsym1-lib2 bug-atexit1-lib \
+diff --git a/elf/dl-support.c b/elf/dl-support.c
+index 4d036f1..c15f405 100644
+--- a/elf/dl-support.c
++++ b/elf/dl-support.c
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+ /* This file defines some things that for the dynamic linker are defined in
+    rtld.c and dl-sysdep.c in ways appropriate to bootstrap dynamic linking.  */
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <libintl.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+@@ -42,7 +43,9 @@ char **_dl_argv = &__progname;	/* This is checked for some error messages.  */
+ const char *_dl_platform;
+ size_t _dl_platformlen;
+ int _dl_debug_mask;
+ int _dl_lazy;
+ ElfW(Addr) _dl_use_load_bias = -2;
+ int _dl_dynamic_weak;
+diff --git a/elf/rtld.c b/elf/rtld.c
+index 6d3add7..fc3a2db 100644
+--- a/elf/rtld.c
++++ b/elf/rtld.c
+@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+    <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <dlfcn.h>
+ #include <fcntl.h>
+@@ -2201,6 +2202,7 @@ print_missing_version (int errcode __attribute__ ((unused)),
+ 		    objname, errstring);
+ }
+ /* Nonzero if any of the debugging options is enabled.  */
+ static int any_debug attribute_relro;
+@@ -2310,6 +2312,7 @@ a filename can be specified using the LD_DEBUG_OUTPUT environment variable.\n");
+       _exit (0);
+     }
+ }
+ static void
+ process_dl_audit (char *str)
+@@ -2349,8 +2352,9 @@ process_envvars (enum mode *modep)
+   char **runp = _environ;
+   char *envline;
+   enum mode mode = normal;
+   char *debug_output = NULL;
+   /* This is the default place for profiling data file.  */
+   GLRO(dl_profile_output)
+     = &"/var/tmp\0/var/profile"[__libc_enable_secure ? 9 : 0];
+@@ -2377,12 +2381,14 @@ process_envvars (enum mode *modep)
+ 	  break;
+ 	case 5:
+ 	  /* Debugging of the dynamic linker?  */
+ 	  if (memcmp (envline, "DEBUG", 5) == 0)
+ 	    {
+ 	      process_dl_debug (&envline[6]);
+ 	      break;
+ 	    }
+ 	  if (memcmp (envline, "AUDIT", 5) == 0)
+ 	    process_dl_audit (&envline[6]);
+ 	  break;
+@@ -2448,13 +2454,14 @@ process_envvars (enum mode *modep)
+ 	      break;
+ 	    }
+ 	  /* Where to place the profiling data file.  */
+ 	  if (memcmp (envline, "DEBUG_OUTPUT", 12) == 0)
+ 	    {
+ 	      debug_output = &envline[13];
+ 	      break;
+ 	    }
+ 	  if (!__libc_enable_secure
+ 	      && memcmp (envline, "DYNAMIC_WEAK", 12) == 0)
+ 	    GLRO(dl_dynamic_weak) = 1;
+@@ -2491,7 +2498,9 @@ process_envvars (enum mode *modep)
+ 	    {
+ 	      mode = trace;
+ 	      GLRO(dl_verbose) = 1;
+ 	      GLRO(dl_debug_mask) |= DL_DEBUG_PRELINK;
+ 	      GLRO(dl_trace_prelink) = &envline[17];
+ 	    }
+ 	  break;
+@@ -2538,12 +2547,15 @@ process_envvars (enum mode *modep)
+       if (__access ("/etc/suid-debug", F_OK) != 0)
+ 	{
+ 	  unsetenv ("MALLOC_CHECK_");
+ 	  GLRO(dl_debug_mask) = 0;
+ 	}
+       if (mode != normal)
+ 	_exit (5);
+     }
+   /* If we have to run the dynamic linker in debugging mode and the
+      LD_DEBUG_OUTPUT environment variable is given, we write the debug
+      messages to this file.  */
+@@ -2568,6 +2580,7 @@ process_envvars (enum mode *modep)
+ 	/* We use standard output if opening the file failed.  */
+ 	GLRO(dl_debug_fd) = STDOUT_FILENO;
+     }
+ }
+diff --git a/extra-lib.mk b/extra-lib.mk
+index b10748d..d71a06f 100644
+--- a/extra-lib.mk
++++ b/extra-lib.mk
+@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ install-lib := $(install-lib)
+ extra-objs := $(extra-objs)
+ # The modules that go in $(lib).
+-all-$(lib)-routines := $($(lib)-routines) $($(lib)-sysdep_routines)
++all-$(lib)-routines := $($(lib)-routines)		\
++	               $($(lib)-routines-y)		\
++		       $($(lib)-sysdep_routines)
+ # Add each flavor of library to the lists of things to build and install.
+ install-lib += $(foreach o,$(object-suffixes-$(lib)),$(lib:lib%=$(libtype$o)))
+@@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ endif
+ endif
+ # This will define `libof-ROUTINE := LIB' for each of the routines.
+-cpp-srcs-left := $($(lib)-routines) $($(lib)-sysdep_routines)
++cpp-srcs-left := $(all-$(lib)-routines)
+ ifneq (,$(cpp-srcs-left))
+ include $(patsubst %,$(..)cppflags-iterator.mk,$(cpp-srcs-left))
+ endif
+diff --git a/grp/Makefile b/grp/Makefile
+index c63b552..7486f32 100644
+--- a/grp/Makefile
++++ b/grp/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #
+ #	Sub-makefile for grp portion of the library.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= grp
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -29,6 +31,9 @@ routines := fgetgrent initgroups setgroups \
+ 	    getgrent_r getgrgid_r getgrnam_r fgetgrent_r
+ tests := testgrp
++LDLIBS-testgrp += $(shell cat $(common-objpfx)nss/fixed-nsswitch-libs)
+ ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
+ test-srcs :=  tst_fgetgrent
+diff --git a/hesiod/Makefile b/hesiod/Makefile
+index ac0bc01..38263b4 100644
+--- a/hesiod/Makefile
++++ b/hesiod/Makefile
+@@ -18,12 +18,14 @@
+ #
+ #	Sub-makefile for hesiod portion of the library.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= hesiod
+ include ../Makeconfig
+-extra-libs := libnss_hesiod
+-extra-libs-others = $(extra-libs)
++extra-libs-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) += libnss_hesiod
++extra-libs-others-y += $(extra-libs-y)
+ subdir-dirs = nss_hesiod
+ vpath %.c nss_hesiod
+diff --git a/iconv/Makefile b/iconv/Makefile
+index 0d55eda..a1847c6 100644
+--- a/iconv/Makefile
++++ b/iconv/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #
+ #	Makefile for iconv.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= iconv
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -39,6 +41,11 @@ CFLAGS-iconv_charmap.c = -I../locale/programs
+ CFLAGS-dummy-repertoire.c = -I../locale/programs
+ CFLAGS-charmap.c = -DCHARMAP_PATH='"$(i18ndir)/charmaps"' \
++ifneq (y,$(OPTION_EGLIBC_SPAWN))
++CFLAGS-charmap-dir.c += -DNO_UNCOMPRESS
+ CFLAGS-simple-hash.c = -I../locale
+diff --git a/iconv/gconv_db.c b/iconv/gconv_db.c
+index ce46216..ea18964 100644
+--- a/iconv/gconv_db.c
++++ b/iconv/gconv_db.c
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ #include <sys/param.h>
+ #include <bits/libc-lock.h>
+ #include <locale/localeinfo.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <dlfcn.h>
+ #include <gconv_int.h>
+@@ -828,9 +829,11 @@ free_modules_db (struct gconv_module *node)
+ /* Free all resources if necessary.  */
+ libc_freeres_fn (free_mem)
+ {
+   /* First free locale memory.  This needs to be done before freeing derivations,
+      as ctype cleanup functions dereference steps arrays which we free below.  */
+   _nl_locale_subfreeres ();
+   /* finddomain.c has similar problem.  */
+   extern void _nl_finddomain_subfreeres (void) attribute_hidden;
+diff --git a/iconv/gconv_trans.c b/iconv/gconv_trans.c
+index 5d5d4d7..a7d3072 100644
+--- a/iconv/gconv_trans.c
++++ b/iconv/gconv_trans.c
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ #include <stdint.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <bits/libc-lock.h>
+ #include "gconv_int.h"
+@@ -38,15 +39,19 @@ __gconv_transliterate (struct __gconv_step *step,
+ 		       unsigned char **outbufstart, size_t *irreversible)
+ {
+   /* Find out about the locale's transliteration.  */
+   uint_fast32_t size;
+   const uint32_t *from_idx;
+   const uint32_t *from_tbl;
+   const uint32_t *to_idx;
+   const uint32_t *to_tbl;
+   const uint32_t *winbuf;
+   const uint32_t *winbufend;
+   uint_fast32_t low;
+   uint_fast32_t high;
+   /* The input buffer.  There are actually 4-byte values.  */
+   winbuf = (const uint32_t *) *inbufp;
+@@ -58,6 +63,7 @@ __gconv_transliterate (struct __gconv_step *step,
+     PTR_DEMANGLE (fct);
+ #endif
+   /* If there is no transliteration information in the locale don't do
+      anything and return the error.  */
+@@ -193,6 +199,7 @@ __gconv_transliterate (struct __gconv_step *step,
+              sorted.  */
+ 	  break;
+     }
+   /* One last chance: use the default replacement.  */
+diff --git a/iconv/iconv_prog.c b/iconv/iconv_prog.c
+index e249bce..403ece5 100644
+--- a/iconv/iconv_prog.c
++++ b/iconv/iconv_prog.c
+@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
+ # include <sys/mman.h>
+ #endif
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <charmap.h>
+ #include <gconv_int.h>
+ #include "iconv_prog.h"
+@@ -221,10 +222,17 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
+ 	      bool to_wrong =
+ 		(iconv_open (to_code, "UTF-8") == (iconv_t) -1
+ 		 && errno == EINVAL);
+ 	      const char *from_pretty =
+ 		(from_code[0] ? from_code : nl_langinfo (CODESET));
+ 	      const char *to_pretty =
+ 		(orig_to_code[0] ? orig_to_code : nl_langinfo (CODESET));
++	      const char *from_pretty =
++		(from_code[0] ? from_code : "ANSI_X3.4-1968");
++	      const char *to_pretty =
++                 (orig_to_code[0] ? orig_to_code : "ANSI_X3.4-1968");
+ 	      if (from_wrong)
+ 		{
+diff --git a/iconvdata/Makefile b/iconvdata/Makefile
+index a3d1d09..0832708 100644
+--- a/iconvdata/Makefile
++++ b/iconvdata/Makefile
+@@ -18,12 +18,15 @@
+ #
+ #	Makefile for iconv data and code.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= iconvdata
+ include ../Makeconfig
+ # Names of all the shared objects which implement the transformations.
+-modules	:= ISO8859-1 ISO8859-2 ISO8859-3 ISO8859-4 ISO8859-5		 \
++modules-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_CHARSETS)					 \
++	:= ISO8859-1 ISO8859-2 ISO8859-3 ISO8859-4 ISO8859-5		 \
+ 	   ISO8859-6 ISO8859-7 ISO8859-8 ISO8859-9 ISO8859-10		 \
+ 	   ISO8859-11 ISO8859-13 ISO8859-14 ISO8859-15 ISO8859-16	 \
+@@ -63,11 +66,13 @@ modules	:= ISO8859-1 ISO8859-2 ISO8859-3 ISO8859-4 ISO8859-5		 \
+ 	   CP770 CP771 CP772 CP773 CP774
+-modules.so := $(addsuffix .so, $(modules))
++modules.so := $(addsuffix .so, $(modules-y))
+ ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
+ tests = bug-iconv1 bug-iconv2 tst-loading tst-e2big tst-iconv4 bug-iconv4 \
+-	tst-iconv6 bug-iconv5 bug-iconv6 tst-iconv7 bug-iconv8 bug-iconv9
++	tst-iconv6 bug-iconv5 bug-iconv8 bug-iconv9
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE) += bug-iconv6 tst-iconv7
+ ifeq ($(have-thread-library),yes)
+ tests += bug-iconv3
+ endif
+@@ -127,13 +132,13 @@ ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
+ # Rule to generate the shared objects.
+ charmaps = ../localedata/charmaps
+ -include $(objpfx)iconv-rules
+-extra-modules-left := $(modules)
++extra-modules-left := $(modules-y)
+ include extra-module.mk
+ extra-objs	+= $(modules.so)
+-install-others	= $(addprefix $(inst_gconvdir)/, $(modules.so))	\
+-		  $(inst_gconvdir)/gconv-modules
++install-others-y += $(addprefix $(inst_gconvdir)/, $(modules.so))
++install-others-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_CHARSETS) += $(inst_gconvdir)/gconv-modules
+ # We can build the conversion tables for numerous charsets automatically.
+@@ -201,7 +206,7 @@ before-compile += $(addprefix $(objpfx),$(generated-modules:=.h))
+ ifndef avoid-generated
+ $(objpfx)iconv-rules: Makefile
+ 	$(make-target-directory)
+-	{ echo $(filter-out lib%, $(modules)); \
++	{ echo $(filter-out lib%, $(modules-y)); \
+ 	  echo 8bit $(gen-8bit-modules); \
+ 	  echo 8bit-gap $(gen-8bit-gap-modules); } | \
+ 	LC_ALL=C \
+@@ -245,7 +250,7 @@ $(addprefix $(inst_gconvdir)/, $(modules.so)): \
+ 	$(do-install-program)
+ $(inst_gconvdir)/gconv-modules: gconv-modules $(+force)
+ 	$(do-install)
+-ifeq (no,$(cross-compiling))
++# eglibc: ifeq (no,$(cross-compiling))
+ # Update the $(prefix)/lib/gconv/gconv-modules.cache file. This is necessary
+ # if this libc has more gconv modules than the previously installed one.
+ 	if test -f "$(inst_gconvdir)/gconv-modules.cache"; then \
+@@ -254,9 +259,9 @@ ifeq (no,$(cross-compiling))
+ 	   $(common-objpfx)iconv/iconvconfig \
+ 	     $(addprefix --prefix=,$(install_root)); \
+ 	fi
+-	@echo '*@*@*@ You should recreate $(inst_gconvdir)/gconv-modules.cache'
++# eglibc: else
++# eglibc:	@echo '*@*@*@ You should recreate $(inst_gconvdir)/gconv-modules.cache'
++# eglibc: endif
+ endif # build-shared = yes
+diff --git a/include/netdb.h b/include/netdb.h
+index e1f051d..f6d15aa 100644
+--- a/include/netdb.h
++++ b/include/netdb.h
+@@ -232,6 +232,10 @@ extern enum nss_status _nss_ ## service ## _gethostbyname2_r		      \
+ 		       (const char *name, int af, struct hostent *host,	      \
+ 			char *buffer, size_t buflen, int *errnop,	      \
+ 			int *h_errnop);					      \
++extern enum nss_status _nss_ ## service ## _gethostbyname3_r		      \
++		       (const char *name, int af, struct hostent *result,     \
++			char *buffer, size_t buflen, int *errnop,	      \
++			int *h_errnop, int32_t *ttlp, char **canonp);         \
+ extern enum nss_status _nss_ ## service ## _gethostbyname_r		      \
+ 		       (const char *name, struct hostent *host, char *buffer, \
+ 			size_t buflen, int *errnop, int *h_errnop);	      \
+diff --git a/inet/Makefile b/inet/Makefile
+index f1d871f..7cb1709 100644
+--- a/inet/Makefile
++++ b/inet/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #
+ #	Sub-makefile for inet portion of the library.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= inet
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -27,7 +29,8 @@ headers	:= netinet/ether.h netinet/in.h netinet/in_systm.h \
+ 	   netinet/tcp.h netinet/ip.h $(wildcard arpa/*.h protocols/*.h) \
+ 	   aliases.h ifaddrs.h netinet/ip6.h netinet/icmp6.h bits/in.h
+-routines := htonl htons		\
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) \
++	 += htonl htons \
+ 	    inet_lnaof inet_mkadr	\
+ 	    inet_netof inet_ntoa inet_net herrno herrno-loc \
+ 	    gethstbyad gethstbyad_r gethstbynm gethstbynm2 gethstbynm2_r \
+@@ -39,18 +42,23 @@ routines := htonl htons		\
+ 	    getservent_r	\
+ 	    ether_aton ether_aton_r ether_hton ether_line \
+ 	    ether_ntoa ether_ntoa_r ether_ntoh \
+-	    rcmd rexec ruserpass \
+ 	    getnetgrent_r getnetgrent \
+-	    getaliasent_r getaliasent getaliasname getaliasname_r \
+-	    in6_addr getnameinfo if_index ifaddrs inet6_option \
++	    in6_addr getnameinfo if_index ifaddrs \
+ 	    getipv4sourcefilter setipv4sourcefilter \
+-	    getsourcefilter setsourcefilter inet6_opt inet6_rth
++	    getsourcefilter setsourcefilter
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_RCMD) \
++	 += rcmd rexec ruserpass
++	 += getaliasent_r getaliasent getaliasname getaliasname_r
++	 += inet6_option inet6_opt inet6_rth
+-aux := check_pf check_native ifreq
++aux-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) += check_pf check_native ifreq
+ tests := htontest test_ifindex tst-ntoa tst-ether_aton tst-network \
+-	 tst-gethnm test-ifaddrs bug-if1 test-inet6_opt tst-ether_line \
++	 tst-gethnm test-ifaddrs bug-if1 tst-ether_line \
+ 	 tst-getni1 tst-getni2 tst-inet6_rth tst-checks
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_ADVANCED_INET6) += test-inet6_opt
+ include ../Rules
+diff --git a/intl/Makefile b/intl/Makefile
+index 9ecf8fe..587bc0d 100644
+--- a/intl/Makefile
++++ b/intl/Makefile
+@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+ # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ # Makefile for intl subdirectory: message handling code from GNU gettext.
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir = intl
+@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ endif
+ $(objpfx)plural.o: plural.c
+ ifeq ($(run-built-tests),yes)
+-ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
++ifeq (yyyes,$(OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALES)$(OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE)$(build-shared))
+ ifneq ($(strip $(MSGFMT)),:)
+ tests-special += $(objpfx)tst-translit.out $(objpfx)tst-gettext.out \
+ 		 $(objpfx)tst-gettext2.out $(objpfx)tst-codeset.out \
+diff --git a/intl/dcigettext.c b/intl/dcigettext.c
+index 8a3f091..e271648 100644
+--- a/intl/dcigettext.c
++++ b/intl/dcigettext.c
+@@ -100,11 +100,15 @@ extern int errno;
+ # include "libgnuintl.h"
+ #endif
+ #include "hash-string.h"
++#ifdef _LIBC
++# include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ /* Handle multi-threaded applications.  */
+ #ifdef _LIBC
+ # include <bits/libc-lock.h>
+ # define gl_rwlock_define_initialized __libc_rwlock_define_initialized
++# define gl_rwlock_define __libc_rwlock_define
+ # define gl_rwlock_rdlock __libc_rwlock_rdlock
+ # define gl_rwlock_wrlock __libc_rwlock_wrlock
+ # define gl_rwlock_unlock __libc_rwlock_unlock
+@@ -523,8 +527,10 @@ DCIGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2,
+   saved_errno = errno;
+ #ifdef _LIBC
+-  __libc_rwlock_define (extern, __libc_setlocale_lock attribute_hidden)
+-  __libc_rwlock_rdlock (__libc_setlocale_lock);
++  gl_rwlock_define (extern, __libc_setlocale_lock attribute_hidden)
++  gl_rwlock_rdlock (__libc_setlocale_lock);
++# endif
+ #endif
+   gl_rwlock_rdlock (_nl_state_lock);
+@@ -550,7 +556,11 @@ DCIGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2,
+ # ifndef IN_LIBGLOCALE
+ #  ifdef _LIBC
+-  localename = strdupa (__current_locale_name (category));
++      localename = strdupa (__current_locale_name (category));
++#   else
++      localename = "C";
++#   endif
+ #  else
+   categoryname = category_to_name (category);
+@@ -581,10 +591,12 @@ DCIGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2,
+       else
+ 	retval = (char *) (*foundp)->translation;
+-      gl_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock);
+ # ifdef _LIBC
+-      __libc_rwlock_unlock (__libc_setlocale_lock);
++      gl_rwlock_unlock (__libc_setlocale_lock);
++#  endif
+ # endif
++      gl_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock);
+       __set_errno (saved_errno);
+       return retval;
+     }
+@@ -838,10 +850,13 @@ DCIGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2,
+ 	      if (plural)
+ 		retval = plural_lookup (domain, n, retval, retlen);
+-	      gl_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock);
+ #ifdef _LIBC
+-	      __libc_rwlock_unlock (__libc_setlocale_lock);
++	      gl_rwlock_unlock (__libc_setlocale_lock);
++# endif
+ #endif
++	      gl_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock);
+ 	      return retval;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+@@ -850,10 +865,12 @@ DCIGETTEXT (const char *domainname, const char *msgid1, const char *msgid2,
+  return_untranslated:
+   /* Return the untranslated MSGID.  */
+   FREE_BLOCKS (block_list);
+-  gl_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock);
+ #ifdef _LIBC
+-  __libc_rwlock_unlock (__libc_setlocale_lock);
++   gl_rwlock_unlock (__libc_setlocale_lock);
++# endif
+ #endif
++  gl_rwlock_unlock (_nl_state_lock);
+ #ifndef _LIBC
+     {
+@@ -1550,7 +1567,11 @@ guess_category_value (int category, const char *categoryname)
+      `LC_xxx', and `LANG'.  On some systems this can be done by the
+      `setlocale' function itself.  */
+ # ifdef _LIBC
+   locale = __current_locale_name (category);
++#  else
++  locale = "C";
++#  endif
+ # else
+   locale_defaulted = 0;
+diff --git a/io/Makefile b/io/Makefile
+index 613dce0..697439e 100644
+--- a/io/Makefile
++++ b/io/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #
+ #	Sub-makefile for I/O portion of the library.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= io
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ routines :=								\
+ 	fxstatat fxstatat64						\
+ 	statfs fstatfs statfs64 fstatfs64				\
+ 	statvfs fstatvfs statvfs64 fstatvfs64				\
+-	umask chmod fchmod lchmod fchmodat				\
++	umask chmod fchmod fchmodat					\
+ 	mkdir mkdirat							\
+ 	open open_2 open64 open64_2 openat openat_2 openat64 openat64_2	\
+ 	read write lseek lseek64 access euidaccess faccessat		\
+@@ -49,11 +51,13 @@ routines :=								\
+ 	ttyname ttyname_r isatty					\
+ 	link linkat symlink symlinkat readlink readlinkat		\
+ 	unlink unlinkat rmdir						\
+-	ftw ftw64 fts poll ppoll					\
++	poll ppoll							\
+ 	posix_fadvise posix_fadvise64					\
+ 	posix_fallocate posix_fallocate64				\
+ 	sendfile sendfile64 \
+ 	utimensat futimens
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_BSD) += lchmod
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_FTRAVERSE) += ftw ftw64 fts
+ aux := have_o_cloexec
+@@ -64,18 +68,22 @@ static-only-routines = stat fstat lstat stat64 fstat64 lstat64	\
+ 		       fstatat fstatat64 mknod mknodat
+ others		:= pwd
+-test-srcs	:= ftwtest
++test-srcs-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_FTRAVERSE) := ftwtest
+ tests		:= test-utime test-stat test-stat2 test-lfs tst-getcwd \
+-		   tst-fcntl bug-ftw1 bug-ftw2 bug-ftw3 bug-ftw4 tst-statvfs \
++		   tst-fcntl tst-statvfs \
+ 		   tst-openat tst-unlinkat tst-fstatat tst-futimesat \
+ 		   tst-renameat tst-fchownat tst-fchmodat tst-faccessat \
+ 		   tst-symlinkat tst-linkat tst-readlinkat tst-mkdirat \
+-		   tst-mknodat tst-mkfifoat tst-ttyname_r bug-ftw5 \
++		   tst-mknodat tst-mkfifoat tst-ttyname_r \
+ 		   tst-posix_fallocate
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_FTRAVERSE) += bug-ftw1 bug-ftw2 bug-ftw3 bug-ftw4 \
++				    bug-ftw5
+ ifeq ($(run-built-tests),yes)
+ tests-special += $(objpfx)ftwtest.out
+ endif
+ include ../Rules
+diff --git a/libidn/Makefile b/libidn/Makefile
+index 940fa52..43aad0c 100644
+--- a/libidn/Makefile
++++ b/libidn/Makefile
+@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+ # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ # Makefile for libidn subdirectory of GNU C Library.
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= libidn
+@@ -23,8 +24,8 @@ include ../Makeconfig
+ routines = idn-stub
+-extra-libs		= libcidn
+-extra-libs-others	= $(extra-libs)
++extra-libs-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_IDN) = libcidn
++extra-libs-others-y = $(extra-libs-y)
+ libcidn-routines := punycode toutf8 nfkc stringprep rfc3454 profiles idna \
+ 		    iconvme
+diff --git a/libidn/toutf8.c b/libidn/toutf8.c
+index c7e67ca..62df478 100644
+--- a/libidn/toutf8.c
++++ b/libidn/toutf8.c
+@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@
+ /* Get strlen. */
+ #include <string.h>
++#ifdef _LIBC
++# include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ /* Get iconv_string. */
+ #include "iconvme.h"
+@@ -47,7 +52,11 @@
+ #endif
+ #ifdef _LIBC
+-# define stringprep_locale_charset() nl_langinfo (CODESET)
++#  define stringprep_locale_charset() nl_langinfo (CODESET)
++# else
++#  define stringprep_locale_charset() "ANSI_X3.4-1968"
++# endif
+ #else
+ /**
+  * stringprep_locale_charset - return charset used in current locale
+diff --git a/libio/Makefile b/libio/Makefile
+index 7b3bcf9..27c9186 100644
+--- a/libio/Makefile
++++ b/libio/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #
+ #	Specific makefile for libio.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= libio
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -27,16 +29,13 @@ headers	:= stdio.h libio.h _G_config.h bits/stdio.h bits/stdio-lock.h \
+ routines	:=							      \
+ 	filedoalloc iofclose iofdopen iofflush iofgetpos iofgets iofopen      \
+-	iofopncook iofputs iofread iofsetpos ioftell wfiledoalloc	      \
++	iofopncook iofputs iofread iofsetpos ioftell			      \
+ 	iofwrite iogetdelim iogetline iogets iopadn iopopen ioputs	      \
+ 	ioseekoff ioseekpos iosetbuffer iosetvbuf ioungetc		      \
+ 	iovsprintf iovsscanf						      \
+ 	iofgetpos64 iofopen64 iofsetpos64				      \
+-	fputwc fputwc_u getwc getwc_u getwchar getwchar_u iofgetws iofgetws_u \
+-	iofputws iofputws_u iogetwline iowpadn ioungetwc putwc putwc_u	      \
+-	putwchar putwchar_u putchar putchar_u fwprintf swprintf vwprintf      \
+-	wprintf wscanf fwscanf vwscanf vswprintf iovswscanf swscanf wgenops   \
+-	wstrops wfileops iofwide fwide wmemstream			      \
++	putchar putchar_u						      \
++	iofwide								      \
+ 									      \
+ 	clearerr feof ferror fileno fputc freopen fseek getc getchar	      \
+ 	memstream pclose putc putchar rewind setbuf setlinebuf vasprintf      \
+@@ -48,24 +47,49 @@ routines	:=							      \
+ 									      \
+ 	libc_fatal fmemopen oldfmemopen
+-tests = tst_swprintf tst_wprintf tst_swscanf tst_wscanf tst_getwc tst_putwc   \
+-	tst_wprintf2 tst-widetext test-fmemopen tst-ext tst-ext2 \
+-	tst-fgetws tst-ungetwc1 tst-ungetwc2 tst-swscanf tst-sscanf	      \
+-	tst-mmap-setvbuf bug-ungetwc1 bug-ungetwc2 tst-atime tst-eof          \
+-	tst-freopen bug-rewind bug-rewind2 bug-ungetc bug-fseek \
++routines-$(OPTION_POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR) +=				      \
++	wfiledoalloc                                                          \
++	iowpadn                                                               \
++	swprintf                                                              \
++	vswprintf iovswscanf swscanf wgenops                                  \
++	wstrops wfileops wmemstream
++routines-$(call option-disabled, OPTION_POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR) +=	      \
++	wdummyfileops
++routines-$(OPTION_POSIX_WIDE_CHAR_DEVICE_IO) +=				      \
++	fputwc fputwc_u getwc getwc_u getwchar getwchar_u iofgetws iofgetws_u \
++	iofputws iofputws_u iogetwline ioungetwc putwc putwc_u                \
++	putwchar putwchar_u fwprintf vwprintf                                 \
++	wprintf wscanf fwscanf vwscanf                                        \
++	fwide
++tests = test-fmemopen tst-ext tst-ext2 \
++	tst-mmap-setvbuf tst-atime tst-eof \
++	tst-freopen bug-ungetc bug-fseek \
+ 	tst-mmap-eofsync tst-mmap-fflushsync bug-mmap-fflush \
+-	tst-mmap2-eofsync tst-mmap-offend bug-fopena+ bug-wfflush \
+-	bug-ungetc2 bug-ftell bug-ungetc3 bug-ungetc4 tst-fopenloc2 \
++	tst-mmap2-eofsync tst-mmap-offend bug-fopena+ \
++	bug-ungetc2 bug-ungetc3 bug-ungetc4 \
+ 	tst-memstream1 tst-memstream2 \
+-	tst-wmemstream1 tst-wmemstream2 \
+-	bug-memstream1 bug-wmemstream1 \
+-	tst-setvbuf1 tst-popen1 tst-fgetwc bug-wsetpos tst-fseek \
+-	tst-fwrite-error tst-ftell-partial-wide tst-ftell-active-handler \
+-	tst-ftell-append tst-fputws
++	bug-memstream1 tst-popen1 tst-fwrite-error \
++	tst-ftell-active-handler tst-ftell-append
++	+= tst-swscanf tst-fgetws tst-setvbuf1 \
++	tst-ungetwc1 tst-ungetwc2 bug-ftell bug-ungetwc2 \
++	tst-widetext tst-fputws
++	+= bug-rewind bug-rewind2 bug-ungetwc1 \
++	bug-wfflush bug-wmemstream1 tst-fopenloc2 \
++	tst_getwc \
++	tst_putwc tst_wprintf tst_wprintf2 tst_wscanf \
++	tst-fgetwc bug-wsetpos tst-fseek tst-ftell-partial-wide
++	+= tst_swprintf tst_swscanf \
++	tst-sscanf \
++	tst-wmemstream1 tst-wmemstream2
+ ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
+ # Add test-fopenloc only if shared library is enabled since it depends on
+ # shared localedata objects.
+-tests += tst-fopenloc
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE) += tst-fopenloc
+ endif
+ test-srcs = test-freopen
+@@ -164,13 +188,17 @@ shared-only-routines = oldiofopen oldiofdopen oldiofclose oldfileops	\
+ 		       oldiofsetpos64
+ ifeq ($(run-built-tests),yes)
+ tests-special += $(objpfx)test-freopen.out
+ ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
+ # Run tst-fopenloc-cmp.out and tst-openloc-mem.out only if shared
+ # library is enabled since they depend on tst-fopenloc.out.
+ tests-special += $(objpfx)tst-fopenloc-cmp.out $(objpfx)tst-fopenloc-mem.out
+ endif
+ endif
+ include ../Rules
+diff --git a/libio/__fpurge.c b/libio/__fpurge.c
+index 065cf61..e32a3e9 100644
+--- a/libio/__fpurge.c
++++ b/libio/__fpurge.c
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ void
+ __fpurge (FILE *fp)
+ {
+-  if (fp->_mode > 0)
++  if (_IO_is_wide (fp))
+     {
+       /* Wide-char stream.  */
+       if (_IO_in_backup (fp))
+diff --git a/libio/fileops.c b/libio/fileops.c
+index cbcd6f5..19e43c2 100644
+--- a/libio/fileops.c
++++ b/libio/fileops.c
+@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #if _LIBC
+ # include "../wcsmbs/wcsmbsload.h"
+@@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ _IO_new_file_close_it (_IO_FILE *fp)
+   /* Free buffer. */
+ #if defined _LIBC || defined _GLIBCPP_USE_WCHAR_T
+-  if (fp->_mode > 0)
++  if (_IO_is_wide (fp))
+     {
+       if (_IO_have_wbackup (fp))
+ 	_IO_free_wbackup_area (fp);
+@@ -348,6 +349,7 @@ _IO_new_file_fopen (_IO_FILE *fp, const char *filename, const char *mode,
+       cs = strstr (last_recognized + 1, ",ccs=");
+       if (cs != NULL)
+ 	{
+ 	  /* Yep.  Load the appropriate conversions and set the orientation
+ 	     to wide.  */
+ 	  struct gconv_fcts fcts;
+@@ -418,6 +420,12 @@ _IO_new_file_fopen (_IO_FILE *fp, const char *filename, const char *mode,
+ 	  /* Set the mode now.  */
+ 	  result->_mode = 1;
++          /* Treat this as if we couldn't find the given character set.  */
++          (void) _IO_file_close_it (fp);
++          __set_errno (EINVAL);
++          return NULL;
+ 	}
+     }
+diff --git a/libio/iofwide.c b/libio/iofwide.c
+index 0c175d1..3e9f52b 100644
+--- a/libio/iofwide.c
++++ b/libio/iofwide.c
+@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+ #include <libioP.h>
+ #ifdef _LIBC
++# include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ # include <dlfcn.h>
+ # include <wchar.h>
+ #endif
+@@ -43,6 +44,8 @@
+ #endif
++#if ! defined _LIBC || __OPTION_POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR
+ /* Prototypes of libio's codecvt functions.  */
+ static enum __codecvt_result do_out (struct _IO_codecvt *codecvt,
+ 				     __mbstate_t *statep,
+@@ -499,3 +502,26 @@ do_max_length (struct _IO_codecvt *codecvt)
+   return MB_CUR_MAX;
+ #endif
+ }
++/* OPTION_POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR is disabled.  */
++#undef _IO_fwide
++_IO_fwide (fp, mode)
++     _IO_FILE *fp;
++     int mode;
++  /* Die helpfully if the user tries to create a wide stream; I
++     disbelieve that most users check the return value from
++     'fwide (fp, 1)'.  */
++  assert (mode <= 0);
++  /* We can only make streams byte-oriented, which is trivial.  */
++  if (mode < 0)
++    fp->_mode = -1;
++  return fp->_mode;
+diff --git a/libio/ioseekoff.c b/libio/ioseekoff.c
+index 11765cf..15d6230 100644
+--- a/libio/ioseekoff.c
++++ b/libio/ioseekoff.c
+@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ _IO_seekoff_unlocked (fp, offset, dir, mode)
+ 	  else
+ 	    abort ();
+ 	}
+-      if (_IO_fwide (fp, 0) < 0)
++      if (! _IO_is_wide (fp))
+ 	_IO_free_backup_area (fp);
+       else
+ 	_IO_free_wbackup_area (fp);
+diff --git a/libio/ioseekpos.c b/libio/ioseekpos.c
+index a7652a1..6938b68 100644
+--- a/libio/ioseekpos.c
++++ b/libio/ioseekpos.c
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ _IO_seekpos_unlocked (fp, pos, mode)
+   /* If we have a backup buffer, get rid of it, since the __seekoff
+      callback may not know to do the right thing about it.
+      This may be over-kill, but it'll do for now. TODO */
+-  if (_IO_fwide (fp, 0) <= 0)
++  if (! _IO_is_wide (fp))
+     {
+       if (_IO_have_backup (fp))
+ 	_IO_free_backup_area (fp);
+diff --git a/libio/iosetbuffer.c b/libio/iosetbuffer.c
+index 0a41c10..3d99fa0 100644
+--- a/libio/iosetbuffer.c
++++ b/libio/iosetbuffer.c
+@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
+    This exception applies to code released by its copyright holders
+    in files containing the exception.  */
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include "libioP.h"
+ void
+@@ -38,9 +40,11 @@ _IO_setbuffer (fp, buf, size)
+   if (!buf)
+     size = 0;
+   (void) _IO_SETBUF (fp, buf, size);
+   if (_IO_vtable_offset (fp) == 0 && fp->_mode == 0 && _IO_CHECK_WIDE (fp))
+     /* We also have to set the buffer using the wide char function.  */
+     (void) _IO_WSETBUF (fp, buf, size);
+   _IO_release_lock (fp);
+ }
+ libc_hidden_def (_IO_setbuffer)
+diff --git a/libio/libioP.h b/libio/libioP.h
+index 0f16e2d..d2626d6 100644
+--- a/libio/libioP.h
++++ b/libio/libioP.h
+@@ -44,6 +44,10 @@
+ /*# include <comthread.h>*/
+ #endif
++#if defined _LIBC
++# include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <math_ldbl_opt.h>
+ #include "iolibio.h"
+@@ -523,8 +527,20 @@ extern void _IO_old_init (_IO_FILE *fp, int flags) __THROW;
+ #if defined _LIBC || defined _GLIBCPP_USE_WCHAR_T
++/* _IO_is_wide (fp) is roughly equivalent to '_IO_fwide (fp, 0) > 0',
++   except that when OPTION_POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR is disabled, it
++   expands to a constant, allowing the compiler to realize that it can
++   eliminate code that references wide stream handling functions.
++   This, in turn, allows us to omit them.  */
++# define _IO_is_wide(_f) ((_f)->_mode > 0)
++# define _IO_is_wide(_f) (0)
+ # define _IO_do_flush(_f) \
+-  ((_f)->_mode <= 0							      \
++  (! _IO_is_wide (_f)                                                         \
+    ? _IO_do_write(_f, (_f)->_IO_write_base,				      \
+ 		  (_f)->_IO_write_ptr-(_f)->_IO_write_base)		      \
+    : _IO_wdo_write(_f, (_f)->_wide_data->_IO_write_base,		      \
+diff --git a/libio/wdummyfileops.c b/libio/wdummyfileops.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..c0150b8
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libio/wdummyfileops.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
++/* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.
++   As a special exception, if you link the code in this file with
++   files compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable,
++   that does not cause the resulting executable to be covered by
++   the GNU Lesser General Public License.  This exception does not
++   however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file
++   might be covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License.
++   This exception applies to code released by its copyright holders
++   in files containing the exception.  */
++#include <assert.h>
++#include <stdio.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <libioP.h>
++static void __THROW __attribute__ ((__noreturn__))
++_IO_wfile_wide_char_support_disabled (void)
++  static const char errstr[]
++    = ("The application tried to use wide character I/O, but libc.so"
++       " was compiled\n"
++       "with the OPTION_POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR option group disabled.\n");
++  __libc_write (STDERR_FILENO, errstr, sizeof (errstr) - 1);
++  abort ();
++static void
++_IO_wfile_disabled_void_int (_IO_FILE *fp, int x)
++  _IO_wfile_wide_char_support_disabled ();
++static int
++_IO_wfile_disabled_int_int (_IO_FILE *fp, int x)
++  _IO_wfile_wide_char_support_disabled ();
++static int
++_IO_wfile_disabled_int_none (_IO_FILE *fp)
++  _IO_wfile_wide_char_support_disabled ();
++static _IO_size_t
++_IO_wfile_disabled_xsputn (_IO_FILE *fp, const void *data, _IO_size_t n)
++  _IO_wfile_wide_char_support_disabled ();
++static _IO_size_t
++_IO_wfile_disabled_xsgetn (_IO_FILE *fp, void *data, _IO_size_t n)
++  _IO_wfile_wide_char_support_disabled ();
++static _IO_off64_t
++_IO_wfile_disabled_seekoff (_IO_FILE *fp, _IO_off64_t off, int dir, int mode)
++  _IO_wfile_wide_char_support_disabled ();
++static _IO_off64_t
++_IO_wfile_disabled_seekpos (_IO_FILE *fp, _IO_off64_t pos, int flags)
++  _IO_wfile_wide_char_support_disabled ();
++static _IO_FILE *
++_IO_wfile_disabled_setbuf (_IO_FILE *fp, char *buffer, _IO_ssize_t length)
++  _IO_wfile_wide_char_support_disabled ();
++static _IO_ssize_t
++_IO_wfile_disabled_read (_IO_FILE *fp, void *buffer, _IO_ssize_t length)
++  _IO_wfile_wide_char_support_disabled ();
++static _IO_ssize_t
++_IO_wfile_disabled_write (_IO_FILE *fp, const void *buffer, _IO_ssize_t length)
++  _IO_wfile_wide_char_support_disabled ();
++static _IO_off64_t
++_IO_wfile_disabled_seek (_IO_FILE *fp, _IO_off64_t offset, int mode)
++  _IO_wfile_wide_char_support_disabled ();
++static int
++_IO_wfile_disabled_close (_IO_FILE *fp)
++  _IO_wfile_wide_char_support_disabled ();
++static int
++_IO_wfile_disabled_stat (_IO_FILE *fp, void *buf)
++  _IO_wfile_wide_char_support_disabled ();
++static int
++_IO_wfile_disabled_showmanyc (_IO_FILE *fp)
++  _IO_wfile_wide_char_support_disabled ();
++static void
++_IO_wfile_disabled_imbue (_IO_FILE *fp, void *locale)
++  _IO_wfile_wide_char_support_disabled ();
++static const struct _IO_jump_t _IO_wfile_jumps_disabled =
++  JUMP_INIT(finish, _IO_wfile_disabled_void_int),
++  JUMP_INIT(overflow, _IO_wfile_disabled_int_int),
++  JUMP_INIT(underflow, _IO_wfile_disabled_int_none),
++  JUMP_INIT(uflow, _IO_wfile_disabled_int_none),
++  JUMP_INIT(pbackfail, _IO_wfile_disabled_int_int),
++  JUMP_INIT(xsputn, _IO_wfile_disabled_xsputn),
++  JUMP_INIT(xsgetn, _IO_wfile_disabled_xsgetn),
++  JUMP_INIT(seekoff, _IO_wfile_disabled_seekoff),
++  JUMP_INIT(seekpos, _IO_wfile_disabled_seekpos),
++  JUMP_INIT(setbuf, _IO_wfile_disabled_setbuf),
++  JUMP_INIT(sync, _IO_wfile_disabled_int_none),
++  JUMP_INIT(doallocate, _IO_wfile_disabled_int_none),
++  JUMP_INIT(read, _IO_wfile_disabled_read),
++  JUMP_INIT(write, _IO_wfile_disabled_write),
++  JUMP_INIT(seek, _IO_wfile_disabled_seek),
++  JUMP_INIT(close, _IO_wfile_disabled_close),
++  JUMP_INIT(stat, _IO_wfile_disabled_stat),
++  JUMP_INIT(showmanyc, _IO_wfile_disabled_showmanyc),
++  JUMP_INIT(imbue, _IO_wfile_disabled_imbue)
++strong_alias (_IO_wfile_jumps_disabled, _IO_wfile_jumps)
++libc_hidden_data_def (_IO_wfile_jumps)
++strong_alias (_IO_wfile_jumps_disabled, _IO_wfile_jumps_mmap)
++strong_alias (_IO_wfile_jumps_disabled, _IO_wfile_jumps_maybe_mmap)
+diff --git a/locale/C-ctype.c b/locale/C-ctype.c
+index aa5f19f..06be081 100644
+--- a/locale/C-ctype.c
++++ b/locale/C-ctype.c
+@@ -19,8 +19,11 @@
+ #include "localeinfo.h"
+ #include <endian.h>
+ #include <stdint.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include "C-translit.h"
+ /* This table's entries are taken from POSIX.2 Table 2-6
+    ``LC_CTYPE Category Definition in the POSIX Locale''.
+@@ -634,6 +637,7 @@ const struct __locale_data _nl_C_LC_CTYPE attribute_hidden =
+     { .word = L'7' },
+     { .word = L'8' },
+     { .word = L'9' },
+     { .word = NTRANSLIT },
+@@ -644,6 +648,22 @@ const struct __locale_data _nl_C_LC_CTYPE attribute_hidden =
+     { .wstr = translit_to_idx },
+     { .wstr = (uint32_t *) translit_to_tbl },
++    /* If the locale code isn't enabled, we don't have the
++       transliteration code in iconv/gconv_trans.c anyway, so there's
++       no need for the transliteration tables here.  We'll fall back
++       on the default missing replacement, '?'.  */
++    { .word = 0 },
++    { .wstr = NULL },
++    { .wstr = NULL },
++    { .wstr = NULL },
++    { .wstr = NULL },
+     { .word = 1 },
+diff --git a/locale/Makefile b/locale/Makefile
+index f1b4343..599a1a9 100644
+--- a/locale/Makefile
++++ b/locale/Makefile
+@@ -18,27 +18,43 @@
+ #
+ #	Makefile for locales.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= locale
+ include ../Makeconfig
+ headers		= locale.h bits/locale.h langinfo.h xlocale.h
+-routines	= setlocale findlocale loadlocale loadarchive \
+-		  localeconv nl_langinfo nl_langinfo_l mb_cur_max \
+-		  newlocale duplocale freelocale uselocale
+-tests		= tst-C-locale tst-locname tst-duplocale
++# catnames is needed by OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE and by the 'intl' code.
++# If we put the latter in an option group, too, we can omit catnames
++# when both option groups are disabled.  libstdc++-v3 needs mb_cur_max.
++routines-y      := catnames mb_cur_max
++		+= setlocale findlocale loadlocale loadarchive \
++		   localeconv nl_langinfo nl_langinfo_l \
++		   newlocale duplocale freelocale uselocale
++routines-y	+= dummy-setlocale
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE) += tst-C-locale tst-locname tst-duplocale
+ categories	= ctype messages monetary numeric time paper name \
+ 		  address telephone measurement identification collate
+-aux		= $(categories:%=lc-%) $(categories:%=C-%) SYS_libc C_name \
+-		  xlocale localename global-locale coll-lookup
+-others		= localedef locale
++# C-messages belongs in an intl option group.
++aux-y		:= C-ctype C-time \
++		   SYS_libc C_name xlocale global-locale coll-lookup
++		+= $(filter-out $(aux-y), \
++	                        $(categories:%=lc-%) $(categories:%=C-%)) \
++	           localename
++others-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE) = localedef locale
+ #others-static	= localedef locale
+-install-bin	= localedef locale
+-extra-objs	= $(localedef-modules:=.o) $(localedef-aux:=.o) \
++install-bin	= $(others-y)
++		= $(localedef-modules:=.o) $(localedef-aux:=.o) \
+ 		  $(locale-modules:=.o) $(lib-modules:=.o)
+-extra-libs	= libBrokenLocale
+-extra-libs-others = $(extra-libs)
++extra-libs-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE) = libBrokenLocale
++extra-libs-others = $(extra-libs-y)
+ libBrokenLocale-routines = broken_cur_max
+@@ -93,6 +109,9 @@ CPPFLAGS-locale-programs = -DLOCALE_PATH='$(localepath)' \
+ CFLAGS-charmap.c = -Wno-write-strings -Wno-char-subscripts
+ CFLAGS-locfile.c = -Wno-write-strings -Wno-char-subscripts
+ CFLAGS-charmap-dir.c = -Wno-write-strings
++ifneq (y,$(OPTION_EGLIBC_SPAWN))
++CFLAGS-charmap-dir.c += -DNO_UNCOMPRESS
+ # Set libof-* for each routine.
+ cpp-srcs-left := $(localedef-modules) $(localedef-aux) $(locale-modules) \
+diff --git a/locale/catnames.c b/locale/catnames.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..9fad357
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/locale/catnames.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
++/* Copyright (C) 2006  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#include "localeinfo.h"
++/* Define an array of category names (also the environment variable names).  */
++const union catnamestr_t _nl_category_names attribute_hidden =
++  {
++    {
++#define DEFINE_CATEGORY(category, category_name, items, a) \
++      category_name,
++#include "categories.def"
++    }
++  };
++const uint8_t _nl_category_name_idxs[__LC_LAST] attribute_hidden =
++  {
++#define DEFINE_CATEGORY(category, category_name, items, a) \
++    [category] = offsetof (union catnamestr_t, CATNAMEMF (__LINE__)),
++#include "categories.def"
++  };
++/* An array of their lengths, for convenience.  */
++const uint8_t _nl_category_name_sizes[] attribute_hidden =
++  {
++#define DEFINE_CATEGORY(category, category_name, items, a) \
++    [category] = sizeof (category_name) - 1,
++#include "categories.def"
++    [LC_ALL] = sizeof ("LC_ALL") - 1
++  };
+diff --git a/locale/dummy-setlocale.c b/locale/dummy-setlocale.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..219964a
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/locale/dummy-setlocale.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
++/* Copyright (C) 2006  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#include <string.h>
++#include <locale.h>
++char *
++setlocale (int category, const char *locale)
++  if (! locale
++      || locale[0] == '\0'
++      || strcmp (locale, "C") == 0
++      || strcmp (locale, "POSIX") == 0)
++    return (char *) "C";
++  else
++    return NULL;
++libc_hidden_def (setlocale)
+diff --git a/locale/localeinfo.h b/locale/localeinfo.h
+index bdab9fe..a7516c0 100644
+--- a/locale/localeinfo.h
++++ b/locale/localeinfo.h
+@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ __libc_tsd_define (extern, __locale_t, LOCALE)
+    unused.  We can manage this playing some tricks with weak references.
+    But with thread-local locale settings, it becomes quite ungainly unless
+    we can use __thread variables.  So only in that case do we attempt this.  */
+-#ifndef SHARED
++#if !defined SHARED && !defined IN_GLIBC_LOCALEDEF
+ # include <tls.h>
+ #endif
+diff --git a/locale/programs/charmap-dir.c b/locale/programs/charmap-dir.c
+index cf7adea..ef3b811 100644
+--- a/locale/programs/charmap-dir.c
++++ b/locale/programs/charmap-dir.c
+@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@
+ #include <error.h>
+ #include <fcntl.h>
+ #include <libintl.h>
+ #include <spawn.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+@@ -156,6 +158,7 @@ charmap_closedir (CHARMAP_DIR *cdir)
+   return closedir (dir);
+ }
+ /* Creates a subprocess decompressing the given pathname, and returns
+    a stream reading its output (the decompressed data).  */
+ static
+@@ -204,6 +207,7 @@ fopen_uncompressed (const char *pathname, const char *compressor)
+     }
+   return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Opens a charmap for reading, given its name (not an alias name).  */
+ FILE *
+@@ -226,6 +230,7 @@ charmap_open (const char *directory, const char *name)
+   if (stream != NULL)
+     return stream;
+   memcpy (p, ".gz", 4);
+   stream = fopen_uncompressed (pathname, "gzip");
+   if (stream != NULL)
+@@ -235,6 +240,7 @@ charmap_open (const char *directory, const char *name)
+   stream = fopen_uncompressed (pathname, "bzip2");
+   if (stream != NULL)
+     return stream;
+   return NULL;
+ }
+diff --git a/locale/programs/ld-collate.c b/locale/programs/ld-collate.c
+index a39a94f..16e9039 100644
+--- a/locale/programs/ld-collate.c
++++ b/locale/programs/ld-collate.c
+@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ new_element (struct locale_collate_t *collate, const char *mbs, size_t mbslen,
+     }
+   if (wcs != NULL)
+     {
+-      size_t nwcs = wcslen ((wchar_t *) wcs);
++      size_t nwcs = wcslen_uint32 (wcs);
+       uint32_t zero = 0;
+       /* Handle <U0000> as a single character.  */
+       if (nwcs == 0)
+@@ -1777,8 +1777,7 @@ symbol `%s' has the same encoding as"), (*eptr)->name);
+ 	      if ((*eptr)->nwcs == runp->nwcs)
+ 		{
+-		  int c = wmemcmp ((wchar_t *) (*eptr)->wcs,
+-				   (wchar_t *) runp->wcs, runp->nwcs);
++		  int c = wmemcmp_uint32 ((*eptr)->wcs, runp->wcs, runp->nwcs);
+ 		  if (c == 0)
+ 		    {
+@@ -2011,9 +2010,9 @@ add_to_tablewc (uint32_t ch, struct element_t *runp)
+ 	     one consecutive entry.  */
+ 	  if (runp->wcnext != NULL
+ 	      && runp->nwcs == runp->wcnext->nwcs
+-	      && wmemcmp ((wchar_t *) runp->wcs,
+-			  (wchar_t *)runp->wcnext->wcs,
+-			  runp->nwcs - 1) == 0
++	      && wmemcmp_uint32 (runp->wcs,
++				 runp->wcnext->wcs,
++				 runp->nwcs - 1) == 0
+ 	      && (runp->wcs[runp->nwcs - 1]
+ 		  == runp->wcnext->wcs[runp->nwcs - 1] + 1))
+ 	    {
+@@ -2037,9 +2036,9 @@ add_to_tablewc (uint32_t ch, struct element_t *runp)
+ 		runp = runp->wcnext;
+ 	      while (runp->wcnext != NULL
+ 		     && runp->nwcs == runp->wcnext->nwcs
+-		     && wmemcmp ((wchar_t *) runp->wcs,
+-				 (wchar_t *)runp->wcnext->wcs,
+-				 runp->nwcs - 1) == 0
++		     && wmemcmp_uint32 (runp->wcs,
++					runp->wcnext->wcs,
++					runp->nwcs - 1) == 0
+ 		     && (runp->wcs[runp->nwcs - 1]
+ 			 == runp->wcnext->wcs[runp->nwcs - 1] + 1));
+diff --git a/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c b/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c
+index 3f464ef..b7b6b51 100644
+--- a/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c
++++ b/locale/programs/ld-ctype.c
+@@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ ctype_output (struct localedef_t *locale, const struct charmap_t *charmap,
+   allocate_arrays (ctype, charmap, ctype->repertoire);
+   default_missing_len = (ctype->default_missing
+-			 ? wcslen ((wchar_t *) ctype->default_missing)
++			 ? wcslen_uint32 (ctype->default_missing)
+ 			 : 0);
+   init_locale_data (&file, nelems);
+@@ -1937,7 +1937,7 @@ read_translit_entry (struct linereader *ldfile, struct locale_ctype_t *ctype,
+ 	    ignore = 1;
+ 	  else
+ 	    /* This value is usable.  */
+-	    obstack_grow (ob, to_wstr, wcslen ((wchar_t *) to_wstr) * 4);
++	    obstack_grow (ob, to_wstr, wcslen_uint32 (to_wstr) * 4);
+ 	  first = 0;
+ 	}
+@@ -2471,8 +2471,8 @@ with character code range values one must use the absolute ellipsis `...'"));
+ 	    }
+ 	handle_tok_digit:
+-	  class_bit = _ISwdigit;
+-	  class256_bit = _ISdigit;
++	  class_bit = BITw (tok_digit);
++	  class256_bit = BIT (tok_digit);
+ 	  handle_digits = 1;
+ 	  goto read_charclass;
+@@ -3929,8 +3929,7 @@ allocate_arrays (struct locale_ctype_t *ctype, const struct charmap_t *charmap,
+ 	  while (idx < number)
+ 	    {
+-	      int res = wcscmp ((const wchar_t *) sorted[idx]->from,
+-				(const wchar_t *) runp->from);
++	      int res = wcscmp_uint32 (sorted[idx]->from, runp->from);
+ 	      if (res == 0)
+ 		{
+ 		  replace = 1;
+@@ -3967,11 +3966,11 @@ allocate_arrays (struct locale_ctype_t *ctype, const struct charmap_t *charmap,
+       for (size_t cnt = 0; cnt < number; ++cnt)
+ 	{
+ 	  struct translit_to_t *srunp;
+-	  from_len += wcslen ((const wchar_t *) sorted[cnt]->from) + 1;
++	  from_len += wcslen_uint32 (sorted[cnt]->from) + 1;
+ 	  srunp = sorted[cnt]->to;
+ 	  while (srunp != NULL)
+ 	    {
+-	      to_len += wcslen ((const wchar_t *) srunp->str) + 1;
++	      to_len += wcslen_uint32 (srunp->str) + 1;
+ 	      srunp = srunp->next;
+ 	    }
+ 	  /* Plus one for the extra NUL character marking the end of
+@@ -3995,18 +3994,18 @@ allocate_arrays (struct locale_ctype_t *ctype, const struct charmap_t *charmap,
+ 	  ctype->translit_from_idx[cnt] = from_len;
+ 	  ctype->translit_to_idx[cnt] = to_len;
+-	  len = wcslen ((const wchar_t *) sorted[cnt]->from) + 1;
+-	  wmemcpy ((wchar_t *) &ctype->translit_from_tbl[from_len],
+-		   (const wchar_t *) sorted[cnt]->from, len);
++	  len = wcslen_uint32 (sorted[cnt]->from) + 1;
++	  wmemcpy_uint32 (&ctype->translit_from_tbl[from_len],
++			  sorted[cnt]->from, len);
+ 	  from_len += len;
+ 	  ctype->translit_to_idx[cnt] = to_len;
+ 	  srunp = sorted[cnt]->to;
+ 	  while (srunp != NULL)
+ 	    {
+-	      len = wcslen ((const wchar_t *) srunp->str) + 1;
+-	      wmemcpy ((wchar_t *) &ctype->translit_to_tbl[to_len],
+-		       (const wchar_t *) srunp->str, len);
++	      len = wcslen_uint32 (srunp->str) + 1;
++	      wmemcpy_uint32 (&ctype->translit_to_tbl[to_len],
++			      srunp->str, len);
+ 	      to_len += len;
+ 	      srunp = srunp->next;
+ 	    }
+diff --git a/locale/programs/ld-messages.c b/locale/programs/ld-messages.c
+index ec1a80b..736eed8 100644
+--- a/locale/programs/ld-messages.c
++++ b/locale/programs/ld-messages.c
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <stdint.h>
+ #include <sys/uio.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <assert.h>
+@@ -124,6 +125,7 @@ No definition for %s category found"), "LC_MESSAGES"));
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       int result;
+       regex_t re;
+@@ -140,6 +142,7 @@ No definition for %s category found"), "LC_MESSAGES"));
+ 	}
+       else if (result != 0)
+ 	regfree (&re);
+     }
+   if (messages->noexpr == NULL)
+@@ -158,6 +161,7 @@ No definition for %s category found"), "LC_MESSAGES"));
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       int result;
+       regex_t re;
+@@ -174,6 +178,7 @@ No definition for %s category found"), "LC_MESSAGES"));
+ 	}
+       else if (result != 0)
+ 	regfree (&re);
+     }
+ }
+diff --git a/locale/programs/ld-time.c b/locale/programs/ld-time.c
+index db490c6..75dc505 100644
+--- a/locale/programs/ld-time.c
++++ b/locale/programs/ld-time.c
+@@ -215,8 +215,10 @@ No definition for %s category found"), "LC_TIME"));
+ 	}
+       else
+ 	{
++	  static const uint32_t wt_fmt_ampm[]
++	    = { '%','I',':','%','M',':','%','S',' ','%','p',0 };
+ 	  time->t_fmt_ampm = "%I:%M:%S %p";
+-	  time->wt_fmt_ampm = (const uint32_t *) L"%I:%M:%S %p";
++	  time->wt_fmt_ampm = wt_fmt_ampm;
+ 	}
+     }
+@@ -226,7 +228,7 @@ No definition for %s category found"), "LC_TIME"));
+       const int days_per_month[12] = { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30,
+ 				       31, 31, 30, 31 ,30, 31 };
+       size_t idx;
+-      wchar_t *wstr;
++      uint32_t *wstr;
+       time->era_entries =
+ 	(struct era_data *) xmalloc (time->num_era
+@@ -464,18 +466,18 @@ No definition for %s category found"), "LC_TIME"));
+ 	    }
+ 	  /* Now generate the wide character name and format.  */
+-	  wstr = wcschr ((wchar_t *) time->wera[idx], L':');/* end direction */
+-	  wstr = wstr ? wcschr (wstr + 1, L':') : NULL;	/* end offset */
+-	  wstr = wstr ? wcschr (wstr + 1, L':') : NULL;	/* end start */
+-	  wstr = wstr ? wcschr (wstr + 1, L':') : NULL;	/* end end */
++	  wstr = wcschr_uint32 (time->wera[idx], L':'); /* end direction */
++	  wstr = wstr ? wcschr_uint32 (wstr + 1, L':') : NULL; /* end offset */
++	  wstr = wstr ? wcschr_uint32 (wstr + 1, L':') : NULL; /* end start */
++	  wstr = wstr ? wcschr_uint32 (wstr + 1, L':') : NULL; /* end end */
+ 	  if (wstr != NULL)
+ 	    {
+-	      time->era_entries[idx].wname = (uint32_t *) wstr + 1;
+-	      wstr = wcschr (wstr + 1, L':');	/* end name */
++	      time->era_entries[idx].wname = wstr + 1;
++	      wstr = wcschr_uint32 (wstr + 1, L':'); /* end name */
+ 	      if (wstr != NULL)
+ 		{
+ 		  *wstr = L'\0';
+-		  time->era_entries[idx].wformat = (uint32_t *) wstr + 1;
++		  time->era_entries[idx].wformat = wstr + 1;
+ 		}
+ 	      else
+ 		time->era_entries[idx].wname =
+@@ -530,7 +532,16 @@ No definition for %s category found"), "LC_TIME"));
+   if (time->date_fmt == NULL)
+     time->date_fmt = "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y";
+   if (time->wdate_fmt == NULL)
+-    time->wdate_fmt = (const uint32_t *) L"%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y";
++    {
++      static const uint32_t wdate_fmt[] =
++	{ '%','a',' ',
++	  '%','b',' ',
++	  '%','e',' ',
++	  '%','H',':','%','M',':','%','S',' ',
++	  '%','Z',' ',
++	  '%','Y',0 };
++      time->wdate_fmt = wdate_fmt;
++    }
+ }
+diff --git a/locale/programs/linereader.c b/locale/programs/linereader.c
+index 2e05130..653b68c 100644
+--- a/locale/programs/linereader.c
++++ b/locale/programs/linereader.c
+@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ get_string (struct linereader *lr, const struct charmap_t *charmap,
+ {
+   int return_widestr = lr->return_widestr;
+   char *buf;
+-  wchar_t *buf2 = NULL;
++  uint32_t *buf2 = NULL;
+   size_t bufact;
+   size_t bufmax = 56;
+diff --git a/locale/programs/localedef.c b/locale/programs/localedef.c
+index 2a0f2aa..583d233 100644
+--- a/locale/programs/localedef.c
++++ b/locale/programs/localedef.c
+@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ void (*argp_program_version_hook) (FILE *, struct argp_state *) = print_version;
+ #define OPT_LIST_ARCHIVE 309
+ #define OPT_LITTLE_ENDIAN 400
+ #define OPT_BIG_ENDIAN 401
++#define OPT_UINT32_ALIGN 402
+ /* Definitions of arguments for argp functions.  */
+ static const struct argp_option options[] =
+@@ -150,6 +151,8 @@ static const struct argp_option options[] =
+     N_("Generate little-endian output") },
+   { "big-endian", OPT_BIG_ENDIAN, NULL, 0,
+     N_("Generate big-endian output") },
++  { "uint32-align", OPT_UINT32_ALIGN, "ALIGNMENT", 0,
++    N_("Set the target's uint32_t alignment in bytes (default 4)") },
+   { NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL }
+ };
+@@ -239,12 +242,14 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
+      ctype locale.  (P1003.2  */
+   setlocale (LC_CTYPE, "POSIX");
++#ifndef NO_SYSCONF
+   /* Look whether the system really allows locale definitions.  POSIX
+      defines error code 3 for this situation so I think it must be
+      a fatal error (see P1003.2 4.35.8).  */
+   if (sysconf (_SC_2_LOCALEDEF) < 0)
+     WITH_CUR_LOCALE (error (3, 0, _("\
+ FATAL: system does not define `_POSIX2_LOCALEDEF'")));
+   /* Process charmap file.  */
+   charmap = charmap_read (charmap_file, verbose, 1, be_quiet, 1);
+@@ -338,6 +343,9 @@ parse_opt (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state)
+     case OPT_BIG_ENDIAN:
+       set_big_endian (true);
+       break;
++    case OPT_UINT32_ALIGN:
++      uint32_align_mask = strtol (arg, NULL, 0) - 1;
++      break;
+     case 'c':
+       force_output = 1;
+       break;
+diff --git a/locale/programs/locfile.c b/locale/programs/locfile.c
+index 33da52e..f790c4c 100644
+--- a/locale/programs/locfile.c
++++ b/locale/programs/locfile.c
+@@ -544,6 +544,9 @@ compare_files (const char *filename1, const char *filename2, size_t size,
+    machine running localedef.  */
+ bool swap_endianness_p;
++/* The target's value of __align__(uint32_t) - 1.  */
++unsigned int uint32_align_mask = 3;
+ /* When called outside a start_locale_structure/end_locale_structure
+    or start_locale_prelude/end_locale_prelude block, record that the
+    next byte in FILE's obstack will be the first byte of a new element.
+@@ -621,7 +624,7 @@ add_locale_string (struct locale_file *file, const char *string)
+ void
+ add_locale_wstring (struct locale_file *file, const uint32_t *string)
+ {
+-  add_locale_uint32_array (file, string, wcslen ((const wchar_t *) string) + 1);
++  add_locale_uint32_array (file, string, wcslen_uint32 (string) + 1);
+ }
+ /* Record that FILE's next element is the 32-bit integer VALUE.  */
+diff --git a/locale/programs/locfile.h b/locale/programs/locfile.h
+index 6fc441b..118b171 100644
+--- a/locale/programs/locfile.h
++++ b/locale/programs/locfile.h
+@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ extern void write_all_categories (struct localedef_t *definitions,
+ extern bool swap_endianness_p;
++extern unsigned int uint32_align_mask;
+ /* Change the output to be big-endian if BIG_ENDIAN is true and
+    little-endian otherwise.  */
+ static inline void
+@@ -89,7 +91,8 @@ maybe_swap_uint32 (uint32_t value)
+ }
+ /* Likewise, but munge an array of N uint32_ts starting at ARRAY.  */
+-static inline void
++static void
++__attribute__ ((unused))
+ maybe_swap_uint32_array (uint32_t *array, size_t n)
+ {
+   if (swap_endianness_p)
+@@ -99,7 +102,8 @@ maybe_swap_uint32_array (uint32_t *array, size_t n)
+ /* Like maybe_swap_uint32_array, but the array of N elements is at
+    the end of OBSTACK's current object.  */
+-static inline void
++static void
++__attribute__ ((unused))
+ maybe_swap_uint32_obstack (struct obstack *obstack, size_t n)
+ {
+   maybe_swap_uint32_array ((uint32_t *) obstack_next_free (obstack) - n, n);
+@@ -276,4 +280,55 @@ extern void identification_output (struct localedef_t *locale,
+ 				   const struct charmap_t *charmap,
+ 				   const char *output_path);
++static size_t wcslen_uint32 (const uint32_t *str) __attribute__ ((unused));
++static uint32_t * wmemcpy_uint32 (uint32_t *s1, const uint32_t *s2, size_t n) __attribute__ ((unused));
++static uint32_t * wcschr_uint32 (const uint32_t *s, uint32_t ch) __attribute__ ((unused));
++static int wcscmp_uint32 (const uint32_t *s1, const uint32_t *s2) __attribute__ ((unused));
++static int wmemcmp_uint32 (const uint32_t *s1, const uint32_t *s2, size_t n) __attribute__ ((unused));
++static size_t
++wcslen_uint32 (const uint32_t *str)
++  size_t len = 0;
++  while (str[len] != 0)
++    len++;
++  return len;
++static  int
++wmemcmp_uint32 (const uint32_t *s1, const uint32_t *s2, size_t n)
++  while (n-- != 0)
++    {
++      int diff = *s1++ - *s2++;
++      if (diff != 0)
++	return diff;
++    }
++  return 0;
++static int
++wcscmp_uint32 (const uint32_t *s1, const uint32_t *s2)
++  while (*s1 != 0 && *s1 == *s2)
++    s1++, s2++;
++  return *s1 - *s2;
++static uint32_t *
++wmemcpy_uint32 (uint32_t *s1, const uint32_t *s2, size_t n)
++  return memcpy (s1, s2, n * sizeof (uint32_t));
++static uint32_t *
++wcschr_uint32 (const uint32_t *s, uint32_t ch)
++  do
++    if (*s == ch)
++      return (uint32_t *) s;
++  while (*s++ != 0);
++  return 0;
+ #endif /* locfile.h */
+diff --git a/locale/setlocale.c b/locale/setlocale.c
+index fa9cb3a..8eee284 100644
+--- a/locale/setlocale.c
++++ b/locale/setlocale.c
+@@ -64,36 +64,6 @@ static char *const _nl_current_used[] =
+ #endif
+-/* Define an array of category names (also the environment variable names).  */
+-const union catnamestr_t _nl_category_names attribute_hidden =
+-  {
+-    {
+-#define DEFINE_CATEGORY(category, category_name, items, a) \
+-      category_name,
+-#include "categories.def"
+-    }
+-  };
+-const uint8_t _nl_category_name_idxs[__LC_LAST] attribute_hidden =
+-  {
+-#define DEFINE_CATEGORY(category, category_name, items, a) \
+-    [category] = offsetof (union catnamestr_t, CATNAMEMF (__LINE__)),
+-#include "categories.def"
+-  };
+-/* An array of their lengths, for convenience.  */
+-const uint8_t _nl_category_name_sizes[] attribute_hidden =
+-  {
+-#define DEFINE_CATEGORY(category, category_name, items, a) \
+-    [category] = sizeof (category_name) - 1,
+-#include "categories.def"
+-    [LC_ALL] = sizeof ("LC_ALL") - 1
+-  };
+ # define WEAK_POSTLOAD(postload) weak_extern (postload)
+ #else
+diff --git a/locale/xlocale.c b/locale/xlocale.c
+index fec4564..f00269c 100644
+--- a/locale/xlocale.c
++++ b/locale/xlocale.c
+@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+    <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+ #include <locale.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include "localeinfo.h"
+ #define DEFINE_CATEGORY(category, category_name, items, a) \
+@@ -25,6 +26,19 @@ extern struct __locale_data _nl_C_##category;
+ #include "categories.def"
++/* If the locale support code isn't enabled, don't generate strong
++   reference to the C locale_data structures here; let the Makefile
++   decide which ones to include.  (In the static linking case, the
++   strong reference to the 'class', 'toupper', and 'tolower' tables
++   will cause C-ctype.o to be brought in, as it should be, even when
++   the reference to _nl_C_LC_CTYPE will be weak.)  */
++# define DEFINE_CATEGORY(category, category_name, items, a) \
++  weak_extern (_nl_C_##category)
++# include "categories.def"
+ /* Defined in locale/C-ctype.c.  */
+ extern const char _nl_C_LC_CTYPE_class[] attribute_hidden;
+ extern const char _nl_C_LC_CTYPE_toupper[] attribute_hidden;
+@@ -52,3 +66,26 @@ const struct __locale_struct _nl_C_locobj attribute_hidden =
+     .__ctype_tolower = (const int *) _nl_C_LC_CTYPE_tolower + 128,
+     .__ctype_toupper = (const int *) _nl_C_LC_CTYPE_toupper + 128
+   };
++/* When locale code is enabled, these are each defined in the
++   appropriate lc-CATEGORY.c file, so that static links (when __thread
++   is supported) bring in only those lc-CATEGORY.o files for
++   categories the program actually uses; look for NL_CURRENT_INDIRECT
++   in localeinfo.h.
++   When locale code is disabled, the _nl_C_CATEGORY objects are the
++   only possible referents.  At the moment, there isn't a way to get
++   __OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE defined in every compilation unit that
++   #includes localeinfo.h, so we can't just turn off
++   NL_CURRENT_INDIRECT.  So we'll define the _nl_current_CATEGORY
++   pointers here.  */
++#if defined (NL_CURRENT_INDIRECT)
++#define DEFINE_CATEGORY(category, category_name, items, a)      \
++  __thread struct __locale_data * const *_nl_current_##category   \
++  attribute_hidden = &_nl_C_locobj.__locales[category];
++#include "categories.def"
+diff --git a/localedata/Makefile b/localedata/Makefile
+index ebf6ac9..1870753 100644
+--- a/localedata/Makefile
++++ b/localedata/Makefile
+@@ -21,12 +21,22 @@ subdir := localedata
+ include ../Makeconfig
+-# List with all available character set descriptions.
+-charmaps := $(wildcard charmaps/[A-I]*) $(wildcard charmaps/[J-Z]*)
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ # List with all available character set descriptions.
+-locales := $(wildcard locales/*)
++all-charmaps := $(wildcard charmaps/[A-I]*) $(wildcard charmaps/[J-Z]*)
++all-locales := $(wildcard locales/*)
++# If the EGLIBC_LOCALES option group is not enabled, trim the
++# list of charmap and locale source files.
++charmaps := $(all-charmaps)
++locales  := $(all-locales)
++charmaps :=
++locales  := locales/POSIX
+ subdir-dirs = tests-mbwc
+ vpath %.c tests-mbwc
+@@ -71,14 +81,20 @@ locale_test_suite := tst_iswalnum tst_iswalpha tst_iswcntrl            \
+ 		     tst_wcsxfrm tst_wctob tst_wctomb tst_wctrans      \
+ 		     tst_wctype tst_wcwidth
+-tests = $(locale_test_suite) tst-digits tst-setlocale bug-iconv-trans \
++# Since these tests build their own locale files, they're not
++# dependent on the OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALES option group.  But they do
++# need the locale functions to be present.
++     += $(locale_test_suite) tst-digits tst-setlocale bug-iconv-trans \
+ 	tst-leaks tst-mbswcs1 tst-mbswcs2 tst-mbswcs3 tst-mbswcs4 tst-mbswcs5 \
+ 	tst-mbswcs6 tst-xlocale1 tst-xlocale2 bug-usesetlocale \
+ 	tst-strfmon1 tst-sscanf bug-setlocale1 tst-setlocale2 tst-setlocale3 \
+ 	tst-wctype
+ tests-static = bug-setlocale1-static
+ tests += $(tests-static)
+-ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
++ifeq (yesy,$(build-shared)$(OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE))
+ ifneq (no,$(PERL))
+ tests-special += $(objpfx)mtrace-tst-leaks.out
+ endif
+@@ -95,6 +111,7 @@ tests: $(objdir)/iconvdata/gconv-modules
+ tests-static += tst-langinfo-static
+ ifeq ($(run-built-tests),yes)
+ tests-special += $(objpfx)sort-test.out $(objpfx)tst-fmon.out \
+ 		 $(objpfx)tst-locale.out $(objpfx)tst-rpmatch.out \
+ 		 $(objpfx)tst-trans.out $(objpfx)tst-ctype.out \
+@@ -109,6 +126,7 @@ LOCALES := de_DE.ISO-8859-1 de_DE.UTF-8 en_US.ANSI_X3.4-1968 \
+ 	   tr_TR.ISO-8859-9 en_GB.UTF-8 uk_UA.UTF-8
+ include ../gen-locales.mk
+ endif
+ include ../Rules
+@@ -191,6 +209,11 @@ endif
+ include SUPPORTED
++# Only install locale data if OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALES is selected.
+ # Sometimes the whole collection of locale files should be installed.
+diff --git a/login/Makefile b/login/Makefile
+index 0f4bb22..4036ddb 100644
+--- a/login/Makefile
++++ b/login/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+ #
+ #	Sub-makefile for login portion of the library.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= login
+@@ -25,14 +26,16 @@ include ../Makeconfig
+ headers	:= utmp.h bits/utmp.h lastlog.h pty.h
+-routines := getlogin getlogin_r setlogin getlogin_r_chk \
+-	    getutent getutent_r getutid getutline getutid_r getutline_r \
+-	    utmp_file utmpname updwtmp getpt grantpt unlockpt ptsname \
+-	    ptsname_r_chk
++routines := getpt grantpt unlockpt ptsname ptsname_r_chk
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_UTMP) \
++	 += getutent getutent_r getutid getutline getutid_r getutline_r \
++	    utmp_file utmpname updwtmp
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_GETLOGIN) += getlogin getlogin_r getlogin_r_chk
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_BSD) += setlogin
+ CFLAGS-grantpt.c = -DLIBEXECDIR='"$(libexecdir)"'
+-others = utmpdump
++others-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_UTMP) += utmpdump
+ ifeq (yes,$(build-pt-chown))
+ others += pt_chown
+@@ -46,8 +49,8 @@ vpath %.c programs
+ tests := tst-utmp tst-utmpx tst-grantpt tst-ptsname tst-getlogin
+ # Build the -lutil library with these extra functions.
+-extra-libs      := libutil
+-extra-libs-others := $(extra-libs)
++extra-libs-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_UTMP) := libutil
++extra-libs-others := $(extra-libs-y)
+ libutil-routines:= login login_tty logout logwtmp openpty forkpty
+diff --git a/malloc/Makefile b/malloc/Makefile
+index 67ed293..272ca4d 100644
+--- a/malloc/Makefile
++++ b/malloc/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #
+ #	Makefile for malloc routines
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= malloc
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -39,9 +41,15 @@ install-lib := libmcheck.a
+ non-lib.a := libmcheck.a
+ # Additional library.
+ extra-libs = libmemusage
+ extra-libs-others = $(extra-libs)
+ libmemusage-routines = memusage
+ libmemusage-inhibit-o = $(filter-out .os,$(object-suffixes))
+@@ -71,7 +79,7 @@ endif
+ # Unless we get a test for the availability of libgd which also works
+ # for cross-compiling we disable the memusagestat generation in this
+ # situation.
+-ifneq ($(cross-compiling),yes)
++ifeq ($(cross-compiling)$(OPTION_EGLIBC_MEMUSAGE),noy)
+ # If the gd library is available we build the `memusagestat' program.
+ ifneq ($(LIBGD),no)
+ others: $(objpfx)memusage
+diff --git a/malloc/memusage.c b/malloc/memusage.c
+index a57ba8e..732ba9d 100644
+--- a/malloc/memusage.c
++++ b/malloc/memusage.c
+@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
+ #include <stdint.h>
+ #include <sys/mman.h>
+ #include <sys/time.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <memusage.h>
+@@ -93,7 +94,11 @@ static __thread uintptr_t start_sp;
+ #define peak_stack      peak_use[1]
+ #define peak_total      peak_use[2]
+-#define DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE     32768
++# define DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE	32768
+ static size_t buffer_size;
+ static int fd = -1;
+diff --git a/malloc/memusage.sh b/malloc/memusage.sh
+index 8ab8cc2..d18f446 100755
+--- a/malloc/memusage.sh
++++ b/malloc/memusage.sh
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ do_missing_arg() {
+ # Print help message
+ do_help() {
+-  echo $"Usage: memusage [OPTION]... PROGRAM [PROGRAMOPTION]...
++  printf $"Usage: memusage [OPTION]... PROGRAM [PROGRAMOPTION]...
+ Profile memory usage of PROGRAM.
+    -n,--progname=NAME     Name of the program file to profile
+diff --git a/math/Makefile b/math/Makefile
+index 6388bae..ed1c511 100644
+--- a/math/Makefile
++++ b/math/Makefile
+@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ subdir		:= math
+ include ../Makeconfig
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ # Installed header files.
+ headers		:= math.h bits/mathcalls.h bits/mathinline.h bits/huge_val.h \
+ 		   bits/huge_valf.h bits/huge_vall.h bits/inf.h bits/nan.h \
+@@ -34,8 +36,8 @@ aux		:= setfpucw fpu_control
+ # Build the -lm library.
+-extra-libs	:= libm
+-extra-libs-others = $(extra-libs)
++extra-libs-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_LIBM) := libm
++extra-libs-others-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_LIBM) = $(extra-libs-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_LIBM))
+ libm-support = s_lib_version s_matherr s_signgam			\
+ 	       fclrexcpt fgetexcptflg fraiseexcpt fsetexcptflg		\
+diff --git a/misc/Makefile b/misc/Makefile
+index aecb0da..e6b7c23 100644
+--- a/misc/Makefile
++++ b/misc/Makefile
+@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
+ #	Sub-makefile for misc portion of the library.
+ #
++# Some system-dependent implementations of these functions use option
++# groups (see sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/Makefile, for example).
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= misc
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -46,40 +50,47 @@ routines := brk sbrk sstk ioctl \
+ 	    select pselect \
+ 	    acct chroot fsync sync fdatasync syncfs reboot \
+ 	    gethostid sethostid \
+-	    revoke vhangup \
++	    vhangup \
+ 	    swapon swapoff mktemp mkstemp mkstemp64 mkdtemp \
+ 	    mkostemp mkostemp64 mkstemps mkstemps64 mkostemps mkostemps64 \
+ 	    ualarm usleep \
+ 	    gtty stty \
+ 	    ptrace \
+-	    fstab mntent mntent_r \
++	    mntent mntent_r \
+ 	    utimes lutimes futimes futimesat \
+ 	    truncate ftruncate truncate64 ftruncate64 \
+-	    chflags fchflags \
+ 	    insremque getttyent getusershell getpass ttyslot \
+ 	    syslog syscall daemon \
+ 	    mmap mmap64 munmap mprotect msync madvise mincore remap_file_pages\
+ 	    mlock munlock mlockall munlockall \
+-	    efgcvt efgcvt_r qefgcvt qefgcvt_r \
+ 	    hsearch hsearch_r tsearch lsearch \
+ 	    err error ustat \
+-	    getsysstats dirname regexp \
++	    getsysstats dirname \
+ 	    getloadavg getclktck \
+ 	    fgetxattr flistxattr fremovexattr fsetxattr getxattr \
+ 	    listxattr lgetxattr llistxattr lremovexattr lsetxattr \
+ 	    removexattr setxattr getauxval ifunc-impl-list
++routines-$(OPTION_POSIX_REGEXP) += regexp
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_FSTAB) += fstab
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_BSD) += chflags fchflags revoke
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_FCVT) += efgcvt efgcvt_r qefgcvt qefgcvt_r
+ generated += tst-error1.mtrace tst-error1-mem.out
+ aux := init-misc
+ install-lib := libg.a
+ gpl2lgpl := error.c error.h
+-tests := tst-dirname tst-tsearch tst-fdset tst-efgcvt tst-mntent tst-hsearch \
+-	 tst-error1 tst-pselect tst-insremque tst-mntent2 bug-hsearch1
++tests := tst-dirname tst-tsearch tst-fdset tst-mntent tst-hsearch \
++	 tst-pselect tst-insremque tst-mntent2 bug-hsearch1
++tests-$(OPTION_POSIX_WIDE_CHAR_DEVICE_IO) += tst-error1
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_FCVT) += tst-efgcvt
+ ifeq ($(run-built-tests),yes)
+ tests-special += $(objpfx)tst-error1-mem.out
+ endif
+ CFLAGS-select.c = -fexceptions -fasynchronous-unwind-tables
+ CFLAGS-tsearch.c = $(uses-callbacks)
+diff --git a/misc/err.c b/misc/err.c
+index 7b98157..efce8d5 100644
+--- a/misc/err.c
++++ b/misc/err.c
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <wchar.h>
+ #define flockfile(s) _IO_flockfile (s)
+@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ extern char *__progname;
+   va_end (ap);								      \
+ }
+ static void
+ convert_and_print (const char *format, __gnuc_va_list ap)
+ {
+@@ -81,6 +83,7 @@ convert_and_print (const char *format, __gnuc_va_list ap)
+   __vfwprintf (stderr, wformat, ap);
+ }
+ void
+ vwarnx (const char *format, __gnuc_va_list ap)
+@@ -88,9 +91,13 @@ vwarnx (const char *format, __gnuc_va_list ap)
+   flockfile (stderr);
+   if (_IO_fwide (stderr, 0) > 0)
+     {
+       __fwprintf (stderr, L"%s: ", __progname);
+       convert_and_print (format, ap);
+       putwc_unlocked (L'\n', stderr);
++      abort ();
+     }
+   else
+     {
+@@ -111,6 +118,7 @@ vwarn (const char *format, __gnuc_va_list ap)
+   flockfile (stderr);
+   if (_IO_fwide (stderr, 0) > 0)
+     {
+       __fwprintf (stderr, L"%s: ", __progname);
+       if (format)
+ 	{
+@@ -119,6 +127,9 @@ vwarn (const char *format, __gnuc_va_list ap)
+ 	}
+       __set_errno (error);
+       __fwprintf (stderr, L"%m\n");
++      abort ();
+     }
+   else
+     {
+diff --git a/misc/error.c b/misc/error.c
+index aaa120d..d6cbc82 100644
+--- a/misc/error.c
++++ b/misc/error.c
+@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
+ #endif
+ #ifdef _LIBC
++# include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ # include <libintl.h>
+ # include <stdbool.h>
+ # include <stdint.h>
+@@ -205,6 +206,7 @@ error_tail (int status, int errnum, const char *message, va_list args)
+ #if _LIBC
+   if (_IO_fwide (stderr, 0) > 0)
+     {
+       size_t len = strlen (message) + 1;
+       wchar_t *wmessage = NULL;
+       mbstate_t st;
+@@ -265,6 +267,9 @@ error_tail (int status, int errnum, const char *message, va_list args)
+       if (use_malloc)
+ 	free (wmessage);
++      abort ();
+     }
+   else
+ #endif
+diff --git a/misc/tst-efgcvt.c b/misc/tst-efgcvt.c
+index 5083fec..79ed36c 100644
+--- a/misc/tst-efgcvt.c
++++ b/misc/tst-efgcvt.c
+@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ static testcase ecvt_tests[] =
+   { 123.01, -4, 3, "" },
+   { 126.71, -4, 3, "" },
+   { 0.0, 4, 1, "0000" },
+-#if DBL_MANT_DIG == 53
++#if DBL_MANT_DIG == 53 && !(defined __powerpc__ && defined __NO_FPRS__ && !defined _SOFT_FLOAT && !defined _SOFT_DOUBLE)
+   { 0x1p-1074, 3, -323, "494" },
+   { -0x1p-1074, 3, -323, "494" },
+ #endif
+diff --git a/nis/Makefile b/nis/Makefile
+index 037e674..c967850 100644
+--- a/nis/Makefile
++++ b/nis/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #
+ #	Makefile for NIS/NIS+ part.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= nis
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -30,19 +32,26 @@ endif
+ # These are the databases available for the nis (and perhaps later nisplus)
+ # service.  This must be a superset of the services in nss.
+-databases		= proto service hosts network grp pwd rpc ethers \
+-			  spwd netgrp alias publickey
++databases-y		:= proto service hosts network grp pwd rpc ethers \
++			   spwd netgrp publickey
++databases-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_DB_ALIASES) += alias
+ # Specify rules for the nss_* modules.
+-services		:= nis nisplus compat
++# The 'compat' module includes nis support, and the 'nss' directory
++# includes a bare-bones "files" library, so we'll include 'compat' in
++services-y		:=
++services-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_NIS) += nis nisplus compat
++extra-libs-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_NIS) += libnsl
++extra-libs-y		+= $(services-y:%=libnss_%)
+-extra-libs		= libnsl $(services:%=libnss_%)
+ # These libraries will be built in the `others' pass rather than
+ # the `lib' pass, because they depend on libc.so being built already.
+-extra-libs-others	= $(extra-libs)
++extra-libs-others-y	+= $(extra-libs-y)
+ # The sources are found in the appropriate subdir.
+-subdir-dirs = $(services:%=nss_%)
++subdir-dirs = $(services-y:%=nss_%)
+ vpath %.c $(subdir-dirs)
+ libnsl-routines = yp_xdr ypclnt ypupdate_xdr \
+@@ -60,11 +69,11 @@ libnsl-routines = yp_xdr ypclnt ypupdate_xdr \
+ libnss_compat-routines	:= $(addprefix compat-,grp pwd spwd initgroups)
+ libnss_compat-inhibit-o	= $(filter-out .os,$(object-suffixes))
+-libnss_nis-routines	:= $(addprefix nis-,$(databases)) nis-initgroups \
++libnss_nis-routines	:= $(addprefix nis-,$(databases-y)) nis-initgroups \
+ 			   nss-nis
+ libnss_nis-inhibit-o	= $(filter-out .os,$(object-suffixes))
+-libnss_nisplus-routines	:= $(addprefix nisplus-,$(databases)) nisplus-parser \
++libnss_nisplus-routines	:= $(addprefix nisplus-,$(databases-y)) nisplus-parser \
+ 			   nss-nisplus nisplus-initgroups
+ libnss_nisplus-inhibit-o = $(filter-out .os,$(object-suffixes))
+@@ -80,12 +89,12 @@ libnsl-libc = $(common-objpfx)linkobj/libc.so
+ # Target-specific variable setting to link objects using deprecated
+ # RPC interfaces with the version of libc.so that makes them available
+ # for new links:
+-$(services:%=$(objpfx)libnss_%.so) $(objpfx)libnsl.so: \
++$(services-y:%=$(objpfx)libnss_%.so) $(objpfx)libnsl.so: \
+   libc-for-link = $(libnsl-libc)
+ ifeq ($(build-shared),yes)
+-$(others:%=$(objpfx)%): $(objpfx)libnsl.so$(libnsl.so-version)
++$(others-y:%=$(objpfx)%): $(objpfx)libnsl.so$(libnsl.so-version)
+ else
+-$(others:%=$(objpfx)%): $(objpfx)libnsl.a
++$(others-y:%=$(objpfx)%): $(objpfx)libnsl.a
+ endif
+diff --git a/nptl/Makefile b/nptl/Makefile
+index aaca0a4..596ca3c 100644
+--- a/nptl/Makefile
++++ b/nptl/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #
+ #	Sub-makefile for NPTL portion of the library.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= nptl
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ libpthread-routines = nptl-init vars events version pt-interp \
+ 		      pt-raise pt-system \
+ 		      flockfile ftrylockfile funlockfile \
+ 		      sigaction \
+-		      herrno res pt-allocrtsig \
++		      pt-allocrtsig \
+ 		      pthread_kill_other_threads \
+ 		      pthread_getaffinity pthread_setaffinity \
+ 		      pthread_attr_getaffinity pthread_attr_setaffinity \
+@@ -138,8 +140,10 @@ libpthread-routines = nptl-init vars events version pt-interp \
+ #		      pthread_setgid pthread_setegid pthread_setregid \
+ #		      pthread_setresgid
++libpthread-routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) := herrno res
+ libpthread-shared-only-routines = version pt-interp pt-allocrtsig \
+ 				  unwind-forcedunwind
+ libpthread-static-only-routines = pthread_atfork
+ # Since cancellation handling is in large parts handled using exceptions
+@@ -220,7 +224,7 @@ tests = tst-typesizes \
+ 	tst-mutexpi1 tst-mutexpi2 tst-mutexpi3 tst-mutexpi4 tst-mutexpi5 \
+ 	tst-mutexpi5a tst-mutexpi6 tst-mutexpi7 tst-mutexpi7a tst-mutexpi8 \
+ 	tst-mutexpi9 \
+-	tst-spin1 tst-spin2 tst-spin3 tst-spin4 \
++	tst-spin1 tst-spin2 tst-spin3 \
+ 	tst-cond1 tst-cond2 tst-cond3 tst-cond4 tst-cond5 tst-cond6 tst-cond7 \
+ 	tst-cond8 tst-cond9 tst-cond10 tst-cond11 tst-cond12 tst-cond13 \
+ 	tst-cond14 tst-cond15 tst-cond16 tst-cond17 tst-cond18 tst-cond19 \
+@@ -256,14 +260,14 @@ tests = tst-typesizes \
+ 	tst-cancel6 tst-cancel7 tst-cancel8 tst-cancel9 tst-cancel10 \
+ 	tst-cancel11 tst-cancel12 tst-cancel13 tst-cancel14 tst-cancel15 \
+ 	tst-cancel16 tst-cancel17 tst-cancel18 tst-cancel19 tst-cancel20 \
+-	tst-cancel21 tst-cancel22 tst-cancel23 tst-cancel24 tst-cancel25 \
++	tst-cancel21 tst-cancel22 tst-cancel23 tst-cancel25 \
+ 	tst-cancel-self tst-cancel-self-cancelstate \
+ 	tst-cancel-self-canceltype tst-cancel-self-testcancel \
+ 	tst-cleanup0 tst-cleanup1 tst-cleanup2 tst-cleanup3 tst-cleanup4 \
+ 	tst-flock1 tst-flock2 \
+ 	tst-signal1 tst-signal2 tst-signal3 tst-signal4 tst-signal5 \
+ 	tst-signal6 tst-signal7 \
+-	tst-exec1 tst-exec2 tst-exec3 tst-exec4 \
++	tst-exec2 tst-exec3 tst-exec4 \
+ 	tst-exit1 tst-exit2 tst-exit3 \
+ 	tst-stdio1 tst-stdio2 \
+ 	tst-stack1 tst-stack2 tst-stack3 tst-stack4 tst-pthread-getattr \
+@@ -271,13 +275,12 @@ tests = tst-typesizes \
+ 	tst-unload \
+ 	tst-dlsym1 \
+ 	tst-sysconf \
+-	tst-locale1 tst-locale2 \
++	tst-locale2 \
+ 	tst-umask1 \
+ 	tst-popen1 \
+ 	tst-clock1 \
+ 	tst-context1 \
+ 	tst-sched1 \
+-	tst-backtrace1 \
+ 	tst-abstime \
+ 	tst-vfork1 tst-vfork2 tst-vfork1x tst-vfork2x \
+ 	tst-getpid3 \
+@@ -288,9 +291,16 @@ xtests = tst-setuid1 tst-setuid1-static tst-setuid2 \
+ 	tst-mutexpp1 tst-mutexpp6 tst-mutexpp10
+ test-srcs = tst-oddstacklimit
+-# Test expected to fail on most targets (except x86_64) due to bug
+-# 18435 - pthread_once hangs when init routine throws an exception.
+-test-xfail-tst-once5 = yes
++# This test uses the posix_spawn functions.
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_SPAWN) += tst-exec1
++# This test uses the 'backtrace' functions.
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_BACKTRACE) += tst-backtrace1
++# This test is written in C++.
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_CXX_TESTS) += tst-cancel24
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE) += tst-locale1
+ # Files which must not be linked with libpthread.
+ tests-nolibpthread = tst-unload
+diff --git a/nptl/pthread_create.c b/nptl/pthread_create.c
+index d10f4ea..14257ce 100644
+--- a/nptl/pthread_create.c
++++ b/nptl/pthread_create.c
+@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
+ #include <default-sched.h>
+ #include <futex-internal.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <shlib-compat.h>
+ #include <stap-probe.h>
+@@ -262,8 +263,10 @@ START_THREAD_DEFN
+   THREAD_SETMEM (pd, cpuclock_offset, now);
+ #endif
+   /* Initialize resolver state pointer.  */
+   __resp = &pd->res;
+   /* Initialize pointers to locale data.  */
+   __ctype_init ();
+@@ -346,8 +349,10 @@ START_THREAD_DEFN
+   /* Run the destructor for the thread-local data.  */
+   __nptl_deallocate_tsd ();
+   /* Clean up any state libc stored in thread-local variables.  */
+   __libc_thread_freeres ();
+   /* If this is the last thread we terminate the process now.  We
+      do not notify the debugger, it might just irritate it if there
+diff --git a/nscd/Makefile b/nscd/Makefile
+index ede941d..f4f3f8d 100644
+--- a/nscd/Makefile
++++ b/nscd/Makefile
+@@ -18,14 +18,17 @@
+ #
+ #	Sub-makefile for nscd portion of the library.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= nscd
+ include ../Makeconfig
+ ifneq ($(use-nscd),no)
+-routines := nscd_getpw_r nscd_getgr_r nscd_gethst_r nscd_getai \
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) += \
++	     nscd_getpw_r nscd_getgr_r nscd_gethst_r nscd_getai \
+ 	    nscd_initgroups nscd_getserv_r nscd_netgroup
+-aux	:= nscd_helper
++aux-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) += nscd_helper
+ endif
+ # To find xmalloc.c
+@@ -37,14 +40,18 @@ nscd-modules := nscd connections pwdcache getpwnam_r getpwuid_r grpcache \
+ 		dbg_log nscd_conf nscd_stat cache mem nscd_setup_thread \
+ 		xmalloc xstrdup aicache initgrcache gai res_hconf \
+ 		netgroupcache
++ifneq (y,$(OPTION_EGLIBC_NIS))
++# If we haven't build libnsl.so, then we'll need to include our
++# own copy of nis_hash.
++nscd-modules += nis_hash
+ ifeq ($(build-nscd)$(have-thread-library),yesyes)
+-others += nscd
+-others-pie += nscd
+-install-sbin := nscd
++others-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) += nscd
++others-pie-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) += nscd
++install-sbin-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) += nscd
+-extra-objs = $(nscd-modules:=.o)
++extra-objs-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) += $(nscd-modules:=.o)
+ endif
+@@ -100,7 +107,15 @@ include $(patsubst %,$(..)cppflags-iterator.mk,$(cpp-srcs-left))
+ $(objpfx)nscd: $(nscd-modules:%=$(objpfx)%.o)
+ ifeq ($(build-shared),yes)
+-$(objpfx)nscd: $(shared-thread-library) $(common-objpfx)nis/libnsl.so
++$(objpfx)nscd: $(shared-thread-library)
++$(objpfx)nscd: $(static-thread-library)
++ifeq (y,$(OPTION_EGLIBC_NIS))
++ifeq ($(build-shared),yes)
++$(objpfx)nscd: $(common-objpfx)nis/libnsl.so
+ else
+-$(objpfx)nscd: $(static-thread-library) $(common-objpfx)nis/libnsl.a
++$(objpfx)nscd: $(common-objpfx)nis/libnsl.a
+ endif
+diff --git a/nscd/nis_hash.c b/nscd/nis_hash.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d244c41
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/nscd/nis_hash.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++/* If OPTION_EGLIBC_NIS is disabled, nscd can't get this from libnsl.so;
++   we need our own copy.  */
++#include "../nis/nis_hash.c"
+diff --git a/nss/Makefile b/nss/Makefile
+index 65ab7b5..19f0aef 100644
+--- a/nss/Makefile
++++ b/nss/Makefile
+@@ -18,28 +18,35 @@
+ #
+ #	Makefile for name service switch.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= nss
+ include ../Makeconfig
+ headers			:= nss.h
+-# This is the trivial part which goes into libc itself.
+-routines		= nsswitch getnssent getnssent_r digits_dots \
+-			  $(addsuffix -lookup,$(databases))
+ # These are the databases that go through nss dispatch.
+ # Caution: if you add a database here, you must add its real name
+ # in databases.def, too.
+-databases		= proto service hosts network grp pwd ethers \
+-			  spwd netgrp alias sgrp
++databases-y		= grp pwd spwd sgrp
++databases-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) \
++			+= proto service hosts network ethers \
++			   netgrp
++databases-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_DB_ALIASES) += alias
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) += digits_dots
+ ifneq (,$(filter sunrpc,$(subdirs)))
+-databases		+= key rpc
++databases-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET)	+= key rpc
+ have-sunrpc		:= 1
+ else
+ have-sunrpc		:= 0
+ endif
++# This is the trivial part which goes into libc itself.
++routines-y		+= nsswitch getnssent getnssent_r \
++			  $(addsuffix -lookup,$(databases-y))
+ CPPFLAGS-getent.c	= -DHAVE_SUNRPC=$(have-sunrpc)
+ others                  := getent makedb
+@@ -47,8 +54,9 @@ install-bin             := getent makedb
+ makedb-modules = xmalloc hash-string
+ extra-objs		+= $(makedb-modules:=.o)
+-tests			= test-netdb tst-nss-test1 test-digits-dots tst-nss-getpwent
+-xtests			= bug-erange
++tests			= tst-nss-test1 tst-nss-getpwent
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET)	+= test-netdb test-digits-dots
++xtests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET)	+= bug-erange
+ # Specify rules for the nss_* modules.  We have some services.
+ services		:= files db
+@@ -63,7 +71,7 @@ subdir-dirs = $(services:%=nss_%)
+ vpath %.c $(subdir-dirs) ../locale/programs ../intl
+-libnss_files-routines	:= $(addprefix files-,$(databases)) \
++libnss_files-routines	:= $(addprefix files-,$(databases-y)) \
+ 			   files-initgroups files-have_o_cloexec files-init
+ libnss_db-dbs		:= $(addprefix db-,\
+@@ -86,6 +94,45 @@ tests-static		= tst-nss-static
+ tests			+= $(tests-static)
+ endif
++$(error OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH_FIXED_CONFIG variable left unset)
++$(error OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH_FIXED_FUNCTIONS variable left unset)
++$(warning OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH is disabled, but fixed config file)
++$(error does not exist: $(OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH_FIXED_CONFIG))
++$(warning OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH is disabled, but fixed functions file)
++$(error does not exist: $(OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH_FIXED_FUNCTIONS))
++before-compile := $(objpfx)fixed-nsswitch.h
++generated := fixed-nsswitch.h
++$(objpfx)fixed-nsswitch.h $(objfpx)fixed-nsswitch-libs:	\
++    $(objpfx)gen-fixed-nsswitch				\
++	$< $(objpfx)fixed-nsswitch.h			\
++	   $(objpfx)fixed-nsswitch-libs			\
++$(objpfx)gen-fixed-nsswitch: gen-fixed-nsswitch.c	\
++    $(common-objpfx)option-groups.config		\
++	$(native-compile)
++gen-fixed-nsswitch-CFLAGS =						\
++	-g3 -O -Wall							\
++	-I $(objpfx)							\
+ include ../Rules
+ ifeq (yes,$(have-selinux))
+diff --git a/nss/fixed-nsswitch.conf b/nss/fixed-nsswitch.conf
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..91bb675
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/nss/fixed-nsswitch.conf
+@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
++# /etc/nsswitch.conf
++# Example configuration for fixed name service.
++# See the description of OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH in option-groups.def
++# for details.
++aliases:        files
++passwd:         files
++group:          files
++shadow:         files
++hosts:          files dns
++networks:       files dns
++protocols:      files
++services:       files
++ethers:         files
++rpc:            files
++netgroup:       files
+diff --git a/nss/fixed-nsswitch.functions b/nss/fixed-nsswitch.functions
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..2f3fa83
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/nss/fixed-nsswitch.functions
+@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
++/* List of functions defined for fixed NSS in GNU C Library.
++   Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++/* When OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH is disabled (see option-groups.def),
++   EGLIBC does not use the 'dlopen' and 'dlsym' functions to look for
++   database query functions in the individual name service libraries.
++   Instead, it uses a set of functions chosen at compile time, as
++   directed by the OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH_FIXED_FUNCTIONS file.  This
++   file is a sample of what you might use there.
++   This file is C source code; it should only contain invocations of
++   the following macros:
++     Declare the 'setXent', 'getXent_r', and 'endXent' functions that
++     query DATABASE using the service library 'libnss_SERVICE.so.2'.
++     DATABASE should be the full name of the database as it appears in
++     'nsswitch.conf', like 'passwd' or 'aliases'.
++     (The non-reentrant 'getXent' functions are implemented in terms
++     of the reentrant 'getXent_r' functions, so there is no need to
++     refer to them explicitly here.)
++     Declare the 'getXbyKEY_r' functions that query DATABASE using
++     SERVICE.  DATABASE and SERVICE are as described above.
++     (The non-reentrant 'getXbyKEY' functions are implemented in terms
++     of the reentrant 'getXbyKEY_r' functions, so there is no need to
++     refer to them explicitly here.)
++     Use the special key 'name3' for the service library function that
++     implements the 'getaddrinfo' function.
++     Declare the 'getQUERY_r' functions that query DATABASE using
++     SERVICE.  This is used for functions like 'getpwnam'.
++     (The non-reentrant 'getQUERY' functions are implemented in terms
++     of the reentrant 'getQUERY_r' functions, so there is no need to
++     refer to them explicitly here.)
++   This sample file only includes functions that consult the files in
++   '/etc', and the Domain Name System (DNS).  */
++/* aliases */
++DEFINE_ENT (aliases, files, alias)
++DEFINE_GETBY (aliases, files, alias, name)
++/* ethers */
++DEFINE_ENT (ethers, files, ether)
++/* group */
++DEFINE_ENT (group, files, gr)
++DEFINE_GET (group, files, grgid)
++DEFINE_GET (group, files, grnam)
++/* hosts */
++DEFINE_ENT (hosts, files, host)
++DEFINE_GETBY (hosts, files, host, addr)
++DEFINE_GETBY (hosts, files, host, name)
++DEFINE_GETBY (hosts, files, host, name2)
++DEFINE_GET (hosts, files, hostton)
++DEFINE_GET (hosts, files, ntohost)
++DEFINE_GETBY (hosts, dns, host, addr)
++DEFINE_GETBY (hosts, dns, host, name)
++DEFINE_GETBY (hosts, dns, host, name2)
++DEFINE_GETBY (hosts, dns, host, name3)
++/* netgroup */
++DEFINE_ENT (netgroup, files, netgr)
++/* networks */
++DEFINE_ENT (networks, files, net)
++DEFINE_GETBY (networks, files, net, name)
++DEFINE_GETBY (networks, files, net, addr)
++DEFINE_GETBY (networks, dns, net, name)
++DEFINE_GETBY (networks, dns, net, addr)
++/* protocols */
++DEFINE_ENT (protocols, files, proto)
++DEFINE_GETBY (protocols, files, proto, name)
++DEFINE_GETBY (protocols, files, proto, number)
++/* passwd */
++DEFINE_ENT (passwd, files, pw)
++DEFINE_GET (passwd, files, pwnam)
++DEFINE_GET (passwd, files, pwuid)
++/* rpc */
++DEFINE_ENT (rpc, files, rpc)
++DEFINE_GETBY (rpc, files, rpc, name)
++DEFINE_GETBY (rpc, files, rpc, number)
++/* services */
++DEFINE_ENT (services, files, serv)
++DEFINE_GETBY (services, files, serv, name)
++DEFINE_GETBY (services, files, serv, port)
++/* shadow */
++DEFINE_ENT (shadow, files, sp)
++DEFINE_GET (shadow, files, spnam)
+diff --git a/nss/gen-fixed-nsswitch.c b/nss/gen-fixed-nsswitch.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..6e1c98c
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/nss/gen-fixed-nsswitch.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,803 @@
++/* gen-fixed-nsswitch.c --- generate fixed name service data structures
++   Copyright (C) 1996-1999, 2001-2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#define _GNU_SOURCE
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <stdio.h>
++#include <errno.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <stdarg.h>
++#include <assert.h>
++#include <ctype.h>
++#include "gnu/lib-names.h"
++#include "nss.h"
++/* Provide a fallback definition to allow this file to be compiled outside
++   libc.  */
++#ifndef internal_function
++# define internal_function
++/* Simple utilities.  */
++void __attribute__ ((noreturn))
++error (const char *message)
++  fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", message);
++  exit (1);
++void *
++check_alloc (void *p)
++  if (p)
++    return p;
++  else
++    error ("out of memory");
++void *
++xmalloc (size_t size)
++  return check_alloc (malloc (size));
++/* Format ARGS according to FORMAT, and return the result as a
++   malloc'ed string.  */
++char *
++saprintf (const char *format, ...)
++  va_list args;
++  size_t len;
++  char *buf;
++  va_start (args, format);
++  len = vsnprintf (NULL, 0, format, args);
++  va_end (args);
++  buf = xmalloc (len + 1);
++  va_start (args, format);
++  assert (len == vsnprintf (buf, len + 1, format, args));
++  va_end (args);
++  return buf;
++/* Data structures representing the configuration file in memory.  */
++/* These are copied from nsswitch.h.
++   We could simply #include that file, but this program runs on the
++   build machine and links against the build machine's libraries,
++   whereas that header is meant for use by target code; it uses
++   'libc_hidden_proto', 'internal_function', and related hair.  Since
++   we've copied the parsing code, we might as well copy the data
++   structure definitions as well.  */
++/* Actions performed after lookup finished.  */
++typedef enum
++} lookup_actions;
++typedef struct service_library
++  /* Name of service (`files', `dns', `nis', ...).  */
++  const char *name;
++  /* Pointer to the loaded shared library.  */
++  void *lib_handle;
++  /* And the link to the next entry.  */
++  struct service_library *next;
++} service_library;
++/* For mapping a function name to a function pointer.  It is known in
++   nsswitch.c:nss_lookup_function that a string pointer for the lookup key
++   is the first member.  */
++typedef struct
++  const char *fct_name;
++  void *fct_ptr;
++} known_function;
++typedef struct service_user
++  /* And the link to the next entry.  */
++  struct service_user *next;
++  /* Action according to result.  */
++  lookup_actions actions[5];
++  /* Link to the underlying library object.  */
++  service_library *library;
++  /* Collection of known functions.
++     With OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH enabled, this is the root of a
++     'tsearch'-style tree.
++     With OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH disabled, this is an array of
++     pointers to known_function structures, NULL-terminated.  */
++  union
++  {
++    void *tree;
++    const known_function **array;
++  } known;
++  /* Name of the service (`files', `dns', `nis', ...).  */
++  const char *name;
++} service_user;
++/* To access the action based on the status value use this macro.  */
++#define nss_next_action(ni, status) ((ni)->actions[2 + status])
++typedef struct name_database_entry
++  /* And the link to the next entry.  */
++  struct name_database_entry *next;
++  /* List of service to be used.  */
++  service_user *service;
++  /* Name of the database.  */
++  const char *name;
++} name_database_entry;
++typedef struct name_database
++  /* List of all known databases.  */
++  name_database_entry *entry;
++  /* List of libraries with service implementation.  */
++  service_library *library;
++} name_database;
++/* Gathering the contents of the FIXED_FUNCTIONS file.  */
++/* It should be possible to generate this list automatically by
++   looking at the services and databases used in the nsswitch.conf
++   file, and having a hard-coded set of queries supported on each
++   database.  */
++/* We #include the FIXED_FUNCTIONS file several times to build an
++   array of function structures holding its data.  */
++enum function_kind {
++  fk_end = 0,                   /* Last entry.  */
++  fk_setent,                    /* Like setpwent.  */
++  fk_getent,                    /* Like getpwent.  */
++  fk_endent,                    /* Like endpwent.  */
++  fk_getby,                     /* Like gethostbyname.  */
++  fk_get                        /* Like getpwnam.  */
++struct function {
++  /* What kind of function this is.  */
++  enum function_kind kind;
++  /* The database and service of the function being hardwired in.  */
++  char *database, *service;
++  /* The kind of entry being queried, for 'fk_setent', 'fk_getent',
++     'fk_endent', and 'fk_getby' functions.  */
++  char *entry;
++  /* The key, for 'fk_getby' entries.  */
++  char *key;
++  /* The value and key, for 'fk_get' entries.  */
++  char *value_and_key;
++const struct function functions[] =
++  {
++#define DEFINE_ENT(database, service, entry)    \
++    { fk_setent, #database, #service, #entry }, \
++    { fk_getent, #database, #service, #entry }, \
++    { fk_endent, #database, #service, #entry },
++#define DEFINE_GETBY(database, service, entry, key)   \
++    { fk_getby, #database, #service, #entry, #key },
++#define DEFINE_GET(database, service, value_and_key)     \
++    { fk_get, #database, #service, NULL, NULL, #value_and_key },
++#undef DEFINE_ENT
++#undef DEFINE_GET
++    { fk_end }
++  };
++/* Parsing the config file.  Functions copied from nsswitch.c.  */
++#define __strchrnul strchrnul
++#define __getline getline
++#define __strncasecmp strncasecmp
++/* Prototypes for the local functions.  */
++static name_database *nss_parse_file (const char *fname) internal_function;
++static name_database_entry *nss_getline (char *line) internal_function;
++static service_user *nss_parse_service_list (const char *line)
++     internal_function;
++static name_database *
++nss_parse_file (const char *fname)
++  FILE *fp;
++  name_database *result;
++  name_database_entry *last;
++  char *line;
++  size_t len;
++  /* Open the configuration file.  */
++  fp = fopen (fname, "rc");
++  if (fp == NULL)
++    return NULL;
++  // /* No threads use this stream.  */
++  // __fsetlocking (fp, FSETLOCKING_BYCALLER);
++  result = (name_database *) xmalloc (sizeof (name_database));
++  result->entry = NULL;
++  result->library = NULL;
++  last = NULL;
++  line = NULL;
++  len = 0;
++  do
++    {
++      name_database_entry *this;
++      ssize_t n;
++      n = __getline (&line, &len, fp);
++      if (n < 0)
++	break;
++      if (line[n - 1] == '\n')
++	line[n - 1] = '\0';
++      /* Because the file format does not know any form of quoting we
++	 can search forward for the next '#' character and if found
++	 make it terminating the line.  */
++      *__strchrnul (line, '#') = '\0';
++      /* If the line is blank it is ignored.  */
++      if (line[0] == '\0')
++	continue;
++      /* Each line completely specifies the actions for a database.  */
++      this = nss_getline (line);
++      if (this != NULL)
++	{
++	  if (last != NULL)
++	    last->next = this;
++	  else
++	    result->entry = this;
++	  last = this;
++	}
++    }
++  while (!feof_unlocked (fp));
++  /* Free the buffer.  */
++  free (line);
++  /* Close configuration file.  */
++  fclose (fp);
++  return result;
++/* Read the source names:
++	`( <source> ( "[" "!"? (<status> "=" <action> )+ "]" )? )*'
++   */
++static service_user *
++nss_parse_service_list (const char *line)
++  service_user *result = NULL, **nextp = &result;
++  while (1)
++    {
++      service_user *new_service;
++      const char *name;
++      while (isspace (line[0]))
++	++line;
++      if (line[0] == '\0')
++	/* No source specified.  */
++	return result;
++      /* Read <source> identifier.  */
++      name = line;
++      while (line[0] != '\0' && !isspace (line[0]) && line[0] != '[')
++	++line;
++      if (name == line)
++	return result;
++      new_service = (service_user *) xmalloc (sizeof (*new_service));
++      new_service->name = (char *) xmalloc (line - name + 1);
++      *((char *) __mempcpy ((char *) new_service->name, name, line - name))
++        = '\0';
++      /* Set default actions.  */
++      new_service->actions[2 + NSS_STATUS_TRYAGAIN] = NSS_ACTION_CONTINUE;
++      new_service->actions[2 + NSS_STATUS_UNAVAIL] = NSS_ACTION_CONTINUE;
++      new_service->actions[2 + NSS_STATUS_NOTFOUND] = NSS_ACTION_CONTINUE;
++      new_service->actions[2 + NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS] = NSS_ACTION_RETURN;
++      new_service->actions[2 + NSS_STATUS_RETURN] = NSS_ACTION_RETURN;
++      new_service->library = NULL;
++      new_service->known.tree = NULL;
++      new_service->next = NULL;
++      while (isspace (line[0]))
++	++line;
++      if (line[0] == '[')
++	{
++	  /* Read criterions.  */
++	  do
++	    ++line;
++	  while (line[0] != '\0' && isspace (line[0]));
++	  do
++	    {
++	      int not;
++	      enum nss_status status;
++	      lookup_actions action;
++	      /* Grok ! before name to mean all statii but that one.  */
++	      not = line[0] == '!';
++	      if (not)
++		++line;
++	      /* Read status name.  */
++	      name = line;
++	      while (line[0] != '\0' && !isspace (line[0]) && line[0] != '='
++		     && line[0] != ']')
++		++line;
++	      /* Compare with known statii.  */
++	      if (line - name == 7)
++		{
++		  if (__strncasecmp (name, "SUCCESS", 7) == 0)
++		    status = NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS;
++		  else if (__strncasecmp (name, "UNAVAIL", 7) == 0)
++		    status = NSS_STATUS_UNAVAIL;
++		  else
++		    return result;
++		}
++	      else if (line - name == 8)
++		{
++		  if (__strncasecmp (name, "NOTFOUND", 8) == 0)
++		    status = NSS_STATUS_NOTFOUND;
++		  else if (__strncasecmp (name, "TRYAGAIN", 8) == 0)
++		    status = NSS_STATUS_TRYAGAIN;
++		  else
++		    return result;
++		}
++	      else
++		return result;
++	      while (isspace (line[0]))
++		++line;
++	      if (line[0] != '=')
++		return result;
++	      do
++		++line;
++	      while (isspace (line[0]));
++	      name = line;
++	      while (line[0] != '\0' && !isspace (line[0]) && line[0] != '='
++		     && line[0] != ']')
++		++line;
++	      if (line - name == 6 && __strncasecmp (name, "RETURN", 6) == 0)
++		action = NSS_ACTION_RETURN;
++	      else if (line - name == 8
++		       && __strncasecmp (name, "CONTINUE", 8) == 0)
++	      else
++		return result;
++	      if (not)
++		{
++		  /* Save the current action setting for this status,
++		     set them all to the given action, and reset this one.  */
++		  const lookup_actions save = new_service->actions[2 + status];
++		  new_service->actions[2 + NSS_STATUS_TRYAGAIN] = action;
++		  new_service->actions[2 + NSS_STATUS_UNAVAIL] = action;
++		  new_service->actions[2 + NSS_STATUS_NOTFOUND] = action;
++		  new_service->actions[2 + NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS] = action;
++		  new_service->actions[2 + status] = save;
++		}
++	      else
++		new_service->actions[2 + status] = action;
++	      /* Skip white spaces.  */
++	      while (isspace (line[0]))
++		++line;
++	    }
++	  while (line[0] != ']');
++	  /* Skip the ']'.  */
++	  ++line;
++	}
++      *nextp = new_service;
++      nextp = &new_service->next;
++    }
++static name_database_entry *
++nss_getline (char *line)
++  const char *name;
++  name_database_entry *result;
++  size_t len;
++  /* Ignore leading white spaces.  ATTENTION: this is different from
++     what is implemented in Solaris.  The Solaris man page says a line
++     beginning with a white space character is ignored.  We regard
++     this as just another misfeature in Solaris.  */
++  while (isspace (line[0]))
++    ++line;
++  /* Recognize `<database> ":"'.  */
++  name = line;
++  while (line[0] != '\0' && !isspace (line[0]) && line[0] != ':')
++    ++line;
++  if (line[0] == '\0' || name == line)
++    /* Syntax error.  */
++    return NULL;
++  *line++ = '\0';
++  len = strlen (name) + 1;
++  result = (name_database_entry *) xmalloc (sizeof (*result));
++  result->name = (char *) xmalloc (len);
++  /* Save the database name.  */
++  memcpy ((char *) result->name, name, len);
++  /* Parse the list of services.  */
++  result->service = nss_parse_service_list (line);
++  result->next = NULL;
++  return result;
++/* Generating code for statically initialized nsswitch structures.  */
++/* Return the service-neutral suffix of the name of the service
++   library function referred to by the function F.  The result is
++   allocated with malloc.  */
++char *
++known_function_suffix (const struct function *f)
++  switch (f->kind)
++    {
++    case fk_setent:
++      return saprintf ("set%sent", f->entry);
++    case fk_getent:
++      return saprintf ("get%sent_r", f->entry);
++    case fk_endent:
++      return saprintf ("end%sent", f->entry);
++    case fk_getby:
++      return saprintf ("get%sby%s_r", f->entry, f->key);
++    case fk_get:
++      return saprintf ("get%s_r", f->value_and_key);
++    default:
++      abort ();
++    }
++/* Return the name of the service library function referred to by the
++   function F.  The result is allocated with malloc.  */
++char *
++known_function_name (const struct function *f)
++  return saprintf ("_nss_%s_%s", f->service, known_function_suffix (f));
++/* Write initialized known_function structures to OUT for
++   all the functions we'll use.  */
++generate_known_functions (FILE *out)
++  int i;
++  /* First, generate weak references to the functions.  The service
++     libraries depend on libc, and if these references weren't weak,
++     we'd be making libc depend circularly on the service
++     libraries.  */
++  for (i = 0; functions[i].kind; i++)
++    {
++      char *name = known_function_name (&functions[i]);
++      fprintf (out, "typeof (%s) %s __attribute__ ((weak));\n",
++               name, name);
++    }
++  fputs ("\n", out);
++  /* Then, a table mapping names to functions.  */
++  fputs ("static const known_function fixed_known_functions[] = {\n",
++         out);
++  for (i = 0; functions[i].kind; i++)
++    {
++      const struct function *f = &functions[i];
++      char *suffix = known_function_suffix (f);
++      fprintf (out, "  /* %2d */ { \"%s\", _nss_%s_%s },\n",
++               i, suffix, f->service, suffix);
++    }
++  fputs ("};\n", out);
++  fputs ("\n", out);
++/* Print code to OUT for an initialized array of pointers to the
++   'known_function' structures needed for USER, which is for
++   DATABASE.  Return its name, allocated with malloc.  */
++char *
++generate_known_function_list (FILE *out,
++                              const name_database_entry *database,
++                              const service_user *user)
++  char *list_name = saprintf ("fixed_%s_%s_known_funcs",
++                              database->name, user->name);
++  fprintf (out, "static const known_function *%s[] = {\n",
++           list_name);
++  int i;
++  for (i = 0; functions[i].kind; i++)
++    if (strcmp (functions[i].database, database->name) == 0
++        && strcmp (functions[i].service, user->name) == 0)
++      fprintf (out, "  &fixed_known_functions[%d], /* %s */\n",
++               i, known_function_name (&functions[i]));
++  fputs ("  NULL\n", out);
++  fputs ("};\n", out);
++  fputs ("\n", out);
++  return list_name;
++/* Return the name of the status value STATUS, as a statically
++   allocated string.  */
++const char *
++lookup_status_name (enum nss_status status)
++  switch (status)
++    {
++    default: abort ();
++    };
++/* Return the name of ACTION as a statically allocated string.  */
++const char *
++lookup_action_name (lookup_actions action)
++  switch (action)
++    {
++    default: abort ();
++    }
++/* Print code to OUT for the list of service_user structures starting
++   with USER, which are all for DATABASE.  Return the name of the
++   first structure in that list, or zero if USER is NULL.  */
++char *
++generate_service_user_list (FILE *out,
++                            name_database_entry *database,
++                            service_user *user)
++  if (user)
++    {
++      /* Generate the tail of the list.  */
++      char *next_name = generate_service_user_list (out, database, user->next);
++      /* Generate our known function list.  */
++      char *known_function_list_name =
++        generate_known_function_list (out, database, user);
++      char *name = saprintf ("fixed_%s_%s_user", database->name, user->name);
++      fprintf (out, "static const service_user %s = {\n", name);
++      if (next_name)
++        fprintf (out, "  (service_user *) &%s,\n", next_name);
++      else
++        fprintf (out, "  NULL, /* no next entry */\n");
++      fputs ("  {\n", out);
++      int i;
++      for (i = 0; i < sizeof (user->actions) / sizeof (user->actions[0]); i++)
++        fprintf (out, "    %s, /* %s */\n",
++                 lookup_action_name (user->actions[i]),
++                 lookup_status_name (i - 2));
++      fputs ("  },\n", out);
++      fprintf (out, "  NULL,  /* we never need the service library */\n");
++      fprintf (out, "  { .array = %s },\n", known_function_list_name);
++      fprintf (out, "  \"%s\"\n", user->name);
++      fputs ("};\n", out);
++      fputs ("\n", out);
++      return name;
++    }
++  else
++    return NULL;
++/* Print code to OUT for the list of name_database_entry structures
++   starting with DATABASE.  Return the name of the first structure
++   in that list, or zero if DATABASE is NULL.  */
++char *
++generate_name_database_entries (FILE *out, name_database_entry *database)
++  if (database)
++    {
++      char *next_name = generate_name_database_entries (out, database->next);
++      char *service_user_name
++        = generate_service_user_list (out, database, database->service);
++      char *name = saprintf ("fixed_%s_name_database", database->name);
++      fprintf (out, "static const name_database_entry %s = {\n", name);
++      if (next_name)
++        fprintf (out, "  (name_database_entry *) &%s,\n", next_name);
++      else
++        fprintf (out, "  NULL,\n");
++      if (service_user_name)
++        fprintf (out, "  (service_user *) &%s,\n", service_user_name);
++      else
++        fprintf (out, "  NULL,\n");
++      fprintf (out, "  \"%s\"\n", database->name);
++      fprintf (out, "};\n");
++      fputs ("\n", out);
++      return name;
++    }
++  else
++    return NULL;
++generate_name_database (FILE *out, name_database *service_table)
++  /* Produce a linked list of the known name_database_entry
++     structures.  */
++  char *entries = generate_name_database_entries (out, service_table->entry);
++  /* Now produce the main structure that points to them all.  */
++  fprintf (out, "static const name_database fixed_name_database = {\n");
++  if (entries)
++    fprintf (out, "  (name_database_entry *) &%s,\n", entries);
++  else
++    fprintf (out, "  NULL,\n");
++  fputs ("  NULL /* we don't need the libraries */\n"
++         "};\n",
++         out);
++/* Generating the list of service libraries we generate references to.  */
++/* String with revision number of the shared object files.  */
++static const char *const nss_shlib_revision = LIBNSS_FILES_SO + 15;
++generate_service_lib_list (FILE *out, name_database *service_table)
++  int i, j;
++  int printed_any = 0;
++  for (i = 0; functions[i].kind; i++)
++    {
++      /* Mention each service library only once.  */
++      for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
++        if (strcmp (functions[i].service, functions[j].service) == 0)
++          break;
++      if (j >= i)
++        {
++          if (printed_any)
++            putc (' ', out);
++          fprintf (out, "-lnss_%s",
++                   functions[i].service,
++                   nss_shlib_revision);
++          printed_any = 1;
++        }
++    }
++/* Main.  */
++main (int argc, char **argv)
++  if (argc != 4)
++    {
++      fprintf (stderr, "usage: gen-fixed-nsswitch HEADER SERVLIBS CONFIG\n");
++      exit (1);
++    }
++  name_database *service_table = nss_parse_file (argv[3]);
++  FILE *header = fopen (argv[1], "w");
++  if (! header)
++    {
++      fprintf (stderr,
++               "gen-fixed-nsswitch: couldn't open output file %s: %s\n",
++               argv[1], strerror (errno));
++      exit (1);
++    }
++  fputs ("/* Generated by nss/gen-fixed-nsswitch.c.  */\n", header);
++  fputs ("\n", header);
++  generate_known_functions (header);
++  generate_name_database (header, service_table);
++  fclose (header);
++  FILE *service_lib_list = fopen (argv[2], "w");
++  if (! service_lib_list)
++    {
++      fprintf (stderr,
++               "gen-fixed-nsswitch: couldn't open output file %s: %s\n",
++               argv[2], strerror (errno));
++      exit (1);
++    }
++  generate_service_lib_list (service_lib_list, service_table);
++  fclose (service_lib_list);
++  return 0;
+diff --git a/nss/getent.c b/nss/getent.c
+index 34df848..674c8ee 100644
+--- a/nss/getent.c
++++ b/nss/getent.c
+@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
+ #include <netinet/ether.h>
+ #include <netinet/in.h>
+ #include <sys/socket.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ /* Get libc version number.  */
+ #include <version.h>
+@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n\
+   fprintf (stream, gettext ("Written by %s.\n"), "Thorsten Kukuk");
+ }
+ /* This is for aliases */
+ static void
+ print_aliases (struct aliasent *alias)
+@@ -135,7 +137,9 @@ aliases_keys (int number, char *key[])
+   return result;
+ }
+ /* This is for ethers */
+ static int
+ ethers_keys (int number, char *key[])
+@@ -179,6 +183,7 @@ ethers_keys (int number, char *key[])
+   return result;
+ }
++#endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_INET */
+ /* This is for group */
+ static void
+@@ -301,6 +306,7 @@ gshadow_keys (int number, char *key[])
+   return result;
+ }
+ /* This is for hosts */
+ static void
+ print_hosts (struct hostent *host)
+@@ -598,6 +604,7 @@ networks_keys (int number, char *key[])
+   return result;
+ }
++#endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_INET */
+ /* Now is all for passwd */
+ static void
+@@ -650,6 +657,7 @@ passwd_keys (int number, char *key[])
+   return result;
+ }
+ /* This is for protocols */
+ static void
+ print_protocols (struct protoent *proto)
+@@ -807,6 +815,7 @@ services_keys (int number, char *key[])
+   return result;
+ }
++#endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_INET */
+ /* This is for shadow */
+ static void
+@@ -873,23 +882,36 @@ struct
+   } databases[] =
+   {
+ #define D(name) { #name, name ## _keys },
++# define DN(name) D(name)
++# define DN(name)
++# define DA(name) D(name)
++# define DA(name)
+ D(group)
+ D(gshadow)
+ D(passwd)
+ #endif
+ D(shadow)
+ #undef D
+     { NULL, NULL }
+diff --git a/nss/getnssent_r.c b/nss/getnssent_r.c
+index f5b9036..f09f7fe 100644
+--- a/nss/getnssent_r.c
++++ b/nss/getnssent_r.c
+@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+    <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+ #include <errno.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <netdb.h>
+ #include "nsswitch.h"
+@@ -59,11 +60,13 @@ __nss_setent (const char *func_name, db_lookup_function lookup_fct,
+   } fct;
+   int no_more;
+   if (res && __res_maybe_init (&_res, 0) == -1)
+     {
+       __set_h_errno (NETDB_INTERNAL);
+       return;
+     }
++#endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_INET */
+   /* Cycle through the services and run their `setXXent' functions until
+      we find an available service.  */
+@@ -101,11 +104,13 @@ __nss_endent (const char *func_name, db_lookup_function lookup_fct,
+   } fct;
+   int no_more;
+   if (res && __res_maybe_init (&_res, 0) == -1)
+     {
+       __set_h_errno (NETDB_INTERNAL);
+       return;
+     }
++#endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_INET */
+   /* Cycle through all the services and run their endXXent functions.  */
+   no_more = setup (func_name, lookup_fct, &fct.ptr, nip, startp, 1);
+@@ -141,12 +146,14 @@ __nss_getent_r (const char *getent_func_name,
+   int no_more;
+   enum nss_status status;
+   if (res && __res_maybe_init (&_res, 0) == -1)
+     {
+       *h_errnop = NETDB_INTERNAL;
+       *result = NULL;
+       return errno;
+     }
++#endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_INET */
+   /* Initialize status to return if no more functions are found.  */
+@@ -161,7 +168,7 @@ __nss_getent_r (const char *getent_func_name,
+       int is_last_nip = *nip == *last_nip;
+       status = DL_CALL_FCT (fct.f,
+-			    (resbuf, buffer, buflen, &errno, &h_errno));
++			    (resbuf, buffer, buflen, &errno, h_errnop));
+       /* The status is NSS_STATUS_TRYAGAIN and errno is ERANGE the
+ 	 provided buffer is too small.  In this case we should give
+diff --git a/nss/nsswitch.c b/nss/nsswitch.c
+index 9712623..c81e207 100644
+--- a/nss/nsswitch.c
++++ b/nss/nsswitch.c
+@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+ #include <stdio_ext.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <aliases.h>
+ #include <grp.h>
+@@ -41,6 +42,15 @@
+ #include "../nscd/nscd_proto.h"
+ #include <sysdep.h>
++/* When OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH is disabled, we use fixed tables of
++   databases and services, generated at library build time.  Thus:
++   - We can't reconfigure individual databases, so we don't need a
++     name-to-database map.
++   - We never add databases or service libraries, or look up functions
++     at runtime, so there's no need for a lock to protect our tables.
++   See ../option-groups.def for the details.  */
+ /* Prototypes for the local functions.  */
+ static name_database *nss_parse_file (const char *fname) internal_function;
+ static name_database_entry *nss_getline (char *line) internal_function;
+@@ -79,6 +89,9 @@ bool __nss_database_custom[NSS_DBSIDX_max];
+ __libc_lock_define_initialized (static, lock)
++#define lock_nsswitch __libc_lock_lock (lock)
++#define unlock_nsswitch __libc_lock_unlock (lock)
+ #if !defined DO_STATIC_NSS || defined SHARED
+ /* String with revision number of the shared object files.  */
+ static const char *const __nss_shlib_revision = LIBNSS_FILES_SO + 15;
+@@ -93,6 +106,20 @@ static name_database *service_table;
+    __libc_freeres.  */
+ static name_database_entry *defconfig_entries;
++/* Bring in the statically initialized service table we generated at
++   build time.  */
++#include "fixed-nsswitch.h"
++const static name_database *service_table = &fixed_name_database;
++/* Nothing ever changes, so there's no need to lock anything.  */
++#define lock_nsswitch (0)
++#define unlock_nsswitch (0)
+ #ifdef USE_NSCD
+ /* Nonzero if this is the nscd process.  */
+@@ -109,20 +136,22 @@ __nss_database_lookup (const char *database, const char *alternate_name,
+ 		       const char *defconfig, service_user **ni)
+ {
+   /* Prevent multiple threads to change the service table.  */
+-  __libc_lock_lock (lock);
++  lock_nsswitch;
+   /* Reconsider database variable in case some other thread called
+      `__nss_configure_lookup' while we waited for the lock.  */
+   if (*ni != NULL)
+     {
+-      __libc_lock_unlock (lock);
++      unlock_nsswitch;
+       return 0;
+     }
+   /* Are we initialized yet?  */
+   if (service_table == NULL)
+     /* Read config file.  */
+     service_table = nss_parse_file (_PATH_NSSWITCH_CONF);
+   /* Test whether configuration data is available.  */
+   if (service_table != NULL)
+@@ -144,6 +173,7 @@ __nss_database_lookup (const char *database, const char *alternate_name,
+ 	    *ni = entry->service;
+     }
+   /* No configuration data is available, either because nsswitch.conf
+      doesn't exist or because it doesn't have a line for this database.
+@@ -166,13 +196,23 @@ __nss_database_lookup (const char *database, const char *alternate_name,
+ 	    {
+ 	      entry->next = defconfig_entries;
+ 	      entry->service = *ni;
+-	      entry->name[0] = '\0';
++	      entry->name = "";
+ 	      defconfig_entries = entry;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     }
++  /* Without the dynamic behavior, we can't process defconfig.  The
++     databases the user specified at library build time are all you
++     get.  */
++  if (*ni == NULL)
++    {
++      unlock_nsswitch;
++      return -1;
++    }
+-  __libc_lock_unlock (lock);
++  unlock_nsswitch;
+   return *ni != NULL ? 0 : -1;
+ }
+@@ -252,6 +292,7 @@ __nss_next2 (service_user **ni, const char *fct_name, const char *fct2_name,
+ libc_hidden_def (__nss_next2)
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section
+ __nss_next (service_user **ni, const char *fct_name, void **fctp, int status,
+@@ -300,13 +341,13 @@ __nss_configure_lookup (const char *dbname, const char *service_line)
+     }
+   /* Prevent multiple threads to change the service table.  */
+-  __libc_lock_lock (lock);
++  lock_nsswitch;
+   /* Install new rules.  */
+   *databases[cnt].dbp = new_db;
+   __nss_database_custom[cnt] = true;
+-  __libc_lock_unlock (lock);
++  unlock_nsswitch;
+   return 0;
+ }
+@@ -402,7 +443,7 @@ __nss_lookup_function (service_user *ni, const char *fct_name)
+   void **found, *result;
+   /* We now modify global data.  Protect it.  */
+-  __libc_lock_lock (lock);
++  lock_nsswitch;
+   /* Search the tree of functions previously requested.  Data in the
+      tree are `known_function' structures, whose first member is a
+@@ -413,7 +454,7 @@ __nss_lookup_function (service_user *ni, const char *fct_name)
+      enough to a pointer to our structure to use as a lookup key that
+      will be passed to `known_compare' (above).  */
+-  found = __tsearch (&fct_name, &ni->known, &known_compare);
++  found = __tsearch (&fct_name, &ni->known.tree, &known_compare);
+   if (found == NULL)
+     /* This means out-of-memory.  */
+     result = NULL;
+@@ -440,7 +481,7 @@ __nss_lookup_function (service_user *ni, const char *fct_name)
+ #endif
+ 	  /* Oops.  We can't instantiate this node properly.
+ 	     Remove it from the tree.  */
+-	  __tdelete (&fct_name, &ni->known, &known_compare);
++	  __tdelete (&fct_name, &ni->known.tree, &known_compare);
+ 	  free (known);
+ 	  result = NULL;
+ 	}
+@@ -520,13 +561,43 @@ __nss_lookup_function (service_user *ni, const char *fct_name)
+     }
+   /* Remove the lock.  */
+-  __libc_lock_unlock (lock);
++  unlock_nsswitch;
+   return result;
+ }
+ libc_hidden_def (__nss_lookup_function)
++#else /* below if ! __OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH */
++__nss_configure_lookup (const char *dbname, const char *service_line)
++  /* We can't dynamically configure lookup without
++  __set_errno (EINVAL);
++  return -1;
++void *
++__nss_lookup_function (service_user *ni, const char *fct_name)
++  int i;
++  const known_function **known = ni->known.array;
++  for (i = 0; known[i]; i++)
++    if (strcmp (fct_name, known[i]->fct_name) == 0)
++      return known[i]->fct_ptr;
++  return NULL;
++libc_hidden_def (__nss_lookup_function)
+ static name_database *
+ internal_function
+ nss_parse_file (const char *fname)
+@@ -632,8 +703,10 @@ nss_parse_service_list (const char *line)
+ 					     + (line - name + 1));
+       if (new_service == NULL)
+ 	return result;
++      new_service->name = (char *) (new_service + 1);
+-      *((char *) __mempcpy (new_service->name, name, line - name)) = '\0';
++      *((char *) __mempcpy ((char *) new_service->name, name, line - name))
++        = '\0';
+       /* Set default actions.  */
+       new_service->actions[2 + NSS_STATUS_TRYAGAIN] = NSS_ACTION_CONTINUE;
+@@ -642,7 +715,7 @@ nss_parse_service_list (const char *line)
+       new_service->actions[2 + NSS_STATUS_SUCCESS] = NSS_ACTION_RETURN;
+       new_service->actions[2 + NSS_STATUS_RETURN] = NSS_ACTION_RETURN;
+       new_service->library = NULL;
+-      new_service->known = NULL;
++      new_service->known.tree = NULL;
+       new_service->next = NULL;
+       while (isspace (line[0]))
+@@ -778,9 +851,10 @@ nss_getline (char *line)
+   result = (name_database_entry *) malloc (sizeof (name_database_entry) + len);
+   if (result == NULL)
+     return NULL;
++  result->name = (char *) (result + 1);
+   /* Save the database name.  */
+-  memcpy (result->name, name, len);
++  memcpy ((char *) result->name, name, len);
+   /* Parse the list of services.  */
+   result->service = nss_parse_service_list (line);
+@@ -816,6 +890,7 @@ nss_new_service (name_database *database, const char *name)
+   return *currentp;
+ }
+ #endif
+ #if defined SHARED && defined USE_NSCD
+@@ -834,6 +909,7 @@ nss_load_all_libraries (const char *service, const char *def)
+ }
+ /* Called by nscd and nscd alone.  */
+ void
+ __nss_disable_nscd (void (*cb) (size_t, struct traced_file *))
+@@ -857,8 +933,10 @@ __nss_disable_nscd (void (*cb) (size_t, struct traced_file *))
+   __nss_not_use_nscd_services = -1;
+   __nss_not_use_nscd_netgroup = -1;
+ }
++#endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_INET */
+ #endif
+ static void
+ free_database_entries (name_database_entry *entry)
+ {
+@@ -871,8 +949,8 @@ free_database_entries (name_database_entry *entry)
+ 	{
+ 	  service_user *olds = service;
+-	  if (service->known != NULL)
+-	    __tdestroy (service->known, free);
++	  if (service->known.tree != NULL)
++	    __tdestroy (service->known.tree, free);
+ 	  service = service->next;
+ 	  free (olds);
+@@ -926,3 +1004,4 @@ libc_freeres_fn (free_mem)
+   free (top);
+ }
+diff --git a/nss/nsswitch.h b/nss/nsswitch.h
+index a5318fa..1730977 100644
+--- a/nss/nsswitch.h
++++ b/nss/nsswitch.h
+@@ -65,10 +65,20 @@ typedef struct service_user
+   lookup_actions actions[5];
+   /* Link to the underlying library object.  */
+   service_library *library;
+-  /* Collection of known functions.  */
+-  void *known;
++  /* Collection of known functions.
++     With OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH enabled, this is the root of a
++     'tsearch'-style tree.
++     With OPTION_EGLIBC_NSSWITCH disabled, this is an array of
++     pointers to known_function structures, NULL-terminated.  */
++  union
++  {
++    void *tree;
++    const known_function **array;
++  } known;
+   /* Name of the service (`files', `dns', `nis', ...).  */
+-  char name[0];
++  const char *name;
+ } service_user;
+ /* To access the action based on the status value use this macro.  */
+@@ -82,7 +92,7 @@ typedef struct name_database_entry
+   /* List of service to be used.  */
+   service_user *service;
+   /* Name of the database.  */
+-  char name[0];
++  const char *name;
+ } name_database_entry;
+diff --git a/posix/Makefile b/posix/Makefile
+index 15e8818..609ed03 100644
+--- a/posix/Makefile
++++ b/posix/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #
+ #	Sub-makefile for POSIX portion of the library.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= posix
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -43,13 +45,24 @@ routines :=								      \
+ 	getpgid setpgid getpgrp bsd-getpgrp setpgrp getsid setsid	      \
+ 	getresuid getresgid setresuid setresgid				      \
+ 	pathconf sysconf fpathconf					      \
+-	glob glob64 fnmatch regex					      \
++	glob glob64 fnmatch						      \
+ 	confstr								      \
+ 	getopt getopt1 getopt_init					      \
+ 	sched_setp sched_getp sched_sets sched_gets sched_yield sched_primax  \
+ 	sched_primin sched_rr_gi sched_getaffinity sched_setaffinity	      \
+-	getaddrinfo gai_strerror wordexp				      \
+ 	pread pwrite pread64 pwrite64					      \
++	posix_madvise							      \
++	get_child_max sched_cpucount sched_cpualloc sched_cpufree
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) += getaddrinfo gai_strerror
++routines-$(OPTION_POSIX_REGEXP) += regex
++routines-$(OPTION_POSIX_REGEXP) += xregex
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_SPAWN) +=					      \
+ 	spawn_faction_init spawn_faction_destroy spawn_faction_addclose	      \
+ 	spawn_faction_addopen spawn_faction_adddup2			      \
+ 	spawnattr_init spawnattr_destroy				      \
+@@ -61,37 +74,54 @@ routines :=								      \
+ 	posix_madvise							      \
+ 	get_child_max sched_cpucount sched_cpualloc sched_cpufree
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_WORDEXP) += wordexp
+ aux		:= init-posix environ
+-tests		:= tstgetopt testfnm runtests runptests	     \
++tests		:= tstgetopt testfnm runtests \
+ 		   tst-preadwrite tst-preadwrite64 test-vfork regexbug1 \
+-		   tst-mmap tst-getaddrinfo tst-truncate \
+-		   tst-truncate64 tst-fork tst-fnmatch tst-regexloc tst-dir \
+-		   tst-chmod bug-regex1 bug-regex2 bug-regex3 bug-regex4 \
+-		   tst-gnuglob tst-regex bug-regex5 bug-regex6 bug-regex7 \
+-		   bug-regex8 bug-regex9 bug-regex10 bug-regex11 bug-regex12 \
+-		   bug-regex13 bug-regex14 bug-regex15 bug-regex16 \
+-		   bug-regex17 bug-regex18 bug-regex19 bug-regex20 \
+-		   bug-regex21 bug-regex22 bug-regex23 bug-regex24 \
+-		   bug-regex25 bug-regex26 bug-regex27 bug-regex28 \
++		   tst-mmap tst-truncate \
++		   tst-truncate64 tst-fork tst-dir \
++		   tst-chmod bug-regex2 bug-regex3 bug-regex4 \
++		   tst-gnuglob bug-regex6 bug-regex7 \
++		   bug-regex8 bug-regex9 bug-regex10 bug-regex12 \
++		   bug-regex14 bug-regex15 \
++		   bug-regex21 bug-regex24 \
++		   bug-regex27 bug-regex28 \
+ 		   bug-regex29 bug-regex30 bug-regex31 bug-regex32 \
+-		   bug-regex33 tst-nice tst-nanosleep tst-regex2 \
+-		   transbug tst-rxspencer tst-pcre tst-boost \
+-		   bug-ga1 tst-vfork1 tst-vfork2 tst-vfork3 tst-waitid \
+-		   tst-getaddrinfo2 bug-glob1 bug-glob2 bug-glob3 tst-sysconf \
++		   tst-nice tst-nanosleep \
++		   transbug \
++		   tst-vfork1 tst-vfork2 tst-vfork3 tst-waitid \
++		   bug-glob1 bug-glob2 bug-glob3 tst-sysconf \
+ 		   tst-execvp1 tst-execvp2 tst-execlp1 tst-execlp2 \
+ 		   tst-execv1 tst-execv2 tst-execl1 tst-execl2 \
+ 		   tst-execve1 tst-execve2 tst-execle1 tst-execle2 \
+-		   tst-execvp3 tst-execvp4 tst-rfc3484 tst-rfc3484-2 \
+-		   tst-rfc3484-3 \
+-		   tst-getaddrinfo3 tst-fnmatch2 tst-cpucount tst-cpuset \
++		   tst-execvp3 tst-execvp4 \
++		   tst-fnmatch2 tst-cpucount tst-cpuset \
+ 		   bug-getopt1 bug-getopt2 bug-getopt3 bug-getopt4 \
+ 		   bug-getopt5 tst-getopt_long1 bug-regex34 bug-regex35 \
+ 		   tst-pathconf tst-getaddrinfo4 tst-rxspencer-no-utf8 \
+ 		   tst-fnmatch3 bug-regex36 tst-getaddrinfo5
+-xtests		:= bug-ga2
++		+= tst-fnmatch tst-regexloc bug-regex1 bug-regex5 \
++		   bug-regex23 bug-regex25 bug-regex32 bug-regex33
++		+= tst-getaddrinfo bug-ga1 tst-getaddrinfo2 \
++		   tst-rfc3484 tst-rfc3484-2 tst-rfc3484-3 tst-getaddrinfo3
++		+= runptests bug-regex11 bug-regex13 bug-regex16 \
++		   tst-regex2 tst-rxspencer tst-pcre tst-boost
++tests		+= tst-regex bug-regex17 bug-regex18 bug-regex19 bug-regex20 \
++		   bug-regex22 bug-regex26
++xtests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) += bug-ga2
+ ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
+ test-srcs	:= globtest
+-tests           += wordexp-test tst-exec tst-spawn
++tests		+= tst-exec
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_SPAWN) += tst-spawn
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_WORDEXP) += wordexp-test
+ endif
+ tests-static	= tst-exec-static tst-spawn-static
+ tests		+= $(tests-static)
+@@ -117,7 +147,10 @@ generated += $(addprefix wordexp-test-result, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) \
+ ifeq ($(run-built-tests),yes)
+ ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
+-tests-special += $(objpfx)globtest.out $(objpfx)wordexp-tst.out
++tests-special += $(objpfx)globtest.out
++tests-special += $(objpfx)wordexp-tst.out
+ endif
+ endif
+@@ -125,12 +158,16 @@ endif
+ # XXX Please note that for now we ignore the result of this test.
+ tests-special += $(objpfx)annexc.out
+ ifeq ($(run-built-tests),yes)
+-tests-special += $(objpfx)bug-regex2-mem.out $(objpfx)bug-regex14-mem.out \
++tests-special += $(objpfx)bug-regex2-mem.out \
+ 		 $(objpfx)bug-regex21-mem.out $(objpfx)bug-regex31-mem.out \
+-		 $(objpfx)tst-rxspencer-no-utf8-mem.out $(objpfx)tst-pcre-mem.out \
+-		 $(objpfx)tst-boost-mem.out $(objpfx)tst-getconf.out \
++		 $(objpfx)tst-getconf.out \
+ 		 $(objpfx)bug-glob2-mem.out $(objpfx)tst-vfork3-mem.out \
+ 		 $(objpfx)tst-fnmatch-mem.out $(objpfx)bug-regex36-mem.out
++tests-special += $(objpfx)bug-regex14-mem.out $(objpfx)tst-rxspencer-no-utf8-mem.out \
++  		 $(objpfx)tst-pcre-mem.out $(objpfx)tst-boost-mem.out
+ xtests-special += $(objpfx)bug-ga2-mem.out
+ endif
+@@ -143,6 +180,8 @@ $(objpfx)globtest.out: globtest.sh $(objpfx)globtest
+ 	$(SHELL) $< $(common-objpfx) '$(test-via-rtld-prefix)' \
+ 		'$(test-program-prefix)' '$(test-wrapper-env)'; \
+ 	$(evaluate-test)
++LDLIBS-globtest += $(shell cat $(common-objpfx)nss/fixed-nsswitch-libs)
+ $(objpfx)wordexp-tst.out: wordexp-tst.sh $(objpfx)wordexp-test
+ 	$(SHELL) $< $(common-objpfx) '$(test-program-prefix-before-env)' \
+ 		 '$(run-program-env)' '$(test-program-prefix-after-env)'; \
+@@ -205,7 +244,10 @@ tst-dir-ARGS = `pwd` `cd $(common-objdir)/$(subdir); pwd` `cd $(common-objdir);
+ tst-chmod-ARGS = $(objdir)
+ tst-vfork3-ARGS = --test-dir=$(objpfx)
+-tst-rxspencer-ARGS = --utf8 rxspencer/tests
++tst-rxspencer-ARGS = rxspencer/tests
++tst-rxspencer-ARGS += --utf8
+ tst-rxspencer-no-utf8-ARGS = rxspencer/tests
+ tst-pcre-ARGS = PCRE.tests
+ tst-boost-ARGS = BOOST.tests
+diff --git a/posix/bug-regex1.c b/posix/bug-regex1.c
+index 38eb543..17cd1a0 100644
+--- a/posix/bug-regex1.c
++++ b/posix/bug-regex1.c
+@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <regex.h>
+ #include <wchar.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ int
+ main (void)
+@@ -17,7 +18,9 @@ main (void)
+   memset (&regex, '\0', sizeof (regex));
+   setlocale (LC_ALL, "de_DE.ISO-8859-1");
+   fwide (stdout, -1);
+   re_set_syntax (RE_SYNTAX_POSIX_EGREP | RE_DEBUG);
+diff --git a/posix/bug-regex6.c b/posix/bug-regex6.c
+index efcc890..3b270c7 100644
+--- a/posix/bug-regex6.c
++++ b/posix/bug-regex6.c
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <regex.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ int
+@@ -30,7 +31,12 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
+   regex_t re;
+   regmatch_t mat[10];
+   int i, j, ret = 0;
+-  const char *locales[] = { "C", "de_DE.UTF-8" };
++  const char *locales[] = {
++    "C",
++    "de_DE.UTF-8"
++  };
+   const char *string = "http://www.regex.com/pattern/matching.html#intro";
+   regmatch_t expect[10] = {
+     { 0, 48 }, { 0, 5 }, { 0, 4 }, { 5, 20 }, { 7, 20 }, { 20, 42 },
+diff --git a/posix/fnmatch.c b/posix/fnmatch.c
+index fd85efa..01cc9fe 100644
+--- a/posix/fnmatch.c
++++ b/posix/fnmatch.c
+@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ #include <string.h>
++#if defined _LIBC
++# include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #if defined STDC_HEADERS || defined _LIBC
+ # include <stdlib.h>
+ #endif
+@@ -131,7 +135,7 @@ extern int fnmatch (const char *pattern, const char *string, int flags);
+ #   define ISWCTYPE(WC, WT)	iswctype (WC, WT)
+ #  endif
+ /* In this case we are implementing the multibyte character handling.  */
+ #   define HANDLE_MULTIBYTE	1
+ #  endif
+diff --git a/posix/fnmatch_loop.c b/posix/fnmatch_loop.c
+index f46c9df..74e1754 100644
+--- a/posix/fnmatch_loop.c
++++ b/posix/fnmatch_loop.c
+@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
+    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+    <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <stdint.h>
+ struct STRUCT
+@@ -54,10 +56,15 @@ FCT (pattern, string, string_end, no_leading_period, flags, ends, alloca_used)
+   const char *collseq = (const char *)
+ # else
+   const UCHAR *collseq = (const UCHAR *)
+-# endif
++#   define COLLSEQ_BYTE_LOOKUP(ix) (collseq[(ix)])
++#  else
++#   define COLLSEQ_BYTE_LOOKUP(ix) (ix)
++#  endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE */
++# endif /* WIDE_CHAR_VERSION */
++#endif /* _LIBC */
+   while ((c = *p++) != L('\0'))
+     {
+@@ -277,7 +284,7 @@ FCT (pattern, string, string_end, no_leading_period, flags, ends, alloca_used)
+ 		    /* Leave room for the null.  */
+ 		    CHAR str[CHAR_CLASS_MAX_LENGTH + 1];
+ 		    size_t c1 = 0;
+-#if defined _LIBC || (defined HAVE_WCTYPE_H && defined HAVE_WCHAR_H)
++#if defined _LIBC ? __OPTION_POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR : (defined HAVE_WCTYPE_H && defined HAVE_WCHAR_H)
+ 		    wctype_t wt;
+ #endif
+ 		    const CHAR *startp = p;
+@@ -307,7 +314,7 @@ FCT (pattern, string, string_end, no_leading_period, flags, ends, alloca_used)
+ 		      }
+ 		    str[c1] = L('\0');
+-#if defined _LIBC || (defined HAVE_WCTYPE_H && defined HAVE_WCHAR_H)
++#if defined _LIBC ? __OPTION_POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR : (defined HAVE_WCTYPE_H && defined HAVE_WCHAR_H)
+ 		    wt = IS_CHAR_CLASS (str);
+ 		    if (wt == 0)
+ 		      /* Invalid character class name.  */
+@@ -680,8 +687,10 @@ FCT (pattern, string, string_end, no_leading_period, flags, ends, alloca_used)
+ 			else
+ 			  lcollseq = __collseq_table_lookup (collseq, cold);
+ # else
+-			fcollseq = collseq[fn];
+-			lcollseq = is_seqval ? cold : collseq[(UCHAR) cold];
++			fcollseq = COLLSEQ_BYTE_LOOKUP (fn);
++			lcollseq = (is_seqval
++                                    ? cold
++                                    : COLLSEQ_BYTE_LOOKUP ((UCHAR) cold));
+ # endif
+ 			is_seqval = 0;
+@@ -857,7 +866,7 @@ FCT (pattern, string, string_end, no_leading_period, flags, ends, alloca_used)
+ 				    goto matched;
+ 				  }
+ # else
+-				hcollseq = collseq[cend];
++				hcollseq = COLLSEQ_BYTE_LOOKUP (cend);
+ # endif
+ 			      }
+diff --git a/posix/glob.c b/posix/glob.c
+index d65e55d..1ac00a1 100644
+--- a/posix/glob.c
++++ b/posix/glob.c
+@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include <stddef.h>
++#ifdef _LIBC
++# include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ /* Outcomment the following line for production quality code.  */
+ /* #define NDEBUG 1 */
+@@ -607,6 +610,7 @@ glob (pattern, flags, errfunc, pglob)
+ 	  if (home_dir == NULL || home_dir[0] == '\0')
+ 	    home_dir = "c:/users/default"; /* poor default */
+ #  else
+ 	  if (home_dir == NULL || home_dir[0] == '\0')
+ 	    {
+ 	      int success;
+@@ -623,19 +627,19 @@ glob (pattern, flags, errfunc, pglob)
+ 	      if (success)
+ 		{
+ 		  struct passwd *p;
+-#   if defined HAVE_GETPWNAM_R || defined _LIBC
++#    if defined HAVE_GETPWNAM_R || defined _LIBC
+ 		  long int pwbuflen = GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX ();
+ 		  char *pwtmpbuf;
+ 		  struct passwd pwbuf;
+ 		  int malloc_pwtmpbuf = 0;
+ 		  int save = errno;
+-#    ifndef _LIBC
++#     ifndef _LIBC
+ 		  if (pwbuflen == -1)
+ 		    /* `sysconf' does not support _SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX.
+ 		       Try a moderate value.  */
+ 		    pwbuflen = 1024;
+-#    endif
++#     endif
+ 		  if (__libc_use_alloca (alloca_used + pwbuflen))
+ 		    pwtmpbuf = alloca_account (pwbuflen, alloca_used);
+ 		  else
+@@ -682,9 +686,9 @@ glob (pattern, flags, errfunc, pglob)
+ 			}
+ 		      __set_errno (save);
+ 		    }
+-#   else
++#    else
+ 		  p = getpwnam (name);
+-#   endif
++#    endif
+ 		  if (p != NULL)
+ 		    {
+ 		      if (!malloc_pwtmpbuf)
+@@ -713,6 +717,7 @@ glob (pattern, flags, errfunc, pglob)
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	    }
++#   endif /* ! _LIBC || __OPTION_EGLIBC_GETLOGIN */
+ 	  if (home_dir == NULL || home_dir[0] == '\0')
+ 	    {
+ 	      if (flags & GLOB_TILDE_CHECK)
+diff --git a/posix/regcomp.c b/posix/regcomp.c
+index bf8aa16..6a41251 100644
+--- a/posix/regcomp.c
++++ b/posix/regcomp.c
+@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+    <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+ #include <stdint.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #ifdef _LIBC
+ # include <locale/weight.h>
+@@ -309,7 +310,7 @@ re_compile_fastmap_iter (regex_t *bufp, const re_dfastate_t *init_state,
+ {
+   re_dfa_t *dfa = (re_dfa_t *) bufp->buffer;
+   int node_cnt;
+-  int icase = (dfa->mb_cur_max == 1 && (bufp->syntax & RE_ICASE));
++  int icase = (dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) == 1 && (bufp->syntax & RE_ICASE));
+   for (node_cnt = 0; node_cnt < init_state->nodes.nelem; ++node_cnt)
+     {
+       int node = init_state->nodes.elems[node_cnt];
+@@ -319,9 +320,9 @@ re_compile_fastmap_iter (regex_t *bufp, const re_dfastate_t *init_state,
+ 	{
+ 	  re_set_fastmap (fastmap, icase, dfa->nodes[node].opr.c);
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-	  if ((bufp->syntax & RE_ICASE) && dfa->mb_cur_max > 1)
++	  if ((bufp->syntax & RE_ICASE) && dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1)
+ 	    {
+-	      unsigned char *buf = alloca (dfa->mb_cur_max), *p;
++	      unsigned char *buf = alloca (dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa)), *p;
+ 	      wchar_t wc;
+ 	      mbstate_t state;
+@@ -352,7 +353,11 @@ re_compile_fastmap_iter (regex_t *bufp, const re_dfastate_t *init_state,
+ 		  re_set_fastmap (fastmap, icase, ch);
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+-#ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
++      /* When OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE is disabled, the current
++         locale is always C, which has no rules and no multi-byte
++         characters.  */
+       else if (type == COMPLEX_BRACKET)
+ 	{
+ 	  re_charset_t *cset = dfa->nodes[node].opr.mbcset;
+@@ -380,7 +385,7 @@ re_compile_fastmap_iter (regex_t *bufp, const re_dfastate_t *init_state,
+ 	     i.e. where we would not find an invalid sequence.  This only
+ 	     applies to multibyte character sets; for single byte character
+ 	     sets, the SIMPLE_BRACKET again suffices.  */
+-	  if (dfa->mb_cur_max > 1
++	  if (dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1
+ 	      && (cset->nchar_classes || cset->non_match || cset->nranges
+ # ifdef _LIBC
+ 		  || cset->nequiv_classes
+@@ -408,7 +413,7 @@ re_compile_fastmap_iter (regex_t *bufp, const re_dfastate_t *init_state,
+ 		  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (state));
+ 		  if (__wcrtomb (buf, cset->mbchars[i], &state) != (size_t) -1)
+ 		    re_set_fastmap (fastmap, icase, *(unsigned char *) buf);
+-		  if ((bufp->syntax & RE_ICASE) && dfa->mb_cur_max > 1)
++		  if ((bufp->syntax & RE_ICASE) && dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1)
+ 		    {
+ 		      if (__wcrtomb (buf, __towlower (cset->mbchars[i]), &state)
+ 			  != (size_t) -1)
+@@ -417,7 +422,7 @@ re_compile_fastmap_iter (regex_t *bufp, const re_dfastate_t *init_state,
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+-#endif /* RE_ENABLE_I18N */
+       else if (type == OP_PERIOD
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+ 	       || type == OP_UTF8_PERIOD
+@@ -860,11 +865,15 @@ init_dfa (re_dfa_t *dfa, size_t pat_len)
+   dfa->mb_cur_max = MB_CUR_MAX;
+ #ifdef _LIBC
+-  if (dfa->mb_cur_max == 6
++  if (dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) == 6
+       && strcmp (_NL_CURRENT (LC_CTYPE, _NL_CTYPE_CODESET_NAME), "UTF-8") == 0)
+     dfa->is_utf8 = 1;
+ 		       != 0);
++# else
++  dfa->map_notascii = 0;
++# endif
+ #else
+   codeset_name = nl_langinfo (CODESET);
+@@ -890,7 +899,7 @@ init_dfa (re_dfa_t *dfa, size_t pat_len)
+ #endif
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-  if (dfa->mb_cur_max > 1)
++  if (dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1)
+     {
+       if (dfa->is_utf8)
+ 	dfa->sb_char = (re_bitset_ptr_t) utf8_sb_map;
+@@ -1788,7 +1797,7 @@ peek_token (re_token_t *token, re_string_t *input, reg_syntax_t syntax)
+   token->word_char = 0;
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+   token->mb_partial = 0;
+-  if (input->mb_cur_max > 1 &&
++  if (string_mb_cur_max (input) > 1 &&
+       !re_string_first_byte (input, re_string_cur_idx (input)))
+     {
+       token->type = CHARACTER;
+@@ -1809,7 +1818,7 @@ peek_token (re_token_t *token, re_string_t *input, reg_syntax_t syntax)
+       token->opr.c = c2;
+       token->type = CHARACTER;
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-      if (input->mb_cur_max > 1)
++      if (string_mb_cur_max (input) > 1)
+ 	{
+ 	  wint_t wc = re_string_wchar_at (input,
+ 					  re_string_cur_idx (input) + 1);
+@@ -1923,7 +1932,7 @@ peek_token (re_token_t *token, re_string_t *input, reg_syntax_t syntax)
+   token->type = CHARACTER;
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-  if (input->mb_cur_max > 1)
++  if (string_mb_cur_max (input) > 1)
+     {
+       wint_t wc = re_string_wchar_at (input, re_string_cur_idx (input));
+       token->word_char = IS_WIDE_WORD_CHAR (wc) != 0;
+@@ -2023,7 +2032,7 @@ peek_token_bracket (re_token_t *token, re_string_t *input, reg_syntax_t syntax)
+   token->opr.c = c;
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-  if (input->mb_cur_max > 1 &&
++  if (string_mb_cur_max (input) > 1 &&
+       !re_string_first_byte (input, re_string_cur_idx (input)))
+     {
+       token->type = CHARACTER;
+@@ -2246,7 +2255,7 @@ parse_expression (re_string_t *regexp, regex_t *preg, re_token_t *token,
+ 	  return NULL;
+ 	}
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-      if (dfa->mb_cur_max > 1)
++      if (dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1)
+ 	{
+ 	  while (!re_string_eoi (regexp)
+ 		 && !re_string_first_byte (regexp, re_string_cur_idx (regexp)))
+@@ -2384,7 +2393,7 @@ parse_expression (re_string_t *regexp, regex_t *preg, re_token_t *token,
+ 	  *err = REG_ESPACE;
+ 	  return NULL;
+ 	}
+-      if (dfa->mb_cur_max > 1)
++      if (dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1)
+ 	dfa->has_mb_node = 1;
+       break;
+     case OP_WORD:
+@@ -2690,7 +2699,7 @@ build_range_exp (bitset_t sbcset, bracket_elem_t *start_elem,
+        However, for !_LIBC we have no collation elements: if the
+        character set is single byte, the single byte character set
+        that we build below suffices.  parse_bracket_exp passes
+-       no MBCSET if dfa->mb_cur_max == 1.  */
++       no MBCSET if dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) == 1.  */
+     if (mbcset)
+       {
+ 	/* Check the space of the arrays.  */
+@@ -2786,7 +2795,13 @@ parse_bracket_exp (re_string_t *regexp, re_dfa_t *dfa, re_token_t *token,
+ 		   reg_syntax_t syntax, reg_errcode_t *err)
+ {
+ #ifdef _LIBC
+   const unsigned char *collseqmb;
++# define COLLSEQMB_LOOKUP(ix) (collseqmb[(ix)])
++# define COLLSEQMB_LOOKUP(ix) (ix)
+   const char *collseqwc;
+   uint32_t nrules;
+   int32_t table_size;
+@@ -2834,18 +2849,20 @@ parse_bracket_exp (re_string_t *regexp, re_dfa_t *dfa, re_token_t *token,
+ 	  if (MB_CUR_MAX == 1)
+ 	  */
+ 	  if (nrules == 0)
+-	    return collseqmb[br_elem->opr.ch];
++	    return COLLSEQMB_LOOKUP (br_elem->opr.ch);
+ 	  else
+ 	    {
+ 	      wint_t wc = __btowc (br_elem->opr.ch);
+ 	      return __collseq_table_lookup (collseqwc, wc);
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+       else if (br_elem->type == MB_CHAR)
+ 	{
+ 	  if (nrules != 0)
+ 	    return __collseq_table_lookup (collseqwc, br_elem->opr.wch);
+ 	}
+       else if (br_elem->type == COLL_SYM)
+ 	{
+ 	  size_t sym_name_len = strlen ((char *) br_elem->opr.name);
+@@ -2876,11 +2893,11 @@ parse_bracket_exp (re_string_t *regexp, re_dfa_t *dfa, re_token_t *token,
+ 		{
+ 		  /* No valid character.  Match it as a single byte
+ 		     character.  */
+-		  return collseqmb[br_elem->opr.name[0]];
++		  return COLLSEQMB_LOOKUP (br_elem->opr.name[0]);
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	  else if (sym_name_len == 1)
+-	    return collseqmb[br_elem->opr.name[0]];
++	    return COLLSEQMB_LOOKUP (br_elem->opr.name[0]);
+ 	}
+       return UINT_MAX;
+     }
+@@ -2920,7 +2937,7 @@ parse_bracket_exp (re_string_t *regexp, re_dfa_t *dfa, re_token_t *token,
+ 	 However, if we have no collation elements, and the character set
+ 	 is single byte, the single byte character set that we
+ 	 build below suffices. */
+-      if (nrules > 0 || dfa->mb_cur_max > 1)
++      if (nrules > 0 || dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1)
+ 	{
+ 	  /* Check the space of the arrays.  */
+ 	  if (BE (*range_alloc == mbcset->nranges, 0))
+@@ -2957,7 +2974,7 @@ parse_bracket_exp (re_string_t *regexp, re_dfa_t *dfa, re_token_t *token,
+ 	  if (MB_CUR_MAX == 1)
+ 	  */
+ 	  if (nrules == 0)
+-	    ch_collseq = collseqmb[ch];
++	    ch_collseq = COLLSEQMB_LOOKUP (ch);
+ 	  else
+ 	    ch_collseq = __collseq_table_lookup (collseqwc, __btowc (ch));
+ 	  if (start_collseq <= ch_collseq && ch_collseq <= end_collseq)
+@@ -3035,7 +3052,10 @@ parse_bracket_exp (re_string_t *regexp, re_dfa_t *dfa, re_token_t *token,
+   re_bitset_ptr_t sbcset;
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+   re_charset_t *mbcset;
+-  int coll_sym_alloc = 0, range_alloc = 0, mbchar_alloc = 0;
++  int coll_sym_alloc = 0, range_alloc = 0;
++  int mbchar_alloc = 0;
+   int equiv_class_alloc = 0, char_class_alloc = 0;
+ #endif /* not RE_ENABLE_I18N */
+   int non_match = 0;
+@@ -3043,9 +3063,15 @@ parse_bracket_exp (re_string_t *regexp, re_dfa_t *dfa, re_token_t *token,
+   int token_len;
+   int first_round = 1;
+ #ifdef _LIBC
+   collseqmb = (const unsigned char *)
++  /* This is true when OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE is disabled, but the
++     compiler can't figure that out.  */
++  nrules = 0;
+   if (nrules)
+     {
+       /*
+@@ -3175,7 +3201,7 @@ parse_bracket_exp (re_string_t *regexp, re_dfa_t *dfa, re_token_t *token,
+ #else
+ # ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+ 	  *err = build_range_exp (sbcset,
+-				  dfa->mb_cur_max > 1 ? mbcset : NULL,
++				  dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1 ? mbcset : NULL,
+ 				  &range_alloc, &start_elem, &end_elem);
+ # else
+ 	  *err = build_range_exp (sbcset, &start_elem, &end_elem);
+@@ -3191,7 +3217,7 @@ parse_bracket_exp (re_string_t *regexp, re_dfa_t *dfa, re_token_t *token,
+ 	    case SB_CHAR:
+ 	      bitset_set (sbcset, start_elem.opr.ch);
+ 	      break;
+-#ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+ 	    case MB_CHAR:
+ 	      /* Check whether the array has enough space.  */
+ 	      if (BE (mbchar_alloc == mbcset->nmbchars, 0))
+@@ -3209,7 +3235,7 @@ parse_bracket_exp (re_string_t *regexp, re_dfa_t *dfa, re_token_t *token,
+ 		}
+ 	      mbcset->mbchars[mbcset->nmbchars++] = start_elem.opr.wch;
+ 	      break;
+-#endif /* RE_ENABLE_I18N */
+ 	    case EQUIV_CLASS:
+ 	      *err = build_equiv_class (sbcset,
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+@@ -3259,11 +3285,11 @@ parse_bracket_exp (re_string_t *regexp, re_dfa_t *dfa, re_token_t *token,
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+   /* Ensure only single byte characters are set.  */
+-  if (dfa->mb_cur_max > 1)
++  if (dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1)
+     bitset_mask (sbcset, dfa->sb_char);
+   if (mbcset->nmbchars || mbcset->ncoll_syms || mbcset->nequiv_classes
+-      || mbcset->nranges || (dfa->mb_cur_max > 1 && (mbcset->nchar_classes
++      || mbcset->nranges || (dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1 && (mbcset->nchar_classes
+ 						     || mbcset->non_match)))
+     {
+       bin_tree_t *mbc_tree;
+@@ -3332,7 +3358,7 @@ parse_bracket_element (bracket_elem_t *elem, re_string_t *regexp,
+ 		       re_token_t *token, int token_len, re_dfa_t *dfa,
+ 		       reg_syntax_t syntax, int accept_hyphen)
+ {
+-#ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+   int cur_char_size;
+   cur_char_size = re_string_char_size_at (regexp, re_string_cur_idx (regexp));
+   if (cur_char_size > 1)
+@@ -3342,7 +3368,7 @@ parse_bracket_element (bracket_elem_t *elem, re_string_t *regexp,
+       re_string_skip_bytes (regexp, cur_char_size);
+       return REG_NOERROR;
+     }
+-#endif /* RE_ENABLE_I18N */
+   re_string_skip_bytes (regexp, token_len); /* Skip a token.  */
+   if (token->type == OP_OPEN_COLL_ELEM || token->type == OP_OPEN_CHAR_CLASS
+       || token->type == OP_OPEN_EQUIV_CLASS)
+@@ -3422,7 +3448,9 @@ build_equiv_class (bitset_t sbcset, re_charset_t *mbcset,
+ build_equiv_class (bitset_t sbcset, const unsigned char *name)
+ #endif /* not RE_ENABLE_I18N */
+ {
+-#ifdef _LIBC
++  /* When __OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE is disabled, only the C locale
++     is supported; it has no collation rules.  */
+   if (nrules != 0)
+     {
+@@ -3492,7 +3520,7 @@ build_equiv_class (bitset_t sbcset, const unsigned char *name)
+       mbcset->equiv_classes[mbcset->nequiv_classes++] = idx1;
+     }
+   else
+-#endif /* _LIBC */
+     {
+       if (BE (strlen ((const char *) name) != 1, 0))
+ 	return REG_ECOLLATE;
+@@ -3526,7 +3554,7 @@ build_charclass (RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE trans, bitset_t sbcset,
+       && (strcmp (name, "upper") == 0 || strcmp (name, "lower") == 0))
+     name = "alpha";
+-#ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+   /* Check the space of the arrays.  */
+   if (BE (*char_class_alloc == mbcset->nchar_classes, 0))
+     {
+@@ -3542,7 +3570,7 @@ build_charclass (RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE trans, bitset_t sbcset,
+       *char_class_alloc = new_char_class_alloc;
+     }
+   mbcset->char_classes[mbcset->nchar_classes++] = __wctype (name);
+-#endif /* RE_ENABLE_I18N */
+ #define BUILD_CHARCLASS_LOOP(ctype_func)	\
+   do {						\
+@@ -3653,7 +3681,7 @@ build_charclass_op (re_dfa_t *dfa, RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE trans,
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+   /* Ensure only single byte characters are set.  */
+-  if (dfa->mb_cur_max > 1)
++  if (dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1)
+     bitset_mask (sbcset, dfa->sb_char);
+ #endif
+@@ -3665,7 +3693,7 @@ build_charclass_op (re_dfa_t *dfa, RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE trans,
+     goto build_word_op_espace;
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-  if (dfa->mb_cur_max > 1)
++  if (dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1)
+     {
+       bin_tree_t *mbc_tree;
+       /* Build a tree for complex bracket.  */
+diff --git a/posix/regex.h b/posix/regex.h
+index 5b1981e..2941f94 100644
+--- a/posix/regex.h
++++ b/posix/regex.h
+@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+ #define _REGEX_H 1
+ #include <sys/types.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ /* Allow the use in C++ code.  */
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+@@ -156,6 +157,8 @@ typedef unsigned long int reg_syntax_t;
+    treated as 'a\{1'.  */
++/* EGLIBC: Old regex implementation does not support these.  */
+ /* If this bit is set, then ignore case when matching.
+    If not set, then case is significant.  */
+@@ -172,6 +175,7 @@ typedef unsigned long int reg_syntax_t;
+ /* If this bit is set, then no_sub will be set to 1 during
+    re_compile_pattern.  */
+ #endif
+ /* This global variable defines the particular regexp syntax to use (for
+@@ -231,8 +235,13 @@ extern reg_syntax_t re_syntax_options;
+ #define RE_SYNTAX_POSIX_BASIC						\
++#define RE_SYNTAX_POSIX_BASIC						\
+ /* Differs from ..._POSIX_BASIC only in that RE_BK_PLUS_QM becomes
+    RE_LIMITED_OPS, i.e., \? \+ \| are not recognized.  Actually, this
+@@ -298,9 +307,11 @@ extern reg_syntax_t re_syntax_options;
+ /* Like REG_NOTBOL, except for the end-of-line.  */
+ #define REG_NOTEOL (1 << 1)
+ /* Use PMATCH[0] to delimit the start and end of the search in the
+    buffer.  */
+ #define REG_STARTEND (1 << 2)
+ /* If any error codes are removed, changed, or added, update the
+diff --git a/posix/regex_internal.c b/posix/regex_internal.c
+index 8597d7e..d53b2a8 100644
+--- a/posix/regex_internal.c
++++ b/posix/regex_internal.c
+@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ re_string_allocate (re_string_t *pstr, const char *str, int len, int init_len,
+   int init_buf_len;
+   /* Ensure at least one character fits into the buffers.  */
+-  if (init_len < dfa->mb_cur_max)
+-    init_len = dfa->mb_cur_max;
++  if (init_len < dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa))
++    init_len = dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa);
+   init_buf_len = (len + 1 < init_len) ? len + 1: init_len;
+   re_string_construct_common (str, len, pstr, trans, icase, dfa);
+@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ re_string_allocate (re_string_t *pstr, const char *str, int len, int init_len,
+   pstr->word_char = dfa->word_char;
+   pstr->word_ops_used = dfa->word_ops_used;
+   pstr->mbs = pstr->mbs_allocated ? pstr->mbs : (unsigned char *) str;
+-  pstr->valid_len = (pstr->mbs_allocated || dfa->mb_cur_max > 1) ? 0 : len;
++  pstr->valid_len = (pstr->mbs_allocated || dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1) ? 0 : len;
+   pstr->valid_raw_len = pstr->valid_len;
+   return REG_NOERROR;
+ }
+@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ re_string_construct (re_string_t *pstr, const char *str, int len,
+   if (icase)
+     {
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-      if (dfa->mb_cur_max > 1)
++      if (dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1)
+ 	{
+ 	  while (1)
+ 	    {
+@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ re_string_construct (re_string_t *pstr, const char *str, int len,
+ 		return ret;
+ 	      if (pstr->valid_raw_len >= len)
+ 		break;
+-	      if (pstr->bufs_len > pstr->valid_len + dfa->mb_cur_max)
++	      if (pstr->bufs_len > pstr->valid_len + dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa))
+ 		break;
+ 	      ret = re_string_realloc_buffers (pstr, pstr->bufs_len * 2);
+ 	      if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
+@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ re_string_construct (re_string_t *pstr, const char *str, int len,
+   else
+     {
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-      if (dfa->mb_cur_max > 1)
++      if (dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1)
+ 	build_wcs_buffer (pstr);
+       else
+ #endif /* RE_ENABLE_I18N  */
+@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ internal_function __attribute_warn_unused_result__
+ re_string_realloc_buffers (re_string_t *pstr, int new_buf_len)
+ {
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-  if (pstr->mb_cur_max > 1)
++  if (string_mb_cur_max (pstr) > 1)
+     {
+       wint_t *new_wcs;
+@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ re_string_construct_common (const char *str, int len, re_string_t *pstr,
+   pstr->trans = trans;
+   pstr->icase = icase ? 1 : 0;
+   pstr->mbs_allocated = (trans != NULL || icase);
+-  pstr->mb_cur_max = dfa->mb_cur_max;
++  pstr->mb_cur_max = dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa);
+   pstr->is_utf8 = dfa->is_utf8;
+   pstr->map_notascii = dfa->map_notascii;
+   pstr->stop = pstr->len;
+@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ build_wcs_buffer (re_string_t *pstr)
+ {
+ #ifdef _LIBC
+   unsigned char buf[MB_LEN_MAX];
+-  assert (MB_LEN_MAX >= pstr->mb_cur_max);
++  assert (MB_LEN_MAX >= string_mb_cur_max (pstr));
+ #else
+   unsigned char buf[64];
+ #endif
+@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ build_wcs_buffer (re_string_t *pstr)
+ 	{
+ 	  int i, ch;
+-	  for (i = 0; i < pstr->mb_cur_max && i < remain_len; ++i)
++	  for (i = 0; i < string_mb_cur_max (pstr) && i < remain_len; ++i)
+ 	    {
+ 	      ch = pstr->raw_mbs [pstr->raw_mbs_idx + byte_idx + i];
+ 	      buf[i] = pstr->mbs[byte_idx + i] = pstr->trans[ch];
+@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ build_wcs_upper_buffer (re_string_t *pstr)
+   size_t mbclen;
+ #ifdef _LIBC
+   char buf[MB_LEN_MAX];
+-  assert (MB_LEN_MAX >= pstr->mb_cur_max);
++  assert (MB_LEN_MAX >= string_mb_cur_max (pstr));
+ #else
+   char buf[64];
+ #endif
+@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ build_wcs_upper_buffer (re_string_t *pstr)
+ 	  {
+ 	    int i, ch;
+-	    for (i = 0; i < pstr->mb_cur_max && i < remain_len; ++i)
++	    for (i = 0; i < string_mb_cur_max (pstr) && i < remain_len; ++i)
+ 	      {
+ 		ch = pstr->raw_mbs [pstr->raw_mbs_idx + src_idx + i];
+ 		buf[i] = pstr->trans[ch];
+@@ -567,8 +567,9 @@ re_string_translate_buffer (re_string_t *pstr)
+ }
+ /* This function re-construct the buffers.
+-   Concretely, convert to wide character in case of pstr->mb_cur_max > 1,
+-   convert to upper case in case of REG_ICASE, apply translation.  */
++   Concretely, convert to wide character in case of
++   string_mb_cur_max (pstr) > 1, convert to upper case in case of
++   REG_ICASE, apply translation.  */
+ static reg_errcode_t
+ internal_function __attribute_warn_unused_result__
+@@ -579,7 +580,7 @@ re_string_reconstruct (re_string_t *pstr, int idx, int eflags)
+     {
+       /* Reset buffer.  */
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-      if (pstr->mb_cur_max > 1)
++      if (string_mb_cur_max (pstr) > 1)
+ 	memset (&pstr->cur_state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t));
+ #endif /* RE_ENABLE_I18N */
+       pstr->len = pstr->raw_len;
+@@ -670,7 +671,7 @@ re_string_reconstruct (re_string_t *pstr, int idx, int eflags)
+ 	      pstr->tip_context = re_string_context_at (pstr, offset - 1,
+ 							eflags);
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-	      if (pstr->mb_cur_max > 1)
++	      if (string_mb_cur_max (pstr) > 1)
+ 		memmove (pstr->wcs, pstr->wcs + offset,
+ 			 (pstr->valid_len - offset) * sizeof (wint_t));
+ #endif /* RE_ENABLE_I18N */
+@@ -699,7 +700,7 @@ re_string_reconstruct (re_string_t *pstr, int idx, int eflags)
+ #endif
+ 	  pstr->valid_len = 0;
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-	  if (pstr->mb_cur_max > 1)
++	  if (string_mb_cur_max (pstr) > 1)
+ 	    {
+ 	      int wcs_idx;
+ 	      wint_t wc = WEOF;
+@@ -711,7 +712,7 @@ re_string_reconstruct (re_string_t *pstr, int idx, int eflags)
+ 		  /* Special case UTF-8.  Multi-byte chars start with any
+ 		     byte other than 0x80 - 0xbf.  */
+ 		  raw = pstr->raw_mbs + pstr->raw_mbs_idx;
+-		  end = raw + (offset - pstr->mb_cur_max);
++		  end = raw + (offset - string_mb_cur_max (pstr));
+ 		  if (end < pstr->raw_mbs)
+ 		    end = pstr->raw_mbs;
+ 		  p = raw + offset - 1;
+@@ -803,7 +804,7 @@ re_string_reconstruct (re_string_t *pstr, int idx, int eflags)
+   /* Then build the buffers.  */
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-  if (pstr->mb_cur_max > 1)
++  if (string_mb_cur_max (pstr) > 1)
+     {
+       if (pstr->icase)
+ 	{
+@@ -841,7 +842,7 @@ re_string_peek_byte_case (const re_string_t *pstr, int idx)
+     return re_string_peek_byte (pstr, idx);
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-  if (pstr->mb_cur_max > 1
++  if (string_mb_cur_max (pstr) > 1
+       && ! re_string_is_single_byte_char (pstr, pstr->cur_idx + idx))
+     return re_string_peek_byte (pstr, idx);
+ #endif
+@@ -930,7 +931,7 @@ re_string_context_at (const re_string_t *input, int idx, int eflags)
+     return ((eflags & REG_NOTEOL) ? CONTEXT_ENDBUF
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-  if (input->mb_cur_max > 1)
++  if (string_mb_cur_max (input) > 1)
+     {
+       wint_t wc;
+       int wc_idx = idx;
+@@ -1444,7 +1445,7 @@ re_dfa_add_node (re_dfa_t *dfa, re_token_t token)
+   dfa->nodes[dfa->nodes_len].constraint = 0;
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+   dfa->nodes[dfa->nodes_len].accept_mb =
+-    (type == OP_PERIOD && dfa->mb_cur_max > 1) || type == COMPLEX_BRACKET;
++    (type == OP_PERIOD && dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1) || type == COMPLEX_BRACKET;
+ #endif
+   dfa->nexts[dfa->nodes_len] = -1;
+   re_node_set_init_empty (dfa->edests + dfa->nodes_len);
+diff --git a/posix/regex_internal.h b/posix/regex_internal.h
+index 154e969..c43909a 100644
+--- a/posix/regex_internal.h
++++ b/posix/regex_internal.h
+@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
++#if defined _LIBC
++# include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #if defined HAVE_LANGINFO_H || defined HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET || defined _LIBC
+ # include <langinfo.h>
+ #endif
+@@ -369,6 +373,13 @@ struct re_string_t
+ };
+ typedef struct re_string_t re_string_t;
++/* When OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE is disabled, this is always 1;
++   help the compiler make use of that fact.  */
++# define string_mb_cur_max(str) ((str)->mb_cur_max + 0)
++# define string_mb_cur_max(str) (1)
+ struct re_dfa_t;
+ typedef struct re_dfa_t re_dfa_t;
+@@ -654,6 +665,14 @@ struct re_dfa_t
+   __libc_lock_define (, lock)
+ };
++/* When OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE is disabled, this is always 1;
++   help the compiler make use of that fact.  */
++# define dfa_mb_cur_max(dfa) ((dfa)->mb_cur_max + 0)
++# define dfa_mb_cur_max(dfa) (1)
+ #define re_node_set_init_empty(set) memset (set, '\0', sizeof (re_node_set))
+ #define re_node_set_remove(set,id) \
+   (re_node_set_remove_at (set, re_node_set_contains (set, id) - 1))
+@@ -714,7 +733,7 @@ internal_function __attribute__ ((pure, unused))
+ re_string_char_size_at (const re_string_t *pstr, int idx)
+ {
+   int byte_idx;
+-  if (pstr->mb_cur_max == 1)
++  if (string_mb_cur_max (pstr) == 1)
+     return 1;
+   for (byte_idx = 1; idx + byte_idx < pstr->valid_len; ++byte_idx)
+     if (pstr->wcs[idx + byte_idx] != WEOF)
+@@ -726,7 +745,7 @@ static wint_t
+ internal_function __attribute__ ((pure, unused))
+ re_string_wchar_at (const re_string_t *pstr, int idx)
+ {
+-  if (pstr->mb_cur_max == 1)
++  if (string_mb_cur_max (pstr) == 1)
+     return (wint_t) pstr->mbs[idx];
+   return (wint_t) pstr->wcs[idx];
+ }
+diff --git a/posix/regexec-compat.c b/posix/regexec-compat.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..0f9b7c7
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/posix/regexec-compat.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
++/* Extended regular expression matching and search library.
++   Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   Contributed by Isamu Hasegawa <isamu@yamato.ibm.com>.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#ifdef _LIBC
++# include <shlib-compat.h>
++versioned_symbol (libc, __regexec, regexec, GLIBC_2_3_4);
++# if SHLIB_COMPAT (libc, GLIBC_2_0, GLIBC_2_3_4)
++__typeof__ (__regexec) __compat_regexec;
++__compat_regexec (const regex_t *__restrict preg,
++		  const char *__restrict string, size_t nmatch,
++		  regmatch_t pmatch[], int eflags)
++  return regexec (preg, string, nmatch, pmatch,
++		  eflags & (REG_NOTBOL | REG_NOTEOL));
++compat_symbol (libc, __compat_regexec, regexec, GLIBC_2_0);
++# endif
+diff --git a/posix/regexec.c b/posix/regexec.c
+index 70cd606..e3b49e4 100644
+--- a/posix/regexec.c
++++ b/posix/regexec.c
+@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+    <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+ #include <stdint.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ static reg_errcode_t match_ctx_init (re_match_context_t *cache, int eflags,
+ 				     int n) internal_function;
+@@ -186,11 +187,11 @@ static int build_trtable (const re_dfa_t *dfa,
+ static int check_node_accept_bytes (const re_dfa_t *dfa, int node_idx,
+ 				    const re_string_t *input, int idx)
+      internal_function;
+-# ifdef _LIBC
+ static unsigned int find_collation_sequence_value (const unsigned char *mbs,
+ 						   size_t name_len)
+      internal_function;
+-# endif /* _LIBC */
++# endif /* _LIBC && __OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE */
+ #endif /* RE_ENABLE_I18N */
+ static int group_nodes_into_DFAstates (const re_dfa_t *dfa,
+ 				       const re_dfastate_t *state,
+@@ -255,25 +256,9 @@ regexec (preg, string, nmatch, pmatch, eflags)
+   return err != REG_NOERROR;
+ }
+-#ifdef _LIBC
+-# include <shlib-compat.h>
+-versioned_symbol (libc, __regexec, regexec, GLIBC_2_3_4);
+-# if SHLIB_COMPAT (libc, GLIBC_2_0, GLIBC_2_3_4)
+-__typeof__ (__regexec) __compat_regexec;
+-__compat_regexec (const regex_t *__restrict preg,
+-		  const char *__restrict string, size_t nmatch,
+-		  regmatch_t pmatch[], int eflags)
+-  return regexec (preg, string, nmatch, pmatch,
+-		  eflags & (REG_NOTBOL | REG_NOTEOL));
+-compat_symbol (libc, __compat_regexec, regexec, GLIBC_2_0);
+-# endif
++/* EGLIBC: The code that used to be here was move to a separate file
++   so that it can be shared with xregex.c.  */
++#include "regexec-compat.c"
+ /* Entry points for GNU code.  */
+@@ -728,7 +713,7 @@ re_search_internal (preg, string, length, start, range, stop, nmatch, pmatch,
+   incr = (range < 0) ? -1 : 1;
+   left_lim = (range < 0) ? start + range : start;
+   right_lim = (range < 0) ? start : start + range;
+-  sb = dfa->mb_cur_max == 1;
++  sb = dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) == 1;
+   match_kind =
+     (fastmap
+      ? ((sb || !(preg->syntax & RE_ICASE || t) ? 4 : 0)
+@@ -3448,7 +3433,7 @@ out_free:
+ 	  if (BE (dest_states_word[i] == NULL && err != REG_NOERROR, 0))
+ 	    goto out_free;
+-	  if (dest_states[i] != dest_states_word[i] && dfa->mb_cur_max > 1)
++	  if (dest_states[i] != dest_states_word[i] && dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1)
+ 	    need_word_trtable = 1;
+ 	  dest_states_nl[i] = re_acquire_state_context (&err, dfa, &follows,
+@@ -3590,7 +3575,7 @@ group_nodes_into_DFAstates (const re_dfa_t *dfa, const re_dfastate_t *state,
+       else if (type == OP_PERIOD)
+ 	{
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-	  if (dfa->mb_cur_max > 1)
++	  if (dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1)
+ 	    bitset_merge (accepts, dfa->sb_char);
+ 	  else
+ #endif
+@@ -3641,7 +3626,7 @@ group_nodes_into_DFAstates (const re_dfa_t *dfa, const re_dfastate_t *state,
+ 		  continue;
+ 		}
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-	      if (dfa->mb_cur_max > 1)
++	      if (dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1)
+ 		for (j = 0; j < BITSET_WORDS; ++j)
+ 		  any_set |= (accepts[j] &= (dfa->word_char[j] | ~dfa->sb_char[j]));
+ 	      else
+@@ -3660,7 +3645,7 @@ group_nodes_into_DFAstates (const re_dfa_t *dfa, const re_dfastate_t *state,
+ 		  continue;
+ 		}
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-	      if (dfa->mb_cur_max > 1)
++	      if (dfa_mb_cur_max (dfa) > 1)
+ 		for (j = 0; j < BITSET_WORDS; ++j)
+ 		  any_set |= (accepts[j] &= ~(dfa->word_char[j] & dfa->sb_char[j]));
+ 	      else
+@@ -3836,12 +3821,6 @@ check_node_accept_bytes (const re_dfa_t *dfa, int node_idx,
+   if (node->type == COMPLEX_BRACKET)
+     {
+       const re_charset_t *cset = node->opr.mbcset;
+-# ifdef _LIBC
+-      const unsigned char *pin
+-	= ((const unsigned char *) re_string_get_buffer (input) + str_idx);
+-      int j;
+-      uint32_t nrules;
+-# endif /* _LIBC */
+       int match_len = 0;
+       wchar_t wc = ((cset->nranges || cset->nchar_classes || cset->nmbchars)
+ 		    ? re_string_wchar_at (input, str_idx) : 0);
+@@ -3853,6 +3832,7 @@ check_node_accept_bytes (const re_dfa_t *dfa, int node_idx,
+ 	    match_len = char_len;
+ 	    goto check_node_accept_bytes_match;
+ 	  }
+       /* match with character_class?  */
+       for (i = 0; i < cset->nchar_classes; ++i)
+ 	{
+@@ -3863,14 +3843,22 @@ check_node_accept_bytes (const re_dfa_t *dfa, int node_idx,
+ 	      goto check_node_accept_bytes_match;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
++      /* When __OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE is disabled, only the C
++         locale is supported; it has no collation rules.  */
++      const unsigned char *pin
++	= ((const unsigned char *) re_string_get_buffer (input) + str_idx);
++      int j;
++      uint32_t nrules;
+-# ifdef _LIBC
+       if (nrules != 0)
+ 	{
+ 	  unsigned int in_collseq = 0;
+ 	  const int32_t *table, *indirect;
+-	  const unsigned char *weights, *extra;
++	  const unsigned char *weights, *extra = NULL;
+ 	  const char *collseqwc;
+ 	  /* match with collating_symbol?  */
+@@ -3955,8 +3943,12 @@ check_node_accept_bytes (const re_dfa_t *dfa, int node_idx,
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+       else
+-# endif /* _LIBC */
++# endif /* _LIBC && __OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE */
+ 	{
++          /* In the _LIBC version, if OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE is
++             disabled, there can be no multibyte range endpoints, and
++             cset->nranges is always zero.  */
+ 	  /* match with range expression?  */
+ #if __GNUC__ >= 2
+ 	  wchar_t cmp_buf[] = {L'\0', L'\0', wc, L'\0', L'\0', L'\0'};
+@@ -3975,6 +3967,7 @@ check_node_accept_bytes (const re_dfa_t *dfa, int node_idx,
+ 		  goto check_node_accept_bytes_match;
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     check_node_accept_bytes_match:
+       if (!cset->non_match)
+@@ -3990,7 +3983,7 @@ check_node_accept_bytes (const re_dfa_t *dfa, int node_idx,
+   return 0;
+ }
+-# ifdef _LIBC
+ static unsigned int
+ internal_function
+ find_collation_sequence_value (const unsigned char *mbs, size_t mbs_len)
+@@ -4048,7 +4041,7 @@ find_collation_sequence_value (const unsigned char *mbs, size_t mbs_len)
+       return UINT_MAX;
+     }
+ }
+-# endif /* _LIBC */
++# endif /* _LIBC && __OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE */
+ #endif /* RE_ENABLE_I18N */
+ /* Check whether the node accepts the byte which is IDX-th
+@@ -4139,7 +4132,7 @@ extend_buffers (re_match_context_t *mctx, int min_len)
+   if (pstr->icase)
+     {
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-      if (pstr->mb_cur_max > 1)
++      if (string_mb_cur_max (pstr) > 1)
+ 	{
+ 	  ret = build_wcs_upper_buffer (pstr);
+ 	  if (BE (ret != REG_NOERROR, 0))
+@@ -4152,7 +4145,7 @@ extend_buffers (re_match_context_t *mctx, int min_len)
+   else
+     {
+ #ifdef RE_ENABLE_I18N
+-      if (pstr->mb_cur_max > 1)
++      if (string_mb_cur_max (pstr) > 1)
+ 	build_wcs_buffer (pstr);
+       else
+ #endif /* RE_ENABLE_I18N  */
+diff --git a/posix/xregex.c b/posix/xregex.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d3f7ace
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/posix/xregex.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,8215 @@
++/* Extended regular expression matching and search library,
++   version 0.12.
++   (Implements POSIX draft P1003.2/D11.2, except for some of the
++   internationalization features.)
++   Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
++   2002, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
++   02110-1301 USA.  */
++/* AIX requires this to be the first thing in the file. */
++#if defined _AIX && !defined __GNUC__ && !defined REGEX_MALLOC
++  #pragma alloca
++#undef	_GNU_SOURCE
++#define _GNU_SOURCE
++# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
++#  include <config.h>
++# endif
++/*#include <ansidecl.h>*/
++# if defined STDC_HEADERS && !defined emacs
++#  include <stddef.h>
++# else
++/* We need this for `regex.h', and perhaps for the Emacs include files.  */
++#  include <sys/types.h>
++# endif
++# if (defined HAVE_WCTYPE_H && defined HAVE_WCHAR_H && defined HAVE_BTOWC)
++# else
++#  define WIDE_CHAR_SUPPORT 0
++# endif
++/* For platform which support the ISO C amendement 1 functionality we
++   support user defined character classes.  */
++/* Solaris 2.5 has a bug: <wchar.h> must be included before <wctype.h>.  */
++#  include <wchar.h>
++#  include <wctype.h>
++# endif
++# ifdef _LIBC
++/* We have to keep the namespace clean.  */
++#  define regfree(preg) __regfree (preg)
++#  define regexec(pr, st, nm, pm, ef) __regexec (pr, st, nm, pm, ef)
++#  define regcomp(preg, pattern, cflags) __regcomp (preg, pattern, cflags)
++#  define regerror(errcode, preg, errbuf, errbuf_size) \
++	__regerror(errcode, preg, errbuf, errbuf_size)
++#  define re_set_registers(bu, re, nu, st, en) \
++	__re_set_registers (bu, re, nu, st, en)
++#  define re_match_2(bufp, string1, size1, string2, size2, pos, regs, stop) \
++	__re_match_2 (bufp, string1, size1, string2, size2, pos, regs, stop)
++#  define re_match(bufp, string, size, pos, regs) \
++	__re_match (bufp, string, size, pos, regs)
++#  define re_search(bufp, string, size, startpos, range, regs) \
++	__re_search (bufp, string, size, startpos, range, regs)
++#  define re_compile_pattern(pattern, length, bufp) \
++	__re_compile_pattern (pattern, length, bufp)
++#  define re_set_syntax(syntax) __re_set_syntax (syntax)
++#  define re_search_2(bufp, st1, s1, st2, s2, startpos, range, regs, stop) \
++	__re_search_2 (bufp, st1, s1, st2, s2, startpos, range, regs, stop)
++#  define re_compile_fastmap(bufp) __re_compile_fastmap (bufp)
++#  define btowc __btowc
++/* We are also using some library internals.  */
++#  include <locale/localeinfo.h>
++#  include <locale/elem-hash.h>
++#  include <langinfo.h>
++#  include <locale/coll-lookup.h>
++# endif
++/* This is for other GNU distributions with internationalized messages.  */
++# if (HAVE_LIBINTL_H && ENABLE_NLS) || defined _LIBC
++#  include <libintl.h>
++#  ifdef _LIBC
++#   undef gettext
++#   define gettext(msgid) __dcgettext ("libc", msgid, LC_MESSAGES)
++#  endif
++# else
++#  define gettext(msgid) (msgid)
++# endif
++# ifndef gettext_noop
++/* This define is so xgettext can find the internationalizable
++   strings.  */
++#  define gettext_noop(String) String
++# endif
++/* The `emacs' switch turns on certain matching commands
++   that make sense only in Emacs. */
++# ifdef emacs
++#  include "lisp.h"
++#  include "buffer.h"
++#  include "syntax.h"
++# else  /* not emacs */
++/* If we are not linking with Emacs proper,
++   we can't use the relocating allocator
++   even if config.h says that we can.  */
++#  undef REL_ALLOC
++#  if defined STDC_HEADERS || defined _LIBC
++#   include <stdlib.h>
++#  else
++char *malloc ();
++char *realloc ();
++#  endif
++/* When used in Emacs's lib-src, we need to get bzero and bcopy somehow.
++   If nothing else has been done, use the method below.  */
++#   if !(defined HAVE_BZERO && defined HAVE_BCOPY)
++#    if !defined bzero && !defined bcopy
++#    endif
++#   endif
++#  endif
++/* This is the normal way of making sure we have a bcopy and a bzero.
++   This is used in most programs--a few other programs avoid this
++   by defining INHIBIT_STRING_HEADER.  */
++#   if defined HAVE_STRING_H || defined STDC_HEADERS || defined _LIBC
++#    include <string.h>
++#    ifndef bzero
++#     ifndef _LIBC
++#      define bzero(s, n)	(memset (s, '\0', n), (s))
++#     else
++#      define bzero(s, n)	__bzero (s, n)
++#     endif
++#    endif
++#   else
++#    include <strings.h>
++#    ifndef memcmp
++#     define memcmp(s1, s2, n)	bcmp (s1, s2, n)
++#    endif
++#    ifndef memcpy
++#     define memcpy(d, s, n)	(bcopy (s, d, n), (d))
++#    endif
++#   endif
++#  endif
++/* Define the syntax stuff for \<, \>, etc.  */
++/* This must be nonzero for the wordchar and notwordchar pattern
++   commands in re_match_2.  */
++#  ifndef Sword
++#   define Sword 1
++#  endif
++#  ifdef SWITCH_ENUM_BUG
++#   define SWITCH_ENUM_CAST(x) ((int)(x))
++#  else
++#   define SWITCH_ENUM_CAST(x) (x)
++#  endif
++# endif /* not emacs */
++# if defined _LIBC || HAVE_LIMITS_H
++#  include <limits.h>
++# endif
++# ifndef MB_LEN_MAX
++#  define MB_LEN_MAX 1
++# endif
++/* Get the interface, including the syntax bits.  */
++# include "regex.h"
++/* isalpha etc. are used for the character classes.  */
++# include <ctype.h>
++/* Jim Meyering writes:
++   "... Some ctype macros are valid only for character codes that
++   isascii says are ASCII (SGI's IRIX-4.0.5 is one such system --when
++   using /bin/cc or gcc but without giving an ansi option).  So, all
++   ctype uses should be through macros like ISPRINT...  If
++   STDC_HEADERS is defined, then autoconf has verified that the ctype
++   macros don't need to be guarded with references to isascii. ...
++   Defining isascii to 1 should let any compiler worth its salt
++   eliminate the && through constant folding."
++   Solaris defines some of these symbols so we must undefine them first.  */
++# undef ISASCII
++# if defined STDC_HEADERS || (!defined isascii && !defined HAVE_ISASCII)
++#  define ISASCII(c) 1
++# else
++#  define ISASCII(c) isascii(c)
++# endif
++# ifdef isblank
++#  define ISBLANK(c) (ISASCII (c) && isblank (c))
++# else
++#  define ISBLANK(c) ((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t')
++# endif
++# ifdef isgraph
++#  define ISGRAPH(c) (ISASCII (c) && isgraph (c))
++# else
++#  define ISGRAPH(c) (ISASCII (c) && isprint (c) && !isspace (c))
++# endif
++# undef ISPRINT
++# define ISPRINT(c) (ISASCII (c) && isprint (c))
++# define ISDIGIT(c) (ISASCII (c) && isdigit (c))
++# define ISALNUM(c) (ISASCII (c) && isalnum (c))
++# define ISALPHA(c) (ISASCII (c) && isalpha (c))
++# define ISCNTRL(c) (ISASCII (c) && iscntrl (c))
++# define ISLOWER(c) (ISASCII (c) && islower (c))
++# define ISPUNCT(c) (ISASCII (c) && ispunct (c))
++# define ISSPACE(c) (ISASCII (c) && isspace (c))
++# define ISUPPER(c) (ISASCII (c) && isupper (c))
++# define ISXDIGIT(c) (ISASCII (c) && isxdigit (c))
++# ifdef _tolower
++#  define TOLOWER(c) _tolower(c)
++# else
++#  define TOLOWER(c) tolower(c)
++# endif
++# ifndef NULL
++#  define NULL (void *)0
++# endif
++/* We remove any previous definition of `SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR',
++   since ours (we hope) works properly with all combinations of
++   machines, compilers, `char' and `unsigned char' argument types.
++   (Per Bothner suggested the basic approach.)  */
++# if __STDC__
++#  define SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR(c) ((signed char) (c))
++# else  /* not __STDC__ */
++/* As in Harbison and Steele.  */
++#  define SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR(c) ((((unsigned char) (c)) ^ 128) - 128)
++# endif
++# ifndef emacs
++/* How many characters in the character set.  */
++#  define CHAR_SET_SIZE 256
++#  ifdef SYNTAX_TABLE
++extern char *re_syntax_table;
++#  else /* not SYNTAX_TABLE */
++static char re_syntax_table[CHAR_SET_SIZE];
++static void init_syntax_once (void);
++static void
++init_syntax_once (void)
++   register int c;
++   static int done = 0;
++   if (done)
++     return;
++   bzero (re_syntax_table, sizeof re_syntax_table);
++   for (c = 0; c < CHAR_SET_SIZE; ++c)
++     if (ISALNUM (c))
++	re_syntax_table[c] = Sword;
++   re_syntax_table['_'] = Sword;
++   done = 1;
++#  endif /* not SYNTAX_TABLE */
++#  define SYNTAX(c) re_syntax_table[(unsigned char) (c)]
++# endif /* emacs */
++/* Integer type for pointers.  */
++# if !defined _LIBC && !defined HAVE_UINTPTR_T
++typedef unsigned long int uintptr_t;
++# endif
++/* Should we use malloc or alloca?  If REGEX_MALLOC is not defined, we
++   use `alloca' instead of `malloc'.  This is because using malloc in
++   re_search* or re_match* could cause memory leaks when C-g is used in
++   Emacs; also, malloc is slower and causes storage fragmentation.  On
++   the other hand, malloc is more portable, and easier to debug.
++   Because we sometimes use alloca, some routines have to be macros,
++   not functions -- `alloca'-allocated space disappears at the end of the
++   function it is called in.  */
++# ifdef REGEX_MALLOC
++#  define REGEX_ALLOCATE malloc
++#  define REGEX_REALLOCATE(source, osize, nsize) realloc (source, nsize)
++#  define REGEX_FREE free
++# else /* not REGEX_MALLOC  */
++/* Emacs already defines alloca, sometimes.  */
++#  ifndef alloca
++/* Make alloca work the best possible way.  */
++#   ifdef __GNUC__
++#    define alloca __builtin_alloca
++#   else /* not __GNUC__ */
++#    if HAVE_ALLOCA_H
++#     include <alloca.h>
++#    endif /* HAVE_ALLOCA_H */
++#   endif /* not __GNUC__ */
++#  endif /* not alloca */
++#  define REGEX_ALLOCATE alloca
++/* Assumes a `char *destination' variable.  */
++#  define REGEX_REALLOCATE(source, osize, nsize)			\
++  (destination = (char *) alloca (nsize),				\
++   memcpy (destination, source, osize))
++/* No need to do anything to free, after alloca.  */
++#  define REGEX_FREE(arg) ((void)0) /* Do nothing!  But inhibit gcc warning.  */
++# endif /* not REGEX_MALLOC */
++/* Define how to allocate the failure stack.  */
++# if defined REL_ALLOC && defined REGEX_MALLOC
++#  define REGEX_ALLOCATE_STACK(size)				\
++  r_alloc (&failure_stack_ptr, (size))
++#  define REGEX_REALLOCATE_STACK(source, osize, nsize)		\
++  r_re_alloc (&failure_stack_ptr, (nsize))
++#  define REGEX_FREE_STACK(ptr)					\
++  r_alloc_free (&failure_stack_ptr)
++# else /* not using relocating allocator */
++#  ifdef REGEX_MALLOC
++#   define REGEX_ALLOCATE_STACK malloc
++#   define REGEX_REALLOCATE_STACK(source, osize, nsize) realloc (source, nsize)
++#   define REGEX_FREE_STACK free
++#  else /* not REGEX_MALLOC */
++#   define REGEX_ALLOCATE_STACK alloca
++#   define REGEX_REALLOCATE_STACK(source, osize, nsize)			\
++   REGEX_REALLOCATE (source, osize, nsize)
++/* No need to explicitly free anything.  */
++#   define REGEX_FREE_STACK(arg)
++#  endif /* not REGEX_MALLOC */
++# endif /* not using relocating allocator */
++/* True if `size1' is non-NULL and PTR is pointing anywhere inside
++   `string1' or just past its end.  This works if PTR is NULL, which is
++   a good thing.  */
++# define FIRST_STRING_P(ptr) 					\
++  (size1 && string1 <= (ptr) && (ptr) <= string1 + size1)
++/* (Re)Allocate N items of type T using malloc, or fail.  */
++# define TALLOC(n, t) ((t *) malloc ((n) * sizeof (t)))
++# define RETALLOC(addr, n, t) ((addr) = (t *) realloc (addr, (n) * sizeof (t)))
++# define RETALLOC_IF(addr, n, t) \
++  if (addr) RETALLOC((addr), (n), t); else (addr) = TALLOC ((n), t)
++# define REGEX_TALLOC(n, t) ((t *) REGEX_ALLOCATE ((n) * sizeof (t)))
++# define BYTEWIDTH 8 /* In bits.  */
++# define STREQ(s1, s2) ((strcmp (s1, s2) == 0))
++# undef MAX
++# undef MIN
++# define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
++# define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
++typedef char boolean;
++# define false 0
++# define true 1
++static reg_errcode_t byte_regex_compile (const char *pattern, size_t size,
++                                         reg_syntax_t syntax,
++                                         struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp);
++static int byte_re_match_2_internal (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp,
++                                     const char *string1, int size1,
++                                     const char *string2, int size2,
++                                     int pos,
++                                     struct re_registers *regs,
++                                     int stop);
++static int byte_re_search_2 (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp,
++                             const char *string1, int size1,
++                             const char *string2, int size2,
++                             int startpos, int range,
++                             struct re_registers *regs, int stop);
++static int byte_re_compile_fastmap (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp);
++#ifdef MBS_SUPPORT
++static reg_errcode_t wcs_regex_compile (const char *pattern, size_t size,
++                                        reg_syntax_t syntax,
++                                        struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp);
++static int wcs_re_match_2_internal (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp,
++                                    const char *cstring1, int csize1,
++                                    const char *cstring2, int csize2,
++                                    int pos,
++                                    struct re_registers *regs,
++                                    int stop,
++                                    wchar_t *string1, int size1,
++                                    wchar_t *string2, int size2,
++                                    int *mbs_offset1, int *mbs_offset2);
++static int wcs_re_search_2 (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp,
++                            const char *string1, int size1,
++                            const char *string2, int size2,
++                            int startpos, int range,
++                            struct re_registers *regs, int stop);
++static int wcs_re_compile_fastmap (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp);
++/* These are the command codes that appear in compiled regular
++   expressions.  Some opcodes are followed by argument bytes.  A
++   command code can specify any interpretation whatsoever for its
++   arguments.  Zero bytes may appear in the compiled regular expression.  */
++typedef enum
++  no_op = 0,
++  /* Succeed right away--no more backtracking.  */
++  succeed,
++        /* Followed by one byte giving n, then by n literal bytes.  */
++  exactn,
++# ifdef MBS_SUPPORT
++	/* Same as exactn, but contains binary data.  */
++  exactn_bin,
++# endif
++        /* Matches any (more or less) character.  */
++  anychar,
++        /* Matches any one char belonging to specified set.  First
++           following byte is number of bitmap bytes.  Then come bytes
++           for a bitmap saying which chars are in.  Bits in each byte
++           are ordered low-bit-first.  A character is in the set if its
++           bit is 1.  A character too large to have a bit in the map is
++           automatically not in the set.  */
++        /* ifdef MBS_SUPPORT, following element is length of character
++	   classes, length of collating symbols, length of equivalence
++	   classes, length of character ranges, and length of characters.
++	   Next, character class element, collating symbols elements,
++	   equivalence class elements, range elements, and character
++	   elements follow.
++	   See regex_compile function.  */
++  charset,
++        /* Same parameters as charset, but match any character that is
++           not one of those specified.  */
++  charset_not,
++        /* Start remembering the text that is matched, for storing in a
++           register.  Followed by one byte with the register number, in
++           the range 0 to one less than the pattern buffer's re_nsub
++           field.  Then followed by one byte with the number of groups
++           inner to this one.  (This last has to be part of the
++           start_memory only because we need it in the on_failure_jump
++           of re_match_2.)  */
++  start_memory,
++        /* Stop remembering the text that is matched and store it in a
++           memory register.  Followed by one byte with the register
++           number, in the range 0 to one less than `re_nsub' in the
++           pattern buffer, and one byte with the number of inner groups,
++           just like `start_memory'.  (We need the number of inner
++           groups here because we don't have any easy way of finding the
++           corresponding start_memory when we're at a stop_memory.)  */
++  stop_memory,
++        /* Match a duplicate of something remembered. Followed by one
++           byte containing the register number.  */
++  duplicate,
++        /* Fail unless at beginning of line.  */
++  begline,
++        /* Fail unless at end of line.  */
++  endline,
++        /* Succeeds if at beginning of buffer (if emacs) or at beginning
++           of string to be matched (if not).  */
++  begbuf,
++        /* Analogously, for end of buffer/string.  */
++  endbuf,
++        /* Followed by two byte relative address to which to jump.  */
++  jump,
++	/* Same as jump, but marks the end of an alternative.  */
++  jump_past_alt,
++        /* Followed by two-byte relative address of place to resume at
++           in case of failure.  */
++        /* ifdef MBS_SUPPORT, the size of address is 1.  */
++  on_failure_jump,
++        /* Like on_failure_jump, but pushes a placeholder instead of the
++           current string position when executed.  */
++  on_failure_keep_string_jump,
++        /* Throw away latest failure point and then jump to following
++           two-byte relative address.  */
++        /* ifdef MBS_SUPPORT, the size of address is 1.  */
++  pop_failure_jump,
++        /* Change to pop_failure_jump if know won't have to backtrack to
++           match; otherwise change to jump.  This is used to jump
++           back to the beginning of a repeat.  If what follows this jump
++           clearly won't match what the repeat does, such that we can be
++           sure that there is no use backtracking out of repetitions
++           already matched, then we change it to a pop_failure_jump.
++           Followed by two-byte address.  */
++        /* ifdef MBS_SUPPORT, the size of address is 1.  */
++  maybe_pop_jump,
++        /* Jump to following two-byte address, and push a dummy failure
++           point. This failure point will be thrown away if an attempt
++           is made to use it for a failure.  A `+' construct makes this
++           before the first repeat.  Also used as an intermediary kind
++           of jump when compiling an alternative.  */
++        /* ifdef MBS_SUPPORT, the size of address is 1.  */
++  dummy_failure_jump,
++	/* Push a dummy failure point and continue.  Used at the end of
++	   alternatives.  */
++  push_dummy_failure,
++        /* Followed by two-byte relative address and two-byte number n.
++           After matching N times, jump to the address upon failure.  */
++        /* ifdef MBS_SUPPORT, the size of address is 1.  */
++  succeed_n,
++        /* Followed by two-byte relative address, and two-byte number n.
++           Jump to the address N times, then fail.  */
++        /* ifdef MBS_SUPPORT, the size of address is 1.  */
++  jump_n,
++        /* Set the following two-byte relative address to the
++           subsequent two-byte number.  The address *includes* the two
++           bytes of number.  */
++        /* ifdef MBS_SUPPORT, the size of address is 1.  */
++  set_number_at,
++  wordchar,	/* Matches any word-constituent character.  */
++  notwordchar,	/* Matches any char that is not a word-constituent.  */
++  wordbeg,	/* Succeeds if at word beginning.  */
++  wordend,	/* Succeeds if at word end.  */
++  wordbound,	/* Succeeds if at a word boundary.  */
++  notwordbound	/* Succeeds if not at a word boundary.  */
++# ifdef emacs
++  ,before_dot,	/* Succeeds if before point.  */
++  at_dot,	/* Succeeds if at point.  */
++  after_dot,	/* Succeeds if after point.  */
++	/* Matches any character whose syntax is specified.  Followed by
++           a byte which contains a syntax code, e.g., Sword.  */
++  syntaxspec,
++	/* Matches any character whose syntax is not that specified.  */
++  notsyntaxspec
++# endif /* emacs */
++} re_opcode_t;
++#endif /* not INSIDE_RECURSION */
++#ifdef BYTE
++# define CHAR_T char
++# define UCHAR_T unsigned char
++# define COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR bufp->buffer
++# define PREFIX(name) byte_##name
++# define ARG_PREFIX(name) name
++# define PUT_CHAR(c) putchar (c)
++# include <locale/weight.h>
++# define FINDIDX findidx
++# ifdef WCHAR
++#  define CHAR_T wchar_t
++#  define UCHAR_T wchar_t
++#  define COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR wc_buffer
++#  define OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE 1 /* the size which STORE_NUMBER macro use */
++#  define CHAR_CLASS_SIZE ((__alignof__(wctype_t)+sizeof(wctype_t))/sizeof(CHAR_T)+1)
++#  define PREFIX(name) wcs_##name
++#  define ARG_PREFIX(name) c##name
++/* Should we use wide stream??  */
++#  define PUT_CHAR(c) printf ("%C", c);
++#  define TRUE 1
++#  define FALSE 0
++#  define findidx findidxwc
++#  include <locale/weightwc.h>
++#  undef findidx
++#  define FINDIDX findidxwc
++# else
++#  ifdef MBS_SUPPORT
++#   define WCHAR
++#   include "xregex.c"
++#  endif
++#  define BYTE
++#  include "xregex.c"
++# endif
++/* Common operations on the compiled pattern.  */
++/* Store NUMBER in two contiguous bytes starting at DESTINATION.  */
++/* ifdef MBS_SUPPORT, we store NUMBER in 1 element.  */
++# ifdef WCHAR
++#  define STORE_NUMBER(destination, number)				\
++  do {									\
++    *(destination) = (UCHAR_T)(number);				\
++  } while (0)
++# else /* BYTE */
++#  define STORE_NUMBER(destination, number)				\
++  do {									\
++    (destination)[0] = (number) & 0377;					\
++    (destination)[1] = (number) >> 8;					\
++  } while (0)
++# endif /* WCHAR */
++/* Same as STORE_NUMBER, except increment DESTINATION to
++   the byte after where the number is stored.  Therefore, DESTINATION
++   must be an lvalue.  */
++/* ifdef MBS_SUPPORT, we store NUMBER in 1 element.  */
++# define STORE_NUMBER_AND_INCR(destination, number)			\
++  do {									\
++    STORE_NUMBER (destination, number);					\
++    (destination) += OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;				\
++  } while (0)
++/* Put into DESTINATION a number stored in two contiguous bytes starting
++   at SOURCE.  */
++/* ifdef MBS_SUPPORT, we store NUMBER in 1 element.  */
++# ifdef WCHAR
++#  define EXTRACT_NUMBER(destination, source)				\
++  do {									\
++    (destination) = *(source);						\
++  } while (0)
++# else /* BYTE */
++#  define EXTRACT_NUMBER(destination, source)				\
++  do {									\
++    (destination) = *(source) & 0377;					\
++    (destination) += SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR (*((source) + 1)) << 8;		\
++  } while (0)
++# endif
++# ifdef DEBUG
++static void PREFIX(extract_number) (int *dest, UCHAR_T *source);
++static void
++PREFIX(extract_number) (int *dest, UCHAR_T *source)
++#  ifdef WCHAR
++  *dest = *source;
++#  else /* BYTE */
++  int temp = SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR (*(source + 1));
++  *dest = *source & 0377;
++  *dest += temp << 8;
++#  endif
++#  ifndef EXTRACT_MACROS /* To debug the macros.  */
++#   undef EXTRACT_NUMBER
++#   define EXTRACT_NUMBER(dest, src) PREFIX(extract_number) (&dest, src)
++#  endif /* not EXTRACT_MACROS */
++# endif /* DEBUG */
++/* Same as EXTRACT_NUMBER, except increment SOURCE to after the number.
++   SOURCE must be an lvalue.  */
++# define EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR(destination, source)			\
++  do {									\
++    EXTRACT_NUMBER (destination, source);				\
++    (source) += OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE; 					\
++  } while (0)
++# ifdef DEBUG
++static void PREFIX(extract_number_and_incr) (int *destination,
++                                             UCHAR_T **source);
++static void
++PREFIX(extract_number_and_incr) (int *destination, UCHAR_T **source)
++  PREFIX(extract_number) (destination, *source);
++  *source += OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++#  ifndef EXTRACT_MACROS
++#   define EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR(dest, src) \
++  PREFIX(extract_number_and_incr) (&dest, &src)
++#  endif /* not EXTRACT_MACROS */
++# endif /* DEBUG */
++/* If DEBUG is defined, Regex prints many voluminous messages about what
++   it is doing (if the variable `debug' is nonzero).  If linked with the
++   main program in `iregex.c', you can enter patterns and strings
++   interactively.  And if linked with the main program in `main.c' and
++   the other test files, you can run the already-written tests.  */
++# ifdef DEBUG
++#  ifndef DEFINED_ONCE
++/* We use standard I/O for debugging.  */
++#   include <stdio.h>
++/* It is useful to test things that ``must'' be true when debugging.  */
++#   include <assert.h>
++static int debug;
++#   define DEBUG_STATEMENT(e) e
++#   define DEBUG_PRINT1(x) if (debug) printf (x)
++#   define DEBUG_PRINT2(x1, x2) if (debug) printf (x1, x2)
++#   define DEBUG_PRINT3(x1, x2, x3) if (debug) printf (x1, x2, x3)
++#   define DEBUG_PRINT4(x1, x2, x3, x4) if (debug) printf (x1, x2, x3, x4)
++#  endif /* not DEFINED_ONCE */
++#  define DEBUG_PRINT_COMPILED_PATTERN(p, s, e) 			\
++  if (debug) PREFIX(print_partial_compiled_pattern) (s, e)
++#  define DEBUG_PRINT_DOUBLE_STRING(w, s1, sz1, s2, sz2)		\
++  if (debug) PREFIX(print_double_string) (w, s1, sz1, s2, sz2)
++/* Print the fastmap in human-readable form.  */
++#  ifndef DEFINED_ONCE
++print_fastmap (char *fastmap)
++  unsigned was_a_range = 0;
++  unsigned i = 0;
++  while (i < (1 << BYTEWIDTH))
++    {
++      if (fastmap[i++])
++	{
++	  was_a_range = 0;
++          putchar (i - 1);
++          while (i < (1 << BYTEWIDTH)  &&  fastmap[i])
++            {
++              was_a_range = 1;
++              i++;
++            }
++	  if (was_a_range)
++            {
++              printf ("-");
++              putchar (i - 1);
++            }
++        }
++    }
++  putchar ('\n');
++#  endif /* not DEFINED_ONCE */
++/* Print a compiled pattern string in human-readable form, starting at
++   the START pointer into it and ending just before the pointer END.  */
++PREFIX(print_partial_compiled_pattern) (UCHAR_T *start, UCHAR_T *end)
++  int mcnt, mcnt2;
++  UCHAR_T *p1;
++  UCHAR_T *p = start;
++  UCHAR_T *pend = end;
++  if (start == NULL)
++    {
++      printf ("(null)\n");
++      return;
++    }
++  /* Loop over pattern commands.  */
++  while (p < pend)
++    {
++#  ifdef _LIBC
++      printf ("%td:\t", p - start);
++#  else
++      printf ("%ld:\t", (long int) (p - start));
++#  endif
++      switch ((re_opcode_t) *p++)
++	{
++        case no_op:
++          printf ("/no_op");
++          break;
++	case exactn:
++	  mcnt = *p++;
++          printf ("/exactn/%d", mcnt);
++          do
++	    {
++              putchar ('/');
++	      PUT_CHAR (*p++);
++            }
++          while (--mcnt);
++          break;
++#  ifdef MBS_SUPPORT
++	case exactn_bin:
++	  mcnt = *p++;
++	  printf ("/exactn_bin/%d", mcnt);
++          do
++	    {
++	      printf("/%lx", (long int) *p++);
++            }
++          while (--mcnt);
++          break;
++#  endif /* MBS_SUPPORT */
++	case start_memory:
++          mcnt = *p++;
++          printf ("/start_memory/%d/%ld", mcnt, (long int) *p++);
++          break;
++	case stop_memory:
++          mcnt = *p++;
++	  printf ("/stop_memory/%d/%ld", mcnt, (long int) *p++);
++          break;
++	case duplicate:
++	  printf ("/duplicate/%ld", (long int) *p++);
++	  break;
++	case anychar:
++	  printf ("/anychar");
++	  break;
++	case charset:
++        case charset_not:
++          {
++#  ifdef WCHAR
++	    int i, length;
++	    wchar_t *workp = p;
++	    printf ("/charset [%s",
++	            (re_opcode_t) *(workp - 1) == charset_not ? "^" : "");
++	    p += 5;
++	    length = *workp++; /* the length of char_classes */
++	    for (i=0 ; i<length ; i++)
++	      printf("[:%lx:]", (long int) *p++);
++	    length = *workp++; /* the length of collating_symbol */
++	    for (i=0 ; i<length ;)
++	      {
++		printf("[.");
++		while(*p != 0)
++		  PUT_CHAR((i++,*p++));
++		i++,p++;
++		printf(".]");
++	      }
++	    length = *workp++; /* the length of equivalence_class */
++	    for (i=0 ; i<length ;)
++	      {
++		printf("[=");
++		while(*p != 0)
++		  PUT_CHAR((i++,*p++));
++		i++,p++;
++		printf("=]");
++	      }
++	    length = *workp++; /* the length of char_range */
++	    for (i=0 ; i<length ; i++)
++	      {
++		wchar_t range_start = *p++;
++		wchar_t range_end = *p++;
++		printf("%C-%C", range_start, range_end);
++	      }
++	    length = *workp++; /* the length of char */
++	    for (i=0 ; i<length ; i++)
++	      printf("%C", *p++);
++	    putchar (']');
++#  else
++            register int c, last = -100;
++	    register int in_range = 0;
++	    printf ("/charset [%s",
++	            (re_opcode_t) *(p - 1) == charset_not ? "^" : "");
++            assert (p + *p < pend);
++            for (c = 0; c < 256; c++)
++	      if (c / 8 < *p
++		  && (p[1 + (c/8)] & (1 << (c % 8))))
++		{
++		  /* Are we starting a range?  */
++		  if (last + 1 == c && ! in_range)
++		    {
++		      putchar ('-');
++		      in_range = 1;
++		    }
++		  /* Have we broken a range?  */
++		  else if (last + 1 != c && in_range)
++              {
++		      putchar (last);
++		      in_range = 0;
++		    }
++		  if (! in_range)
++		    putchar (c);
++		  last = c;
++              }
++	    if (in_range)
++	      putchar (last);
++	    putchar (']');
++	    p += 1 + *p;
++#  endif /* WCHAR */
++	  }
++	  break;
++	case begline:
++	  printf ("/begline");
++          break;
++	case endline:
++          printf ("/endline");
++          break;
++	case on_failure_jump:
++          PREFIX(extract_number_and_incr) (&mcnt, &p);
++#  ifdef _LIBC
++  	  printf ("/on_failure_jump to %td", p + mcnt - start);
++#  else
++  	  printf ("/on_failure_jump to %ld", (long int) (p + mcnt - start));
++#  endif
++          break;
++	case on_failure_keep_string_jump:
++          PREFIX(extract_number_and_incr) (&mcnt, &p);
++#  ifdef _LIBC
++  	  printf ("/on_failure_keep_string_jump to %td", p + mcnt - start);
++#  else
++  	  printf ("/on_failure_keep_string_jump to %ld",
++		  (long int) (p + mcnt - start));
++#  endif
++          break;
++	case dummy_failure_jump:
++          PREFIX(extract_number_and_incr) (&mcnt, &p);
++#  ifdef _LIBC
++  	  printf ("/dummy_failure_jump to %td", p + mcnt - start);
++#  else
++  	  printf ("/dummy_failure_jump to %ld", (long int) (p + mcnt - start));
++#  endif
++          break;
++	case push_dummy_failure:
++          printf ("/push_dummy_failure");
++          break;
++        case maybe_pop_jump:
++          PREFIX(extract_number_and_incr) (&mcnt, &p);
++#  ifdef _LIBC
++  	  printf ("/maybe_pop_jump to %td", p + mcnt - start);
++#  else
++  	  printf ("/maybe_pop_jump to %ld", (long int) (p + mcnt - start));
++#  endif
++	  break;
++        case pop_failure_jump:
++	  PREFIX(extract_number_and_incr) (&mcnt, &p);
++#  ifdef _LIBC
++  	  printf ("/pop_failure_jump to %td", p + mcnt - start);
++#  else
++  	  printf ("/pop_failure_jump to %ld", (long int) (p + mcnt - start));
++#  endif
++	  break;
++        case jump_past_alt:
++	  PREFIX(extract_number_and_incr) (&mcnt, &p);
++#  ifdef _LIBC
++  	  printf ("/jump_past_alt to %td", p + mcnt - start);
++#  else
++  	  printf ("/jump_past_alt to %ld", (long int) (p + mcnt - start));
++#  endif
++	  break;
++        case jump:
++	  PREFIX(extract_number_and_incr) (&mcnt, &p);
++#  ifdef _LIBC
++  	  printf ("/jump to %td", p + mcnt - start);
++#  else
++  	  printf ("/jump to %ld", (long int) (p + mcnt - start));
++#  endif
++	  break;
++        case succeed_n:
++          PREFIX(extract_number_and_incr) (&mcnt, &p);
++	  p1 = p + mcnt;
++          PREFIX(extract_number_and_incr) (&mcnt2, &p);
++#  ifdef _LIBC
++	  printf ("/succeed_n to %td, %d times", p1 - start, mcnt2);
++#  else
++	  printf ("/succeed_n to %ld, %d times",
++		  (long int) (p1 - start), mcnt2);
++#  endif
++          break;
++        case jump_n:
++          PREFIX(extract_number_and_incr) (&mcnt, &p);
++	  p1 = p + mcnt;
++          PREFIX(extract_number_and_incr) (&mcnt2, &p);
++	  printf ("/jump_n to %d, %d times", p1 - start, mcnt2);
++          break;
++        case set_number_at:
++          PREFIX(extract_number_and_incr) (&mcnt, &p);
++	  p1 = p + mcnt;
++          PREFIX(extract_number_and_incr) (&mcnt2, &p);
++#  ifdef _LIBC
++	  printf ("/set_number_at location %td to %d", p1 - start, mcnt2);
++#  else
++	  printf ("/set_number_at location %ld to %d",
++		  (long int) (p1 - start), mcnt2);
++#  endif
++          break;
++        case wordbound:
++	  printf ("/wordbound");
++	  break;
++	case notwordbound:
++	  printf ("/notwordbound");
++          break;
++	case wordbeg:
++	  printf ("/wordbeg");
++	  break;
++	case wordend:
++	  printf ("/wordend");
++	  break;
++#  ifdef emacs
++	case before_dot:
++	  printf ("/before_dot");
++          break;
++	case at_dot:
++	  printf ("/at_dot");
++          break;
++	case after_dot:
++	  printf ("/after_dot");
++          break;
++	case syntaxspec:
++          printf ("/syntaxspec");
++	  mcnt = *p++;
++	  printf ("/%d", mcnt);
++          break;
++	case notsyntaxspec:
++          printf ("/notsyntaxspec");
++	  mcnt = *p++;
++	  printf ("/%d", mcnt);
++	  break;
++#  endif /* emacs */
++	case wordchar:
++	  printf ("/wordchar");
++          break;
++	case notwordchar:
++	  printf ("/notwordchar");
++          break;
++	case begbuf:
++	  printf ("/begbuf");
++          break;
++	case endbuf:
++	  printf ("/endbuf");
++          break;
++        default:
++          printf ("?%ld", (long int) *(p-1));
++	}
++      putchar ('\n');
++    }
++#  ifdef _LIBC
++  printf ("%td:\tend of pattern.\n", p - start);
++#  else
++  printf ("%ld:\tend of pattern.\n", (long int) (p - start));
++#  endif
++PREFIX(print_compiled_pattern) (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp)
++  UCHAR_T *buffer = (UCHAR_T*) bufp->buffer;
++  PREFIX(print_partial_compiled_pattern) (buffer, buffer
++				  + bufp->used / sizeof(UCHAR_T));
++  printf ("%ld bytes used/%ld bytes allocated.\n",
++	  bufp->used, bufp->allocated);
++  if (bufp->fastmap_accurate && bufp->fastmap)
++    {
++      printf ("fastmap: ");
++      print_fastmap (bufp->fastmap);
++    }
++#  ifdef _LIBC
++  printf ("re_nsub: %Zd\t", bufp->re_nsub);
++#  else
++  printf ("re_nsub: %ld\t", (long int) bufp->re_nsub);
++#  endif
++  printf ("regs_alloc: %d\t", bufp->regs_allocated);
++  printf ("can_be_null: %d\t", bufp->can_be_null);
++  printf ("newline_anchor: %d\n", bufp->newline_anchor);
++  printf ("no_sub: %d\t", bufp->no_sub);
++  printf ("not_bol: %d\t", bufp->not_bol);
++  printf ("not_eol: %d\t", bufp->not_eol);
++  printf ("syntax: %lx\n", bufp->syntax);
++  /* Perhaps we should print the translate table?  */
++PREFIX(print_double_string) (const CHAR_T *where, const CHAR_T *string1,
++                             int size1, const CHAR_T *string2, int size2)
++  int this_char;
++  if (where == NULL)
++    printf ("(null)");
++  else
++    {
++      int cnt;
++      if (FIRST_STRING_P (where))
++        {
++          for (this_char = where - string1; this_char < size1; this_char++)
++	    PUT_CHAR (string1[this_char]);
++          where = string2;
++        }
++      cnt = 0;
++      for (this_char = where - string2; this_char < size2; this_char++)
++	{
++	  PUT_CHAR (string2[this_char]);
++	  if (++cnt > 100)
++	    {
++	      fputs ("...", stdout);
++	      break;
++	    }
++	}
++    }
++#  ifndef DEFINED_ONCE
++printchar (int c)
++  putc (c, stderr);
++#  endif
++# else /* not DEBUG */
++#  ifndef DEFINED_ONCE
++#   undef assert
++#   define assert(e)
++#   define DEBUG_STATEMENT(e)
++#   define DEBUG_PRINT1(x)
++#   define DEBUG_PRINT2(x1, x2)
++#   define DEBUG_PRINT3(x1, x2, x3)
++#   define DEBUG_PRINT4(x1, x2, x3, x4)
++#  endif /* not DEFINED_ONCE */
++#  define DEBUG_PRINT_DOUBLE_STRING(w, s1, sz1, s2, sz2)
++# endif /* not DEBUG */
++# ifdef WCHAR
++/* This  convert a multibyte string to a wide character string.
++   And write their correspondances to offset_buffer(see below)
++   and write whether each wchar_t is binary data to is_binary.
++   This assume invalid multibyte sequences as binary data.
++   We assume offset_buffer and is_binary is already allocated
++   enough space.  */
++static size_t convert_mbs_to_wcs (CHAR_T *dest, const unsigned char* src,
++				  size_t len, int *offset_buffer,
++				  char *is_binary);
++static size_t
++convert_mbs_to_wcs (CHAR_T *dest, const unsigned char*src, size_t len,
++                    int *offset_buffer, char *is_binary)
++     /* It hold correspondances between src(char string) and
++	dest(wchar_t string) for optimization.
++	e.g. src  = "xxxyzz"
++             dest = {'X', 'Y', 'Z'}
++	      (each "xxx", "y" and "zz" represent one multibyte character
++	       corresponding to 'X', 'Y' and 'Z'.)
++	  offset_buffer = {0, 0+3("xxx"), 0+3+1("y"), 0+3+1+2("zz")}
++	  	        = {0, 3, 4, 6}
++     */
++  wchar_t *pdest = dest;
++  const unsigned char *psrc = src;
++  size_t wc_count = 0;
++  mbstate_t mbs;
++  int i, consumed;
++  size_t mb_remain = len;
++  size_t mb_count = 0;
++  /* Initialize the conversion state.  */
++  memset (&mbs, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
++  offset_buffer[0] = 0;
++  for( ; mb_remain > 0 ; ++wc_count, ++pdest, mb_remain -= consumed,
++	 psrc += consumed)
++    {
++#ifdef _LIBC
++      consumed = __mbrtowc (pdest, psrc, mb_remain, &mbs);
++      consumed = mbrtowc (pdest, psrc, mb_remain, &mbs);
++      if (consumed <= 0)
++	/* failed to convert. maybe src contains binary data.
++	   So we consume 1 byte manualy.  */
++	{
++	  *pdest = *psrc;
++	  consumed = 1;
++	  is_binary[wc_count] = TRUE;
++	}
++      else
++	is_binary[wc_count] = FALSE;
++      /* In sjis encoding, we use yen sign as escape character in
++	 place of reverse solidus. So we convert 0x5c(yen sign in
++	 sjis) to not 0xa5(yen sign in UCS2) but 0x5c(reverse
++	 solidus in UCS2).  */
++      if (consumed == 1 && (int) *psrc == 0x5c && (int) *pdest == 0xa5)
++	*pdest = (wchar_t) *psrc;
++      offset_buffer[wc_count + 1] = mb_count += consumed;
++    }
++  /* Fill remain of the buffer with sentinel.  */
++  for (i = wc_count + 1 ; i <= len ; i++)
++    offset_buffer[i] = mb_count + 1;
++  return wc_count;
++# endif /* WCHAR */
++#else /* not INSIDE_RECURSION */
++/* Set by `re_set_syntax' to the current regexp syntax to recognize.  Can
++   also be assigned to arbitrarily: each pattern buffer stores its own
++   syntax, so it can be changed between regex compilations.  */
++/* This has no initializer because initialized variables in Emacs
++   become read-only after dumping.  */
++reg_syntax_t re_syntax_options;
++/* Specify the precise syntax of regexps for compilation.  This provides
++   for compatibility for various utilities which historically have
++   different, incompatible syntaxes.
++   The argument SYNTAX is a bit mask comprised of the various bits
++   defined in regex.h.  We return the old syntax.  */
++re_set_syntax (reg_syntax_t syntax)
++  reg_syntax_t ret = re_syntax_options;
++  re_syntax_options = syntax;
++# ifdef DEBUG
++  if (syntax & RE_DEBUG)
++    debug = 1;
++  else if (debug) /* was on but now is not */
++    debug = 0;
++# endif /* DEBUG */
++  return ret;
++# ifdef _LIBC
++weak_alias (__re_set_syntax, re_set_syntax)
++# endif
++/* This table gives an error message for each of the error codes listed
++   in regex.h.  Obviously the order here has to be same as there.
++   POSIX doesn't require that we do anything for REG_NOERROR,
++   but why not be nice?  */
++static const char *re_error_msgid[] =
++  {
++    gettext_noop ("Success"),	/* REG_NOERROR */
++    gettext_noop ("No match"),	/* REG_NOMATCH */
++    gettext_noop ("Invalid regular expression"), /* REG_BADPAT */
++    gettext_noop ("Invalid collation character"), /* REG_ECOLLATE */
++    gettext_noop ("Invalid character class name"), /* REG_ECTYPE */
++    gettext_noop ("Trailing backslash"), /* REG_EESCAPE */
++    gettext_noop ("Invalid back reference"), /* REG_ESUBREG */
++    gettext_noop ("Unmatched [ or [^"),	/* REG_EBRACK */
++    gettext_noop ("Unmatched ( or \\("), /* REG_EPAREN */
++    gettext_noop ("Unmatched \\{"), /* REG_EBRACE */
++    gettext_noop ("Invalid content of \\{\\}"), /* REG_BADBR */
++    gettext_noop ("Invalid range end"),	/* REG_ERANGE */
++    gettext_noop ("Memory exhausted"), /* REG_ESPACE */
++    gettext_noop ("Invalid preceding regular expression"), /* REG_BADRPT */
++    gettext_noop ("Premature end of regular expression"), /* REG_EEND */
++    gettext_noop ("Regular expression too big"), /* REG_ESIZE */
++    gettext_noop ("Unmatched ) or \\)") /* REG_ERPAREN */
++  };
++#endif /* INSIDE_RECURSION */
++#ifndef DEFINED_ONCE
++/* Avoiding alloca during matching, to placate r_alloc.  */
++/* Define MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE unless we need to make sure that the
++   searching and matching functions should not call alloca.  On some
++   systems, alloca is implemented in terms of malloc, and if we're
++   using the relocating allocator routines, then malloc could cause a
++   relocation, which might (if the strings being searched are in the
++   ralloc heap) shift the data out from underneath the regexp
++   routines.
++   Here's another reason to avoid allocation: Emacs
++   processes input from X in a signal handler; processing X input may
++   call malloc; if input arrives while a matching routine is calling
++   malloc, then we're scrod.  But Emacs can't just block input while
++   calling matching routines; then we don't notice interrupts when
++   they come in.  So, Emacs blocks input around all regexp calls
++   except the matching calls, which it leaves unprotected, in the
++   faith that they will not malloc.  */
++/* Normally, this is fine.  */
++/* When using GNU C, we are not REALLY using the C alloca, no matter
++   what config.h may say.  So don't take precautions for it.  */
++# ifdef __GNUC__
++#  undef C_ALLOCA
++# endif
++/* The match routines may not allocate if (1) they would do it with malloc
++   and (2) it's not safe for them to use malloc.
++   Note that if REL_ALLOC is defined, matching would not use malloc for the
++   failure stack, but we would still use it for the register vectors;
++   so REL_ALLOC should not affect this.  */
++# if (defined C_ALLOCA || defined REGEX_MALLOC) && defined emacs
++# endif
++#endif /* not DEFINED_ONCE */
++/* Failure stack declarations and macros; both re_compile_fastmap and
++   re_match_2 use a failure stack.  These have to be macros because of
++/* Number of failure points for which to initially allocate space
++   when matching.  If this number is exceeded, we allocate more
++   space, so it is not a hard limit.  */
++#  define INIT_FAILURE_ALLOC 5
++# endif
++/* Roughly the maximum number of failure points on the stack.  Would be
++   exactly that if always used MAX_FAILURE_ITEMS items each time we failed.
++   This is a variable only so users of regex can assign to it; we never
++   change it ourselves.  */
++# ifndef DEFINED_ONCE
++#  ifdef INT_IS_16BIT
++#   define RE_M_F_TYPE long int
++#  else
++#   define RE_M_F_TYPE int
++#  endif /* INT_IS_16BIT */
++/* 4400 was enough to cause a crash on Alpha OSF/1,
++   whose default stack limit is 2mb.  */
++#   define RE_M_F_DEFAULT 4000
++#  else
++#   define RE_M_F_DEFAULT 2000
++#  endif /* MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE */
++#  include <shlib-compat.h>
++#  if SHLIB_COMPAT (libc, GLIBC_2_0, GLIBC_2_3)
++link_warning (re_max_failures, "the 're_max_failures' variable is obsolete and will go away.")
++RE_M_F_TYPE re_max_failures = RE_M_F_DEFAULT;
++#  else
++RE_M_F_TYPE re_max_failures attribute_hidden = RE_M_F_DEFAULT;
++#  endif /* SHLIB_COMPAT */
++#  undef RE_M_F_TYPE
++#  undef RE_M_F_DEFAULT
++# endif /* DEFINED_ONCE */
++# ifdef INT_IS_16BIT
++union PREFIX(fail_stack_elt)
++  UCHAR_T *pointer;
++  long int integer;
++typedef union PREFIX(fail_stack_elt) PREFIX(fail_stack_elt_t);
++typedef struct
++  PREFIX(fail_stack_elt_t) *stack;
++  unsigned long int size;
++  unsigned long int avail;		/* Offset of next open position.  */
++} PREFIX(fail_stack_type);
++# else /* not INT_IS_16BIT */
++union PREFIX(fail_stack_elt)
++  UCHAR_T *pointer;
++  int integer;
++typedef union PREFIX(fail_stack_elt) PREFIX(fail_stack_elt_t);
++typedef struct
++  PREFIX(fail_stack_elt_t) *stack;
++  unsigned size;
++  unsigned avail;			/* Offset of next open position.  */
++} PREFIX(fail_stack_type);
++# endif /* INT_IS_16BIT */
++# ifndef DEFINED_ONCE
++#  define FAIL_STACK_EMPTY()     (fail_stack.avail == 0)
++#  define FAIL_STACK_PTR_EMPTY() (fail_stack_ptr->avail == 0)
++#  define FAIL_STACK_FULL()      (fail_stack.avail == fail_stack.size)
++# endif
++/* Define macros to initialize and free the failure stack.
++   Do `return -2' if the alloc fails.  */
++#  define INIT_FAIL_STACK()						\
++  do {									\
++    fail_stack.stack = (PREFIX(fail_stack_elt_t) *)		\
++      REGEX_ALLOCATE_STACK (INIT_FAILURE_ALLOC * sizeof (PREFIX(fail_stack_elt_t))); \
++									\
++    if (fail_stack.stack == NULL)				\
++      return -2;							\
++									\
++    fail_stack.size = INIT_FAILURE_ALLOC;			\
++    fail_stack.avail = 0;					\
++  } while (0)
++#  define RESET_FAIL_STACK()  REGEX_FREE_STACK (fail_stack.stack)
++# else
++#  define INIT_FAIL_STACK()						\
++  do {									\
++    fail_stack.avail = 0;					\
++  } while (0)
++#  define RESET_FAIL_STACK()
++# endif
++/* Double the size of FAIL_STACK, up to approximately `re_max_failures' items.
++   Return 1 if succeeds, and 0 if either ran out of memory
++   allocating space for it or it was already too large.
++   REGEX_REALLOCATE_STACK requires `destination' be declared.   */
++# define DOUBLE_FAIL_STACK(fail_stack)					\
++  ((fail_stack).size > (unsigned) (re_max_failures * MAX_FAILURE_ITEMS)	\
++   ? 0									\
++   : ((fail_stack).stack = (PREFIX(fail_stack_elt_t) *)			\
++        REGEX_REALLOCATE_STACK ((fail_stack).stack, 			\
++          (fail_stack).size * sizeof (PREFIX(fail_stack_elt_t)),	\
++          ((fail_stack).size << 1) * sizeof (PREFIX(fail_stack_elt_t))),\
++									\
++      (fail_stack).stack == NULL					\
++      ? 0								\
++      : ((fail_stack).size <<= 1, 					\
++         1)))
++/* Push pointer POINTER on FAIL_STACK.
++   Return 1 if was able to do so and 0 if ran out of memory allocating
++   space to do so.  */
++  ((FAIL_STACK_FULL ()							\
++   ? 0									\
++   : ((FAIL_STACK).stack[(FAIL_STACK).avail++].pointer = POINTER,	\
++      1))
++/* Push a pointer value onto the failure stack.
++   Assumes the variable `fail_stack'.  Probably should only
++   be called from within `PUSH_FAILURE_POINT'.  */
++# define PUSH_FAILURE_POINTER(item)					\
++  fail_stack.stack[fail_stack.avail++].pointer = (UCHAR_T *) (item)
++/* This pushes an integer-valued item onto the failure stack.
++   Assumes the variable `fail_stack'.  Probably should only
++   be called from within `PUSH_FAILURE_POINT'.  */
++# define PUSH_FAILURE_INT(item)					\
++  fail_stack.stack[fail_stack.avail++].integer = (item)
++/* Push a fail_stack_elt_t value onto the failure stack.
++   Assumes the variable `fail_stack'.  Probably should only
++   be called from within `PUSH_FAILURE_POINT'.  */
++# define PUSH_FAILURE_ELT(item)					\
++  fail_stack.stack[fail_stack.avail++] =  (item)
++/* These three POP... operations complement the three PUSH... operations.
++   All assume that `fail_stack' is nonempty.  */
++# define POP_FAILURE_POINTER() fail_stack.stack[--fail_stack.avail].pointer
++# define POP_FAILURE_INT() fail_stack.stack[--fail_stack.avail].integer
++# define POP_FAILURE_ELT() fail_stack.stack[--fail_stack.avail]
++/* Used to omit pushing failure point id's when we're not debugging.  */
++# ifdef DEBUG
++#  define DEBUG_POP(item_addr) *(item_addr) = POP_FAILURE_INT ()
++# else
++#  define DEBUG_PUSH(item)
++#  define DEBUG_POP(item_addr)
++# endif
++/* Push the information about the state we will need
++   if we ever fail back to it.
++   Requires variables fail_stack, regstart, regend, reg_info, and
++   num_regs_pushed be declared.  DOUBLE_FAIL_STACK requires `destination'
++   be declared.
++   Does `return FAILURE_CODE' if runs out of memory.  */
++# define PUSH_FAILURE_POINT(pattern_place, string_place, failure_code)	\
++  do {									\
++    char *destination;							\
++    /* Must be int, so when we don't save any registers, the arithmetic	\
++       of 0 + -1 isn't done as unsigned.  */				\
++    /* Can't be int, since there is not a shred of a guarantee that int	\
++       is wide enough to hold a value of something to which pointer can	\
++       be assigned */							\
++    active_reg_t this_reg;						\
++    									\
++    DEBUG_STATEMENT (failure_id++);					\
++    DEBUG_STATEMENT (nfailure_points_pushed++);				\
++    DEBUG_PRINT2 ("\nPUSH_FAILURE_POINT #%u:\n", failure_id);		\
++    DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  Before push, next avail: %d\n", (fail_stack).avail);\
++    DEBUG_PRINT2 ("                     size: %d\n", (fail_stack).size);\
++									\
++    DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  slots needed: %ld\n", NUM_FAILURE_ITEMS);		\
++    DEBUG_PRINT2 ("     available: %d\n", REMAINING_AVAIL_SLOTS);	\
++									\
++    /* Ensure we have enough space allocated for what we will push.  */	\
++      {									\
++        if (!DOUBLE_FAIL_STACK (fail_stack))				\
++          return failure_code;						\
++									\
++        DEBUG_PRINT2 ("\n  Doubled stack; size now: %d\n",		\
++		       (fail_stack).size);				\
++        DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  slots available: %d\n", REMAINING_AVAIL_SLOTS);\
++      }									\
++									\
++    /* Push the info, starting with the registers.  */			\
++    DEBUG_PRINT1 ("\n");						\
++									\
++    if (1)								\
++      for (this_reg = lowest_active_reg; this_reg <= highest_active_reg; \
++	   this_reg++)							\
++	{								\
++	  DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  Pushing reg: %lu\n", this_reg);		\
++	  DEBUG_STATEMENT (num_regs_pushed++);				\
++									\
++	  DEBUG_PRINT2 ("    start: %p\n", regstart[this_reg]);		\
++	  PUSH_FAILURE_POINTER (regstart[this_reg]);			\
++									\
++	  DEBUG_PRINT2 ("    end: %p\n", regend[this_reg]);		\
++	  PUSH_FAILURE_POINTER (regend[this_reg]);			\
++									\
++	  DEBUG_PRINT2 ("    info: %p\n      ",				\
++			reg_info[this_reg].word.pointer);		\
++	  DEBUG_PRINT2 (" match_null=%d",				\
++			REG_MATCH_NULL_STRING_P (reg_info[this_reg]));	\
++	  DEBUG_PRINT2 (" active=%d", IS_ACTIVE (reg_info[this_reg]));	\
++	  DEBUG_PRINT2 (" matched_something=%d",			\
++			MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[this_reg]));	\
++	  DEBUG_PRINT2 (" ever_matched=%d",				\
++			EVER_MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[this_reg]));	\
++	  DEBUG_PRINT1 ("\n");						\
++	  PUSH_FAILURE_ELT (reg_info[this_reg].word);			\
++	}								\
++									\
++    DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  Pushing  low active reg: %ld\n", lowest_active_reg);\
++    PUSH_FAILURE_INT (lowest_active_reg);				\
++									\
++    DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  Pushing high active reg: %ld\n", highest_active_reg);\
++    PUSH_FAILURE_INT (highest_active_reg);				\
++									\
++    DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  Pushing pattern %p:\n", pattern_place);		\
++    DEBUG_PRINT_COMPILED_PATTERN (bufp, pattern_place, pend);		\
++    PUSH_FAILURE_POINTER (pattern_place);				\
++									\
++    DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  Pushing string %p: `", string_place);		\
++    DEBUG_PRINT_DOUBLE_STRING (string_place, string1, size1, string2,   \
++				 size2);				\
++    DEBUG_PRINT1 ("'\n");						\
++    PUSH_FAILURE_POINTER (string_place);				\
++									\
++    DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  Pushing failure id: %u\n", failure_id);		\
++    DEBUG_PUSH (failure_id);						\
++  } while (0)
++# ifndef DEFINED_ONCE
++/* This is the number of items that are pushed and popped on the stack
++   for each register.  */
++#  define NUM_REG_ITEMS  3
++/* Individual items aside from the registers.  */
++#  ifdef DEBUG
++#   define NUM_NONREG_ITEMS 5 /* Includes failure point id.  */
++#  else
++#   define NUM_NONREG_ITEMS 4
++#  endif
++/* We push at most this many items on the stack.  */
++/* We used to use (num_regs - 1), which is the number of registers
++   this regexp will save; but that was changed to 5
++   to avoid stack overflow for a regexp with lots of parens.  */
++/* We actually push this many items.  */
++#  define NUM_FAILURE_ITEMS				\
++  (((0							\
++     ? 0 : highest_active_reg - lowest_active_reg + 1)	\
++    * NUM_REG_ITEMS)					\
++/* How many items can still be added to the stack without overflowing it.  */
++#  define REMAINING_AVAIL_SLOTS ((fail_stack).size - (fail_stack).avail)
++# endif /* not DEFINED_ONCE */
++/* Pops what PUSH_FAIL_STACK pushes.
++   We restore into the parameters, all of which should be lvalues:
++     STR -- the saved data position.
++     PAT -- the saved pattern position.
++     LOW_REG, HIGH_REG -- the highest and lowest active registers.
++     REGSTART, REGEND -- arrays of string positions.
++     REG_INFO -- array of information about each subexpression.
++   Also assumes the variables `fail_stack' and (if debugging), `bufp',
++   `pend', `string1', `size1', `string2', and `size2'.  */
++# define POP_FAILURE_POINT(str, pat, low_reg, high_reg, regstart, regend, reg_info)\
++{									\
++  DEBUG_STATEMENT (unsigned failure_id;)				\
++  active_reg_t this_reg;						\
++  const UCHAR_T *string_temp;						\
++									\
++  assert (!FAIL_STACK_EMPTY ());					\
++									\
++  /* Remove failure points and point to how many regs pushed.  */	\
++  DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  Before pop, next avail: %d\n", fail_stack.avail);	\
++  DEBUG_PRINT2 ("                    size: %d\n", fail_stack.size);	\
++									\
++  assert (fail_stack.avail >= NUM_NONREG_ITEMS);			\
++									\
++  DEBUG_POP (&failure_id);						\
++  DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  Popping failure id: %u\n", failure_id);		\
++									\
++  /* If the saved string location is NULL, it came from an		\
++     on_failure_keep_string_jump opcode, and we want to throw away the	\
++     saved NULL, thus retaining our current position in the string.  */	\
++  string_temp = POP_FAILURE_POINTER ();					\
++  if (string_temp != NULL)						\
++    str = (const CHAR_T *) string_temp;					\
++									\
++  DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  Popping string %p: `", str);				\
++  DEBUG_PRINT_DOUBLE_STRING (str, string1, size1, string2, size2);	\
++  DEBUG_PRINT1 ("'\n");							\
++									\
++  pat = (UCHAR_T *) POP_FAILURE_POINTER ();				\
++  DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  Popping pattern %p:\n", pat);			\
++  DEBUG_PRINT_COMPILED_PATTERN (bufp, pat, pend);			\
++									\
++  /* Restore register info.  */						\
++  high_reg = (active_reg_t) POP_FAILURE_INT ();				\
++  DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  Popping high active reg: %ld\n", high_reg);		\
++									\
++  low_reg = (active_reg_t) POP_FAILURE_INT ();				\
++  DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  Popping  low active reg: %ld\n", low_reg);		\
++									\
++  if (1)								\
++    for (this_reg = high_reg; this_reg >= low_reg; this_reg--)		\
++      {									\
++	DEBUG_PRINT2 ("    Popping reg: %ld\n", this_reg);		\
++									\
++	reg_info[this_reg].word = POP_FAILURE_ELT ();			\
++	DEBUG_PRINT2 ("      info: %p\n",				\
++		      reg_info[this_reg].word.pointer);			\
++									\
++	regend[this_reg] = (const CHAR_T *) POP_FAILURE_POINTER ();	\
++	DEBUG_PRINT2 ("      end: %p\n", regend[this_reg]);		\
++									\
++	regstart[this_reg] = (const CHAR_T *) POP_FAILURE_POINTER ();	\
++	DEBUG_PRINT2 ("      start: %p\n", regstart[this_reg]);		\
++      }									\
++  else									\
++    {									\
++      for (this_reg = highest_active_reg; this_reg > high_reg; this_reg--) \
++	{								\
++	  reg_info[this_reg].word.integer = 0;				\
++	  regend[this_reg] = 0;						\
++	  regstart[this_reg] = 0;					\
++	}								\
++      highest_active_reg = high_reg;					\
++    }									\
++									\
++  set_regs_matched_done = 0;						\
++  DEBUG_STATEMENT (nfailure_points_popped++);				\
++/* Structure for per-register (a.k.a. per-group) information.
++   Other register information, such as the
++   starting and ending positions (which are addresses), and the list of
++   inner groups (which is a bits list) are maintained in separate
++   variables.
++   We are making a (strictly speaking) nonportable assumption here: that
++   the compiler will pack our bit fields into something that fits into
++   the type of `word', i.e., is something that fits into one item on the
++   failure stack.  */
++/* Declarations and macros for re_match_2.  */
++typedef union
++  PREFIX(fail_stack_elt_t) word;
++  struct
++  {
++      /* This field is one if this group can match the empty string,
++         zero if not.  If not yet determined,  `MATCH_NULL_UNSET_VALUE'.  */
++    unsigned match_null_string_p : 2;
++    unsigned is_active : 1;
++    unsigned matched_something : 1;
++    unsigned ever_matched_something : 1;
++  } bits;
++} PREFIX(register_info_type);
++# ifndef DEFINED_ONCE
++#  define REG_MATCH_NULL_STRING_P(R)  ((R).bits.match_null_string_p)
++#  define IS_ACTIVE(R)  ((R).bits.is_active)
++#  define MATCHED_SOMETHING(R)  ((R).bits.matched_something)
++#  define EVER_MATCHED_SOMETHING(R)  ((R).bits.ever_matched_something)
++/* Call this when have matched a real character; it sets `matched' flags
++   for the subexpressions which we are currently inside.  Also records
++   that those subexprs have matched.  */
++#  define SET_REGS_MATCHED()						\
++  do									\
++    {									\
++      if (!set_regs_matched_done)					\
++	{								\
++	  active_reg_t r;						\
++	  set_regs_matched_done = 1;					\
++	  for (r = lowest_active_reg; r <= highest_active_reg; r++)	\
++	    {								\
++	      MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[r])				\
++		= EVER_MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[r])			\
++		= 1;							\
++	    }								\
++	}								\
++    }									\
++  while (0)
++# endif /* not DEFINED_ONCE */
++/* Registers are set to a sentinel when they haven't yet matched.  */
++static CHAR_T PREFIX(reg_unset_dummy);
++# define REG_UNSET_VALUE (&PREFIX(reg_unset_dummy))
++# define REG_UNSET(e) ((e) == REG_UNSET_VALUE)
++/* Subroutine declarations and macros for regex_compile.  */
++static void PREFIX(store_op1) (re_opcode_t op, UCHAR_T *loc, int arg);
++static void PREFIX(store_op2) (re_opcode_t op, UCHAR_T *loc,
++                               int arg1, int arg2);
++static void PREFIX(insert_op1) (re_opcode_t op, UCHAR_T *loc,
++                                int arg, UCHAR_T *end);
++static void PREFIX(insert_op2) (re_opcode_t op, UCHAR_T *loc,
++                                int arg1, int arg2, UCHAR_T *end);
++static boolean PREFIX(at_begline_loc_p) (const CHAR_T *pattern,
++                                         const CHAR_T *p,
++                                         reg_syntax_t syntax);
++static boolean PREFIX(at_endline_loc_p) (const CHAR_T *p,
++                                         const CHAR_T *pend,
++                                         reg_syntax_t syntax);
++# ifdef WCHAR
++static reg_errcode_t wcs_compile_range (CHAR_T range_start,
++                                        const CHAR_T **p_ptr,
++                                        const CHAR_T *pend,
++                                        char *translate,
++                                        reg_syntax_t syntax,
++                                        UCHAR_T *b,
++                                        CHAR_T *char_set);
++static void insert_space (int num, CHAR_T *loc, CHAR_T *end);
++# else /* BYTE */
++static reg_errcode_t byte_compile_range (unsigned int range_start,
++                                         const char **p_ptr,
++                                         const char *pend,
++                                         RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE translate,
++                                         reg_syntax_t syntax,
++                                         unsigned char *b);
++# endif /* WCHAR */
++/* Fetch the next character in the uncompiled pattern---translating it
++   if necessary.  Also cast from a signed character in the constant
++   string passed to us by the user to an unsigned char that we can use
++   as an array index (in, e.g., `translate').  */
++/* ifdef MBS_SUPPORT, we translate only if character <= 0xff,
++   because it is impossible to allocate 4GB array for some encodings
++   which have 4 byte character_set like UCS4.  */
++# ifndef PATFETCH
++#  ifdef WCHAR
++#   define PATFETCH(c)							\
++  do {if (p == pend) return REG_EEND;					\
++    c = (UCHAR_T) *p++;							\
++    if (translate && (c <= 0xff)) c = (UCHAR_T) translate[c];		\
++  } while (0)
++#  else /* BYTE */
++#   define PATFETCH(c)							\
++  do {if (p == pend) return REG_EEND;					\
++    c = (unsigned char) *p++;						\
++    if (translate) c = (unsigned char) translate[c];			\
++  } while (0)
++#  endif /* WCHAR */
++# endif
++/* Fetch the next character in the uncompiled pattern, with no
++   translation.  */
++# define PATFETCH_RAW(c)						\
++  do {if (p == pend) return REG_EEND;					\
++    c = (UCHAR_T) *p++; 	       					\
++  } while (0)
++/* Go backwards one character in the pattern.  */
++# define PATUNFETCH p--
++/* If `translate' is non-null, return translate[D], else just D.  We
++   cast the subscript to translate because some data is declared as
++   `char *', to avoid warnings when a string constant is passed.  But
++   when we use a character as a subscript we must make it unsigned.  */
++/* ifdef MBS_SUPPORT, we translate only if character <= 0xff,
++   because it is impossible to allocate 4GB array for some encodings
++   which have 4 byte character_set like UCS4.  */
++# ifndef TRANSLATE
++#  ifdef WCHAR
++#   define TRANSLATE(d) \
++  ((translate && ((UCHAR_T) (d)) <= 0xff) \
++   ? (char) translate[(unsigned char) (d)] : (d))
++# else /* BYTE */
++#   define TRANSLATE(d) \
++  (translate ? (char) translate[(unsigned char) (d)] : (char) (d))
++#  endif /* WCHAR */
++# endif
++/* Macros for outputting the compiled pattern into `buffer'.  */
++/* If the buffer isn't allocated when it comes in, use this.  */
++# define INIT_BUF_SIZE  (32 * sizeof(UCHAR_T))
++/* Make sure we have at least N more bytes of space in buffer.  */
++# ifdef WCHAR
++#  define GET_BUFFER_SPACE(n)						\
++    while (((unsigned long)b - (unsigned long)COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR	\
++            + (n)*sizeof(CHAR_T)) > bufp->allocated)			\
++      EXTEND_BUFFER ()
++# else /* BYTE */
++#  define GET_BUFFER_SPACE(n)						\
++    while ((unsigned long) (b - bufp->buffer + (n)) > bufp->allocated)	\
++      EXTEND_BUFFER ()
++# endif /* WCHAR */
++/* Make sure we have one more byte of buffer space and then add C to it.  */
++# define BUF_PUSH(c)							\
++  do {									\
++    GET_BUFFER_SPACE (1);						\
++    *b++ = (UCHAR_T) (c);						\
++  } while (0)
++/* Ensure we have two more bytes of buffer space and then append C1 and C2.  */
++# define BUF_PUSH_2(c1, c2)						\
++  do {									\
++    GET_BUFFER_SPACE (2);						\
++    *b++ = (UCHAR_T) (c1);						\
++    *b++ = (UCHAR_T) (c2);						\
++  } while (0)
++/* As with BUF_PUSH_2, except for three bytes.  */
++# define BUF_PUSH_3(c1, c2, c3)						\
++  do {									\
++    GET_BUFFER_SPACE (3);						\
++    *b++ = (UCHAR_T) (c1);						\
++    *b++ = (UCHAR_T) (c2);						\
++    *b++ = (UCHAR_T) (c3);						\
++  } while (0)
++/* Store a jump with opcode OP at LOC to location TO.  We store a
++   relative address offset by the three bytes the jump itself occupies.  */
++# define STORE_JUMP(op, loc, to) \
++ PREFIX(store_op1) (op, loc, (int) ((to) - (loc) - (1 + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE)))
++/* Likewise, for a two-argument jump.  */
++# define STORE_JUMP2(op, loc, to, arg) \
++  PREFIX(store_op2) (op, loc, (int) ((to) - (loc) - (1 + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE)), arg)
++/* Like `STORE_JUMP', but for inserting.  Assume `b' is the buffer end.  */
++# define INSERT_JUMP(op, loc, to) \
++  PREFIX(insert_op1) (op, loc, (int) ((to) - (loc) - (1 + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE)), b)
++/* Like `STORE_JUMP2', but for inserting.  Assume `b' is the buffer end.  */
++# define INSERT_JUMP2(op, loc, to, arg) \
++  PREFIX(insert_op2) (op, loc, (int) ((to) - (loc) - (1 + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE)),\
++	      arg, b)
++/* This is not an arbitrary limit: the arguments which represent offsets
++   into the pattern are two bytes long.  So if 2^16 bytes turns out to
++   be too small, many things would have to change.  */
++/* Any other compiler which, like MSC, has allocation limit below 2^16
++   bytes will have to use approach similar to what was done below for
++   MSC and drop MAX_BUF_SIZE a bit.  Otherwise you may end up
++   reallocating to 0 bytes.  Such thing is not going to work too well.
++   You have been warned!!  */
++# ifndef DEFINED_ONCE
++#  if defined _MSC_VER  && !defined WIN32
++/* Microsoft C 16-bit versions limit malloc to approx 65512 bytes.
++   The REALLOC define eliminates a flurry of conversion warnings,
++   but is not required. */
++#   define MAX_BUF_SIZE  65500L
++#   define REALLOC(p,s) realloc ((p), (size_t) (s))
++#  else
++#   define MAX_BUF_SIZE (1L << 16)
++#   define REALLOC(p,s) realloc ((p), (s))
++#  endif
++/* Extend the buffer by twice its current size via realloc and
++   reset the pointers that pointed into the old block to point to the
++   correct places in the new one.  If extending the buffer results in it
++   being larger than MAX_BUF_SIZE, then flag memory exhausted.  */
++#  ifndef __BOUNDED_POINTERS__
++#    define __BOUNDED_POINTERS__ 0
++#  endif
++#   define SET_HIGH_BOUND(P) (__ptrhigh (P) = __ptrlow (P) + bufp->allocated)
++#   define MOVE_BUFFER_POINTER(P) \
++  (__ptrlow (P) += incr, SET_HIGH_BOUND (P), __ptrvalue (P) += incr)
++  else						\
++    {						\
++      SET_HIGH_BOUND (b);			\
++      SET_HIGH_BOUND (begalt);			\
++      if (fixup_alt_jump)			\
++	SET_HIGH_BOUND (fixup_alt_jump);	\
++      if (laststart)				\
++	SET_HIGH_BOUND (laststart);		\
++      if (pending_exact)			\
++	SET_HIGH_BOUND (pending_exact);		\
++    }
++#  else
++#   define MOVE_BUFFER_POINTER(P) (P) += incr
++#  endif
++# endif /* not DEFINED_ONCE */
++# ifdef WCHAR
++#  define EXTEND_BUFFER()						\
++  do {									\
++    UCHAR_T *old_buffer = COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR;				\
++    int wchar_count;							\
++    if (bufp->allocated + sizeof(UCHAR_T) > MAX_BUF_SIZE)		\
++      return REG_ESIZE;							\
++    bufp->allocated <<= 1;						\
++    if (bufp->allocated > MAX_BUF_SIZE)					\
++      bufp->allocated = MAX_BUF_SIZE;					\
++    /* How many characters the new buffer can have?  */			\
++    wchar_count = bufp->allocated / sizeof(UCHAR_T);			\
++    if (wchar_count == 0) wchar_count = 1;				\
++    /* Truncate the buffer to CHAR_T align.  */			\
++    bufp->allocated = wchar_count * sizeof(UCHAR_T);			\
++    RETALLOC (COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR, wchar_count, UCHAR_T);		\
++    bufp->buffer = (char*)COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR;				\
++    if (COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR == NULL)					\
++      return REG_ESPACE;						\
++    /* If the buffer moved, move all the pointers into it.  */		\
++    if (old_buffer != COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR)				\
++      {									\
++	int incr = COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR - old_buffer;			\
++	MOVE_BUFFER_POINTER (begalt);					\
++	if (fixup_alt_jump)						\
++	  MOVE_BUFFER_POINTER (fixup_alt_jump);				\
++	if (laststart)							\
++	  MOVE_BUFFER_POINTER (laststart);				\
++	if (pending_exact)						\
++	  MOVE_BUFFER_POINTER (pending_exact);				\
++      }									\
++  } while (0)
++# else /* BYTE */
++#  define EXTEND_BUFFER()						\
++  do {									\
++    UCHAR_T *old_buffer = COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR;				\
++    if (bufp->allocated == MAX_BUF_SIZE)				\
++      return REG_ESIZE;							\
++    bufp->allocated <<= 1;						\
++    if (bufp->allocated > MAX_BUF_SIZE)					\
++      bufp->allocated = MAX_BUF_SIZE;					\
++    bufp->buffer = (UCHAR_T *) REALLOC (COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR,		\
++						bufp->allocated);	\
++    if (COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR == NULL)					\
++      return REG_ESPACE;						\
++    /* If the buffer moved, move all the pointers into it.  */		\
++    if (old_buffer != COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR)				\
++      {									\
++	int incr = COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR - old_buffer;			\
++	MOVE_BUFFER_POINTER (begalt);					\
++	if (fixup_alt_jump)						\
++	  MOVE_BUFFER_POINTER (fixup_alt_jump);				\
++	if (laststart)							\
++	  MOVE_BUFFER_POINTER (laststart);				\
++	if (pending_exact)						\
++	  MOVE_BUFFER_POINTER (pending_exact);				\
++      }									\
++  } while (0)
++# endif /* WCHAR */
++# ifndef DEFINED_ONCE
++/* Since we have one byte reserved for the register number argument to
++   {start,stop}_memory, the maximum number of groups we can report
++   things about is what fits in that byte.  */
++#  define MAX_REGNUM 255
++/* But patterns can have more than `MAX_REGNUM' registers.  We just
++   ignore the excess.  */
++typedef unsigned regnum_t;
++/* Macros for the compile stack.  */
++/* Since offsets can go either forwards or backwards, this type needs to
++   be able to hold values from -(MAX_BUF_SIZE - 1) to MAX_BUF_SIZE - 1.  */
++/* int may be not enough when sizeof(int) == 2.  */
++typedef long pattern_offset_t;
++typedef struct
++  pattern_offset_t begalt_offset;
++  pattern_offset_t fixup_alt_jump;
++  pattern_offset_t inner_group_offset;
++  pattern_offset_t laststart_offset;
++  regnum_t regnum;
++} compile_stack_elt_t;
++typedef struct
++  compile_stack_elt_t *stack;
++  unsigned size;
++  unsigned avail;			/* Offset of next open position.  */
++} compile_stack_type;
++#  define COMPILE_STACK_EMPTY  (compile_stack.avail == 0)
++#  define COMPILE_STACK_FULL  (compile_stack.avail == compile_stack.size)
++/* The next available element.  */
++#  define COMPILE_STACK_TOP (compile_stack.stack[compile_stack.avail])
++# endif /* not DEFINED_ONCE */
++/* Set the bit for character C in a list.  */
++# ifndef DEFINED_ONCE
++#  define SET_LIST_BIT(c)                               \
++  (b[((unsigned char) (c)) / BYTEWIDTH]               \
++   |= 1 << (((unsigned char) c) % BYTEWIDTH))
++# endif /* DEFINED_ONCE */
++/* Get the next unsigned number in the uncompiled pattern.  */
++# define GET_UNSIGNED_NUMBER(num) \
++  {									\
++    while (p != pend)							\
++      {									\
++	PATFETCH (c);							\
++	if (c < '0' || c > '9')						\
++	  break;							\
++	if (num <= RE_DUP_MAX)						\
++	  {								\
++	    if (num < 0)						\
++	      num = 0;							\
++	    num = num * 10 + c - '0';					\
++	  }								\
++      }									\
++  }
++# ifndef DEFINED_ONCE
++/* The GNU C library provides support for user-defined character classes
++   and the functions from ISO C amendement 1.  */
++#   else
++/* This shouldn't happen but some implementation might still have this
++   problem.  Use a reasonable default value.  */
++#    define CHAR_CLASS_MAX_LENGTH 256
++#   endif
++#   ifdef _LIBC
++#    define IS_CHAR_CLASS(string) __wctype (string)
++#   else
++#    define IS_CHAR_CLASS(string) wctype (string)
++#   endif
++#  else
++#   define CHAR_CLASS_MAX_LENGTH  6 /* Namely, `xdigit'.  */
++#   define IS_CHAR_CLASS(string)					\
++   (STREQ (string, "alpha") || STREQ (string, "upper")			\
++    || STREQ (string, "lower") || STREQ (string, "digit")		\
++    || STREQ (string, "alnum") || STREQ (string, "xdigit")		\
++    || STREQ (string, "space") || STREQ (string, "print")		\
++    || STREQ (string, "punct") || STREQ (string, "graph")		\
++    || STREQ (string, "cntrl") || STREQ (string, "blank"))
++#  endif
++# endif /* DEFINED_ONCE */
++/* If we cannot allocate large objects within re_match_2_internal,
++   we make the fail stack and register vectors global.
++   The fail stack, we grow to the maximum size when a regexp
++   is compiled.
++   The register vectors, we adjust in size each time we
++   compile a regexp, according to the number of registers it needs.  */
++static PREFIX(fail_stack_type) fail_stack;
++/* Size with which the following vectors are currently allocated.
++   That is so we can make them bigger as needed,
++   but never make them smaller.  */
++#  ifdef DEFINED_ONCE
++static int regs_allocated_size;
++static const char **     regstart, **     regend;
++static const char ** old_regstart, ** old_regend;
++static const char **best_regstart, **best_regend;
++static const char **reg_dummy;
++#  endif /* DEFINED_ONCE */
++static PREFIX(register_info_type) *PREFIX(reg_info);
++static PREFIX(register_info_type) *PREFIX(reg_info_dummy);
++/* Make the register vectors big enough for NUM_REGS registers,
++   but don't make them smaller.  */
++static void
++PREFIX(regex_grow_registers) (int num_regs)
++  if (num_regs > regs_allocated_size)
++    {
++      RETALLOC_IF (regstart,	 num_regs, const char *);
++      RETALLOC_IF (regend,	 num_regs, const char *);
++      RETALLOC_IF (old_regstart, num_regs, const char *);
++      RETALLOC_IF (old_regend,	 num_regs, const char *);
++      RETALLOC_IF (best_regstart, num_regs, const char *);
++      RETALLOC_IF (best_regend,	 num_regs, const char *);
++      RETALLOC_IF (PREFIX(reg_info), num_regs, PREFIX(register_info_type));
++      RETALLOC_IF (reg_dummy,	 num_regs, const char *);
++      RETALLOC_IF (PREFIX(reg_info_dummy), num_regs, PREFIX(register_info_type));
++      regs_allocated_size = num_regs;
++    }
++# endif /* not MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE */
++# ifndef DEFINED_ONCE
++static boolean group_in_compile_stack (compile_stack_type compile_stack,
++                                       regnum_t regnum);
++# endif /* not DEFINED_ONCE */
++/* `regex_compile' compiles PATTERN (of length SIZE) according to SYNTAX.
++   Returns one of error codes defined in `regex.h', or zero for success.
++   Assumes the `allocated' (and perhaps `buffer') and `translate'
++   fields are set in BUFP on entry.
++   If it succeeds, results are put in BUFP (if it returns an error, the
++   contents of BUFP are undefined):
++     `buffer' is the compiled pattern;
++     `syntax' is set to SYNTAX;
++     `used' is set to the length of the compiled pattern;
++     `fastmap_accurate' is zero;
++     `re_nsub' is the number of subexpressions in PATTERN;
++     `not_bol' and `not_eol' are zero;
++   The `fastmap' and `newline_anchor' fields are neither
++   examined nor set.  */
++/* Return, freeing storage we allocated.  */
++# ifdef WCHAR
++#  define FREE_STACK_RETURN(value)		\
++  return (free(pattern), free(mbs_offset), free(is_binary), free (compile_stack.stack), value)
++# else
++#  define FREE_STACK_RETURN(value)		\
++  return (free (compile_stack.stack), value)
++# endif /* WCHAR */
++static reg_errcode_t
++PREFIX(regex_compile) (const char *ARG_PREFIX(pattern),
++                       size_t ARG_PREFIX(size), reg_syntax_t syntax,
++                       struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp)
++  /* We fetch characters from PATTERN here.  Even though PATTERN is
++     `char *' (i.e., signed), we declare these variables as unsigned, so
++     they can be reliably used as array indices.  */
++  register UCHAR_T c, c1;
++#ifdef WCHAR
++  /* A temporary space to keep wchar_t pattern and compiled pattern.  */
++  size_t size;
++  /* offset buffer for optimization. See convert_mbs_to_wc.  */
++  int *mbs_offset = NULL;
++  /* It hold whether each wchar_t is binary data or not.  */
++  char *is_binary = NULL;
++  /* A flag whether exactn is handling binary data or not.  */
++  char is_exactn_bin = FALSE;
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++  /* A random temporary spot in PATTERN.  */
++  const CHAR_T *p1;
++  /* Points to the end of the buffer, where we should append.  */
++  register UCHAR_T *b;
++  /* Keeps track of unclosed groups.  */
++  compile_stack_type compile_stack;
++  /* Points to the current (ending) position in the pattern.  */
++#ifdef WCHAR
++  const CHAR_T *p;
++  const CHAR_T *pend;
++#else /* BYTE */
++  const CHAR_T *p = pattern;
++  const CHAR_T *pend = pattern + size;
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++  /* How to translate the characters in the pattern.  */
++  RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE translate = bufp->translate;
++  /* Address of the count-byte of the most recently inserted `exactn'
++     command.  This makes it possible to tell if a new exact-match
++     character can be added to that command or if the character requires
++     a new `exactn' command.  */
++  UCHAR_T *pending_exact = 0;
++  /* Address of start of the most recently finished expression.
++     This tells, e.g., postfix * where to find the start of its
++     operand.  Reset at the beginning of groups and alternatives.  */
++  UCHAR_T *laststart = 0;
++  /* Address of beginning of regexp, or inside of last group.  */
++  UCHAR_T *begalt;
++  /* Address of the place where a forward jump should go to the end of
++     the containing expression.  Each alternative of an `or' -- except the
++     last -- ends with a forward jump of this sort.  */
++  UCHAR_T *fixup_alt_jump = 0;
++  /* Counts open-groups as they are encountered.  Remembered for the
++     matching close-group on the compile stack, so the same register
++     number is put in the stop_memory as the start_memory.  */
++  regnum_t regnum = 0;
++#ifdef WCHAR
++  /* Initialize the wchar_t PATTERN and offset_buffer.  */
++  p = pend = pattern = TALLOC(csize + 1, CHAR_T);
++  mbs_offset = TALLOC(csize + 1, int);
++  is_binary = TALLOC(csize + 1, char);
++  if (pattern == NULL || mbs_offset == NULL || is_binary == NULL)
++    {
++      free(pattern);
++      free(mbs_offset);
++      free(is_binary);
++      return REG_ESPACE;
++    }
++  pattern[csize] = L'\0';	/* sentinel */
++  size = convert_mbs_to_wcs(pattern, cpattern, csize, mbs_offset, is_binary);
++  pend = p + size;
++  if (size < 0)
++    {
++      free(pattern);
++      free(mbs_offset);
++      free(is_binary);
++      return REG_BADPAT;
++    }
++#ifdef DEBUG
++  DEBUG_PRINT1 ("\nCompiling pattern: ");
++  if (debug)
++    {
++      unsigned debug_count;
++      for (debug_count = 0; debug_count < size; debug_count++)
++        PUT_CHAR (pattern[debug_count]);
++      putchar ('\n');
++    }
++#endif /* DEBUG */
++  /* Initialize the compile stack.  */
++  compile_stack.stack = TALLOC (INIT_COMPILE_STACK_SIZE, compile_stack_elt_t);
++  if (compile_stack.stack == NULL)
++    {
++#ifdef WCHAR
++      free(pattern);
++      free(mbs_offset);
++      free(is_binary);
++      return REG_ESPACE;
++    }
++  compile_stack.size = INIT_COMPILE_STACK_SIZE;
++  compile_stack.avail = 0;
++  /* Initialize the pattern buffer.  */
++  bufp->syntax = syntax;
++  bufp->fastmap_accurate = 0;
++  bufp->not_bol = bufp->not_eol = 0;
++  /* Set `used' to zero, so that if we return an error, the pattern
++     printer (for debugging) will think there's no pattern.  We reset it
++     at the end.  */
++  bufp->used = 0;
++  /* Always count groups, whether or not bufp->no_sub is set.  */
++  bufp->re_nsub = 0;
++#if !defined emacs && !defined SYNTAX_TABLE
++  /* Initialize the syntax table.  */
++   init_syntax_once ();
++  if (bufp->allocated == 0)
++    {
++      if (bufp->buffer)
++	{ /* If zero allocated, but buffer is non-null, try to realloc
++             enough space.  This loses if buffer's address is bogus, but
++             that is the user's responsibility.  */
++#ifdef WCHAR
++	  /* Free bufp->buffer and allocate an array for wchar_t pattern
++	     buffer.  */
++          free(bufp->buffer);
++					UCHAR_T);
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++        }
++      else
++        { /* Caller did not allocate a buffer.  Do it for them.  */
++					UCHAR_T);
++        }
++#ifdef WCHAR
++      bufp->buffer = (char*)COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR;
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++      bufp->allocated = INIT_BUF_SIZE;
++    }
++#ifdef WCHAR
++  else
++    COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR = (UCHAR_T*) bufp->buffer;
++  begalt = b = COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR;
++  /* Loop through the uncompiled pattern until we're at the end.  */
++  while (p != pend)
++    {
++      PATFETCH (c);
++      switch (c)
++        {
++        case '^':
++          {
++            if (   /* If at start of pattern, it's an operator.  */
++                   p == pattern + 1
++                   /* If context independent, it's an operator.  */
++                || syntax & RE_CONTEXT_INDEP_ANCHORS
++                   /* Otherwise, depends on what's come before.  */
++                || PREFIX(at_begline_loc_p) (pattern, p, syntax))
++              BUF_PUSH (begline);
++            else
++              goto normal_char;
++          }
++          break;
++        case '$':
++          {
++            if (   /* If at end of pattern, it's an operator.  */
++                   p == pend
++                   /* If context independent, it's an operator.  */
++                || syntax & RE_CONTEXT_INDEP_ANCHORS
++                   /* Otherwise, depends on what's next.  */
++                || PREFIX(at_endline_loc_p) (p, pend, syntax))
++               BUF_PUSH (endline);
++             else
++               goto normal_char;
++           }
++           break;
++	case '+':
++        case '?':
++          if ((syntax & RE_BK_PLUS_QM)
++              || (syntax & RE_LIMITED_OPS))
++            goto normal_char;
++        handle_plus:
++        case '*':
++          /* If there is no previous pattern... */
++          if (!laststart)
++            {
++              if (syntax & RE_CONTEXT_INVALID_OPS)
++                FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_BADRPT);
++              else if (!(syntax & RE_CONTEXT_INDEP_OPS))
++                goto normal_char;
++            }
++          {
++            /* Are we optimizing this jump?  */
++            boolean keep_string_p = false;
++            /* 1 means zero (many) matches is allowed.  */
++            char zero_times_ok = 0, many_times_ok = 0;
++            /* If there is a sequence of repetition chars, collapse it
++               down to just one (the right one).  We can't combine
++               interval operators with these because of, e.g., `a{2}*',
++               which should only match an even number of `a's.  */
++            for (;;)
++              {
++                zero_times_ok |= c != '+';
++                many_times_ok |= c != '?';
++                if (p == pend)
++                  break;
++                PATFETCH (c);
++                if (c == '*'
++                    || (!(syntax & RE_BK_PLUS_QM) && (c == '+' || c == '?')))
++                  ;
++                else if (syntax & RE_BK_PLUS_QM  &&  c == '\\')
++                  {
++                    if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EESCAPE);
++                    PATFETCH (c1);
++                    if (!(c1 == '+' || c1 == '?'))
++                      {
++                        PATUNFETCH;
++                        PATUNFETCH;
++                        break;
++                      }
++                    c = c1;
++                  }
++                else
++                  {
++                    PATUNFETCH;
++                    break;
++                  }
++                /* If we get here, we found another repeat character.  */
++               }
++            /* Star, etc. applied to an empty pattern is equivalent
++               to an empty pattern.  */
++            if (!laststart)
++              break;
++            /* Now we know whether or not zero matches is allowed
++               and also whether or not two or more matches is allowed.  */
++            if (many_times_ok)
++              { /* More than one repetition is allowed, so put in at the
++                   end a backward relative jump from `b' to before the next
++                   jump we're going to put in below (which jumps from
++                   laststart to after this jump).
++                   But if we are at the `*' in the exact sequence `.*\n',
++                   insert an unconditional jump backwards to the .,
++                   instead of the beginning of the loop.  This way we only
++                   push a failure point once, instead of every time
++                   through the loop.  */
++                assert (p - 1 > pattern);
++                /* Allocate the space for the jump.  */
++                /* We know we are not at the first character of the pattern,
++                   because laststart was nonzero.  And we've already
++                   incremented `p', by the way, to be the character after
++                   the `*'.  Do we have to do something analogous here
++                   for null bytes, because of RE_DOT_NOT_NULL?  */
++                if (TRANSLATE (*(p - 2)) == TRANSLATE ('.')
++		    && zero_times_ok
++                    && p < pend && TRANSLATE (*p) == TRANSLATE ('\n')
++                    && !(syntax & RE_DOT_NEWLINE))
++                  { /* We have .*\n.  */
++                    STORE_JUMP (jump, b, laststart);
++                    keep_string_p = true;
++                  }
++                else
++                  /* Anything else.  */
++                  STORE_JUMP (maybe_pop_jump, b, laststart -
++			      (1 + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE));
++                /* We've added more stuff to the buffer.  */
++                b += 1 + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++              }
++            /* On failure, jump from laststart to b + 3, which will be the
++               end of the buffer after this jump is inserted.  */
++	    /* ifdef WCHAR, 'b + 1 + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE' instead of
++	       'b + 3'.  */
++            INSERT_JUMP (keep_string_p ? on_failure_keep_string_jump
++                                       : on_failure_jump,
++                         laststart, b + 1 + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE);
++            pending_exact = 0;
++            b += 1 + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++            if (!zero_times_ok)
++              {
++                /* At least one repetition is required, so insert a
++                   `dummy_failure_jump' before the initial
++                   `on_failure_jump' instruction of the loop. This
++                   effects a skip over that instruction the first time
++                   we hit that loop.  */
++                INSERT_JUMP (dummy_failure_jump, laststart, laststart +
++			     2 + 2 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE);
++                b += 1 + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++              }
++            }
++	  break;
++	case '.':
++          laststart = b;
++          BUF_PUSH (anychar);
++          break;
++        case '[':
++          {
++            boolean had_char_class = false;
++#ifdef WCHAR
++	    CHAR_T range_start = 0xffffffff;
++	    unsigned int range_start = 0xffffffff;
++            if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EBRACK);
++#ifdef WCHAR
++	    /* We assume a charset(_not) structure as a wchar_t array.
++	       charset[0] = (re_opcode_t) charset(_not)
++               charset[1] = l (= length of char_classes)
++               charset[2] = m (= length of collating_symbols)
++               charset[3] = n (= length of equivalence_classes)
++	       charset[4] = o (= length of char_ranges)
++	       charset[5] = p (= length of chars)
++               charset[6] = char_class (wctype_t)
++               charset[6+CHAR_CLASS_SIZE] = char_class (wctype_t)
++                         ...
++               charset[l+5]  = char_class (wctype_t)
++               charset[l+6]  = collating_symbol (wchar_t)
++                            ...
++               charset[l+m+5]  = collating_symbol (wchar_t)
++					ifdef _LIBC we use the index if
++					_NL_COLLATE_SYMB_EXTRAMB instead of
++					wchar_t string.
++               charset[l+m+6]  = equivalence_classes (wchar_t)
++                              ...
++               charset[l+m+n+5]  = equivalence_classes (wchar_t)
++					ifdef _LIBC we use the index in
++					_NL_COLLATE_WEIGHT instead of
++					wchar_t string.
++	       charset[l+m+n+6] = range_start
++	       charset[l+m+n+7] = range_end
++	                       ...
++	       charset[l+m+n+2o+4] = range_start
++	       charset[l+m+n+2o+5] = range_end
++					ifdef _LIBC we use the value looked up
++					in _NL_COLLATE_COLLSEQ instead of
++					wchar_t character.
++	       charset[l+m+n+2o+6] = char
++	                          ...
++	       charset[l+m+n+2o+p+5] = char
++	     */
++	    /* We need at least 6 spaces: the opcode, the length of
++               char_classes, the length of collating_symbols, the length of
++               equivalence_classes, the length of char_ranges, the length of
++               chars.  */
++	    GET_BUFFER_SPACE (6);
++	    /* Save b as laststart. And We use laststart as the pointer
++	       to the first element of the charset here.
++	       In other words, laststart[i] indicates charset[i].  */
++            laststart = b;
++            /* We test `*p == '^' twice, instead of using an if
++               statement, so we only need one BUF_PUSH.  */
++            BUF_PUSH (*p == '^' ? charset_not : charset);
++            if (*p == '^')
++              p++;
++            /* Push the length of char_classes, the length of
++               collating_symbols, the length of equivalence_classes, the
++               length of char_ranges and the length of chars.  */
++            BUF_PUSH_3 (0, 0, 0);
++            BUF_PUSH_2 (0, 0);
++            /* Remember the first position in the bracket expression.  */
++            p1 = p;
++            /* charset_not matches newline according to a syntax bit.  */
++            if ((re_opcode_t) b[-6] == charset_not
++                && (syntax & RE_HAT_LISTS_NOT_NEWLINE))
++	      {
++		BUF_PUSH('\n');
++		laststart[5]++; /* Update the length of characters  */
++	      }
++            /* Read in characters and ranges, setting map bits.  */
++            for (;;)
++              {
++                if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EBRACK);
++                PATFETCH (c);
++                /* \ might escape characters inside [...] and [^...].  */
++                if ((syntax & RE_BACKSLASH_ESCAPE_IN_LISTS) && c == '\\')
++                  {
++                    if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EESCAPE);
++                    PATFETCH (c1);
++		    BUF_PUSH(c1);
++		    laststart[5]++; /* Update the length of chars  */
++		    range_start = c1;
++                    continue;
++                  }
++                /* Could be the end of the bracket expression.  If it's
++                   not (i.e., when the bracket expression is `[]' so
++                   far), the ']' character bit gets set way below.  */
++                if (c == ']' && p != p1 + 1)
++                  break;
++                /* Look ahead to see if it's a range when the last thing
++                   was a character class.  */
++                if (had_char_class && c == '-' && *p != ']')
++                  FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_ERANGE);
++                /* Look ahead to see if it's a range when the last thing
++                   was a character: if this is a hyphen not at the
++                   beginning or the end of a list, then it's the range
++                   operator.  */
++                if (c == '-'
++                    && !(p - 2 >= pattern && p[-2] == '[')
++                    && !(p - 3 >= pattern && p[-3] == '[' && p[-2] == '^')
++                    && *p != ']')
++                  {
++                    reg_errcode_t ret;
++		    /* Allocate the space for range_start and range_end.  */
++		    GET_BUFFER_SPACE (2);
++		    /* Update the pointer to indicate end of buffer.  */
++                    b += 2;
++                    ret = wcs_compile_range (range_start, &p, pend, translate,
++                                         syntax, b, laststart);
++                    if (ret != REG_NOERROR) FREE_STACK_RETURN (ret);
++                    range_start = 0xffffffff;
++                  }
++                else if (p[0] == '-' && p[1] != ']')
++                  { /* This handles ranges made up of characters only.  */
++                    reg_errcode_t ret;
++		    /* Move past the `-'.  */
++                    PATFETCH (c1);
++		    /* Allocate the space for range_start and range_end.  */
++		    GET_BUFFER_SPACE (2);
++		    /* Update the pointer to indicate end of buffer.  */
++                    b += 2;
++                    ret = wcs_compile_range (c, &p, pend, translate, syntax, b,
++                                         laststart);
++                    if (ret != REG_NOERROR) FREE_STACK_RETURN (ret);
++		    range_start = 0xffffffff;
++                  }
++                /* See if we're at the beginning of a possible character
++                   class.  */
++                else if (syntax & RE_CHAR_CLASSES && c == '[' && *p == ':')
++                  { /* Leave room for the null.  */
++                    char str[CHAR_CLASS_MAX_LENGTH + 1];
++                    PATFETCH (c);
++                    c1 = 0;
++                    /* If pattern is `[[:'.  */
++                    if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EBRACK);
++                    for (;;)
++                      {
++                        PATFETCH (c);
++                        if ((c == ':' && *p == ']') || p == pend)
++                          break;
++			if (c1 < CHAR_CLASS_MAX_LENGTH)
++			  str[c1++] = c;
++			else
++			  /* This is in any case an invalid class name.  */
++			  str[0] = '\0';
++                      }
++                    str[c1] = '\0';
++                    /* If isn't a word bracketed by `[:' and `:]':
++                       undo the ending character, the letters, and leave
++                       the leading `:' and `[' (but store them as character).  */
++                    if (c == ':' && *p == ']')
++                      {
++			wctype_t wt;
++			uintptr_t alignedp;
++			/* Query the character class as wctype_t.  */
++			wt = IS_CHAR_CLASS (str);
++			if (wt == 0)
++                        /* Throw away the ] at the end of the character
++                           class.  */
++                        PATFETCH (c);
++                        if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EBRACK);
++			/* Allocate the space for character class.  */
++                        GET_BUFFER_SPACE(CHAR_CLASS_SIZE);
++			/* Update the pointer to indicate end of buffer.  */
++                        b += CHAR_CLASS_SIZE;
++			/* Move data which follow character classes
++			    not to violate the data.  */
++                        insert_space(CHAR_CLASS_SIZE,
++				     laststart + 6 + laststart[1],
++				     b - 1);
++			alignedp = ((uintptr_t)(laststart + 6 + laststart[1])
++				    + __alignof__(wctype_t) - 1)
++			  	    & ~(uintptr_t)(__alignof__(wctype_t) - 1);
++			/* Store the character class.  */
++                        *((wctype_t*)alignedp) = wt;
++                        /* Update length of char_classes */
++                        laststart[1] += CHAR_CLASS_SIZE;
++                        had_char_class = true;
++                      }
++                    else
++                      {
++                        c1++;
++                        while (c1--)
++                          PATUNFETCH;
++                        BUF_PUSH ('[');
++                        BUF_PUSH (':');
++                        laststart[5] += 2; /* Update the length of characters  */
++			range_start = ':';
++                        had_char_class = false;
++                      }
++                  }
++                else if (syntax & RE_CHAR_CLASSES && c == '[' && (*p == '='
++							  || *p == '.'))
++		  {
++		    CHAR_T str[128];	/* Should be large enough.  */
++		    CHAR_T delim = *p; /* '=' or '.'  */
++# ifdef _LIBC
++		    uint32_t nrules =
++# endif
++		    PATFETCH (c);
++		    c1 = 0;
++		    /* If pattern is `[[=' or '[[.'.  */
++		    if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EBRACK);
++		    for (;;)
++		      {
++			PATFETCH (c);
++			if ((c == delim && *p == ']') || p == pend)
++			  break;
++			if (c1 < sizeof (str) - 1)
++			  str[c1++] = c;
++			else
++			  /* This is in any case an invalid class name.  */
++			  str[0] = '\0';
++                      }
++		    str[c1] = '\0';
++		    if (c == delim && *p == ']' && str[0] != '\0')
++		      {
++                        unsigned int i, offset;
++			/* If we have no collation data we use the default
++			   collation in which each character is in a class
++			   by itself.  It also means that ASCII is the
++			   character set and therefore we cannot have character
++			   with more than one byte in the multibyte
++			   representation.  */
++                        /* If not defined _LIBC, we push the name and
++			   `\0' for the sake of matching performance.  */
++			int datasize = c1 + 1;
++# ifdef _LIBC
++			int32_t idx = 0;
++			if (nrules == 0)
++# endif
++			  {
++			    if (c1 != 1)
++			  }
++# ifdef _LIBC
++			else
++			  {
++			    const int32_t *table;
++			    const int32_t *weights;
++			    const int32_t *extra;
++			    const int32_t *indirect;
++			    wint_t *cp;
++			    if(delim == '=')
++			      {
++				/* We push the index for equivalence class.  */
++				cp = (wint_t*)str;
++				table = (const int32_t *)
++					       _NL_COLLATE_TABLEWC);
++				weights = (const int32_t *)
++					       _NL_COLLATE_WEIGHTWC);
++				extra = (const wint_t *)
++					       _NL_COLLATE_EXTRAWC);
++				indirect = (const int32_t *)
++					       _NL_COLLATE_INDIRECTWC);
++				idx = FINDIDX (table, indirect, extra, &cp, 1);
++				if (idx == 0 || cp < (wint_t*) str + c1)
++				  /* This is no valid character.  */
++				str[0] = (wchar_t)idx;
++			      }
++			    else /* delim == '.' */
++			      {
++				/* We push collation sequence value
++				   for collating symbol.  */
++				int32_t table_size;
++				const int32_t *symb_table;
++				const unsigned char *extra;
++				int32_t idx;
++				int32_t elem;
++				int32_t second;
++				int32_t hash;
++				char char_str[c1];
++				/* We have to convert the name to a single-byte
++				   string.  This is possible since the names
++				   consist of ASCII characters and the internal
++				   representation is UCS4.  */
++				for (i = 0; i < c1; ++i)
++				  char_str[i] = str[i];
++				table_size =
++				symb_table = (const int32_t *)
++					       _NL_COLLATE_SYMB_TABLEMB);
++				extra = (const unsigned char *)
++					       _NL_COLLATE_SYMB_EXTRAMB);
++				/* Locate the character in the hashing table.  */
++				hash = elem_hash (char_str, c1);
++				idx = 0;
++				elem = hash % table_size;
++				second = hash % (table_size - 2);
++				while (symb_table[2 * elem] != 0)
++				  {
++				    /* First compare the hashing value.  */
++				    if (symb_table[2 * elem] == hash
++					&& c1 == extra[symb_table[2 * elem + 1]]
++					&& memcmp (char_str,
++						   &extra[symb_table[2 * elem + 1]
++							 + 1], c1) == 0)
++				      {
++					/* Yep, this is the entry.  */
++					idx = symb_table[2 * elem + 1];
++					idx += 1 + extra[idx];
++					break;
++				      }
++				    /* Next entry.  */
++				    elem += second;
++				  }
++				if (symb_table[2 * elem] != 0)
++				  {
++				    /* Compute the index of the byte sequence
++				       in the table.  */
++				    idx += 1 + extra[idx];
++				    /* Adjust for the alignment.  */
++				    idx = (idx + 3) & ~3;
++				    str[0] = (wchar_t) idx + 4;
++				  }
++				else if (symb_table[2 * elem] == 0 && c1 == 1)
++				  {
++				    /* No valid character.  Match it as a
++				       single byte character.  */
++				    had_char_class = false;
++				    BUF_PUSH(str[0]);
++				    /* Update the length of characters  */
++				    laststart[5]++;
++				    range_start = str[0];
++				    /* Throw away the ] at the end of the
++				       collating symbol.  */
++				    PATFETCH (c);
++				    /* exit from the switch block.  */
++				    continue;
++				  }
++				else
++			      }
++			    datasize = 1;
++			  }
++# endif
++                        /* Throw away the ] at the end of the equivalence
++                           class (or collating symbol).  */
++                        PATFETCH (c);
++			/* Allocate the space for the equivalence class
++			   (or collating symbol) (and '\0' if needed).  */
++                        GET_BUFFER_SPACE(datasize);
++			/* Update the pointer to indicate end of buffer.  */
++                        b += datasize;
++			if (delim == '=')
++			  { /* equivalence class  */
++			    /* Calculate the offset of char_ranges,
++			       which is next to equivalence_classes.  */
++			    offset = laststart[1] + laststart[2]
++			      + laststart[3] +6;
++			    /* Insert space.  */
++			    insert_space(datasize, laststart + offset, b - 1);
++			    /* Write the equivalence_class and \0.  */
++			    for (i = 0 ; i < datasize ; i++)
++			      laststart[offset + i] = str[i];
++			    /* Update the length of equivalence_classes.  */
++			    laststart[3] += datasize;
++			    had_char_class = true;
++			  }
++			else /* delim == '.' */
++			  { /* collating symbol  */
++			    /* Calculate the offset of the equivalence_classes,
++			       which is next to collating_symbols.  */
++			    offset = laststart[1] + laststart[2] + 6;
++			    /* Insert space and write the collationg_symbol
++			       and \0.  */
++			    insert_space(datasize, laststart + offset, b-1);
++			    for (i = 0 ; i < datasize ; i++)
++			      laststart[offset + i] = str[i];
++			    /* In re_match_2_internal if range_start < -1, we
++			       assume -range_start is the offset of the
++			       collating symbol which is specified as
++			       the character of the range start.  So we assign
++			       -(laststart[1] + laststart[2] + 6) to
++			       range_start.  */
++			    range_start = -(laststart[1] + laststart[2] + 6);
++			    /* Update the length of collating_symbol.  */
++			    laststart[2] += datasize;
++			    had_char_class = false;
++			  }
++		      }
++                    else
++                      {
++                        c1++;
++                        while (c1--)
++                          PATUNFETCH;
++                        BUF_PUSH ('[');
++                        BUF_PUSH (delim);
++                        laststart[5] += 2; /* Update the length of characters  */
++			range_start = delim;
++                        had_char_class = false;
++                      }
++		  }
++                else
++                  {
++                    had_char_class = false;
++		    BUF_PUSH(c);
++		    laststart[5]++;  /* Update the length of characters  */
++		    range_start = c;
++                  }
++	      }
++#else /* BYTE */
++            /* Ensure that we have enough space to push a charset: the
++               opcode, the length count, and the bitset; 34 bytes in all.  */
++	    GET_BUFFER_SPACE (34);
++            laststart = b;
++            /* We test `*p == '^' twice, instead of using an if
++               statement, so we only need one BUF_PUSH.  */
++            BUF_PUSH (*p == '^' ? charset_not : charset);
++            if (*p == '^')
++              p++;
++            /* Remember the first position in the bracket expression.  */
++            p1 = p;
++            /* Push the number of bytes in the bitmap.  */
++            BUF_PUSH ((1 << BYTEWIDTH) / BYTEWIDTH);
++            /* Clear the whole map.  */
++            bzero (b, (1 << BYTEWIDTH) / BYTEWIDTH);
++            /* charset_not matches newline according to a syntax bit.  */
++            if ((re_opcode_t) b[-2] == charset_not
++                && (syntax & RE_HAT_LISTS_NOT_NEWLINE))
++              SET_LIST_BIT ('\n');
++            /* Read in characters and ranges, setting map bits.  */
++            for (;;)
++              {
++                if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EBRACK);
++                PATFETCH (c);
++                /* \ might escape characters inside [...] and [^...].  */
++                if ((syntax & RE_BACKSLASH_ESCAPE_IN_LISTS) && c == '\\')
++                  {
++                    if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EESCAPE);
++                    PATFETCH (c1);
++                    SET_LIST_BIT (c1);
++		    range_start = c1;
++                    continue;
++                  }
++                /* Could be the end of the bracket expression.  If it's
++                   not (i.e., when the bracket expression is `[]' so
++                   far), the ']' character bit gets set way below.  */
++                if (c == ']' && p != p1 + 1)
++                  break;
++                /* Look ahead to see if it's a range when the last thing
++                   was a character class.  */
++                if (had_char_class && c == '-' && *p != ']')
++                  FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_ERANGE);
++                /* Look ahead to see if it's a range when the last thing
++                   was a character: if this is a hyphen not at the
++                   beginning or the end of a list, then it's the range
++                   operator.  */
++                if (c == '-'
++                    && !(p - 2 >= pattern && p[-2] == '[')
++                    && !(p - 3 >= pattern && p[-3] == '[' && p[-2] == '^')
++                    && *p != ']')
++                  {
++                    reg_errcode_t ret
++                      = byte_compile_range (range_start, &p, pend, translate,
++					    syntax, b);
++                    if (ret != REG_NOERROR) FREE_STACK_RETURN (ret);
++		    range_start = 0xffffffff;
++                  }
++                else if (p[0] == '-' && p[1] != ']')
++                  { /* This handles ranges made up of characters only.  */
++                    reg_errcode_t ret;
++		    /* Move past the `-'.  */
++                    PATFETCH (c1);
++                    ret = byte_compile_range (c, &p, pend, translate, syntax, b);
++                    if (ret != REG_NOERROR) FREE_STACK_RETURN (ret);
++		    range_start = 0xffffffff;
++                  }
++                /* See if we're at the beginning of a possible character
++                   class.  */
++                else if (syntax & RE_CHAR_CLASSES && c == '[' && *p == ':')
++                  { /* Leave room for the null.  */
++                    char str[CHAR_CLASS_MAX_LENGTH + 1];
++                    PATFETCH (c);
++                    c1 = 0;
++                    /* If pattern is `[[:'.  */
++                    if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EBRACK);
++                    for (;;)
++                      {
++                        PATFETCH (c);
++                        if ((c == ':' && *p == ']') || p == pend)
++                          break;
++			if (((int) c1) < CHAR_CLASS_MAX_LENGTH)
++			  str[c1++] = c;
++			else
++			  /* This is in any case an invalid class name.  */
++			  str[0] = '\0';
++                      }
++                    str[c1] = '\0';
++                    /* If isn't a word bracketed by `[:' and `:]':
++                       undo the ending character, the letters, and leave
++                       the leading `:' and `[' (but set bits for them).  */
++                    if (c == ':' && *p == ']')
++                      {
++                        boolean is_lower = STREQ (str, "lower");
++                        boolean is_upper = STREQ (str, "upper");
++			wctype_t wt;
++                        int ch;
++			wt = IS_CHAR_CLASS (str);
++			if (wt == 0)
++                        /* Throw away the ] at the end of the character
++                           class.  */
++                        PATFETCH (c);
++                        if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EBRACK);
++                        for (ch = 0; ch < 1 << BYTEWIDTH; ++ch)
++			  {
++#  ifdef _LIBC
++			    if (__iswctype (__btowc (ch), wt))
++			      SET_LIST_BIT (ch);
++#  else
++			    if (iswctype (btowc (ch), wt))
++			      SET_LIST_BIT (ch);
++#  endif
++			    if (translate && (is_upper || is_lower)
++				&& (ISUPPER (ch) || ISLOWER (ch)))
++			      SET_LIST_BIT (ch);
++			  }
++                        had_char_class = true;
++# else
++                        int ch;
++                        boolean is_alnum = STREQ (str, "alnum");
++                        boolean is_alpha = STREQ (str, "alpha");
++                        boolean is_blank = STREQ (str, "blank");
++                        boolean is_cntrl = STREQ (str, "cntrl");
++                        boolean is_digit = STREQ (str, "digit");
++                        boolean is_graph = STREQ (str, "graph");
++                        boolean is_lower = STREQ (str, "lower");
++                        boolean is_print = STREQ (str, "print");
++                        boolean is_punct = STREQ (str, "punct");
++                        boolean is_space = STREQ (str, "space");
++                        boolean is_upper = STREQ (str, "upper");
++                        boolean is_xdigit = STREQ (str, "xdigit");
++                        if (!IS_CHAR_CLASS (str))
++                        /* Throw away the ] at the end of the character
++                           class.  */
++                        PATFETCH (c);
++                        if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EBRACK);
++                        for (ch = 0; ch < 1 << BYTEWIDTH; ch++)
++                          {
++			    /* This was split into 3 if's to
++			       avoid an arbitrary limit in some compiler.  */
++                            if (   (is_alnum  && ISALNUM (ch))
++                                || (is_alpha  && ISALPHA (ch))
++                                || (is_blank  && ISBLANK (ch))
++                                || (is_cntrl  && ISCNTRL (ch)))
++			      SET_LIST_BIT (ch);
++			    if (   (is_digit  && ISDIGIT (ch))
++                                || (is_graph  && ISGRAPH (ch))
++                                || (is_lower  && ISLOWER (ch))
++                                || (is_print  && ISPRINT (ch)))
++			      SET_LIST_BIT (ch);
++			    if (   (is_punct  && ISPUNCT (ch))
++                                || (is_space  && ISSPACE (ch))
++                                || (is_upper  && ISUPPER (ch))
++                                || (is_xdigit && ISXDIGIT (ch)))
++			      SET_LIST_BIT (ch);
++			    if (   translate && (is_upper || is_lower)
++				&& (ISUPPER (ch) || ISLOWER (ch)))
++			      SET_LIST_BIT (ch);
++                          }
++                        had_char_class = true;
++# endif	/* libc || wctype.h */
++                      }
++                    else
++                      {
++                        c1++;
++                        while (c1--)
++                          PATUNFETCH;
++                        SET_LIST_BIT ('[');
++                        SET_LIST_BIT (':');
++			range_start = ':';
++                        had_char_class = false;
++                      }
++                  }
++                else if (syntax & RE_CHAR_CLASSES && c == '[' && *p == '=')
++		  {
++		    unsigned char str[MB_LEN_MAX + 1];
++# ifdef _LIBC
++		    uint32_t nrules =
++# endif
++		    PATFETCH (c);
++		    c1 = 0;
++		    /* If pattern is `[[='.  */
++		    if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EBRACK);
++		    for (;;)
++		      {
++			PATFETCH (c);
++			if ((c == '=' && *p == ']') || p == pend)
++			  break;
++			if (c1 < MB_LEN_MAX)
++			  str[c1++] = c;
++			else
++			  /* This is in any case an invalid class name.  */
++			  str[0] = '\0';
++                      }
++		    str[c1] = '\0';
++		    if (c == '=' && *p == ']' && str[0] != '\0')
++		      {
++			/* If we have no collation data we use the default
++			   collation in which each character is in a class
++			   by itself.  It also means that ASCII is the
++			   character set and therefore we cannot have character
++			   with more than one byte in the multibyte
++			   representation.  */
++# ifdef _LIBC
++			if (nrules == 0)
++# endif
++			  {
++			    if (c1 != 1)
++			    /* Throw away the ] at the end of the equivalence
++			       class.  */
++			    PATFETCH (c);
++			    /* Set the bit for the character.  */
++			    SET_LIST_BIT (str[0]);
++			  }
++# ifdef _LIBC
++			else
++			  {
++			    /* Try to match the byte sequence in `str' against
++			       those known to the collate implementation.
++			       First find out whether the bytes in `str' are
++			       actually from exactly one character.  */
++			    const int32_t *table;
++			    const unsigned char *weights;
++			    const unsigned char *extra;
++			    const int32_t *indirect;
++			    int32_t idx;
++			    const unsigned char *cp = str;
++			    int ch;
++			    table = (const int32_t *)
++			    weights = (const unsigned char *)
++			    extra = (const unsigned char *)
++			    indirect = (const int32_t *)
++			    idx = FINDIDX (table, indirect, extra, &cp, 1);
++			    if (idx == 0 || cp < str + c1)
++			      /* This is no valid character.  */
++			    /* Throw away the ] at the end of the equivalence
++			       class.  */
++			    PATFETCH (c);
++			    /* Now we have to go throught the whole table
++			       and find all characters which have the same
++			       first level weight.
++			       XXX Note that this is not entirely correct.
++			       we would have to match multibyte sequences
++			       but this is not possible with the current
++			       implementation.  */
++			    for (ch = 1; ch < 256; ++ch)
++			      /* XXX This test would have to be changed if we
++				 would allow matching multibyte sequences.  */
++			      if (table[ch] > 0)
++				{
++				  int32_t idx2 = table[ch];
++				  size_t len = weights[idx2];
++				  /* Test whether the lenghts match.  */
++				  if (weights[idx] == len)
++				    {
++				      /* They do.  New compare the bytes of
++					 the weight.  */
++				      size_t cnt = 0;
++				      while (cnt < len
++					     && (weights[idx + 1 + cnt]
++						 == weights[idx2 + 1 + cnt]))
++					++cnt;
++				      if (cnt == len)
++					/* They match.  Mark the character as
++					   acceptable.  */
++					SET_LIST_BIT (ch);
++				    }
++				}
++			  }
++# endif
++			had_char_class = true;
++		      }
++                    else
++                      {
++                        c1++;
++                        while (c1--)
++                          PATUNFETCH;
++                        SET_LIST_BIT ('[');
++                        SET_LIST_BIT ('=');
++			range_start = '=';
++                        had_char_class = false;
++                      }
++		  }
++                else if (syntax & RE_CHAR_CLASSES && c == '[' && *p == '.')
++		  {
++		    unsigned char str[128];	/* Should be large enough.  */
++# ifdef _LIBC
++		    uint32_t nrules =
++# endif
++		    PATFETCH (c);
++		    c1 = 0;
++		    /* If pattern is `[[.'.  */
++		    if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EBRACK);
++		    for (;;)
++		      {
++			PATFETCH (c);
++			if ((c == '.' && *p == ']') || p == pend)
++			  break;
++			if (c1 < sizeof (str))
++			  str[c1++] = c;
++			else
++			  /* This is in any case an invalid class name.  */
++			  str[0] = '\0';
++                      }
++		    str[c1] = '\0';
++		    if (c == '.' && *p == ']' && str[0] != '\0')
++		      {
++			/* If we have no collation data we use the default
++			   collation in which each character is the name
++			   for its own class which contains only the one
++			   character.  It also means that ASCII is the
++			   character set and therefore we cannot have character
++			   with more than one byte in the multibyte
++			   representation.  */
++# ifdef _LIBC
++			if (nrules == 0)
++# endif
++			  {
++			    if (c1 != 1)
++			    /* Throw away the ] at the end of the equivalence
++			       class.  */
++			    PATFETCH (c);
++			    /* Set the bit for the character.  */
++			    SET_LIST_BIT (str[0]);
++			    range_start = ((const unsigned char *) str)[0];
++			  }
++# ifdef _LIBC
++			else
++			  {
++			    /* Try to match the byte sequence in `str' against
++			       those known to the collate implementation.
++			       First find out whether the bytes in `str' are
++			       actually from exactly one character.  */
++			    int32_t table_size;
++			    const int32_t *symb_table;
++			    const unsigned char *extra;
++			    int32_t idx;
++			    int32_t elem;
++			    int32_t second;
++			    int32_t hash;
++			    table_size =
++			    symb_table = (const int32_t *)
++			    extra = (const unsigned char *)
++			    /* Locate the character in the hashing table.  */
++			    hash = elem_hash ((const char *) str, c1);
++			    idx = 0;
++			    elem = hash % table_size;
++			    second = hash % (table_size - 2);
++			    while (symb_table[2 * elem] != 0)
++			      {
++				/* First compare the hashing value.  */
++				if (symb_table[2 * elem] == hash
++				    && c1 == extra[symb_table[2 * elem + 1]]
++				    && memcmp (str,
++					       &extra[symb_table[2 * elem + 1]
++						     + 1],
++					       c1) == 0)
++				  {
++				    /* Yep, this is the entry.  */
++				    idx = symb_table[2 * elem + 1];
++				    idx += 1 + extra[idx];
++				    break;
++				  }
++				/* Next entry.  */
++				elem += second;
++			      }
++			    if (symb_table[2 * elem] == 0)
++			      /* This is no valid character.  */
++			    /* Throw away the ] at the end of the equivalence
++			       class.  */
++			    PATFETCH (c);
++			    /* Now add the multibyte character(s) we found
++			       to the accept list.
++			       XXX Note that this is not entirely correct.
++			       we would have to match multibyte sequences
++			       but this is not possible with the current
++			       implementation.  Also, we have to match
++			       collating symbols, which expand to more than
++			       one file, as a whole and not allow the
++			       individual bytes.  */
++			    c1 = extra[idx++];
++			    if (c1 == 1)
++			      range_start = extra[idx];
++			    while (c1-- > 0)
++			      {
++				SET_LIST_BIT (extra[idx]);
++				++idx;
++			      }
++			  }
++# endif
++			had_char_class = false;
++		      }
++                    else
++                      {
++                        c1++;
++                        while (c1--)
++                          PATUNFETCH;
++                        SET_LIST_BIT ('[');
++                        SET_LIST_BIT ('.');
++			range_start = '.';
++                        had_char_class = false;
++                      }
++		  }
++                else
++                  {
++                    had_char_class = false;
++                    SET_LIST_BIT (c);
++		    range_start = c;
++                  }
++              }
++            /* Discard any (non)matching list bytes that are all 0 at the
++               end of the map.  Decrease the map-length byte too.  */
++            while ((int) b[-1] > 0 && b[b[-1] - 1] == 0)
++              b[-1]--;
++            b += b[-1];
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++          }
++          break;
++	case '(':
++          if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_PARENS)
++            goto handle_open;
++          else
++            goto normal_char;
++        case ')':
++          if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_PARENS)
++            goto handle_close;
++          else
++            goto normal_char;
++        case '\n':
++          if (syntax & RE_NEWLINE_ALT)
++            goto handle_alt;
++          else
++            goto normal_char;
++	case '|':
++          if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_VBAR)
++            goto handle_alt;
++          else
++            goto normal_char;
++        case '{':
++           if (syntax & RE_INTERVALS && syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES)
++             goto handle_interval;
++           else
++             goto normal_char;
++        case '\\':
++          if (p == pend) FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_EESCAPE);
++          /* Do not translate the character after the \, so that we can
++             distinguish, e.g., \B from \b, even if we normally would
++             translate, e.g., B to b.  */
++          PATFETCH_RAW (c);
++          switch (c)
++            {
++            case '(':
++              if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_PARENS)
++                goto normal_backslash;
++            handle_open:
++              bufp->re_nsub++;
++              regnum++;
++              if (COMPILE_STACK_FULL)
++                {
++                  RETALLOC (compile_stack.stack, compile_stack.size << 1,
++                            compile_stack_elt_t);
++                  if (compile_stack.stack == NULL) return REG_ESPACE;
++                  compile_stack.size <<= 1;
++                }
++              /* These are the values to restore when we hit end of this
++                 group.  They are all relative offsets, so that if the
++                 whole pattern moves because of realloc, they will still
++                 be valid.  */
++              COMPILE_STACK_TOP.begalt_offset = begalt - COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR;
++              COMPILE_STACK_TOP.fixup_alt_jump
++                = fixup_alt_jump ? fixup_alt_jump - COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR + 1 : 0;
++              COMPILE_STACK_TOP.laststart_offset = b - COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR;
++              COMPILE_STACK_TOP.regnum = regnum;
++              /* We will eventually replace the 0 with the number of
++                 groups inner to this one.  But do not push a
++                 start_memory for groups beyond the last one we can
++                 represent in the compiled pattern.  */
++              if (regnum <= MAX_REGNUM)
++                {
++                  COMPILE_STACK_TOP.inner_group_offset = b
++		    - COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR + 2;
++                  BUF_PUSH_3 (start_memory, regnum, 0);
++                }
++              compile_stack.avail++;
++              fixup_alt_jump = 0;
++              laststart = 0;
++              begalt = b;
++	      /* If we've reached MAX_REGNUM groups, then this open
++		 won't actually generate any code, so we'll have to
++		 clear pending_exact explicitly.  */
++	      pending_exact = 0;
++              break;
++            case ')':
++              if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_PARENS) goto normal_backslash;
++              if (COMPILE_STACK_EMPTY)
++		{
++		  if (syntax & RE_UNMATCHED_RIGHT_PAREN_ORD)
++		    goto normal_backslash;
++		  else
++		}
++            handle_close:
++              if (fixup_alt_jump)
++                { /* Push a dummy failure point at the end of the
++                     alternative for a possible future
++                     `pop_failure_jump' to pop.  See comments at
++                     `push_dummy_failure' in `re_match_2'.  */
++                  BUF_PUSH (push_dummy_failure);
++                  /* We allocated space for this jump when we assigned
++                     to `fixup_alt_jump', in the `handle_alt' case below.  */
++                  STORE_JUMP (jump_past_alt, fixup_alt_jump, b - 1);
++                }
++              /* See similar code for backslashed left paren above.  */
++              if (COMPILE_STACK_EMPTY)
++		{
++		  if (syntax & RE_UNMATCHED_RIGHT_PAREN_ORD)
++		    goto normal_char;
++		  else
++		}
++              /* Since we just checked for an empty stack above, this
++                 ``can't happen''.  */
++              assert (compile_stack.avail != 0);
++              {
++                /* We don't just want to restore into `regnum', because
++                   later groups should continue to be numbered higher,
++                   as in `(ab)c(de)' -- the second group is #2.  */
++                regnum_t this_group_regnum;
++                compile_stack.avail--;
++                begalt = COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR + COMPILE_STACK_TOP.begalt_offset;
++                fixup_alt_jump
++                  = COMPILE_STACK_TOP.fixup_alt_jump
++                    ? COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR + COMPILE_STACK_TOP.fixup_alt_jump - 1
++                    : 0;
++                laststart = COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR + COMPILE_STACK_TOP.laststart_offset;
++                this_group_regnum = COMPILE_STACK_TOP.regnum;
++		/* If we've reached MAX_REGNUM groups, then this open
++		   won't actually generate any code, so we'll have to
++		   clear pending_exact explicitly.  */
++		pending_exact = 0;
++                /* We're at the end of the group, so now we know how many
++                   groups were inside this one.  */
++                if (this_group_regnum <= MAX_REGNUM)
++                  {
++		    UCHAR_T *inner_group_loc
++                      = COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR + COMPILE_STACK_TOP.inner_group_offset;
++                    *inner_group_loc = regnum - this_group_regnum;
++                    BUF_PUSH_3 (stop_memory, this_group_regnum,
++                                regnum - this_group_regnum);
++                  }
++              }
++              break;
++            case '|':					/* `\|'.  */
++              if (syntax & RE_LIMITED_OPS || syntax & RE_NO_BK_VBAR)
++                goto normal_backslash;
++            handle_alt:
++              if (syntax & RE_LIMITED_OPS)
++                goto normal_char;
++              /* Insert before the previous alternative a jump which
++                 jumps to this alternative if the former fails.  */
++              INSERT_JUMP (on_failure_jump, begalt,
++			   b + 2 + 2 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE);
++              pending_exact = 0;
++              b += 1 + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++              /* The alternative before this one has a jump after it
++                 which gets executed if it gets matched.  Adjust that
++                 jump so it will jump to this alternative's analogous
++                 jump (put in below, which in turn will jump to the next
++                 (if any) alternative's such jump, etc.).  The last such
++                 jump jumps to the correct final destination.  A picture:
++                          _____ _____
++                          |   | |   |
++                          |   v |   v
++                         a | b   | c
++                 If we are at `b', then fixup_alt_jump right now points to a
++                 three-byte space after `a'.  We'll put in the jump, set
++                 fixup_alt_jump to right after `b', and leave behind three
++                 bytes which we'll fill in when we get to after `c'.  */
++              if (fixup_alt_jump)
++                STORE_JUMP (jump_past_alt, fixup_alt_jump, b);
++              /* Mark and leave space for a jump after this alternative,
++                 to be filled in later either by next alternative or
++                 when know we're at the end of a series of alternatives.  */
++              fixup_alt_jump = b;
++              b += 1 + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++              laststart = 0;
++              begalt = b;
++              break;
++            case '{':
++              /* If \{ is a literal.  */
++              if (!(syntax & RE_INTERVALS)
++                     /* If we're at `\{' and it's not the open-interval
++                        operator.  */
++		  || (syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES))
++                goto normal_backslash;
++            handle_interval:
++              {
++                /* If got here, then the syntax allows intervals.  */
++                /* At least (most) this many matches must be made.  */
++                int lower_bound = -1, upper_bound = -1;
++		/* Place in the uncompiled pattern (i.e., just after
++		   the '{') to go back to if the interval is invalid.  */
++		const CHAR_T *beg_interval = p;
++                if (p == pend)
++		  goto invalid_interval;
++                GET_UNSIGNED_NUMBER (lower_bound);
++                if (c == ',')
++                  {
++                    GET_UNSIGNED_NUMBER (upper_bound);
++		    if (upper_bound < 0)
++		      upper_bound = RE_DUP_MAX;
++                  }
++                else
++                  /* Interval such as `{1}' => match exactly once. */
++                  upper_bound = lower_bound;
++                if (! (0 <= lower_bound && lower_bound <= upper_bound))
++		  goto invalid_interval;
++                if (!(syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES))
++                  {
++		    if (c != '\\' || p == pend)
++		      goto invalid_interval;
++                    PATFETCH (c);
++                  }
++                if (c != '}')
++		  goto invalid_interval;
++                /* If it's invalid to have no preceding re.  */
++                if (!laststart)
++                  {
++		    if (syntax & RE_CONTEXT_INVALID_OPS
++			&& !(syntax & RE_INVALID_INTERVAL_ORD))
++                      FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_BADRPT);
++                    else if (syntax & RE_CONTEXT_INDEP_OPS)
++                      laststart = b;
++                    else
++                      goto unfetch_interval;
++                  }
++                /* We just parsed a valid interval.  */
++                if (RE_DUP_MAX < upper_bound)
++                /* If the upper bound is zero, don't want to succeed at
++                   all; jump from `laststart' to `b + 3', which will be
++		   the end of the buffer after we insert the jump.  */
++		/* ifdef WCHAR, 'b + 1 + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE'
++		   instead of 'b + 3'.  */
++                 if (upper_bound == 0)
++                   {
++                     GET_BUFFER_SPACE (1 + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE);
++                     INSERT_JUMP (jump, laststart, b + 1
++                     b += 1 + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++                   }
++                 /* Otherwise, we have a nontrivial interval.  When
++                    we're all done, the pattern will look like:
++                      set_number_at <jump count> <upper bound>
++                      set_number_at <succeed_n count> <lower bound>
++                      succeed_n <after jump addr> <succeed_n count>
++                      <body of loop>
++                      jump_n <succeed_n addr> <jump count>
++                    (The upper bound and `jump_n' are omitted if
++                    `upper_bound' is 1, though.)  */
++                 else
++                   { /* If the upper bound is > 1, we need to insert
++                        more at the end of the loop.  */
++                     unsigned nbytes = 2 + 4 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE +
++		       (upper_bound > 1) * (2 + 4 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE);
++                     GET_BUFFER_SPACE (nbytes);
++                     /* Initialize lower bound of the `succeed_n', even
++                        though it will be set during matching by its
++                        attendant `set_number_at' (inserted next),
++                        because `re_compile_fastmap' needs to know.
++                        Jump to the `jump_n' we might insert below.  */
++                     INSERT_JUMP2 (succeed_n, laststart,
++                                   b + 1 + 2 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE
++				   + (upper_bound > 1) * (1 + 2 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE)
++				   , lower_bound);
++                     b += 1 + 2 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++                     /* Code to initialize the lower bound.  Insert
++                        before the `succeed_n'.  The `5' is the last two
++                        bytes of this `set_number_at', plus 3 bytes of
++                        the following `succeed_n'.  */
++		     /* ifdef WCHAR, The '1+2*OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE'
++			is the 'set_number_at', plus '1+OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE'
++			of the following `succeed_n'.  */
++                     PREFIX(insert_op2) (set_number_at, laststart, 1
++				 + 2 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE, lower_bound, b);
++                     b += 1 + 2 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++                     if (upper_bound > 1)
++                       { /* More than one repetition is allowed, so
++                            append a backward jump to the `succeed_n'
++                            that starts this interval.
++                            When we've reached this during matching,
++                            we'll have matched the interval once, so
++                            jump back only `upper_bound - 1' times.  */
++                         STORE_JUMP2 (jump_n, b, laststart
++				      + 2 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE + 1,
++                                      upper_bound - 1);
++                         b += 1 + 2 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++                         /* The location we want to set is the second
++                            parameter of the `jump_n'; that is `b-2' as
++                            an absolute address.  `laststart' will be
++                            the `set_number_at' we're about to insert;
++                            `laststart+3' the number to set, the source
++                            for the relative address.  But we are
++                            inserting into the middle of the pattern --
++                            so everything is getting moved up by 5.
++                            Conclusion: (b - 2) - (laststart + 3) + 5,
++                            i.e., b - laststart.
++                            We insert this at the beginning of the loop
++                            so that if we fail during matching, we'll
++                            reinitialize the bounds.  */
++                         PREFIX(insert_op2) (set_number_at, laststart,
++					     b - laststart,
++					     upper_bound - 1, b);
++                         b += 1 + 2 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++                       }
++                   }
++                pending_exact = 0;
++		break;
++	      invalid_interval:
++		if (!(syntax & RE_INVALID_INTERVAL_ORD))
++	      unfetch_interval:
++		/* Match the characters as literals.  */
++		p = beg_interval;
++		c = '{';
++		if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES)
++		  goto normal_char;
++		else
++		  goto normal_backslash;
++	      }
++#ifdef emacs
++            /* There is no way to specify the before_dot and after_dot
++               operators.  rms says this is ok.  --karl  */
++            case '=':
++              BUF_PUSH (at_dot);
++              break;
++            case 's':
++              laststart = b;
++              PATFETCH (c);
++              BUF_PUSH_2 (syntaxspec, syntax_spec_code[c]);
++              break;
++            case 'S':
++              laststart = b;
++              PATFETCH (c);
++              BUF_PUSH_2 (notsyntaxspec, syntax_spec_code[c]);
++              break;
++#endif /* emacs */
++            case 'w':
++	      if (syntax & RE_NO_GNU_OPS)
++		goto normal_char;
++              laststart = b;
++              BUF_PUSH (wordchar);
++              break;
++            case 'W':
++	      if (syntax & RE_NO_GNU_OPS)
++		goto normal_char;
++              laststart = b;
++              BUF_PUSH (notwordchar);
++              break;
++            case '<':
++	      if (syntax & RE_NO_GNU_OPS)
++		goto normal_char;
++              BUF_PUSH (wordbeg);
++              break;
++            case '>':
++	      if (syntax & RE_NO_GNU_OPS)
++		goto normal_char;
++              BUF_PUSH (wordend);
++              break;
++            case 'b':
++	      if (syntax & RE_NO_GNU_OPS)
++		goto normal_char;
++              BUF_PUSH (wordbound);
++              break;
++            case 'B':
++	      if (syntax & RE_NO_GNU_OPS)
++		goto normal_char;
++              BUF_PUSH (notwordbound);
++              break;
++            case '`':
++	      if (syntax & RE_NO_GNU_OPS)
++		goto normal_char;
++              BUF_PUSH (begbuf);
++              break;
++            case '\'':
++	      if (syntax & RE_NO_GNU_OPS)
++		goto normal_char;
++              BUF_PUSH (endbuf);
++              break;
++            case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5':
++            case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
++              if (syntax & RE_NO_BK_REFS)
++                goto normal_char;
++              c1 = c - '0';
++              if (c1 > regnum)
++                FREE_STACK_RETURN (REG_ESUBREG);
++              /* Can't back reference to a subexpression if inside of it.  */
++              if (group_in_compile_stack (compile_stack, (regnum_t) c1))
++                goto normal_char;
++              laststart = b;
++              BUF_PUSH_2 (duplicate, c1);
++              break;
++            case '+':
++            case '?':
++              if (syntax & RE_BK_PLUS_QM)
++                goto handle_plus;
++              else
++                goto normal_backslash;
++            default:
++            normal_backslash:
++              /* You might think it would be useful for \ to mean
++                 not to translate; but if we don't translate it
++                 it will never match anything.  */
++              c = TRANSLATE (c);
++              goto normal_char;
++            }
++          break;
++	default:
++        /* Expects the character in `c'.  */
++	normal_char:
++	      /* If no exactn currently being built.  */
++          if (!pending_exact
++#ifdef WCHAR
++	      /* If last exactn handle binary(or character) and
++		 new exactn handle character(or binary).  */
++	      || is_exactn_bin != is_binary[p - 1 - pattern]
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++              /* If last exactn not at current position.  */
++              || pending_exact + *pending_exact + 1 != b
++              /* We have only one byte following the exactn for the count.  */
++	      || *pending_exact == (1 << BYTEWIDTH) - 1
++              /* If followed by a repetition operator.  */
++              || *p == '*' || *p == '^'
++	      || ((syntax & RE_BK_PLUS_QM)
++		  ? *p == '\\' && (p[1] == '+' || p[1] == '?')
++		  : (*p == '+' || *p == '?'))
++	      || ((syntax & RE_INTERVALS)
++                  && ((syntax & RE_NO_BK_BRACES)
++		      ? *p == '{'
++                      : (p[0] == '\\' && p[1] == '{'))))
++	    {
++	      /* Start building a new exactn.  */
++              laststart = b;
++#ifdef WCHAR
++	      /* Is this exactn binary data or character? */
++	      is_exactn_bin = is_binary[p - 1 - pattern];
++	      if (is_exactn_bin)
++		  BUF_PUSH_2 (exactn_bin, 0);
++	      else
++		  BUF_PUSH_2 (exactn, 0);
++	      BUF_PUSH_2 (exactn, 0);
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++	      pending_exact = b - 1;
++            }
++	  BUF_PUSH (c);
++          (*pending_exact)++;
++	  break;
++        } /* switch (c) */
++    } /* while p != pend */
++  /* Through the pattern now.  */
++  if (fixup_alt_jump)
++    STORE_JUMP (jump_past_alt, fixup_alt_jump, b);
++  /* If we don't want backtracking, force success
++     the first time we reach the end of the compiled pattern.  */
++  if (syntax & RE_NO_POSIX_BACKTRACKING)
++    BUF_PUSH (succeed);
++#ifdef WCHAR
++  free (pattern);
++  free (mbs_offset);
++  free (is_binary);
++  free (compile_stack.stack);
++  /* We have succeeded; set the length of the buffer.  */
++#ifdef WCHAR
++  bufp->used = (uintptr_t) b - (uintptr_t) COMPILED_BUFFER_VAR;
++  bufp->used = b - bufp->buffer;
++#ifdef DEBUG
++  if (debug)
++    {
++      DEBUG_PRINT1 ("\nCompiled pattern: \n");
++      PREFIX(print_compiled_pattern) (bufp);
++    }
++#endif /* DEBUG */
++  /* Initialize the failure stack to the largest possible stack.  This
++     isn't necessary unless we're trying to avoid calling alloca in
++     the search and match routines.  */
++  {
++    int num_regs = bufp->re_nsub + 1;
++    /* Since DOUBLE_FAIL_STACK refuses to double only if the current size
++       is strictly greater than re_max_failures, the largest possible stack
++       is 2 * re_max_failures failure points.  */
++    if (fail_stack.size < (2 * re_max_failures * MAX_FAILURE_ITEMS))
++      {
++	fail_stack.size = (2 * re_max_failures * MAX_FAILURE_ITEMS);
++# ifdef emacs
++	if (! fail_stack.stack)
++	  fail_stack.stack
++	    = (PREFIX(fail_stack_elt_t) *) xmalloc (fail_stack.size
++				    * sizeof (PREFIX(fail_stack_elt_t)));
++	else
++	  fail_stack.stack
++	    = (PREFIX(fail_stack_elt_t) *) xrealloc (fail_stack.stack,
++				     (fail_stack.size
++				      * sizeof (PREFIX(fail_stack_elt_t))));
++# else /* not emacs */
++	if (! fail_stack.stack)
++	  fail_stack.stack
++	    = (PREFIX(fail_stack_elt_t) *) malloc (fail_stack.size
++				   * sizeof (PREFIX(fail_stack_elt_t)));
++	else
++	  fail_stack.stack
++	    = (PREFIX(fail_stack_elt_t) *) realloc (fail_stack.stack,
++					    (fail_stack.size
++				     * sizeof (PREFIX(fail_stack_elt_t))));
++# endif /* not emacs */
++      }
++   PREFIX(regex_grow_registers) (num_regs);
++  }
++#endif /* not MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE */
++  return REG_NOERROR;
++} /* regex_compile */
++/* Subroutines for `regex_compile'.  */
++/* Store OP at LOC followed by two-byte integer parameter ARG.  */
++/* ifdef WCHAR, integer parameter is 1 wchar_t.  */
++static void
++PREFIX(store_op1) (re_opcode_t op, UCHAR_T *loc, int arg)
++  *loc = (UCHAR_T) op;
++  STORE_NUMBER (loc + 1, arg);
++/* Like `store_op1', but for two two-byte parameters ARG1 and ARG2.  */
++/* ifdef WCHAR, integer parameter is 1 wchar_t.  */
++static void
++PREFIX(store_op2) (re_opcode_t op, UCHAR_T *loc, int arg1, int arg2)
++  *loc = (UCHAR_T) op;
++  STORE_NUMBER (loc + 1, arg1);
++/* Copy the bytes from LOC to END to open up three bytes of space at LOC
++   for OP followed by two-byte integer parameter ARG.  */
++/* ifdef WCHAR, integer parameter is 1 wchar_t.  */
++static void
++PREFIX(insert_op1) (re_opcode_t op, UCHAR_T *loc, int arg, UCHAR_T *end)
++  register UCHAR_T *pfrom = end;
++  register UCHAR_T *pto = end + 1 + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++  while (pfrom != loc)
++    *--pto = *--pfrom;
++  PREFIX(store_op1) (op, loc, arg);
++/* Like `insert_op1', but for two two-byte parameters ARG1 and ARG2.  */
++/* ifdef WCHAR, integer parameter is 1 wchar_t.  */
++static void
++PREFIX(insert_op2) (re_opcode_t op, UCHAR_T *loc, int arg1,
++                    int arg2, UCHAR_T *end)
++  register UCHAR_T *pfrom = end;
++  register UCHAR_T *pto = end + 1 + 2 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++  while (pfrom != loc)
++    *--pto = *--pfrom;
++  PREFIX(store_op2) (op, loc, arg1, arg2);
++/* P points to just after a ^ in PATTERN.  Return true if that ^ comes
++   after an alternative or a begin-subexpression.  We assume there is at
++   least one character before the ^.  */
++static boolean
++PREFIX(at_begline_loc_p) (const CHAR_T *pattern, const CHAR_T *p,
++                          reg_syntax_t syntax)
++  const CHAR_T *prev = p - 2;
++  boolean prev_prev_backslash = prev > pattern && prev[-1] == '\\';
++  return
++       /* After a subexpression?  */
++       (*prev == '(' && (syntax & RE_NO_BK_PARENS || prev_prev_backslash))
++       /* After an alternative?  */
++    || (*prev == '|' && (syntax & RE_NO_BK_VBAR || prev_prev_backslash));
++/* The dual of at_begline_loc_p.  This one is for $.  We assume there is
++   at least one character after the $, i.e., `P < PEND'.  */
++static boolean
++PREFIX(at_endline_loc_p) (const CHAR_T *p, const CHAR_T *pend,
++                          reg_syntax_t syntax)
++  const CHAR_T *next = p;
++  boolean next_backslash = *next == '\\';
++  const CHAR_T *next_next = p + 1 < pend ? p + 1 : 0;
++  return
++       /* Before a subexpression?  */
++       (syntax & RE_NO_BK_PARENS ? *next == ')'
++        : next_backslash && next_next && *next_next == ')')
++       /* Before an alternative?  */
++    || (syntax & RE_NO_BK_VBAR ? *next == '|'
++        : next_backslash && next_next && *next_next == '|');
++#else /* not INSIDE_RECURSION */
++/* Returns true if REGNUM is in one of COMPILE_STACK's elements and
++   false if it's not.  */
++static boolean
++group_in_compile_stack (compile_stack_type compile_stack, regnum_t regnum)
++  int this_element;
++  for (this_element = compile_stack.avail - 1;
++       this_element >= 0;
++       this_element--)
++    if (compile_stack.stack[this_element].regnum == regnum)
++      return true;
++  return false;
++#endif /* not INSIDE_RECURSION */
++#ifdef WCHAR
++/* This insert space, which size is "num", into the pattern at "loc".
++   "end" must point the end of the allocated buffer.  */
++static void
++insert_space (int num, CHAR_T *loc, CHAR_T *end)
++  register CHAR_T *pto = end;
++  register CHAR_T *pfrom = end - num;
++  while (pfrom >= loc)
++    *pto-- = *pfrom--;
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++#ifdef WCHAR
++static reg_errcode_t
++wcs_compile_range (CHAR_T range_start_char, const CHAR_T **p_ptr,
++                   const CHAR_T *pend, RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE translate,
++                   reg_syntax_t syntax, CHAR_T *b, CHAR_T *char_set)
++  const CHAR_T *p = *p_ptr;
++  CHAR_T range_start, range_end;
++  reg_errcode_t ret;
++# ifdef _LIBC
++  uint32_t nrules;
++  uint32_t start_val, end_val;
++# endif
++  if (p == pend)
++    return REG_ERANGE;
++# ifdef _LIBC
++  if (nrules != 0)
++    {
++      const char *collseq = (const char *) _NL_CURRENT(LC_COLLATE,
++						       _NL_COLLATE_COLLSEQWC);
++      const unsigned char *extra = (const unsigned char *)
++      if (range_start_char < -1)
++	{
++	  /* range_start is a collating symbol.  */
++	  int32_t *wextra;
++	  /* Retreive the index and get collation sequence value.  */
++	  wextra = (int32_t*)(extra + char_set[-range_start_char]);
++	  start_val = wextra[1 + *wextra];
++	}
++      else
++	start_val = collseq_table_lookup(collseq, TRANSLATE(range_start_char));
++      end_val = collseq_table_lookup (collseq, TRANSLATE (p[0]));
++      /* Report an error if the range is empty and the syntax prohibits
++	 this.  */
++      ret = ((syntax & RE_NO_EMPTY_RANGES)
++	     && (start_val > end_val))? REG_ERANGE : REG_NOERROR;
++      /* Insert space to the end of the char_ranges.  */
++      insert_space(2, b - char_set[5] - 2, b - 1);
++      *(b - char_set[5] - 2) = (wchar_t)start_val;
++      *(b - char_set[5] - 1) = (wchar_t)end_val;
++      char_set[4]++; /* ranges_index */
++    }
++  else
++# endif
++    {
++      range_start = (range_start_char >= 0)? TRANSLATE (range_start_char):
++	range_start_char;
++      range_end = TRANSLATE (p[0]);
++      /* Report an error if the range is empty and the syntax prohibits
++	 this.  */
++      ret = ((syntax & RE_NO_EMPTY_RANGES)
++	     && (range_start > range_end))? REG_ERANGE : REG_NOERROR;
++      /* Insert space to the end of the char_ranges.  */
++      insert_space(2, b - char_set[5] - 2, b - 1);
++      *(b - char_set[5] - 2) = range_start;
++      *(b - char_set[5] - 1) = range_end;
++      char_set[4]++; /* ranges_index */
++    }
++  /* Have to increment the pointer into the pattern string, so the
++     caller isn't still at the ending character.  */
++  (*p_ptr)++;
++  return ret;
++#else /* BYTE */
++/* Read the ending character of a range (in a bracket expression) from the
++   uncompiled pattern *P_PTR (which ends at PEND).  We assume the
++   starting character is in `P[-2]'.  (`P[-1]' is the character `-'.)
++   Then we set the translation of all bits between the starting and
++   ending characters (inclusive) in the compiled pattern B.
++   Return an error code.
++   We use these short variable names so we can use the same macros as
++   `regex_compile' itself.  */
++static reg_errcode_t
++byte_compile_range (unsigned int range_start_char, const char **p_ptr,
++                    const char *pend, RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE translate,
++                    reg_syntax_t syntax, unsigned char *b)
++  unsigned this_char;
++  const char *p = *p_ptr;
++  reg_errcode_t ret;
++# if _LIBC
++  const unsigned char *collseq;
++  unsigned int start_colseq;
++  unsigned int end_colseq;
++# else
++  unsigned end_char;
++# endif
++  if (p == pend)
++    return REG_ERANGE;
++  /* Have to increment the pointer into the pattern string, so the
++     caller isn't still at the ending character.  */
++  (*p_ptr)++;
++  /* Report an error if the range is empty and the syntax prohibits this.  */
++# if _LIBC
++  collseq = (const unsigned char *) _NL_CURRENT (LC_COLLATE,
++  start_colseq = collseq[(unsigned char) TRANSLATE (range_start_char)];
++  end_colseq = collseq[(unsigned char) TRANSLATE (p[0])];
++  for (this_char = 0; this_char <= (unsigned char) -1; ++this_char)
++    {
++      unsigned int this_colseq = collseq[(unsigned char) TRANSLATE (this_char)];
++      if (start_colseq <= this_colseq && this_colseq <= end_colseq)
++	{
++	  SET_LIST_BIT (TRANSLATE (this_char));
++	  ret = REG_NOERROR;
++	}
++    }
++# else
++  /* Here we see why `this_char' has to be larger than an `unsigned
++     char' -- we would otherwise go into an infinite loop, since all
++     characters <= 0xff.  */
++  range_start_char = TRANSLATE (range_start_char);
++  /* TRANSLATE(p[0]) is casted to char (not unsigned char) in TRANSLATE,
++     and some compilers cast it to int implicitly, so following for_loop
++     may fall to (almost) infinite loop.
++     e.g. If translate[p[0]] = 0xff, end_char may equals to 0xffffffff.
++     To avoid this, we cast p[0] to unsigned int and truncate it.  */
++  end_char = ((unsigned)TRANSLATE(p[0]) & ((1 << BYTEWIDTH) - 1));
++  for (this_char = range_start_char; this_char <= end_char; ++this_char)
++    {
++      SET_LIST_BIT (TRANSLATE (this_char));
++      ret = REG_NOERROR;
++    }
++# endif
++  return ret;
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++/* re_compile_fastmap computes a ``fastmap'' for the compiled pattern in
++   BUFP.  A fastmap records which of the (1 << BYTEWIDTH) possible
++   characters can start a string that matches the pattern.  This fastmap
++   is used by re_search to skip quickly over impossible starting points.
++   The caller must supply the address of a (1 << BYTEWIDTH)-byte data
++   area as BUFP->fastmap.
++   We set the `fastmap', `fastmap_accurate', and `can_be_null' fields in
++   the pattern buffer.
++   Returns 0 if we succeed, -2 if an internal error.   */
++#ifdef WCHAR
++/* local function for re_compile_fastmap.
++   truncate wchar_t character to char.  */
++static unsigned char truncate_wchar (CHAR_T c);
++static unsigned char
++truncate_wchar (CHAR_T c)
++  unsigned char buf[MB_CUR_MAX];
++  mbstate_t state;
++  int retval;
++  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (state));
++# ifdef _LIBC
++  retval = __wcrtomb (buf, c, &state);
++# else
++  retval = wcrtomb (buf, c, &state);
++# endif
++  return retval > 0 ? buf[0] : (unsigned char) c;
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++static int
++PREFIX(re_compile_fastmap) (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp)
++  int j, k;
++  PREFIX(fail_stack_type) fail_stack;
++#ifndef REGEX_MALLOC
++  char *destination;
++  register char *fastmap = bufp->fastmap;
++#ifdef WCHAR
++  /* We need to cast pattern to (wchar_t*), because we casted this compiled
++     pattern to (char*) in regex_compile.  */
++  UCHAR_T *pattern = (UCHAR_T*)bufp->buffer;
++  register UCHAR_T *pend = (UCHAR_T*) (bufp->buffer + bufp->used);
++#else /* BYTE */
++  UCHAR_T *pattern = bufp->buffer;
++  register UCHAR_T *pend = pattern + bufp->used;
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++  UCHAR_T *p = pattern;
++#ifdef REL_ALLOC
++  /* This holds the pointer to the failure stack, when
++     it is allocated relocatably.  */
++  fail_stack_elt_t *failure_stack_ptr;
++  /* Assume that each path through the pattern can be null until
++     proven otherwise.  We set this false at the bottom of switch
++     statement, to which we get only if a particular path doesn't
++     match the empty string.  */
++  boolean path_can_be_null = true;
++  /* We aren't doing a `succeed_n' to begin with.  */
++  boolean succeed_n_p = false;
++  assert (fastmap != NULL && p != NULL);
++  bzero (fastmap, 1 << BYTEWIDTH);  /* Assume nothing's valid.  */
++  bufp->fastmap_accurate = 1;	    /* It will be when we're done.  */
++  bufp->can_be_null = 0;
++  while (1)
++    {
++      if (p == pend || *p == (UCHAR_T) succeed)
++	{
++	  /* We have reached the (effective) end of pattern.  */
++	  if (!FAIL_STACK_EMPTY ())
++	    {
++	      bufp->can_be_null |= path_can_be_null;
++	      /* Reset for next path.  */
++	      path_can_be_null = true;
++	      p = fail_stack.stack[--fail_stack.avail].pointer;
++	      continue;
++	    }
++	  else
++	    break;
++	}
++      /* We should never be about to go beyond the end of the pattern.  */
++      assert (p < pend);
++      switch (SWITCH_ENUM_CAST ((re_opcode_t) *p++))
++	{
++        /* I guess the idea here is to simply not bother with a fastmap
++           if a backreference is used, since it's too hard to figure out
++           the fastmap for the corresponding group.  Setting
++           `can_be_null' stops `re_search_2' from using the fastmap, so
++           that is all we do.  */
++	case duplicate:
++	  bufp->can_be_null = 1;
++          goto done;
++      /* Following are the cases which match a character.  These end
++         with `break'.  */
++#ifdef WCHAR
++	case exactn:
++          fastmap[truncate_wchar(p[1])] = 1;
++	  break;
++#else /* BYTE */
++	case exactn:
++          fastmap[p[1]] = 1;
++	  break;
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++#ifdef MBS_SUPPORT
++	case exactn_bin:
++	  fastmap[p[1]] = 1;
++	  break;
++#ifdef WCHAR
++        /* It is hard to distinguish fastmap from (multi byte) characters
++           which depends on current locale.  */
++        case charset:
++	case charset_not:
++	case wordchar:
++	case notwordchar:
++          bufp->can_be_null = 1;
++          goto done;
++#else /* BYTE */
++        case charset:
++          for (j = *p++ * BYTEWIDTH - 1; j >= 0; j--)
++	    if (p[j / BYTEWIDTH] & (1 << (j % BYTEWIDTH)))
++              fastmap[j] = 1;
++	  break;
++	case charset_not:
++	  /* Chars beyond end of map must be allowed.  */
++	  for (j = *p * BYTEWIDTH; j < (1 << BYTEWIDTH); j++)
++            fastmap[j] = 1;
++	  for (j = *p++ * BYTEWIDTH - 1; j >= 0; j--)
++	    if (!(p[j / BYTEWIDTH] & (1 << (j % BYTEWIDTH))))
++              fastmap[j] = 1;
++          break;
++	case wordchar:
++	  for (j = 0; j < (1 << BYTEWIDTH); j++)
++	    if (SYNTAX (j) == Sword)
++	      fastmap[j] = 1;
++	  break;
++	case notwordchar:
++	  for (j = 0; j < (1 << BYTEWIDTH); j++)
++	    if (SYNTAX (j) != Sword)
++	      fastmap[j] = 1;
++	  break;
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++        case anychar:
++	  {
++	    int fastmap_newline = fastmap['\n'];
++	    /* `.' matches anything ...  */
++	    for (j = 0; j < (1 << BYTEWIDTH); j++)
++	      fastmap[j] = 1;
++	    /* ... except perhaps newline.  */
++	    if (!(bufp->syntax & RE_DOT_NEWLINE))
++	      fastmap['\n'] = fastmap_newline;
++	    /* Return if we have already set `can_be_null'; if we have,
++	       then the fastmap is irrelevant.  Something's wrong here.  */
++	    else if (bufp->can_be_null)
++	      goto done;
++	    /* Otherwise, have to check alternative paths.  */
++	    break;
++	  }
++#ifdef emacs
++        case syntaxspec:
++	  k = *p++;
++	  for (j = 0; j < (1 << BYTEWIDTH); j++)
++	    if (SYNTAX (j) == (enum syntaxcode) k)
++	      fastmap[j] = 1;
++	  break;
++	case notsyntaxspec:
++	  k = *p++;
++	  for (j = 0; j < (1 << BYTEWIDTH); j++)
++	    if (SYNTAX (j) != (enum syntaxcode) k)
++	      fastmap[j] = 1;
++	  break;
++      /* All cases after this match the empty string.  These end with
++         `continue'.  */
++	case before_dot:
++	case at_dot:
++	case after_dot:
++          continue;
++#endif /* emacs */
++        case no_op:
++        case begline:
++        case endline:
++	case begbuf:
++	case endbuf:
++	case wordbound:
++	case notwordbound:
++	case wordbeg:
++	case wordend:
++        case push_dummy_failure:
++          continue;
++	case jump_n:
++        case pop_failure_jump:
++	case maybe_pop_jump:
++	case jump:
++        case jump_past_alt:
++	case dummy_failure_jump:
++          EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (j, p);
++	  p += j;
++	  if (j > 0)
++	    continue;
++          /* Jump backward implies we just went through the body of a
++             loop and matched nothing.  Opcode jumped to should be
++             `on_failure_jump' or `succeed_n'.  Just treat it like an
++             ordinary jump.  For a * loop, it has pushed its failure
++             point already; if so, discard that as redundant.  */
++          if ((re_opcode_t) *p != on_failure_jump
++	      && (re_opcode_t) *p != succeed_n)
++	    continue;
++          p++;
++          EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (j, p);
++          p += j;
++          /* If what's on the stack is where we are now, pop it.  */
++          if (!FAIL_STACK_EMPTY ()
++	      && fail_stack.stack[fail_stack.avail - 1].pointer == p)
++            fail_stack.avail--;
++          continue;
++        case on_failure_jump:
++        case on_failure_keep_string_jump:
++	handle_on_failure_jump:
++          EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (j, p);
++          /* For some patterns, e.g., `(a?)?', `p+j' here points to the
++             end of the pattern.  We don't want to push such a point,
++             since when we restore it above, entering the switch will
++             increment `p' past the end of the pattern.  We don't need
++             to push such a point since we obviously won't find any more
++             fastmap entries beyond `pend'.  Such a pattern can match
++             the null string, though.  */
++          if (p + j < pend)
++            {
++              if (!PUSH_PATTERN_OP (p + j, fail_stack))
++		{
++		  return -2;
++		}
++            }
++          else
++            bufp->can_be_null = 1;
++          if (succeed_n_p)
++            {
++              EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (k, p);	/* Skip the n.  */
++              succeed_n_p = false;
++	    }
++          continue;
++	case succeed_n:
++          /* Get to the number of times to succeed.  */
++          p += OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++          /* Increment p past the n for when k != 0.  */
++          EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (k, p);
++          if (k == 0)
++	    {
++              p -= 2 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++  	      succeed_n_p = true;  /* Spaghetti code alert.  */
++              goto handle_on_failure_jump;
++            }
++          continue;
++	case set_number_at:
++          p += 2 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++          continue;
++	case start_memory:
++        case stop_memory:
++	  p += 2;
++	  continue;
++	default:
++          abort (); /* We have listed all the cases.  */
++        } /* switch *p++ */
++      /* Getting here means we have found the possible starting
++         characters for one path of the pattern -- and that the empty
++         string does not match.  We need not follow this path further.
++         Instead, look at the next alternative (remembered on the
++         stack), or quit if no more.  The test at the top of the loop
++         does these things.  */
++      path_can_be_null = false;
++      p = pend;
++    } /* while p */
++  /* Set `can_be_null' for the last path (also the first path, if the
++     pattern is empty).  */
++  bufp->can_be_null |= path_can_be_null;
++ done:
++  return 0;
++#else /* not INSIDE_RECURSION */
++re_compile_fastmap (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp)
++# ifdef MBS_SUPPORT
++  if (MB_CUR_MAX != 1)
++    return wcs_re_compile_fastmap(bufp);
++  else
++# endif
++    return byte_re_compile_fastmap(bufp);
++} /* re_compile_fastmap */
++#ifdef _LIBC
++weak_alias (__re_compile_fastmap, re_compile_fastmap)
++/* Set REGS to hold NUM_REGS registers, storing them in STARTS and
++   ENDS.  Subsequent matches using PATTERN_BUFFER and REGS will use
++   this memory for recording register information.  STARTS and ENDS
++   must be allocated using the malloc library routine, and must each
++   be at least NUM_REGS * sizeof (regoff_t) bytes long.
++   If NUM_REGS == 0, then subsequent matches should allocate their own
++   register data.
++   Unless this function is called, the first search or match using
++   PATTERN_BUFFER will allocate its own register data, without
++   freeing the old data.  */
++re_set_registers (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp,
++                  struct re_registers *regs, unsigned num_regs,
++                  regoff_t *starts, regoff_t *ends)
++  if (num_regs)
++    {
++      bufp->regs_allocated = REGS_REALLOCATE;
++      regs->num_regs = num_regs;
++      regs->start = starts;
++      regs->end = ends;
++    }
++  else
++    {
++      bufp->regs_allocated = REGS_UNALLOCATED;
++      regs->num_regs = 0;
++      regs->start = regs->end = (regoff_t *) 0;
++    }
++#ifdef _LIBC
++weak_alias (__re_set_registers, re_set_registers)
++/* Searching routines.  */
++/* Like re_search_2, below, but only one string is specified, and
++   doesn't let you say where to stop matching.  */
++re_search (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp, const char *string, int size,
++           int startpos, int range, struct re_registers *regs)
++  return re_search_2 (bufp, NULL, 0, string, size, startpos, range,
++		      regs, size);
++#ifdef _LIBC
++weak_alias (__re_search, re_search)
++/* Using the compiled pattern in BUFP->buffer, first tries to match the
++   virtual concatenation of STRING1 and STRING2, starting first at index
++   STARTPOS, then at STARTPOS + 1, and so on.
++   STRING1 and STRING2 have length SIZE1 and SIZE2, respectively.
++   RANGE is how far to scan while trying to match.  RANGE = 0 means try
++   only at STARTPOS; in general, the last start tried is STARTPOS +
++   RANGE.
++   In REGS, return the indices of the virtual concatenation of STRING1
++   and STRING2 that matched the entire BUFP->buffer and its contained
++   subexpressions.
++   Do not consider matching one past the index STOP in the virtual
++   concatenation of STRING1 and STRING2.
++   We return either the position in the strings at which the match was
++   found, -1 if no match, or -2 if error (such as failure
++   stack overflow).  */
++re_search_2 (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp, const char *string1, int size1,
++             const char *string2, int size2, int startpos, int range,
++             struct re_registers *regs, int stop)
++# ifdef MBS_SUPPORT
++  if (MB_CUR_MAX != 1)
++    return wcs_re_search_2 (bufp, string1, size1, string2, size2, startpos,
++			    range, regs, stop);
++  else
++# endif
++    return byte_re_search_2 (bufp, string1, size1, string2, size2, startpos,
++			     range, regs, stop);
++} /* re_search_2 */
++#ifdef _LIBC
++weak_alias (__re_search_2, re_search_2)
++#endif /* not INSIDE_RECURSION */
++# define FREE_VAR(var) if (var) REGEX_FREE (var); var = NULL
++# define FREE_VAR(var) if (var) free (var); var = NULL
++#ifdef WCHAR
++# define MAX_ALLOCA_SIZE	2000
++# define FREE_WCS_BUFFERS() \
++  do {									      \
++    if (size1 > MAX_ALLOCA_SIZE)					      \
++      {									      \
++	free (wcs_string1);						      \
++	free (mbs_offset1);						      \
++      }									      \
++    else								      \
++      {									      \
++	FREE_VAR (wcs_string1);						      \
++	FREE_VAR (mbs_offset1);						      \
++      }									      \
++    if (size2 > MAX_ALLOCA_SIZE) 					      \
++      {									      \
++	free (wcs_string2);						      \
++	free (mbs_offset2);						      \
++      }									      \
++    else								      \
++      {									      \
++	FREE_VAR (wcs_string2);						      \
++	FREE_VAR (mbs_offset2);						      \
++      }									      \
++  } while (0)
++static int
++PREFIX(re_search_2) (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp, const char *string1,
++                     int size1, const char *string2, int size2,
++                     int startpos, int range,
++                     struct re_registers *regs, int stop)
++  int val;
++  register char *fastmap = bufp->fastmap;
++  register RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE translate = bufp->translate;
++  int total_size = size1 + size2;
++  int endpos = startpos + range;
++#ifdef WCHAR
++  /* We need wchar_t* buffers correspond to cstring1, cstring2.  */
++  wchar_t *wcs_string1 = NULL, *wcs_string2 = NULL;
++  /* We need the size of wchar_t buffers correspond to csize1, csize2.  */
++  int wcs_size1 = 0, wcs_size2 = 0;
++  /* offset buffer for optimizatoin. See convert_mbs_to_wc.  */
++  int *mbs_offset1 = NULL, *mbs_offset2 = NULL;
++  /* They hold whether each wchar_t is binary data or not.  */
++  char *is_binary = NULL;
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++  /* Check for out-of-range STARTPOS.  */
++  if (startpos < 0 || startpos > total_size)
++    return -1;
++  /* Fix up RANGE if it might eventually take us outside
++     the virtual concatenation of STRING1 and STRING2.
++     Make sure we won't move STARTPOS below 0 or above TOTAL_SIZE.  */
++  if (endpos < 0)
++    range = 0 - startpos;
++  else if (endpos > total_size)
++    range = total_size - startpos;
++  /* If the search isn't to be a backwards one, don't waste time in a
++     search for a pattern that must be anchored.  */
++  if (bufp->used > 0 && range > 0
++      && ((re_opcode_t) bufp->buffer[0] == begbuf
++	  /* `begline' is like `begbuf' if it cannot match at newlines.  */
++	  || ((re_opcode_t) bufp->buffer[0] == begline
++	      && !bufp->newline_anchor)))
++    {
++      if (startpos > 0)
++	return -1;
++      else
++	range = 1;
++    }
++#ifdef emacs
++  /* In a forward search for something that starts with \=.
++     don't keep searching past point.  */
++  if (bufp->used > 0 && (re_opcode_t) bufp->buffer[0] == at_dot && range > 0)
++    {
++      range = PT - startpos;
++      if (range <= 0)
++	return -1;
++    }
++#endif /* emacs */
++  /* Update the fastmap now if not correct already.  */
++  if (fastmap && !bufp->fastmap_accurate)
++    if (re_compile_fastmap (bufp) == -2)
++      return -2;
++#ifdef WCHAR
++  /* Allocate wchar_t array for wcs_string1 and wcs_string2 and
++     fill them with converted string.  */
++  if (size1 != 0)
++    {
++      if (size1 > MAX_ALLOCA_SIZE)
++	{
++	  wcs_string1 = TALLOC (size1 + 1, CHAR_T);
++	  mbs_offset1 = TALLOC (size1 + 1, int);
++	  is_binary = TALLOC (size1 + 1, char);
++	}
++      else
++	{
++	  wcs_string1 = REGEX_TALLOC (size1 + 1, CHAR_T);
++	  mbs_offset1 = REGEX_TALLOC (size1 + 1, int);
++	  is_binary = REGEX_TALLOC (size1 + 1, char);
++	}
++      if (!wcs_string1 || !mbs_offset1 || !is_binary)
++	{
++	  if (size1 > MAX_ALLOCA_SIZE)
++	    {
++	      free (wcs_string1);
++	      free (mbs_offset1);
++	      free (is_binary);
++	    }
++	  else
++	    {
++	      FREE_VAR (wcs_string1);
++	      FREE_VAR (mbs_offset1);
++	      FREE_VAR (is_binary);
++	    }
++	  return -2;
++	}
++      wcs_size1 = convert_mbs_to_wcs(wcs_string1, string1, size1,
++				     mbs_offset1, is_binary);
++      wcs_string1[wcs_size1] = L'\0'; /* for a sentinel  */
++      if (size1 > MAX_ALLOCA_SIZE)
++	free (is_binary);
++      else
++	FREE_VAR (is_binary);
++    }
++  if (size2 != 0)
++    {
++      if (size2 > MAX_ALLOCA_SIZE)
++	{
++	  wcs_string2 = TALLOC (size2 + 1, CHAR_T);
++	  mbs_offset2 = TALLOC (size2 + 1, int);
++	  is_binary = TALLOC (size2 + 1, char);
++	}
++      else
++	{
++	  wcs_string2 = REGEX_TALLOC (size2 + 1, CHAR_T);
++	  mbs_offset2 = REGEX_TALLOC (size2 + 1, int);
++	  is_binary = REGEX_TALLOC (size2 + 1, char);
++	}
++      if (!wcs_string2 || !mbs_offset2 || !is_binary)
++	{
++	  if (size2 > MAX_ALLOCA_SIZE)
++	    free (is_binary);
++	  else
++	    FREE_VAR (is_binary);
++	  return -2;
++	}
++      wcs_size2 = convert_mbs_to_wcs(wcs_string2, string2, size2,
++				     mbs_offset2, is_binary);
++      wcs_string2[wcs_size2] = L'\0'; /* for a sentinel  */
++      if (size2 > MAX_ALLOCA_SIZE)
++	free (is_binary);
++      else
++	FREE_VAR (is_binary);
++    }
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++  /* Loop through the string, looking for a place to start matching.  */
++  for (;;)
++    {
++      /* If a fastmap is supplied, skip quickly over characters that
++         cannot be the start of a match.  If the pattern can match the
++         null string, however, we don't need to skip characters; we want
++         the first null string.  */
++      if (fastmap && startpos < total_size && !bufp->can_be_null)
++	{
++	  if (range > 0)	/* Searching forwards.  */
++	    {
++	      register const char *d;
++	      register int lim = 0;
++	      int irange = range;
++              if (startpos < size1 && startpos + range >= size1)
++                lim = range - (size1 - startpos);
++	      d = (startpos >= size1 ? string2 - size1 : string1) + startpos;
++              /* Written out as an if-else to avoid testing `translate'
++                 inside the loop.  */
++	      if (translate)
++                while (range > lim
++                       && !fastmap[(unsigned char)
++				   translate[(unsigned char) *d++]])
++                  range--;
++	      else
++                while (range > lim && !fastmap[(unsigned char) *d++])
++                  range--;
++	      startpos += irange - range;
++	    }
++	  else				/* Searching backwards.  */
++	    {
++	      register CHAR_T c = (size1 == 0 || startpos >= size1
++				      ? string2[startpos - size1]
++				      : string1[startpos]);
++	      if (!fastmap[(unsigned char) TRANSLATE (c)])
++		goto advance;
++	    }
++	}
++      /* If can't match the null string, and that's all we have left, fail.  */
++      if (range >= 0 && startpos == total_size && fastmap
++          && !bufp->can_be_null)
++       {
++#ifdef WCHAR
++         FREE_WCS_BUFFERS ();
++         return -1;
++       }
++#ifdef WCHAR
++      val = wcs_re_match_2_internal (bufp, string1, size1, string2,
++				     size2, startpos, regs, stop,
++				     wcs_string1, wcs_size1,
++				     wcs_string2, wcs_size2,
++				     mbs_offset1, mbs_offset2);
++#else /* BYTE */
++      val = byte_re_match_2_internal (bufp, string1, size1, string2,
++				      size2, startpos, regs, stop);
++#endif /* BYTE */
++#ifndef REGEX_MALLOC
++# ifdef C_ALLOCA
++      alloca (0);
++# endif
++      if (val >= 0)
++	{
++#ifdef WCHAR
++	  return startpos;
++	}
++      if (val == -2)
++	{
++#ifdef WCHAR
++	  return -2;
++	}
++    advance:
++      if (!range)
++        break;
++      else if (range > 0)
++        {
++          range--;
++          startpos++;
++        }
++      else
++        {
++          range++;
++          startpos--;
++        }
++    }
++#ifdef WCHAR
++  return -1;
++#ifdef WCHAR
++/* This converts PTR, a pointer into one of the search wchar_t strings
++   `string1' and `string2' into an multibyte string offset from the
++   beginning of that string. We use mbs_offset to optimize.
++   See convert_mbs_to_wcs.  */
++# define POINTER_TO_OFFSET(ptr)						\
++  (FIRST_STRING_P (ptr)							\
++   ? ((regoff_t)(mbs_offset1 != NULL? mbs_offset1[(ptr)-string1] : 0))	\
++   : ((regoff_t)((mbs_offset2 != NULL? mbs_offset2[(ptr)-string2] : 0)	\
++		 + csize1)))
++#else /* BYTE */
++/* This converts PTR, a pointer into one of the search strings `string1'
++   and `string2' into an offset from the beginning of that string.  */
++# define POINTER_TO_OFFSET(ptr)			\
++  (FIRST_STRING_P (ptr)				\
++   ? ((regoff_t) ((ptr) - string1))		\
++   : ((regoff_t) ((ptr) - string2 + size1)))
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++/* Macros for dealing with the split strings in re_match_2.  */
++#define MATCHING_IN_FIRST_STRING  (dend == end_match_1)
++/* Call before fetching a character with *d.  This switches over to
++   string2 if necessary.  */
++#define PREFETCH()							\
++  while (d == dend)						    	\
++    {									\
++      /* End of string2 => fail.  */					\
++      if (dend == end_match_2) 						\
++        goto fail;							\
++      /* End of string1 => advance to string2.  */ 			\
++      d = string2;						        \
++      dend = end_match_2;						\
++    }
++/* Test if at very beginning or at very end of the virtual concatenation
++   of `string1' and `string2'.  If only one string, it's `string2'.  */
++#define AT_STRINGS_BEG(d) ((d) == (size1 ? string1 : string2) || !size2)
++#define AT_STRINGS_END(d) ((d) == end2)
++/* Test if D points to a character which is word-constituent.  We have
++   two special cases to check for: if past the end of string1, look at
++   the first character in string2; and if before the beginning of
++   string2, look at the last character in string1.  */
++#ifdef WCHAR
++/* Use internationalized API instead of SYNTAX.  */
++# define WORDCHAR_P(d)							\
++  (iswalnum ((wint_t)((d) == end1 ? *string2				\
++           : (d) == string2 - 1 ? *(end1 - 1) : *(d))) != 0		\
++   || ((d) == end1 ? *string2						\
++       : (d) == string2 - 1 ? *(end1 - 1) : *(d)) == L'_')
++#else /* BYTE */
++# define WORDCHAR_P(d)							\
++  (SYNTAX ((d) == end1 ? *string2					\
++           : (d) == string2 - 1 ? *(end1 - 1) : *(d))			\
++   == Sword)
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++/* Disabled due to a compiler bug -- see comment at case wordbound */
++#if 0
++/* Test if the character before D and the one at D differ with respect
++   to being word-constituent.  */
++#define AT_WORD_BOUNDARY(d)						\
++  (AT_STRINGS_BEG (d) || AT_STRINGS_END (d)				\
++   || WORDCHAR_P (d - 1) != WORDCHAR_P (d))
++/* Free everything we malloc.  */
++# ifdef WCHAR
++#  define FREE_VARIABLES()						\
++  do {									\
++    REGEX_FREE_STACK (fail_stack.stack);				\
++    FREE_VAR (regstart);						\
++    FREE_VAR (regend);							\
++    FREE_VAR (old_regstart);						\
++    FREE_VAR (old_regend);						\
++    FREE_VAR (best_regstart);						\
++    FREE_VAR (best_regend);						\
++    FREE_VAR (reg_info);						\
++    FREE_VAR (reg_dummy);						\
++    FREE_VAR (reg_info_dummy);						\
++    if (!cant_free_wcs_buf)						\
++      {									\
++        FREE_VAR (string1);						\
++        FREE_VAR (string2);						\
++        FREE_VAR (mbs_offset1);						\
++        FREE_VAR (mbs_offset2);						\
++      }									\
++  } while (0)
++# else /* BYTE */
++#  define FREE_VARIABLES()						\
++  do {									\
++    REGEX_FREE_STACK (fail_stack.stack);				\
++    FREE_VAR (regstart);						\
++    FREE_VAR (regend);							\
++    FREE_VAR (old_regstart);						\
++    FREE_VAR (old_regend);						\
++    FREE_VAR (best_regstart);						\
++    FREE_VAR (best_regend);						\
++    FREE_VAR (reg_info);						\
++    FREE_VAR (reg_dummy);						\
++    FREE_VAR (reg_info_dummy);						\
++  } while (0)
++# endif /* WCHAR */
++# ifdef WCHAR
++#  define FREE_VARIABLES()						\
++  do {									\
++    if (!cant_free_wcs_buf)						\
++      {									\
++        FREE_VAR (string1);						\
++        FREE_VAR (string2);						\
++        FREE_VAR (mbs_offset1);						\
++        FREE_VAR (mbs_offset2);						\
++      }									\
++  } while (0)
++# else /* BYTE */
++#  define FREE_VARIABLES() ((void)0) /* Do nothing!  But inhibit gcc warning. */
++# endif /* WCHAR */
++#endif /* not MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE */
++/* These values must meet several constraints.  They must not be valid
++   register values; since we have a limit of 255 registers (because
++   we use only one byte in the pattern for the register number), we can
++   use numbers larger than 255.  They must differ by 1, because of
++   NUM_FAILURE_ITEMS above.  And the value for the lowest register must
++   be larger than the value for the highest register, so we do not try
++   to actually save any registers when none are active.  */
++#else /* not INSIDE_RECURSION */
++/* Matching routines.  */
++#ifndef emacs   /* Emacs never uses this.  */
++/* re_match is like re_match_2 except it takes only a single string.  */
++re_match (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp, const char *string,
++          int size, int pos, struct re_registers *regs)
++  int result;
++# ifdef MBS_SUPPORT
++  if (MB_CUR_MAX != 1)
++    result = wcs_re_match_2_internal (bufp, NULL, 0, string, size,
++				      pos, regs, size,
++				      NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
++  else
++# endif
++    result = byte_re_match_2_internal (bufp, NULL, 0, string, size,
++				  pos, regs, size);
++# ifndef REGEX_MALLOC
++#  ifdef C_ALLOCA
++  alloca (0);
++#  endif
++# endif
++  return result;
++# ifdef _LIBC
++weak_alias (__re_match, re_match)
++# endif
++#endif /* not emacs */
++#endif /* not INSIDE_RECURSION */
++static boolean PREFIX(group_match_null_string_p) (UCHAR_T **p,
++                                                  UCHAR_T *end,
++					PREFIX(register_info_type) *reg_info);
++static boolean PREFIX(alt_match_null_string_p) (UCHAR_T *p,
++                                                UCHAR_T *end,
++					PREFIX(register_info_type) *reg_info);
++static boolean PREFIX(common_op_match_null_string_p) (UCHAR_T **p,
++                                                      UCHAR_T *end,
++					PREFIX(register_info_type) *reg_info);
++static int PREFIX(bcmp_translate) (const CHAR_T *s1, const CHAR_T *s2,
++                                   register int len,
++				   RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE translate);
++#else /* not INSIDE_RECURSION */
++/* re_match_2 matches the compiled pattern in BUFP against the
++   the (virtual) concatenation of STRING1 and STRING2 (of length SIZE1
++   and SIZE2, respectively).  We start matching at POS, and stop
++   matching at STOP.
++   If REGS is non-null and the `no_sub' field of BUFP is nonzero, we
++   store offsets for the substring each group matched in REGS.  See the
++   documentation for exactly how many groups we fill.
++   We return -1 if no match, -2 if an internal error (such as the
++   failure stack overflowing).  Otherwise, we return the length of the
++   matched substring.  */
++re_match_2 (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp, const char *string1, int size1,
++            const char *string2, int size2, int pos,
++            struct re_registers *regs, int stop)
++  int result;
++# ifdef MBS_SUPPORT
++  if (MB_CUR_MAX != 1)
++    result = wcs_re_match_2_internal (bufp, string1, size1, string2, size2,
++				      pos, regs, stop,
++				      NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
++  else
++# endif
++    result = byte_re_match_2_internal (bufp, string1, size1, string2, size2,
++				  pos, regs, stop);
++#ifndef REGEX_MALLOC
++# ifdef C_ALLOCA
++  alloca (0);
++# endif
++  return result;
++#ifdef _LIBC
++weak_alias (__re_match_2, re_match_2)
++#endif /* not INSIDE_RECURSION */
++#ifdef WCHAR
++static int count_mbs_length (int *, int);
++/* This check the substring (from 0, to length) of the multibyte string,
++   to which offset_buffer correspond. And count how many wchar_t_characters
++   the substring occupy. We use offset_buffer to optimization.
++   See convert_mbs_to_wcs.  */
++static int
++count_mbs_length(int *offset_buffer, int length)
++  int upper, lower;
++  /* Check whether the size is valid.  */
++  if (length < 0)
++    return -1;
++  if (offset_buffer == NULL)
++    return 0;
++  /* If there are no multibyte character, offset_buffer[i] == i.
++   Optmize for this case.  */
++  if (offset_buffer[length] == length)
++    return length;
++  /* Set up upper with length. (because for all i, offset_buffer[i] >= i)  */
++  upper = length;
++  lower = 0;
++  while (true)
++    {
++      int middle = (lower + upper) / 2;
++      if (middle == lower || middle == upper)
++	break;
++      if (offset_buffer[middle] > length)
++	upper = middle;
++      else if (offset_buffer[middle] < length)
++	lower = middle;
++      else
++	return middle;
++    }
++  return -1;
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++/* This is a separate function so that we can force an alloca cleanup
++   afterwards.  */
++#ifdef WCHAR
++static int
++wcs_re_match_2_internal (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp,
++                         const char *cstring1, int csize1,
++                         const char *cstring2, int csize2,
++                         int pos,
++			 struct re_registers *regs,
++                         int stop,
++     /* string1 == string2 == NULL means string1/2, size1/2 and
++	mbs_offset1/2 need seting up in this function.  */
++     /* We need wchar_t* buffers correspond to cstring1, cstring2.  */
++                         wchar_t *string1, int size1,
++                         wchar_t *string2, int size2,
++     /* offset buffer for optimizatoin. See convert_mbs_to_wc.  */
++			 int *mbs_offset1, int *mbs_offset2)
++#else /* BYTE */
++static int
++byte_re_match_2_internal (struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp,
++                          const char *string1, int size1,
++                          const char *string2, int size2,
++                          int pos,
++			  struct re_registers *regs, int stop)
++#endif /* BYTE */
++  /* General temporaries.  */
++  int mcnt;
++  UCHAR_T *p1;
++#ifdef WCHAR
++  /* They hold whether each wchar_t is binary data or not.  */
++  char *is_binary = NULL;
++  /* If true, we can't free string1/2, mbs_offset1/2.  */
++  int cant_free_wcs_buf = 1;
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++  /* Just past the end of the corresponding string.  */
++  const CHAR_T *end1, *end2;
++  /* Pointers into string1 and string2, just past the last characters in
++     each to consider matching.  */
++  const CHAR_T *end_match_1, *end_match_2;
++  /* Where we are in the data, and the end of the current string.  */
++  const CHAR_T *d, *dend;
++  /* Where we are in the pattern, and the end of the pattern.  */
++#ifdef WCHAR
++  UCHAR_T *pattern, *p;
++  register UCHAR_T *pend;
++#else /* BYTE */
++  UCHAR_T *p = bufp->buffer;
++  register UCHAR_T *pend = p + bufp->used;
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++  /* Mark the opcode just after a start_memory, so we can test for an
++     empty subpattern when we get to the stop_memory.  */
++  UCHAR_T *just_past_start_mem = 0;
++  /* We use this to map every character in the string.  */
++  RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE translate = bufp->translate;
++  /* Failure point stack.  Each place that can handle a failure further
++     down the line pushes a failure point on this stack.  It consists of
++     restart, regend, and reg_info for all registers corresponding to
++     the subexpressions we're currently inside, plus the number of such
++     registers, and, finally, two char *'s.  The first char * is where
++     to resume scanning the pattern; the second one is where to resume
++     scanning the strings.  If the latter is zero, the failure point is
++     a ``dummy''; if a failure happens and the failure point is a dummy,
++     it gets discarded and the next next one is tried.  */
++#ifdef MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE /* otherwise, this is global.  */
++  PREFIX(fail_stack_type) fail_stack;
++#ifdef DEBUG
++  static unsigned failure_id;
++  unsigned nfailure_points_pushed = 0, nfailure_points_popped = 0;
++#ifdef REL_ALLOC
++  /* This holds the pointer to the failure stack, when
++     it is allocated relocatably.  */
++  fail_stack_elt_t *failure_stack_ptr;
++  /* We fill all the registers internally, independent of what we
++     return, for use in backreferences.  The number here includes
++     an element for register zero.  */
++  size_t num_regs = bufp->re_nsub + 1;
++  /* The currently active registers.  */
++  active_reg_t lowest_active_reg = NO_LOWEST_ACTIVE_REG;
++  active_reg_t highest_active_reg = NO_HIGHEST_ACTIVE_REG;
++  /* Information on the contents of registers. These are pointers into
++     the input strings; they record just what was matched (on this
++     attempt) by a subexpression part of the pattern, that is, the
++     regnum-th regstart pointer points to where in the pattern we began
++     matching and the regnum-th regend points to right after where we
++     stopped matching the regnum-th subexpression.  (The zeroth register
++     keeps track of what the whole pattern matches.)  */
++#ifdef MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE /* otherwise, these are global.  */
++  const CHAR_T **regstart, **regend;
++  /* If a group that's operated upon by a repetition operator fails to
++     match anything, then the register for its start will need to be
++     restored because it will have been set to wherever in the string we
++     are when we last see its open-group operator.  Similarly for a
++     register's end.  */
++#ifdef MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE /* otherwise, these are global.  */
++  const CHAR_T **old_regstart, **old_regend;
++  /* The is_active field of reg_info helps us keep track of which (possibly
++     nested) subexpressions we are currently in. The matched_something
++     field of reg_info[reg_num] helps us tell whether or not we have
++     matched any of the pattern so far this time through the reg_num-th
++     subexpression.  These two fields get reset each time through any
++     loop their register is in.  */
++#ifdef MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE /* otherwise, this is global.  */
++  PREFIX(register_info_type) *reg_info;
++  /* The following record the register info as found in the above
++     variables when we find a match better than any we've seen before.
++     This happens as we backtrack through the failure points, which in
++     turn happens only if we have not yet matched the entire string. */
++  unsigned best_regs_set = false;
++#ifdef MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE /* otherwise, these are global.  */
++  const CHAR_T **best_regstart, **best_regend;
++  /* Logically, this is `best_regend[0]'.  But we don't want to have to
++     allocate space for that if we're not allocating space for anything
++     else (see below).  Also, we never need info about register 0 for
++     any of the other register vectors, and it seems rather a kludge to
++     treat `best_regend' differently than the rest.  So we keep track of
++     the end of the best match so far in a separate variable.  We
++     initialize this to NULL so that when we backtrack the first time
++     and need to test it, it's not garbage.  */
++  const CHAR_T *match_end = NULL;
++  /* This helps SET_REGS_MATCHED avoid doing redundant work.  */
++  int set_regs_matched_done = 0;
++  /* Used when we pop values we don't care about.  */
++#ifdef MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE /* otherwise, these are global.  */
++  const CHAR_T **reg_dummy;
++  PREFIX(register_info_type) *reg_info_dummy;
++#ifdef DEBUG
++  /* Counts the total number of registers pushed.  */
++  unsigned num_regs_pushed = 0;
++  DEBUG_PRINT1 ("\n\nEntering re_match_2.\n");
++  /* Do not bother to initialize all the register variables if there are
++     no groups in the pattern, as it takes a fair amount of time.  If
++     there are groups, we include space for register 0 (the whole
++     pattern), even though we never use it, since it simplifies the
++     array indexing.  We should fix this.  */
++  if (bufp->re_nsub)
++    {
++      regstart = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, const CHAR_T *);
++      regend = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, const CHAR_T *);
++      old_regstart = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, const CHAR_T *);
++      old_regend = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, const CHAR_T *);
++      best_regstart = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, const CHAR_T *);
++      best_regend = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, const CHAR_T *);
++      reg_info = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, PREFIX(register_info_type));
++      reg_dummy = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, const CHAR_T *);
++      reg_info_dummy = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, PREFIX(register_info_type));
++      if (!(regstart && regend && old_regstart && old_regend && reg_info
++            && best_regstart && best_regend && reg_dummy && reg_info_dummy))
++        {
++          FREE_VARIABLES ();
++          return -2;
++        }
++    }
++  else
++    {
++      /* We must initialize all our variables to NULL, so that
++         `FREE_VARIABLES' doesn't try to free them.  */
++      regstart = regend = old_regstart = old_regend = best_regstart
++        = best_regend = reg_dummy = NULL;
++      reg_info = reg_info_dummy = (PREFIX(register_info_type) *) NULL;
++    }
++#endif /* MATCH_MAY_ALLOCATE */
++  /* The starting position is bogus.  */
++#ifdef WCHAR
++  if (pos < 0 || pos > csize1 + csize2)
++#else /* BYTE */
++  if (pos < 0 || pos > size1 + size2)
++    {
++      FREE_VARIABLES ();
++      return -1;
++    }
++#ifdef WCHAR
++  /* Allocate wchar_t array for string1 and string2 and
++     fill them with converted string.  */
++  if (string1 == NULL && string2 == NULL)
++    {
++      /* We need seting up buffers here.  */
++      /* We must free wcs buffers in this function.  */
++      cant_free_wcs_buf = 0;
++      if (csize1 != 0)
++	{
++	  string1 = REGEX_TALLOC (csize1 + 1, CHAR_T);
++	  mbs_offset1 = REGEX_TALLOC (csize1 + 1, int);
++	  is_binary = REGEX_TALLOC (csize1 + 1, char);
++	  if (!string1 || !mbs_offset1 || !is_binary)
++	    {
++	      FREE_VAR (string1);
++	      FREE_VAR (mbs_offset1);
++	      FREE_VAR (is_binary);
++	      return -2;
++	    }
++	}
++      if (csize2 != 0)
++	{
++	  string2 = REGEX_TALLOC (csize2 + 1, CHAR_T);
++	  mbs_offset2 = REGEX_TALLOC (csize2 + 1, int);
++	  is_binary = REGEX_TALLOC (csize2 + 1, char);
++	  if (!string2 || !mbs_offset2 || !is_binary)
++	    {
++	      FREE_VAR (string1);
++	      FREE_VAR (mbs_offset1);
++	      FREE_VAR (string2);
++	      FREE_VAR (mbs_offset2);
++	      FREE_VAR (is_binary);
++	      return -2;
++	    }
++	  size2 = convert_mbs_to_wcs(string2, cstring2, csize2,
++				     mbs_offset2, is_binary);
++	  string2[size2] = L'\0'; /* for a sentinel  */
++	  FREE_VAR (is_binary);
++	}
++    }
++  /* We need to cast pattern to (wchar_t*), because we casted this compiled
++     pattern to (char*) in regex_compile.  */
++  p = pattern = (CHAR_T*)bufp->buffer;
++  pend = (CHAR_T*)(bufp->buffer + bufp->used);
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++  /* Initialize subexpression text positions to -1 to mark ones that no
++     start_memory/stop_memory has been seen for. Also initialize the
++     register information struct.  */
++  for (mcnt = 1; (unsigned) mcnt < num_regs; mcnt++)
++    {
++      regstart[mcnt] = regend[mcnt]
++        = old_regstart[mcnt] = old_regend[mcnt] = REG_UNSET_VALUE;
++      IS_ACTIVE (reg_info[mcnt]) = 0;
++      MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[mcnt]) = 0;
++      EVER_MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[mcnt]) = 0;
++    }
++  /* We move `string1' into `string2' if the latter's empty -- but not if
++     `string1' is null.  */
++  if (size2 == 0 && string1 != NULL)
++    {
++      string2 = string1;
++      size2 = size1;
++      string1 = 0;
++      size1 = 0;
++#ifdef WCHAR
++      mbs_offset2 = mbs_offset1;
++      csize2 = csize1;
++      mbs_offset1 = NULL;
++      csize1 = 0;
++    }
++  end1 = string1 + size1;
++  end2 = string2 + size2;
++  /* Compute where to stop matching, within the two strings.  */
++#ifdef WCHAR
++  if (stop <= csize1)
++    {
++      mcnt = count_mbs_length(mbs_offset1, stop);
++      end_match_1 = string1 + mcnt;
++      end_match_2 = string2;
++    }
++  else
++    {
++      if (stop > csize1 + csize2)
++	stop = csize1 + csize2;
++      end_match_1 = end1;
++      mcnt = count_mbs_length(mbs_offset2, stop-csize1);
++      end_match_2 = string2 + mcnt;
++    }
++  if (mcnt < 0)
++    { /* count_mbs_length return error.  */
++      FREE_VARIABLES ();
++      return -1;
++    }
++  if (stop <= size1)
++    {
++      end_match_1 = string1 + stop;
++      end_match_2 = string2;
++    }
++  else
++    {
++      end_match_1 = end1;
++      end_match_2 = string2 + stop - size1;
++    }
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++  /* `p' scans through the pattern as `d' scans through the data.
++     `dend' is the end of the input string that `d' points within.  `d'
++     is advanced into the following input string whenever necessary, but
++     this happens before fetching; therefore, at the beginning of the
++     loop, `d' can be pointing at the end of a string, but it cannot
++     equal `string2'.  */
++#ifdef WCHAR
++  if (size1 > 0 && pos <= csize1)
++    {
++      mcnt = count_mbs_length(mbs_offset1, pos);
++      d = string1 + mcnt;
++      dend = end_match_1;
++    }
++  else
++    {
++      mcnt = count_mbs_length(mbs_offset2, pos-csize1);
++      d = string2 + mcnt;
++      dend = end_match_2;
++    }
++  if (mcnt < 0)
++    { /* count_mbs_length return error.  */
++      FREE_VARIABLES ();
++      return -1;
++    }
++  if (size1 > 0 && pos <= size1)
++    {
++      d = string1 + pos;
++      dend = end_match_1;
++    }
++  else
++    {
++      d = string2 + pos - size1;
++      dend = end_match_2;
++    }
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++  DEBUG_PRINT1 ("The compiled pattern is:\n");
++  DEBUG_PRINT1 ("The string to match is: `");
++  DEBUG_PRINT_DOUBLE_STRING (d, string1, size1, string2, size2);
++  DEBUG_PRINT1 ("'\n");
++  /* This loops over pattern commands.  It exits by returning from the
++     function if the match is complete, or it drops through if the match
++     fails at this starting point in the input data.  */
++  for (;;)
++    {
++#ifdef _LIBC
++      DEBUG_PRINT2 ("\n%p: ", p);
++      DEBUG_PRINT2 ("\n0x%x: ", p);
++      if (p == pend)
++	{ /* End of pattern means we might have succeeded.  */
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("end of pattern ... ");
++	  /* If we haven't matched the entire string, and we want the
++             longest match, try backtracking.  */
++          if (d != end_match_2)
++	    {
++	      /* 1 if this match ends in the same string (string1 or string2)
++		 as the best previous match.  */
++	      boolean same_str_p = (FIRST_STRING_P (match_end)
++	      /* 1 if this match is the best seen so far.  */
++	      boolean best_match_p;
++	      /* AIX compiler got confused when this was combined
++		 with the previous declaration.  */
++	      if (same_str_p)
++		best_match_p = d > match_end;
++	      else
++		best_match_p = !MATCHING_IN_FIRST_STRING;
++              DEBUG_PRINT1 ("backtracking.\n");
++              if (!FAIL_STACK_EMPTY ())
++                { /* More failure points to try.  */
++                  /* If exceeds best match so far, save it.  */
++                  if (!best_regs_set || best_match_p)
++                    {
++                      best_regs_set = true;
++                      match_end = d;
++                      DEBUG_PRINT1 ("\nSAVING match as best so far.\n");
++                      for (mcnt = 1; (unsigned) mcnt < num_regs; mcnt++)
++                        {
++                          best_regstart[mcnt] = regstart[mcnt];
++                          best_regend[mcnt] = regend[mcnt];
++                        }
++                    }
++                  goto fail;
++                }
++              /* If no failure points, don't restore garbage.  And if
++                 last match is real best match, don't restore second
++                 best one. */
++              else if (best_regs_set && !best_match_p)
++                {
++  	        restore_best_regs:
++                  /* Restore best match.  It may happen that `dend ==
++                     end_match_1' while the restored d is in string2.
++                     For example, the pattern `x.*y.*z' against the
++                     strings `x-' and `y-z-', if the two strings are
++                     not consecutive in memory.  */
++                  DEBUG_PRINT1 ("Restoring best registers.\n");
++                  d = match_end;
++                  dend = ((d >= string1 && d <= end1)
++		           ? end_match_1 : end_match_2);
++		  for (mcnt = 1; (unsigned) mcnt < num_regs; mcnt++)
++		    {
++		      regstart[mcnt] = best_regstart[mcnt];
++		      regend[mcnt] = best_regend[mcnt];
++		    }
++                }
++            } /* d != end_match_2 */
++	succeed_label:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("Accepting match.\n");
++          /* If caller wants register contents data back, do it.  */
++          if (regs && !bufp->no_sub)
++	    {
++	      /* Have the register data arrays been allocated?  */
++              if (bufp->regs_allocated == REGS_UNALLOCATED)
++                { /* No.  So allocate them with malloc.  We need one
++                     extra element beyond `num_regs' for the `-1' marker
++                     GNU code uses.  */
++                  regs->num_regs = MAX (RE_NREGS, num_regs + 1);
++                  regs->start = TALLOC (regs->num_regs, regoff_t);
++                  regs->end = TALLOC (regs->num_regs, regoff_t);
++                  if (regs->start == NULL || regs->end == NULL)
++		    {
++		      FREE_VARIABLES ();
++		      return -2;
++		    }
++                  bufp->regs_allocated = REGS_REALLOCATE;
++                }
++              else if (bufp->regs_allocated == REGS_REALLOCATE)
++                { /* Yes.  If we need more elements than were already
++                     allocated, reallocate them.  If we need fewer, just
++                     leave it alone.  */
++                  if (regs->num_regs < num_regs + 1)
++                    {
++                      regs->num_regs = num_regs + 1;
++                      RETALLOC (regs->start, regs->num_regs, regoff_t);
++                      RETALLOC (regs->end, regs->num_regs, regoff_t);
++                      if (regs->start == NULL || regs->end == NULL)
++			{
++			  return -2;
++			}
++                    }
++                }
++              else
++		{
++		  /* These braces fend off a "empty body in an else-statement"
++		     warning under GCC when assert expands to nothing.  */
++		  assert (bufp->regs_allocated == REGS_FIXED);
++		}
++              /* Convert the pointer data in `regstart' and `regend' to
++                 indices.  Register zero has to be set differently,
++                 since we haven't kept track of any info for it.  */
++              if (regs->num_regs > 0)
++                {
++                  regs->start[0] = pos;
++#ifdef WCHAR
++		    regs->end[0] = mbs_offset1 != NULL ?
++					mbs_offset1[d-string1] : 0;
++		  else
++		    regs->end[0] = csize1 + (mbs_offset2 != NULL ?
++					     mbs_offset2[d-string2] : 0);
++                  regs->end[0] = (MATCHING_IN_FIRST_STRING
++				  ? ((regoff_t) (d - string1))
++			          : ((regoff_t) (d - string2 + size1)));
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++                }
++              /* Go through the first `min (num_regs, regs->num_regs)'
++                 registers, since that is all we initialized.  */
++	      for (mcnt = 1; (unsigned) mcnt < MIN (num_regs, regs->num_regs);
++		   mcnt++)
++		{
++                  if (REG_UNSET (regstart[mcnt]) || REG_UNSET (regend[mcnt]))
++                    regs->start[mcnt] = regs->end[mcnt] = -1;
++                  else
++                    {
++		      regs->start[mcnt]
++			= (regoff_t) POINTER_TO_OFFSET (regstart[mcnt]);
++                      regs->end[mcnt]
++			= (regoff_t) POINTER_TO_OFFSET (regend[mcnt]);
++                    }
++		}
++              /* If the regs structure we return has more elements than
++                 were in the pattern, set the extra elements to -1.  If
++                 we (re)allocated the registers, this is the case,
++                 because we always allocate enough to have at least one
++                 -1 at the end.  */
++              for (mcnt = num_regs; (unsigned) mcnt < regs->num_regs; mcnt++)
++                regs->start[mcnt] = regs->end[mcnt] = -1;
++	    } /* regs && !bufp->no_sub */
++          DEBUG_PRINT4 ("%u failure points pushed, %u popped (%u remain).\n",
++                        nfailure_points_pushed, nfailure_points_popped,
++                        nfailure_points_pushed - nfailure_points_popped);
++          DEBUG_PRINT2 ("%u registers pushed.\n", num_regs_pushed);
++#ifdef WCHAR
++	    mcnt = mbs_offset1 != NULL ? mbs_offset1[d-string1] : 0;
++	  else
++	    mcnt = (mbs_offset2 != NULL ? mbs_offset2[d-string2] : 0) +
++			csize1;
++          mcnt -= pos;
++          mcnt = d - pos - (MATCHING_IN_FIRST_STRING
++			    ? string1
++			    : string2 - size1);
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++          DEBUG_PRINT2 ("Returning %d from re_match_2.\n", mcnt);
++          FREE_VARIABLES ();
++          return mcnt;
++        }
++      /* Otherwise match next pattern command.  */
++      switch (SWITCH_ENUM_CAST ((re_opcode_t) *p++))
++	{
++        /* Ignore these.  Used to ignore the n of succeed_n's which
++           currently have n == 0.  */
++        case no_op:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING no_op.\n");
++          break;
++	case succeed:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING succeed.\n");
++	  goto succeed_label;
++        /* Match the next n pattern characters exactly.  The following
++           byte in the pattern defines n, and the n bytes after that
++           are the characters to match.  */
++	case exactn:
++#ifdef MBS_SUPPORT
++	case exactn_bin:
++	  mcnt = *p++;
++          DEBUG_PRINT2 ("EXECUTING exactn %d.\n", mcnt);
++          /* This is written out as an if-else so we don't waste time
++             testing `translate' inside the loop.  */
++          if (translate)
++	    {
++	      do
++		{
++		  PREFETCH ();
++#ifdef WCHAR
++		  if (*d <= 0xff)
++		    {
++		      if ((UCHAR_T) translate[(unsigned char) *d++]
++			  != (UCHAR_T) *p++)
++			goto fail;
++		    }
++		  else
++		    {
++		      if (*d++ != (CHAR_T) *p++)
++			goto fail;
++		    }
++		  if ((UCHAR_T) translate[(unsigned char) *d++]
++		      != (UCHAR_T) *p++)
++                    goto fail;
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++		}
++	      while (--mcnt);
++	    }
++	  else
++	    {
++	      do
++		{
++		  PREFETCH ();
++		  if (*d++ != (CHAR_T) *p++) goto fail;
++		}
++	      while (--mcnt);
++	    }
++          break;
++        /* Match any character except possibly a newline or a null.  */
++	case anychar:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING anychar.\n");
++          PREFETCH ();
++          if ((!(bufp->syntax & RE_DOT_NEWLINE) && TRANSLATE (*d) == '\n')
++              || (bufp->syntax & RE_DOT_NOT_NULL && TRANSLATE (*d) == '\000'))
++	    goto fail;
++          SET_REGS_MATCHED ();
++          DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  Matched `%ld'.\n", (long int) *d);
++          d++;
++	  break;
++	case charset:
++	case charset_not:
++	  {
++	    register UCHAR_T c;
++#ifdef WCHAR
++	    unsigned int i, char_class_length, coll_symbol_length,
++              equiv_class_length, ranges_length, chars_length, length;
++	    CHAR_T *workp, *workp2, *charset_top;
++#define WORK_BUFFER_SIZE 128
++            CHAR_T str_buf[WORK_BUFFER_SIZE];
++# ifdef _LIBC
++	    uint32_t nrules;
++# endif /* _LIBC */
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++	    boolean negate = (re_opcode_t) *(p - 1) == charset_not;
++            DEBUG_PRINT2 ("EXECUTING charset%s.\n", negate ? "_not" : "");
++	    PREFETCH ();
++	    c = TRANSLATE (*d); /* The character to match.  */
++#ifdef WCHAR
++# ifdef _LIBC
++# endif /* _LIBC */
++	    charset_top = p - 1;
++	    char_class_length = *p++;
++	    coll_symbol_length = *p++;
++	    equiv_class_length = *p++;
++	    ranges_length = *p++;
++	    chars_length = *p++;
++	    /* p points charset[6], so the address of the next instruction
++	       (charset[l+m+n+2o+k+p']) equals p[l+m+n+2*o+p'],
++	       where l=length of char_classes, m=length of collating_symbol,
++	       n=equivalence_class, o=length of char_range,
++	       p'=length of character.  */
++	    workp = p;
++	    /* Update p to indicate the next instruction.  */
++	    p += char_class_length + coll_symbol_length+ equiv_class_length +
++              2*ranges_length + chars_length;
++            /* match with char_class?  */
++	    for (i = 0; i < char_class_length ; i += CHAR_CLASS_SIZE)
++	      {
++		wctype_t wctype;
++		uintptr_t alignedp = ((uintptr_t)workp
++				      + __alignof__(wctype_t) - 1)
++		  		      & ~(uintptr_t)(__alignof__(wctype_t) - 1);
++		wctype = *((wctype_t*)alignedp);
++		workp += CHAR_CLASS_SIZE;
++# ifdef _LIBC
++		if (__iswctype((wint_t)c, wctype))
++		  goto char_set_matched;
++# else
++		if (iswctype((wint_t)c, wctype))
++		  goto char_set_matched;
++# endif
++	      }
++            /* match with collating_symbol?  */
++# ifdef _LIBC
++	    if (nrules != 0)
++	      {
++		const unsigned char *extra = (const unsigned char *)
++		for (workp2 = workp + coll_symbol_length ; workp < workp2 ;
++		     workp++)
++		  {
++		    int32_t *wextra;
++		    wextra = (int32_t*)(extra + *workp++);
++		    for (i = 0; i < *wextra; ++i)
++		      if (TRANSLATE(d[i]) != wextra[1 + i])
++			break;
++		    if (i == *wextra)
++		      {
++			/* Update d, however d will be incremented at
++			   char_set_matched:, we decrement d here.  */
++			d += i - 1;
++			goto char_set_matched;
++		      }
++		  }
++	      }
++	    else /* (nrules == 0) */
++# endif
++	      /* If we can't look up collation data, we use wcscoll
++		 instead.  */
++	      {
++		for (workp2 = workp + coll_symbol_length ; workp < workp2 ;)
++		  {
++		    const CHAR_T *backup_d = d, *backup_dend = dend;
++# ifdef _LIBC
++		    length = __wcslen (workp);
++# else
++		    length = wcslen (workp);
++# endif
++		    /* If wcscoll(the collating symbol, whole string) > 0,
++		       any substring of the string never match with the
++		       collating symbol.  */
++# ifdef _LIBC
++		    if (__wcscoll (workp, d) > 0)
++# else
++		    if (wcscoll (workp, d) > 0)
++# endif
++		      {
++			workp += length + 1;
++			continue;
++		      }
++		    /* First, we compare the collating symbol with
++		       the first character of the string.
++		       If it don't match, we add the next character to
++		       the compare buffer in turn.  */
++		    for (i = 0 ; i < WORK_BUFFER_SIZE-1 ; i++, d++)
++		      {
++			int match;
++			if (d == dend)
++			  {
++			    if (dend == end_match_2)
++			      break;
++			    d = string2;
++			    dend = end_match_2;
++			  }
++			/* add next character to the compare buffer.  */
++			str_buf[i] = TRANSLATE(*d);
++			str_buf[i+1] = '\0';
++# ifdef _LIBC
++			match = __wcscoll (workp, str_buf);
++# else
++			match = wcscoll (workp, str_buf);
++# endif
++			if (match == 0)
++			  goto char_set_matched;
++			if (match < 0)
++			  /* (str_buf > workp) indicate (str_buf + X > workp),
++			     because for all X (str_buf + X > str_buf).
++			     So we don't need continue this loop.  */
++			  break;
++			/* Otherwise(str_buf < workp),
++			   (str_buf+next_character) may equals (workp).
++			   So we continue this loop.  */
++		      }
++		    /* not matched */
++		    d = backup_d;
++		    dend = backup_dend;
++		    workp += length + 1;
++		  }
++              }
++            /* match with equivalence_class?  */
++# ifdef _LIBC
++	    if (nrules != 0)
++	      {
++                const CHAR_T *backup_d = d, *backup_dend = dend;
++		/* Try to match the equivalence class against
++		   those known to the collate implementation.  */
++		const int32_t *table;
++		const int32_t *weights;
++		const int32_t *extra;
++		const int32_t *indirect;
++		int32_t idx, idx2;
++		wint_t *cp;
++		size_t len;
++		table = (const int32_t *)
++		weights = (const wint_t *)
++		extra = (const wint_t *)
++		indirect = (const int32_t *)
++		/* Write 1 collating element to str_buf, and
++		   get its index.  */
++		idx2 = 0;
++		for (i = 0 ; idx2 == 0 && i < WORK_BUFFER_SIZE - 1; i++)
++		  {
++		    cp = (wint_t*)str_buf;
++		    if (d == dend)
++		      {
++			if (dend == end_match_2)
++			  break;
++			d = string2;
++			dend = end_match_2;
++		      }
++		    str_buf[i] = TRANSLATE(*(d+i));
++		    str_buf[i+1] = '\0'; /* sentinel */
++		    idx2 = FINDIDX (table, indirect, extra, &cp, 1);
++		  }
++		/* Update d, however d will be incremented at
++		   char_set_matched:, we decrement d here.  */
++		d = backup_d + ((wchar_t*)cp - (wchar_t*)str_buf - 1);
++		if (d >= dend)
++		  {
++		    if (dend == end_match_2)
++			d = dend;
++		    else
++		      {
++			d = string2;
++			dend = end_match_2;
++		      }
++		  }
++		len = weights[idx2];
++		for (workp2 = workp + equiv_class_length ; workp < workp2 ;
++		     workp++)
++		  {
++		    idx = (int32_t)*workp;
++		    /* We already checked idx != 0 in regex_compile. */
++		    if (idx2 != 0 && len == weights[idx])
++		      {
++			int cnt = 0;
++			while (cnt < len && (weights[idx + 1 + cnt]
++					     == weights[idx2 + 1 + cnt]))
++			  ++cnt;
++			if (cnt == len)
++			  goto char_set_matched;
++		      }
++		  }
++		/* not matched */
++                d = backup_d;
++                dend = backup_dend;
++	      }
++	    else /* (nrules == 0) */
++# endif
++	      /* If we can't look up collation data, we use wcscoll
++		 instead.  */
++	      {
++		for (workp2 = workp + equiv_class_length ; workp < workp2 ;)
++		  {
++		    const CHAR_T *backup_d = d, *backup_dend = dend;
++# ifdef _LIBC
++		    length = __wcslen (workp);
++# else
++		    length = wcslen (workp);
++# endif
++		    /* If wcscoll(the collating symbol, whole string) > 0,
++		       any substring of the string never match with the
++		       collating symbol.  */
++# ifdef _LIBC
++		    if (__wcscoll (workp, d) > 0)
++# else
++		    if (wcscoll (workp, d) > 0)
++# endif
++		      {
++			workp += length + 1;
++			break;
++		      }
++		    /* First, we compare the equivalence class with
++		       the first character of the string.
++		       If it don't match, we add the next character to
++		       the compare buffer in turn.  */
++		    for (i = 0 ; i < WORK_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 ; i++, d++)
++		      {
++			int match;
++			if (d == dend)
++			  {
++			    if (dend == end_match_2)
++			      break;
++			    d = string2;
++			    dend = end_match_2;
++			  }
++			/* add next character to the compare buffer.  */
++			str_buf[i] = TRANSLATE(*d);
++			str_buf[i+1] = '\0';
++# ifdef _LIBC
++			match = __wcscoll (workp, str_buf);
++# else
++			match = wcscoll (workp, str_buf);
++# endif
++			if (match == 0)
++			  goto char_set_matched;
++			if (match < 0)
++			/* (str_buf > workp) indicate (str_buf + X > workp),
++			   because for all X (str_buf + X > str_buf).
++			   So we don't need continue this loop.  */
++			  break;
++			/* Otherwise(str_buf < workp),
++			   (str_buf+next_character) may equals (workp).
++			   So we continue this loop.  */
++		      }
++		    /* not matched */
++		    d = backup_d;
++		    dend = backup_dend;
++		    workp += length + 1;
++		  }
++	      }
++            /* match with char_range?  */
++# ifdef _LIBC
++	    if (nrules != 0)
++	      {
++		uint32_t collseqval;
++		const char *collseq = (const char *)
++		collseqval = collseq_table_lookup (collseq, c);
++		for (; workp < p - chars_length ;)
++		  {
++		    uint32_t start_val, end_val;
++		    /* We already compute the collation sequence value
++		       of the characters (or collating symbols).  */
++		    start_val = (uint32_t) *workp++; /* range_start */
++		    end_val = (uint32_t) *workp++; /* range_end */
++		    if (start_val <= collseqval && collseqval <= end_val)
++		      goto char_set_matched;
++		  }
++	      }
++	    else
++# endif
++	      {
++		/* We set range_start_char at str_buf[0], range_end_char
++		   at str_buf[4], and compared char at str_buf[2].  */
++		str_buf[1] = 0;
++		str_buf[2] = c;
++		str_buf[3] = 0;
++		str_buf[5] = 0;
++		for (; workp < p - chars_length ;)
++		  {
++		    wchar_t *range_start_char, *range_end_char;
++		    /* match if (range_start_char <= c <= range_end_char).  */
++		    /* If range_start(or end) < 0, we assume -range_start(end)
++		       is the offset of the collating symbol which is specified
++		       as the character of the range start(end).  */
++		    /* range_start */
++		    if (*workp < 0)
++		      range_start_char = charset_top - (*workp++);
++		    else
++		      {
++			str_buf[0] = *workp++;
++			range_start_char = str_buf;
++		      }
++		    /* range_end */
++		    if (*workp < 0)
++		      range_end_char = charset_top - (*workp++);
++		    else
++		      {
++			str_buf[4] = *workp++;
++			range_end_char = str_buf + 4;
++		      }
++# ifdef _LIBC
++		    if (__wcscoll (range_start_char, str_buf+2) <= 0
++			&& __wcscoll (str_buf+2, range_end_char) <= 0)
++# else
++		    if (wcscoll (range_start_char, str_buf+2) <= 0
++			&& wcscoll (str_buf+2, range_end_char) <= 0)
++# endif
++		      goto char_set_matched;
++		  }
++	      }
++            /* match with char?  */
++	    for (; workp < p ; workp++)
++	      if (c == *workp)
++		goto char_set_matched;
++	    negate = !negate;
++	  char_set_matched:
++	    if (negate) goto fail;
++            /* Cast to `unsigned' instead of `unsigned char' in case the
++               bit list is a full 32 bytes long.  */
++	    if (c < (unsigned) (*p * BYTEWIDTH)
++		&& p[1 + c / BYTEWIDTH] & (1 << (c % BYTEWIDTH)))
++	      negate = !negate;
++	    p += 1 + *p;
++	    if (!negate) goto fail;
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++            d++;
++	    break;
++	  }
++        /* The beginning of a group is represented by start_memory.
++           The arguments are the register number in the next byte, and the
++           number of groups inner to this one in the next.  The text
++           matched within the group is recorded (in the internal
++           registers data structure) under the register number.  */
++        case start_memory:
++	  DEBUG_PRINT3 ("EXECUTING start_memory %ld (%ld):\n",
++			(long int) *p, (long int) p[1]);
++          /* Find out if this group can match the empty string.  */
++	  p1 = p;		/* To send to group_match_null_string_p.  */
++          if (REG_MATCH_NULL_STRING_P (reg_info[*p]) == MATCH_NULL_UNSET_VALUE)
++            REG_MATCH_NULL_STRING_P (reg_info[*p])
++              = PREFIX(group_match_null_string_p) (&p1, pend, reg_info);
++          /* Save the position in the string where we were the last time
++             we were at this open-group operator in case the group is
++             operated upon by a repetition operator, e.g., with `(a*)*b'
++             against `ab'; then we want to ignore where we are now in
++             the string in case this attempt to match fails.  */
++          old_regstart[*p] = REG_MATCH_NULL_STRING_P (reg_info[*p])
++                             ? REG_UNSET (regstart[*p]) ? d : regstart[*p]
++                             : regstart[*p];
++	  DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  old_regstart: %d\n",
++			 POINTER_TO_OFFSET (old_regstart[*p]));
++          regstart[*p] = d;
++	  DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  regstart: %d\n", POINTER_TO_OFFSET (regstart[*p]));
++          IS_ACTIVE (reg_info[*p]) = 1;
++          MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[*p]) = 0;
++	  /* Clear this whenever we change the register activity status.  */
++	  set_regs_matched_done = 0;
++          /* This is the new highest active register.  */
++          highest_active_reg = *p;
++          /* If nothing was active before, this is the new lowest active
++             register.  */
++          if (lowest_active_reg == NO_LOWEST_ACTIVE_REG)
++            lowest_active_reg = *p;
++          /* Move past the register number and inner group count.  */
++          p += 2;
++	  just_past_start_mem = p;
++          break;
++        /* The stop_memory opcode represents the end of a group.  Its
++           arguments are the same as start_memory's: the register
++           number, and the number of inner groups.  */
++	case stop_memory:
++	  DEBUG_PRINT3 ("EXECUTING stop_memory %ld (%ld):\n",
++			(long int) *p, (long int) p[1]);
++          /* We need to save the string position the last time we were at
++             this close-group operator in case the group is operated
++             upon by a repetition operator, e.g., with `((a*)*(b*)*)*'
++             against `aba'; then we want to ignore where we are now in
++             the string in case this attempt to match fails.  */
++          old_regend[*p] = REG_MATCH_NULL_STRING_P (reg_info[*p])
++                           ? REG_UNSET (regend[*p]) ? d : regend[*p]
++			   : regend[*p];
++	  DEBUG_PRINT2 ("      old_regend: %d\n",
++			 POINTER_TO_OFFSET (old_regend[*p]));
++          regend[*p] = d;
++	  DEBUG_PRINT2 ("      regend: %d\n", POINTER_TO_OFFSET (regend[*p]));
++          /* This register isn't active anymore.  */
++          IS_ACTIVE (reg_info[*p]) = 0;
++	  /* Clear this whenever we change the register activity status.  */
++	  set_regs_matched_done = 0;
++          /* If this was the only register active, nothing is active
++             anymore.  */
++          if (lowest_active_reg == highest_active_reg)
++            {
++              lowest_active_reg = NO_LOWEST_ACTIVE_REG;
++              highest_active_reg = NO_HIGHEST_ACTIVE_REG;
++            }
++          else
++            { /* We must scan for the new highest active register, since
++                 it isn't necessarily one less than now: consider
++                 (a(b)c(d(e)f)g).  When group 3 ends, after the f), the
++                 new highest active register is 1.  */
++              UCHAR_T r = *p - 1;
++              while (r > 0 && !IS_ACTIVE (reg_info[r]))
++                r--;
++              /* If we end up at register zero, that means that we saved
++                 the registers as the result of an `on_failure_jump', not
++                 a `start_memory', and we jumped to past the innermost
++                 `stop_memory'.  For example, in ((.)*) we save
++                 registers 1 and 2 as a result of the *, but when we pop
++                 back to the second ), we are at the stop_memory 1.
++                 Thus, nothing is active.  */
++	      if (r == 0)
++                {
++                  lowest_active_reg = NO_LOWEST_ACTIVE_REG;
++                  highest_active_reg = NO_HIGHEST_ACTIVE_REG;
++                }
++              else
++                highest_active_reg = r;
++            }
++          /* If just failed to match something this time around with a
++             group that's operated on by a repetition operator, try to
++             force exit from the ``loop'', and restore the register
++             information for this group that we had before trying this
++             last match.  */
++          if ((!MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[*p])
++               || just_past_start_mem == p - 1)
++	      && (p + 2) < pend)
++            {
++              boolean is_a_jump_n = false;
++              p1 = p + 2;
++              mcnt = 0;
++              switch ((re_opcode_t) *p1++)
++                {
++                  case jump_n:
++		    is_a_jump_n = true;
++                  case pop_failure_jump:
++		  case maybe_pop_jump:
++		  case jump:
++		  case dummy_failure_jump:
++                    EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (mcnt, p1);
++		    if (is_a_jump_n)
++		      p1 += OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++                    break;
++                  default:
++                    /* do nothing */ ;
++                }
++	      p1 += mcnt;
++              /* If the next operation is a jump backwards in the pattern
++	         to an on_failure_jump right before the start_memory
++                 corresponding to this stop_memory, exit from the loop
++                 by forcing a failure after pushing on the stack the
++                 on_failure_jump's jump in the pattern, and d.  */
++              if (mcnt < 0 && (re_opcode_t) *p1 == on_failure_jump
++                  && (re_opcode_t) p1[1+OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE] == start_memory
++		  && p1[2+OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE] == *p)
++		{
++                  /* If this group ever matched anything, then restore
++                     what its registers were before trying this last
++                     failed match, e.g., with `(a*)*b' against `ab' for
++                     regstart[1], and, e.g., with `((a*)*(b*)*)*'
++                     against `aba' for regend[3].
++                     Also restore the registers for inner groups for,
++                     e.g., `((a*)(b*))*' against `aba' (register 3 would
++                     otherwise get trashed).  */
++                  if (EVER_MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[*p]))
++		    {
++		      unsigned r;
++                      EVER_MATCHED_SOMETHING (reg_info[*p]) = 0;
++		      /* Restore this and inner groups' (if any) registers.  */
++                      for (r = *p; r < (unsigned) *p + (unsigned) *(p + 1);
++			   r++)
++                        {
++                          regstart[r] = old_regstart[r];
++                          /* xx why this test?  */
++                          if (old_regend[r] >= regstart[r])
++                            regend[r] = old_regend[r];
++                        }
++                    }
++		  p1++;
++                  EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (mcnt, p1);
++                  PUSH_FAILURE_POINT (p1 + mcnt, d, -2);
++                  goto fail;
++                }
++            }
++          /* Move past the register number and the inner group count.  */
++          p += 2;
++          break;
++	/* \<digit> has been turned into a `duplicate' command which is
++           followed by the numeric value of <digit> as the register number.  */
++        case duplicate:
++	  {
++	    register const CHAR_T *d2, *dend2;
++	    int regno = *p++;   /* Get which register to match against.  */
++	    DEBUG_PRINT2 ("EXECUTING duplicate %d.\n", regno);
++	    /* Can't back reference a group which we've never matched.  */
++            if (REG_UNSET (regstart[regno]) || REG_UNSET (regend[regno]))
++              goto fail;
++            /* Where in input to try to start matching.  */
++            d2 = regstart[regno];
++            /* Where to stop matching; if both the place to start and
++               the place to stop matching are in the same string, then
++               set to the place to stop, otherwise, for now have to use
++               the end of the first string.  */
++            dend2 = ((FIRST_STRING_P (regstart[regno])
++		      == FIRST_STRING_P (regend[regno]))
++		     ? regend[regno] : end_match_1);
++	    for (;;)
++	      {
++		/* If necessary, advance to next segment in register
++                   contents.  */
++		while (d2 == dend2)
++		  {
++		    if (dend2 == end_match_2) break;
++		    if (dend2 == regend[regno]) break;
++                    /* End of string1 => advance to string2. */
++                    d2 = string2;
++                    dend2 = regend[regno];
++		  }
++		/* At end of register contents => success */
++		if (d2 == dend2) break;
++		/* If necessary, advance to next segment in data.  */
++		PREFETCH ();
++		/* How many characters left in this segment to match.  */
++		mcnt = dend - d;
++		/* Want how many consecutive characters we can match in
++                   one shot, so, if necessary, adjust the count.  */
++                if (mcnt > dend2 - d2)
++		  mcnt = dend2 - d2;
++		/* Compare that many; failure if mismatch, else move
++                   past them.  */
++		if (translate
++                    ? PREFIX(bcmp_translate) (d, d2, mcnt, translate)
++                    : memcmp (d, d2, mcnt*sizeof(UCHAR_T)))
++		  goto fail;
++		d += mcnt, d2 += mcnt;
++		/* Do this because we've match some characters.  */
++	      }
++	  }
++	  break;
++        /* begline matches the empty string at the beginning of the string
++           (unless `not_bol' is set in `bufp'), and, if
++           `newline_anchor' is set, after newlines.  */
++	case begline:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING begline.\n");
++          if (AT_STRINGS_BEG (d))
++            {
++              if (!bufp->not_bol) break;
++            }
++          else if (d[-1] == '\n' && bufp->newline_anchor)
++            {
++              break;
++            }
++          /* In all other cases, we fail.  */
++          goto fail;
++        /* endline is the dual of begline.  */
++	case endline:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING endline.\n");
++          if (AT_STRINGS_END (d))
++            {
++              if (!bufp->not_eol) break;
++            }
++          /* We have to ``prefetch'' the next character.  */
++          else if ((d == end1 ? *string2 : *d) == '\n'
++                   && bufp->newline_anchor)
++            {
++              break;
++            }
++          goto fail;
++	/* Match at the very beginning of the data.  */
++        case begbuf:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING begbuf.\n");
++          if (AT_STRINGS_BEG (d))
++            break;
++          goto fail;
++	/* Match at the very end of the data.  */
++        case endbuf:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING endbuf.\n");
++	  if (AT_STRINGS_END (d))
++	    break;
++          goto fail;
++        /* on_failure_keep_string_jump is used to optimize `.*\n'.  It
++           pushes NULL as the value for the string on the stack.  Then
++           `pop_failure_point' will keep the current value for the
++           string, instead of restoring it.  To see why, consider
++           matching `foo\nbar' against `.*\n'.  The .* matches the foo;
++           then the . fails against the \n.  But the next thing we want
++           to do is match the \n against the \n; if we restored the
++           string value, we would be back at the foo.
++           Because this is used only in specific cases, we don't need to
++           check all the things that `on_failure_jump' does, to make
++           sure the right things get saved on the stack.  Hence we don't
++           share its code.  The only reason to push anything on the
++           stack at all is that otherwise we would have to change
++           `anychar's code to do something besides goto fail in this
++           case; that seems worse than this.  */
++        case on_failure_keep_string_jump:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING on_failure_keep_string_jump");
++          EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (mcnt, p);
++#ifdef _LIBC
++          DEBUG_PRINT3 (" %d (to %p):\n", mcnt, p + mcnt);
++          DEBUG_PRINT3 (" %d (to 0x%x):\n", mcnt, p + mcnt);
++          PUSH_FAILURE_POINT (p + mcnt, NULL, -2);
++          break;
++	/* Uses of on_failure_jump:
++           Each alternative starts with an on_failure_jump that points
++           to the beginning of the next alternative.  Each alternative
++           except the last ends with a jump that in effect jumps past
++           the rest of the alternatives.  (They really jump to the
++           ending jump of the following alternative, because tensioning
++           these jumps is a hassle.)
++           Repeats start with an on_failure_jump that points past both
++           the repetition text and either the following jump or
++           pop_failure_jump back to this on_failure_jump.  */
++	case on_failure_jump:
++        on_failure:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING on_failure_jump");
++          EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (mcnt, p);
++#ifdef _LIBC
++          DEBUG_PRINT3 (" %d (to %p)", mcnt, p + mcnt);
++          DEBUG_PRINT3 (" %d (to 0x%x)", mcnt, p + mcnt);
++          /* If this on_failure_jump comes right before a group (i.e.,
++             the original * applied to a group), save the information
++             for that group and all inner ones, so that if we fail back
++             to this point, the group's information will be correct.
++             For example, in \(a*\)*\1, we need the preceding group,
++             and in \(zz\(a*\)b*\)\2, we need the inner group.  */
++          /* We can't use `p' to check ahead because we push
++             a failure point to `p + mcnt' after we do this.  */
++          p1 = p;
++          /* We need to skip no_op's before we look for the
++             start_memory in case this on_failure_jump is happening as
++             the result of a completed succeed_n, as in \(a\)\{1,3\}b\1
++             against aba.  */
++          while (p1 < pend && (re_opcode_t) *p1 == no_op)
++            p1++;
++          if (p1 < pend && (re_opcode_t) *p1 == start_memory)
++            {
++              /* We have a new highest active register now.  This will
++                 get reset at the start_memory we are about to get to,
++                 but we will have saved all the registers relevant to
++                 this repetition op, as described above.  */
++              highest_active_reg = *(p1 + 1) + *(p1 + 2);
++              if (lowest_active_reg == NO_LOWEST_ACTIVE_REG)
++                lowest_active_reg = *(p1 + 1);
++            }
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 (":\n");
++          PUSH_FAILURE_POINT (p + mcnt, d, -2);
++          break;
++        /* A smart repeat ends with `maybe_pop_jump'.
++	   We change it to either `pop_failure_jump' or `jump'.  */
++        case maybe_pop_jump:
++          EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (mcnt, p);
++          DEBUG_PRINT2 ("EXECUTING maybe_pop_jump %d.\n", mcnt);
++          {
++	    register UCHAR_T *p2 = p;
++            /* Compare the beginning of the repeat with what in the
++               pattern follows its end. If we can establish that there
++               is nothing that they would both match, i.e., that we
++               would have to backtrack because of (as in, e.g., `a*a')
++               then we can change to pop_failure_jump, because we'll
++               never have to backtrack.
++               This is not true in the case of alternatives: in
++               `(a|ab)*' we do need to backtrack to the `ab' alternative
++               (e.g., if the string was `ab').  But instead of trying to
++               detect that here, the alternative has put on a dummy
++               failure point which is what we will end up popping.  */
++	    /* Skip over open/close-group commands.
++	       If what follows this loop is a ...+ construct,
++	       look at what begins its body, since we will have to
++	       match at least one of that.  */
++	    while (1)
++	      {
++		if (p2 + 2 < pend
++		    && ((re_opcode_t) *p2 == stop_memory
++			|| (re_opcode_t) *p2 == start_memory))
++		  p2 += 3;
++		else if (p2 + 2 + 2 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE < pend
++			 && (re_opcode_t) *p2 == dummy_failure_jump)
++		  p2 += 2 + 2 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++		else
++		  break;
++	      }
++	    p1 = p + mcnt;
++	    /* p1[0] ... p1[2] are the `on_failure_jump' corresponding
++	       to the `maybe_finalize_jump' of this case.  Examine what
++	       follows.  */
++            /* If we're at the end of the pattern, we can change.  */
++            if (p2 == pend)
++	      {
++		/* Consider what happens when matching ":\(.*\)"
++		   against ":/".  I don't really understand this code
++		   yet.  */
++  	        p[-(1+OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE)] = (UCHAR_T)
++		  pop_failure_jump;
++                DEBUG_PRINT1
++                  ("  End of pattern: change to `pop_failure_jump'.\n");
++              }
++            else if ((re_opcode_t) *p2 == exactn
++#ifdef MBS_SUPPORT
++		     || (re_opcode_t) *p2 == exactn_bin
++		     || (bufp->newline_anchor && (re_opcode_t) *p2 == endline))
++	      {
++		register UCHAR_T c
++                  = *p2 == (UCHAR_T) endline ? '\n' : p2[2];
++                if (((re_opcode_t) p1[1+OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE] == exactn
++#ifdef MBS_SUPPORT
++		     || (re_opcode_t) p1[1+OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE] == exactn_bin
++		    ) && p1[3+OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE] != c)
++                  {
++  		    p[-(1+OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE)] = (UCHAR_T)
++		      pop_failure_jump;
++#ifdef WCHAR
++		      DEBUG_PRINT3 ("  %C != %C => pop_failure_jump.\n",
++				    (wint_t) c,
++				    (wint_t) p1[3+OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE]);
++		      DEBUG_PRINT3 ("  %c != %c => pop_failure_jump.\n",
++				    (char) c,
++				    (char) p1[3+OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE]);
++                  }
++#ifndef WCHAR
++		else if ((re_opcode_t) p1[3] == charset
++			 || (re_opcode_t) p1[3] == charset_not)
++		  {
++		    int negate = (re_opcode_t) p1[3] == charset_not;
++		    if (c < (unsigned) (p1[4] * BYTEWIDTH)
++			&& p1[5 + c / BYTEWIDTH] & (1 << (c % BYTEWIDTH)))
++		      negate = !negate;
++                    /* `negate' is equal to 1 if c would match, which means
++                        that we can't change to pop_failure_jump.  */
++		    if (!negate)
++                      {
++  		        p[-3] = (unsigned char) pop_failure_jump;
++                        DEBUG_PRINT1 ("  No match => pop_failure_jump.\n");
++                      }
++		  }
++#endif /* not WCHAR */
++	      }
++#ifndef WCHAR
++            else if ((re_opcode_t) *p2 == charset)
++	      {
++		/* We win if the first character of the loop is not part
++                   of the charset.  */
++                if ((re_opcode_t) p1[3] == exactn
++ 		    && ! ((int) p2[1] * BYTEWIDTH > (int) p1[5]
++ 			  && (p2[2 + p1[5] / BYTEWIDTH]
++ 			      & (1 << (p1[5] % BYTEWIDTH)))))
++		  {
++		    p[-3] = (unsigned char) pop_failure_jump;
++		    DEBUG_PRINT1 ("  No match => pop_failure_jump.\n");
++                  }
++		else if ((re_opcode_t) p1[3] == charset_not)
++		  {
++		    int idx;
++		    /* We win if the charset_not inside the loop
++		       lists every character listed in the charset after.  */
++		    for (idx = 0; idx < (int) p2[1]; idx++)
++		      if (! (p2[2 + idx] == 0
++			     || (idx < (int) p1[4]
++				 && ((p2[2 + idx] & ~ p1[5 + idx]) == 0))))
++			break;
++		    if (idx == p2[1])
++                      {
++  		        p[-3] = (unsigned char) pop_failure_jump;
++                        DEBUG_PRINT1 ("  No match => pop_failure_jump.\n");
++                      }
++		  }
++		else if ((re_opcode_t) p1[3] == charset)
++		  {
++		    int idx;
++		    /* We win if the charset inside the loop
++		       has no overlap with the one after the loop.  */
++		    for (idx = 0;
++			 idx < (int) p2[1] && idx < (int) p1[4];
++			 idx++)
++		      if ((p2[2 + idx] & p1[5 + idx]) != 0)
++			break;
++		    if (idx == p2[1] || idx == p1[4])
++                      {
++  		        p[-3] = (unsigned char) pop_failure_jump;
++                        DEBUG_PRINT1 ("  No match => pop_failure_jump.\n");
++                      }
++		  }
++	      }
++#endif /* not WCHAR */
++	  }
++	  p -= OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;	/* Point at relative address again.  */
++	  if ((re_opcode_t) p[-1] != pop_failure_jump)
++	    {
++	      p[-1] = (UCHAR_T) jump;
++              DEBUG_PRINT1 ("  Match => jump.\n");
++	      goto unconditional_jump;
++	    }
++        /* Note fall through.  */
++	/* The end of a simple repeat has a pop_failure_jump back to
++           its matching on_failure_jump, where the latter will push a
++           failure point.  The pop_failure_jump takes off failure
++           points put on by this pop_failure_jump's matching
++           on_failure_jump; we got through the pattern to here from the
++           matching on_failure_jump, so didn't fail.  */
++        case pop_failure_jump:
++          {
++            /* We need to pass separate storage for the lowest and
++               highest registers, even though we don't care about the
++               actual values.  Otherwise, we will restore only one
++               register from the stack, since lowest will == highest in
++               `pop_failure_point'.  */
++            active_reg_t dummy_low_reg, dummy_high_reg;
++            UCHAR_T *pdummy __attribute__ ((unused)) = NULL;
++            const CHAR_T *sdummy __attribute__ ((unused)) = NULL;
++            DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING pop_failure_jump.\n");
++            POP_FAILURE_POINT (sdummy, pdummy,
++                               dummy_low_reg, dummy_high_reg,
++                               reg_dummy, reg_dummy, reg_info_dummy);
++          }
++	  /* Note fall through.  */
++	unconditional_jump:
++#ifdef _LIBC
++	  DEBUG_PRINT2 ("\n%p: ", p);
++	  DEBUG_PRINT2 ("\n0x%x: ", p);
++          /* Note fall through.  */
++        /* Unconditionally jump (without popping any failure points).  */
++        case jump:
++	  EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (mcnt, p);	/* Get the amount to jump.  */
++          DEBUG_PRINT2 ("EXECUTING jump %d ", mcnt);
++	  p += mcnt;				/* Do the jump.  */
++#ifdef _LIBC
++          DEBUG_PRINT2 ("(to %p).\n", p);
++          DEBUG_PRINT2 ("(to 0x%x).\n", p);
++	  break;
++        /* We need this opcode so we can detect where alternatives end
++           in `group_match_null_string_p' et al.  */
++        case jump_past_alt:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING jump_past_alt.\n");
++          goto unconditional_jump;
++        /* Normally, the on_failure_jump pushes a failure point, which
++           then gets popped at pop_failure_jump.  We will end up at
++           pop_failure_jump, also, and with a pattern of, say, `a+', we
++           are skipping over the on_failure_jump, so we have to push
++           something meaningless for pop_failure_jump to pop.  */
++        case dummy_failure_jump:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING dummy_failure_jump.\n");
++          /* It doesn't matter what we push for the string here.  What
++             the code at `fail' tests is the value for the pattern.  */
++          PUSH_FAILURE_POINT (NULL, NULL, -2);
++          goto unconditional_jump;
++        /* At the end of an alternative, we need to push a dummy failure
++           point in case we are followed by a `pop_failure_jump', because
++           we don't want the failure point for the alternative to be
++           popped.  For example, matching `(a|ab)*' against `aab'
++           requires that we match the `ab' alternative.  */
++        case push_dummy_failure:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING push_dummy_failure.\n");
++          /* See comments just above at `dummy_failure_jump' about the
++             two zeroes.  */
++          PUSH_FAILURE_POINT (NULL, NULL, -2);
++          break;
++        /* Have to succeed matching what follows at least n times.
++           After that, handle like `on_failure_jump'.  */
++        case succeed_n:
++          DEBUG_PRINT2 ("EXECUTING succeed_n %d.\n", mcnt);
++          assert (mcnt >= 0);
++          /* Originally, this is how many times we HAVE to succeed.  */
++          if (mcnt > 0)
++            {
++               mcnt--;
++	       p += OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++               STORE_NUMBER_AND_INCR (p, mcnt);
++#ifdef _LIBC
++               DEBUG_PRINT3 ("  Setting %p to %d.\n", p - OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE
++			     , mcnt);
++               DEBUG_PRINT3 ("  Setting 0x%x to %d.\n", p - OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE
++			     , mcnt);
++            }
++	  else if (mcnt == 0)
++            {
++#ifdef _LIBC
++              DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  Setting two bytes from %p to no_op.\n",
++			    p + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE);
++              DEBUG_PRINT2 ("  Setting two bytes from 0x%x to no_op.\n",
++			    p + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE);
++#endif /* _LIBC */
++#ifdef WCHAR
++	      p[1] = (UCHAR_T) no_op;
++	      p[2] = (UCHAR_T) no_op;
++              p[3] = (UCHAR_T) no_op;
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++              goto on_failure;
++            }
++          break;
++        case jump_n:
++          DEBUG_PRINT2 ("EXECUTING jump_n %d.\n", mcnt);
++          /* Originally, this is how many times we CAN jump.  */
++          if (mcnt)
++            {
++               mcnt--;
++               STORE_NUMBER (p + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE, mcnt);
++#ifdef _LIBC
++               DEBUG_PRINT3 ("  Setting %p to %d.\n", p + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE,
++			     mcnt);
++               DEBUG_PRINT3 ("  Setting 0x%x to %d.\n", p + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE,
++			     mcnt);
++#endif /* _LIBC */
++	       goto unconditional_jump;
++            }
++          /* If don't have to jump any more, skip over the rest of command.  */
++	  else
++	    p += 2 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++          break;
++	case set_number_at:
++	  {
++            DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING set_number_at.\n");
++            EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (mcnt, p);
++            p1 = p + mcnt;
++            EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (mcnt, p);
++#ifdef _LIBC
++            DEBUG_PRINT3 ("  Setting %p to %d.\n", p1, mcnt);
++            DEBUG_PRINT3 ("  Setting 0x%x to %d.\n", p1, mcnt);
++	    STORE_NUMBER (p1, mcnt);
++            break;
++          }
++#if 0
++	/* The DEC Alpha C compiler 3.x generates incorrect code for the
++	   test  WORDCHAR_P (d - 1) != WORDCHAR_P (d)  in the expansion of
++	   AT_WORD_BOUNDARY, so this code is disabled.  Expanding the
++	   macro and introducing temporary variables works around the bug.  */
++	case wordbound:
++	  DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING wordbound.\n");
++	  if (AT_WORD_BOUNDARY (d))
++	    break;
++	  goto fail;
++	case notwordbound:
++	  DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING notwordbound.\n");
++	  if (AT_WORD_BOUNDARY (d))
++	    goto fail;
++	  break;
++	case wordbound:
++	{
++	  boolean prevchar, thischar;
++	  DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING wordbound.\n");
++	  if (AT_STRINGS_BEG (d) || AT_STRINGS_END (d))
++	    break;
++	  prevchar = WORDCHAR_P (d - 1);
++	  thischar = WORDCHAR_P (d);
++	  if (prevchar != thischar)
++	    break;
++	  goto fail;
++	}
++      case notwordbound:
++	{
++	  boolean prevchar, thischar;
++	  DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING notwordbound.\n");
++	  if (AT_STRINGS_BEG (d) || AT_STRINGS_END (d))
++	    goto fail;
++	  prevchar = WORDCHAR_P (d - 1);
++	  thischar = WORDCHAR_P (d);
++	  if (prevchar != thischar)
++	    goto fail;
++	  break;
++	}
++	case wordbeg:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING wordbeg.\n");
++	  if (!AT_STRINGS_END (d) && WORDCHAR_P (d)
++	      && (AT_STRINGS_BEG (d) || !WORDCHAR_P (d - 1)))
++	    break;
++          goto fail;
++	case wordend:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING wordend.\n");
++	  if (!AT_STRINGS_BEG (d) && WORDCHAR_P (d - 1)
++              && (AT_STRINGS_END (d) || !WORDCHAR_P (d)))
++	    break;
++          goto fail;
++#ifdef emacs
++  	case before_dot:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING before_dot.\n");
++ 	  if (PTR_CHAR_POS ((unsigned char *) d) >= point)
++  	    goto fail;
++  	  break;
++  	case at_dot:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING at_dot.\n");
++ 	  if (PTR_CHAR_POS ((unsigned char *) d) != point)
++  	    goto fail;
++  	  break;
++  	case after_dot:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING after_dot.\n");
++          if (PTR_CHAR_POS ((unsigned char *) d) <= point)
++  	    goto fail;
++  	  break;
++	case syntaxspec:
++          DEBUG_PRINT2 ("EXECUTING syntaxspec %d.\n", mcnt);
++	  mcnt = *p++;
++	  goto matchsyntax;
++        case wordchar:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING Emacs wordchar.\n");
++	  mcnt = (int) Sword;
++        matchsyntax:
++	  PREFETCH ();
++	  /* Can't use *d++ here; SYNTAX may be an unsafe macro.  */
++	  d++;
++	  if (SYNTAX (d[-1]) != (enum syntaxcode) mcnt)
++	    goto fail;
++          SET_REGS_MATCHED ();
++	  break;
++	case notsyntaxspec:
++          DEBUG_PRINT2 ("EXECUTING notsyntaxspec %d.\n", mcnt);
++	  mcnt = *p++;
++	  goto matchnotsyntax;
++        case notwordchar:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING Emacs notwordchar.\n");
++	  mcnt = (int) Sword;
++        matchnotsyntax:
++	  PREFETCH ();
++	  /* Can't use *d++ here; SYNTAX may be an unsafe macro.  */
++	  d++;
++	  if (SYNTAX (d[-1]) == (enum syntaxcode) mcnt)
++	    goto fail;
++          break;
++#else /* not emacs */
++	case wordchar:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING non-Emacs wordchar.\n");
++	  PREFETCH ();
++          if (!WORDCHAR_P (d))
++            goto fail;
++          d++;
++	  break;
++	case notwordchar:
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("EXECUTING non-Emacs notwordchar.\n");
++	  PREFETCH ();
++	  if (WORDCHAR_P (d))
++            goto fail;
++          SET_REGS_MATCHED ();
++          d++;
++	  break;
++#endif /* not emacs */
++        default:
++          abort ();
++	}
++      continue;  /* Successfully executed one pattern command; keep going.  */
++    /* We goto here if a matching operation fails. */
++    fail:
++      if (!FAIL_STACK_EMPTY ())
++	{ /* A restart point is known.  Restore to that state.  */
++          DEBUG_PRINT1 ("\nFAIL:\n");
++          POP_FAILURE_POINT (d, p,
++                             lowest_active_reg, highest_active_reg,
++                             regstart, regend, reg_info);
++          /* If this failure point is a dummy, try the next one.  */
++          if (!p)
++	    goto fail;
++          /* If we failed to the end of the pattern, don't examine *p.  */
++	  assert (p <= pend);
++          if (p < pend)
++            {
++              boolean is_a_jump_n = false;
++              /* If failed to a backwards jump that's part of a repetition
++                 loop, need to pop this failure point and use the next one.  */
++              switch ((re_opcode_t) *p)
++                {
++                case jump_n:
++                  is_a_jump_n = true;
++                case maybe_pop_jump:
++                case pop_failure_jump:
++                case jump:
++                  p1 = p + 1;
++                  EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (mcnt, p1);
++                  p1 += mcnt;
++                  if ((is_a_jump_n && (re_opcode_t) *p1 == succeed_n)
++                      || (!is_a_jump_n
++                          && (re_opcode_t) *p1 == on_failure_jump))
++                    goto fail;
++                  break;
++                default:
++                  /* do nothing */ ;
++                }
++            }
++          if (d >= string1 && d <= end1)
++	    dend = end_match_1;
++        }
++      else
++        break;   /* Matching at this starting point really fails.  */
++    } /* for (;;) */
++  if (best_regs_set)
++    goto restore_best_regs;
++  return -1;         			/* Failure to match.  */
++} /* re_match_2 */
++/* Subroutine definitions for re_match_2.  */
++/* We are passed P pointing to a register number after a start_memory.
++   Return true if the pattern up to the corresponding stop_memory can
++   match the empty string, and false otherwise.
++   If we find the matching stop_memory, sets P to point to one past its number.
++   Otherwise, sets P to an undefined byte less than or equal to END.
++   We don't handle duplicates properly (yet).  */
++static boolean
++PREFIX(group_match_null_string_p) (UCHAR_T **p, UCHAR_T *end,
++                                   PREFIX(register_info_type) *reg_info)
++  int mcnt;
++  /* Point to after the args to the start_memory.  */
++  UCHAR_T *p1 = *p + 2;
++  while (p1 < end)
++    {
++      /* Skip over opcodes that can match nothing, and return true or
++	 false, as appropriate, when we get to one that can't, or to the
++         matching stop_memory.  */
++      switch ((re_opcode_t) *p1)
++        {
++        /* Could be either a loop or a series of alternatives.  */
++        case on_failure_jump:
++          p1++;
++          EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (mcnt, p1);
++          /* If the next operation is not a jump backwards in the
++	     pattern.  */
++	  if (mcnt >= 0)
++	    {
++              /* Go through the on_failure_jumps of the alternatives,
++                 seeing if any of the alternatives cannot match nothing.
++                 The last alternative starts with only a jump,
++                 whereas the rest start with on_failure_jump and end
++                 with a jump, e.g., here is the pattern for `a|b|c':
++                 /on_failure_jump/0/6/exactn/1/a/jump_past_alt/0/6
++                 /on_failure_jump/0/6/exactn/1/b/jump_past_alt/0/3
++                 /exactn/1/c
++                 So, we have to first go through the first (n-1)
++                 alternatives and then deal with the last one separately.  */
++              /* Deal with the first (n-1) alternatives, which start
++                 with an on_failure_jump (see above) that jumps to right
++                 past a jump_past_alt.  */
++              while ((re_opcode_t) p1[mcnt-(1+OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE)] ==
++		     jump_past_alt)
++                {
++                  /* `mcnt' holds how many bytes long the alternative
++                     is, including the ending `jump_past_alt' and
++                     its number.  */
++                  if (!PREFIX(alt_match_null_string_p) (p1, p1 + mcnt -
++						(1 + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE),
++						reg_info))
++                    return false;
++                  /* Move to right after this alternative, including the
++		     jump_past_alt.  */
++                  p1 += mcnt;
++                  /* Break if it's the beginning of an n-th alternative
++                     that doesn't begin with an on_failure_jump.  */
++                  if ((re_opcode_t) *p1 != on_failure_jump)
++                    break;
++		  /* Still have to check that it's not an n-th
++		     alternative that starts with an on_failure_jump.  */
++		  p1++;
++                  EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (mcnt, p1);
++                  if ((re_opcode_t) p1[mcnt-(1+OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE)] !=
++		      jump_past_alt)
++                    {
++		      /* Get to the beginning of the n-th alternative.  */
++                      p1 -= 1 + OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++                      break;
++                    }
++                }
++              /* Deal with the last alternative: go back and get number
++                 of the `jump_past_alt' just before it.  `mcnt' contains
++                 the length of the alternative.  */
++              EXTRACT_NUMBER (mcnt, p1 - OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE);
++              if (!PREFIX(alt_match_null_string_p) (p1, p1 + mcnt, reg_info))
++                return false;
++              p1 += mcnt;	/* Get past the n-th alternative.  */
++            } /* if mcnt > 0 */
++          break;
++        case stop_memory:
++	  assert (p1[1] == **p);
++          *p = p1 + 2;
++          return true;
++        default:
++          if (!PREFIX(common_op_match_null_string_p) (&p1, end, reg_info))
++            return false;
++        }
++    } /* while p1 < end */
++  return false;
++} /* group_match_null_string_p */
++/* Similar to group_match_null_string_p, but doesn't deal with alternatives:
++   It expects P to be the first byte of a single alternative and END one
++   byte past the last. The alternative can contain groups.  */
++static boolean
++PREFIX(alt_match_null_string_p) (UCHAR_T *p, UCHAR_T *end,
++                                 PREFIX(register_info_type) *reg_info)
++  int mcnt;
++  UCHAR_T *p1 = p;
++  while (p1 < end)
++    {
++      /* Skip over opcodes that can match nothing, and break when we get
++         to one that can't.  */
++      switch ((re_opcode_t) *p1)
++        {
++	/* It's a loop.  */
++        case on_failure_jump:
++          p1++;
++          EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (mcnt, p1);
++          p1 += mcnt;
++          break;
++	default:
++          if (!PREFIX(common_op_match_null_string_p) (&p1, end, reg_info))
++            return false;
++        }
++    }  /* while p1 < end */
++  return true;
++} /* alt_match_null_string_p */
++/* Deals with the ops common to group_match_null_string_p and
++   alt_match_null_string_p.
++   Sets P to one after the op and its arguments, if any.  */
++static boolean
++PREFIX(common_op_match_null_string_p) (UCHAR_T **p, UCHAR_T *end,
++                                       PREFIX(register_info_type) *reg_info)
++  int mcnt;
++  boolean ret;
++  int reg_no;
++  UCHAR_T *p1 = *p;
++  switch ((re_opcode_t) *p1++)
++    {
++    case no_op:
++    case begline:
++    case endline:
++    case begbuf:
++    case endbuf:
++    case wordbeg:
++    case wordend:
++    case wordbound:
++    case notwordbound:
++#ifdef emacs
++    case before_dot:
++    case at_dot:
++    case after_dot:
++      break;
++    case start_memory:
++      reg_no = *p1;
++      assert (reg_no > 0 && reg_no <= MAX_REGNUM);
++      ret = PREFIX(group_match_null_string_p) (&p1, end, reg_info);
++      /* Have to set this here in case we're checking a group which
++         contains a group and a back reference to it.  */
++      if (REG_MATCH_NULL_STRING_P (reg_info[reg_no]) == MATCH_NULL_UNSET_VALUE)
++        REG_MATCH_NULL_STRING_P (reg_info[reg_no]) = ret;
++      if (!ret)
++        return false;
++      break;
++    /* If this is an optimized succeed_n for zero times, make the jump.  */
++    case jump:
++      EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (mcnt, p1);
++      if (mcnt >= 0)
++        p1 += mcnt;
++      else
++        return false;
++      break;
++    case succeed_n:
++      /* Get to the number of times to succeed.  */
++      p1 += OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++      EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (mcnt, p1);
++      if (mcnt == 0)
++        {
++          p1 -= 2 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++          EXTRACT_NUMBER_AND_INCR (mcnt, p1);
++          p1 += mcnt;
++        }
++      else
++        return false;
++      break;
++    case duplicate:
++      if (!REG_MATCH_NULL_STRING_P (reg_info[*p1]))
++        return false;
++      break;
++    case set_number_at:
++      p1 += 2 * OFFSET_ADDRESS_SIZE;
++    default:
++      /* All other opcodes mean we cannot match the empty string.  */
++      return false;
++  }
++  *p = p1;
++  return true;
++} /* common_op_match_null_string_p */
++/* Return zero if TRANSLATE[S1] and TRANSLATE[S2] are identical for LEN
++   bytes; nonzero otherwise.  */
++static int
++PREFIX(bcmp_translate) (const CHAR_T *s1, const CHAR_T *s2, register int len,
++                        RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE translate)
++  register const UCHAR_T *p1 = (const UCHAR_T *) s1;
++  register const UCHAR_T *p2 = (const UCHAR_T *) s2;
++  while (len)
++    {
++#ifdef WCHAR
++      if (((*p1<=0xff)?translate[*p1++]:*p1++)
++	  != ((*p2<=0xff)?translate[*p2++]:*p2++))
++	return 1;
++#else /* BYTE */
++      if (translate[*p1++] != translate[*p2++]) return 1;
++#endif /* WCHAR */
++      len--;
++    }
++  return 0;
++#else /* not INSIDE_RECURSION */
++/* Entry points for GNU code.  */
++/* re_compile_pattern is the GNU regular expression compiler: it
++   compiles PATTERN (of length SIZE) and puts the result in BUFP.
++   Returns 0 if the pattern was valid, otherwise an error string.
++   Assumes the `allocated' (and perhaps `buffer') and `translate' fields
++   are set in BUFP on entry.
++   We call regex_compile to do the actual compilation.  */
++const char *
++re_compile_pattern (const char *pattern, size_t length,
++                    struct re_pattern_buffer *bufp)
++  reg_errcode_t ret;
++  /* GNU code is written to assume at least RE_NREGS registers will be set
++     (and at least one extra will be -1).  */
++  bufp->regs_allocated = REGS_UNALLOCATED;
++  /* And GNU code determines whether or not to get register information
++     by passing null for the REGS argument to re_match, etc., not by
++     setting no_sub.  */
++  bufp->no_sub = 0;
++  /* Match anchors at newline.  */
++  bufp->newline_anchor = 1;
++# ifdef MBS_SUPPORT
++  if (MB_CUR_MAX != 1)
++    ret = wcs_regex_compile (pattern, length, re_syntax_options, bufp);
++  else
++# endif
++    ret = byte_regex_compile (pattern, length, re_syntax_options, bufp);
++  if (!ret)
++    return NULL;
++  return gettext (re_error_msgid[(int) ret]);
++#ifdef _LIBC
++weak_alias (__re_compile_pattern, re_compile_pattern)
++/* Entry points compatible with 4.2 BSD regex library.  We don't define
++   them unless specifically requested.  */
++#if defined _REGEX_RE_COMP || defined _LIBC
++/* BSD has one and only one pattern buffer.  */
++static struct re_pattern_buffer re_comp_buf;
++char *
++#ifdef _LIBC
++/* Make these definitions weak in libc, so POSIX programs can redefine
++   these names if they don't use our functions, and still use
++   regcomp/regexec below without link errors.  */
++re_comp (const char *s)
++  reg_errcode_t ret;
++  if (!s)
++    {
++      if (!re_comp_buf.buffer)
++	return (char *) gettext ("No previous regular expression");
++      return 0;
++    }
++  if (!re_comp_buf.buffer)
++    {
++      re_comp_buf.buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc (200);
++      if (re_comp_buf.buffer == NULL)
++        return (char *) gettext (re_error_msgid[(int) REG_ESPACE]);
++      re_comp_buf.allocated = 200;
++      re_comp_buf.fastmap = (char *) malloc (1 << BYTEWIDTH);
++      if (re_comp_buf.fastmap == NULL)
++	return (char *) gettext (re_error_msgid[(int) REG_ESPACE]);
++    }
++  /* Since `re_exec' always passes NULL for the `regs' argument, we
++     don't need to initialize the pattern buffer fields which affect it.  */
++  /* Match anchors at newlines.  */
++  re_comp_buf.newline_anchor = 1;
++# ifdef MBS_SUPPORT
++  if (MB_CUR_MAX != 1)
++    ret = wcs_regex_compile (s, strlen (s), re_syntax_options, &re_comp_buf);
++  else
++# endif
++    ret = byte_regex_compile (s, strlen (s), re_syntax_options, &re_comp_buf);
++  if (!ret)
++    return NULL;
++  /* Yes, we're discarding `const' here if !HAVE_LIBINTL.  */
++  return (char *) gettext (re_error_msgid[(int) ret]);
++#ifdef _LIBC
++re_exec (const char *s)
++  const int len = strlen (s);
++  return
++    0 <= re_search (&re_comp_buf, s, len, 0, len, (struct re_registers *) 0);
++#endif /* _REGEX_RE_COMP */
++/* POSIX.2 functions.  Don't define these for Emacs.  */
++#ifndef emacs
++/* regcomp takes a regular expression as a string and compiles it.
++   PREG is a regex_t *.  We do not expect any fields to be initialized,
++   since POSIX says we shouldn't.  Thus, we set
++     `buffer' to the compiled pattern;
++     `used' to the length of the compiled pattern;
++     `syntax' to RE_SYNTAX_POSIX_EXTENDED if the
++       REG_EXTENDED bit in CFLAGS is set; otherwise, to
++     `newline_anchor' to REG_NEWLINE being set in CFLAGS;
++     `fastmap' to an allocated space for the fastmap;
++     `fastmap_accurate' to zero;
++     `re_nsub' to the number of subexpressions in PATTERN.
++   PATTERN is the address of the pattern string.
++   CFLAGS is a series of bits which affect compilation.
++     If REG_EXTENDED is set, we use POSIX extended syntax; otherwise, we
++     use POSIX basic syntax.
++     If REG_NEWLINE is set, then . and [^...] don't match newline.
++     Also, regexec will try a match beginning after every newline.
++     If REG_ICASE is set, then we considers upper- and lowercase
++     versions of letters to be equivalent when matching.
++     If REG_NOSUB is set, then when PREG is passed to regexec, that
++     routine will report only success or failure, and nothing about the
++     registers.
++   It returns 0 if it succeeds, nonzero if it doesn't.  (See regex.h for
++   the return codes and their meanings.)  */
++regcomp (regex_t *preg, const char *pattern, int cflags)
++  reg_errcode_t ret;
++  reg_syntax_t syntax
++    = (cflags & REG_EXTENDED) ?
++  /* regex_compile will allocate the space for the compiled pattern.  */
++  preg->buffer = 0;
++  preg->allocated = 0;
++  preg->used = 0;
++  /* Try to allocate space for the fastmap.  */
++  preg->fastmap = (char *) malloc (1 << BYTEWIDTH);
++  if (cflags & REG_ICASE)
++    {
++      int i;
++      preg->translate
++				      * sizeof (*(RE_TRANSLATE_TYPE)0));
++      if (preg->translate == NULL)
++        return (int) REG_ESPACE;
++      /* Map uppercase characters to corresponding lowercase ones.  */
++      for (i = 0; i < CHAR_SET_SIZE; i++)
++        preg->translate[i] = ISUPPER (i) ? TOLOWER (i) : i;
++    }
++  else
++    preg->translate = NULL;
++  /* If REG_NEWLINE is set, newlines are treated differently.  */
++  if (cflags & REG_NEWLINE)
++    { /* REG_NEWLINE implies neither . nor [^...] match newline.  */
++      syntax &= ~RE_DOT_NEWLINE;
++      syntax |= RE_HAT_LISTS_NOT_NEWLINE;
++      /* It also changes the matching behavior.  */
++      preg->newline_anchor = 1;
++    }
++  else
++    preg->newline_anchor = 0;
++  preg->no_sub = !!(cflags & REG_NOSUB);
++  /* POSIX says a null character in the pattern terminates it, so we
++     can use strlen here in compiling the pattern.  */
++# ifdef MBS_SUPPORT
++  if (MB_CUR_MAX != 1)
++    ret = wcs_regex_compile (pattern, strlen (pattern), syntax, preg);
++  else
++# endif
++    ret = byte_regex_compile (pattern, strlen (pattern), syntax, preg);
++  /* POSIX doesn't distinguish between an unmatched open-group and an
++     unmatched close-group: both are REG_EPAREN.  */
++  if (ret == REG_ERPAREN) ret = REG_EPAREN;
++  if (ret == REG_NOERROR && preg->fastmap)
++    {
++      /* Compute the fastmap now, since regexec cannot modify the pattern
++	 buffer.  */
++      if (re_compile_fastmap (preg) == -2)
++	{
++	  /* Some error occurred while computing the fastmap, just forget
++	     about it.  */
++	  free (preg->fastmap);
++	  preg->fastmap = NULL;
++	}
++    }
++  return (int) ret;
++#ifdef _LIBC
++weak_alias (__regcomp, regcomp)
++/* regexec searches for a given pattern, specified by PREG, in the
++   string STRING.
++   If NMATCH is zero or REG_NOSUB was set in the cflags argument to
++   `regcomp', we ignore PMATCH.  Otherwise, we assume PMATCH has at
++   least NMATCH elements, and we set them to the offsets of the
++   corresponding matched substrings.
++   EFLAGS specifies `execution flags' which affect matching: if
++   REG_NOTBOL is set, then ^ does not match at the beginning of the
++   string; if REG_NOTEOL is set, then $ does not match at the end.
++   We return 0 if we find a match and REG_NOMATCH if not.  */
++regexec (const regex_t *preg, const char *string, size_t nmatch,
++         regmatch_t pmatch[], int eflags)
++  int ret;
++  struct re_registers regs;
++  regex_t private_preg;
++  int len = strlen (string);
++  boolean want_reg_info = !preg->no_sub && nmatch > 0;
++  private_preg = *preg;
++  private_preg.not_bol = !!(eflags & REG_NOTBOL);
++  private_preg.not_eol = !!(eflags & REG_NOTEOL);
++  /* The user has told us exactly how many registers to return
++     information about, via `nmatch'.  We have to pass that on to the
++     matching routines.  */
++  private_preg.regs_allocated = REGS_FIXED;
++  if (want_reg_info)
++    {
++      regs.num_regs = nmatch;
++      regs.start = TALLOC (nmatch * 2, regoff_t);
++      if (regs.start == NULL)
++        return (int) REG_NOMATCH;
++      regs.end = regs.start + nmatch;
++    }
++  /* Perform the searching operation.  */
++  ret = re_search (&private_preg, string, len,
++                   /* start: */ 0, /* range: */ len,
++                   want_reg_info ? &regs : (struct re_registers *) 0);
++  /* Copy the register information to the POSIX structure.  */
++  if (want_reg_info)
++    {
++      if (ret >= 0)
++        {
++          unsigned r;
++          for (r = 0; r < nmatch; r++)
++            {
++              pmatch[r].rm_so = regs.start[r];
++              pmatch[r].rm_eo = regs.end[r];
++            }
++        }
++      /* If we needed the temporary register info, free the space now.  */
++      free (regs.start);
++    }
++  /* We want zero return to mean success, unlike `re_search'.  */
++  return ret >= 0 ? (int) REG_NOERROR : (int) REG_NOMATCH;
++#ifdef _LIBC
++/* EGLIBC: This is handled in regexec-compat.c.  */
++/*weak_alias (__regexec, regexec)*/
++#include "regexec-compat.c"
++/* Returns a message corresponding to an error code, ERRCODE, returned
++   from either regcomp or regexec.   We don't use PREG here.  */
++regerror (int errcode, const regex_t *preg __attribute__ ((unused)),
++          char *errbuf, size_t errbuf_size)
++  const char *msg;
++  size_t msg_size;
++  if (errcode < 0
++      || errcode >= (int) (sizeof (re_error_msgid)
++			   / sizeof (re_error_msgid[0])))
++    /* Only error codes returned by the rest of the code should be passed
++       to this routine.  If we are given anything else, or if other regex
++       code generates an invalid error code, then the program has a bug.
++       Dump core so we can fix it.  */
++    abort ();
++  msg = gettext (re_error_msgid[errcode]);
++  msg_size = strlen (msg) + 1; /* Includes the null.  */
++  if (errbuf_size != 0)
++    {
++      if (msg_size > errbuf_size)
++        {
++#if defined HAVE_MEMPCPY || defined _LIBC
++	  *((char *) mempcpy (errbuf, msg, errbuf_size - 1)) = '\0';
++          memcpy (errbuf, msg, errbuf_size - 1);
++          errbuf[errbuf_size - 1] = 0;
++        }
++      else
++        memcpy (errbuf, msg, msg_size);
++    }
++  return msg_size;
++#ifdef _LIBC
++weak_alias (__regerror, regerror)
++/* Free dynamically allocated space used by PREG.  */
++regfree (regex_t *preg)
++  if (preg->buffer != NULL)
++    free (preg->buffer);
++  preg->buffer = NULL;
++  preg->allocated = 0;
++  preg->used = 0;
++  if (preg->fastmap != NULL)
++    free (preg->fastmap);
++  preg->fastmap = NULL;
++  preg->fastmap_accurate = 0;
++  if (preg->translate != NULL)
++    free (preg->translate);
++  preg->translate = NULL;
++#ifdef _LIBC
++weak_alias (__regfree, regfree)
++#endif /* not emacs  */
++#endif /* not INSIDE_RECURSION */
++#undef DEBUG_PUSH
++#undef DEBUG_POP
++#undef REG_UNSET
++#undef PATFETCH
++#undef TRANSLATE
++#undef INIT_BUF_SIZE
++#undef BUF_PUSH
++#undef BUF_PUSH_2
++#undef BUF_PUSH_3
++#undef STORE_JUMP
++#undef STORE_JUMP2
++#undef INSERT_JUMP
++#undef INSERT_JUMP2
++# undef PREFETCH
++# undef AT_STRINGS_BEG
++# undef AT_STRINGS_END
++# undef WORDCHAR_P
++# undef FREE_VAR
++# undef CHAR_T
++# undef UCHAR_T
++# undef PREFIX
++# undef ARG_PREFIX
++# undef PUT_CHAR
++# undef BYTE
++# undef WCHAR
++# define DEFINED_ONCE
+diff --git a/pwd/Makefile b/pwd/Makefile
+index 7f6de03..916d546 100644
+--- a/pwd/Makefile
++++ b/pwd/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #
+ #	Sub-makefile for pwd portion of the library.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= pwd
+ include ../Makeconfig
+diff --git a/resolv/Makefile b/resolv/Makefile
+index 1dcb75f..2e4b630 100644
+--- a/resolv/Makefile
++++ b/resolv/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #
+ #	Sub-makefile for resolv portion of the library.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= resolv
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -27,21 +29,22 @@ headers	:= resolv.h \
+ 	   arpa/nameser.h arpa/nameser_compat.h \
+ 	   sys/bitypes.h
+-routines := herror inet_addr inet_ntop inet_pton nsap_addr res_init \
+-	    res_hconf res_libc res-state
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) \
++	+= herror inet_addr inet_ntop inet_pton nsap_addr res_init \
++	   res_hconf res_libc res-state
+-tests = tst-aton tst-leaks tst-inet_ntop
+-xtests = tst-leaks2
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) += tst-aton tst-leaks tst-inet_ntop
++xtests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) += tst-leaks2
+ generate := mtrace-tst-leaks.out tst-leaks.mtrace tst-leaks2.mtrace
+-extra-libs := libresolv libnss_dns
++extra-libs-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) += libresolv libnss_dns
+ ifeq ($(have-thread-library),yes)
+-extra-libs += libanl
+-routines += gai_sigqueue
++extra-libs-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET_ANL) += libanl
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET) += gai_sigqueue
+ tests += tst-res_hconf_reorder
+ endif
+-extra-libs-others = $(extra-libs)
++extra-libs-others-y += $(extra-libs-y)
+ libresolv-routines := gethnamaddr res_comp res_debug	\
+ 		      res_data res_mkquery res_query res_send		\
+ 		      inet_net_ntop inet_net_pton inet_neta base64	\
+@@ -61,7 +64,7 @@ routines                += $(libnss_dns-routines) $(libresolv-routines)
+ static-only-routines    += $(libnss_dns-routines) $(libresolv-routines)
+ endif
+-ifeq (yesyes,$(build-shared)$(have-thread-library))
++ifeq (yesyesy,$(build-shared)$(have-thread-library)$(OPTION_EGLIBC_INET_ANL))
+ tests: $(objpfx)ga_test
+ endif
+diff --git a/stdio-common/Makefile b/stdio-common/Makefile
+index d0bf0e1..8655801 100644
+--- a/stdio-common/Makefile
++++ b/stdio-common/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #
+ #	Specific makefile for stdio-common.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= stdio-common
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ routines	:=							      \
+ 	vfprintf vprintf printf_fp reg-printf printf-prs printf_fphex	      \
+ 	reg-modifier reg-type						      \
+ 	printf_size fprintf printf snprintf sprintf asprintf dprintf	      \
+-	vfwprintf vfscanf vfwscanf					      \
++	vfscanf								      \
+ 	fscanf scanf sscanf						      \
+ 	perror psignal							      \
+ 	tmpfile tmpfile64 tmpnam tmpnam_r tempnam tempname		      \
+@@ -41,23 +43,36 @@ routines	:=							      \
+ 	isoc99_vsscanf							      \
+ 	psiginfo
+-aux	:= errlist siglist printf-parsemb printf-parsewc fxprintf
++# Ideally, _itowa and itowa-digits would be in this option group as
++# well, but it is used unconditionally by printf_fp and printf_fphex,
++# and it didn't seem straightforward to disentangle it.
++	+= vfwprintf vfwscanf
++aux	:= errlist siglist printf-parsemb fxprintf
++aux-$(OPTION_POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR) += printf-parsewc
+ tests := tstscanf test_rdwr test-popen tstgetln test-fseek \
+ 	 temptest tst-fileno test-fwrite tst-ungetc tst-ferror \
+ 	 xbug errnobug \
+ 	 bug1 bug2 bug3 bug4 bug5 bug6 bug7 bug8 bug9 bug10 bug11 bug12 bug13 \
+-	 tfformat tiformat tllformat tstdiomisc tst-printfsz tst-wc-printf \
++	 tfformat tiformat tllformat tstdiomisc tst-printfsz \
+ 	 scanf1 scanf2 scanf3 scanf4 scanf5 scanf7 scanf8 scanf9 scanf10 \
+-	 scanf11 scanf12 tst-tmpnam tst-cookie tst-obprintf tst-sscanf \
+-	 tst-swprintf tst-fseek tst-fmemopen test-vfprintf tst-gets \
+-	 tst-perror tst-sprintf tst-rndseek tst-fdopen tst-fphex bug14 \
++	 scanf11 scanf12 tst-tmpnam tst-cookie tst-obprintf \
++	 tst-fseek tst-fmemopen tst-gets \
++	 tst-sprintf tst-rndseek tst-fdopen tst-fphex \
+ 	 tst-popen tst-unlockedio tst-fmemopen2 tst-put-error tst-fgets \
+-	 tst-fwrite bug16 bug17 tst-swscanf tst-sprintf2 bug18 bug18a \
+-	 bug19 bug19a tst-popen2 scanf13 scanf14 scanf15 bug20 bug21 bug22 \
+-	 scanf16 scanf17 tst-setvbuf1 tst-grouping bug23 bug24 \
+-	 bug-vfprintf-nargs tst-long-dbl-fphex tst-fphex-wide tst-sprintf3 \
++	 tst-fwrite bug16 bug17 tst-sprintf2 bug18 \
++	 bug19 tst-popen2 scanf14 scanf15 bug21 bug22 \
++	 scanf16 scanf17 tst-setvbuf1 bug23 bug24 \
++	 bug-vfprintf-nargs tst-sprintf3 \
+ 	 bug25 tst-printf-round bug23-2 bug23-3 bug23-4 bug26 tst-fmemopen3
++	 += tst-sscanf tst-swprintf test-vfprintf bug14 scanf13 tst-grouping
++	 += tst-perror bug19a bug20 tst-long-dbl-fphex tst-fphex-wide
++	 += bug18a tst-swscanf tst-wc-printf
+ test-srcs = tst-unbputc tst-printf
+diff --git a/stdio-common/_i18n_number.h b/stdio-common/_i18n_number.h
+index 3c73044..ac62b3a 100644
+--- a/stdio-common/_i18n_number.h
++++ b/stdio-common/_i18n_number.h
+@@ -19,10 +19,13 @@
+ #include <stdbool.h>
+ #include <wchar.h>
+ #include <wctype.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include "../locale/outdigits.h"
+ #include "../locale/outdigitswc.h"
+ static CHAR_T *
+ _i18n_number_rewrite (CHAR_T *w, CHAR_T *rear_ptr, CHAR_T *end)
+ {
+@@ -115,3 +118,13 @@ _i18n_number_rewrite (CHAR_T *w, CHAR_T *rear_ptr, CHAR_T *end)
+   return w;
+ }
++static CHAR_T *
++_i18n_number_rewrite (CHAR_T *w, CHAR_T *rear_ptr, CHAR_T *end)
++  return w;
+diff --git a/stdio-common/fxprintf.c b/stdio-common/fxprintf.c
+index 7b2eb94..8476076 100644
+--- a/stdio-common/fxprintf.c
++++ b/stdio-common/fxprintf.c
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ #include <wchar.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <libioP.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ int
+@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ __fxprintf (FILE *fp, const char *fmt, ...)
+   int res;
+   if (_IO_fwide (fp, 0) > 0)
+     {
+       size_t len = strlen (fmt) + 1;
+       wchar_t wfmt[len];
+       for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+@@ -45,6 +47,9 @@ __fxprintf (FILE *fp, const char *fmt, ...)
+ 	  wfmt[i] = fmt[i];
+ 	}
+       res = __vfwprintf (fp, wfmt, ap);
++      abort();
+     }
+   else
+     res = _IO_vfprintf (fp, fmt, ap);
+diff --git a/stdio-common/printf_fp.c b/stdio-common/printf_fp.c
+index 3023b20..bd0df66 100644
+--- a/stdio-common/printf_fp.c
++++ b/stdio-common/printf_fp.c
+@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <wchar.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <stdbool.h>
+ #include <rounding-mode.h>
+@@ -142,6 +143,10 @@ extern mp_size_t __mpn_extract_long_double (mp_ptr res_ptr, mp_size_t size,
+ extern unsigned int __guess_grouping (unsigned int intdig_max,
+ 				      const char *grouping);
++/* Ideally, when OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE is disabled, this should do
++   all its work in ordinary characters, rather than doing it in wide
++   characters and then converting at the end.  But that is a challenge
++   for another day.  */
+ static wchar_t *group_number (wchar_t *buf, wchar_t *bufend,
+ 			      unsigned int intdig_no, const char *grouping,
+@@ -251,7 +256,14 @@ ___printf_fp (FILE *fp,
+   mp_limb_t cy;
+   /* Nonzero if this is output on a wide character stream.  */
+   int wide = info->wide;
++  /* This should never be called on a wide-oriented stream when
++     OPTION_POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR is disabled, but the compiler can't
++     be trusted to figure that out.  */
++  const int wide = 0;
+   /* Buffer in which we produce the output.  */
+   wchar_t *wbuffer = NULL;
+@@ -261,6 +273,7 @@ ___printf_fp (FILE *fp,
+   p.expsign = 0;
+   /* Figure out the decimal point character.  */
+   if (info->extra == 0)
+     {
+@@ -280,7 +293,13 @@ ___printf_fp (FILE *fp,
+   /* The decimal point character must not be zero.  */
+   assert (*decimal != '\0');
+   assert (decimalwc != L'\0');
++  /* Hard-code values from 'C' locale.  */
++  decimal = ".";
++  decimalwc = L'.';
+   if (info->group)
+     {
+       if (info->extra == 0)
+@@ -324,6 +343,9 @@ ___printf_fp (FILE *fp,
+     }
+   else
+     grouping = NULL;
++  grouping = NULL;
+   /* Fetch the argument value.	*/
+diff --git a/stdio-common/printf_fphex.c b/stdio-common/printf_fphex.c
+index 6c3b5e9..f660ce0 100644
+--- a/stdio-common/printf_fphex.c
++++ b/stdio-common/printf_fphex.c
+@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+ #include <_itoa.h>
+ #include <_itowa.h>
+ #include <locale/localeinfo.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <stdbool.h>
+ #include <rounding-mode.h>
+@@ -139,10 +140,18 @@ __printf_fphex (FILE *fp,
+   int done = 0;
+   /* Nonzero if this is output on a wide character stream.  */
+   int wide = info->wide;
++  /* This should never be called on a wide-oriented stream when
++     OPTION_POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR is disabled, but the compiler can't
++     be trusted to figure that out.  */
++  const int wide = 0;
+   /* Figure out the decimal point character.  */
+   if (info->extra == 0)
+     {
+@@ -156,6 +165,10 @@ __printf_fphex (FILE *fp,
+     }
+   /* The decimal point character must never be zero.  */
+   assert (*decimal != '\0' && decimalwc != L'\0');
++  decimal = ".";
++  decimalwc = L'.';
+   /* Fetch the argument value.	*/
+diff --git a/stdio-common/printf_size.c b/stdio-common/printf_size.c
+index 7dcd58e..6fb7491 100644
+--- a/stdio-common/printf_size.c
++++ b/stdio-common/printf_size.c
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ #include <math.h>
+ #include <printf.h>
+ #include <libioP.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ /* This defines make it possible to use the same code for GNU C library and
+@@ -116,7 +117,14 @@ __printf_size (FILE *fp, const struct printf_info *info,
+   struct printf_info fp_info;
+   int done = 0;
+   int wide = info->wide;
++  /* This should never be called on a wide-oriented stream when
++     OPTION_POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR is disabled, but the compiler can't
++     be trusted to figure that out.  */
++  const int wide = 0;
+   int res;
+   /* Fetch the argument value.	*/
+diff --git a/stdio-common/scanf14.c b/stdio-common/scanf14.c
+index cffccb0..6cc260a 100644
+--- a/stdio-common/scanf14.c
++++ b/stdio-common/scanf14.c
+@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <wchar.h>
+ #include <libc-internal.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #define FAIL() \
+   do {							\
+@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ main (void)
+   /* See explanation above.  */
+   DIAG_IGNORE_NEEDS_COMMENT (4.9, "-Wformat");
+   if (sscanf (" 3.25S x", "%4aS%3c", &lsp, c) != 2)
+     FAIL ();
+   else
+@@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ main (void)
+       memset (lsp, 'x', sizeof L"3.25");
+       free (lsp);
+     }
+   if (sscanf ("4.25[0-9.] x", "%a[0-9.]%8c", &sp, c) != 2)
+     FAIL ();
+   else
+diff --git a/stdio-common/tst-popen.c b/stdio-common/tst-popen.c
+index 5def27f..7c9b91e 100644
+--- a/stdio-common/tst-popen.c
++++ b/stdio-common/tst-popen.c
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <wchar.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ static int
+ do_test (void)
+@@ -34,12 +35,14 @@ do_test (void)
+       return 1;
+     }
+   /* POSIX says that pipe streams are byte-oriented.  */
+   if (fwide (f, 0) >= 0)
+     {
+       puts ("popen did not return byte-oriented stream");
+       result = 1;
+     }
+   if (getline (&line, &len, f) != 5)
+     {
+diff --git a/stdio-common/tst-sprintf.c b/stdio-common/tst-sprintf.c
+index d5284b9..f1e3d21 100644
+--- a/stdio-common/tst-sprintf.c
++++ b/stdio-common/tst-sprintf.c
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ #include <locale.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <libc-internal.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ static int
+ do_test (void)
+@@ -11,12 +11,14 @@ do_test (void)
+   char buf[100];
+   int result = 0;
+   if (sprintf (buf, "%.0ls", L"foo") != 0
+       || strlen (buf) != 0)
+     {
+       puts ("sprintf (buf, \"%.0ls\", L\"foo\") produced some output");
+       result = 1;
+     }
+ #define SIZE (1024*70000)
+ #define STR(x) #x
+diff --git a/stdio-common/tstdiomisc.c b/stdio-common/tstdiomisc.c
+index 5548a71..31ed024 100644
+--- a/stdio-common/tstdiomisc.c
++++ b/stdio-common/tstdiomisc.c
+@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <wchar.h>
+ #include <libc-internal.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ static int
+ t1 (void)
+@@ -134,6 +135,7 @@ F (void)
+   printf ("expected \"-inf -INF -inf -INF -inf -INF -inf -INF\", got \"%s\"\n",
+ 	  buf);
+   swprintf (wbuf, sizeof wbuf / sizeof (wbuf[0]), L"%a %A %e %E %f %F %g %G",
+ 	    qnanval, qnanval, qnanval, qnanval,
+ 	    qnanval, qnanval, qnanval, qnanval);
+@@ -171,6 +173,7 @@ F (void)
+   result |= wcscmp (wbuf, L"-inf -INF -inf -INF -inf -INF -inf -INF") != 0;
+   printf ("expected L\"-inf -INF -inf -INF -inf -INF -inf -INF\", got L\"%S\"\n",
+ 	  wbuf);
+   lqnanval = NAN;
+@@ -215,6 +218,7 @@ F (void)
+   printf ("expected \"-inf -INF -inf -INF -inf -INF -inf -INF\", got \"%s\"\n",
+ 	  buf);
+   swprintf (wbuf, sizeof wbuf / sizeof (wbuf[0]),
+ 	    L"%La %LA %Le %LE %Lf %LF %Lg %LG",
+ 	    lqnanval, lqnanval, lqnanval, lqnanval,
+@@ -259,6 +263,7 @@ F (void)
+   result |= wcscmp (wbuf, L"-inf -INF -inf -INF -inf -INF -inf -INF") != 0;
+   printf ("expected L\"-inf -INF -inf -INF -inf -INF -inf -INF\", got L\"%S\"\n",
+ 	  wbuf);
+   return result;
+ }
+diff --git a/stdio-common/vfprintf.c b/stdio-common/vfprintf.c
+index 0592e70..f21d973 100644
+--- a/stdio-common/vfprintf.c
++++ b/stdio-common/vfprintf.c
+@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
+ #include <_itoa.h>
+ #include <locale/localeinfo.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ /* This code is shared between the standard stdio implementation found
+    in GNU C library and the libio implementation originally found in
+@@ -140,6 +141,18 @@ typedef wchar_t THOUSANDS_SEP_T;
+ # define EOF WEOF
+ #endif
++# define MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT (1)
++# define MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT (0)
++# define LOCALE_SUPPORT (1)
++# define LOCALE_SUPPORT (0)
+ #include "_i18n_number.h"
+ /* Include the shared code for parsing the format string.  */
+@@ -1065,8 +1078,11 @@ static const uint8_t jump_table[] =
+ # define process_string_arg(fspec) \
+     LABEL (form_character):						      \
+       /* Character.  */							      \
+-      if (is_long)							      \
+-	goto LABEL (form_wcharacter);					      \
++      if (is_long)                                                            \
++        {                                                                     \
++          assert (MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT);                                         \
++          goto LABEL (form_wcharacter);                                       \
++        }                                                                     \
+       --width;	/* Account for the character itself.  */		      \
+       if (!left)							      \
+ 	PAD (' ');							      \
+@@ -1079,6 +1095,7 @@ static const uint8_t jump_table[] =
+       break;								      \
+ 									      \
+     LABEL (form_wcharacter):						      \
++      assert (MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT);                                             \
+       {									      \
+ 	/* Wide character.  */						      \
+ 	char buf[MB_CUR_MAX];						      \
+@@ -1145,6 +1162,7 @@ static const uint8_t jump_table[] =
+ 	  }								      \
+ 	else								      \
+ 	  {								      \
++            assert (MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT);                                       \
+ 	    const wchar_t *s2 = (const wchar_t *) string;		      \
+ 	    mbstate_t mbstate;						      \
+ 									      \
+@@ -1399,7 +1417,9 @@ vfprintf (FILE *s, const CHAR_T *format, va_list ap)
+     LABEL (flag_quote):
+       group = 1;
+-      if (grouping == (const char *) -1)
++      if (! LOCALE_SUPPORT)
++        grouping = NULL;
++      else if (grouping == (const char *) -1)
+ 	{
+ 	  thousands_sep = _NL_CURRENT_WORD (LC_NUMERIC,
+@@ -1728,8 +1748,9 @@ printf_positional (_IO_FILE *s, const CHAR_T *format, int readonly_format,
+   size_t cnt;
+   CHAR_T *workstart = NULL;
+-  if (grouping == (const char *) -1)
++    grouping = NULL;
++  else if (grouping == (const char *) -1)
+     {
+       thousands_sep = _NL_CURRENT_WORD (LC_NUMERIC,
+diff --git a/stdio-common/vfscanf.c b/stdio-common/vfscanf.c
+index 0e204e7..66cc0af 100644
+--- a/stdio-common/vfscanf.c
++++ b/stdio-common/vfscanf.c
+@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
+ #include <wctype.h>
+ #include <bits/libc-lock.h>
+ #include <locale/localeinfo.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #ifdef	__GNUC__
+ # define HAVE_LONGLONG
+@@ -133,6 +134,12 @@
+ # define WINT_T		int
+ #endif
++# define MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT (1)
++# define MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT (0)
+ #define encode_error() do {						      \
+ 			  errval = 4;					      \
+ 			  __set_errno (EILSEQ);				      \
+@@ -316,24 +323,35 @@ _IO_vfscanf_internal (_IO_FILE *s, const char *format, _IO_va_list argptr,
+   ARGCHECK (s, format);
+  {
+    struct __locale_data *const curnumeric = loc->__locales[LC_NUMERIC];
+ #endif
+    /* Figure out the decimal point character.  */
++# else
+    decimal = curnumeric->values[_NL_ITEM_INDEX (DECIMAL_POINT)].string;
++# endif
+    /* Figure out the thousands separator character.  */
++# else
+    thousands = curnumeric->values[_NL_ITEM_INDEX (THOUSANDS_SEP)].string;
+    if (*thousands == '\0')
+      thousands = NULL;
++# endif
++#else /* if ! __OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE */
++   /* Hard-code values from the C locale.  */
++   decimal = L'.';
++   thousands = L'\0';
++# else
++   decimal = ".";
++   thousands = NULL;
++# endif
+  }
+   /* Lock the stream.  */
+@@ -385,6 +403,8 @@ _IO_vfscanf_internal (_IO_FILE *s, const char *format, _IO_va_list argptr,
+       if (!isascii ((unsigned char) *f))
+ 	{
++          assert (MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT);
+ 	  /* Non-ASCII, may be a multibyte.  */
+ 	  int len = __mbrlen (f, strlen (f), &state);
+ 	  if (len > 0)
+@@ -830,6 +850,8 @@ _IO_vfscanf_internal (_IO_FILE *s, const char *format, _IO_va_list argptr,
+ 	    }
+ 	  /* FALLTHROUGH */
+ 	case L_('C'):
++          assert (MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT);
+ 	  if (width == -1)
+ 	    width = 1;
+@@ -1172,6 +1194,8 @@ _IO_vfscanf_internal (_IO_FILE *s, const char *format, _IO_va_list argptr,
+ 	  /* FALLTHROUGH */
+ 	case L_('S'):
++          assert (MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT);
+ 	  {
+ 	    mbstate_t cstate;
+@@ -1419,10 +1443,17 @@ _IO_vfscanf_internal (_IO_FILE *s, const char *format, _IO_va_list argptr,
+ 	      const char *mbdigits[10];
+ 	      const char *mbdigits_extended[10];
+ #endif
+ 	      /*  "to_inpunct" is a map from ASCII digits to their
+ 		  equivalent in locale. This is defined for locales
+ 		  which use an extra digits set.  */
+ 	      wctrans_t map = __wctrans ("to_inpunct");
++              /* This will always be the case when
++                 OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE is disabled, but the
++                 compiler can't figure that out.  */
++              wctrans_t map = NULL;
+ 	      int n;
+ 	      from_level = 0;
+@@ -2088,6 +2119,7 @@ _IO_vfscanf_internal (_IO_FILE *s, const char *format, _IO_va_list argptr,
+ 		--width;
+ 	    }
+ 	  wctrans_t map;
+ 	  if (__builtin_expect ((flags & I18N) != 0, 0)
+ 	      /* Hexadecimal floats make no sense, fixing localized
+@@ -2304,6 +2336,7 @@ _IO_vfscanf_internal (_IO_FILE *s, const char *format, _IO_va_list argptr,
+ 	      ;
+ #endif
+ 	    }
+ 	  /* Have we read any character?  If we try to read a number
+ 	     in hexadecimal notation and we have read only the `0x'
+@@ -2343,7 +2376,10 @@ _IO_vfscanf_internal (_IO_FILE *s, const char *format, _IO_va_list argptr,
+ 	case L_('['):	/* Character class.  */
+ 	  if (flags & LONG)
+-	    STRING_ARG (wstr, wchar_t, 100);
++            {
++              assert (MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT);
++              STRING_ARG (wstr, wchar_t, 100);
++            }
+ 	  else
+ 	    STRING_ARG (str, char, 100);
+@@ -2417,6 +2453,7 @@ _IO_vfscanf_internal (_IO_FILE *s, const char *format, _IO_va_list argptr,
+ 	  if (flags & LONG)
+ 	    {
+ 	      size_t now = read_in;
++              assert (MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT);
+ 	      if (__glibc_unlikely (inchar () == WEOF))
+ 		input_error ();
+diff --git a/stdlib/Makefile b/stdlib/Makefile
+index 402466a..7e7e304 100644
+--- a/stdlib/Makefile
++++ b/stdlib/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #
+ #	Makefile for stdlib routines
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= stdlib
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ headers	:= stdlib.h bits/stdlib.h bits/stdlib-ldbl.h bits/stdlib-float.h      \
+ 	   alloca.h fmtmsg.h						      \
+ 	   bits/stdlib-bsearch.h
+-routines	:=							      \
++routines-y	:=							      \
+ 	atof atoi atol atoll						      \
+ 	abort								      \
+ 	bsearch qsort msort						      \
+@@ -39,7 +41,6 @@ routines	:=							      \
+ 	quick_exit at_quick_exit cxa_at_quick_exit cxa_thread_atexit_impl     \
+ 	abs labs llabs							      \
+ 	div ldiv lldiv							      \
+-	mblen mbstowcs mbtowc wcstombs wctomb				      \
+ 	random random_r rand rand_r					      \
+ 	drand48 erand48 lrand48 nrand48 mrand48 jrand48			      \
+ 	srand48 seed48 lcong48						      \
+@@ -52,9 +53,18 @@ routines	:=							      \
+ 	strtof_l strtod_l strtold_l					      \
+ 	system canonicalize						      \
+ 	a64l l64a							      \
+-	rpmatch strfmon strfmon_l getsubopt xpg_basename fmtmsg		      \
+-	strtoimax strtoumax wcstoimax wcstoumax				      \
++	getsubopt xpg_basename						      \
++	strtoimax strtoumax						      \
+ 	getcontext setcontext makecontext swapcontext
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE) +=				      \
++	strfmon strfmon_l
++routines-$(OPTION_POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR) +=				      \
++	mblen mbstowcs mbtowc wcstombs wctomb				      \
++	wcstoimax wcstoumax
++routines-y += rpmatch
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_FMTMSG) += fmtmsg
+ aux =	grouping groupingwc tens_in_limb
+ # These routines will be omitted from the libc shared object.
+@@ -62,20 +72,24 @@ aux =	grouping groupingwc tens_in_limb
+ # linked against when the shared library will be used.
+ static-only-routines = atexit at_quick_exit
+-test-srcs	:= tst-fmtmsg
+-tests		:= tst-strtol tst-strtod testmb testrand testsort testdiv   \
++test-srcs-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_FMTMSG)	:= tst-fmtmsg
++tests		:= tst-strtol tst-strtod testrand testsort testdiv	    \
+ 		   test-canon test-canon2 tst-strtoll tst-environ	    \
+ 		   tst-xpg-basename tst-random tst-random2 tst-bsearch	    \
+ 		   tst-limits tst-rand48 bug-strtod tst-setcontext          \
+-		   tst-setcontext2 test-a64l tst-qsort tst-system testmb2   \
+-		   bug-strtod2 tst-atof1 tst-atof2 tst-strtod2 tst-strtod3  \
+-		   tst-rand48-2 tst-makecontext tst-strtod4 tst-strtod5     \
++		   tst-setcontext2 test-a64l tst-qsort tst-system	    \
++		   bug-strtod2 tst-atof1 tst-atof2 tst-strtod2 		    \
++		   tst-rand48-2 tst-makecontext 			    \
+ 		   tst-qsort2 tst-makecontext2 tst-strtod6 tst-unsetenv1    \
+ 		   tst-makecontext3 bug-getcontext bug-fmtmsg1		    \
+ 		   tst-secure-getenv tst-strtod-overflow tst-strtod-round   \
+ 		   tst-tininess tst-strtod-underflow tst-tls-atexit	    \
+ 		   tst-setcontext3 tst-tls-atexit-nodelete
+ tests-static	:= tst-secure-getenv
++		+= tst-strtod3 tst-strtod4 tst-strtod5 testmb2
++		+= testmb
+ modules-names	= tst-tls-atexit-lib
+@@ -116,8 +130,10 @@ CFLAGS-tst-makecontext2.c = $(stack-align-test-flags)
+ tests-special += $(objpfx)isomac.out
+ ifeq ($(run-built-tests),yes)
+ tests-special += $(objpfx)tst-fmtmsg.out
+ endif
+ include ../Rules
+diff --git a/stdlib/strtod_l.c b/stdlib/strtod_l.c
+index e13ab1e..63efe41 100644
+--- a/stdlib/strtod_l.c
++++ b/stdlib/strtod_l.c
+@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
+    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+    <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <xlocale.h>
+ extern double ____strtod_l_internal (const char *, char **, int, __locale_t);
+@@ -548,6 +549,7 @@ ____STRTOF_INTERNAL (nptr, endptr, group, loc)
+   /* Used in several places.  */
+   int cnt;
+   struct __locale_data *current = loc->__locales[LC_NUMERIC];
+   if (__glibc_unlikely (group))
+@@ -586,6 +588,17 @@ ____STRTOF_INTERNAL (nptr, endptr, group, loc)
+   decimal_len = strlen (decimal);
+   assert (decimal_len > 0);
+ #endif
++#else /* if ! __OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE */
++  /* Hard-code values from the 'C' locale.  */
++  grouping = NULL;
++#ifdef USE_WIDE_CHAR
++  decimal = L'.';
++# define decimal_len 1
++  decimal = ".";
++  decimal_len = 1;
+   /* Prepare number representation.  */
+   exponent = 0;
+diff --git a/stdlib/tst-strtod.c b/stdlib/tst-strtod.c
+index a469208..28fb423 100644
+--- a/stdlib/tst-strtod.c
++++ b/stdlib/tst-strtod.c
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <math.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ struct ltest
+   {
+@@ -176,7 +177,9 @@ main (int argc, char ** argv)
+   status |= long_dbl ();
+   status |= locale_test ();
+   return status ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ }
+@@ -219,6 +222,7 @@ long_dbl (void)
+   return 0;
+ }
+ /* Perform a few tests in a locale with thousands separators.  */
+ static int
+ locale_test (void)
+@@ -276,3 +280,4 @@ locale_test (void)
+   return result;
+ }
+diff --git a/streams/Makefile b/streams/Makefile
+index a8a6162..ceb423f 100644
+--- a/streams/Makefile
++++ b/streams/Makefile
+@@ -18,11 +18,14 @@
+ #
+ #	Makefile for streams.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= streams
+ include ../Makeconfig
+ headers		= stropts.h sys/stropts.h bits/stropts.h bits/xtitypes.h
+-routines	= isastream getmsg getpmsg putmsg putpmsg fattach fdetach
++	+= isastream getmsg getpmsg putmsg putpmsg fattach fdetach
+ include ../Rules
+diff --git a/string/Makefile b/string/Makefile
+index 8424a61..5988834 100644
+--- a/string/Makefile
++++ b/string/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #
+ #	Sub-makefile for string portion of library.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= string
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -39,10 +41,12 @@ routines	:= strcat strchr strcmp strcoll strcpy strcspn		\
+ 		   $(addprefix argz-,append count create ctsep next	\
+ 				     delete extract insert stringify	\
+ 				     addsep replace)			\
+-		   envz basename					\
++		   basename						\
+ 		   strcoll_l strxfrm_l string-inlines memrchr		\
+ 		   xpg-strerror strerror_l
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_ENVZ) += envz
+ strop-tests	:= memchr memcmp memcpy memmove mempcpy memset memccpy	\
+ 		   stpcpy stpncpy strcat strchr strcmp strcpy strcspn	\
+ 		   strlen strncmp strncpy strpbrk strrchr strspn memmem	\
+@@ -51,10 +55,12 @@ strop-tests	:= memchr memcmp memcpy memmove mempcpy memset memccpy	\
+ tests		:= tester inl-tester noinl-tester testcopy test-ffs	\
+ 		   tst-strlen stratcliff tst-svc tst-inlcall		\
+ 		   bug-strncat1 bug-strspn1 bug-strpbrk1 tst-bswap	\
+-		   tst-strtok tst-strxfrm bug-strcoll1 tst-strfry	\
++		   tst-strtok tst-strfry	\
+ 		   bug-strtok1 $(addprefix test-,$(strop-tests))	\
+-		   bug-envz1 tst-strxfrm2 tst-endian tst-svc2		\
+-		   tst-strtok_r
++		   tst-strxfrm2 tst-endian tst-svc2 tst-strtok_r
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_ENVZ) += bug-envz1
++		+= tst-strxfrm bug-strcoll1
+ xtests = tst-strcoll-overflow
+diff --git a/string/strcoll_l.c b/string/strcoll_l.c
+index 8f1225f..b36b18c 100644
+--- a/string/strcoll_l.c
++++ b/string/strcoll_l.c
+@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+ #include <stdint.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <sys/param.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #ifndef STRING_TYPE
+ # define STRING_TYPE char
+@@ -260,7 +261,11 @@ int
+ STRCOLL (const STRING_TYPE *s1, const STRING_TYPE *s2, __locale_t l)
+ {
+   struct __locale_data *current = l->__locales[LC_COLLATE];
+   uint_fast32_t nrules = current->values[_NL_ITEM_INDEX (_NL_COLLATE_NRULES)].word;
++  const uint_fast32_t nrules = 0;
+   /* We don't assign the following values right away since it might be
+      unnecessary in case there are no rules.  */
+   const unsigned char *rulesets;
+diff --git a/string/strerror_l.c b/string/strerror_l.c
+index 2ed78b5..6584813 100644
+--- a/string/strerror_l.c
++++ b/string/strerror_l.c
+@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <sys/param.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ static __thread char *last_value;
+@@ -29,10 +30,14 @@ static __thread char *last_value;
+ static const char *
+ translate (const char *str, locale_t loc)
+ {
+   locale_t oldloc = __uselocale (loc);
+   const char *res = _(str);
+   __uselocale (oldloc);
+   return res;
++  return str;
+ }
+diff --git a/string/strxfrm_l.c b/string/strxfrm_l.c
+index 8b61ea2..41fdc22 100644
+--- a/string/strxfrm_l.c
++++ b/string/strxfrm_l.c
+@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <sys/param.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #ifndef STRING_TYPE
+ # define STRING_TYPE char
+@@ -669,7 +670,11 @@ STRXFRM (STRING_TYPE *dest, const STRING_TYPE *src, size_t n, __locale_t l)
+ {
+   locale_data_t l_data;
+   struct __locale_data *current = l->__locales[LC_COLLATE];
+   l_data.nrules = current->values[_NL_ITEM_INDEX (_NL_COLLATE_NRULES)].word;
++  l_data.nrules = 0;
+   /* Handle byte comparison case.  */
+   if (l_data.nrules == 0)
+diff --git a/string/test-strcmp.c b/string/test-strcmp.c
+index dc4ba6f..a978656 100644
+--- a/string/test-strcmp.c
++++ b/string/test-strcmp.c
+@@ -329,34 +329,6 @@ check (void)
+ 		FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
+ 		check_result (impl, s1 + i1, s2 + i2, exp_result);
+       }
+-  /* Test cases where there are multiple zero bytes after the first.  */
+-  for (size_t i = 0; i < 16 + 1; i++)
+-    {
+-      s1[i] = 0x00;
+-      s2[i] = 0x00;
+-    }
+-  for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+-    {
+-      int exp_result;
+-      for (int val = 0x01; val < 0x100; val++)
+-	{
+-	  for (size_t j = 0; j < i; j++)
+-	    {
+-	      s1[j] = val;
+-	      s2[j] = val;
+-	    }
+-	  s2[i] = val;
+-	  exp_result = SIMPLE_STRCMP (s1, s2);
+-	  FOR_EACH_IMPL (impl, 0)
+-	    check_result (impl, s1, s2, exp_result);
+-	}
+-    }
+ }
+diff --git a/string/tst-strxfrm.c b/string/tst-strxfrm.c
+index f48cfc0..c3a51f9 100644
+--- a/string/tst-strxfrm.c
++++ b/string/tst-strxfrm.c
+@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ char const string[] = "";
+@@ -64,8 +65,10 @@ do_test (void)
+   int result = 0;
+   result |= test ("C");
+   result |= test ("en_US.ISO-8859-1");
+   result |= test ("de_DE.UTF-8");
+   return result;
+ }
+diff --git a/string/tst-strxfrm2.c b/string/tst-strxfrm2.c
+index d5a1115..19c7f30 100644
+--- a/string/tst-strxfrm2.c
++++ b/string/tst-strxfrm2.c
+@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+ #include <locale.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ static int
+ do_test (void)
+@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ do_test (void)
+       res = 1;
+     }
+   if (setlocale (LC_ALL, "de_DE.UTF-8") == NULL)
+     {
+       puts ("setlocale failed");
+@@ -75,6 +77,7 @@ do_test (void)
+ 	  res = 1;
+ 	}
+     }
+   return res;
+ }
+diff --git a/sunrpc/Makefile b/sunrpc/Makefile
+index 60caa0a..5bc70ab 100644
+--- a/sunrpc/Makefile
++++ b/sunrpc/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #
+ #	Sub-makefile for sunrpc portion of the library.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= sunrpc
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -55,7 +57,6 @@ headers-in-tirpc = $(addprefix rpc/,auth.h auth_unix.h clnt.h pmap_clnt.h \
+ headers-not-in-tirpc = $(addprefix rpc/,key_prot.h rpc_des.h) \
+ 		       $(rpcsvc:%=rpcsvc/%) rpcsvc/bootparam.h
+ headers = rpc/netdb.h
+-install-others = $(inst_sysconfdir)/rpc
+ generated += $(rpcsvc:%.x=rpcsvc/%.h) $(rpcsvc:%.x=x%.c) $(rpcsvc:%.x=x%.stmp) \
+ 	     $(rpcsvc:%.x=rpcsvc/%.stmp) rpcgen
+ generated-dirs += rpcsvc
+@@ -65,20 +66,28 @@ headers += $(headers-in-tirpc) $(headers-not-in-tirpc)
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(build-shared),yes)
+-need-export-routines := auth_des auth_unix clnt_gen clnt_perr clnt_tcp \
++need-export-routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_SUNRPC) := \
++			auth_des auth_unix clnt_gen clnt_perr clnt_tcp \
+ 			clnt_udp get_myaddr key_call netname pm_getport \
+-			rpc_thread svc svc_tcp svc_udp xcrypt xdr_array xdr \
++			rpc_thread svc svc_tcp svc_udp xdr_array xdr \
+ 			xdr_intXX_t xdr_mem xdr_ref xdr_sizeof xdr_stdio \
+ 			svc_run
++need-export-routines-y += xcrypt
++need-export-routines := $(need-export-routines-y)
+-routines := auth_none authuxprot bindrsvprt clnt_raw clnt_simp \
++routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_SUNRPC) := \
++	    auth_none authuxprot bindrsvprt clnt_raw clnt_simp \
+ 	    rpc_dtable getrpcport pmap_clnt pm_getmaps pmap_prot pmap_prot2 \
+ 	    pmap_rmt rpc_prot rpc_common rpc_cmsg svc_auth svc_authux svc_raw \
+ 	    svc_simple xdr_float xdr_rec publickey authdes_prot \
+-	    des_crypt des_impl des_soft key_prot openchild rtime svcauth_des \
++	    key_prot openchild rtime svcauth_des \
+ 	    getrpcent getrpcbyname getrpcbynumber \
+ 	    getrpcent_r getrpcbyname_r getrpcbynumber_r \
+-	    clnt_unix svc_unix create_xid $(need-export-routines)
++	    clnt_unix svc_unix create_xid
++# xdecrypt is also used by nss/nss_files/files-key.c.
++routines-y += des_crypt des_impl des_soft $(need-export-routines)
+ ifneq ($(link-obsolete-rpc),yes)
+ # We only add the RPC for compatibility to libc.so.
+ shared-only-routines = $(routines)
+@@ -87,25 +96,28 @@ endif
+ # We do not build rpcinfo anymore.  It is not needed for a bootstrap
+ # and not wanted on complete systems.
+-# others := rpcinfo
+-# install-sbin := rpcinfo
+-install-bin := rpcgen
++# others-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_SUNRPC) += rpcinfo
++# install-sbin-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_SUNRPC) += rpcinfo
++install-bin-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_SUNRPC) += rpcgen
+ rpcgen-objs = rpc_main.o rpc_hout.o rpc_cout.o rpc_parse.o \
+ 	      rpc_scan.o rpc_util.o rpc_svcout.o rpc_clntout.o \
+ 	      rpc_tblout.o rpc_sample.o
+-extra-objs = $(rpcgen-objs) $(addprefix cross-,$(rpcgen-objs))
+-others += rpcgen
++extra-objs-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_SUNRPC) = $(rpcgen-objs) $(addprefix cross-,$(rpcgen-objs))
++others-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_SUNRPC) += rpcgen
++install-others-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_SUNRPC) += $(inst_sysconfdir)/rpc
+-tests = tst-xdrmem tst-xdrmem2 test-rpcent
+-xtests := tst-getmyaddr
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_SUNRPC) = tst-xdrmem tst-xdrmem2 test-rpcent
++xtests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_SUNRPC) := tst-getmyaddr
+ ifeq ($(have-thread-library),yes)
+-xtests += thrsvc
++xtests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_SUNRPC) += thrsvc
+ endif
+ headers += $(rpcsvc:%.x=rpcsvc/%.h)
+-extra-libs := librpcsvc
+-extra-libs-others := librpcsvc # Make it in `others' pass, not `lib' pass.
++extra-libs-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_SUNRPC) += librpcsvc
++# Make it in `others' pass, not `lib' pass.
++extra-libs-others-y += $(extra-libs-y)
+ librpcsvc-routines = $(rpcsvc:%.x=x%)
+ librpcsvc-inhibit-o = .os # Build no shared rpcsvc library.
+ omit-deps = $(librpcsvc-routines)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/arm/Makefile b/sysdeps/arm/Makefile
+index 17c129b..543791a 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/arm/Makefile
++++ b/sysdeps/arm/Makefile
+@@ -37,10 +37,13 @@ ifeq ($(subdir),csu)
+ # get offset to rtld_global._dl_hwcap
+ gen-as-const-headers += rtld-global-offsets.sym tlsdesc.sym
+ aeabi_constants = aeabi_lcsts aeabi_sighandlers aeabi_math
+-aeabi_routines = aeabi_assert aeabi_localeconv aeabi_errno_addr \
++aeabi_routines = aeabi_assert aeabi_errno_addr \
+ 		 aeabi_mb_cur_max aeabi_atexit aeabi_memclr aeabi_memcpy \
+ 		 aeabi_memmove aeabi_memset \
+ 		 aeabi_read_tp libc-aeabi_read_tp
++aeabi_routines += aeabi_localeconv
+ sysdep_routines += $(aeabi_constants) $(aeabi_routines)
+ static-only-routines += $(aeabi_constants) aeabi_read_tp
+diff --git a/sysdeps/generic/ldsodefs.h b/sysdeps/generic/ldsodefs.h
+index 7a0fe8d..a3e2c0a 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/generic/ldsodefs.h
++++ b/sysdeps/generic/ldsodefs.h
+@@ -435,6 +435,12 @@ extern struct rtld_global _rtld_global __rtld_global_attribute__;
+ # undef __rtld_global_attribute__
+ #endif
++# define GLRO_dl_debug_mask GLRO(dl_debug_mask)
++# define GLRO_dl_debug_mask 0
+ #ifndef SHARED
+ # define GLRO(name) _##name
+ #else
+@@ -447,8 +453,10 @@ struct rtld_global_ro
+ {
+ #endif
+   /* If nonzero the appropriate debug information is printed.  */
+   EXTERN int _dl_debug_mask;
+ #define DL_DEBUG_LIBS	    (1 << 0)
+ #define DL_DEBUG_IMPCALLS   (1 << 1)
+ #define DL_DEBUG_BINDINGS   (1 << 2)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/gnu/Makefile b/sysdeps/gnu/Makefile
+index ea68037..3175cc3 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/gnu/Makefile
++++ b/sysdeps/gnu/Makefile
+@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ $(foreach o,$(object-suffixes) $(object-suffixes:=.d),\
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(subdir),login)
+-sysdep_routines += setutxent getutxent endutxent getutxid getutxline \
++sysdep_routines-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_UTMPX) \
++		+= setutxent getutxent endutxent getutxid getutxline \
+ 		   pututxline utmpxname updwtmpx getutmpx getutmp
+ sysdep_headers += utmpx.h bits/utmpx.h
+diff --git a/sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-opt/Makefile b/sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-opt/Makefile
+index 222122d..4509357 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-opt/Makefile
++++ b/sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-opt/Makefile
+@@ -11,19 +11,18 @@ libm-routines += s_nexttowardfd
+ routines += math_ldbl_opt nldbl-compat
+ extra-libs += libnldbl
+-libnldbl-calls = asprintf dprintf fprintf fscanf fwprintf fwscanf iovfscanf \
++libnldbl-calls = asprintf dprintf fprintf fscanf iovfscanf \
+ 		 obstack_printf obstack_vprintf printf scanf snprintf \
+-		 sprintf sscanf swprintf swscanf vasprintf vdprintf vfprintf \
+-		 vfscanf vfwprintf vfwscanf vprintf vscanf vsnprintf \
+-		 vsprintf vsscanf vswprintf vswscanf vwprintf vwscanf \
+-		 wprintf wscanf printf_fp printf_size \
+-		 fprintf_chk fwprintf_chk printf_chk snprintf_chk sprintf_chk \
+-		 swprintf_chk vfprintf_chk vfwprintf_chk vprintf_chk \
+-		 vsnprintf_chk vsprintf_chk vswprintf_chk vwprintf_chk \
+-		 wprintf_chk asprintf_chk vasprintf_chk dprintf_chk \
++		 sprintf sscanf vasprintf vdprintf vfprintf \
++		 vfscanf vprintf vscanf vsnprintf \
++		 vsprintf vsscanf \
++		 printf_fp printf_size \
++		 fprintf_chk printf_chk snprintf_chk sprintf_chk \
++		 vfprintf_chk vprintf_chk \
++		 vsnprintf_chk vsprintf_chk \
++		 asprintf_chk vasprintf_chk dprintf_chk \
+ 		 vdprintf_chk obstack_printf_chk obstack_vprintf_chk \
+ 		 syslog syslog_chk vsyslog vsyslog_chk \
+-		 strfmon strfmon_l \
+ 		 strtold strtold_l strtoldint wcstold wcstold_l wcstoldint \
+ 		 qecvt qfcvt qgcvt qecvt_r qfcvt_r \
+ 		 isinf isnan finite signbit scalb log2 lgamma_r ceil \
+@@ -38,9 +37,15 @@ libnldbl-calls = asprintf dprintf fprintf fscanf fwprintf fwscanf iovfscanf \
+ 		 casinh cexp clog cproj csin csinh csqrt ctan ctanh cpow \
+ 		 cabs carg cimag creal clog10 \
+ 		 isoc99_scanf isoc99_fscanf isoc99_sscanf \
+-		 isoc99_vscanf isoc99_vfscanf isoc99_vsscanf \
++		 isoc99_vscanf isoc99_vfscanf isoc99_vsscanf
++libnldbl-calls-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE) += strfmon strfmon_l
++libnldbl-calls-$(OPTION_POSIX_WIDE_CHAR_DEVICE_IO) += fwprintf fwscanf \
++		 swprintf swscanf vfwprintf vfwscanf vswprintf vswscanf \
++		 vwprintf vwscanf wprintf wscanf fwprintf_chk swprintf_chk \
++		 vfwprintf_chk vswprintf_chk vwprintf_chk wprintf_chk \
+ 		 isoc99_wscanf isoc99_fwscanf isoc99_swscanf \
+ 		 isoc99_vwscanf isoc99_vfwscanf isoc99_vswscanf
++libnldbl-calls += $(libnldbl-calls-y)
+ libnldbl-routines = $(libnldbl-calls:%=nldbl-%)
+ libnldbl-inhibit-o = $(object-suffixes)
+ libnldbl-static-only-routines = $(libnldbl-routines)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-opt/nldbl-compat.c b/sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-opt/nldbl-compat.c
+index 0198886..55501cd 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-opt/nldbl-compat.c
++++ b/sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-opt/nldbl-compat.c
+@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+ #include <locale/localeinfo.h>
+ #include <sys/syslog.h>
+ #include <bits/libc-lock.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include "nldbl-compat.h"
+@@ -33,20 +34,14 @@ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl_vfprintf)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl_vsscanf)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl_vsprintf)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl_vfscanf)
+-libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl_vfwscanf)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl_vdprintf)
+-libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl_vswscanf)
+-libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl_vfwprintf)
+-libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl_vswprintf)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl_vsnprintf)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl_vasprintf)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl_obstack_vprintf)
+-libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl___vfwprintf_chk)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl___vsnprintf_chk)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl___vfprintf_chk)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl___vsyslog_chk)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl___vsprintf_chk)
+-libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl___vswprintf_chk)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl___vasprintf_chk)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl___vdprintf_chk)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl___obstack_vprintf_chk)
+@@ -54,8 +49,17 @@ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl___vstrfmon)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl___vstrfmon_l)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl___isoc99_vsscanf)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl___isoc99_vfscanf)
++libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl_vfwscanf)
++libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl_vswscanf)
++libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl_vfwprintf)
++libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl_vswprintf)
++libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl___vfwprintf_chk)
++libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl___vswprintf_chk)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl___isoc99_vswscanf)
+ libc_hidden_proto (__nldbl___isoc99_vfwscanf)
+ static void
+ __nldbl_cleanup (void *arg)
+@@ -117,6 +121,7 @@ __nldbl_fprintf (FILE *stream, const char *fmt, ...)
+ }
+ weak_alias (__nldbl_fprintf, __nldbl__IO_fprintf)
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section weak_function
+ __nldbl_fwprintf (FILE *stream, const wchar_t *fmt, ...)
+@@ -130,6 +135,7 @@ __nldbl_fwprintf (FILE *stream, const wchar_t *fmt, ...)
+   return done;
+ }
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section
+@@ -226,6 +232,7 @@ __nldbl_snprintf (char *s, size_t maxlen, const char *fmt, ...)
+   return done;
+ }
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section
+ __nldbl_swprintf (wchar_t *s, size_t n, const wchar_t *fmt, ...)
+@@ -239,6 +246,7 @@ __nldbl_swprintf (wchar_t *s, size_t n, const wchar_t *fmt, ...)
+   return done;
+ }
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section weak_function
+@@ -264,6 +272,7 @@ __nldbl_vdprintf (int d, const char *fmt, va_list arg)
+ }
+ libc_hidden_def (__nldbl_vdprintf)
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section weak_function
+ __nldbl_vfwprintf (FILE *s, const wchar_t *fmt, va_list ap)
+@@ -275,6 +284,7 @@ __nldbl_vfwprintf (FILE *s, const wchar_t *fmt, va_list ap)
+   return res;
+ }
+ libc_hidden_def (__nldbl_vfwprintf)
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section
+@@ -297,6 +307,7 @@ __nldbl_vsnprintf (char *string, size_t maxlen, const char *fmt,
+ libc_hidden_def (__nldbl_vsnprintf)
+ weak_alias (__nldbl_vsnprintf, __nldbl___vsnprintf)
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section weak_function
+ __nldbl_vswprintf (wchar_t *string, size_t maxlen, const wchar_t *fmt,
+@@ -330,6 +341,7 @@ __nldbl_wprintf (const wchar_t *fmt, ...)
+   return done;
+ }
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section
+@@ -419,6 +431,7 @@ __nldbl_scanf (const char *fmt, ...)
+   return done;
+ }
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section
+ __nldbl_vfwscanf (FILE *s, const wchar_t *fmt, va_list ap)
+@@ -491,6 +504,7 @@ __nldbl_wscanf (const wchar_t *fmt, ...)
+   return done;
+ }
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section
+@@ -506,6 +520,7 @@ __nldbl___fprintf_chk (FILE *stream, int flag, const char *fmt, ...)
+   return done;
+ }
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section
+ __nldbl___fwprintf_chk (FILE *stream, int flag, const wchar_t *fmt, ...)
+@@ -519,6 +534,7 @@ __nldbl___fwprintf_chk (FILE *stream, int flag, const wchar_t *fmt, ...)
+   return done;
+ }
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section
+@@ -563,6 +579,7 @@ __nldbl___sprintf_chk (char *s, int flag, size_t slen, const char *fmt, ...)
+   return done;
+ }
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section
+ __nldbl___swprintf_chk (wchar_t *s, size_t n, int flag, size_t slen,
+@@ -577,6 +594,7 @@ __nldbl___swprintf_chk (wchar_t *s, size_t n, int flag, size_t slen,
+   return done;
+ }
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section
+@@ -590,6 +608,7 @@ __nldbl___vfprintf_chk (FILE *s, int flag, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
+ }
+ libc_hidden_def (__nldbl___vfprintf_chk)
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section
+ __nldbl___vfwprintf_chk (FILE *s, int flag, const wchar_t *fmt, va_list ap)
+@@ -601,6 +620,7 @@ __nldbl___vfwprintf_chk (FILE *s, int flag, const wchar_t *fmt, va_list ap)
+   return res;
+ }
+ libc_hidden_def (__nldbl___vfwprintf_chk)
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section
+@@ -635,6 +655,7 @@ __nldbl___vsprintf_chk (char *string, int flag, size_t slen, const char *fmt,
+ }
+ libc_hidden_def (__nldbl___vsprintf_chk)
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section
+ __nldbl___vswprintf_chk (wchar_t *string, size_t maxlen, int flag, size_t slen,
+@@ -668,6 +689,7 @@ __nldbl___wprintf_chk (int flag, const wchar_t *fmt, ...)
+   return done;
+ }
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section
+@@ -775,6 +797,7 @@ __nldbl___printf_fp (FILE *fp, const struct printf_info *info,
+   return ___printf_fp (fp, &info_no_ldbl, args);
+ }
+ ssize_t
+ attribute_compat_text_section
+ __nldbl_strfmon (char *s, size_t maxsize, const char *format, ...)
+@@ -829,6 +852,7 @@ __nldbl___vstrfmon_l (char *s, size_t maxsize, __locale_t loc,
+   return res;
+ }
+ libc_hidden_def (__nldbl___vstrfmon_l)
+ void
+ attribute_compat_text_section
+@@ -941,6 +965,7 @@ __nldbl___isoc99_scanf (const char *fmt, ...)
+   return done;
+ }
+ int
+ attribute_compat_text_section
+ __nldbl___isoc99_vfwscanf (FILE *s, const wchar_t *fmt, va_list ap)
+@@ -1014,6 +1039,7 @@ __nldbl___isoc99_wscanf (const wchar_t *fmt, ...)
+   return done;
+ }
+ compat_symbol (libc, __nldbl__IO_printf, _IO_printf, GLIBC_2_0);
+@@ -1057,6 +1083,7 @@ compat_symbol (libc, __nldbl_printf_size, printf_size, GLIBC_2_1);
+ compat_symbol (libc, __nldbl___strfmon_l, __strfmon_l, GLIBC_2_1);
+ #endif
+ compat_symbol (libc, __nldbl_swprintf, swprintf, GLIBC_2_2);
+ compat_symbol (libc, __nldbl_vwprintf, vwprintf, GLIBC_2_2);
+ compat_symbol (libc, __nldbl_wprintf, wprintf, GLIBC_2_2);
+@@ -1069,6 +1096,7 @@ compat_symbol (libc, __nldbl_vfwscanf, vfwscanf, GLIBC_2_2);
+ compat_symbol (libc, __nldbl_vswscanf, vswscanf, GLIBC_2_2);
+ compat_symbol (libc, __nldbl_vwscanf, vwscanf, GLIBC_2_2);
+ compat_symbol (libc, __nldbl_wscanf, wscanf, GLIBC_2_2);
++# endif
+ #endif
+ compat_symbol (libc, __nldbl_strfmon_l, strfmon_l, GLIBC_2_3);
+diff --git a/sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-opt/nldbl-compat.h b/sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-opt/nldbl-compat.h
+index 0d2c8af..f4cea50 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-opt/nldbl-compat.h
++++ b/sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-opt/nldbl-compat.h
+@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ #include <math.h>
+ #include <monetary.h>
+ #include <sys/syslog.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ /* Declare the __nldbl_NAME function the wrappers call that's in libc.so.  */
+@@ -37,19 +38,15 @@
+ NLDBL_DECL (_IO_vfscanf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (vfscanf);
+-NLDBL_DECL (vfwscanf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (obstack_vprintf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (vasprintf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (dprintf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (vdprintf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (fprintf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (vfprintf);
+-NLDBL_DECL (vfwprintf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (vsnprintf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (vsprintf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (vsscanf);
+-NLDBL_DECL (vswprintf);
+-NLDBL_DECL (vswscanf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (__asprintf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (asprintf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (__printf_fp);
+@@ -66,12 +63,18 @@ NLDBL_DECL (__isoc99_sscanf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (__isoc99_vscanf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (__isoc99_vfscanf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (__isoc99_vsscanf);
++NLDBL_DECL (vfwscanf);
++NLDBL_DECL (vfwprintf);
++NLDBL_DECL (vswprintf);
++NLDBL_DECL (vswscanf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (__isoc99_wscanf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (__isoc99_fwscanf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (__isoc99_swscanf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (__isoc99_vwscanf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (__isoc99_vfwscanf);
+ NLDBL_DECL (__isoc99_vswscanf);
+ /* This one does not exist in the normal interface, only
+    __nldbl___vstrfmon really exists.  */
+@@ -82,22 +85,23 @@ extern ssize_t __nldbl___vstrfmon (char *, size_t, const char *, va_list)
+    since we don't compile with _FORTIFY_SOURCE.  */
+ extern int __nldbl___vfprintf_chk (FILE *__restrict, int,
+ 				   const char *__restrict, _G_va_list);
+-extern int __nldbl___vfwprintf_chk (FILE *__restrict, int,
+-				    const wchar_t *__restrict, __gnuc_va_list);
+ extern int __nldbl___vsprintf_chk (char *__restrict, int, size_t,
+ 				   const char *__restrict, _G_va_list) __THROW;
+ extern int __nldbl___vsnprintf_chk (char *__restrict, size_t, int, size_t,
+ 				    const char *__restrict, _G_va_list)
+   __THROW;
+-extern int __nldbl___vswprintf_chk (wchar_t *__restrict, size_t, int, size_t,
+-				    const wchar_t *__restrict, __gnuc_va_list)
+-  __THROW;
+ extern int __nldbl___vasprintf_chk (char **, int, const char *, _G_va_list)
+   __THROW;
+ extern int __nldbl___vdprintf_chk (int, int, const char *, _G_va_list);
+ extern int __nldbl___obstack_vprintf_chk (struct obstack *, int, const char *,
+ 					  _G_va_list) __THROW;
+ extern void __nldbl___vsyslog_chk (int, int, const char *, va_list);
++extern int __nldbl___vfwprintf_chk (FILE *__restrict, int,
++				    const wchar_t *__restrict, __gnuc_va_list);
++extern int __nldbl___vswprintf_chk (wchar_t *__restrict, size_t, int, size_t,
++				    const wchar_t *__restrict, __gnuc_va_list)
++  __THROW;
+ #endif /* __NLDBL_COMPAT_H */
+diff --git a/sysdeps/nptl/Makefile b/sysdeps/nptl/Makefile
+index e9339a3..782009b 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/nptl/Makefile
++++ b/sysdeps/nptl/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
+ ifeq ($(subdir),nptl)
+ libpthread-sysdep_routines += errno-loc
++sysdep_routines += small-macros-fns
+ endif
+ ifeq ($(subdir),rt)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/nptl/bits/libc-lock.h b/sysdeps/nptl/bits/libc-lock.h
+index 5599cf1..b839378 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/nptl/bits/libc-lock.h
++++ b/sysdeps/nptl/bits/libc-lock.h
+@@ -24,6 +24,14 @@
+ #include <stddef.h>
++#ifdef _LIBC
++# include <lowlevellock.h>
++# include <tls.h>
++# include <pthread-functions.h>
++# include <errno.h> /* For EBUSY.  */
++# include <gnu/option-groups.h> /* For __OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS.  */
+ /* Mutex type.  */
+ #if defined _LIBC || defined _IO_MTSAFE_IO
+ # if (!IS_IN (libc) && !IS_IN (libpthread)) || !defined _LIBC
+@@ -87,6 +95,15 @@ typedef struct __libc_lock_recursive_opaque__ __libc_lock_recursive_t;
+ /* Lock the recursive named lock variable.  */
+ #if defined _LIBC && (IS_IN (libc) || IS_IN (libpthread))
++/* EGLIBC: Declare wrapper function for a big macro if either
++   !__OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS or we are using a back door from
++   small-macros-fns.c (__OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS == 2).  */
++extern void __libc_lock_lock_recursive_fn (__libc_lock_recursive_t *);
++libc_hidden_proto (__libc_lock_lock_recursive_fn);
++# endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS != 1 */
+ # define __libc_lock_lock_recursive(NAME) \
+   do {									      \
+     void *self = THREAD_SELF;						      \
+@@ -97,6 +114,10 @@ typedef struct __libc_lock_recursive_opaque__ __libc_lock_recursive_t;
+       }									      \
+     ++(NAME).cnt;							      \
+   } while (0)
++# else
++# define __libc_lock_lock_recursive(NAME)				\
++  __libc_lock_lock_recursive_fn (&(NAME))
++# endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS */
+ #else
+ # define __libc_lock_lock_recursive(NAME) \
+   __libc_maybe_call (__pthread_mutex_lock, (&(NAME).mutex), 0)
+@@ -104,6 +125,14 @@ typedef struct __libc_lock_recursive_opaque__ __libc_lock_recursive_t;
+ /* Try to lock the recursive named lock variable.  */
+ #if defined _LIBC && (IS_IN (libc) || IS_IN (libpthread))
++/* EGLIBC: Declare wrapper function for a big macro if either
++   !__OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS or we are using a back door from
++   small-macros-fns.c (__OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS == 2).  */
++extern int __libc_lock_trylock_recursive_fn (__libc_lock_recursive_t *);
++libc_hidden_proto (__libc_lock_trylock_recursive_fn);
++# endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS != 1 */
+ # define __libc_lock_trylock_recursive(NAME) \
+   ({									      \
+     int result = 0;							      \
+@@ -122,6 +151,10 @@ typedef struct __libc_lock_recursive_opaque__ __libc_lock_recursive_t;
+       ++(NAME).cnt;							      \
+     result;								      \
+   })
++# else
++# define __libc_lock_trylock_recursive(NAME) \
++  __libc_lock_trylock_recursive_fn (&(NAME))
++# endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS */
+ #else
+ # define __libc_lock_trylock_recursive(NAME) \
+   __libc_maybe_call (__pthread_mutex_trylock, (&(NAME).mutex), 0)
+@@ -129,6 +162,14 @@ typedef struct __libc_lock_recursive_opaque__ __libc_lock_recursive_t;
+ /* Unlock the recursive named lock variable.  */
+ #if defined _LIBC && (IS_IN (libc) || IS_IN (libpthread))
++/* EGLIBC: Declare wrapper function for a big macro if either
++   !__OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS, or we are using a back door from
++   small-macros-fns.c (__OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS == 2).  */
++extern void __libc_lock_unlock_recursive_fn (__libc_lock_recursive_t *);
++libc_hidden_proto (__libc_lock_unlock_recursive_fn);
++# endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS != 1 */
+ /* We do no error checking here.  */
+ # define __libc_lock_unlock_recursive(NAME) \
+   do {									      \
+@@ -138,6 +179,10 @@ typedef struct __libc_lock_recursive_opaque__ __libc_lock_recursive_t;
+ 	lll_unlock ((NAME).lock, LLL_PRIVATE);				      \
+       }									      \
+   } while (0)
++# else
++# define __libc_lock_unlock_recursive(NAME) \
++  __libc_lock_unlock_recursive_fn (&(NAME))
++# endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS */
+ #else
+ # define __libc_lock_unlock_recursive(NAME) \
+   __libc_maybe_call (__pthread_mutex_unlock, (&(NAME).mutex), 0)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/nptl/bits/libc-lockP.h b/sysdeps/nptl/bits/libc-lockP.h
+index f55f621..da98869 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/nptl/bits/libc-lockP.h
++++ b/sysdeps/nptl/bits/libc-lockP.h
+@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
+ #include <lowlevellock.h>
+ #include <tls.h>
+ #include <pthread-functions.h>
++#include <errno.h> /* For EBUSY.  */
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h> /* For __OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS.  */
+ #if IS_IN (libpthread)
+ /* This gets us the declarations of the __pthread_* internal names,
+@@ -171,10 +173,22 @@ typedef pthread_key_t __libc_key_t;
+ /* Lock the named lock variable.  */
+ #if IS_IN (libc) || IS_IN (libpthread)
+-# ifndef __libc_lock_lock
+-#  define __libc_lock_lock(NAME) \
++/* EGLIBC: Declare wrapper function for a big macro if either
++   !__OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS or we are using a back door from
++   small-macros-fns.c (__OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS == 2).  */
++extern void __libc_lock_lock_fn (__libc_lock_t *);
++libc_hidden_proto (__libc_lock_lock_fn);
++# endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS != 1 */
++#  ifndef __libc_lock_lock
++#   define __libc_lock_lock(NAME) \
+   ({ lll_lock (NAME, LLL_PRIVATE); 0; })
+-# endif
++#  endif
++# else
++#  define __libc_lock_lock(NAME)               \
++  __libc_lock_lock_fn (&(NAME))
++# endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS */
+ #else
+ # undef __libc_lock_lock
+ # define __libc_lock_lock(NAME) \
+@@ -187,10 +201,22 @@ typedef pthread_key_t __libc_key_t;
+ /* Try to lock the named lock variable.  */
+ #if IS_IN (libc) || IS_IN (libpthread)
+-# ifndef __libc_lock_trylock
+-#  define __libc_lock_trylock(NAME) \
++/* EGLIBC: Declare wrapper function for a big macro if either
++   !__OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS or we are using a back door from
++   small-macros-fns.c (__OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS == 2).  */
++extern int __libc_lock_trylock_fn (__libc_lock_t *);
++libc_hidden_proto (__libc_lock_trylock_fn);
++# endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS != 1 */
++#  ifndef __libc_lock_trylock
++#   define __libc_lock_trylock(NAME) \
+   lll_trylock (NAME)
+-# endif
++#  endif
++# else
++# define __libc_lock_trylock(NAME) \
++  __libc_lock_trylock_fn (&(NAME))
++# endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS */
+ #else
+ # undef __libc_lock_trylock
+ # define __libc_lock_trylock(NAME) \
+@@ -206,8 +232,20 @@ typedef pthread_key_t __libc_key_t;
+ /* Unlock the named lock variable.  */
+ #if IS_IN (libc) || IS_IN (libpthread)
++/* EGLIBC: Declare wrapper function for a big macro if either
++   !__OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS, or we are using a back door from
++   small-macros-fns.c (__OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS == 2).  */
++extern void __libc_lock_unlock_fn (__libc_lock_t *);
++libc_hidden_proto (__libc_lock_unlock_fn);
++# endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS != 1 */
+ # define __libc_lock_unlock(NAME) \
+   lll_unlock (NAME, LLL_PRIVATE)
++# else
++# define __libc_lock_unlock(NAME) \
++  __libc_lock_unlock_fn (&(NAME))
++# endif /* __OPTION_EGLIBC_BIG_MACROS */
+ #else
+ # define __libc_lock_unlock(NAME) \
+   __libc_maybe_call (__pthread_mutex_unlock, (&(NAME)), 0)
+diff --git a/sysdeps/nptl/small-macros-fns.c b/sysdeps/nptl/small-macros-fns.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..f751053
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sysdeps/nptl/small-macros-fns.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
++/* EGLIBC: function wrappers for big macros.
++   Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
++   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
++   License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not,
++   write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
++   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
++/* Handle macros from ./bits/libc-lock.h.  */
++#if defined _LIBC && (!defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread)
++/* Get the macros for function bodies through a back door.  */
++# include <bits/libc-lock.h>
++__libc_lock_lock_fn (__libc_lock_t *name)
++  __libc_lock_lock (*name);
++libc_hidden_def (__libc_lock_lock_fn);
++__libc_lock_lock_recursive_fn (__libc_lock_recursive_t *name)
++  __libc_lock_lock_recursive (*name);
++libc_hidden_def (__libc_lock_lock_recursive_fn);
++__libc_lock_trylock_fn (__libc_lock_t *name)
++  return __libc_lock_trylock (*name);
++libc_hidden_def (__libc_lock_trylock_fn);
++__libc_lock_trylock_recursive_fn (__libc_lock_recursive_t *name)
++  return __libc_lock_trylock_recursive (*name);
++libc_hidden_def (__libc_lock_trylock_recursive_fn);
++__libc_lock_unlock_fn (__libc_lock_t *name)
++  __libc_lock_unlock (*name);
++libc_hidden_def (__libc_lock_unlock_fn);
++__libc_lock_unlock_recursive_fn (__libc_lock_recursive_t *name)
++  __libc_lock_unlock_recursive (*name);
++libc_hidden_def (__libc_lock_unlock_recursive_fn);
++#endif /*defined _LIBC && (!defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread)*/
+diff --git a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/gethostid.c b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/gethostid.c
+index 26e4692..d0a26c8 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/gethostid.c
++++ b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/gethostid.c
+@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <netdb.h>
+ #include <not-cancel.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #define HOSTIDFILE "/etc/hostid"
+@@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ gethostid (void)
+ 	return id;
+     }
+   /* Getting from the file was not successful.  An intelligent guess for
+      a unique number of a host is its IP address.  Return this.  */
+   if (__gethostname (hostname, MAXHOSTNAMELEN) < 0 || hostname[0] == '\0')
+@@ -115,5 +117,9 @@ gethostid (void)
+   /* For the return value to be not exactly the IP address we do some
+      bit fiddling.  */
+   return (int32_t) (in.s_addr << 16 | in.s_addr >> 16);
++  /* Return an arbitrary value.  */
++  return 0;
+ }
+ #endif
+diff --git a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/libc_fatal.c b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/libc_fatal.c
+index 53a8bbb..cb110d4 100644
+--- a/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/libc_fatal.c
++++ b/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/libc_fatal.c
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <sys/mman.h>
+ #include <sys/uio.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ static bool
+ writev_for_fatal (int fd, const struct iovec *iov, size_t niov, size_t total)
+@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ writev_for_fatal (int fd, const struct iovec *iov, size_t niov, size_t total)
+ static void
+ backtrace_and_maps (int do_abort, bool written, int fd)
+ {
+   if (do_abort > 1 && written)
+     {
+       void *addrs[64];
+@@ -62,6 +64,7 @@ backtrace_and_maps (int do_abort, bool written, int fd)
+           close_not_cancel_no_status (fd2);
+         }
+     }
+ }
+ #define BEFORE_ABORT		backtrace_and_maps
+diff --git a/time/Makefile b/time/Makefile
+index a411f62..2d022ca 100644
+--- a/time/Makefile
++++ b/time/Makefile
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+ #
+ #	Makefile for time routines
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= time
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -30,15 +32,23 @@ routines := offtime asctime clock ctime ctime_r difftime \
+ 	    tzfile getitimer setitimer			 \
+ 	    stime dysize timegm ftime			 \
+ 	    getdate strptime strptime_l			 \
+-	    strftime wcsftime strftime_l wcsftime_l	 \
++	    strftime strftime_l				 \
+ 	    timespec_get
+-aux :=	    era alt_digit lc-time-cleanup
+-tests	:= test_time clocktest tst-posixtz tst-strptime tst_wcsftime \
+-	   tst-getdate tst-mktime tst-mktime2 tst-ftime_l tst-strftime \
++routines-$(OPTION_POSIX_C_LANG_WIDE_CHAR)                \
++	    := wcsftime wcsftime_l
++aux-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE) += alt_digit era lc-time-cleanup
++tests	:= test_time clocktest tst-posixtz \
++	   tst-getdate tst-mktime tst-mktime2 tst-strftime \
+ 	   tst-mktime3 tst-strptime2 bug-asctime bug-asctime_r bug-mktime1 \
+ 	   tst-strptime3 bug-getdate1 tst-strptime-whitespace tst-ftime
++	        += tst-strptime tst-ftime_l
++	        += tst_wcsftime
+ include ../Rules
+ tz-cflags = -DTZDIR='"$(zonedir)"' \
+diff --git a/time/strftime_l.c b/time/strftime_l.c
+index b48ef34..bfdd618 100644
+--- a/time/strftime_l.c
++++ b/time/strftime_l.c
+@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@
+ # include "../locale/localeinfo.h"
+ #endif
++#ifdef _LIBC
++# include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #if defined emacs && !defined HAVE_BCOPY
+ # define HAVE_MEMCPY 1
+ #endif
+@@ -882,7 +886,7 @@ __strftime_internal (s, maxsize, format, tp, tzset_called ut_argument
+ 	case L_('C'):
+ 	  if (modifier == L_('E'))
+ 	    {
+ 	      struct era_entry *era = _nl_get_era_entry (tp HELPER_LOCALE_ARG);
+ 	      if (era)
+ 		{
+@@ -955,7 +959,7 @@ __strftime_internal (s, maxsize, format, tp, tzset_called ut_argument
+ 	  if (modifier == L_('O') && 0 <= number_value)
+ 	    {
+-#ifdef _NL_CURRENT
++#if (! _LIBC || __OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE) && defined (_NL_CURRENT)
+ 	      /* Get the locale specific alternate representation of
+ 		 the number NUMBER_VALUE.  If none exist NULL is returned.  */
+ 	      const CHAR_T *cp = nl_get_alt_digit (number_value
+@@ -1260,7 +1264,7 @@ __strftime_internal (s, maxsize, format, tp, tzset_called ut_argument
+ 	case L_('Y'):
+ 	  if (modifier == 'E')
+ 	    {
+ 	      struct era_entry *era = _nl_get_era_entry (tp HELPER_LOCALE_ARG);
+ 	      if (era)
+ 		{
+@@ -1285,7 +1289,7 @@ __strftime_internal (s, maxsize, format, tp, tzset_called ut_argument
+ 	case L_('y'):
+ 	  if (modifier == L_('E'))
+ 	    {
+ 	      struct era_entry *era = _nl_get_era_entry (tp HELPER_LOCALE_ARG);
+ 	      if (era)
+ 		{
+diff --git a/time/strptime_l.c b/time/strptime_l.c
+index 5640cce..784ccbc 100644
+--- a/time/strptime_l.c
++++ b/time/strptime_l.c
+@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
+ #ifdef _LIBC
+ # define HAVE_LOCALTIME_R 0
++# include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ # include "../locale/localeinfo.h"
+ #endif
+@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ localtime_r (t, tp)
+     if (val < from || val > to)						      \
+       return NULL;							      \
+   } while (0)
+-#ifdef _NL_CURRENT
++#if (! _LIBC || __OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE) && defined (_NL_CURRENT)
+ # define get_alt_number(from, to, n) \
+   ({									      \
+      __label__ do_normal;						      \
+@@ -257,8 +258,10 @@ __strptime_internal (rp, fmt, tmp, statep LOCALE_PARAM)
+   int cnt;
+   int cnt_longest;
+   size_t val;
+   size_t num_eras;
+   struct era_entry *era = NULL;
+   enum ptime_locale_status { not, loc, raw } decided_longest;
+   struct __strptime_state
+   {
+@@ -820,6 +823,7 @@ __strptime_internal (rp, fmt, tmp, statep LOCALE_PARAM)
+ 	      s.want_xday = 1;
+ 	      break;
+ 	    case 'C':
+ 	      if (s.decided != raw)
+ 		{
+ 		  if (s.era_cnt >= 0)
+@@ -856,10 +860,12 @@ __strptime_internal (rp, fmt, tmp, statep LOCALE_PARAM)
+ 		  s.decided = raw;
+ 		}
+ 	      /* The C locale has no era information, so use the
+ 		 normal representation.  */
+ 	      goto match_century;
+  	    case 'y':
+ 	      if (s.decided != raw)
+ 		{
+ 		  get_number(0, 9999, 4);
+@@ -918,9 +924,10 @@ __strptime_internal (rp, fmt, tmp, statep LOCALE_PARAM)
+ 		  s.decided = raw;
+ 		}
+ 	      goto match_year_in_century;
+ 	    case 'Y':
+ 	      if (s.decided != raw)
+ 		{
+ 		  num_eras = _NL_CURRENT_WORD (LC_TIME,
+@@ -948,6 +955,7 @@ __strptime_internal (rp, fmt, tmp, statep LOCALE_PARAM)
+ 		  s.decided = raw;
+ 		}
+ 	      get_number (0, 9999, 4);
+ 	      tm->tm_year = val - 1900;
+ 	      s.want_century = 0;
+@@ -1118,6 +1126,7 @@ __strptime_internal (rp, fmt, tmp, statep LOCALE_PARAM)
+ 	tm->tm_year = (s.century - 19) * 100;
+     }
+   if (s.era_cnt != -1)
+     {
+       era = _nl_select_era_entry (s.era_cnt HELPER_LOCALE_ARG);
+@@ -1132,6 +1141,7 @@ __strptime_internal (rp, fmt, tmp, statep LOCALE_PARAM)
+ 	tm->tm_year = era->start_date[0];
+     }
+   else
+     if (s.want_era)
+       {
+ 	/* No era found but we have seen an E modifier.  Rectify some
+diff --git a/timezone/Makefile b/timezone/Makefile
+index 886b06e..f922684 100644
+--- a/timezone/Makefile
++++ b/timezone/Makefile
+@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ $(testdata)/XT%: testdata/XT%
+ $(objpfx)tzselect: tzselect.ksh $(common-objpfx)config.make
+ 	sed -e 's|/bin/bash|/bin/sh|' \
+-	    -e 's|TZDIR=[^}]*|TZDIR=$(zonedir)|' \
++	    -e '/TZDIR=/s|\$$(pwd)|$(zonedir)|' \
+ 	    -e '/TZVERSION=/s|see_Makefile|"$(version)"|' \
+ 	    -e '/PKGVERSION=/s|=.*|="$(PKGVERSION)"|' \
+ 	    -e '/REPORT_BUGS_TO=/s|=.*|="$(REPORT_BUGS_TO)"|' \
+diff --git a/wcsmbs/Makefile b/wcsmbs/Makefile
+index 44a4494..db9fc24 100644
+--- a/wcsmbs/Makefile
++++ b/wcsmbs/Makefile
+@@ -18,15 +18,21 @@
+ #
+ #	Sub-makefile for wcsmbs portion of the library.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= wcsmbs
+ include ../Makeconfig
+ headers	:= wchar.h bits/wchar.h bits/wchar2.h bits/wchar-ldbl.h uchar.h
+-routines := wcscat wcschr wcscmp wcscpy wcscspn wcsdup wcslen wcsncat \
++# These functions are used by printf_fp.c, even in the plain case; see
++# comments there for OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE.
++routines  := wmemcpy wmemset
++	  := wcscat wcschr wcscmp wcscpy wcscspn wcsdup wcslen wcsncat \
+ 	    wcsncmp wcsncpy wcspbrk wcsrchr wcsspn wcstok wcsstr wmemchr \
+-	    wmemcmp wmemcpy wmemmove wmemset wcpcpy wcpncpy wmempcpy \
++	    wmemcmp wmemmove wcpcpy wcpncpy wmempcpy \
+ 	    btowc wctob mbsinit \
+ 	    mbrlen mbrtowc wcrtomb mbsrtowcs wcsrtombs \
+ 	    mbsnrtowcs wcsnrtombs wcsnlen wcschrnul \
+@@ -38,14 +44,21 @@ routines := wcscat wcschr wcscmp wcscpy wcscspn wcsdup wcslen wcsncat \
+ 	    wcscoll_l wcsxfrm_l \
+ 	    wcscasecmp wcsncase wcscasecmp_l wcsncase_l \
+ 	    wcsmbsload mbsrtowcs_l \
+-	    isoc99_wscanf isoc99_vwscanf isoc99_fwscanf isoc99_vfwscanf \
+ 	    isoc99_swscanf isoc99_vswscanf \
+ 	    mbrtoc16 c16rtomb
+-strop-tests :=  wcscmp wcsncmp wmemcmp wcslen wcschr wcsrchr wcscpy
+-tests := tst-wcstof wcsmbs-tst1 tst-wcsnlen tst-btowc tst-mbrtowc \
+-	 tst-wcrtomb tst-wcpncpy tst-mbsrtowcs tst-wchar-h tst-mbrtowc2 \
+-	 tst-c16c32-1 wcsatcliff $(addprefix test-,$(strop-tests))
++routines-$(OPTION_POSIX_WIDE_CHAR_DEVICE_IO)                           \
++	+= isoc99_wscanf isoc99_vwscanf isoc99_fwscanf isoc99_vfwscanf
++strop-tests :=  wcscmp wmemcmp wmemcmp wcslen wcschr wcsrchr wcscpy
++tests := tst-wchar-h
++	+= tst-btowc tst-mbrtowc tst-mbrtowc2 tst-wcrtomb tst-c16c32-1
++	+= tst-wcstof wcsmbs-tst1 tst-wcsnlen \
++	tst-wcpncpy tst-mbsrtowcs \
++	wcsatcliff $(addprefix test-,$(strop-tests))
+ include ../Rules
+diff --git a/wcsmbs/wcsmbsload.c b/wcsmbs/wcsmbsload.c
+index 6bb49bc..2ab9d07 100644
+--- a/wcsmbs/wcsmbsload.c
++++ b/wcsmbs/wcsmbsload.c
+@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+ #include <limits.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
++#include <gnu/option-groups.h>
+ #include <locale/localeinfo.h>
+ #include <wcsmbsload.h>
+@@ -143,6 +144,7 @@ __wcsmbs_getfct (const char *to, const char *from, size_t *nstepsp)
+   })
+ /* Some of the functions here must not be used while setlocale is called.  */
+ __libc_rwlock_define (extern, __libc_setlocale_lock attribute_hidden)
+@@ -211,6 +213,17 @@ __wcsmbs_load_conv (struct __locale_data *new_category)
+   __libc_rwlock_unlock (__libc_setlocale_lock);
+ }
++__wcsmbs_load_conv (struct __locale_data *new_category)
++  /* When OPTION_EGLIBC_LOCALE_CODE is disabled, we should never reach
++     this point: there is no way to change locales, so every locale
++     passed to get_gconv_fcts should be _nl_C_LC_CTYPE.  */
++  abort ();
+ /* Clone the current conversion function set.  */
+diff --git a/wctype/Makefile b/wctype/Makefile
+index c56f07c..4e8af43 100644
+--- a/wctype/Makefile
++++ b/wctype/Makefile
+@@ -18,14 +18,20 @@
+ #
+ #	Sub-makefile for wctype portion of the library.
+ #
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir	:= wctype
+ include ../Makeconfig
+ headers		:= wctype.h
+-routines	:= wcfuncs wctype iswctype wctrans towctrans \
+-		   wcfuncs_l wctype_l iswctype_l wctrans_l towctrans_l
+-tests	:= test_wctype test_wcfuncs bug-wctypeh
++routines 	:= wctrans towctrans towctrans_l
++		:= wcfuncs wctype iswctype \
++		   wcfuncs_l wctype_l iswctype_l wctrans_l
++tests	:=
++     += test_wctype test_wcfuncs bug-wctypeh
+ include ../Rules
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0025-eglibc-Install-PIC-archives.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0025-eglibc-Install-PIC-archives.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c359cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0025-eglibc-Install-PIC-archives.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+From 5773417fa91a18cd39fb35c9907d72af0ed9ea33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 01:57:01 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 25/27] eglibc: Install PIC archives
+Forward port from eglibc
+2008-02-07  Joseph Myers  <joseph@codesourcery.com>
+        * Makerules (install-extras, install-map): New variables.
+        (installed-libcs): Add libc_pic.a.
+        (install-lib): Include _pic.a files for versioned shared
+        libraries.
+        (install-map-nosubdir, install-extras-nosubdir): Add rules for
+        installing extra files.
+        (install-no-libc.a-nosubdir): Depend on install-map-nosubdir and
+        install-extras-nosubdir.
+2008-04-01  Maxim Kuvyrkov  <maxim@codesourcery.com>
+        * Makerules (install-lib): Don't install libpthread_pic.a.
+        (install-map): Don't install libpthread_pic.map.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ Makerules | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
+ 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Makerules b/Makerules
+index 1dd41aa..41778e1 100644
+--- a/Makerules
++++ b/Makerules
+@@ -713,6 +713,9 @@ ifeq ($(build-shared),yes)
+ $(common-objpfx)libc.so: $(common-objpfx)libc.map
+ endif
+ common-generated += libc.so libc_pic.os
++ifndef subdir
++install-extras := soinit.o sofini.o
+ ifdef libc.so-version
+ $(common-objpfx)libc.so$(libc.so-version): $(common-objpfx)libc.so
+ 	$(make-link)
+@@ -955,6 +958,7 @@ endif
+ install: check-install-supported
++installed-libcs := $(installed-libcs) $(inst_libdir)/libc_pic.a
+ install: $(installed-libcs)
+ $(installed-libcs): $(inst_libdir)/lib$(libprefix)%: lib $(+force)
+ 	$(make-target-directory)
+@@ -983,6 +987,22 @@ versioned := $(strip $(foreach so,$(install-lib.so),\
+ install-lib.so-versioned := $(filter $(versioned), $(install-lib.so))
+ install-lib.so-unversioned := $(filter-out $(versioned), $(install-lib.so))
++# Install the _pic.a files for versioned libraries, and corresponding
++# .map files.
++# libpthread_pic.a breaks mklibs, so don't install it and its map.
++install-lib := $(install-lib) $(install-lib.so-versioned:%.so=%_pic.a)
++install-lib := $(filter-out libpthread_pic.a,$(install-lib))
++# Despite having a soname libhurduser and libmachuser do not use symbol
++# versioning, so don't install the corresponding .map files.
++ifeq ($(build-shared),yes)
++install-map := $(patsubst %.so,%.map,\
++			$(foreach L,$(install-lib.so-versioned),$(notdir $L)))
++install-map := $(filter-out libhurduser.map libmachuser.map libpthread.map,$(install-map))
++ifndef subdir
++install-map := $(install-map) libc.map
+ # For versioned libraries, we install three files:
+ #	$(inst_libdir)/libfoo.so	-- for linking, symlink or ld script
+ #	$(inst_slibdir)/libfoo.so.NN	-- for loading by SONAME, symlink
+@@ -1225,9 +1245,22 @@ $(addprefix $(inst_includedir)/,$(headers-nonh)): $(inst_includedir)/%: \
+ endif	# headers-nonh
+ endif	# headers
++ifdef install-map
++$(addprefix $(inst_libdir)/,$(patsubst lib%.map,lib%_pic.map,$(install-map))): \
++  $(inst_libdir)/lib%_pic.map: $(common-objpfx)lib%.map $(+force)
++	$(do-install)
++ifdef install-extras
++$(addprefix $(inst_libdir)/libc_pic/,$(install-extras)): \
++  $(inst_libdir)/libc_pic/%.o: $(elf-objpfx)%.os $(+force)
++	$(do-install)
+ .PHONY: install-bin-nosubdir install-bin-script-nosubdir \
+ 	install-rootsbin-nosubdir install-sbin-nosubdir install-lib-nosubdir \
+-	install-data-nosubdir install-headers-nosubdir
++	install-data-nosubdir install-headers-nosubdir install-map-nosubdir \
++	install-extras-nosubdir
+ install-bin-nosubdir: $(addprefix $(inst_bindir)/,$(install-bin))
+ install-bin-script-nosubdir: $(addprefix $(inst_bindir)/,$(install-bin-script))
+ install-rootsbin-nosubdir: \
+@@ -1240,6 +1273,10 @@ install-data-nosubdir: $(addprefix $(inst_datadir)/,$(install-data))
+ install-headers-nosubdir: $(addprefix $(inst_includedir)/,$(headers))
+ install-others-nosubdir: $(install-others)
+ install-others-programs-nosubdir: $(install-others-programs)
++install-map-nosubdir: $(addprefix $(inst_libdir)/,\
++		       $(patsubst lib%.map,lib%_pic.map,$(install-map)))
++install-extras-nosubdir: $(addprefix $(inst_libdir)/libc_pic/,\
++		       $(install-extras))
+ # We need all the `-nosubdir' targets so that `install' in the parent
+ # doesn't depend on several things which each iterate over the subdirs.
+@@ -1249,7 +1286,8 @@ install-%:: install-%-nosubdir ;
+ .PHONY: install install-no-libc.a-nosubdir
+ install-no-libc.a-nosubdir: install-headers-nosubdir install-data-nosubdir \
+-			    install-lib-nosubdir install-others-nosubdir
++			    install-lib-nosubdir install-others-nosubdir \
++			    install-map-nosubdir install-extras-nosubdir
+ ifeq ($(build-programs),yes)
+ install-no-libc.a-nosubdir: install-bin-nosubdir install-bin-script-nosubdir \
+ 			    install-rootsbin-nosubdir install-sbin-nosubdir \
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0026-eglibc-dl_debug_mask-is-controlled-by-__OPTION_EGLIB.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0026-eglibc-dl_debug_mask-is-controlled-by-__OPTION_EGLIB.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b611db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0026-eglibc-dl_debug_mask-is-controlled-by-__OPTION_EGLIB.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+From ba069b3107f5ad200c4ab95e69cf368e2353b00a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 00:46:50 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 26/27] eglibc: dl_debug_mask is controlled by
+use GLRO_dl_debug_mask
+Singed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+ csu/libc-start.c       |  4 ++--
+ elf/dl-cache.c         |  4 ++--
+ elf/dl-close.c         |  6 +++---
+ elf/dl-conflict.c      |  2 +-
+ elf/dl-deps.c          |  6 +++---
+ elf/dl-error.c         |  2 +-
+ elf/dl-fini.c          |  4 ++--
+ elf/dl-init.c          |  4 ++--
+ elf/dl-load.c          | 16 ++++++++--------
+ elf/dl-lookup.c        | 14 +++++++-------
+ elf/dl-object.c        |  2 +-
+ elf/dl-open.c          | 10 +++++-----
+ elf/dl-reloc.c         |  2 +-
+ elf/dl-version.c       |  2 +-
+ elf/get-dynamic-info.h |  2 +-
+ elf/rtld.c             | 22 +++++++++++-----------
+ 16 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/csu/libc-start.c b/csu/libc-start.c
+index 0afa7c0..2151fb6 100644
+--- a/csu/libc-start.c
++++ b/csu/libc-start.c
+@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ LIBC_START_MAIN (int (*main) (int, char **, char ** MAIN_AUXVEC_DECL),
+   /* Call the initializer of the program, if any.  */
+ #ifdef SHARED
+-  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_IMPCALLS, 0))
++  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_IMPCALLS, 0))
+     GLRO(dl_debug_printf) ("\ninitialize program: %s\n\n", argv[0]);
+ #endif
+   if (init)
+@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ LIBC_START_MAIN (int (*main) (int, char **, char ** MAIN_AUXVEC_DECL),
+ #endif
+ #ifdef SHARED
+-  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_IMPCALLS))
++  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_IMPCALLS))
+     GLRO(dl_debug_printf) ("\ntransferring control: %s\n\n", argv[0]);
+ #endif
+diff --git a/elf/dl-cache.c b/elf/dl-cache.c
+index 862f1d8..dab9c51 100644
+--- a/elf/dl-cache.c
++++ b/elf/dl-cache.c
+@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ _dl_load_cache_lookup (const char *name)
+   const char *best;
+   /* Print a message if the loading of libs is traced.  */
+-  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_LIBS))
++  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_LIBS))
+     _dl_debug_printf (" search cache=%s\n", LD_SO_CACHE);
+   if (cache == NULL)
+@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ _dl_load_cache_lookup (const char *name)
+     }
+   /* Print our result if wanted.  */
+-  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_LIBS, 0)
++  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_LIBS, 0)
+       && best != NULL)
+     _dl_debug_printf ("  trying file=%s\n", best);
+diff --git a/elf/dl-close.c b/elf/dl-close.c
+index c897247..b1b4bd5 100644
+--- a/elf/dl-close.c
++++ b/elf/dl-close.c
+@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ _dl_close_worker (struct link_map *map, bool force)
+ 	dl_close_state = rerun;
+       /* There are still references to this object.  Do nothing more.  */
+-      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_FILES))
++      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_FILES))
+ 	_dl_debug_printf ("\nclosing file=%s; direct_opencount=%u\n",
+ 			  map->l_name, map->l_direct_opencount);
+@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ _dl_close_worker (struct link_map *map, bool force)
+ 	  if (imap->l_init_called)
+ 	    {
+ 	      /* When debugging print a message first.  */
+-	      if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_IMPCALLS,
++	      if (__builtin_expect (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_IMPCALLS,
+ 				    0))
+ 		_dl_debug_printf ("\ncalling fini: %s [%lu]\n\n",
+ 				  imap->l_name, nsid);
+@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ _dl_close_worker (struct link_map *map, bool force)
+ 	  free (imap->l_reldeps);
+ 	  /* Print debugging message.  */
+-	  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_FILES))
++	  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_FILES))
+ 	    _dl_debug_printf ("\nfile=%s [%lu];  destroying link map\n",
+ 			      imap->l_name, imap->l_ns);
+diff --git a/elf/dl-conflict.c b/elf/dl-conflict.c
+index 47a946e..e6a3f21 100644
+--- a/elf/dl-conflict.c
++++ b/elf/dl-conflict.c
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ _dl_resolve_conflicts (struct link_map *l, ElfW(Rela) *conflict,
+ 		       ElfW(Rela) *conflictend)
+ {
+-  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_RELOC))
++  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_RELOC))
+     _dl_debug_printf ("\nconflict processing: %s\n", DSO_FILENAME (l->l_name));
+   {
+diff --git a/elf/dl-deps.c b/elf/dl-deps.c
+index eee146a..1a4b004 100644
+--- a/elf/dl-deps.c
++++ b/elf/dl-deps.c
+@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ empty dynamic string token substitution"));				      \
+ 	    else							      \
+ 	      {								      \
+ 		/* This is for DT_AUXILIARY.  */			      \
+-		if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_LIBS))   \
++		if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_LIBS))   \
+ 		  _dl_debug_printf (N_("\
+ cannot load auxiliary `%s' because of empty dynamic string token "	      \
+ 					    "substitution\n"), __str);	      \
+@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ _dl_map_object_deps (struct link_map *map,
+ 		args.name = name;
+ 		/* Say that we are about to load an auxiliary library.  */
+-		if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_LIBS,
++		if (__builtin_expect (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_LIBS,
+ 				      0))
+ 		  _dl_debug_printf ("load auxiliary object=%s"
+ 				    " requested by file=%s\n",
+@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ _dl_map_object_deps (struct link_map *map,
+       runp->map->l_reserved = 0;
+     }
+-  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_PRELINK, 0) != 0
++  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_PRELINK, 0) != 0
+       && map == GL(dl_ns)[LM_ID_BASE]._ns_loaded)
+     {
+       /* If we are to compute conflicts, we have to build local scope
+diff --git a/elf/dl-error.c b/elf/dl-error.c
+index 0fc3fd8..ea82f4d 100644
+--- a/elf/dl-error.c
++++ b/elf/dl-error.c
+@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ internal_function
+ _dl_signal_cerror (int errcode, const char *objname, const char *occation,
+ 		   const char *errstring)
+ {
+-  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_debug_mask)
++  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO_dl_debug_mask
+     _dl_debug_printf ("%s: error: %s: %s (%s)\n", objname, occation,
+ 		      errstring, receiver ? "continued" : "fatal");
+diff --git a/elf/dl-fini.c b/elf/dl-fini.c
+index 6cfe651..f59f7fe 100644
+--- a/elf/dl-fini.c
++++ b/elf/dl-fini.c
+@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ _dl_fini (void)
+ 		  || l->l_info[DT_FINI] != NULL)
+ 		{
+ 		  /* When debugging print a message first.  */
+-		  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_debug_mask)
++		  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO_dl_debug_mask
+ 					& DL_DEBUG_IMPCALLS, 0))
+ 		    _dl_debug_printf ("\ncalling fini: %s [%lu]\n\n",
+ 				      DSO_FILENAME (l->l_name),
+@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ _dl_fini (void)
+       goto again;
+     }
+-  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_STATISTICS))
++  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_STATISTICS))
+     _dl_debug_printf ("\nruntime linker statistics:\n"
+ 		      "           final number of relocations: %lu\n"
+ 		      "final number of relocations from cache: %lu\n",
+diff --git a/elf/dl-init.c b/elf/dl-init.c
+index 2f85731..e46e8b6 100644
+--- a/elf/dl-init.c
++++ b/elf/dl-init.c
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ call_init (struct link_map *l, int argc, char **argv, char **env)
+     return;
+   /* Print a debug message if wanted.  */
+-  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_IMPCALLS))
++  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_IMPCALLS))
+     _dl_debug_printf ("\ncalling init: %s\n\n",
+ 		      DSO_FILENAME (l->l_name));
+@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ _dl_init (struct link_map *main_map, int argc, char **argv, char **env)
+       ElfW(Addr) *addrs;
+       unsigned int cnt;
+-      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_IMPCALLS))
++      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_IMPCALLS))
+ 	_dl_debug_printf ("\ncalling preinit: %s\n\n",
+ 			  DSO_FILENAME (main_map->l_name));
+diff --git a/elf/dl-load.c b/elf/dl-load.c
+index f664f50..8c28744 100644
+--- a/elf/dl-load.c
++++ b/elf/dl-load.c
+@@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ _dl_map_object_from_fd (const char *name, int fd, struct filebuf *fbp,
+     }
+   /* Print debugging message.  */
+-  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_FILES))
++  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_FILES))
+     _dl_debug_printf ("file=%s [%lu];  generating link map\n", name, nsid);
+   /* This is the ELF header.  We read it in `open_verify'.  */
+@@ -1347,7 +1347,7 @@ cannot enable executable stack as shared object requires");
+   l->l_entry += l->l_addr;
+-  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_FILES))
++  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_FILES))
+     _dl_debug_printf ("\
+   dynamic: 0x%0*lx  base: 0x%0*lx   size: 0x%0*Zx\n\
+     entry: 0x%0*lx  phdr: 0x%0*lx  phnum:   %*u\n\n",
+@@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@ open_path (const char *name, size_t namelen, int mode,
+       /* If we are debugging the search for libraries print the path
+ 	 now if it hasn't happened now.  */
+-      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_LIBS)
++      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_LIBS)
+ 	  && current_what != this_dir->what)
+ 	{
+ 	  current_what = this_dir->what;
+@@ -1810,7 +1810,7 @@ open_path (const char *name, size_t namelen, int mode,
+ 	     - buf);
+ 	  /* Print name we try if this is wanted.  */
+-	  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_LIBS))
++	  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_LIBS))
+ 	    _dl_debug_printf ("  trying file=%s\n", buf);
+ 	  fd = open_verify (buf, fbp, loader, whatcode, mode,
+@@ -1955,7 +1955,7 @@ _dl_map_object (struct link_map *loader, const char *name,
+     }
+   /* Display information if we are debugging.  */
+-  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_FILES)
++  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_FILES)
+       && loader != NULL)
+     _dl_debug_printf ((mode & __RTLD_CALLMAP) == 0
+ 		      ? "\nfile=%s [%lu];  needed by %s [%lu]\n"
+@@ -1997,7 +1997,7 @@ _dl_map_object (struct link_map *loader, const char *name,
+       size_t namelen = strlen (name) + 1;
+-      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_LIBS))
++      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_LIBS))
+ 	_dl_debug_printf ("find library=%s [%lu]; searching\n", name, nsid);
+       fd = -1;
+@@ -2119,7 +2119,7 @@ _dl_map_object (struct link_map *loader, const char *name,
+ #endif
+       /* Add another newline when we are tracing the library loading.  */
+-      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_LIBS))
++      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_LIBS))
+ 	_dl_debug_printf ("\n");
+     }
+   else
+@@ -2152,7 +2152,7 @@ _dl_map_object (struct link_map *loader, const char *name,
+   if (__glibc_unlikely (fd == -1))
+     {
+       if (trace_mode
+-	  && __glibc_likely ((GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_PRELINK) == 0))
++	  && __glibc_likely ((GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_PRELINK) == 0))
+ 	{
+ 	  /* We haven't found an appropriate library.  But since we
+ 	     are only interested in the list of libraries this isn't
+diff --git a/elf/dl-lookup.c b/elf/dl-lookup.c
+index 11cb44b..588c3e4 100644
+--- a/elf/dl-lookup.c
++++ b/elf/dl-lookup.c
+@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ do_lookup_unique (const char *undef_name, uint_fast32_t new_hash,
+ 	 hash table.  */
+       if (__glibc_unlikely (tab->size))
+ 	{
+-	  assert (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_PRELINK);
++	  assert (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_PRELINK);
+ 	  goto success;
+ 	}
+ #endif
+@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ do_lookup_x (const char *undef_name, uint_fast32_t new_hash,
+ 	continue;
+       /* Print some debugging info if wanted.  */
+-      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_SYMBOLS))
++      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_SYMBOLS))
+ 	_dl_debug_printf ("symbol=%s;  lookup in file=%s [%lu]\n",
+ 			  undef_name, DSO_FILENAME (map->l_name),
+ 			  map->l_ns);
+@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ add_dependency (struct link_map *undef_map, struct link_map *map, int flags)
+ 	}
+       /* Display information if we are debugging.  */
+-      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_FILES))
++      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_FILES))
+ 	_dl_debug_printf ("\
+ \nfile=%s [%lu];  needed by %s [%lu] (relocation dependency)\n\n",
+ 			  DSO_FILENAME (map->l_name),
+@@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ _dl_lookup_symbol_x (const char *undef_name, struct link_map *undef_map,
+     {
+       if ((*ref == NULL || ELFW(ST_BIND) ((*ref)->st_info) != STB_WEAK)
+ 	  && skip_map == NULL
+-	  && !(GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_UNUSED))
++	  && !(GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_UNUSED))
+ 	{
+ 	  /* We could find no value for a strong reference.  */
+ 	  const char *reference_name = undef_map ? undef_map->l_name : "";
+@@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ _dl_lookup_symbol_x (const char *undef_name, struct link_map *undef_map,
+   if (__glibc_unlikely (current_value.m->l_used == 0))
+     current_value.m->l_used = 1;
+-  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask)
++  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask
+     _dl_debug_bindings (undef_name, undef_map, ref,
+ 			&current_value, version, type_class, protected);
+@@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ _dl_debug_bindings (const char *undef_name, struct link_map *undef_map,
+ {
+   const char *reference_name = undef_map->l_name;
+-  if (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_BINDINGS)
++  if (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_BINDINGS)
+     {
+       _dl_debug_printf ("binding file %s [%lu] to %s [%lu]: %s symbol `%s'",
+ 			DSO_FILENAME (reference_name),
+@@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ _dl_debug_bindings (const char *undef_name, struct link_map *undef_map,
+ 	_dl_debug_printf_c ("\n");
+     }
+ #ifdef SHARED
+-  if (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_PRELINK)
++  if (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_PRELINK)
+     {
+       int conflict = 0;
+       struct sym_val val = { NULL, NULL };
+diff --git a/elf/dl-object.c b/elf/dl-object.c
+index 1d58bbc..938a257 100644
+--- a/elf/dl-object.c
++++ b/elf/dl-object.c
+@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ _dl_new_object (char *realname, const char *libname, int type,
+   new->l_type = type;
+   /* If we set the bit now since we know it is never used we avoid
+      dirtying the cache line later.  */
+-  if ((GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_UNUSED) == 0)
++  if ((GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_UNUSED) == 0)
+     new->l_used = 1;
+   new->l_loader = loader;
+ #if NO_TLS_OFFSET != 0
+diff --git a/elf/dl-open.c b/elf/dl-open.c
+index 2db1c02..1288604 100644
+--- a/elf/dl-open.c
++++ b/elf/dl-open.c
+@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ add_to_global (struct link_map *new)
+ 	  ns->_ns_main_searchlist->r_list[new_nlist++] = map;
+ 	  /* We modify the global scope.  Report this.  */
+-	  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_SCOPES))
++	  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_SCOPES))
+ 	    _dl_debug_printf ("\nadd %s [%lu] to global scope\n",
+ 			      map->l_name, map->l_ns);
+ 	}
+@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ dl_open_worker (void *a)
+   if (__glibc_unlikely (new->l_searchlist.r_list != NULL))
+     {
+       /* Let the user know about the opencount.  */
+-      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_FILES))
++      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_FILES))
+ 	_dl_debug_printf ("opening file=%s [%lu]; direct_opencount=%u\n\n",
+ 			  new->l_name, new->l_ns, new->l_direct_opencount);
+@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ dl_open_worker (void *a)
+   LIBC_PROBE (map_complete, 3, args->nsid, r, new);
+   /* Print scope information.  */
+-  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_SCOPES))
++  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_SCOPES))
+     _dl_show_scope (new, 0);
+   /* Only do lazy relocation if `LD_BIND_NOW' is not set.  */
+@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ dl_open_worker (void *a)
+ 	}
+       /* Print scope information.  */
+-      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_SCOPES))
++      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_SCOPES))
+ 	_dl_show_scope (imap, from_scope);
+     }
+@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ TLS generation counter wrapped!  Please report this."));
+ #endif
+   /* Let the user know about the opencount.  */
+-  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_FILES))
++  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_FILES))
+     _dl_debug_printf ("opening file=%s [%lu]; direct_opencount=%u\n\n",
+ 		      new->l_name, new->l_ns, new->l_direct_opencount);
+ }
+diff --git a/elf/dl-reloc.c b/elf/dl-reloc.c
+index 61252d7..4c83815 100644
+--- a/elf/dl-reloc.c
++++ b/elf/dl-reloc.c
+@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ _dl_relocate_object (struct link_map *l, struct r_scope_elem *scope[],
+       && __builtin_expect (l->l_info[DT_BIND_NOW] != NULL, 0))
+     lazy = 0;
+-  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_RELOC))
++  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_RELOC))
+     _dl_debug_printf ("\nrelocation processing: %s%s\n",
+ 		      DSO_FILENAME (l->l_name), lazy ? " (lazy)" : "");
+diff --git a/elf/dl-version.c b/elf/dl-version.c
+index f6e5cd9..320628c 100644
+--- a/elf/dl-version.c
++++ b/elf/dl-version.c
+@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ match_symbol (const char *name, Lmid_t ns, ElfW(Word) hash, const char *string,
+   int result = 0;
+   /* Display information about what we are doing while debugging.  */
+-  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_VERSIONS))
++  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_VERSIONS))
+     _dl_debug_printf ("\
+ checking for version `%s' in file %s [%lu] required by file %s [%lu]\n",
+ 		      string, DSO_FILENAME (map->l_name),
+diff --git a/elf/get-dynamic-info.h b/elf/get-dynamic-info.h
+index dc8359d..7774fda 100644
+--- a/elf/get-dynamic-info.h
++++ b/elf/get-dynamic-info.h
+@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ elf_get_dynamic_info (struct link_map *l, ElfW(Dyn) *temp)
+ 	 them. Therefore to avoid breaking existing applications the
+ 	 best we can do is add a warning during debugging with the
+ 	 intent of notifying the user of the problem.  */
+-      if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_FILES, 0)
++      if (__builtin_expect (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_FILES, 0)
+ 	  && l->l_flags_1 & ~DT_1_SUPPORTED_MASK)
+ 	_dl_debug_printf ("\nWARNING: Unsupported flag value(s) of 0x%x in DT_FLAGS_1.\n",
+ 			  l->l_flags_1 & ~DT_1_SUPPORTED_MASK);
+diff --git a/elf/rtld.c b/elf/rtld.c
+index fc3a2db..59c4637 100644
+--- a/elf/rtld.c
++++ b/elf/rtld.c
+@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ _dl_start_final (void *arg, struct dl_start_final_info *info)
+     }
+ #endif
+-  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_STATISTICS))
++  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_STATISTICS))
+     {
+       print_statistics (&rtld_total_time);
+@@ -1701,7 +1701,7 @@ ERROR: ld.so: object '%s' cannot be loaded as audit interface: %s; ignored.\n",
+ 	 after relocation.  */
+       struct link_map *l;
+-      if (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_PRELINK)
++      if (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_PRELINK)
+ 	{
+ 	  struct r_scope_elem *scope = &main_map->l_searchlist;
+@@ -1731,7 +1731,7 @@ ERROR: ld.so: object '%s' cannot be loaded as audit interface: %s; ignored.\n",
+ 		_dl_printf ("\n");
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+-      else if (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_UNUSED)
++      else if (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_UNUSED)
+ 	{
+ 	  /* Look through the dependencies of the main executable
+ 	     and determine which of them is not actually
+@@ -1839,7 +1839,7 @@ ERROR: ld.so: object '%s' cannot be loaded as audit interface: %s; ignored.\n",
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+-	      if ((GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_PRELINK)
++	      if ((GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_PRELINK)
+ 		  && rtld_multiple_ref)
+ 		{
+ 		  /* Mark the link map as not yet relocated again.  */
+@@ -1972,7 +1972,7 @@ ERROR: ld.so: object '%s' cannot be loaded as audit interface: %s; ignored.\n",
+       if (r_list == r_listend && liblist == liblistend)
+ 	prelinked = true;
+-      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_LIBS))
++      if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_LIBS))
+ 	_dl_debug_printf ("\nprelink checking: %s\n",
+ 			  prelinked ? "ok" : "failed");
+     }
+@@ -1990,7 +1990,7 @@ ERROR: ld.so: object '%s' cannot be loaded as audit interface: %s; ignored.\n",
+   GLRO(dl_init_all_dirs) = GL(dl_all_dirs);
+   /* Print scope information.  */
+-  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_SCOPES))
++  if (__glibc_unlikely (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_SCOPES))
+     {
+       _dl_debug_printf ("\nInitial object scopes\n");
+@@ -2265,7 +2265,7 @@ process_dl_debug (const char *dl_debug)
+ 	    if (debopts[cnt].len == len
+ 		&& memcmp (dl_debug, debopts[cnt].name, len) == 0)
+ 	      {
+-		GLRO(dl_debug_mask) |= debopts[cnt].mask;
++		GLRO_dl_debug_mask |= debopts[cnt].mask;
+ 		any_debug = 1;
+ 		break;
+ 	      }
+@@ -2286,7 +2286,7 @@ warning: debug option `%s' unknown; try LD_DEBUG=help\n", copy);
+       ++dl_debug;
+     }
+-  if (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_UNUSED)
++  if (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_UNUSED)
+     {
+       /* In order to get an accurate picture of whether a particular
+ 	 DT_NEEDED entry is actually used we have to process both
+@@ -2294,7 +2294,7 @@ warning: debug option `%s' unknown; try LD_DEBUG=help\n", copy);
+       GLRO(dl_lazy) = 0;
+     }
+-  if (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_HELP)
++  if (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_HELP)
+     {
+       size_t cnt;
+@@ -2499,7 +2499,7 @@ process_envvars (enum mode *modep)
+ 	      mode = trace;
+ 	      GLRO(dl_verbose) = 1;
+-	      GLRO(dl_debug_mask) |= DL_DEBUG_PRELINK;
++	      GLRO_dl_debug_mask |= DL_DEBUG_PRELINK;
+ #endif
+ 	      GLRO(dl_trace_prelink) = &envline[17];
+ 	    }
+@@ -2548,7 +2548,7 @@ process_envvars (enum mode *modep)
+ 	{
+ 	  unsetenv ("MALLOC_CHECK_");
+-	  GLRO(dl_debug_mask) = 0;
++	  GLRO_dl_debug_mask = 0;
+ #endif
+ 	}
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0027-eglibc-use-option-groups-Conditionally-exclude-c-tes.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0027-eglibc-use-option-groups-Conditionally-exclude-c-tes.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4106167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/0027-eglibc-use-option-groups-Conditionally-exclude-c-tes.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+From e98779aa56fae0346dff2d0b72acadd0eaf01891 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 16:10:50 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 27/27] eglibc-use-option-groups: Conditionally exclude c++
+ tests
+    Some test programs written in c++ are still included in spite of
+    "libc-cxx-tests" being omitted from DISTRO_FEATURES_LIBC.
+    All .cc programs are compiled with g++.
+    g++ automatically specifies linking against the C++ library.
+    This patch conditionally excludes the following tests as well:
+      bug-atexit3-lib.cc
+      tst-cancel24.cc
+      tst-cancel24-static.cc
+      tst-unique3lib.cc
+      tst-unique3lib2.cc
+      tst-unique4lib.cc
+      tst-unique3.cc
+      tst-unique4.cc
+    Tested with DISTRO_FEATURES_LIBC_remove = " libc-cxx-tests"
+    [YOCTO #7003]
+Signed-off-by: Juro Bystricky <juro.bystricky@intel.com>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ dlfcn/Makefile |  8 ++++++--
+ elf/Makefile   | 19 ++++++++++++++-----
+ nptl/Makefile  | 12 ++++++++++--
+ 3 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/dlfcn/Makefile b/dlfcn/Makefile
+index 3827607..920bd58 100644
+--- a/dlfcn/Makefile
++++ b/dlfcn/Makefile
+@@ -39,16 +39,20 @@ ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))
+ tests = glrefmain failtest tst-dladdr default errmsg1 tstcxaatexit \
+ 	bug-dlopen1 bug-dlsym1 tst-dlinfo bug-atexit1 bug-atexit2 \
+ 	tstatexit bug-dl-leaf tst-rec-dlopen
+ tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_CXX_TESTS) += bug-atexit3
+ modules-names = glreflib1 glreflib2 glreflib3 failtestmod defaultmod1 \
+ 		defaultmod2 errmsg1mod modatexit modcxaatexit \
+ 		bug-dlsym1-lib1 bug-dlsym1-lib2 bug-atexit1-lib \
+ 		bug-atexit2-lib bug-dl-leaf-lib \
+ 		bug-dl-leaf-lib-cb moddummy1 moddummy2
++modules-names += bug-atexit3-lib
+ failtestmod.so-no-z-defs = yes
+ glreflib2.so-no-z-defs = yes
+ errmsg1mod.so-no-z-defs = yes
+diff --git a/elf/Makefile b/elf/Makefile
+index 71a18a1..26fe3c5 100644
+--- a/elf/Makefile
++++ b/elf/Makefile
+@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
+ # Makefile for elf subdirectory of GNU C Library.
++include ../option-groups.mak
+ subdir		:= elf
+ include ../Makeconfig
+@@ -145,12 +147,15 @@ tests += loadtest restest1 preloadtest loadfail multiload origtest resolvfail \
+ 	 unload3 unload4 unload5 unload6 unload7 unload8 tst-global1 order2 \
+ 	 tst-audit1 tst-audit2 tst-audit8 tst-audit9 \
+ 	 tst-stackguard1 tst-addr1 tst-thrlock \
+-	 tst-unique1 tst-unique2 $(if $(CXX),tst-unique3 tst-unique4 \
+-	 tst-nodelete) \
++	 tst-unique1 tst-unique2 \
+ 	 tst-initorder tst-initorder2 tst-relsort1 tst-null-argv \
+ 	 tst-ptrguard1 tst-tlsalign tst-tlsalign-extern tst-nodelete-opened \
+ 	 tst-nodelete2
+ #	 reldep9
++tests += $(if $(CXX),tst-unique3 tst-unique4 tst-nodelete)
+ ifeq ($(build-hardcoded-path-in-tests),yes)
+ tests += tst-dlopen-aout
+ LDFLAGS-tst-dlopen-aout = $(no-pie-ldflag)
+@@ -209,9 +214,6 @@ modules-names = testobj1 testobj2 testobj3 testobj4 testobj5 testobj6 \
+ 		tst-unique1mod1 tst-unique1mod2 \
+ 		tst-unique2mod1 tst-unique2mod2 \
+ 		tst-auditmod9a tst-auditmod9b \
+-		$(if $(CXX),tst-unique3lib tst-unique3lib2 tst-unique4lib \
+-		  tst-nodelete-uniquemod tst-nodelete-rtldmod \
+-		  tst-nodelete-zmod) \
+ 		tst-initordera1 tst-initorderb1 \
+ 		tst-initordera2 tst-initorderb2 \
+ 		tst-initordera3 tst-initordera4 \
+@@ -220,6 +222,13 @@ modules-names = testobj1 testobj2 testobj3 testobj4 testobj5 testobj6 \
+ 		tst-relsort1mod1 tst-relsort1mod2 tst-array2dep \
+ 		tst-array5dep tst-null-argv-lib \
+ 		tst-tlsalign-lib tst-nodelete-opened-lib tst-nodelete2mod
++modules-names += $(if $(CXX),tst-unique3lib tst-unique3lib2 tst-unique4lib \
++		  tst-nodelete-uniquemod tst-nodelete-rtldmod \
++		  tst-nodelete-zmod)
+ ifeq (yes,$(have-protected-data))
+ modules-names += tst-protected1moda tst-protected1modb
+ tests += tst-protected1a tst-protected1b
+diff --git a/nptl/Makefile b/nptl/Makefile
+index 596ca3c..50a708b 100644
+--- a/nptl/Makefile
++++ b/nptl/Makefile
+@@ -390,12 +390,20 @@ link-libc-static := $(common-objpfx)libc.a $(static-gnulib) \
+ 		    $(common-objpfx)libc.a
+ tests-static += tst-locale1 tst-locale2 tst-stackguard1-static \
+-		tst-cancel21-static tst-cancel24-static tst-cond8-static \
++		tst-cancel21-static tst-cond8-static \
+ 		tst-mutex8-static tst-mutexpi8-static tst-sem11-static \
+ 		tst-sem12-static
+-tests += tst-stackguard1-static tst-cancel21-static tst-cancel24-static \
++tests-static += tst-cancel24-static
++tests += tst-stackguard1-static tst-cancel21-static \
+ 	 tst-cond8-static tst-mutex8-static tst-mutexpi8-static \
+ 	 tst-sem11-static tst-sem12-static
++tests-$(OPTION_EGLIBC_CXX_TESTS) += tst-cancel24-static
+ xtests-static += tst-setuid1-static
+ # These tests are linked with libc before libpthread
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/etc/ld.so.conf b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/etc/ld.so.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/etc/ld.so.conf
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/generate-supported.mk b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/generate-supported.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2a28c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc/generate-supported.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+include $(IN)
+	rm -f $(OUT)
+	touch $(OUT)
+	for locale in $(SUPPORTED-LOCALES); do \
+		[ $$locale = true ] && continue; \
+		echo $$locale | sed 's,/, ,' >> $(OUT); \
+	done
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc_2.22.bb b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc_2.22.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0e1fad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc_2.22.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+require glibc.inc
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSES;md5=e9a558e243b36d3209f380deb394b213 \
+      file://COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263 \
+      file://posix/rxspencer/COPYRIGHT;md5=dc5485bb394a13b2332ec1c785f5d83a \
+      file://COPYING.LIB;md5=4fbd65380cdd255951079008b364516c"
+DEPENDS += "gperf-native kconfig-frontends-native"
+SRCREV ?= "a34d1c6afc86521d6ad17662a3b5362d8481514c"
+BRANCH ?= "release/${PV}/master"
+GLIBC_GIT_URI ?= "git://sourceware.org/git/glibc.git"
+SRC_URI = "${GLIBC_GIT_URI};branch=${BRANCH};name=glibc \
+           file://0004-Backport-https-sourceware.org-ml-libc-ports-2007-12-.patch \
+           file://0005-fsl-e500-e5500-e6500-603e-fsqrt-implementation.patch \
+           file://0006-readlib-Add-OECORE_KNOWN_INTERPRETER_NAMES-to-known-.patch \
+           file://0007-ppc-sqrt-Fix-undefined-reference-to-__sqrt_finite.patch \
+           file://0008-__ieee754_sqrt-f-are-now-inline-functions-and-call-o.patch \
+           file://0009-Quote-from-bug-1443-which-explains-what-the-patch-do.patch \
+           file://0010-eglibc-run-libm-err-tab.pl-with-specific-dirs-in-S.patch \
+           file://0011-__ieee754_sqrt-f-are-now-inline-functions-and-call-o.patch \
+           file://0012-Make-ld-version-output-matching-grok-gold-s-output.patch \
+           file://0013-sysdeps-gnu-configure.ac-handle-correctly-libc_cv_ro.patch \
+           file://0014-Add-unused-attribute.patch \
+           file://0015-When-disabling-SSE-also-make-sure-that-fpmath-is-not.patch \
+           file://0016-yes-within-the-path-sets-wrong-config-variables.patch \
+           file://0017-timezone-re-written-tzselect-as-posix-sh.patch \
+           file://0018-eglibc-Cross-building-and-testing-instructions.patch \
+           file://0019-eglibc-Bring-Eglibc-option-group-infrastructure-to-g.patch \
+           file://0020-eglibc-Help-bootstrap-cross-toolchain.patch \
+           file://0021-eglibc-cherry-picked-from-http-www.eglibc.org-archiv.patch \
+           file://0022-eglibc-Clear-cache-lines-on-ppc8xx.patch \
+           file://0023-eglibc-Resolve-__fpscr_values-on-SH4.patch \
+           file://0024-eglibc-Forward-port-eglibc-options-groups-support.patch \
+           file://0025-eglibc-Install-PIC-archives.patch \
+           file://0026-eglibc-dl_debug_mask-is-controlled-by-__OPTION_EGLIB.patch \
+           file://0027-eglibc-use-option-groups-Conditionally-exclude-c-tes.patch \
+SRC_URI += "\
+           file://etc/ld.so.conf \
+           file://generate-supported.mk \
+SRC_URI_append_class-nativesdk = "\
+           file://0001-nativesdk-glibc-Look-for-host-system-ld.so.cache-as-.patch \
+           file://0002-nativesdk-glibc-Fix-buffer-overrun-with-a-relocated-.patch \
+           file://0003-nativesdk-glibc-Raise-the-size-of-arrays-containing-.patch \
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+B = "${WORKDIR}/build-${TARGET_SYS}"
+# the -isystem in bitbake.conf screws up glibc do_stage
+GLIBC_BROKEN_LOCALES = " _ER _ET so_ET yn_ER sid_ET tr_TR mn_MN gez_ET gez_ER bn_BD te_IN es_CR.ISO-8859-1"
+# We will skip parsing glibc when target system C library selection is not glibc
+# this helps in easing out parsing for non-glibc system libraries
+COMPATIBLE_HOST_libc-musl_class-target = "null"
+COMPATIBLE_HOST_libc-uclibc_class-target = "null"
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--enable-kernel=${OLDEST_KERNEL} \
+                --without-cvs --disable-profile \
+                --disable-debug --without-gd \
+                --enable-clocale=gnu \
+                --enable-add-ons \
+                --with-headers=${STAGING_INCDIR} \
+                --without-selinux \
+                --enable-obsolete-rpc \
+                --with-kconfig=${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE} \
+                ${GLIBC_EXTRA_OECONF}"
+EXTRA_OECONF += "${@get_libc_fpu_setting(bb, d)}"
+EXTRA_OECONF += "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libc-inet-anl', '--enable-nscd', '--disable-nscd', d)}"
+do_patch_append() {
+    bb.build.exec_func('do_fix_readlib_c', d)
+do_fix_readlib_c () {
+do_configure () {
+# override this function to avoid the autoconf/automake/aclocal/autoheader
+# calls for now
+# don't pass CPPFLAGS into configure, since it upsets the kernel-headers
+# version check and doesn't really help with anything
+        (cd ${S} && gnu-configize) || die "failure in running gnu-configize"
+        find ${S} -name "configure" | xargs touch
+        CPPFLAGS="" oe_runconf
+rpcsvc = "bootparam_prot.x nlm_prot.x rstat.x \
+	  yppasswd.x klm_prot.x rex.x sm_inter.x mount.x \
+	  rusers.x spray.x nfs_prot.x rquota.x key_prot.x"
+do_compile () {
+	# -Wl,-rpath-link <staging>/lib in LDFLAGS can cause breakage if another glibc is in staging
+	unset LDFLAGS
+	base_do_compile
+	(
+		cd ${S}/sunrpc/rpcsvc
+		for r in ${rpcsvc}; do
+			h=`echo $r|sed -e's,\.x$,.h,'`
+			rm -f $h
+			${B}/sunrpc/cross-rpcgen -h $r -o $h || bbwarn "${PN}: unable to generate header for $r"
+		done
+	)
+	echo "Adjust ldd script"
+	if [ -n "${RTLDLIST}" ]
+	then
+		prevrtld=`cat ${B}/elf/ldd | grep "^RTLDLIST=" | sed 's#^RTLDLIST="\?\([^"]*\)"\?$#\1#'`
+		if [ "${prevrtld}" != "${RTLDLIST}" ]
+		then
+			sed -i ${B}/elf/ldd -e "s#^RTLDLIST=.*\$#RTLDLIST=\"${prevrtld} ${RTLDLIST}\"#"
+		fi
+	fi
+require glibc-package.inc
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "nativesdk"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/32and64bit.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/32and64bit.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdfeaea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/32and64bit.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [embedded specific]
+We run the ldconfig in the cross fashion. make the code bitsize aware so that 
+we can cross build ldconfig cache for various architectures.
+Richard Purdie <richard.purdie@linuxfoundation.org> 2009/05/19
+Nitin A Kamble <nitin.a.kamble@intel.com> 2009/03/29
+Index: ldconfig-native-2.12.1/readelflib.c
+--- ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/readelflib.c
++++ ldconfig-native-2.12.1/readelflib.c
+@@ -40,39 +40,212 @@ do								\
+ /* Returns 0 if everything is ok, != 0 in case of error.  */
+ int
+-process_elf_file (const char *file_name, const char *lib, int *flag,
++process_elf_file32 (const char *file_name, const char *lib, int *flag,
+ 		  unsigned int *osversion, char **soname, void *file_contents,
+ 		  size_t file_length)
+ {
+   int i;
+   unsigned int j;
+-  ElfW(Addr) loadaddr;
++  Elf32_Addr loadaddr;
+   unsigned int dynamic_addr;
+   size_t dynamic_size;
+   char *program_interpreter;
+-  ElfW(Ehdr) *elf_header;
+-  ElfW(Phdr) *elf_pheader, *segment;
+-  ElfW(Dyn) *dynamic_segment, *dyn_entry;
++  Elf32_Ehdr *elf_header;
++  Elf32_Phdr *elf_pheader, *segment;
++  Elf32_Dyn *dynamic_segment, *dyn_entry;
+   char *dynamic_strings;
+-  elf_header = (ElfW(Ehdr) *) file_contents;
++  elf_header = (Elf32_Ehdr *) file_contents;
+   *osversion = 0;
+-  if (elf_header->e_ident [EI_CLASS] != ElfW (CLASS))
++  if (elf_header->e_type != ET_DYN)
+     {
+-      if (opt_verbose)
++      error (0, 0, _("%s is not a shared object file (Type: %d).\n"), file_name,
++	     elf_header->e_type);
++      return 1;
++    }
++  /* Get information from elf program header.  */
++  elf_pheader = (Elf32_Phdr *) (elf_header->e_phoff + file_contents);
++  check_ptr (elf_pheader);
++  /* The library is an elf library, now search for soname and
++     libc5/libc6.  */
++  *flag = FLAG_ELF;
++  loadaddr = -1;
++  dynamic_addr = 0;
++  dynamic_size = 0;
++  program_interpreter = NULL;
++  for (i = 0, segment = elf_pheader;
++       i < elf_header->e_phnum; i++, segment++)
++    {
++      check_ptr (segment);
++      switch (segment->p_type)
+ 	{
+-	  if (elf_header->e_ident [EI_CLASS] == ELFCLASS32)
+-	    error (0, 0, _("%s is a 32 bit ELF file.\n"), file_name);
+-	  else if (elf_header->e_ident [EI_CLASS] == ELFCLASS64)
+-	    error (0, 0, _("%s is a 64 bit ELF file.\n"), file_name);
+-	  else
+-	    error (0, 0, _("Unknown ELFCLASS in file %s.\n"), file_name);
++	case PT_LOAD:
++	  if (loadaddr == (Elf32_Addr) -1)
++	    loadaddr = segment->p_vaddr - segment->p_offset;
++	  break;
++	case PT_DYNAMIC:
++	  if (dynamic_addr)
++	    error (0, 0, _("more than one dynamic segment\n"));
++	  dynamic_addr = segment->p_offset;
++	  dynamic_size = segment->p_filesz;
++	  break;
++	case PT_INTERP:
++	  program_interpreter = (char *) (file_contents + segment->p_offset);
++	  check_ptr (program_interpreter);
++	  /* Check if this is enough to classify the binary.  */
++	  for (j = 0; j < sizeof (interpreters) / sizeof (interpreters [0]);
++	       ++j)
++	    if (strcmp (program_interpreter, interpreters[j].soname) == 0)
++	      {
++		*flag = interpreters[j].flag;
++		break;
++	      }
++	  break;
++	case PT_NOTE:
++	  if (!*osversion && segment->p_filesz >= 32 && segment->p_align >= 4)
++	    {
++	      Elf32_Word *abi_note = (Elf32_Word *) (file_contents
++						     + segment->p_offset);
++	      Elf32_Addr size = segment->p_filesz;
++	      while (abi_note [0] != 4 || abi_note [1] != 16
++		     || abi_note [2] != 1
++		     || memcmp (abi_note + 3, "GNU", 4) != 0)
++		{
++#define ROUND(len) (((len) + sizeof (Elf32_Word)) - 1) & -sizeof (Elf32_Word)))
++		  Elf32_Addr) note_size = 3 * sizeof (Elf32_Word))
++					 + ROUND (abi_note[0])
++					 + ROUND (abi_note[1]);
++		  if (size - 32 < note_size || note_size == 0)
++		    {
++		      size = 0;
++		      break;
++		    }
++		  size -= note_size;
++		  abi_note = (void *) abi_note + note_size;
++		}
++	      if (size == 0)
++		break;
++	      *osversion = (abi_note [4] << 24) |
++			   ((abi_note [5] & 0xff) << 16) |
++			   ((abi_note [6] & 0xff) << 8) |
++			   (abi_note [7] & 0xff);
++	    }
++	  break;
++	default:
++	  break;
++	}
++    }
++  if (loadaddr == (Elf32_Addr) -1)
++    {
++      /* Very strange. */
++      loadaddr = 0;
++    }
++  /* Now we can read the dynamic sections.  */
++  if (dynamic_size == 0)
++    return 1;
++  dynamic_segment = (Elf32_Dyn *) (file_contents + dynamic_addr);
++  check_ptr (dynamic_segment);
++  /* Find the string table.  */
++  dynamic_strings = NULL;
++  for (dyn_entry = dynamic_segment; dyn_entry->d_tag != DT_NULL;
++       ++dyn_entry)
++    {
++      check_ptr (dyn_entry);
++      if (dyn_entry->d_tag == DT_STRTAB)
++	{
++	  dynamic_strings = (char *) (file_contents + dyn_entry->d_un.d_val - loadaddr);
++	  check_ptr (dynamic_strings);
++	  break;
+ 	}
+-      return 1;
+     }
++  if (dynamic_strings == NULL)
++    return 1;
++  /* Now read the DT_NEEDED and DT_SONAME entries.  */
++  for (dyn_entry = dynamic_segment; dyn_entry->d_tag != DT_NULL;
++       ++dyn_entry)
++    {
++      if (dyn_entry->d_tag == DT_NEEDED || dyn_entry->d_tag == DT_SONAME)
++	{
++	  char *name = dynamic_strings + dyn_entry->d_un.d_val;
++	  check_ptr (name);
++	  if (dyn_entry->d_tag == DT_NEEDED)
++	    {
++	      if (*flag == FLAG_ELF)
++		{
++		  /* Check if this is enough to classify the binary.  */
++		  for (j = 0;
++		       j < sizeof (known_libs) / sizeof (known_libs [0]);
++		       ++j)
++		    if (strcmp (name, known_libs [j].soname) == 0)
++		      {
++			*flag = known_libs [j].flag;
++			break;
++		      }
++		}
++	    }
++	  else if (dyn_entry->d_tag == DT_SONAME)
++	    *soname = xstrdup (name);
++	  /* Do we have everything we need?  */
++	  if (*soname && *flag != FLAG_ELF)
++	    return 0;
++	}
++    }
++  /* We reach this point only if the file doesn't contain a DT_SONAME
++     or if we can't classify the library.  If it doesn't have a
++     soname, return the name of the library.  */
++  if (*soname == NULL)
++    *soname = xstrdup (lib);
++  return 0;
++process_elf_file64 (const char *file_name, const char *lib, int *flag,
++		  unsigned int *osversion, char **soname, void *file_contents,
++		  size_t file_length)
++  int i;
++  unsigned int j;
++  Elf64_Addr loadaddr;
++  unsigned int dynamic_addr;
++  size_t dynamic_size;
++  char *program_interpreter;
++  Elf64_Ehdr *elf_header;
++  Elf64_Phdr *elf_pheader, *segment;
++  Elf64_Dyn *dynamic_segment, *dyn_entry;
++  char *dynamic_strings;
++  elf_header = (Elf64_Ehdr *) file_contents;
++  *osversion = 0;
+   if (elf_header->e_type != ET_DYN)
+     {
+       error (0, 0, _("%s is not a shared object file (Type: %d).\n"), file_name,
+@@ -81,7 +254,7 @@ process_elf_file (const char *file_name,
+     }
+   /* Get information from elf program header.  */
+-  elf_pheader = (ElfW(Phdr) *) (elf_header->e_phoff + file_contents);
++  elf_pheader = (Elf64_Phdr *) (elf_header->e_phoff + file_contents);
+   check_ptr (elf_pheader);
+   /* The library is an elf library, now search for soname and
+@@ -100,7 +273,7 @@ process_elf_file (const char *file_name,
+       switch (segment->p_type)
+ 	{
+ 	case PT_LOAD:
+-	  if (loadaddr == (ElfW(Addr)) -1)
++	  if (loadaddr == (Elf64_Addr) -1)
+ 	    loadaddr = segment->p_vaddr - segment->p_offset;
+ 	  break;
+@@ -129,16 +302,16 @@ process_elf_file (const char *file_name,
+ 	case PT_NOTE:
+ 	  if (!*osversion && segment->p_filesz >= 32 && segment->p_align >= 4)
+ 	    {
+-	      ElfW(Word) *abi_note = (ElfW(Word) *) (file_contents
++	      Elf64_Word *abi_note = (Elf64_Word *) (file_contents
+ 						     + segment->p_offset);
+-	      ElfW(Addr) size = segment->p_filesz;
++	      Elf64_Addr size = segment->p_filesz;
+ 	      while (abi_note [0] != 4 || abi_note [1] != 16
+ 		     || abi_note [2] != 1
+ 		     || memcmp (abi_note + 3, "GNU", 4) != 0)
+ 		{
+-#define ROUND(len) (((len) + sizeof (ElfW(Word)) - 1) & -sizeof (ElfW(Word)))
+-		  ElfW(Addr) note_size = 3 * sizeof (ElfW(Word))
++#define ROUND(len) (((len) + sizeof (Elf64_Word) - 1) & -sizeof (Elf64_Word))
++		  Elf64_Addr note_size = 3 * sizeof (Elf64_Word)
+ 					 + ROUND (abi_note[0])
+ 					 + ROUND (abi_note[1]);
+@@ -166,7 +339,7 @@ process_elf_file (const char *file_name,
+ 	}
+     }
+-  if (loadaddr == (ElfW(Addr)) -1)
++  if (loadaddr == (Elf64_Addr) -1)
+     {
+       /* Very strange. */
+       loadaddr = 0;
+@@ -176,7 +349,7 @@ process_elf_file (const char *file_name,
+   if (dynamic_size == 0)
+     return 1;
+-  dynamic_segment = (ElfW(Dyn) *) (file_contents + dynamic_addr);
++  dynamic_segment = (Elf64_Dyn *) (file_contents + dynamic_addr);
+   check_ptr (dynamic_segment);
+   /* Find the string table.  */
+@@ -233,3 +406,33 @@ process_elf_file (const char *file_name,
+   return 0;
+ }
++/* Returns 0 if everything is ok, != 0 in case of error.  */
++process_elf_file (const char *file_name, const char *lib, int *flag,
++		  unsigned int *osversion, char **soname, void *file_contents,
++		  size_t file_length)
++  int i;
++  unsigned int j;
++  ElfW(Addr) loadaddr;
++  unsigned int dynamic_addr;
++  size_t dynamic_size;
++  char *program_interpreter;
++  ElfW(Ehdr) *elf_header;
++  ElfW(Phdr) *elf_pheader, *segment;
++  ElfW(Dyn) *dynamic_segment, *dyn_entry;
++  char *dynamic_strings;
++  elf_header = (ElfW(Ehdr) *) file_contents;
++  *osversion = 0;
++  if (elf_header->e_ident [EI_CLASS] == ELFCLASS32)
++    return process_elf_file32(file_name, lib,flag, osversion, soname, file_contents, file_length);
++  else if (elf_header->e_ident [EI_CLASS] == ELFCLASS64)
++    return process_elf_file64(file_name, lib,flag, osversion, soname, file_contents, file_length);
++  error (0, 0, _("Unknown ELFCLASS in file %s.\n"), file_name);
++  return 1;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/README b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43fb983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/README
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+The files are pulled verbatim from glibc 2.5 and then patched to allow
+standalone compilation of ldconfig.
+Richard Purdie
+OpenedHand Ltd.
+Upgraded the ldconfig recipe to eglibc 2.12.1
+Nitin A Kamble <nitin.a.kamble@intel.com> 2011/03/29
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/add-64-bit-flag-for-ELF64-entries.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/add-64-bit-flag-for-ELF64-entries.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9af110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/add-64-bit-flag-for-ELF64-entries.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+From 9d62544090b08849218cd1fc52a36cdd5d90363e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Yuanjie Huang <yuanjie.huang@windriver.com>
+Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2015 03:29:31 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] Add 64-bit flag for ELF64 entries.
+ldconfig-native was grepped from an old version of glibc, and its output
+lacks neccessary 64bit flag in entries.
+Due to this defect, ctypes.util.find_library() python function fails to
+detect any library due to the old file format that ldconfig-native
+creates. This fix sets architecture-dependent 64bit flags for 64-bit ELF.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [embedded specific]
+Signed-off-by: Yuanjie Huang <yuanjie.huang@windriver.com>
+ cache.c      |  4 ++++
+ ldconfig.h   |  4 ++++
+ readelflib.c | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 3 files changed, 42 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/cache.c b/cache.c
+index a904d44..c4f5411 100644
+--- a/cache.c
++++ b/cache.c
+@@ -121,6 +121,10 @@ print_entry (const char *lib, int flag, unsigned int osversion,
+       break;
+     case FLAG_MIPS64_LIBN64:
+       fputs (",64bit", stdout);
++      break;
++    case FLAG_AARCH64_LIB64:
++      fputs (",AArch64", stdout);
++      break;
+     case 0:
+       break;
+     default:
+diff --git a/ldconfig.h b/ldconfig.h
+index fadd5ec..6a8a750 100644
+--- a/ldconfig.h
++++ b/ldconfig.h
+@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@
+ #define FLAG_POWERPC_LIB64	0x0500
+ #define FLAG_MIPS64_LIBN32	0x0600
+ #define FLAG_MIPS64_LIBN64	0x0700
++#define FLAG_X8664_LIBX32		0x0800
++#define FLAG_ARM_LIBHF			0x0900
++#define FLAG_AARCH64_LIB64		0x0a00
++#define FLAG_ARM_LIBSF			0x0b00
+ /* Name of auxiliary cache.  */
+ #define _PATH_LDCONFIG_AUX_CACHE "/var/cache/ldconfig/aux-cache"
+diff --git a/readelflib.c b/readelflib.c
+index 0bf0de3..6e87afc 100644
+--- a/readelflib.c
++++ b/readelflib.c
+@@ -28,6 +28,11 @@
+ #include "endian_extra.h"
++/* Work-around for old host that does not have AArch64 defined in elf.h. */
++#ifndef EM_AARCH64
++#define EM_AARCH64	183		/* ARM AARCH64 */
+ #undef check_ptr
+ #define check_ptr(ptr)						\
+ do								\
+@@ -290,6 +295,35 @@ process_elf_file64 (const char *file_name, const char *lib, int *flag,
+      libc5/libc6.  */
+   *flag = FLAG_ELF;
++  /* Set flags according to information in ELF header to align with target
++     ldconfig */
++  switch (elf_header->e_machine)
++    {
++    case EM_IA_64:
++      *flag |= FLAG_IA64_LIB64;
++      break;
++    case EM_X86_64:
++      *flag |= FLAG_X8664_LIB64;
++      break;
++    case EM_S390:
++      *flag |= FLAG_S390_LIB64;
++      break;
++    case EM_PPC64:
++      *flag |= FLAG_POWERPC_LIB64;
++      break;
++    case EM_MIPS:
++    case EM_MIPS_RS3_LE:
++      *flag |= FLAG_MIPS64_LIBN64;
++      break;
++    case EM_AARCH64:
++      *flag |= FLAG_AARCH64_LIB64;
++      break;
++    default:
++      error(0, 0, "%s is a 64-bit ELF for unknown machine %lx\n",
++            file_name, (long)elf_header->e_machine);
++      break;
++    }
+   loadaddr = -1;
+   dynamic_addr = 0;
+   dynamic_size = 0;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/endian-ness_handling.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/endian-ness_handling.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f8e4db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/endian-ness_handling.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [embedded specific]
+Do data input/output handling according to endien-ness of the library file. That 
+enables use of ldconfig in the cross fashion for any architecture.
+Richard Purdie <richard.purdie@linuxfoundation.org>
+Nitin Kamble <nitin.a.kamble@intel.com>
+Index: ldconfig-native-2.12.1/readelflib.c
+--- ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/readelflib.c
++++ ldconfig-native-2.12.1/readelflib.c
+@@ -38,6 +38,28 @@ do								\
+   }								\
+  while (0);
++int be;
++static uint16_t read16(uint16_t x, int be)
++  if (be)
++        return be16toh(x);
++  return le16toh(x);
++static uint32_t read32(uint32_t x, int be)
++  if (be)
++        return be32toh(x);
++  return le32toh(x);
++static uint64_t read64(uint64_t x, int be)
++  if (be)
++        return be64toh(x);
++  return le64toh(x);
+ /* Returns 0 if everything is ok, != 0 in case of error.  */
+ int
+ process_elf_file32 (const char *file_name, const char *lib, int *flag,
+@@ -59,15 +81,17 @@ process_elf_file32 (const char *file_nam
+   elf_header = (Elf32_Ehdr *) file_contents;
+   *osversion = 0;
+-  if (elf_header->e_type != ET_DYN)
++  be = (elf_header->e_ident[EI_DATA] == ELFDATA2MSB);
++  if (read16(elf_header->e_type, be) != ET_DYN)
+     {
+       error (0, 0, _("%s is not a shared object file (Type: %d).\n"), file_name,
+-	     elf_header->e_type);
++	     read16(elf_header->e_type, be));
+       return 1;
+     }
+   /* Get information from elf program header.  */
+-  elf_pheader = (Elf32_Phdr *) (elf_header->e_phoff + file_contents);
++  elf_pheader = (Elf32_Phdr *) (read32(elf_header->e_phoff, be) + file_contents);
+   check_ptr (elf_pheader);
+   /* The library is an elf library, now search for soname and
+@@ -79,27 +103,27 @@ process_elf_file32 (const char *file_nam
+   dynamic_size = 0;
+   program_interpreter = NULL;
+   for (i = 0, segment = elf_pheader;
+-       i < elf_header->e_phnum; i++, segment++)
++       i < read16(elf_header->e_phnum, be); i++, segment++)
+     {
+       check_ptr (segment);
+-      switch (segment->p_type)
++      switch (read32(segment->p_type, be))
+ 	{
+ 	case PT_LOAD:
+ 	  if (loadaddr == (Elf32_Addr) -1)
+-	    loadaddr = segment->p_vaddr - segment->p_offset;
++	    loadaddr = read32(segment->p_vaddr, be) - read32(segment->p_offset, be);
+ 	  break;
+ 	case PT_DYNAMIC:
+ 	  if (dynamic_addr)
+ 	    error (0, 0, _("more than one dynamic segment\n"));
+-	  dynamic_addr = segment->p_offset;
+-	  dynamic_size = segment->p_filesz;
++	  dynamic_addr = read32(segment->p_offset, be);
++	  dynamic_size = read32(segment->p_filesz, be);
+ 	  break;
+ 	case PT_INTERP:
+-	  program_interpreter = (char *) (file_contents + segment->p_offset);
++	  program_interpreter = (char *) (file_contents + read32(segment->p_offset, be));
+ 	  check_ptr (program_interpreter);
+ 	  /* Check if this is enough to classify the binary.  */
+@@ -113,20 +137,20 @@ process_elf_file32 (const char *file_nam
+ 	  break;
+ 	case PT_NOTE:
+-	  if (!*osversion && segment->p_filesz >= 32 && segment->p_align >= 4)
++	  if (!*osversion && read32(segment->p_filesz, be) >= 32 && segment->p_align >= 4)
+ 	    {
+ 	      Elf32_Word *abi_note = (Elf32_Word *) (file_contents
+-						     + segment->p_offset);
+-	      Elf32_Addr size = segment->p_filesz;
++						     + read32(segment->p_offset, be));
++	      Elf32_Addr size = read32(segment->p_filesz, be);
+-	      while (abi_note [0] != 4 || abi_note [1] != 16
+-		     || abi_note [2] != 1
++	      while (read32(abi_note [0], be) != 4 || read32(abi_note [1], be) != 16
++		     || read32(abi_note [2], be) != 1
+ 		     || memcmp (abi_note + 3, "GNU", 4) != 0)
+ 		{
+-#define ROUND(len) (((len) + sizeof (Elf32_Word)) - 1) & -sizeof (Elf32_Word)))
+-		  Elf32_Addr) note_size = 3 * sizeof (Elf32_Word))
+-					 + ROUND (abi_note[0])
+-					 + ROUND (abi_note[1]);
++#define ROUND(len) (((len) + sizeof (Elf32_Word) - 1) & -sizeof (Elf32_Word))
++		  Elf32_Addr note_size = 3 * sizeof (Elf32_Word)
++					 + ROUND (read32(abi_note[0], be))
++					 + ROUND (read32(abi_note[1], be));
+ 		  if (size - 32 < note_size || note_size == 0)
+ 		    {
+@@ -140,10 +164,10 @@ process_elf_file32 (const char *file_nam
+ 	      if (size == 0)
+ 		break;
+-	      *osversion = (abi_note [4] << 24) |
+-			   ((abi_note [5] & 0xff) << 16) |
+-			   ((abi_note [6] & 0xff) << 8) |
+-			   (abi_note [7] & 0xff);
++	      *osversion = (read32(abi_note [4], be) << 24) |
++			   ((read32(abi_note [5], be) & 0xff) << 16) |
++			   ((read32(abi_note [6], be) & 0xff) << 8) |
++			   (read32(abi_note [7], be) & 0xff);
+ 	    }
+ 	  break;
+@@ -167,13 +191,13 @@ process_elf_file32 (const char *file_nam
+   /* Find the string table.  */
+   dynamic_strings = NULL;
+-  for (dyn_entry = dynamic_segment; dyn_entry->d_tag != DT_NULL;
++  for (dyn_entry = dynamic_segment; read32(dyn_entry->d_tag, be) != DT_NULL;
+        ++dyn_entry)
+     {
+       check_ptr (dyn_entry);
+-      if (dyn_entry->d_tag == DT_STRTAB)
++      if (read32(dyn_entry->d_tag, be) == DT_STRTAB)
+ 	{
+-	  dynamic_strings = (char *) (file_contents + dyn_entry->d_un.d_val - loadaddr);
++	  dynamic_strings = (char *) (file_contents + read32(dyn_entry->d_un.d_val, be) - loadaddr);
+ 	  check_ptr (dynamic_strings);
+ 	  break;
+ 	}
+@@ -183,15 +207,15 @@ process_elf_file32 (const char *file_nam
+     return 1;
+   /* Now read the DT_NEEDED and DT_SONAME entries.  */
+-  for (dyn_entry = dynamic_segment; dyn_entry->d_tag != DT_NULL;
++  for (dyn_entry = dynamic_segment; read32(dyn_entry->d_tag, be) != DT_NULL;
+        ++dyn_entry)
+     {
+-      if (dyn_entry->d_tag == DT_NEEDED || dyn_entry->d_tag == DT_SONAME)
++      if (read32(dyn_entry->d_tag, be) == DT_NEEDED || read32(dyn_entry->d_tag, be) == DT_SONAME)
+ 	{
+-	  char *name = dynamic_strings + dyn_entry->d_un.d_val;
++	  char *name = dynamic_strings + read32(dyn_entry->d_un.d_val, be);
+ 	  check_ptr (name);
+-	  if (dyn_entry->d_tag == DT_NEEDED)
++	  if (read32(dyn_entry->d_tag, be) == DT_NEEDED)
+ 	    {
+ 	      if (*flag == FLAG_ELF)
+@@ -208,7 +232,7 @@ process_elf_file32 (const char *file_nam
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+-	  else if (dyn_entry->d_tag == DT_SONAME)
++	  else if (read32(dyn_entry->d_tag, be) == DT_SONAME)
+ 	    *soname = xstrdup (name);
+ 	  /* Do we have everything we need?  */
+@@ -246,15 +270,17 @@ process_elf_file64 (const char *file_nam
+   elf_header = (Elf64_Ehdr *) file_contents;
+   *osversion = 0;
+-  if (elf_header->e_type != ET_DYN)
++  be = (elf_header->e_ident[EI_DATA] == ELFDATA2MSB);
++  if (read16(elf_header->e_type, be) != ET_DYN)
+     {
+       error (0, 0, _("%s is not a shared object file (Type: %d).\n"), file_name,
+-	     elf_header->e_type);
++	     read16(elf_header->e_type, be));
+       return 1;
+     }
+   /* Get information from elf program header.  */
+-  elf_pheader = (Elf64_Phdr *) (elf_header->e_phoff + file_contents);
++  elf_pheader = (Elf64_Phdr *) (read64(elf_header->e_phoff, be) + file_contents);
+   check_ptr (elf_pheader);
+   /* The library is an elf library, now search for soname and
+@@ -266,27 +292,27 @@ process_elf_file64 (const char *file_nam
+   dynamic_size = 0;
+   program_interpreter = NULL;
+   for (i = 0, segment = elf_pheader;
+-       i < elf_header->e_phnum; i++, segment++)
++       i < read16(elf_header->e_phnum, be); i++, segment++)
+     {
+       check_ptr (segment);
+-      switch (segment->p_type)
++      switch (read32(segment->p_type, be))
+ 	{
+ 	case PT_LOAD:
+ 	  if (loadaddr == (Elf64_Addr) -1)
+-	    loadaddr = segment->p_vaddr - segment->p_offset;
++	    loadaddr = read64(segment->p_vaddr, be) - read64(segment->p_offset, be);
+ 	  break;
+ 	case PT_DYNAMIC:
+ 	  if (dynamic_addr)
+ 	    error (0, 0, _("more than one dynamic segment\n"));
+-	  dynamic_addr = segment->p_offset;
+-	  dynamic_size = segment->p_filesz;
++	  dynamic_addr = read64(segment->p_offset, be);
++	  dynamic_size = read32(segment->p_filesz, be);
+ 	  break;
+ 	case PT_INTERP:
+-	  program_interpreter = (char *) (file_contents + segment->p_offset);
++	  program_interpreter = (char *) (file_contents + read64(segment->p_offset, be));
+ 	  check_ptr (program_interpreter);
+ 	  /* Check if this is enough to classify the binary.  */
+@@ -300,20 +326,21 @@ process_elf_file64 (const char *file_nam
+ 	  break;
+ 	case PT_NOTE:
+-	  if (!*osversion && segment->p_filesz >= 32 && segment->p_align >= 4)
++	  if (!*osversion && read32(segment->p_filesz, be) >= 32 && read32(segment->p_align, be) >= 4)
+ 	    {
+ 	      Elf64_Word *abi_note = (Elf64_Word *) (file_contents
+-						     + segment->p_offset);
+-	      Elf64_Addr size = segment->p_filesz;
++						     + read64(segment->p_offset, be));
++	      Elf64_Addr size = read32(segment->p_filesz, be);
+-	      while (abi_note [0] != 4 || abi_note [1] != 16
+-		     || abi_note [2] != 1
++	      while (read32(abi_note [0], be) != 4 || read32(abi_note [1], be) != 16
++		     || read32(abi_note [2], be) != 1
+ 		     || memcmp (abi_note + 3, "GNU", 4) != 0)
+ 		{
++#undef ROUND
+ #define ROUND(len) (((len) + sizeof (Elf64_Word) - 1) & -sizeof (Elf64_Word))
+ 		  Elf64_Addr note_size = 3 * sizeof (Elf64_Word)
+-					 + ROUND (abi_note[0])
+-					 + ROUND (abi_note[1]);
++					 + ROUND (read32(abi_note[0], be))
++					 + ROUND (read32(abi_note[1], be));
+ 		  if (size - 32 < note_size || note_size == 0)
+ 		    {
+@@ -327,10 +354,10 @@ process_elf_file64 (const char *file_nam
+ 	      if (size == 0)
+ 		break;
+-	      *osversion = (abi_note [4] << 24) |
+-			   ((abi_note [5] & 0xff) << 16) |
+-			   ((abi_note [6] & 0xff) << 8) |
+-			   (abi_note [7] & 0xff);
++	      *osversion = (read32(abi_note [4], be) << 24) |
++			   ((read32(abi_note [5], be) & 0xff) << 16) |
++			   ((read32(abi_note [6], be) & 0xff) << 8) |
++			   (read32(abi_note [7], be) & 0xff);
+ 	    }
+ 	  break;
+@@ -354,13 +381,13 @@ process_elf_file64 (const char *file_nam
+   /* Find the string table.  */
+   dynamic_strings = NULL;
+-  for (dyn_entry = dynamic_segment; dyn_entry->d_tag != DT_NULL;
++  for (dyn_entry = dynamic_segment; read64(dyn_entry->d_tag, be) != DT_NULL;
+        ++dyn_entry)
+     {
+       check_ptr (dyn_entry);
+-      if (dyn_entry->d_tag == DT_STRTAB)
++      if (read64(dyn_entry->d_tag, be) == DT_STRTAB)
+ 	{
+-	  dynamic_strings = (char *) (file_contents + dyn_entry->d_un.d_val - loadaddr);
++	  dynamic_strings = (char *) (file_contents + read64(dyn_entry->d_un.d_val, be) - loadaddr);
+ 	  check_ptr (dynamic_strings);
+ 	  break;
+ 	}
+@@ -370,15 +397,15 @@ process_elf_file64 (const char *file_nam
+     return 1;
+   /* Now read the DT_NEEDED and DT_SONAME entries.  */
+-  for (dyn_entry = dynamic_segment; dyn_entry->d_tag != DT_NULL;
++  for (dyn_entry = dynamic_segment; read64(dyn_entry->d_tag, be) != DT_NULL;
+        ++dyn_entry)
+     {
+-      if (dyn_entry->d_tag == DT_NEEDED || dyn_entry->d_tag == DT_SONAME)
++      if (read64(dyn_entry->d_tag, be) == DT_NEEDED || read64(dyn_entry->d_tag, be) == DT_SONAME)
+ 	{
+-	  char *name = dynamic_strings + dyn_entry->d_un.d_val;
++	  char *name = dynamic_strings + read64(dyn_entry->d_un.d_val, be);
+ 	  check_ptr (name);
+-	  if (dyn_entry->d_tag == DT_NEEDED)
++	  if (read64(dyn_entry->d_tag, be) == DT_NEEDED)
+ 	    {
+ 	      if (*flag == FLAG_ELF)
+@@ -395,7 +422,7 @@ process_elf_file64 (const char *file_nam
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+-	  else if (dyn_entry->d_tag == DT_SONAME)
++	  else if (read64(dyn_entry->d_tag, be) == DT_SONAME)
+ 	    *soname = xstrdup (name);
+ 	  /* Do we have everything we need?  */
+Index: ldconfig-native-2.12.1/readlib.c
+--- ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/readlib.c
++++ ldconfig-native-2.12.1/readlib.c
+@@ -169,7 +169,8 @@ process_file (const char *real_file_name
+       ret = 1;
+     }
+   /* Libraries have to be shared object files.  */
+-  else if (elf_header->e_type != ET_DYN)
++  else if ((elf_header->e_ident[EI_DATA] == ELFDATA2MSB && be16toh(elf_header->e_type) != ET_DYN) ||
++      (elf_header->e_ident[EI_DATA] == ELFDATA2LSB && le16toh(elf_header->e_type) != ET_DYN))
+     ret = 1;
+   else if (process_elf_file (file_name, lib, flag, osversion, soname,
+ 			     file_contents, statbuf.st_size))
+Index: ldconfig-native-2.12.1/cache.c
+--- ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/cache.c
++++ ldconfig-native-2.12.1/cache.c
+@@ -39,6 +39,29 @@
+ # define N_(msgid)  msgid
+ #define _(msg) msg
++extern int be;
++static uint16_t write16(uint16_t x, int be)
++  if (be)
++        return htobe16(x);
++  return htole16(x);
++static uint32_t write32(uint32_t x, int be)
++  if (be)
++        return htobe32(x);
++  return htole32(x);
++static uint64_t write64(uint64_t x, int be)
++  if (be)
++        return htobe64(x);
++  return htole64(x);
+ struct cache_entry
+ {
+   char *lib;			/* Library name.  */
+@@ -279,7 +302,12 @@ save_cache (const char *cache_name)
+   /* Number of normal cache entries.  */
+   int cache_entry_old_count = 0;
+-  for (entry = entries; entry != NULL; entry = entry->next)
++    if (be)
++      printf("saving cache in big endian encoding\n");
++    else
++      printf("saving cache in little endian encoding\n");
++    for (entry = entries; entry != NULL; entry = entry->next)
+     {
+       /* Account the final NULs.  */
+       total_strlen += strlen (entry->lib) + strlen (entry->path) + 2;
+@@ -310,7 +338,7 @@ save_cache (const char *cache_name)
+       memset (file_entries, '\0', sizeof (struct cache_file));
+       memcpy (file_entries->magic, CACHEMAGIC, sizeof CACHEMAGIC - 1);
+-      file_entries->nlibs = cache_entry_old_count;
++      file_entries->nlibs = write32(cache_entry_old_count, be);
+     }
+   struct cache_file_new *file_entries_new = NULL;
+@@ -330,8 +358,8 @@ save_cache (const char *cache_name)
+       memcpy (file_entries_new->version, CACHE_VERSION,
+ 	      sizeof CACHE_VERSION - 1);
+-      file_entries_new->nlibs = cache_entry_count;
+-      file_entries_new->len_strings = total_strlen;
++      file_entries_new->nlibs = write32(cache_entry_count, be);
++      file_entries_new->len_strings = write32(total_strlen, be);
+     }
+   /* Pad for alignment of cache_file_new.  */
+@@ -358,9 +386,9 @@ save_cache (const char *cache_name)
+       /* First the library.  */
+       if (opt_format != 2 && entry->hwcap == 0)
+ 	{
+-	  file_entries->libs[idx_old].flags = entry->flags;
++	  file_entries->libs[idx_old].flags = write32(entry->flags, be);
+ 	  /* XXX: Actually we can optimize here and remove duplicates.  */
+-	  file_entries->libs[idx_old].key = str_offset + pad;
++	  file_entries->libs[idx_old].key = write32(str_offset + pad, be);
+ 	}
+       if (opt_format != 0)
+ 	{
+@@ -368,10 +396,10 @@ save_cache (const char *cache_name)
+ 	     not doing so makes the code easier, the string table
+ 	     always begins at the beginning of the the new cache
+ 	     struct.  */
+-	  file_entries_new->libs[idx_new].flags = entry->flags;
+-	  file_entries_new->libs[idx_new].osversion = entry->osversion;
+-	  file_entries_new->libs[idx_new].hwcap = entry->hwcap;
+-	  file_entries_new->libs[idx_new].key = str_offset;
++	  file_entries_new->libs[idx_new].flags = write32(entry->flags, be);
++	  file_entries_new->libs[idx_new].osversion = write32(entry->osversion, be);
++	  file_entries_new->libs[idx_new].hwcap = write64(entry->hwcap, be);
++	  file_entries_new->libs[idx_new].key = write32(str_offset, be);
+ 	}
+       size_t len = strlen (entry->lib) + 1;
+@@ -379,9 +407,9 @@ save_cache (const char *cache_name)
+       str_offset += len;
+       /* Then the path.  */
+       if (opt_format != 2 && entry->hwcap == 0)
+-	file_entries->libs[idx_old].value = str_offset + pad;
++	file_entries->libs[idx_old].value = write32(str_offset + pad, be);
+       if (opt_format != 0)
+-	file_entries_new->libs[idx_new].value = str_offset;
++	file_entries_new->libs[idx_new].value = write32(str_offset, be);
+       len = strlen (entry->path) + 1;
+       str = mempcpy (str, entry->path, len);
+       str_offset += len;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/endian-ness_handling_fix.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/endian-ness_handling_fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aecfe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/endian-ness_handling_fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [embedded specific]
+Fix problem during parsing of ELF headers for 64bit on big-endian.
+Some header fields were read with wrong size.
+Par Olsson <Par.Olsson@windriver.com>
+Shan Hai <shan.hai@windriver.com>
+diff --git a/readelflib.c b/readelflib.c
+index 3f5b25b..0bf0de3 100644
+--- a/readelflib.c
++++ b/readelflib.c
+@@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ process_elf_file64 (const char *file_name, const char *lib, int *flag,
+   int i;
+   unsigned int j;
+   Elf64_Addr loadaddr;
+-  unsigned int dynamic_addr;
+-  size_t dynamic_size;
++  Elf64_Addr dynamic_addr;
++  Elf64_Xword dynamic_size;
+   char *program_interpreter;
+   Elf64_Ehdr *elf_header;
+@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ process_elf_file64 (const char *file_name, const char *lib, int *flag,
+ 	    error (0, 0, _("more than one dynamic segment\n"));
+ 	  dynamic_addr = read64(segment->p_offset, be);
+-	  dynamic_size = read32(segment->p_filesz, be);
++	  dynamic_size = read64(segment->p_filesz, be);
+ 	  break;
+ 	case PT_INTERP:
+@@ -329,11 +329,11 @@ process_elf_file64 (const char *file_name, const char *lib, int *flag,
+ 	  break;
+ 	case PT_NOTE:
+-	  if (!*osversion && read32(segment->p_filesz, be) >= 32 && read32(segment->p_align, be) >= 4)
++	  if (!*osversion && read64(segment->p_filesz, be) >= 32 && read64(segment->p_align, be) >= 4)
+ 	    {
+ 	      Elf64_Word *abi_note = (Elf64_Word *) (file_contents
+ 						     + read64(segment->p_offset, be));
+-	      Elf64_Addr size = read32(segment->p_filesz, be);
++	      Elf64_Xword size = read64(segment->p_filesz, be);
+ 	      while (read32(abi_note [0], be) != 4 || read32(abi_note [1], be) != 16
+ 		     || read32(abi_note [2], be) != 1
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/endianess-header.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/endianess-header.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a18b2c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/endianess-header.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [fix poky patch]
+This patch fixes build issues with a previous endian-ness_handling.patch on
+distros that don't have macros referenced
+Matthew McClintock <msm@freescale.com>
+diff -purN ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/endian_extra.h ldconfig-native-2.12.1/endian_extra.h
+--- ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/endian_extra.h	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
++++ ldconfig-native-2.12.1/endian_extra.h	2011-07-19 18:09:14.323048417 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
++/* Copyright (C) 1992, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#include <endian.h>
++#ifndef	_ENDIAN_EXTRA_H
++#define	_ENDIAN_EXTRA_H	1
++/* Don't redefine these macros if they already exist */
++#ifndef htobe16
++#ifdef __USE_BSD
++/* Conversion interfaces.  */
++# include <byteswap.h>
++#  define htobe16(x) __bswap_16 (x)
++#  define htole16(x) (x)
++#  define be16toh(x) __bswap_16 (x)
++#  define le16toh(x) (x)
++#  define htobe32(x) __bswap_32 (x)
++#  define htole32(x) (x)
++#  define be32toh(x) __bswap_32 (x)
++#  define le32toh(x) (x)
++#  define htobe64(x) __bswap_64 (x)
++#  define htole64(x) (x)
++#  define be64toh(x) __bswap_64 (x)
++#  define le64toh(x) (x)
++# else
++#  define htobe16(x) (x)
++#  define htole16(x) __bswap_16 (x)
++#  define be16toh(x) (x)
++#  define le16toh(x) __bswap_16 (x)
++#  define htobe32(x) (x)
++#  define htole32(x) __bswap_32 (x)
++#  define be32toh(x) (x)
++#  define le32toh(x) __bswap_32 (x)
++#  define htobe64(x) (x)
++#  define htole64(x) __bswap_64 (x)
++#  define be64toh(x) (x)
++#  define le64toh(x) __bswap_64 (x)
++# endif
++#endif	/* endian_extra.h */
+diff -purN ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/cache.c ldconfig-native-2.12.1/cache.c
+--- ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/cache.c	2011-07-19 18:21:28.347041301 -0500
++++ ldconfig-native-2.12.1/cache.c	2011-07-19 18:22:54.118048064 -0500
+@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
+ # define N_(msgid)  msgid
+ #define _(msg) msg
++#include "endian_extra.h"
+ extern int be;
+ static uint16_t write16(uint16_t x, int be)
+diff -purN ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/readelflib.c ldconfig-native-2.12.1/readelflib.c
+--- ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/readelflib.c	2011-07-19 18:21:28.346041593 -0500
++++ ldconfig-native-2.12.1/readelflib.c	2011-07-19 18:23:05.324059875 -0500
+@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@
+ /* check_ptr checks that a pointer is in the mmaped file and doesn't
+    point outside it.  */
++#include "endian_extra.h"
+ #undef check_ptr
+ #define check_ptr(ptr)						\
+ do								\
+diff -purN ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/readlib.c ldconfig-native-2.12.1/readlib.c
+--- ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/readlib.c	2011-07-19 18:21:28.346041593 -0500
++++ ldconfig-native-2.12.1/readlib.c	2011-07-19 18:23:23.877046210 -0500
+@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
+ #include "ldconfig.h"
++#include "endian_extra.h"
+ #define _(msg) msg
+ #define Elf32_CLASS ELFCLASS32
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/flag_fix.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/flag_fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e9aab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/flag_fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [embedded specific]
+The native version of ldconfig was using native definition of LD_SO (i.e. 
+ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 ) which is not correct for doing the cross ldconfig.
+This was causing libc.so on the target marked as ELF lib rather than 
+FLAG_ELF_LIBC6 in the ld.so.cache.
+Nitin A Kamble <nitin.a.kamble@intel.com> 2011/04/4
+Index: ldconfig-native-2.12.1/readlib.c
+--- ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/readlib.c
++++ ldconfig-native-2.12.1/readlib.c
+@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ struct known_names
+   int flag;
+ };
++/* don't use host's definition of LD_SO */
++#undef LD_SO 
++#define LD_SO "ld.so.1"
+ static struct known_names interpreters[] =
+ {
+   { "/lib/" LD_SO, FLAG_ELF_LIBC6 },
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/ldconfig-default-to-all-multilib-dirs.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/ldconfig-default-to-all-multilib-dirs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ed4f6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/ldconfig-default-to-all-multilib-dirs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [embedded specific]
+make ldconfig default to both /lib+/usr/lib, /lib32+/usr/lib32 and
+/lib64+/usr/lib64 on bi-ABI architectures.
+ ldconfig.c |   10 ++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)
+diff -urpN a/ldconfig.c b/ldconfig.c
+--- a/ldconfig.c
++++ b/ldconfig.c
+@@ -52,7 +52,11 @@
+ #define SYSCONFDIR "/etc"
+ #define LIBDIR "/usr/lib"
++#define LIBDIR32 "/usr/lib32"
++#define LIBDIR64 "/usr/lib64"
+ #define SLIBDIR "/lib"
++#define SLIBDIR32 "/lib32"
++#define SLIBDIR64 "/lib64"
+ # define N_(msgid)  msgid
+ #define _(msg) msg
+@@ -1373,6 +1377,12 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+       add_system_dir (SLIBDIR);
+       if (strcmp (SLIBDIR, LIBDIR))
+ 	add_system_dir (LIBDIR);
++      add_system_dir (SLIBDIR32);
++      if (strcmp (SLIBDIR32, LIBDIR32))
++	add_system_dir (LIBDIR32);
++      add_system_dir (SLIBDIR64);
++      if (strcmp (SLIBDIR64, LIBDIR64))
++	add_system_dir (LIBDIR64);
+     }
+   const char *aux_cache_file = _PATH_LDCONFIG_AUX_CACHE;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/ldconfig-native-2.12.1.tar.bz2 b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/ldconfig-native-2.12.1.tar.bz2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc1e798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/ldconfig-native-2.12.1.tar.bz2
Binary files differ
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/ldconfig.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/ldconfig.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52986e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/ldconfig.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [embedded specific]
+enable standalone building of ldconfig
+ cache.c        |   11 +-
+ chroot_canon.c |    7 +
+ dl-cache.c     |  235 ---------------------------------------------------------
+ dl-cache.h     |    3 
+ ldconfig.c     |   27 ++++--
+ readlib.c      |    7 +
+ xstrdup.c      |   11 --
+ 7 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 256 deletions(-)
+Index: ldconfig-native-2.12.1/cache.c
+--- ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/cache.c
++++ ldconfig-native-2.12.1/cache.c
+@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+    Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
++#define _GNU_SOURCE
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <error.h>
+ #include <dirent.h>
+@@ -31,8 +34,10 @@
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+-#include <ldconfig.h>
+-#include <dl-cache.h>
++#include "ldconfig.h"
++#include "dl-cache.h"
++# define N_(msgid)  msgid
++#define _(msg) msg
+ struct cache_entry
+ {
+Index: ldconfig-native-2.12.1/chroot_canon.c
+--- ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/chroot_canon.c
++++ ldconfig-native-2.12.1/chroot_canon.c
+@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+    Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
++#define _GNU_SOURCE
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+@@ -27,7 +30,9 @@
+ #include <stddef.h>
+ #include <stdint.h>
+-#include <ldconfig.h>
++#include "ldconfig.h"
++#define __set_errno(Val) errno = (Val)
+ #ifndef PATH_MAX
+ #define PATH_MAX 1024
+Index: ldconfig-native-2.12.1/dl-cache.c
+--- ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/dl-cache.c
++++ ldconfig-native-2.12.1/dl-cache.c
+@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
+ #include <assert.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+-#include <ldsodefs.h>
++//#include "ldsodefs.h"
+ #include <sys/mman.h>
+ #include <dl-cache.h>
+ #include <dl-procinfo.h>
+-#include <stdio-common/_itoa.h>
++//#include "_itoa.h"
+ # define _DL_PLATFORMS_COUNT 0
+@@ -39,103 +39,7 @@ static size_t cachesize;
+ /* 1 if cache_data + PTR points into the cache.  */
+ #define _dl_cache_verify_ptr(ptr) (ptr < cache_data_size)
+-#define SEARCH_CACHE(cache) \
+-/* We use binary search since the table is sorted in the cache file.	      \
+-   The first matching entry in the table is returned.			      \
+-   It is important to use the same algorithm as used while generating	      \
+-   the cache file.  */							      \
+-do									      \
+-  {									      \
+-    left = 0;								      \
+-    right = cache->nlibs - 1;						      \
+-									      \
+-    while (left <= right)						      \
+-      {									      \
+-	__typeof__ (cache->libs[0].key) key;				      \
+-									      \
+-	middle = (left + right) / 2;					      \
+-									      \
+-	key = cache->libs[middle].key;					      \
+-									      \
+-	/* Make sure string table indices are not bogus before using	      \
+-	   them.  */							      \
+-	if (! _dl_cache_verify_ptr (key))				      \
+-	  {								      \
+-	    cmpres = 1;							      \
+-	    break;							      \
+-	  }								      \
+-									      \
+-	/* Actually compare the entry with the key.  */			      \
+-	cmpres = _dl_cache_libcmp (name, cache_data + key);		      \
+-	if (__builtin_expect (cmpres == 0, 0))				      \
+-	  {								      \
+-	    /* Found it.  LEFT now marks the last entry for which we	      \
+-	       know the name is correct.  */				      \
+-	    left = middle;						      \
+-									      \
+-	    /* There might be entries with this name before the one we	      \
+-	       found.  So we have to find the beginning.  */		      \
+-	    while (middle > 0)						      \
+-	      {								      \
+-		__typeof__ (cache->libs[0].key) key;			      \
+-									      \
+-		key = cache->libs[middle - 1].key;			      \
+-		/* Make sure string table indices are not bogus before	      \
+-		   using them.  */					      \
+-		if (! _dl_cache_verify_ptr (key)			      \
+-		    /* Actually compare the entry.  */			      \
+-		    || _dl_cache_libcmp (name, cache_data + key) != 0)	      \
+-		  break;						      \
+-		--middle;						      \
+-	      }								      \
+-									      \
+-	    do								      \
+-	      {								      \
+-		int flags;						      \
+-		__typeof__ (cache->libs[0]) *lib = &cache->libs[middle];      \
+-									      \
+-		/* Only perform the name test if necessary.  */		      \
+-		if (middle > left					      \
+-		    /* We haven't seen this string so far.  Test whether the  \
+-		       index is ok and whether the name matches.  Otherwise   \
+-		       we are done.  */					      \
+-		    && (! _dl_cache_verify_ptr (lib->key)		      \
+-			|| (_dl_cache_libcmp (name, cache_data + lib->key)    \
+-			    != 0)))					      \
+-		  break;						      \
+-									      \
+-		flags = lib->flags;					      \
+-		if (_dl_cache_check_flags (flags)			      \
+-		    && _dl_cache_verify_ptr (lib->value))		      \
+-		  {							      \
+-		    if (best == NULL || flags == GLRO(dl_correct_cache_id))   \
+-		      {							      \
+-			HWCAP_CHECK;					      \
+-			best = cache_data + lib->value;			      \
+-									      \
+-			if (flags == GLRO(dl_correct_cache_id))		      \
+-			  /* We've found an exact match for the shared	      \
+-			     object and no general `ELF' release.  Stop	      \
+-			     searching.  */				      \
+-			  break;					      \
+-		      }							      \
+-		  }							      \
+-	      }								      \
+-	    while (++middle <= right);					      \
+-	    break;							      \
+-	}								      \
+-									      \
+-	if (cmpres < 0)							      \
+-	  left = middle + 1;						      \
+-	else								      \
+-	  right = middle - 1;						      \
+-      }									      \
+-  }									      \
+-while (0)
+ int
+ _dl_cache_libcmp (const char *p1, const char *p2)
+ {
+   while (*p1 != '\0')
+@@ -172,139 +76,3 @@ _dl_cache_libcmp (const char *p1, const 
+     }
+   return *p1 - *p2;
+ }
+-/* Look up NAME in ld.so.cache and return the file name stored there,
+-   or null if none is found.  */
+-const char *
+-_dl_load_cache_lookup (const char *name)
+-  int left, right, middle;
+-  int cmpres;
+-  const char *cache_data;
+-  uint32_t cache_data_size;
+-  const char *best;
+-  /* Print a message if the loading of libs is traced.  */
+-  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_LIBS, 0))
+-    _dl_debug_printf (" search cache=%s\n", LD_SO_CACHE);
+-  if (cache == NULL)
+-    {
+-      /* Read the contents of the file.  */
+-      void *file = _dl_sysdep_read_whole_file (LD_SO_CACHE, &cachesize,
+-					       PROT_READ);
+-      /* We can handle three different cache file formats here:
+-	 - the old libc5/glibc2.0/2.1 format
+-	 - the old format with the new format in it
+-	 - only the new format
+-	 The following checks if the cache contains any of these formats.  */
+-      if (file != MAP_FAILED && cachesize > sizeof *cache
+-	  && memcmp (file, CACHEMAGIC, sizeof CACHEMAGIC - 1) == 0)
+-	{
+-	  size_t offset;
+-	  /* Looks ok.  */
+-	  cache = file;
+-	  /* Check for new version.  */
+-	  offset = ALIGN_CACHE (sizeof (struct cache_file)
+-				+ cache->nlibs * sizeof (struct file_entry));
+-	  cache_new = (struct cache_file_new *) ((void *) cache + offset);
+-	  if (cachesize < (offset + sizeof (struct cache_file_new))
+-	      || memcmp (cache_new->magic, CACHEMAGIC_VERSION_NEW,
+-			 sizeof CACHEMAGIC_VERSION_NEW - 1) != 0)
+-	    cache_new = (void *) -1;
+-	}
+-      else if (file != MAP_FAILED && cachesize > sizeof *cache_new
+-	       && memcmp (file, CACHEMAGIC_VERSION_NEW,
+-			  sizeof CACHEMAGIC_VERSION_NEW - 1) == 0)
+-	{
+-	  cache_new = file;
+-	  cache = file;
+-	}
+-      else
+-	{
+-	  if (file != MAP_FAILED)
+-	    __munmap (file, cachesize);
+-	  cache = (void *) -1;
+-	}
+-      assert (cache != NULL);
+-    }
+-  if (cache == (void *) -1)
+-    /* Previously looked for the cache file and didn't find it.  */
+-    return NULL;
+-  best = NULL;
+-  if (cache_new != (void *) -1)
+-    {
+-      uint64_t platform;
+-      /* This is where the strings start.  */
+-      cache_data = (const char *) cache_new;
+-      /* Now we can compute how large the string table is.  */
+-      cache_data_size = (const char *) cache + cachesize - cache_data;
+-      platform = _dl_string_platform (GLRO(dl_platform));
+-      if (platform != (uint64_t) -1)
+-	platform = 1ULL << platform;
+-#define _DL_HWCAP_TLS_MASK (1LL << 63)
+-      uint64_t hwcap_exclude = ~((GLRO(dl_hwcap) & GLRO(dl_hwcap_mask))
+-      /* Only accept hwcap if it's for the right platform.  */
+-#define HWCAP_CHECK \
+-      if (lib->hwcap & hwcap_exclude)					      \
+-	continue;							      \
+-      if (GLRO(dl_osversion) && lib->osversion > GLRO(dl_osversion))	      \
+-	continue;							      \
+-      if (_DL_PLATFORMS_COUNT						      \
+-	  && (lib->hwcap & _DL_HWCAP_PLATFORM) != 0			      \
+-	  && (lib->hwcap & _DL_HWCAP_PLATFORM) != platform)		      \
+-	continue
+-      SEARCH_CACHE (cache_new);
+-    }
+-  else
+-    {
+-      /* This is where the strings start.  */
+-      cache_data = (const char *) &cache->libs[cache->nlibs];
+-      /* Now we can compute how large the string table is.  */
+-      cache_data_size = (const char *) cache + cachesize - cache_data;
+-#undef HWCAP_CHECK
+-#define HWCAP_CHECK do {} while (0)
+-      SEARCH_CACHE (cache);
+-    }
+-  /* Print our result if wanted.  */
+-  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO_dl_debug_mask & DL_DEBUG_LIBS, 0)
+-      && best != NULL)
+-    _dl_debug_printf ("  trying file=%s\n", best);
+-  return best;
+-#ifndef MAP_COPY
+-/* If the system does not support MAP_COPY we cannot leave the file open
+-   all the time since this would create problems when the file is replaced.
+-   Therefore we provide this function to close the file and open it again
+-   once needed.  */
+-_dl_unload_cache (void)
+-  if (cache != NULL && cache != (struct cache_file *) -1)
+-    {
+-      __munmap (cache, cachesize);
+-      cache = NULL;
+-    }
+Index: ldconfig-native-2.12.1/dl-cache.h
+--- ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/dl-cache.h
++++ ldconfig-native-2.12.1/dl-cache.h
+@@ -101,5 +101,4 @@ struct cache_file_new
+ (((addr) + __alignof__ (struct cache_file_new) -1)	\
+  & (~(__alignof__ (struct cache_file_new) - 1)))
+-extern int _dl_cache_libcmp (const char *p1, const char *p2)
+-     internal_function;
++extern int _dl_cache_libcmp (const char *p1, const char *p2);
+Index: ldconfig-native-2.12.1/ldconfig.c
+--- ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/ldconfig.c
++++ ldconfig-native-2.12.1/ldconfig.c
+@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+    Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
++#define _GNU_SOURCE
+ #define PROCINFO_CLASS static
+ #include <alloca.h>
+ #include <argp.h>
+@@ -39,10 +42,20 @@
+ #include <glob.h>
+ #include <libgen.h>
+-#include <ldconfig.h>
+-#include <dl-cache.h>
++#include "ldconfig.h"
++#include "dl-cache.h"
++#include "dl-procinfo.h"
++#include "argp.h"
++#define SYSCONFDIR "/etc"
++#define LIBDIR "/usr/lib"
++#define SLIBDIR "/lib"
++# define N_(msgid)  msgid
++#define _(msg) msg
+-#include <dl-procinfo.h>
+@@ -55,7 +68,7 @@
+ #endif
+ /* Get libc version number.  */
+-#include <version.h>
++#include "version.h"
+ #define PACKAGE _libc_intl_domainname
+@@ -152,8 +165,8 @@ static const struct argp_option options[
+   { NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }
+ };
+-#define PROCINFO_CLASS static
+-#include <dl-procinfo.c>
++//#define PROCINFO_CLASS static
++//#include <dl-procinfo.c>
+ /* Short description of program.  */
+ static const char doc[] = N_("Configure Dynamic Linker Run Time Bindings.");
+@@ -291,6 +304,7 @@ parse_opt (int key, char *arg, struct ar
+   return 0;
+ }
++#define REPORT_BUGS_TO "mailing list : poky@yoctoproject.org"
+ /* Print bug-reporting information in the help message.  */
+ static char *
+ more_help (int key, const char *text, void *input)
+@@ -315,7 +329,7 @@ For bug reporting instructions, please s
+ static void
+ print_version (FILE *stream, struct argp_state *state)
+ {
+-  fprintf (stream, "ldconfig %s%s\n", PKGVERSION, VERSION);
++  fprintf (stream, "ldconfig (Hacked Poky Version)\n");
+   fprintf (stream, gettext ("\
+ Copyright (C) %s Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n\
+ This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO\n\
+@@ -1233,6 +1247,7 @@ set_hwcap (void)
+     hwcap_mask = strtoul (mask, NULL, 0);
+ }
++const char _libc_intl_domainname[] = "libc";
+ int
+ main (int argc, char **argv)
+Index: ldconfig-native-2.12.1/readlib.c
+--- ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/readlib.c
++++ ldconfig-native-2.12.1/readlib.c
+@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
+    development version.  Besides the simplification, it has also been
+    modified to read some other file formats.  */
++#define _GNU_SOURCE
+ #include <a.out.h>
+ #include <elf.h>
+ #include <error.h>
+@@ -35,7 +38,9 @@
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include <gnu/lib-names.h>
+-#include <ldconfig.h>
++#include "ldconfig.h"
++#define _(msg) msg
+ #define Elf32_CLASS ELFCLASS32
+ #define Elf64_CLASS ELFCLASS64
+Index: ldconfig-native-2.12.1/xstrdup.c
+--- ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/xstrdup.c
++++ ldconfig-native-2.12.1/xstrdup.c
+@@ -16,15 +16,10 @@
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+    Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+-#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+-# include <config.h>
++#define _GNU_SOURCE
++#include <string.h>
+-#if defined STDC_HEADERS || defined HAVE_STRING_H || _LIBC
+-# include <string.h>
+-# include <strings.h>
+ void *xmalloc (size_t n) __THROW;
+ char *xstrdup (char *string) __THROW;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/ldconfig_aux-cache_path_fix.patch b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/ldconfig_aux-cache_path_fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27bc411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native-2.12.1/ldconfig_aux-cache_path_fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Coming from this bug: http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=11149
+Nitin A Kamble <nitin.a.kamble@intel.com>2011/03/29
+--- ldconfig-native-2.12.1.orig/ldconfig.c	
++++ ldconfig-native-2.12.1/ldconfig.c	
+@@ -1359,14 +1359,9 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+   const char *aux_cache_file = _PATH_LDCONFIG_AUX_CACHE;
+   if (opt_chroot)
+-    {
+-      aux_cache_file = chroot_canon (opt_chroot, aux_cache_file);
+-      if (aux_cache_file == NULL)
+-	error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("Can't open cache file %s\n"),
+-    }
++    aux_cache_file = chroot_canon (opt_chroot, aux_cache_file);
+-  if (! opt_ignore_aux_cache)
++  if (! opt_ignore_aux_cache && aux_cache_file)
+     load_aux_cache (aux_cache_file);
+   else
+     init_aux_cache ();
+@@ -1376,7 +1371,8 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+   if (opt_build_cache)
+     {
+       save_cache (cache_file);
+-      save_aux_cache (aux_cache_file);
++      if (aux_cache_file)
++        save_aux_cache (aux_cache_file);
+     }
+   return 0;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native_2.12.1.bb b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native_2.12.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93c0b18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/ldconfig-native_2.12.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+SUMMARY = "A standalone native ldconfig build"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${S}/ldconfig.c;endline=17;md5=1d15f20937c055cb5de2329a4c054399"
+SRC_URI = "file://ldconfig-native-2.12.1.tar.bz2 \
+           file://ldconfig.patch \
+           file://ldconfig_aux-cache_path_fix.patch \
+           file://32and64bit.patch \
+           file://endian-ness_handling.patch \
+           file://flag_fix.patch \
+           file://endianess-header.patch \
+           file://ldconfig-default-to-all-multilib-dirs.patch \
+           file://endian-ness_handling_fix.patch \
+           file://add-64-bit-flag-for-ELF64-entries.patch \
+PR = "r2"
+inherit native
+S = "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${PV}"
+do_compile () {
+	$CC ldconfig.c -std=gnu99 chroot_canon.c xmalloc.c xstrdup.c cache.c readlib.c  -I. dl-cache.c -o ldconfig
+do_install () {
+	install -d ${D}/${bindir}/
+	install ldconfig ${D}/${bindir}/
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/site_config/funcs b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/site_config/funcs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccc8539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/site_config/funcs
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/site_config/headers b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/site_config/headers
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..609ab53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/site_config/headers
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/site_config/types b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/site_config/types
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..178bd85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/site_config/types
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+char *
+long double
+long int
+long long
+long long int
+short int
+signed char
+unsigned char
+unsigned int
+unsigned long
+unsigned long int
+unsigned long long int
+unsigned short
+unsigned short int
+void *
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/ifupdown/files/99_network b/meta/recipes-core/ifupdown/files/99_network
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42d5895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/ifupdown/files/99_network
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+d root root 0755 /run/network none
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/ifupdown/files/defn2-c-man-don-t-rely-on-dpkg-architecture-to-set-a.patch b/meta/recipes-core/ifupdown/files/defn2-c-man-don-t-rely-on-dpkg-architecture-to-set-a.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c4d953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/ifupdown/files/defn2-c-man-don-t-rely-on-dpkg-architecture-to-set-a.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+From 7af9db748974cb3a2c6ef8f9e03d7db1f9f8ee16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Paul Gortmaker <paul.gortmaker@windriver.com>
+Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2014 14:54:12 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] defn2[c|man]: don't rely on dpkg-architecture to set arch
+In yocto we'll always be cross compiling, and we'll always
+be building on linux for linux (vs. *BSD, hurd, etc.)
+Without this the arch is not detected, but it doesn't error
+out, and hence you get useless binaries that don't know any
+arch specific methods, and the end result will be strangeness
+like the loopback device not being configured/enabled.
+Signed-off-by: Paul Gortmaker <paul.gortmaker@windriver.com>
+ defn2c.pl   | 6 +++---
+ defn2man.pl | 6 +++---
+ 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/defn2c.pl b/defn2c.pl
+index c449de2f3d1c..38845e374c76 100755
+--- a/defn2c.pl
++++ b/defn2c.pl
+@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
+ use strict;
+-my $DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS = `dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS`;
+-$DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS =~ s/\n//;
++#my $DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS = `dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS`;
++#$DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS =~ s/\n//;
++my $DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS ="linux";
+ # declarations
+ my $address_family = "";
+diff --git a/defn2man.pl b/defn2man.pl
+index 6ddcfdd4fe68..c9c4dd046597 100755
+--- a/defn2man.pl
++++ b/defn2man.pl
+@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
+ use strict;
+-my $DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS = `dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS`;
+-$DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS =~ s/\n//;
++#my $DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS = `dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS`;
++#$DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS =~ s/\n//;
++my $DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS = "linux";
+ # declarations
+ my $line;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/ifupdown/files/inet-6-.defn-fix-inverted-checks-for-loopback.patch b/meta/recipes-core/ifupdown/files/inet-6-.defn-fix-inverted-checks-for-loopback.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bff352e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/ifupdown/files/inet-6-.defn-fix-inverted-checks-for-loopback.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+From 74152ac74a3e1ea0f3be292aa1eeca5ad1fe69c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Paul Gortmaker <paul.gortmaker@windriver.com>
+Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2014 15:12:11 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] inet[6].defn: fix inverted checks for loopback
+Compared to the hurd link.defn for loopback, we see these
+are inverted, meaning that you would only be able to configure
+a loopback device that was _not_ named "lo" (unlikely to exist).
+The result was that we'd update /run/network/ifstate for "lo"
+but never actually do anything for up/down, as shown below:
+root@localhost:~# ifconfig -s
+eth0       1500 0   7736329      0   2016 0       5289422      0      0      0 BMRU
+lo        65536 0        18      0      0 0            18      0      0      0 LRU
+root@localhost:~# ifdown lo
+root@localhost:~# echo $?
+root@localhost:~# ifconfig -s
+eth0       1500 0   7736406      0   2016 0       5289455      0      0      0 BMRU
+lo        65536 0        18      0      0 0            18      0      0      0 LRU
+root@localhost:~# ifconfig lo down
+root@localhost:~# ifconfig -s
+eth0       1500 0   7736474      0   2016 0       5289481      0      0      0 BMRU
+Signed-off-by: Paul Gortmaker <paul.gortmaker@windriver.com>
+ inet.defn  | 12 ++++++------
+ inet6.defn |  8 ++++----
+ 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/inet.defn b/inet.defn
+index b176ab4ed03e..5fdfb14a0e1c 100644
+--- a/inet.defn
++++ b/inet.defn
+@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ method loopback
+     This method may be used to define the IPv4 loopback interface.
+   up
+-    ip link set dev %iface% up if (!iface_is_lo())
++    ip link set dev %iface% up if (iface_is_lo())
+   down
+-    ip link set dev %iface% down if (!iface_is_lo())
++    ip link set dev %iface% down if (iface_is_lo())
+ method static
+   description
+@@ -212,11 +212,11 @@ method loopback
+   up
+     ifconfig %iface% up \
+-	if (!iface_is_lo())
++	if (iface_is_lo())
+   down
+     ifconfig %iface% down \
+-	if (!iface_is_lo())
++	if (iface_is_lo())
+ method static
+   description
+@@ -371,11 +371,11 @@ method loopback
+   up
+     inetutils-ifconfig --interface %iface% --address --up \
+-	if (!iface_is_lo())
++	if (iface_is_lo())
+   down
+     inetutils-ifconfig --interface %iface% --down \
+-	if (!iface_is_lo())
++	if (iface_is_lo())
+ method static
+   description
+diff --git a/inet6.defn b/inet6.defn
+index 09325539cd01..4df64aff38cc 100644
+--- a/inet6.defn
++++ b/inet6.defn
+@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ method loopback
+   description
+     This method may be used to define the IPv6 loopback interface.
+   up
+-    -ip link set dev %iface% up 2>/dev/null if (!iface_is_lo())
+-    -ip addr add dev %iface% ::1 2>/dev/null if (!iface_is_lo())
++    -ip link set dev %iface% up 2>/dev/null if (iface_is_lo())
++    -ip addr add dev %iface% ::1 2>/dev/null if (iface_is_lo())
+   down
+-    -ip addr del dev %iface% ::1 2>/dev/null if (!iface_is_lo())
+-    -ip link set dev %iface% down 2>/dev/null if (!iface_is_lo())
++    -ip addr del dev %iface% ::1 2>/dev/null if (iface_is_lo())
++    -ip link set dev %iface% down 2>/dev/null if (iface_is_lo())
+ method static
+   description
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/ifupdown/ifupdown_0.7.48.1.bb b/meta/recipes-core/ifupdown/ifupdown_0.7.48.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24eb87b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/ifupdown/ifupdown_0.7.48.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+SUMMARY = "ifupdown: basic ifup and ifdown used by initscripts"
+DESCRIPTION = "High level tools to configure network interfaces \
+This package provides the tools ifup and ifdown which may be used to \
+configure (or, respectively, deconfigure) network interfaces, based on \
+the file /etc/network/interfaces."
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=94d55d512a9ba36caa9b7df079bae19f"
+SRC_URI = "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/i/ifupdown/ifupdown_0.7.48.1ubuntu5.tar.gz \
+	   file://defn2-c-man-don-t-rely-on-dpkg-architecture-to-set-a.patch \
+	   file://inet-6-.defn-fix-inverted-checks-for-loopback.patch \
+	   file://99_network \
+	  "
+# needed so we don't get default S="${WORKDIR}/ifupdown-${PV}"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/ifupdown-${PV}ubuntu5"
+inherit update-rc.d update-alternatives
+do_compile () {
+	chmod a+rx *.pl *.sh
+	oe_runmake 'CC=${CC}' "CFLAGS=${CFLAGS} -Wall -W -D'IFUPDOWN_VERSION=\"${PV}\"'"
+do_install () {
+	install -d ${D}${mandir}/man8 \
+		  ${D}${mandir}/man5 \
+		  ${D}${base_sbindir}
+	# If volatiles are used, then we'll also need /run/network there too.
+	install -d ${D}/etc/default/volatiles
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/99_network ${D}/etc/default/volatiles
+	install -m 0755 ifup ${D}${base_sbindir}/
+	ln ${D}${base_sbindir}/ifup ${D}${base_sbindir}/ifdown
+	install -m 0644 ifup.8 ${D}${mandir}/man8
+	install -m 0644 interfaces.5 ${D}${mandir}/man5
+	cd ${D}${mandir}/man8 && ln -s ifup.8 ifdown.8
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN} = "ifup ifdown"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[ifup] = "${base_sbindir}/ifup"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[ifdown] = "${base_sbindir}/ifdown"
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "start 39 S . stop 39 0 6 1 ."
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "85ba375f3c6f26d34efb2a8575e77fc8"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "08dce14692c07b72b583b86c4d3ace0d9dac1928925144cc3ddde15b694ebbdf"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/images/build-appliance-image/Yocto_Build_Appliance.vmx b/meta/recipes-core/images/build-appliance-image/Yocto_Build_Appliance.vmx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6472e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/images/build-appliance-image/Yocto_Build_Appliance.vmx
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+.encoding = "UTF-8"
+config.version = "8"
+virtualHW.version = "10"
+numvcpus = "2"
+vcpu.hotadd = "TRUE"
+memsize = "4096"
+mem.hotadd = "TRUE"
+sata0.present = "TRUE"
+sata0:0.present = "TRUE"
+sata0:0.fileName = "Yocto_Build_Appliance.vmdk"
+ethernet0.present = "TRUE"
+ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000"
+ethernet0.wakeOnPcktRcv = "FALSE"
+ethernet0.addressType = "generated"
+usb.present = "TRUE"
+ehci.pciSlotNumber = "0"
+sound.present = "TRUE"
+sound.fileName = "-1"
+sound.autodetect = "TRUE"
+pciBridge0.present = "TRUE"
+pciBridge4.present = "TRUE"
+pciBridge4.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"
+pciBridge4.functions = "8"
+pciBridge5.present = "TRUE"
+pciBridge5.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"
+pciBridge5.functions = "8"
+pciBridge6.present = "TRUE"
+pciBridge6.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"
+pciBridge6.functions = "8"
+pciBridge7.present = "TRUE"
+pciBridge7.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"
+pciBridge7.functions = "8"
+vmci0.present = "TRUE"
+hpet0.present = "TRUE"
+usb.vbluetooth.startConnected = "TRUE"
+displayName = "Yocto Build Appliance"
+guestOS = "other3xlinux-64"
+virtualHW.productCompatibility = "hosted"
+gui.exitOnCLIHLT = "FALSE"
+powerType.powerOff = "soft"
+powerType.powerOn = "soft"
+powerType.suspend = "soft"
+powerType.reset = "soft"
+extendedConfigFile = "Yocto_Build_Appliance.vmxf"
+scsi0:0.present = "FALSE"
+floppy0.present = "FALSE"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/images/build-appliance-image/Yocto_Build_Appliance.vmxf b/meta/recipes-core/images/build-appliance-image/Yocto_Build_Appliance.vmxf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e941ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/images/build-appliance-image/Yocto_Build_Appliance.vmxf
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<VMId type="string">52 a5 d8 cb ed 6c 85 48-cd 99 68 af cc 30 a0 98</VMId>
+<vmxPathName type="string">Yocto_Build_Appliance.vmx</vmxPathName></VM></Foundry>
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/images/build-appliance-image_12.0.1.bb b/meta/recipes-core/images/build-appliance-image_12.0.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a86ba4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/images/build-appliance-image_12.0.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+SUMMARY = "An image containing the build system itself"
+DESCRIPTION = "An image containing the build system that you can boot and run using either VMware Player or VMware Workstation."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.yoctoproject.org/documentation/build-appliance"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/LICENSE;md5=4d92cd373abda3937c2bc47fbc49d690 \
+                    file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
+IMAGE_INSTALL = "packagegroup-core-boot packagegroup-core-ssh-openssh packagegroup-self-hosted"
+IMAGE_FEATURES += "x11-base package-management splash"
+# Ensure there's enough space to do a core-image-sato build, with rm_work enabled
+# Do a quiet boot with limited console messages
+APPEND += "rootfstype=ext4 quiet"
+DEPENDS = "zip-native"
+inherit core-image
+SRCREV ?= "d01cd53429b1c20f01dac97f1b9b659cb9dc9812"
+SRC_URI = "git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky \
+           file://Yocto_Build_Appliance.vmx \
+           file://Yocto_Build_Appliance.vmxf \
+          "
+IMAGE_CMD_ext4_append () {
+	# We don't need to reserve much space for root, 0.5% is more than enough
+	tune2fs -m 0.5 ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_NAME}.rootfs.ext4
+fakeroot do_populate_poky_src () {
+	# Because fetch2's git's unpack uses -s cloneflag, the unpacked git repo
+	# will become invalid in the target.
+	rm -rf ${WORKDIR}/git/.git
+	rm -f ${WORKDIR}/git/.gitignore
+	cp -Rp ${WORKDIR}/git ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/home/builder/poky
+	mkdir -p ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/home/builder/poky/build/conf
+	mkdir -p ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/home/builder/poky/build/downloads
+	cp -RpL ${DL_DIR}/* ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/home/builder/poky/build/downloads/
+	# Remove the git2_* tarballs -- this is ok since we still have the git2/.
+	rm -rf ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/home/builder/poky/build/downloads/git2_*
+	echo "/usr/bin" > ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/home/builder/poky/build/pseudodone
+	echo "INHERIT += \"rm_work\"" >> ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/home/builder/poky/build/conf/auto.conf
+	mkdir -p ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/home/builder/pseudo
+	echo "export PSEUDO_PREFIX=/usr" >> ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/home/builder/.bashrc
+	echo "export PSEUDO_LOCALSTATEDIR=/home/builder/pseudo" >> ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/home/builder/.bashrc
+	echo "export PSEUDO_LIBDIR=/usr/lib/pseudo/lib64" >> ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/home/builder/.bashrc
+	chown builder.builder ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/home/builder/pseudo
+	chown -R builder.builder  ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/home/builder/poky
+	# Allow builder to use sudo to setup tap/tun
+	echo "builder ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/sudoers
+	# Use Clearlooks GTK+ theme
+	mkdir -p ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/gtk-2.0
+	echo 'gtk-theme-name = "Clearlooks"' > ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
+IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND += "do_populate_poky_src; "
+addtask rootfs after do_unpack
+python () {
+	# Ensure we run these usually noexec tasks
+	d.delVarFlag("do_fetch", "noexec")
+	d.delVarFlag("do_unpack", "noexec")
+create_bundle_files () {
+	cd ${WORKDIR}
+	mkdir -p Yocto_Build_Appliance
+	cp *.vmx* Yocto_Build_Appliance
+	ln -sf ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_NAME}.vmdk Yocto_Build_Appliance/Yocto_Build_Appliance.vmdk
+	zip -r ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/Yocto_Build_Appliance-${DATETIME}.zip Yocto_Build_Appliance
+	ln -sf Yocto_Build_Appliance-${DATETIME}.zip ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/Yocto_Build_Appliance.zip 
+python do_bundle_files() {
+    bb.build.exec_func('create_bundle_files', d)
+addtask bundle_files after do_vmimg before do_build
+do_bundle_files[nostamp] = "1"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-base.bb b/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-base.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75a08cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-base.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+SUMMARY = "A console-only image that fully supports the target device \
+IMAGE_FEATURES += "splash"
+inherit core-image
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal-dev.bb b/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal-dev.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93ead20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal-dev.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+require core-image-minimal.bb
+DESCRIPTION = "A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot and \
+is suitable for development work."
+IMAGE_FEATURES += "dev-pkgs"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal-initramfs.bb b/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal-initramfs.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f0fa95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal-initramfs.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Simple initramfs image. Mostly used for live images.
+DESCRIPTION = "Small image capable of booting a device. The kernel includes \
+the Minimal RAM-based Initial Root Filesystem (initramfs), which finds the \
+first 'init' program more efficiently."
+PACKAGE_INSTALL = "initramfs-live-boot initramfs-live-install initramfs-live-install-efi busybox udev base-passwd ${ROOTFS_BOOTSTRAP_INSTALL}"
+# Do not pollute the initrd image with rootfs features
+export IMAGE_BASENAME = "core-image-minimal-initramfs"
+inherit core-image
+BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS += "busybox-syslog"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal-mtdutils.bb b/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal-mtdutils.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c92234c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal-mtdutils.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+require core-image-minimal.bb
+DESCRIPTION = "Small image capable of booting a device with support for the \
+Minimal MTD Utilities, which let the user interact with the MTD subsystem in \
+the kernel to perform operations on flash devices."
+IMAGE_INSTALL += "mtd-utils"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal.bb b/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dd77b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+SUMMARY = "A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot."
+inherit core-image
+IMAGE_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE_append = "${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "systemd", " + 4096", "" ,d)}"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/copyright b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/copyright
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a8e0d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/copyright
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+This package was created by Peter Tobias tobias@et-inf.fho-emden.de on
+Wed, 24 Aug 1994 21:33:28 +0200 and maintained by Anthony Towns
+<ajt@debian.org> until 2001.
+It is currently maintained by Marco d'Itri <md@linux.it>.
+Copyright 1994-2010 Peter Tobias, Anthony Towns and Marco d'Itri
+The programs in this package are distributed under the terms of the GNU
+General Public License, version 2 as distributed by the Free Software
+Foundation. On Debian systems, a copy of this license may be found in
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/init b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb31c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/init
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# Provides:          networking
+# Required-Start:    mountvirtfs $local_fs
+# Required-Stop:     $local_fs
+# Should-Start:      ifupdown
+# Should-Stop:       ifupdown
+# Default-Start:     S
+# Default-Stop:      0 6
+# Short-Description: Raise network interfaces.
+[ -x /sbin/ifup ] || exit 0
+check_network_file_systems() {
+    [ -e /proc/mounts ] || return 0
+    if [ -e /etc/iscsi/iscsi.initramfs ]; then
+	echo "not deconfiguring network interfaces: iSCSI root is mounted."
+	exit 0
+    fi
+    exec 9<&0 < /proc/mounts
+    while read DEV MTPT FSTYPE REST; do
+	case $DEV in
+	/dev/nbd*|/dev/nd[a-z]*|/dev/etherd/e*)
+	    echo "not deconfiguring network interfaces: network devices still mounted."
+	    exit 0
+	    ;;
+	esac
+	case $FSTYPE in
+	nfs|nfs4|smbfs|ncp|ncpfs|cifs|coda|ocfs2|gfs|pvfs|pvfs2|fuse.httpfs|fuse.curlftpfs)
+	    echo "not deconfiguring network interfaces: network file systems still mounted."
+	    exit 0
+	    ;;
+	esac
+    done
+    exec 0<&9 9<&-
+check_network_swap() {
+    [ -e /proc/swaps ] || return 0
+    exec 9<&0 < /proc/swaps
+    while read DEV MTPT FSTYPE REST; do
+	case $DEV in
+	/dev/nbd*|/dev/nd[a-z]*|/dev/etherd/e*)
+	    echo "not deconfiguring network interfaces: network swap still mounted."
+	    exit 0
+	    ;;
+	esac
+    done
+    exec 0<&9 9<&-
+case "$1" in
+	echo -n "Configuring network interfaces... "
+	sysctl -e -p /etc/sysctl.conf >/dev/null 2>&1
+	ifup -a
+	echo "done."
+	;;
+	check_network_file_systems
+	check_network_swap
+	echo -n "Deconfiguring network interfaces... "
+	ifdown -a
+	echo "done."
+	;;
+	echo "Running $0 $1 is deprecated because it may not enable again some interfaces"
+	echo "Reconfiguring network interfaces... "
+	ifdown -a || true
+	ifup -a
+	echo "done."
+	;;
+	echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/networking {start|stop}"
+	exit 1
+	;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/interfaces b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0acf4cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
+# The loopback interface
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
+# Wireless interfaces
+iface wlan0 inet dhcp
+	wireless_mode managed
+	wireless_essid any
+	wpa-driver wext
+	wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
+iface atml0 inet dhcp
+# Wired or wireless interfaces
+auto eth0
+iface eth0 inet dhcp
+iface eth1 inet dhcp
+# Ethernet/RNDIS gadget (g_ether)
+# ... or on host side, usbnet and random hwaddr
+iface usb0 inet static
+	address
+	netmask
+	network
+	gateway
+# Bluetooth networking
+iface bnep0 inet dhcp
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/nfsroot b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/nfsroot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..750c0a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/nfsroot
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# In case the interface is used as nfsroot, avoid ifup, otherwise
+# nfsroot may lose response
+if test "x$IFACE" = xlo ; then
+	exit 0
+exec 9<&0 < /proc/mounts
+while read dev mtpt fstype rest; do
+    if test $mtpt = "/" ; then
+        case $fstype in
+            nfs | nfs4)
+                nfsroot=1
+                nfs_addr=`echo $rest | sed -e 's/^.*addr=\([0-9.]*\).*$/\1/'`
+                break
+                ;;
+            *)
+                ;;
+        esac
+    fi
+exec 0<&9 9<&-
+test $nfsroot -eq 0 && exit 0
+if [ -x /bin/ip -o -x /sbin/ip ] ; then
+    nfs_iface=`ip route get $nfs_addr | grep dev | sed -e 's/^.*dev \([-a-z0-9.]*\).*$/\1/'`
+if test "x$IFACE" = "x$nfs_iface" ; then
+    echo "ifup skipped for nfsroot interface $nfs_iface"
+    exit 1
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemuarm/interfaces b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemuarm/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1696776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemuarm/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
+# The loopback interface
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemuarm64/interfaces b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemuarm64/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1696776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemuarm64/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
+# The loopback interface
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemuarmv6/interfaces b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemuarmv6/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1696776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemuarmv6/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
+# The loopback interface
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemuarmv7/interfaces b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemuarmv7/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1696776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemuarmv7/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
+# The loopback interface
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemumips/interfaces b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemumips/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f62b9a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemumips/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
+# The loopback interface
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemumips64/interfaces b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemumips64/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f62b9a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemumips64/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
+# The loopback interface
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemuppc/interfaces b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemuppc/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f62b9a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemuppc/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
+# The loopback interface
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemush4/interfaces b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemush4/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f62b9a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemush4/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
+# The loopback interface
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemux86-64/interfaces b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemux86-64/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f62b9a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemux86-64/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
+# The loopback interface
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemux86/interfaces b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemux86/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f62b9a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown-1.0/qemux86/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
+# The loopback interface
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown_1.0.bb b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown_1.0.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..733ae41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/init-ifupdown_1.0.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+SUMMARY = "Basic TCP/IP networking init scripts and configuration files"
+DESCRIPTION = "This package provides high level tools to configure network interfaces"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://packages.debian.org/ifupdown"
+SECTION = "base"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${WORKDIR}/copyright;md5=3dd6192d306f582dee7687da3d8748ab"
+PR = "r7"
+inherit update-rc.d
+INITSCRIPT_NAME = "networking"
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "start 01 2 3 4 5 . stop 80 0 6 1 ."
+SRC_URI = "file://copyright \
+           file://init \
+           file://interfaces \
+           file://nfsroot"
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+do_install () {
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d \
+			${D}${sysconfdir}/network/if-pre-up.d \
+			${D}${sysconfdir}/network/if-up.d \
+			${D}${sysconfdir}/network/if-down.d \
+			${D}${sysconfdir}/network/if-post-down.d
+	install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/init ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/networking
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/interfaces ${D}${sysconfdir}/network/interfaces
+	install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/nfsroot ${D}${sysconfdir}/network/if-pre-up.d
+do_install_append_qemuall () {
+	# Disable network manager on machines that commonly do NFS booting
+	touch ${D}${sysconfdir}/network/nm-disabled-eth0
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "netbase"
+RCONFLICTS_${PN} = "netbase (< 1:5.0)"
+CONFFILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/network/interfaces"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-boot.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-boot.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e82eba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-boot.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+mkdir /proc
+mkdir /sys
+mount -t proc proc /proc
+mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys
+exec sh
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-install-efi-testfs.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-install-efi-testfs.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a0b4d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-install-efi-testfs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation.
+# All rights reserved.
+# install.sh [device_name] [rootfs_name]
+# We need 200 Mb for the boot partition
+# 50% for the second rootfs
+echo "Searching for a hard drive..."
+for device in 'hda' 'hdb' 'sda' 'sdb' 'mmcblk0' 'mmcblk1'
+    if [ -e /sys/block/${device}/removable ]; then
+        if [ "$(cat /sys/block/${device}/removable)" = "0" ]; then
+            found="yes"
+            while true; do
+                # Try sleeping here to avoid getting kernel messages
+                # obscuring/confusing user
+                sleep 5
+                echo "Found drive at /dev/${device}. Do you want to install this image there ? [y/n]"
+                read answer
+                if [ "$answer" = "y" ] ; then
+                    break
+                fi
+                if [ "$answer" = "n" ] ; then
+                    found=no
+                    break
+                fi
+                echo "Please answer y or n"
+            done
+        fi
+    fi
+    if [ "$found" = "yes" ]; then
+        break;
+    fi
+if [ "$found" = "no" ]; then
+    exit 1
+echo "Installing image on /dev/${device}"
+# The udev automounter can cause pain here, kill it
+rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/automount.rules
+rm -f /etc/udev/scripts/mount*
+# Unmount anything the automounter had mounted
+umount /dev/${device}* 2> /dev/null || /bin/true
+mkdir -p /tmp
+cat /proc/mounts > /etc/mtab
+disk_size=$(parted /dev/${device} unit mb print | grep Disk | cut -d" " -f 3 | sed -e "s/MB//")
+# MMC devices are special in a couple of ways
+# 1) they use a partition prefix character 'p'
+# 2) they are detected asynchronously (need rootwait)
+if [ ! "${device#mmcblk}" = "${device}" ]; then
+    part_prefix="p"
+    rootwait="rootwait"
+echo "*****************"
+echo "Boot partition size:   $boot_size MB ($bootfs)"
+echo "Rootfs partition size: $rootfs_size MB ($rootfs)"
+echo "Testfs partition size:   $testfs_size MB ($testfs)"
+echo "*****************"
+echo "Deleting partition table on /dev/${device} ..."
+dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/${device} bs=512 count=2
+echo "Creating new partition table on /dev/${device} ..."
+parted /dev/${device} mklabel gpt
+echo "Creating boot partition on $bootfs"
+parted /dev/${device} mkpart primary 0% $boot_size
+parted /dev/${device} set 1 boot on
+echo "Creating rootfs partition on $rootfs"
+parted /dev/${device} mkpart primary $rootfs_start $rootfs_end
+echo "Creating testfs partition on $testfs"
+parted /dev/${device} mkpart primary $testfs_start 100%
+parted /dev/${device} print
+echo "Formatting $bootfs to vfat..."
+mkfs.vfat -n "boot" $bootfs
+echo "Formatting $rootfs to ext3..."
+mkfs.ext3 -L "platform" $rootfs
+echo "Formatting $testfs to ext3..."
+mkfs.ext3 -L "testrootfs" $testfs
+mkdir /ssd
+mkdir /rootmnt
+mkdir /bootmnt
+mount $rootfs /ssd
+mount -o rw,loop,noatime,nodiratime /run/media/$1/$2 /rootmnt
+echo "Copying rootfs files..."
+cp -a /rootmnt/* /ssd
+touch /ssd/etc/masterimage
+if [ -d /ssd/etc/ ] ; then
+    # We dont want udev to mount our root device while we're booting...
+    if [ -d /ssd/etc/udev/ ] ; then
+        echo "/dev/${device}" >> /ssd/etc/udev/mount.blacklist
+    fi
+umount /ssd
+umount /rootmnt
+echo "Preparing boot partition..."
+mount $bootfs /ssd
+mkdir -p $EFIDIR
+cp /run/media/$1/vmlinuz /ssd
+# Copy the efi loader
+cp /run/media/$1/EFI/BOOT/*.efi $EFIDIR
+if [ -f /run/media/$1/EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg ]; then
+    GRUBCFG="$EFIDIR/grub.cfg"
+    cp /run/media/$1/EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg $GRUBCFG
+    # Update grub config for the installed image
+    # Delete the install entry
+    sed -i "/menuentry 'install'/,/^}/d" $GRUBCFG
+    # Delete the initrd lines
+    sed -i "/initrd /d" $GRUBCFG
+    # Delete any LABEL= strings
+    sed -i "s/ LABEL=[^ ]*/ /" $GRUBCFG
+    # Delete any root= strings
+    sed -i "s/ root=[^ ]*/ /" $GRUBCFG
+    # Add the root= and other standard boot options
+    sed -i "s@linux /vmlinuz *@linux /vmlinuz root=$rootfs rw $rootwait quiet @" $GRUBCFG
+if [ -d /run/media/$1/loader ]; then
+    GUMMIBOOT_CFGS="/ssd/loader/entries/*.conf"
+    # copy config files for gummiboot
+    cp -dr /run/media/$1/loader /ssd
+    # delete the install entry
+    rm -f /ssd/loader/entries/install.conf
+    # delete the initrd lines
+    sed -i "/initrd /d" $GUMMIBOOT_CFGS
+    # delete any LABEL= strings
+    sed -i "s/ LABEL=[^ ]*/ /" $GUMMIBOOT_CFGS
+    # delete any root= strings
+    sed -i "s/ root=[^ ]*/ /" $GUMMIBOOT_CFGS
+    # add the root= and other standard boot options
+    sed -i "s@options *@options root=$rootfs rw $rootwait quiet @" $GUMMIBOOT_CFGS
+    # Add the test label
+    echo -ne "title test\nlinux /test-kernel\noptions root=$testfs rw $rootwait quiet\n" > /ssd/loader/entries/test.conf
+umount /ssd
+echo "Remove your installation media, and press ENTER"
+read enter
+echo "Rebooting..."
+reboot -f
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-install-efi.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-install-efi.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3ed74b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-install-efi.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation.
+# All rights reserved.
+# install.sh [device_name] [rootfs_name]
+# We need 20 Mb for the boot partition
+# 5% for swap
+# Get a list of hard drives
+live_dev_name=`cat /proc/mounts | grep ${1%/} | awk '{print $1}'`
+# Only strip the digit identifier if the device is not an mmc
+case $live_dev_name in
+    mmcblk*)
+    ;;
+    *)
+        live_dev_name=${live_dev_name%%[0-9]*}
+    ;;
+echo "Searching for hard drives ..."
+for device in `ls /sys/block/`; do
+    case $device in
+        loop*)
+            # skip loop device
+            ;;
+        sr*)
+            # skip CDROM device
+            ;;
+        ram*)
+            # skip ram device
+            ;;
+        *)
+            # skip the device LiveOS is on
+            # Add valid hard drive name to the list
+            case $device in
+                $live_dev_name*)
+                # skip the device we are running from
+                ;;
+                *)
+                    hdnamelist="$hdnamelist $device"
+                ;;
+            esac
+            ;;
+    esac
+if [ -z "${hdnamelist}" ]; then
+    echo "You need another device (besides the live device /dev/${live_dev_name}) to install the image. Installation aborted."
+    exit 1
+for hdname in $hdnamelist; do
+    # Display found hard drives and their basic info
+    echo "-------------------------------"
+    echo /dev/$hdname
+    if [ -r /sys/block/$hdname/device/vendor ]; then
+        echo -n "VENDOR="
+        cat /sys/block/$hdname/device/vendor
+    fi
+    if [ -r /sys/block/$hdname/device/model ]; then
+        echo -n "MODEL="
+        cat /sys/block/$hdname/device/model
+    fi
+    if [ -r /sys/block/$hdname/device/uevent ]; then
+        echo -n "UEVENT="
+        cat /sys/block/$hdname/device/uevent
+    fi
+    echo
+    # Get user choice
+    while true; do
+        echo -n "Do you want to install this image there? [y/n] "
+        read answer
+        if [ "$answer" = "y" -o "$answer" = "n" ]; then
+            break
+        fi
+        echo "Please answer y or n"
+    done
+    if [ "$answer" = "y" ]; then
+        TARGET_DEVICE_NAME=$hdname
+        break
+    fi
+if [ -n "$TARGET_DEVICE_NAME" ]; then
+    echo "Installing image on /dev/$TARGET_DEVICE_NAME ..."
+    echo "No hard drive selected. Installation aborted."
+    exit 1
+# The udev automounter can cause pain here, kill it
+rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/automount.rules
+rm -f /etc/udev/scripts/mount*
+# Unmount anything the automounter had mounted
+umount ${device}* 2> /dev/null || /bin/true
+mkdir -p /tmp
+cat /proc/mounts > /etc/mtab
+disk_size=$(parted ${device} unit mb print | grep Disk | cut -d" " -f 3 | sed -e "s/MB//")
+# MMC devices are special in a couple of ways
+# 1) they use a partition prefix character 'p'
+# 2) they are detected asynchronously (need rootwait)
+if [ ! "${device#mmcblk}" = "${device}" ]; then
+    part_prefix="p"
+    rootwait="rootwait"
+echo "*****************"
+echo "Boot partition size:   $boot_size MB ($bootfs)"
+echo "Rootfs partition size: $rootfs_size MB ($rootfs)"
+echo "Swap partition size:   $swap_size MB ($swap)"
+echo "*****************"
+echo "Deleting partition table on ${device} ..."
+dd if=/dev/zero of=${device} bs=512 count=35
+echo "Creating new partition table on ${device} ..."
+parted ${device} mklabel gpt
+echo "Creating boot partition on $bootfs"
+parted ${device} mkpart boot fat32 0% $boot_size
+parted ${device} set 1 boot on
+echo "Creating rootfs partition on $rootfs"
+parted ${device} mkpart root ext3 $rootfs_start $rootfs_end
+echo "Creating swap partition on $swap"
+parted ${device} mkpart swap linux-swap $swap_start 100%
+parted ${device} print
+echo "Formatting $bootfs to vfat..."
+mkfs.vfat $bootfs
+echo "Formatting $rootfs to ext3..."
+mkfs.ext3 $rootfs
+echo "Formatting swap partition...($swap)"
+mkswap $swap
+mkdir /tgt_root
+mkdir /src_root
+mkdir -p /boot
+# Handling of the target root partition
+mount $rootfs /tgt_root
+mount -o rw,loop,noatime,nodiratime /run/media/$1/$2 /src_root
+echo "Copying rootfs files..."
+cp -a /src_root/* /tgt_root
+if [ -d /tgt_root/etc/ ] ; then
+    boot_uuid=$(blkid -o value -s UUID ${device}1)
+    swap_part_uuid=$(blkid -o value -s PARTUUID ${device}3)
+    echo "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/$swap_part_uuid                swap             swap       defaults              0  0" >> /tgt_root/etc/fstab
+    echo "UUID=$boot_uuid              /boot            vfat       defaults              1  2" >> /tgt_root/etc/fstab
+    # We dont want udev to mount our root device while we're booting...
+    if [ -d /tgt_root/etc/udev/ ] ; then
+        echo "${device}" >> /tgt_root/etc/udev/mount.blacklist
+    fi
+umount /src_root
+# Handling of the target boot partition
+mount $bootfs /boot
+echo "Preparing boot partition..."
+mkdir -p $EFIDIR
+# Copy the efi loader
+cp /run/media/$1/EFI/BOOT/*.efi $EFIDIR
+if [ -f /run/media/$1/EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg ]; then
+    root_part_uuid=$(blkid -o value -s PARTUUID ${device}2)
+    GRUBCFG="$EFIDIR/grub.cfg"
+    cp /run/media/$1/EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg $GRUBCFG
+    # Update grub config for the installed image
+    # Delete the install entry
+    sed -i "/menuentry 'install'/,/^}/d" $GRUBCFG
+    # Delete the initrd lines
+    sed -i "/initrd /d" $GRUBCFG
+    # Delete any LABEL= strings
+    sed -i "s/ LABEL=[^ ]*/ /" $GRUBCFG
+    # Delete any root= strings
+    sed -i "s/ root=[^ ]*/ /" $GRUBCFG
+    # Add the root= and other standard boot options
+    sed -i "s@linux /vmlinuz *@linux /vmlinuz root=PARTUUID=$root_part_uuid rw $rootwait quiet @" $GRUBCFG
+if [ -d /run/media/$1/loader ]; then
+    GUMMIBOOT_CFGS="/boot/loader/entries/*.conf"
+    # copy config files for gummiboot
+    cp -dr /run/media/$1/loader /boot
+    # delete the install entry
+    rm -f /boot/loader/entries/install.conf
+    # delete the initrd lines
+    sed -i "/initrd /d" $GUMMIBOOT_CFGS
+    # delete any LABEL= strings
+    sed -i "s/ LABEL=[^ ]*/ /" $GUMMIBOOT_CFGS
+    # delete any root= strings
+    sed -i "s/ root=[^ ]*/ /" $GUMMIBOOT_CFGS
+    # add the root= and other standard boot options
+    sed -i "s@options *@options root=PARTUUID=$rootuuid rw $rootwait quiet @" $GUMMIBOOT_CFGS
+umount /tgt_root
+cp /run/media/$1/vmlinuz /boot
+umount /boot
+echo "Remove your installation media, and press ENTER"
+read enter
+echo "Rebooting..."
+reboot -f
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-install-testfs.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-install-testfs.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac62160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-install-testfs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Intel
+# install.sh [device_name] [rootfs_name] [video_mode] [vga_mode]
+# We need 20 Mb for the boot partition
+# 50% for the the test partition
+# Get a list of hard drives
+echo "Searching for hard drives ..."
+for device in `ls /sys/block/`; do
+    case $device in
+	loop*)
+            # skip loop device
+	    ;;
+	ram*)
+            # skip ram device
+	    ;;
+	*)
+	    # skip the device LiveOS is on
+	    # Add valid hard drive name to the list
+	    if [ $device != $live_dev_name -a -e /dev/$device ]; then
+		hdnamelist="$hdnamelist $device"
+	    fi
+	    ;;
+    esac
+for hdname in $hdnamelist; do
+    # Display found hard drives and their basic info
+    echo "-------------------------------"
+    echo /dev/$hdname
+    if [ -r /sys/block/$hdname/device/vendor ]; then
+	echo -n "VENDOR="
+	cat /sys/block/$hdname/device/vendor
+    fi
+    echo -n "MODEL="
+    cat /sys/block/$hdname/device/model
+    cat /sys/block/$hdname/device/uevent
+    echo
+    # Get user choice
+    while true; do
+	echo -n "Do you want to install this image there? [y/n] "
+	read answer
+	if [ "$answer" = "y" -o "$answer" = "n" ]; then
+	    break
+	fi
+	echo "Please answer y or n"
+    done
+    if [ "$answer" = "y" ]; then
+	break
+    fi
+if [ -n "$TARGET_DEVICE_NAME" ]; then
+    echo "Installing image on /dev/$TARGET_DEVICE_NAME ..."
+    echo "No hard drive selected. Installation aborted."
+    exit 1
+# The udev automounter can cause pain here, kill it
+rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/automount.rules
+rm -f /etc/udev/scripts/mount*
+# Unmount anything the automounter had mounted
+umount /dev/${device}* 2> /dev/null || /bin/true
+if [ ! -b /dev/loop0 ] ; then
+    mknod /dev/loop0 b 7 0
+mkdir -p /tmp
+if [ ! -L /etc/mtab ]; then
+	cat /proc/mounts > /etc/mtab
+disk_size=$(parted /dev/${device} unit mb print | grep Disk | cut -d" " -f 3 | sed -e "s/MB//")
+# MMC devices are special in a couple of ways
+# 1) they use a partition prefix character 'p'
+# 2) they are detected asynchronously (need rootwait)
+if [ ! "${device#mmcblk}" = "${device}" ]; then
+	part_prefix="p"
+	rootwait="rootwait"
+echo "*****************"
+echo "Boot partition size:   $boot_size MB ($bootfs)"
+echo "Rootfs partition size: $rootfs_size MB ($rootfs)"
+echo "Testfs partition size: $testfs_size MB ($testfs)"
+echo "*****************"
+echo "Deleting partition table on /dev/${device} ..."
+dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/${device} bs=512 count=2
+echo "Creating new partition table on /dev/${device} ..."
+parted /dev/${device} mklabel msdos
+echo "Creating boot partition on $bootfs"
+parted /dev/${device} mkpart primary 0% $boot_size
+echo "Creating rootfs partition on $rootfs"
+parted /dev/${device} mkpart primary $rootfs_start $rootfs_end
+echo "Creating testfs partition on $testfs"
+parted /dev/${device} mkpart primary $testfs_start 100%
+parted /dev/${device} print
+echo "Formatting $bootfs to ext3..."
+mkfs.ext3 -L "boot" $bootfs
+echo "Formatting $rootfs to ext3..."
+mkfs.ext3 -L "rootfs" $rootfs
+echo "Formatting $testfs to ext3..."
+mkfs.ext3 -L "testrootfs" $testfs
+mkdir /tgt_root
+mkdir /src_root
+mkdir -p /boot
+# Handling of the target root partition
+mount $rootfs /tgt_root
+mount -o rw,loop,noatime,nodiratime /run/media/$1/$2 /src_root
+echo "Copying rootfs files..."
+cp -a /src_root/* /tgt_root
+touch /tgt_root/etc/masterimage
+if [ -d /tgt_root/etc/ ] ; then
+    echo "$bootfs              /boot            ext3       defaults              1  2" >> /tgt_root/etc/fstab
+    # We dont want udev to mount our root device while we're booting...
+    if [ -d /tgt_root/etc/udev/ ] ; then
+	echo "/dev/${device}" >> /tgt_root/etc/udev/mount.blacklist
+    fi
+umount /tgt_root
+umount /src_root
+# Handling of the target boot partition
+mount $bootfs /boot
+echo "Preparing boot partition..."
+if [ -f /etc/grub.d/00_header ] ; then
+    echo "Preparing custom grub2 menu..."
+    GRUBCFG="/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
+    mkdir -p $(dirname $GRUBCFG)
+    cat >$GRUBCFG <<_EOF 
+serial --speed=115200 --unit=0 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1
+terminal_input --append  serial
+terminal_output --append serial
+set timeout_style=hidden
+set timeout=5
+menuentry "Linux" {
+    set root=(hd0,1)
+    linux /vmlinuz root=$rootfs $rootwait rw $5 $3 $4 quiet
+    # Add the test label
+    echo -ne "\nmenuentry 'test' --hotkey x {\nlinux /test-kernel root=$testfs rw $rootwait quiet\n}\n" >> $GRUBCFG
+    chmod 0444 $GRUBCFG
+grub-install /dev/${device}
+echo "(hd0) /dev/${device}" > /boot/grub/device.map
+# If grub.cfg doesn't exist, assume GRUB 0.97 and create a menu.lst
+if [ ! -f /boot/grub/grub.cfg ] ; then
+    echo "Preparing custom grub menu..."
+    echo "default 0" > /boot/grub/menu.lst
+    echo "timeout 30" >> /boot/grub/menu.lst
+    echo "title Live Boot/Install-Image" >> /boot/grub/menu.lst
+    echo "root  (hd0,0)" >> /boot/grub/menu.lst
+    echo "kernel /vmlinuz root=$rootfs rw $3 $4 quiet" >> /boot/grub/menu.lst
+cp /run/media/$1/vmlinuz /boot/
+umount /boot
+echo "Remove your installation media, and press ENTER"
+read enter
+echo "Rebooting..."
+reboot -f
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-install.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-install.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9e9768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-install.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Intel
+# install.sh [device_name] [rootfs_name] [video_mode] [vga_mode]
+# We need 20 Mb for the boot partition
+# 5% for the swap
+# Get a list of hard drives
+live_dev_name=`cat /proc/mounts | grep ${1%/} | awk '{print $1}'`
+# Only strip the digit identifier if the device is not an mmc
+case $live_dev_name in
+    mmcblk*)
+    ;;
+    *)
+        live_dev_name=${live_dev_name%%[0-9]*}
+    ;;
+echo "Searching for hard drives ..."
+for device in `ls /sys/block/`; do
+    case $device in
+        loop*)
+            # skip loop device
+            ;;
+        sr*)
+            # skip CDROM device
+            ;;
+        ram*)
+            # skip ram device
+            ;;
+        *)
+            # skip the device LiveOS is on
+            # Add valid hard drive name to the list
+            case $device in
+                $live_dev_name*)
+                # skip the device we are running from
+                ;;
+                *)
+                    hdnamelist="$hdnamelist $device"
+                ;;
+            esac
+            ;;
+    esac
+for hdname in $hdnamelist; do
+    # Display found hard drives and their basic info
+    echo "-------------------------------"
+    echo /dev/$hdname
+    if [ -r /sys/block/$hdname/device/vendor ]; then
+        echo -n "VENDOR="
+        cat /sys/block/$hdname/device/vendor
+    fi
+    if [ -r /sys/block/$hdname/device/model ]; then
+        echo -n "MODEL="
+        cat /sys/block/$hdname/device/model
+    fi
+    if [ -r /sys/block/$hdname/device/uevent ]; then
+        echo -n "UEVENT="
+        cat /sys/block/$hdname/device/uevent
+    fi
+    echo
+    # Get user choice
+    while true; do
+        echo -n "Do you want to install this image there? [y/n] "
+        read answer
+        if [ "$answer" = "y" -o "$answer" = "n" ]; then
+            break
+        fi
+        echo "Please answer y or n"
+    done
+    if [ "$answer" = "y" ]; then
+        TARGET_DEVICE_NAME=$hdname
+        break
+    fi
+if [ -n "$TARGET_DEVICE_NAME" ]; then
+    echo "Installing image on /dev/$TARGET_DEVICE_NAME ..."
+    echo "No hard drive selected. Installation aborted."
+    exit 1
+# The udev automounter can cause pain here, kill it
+rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/automount.rules
+rm -f /etc/udev/scripts/mount*
+# Unmount anything the automounter had mounted
+umount ${device}* 2> /dev/null || /bin/true
+if [ ! -b /dev/loop0 ] ; then
+    mknod /dev/loop0 b 7 0
+mkdir -p /tmp
+if [ ! -L /etc/mtab ]; then
+    cat /proc/mounts > /etc/mtab
+disk_size=$(parted ${device} unit mb print | grep Disk | cut -d" " -f 3 | sed -e "s/MB//")
+grub_version=$(grub-install -v|sed 's/.* \([0-9]\).*/\1/')
+if [ $grub_version -eq 0 ] ; then
+    bios_boot_size=0
+    # For GRUB 2 we need separate parition to store stage2 grub image
+    # 2Mb value is chosen to align partition for best performance.
+    bios_boot_size=2
+# MMC devices are special in a couple of ways
+# 1) they use a partition prefix character 'p'
+# 2) they are detected asynchronously (need rootwait)
+if [ ! "${device#mmcblk}" = "${device}" ]; then
+    part_prefix="p"
+    rootwait="rootwait"
+if [ $grub_version -eq 0 ] ; then
+    bios_boot=''
+    bootfs=${device}${part_prefix}1
+    rootfs=${device}${part_prefix}2
+    swap=${device}${part_prefix}3
+    bios_boot=${device}${part_prefix}1
+    bootfs=${device}${part_prefix}2
+    rootfs=${device}${part_prefix}3
+    swap=${device}${part_prefix}4
+echo "*****************"
+[ $grub_version -ne 0 ] && echo "BIOS boot partition size: $bios_boot_size MB ($bios_boot)"
+echo "Boot partition size:   $boot_size MB ($bootfs)"
+echo "Rootfs partition size: $rootfs_size MB ($rootfs)"
+echo "Swap partition size:   $swap_size MB ($swap)"
+echo "*****************"
+echo "Deleting partition table on ${device} ..."
+dd if=/dev/zero of=${device} bs=512 count=35
+echo "Creating new partition table on ${device} ..."
+if [ $grub_version -eq 0 ] ; then
+    parted ${device} mktable msdos
+    echo "Creating boot partition on $bootfs"
+    parted ${device} mkpart primary ext3 0% $boot_size
+    parted ${device} mktable gpt
+    echo "Creating BIOS boot partition on $bios_boot"
+    parted ${device} mkpart bios_boot 0% $bios_boot_size
+    parted ${device} set 1 bios_grub on
+    echo "Creating boot partition on $bootfs"
+    parted ${device} mkpart boot ext3 $boot_start $boot_size
+echo "Creating rootfs partition on $rootfs"
+[ $grub_version -eq 0 ] && pname='primary' || pname='root'
+parted ${device} mkpart $pname ext3 $rootfs_start $rootfs_end
+echo "Creating swap partition on $swap"
+[ $grub_version -eq 0 ] && pname='primary' || pname='swap'
+parted ${device} mkpart $pname linux-swap $swap_start 100%
+parted ${device} print
+echo "Formatting $bootfs to ext3..."
+mkfs.ext3 $bootfs
+echo "Formatting $rootfs to ext3..."
+mkfs.ext3 $rootfs
+echo "Formatting swap partition...($swap)"
+mkswap $swap
+mkdir /tgt_root
+mkdir /src_root
+mkdir -p /boot
+# Handling of the target root partition
+mount $rootfs /tgt_root
+mount -o rw,loop,noatime,nodiratime /run/media/$1/$2 /src_root
+echo "Copying rootfs files..."
+cp -a /src_root/* /tgt_root
+if [ -d /tgt_root/etc/ ] ; then
+    if [ $grub_version -ne 0 ] ; then
+        boot_uuid=$(blkid -o value -s UUID ${device}2)
+        swap_part_uuid=$(blkid -o value -s PARTUUID ${device}4)
+        bootdev="UUID=$boot_uuid"
+        swapdev=/dev/disk/by-partuuid/$swap_part_uuid
+    else
+        bootdev=${device}2
+        swapdev=${device}4
+    fi
+    echo "$swapdev                swap             swap       defaults              0  0" >> /tgt_root/etc/fstab
+    echo "$bootdev              /boot            ext3       defaults              1  2" >> /tgt_root/etc/fstab
+    # We dont want udev to mount our root device while we're booting...
+    if [ -d /tgt_root/etc/udev/ ] ; then
+        echo "${device}" >> /tgt_root/etc/udev/mount.blacklist
+    fi
+umount /tgt_root
+umount /src_root
+# Handling of the target boot partition
+mount $bootfs /boot
+echo "Preparing boot partition..."
+if [ -f /etc/grub.d/00_header -a $grub_version -ne 0 ] ; then
+    echo "Preparing custom grub2 menu..."
+    root_part_uuid=$(blkid -o value -s PARTUUID ${device}3)
+    boot_uuid=$(blkid -o value -s UUID ${device}2)
+    GRUBCFG="/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
+    mkdir -p $(dirname $GRUBCFG)
+    cat >$GRUBCFG <<_EOF
+menuentry "Linux" {
+    search --no-floppy --fs-uuid $boot_uuid --set root
+    linux /vmlinuz root=PARTUUID=$root_part_uuid $rootwait rw $5 $3 $4 quiet
+    chmod 0444 $GRUBCFG
+grub-install ${device}
+if [ $grub_version -eq 0 ] ; then
+    echo "(hd0) ${device}" > /boot/grub/device.map
+    echo "Preparing custom grub menu..."
+    echo "default 0" > /boot/grub/menu.lst
+    echo "timeout 30" >> /boot/grub/menu.lst
+    echo "title Live Boot/Install-Image" >> /boot/grub/menu.lst
+    echo "root  (hd0,0)" >> /boot/grub/menu.lst
+    echo "kernel /vmlinuz root=$rootfs rw $3 $4 quiet" >> /boot/grub/menu.lst
+cp /run/media/$1/vmlinuz /boot/
+umount /boot
+echo "Remove your installation media, and press ENTER"
+read enter
+echo "Rebooting..."
+reboot -f
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-live.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-live.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d852c57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/files/init-live.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+# Copied from initramfs-framework. The core of this script probably should be
+# turned into initramfs-framework modules to reduce duplication.
+udev_daemon() {
+	OPTIONS="/sbin/udev/udevd /sbin/udevd /lib/udev/udevd /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd"
+	for o in $OPTIONS; do
+		if [ -x "$o" ]; then
+			echo $o
+			return 0
+		fi
+	done
+	return 1
+early_setup() {
+    mkdir -p /proc
+    mkdir -p /sys
+    mount -t proc proc /proc
+    mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys
+    mount -t devtmpfs none /dev
+    # support modular kernel
+    modprobe isofs 2> /dev/null
+    mkdir -p /run
+    mkdir -p /var/run
+    $_UDEV_DAEMON --daemon
+    udevadm trigger --action=add
+read_args() {
+    [ -z "$CMDLINE" ] && CMDLINE=`cat /proc/cmdline`
+    for arg in $CMDLINE; do
+        optarg=`expr "x$arg" : 'x[^=]*=\(.*\)'`
+        case $arg in
+            root=*)
+                ROOT_DEVICE=$optarg ;;
+            rootimage=*)
+                ROOT_IMAGE=$optarg ;;
+            rootfstype=*)
+                modprobe $optarg 2> /dev/null ;;
+            LABEL=*)
+                label=$optarg ;;
+            video=*)
+                video_mode=$arg ;;
+            vga=*)
+                vga_mode=$arg ;;
+            console=*)
+                if [ -z "${console_params}" ]; then
+                    console_params=$arg
+                else
+                    console_params="$console_params $arg"
+                fi ;;
+            debugshell*)
+                if [ -z "$optarg" ]; then
+                        shelltimeout=30
+                else
+                        shelltimeout=$optarg
+                fi 
+        esac
+    done
+boot_live_root() {
+    # Watches the udev event queue, and exits if all current events are handled
+    udevadm settle --timeout=3 --quiet
+    killall "${_UDEV_DAEMON##*/}" 2>/dev/null
+    # Allow for identification of the real root even after boot
+    mkdir -p  ${ROOT_MOUNT}/media/realroot
+    mount -n --move "/run/media/${ROOT_DISK}" ${ROOT_MOUNT}/media/realroot
+    # Move the mount points of some filesystems over to
+    # the corresponding directories under the real root filesystem.
+    for dir in `awk '/\/dev.* \/run\/media/{print $2}' /proc/mounts`; do
+        mkdir -p  ${ROOT_MOUNT}/media/${dir##*/}
+        mount -n --move $dir ${ROOT_MOUNT}/media/${dir##*/}
+    done
+    mount -n --move /proc ${ROOT_MOUNT}/proc
+    mount -n --move /sys ${ROOT_MOUNT}/sys
+    mount -n --move /dev ${ROOT_MOUNT}/dev
+    cd $ROOT_MOUNT
+    # busybox switch_root supports -c option
+    exec switch_root -c /dev/console $ROOT_MOUNT /sbin/init $CMDLINE ||
+        fatal "Couldn't switch_root, dropping to shell"
+fatal() {
+    echo $1 >$CONSOLE
+    echo >$CONSOLE
+    exec sh
+[ -z "$CONSOLE" ] && CONSOLE="/dev/console"
+echo "Waiting for removable media..."
+while true
+  for i in `ls /run/media 2>/dev/null`; do
+      if [ -f /run/media/$i/$ROOT_IMAGE ] ; then
+		found="yes"
+		ROOT_DISK="$i"
+		break
+	  elif [ -f /run/media/$i/isolinux/$ROOT_IMAGE ]; then
+		found="yes"
+		ISOLINUX="isolinux"
+		ROOT_DISK="$i"
+		break	
+      fi
+  done
+  if [ "$found" = "yes" ]; then
+      break;
+  fi
+  # don't wait for more than $shelltimeout seconds, if it's set
+  if [ -n "$shelltimeout" ]; then
+      echo -n " " $(( $shelltimeout - $C ))
+      if [ $C -ge $shelltimeout ]; then
+           echo "..."
+	   echo "Mounted filesystems"
+           mount | grep media
+           echo "Available block devices"
+           cat /proc/partitions
+           fatal "Cannot find $ROOT_IMAGE file in /run/media/* , dropping to a shell "
+      fi
+      C=$(( C + 1 ))
+  fi
+  sleep 1
+# Try to mount the root image read-write and then boot it up.
+# This function distinguishes between a read-only image and a read-write image.
+# In the former case (typically an iso), it tries to make a union mount if possible.
+# In the latter case, the root image could be mounted and then directly booted up.
+mount_and_boot() {
+    mkdir $ROOT_MOUNT
+    mknod /dev/loop0 b 7 0 2>/dev/null
+    if ! mount -o rw,loop,noatime,nodiratime /run/media/$ROOT_DISK/$ISOLINUX/$ROOT_IMAGE $ROOT_MOUNT ; then
+	fatal "Could not mount rootfs image"
+    fi
+    if touch $ROOT_MOUNT/bin 2>/dev/null; then
+	# The root image is read-write, directly boot it up.
+	boot_live_root
+    fi
+    # determine which unification filesystem to use
+    union_fs_type=""
+    if grep -q -w "overlayfs" /proc/filesystems; then
+	union_fs_type="overlayfs"
+    elif grep -q -w "aufs" /proc/filesystems; then
+	union_fs_type="aufs"
+    else
+	union_fs_type=""
+    fi
+    # make a union mount if possible
+    case $union_fs_type in
+	"overlayfs")
+	    mkdir -p /rootfs.ro /rootfs.rw
+	    if ! mount -n --move $ROOT_MOUNT /rootfs.ro; then
+		rm -rf /rootfs.ro /rootfs.rw
+		fatal "Could not move rootfs mount point"
+	    else
+		mount -t tmpfs -o rw,noatime,mode=755 tmpfs /rootfs.rw
+		mount -t overlayfs -o "lowerdir=/rootfs.ro,upperdir=/rootfs.rw" overlayfs $ROOT_MOUNT
+		mkdir -p $ROOT_MOUNT/rootfs.ro $ROOT_MOUNT/rootfs.rw
+		mount --move /rootfs.ro $ROOT_MOUNT/rootfs.ro
+		mount --move /rootfs.rw $ROOT_MOUNT/rootfs.rw
+	    fi
+	    ;;
+	"aufs")
+	    mkdir -p /rootfs.ro /rootfs.rw
+	    if ! mount -n --move $ROOT_MOUNT /rootfs.ro; then
+		rm -rf /rootfs.ro /rootfs.rw
+		fatal "Could not move rootfs mount point"
+	    else
+		mount -t tmpfs -o rw,noatime,mode=755 tmpfs /rootfs.rw
+		mount -t aufs -o "dirs=/rootfs.rw=rw:/rootfs.ro=ro" aufs $ROOT_MOUNT
+		mkdir -p $ROOT_MOUNT/rootfs.ro $ROOT_MOUNT/rootfs.rw
+		mount --move /rootfs.ro $ROOT_MOUNT/rootfs.ro
+		mount --move /rootfs.rw $ROOT_MOUNT/rootfs.rw
+	    fi
+	    ;;
+	"")
+	    mount -t tmpfs -o rw,noatime,mode=755 tmpfs $ROOT_MOUNT/media
+	    ;;
+    esac
+    # boot the image
+    boot_live_root
+case $label in
+    boot)
+	mount_and_boot
+	;;
+    install|install-efi)
+	if [ -f /run/media/$i/$ISOLINUX/$ROOT_IMAGE ] ; then
+	    ./$label.sh $i/$ISOLINUX $ROOT_IMAGE $video_mode $vga_mode $console_params
+	else
+	    fatal "Could not find $label script"
+	fi
+	# If we're getting here, we failed...
+	fatal "Installation image failed"
+	;;
+    *)
+	# Not sure what boot label is provided.  Try to boot to avoid locking up.
+	mount_and_boot
+	;;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-boot_1.0.bb b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-boot_1.0.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ae7969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-boot_1.0.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+SUMMARY = "Extremely basic live image init script"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
+SRC_URI = "file://init-boot.sh"
+PR = "r2"
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+do_install() {
+        install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/init-boot.sh ${D}/init
+inherit allarch
+FILES_${PN} += " /init "
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework/debug b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework/debug
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00bfd7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework/debug
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 O.S. Systems Software LTDA.
+# Licensed on MIT
+# Adds support to dynamic debugging of initramfs using bootparam in
+# following format:
+#   shell                 : starts a shell before and after each module
+#   shell=before:<module> : starts a shell before <module> is loaded and run
+#   shell=after:<module>  : starts a shell after <module> is loaded and run
+#   shell-debug                 : run set -x as soon as possible
+#   shell-debug=before:<module> : run set -x before <module> is loaded and run
+#   shell-debug=after:<module>  : run set -x after <module> is loaded and run
+debug_hook_handler() {
+	status=$1
+	module=$2
+	if [ -n "$bootparam_shell" ] && [ "$bootparam_shell" != "true" ]; then
+		shell_wanted_status=`expr $bootparam_shell : '\(.*\):.*'`
+		shell_wanted_module=`expr $bootparam_shell : '.*:\(.*\)'`
+		if [ "$shell_wanted_status" = "before" ]; then
+			shell_wanted_status=pre
+		else
+			shell_wanted_status=post
+		fi
+	fi
+	if [ "$bootparam_shell" = "true" ] ||
+		( [ "$status" = "$shell_wanted_status" ] &&
+			[ "$module" = "$shell_wanted_module" ] ); then
+		if [ "$status" = "pre" ]; then
+			status_msg="before"
+		else
+			status_msg="after"
+		fi
+		msg "Starting shell $status_msg $module..."
+		sh
+	fi
+	if [ -n "$bootparam_shell_debug" ] && [ "$bootparam_shell_debug" != "true" ]; then
+		shell_debug_wanted_status=`expr $bootparam_shell_debug : '\(.*\):.*'`
+		shell_debug_wanted_module=`expr $bootparam_shell_debug : '.*:\(.*\)'`
+		if [ "$shell_debug_wanted_status" = "before" ]; then
+			shell_debug_wanted_status=pre
+		else
+			shell_debug_wanted_status=post
+		fi
+	fi
+	if [ "$bootparam_shell_debug" = "true" ] ||
+		( [ "$status" = "$shell_debug_wanted_status" ] &&
+			[ "$module" = "$shell_debug_wanted_module" ] ); then
+		if [ "$DEBUG_SHELL" = "true" ]; then
+			return 0
+		fi
+		if [ "$status" = "pre" ]; then
+			status_msg="before"
+		else
+			status_msg="after"
+		fi
+		msg "Starting shell debugging $status_msg $module..."
+		DEBUG_SHELL="true"
+		set -x
+	fi
+debug_enabled() {
+	return 0
+debug_run() {
+	add_module_pre_hook "debug_hook_handler"
+	add_module_post_hook "debug_hook_handler"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework/e2fs b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework/e2fs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..29f801a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework/e2fs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 O.S. Systems Software LTDA.
+# Licensed on MIT
+e2fs_enabled() {
+	return 0
+e2fs_run() {
+	filesystems="ext4 ext3 ext2"
+	# load modules
+	for fs in $filesystems; do
+		load_kernel_module $fs
+	done
+	for fs in $filesystems; do
+		eval "fs_options=\$bootparam_${fs}"
+		if [ -n "$fs_options" ]; then
+		    dev=`expr "$fs_options" : '\([^:]*\).*'`
+		    path=`expr "$fs_options" : '[^:]*:\([^:]*\).*'`
+		    info "Mounting $dev as $fs on $path as $fs..."
+			mkdir -p $path
+		    mount -t $fs $dev $path
+		fi
+	done
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework/finish b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework/finish
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e712ff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework/finish
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 O.S. Systems Software LTDA.
+# Licensed on MIT
+finish_enabled() {
+	return 0
+finish_run() {
+	if [ -n "$ROOTFS_DIR" ]; then
+		if [ -n "$bootparam_rootdelay" ]; then
+			debug "Sleeping for $rootdelay second(s) to wait root to settle..."
+			sleep $bootparam_rootdelay
+		fi
+		if [ -n "$bootparam_root" ]; then
+			debug "No e2fs compatible filesystem has been mounted, mounting $bootparam_root..."
+			if [ "`echo ${bootparam_root} | cut -c1-5`" = "UUID=" ]; then
+				root_uuid=`echo $bootparam_root | cut -c6-`
+				bootparam_root="/dev/disk/by-uuid/$root_uuid"
+			fi
+			if [ -e "$bootparam_root" ]; then
+				flags=""
+				if [ -n "$bootparam_ro" ]; then
+					if [  -n "$bootparam_rootflags" ]; then
+						bootparam_rootflags="$bootparam_rootflags,"
+					fi
+					bootparam_rootflags="${bootparam_rootflags}ro"
+				fi
+				if [ -n "$bootparam_rootflags" ]; then
+					flags="$flags -o$bootparam_rootflags"
+				fi
+				if [ -n "$bootparam_rootfstype" ]; then
+					flags="$flags -t$bootparam_rootfstype"
+				fi
+				mount $flags $bootparam_root $ROOTFS_DIR
+			else
+				debug "root '$bootparam_root' doesn't exist."
+			fi
+		fi
+		if [ ! -d $ROOTFS_DIR/dev ]; then
+			fatal "ERROR: There's no '/dev' on rootfs."
+		fi
+		info "Switching root to '$ROOTFS_DIR'..."
+		debug "Moving /dev, /proc and /sys onto rootfs..."
+		mount --move /dev $ROOTFS_DIR/dev
+		mount --move /proc $ROOTFS_DIR/proc
+		mount --move /sys $ROOTFS_DIR/sys
+		exec switch_root -c /dev/console $ROOTFS_DIR ${bootparam_init:-/sbin/init}
+	else
+		debug "No rootfs has been set"
+	fi
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework/init b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework/init
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9291ad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework/init
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 O.S. Systems Software LTDA.
+# Licensed on MIT
+# Provides the API to be used by the initramfs modules
+# Modules need to provide the following functions:
+# <module>_enabled : check if the module ought to run (return 1 to skip)
+# <module>_run     : do what is need
+# Boot parameters are available on environment in the as:
+# 'foo=value' as 'bootparam_foo=value'
+# 'foo' as 'bootparam_foo=true'
+# 'foo.bar[=value] as 'foo_bar=[value|true]'
+# Register a function to be called before running a module
+# The hook is called as:
+#   <function> pre <module>
+add_module_pre_hook() {
+# Register a function to be called after running a module
+# The hook is called as:
+#   <function> post <module>
+add_module_post_hook() {
+# Load kernel module
+load_kernel_module() {
+	if modprobe $1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+		info "Loaded module $1"
+	else
+		debug "Failed to load module $1"
+	fi
+# Prints information
+msg() {
+	echo "$@" >/dev/console
+# Prints information if verbose bootparam is used
+info() {
+	[ -n "$bootparam_verbose" ] && echo "$@" >/dev/console
+# Prints information if debug bootparam is used
+debug() {
+	[ -n "$bootparam_debug" ] && echo "DEBUG: $@" >/dev/console
+# Prints a message and start a endless loop
+fatal() {
+    echo $1 >/dev/console
+    echo >/dev/console
+    if [ -n "bootparam_init_fatal_sh" ]; then
+        sh
+    else
+	while [ "true" ]; do
+		sleep 3600
+	done
+    fi
+# Variables shared amoung modules
+ROOTFS_DIR="/rootfs" # where to do the switch root
+MODULE_PRE_HOOKS=""  # functions to call before running each module
+MODULE_POST_HOOKS="" # functions to call after running each module
+MODULES_DIR=/init.d  # place to look for modules
+# make mount stop complaining about missing /etc/fstab
+touch /etc/fstab
+# initialize /proc, /sys and /var/lock
+mkdir -p /proc /sys /var/lock
+mount -t proc proc /proc
+mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys
+# populate bootparam environment
+for p in `cat /proc/cmdline`; do
+	opt=`echo $p | cut -d'=' -f1`
+	opt=`echo $opt | tr '.-' '__'`
+	if [ "`echo $p | cut -d'=' -f1`" = "$p" ]; then
+		eval "bootparam_${opt}=true"
+	else
+		value="`echo $p | cut -d'=' -f2-`"
+		eval "bootparam_${opt}=\"${value}\""
+	fi
+# use /dev with devtmpfs
+if grep -q devtmpfs /proc/filesystems; then
+	mkdir -p /dev
+	mount -t devtmpfs devtmpfs /dev
+	if [ ! -d /dev ]; then
+		fatal "ERROR: /dev doesn't exist and kernel doesn't has devtmpfs enabled."
+	fi
+mkdir $ROOTFS_DIR
+# Load and run modules
+for m in $MODULES_DIR/*; do
+	# Skip backup files
+	if [ "`echo $m | sed -e 's/\~$//'`" != "$m" ]; then
+		continue
+	fi
+	module=`basename $m | cut -d'-' -f 2`
+	debug "Loading module $module"
+	# pre hooks
+	for h in $MODULE_PRE_HOOKS; do
+		debug "Calling module hook (pre): $h"
+		eval "$h pre $module"
+		debug "Finished module hook (pre): $h"
+	done
+	# process module
+	. $m
+	if ! eval "${module}_enabled"; then
+		debug "Skipping module $module"
+		continue
+	fi
+	debug "Running ${module}_run"
+	eval "${module}_run"
+	# post hooks
+	for h in $MODULE_POST_HOOKS; do
+		debug "Calling module hook (post): $h"
+		eval "$h post $module"
+		debug "Finished module hook (post): $h"
+	done
+# Catch all
+fatal "ERROR: Initramfs failed to initialize the system."
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework/mdev b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework/mdev
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5df1d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework/mdev
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 O.S. Systems Software LTDA.
+# Licensed on MIT
+mdev_enabled() {
+	if [ ! -e /sbin/mdev ]; then
+		debug "/sbin/mdev doesn't exist"
+		return 1
+	fi
+	return 0
+mdev_run() {
+	# setup the environment
+	mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /dev
+	mkdir -m 1777 /dev/shm
+	mkdir -m 0755 /dev/pts
+	mount -t devpts devpts /dev/pts
+	echo /sbin/mdev > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug
+	mdev -s
+	# load modules for devices
+	find /sys -name modalias | while read m; do
+		load_kernel_module $(cat $m)
+	done
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework/udev b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework/udev
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb462dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework/udev
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 O.S. Systems Software LTDA.
+# Licensed on MIT
+udev_shutdown_hook_handler() {
+	status=$1
+	module=$2
+	if [ "$status" = "pre" ] && [ "$module" = "finish" ]; then
+		killall `basename $_UDEV_DAEMON` 2>/dev/null
+	fi
+udev_daemon() {
+	OPTIONS="/sbin/udev/udevd /sbin/udevd /lib/udev/udevd /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd"
+	for o in $OPTIONS; do
+		if [ -x "$o" ]; then
+			echo $o
+			return 0
+		fi
+	done
+	return 1
+udev_enabled() {
+	if [ -z "$_UDEV_DAEMON" ]; then
+		msg "WARNING: Cannot find the udev daemon; daemon will not be started in initramfs."
+		return 1
+	fi
+	return 0
+udev_run() {
+	add_module_pre_hook "udev_shutdown_hook_handler"
+	mkdir -p /run
+	$_UDEV_DAEMON --daemon
+	udevadm trigger --action=add
+	udevadm settle
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework_1.0.bb b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework_1.0.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c37b9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-framework_1.0.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+SUMMARY = "Modular initramfs system"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "busybox"
+PR = "r2"
+inherit allarch
+SRC_URI = "file://init \
+           file://finish \
+           file://mdev \
+           file://udev \
+           file://e2fs \
+           file://debug"
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+do_install() {
+    install -d ${D}/init.d
+    # base
+    install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/init ${D}/init
+    install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/finish ${D}/init.d/99-finish
+    # mdev
+    install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/mdev ${D}/init.d/01-mdev
+    # udev
+    install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/udev ${D}/init.d/01-udev
+    # e2fs
+    install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/e2fs ${D}/init.d/10-e2fs
+    # debug
+    install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/debug ${D}/init.d/00-debug
+    # Create device nodes expected by some kernels in initramfs
+    # before even executing /init.
+    install -d ${D}/dev
+    mknod -m 622 ${D}/dev/console c 5 1
+PACKAGES = "${PN}-base \
+            initramfs-module-mdev \
+            initramfs-module-udev \
+            initramfs-module-e2fs \
+            initramfs-module-debug"
+FILES_${PN}-base = "/init /init.d/99-finish /dev"
+SUMMARY_initramfs-module-mdev = "initramfs support for mdev"
+RDEPENDS_initramfs-module-mdev = "${PN}-base"
+FILES_initramfs-module-mdev = "/init.d/01-mdev"
+SUMMARY_initramfs-module-udev = "initramfs support for udev"
+RDEPENDS_initramfs-module-udev = "${PN}-base udev"
+FILES_initramfs-module-udev = "/init.d/01-udev"
+SUMMARY_initramfs-module-e2fs = "initramfs support for ext4/ext3/ext2 filesystems"
+RDEPENDS_initramfs-module-e2fs = "${PN}-base"
+FILES_initramfs-module-e2fs = "/init.d/10-e2fs"
+SUMMARY_initramfs-module-debug = "initramfs dynamic debug support"
+RDEPENDS_initramfs-module-debug = "${PN}-base"
+FILES_initramfs-module-debug = "/init.d/00-debug"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-live-boot_1.0.bb b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-live-boot_1.0.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57b3025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-live-boot_1.0.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+SUMMARY = "Live image init script"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
+DEPENDS = "virtual/kernel"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "udev udev-extraconf"
+SRC_URI = "file://init-live.sh"
+PR = "r12"
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+do_install() {
+        install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/init-live.sh ${D}/init
+        install -d ${D}/dev
+        mknod -m 622 ${D}/dev/console c 5 1
+FILES_${PN} += " /init /dev "
+# Due to kernel dependency
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-live-install-efi-testfs_1.0.bb b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-live-install-efi-testfs_1.0.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c03bd2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-live-install-efi-testfs_1.0.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+SUMMARY = "Live image install script for with a second rootfs/kernel option"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
+SRC_URI = "file://init-install-efi-testfs.sh"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "parted e2fsprogs-mke2fs dosfstools"
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+do_install() {
+        install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/init-install-efi-testfs.sh ${D}/install-efi.sh
+FILES_${PN} = " /install-efi.sh "
+COMPATIBLE_HOST = "(i.86|x86_64).*-linux"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-live-install-efi_1.0.bb b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-live-install-efi_1.0.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32c1fce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-live-install-efi_1.0.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+SUMMARY = "Live image install script for grub-efi"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
+SRC_URI = "file://init-install-efi.sh"
+PR = "r1"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "parted e2fsprogs-mke2fs dosfstools util-linux-blkid"
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+do_install() {
+        install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/init-install-efi.sh ${D}/install-efi.sh
+# While this package maybe an allarch due to it being a
+# simple script, reality is that it is Host specific based
+# on the COMPATIBLE_HOST below, which needs to take precedence
+#inherit allarch
+FILES_${PN} = " /install-efi.sh "
+COMPATIBLE_HOST = "(i.86|x86_64).*-linux"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-live-install-testfs_1.0.bb b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-live-install-testfs_1.0.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..937bfd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-live-install-testfs_1.0.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+SUMMARY = "Live image install script with a second rootfs/kernel"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
+SRC_URI = "file://init-install-testfs.sh"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "grub parted e2fsprogs-mke2fs"
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+do_install() {
+        install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/init-install-testfs.sh ${D}/install.sh
+FILES_${PN} = " /install.sh "
+COMPATIBLE_HOST = "(i.86|x86_64).*-linux"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-live-install_1.0.bb b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-live-install_1.0.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88b3b30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initrdscripts/initramfs-live-install_1.0.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+SUMMARY = "Live image install script for grub"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
+SRC_URI = "file://init-install.sh"
+PR = "r9"
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "grub parted e2fsprogs-mke2fs util-linux-blkid"
+do_install() {
+        install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/init-install.sh ${D}/install.sh
+# While this package maybe an allarch due to it being a 
+# simple script, reality is that it is Host specific based
+# on the COMPATIBLE_HOST below, which needs to take precedence
+#inherit allarch
+FILES_${PN} = " /install.sh "
+COMPATIBLE_HOST = "(i.86|x86_64).*-linux"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/GPLv2.patch b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/GPLv2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ee8181
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/GPLv2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [licensing]
+diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d511905
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/COPYING
+@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
++		       Version 2, June 1991
++ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
++ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
++ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
++			    Preamble
++  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
++freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
++License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
++software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
++General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
++Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
++using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
++the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
++your programs, too.
++  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
++price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
++have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
++this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
++if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
++in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
++  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
++anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
++These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
++distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
++  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
++gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
++you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
++source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
++  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
++(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
++distribute and/or modify the software.
++  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
++that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
++software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
++want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
++that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
++authors' reputations.
++  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
++patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
++program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
++program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
++patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
++  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
++modification follow.
++  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
++a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
++under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
++refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
++means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
++that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
++either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
++language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
++the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
++Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
++covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
++running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
++is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
++Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
++Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
++  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
++source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
++conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
++copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
++notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
++and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
++along with the Program.
++You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
++you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
++  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
++of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
++distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
++above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
++    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
++    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
++    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
++    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
++    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
++    parties under the terms of this License.
++    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
++    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
++    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
++    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
++    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
++    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
++    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
++    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
++    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
++    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
++These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
++identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
++and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
++themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
++sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
++distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
++on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
++this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
++entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
++Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
++your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
++exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
++collective works based on the Program.
++In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
++with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
++a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
++the scope of this License.
++  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
++under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
++Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
++    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
++    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
++    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
++    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
++    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
++    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
++    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
++    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
++    customarily used for software interchange; or,
++    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
++    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
++    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
++    received the program in object code or executable form with such
++    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
++The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
++making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
++code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
++associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
++control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
++special exception, the source code distributed need not include
++anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
++form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
++operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
++itself accompanies the executable.
++If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
++access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
++access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
++distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
++compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
++  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
++except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
++otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
++void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
++However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
++this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
++parties remain in full compliance.
++  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
++signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
++distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
++prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
++modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
++Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
++all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
++the Program or works based on it.
++  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
++Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
++original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
++these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
++restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
++You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
++this License.
++  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
++infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
++conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
++otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
++excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
++distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
++License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
++may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
++license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
++all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
++the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
++refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
++If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
++any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
++apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
++It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
++patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
++such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
++integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
++implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
++generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
++through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
++system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
++to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
++impose that choice.
++This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
++be a consequence of the rest of this License.
++  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
++certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
++original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
++may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
++those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
++countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
++the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
++  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
++of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
++be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
++address new problems or concerns.
++Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
++specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
++later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
++either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
++Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
++this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
++  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
++programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
++to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
++Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
++make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
++of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
++of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
++			    NO WARRANTY
++	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
++  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
++possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
++free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
++  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
++to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
++convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
++the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
++    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
++    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
++    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++    (at your option) any later version.
++    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++    GNU General Public License for more details.
++    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
++    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
++Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
++If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
++when it starts in an interactive mode:
++    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
++    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
++    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
++    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
++The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
++parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
++be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
++mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
++You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
++school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
++necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
++  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
++  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
++  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
++  Ty Coon, President of Vice
++This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
++proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
++consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
++library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
++Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/arm/alignment.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/arm/alignment.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b577b9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/arm/alignment.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Provides: alignment
+# Required-Start:    mountkernfs
+# Required-Stop:     mountkernfs
+# Default-Start:     S
+# Default-Stop:
+if [ -e /proc/cpu/alignment ]; then
+   echo "3" > /proc/cpu/alignment
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/banner.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/banner.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e2b091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/banner.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Provides: banner
+# Required-Start:
+# Required-Stop:
+# Default-Start:     S
+# Default-Stop:
+if [ ! -e /dev/tty ]; then
+    /bin/mknod -m 0666 /dev/tty c 5 0
+if ( > /dev/tty0 ) 2>/dev/null; then
+    vtmaster=/dev/tty0
+elif ( > /dev/vc/0 ) 2>/dev/null; then
+    vtmaster=/dev/vc/0
+elif ( > /dev/console ) 2>/dev/null; then
+    vtmaster=/dev/console
+    vtmaster=/dev/null
+echo > $vtmaster
+echo "Please wait: booting..." > $vtmaster
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/bootmisc.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/bootmisc.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..df553bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/bootmisc.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Provides:          bootmisc
+# Required-Start:    $local_fs mountvirtfs
+# Required-Stop:     $local_fs
+# Default-Start:     S
+# Default-Stop:      0 6
+# Short-Description: Misc and other.
+. /etc/default/rcS
+# Put a nologin file in /etc to prevent people from logging in before
+# system startup is complete.
+if test "$DELAYLOGIN" = yes
+  echo "System bootup in progress - please wait" > /etc/nologin
+  cp /etc/nologin /etc/nologin.boot
+# Set pseudo-terminal access permissions.
+if test -c /dev/ttyp0
+	chmod 666 /dev/tty[p-za-e][0-9a-f]
+	chown root:tty /dev/tty[p-za-e][0-9a-f]
+# Apply /proc settings if defined
+if [ -f "${SYSCTL_CONF}" ]
+	if [ -x "/sbin/sysctl" ]
+	then
+		# busybox sysctl does not support -q
+		VERBOSE_REDIR="1>/dev/null"
+		if [ "${VERBOSE}" != "no" ]; then
+			VERBOSE_REDIR="1>&1"
+		fi
+		eval /sbin/sysctl -p "${SYSCTL_CONF}" $VERBOSE_REDIR
+	else
+		echo "To have ${SYSCTL_CONF} applied during boot, install package <procps>."
+	fi
+# Update /etc/motd.
+if test "$EDITMOTD" != no
+	uname -a > /etc/motd.tmp
+	sed 1d /etc/motd >> /etc/motd.tmp
+	mv /etc/motd.tmp /etc/motd
+# This is as good a place as any for a sanity check
+# Set the system clock from hardware clock
+# If the timestamp is more recent than the current time,
+# use the timestamp instead.
+test -x /etc/init.d/hwclock.sh && /etc/init.d/hwclock.sh start
+if test -e /etc/timestamp
+	SYSTEMDATE=`date -u +%4Y%2m%2d%2H%2M%2S`
+	read TIMESTAMP < /etc/timestamp
+	if [ ${TIMESTAMP} -gt $SYSTEMDATE ]; then
+		# format the timestamp as date expects it (2m2d2H2M4Y.2S)
+		TS_YR=${TIMESTAMP%??????????}
+		TS_SEC=${TIMESTAMP#????????????}
+		TS_MIDDLE8=${TS_FIRST12#????}
+		date -u ${TS_MIDDLE8}${TS_YR}.${TS_SEC}
+		test -x /etc/init.d/hwclock.sh && /etc/init.d/hwclock.sh stop
+	fi
+: exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/checkfs.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/checkfs.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6286945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/checkfs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Provides:          checkfs
+# Required-Start:    checkroot
+# Required-Stop:     
+# Default-Start:     S
+# Default-Stop:
+# Short-Description: Check all other file systems
+. /etc/default/rcS
+# Check the rest of the filesystems.
+if test ! -f /fastboot
+    if test -f /forcefsck
+    then
+        force="-f"
+    else
+        force=""
+    fi
+    if test "$FSCKFIX"  = yes
+    then
+	fix="-y"
+    else
+	fix="-a"
+    fi
+    spinner="-C"
+    case "$TERM" in
+	dumb|network|unknown|"") spinner="" ;;
+    esac
+    test "`uname -m`" = "s390" && spinner="" # This should go away
+    test "$VERBOSE" != no && echo "Checking all filesystems..."
+    fsck $spinner -R -A $fix $force
+    if test "$?" -gt 1
+    then
+      echo
+      echo "fsck failed.  Please repair manually."
+      echo
+      echo "CONTROL-D will exit from this shell and continue system startup."
+      echo
+      # Start a single user shell on the console
+      /sbin/sulogin $CONSOLE
+    fi
+rm -f /fastboot /forcefsck
+: exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/checkroot.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/checkroot.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dfee2af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/checkroot.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# Provides:          checkroot
+# Required-Start:    udev
+# Required-Stop:     
+# Default-Start:     S
+# Default-Stop:
+# Short-Description: Check to root file system.
+. /etc/default/rcS
+# Set SULOGIN in /etc/default/rcS to yes if you want a sulogin to be spawned
+# from this script *before anything else* with a timeout, like SCO does.
+test "$SULOGIN" = yes && sulogin -t 30 $CONSOLE
+# Read /etc/fstab.
+exec 9< /etc/fstab
+while read fs mnt type opts dump pass junk <&9
+	case "$fs" in
+		""|\#*)
+			continue;
+			;;
+		/dev/md*)
+			# Swap on md device.
+			test "$type" = swap && swap_on_md=yes
+			;;
+		/dev/*)
+			;;
+		*)
+			# Might be a swapfile.
+			test "$type" = swap && swap_on_md=yes
+			;;
+	esac
+	test "$type" = devfs && devfs="$fs"
+	test "$mnt" != / && continue
+	rootopts="$opts"
+	test "$pass" = 0 -o "$pass" = "" && rootcheck=no
+	case "$opts" in
+		ro|ro,*|*,ro|*,ro,*)
+			rootmode=ro
+			;;
+	esac
+exec 0>&9 9>&-
+# Check for conflicting configurations
+if [ "$rootmode" = "ro" -a "$ROOTFS_READ_ONLY" = "no" ] || \
+	[ "$rootmode" = "rw" -a "$ROOTFS_READ_ONLY" = "yes" ]; then
+	echo ""
+	echo "WARN: conflicting configurations in /etc/fstab and /etc/default/rcS"
+	echo "      regarding the writability of rootfs. Please fix one of them."
+	echo ""
+# Activate the swap device(s) in /etc/fstab. This needs to be done
+# before fsck, since fsck can be quite memory-hungry.
+test "$VERBOSE" != no && echo "Activating swap"
+swapon -a 2> /dev/null
+# Check the root filesystem.
+if test -f /fastboot || test $rootcheck = no
+  test $rootcheck = yes && echo "Fast boot, no filesystem check"
+  #
+  # Ensure that root is quiescent and read-only before fsck'ing.
+  #
+  mount -n -o remount,ro /
+  if test $? = 0
+  then
+    if test -f /forcefsck
+    then
+	force="-f"
+    else
+	force=""
+    fi
+    if test "$FSCKFIX" = yes
+    then
+	fix="-y"
+    else
+	fix="-a"
+    fi
+    spinner="-C"
+    case "$TERM" in
+        dumb|network|unknown|"") spinner="" ;;
+    esac
+    test `uname -m` = s390 && spinner="" # This should go away
+    test "$VERBOSE" != no && echo "Checking root filesystem..."
+    fsck $spinner $force $fix /
+    #
+    # If there was a failure, drop into single-user mode.
+    #
+    # NOTE: "failure" is defined as exiting with a return code of
+    # 2 or larger.  A return code of 1 indicates that filesystem
+    # errors were corrected but that the boot may proceed.
+    #
+    if test "$?" -gt 1
+    then
+      # Surprise! Re-directing from a HERE document (as in
+      # "cat << EOF") won't work, because the root is read-only.
+      echo
+      echo "fsck failed.  Please repair manually and reboot.  Please note"
+      echo "that the root filesystem is currently mounted read-only.  To"
+      echo "remount it read-write:"
+      echo
+      echo "   # mount -n -o remount,rw /"
+      echo
+      echo "CONTROL-D will exit from this shell and REBOOT the system."
+      echo
+      # Start a single user shell on the console
+      /sbin/sulogin $CONSOLE
+      reboot -f
+    fi
+  else
+    echo "*** ERROR!  Cannot fsck root fs because it is not mounted read-only!"
+    echo
+  fi
+#	If the root filesystem was not marked as read-only in /etc/fstab,
+#	remount the rootfs rw but do not try to change mtab because it
+#	is on a ro fs until the remount succeeded. Then clean up old mtabs
+#	and finally write the new mtab.
+mount -n -o remount,$rootmode /
+if test "$rootmode" = rw
+	ln -sf /proc/mounts /dev/mtab
+: exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/devpts b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/devpts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a0978b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/devpts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# GID of the `tty' group
+# Set to 600 to have `mesg n' be the default
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/devpts.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/devpts.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c6043fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/devpts.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Provides:          devpts
+# Required-Start: udev
+# Required-Stop:
+# Default-Start:     S
+# Default-Stop:
+# Short-Description: Mount /dev/pts file systems.
+. /etc/default/devpts
+if grep -q devpts /proc/filesystems
+	#
+	#	Create multiplexor device.
+	#
+	test -c /dev/ptmx || mknod -m 666 /dev/ptmx c 5 2
+	#
+	#	Mount /dev/pts if needed.
+	#
+	if ! grep -q devpts /proc/mounts
+	then
+		mkdir -p /dev/pts
+		mount -t devpts devpts /dev/pts -ogid=${TTYGRP},mode=${TTYMODE}
+	fi
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/dmesg.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/dmesg.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a97b068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/dmesg.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Provides:             dmesg
+# Required-Start:
+# Required-Stop:
+# Default-Start:        S
+# Default-Stop:
+if [ -f /var/log/dmesg ]; then
+	if [ -f /usr/sbin/logrotate ]; then
+		logrotate -f /etc/logrotate-dmesg.conf
+	else
+		mv -f /var/log/dmesg /var/log/dmesg.old
+	fi
+dmesg -s 131072 > /var/log/dmesg
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/functions b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/functions
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..01ad1ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/functions
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# -*-Shell-script-*-
+# functions     This file contains functions to be used by most or all
+#               shell scripts in the /etc/init.d directory.
+NORMAL="\\033[0;39m"         # Standard console grey
+SUCCESS="\\033[1;32m"        # Success is green
+WARNING="\\033[1;33m"        # Warnings are yellow
+FAILURE="\\033[1;31m"        # Failures are red
+INFO="\\033[1;36m"           # Information is light cyan
+BRACKET="\\033[1;34m"        # Brackets are blue
+# NOTE: The pidofproc () doesn't support the process which is a script unless
+#       the pidof supports "-x" option. If you want to use it for such a
+#       process:
+#       1) If there is no "pidof -x", replace the "pidof $1" with another
+#          command like(for core-image-minimal):
+#            ps | awk '/'"$1"'/ {print $1}'
+#       Or
+#       2) If there is "pidof -x", replace "pidof" with "pidof -x".
+# pidofproc - print the pid of a process
+# $1: the name of the process
+pidofproc () {
+	# pidof output null when no program is running, so no "2>/dev/null".
+	pid=`pidof $1`
+	status=$?
+	case $status in
+	0)
+		echo $pid
+		return 0
+		;;
+	127)
+		echo "ERROR: command pidof not found" >&2
+		exit 127
+		;;
+	*)
+		return $status
+		;;
+	esac
+machine_id() { # return the machine ID
+	awk 'BEGIN { FS=": " } /Hardware/ \
+		{ gsub(" ", "_", $2); print tolower($2) } ' </proc/cpuinfo
+killproc() { # kill the named process(es)
+	pid=`pidofproc $1` && kill $pid
+status() {
+    local pid
+    if [ "$#" = 0 ]; then
+        echo "Usage: status {program}"
+        return 1
+    fi
+    pid=`pidofproc $1`
+    if [ -n "$pid" ]; then
+        echo "$1 (pid $pid) is running..."
+        return 0
+    else
+        echo "$1 is stopped"
+    fi
+    return 3
+success() {
+    echo -n -e "${BRACKET}[${SUCCESS}  OK  ${BRACKET}]${NORMAL}"
+    return 0
+failure() {
+    local rc=$*
+    echo -n -e "${BRACKET}[${FAILURE} FAIL ${BRACKET}]${NORMAL}"
+    return $rc
+warning() {
+    local rc=$*
+    echo -n -e "${BRACKET}[${WARNING} WARN ${BRACKET}]${NORMAL}"
+    return $rc
+passed() {
+    local rc=$*
+    echo -n -e "${BRACKET}[${SUCCESS} PASS ${BRACKET}]${NORMAL}"
+    return $rc
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/halt b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/halt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a56f734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/halt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Provides:          halt
+# Required-Start:
+# Required-Stop:
+# Default-Start:
+# Default-Stop:      0
+# Short-Description: Execute the halt command.
+# Description:
+# See if we need to cut the power.
+if test -x /etc/init.d/ups-monitor
+	/etc/init.d/ups-monitor poweroff
+# Don't shut down drives if we're using RAID.
+if grep -qs '^md.*active' /proc/mdstat
+	hddown=""
+halt SED_HALTARGS -p $hddown
+: exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/hostname.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/hostname.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..95287cc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/hostname.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Provides:          hostname
+# Required-Start:
+# Required-Stop:
+# Default-Start:     S
+# Default-Stop:
+# Short-Description: Set hostname based on /etc/hostname
+hostname -b -F /etc/hostname 2> /dev/null
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+	exit
+# Busybox hostname doesn't support -b so we need implement it on our own
+if [ -f /etc/hostname ];then
+	hostname `cat /etc/hostname`
+elif [ -z "$HOSTNAME" -o "$HOSTNAME" = "(none)" -o ! -z "`echo $HOSTNAME | sed -n '/^[0-9]*\.[0-9].*/p'`" ] ; then
+	hostname localhost
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/logrotate-dmesg.conf b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/logrotate-dmesg.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f46e42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/logrotate-dmesg.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# see "man logrotate" for details
+# rotate dmesg, and keep 5 versions.
+/var/log/dmesg {
+	create
+	rotate 5
+	nodateext
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/mountall.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/mountall.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..94bae42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/mountall.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Provides:          mountall
+# Required-Start:    mountvirtfs
+# Required-Stop: 
+# Default-Start:     S
+# Default-Stop:
+# Short-Description: Mount all filesystems.
+# Description:
+. /etc/default/rcS
+# Mount local filesystems in /etc/fstab. For some reason, people
+# might want to mount "proc" several times, and mount -v complains
+# about this. So we mount "proc" filesystems without -v.
+test "$VERBOSE" != no && echo "Mounting local filesystems..."
+mount -at nonfs,nosmbfs,noncpfs 2>/dev/null
+# We might have mounted something over /dev, see if /dev/initctl is there.
+if test ! -p /dev/initctl
+	rm -f /dev/initctl
+	mknod -m 600 /dev/initctl p
+kill -USR1 1
+# Execute swapon command again, in case we want to swap to
+# a file on a now mounted filesystem.
+swapon -a 2> /dev/null
+: exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/mountnfs.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/mountnfs.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fe6c196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/mountnfs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Provides:          mountnfs
+# Required-Start:    $local_fs $network $rpcbind
+# Required-Stop:
+# Default-Start:     S
+# Default-Stop:
+#	Run in a subshell because of I/O redirection.
+test -f /etc/fstab && (
+#	Read through fstab line by line. If it is NFS, set the flag
+#	for mounting NFS filesystems. If any NFS partition is found and it
+#	not mounted with the nolock option, we start the rpcbind.
+while read device mountpt fstype options
+	case "$device" in
+		""|\#*)
+			continue
+			;;
+	esac
+	case "$options" in
+		*noauto*)
+			continue
+			;;
+	esac
+	if test "$fstype" = nfs
+	then
+		mount_nfs=yes
+		case "$options" in
+			*nolock*)
+				;;
+			*)
+				rpcbind=yes
+				;;
+		esac
+	fi
+	if test "$fstype" = smbfs
+	then
+		mount_smb=yes
+	fi
+	if test "$fstype" = ncpfs
+	then
+		mount_ncp=yes
+	fi
+	if test "$fstype" = cifs
+	then
+		mount_cifs=yes
+	fi
+exec 0>&1
+if test "$rpcbind" = yes
+	if test -x /usr/sbin/rpcbind
+	then
+		echo -n "Starting rpcbind... "
+		start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/rpcbind
+		sleep 2
+	fi
+if test "$mount_nfs" = yes || test "$mount_smb" = yes || test "$mount_ncp" = yes || test "$mount_cifs" = yes
+	echo "Mounting remote filesystems..."
+	test "$mount_nfs" = yes && mount -a -t nfs
+	test "$mount_smb" = yes && mount -a -t smbfs
+	test "$mount_ncp" = yes && mount -a -t ncpfs
+	test "$mount_cifs" = yes && mount -a -t cifs
+) < /etc/fstab
+: exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/populate-volatile.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/populate-volatile.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..904037e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/populate-volatile.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+# Provides:             volatile
+# Required-Start:       $local_fs
+# Required-Stop:      $local_fs
+# Default-Start:        S
+# Default-Stop:
+# Short-Description:  Populate the volatile filesystem
+DIRNAME=`dirname $0`
+ROOT_DIR=`echo $DIRNAME | sed -ne 's:/etc/.*::p'`
+[ -e ${ROOT_DIR}/etc/default/rcS ] && . ${ROOT_DIR}/etc/default/rcS
+# When running populate-volatile.sh at rootfs time, disable cache.
+# If rootfs is read-only, disable cache.
+[ "${VERBOSE}" != "no" ] && echo "Populating volatile Filesystems."
+create_file() {
+	EXEC="
+	touch \"$1\";
+	chown ${TUSER}.${TGROUP} $1 || echo \"Failed to set owner -${TUSER}- for -$1-.\" >/dev/tty0 2>&1;
+	chmod ${TMODE} $1 || echo \"Failed to set mode -${TMODE}- for -$1-.\" >/dev/tty0 2>&1 "
+	test "$VOLATILE_ENABLE_CACHE" = yes && echo "$EXEC" >> /etc/volatile.cache.build
+	[ -e "$1" ] && {
+		[ "${VERBOSE}" != "no" ] && echo "Target already exists. Skipping."
+	} || {
+		if [ -z "$ROOT_DIR" ]; then
+			eval $EXEC &
+		else
+			# Creating some files at rootfs time may fail and should fail,
+			# but these failures should not be logged to make sure the do_rootfs
+			# process doesn't fail. This does no harm, as this script will
+			# run on target to set up the correct files and directories.
+			eval $EXEC > /dev/null 2>&1
+		fi
+	}
+mk_dir() {
+	EXEC="
+	mkdir -p \"$1\";
+	chown ${TUSER}.${TGROUP} $1 || echo \"Failed to set owner -${TUSER}- for -$1-.\" >/dev/tty0 2>&1;
+	chmod ${TMODE} $1 || echo \"Failed to set mode -${TMODE}- for -$1-.\" >/dev/tty0 2>&1 "
+	test "$VOLATILE_ENABLE_CACHE" = yes && echo "$EXEC" >> /etc/volatile.cache.build
+	[ -e "$1" ] && {
+		[ "${VERBOSE}" != "no" ] && echo "Target already exists. Skipping."
+	} || {
+		if [ -z "$ROOT_DIR" ]; then
+			eval $EXEC
+		else
+			# For the same reason with create_file(), failures should
+			# not be logged.
+			eval $EXEC > /dev/null 2>&1
+		fi
+	}
+link_file() {
+	EXEC="
+	if [ -L \"$2\" ]; then
+		[ \"\$(readlink -f \"$2\")\" != \"\$(readlink -f \"$1\")\" ] && { rm -f \"$2\"; ln -sf \"$1\" \"$2\"; };
+	elif [ -d \"$2\" ]; then
+		if awk '\$2 == \"$2\" {exit 1}' /proc/mounts; then
+			cp -a $2/* $1 2>/dev/null;
+			cp -a $2/.[!.]* $1 2>/dev/null;
+			rm -rf \"$2\";
+			ln -sf \"$1\" \"$2\";
+		fi
+	else
+		ln -sf \"$1\" \"$2\";
+	fi
+        "
+	test "$VOLATILE_ENABLE_CACHE" = yes && echo "	$EXEC" >> /etc/volatile.cache.build
+	if [ -z "$ROOT_DIR" ]; then
+		eval $EXEC &
+	else
+		# For the same reason with create_file(), failures should
+		# not be logged.
+		eval $EXEC > /dev/null 2>&1
+	fi
+check_requirements() {
+	cleanup() {
+		rm "${TMP_INTERMED}"
+		rm "${TMP_DEFINED}"
+		rm "${TMP_COMBINED}"
+	}
+	CFGFILE="$1"
+	[ `basename "${CFGFILE}"` = "${COREDEF}" ] && return 0
+	TMP_DEFINED="${TMPROOT}/tmpdefined.$$"
+	TMP_COMBINED="${TMPROOT}/tmpcombined.$$"
+	sed 's@\(^:\)*:.*@\1@' ${ROOT_DIR}/etc/passwd | sort | uniq > "${TMP_DEFINED}"
+	cat ${CFGFILE} | grep -v "^#" | cut -s -d " " -f 2 > "${TMP_INTERMED}"
+	cat "${TMP_DEFINED}" "${TMP_INTERMED}" | sort | uniq > "${TMP_COMBINED}"
+	NR_DEFINED_USERS="`cat "${TMP_DEFINED}" | wc -l`"
+	NR_COMBINED_USERS="`cat "${TMP_COMBINED}" | wc -l`"
+	[ "${NR_DEFINED_USERS}" -ne "${NR_COMBINED_USERS}" ] && {
+		echo "Undefined users:"
+		diff "${TMP_DEFINED}" "${TMP_COMBINED}" | grep "^>"
+		cleanup
+		return 1
+	}
+	sed 's@\(^:\)*:.*@\1@' ${ROOT_DIR}/etc/group | sort | uniq > "${TMP_DEFINED}"
+	cat ${CFGFILE} | grep -v "^#" | cut -s -d " " -f 3 > "${TMP_INTERMED}"
+	cat "${TMP_DEFINED}" "${TMP_INTERMED}" | sort | uniq > "${TMP_COMBINED}"
+	NR_DEFINED_GROUPS="`cat "${TMP_DEFINED}" | wc -l`"
+	NR_COMBINED_GROUPS="`cat "${TMP_COMBINED}" | wc -l`"
+		echo "Undefined groups:"
+		diff "${TMP_DEFINED}" "${TMP_COMBINED}" | grep "^>"
+		cleanup
+		return 1
+	}
+	# Add checks for required directories here
+	cleanup
+	return 0
+apply_cfgfile() {
+	CFGFILE="$1"
+	check_requirements "${CFGFILE}" || {
+		echo "Skipping ${CFGFILE}"
+		return 1
+	}
+	cat ${CFGFILE} | grep -v "^#" | \
+		while read LINE; do
+		eval `echo "$LINE" | sed -n "s/\(.*\)\ \(.*\) \(.*\)\ \(.*\)\ \(.*\)\ \(.*\)/TTYPE=\1 ; TUSER=\2; TGROUP=\3; TMODE=\4; TNAME=\5 TLTARGET=\6/p"`
+		[ "${VERBOSE}" != "no" ] && echo "Checking for -${TNAME}-."
+		[ "${TTYPE}" = "l" ] && {
+			[ "${VERBOSE}" != "no" ] && echo "Creating link -${TNAME}- pointing to -${TSOURCE}-."
+			link_file "${TSOURCE}" "${TNAME}"
+			continue
+		}
+		[ -L "${TNAME}" ] && {
+			[ "${VERBOSE}" != "no" ] && echo "Found link."
+			NEWNAME=`ls -l "${TNAME}" | sed -e 's/^.*-> \(.*\)$/\1/'`
+			echo ${NEWNAME} | grep -v "^/" >/dev/null && {
+				TNAME="`echo ${TNAME} | sed -e 's@\(.*\)/.*@\1@'`/${NEWNAME}"
+				[ "${VERBOSE}" != "no" ] && echo "Converted relative linktarget to absolute path -${TNAME}-."
+			} || {
+				[ "${VERBOSE}" != "no" ] && echo "Using absolute link target -${TNAME}-."
+			}
+		}
+		case "${TTYPE}" in
+			"f")  [ "${VERBOSE}" != "no" ] && echo "Creating file -${TNAME}-."
+				create_file "${TNAME}" &
+				;;
+			"d")  [ "${VERBOSE}" != "no" ] && echo "Creating directory -${TNAME}-."
+				mk_dir "${TNAME}"
+				# Add check to see if there's an entry in fstab to mount.
+				;;
+			*)    [ "${VERBOSE}" != "no" ] && echo "Invalid type -${TTYPE}-."
+				continue
+				;;
+		esac
+	done
+	return 0
+exec 9</proc/cmdline
+while read line <&9
+	case "$line" in
+		*clearcache*)  clearcache=1
+			       ;;
+		*)	       continue
+			       ;;
+	esac
+exec 9>&-
+if test -e ${ROOT_DIR}/etc/volatile.cache -a "$VOLATILE_ENABLE_CACHE" = "yes" -a "x$1" != "xupdate" -a "x$clearcache" = "x0"
+	sh ${ROOT_DIR}/etc/volatile.cache
+	rm -f ${ROOT_DIR}/etc/volatile.cache ${ROOT_DIR}/etc/volatile.cache.build
+	for file in `ls -1 "${CFGDIR}" | sort`; do
+		apply_cfgfile "${CFGDIR}/${file}"
+	done
+	[ -e ${ROOT_DIR}/etc/volatile.cache.build ] && sync && mv ${ROOT_DIR}/etc/volatile.cache.build ${ROOT_DIR}/etc/volatile.cache
+if [ -z "${ROOT_DIR}" ] && [ -f /etc/ld.so.cache ] && [ ! -f /var/run/ld.so.cache ]
+	ln -s /etc/ld.so.cache /var/run/ld.so.cache
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/read-only-rootfs-hook.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/read-only-rootfs-hook.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a0328d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/read-only-rootfs-hook.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+. /etc/default/rcS
+[ "$ROOTFS_READ_ONLY" = "no" ] && exit 0
+is_on_read_only_partition () {
+	dir=`readlink -f $DIRECTORY`
+	while true; do
+		if [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then
+			echo "ERROR: $dir is not a directory"
+			exit 1
+		else
+			for flag in `awk -v dir=$dir '{ if ($2 == dir) { print "FOUND"; split($4,FLAGS,",") } }; \
+				END { for (f in FLAGS) print FLAGS[f] }' < /proc/mounts`; do
+				[ "$flag" = "FOUND" ] && partition="read-write"
+				[ "$flag" = "ro" ] && { partition="read-only"; break; }
+			done
+			if [ "$dir" = "/" -o -n "$partition" ]; then
+				break
+			else
+				dir=`dirname $dir`
+			fi
+		fi
+	done
+	[ "$partition" = "read-only" ] && echo "yes" || echo "no"
+if [ "$1" = "start" ] ; then
+	if [ `is_on_read_only_partition /var/lib` = "yes" ]; then
+		grep -q "tmpfs /var/volatile" /proc/mounts || mount /var/volatile
+		mkdir -p /var/volatile/lib
+		cp -a /var/lib/* /var/volatile/lib
+		mount --bind /var/volatile/lib /var/lib
+	fi
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/reboot b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/reboot
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..087d8d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/reboot
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Provides:          reboot
+# Required-Start:
+# Required-Stop:
+# Default-Start:
+# Default-Stop:      6
+# Short-Description: Execute the reboot command.
+# Description:
+echo -n "Rebooting... "
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/rmnologin.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/rmnologin.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..76de341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/rmnologin.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Provides:          rmnologin
+# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $all
+# Required-Stop: 
+# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop:
+# Short-Description: Remove /etc/nologin at boot
+# Description:       This script removes the /etc/nologin file as the
+#                    last step in the boot process, if DELAYLOGIN=yes.
+#                    If DELAYLOGIN=no, /etc/nologin was not created by
+#                    bootmisc earlier in the boot process.
+if test -f /etc/nologin.boot
+	rm -f /etc/nologin /etc/nologin.boot
+: exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/save-rtc.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/save-rtc.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b038fc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/save-rtc.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Provides:          save-rtc
+# Required-Start:
+# Required-Stop:     $local_fs hwclock
+# Default-Start:     S
+# Default-Stop:      0 6
+# Short-Description: Store system clock into file
+# Description:       
+# Update the timestamp
+date -u +%4Y%2m%2d%2H%2M%2S > /etc/timestamp
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/sendsigs b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/sendsigs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..34e1b77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/sendsigs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Provides:          sendsigs
+# Required-Start:    
+# Required-Stop:     umountnfs
+# Default-Start:
+# Default-Stop:      0 6
+# Short-Description: Kill all remaining processes.
+# Description: 
+# Kill all processes.
+echo "Sending all processes the TERM signal..."
+killall5 -15
+sleep 5
+echo "Sending all processes the KILL signal..."
+killall5 -9
+: exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/single b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/single
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..da82d17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/single
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Provides:          single
+# Required-Start:    $local_fs $all killprocs
+# Required-Stop:
+# Default-Start:     1
+# Default-Stop:
+# Short-Description: executed by init(8) upon entering runlevel 1 (single).
+# Kill all processes.
+echo "Sending all processes the TERM signal..."
+killall5 -15
+sleep 5
+echo "Sending all processes the KILL signal..."
+killall5 -9
+# We start update here, since we just killed it.
+test -x /sbin/update && update
+echo "Entering single-user mode..."
+exec init -t1 S
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/sushell b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/sushell
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c319d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/sushell
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+[ -z "$SUSHELL" ] && SUSHELL=/bin/sh
+exec $SUSHELL
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/sysfs.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/sysfs.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cfe76e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/sysfs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Provides:          mountvirtfs
+# Required-Start:
+# Required-Stop:
+# Default-Start:     S
+# Default-Stop:
+# Short-Description: Mount kernel virtual file systems.
+# Description:       Mount initial set of virtual filesystems the kernel
+#                    provides and that are required by everything.
+if [ -e /proc ] && ! [ -e /proc/mounts ]; then
+  mount -t proc proc /proc
+if [ -e /sys ] && grep -q sysfs /proc/filesystems && ! [ -e /sys/class ]; then
+  mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys
+if [ -e /sys/kernel/debug ] && grep -q debugfs /proc/filesystems; then
+  mount -t debugfs debugfs /sys/kernel/debug
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/umountfs b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/umountfs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..61324c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/umountfs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Provides:          umountfs
+# Required-Start:
+# Required-Stop:     
+# Default-Start:
+# Default-Stop:      0 6
+# Short-Description: Turn off swap and unmount all local file systems.
+# Description:
+echo "Deactivating swap..."
+swapoff -a
+# We leave /proc mounted.
+echo "Unmounting local filesystems..."
+grep -q /mnt/ram /proc/mounts && mount -o remount,ro /mnt/ram
+mount -o remount,ro /
+umount -f -a -r > /dev/null 2>&1
+: exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/umountnfs.sh b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/umountnfs.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..af07540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/umountnfs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Provides:          umountnfs
+# Required-Start:
+# Required-Stop:     umountfs
+# Should-Stop:       $network $portmap
+# Default-Start:
+# Default-Stop:      0 6
+# Short-Description: Unmount all network filesystems
+# Write a reboot record to /var/log/wtmp before unmounting
+halt -w
+echo "Unmounting remote filesystems..."
+test -f /etc/fstab && (
+#	Read through fstab line by line and unount network file systems
+while read device mountpt fstype options
+	if test "$fstype" = nfs ||  test "$fstype" = smbfs ||  test "$fstype" = ncpfs || test "$fstype" = cifs
+	then
+		umount -f $mountpt
+	fi
+) < /etc/fstab
+: exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/urandom b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/urandom
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..af1625b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/urandom
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Provides:          urandom
+# Required-Start:    $local_fs mountvirtfs
+# Required-Stop:     $local_fs
+# Default-Start:     S
+# Default-Stop:      0 6
+# Short-Description: Save and restore the random seed
+# Description:       Save the random seed on shutdown and restore it on boot,
+#                    to ensure that the seed isn't predicable on startup
+#                    (because the boot process is predictable)
+test -c /dev/urandom || exit 0
+. /etc/default/rcS
+[ -f /etc/default/urandom ] && . /etc/default/urandom
+case "$1" in
+	start|"")
+		test "$VERBOSE" != no && echo "Initializing random number generator..."
+		# Load and then save 512 bytes, which is the size of the entropy
+		# pool. Also load the current date, in case the seed file is
+		# empty.
+		( date +%s.%N; [ -f "$RANDOM_SEED_FILE" ] && cat "$RANDOM_SEED_FILE" ) \
+			>/dev/urandom
+		rm -f "$RANDOM_SEED_FILE"
+		umask 077
+		dd if=/dev/urandom of=$RANDOM_SEED_FILE count=1 \
+			>/dev/null 2>&1 || echo "urandom start: failed."
+		umask 022
+		;;
+	stop)
+		# Carry a random seed from shut-down to start-up;
+		# see documentation in linux/drivers/char/random.c
+		test "$VERBOSE" != no && echo "Saving random seed..."
+		umask 077
+		dd if=/dev/urandom of=$RANDOM_SEED_FILE count=1 \
+			>/dev/null 2>&1 || echo "urandom stop: failed."
+		;;
+	*)
+		echo "Usage: urandom {start|stop}" >&2
+		exit 1
+		;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/volatiles b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/volatiles
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..297245d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/volatiles
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# This configuration file lists filesystem objects that should get verified
+# during startup and be created if missing.
+# Every line must either be a comment starting with #
+# or a definition of format:
+# <type> <owner> <group> <mode> <path> <linksource>
+# where the items are separated by whitespace !
+# <type> : d|f|l : (d)irectory|(f)ile|(l)ink
+# A linking example:
+# l root root 0777 /var/test /tmp/testfile
+# f root root 0644 /var/test none
+# Understanding links:
+# When populate-volatile is to verify/create a directory or file, it will first
+# check it's existence. If a link is found to exist in the place of the target,
+# the path of the target is replaced with the target the link points to.
+# Thus, if a link is in the place to be verified, the object will be created
+# in the place the link points to instead.
+# This explains the order of "link before object" as in the example above, where
+# a link will be created at /var/test pointing to /tmp/testfile and due to this
+# link the file defined as /var/test will actually be created as /tmp/testfile.
+d root root 1777 /run/lock none
+d root root 0755 /var/volatile/log none
+d root root 1777 /var/volatile/tmp none
+l root root 1777 /var/lock /run/lock
+l root root 0755 /var/log /var/volatile/log
+l root root 0755 /var/run /run
+l root root 1777 /var/tmp /var/volatile/tmp
+l root root 1777 /tmp /var/tmp
+d root root 0755 /var/lock/subsys none
+f root root 0664 /var/log/wtmp none
+f root root 0664 /var/run/utmp none
+l root root 0644 /etc/resolv.conf /var/run/resolv.conf
+f root root 0644 /var/run/resolv.conf none
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts_1.0.bb b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts_1.0.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f90de6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts_1.0.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+SUMMARY = "SysV init scripts"
+DESCRIPTION = "Initscripts provide the basic system startup initialization scripts for the system.  These scripts include actions such as filesystem mounting, fsck, RTC manipulation and other actions routinely performed at system startup.  In addition, the scripts are also used during system shutdown to reverse the actions performed at startup."
+SECTION = "base"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=751419260aa954499f7abaabaa882bbe"
+PR = "r155"
+SRC_URI = "file://functions \
+           file://halt \
+           file://umountfs \
+           file://devpts.sh \
+           file://devpts \
+           file://hostname.sh \
+           file://mountall.sh \
+           file://banner.sh \
+           file://bootmisc.sh \
+           file://mountnfs.sh \
+           file://reboot \
+           file://checkfs.sh \
+           file://single \
+           file://sendsigs \
+           file://urandom \
+           file://rmnologin.sh \
+           file://checkroot.sh \
+           file://umountnfs.sh \
+           file://sysfs.sh \
+           file://populate-volatile.sh \
+           file://read-only-rootfs-hook.sh \
+           file://volatiles \
+           file://save-rtc.sh \
+           file://GPLv2.patch \
+           file://dmesg.sh \
+           file://logrotate-dmesg.conf \
+           ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','selinux','file://sushell','',d)} \
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+SRC_URI_append_arm = " file://alignment.sh"
+inherit update-alternatives
+DEPENDS_append = " update-rc.d-native"
+DEPENDS_append = " ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','systemd','systemd-systemctl-native','',d)}"
+PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-functions"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "${PN}-functions \
+                  ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','selinux','bash','',d)} \
+		 "
+FILES_${PN}-functions = "${sysconfdir}/init.d/functions*"
+ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY_${PN}-functions = "90"
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN}-functions = "functions"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[functions] = "${sysconfdir}/init.d/functions"
+HALTARGS ?= "-d -f"
+do_configure() {
+	sed -i -e "s:SED_HALTARGS:${HALTARGS}:g" ${WORKDIR}/halt
+	sed -i -e "s:SED_HALTARGS:${HALTARGS}:g" ${WORKDIR}/reboot
+do_install () {
+# Create directories and install device independent scripts
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/rcS.d
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/rc0.d
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/rc1.d
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/rc2.d
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/rc3.d
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/rc4.d
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/rc5.d
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/rc6.d
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/default
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/volatiles
+	# Holds state information pertaining to urandom
+	install -d ${D}${localstatedir}/lib/urandom
+	install -m 0644    ${WORKDIR}/functions		${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/bootmisc.sh	${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/checkroot.sh	${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/halt		${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/hostname.sh	${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/mountall.sh	${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/mountnfs.sh	${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/reboot		${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/rmnologin.sh	${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/sendsigs		${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/single		${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/umountnfs.sh	${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/urandom		${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	sed -i ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/urandom -e 's,/var/,${localstatedir}/,g;s,/etc/,${sysconfdir}/,g'
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/devpts.sh	${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/devpts		${D}${sysconfdir}/default
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/sysfs.sh		${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/populate-volatile.sh ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/read-only-rootfs-hook.sh ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/save-rtc.sh	${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0644    ${WORKDIR}/volatiles		${D}${sysconfdir}/default/volatiles/00_core
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/dmesg.sh		${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0644    ${WORKDIR}/logrotate-dmesg.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/
+	if [ "${TARGET_ARCH}" = "arm" ]; then
+		install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/alignment.sh	${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	fi
+	if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','selinux','true','false',d)}; then
+		install -d ${D}/${base_sbindir}
+		install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/sushell ${D}/${base_sbindir}
+	fi
+# Install device dependent scripts
+	install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/banner.sh	${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/banner.sh
+	install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/umountfs	${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/umountfs
+# Create runlevel links
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} rmnologin.sh start 99 2 3 4 5 .
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} sendsigs start 20 0 6 .
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} urandom start 30 S 0 6 .
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} umountnfs.sh start 31 0 1 6 .
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} umountfs start 40 0 6 .
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} reboot start 90 6 .
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} halt start 90 0 .
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} save-rtc.sh start 25 0 6 .
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} banner.sh start 02 S .
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} checkroot.sh start 06 S .
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} mountall.sh start 03 S .
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} hostname.sh start 39 S .
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} mountnfs.sh start 15 2 3 4 5 .
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} bootmisc.sh start 55 S .
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} sysfs.sh start 02 S .
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} populate-volatile.sh start 37 S .
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} read-only-rootfs-hook.sh start 29 S .
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} devpts.sh start 38 S .
+	if [ "${TARGET_ARCH}" = "arm" ]; then
+	        update-rc.d -r ${D} alignment.sh start 06 S .
+	fi
+	# We wish to have /var/log ready at this stage so execute this after
+	# populate-volatile.sh
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} dmesg.sh start 38 S .
+  banner \
+  bootmisc \
+  checkfs \
+  checkroot \
+  devpts \
+  dmesg \
+  hostname \
+  mountall \
+  mountnfs \
+  populate-volatile \
+  read-only-rootfs-hook \
+  rmnologin \
+  sysfs \
+  urandom"
+pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
+	if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','systemd','true','false',d)}; then
+		if [ -n "$D" ]; then
+			OPTS="--root=$D"
+		fi
+			systemctl $OPTS mask $SERVICE.service
+		done
+	fi
+    # Delete any old volatile cache script, as directories may have moved
+    if [ -z "$D" ]; then
+        rm -f "/etc/volatile.cache"
+    fi
+CONFFILES_${PN} += "${sysconfdir}/init.d/checkroot.sh"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/jpeg/jpeg_9a.bb b/meta/recipes-core/jpeg/jpeg_9a.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea2e65d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/jpeg/jpeg_9a.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+SUMMARY = "libjpeg is a library for handling the JPEG (JFIF) image format"
+DESCRIPTION = "libjpeg contains a library for handling the JPEG (JFIF) image format, as well as related programs for accessing the libjpeg functions."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.ijg.org/"
+LICENSE ="BSD-3-Clause"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://README;md5=ea93a8a2fed10106b63bc21679edacb9"
+SECTION = "libs"
+SRC_URI = "http://www.ijg.org/files/jpegsrc.v${PV}.tar.gz \
+	  "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "3353992aecaee1805ef4109aadd433e7"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "3a753ea48d917945dd54a2d97de388aa06ca2eb1066cbfdc6652036349fe05a7"
+inherit autotools
+PACKAGES =+ 		"jpeg-tools "
+DESCRIPTION_jpeg-tools = "The jpeg-tools package includes the client programs for access libjpeg functionality.  These tools allow for the compression, decompression, transformation and display of JPEG files."
+FILES_jpeg-tools = 	"${bindir}/*"
+pkg_postinst_${PN}_linuxstdbase () {
+    if [ ! -e $D${libdir}/libjpeg.so.62 ]; then
+        JPEG=`find $D${libdir} -type f -name libjpeg.so.\*.\*.\*`
+        ln -sf `basename $JPEG` $D${libdir}/libjpeg.so.62
+    fi
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/kbd/kbd/0003-Only-inluclude-kernel-headers-with-glibc.patch b/meta/recipes-core/kbd/kbd/0003-Only-inluclude-kernel-headers-with-glibc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bfcb0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/kbd/kbd/0003-Only-inluclude-kernel-headers-with-glibc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+From 3c5c7acc7ef874b919b26583d3892e21b907833f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Natanael Copa <ncopa@alpinelinux.org>
+Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 09:00:03 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Only inluclude kernel headers with glibc
+This fixes compile errors with musl libc
+Signed-off-by: Natanael Copa <ncopa@alpinelinux.org>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+ src/resizecons.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/resizecons.c b/src/resizecons.c
+index 5f84845..691dfcc 100644
+--- a/src/resizecons.c
++++ b/src/resizecons.c
+@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
+ #include <sys/ioctl.h>
+ #if (__GNU_LIBRARY__ >= 6)
+ #include <sys/perm.h>
++#elif defined(__GLIBC__)
+ #include <linux/types.h>
+ #include <linux/termios.h>
+ #endif
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/kbd/kbd/uclibc-stdarg.patch b/meta/recipes-core/kbd/kbd/uclibc-stdarg.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be7f324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/kbd/kbd/uclibc-stdarg.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+In file included from keymap.h:5:0,
+                 from ksyms.c:6:
+./keymap/common.h:65:38: error: unknown type name 'va_list'
+                  const char *format, va_list args),
+                                      ^
+./keymap/common.h:66:3: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'const'
+   const void *data);
+   ^
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Index: kbd-2.0.0/src/libkeymap/contextP.h
+--- kbd-2.0.0.orig/src/libkeymap/contextP.h	2013-08-13 06:46:23.000000000 -0700
++++ kbd-2.0.0/src/libkeymap/contextP.h	2013-11-05 22:33:49.200528226 -0800
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ #define LK_CONTEXTP_H
+ #include "keymap.h"
++#include <stdarg.h>
+ /**
+  * @brief Copy of struct kbdiacruc.
+  */
+Index: kbd-2.0.0/src/libkeymap/keymap/common.h
+--- kbd-2.0.0.orig/src/libkeymap/keymap/common.h	2013-08-13 06:46:23.000000000 -0700
++++ kbd-2.0.0/src/libkeymap/keymap/common.h	2013-11-05 22:33:59.964528438 -0800
+@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
+  */
+ #include <keymap/context.h>
++#include <stdarg.h>
+ /** Initializes the structures necessary to read and/or parse keymap.
+  *
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/kbd/kbd_2.0.2.bb b/meta/recipes-core/kbd/kbd_2.0.2.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..136dc7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/kbd/kbd_2.0.2.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+SUMMARY = "Keytable files and keyboard utilities"
+# everything minus console-fonts is GPLv2+
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=a5fcc36121d93e1f69d96a313078c8b5"
+DEPENDS = "libcheck"
+inherit autotools gettext ptest pkgconfig
+RREPLACES_${PN} = "console-tools"
+RPROVIDES_${PN} = "console-tools"
+RCONFLICTS_${PN} = "console-tools"
+SRC_URI = "${KERNELORG_MIRROR}/linux/utils/${BPN}/${BP}.tar.xz \
+           file://uclibc-stdarg.patch \
+	   file://0003-Only-inluclude-kernel-headers-with-glibc.patch \
+          "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "87475eb78b1d6e6ab06686dd323ad4ba"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "9dfddabf96012e329c4bebb96a21aeef7c3872f624e96e8156ba542b82aeb912"
+PACKAGECONFIG ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pam', 'pam', '', d)}"
+PACKAGECONFIG[pam] = "--enable-vlock, --disable-vlock, libpam,"
+PACKAGES += "${PN}-consolefonts ${PN}-keymaps ${PN}-unimaps ${PN}-consoletrans"
+FILES_${PN}-consolefonts = "${datadir}/consolefonts"
+FILES_${PN}-consoletrans = "${datadir}/consoletrans"
+FILES_${PN}-keymaps = "${datadir}/keymaps"
+FILES_${PN}-unimaps = "${datadir}/unimaps"
+inherit update-alternatives
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN} = "chvt deallocvt fgconsole openvt"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/libcgroup/libcgroup_0.41.bb b/meta/recipes-core/libcgroup/libcgroup_0.41.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52ba1d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/libcgroup/libcgroup_0.41.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+SUMMARY = "Linux control group abstraction library"
+DESCRIPTION = "libcgroup is a library that abstracts the control group file system \
+in Linux. Control groups allow you to limit, account and isolate resource usage \
+(CPU, memory, disk I/O, etc.) of groups of processes."
+SECTION = "libs"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=2d5025d4aa3495befef8f17206a5b0a1"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig
+DEPENDS = "bison-native flex-native ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pam', 'libpam', '', d)}"
+SRC_URI = "${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/project/libcg/${BPN}/v0.41/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.bz2"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "3dea9d50b8a5b73ff0bf1cdcb210f63f"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "e4e38bdc7ef70645ce33740ddcca051248d56b53283c0dc6d404e17706f6fb51"
+EXTRA_OECONF = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pam', '--enable-pam-module-dir=${base_libdir}/security --enable-pam=yes', '--enable-pam=no', d)}"
+PACKAGES =+ "cgroups-pam-plugin"
+FILES_cgroups-pam-plugin = "${base_libdir}/security/pam_cgroup.so*"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${base_libdir}/security/.debug"
+FILES_${PN}-dev += "${base_libdir}/security/*.la"
+do_install_append() {
+	# Moving libcgroup to base_libdir
+	if [ ! ${D}${libdir} -ef ${D}${base_libdir} ]; then
+		mkdir -p ${D}/${base_libdir}/
+		mv -f ${D}${libdir}/libcgroup.so.* ${D}${base_libdir}/
+		rel_lib_prefix=`echo ${libdir} | sed 's,\(^/\|\)[^/][^/]*,..,g'`
+		ln -sf ${rel_lib_prefix}${base_libdir}/libcgroup.so.1 ${D}${libdir}/libcgroup.so
+	fi
+	# pam modules in ${base_libdir}/security/ should be binary .so files, not symlinks.
+	if [ -f ${D}${base_libdir}/security/pam_cgroup.so.0.0.0 ]; then
+		mv -f ${D}${base_libdir}/security/pam_cgroup.so.0.0.0 ${D}${base_libdir}/security/pam_cgroup.so
+		rm -f ${D}${base_libdir}/security/pam_cgroup.so.*
+	fi
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2.inc b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c3c37d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+SUMMARY = "XML C Parser Library and Toolkit"
+DESCRIPTION = "The XML Parser Library allows for manipulation of XML files.  Libxml2 exports Push and Pull type parser interfaces for both XML and HTML.  It can do DTD validation at parse time, on a parsed document instance or with an arbitrary DTD.  Libxml2 includes complete XPath, XPointer and Xinclude implementations.  It also has a SAX like interface, which is designed to be compatible with Expat."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.xmlsoft.org/"
+BUGTRACKER = "http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?product=libxml2"
+SECTION = "libs"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://Copyright;md5=2044417e2e5006b65a8b9067b683fcf1 \
+                    file://hash.c;beginline=6;endline=15;md5=96f7296605eae807670fb08947829969 \
+                    file://list.c;beginline=4;endline=13;md5=cdbfa3dee51c099edb04e39f762ee907 \
+                    file://trio.c;beginline=5;endline=14;md5=6c025753c86d958722ec76e94cae932e"
+DEPENDS =+ "zlib"
+SRC_URI = "ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/libxml2-${PV}.tar.gz;name=libtar \
+           file://libxml-64bit.patch \
+           file://ansidecl.patch \
+           file://runtest.patch \
+           file://run-ptest \
+           file://libxml2-CVE-2014-0191-fix.patch \
+           file://python-sitepackages-dir.patch \
+           file://libxml-m4-use-pkgconfig.patch \
+           file://configure.ac-fix-cross-compiling-warning.patch \
+           file://0001-CVE-2015-1819-Enforce-the-reader-to-run-in-constant-.patch \
+          "
+BINCONFIG = "${bindir}/xml2-config"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig binconfig-disabled pythonnative ptest
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-ptest += "python-core"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-python += "python-core"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-ptest_append_libc-glibc += "glibc-gconv-ebcdic-us glibc-gconv-ibm1141"
+# We don't DEPEND on binutils for ansidecl.h so ensure we don't use the header
+do_configure_prepend () {
+	sed -i -e '/.*ansidecl.h.*/d' ${S}/configure.ac
+PACKAGECONFIG ??= "python"
+PACKAGECONFIG[python] = "--with-python=${PYTHON},--without-python,python"
+# WARNING: zlib is require for RPM use
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--without-debug --without-legacy --with-catalog --without-docbook --with-c14n --without-lzma --with-fexceptions"
+EXTRA_OECONF_class-native = "--without-legacy --without-docbook --with-c14n --without-lzma --with-zlib"
+EXTRA_OECONF_class-nativesdk = "--without-legacy --without-docbook --with-c14n --without-lzma --with-zlib"
+EXTRA_OECONF_linuxstdbase = "--with-debug --with-legacy --with-docbook --with-c14n --without-lzma --with-zlib"
+# required for pythong binding
+export HOST_SYS
+export BUILD_SYS
+export LDFLAGS += "-ldl"
+python populate_packages_prepend () {
+    # autonamer would call this libxml2-2, but we don't want that
+    if d.getVar('DEBIAN_NAMES', True):
+        d.setVar('PKG_libxml2', '${MLPREFIX}libxml2')
+PACKAGES += "${PN}-utils ${PN}-python"
+FILES_${PN}-staticdev += "${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}/*.a"
+FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/xml2Conf.sh ${libdir}/cmake/*"
+FILES_${PN}-utils += "${bindir}/*"
+do_install_ptest () {
+  cp -r ${WORKDIR}/xmlconf ${D}${PTEST_PATH}
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/0001-CVE-2015-1819-Enforce-the-reader-to-run-in-constant-.patch b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/0001-CVE-2015-1819-Enforce-the-reader-to-run-in-constant-.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96d58f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/0001-CVE-2015-1819-Enforce-the-reader-to-run-in-constant-.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+From 213f1fe0d76d30eaed6e5853057defc43e6df2c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2015 17:41:48 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH] CVE-2015-1819 Enforce the reader to run in constant memory
+One of the operation on the reader could resolve entities
+leading to the classic expansion issue. Make sure the
+buffer used for xmlreader operation is bounded.
+Introduce a new allocation type for the buffers for this effect.
+Upstream-Status: Backport
+Signed-off-by: Yue Tao <Yue.Tao@windriver.com>
+Signed-off-by: Wenzong Fan <wenzong.fan@windriver.com>
+ buf.c                 |   43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ include/libxml/tree.h |    3 ++-
+ xmlreader.c           |   20 +++++++++++++++++++-
+ 3 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/buf.c b/buf.c
+index 6efc7b6..07922ff 100644
+--- a/buf.c
++++ b/buf.c
+@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+ #include <libxml/tree.h>
+ #include <libxml/globals.h>
+ #include <libxml/tree.h>
++#include <libxml/parserInternals.h> /* for XML_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH */
+ #include "buf.h"
+@@ -299,7 +300,8 @@ xmlBufSetAllocationScheme(xmlBufPtr buf,
+     if ((scheme == XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_DOUBLEIT) ||
+         (scheme == XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_EXACT) ||
+         (scheme == XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_HYBRID) ||
+-        (scheme == XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_IMMUTABLE)) {
++        (scheme == XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_IMMUTABLE) ||
++	(scheme == XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_BOUNDED)) {
+ 	buf->alloc = scheme;
+         if (buf->buffer)
+             buf->buffer->alloc = scheme;
+@@ -458,6 +460,18 @@ xmlBufGrowInternal(xmlBufPtr buf, size_t len) {
+     size = buf->use + len + 100;
+ #endif
++    if (buf->alloc == XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_BOUNDED) {
++        /*
++	 * Used to provide parsing limits
++	 */
++        if ((buf->use + len >= XML_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH) ||
++	    (buf->size >= XML_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH)) {
++	    xmlBufMemoryError(buf, "buffer error: text too long\n");
++	    return(0);
++	}
++	if (size >= XML_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH)
++	    size = XML_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH;
++    }
+     if ((buf->alloc == XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_IO) && (buf->contentIO != NULL)) {
+         size_t start_buf = buf->content - buf->contentIO;
+@@ -739,6 +753,15 @@ xmlBufResize(xmlBufPtr buf, size_t size)
+     CHECK_COMPAT(buf)
+     if (buf->alloc == XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_IMMUTABLE) return(0);
++    if (buf->alloc == XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_BOUNDED) {
++        /*
++	 * Used to provide parsing limits
++	 */
++        if (size >= XML_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH) {
++	    xmlBufMemoryError(buf, "buffer error: text too long\n");
++	    return(0);
++	}
++    }
+     /* Don't resize if we don't have to */
+     if (size < buf->size)
+@@ -867,6 +890,15 @@ xmlBufAdd(xmlBufPtr buf, const xmlChar *str, int len) {
+     needSize = buf->use + len + 2;
+     if (needSize > buf->size){
++	if (buf->alloc == XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_BOUNDED) {
++	    /*
++	     * Used to provide parsing limits
++	     */
++	    if (needSize >= XML_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH) {
++		xmlBufMemoryError(buf, "buffer error: text too long\n");
++		return(-1);
++	    }
++	}
+         if (!xmlBufResize(buf, needSize)){
+ 	    xmlBufMemoryError(buf, "growing buffer");
+             return XML_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
+@@ -938,6 +970,15 @@ xmlBufAddHead(xmlBufPtr buf, const xmlChar *str, int len) {
+     }
+     needSize = buf->use + len + 2;
+     if (needSize > buf->size){
++	if (buf->alloc == XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_BOUNDED) {
++	    /*
++	     * Used to provide parsing limits
++	     */
++	    if (needSize >= XML_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH) {
++		xmlBufMemoryError(buf, "buffer error: text too long\n");
++		return(-1);
++	    }
++	}
+         if (!xmlBufResize(buf, needSize)){
+ 	    xmlBufMemoryError(buf, "growing buffer");
+             return XML_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
+diff --git a/include/libxml/tree.h b/include/libxml/tree.h
+index 2f90717..4a9b3bc 100644
+--- a/include/libxml/tree.h
++++ b/include/libxml/tree.h
+@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ typedef enum {
+     XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_EXACT,	/* grow only to the minimal size */
+     XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_IMMUTABLE, /* immutable buffer */
+     XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_IO,	/* special allocation scheme used for I/O */
+-    XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_HYBRID	/* exact up to a threshold, and doubleit thereafter */
++    XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_HYBRID,	/* exact up to a threshold, and doubleit thereafter */
++    XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_BOUNDED	/* limit the upper size of the buffer */
+ } xmlBufferAllocationScheme;
+ /**
+diff --git a/xmlreader.c b/xmlreader.c
+index f19e123..471e7e2 100644
+--- a/xmlreader.c
++++ b/xmlreader.c
+@@ -2091,6 +2091,9 @@ xmlNewTextReader(xmlParserInputBufferPtr input, const char *URI) {
+ 		"xmlNewTextReader : malloc failed\n");
+ 	return(NULL);
+     }
++    /* no operation on a reader should require a huge buffer */
++    xmlBufSetAllocationScheme(ret->buffer,
+     ret->sax = (xmlSAXHandler *) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlSAXHandler));
+     if (ret->sax == NULL) {
+ 	xmlBufFree(ret->buffer);
+@@ -3616,6 +3619,7 @@ xmlTextReaderConstValue(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) {
+ 	    return(((xmlNsPtr) node)->href);
+         case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE:{
+ 	    xmlAttrPtr attr = (xmlAttrPtr) node;
++	    const xmlChar *ret;
+ 	    if ((attr->children != NULL) &&
+ 	        (attr->children->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) &&
+@@ -3629,10 +3633,21 @@ xmlTextReaderConstValue(xmlTextReaderPtr reader) {
+                                         "xmlTextReaderSetup : malloc failed\n");
+                         return (NULL);
+                     }
++		    xmlBufSetAllocationScheme(reader->buffer,
++		                              XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_BOUNDED);
+                 } else
+                     xmlBufEmpty(reader->buffer);
+ 	        xmlBufGetNodeContent(reader->buffer, node);
+-		return(xmlBufContent(reader->buffer));
++		ret = xmlBufContent(reader->buffer);
++		if (ret == NULL) {
++		    /* error on the buffer best to reallocate */
++		    xmlBufFree(reader->buffer);
++		    reader->buffer = xmlBufCreateSize(100);
++		    xmlBufSetAllocationScheme(reader->buffer,
++		                              XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_BOUNDED);
++		    ret = BAD_CAST "";
++		}
++		return(ret);
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+@@ -5131,6 +5146,9 @@ xmlTextReaderSetup(xmlTextReaderPtr reader,
+                         "xmlTextReaderSetup : malloc failed\n");
+         return (-1);
+     }
++    /* no operation on a reader should require a huge buffer */
++    xmlBufSetAllocationScheme(reader->buffer,
+     if (reader->sax == NULL)
+ 	reader->sax = (xmlSAXHandler *) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlSAXHandler));
+     if (reader->sax == NULL) {
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/0001-threads-Define-pthread-definitions-for-glibc-complia.patch b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/0001-threads-Define-pthread-definitions-for-glibc-complia.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c653a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/0001-threads-Define-pthread-definitions-for-glibc-complia.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+From 6750cc564a17c812555cca587660240ccffaaed3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2015 08:50:40 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] threads: Define pthread* definitions for glibc compliant libs
+This code is assuming glibc but not explicitly saying it
+so lets make it so. Fixes following on musl
+threads.c:80:27: error: macro "pthread_equal" requires 2 arguments, but
+only 1 given
+|  extern int pthread_equal ()
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+ threads.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+Index: libxml2-2.9.2/threads.c
+--- libxml2-2.9.2.orig/threads.c
++++ libxml2-2.9.2/threads.c
+@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
+ static int libxml_is_threaded = -1;
+-#ifdef __GNUC__
++#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__GLIBC__)
+ #ifdef linux
+ #if (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3) || (__GNUC__ > 3)
+ extern int pthread_once (pthread_once_t *__once_control,
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/72a46a519ce7326d9a00f0b6a7f2a8e958cd1675.patch b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/72a46a519ce7326d9a00f0b6a7f2a8e958cd1675.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10a8112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/72a46a519ce7326d9a00f0b6a7f2a8e958cd1675.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+From 72a46a519ce7326d9a00f0b6a7f2a8e958cd1675 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com>
+Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 11:35:36 +0800
+Subject: Fix missing entities after CVE-2014-3660 fix
+For https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=738805
+The fix for CVE-2014-3660 introduced a regression in some case
+where entity substitution is required and the entity is used
+first in anotther entity referenced from an attribute value
+Upstream-Status: Backport
+diff --git a/parser.c b/parser.c
+index 67c9dfd..a8d1b67 100644
+--- a/parser.c
++++ b/parser.c
+@@ -7235,7 +7235,8 @@ xmlParseReference(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+      * far more secure as the parser will only process data coming from
+      * the document entity by default.
+      */
+-    if ((ent->checked == 0) &&
++    if (((ent->checked == 0) ||
++         ((ent->children == NULL) && (ctxt->options & XML_PARSE_NOENT))) &&
+         ((ent->etype != XML_EXTERNAL_GENERAL_PARSED_ENTITY) ||
+          (ctxt->options & (XML_PARSE_NOENT | XML_PARSE_DTDVALID)))) {
+ 	unsigned long oldnbent = ctxt->nbentities;
+cgit v0.10.1
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/ansidecl.patch b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/ansidecl.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2452d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/ansidecl.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Sadly cmake is broken. If it sees this reference and ansidecl is present, it will add a 
+dependency upon it, even if HAVE_ANSIDEC_H is never set.
+The easiest solution is to remove these lines, otherwise recipes like libzypp can have a 
+dependency on the ansidecl.h header via cmake. This can lead to odd results if the 
+header is removed (clean binutils) and then the code is recompiled.
+RP 2012/7/10
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [its really a cmake bug]
+Index: libxml2-2.8.0/include/libxml/xmlversion.h.in
+--- libxml2-2.8.0.orig/include/libxml/xmlversion.h.in	2012-07-10 11:51:52.460750573 +0000
++++ libxml2-2.8.0/include/libxml/xmlversion.h.in	2012-07-10 11:52:41.436749397 +0000
+@@ -401,9 +401,6 @@
+ #endif
+ #ifdef __GNUC__
+-#include <ansidecl.h>
+ /**
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/configure.ac-fix-cross-compiling-warning.patch b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/configure.ac-fix-cross-compiling-warning.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f8079b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/configure.ac-fix-cross-compiling-warning.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+configure.ac: fix cross compiling warning
+There is a warning while cross compiling which triggered a
+failure by do_qa_configure
+|configure:12652: checking for gzread in -lz
+|configure:12677: mips-poky-linux-gcc  -meb -mabi=32 -mhard-float
+ -L/lib conftest.c -lz   >&5
+|ld: warning: library search path "/lib" is unsafe for cross-compilation
+While do the lib checking, do not add '-L${Z_DIR}/lib' to LDFLAGS could fix it.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [oe specific]
+Signed-off-by: Hongxu Jia <hongxu.jia@windriver.com>
+ configure.ac | 5 +----
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 9a90600..0bac8a4 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -391,8 +391,6 @@ if test "$with_zlib" = "no"; then
+     echo "Disabling compression support"
+ else
+     AC_CHECK_HEADERS(zlib.h,
+-        [SAVE_LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}"
+-	 LDFLAGS="-L${Z_DIR}/lib"
+ 	AC_CHECK_LIB(z, gzread,[
+ 	    AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBZ], [1], [Have compression library])
+ 	    WITH_ZLIB=1
+@@ -406,8 +404,7 @@ else
+ 		esac]
+ 	    else
+ 		Z_LIBS="-lz"
+-	    fi])
++	    fi]))
+ fi
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/libxml-64bit.patch b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/libxml-64bit.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1147017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/libxml-64bit.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Upstream-Status: Backport [from debian: bugs.debian.org/439843]
+ libxml.h |    3 +++
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
+--- libxml2-2.6.29.orig/libxml.h
++++ libxml2-2.6.29/libxml.h
+@@ -11,10 +11,13 @@
+ #endif
+ #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+ #endif
+ #endif
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/libxml-m4-use-pkgconfig.patch b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/libxml-m4-use-pkgconfig.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fc8407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/libxml-m4-use-pkgconfig.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+AM_PATH_XML2 uses xml-config which we disable through
+binconfig-disabled.bbclass, so port it to use pkg-config instead.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross.burton@intel.com>
+diff --git a/libxml.m4 b/libxml.m4
+index 68cd824..5fa0a9b 100644
+--- a/libxml.m4
++++ b/libxml.m4
+@@ -1,188 +1,12 @@
+-# Configure paths for LIBXML2
+-# Mike Hommey 2004-06-19
+-# use CPPFLAGS instead of CFLAGS
+-# Toshio Kuratomi 2001-04-21
+-# Adapted from:
+-# Configure paths for GLIB
+-# Owen Taylor     97-11-3
+ dnl Test for XML, and define XML_CPPFLAGS and XML_LIBS
+ dnl
+-            [  --with-xml-prefix=PFX   Prefix where libxml is installed (optional)],
+-            xml_config_prefix="$withval", xml_config_prefix="")
+-            [  --with-xml-exec-prefix=PFX Exec prefix where libxml is installed (optional)],
+-            xml_config_exec_prefix="$withval", xml_config_exec_prefix="")
+-              [  --disable-xmltest       Do not try to compile and run a test LIBXML program],,
+-              enable_xmltest=yes)
+-  if test x$xml_config_exec_prefix != x ; then
+-     xml_config_args="$xml_config_args"
+-     if test x${XML2_CONFIG+set} != xset ; then
+-        XML2_CONFIG=$xml_config_exec_prefix/bin/xml2-config
+-     fi
+-  fi
+-  if test x$xml_config_prefix != x ; then
+-     xml_config_args="$xml_config_args --prefix=$xml_config_prefix"
+-     if test x${XML2_CONFIG+set} != xset ; then
+-        XML2_CONFIG=$xml_config_prefix/bin/xml2-config
+-     fi
+-  fi
+-  AC_PATH_PROG(XML2_CONFIG, xml2-config, no)
+-  min_xml_version=ifelse([$1], ,2.0.0,[$1])
+-  AC_MSG_CHECKING(for libxml - version >= $min_xml_version)
+-  no_xml=""
+-  if test "$XML2_CONFIG" = "no" ; then
+-    no_xml=yes
+-  else
+-    XML_CPPFLAGS=`$XML2_CONFIG $xml_config_args --cflags`
+-    XML_LIBS=`$XML2_CONFIG $xml_config_args --libs`
+-    xml_config_major_version=`$XML2_CONFIG $xml_config_args --version | \
+-           sed 's/\([[0-9]]*\).\([[0-9]]*\).\([[0-9]]*\)/\1/'`
+-    xml_config_minor_version=`$XML2_CONFIG $xml_config_args --version | \
+-           sed 's/\([[0-9]]*\).\([[0-9]]*\).\([[0-9]]*\)/\2/'`
+-    xml_config_micro_version=`$XML2_CONFIG $xml_config_args --version | \
+-           sed 's/\([[0-9]]*\).\([[0-9]]*\).\([[0-9]]*\)/\3/'`
+-    if test "x$enable_xmltest" = "xyes" ; then
+-      ac_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS"
+-      ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+-      LIBS="$XML_LIBS $LIBS"
+-dnl Now check if the installed libxml is sufficiently new.
+-dnl (Also sanity checks the results of xml2-config to some extent)
+-      rm -f conf.xmltest
+-      AC_TRY_RUN([
+-#include <stdlib.h>
+-#include <stdio.h>
+-#include <string.h>
+-#include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
+-  int xml_major_version, xml_minor_version, xml_micro_version;
+-  int major, minor, micro;
+-  char *tmp_version;
+-  system("touch conf.xmltest");
+-  /* Capture xml2-config output via autoconf/configure variables */
+-  /* HP/UX 9 (%@#!) writes to sscanf strings */
+-  tmp_version = (char *)strdup("$min_xml_version");
+-  if (sscanf(tmp_version, "%d.%d.%d", &major, &minor, &micro) != 3) {
+-     printf("%s, bad version string from xml2-config\n", "$min_xml_version");
+-     exit(1);
+-   }
+-   free(tmp_version);
+-   /* Capture the version information from the header files */
+-   tmp_version = (char *)strdup(LIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION);
+-   if (sscanf(tmp_version, "%d.%d.%d", &xml_major_version, &xml_minor_version, &xml_micro_version) != 3) {
+-     printf("%s, bad version string from libxml includes\n", "LIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION");
+-     exit(1);
+-   }
+-   free(tmp_version);
+- /* Compare xml2-config output to the libxml headers */
+-  if ((xml_major_version != $xml_config_major_version) ||
+-      (xml_minor_version != $xml_config_minor_version) ||
+-      (xml_micro_version != $xml_config_micro_version))
+-    {
+-      printf("*** libxml header files (version %d.%d.%d) do not match\n",
+-         xml_major_version, xml_minor_version, xml_micro_version);
+-      printf("*** xml2-config (version %d.%d.%d)\n",
+-         $xml_config_major_version, $xml_config_minor_version, $xml_config_micro_version);
+-      return 1;
+-    } 
+-/* Compare the headers to the library to make sure we match */
+-  /* Less than ideal -- doesn't provide us with return value feedback, 
+-   * only exits if there's a serious mismatch between header and library.
+-   */
+-    /* Test that the library is greater than our minimum version */
+-    if ((xml_major_version > major) ||
+-        ((xml_major_version == major) && (xml_minor_version > minor)) ||
+-        ((xml_major_version == major) && (xml_minor_version == minor) &&
+-        (xml_micro_version >= micro)))
+-      {
+-        return 0;
+-       }
+-     else
+-      {
+-        printf("\n*** An old version of libxml (%d.%d.%d) was found.\n",
+-               xml_major_version, xml_minor_version, xml_micro_version);
+-        printf("*** You need a version of libxml newer than %d.%d.%d. The latest version of\n",
+-           major, minor, micro);
+-        printf("*** libxml is always available from ftp://ftp.xmlsoft.org.\n");
+-        printf("***\n");
+-        printf("*** If you have already installed a sufficiently new version, this error\n");
+-        printf("*** probably means that the wrong copy of the xml2-config shell script is\n");
+-        printf("*** being found. The easiest way to fix this is to remove the old version\n");
+-        printf("*** of LIBXML, but you can also set the XML2_CONFIG environment to point to the\n");
+-        printf("*** correct copy of xml2-config. (In this case, you will have to\n");
+-        printf("*** modify your LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviroment variable, or edit /etc/ld.so.conf\n");
+-        printf("*** so that the correct libraries are found at run-time))\n");
+-    }
+-  return 1;
+-],, no_xml=yes,[echo $ac_n "cross compiling; assumed OK... $ac_c"])
+-       CPPFLAGS="$ac_save_CPPFLAGS"
+-       LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS"
+-     fi
+-  fi
+-  if test "x$no_xml" = x ; then
+-     AC_MSG_RESULT(yes (version $xml_config_major_version.$xml_config_minor_version.$xml_config_micro_version))
+-     ifelse([$2], , :, [$2])     
+-  else
+-     AC_MSG_RESULT(no)
+-     if test "$XML2_CONFIG" = "no" ; then
+-       echo "*** The xml2-config script installed by LIBXML could not be found"
+-       echo "*** If libxml was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in"
+-       echo "*** your path, or set the XML2_CONFIG environment variable to the"
+-       echo "*** full path to xml2-config."
+-     else
+-       if test -f conf.xmltest ; then
+-        :
+-       else
+-          echo "*** Could not run libxml test program, checking why..."
+-          LIBS="$LIBS $XML_LIBS"
+-          AC_TRY_LINK([
+-#include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
+-#include <stdio.h>
+-],      [ LIBXML_TEST_VERSION; return 0;],
+-        [ echo "*** The test program compiled, but did not run. This usually means"
+-          echo "*** that the run-time linker is not finding LIBXML or finding the wrong"
+-          echo "*** version of LIBXML. If it is not finding LIBXML, you'll need to set your"
+-          echo "*** LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, or edit /etc/ld.so.conf to point"
+-          echo "*** to the installed location  Also, make sure you have run ldconfig if that"
+-          echo "*** is required on your system"
+-          echo "***"
+-          echo "*** If you have an old version installed, it is best to remove it, although"
+-          echo "*** you may also be able to get things to work by modifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ],
+-        [ echo "*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the"
+-          echo "*** exact error that occured. This usually means LIBXML was incorrectly installed"
+-          echo "*** or that you have moved LIBXML since it was installed. In the latter case, you"
+-          echo "*** may want to edit the xml2-config script: $XML2_CONFIG" ])
+-          CPPFLAGS="$ac_save_CPPFLAGS"
+-          LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS"
+-       fi
+-     fi
++  verdep=ifelse([$1], [], [], [>= $1])
++  PKG_CHECK_MODULES(XML, [libxml-2.0 $verdep], [$2], [$3])
+-     XML_CPPFLAGS=""
+-     XML_LIBS=""
+-     ifelse([$3], , :, [$3])
+-  fi
+-  rm -f conf.xmltest
+ ])
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/libxml2-CVE-2014-0191-fix.patch b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/libxml2-CVE-2014-0191-fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c05ae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/libxml2-CVE-2014-0191-fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+From: Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 15:30:56 +0800
+Subject: Do not fetch external parameter entities
+Unless explicitely asked for when validating or replacing entities
+with their value. Problem pointed out by Daniel Berrange <berrange@redhat.com>
+Upstream-Status: Backport
+Reference: https://access.redhat.com/security/cve/CVE-2014-0191
+Signed-off-by: Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com>
+Signed-off-by: Maxin B. John <maxin.john@enea.com>
+diff -Naur libxml2-2.9.1-orig/parser.c libxml2-2.9.1/parser.c
+--- libxml2-2.9.1-orig/parser.c	2013-04-16 15:39:18.000000000 +0200
++++ libxml2-2.9.1/parser.c	2014-05-07 13:35:46.883687946 +0200
+@@ -2595,6 +2595,20 @@
+ 		    xmlCharEncoding enc;
+ 		    /*
++		     * Note: external parsed entities will not be loaded, it is
++		     * not required for a non-validating parser, unless the
++		     * option of validating, or substituting entities were
++		     * given. Doing so is far more secure as the parser will
++		     * only process data coming from the document entity by
++		     * default.
++		     */
++                    if ((entity->etype == XML_EXTERNAL_PARAMETER_ENTITY) &&
++		        ((ctxt->options & XML_PARSE_NOENT) == 0) &&
++			((ctxt->options & XML_PARSE_DTDVALID) == 0) &&
++			(ctxt->validate == 0))
++			return;
++		    /*
+ 		     * handle the extra spaces added before and after
+ 		     * c.f. http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#as-PE
+ 		     * this is done independently.
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/python-sitepackages-dir.patch b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/python-sitepackages-dir.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e83c832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/python-sitepackages-dir.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Allow us to pass in PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES
+The python binary used when building for nativesdk doesn't give us the
+correct path here so we need to be able to specify it ourselves.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [config]
+Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <paul.eggleton@linux.intel.com>
+Rebase to 2.9.2
+Signed-off-by: Hongxu Jia <hongxu.jia@windriver.com>
+ configure.ac | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -813,7 +813,8 @@ dnl
++# Allow this to be set externally
+ pythondir=
+ if test "$with_python" != "no" ; then
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/run-ptest b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/run-ptest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..473d0b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/run-ptest
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+make -k runtests
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/runtest.patch b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/runtest.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..397ab20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/runtest.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,820 @@
+Add 'install-ptest' rule.
+Print a standard result line for each test.
+Signed-off-by: Mihaela Sendrea <mihaela.sendrea@enea.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+diff -uNr a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
+--- a/Makefile.am	2013-04-17 14:51:42.633386477 +0200
++++ b/Makefile.am	2013-04-19 14:47:51.544720568 +0200
+@@ -202,10 +202,19 @@
++	@(if [ -d .libs ] ; then cd .libs; fi; \
++	install $(noinst_PROGRAMS) $(DESTDIR))
++	cp -r $(srcdir)/test $(DESTDIR)
++	cp -r $(srcdir)/result $(DESTDIR)
++	cp -r $(srcdir)/python $(DESTDIR)
++	cp Makefile $(DESTDIR)
++	sed -i -e 's|^Makefile:|_Makefile:|' $(DESTDIR)/Makefile
+ runtests:
+ 	[ -d test   ] || $(LN_S) $(srcdir)/test   .
+ 	[ -d result ] || $(LN_S) $(srcdir)/result .
+-	$(CHECKER) ./runtest$(EXEEXT) && $(CHECKER) ./testrecurse$(EXEEXT) &&$(CHECKER) ./testapi$(EXEEXT) && $(CHECKER) ./testchar$(EXEEXT)&& $(CHECKER) ./testdict$(EXEEXT) && $(CHECKER) ./runxmlconf$(EXEEXT)
++	./runtest$(EXEEXT) ; ./testrecurse$(EXEEXT) ; ./testapi$(EXEEXT) ; ./testchar$(EXEEXT) ; ./testdict$(EXEEXT) ; ./runxmlconf$(EXEEXT)
+ 	@(if [ "$(PYTHON_SUBDIR)" != "" ] ; then cd python ; \
+ 	    $(MAKE) tests ; fi)
+diff -uNr a/runsuite.c b/runsuite.c
+--- a/runsuite.c	2013-04-12 16:17:11.462823238 +0200
++++ b/runsuite.c	2013-04-17 14:07:24.352693211 +0200
+@@ -1162,6 +1162,7 @@
+     if (logfile != NULL)
+         fclose(logfile);
++    printf("%s: runsuite\n\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
+     return(ret);
+ }
+ #else /* !SCHEMAS */
+diff -uNr a/runtest.c b/runtest.c
+--- a/runtest.c	2013-04-16 13:19:15.087997290 +0200
++++ b/runtest.c	2013-04-17 14:08:29.529949655 +0200
+@@ -4386,6 +4386,7 @@
+ 	    err++;
+ 	}
+     }
++    printf("%s: %s\n", (err == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL", tst->desc);
+     return(err);
+ }
+@@ -4455,6 +4456,7 @@
+     xmlCleanupParser();
+     xmlMemoryDump();
++    printf("%s: runtest\n\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
+     return(ret);
+ }
+diff -uNr a/runxmlconf.c b/runxmlconf.c
+--- a/runxmlconf.c	2013-04-16 12:53:49.900982990 +0200
++++ b/runxmlconf.c	2013-04-17 14:09:21.111778104 +0200
+@@ -595,6 +595,7 @@
+     if (logfile != NULL)
+         fclose(logfile);
++    printf("%s: runxmlconf\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
+     return(ret);
+ }
+diff -uNr a/testapi.c b/testapi.c
+--- a/testapi.c	2013-04-12 16:16:57.763417659 +0200
++++ b/testapi.c	2013-04-17 14:10:28.876924881 +0200
+@@ -1245,49 +1245,91 @@
+ testlibxml2(void)
+ {
+     int test_ret = 0;
++    int ret = 0;
+-    test_ret += test_HTMLparser();
+-    test_ret += test_HTMLtree();
+-    test_ret += test_SAX2();
+-    test_ret += test_c14n();
+-    test_ret += test_catalog();
+-    test_ret += test_chvalid();
+-    test_ret += test_debugXML();
+-    test_ret += test_dict();
+-    test_ret += test_encoding();
+-    test_ret += test_entities();
+-    test_ret += test_hash();
+-    test_ret += test_list();
+-    test_ret += test_nanoftp();
+-    test_ret += test_nanohttp();
+-    test_ret += test_parser();
+-    test_ret += test_parserInternals();
+-    test_ret += test_pattern();
+-    test_ret += test_relaxng();
+-    test_ret += test_schemasInternals();
+-    test_ret += test_schematron();
+-    test_ret += test_tree();
+-    test_ret += test_uri();
+-    test_ret += test_valid();
+-    test_ret += test_xinclude();
+-    test_ret += test_xmlIO();
+-    test_ret += test_xmlautomata();
+-    test_ret += test_xmlerror();
+-    test_ret += test_xmlmodule();
+-    test_ret += test_xmlreader();
+-    test_ret += test_xmlregexp();
+-    test_ret += test_xmlsave();
+-    test_ret += test_xmlschemas();
+-    test_ret += test_xmlschemastypes();
+-    test_ret += test_xmlstring();
+-    test_ret += test_xmlunicode();
+-    test_ret += test_xmlwriter();
+-    test_ret += test_xpath();
+-    test_ret += test_xpathInternals();
+-    test_ret += test_xpointer();
++    test_ret += (ret = test_HTMLparser());
++    printf("%s: HTMLparser\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_HTMLtree());
++    printf("%s: HTMLtree\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_SAX2());
++    printf("%s: SAX2\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_c14n());
++    printf("%s: c14n\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_catalog());
++    printf("%s: catalog\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_chvalid());
++    printf("%s: chvalid\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_debugXML());
++    printf("%s: debugXML\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_dict());
++    printf("%s: dict\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_encoding());
++    printf("%s: encoding\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_entities());
++    printf("%s: entities\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_hash());
++    printf("%s: hash\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_list());
++    printf("%s: list\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_nanoftp());
++    printf("%s: nanoftp\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_nanohttp());
++    printf("%s: nanohttp\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_parser());
++    printf("%s: parser\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_parserInternals());
++    printf("%s: parserInternals\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_pattern());
++    printf("%s: pattern\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_relaxng());
++    printf("%s: relaxng\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_schemasInternals());
++    printf("%s: schemasInternals\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_schematron());
++    printf("%s: schematron\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_tree());
++    printf("%s: tree\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_uri());
++    printf("%s: uri\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_valid());
++    printf("%s: valid\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_xinclude());
++    printf("%s: xinclude\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_xmlIO());
++    printf("%s: xmlIO\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_xmlautomata());
++    printf("%s: xmlautomata\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_xmlerror());
++    printf("%s: xmlerror\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_xmlmodule());
++    printf("%s: xmlmodule\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_xmlreader());
++    printf("%s: xmlreader\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_xmlregexp());
++    printf("%s: xmlregexp\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_xmlsave());
++    printf("%s: xmlsave\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_xmlschemas());
++    printf("%s: xmlschemas\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_xmlschemastypes());
++    printf("%s: xmlschemastypes\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_xmlstring());
++    printf("%s: xmlstring\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_xmlunicode());
++    printf("%s: xmlunicode\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_xmlwriter());
++    printf("%s: xmlwriter\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_xpath());
++    printf("%s: xpath\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_xpathInternals());
++    printf("%s: xpathInternals\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
++    test_ret += (ret = test_xpointer());
++    printf("%s: xpointer\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
+     printf("Total: %d functions, %d tests, %d errors\n",
+            function_tests, call_tests, test_ret);
++    printf("%s: testapi\n\n", (test_ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
+     return(test_ret);
+ }
+diff -uNr a/testchar.c b/testchar.c
+--- a/testchar.c	2013-04-17 10:50:30.250147418 +0200
++++ b/testchar.c	2013-04-18 16:11:28.455733800 +0200
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
+ char document1[100] = "<doc>XXXX</doc>";
+ char document2[100] = "<doc foo='XXXX'/>";
+-static void testDocumentRangeByte1(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, char *document,
++static int testDocumentRangeByte1(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, char *document,
+                   int len,  char *data, int forbid1, int forbid2) {
+     int i;
+     xmlDocPtr res;
+@@ -37,33 +37,41 @@
+ 	res = xmlReadMemory(document, len, "test", NULL, 0);
+ 	if ((i == forbid1) || (i == forbid2)) {
+-	    if ((lastError == 0) || (res != NULL))
++	    if ((lastError == 0) || (res != NULL)) {
+ 	        fprintf(stderr,
+ 		    "Failed to detect invalid char for Byte 0x%02X: %c\n",
+ 		        i, i);
++		return(1);
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	else if ((i == '<') || (i == '&')) {
+-	    if ((lastError == 0) || (res != NULL))
++	    if ((lastError == 0) || (res != NULL)) {
+ 	        fprintf(stderr,
+ 		    "Failed to detect illegal char %c for Byte 0x%02X\n", i, i);
++			return(1);
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	else if (((i < 0x20) || (i >= 0x80)) &&
+ 	    (i != 0x9) && (i != 0xA) && (i != 0xD)) {
+-	    if ((lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR) && (res != NULL))
++	    if ((lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR) && (res != NULL)) {
+ 	        fprintf(stderr,
+ 		    "Failed to detect invalid char for Byte 0x%02X\n", i);
++			return(1);
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	else if (res == NULL) {
+ 	    fprintf(stderr,
+ 		"Failed to parse valid char for Byte 0x%02X : %c\n", i, i);
++		return(1);
+ 	}
+ 	if (res != NULL)
+ 	    xmlFreeDoc(res);
+     }
++	return(0);
+ }
+-static void testDocumentRangeByte2(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, char *document,
++static int testDocumentRangeByte2(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, char *document,
+                   int len,  char *data) {
+     int i, j;
+     xmlDocPtr res;
+@@ -80,10 +88,12 @@
+ 	/* if first bit of first char is set, then second bit must too */
+ 	if ((i & 0x80) && ((i & 0x40) == 0)) {
+-	    if ((lastError == 0) || (res != NULL))
++	    if ((lastError == 0) || (res != NULL)) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr,
+ 		"Failed to detect invalid char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X\n",
+ 			i, j);
++		return(1);
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+@@ -91,10 +101,12 @@
+ 	 * bits must be 10
+ 	 */
+ 	else if ((i & 0x80) && ((j & 0xC0) != 0x80)) {
+-	    if ((lastError == 0) || (res != NULL))
++	    if ((lastError == 0) || (res != NULL)) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr,
+ 	    "Failed to detect invalid char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X\n",
+ 			i, j);
++		return(1);
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+@@ -102,10 +114,12 @@
+ 	 * than 0x80, i.e. one of bits 5 to 1 of i must be set
+ 	 */
+ 	else if ((i & 0x80) && ((i & 0x1E) == 0)) {
+-	    if ((lastError == 0) || (res != NULL))
++	    if ((lastError == 0) || (res != NULL)) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr,
+ 	    "Failed to detect invalid char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X\n",
+ 			i, j);
++		return(1);
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+@@ -113,10 +127,12 @@
+ 	 * at least 3 bytes, but we give only 2 !
+ 	 */
+ 	else if ((i & 0xE0) == 0xE0) {
+-	    if ((lastError == 0) || (res != NULL))
++	    if ((lastError == 0) || (res != NULL)) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr,
+ 	    "Failed to detect invalid char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x00\n",
+ 			i, j);
++		return(1);
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+@@ -125,11 +141,13 @@
+ 	else if ((lastError != 0) || (res == NULL)) {
+ 	    fprintf(stderr,
+ 		"Failed to parse document for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X\n", i, j);
++		return(1);
+ 	}
+ 	if (res != NULL)
+ 	    xmlFreeDoc(res);
+     }
+     }
++	return(0);
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -141,9 +159,10 @@
+  * CDATA in text or in attribute values.
+  */
+-static void testDocumentRanges(void) {
++static int testDocumentRanges(void) {
+     xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt;
+     char *data;
++    int test_ret = 0;
+     /*
+      * Set up a parsing context using the first document as
+@@ -152,7 +171,7 @@
+     ctxt = xmlNewParserCtxt();
+     if (ctxt == NULL) {
+         fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate parser context\n");
+-	return;
++	return(1);
+     }
+     printf("testing 1 byte char in document: 1");
+@@ -163,7 +182,7 @@
+     data[2] = ' ';
+     data[3] = ' ';
+     /* test 1 byte injection at beginning of area */
+-    testDocumentRangeByte1(ctxt, &document1[0], strlen(document1),
++    test_ret += testDocumentRangeByte1(ctxt, &document1[0], strlen(document1),
+                            data, -1, -1);
+     printf(" 2");
+     fflush(stdout);
+@@ -172,7 +191,7 @@
+     data[2] = ' ';
+     data[3] = ' ';
+     /* test 1 byte injection at end of area */
+-    testDocumentRangeByte1(ctxt, &document1[0], strlen(document1),
++    test_ret += testDocumentRangeByte1(ctxt, &document1[0], strlen(document1),
+                            data + 3, -1, -1);
+     printf(" 3");
+@@ -183,7 +202,7 @@
+     data[2] = ' ';
+     data[3] = ' ';
+     /* test 1 byte injection at beginning of area */
+-    testDocumentRangeByte1(ctxt, &document2[0], strlen(document2),
++    test_ret += testDocumentRangeByte1(ctxt, &document2[0], strlen(document2),
+                            data, '\'', -1);
+     printf(" 4");
+     fflush(stdout);
+@@ -192,7 +211,7 @@
+     data[2] = ' ';
+     data[3] = ' ';
+     /* test 1 byte injection at end of area */
+-    testDocumentRangeByte1(ctxt, &document2[0], strlen(document2),
++    test_ret += testDocumentRangeByte1(ctxt, &document2[0], strlen(document2),
+                            data + 3, '\'', -1);
+     printf(" done\n");
+@@ -204,7 +223,7 @@
+     data[2] = ' ';
+     data[3] = ' ';
+     /* test 2 byte injection at beginning of area */
+-    testDocumentRangeByte2(ctxt, &document1[0], strlen(document1),
++    test_ret += testDocumentRangeByte2(ctxt, &document1[0], strlen(document1),
+                            data);
+     printf(" 2");
+     fflush(stdout);
+@@ -213,7 +232,7 @@
+     data[2] = ' ';
+     data[3] = ' ';
+     /* test 2 byte injection at end of area */
+-    testDocumentRangeByte2(ctxt, &document1[0], strlen(document1),
++    test_ret += testDocumentRangeByte2(ctxt, &document1[0], strlen(document1),
+                            data + 2);
+     printf(" 3");
+@@ -224,7 +243,7 @@
+     data[2] = ' ';
+     data[3] = ' ';
+     /* test 2 byte injection at beginning of area */
+-    testDocumentRangeByte2(ctxt, &document2[0], strlen(document2),
++    test_ret += testDocumentRangeByte2(ctxt, &document2[0], strlen(document2),
+                            data);
+     printf(" 4");
+     fflush(stdout);
+@@ -233,14 +252,15 @@
+     data[2] = ' ';
+     data[3] = ' ';
+     /* test 2 byte injection at end of area */
+-    testDocumentRangeByte2(ctxt, &document2[0], strlen(document2),
++    test_ret += testDocumentRangeByte2(ctxt, &document2[0], strlen(document2),
+                            data + 2);
+     printf(" done\n");
+     xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt);
++    return(test_ret);
+ }
+-static void testCharRangeByte1(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, char *data) {
++static int testCharRangeByte1(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, char *data) {
+     int i = 0;
+     int len, c;
+@@ -255,19 +275,25 @@
+         c = xmlCurrentChar(ctxt, &len);
+ 	if ((i == 0) || (i >= 0x80)) {
+ 	    /* we must see an error there */
+-	    if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR)
++	    if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR) {
+ 	        fprintf(stderr,
+ 		    "Failed to detect invalid char for Byte 0x%02X\n", i);
++			return(1);
++		}
+ 	} else if (i == 0xD) {
+-	    if ((c != 0xA) || (len != 1))
++	    if ((c != 0xA) || (len != 1)) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to convert char for Byte 0x%02X\n", i);
++		return(1);
++		}
+ 	} else if ((c != i) || (len != 1)) {
+ 	    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse char for Byte 0x%02X\n", i);
++		return(1);
+ 	}
+     }
++	return(0);
+ }
+-static void testCharRangeByte2(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, char *data) {
++static int testCharRangeByte2(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, char *data) {
+     int i, j;
+     int len, c;
+@@ -284,10 +310,12 @@
+ 	    /* if first bit of first char is set, then second bit must too */
+ 	    if ((i & 0x80) && ((i & 0x40) == 0)) {
+-		if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR)
++		if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR) {
+ 		    fprintf(stderr,
+ 		    "Failed to detect invalid char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X\n",
+ 		            i, j);
++			return(1);
++			}
+ 	    }
+ 	    /*
+@@ -295,10 +323,12 @@
+ 	     * bits must be 10
+ 	     */
+ 	    else if ((i & 0x80) && ((j & 0xC0) != 0x80)) {
+-		if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR)
++		if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR) {
+ 		    fprintf(stderr,
+ 		"Failed to detect invalid char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X: %d\n",
+ 		            i, j, c);
++			return(1);
++			}
+ 	    }
+ 	    /*
+@@ -306,10 +336,12 @@
+ 	     * than 0x80, i.e. one of bits 5 to 1 of i must be set
+ 	     */
+ 	    else if ((i & 0x80) && ((i & 0x1E) == 0)) {
+-		if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR)
++		if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR) {
+ 		    fprintf(stderr,
+ 		"Failed to detect invalid char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X: %d\n",
+ 		            i, j, c);
++			return(1);
++			}
+ 	    }
+ 	    /*
+@@ -317,10 +349,12 @@
+ 	     * at least 3 bytes, but we give only 2 !
+ 	     */
+ 	    else if ((i & 0xE0) == 0xE0) {
+-		if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR)
++		if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR) {
+ 		    fprintf(stderr,
+ 		"Failed to detect invalid char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x00\n",
+ 		            i, j);
++			return(1);
++			}
+ 	    }
+             /*
+@@ -329,6 +363,7 @@
+ 	    else if ((lastError != 0) || (len != 2)) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr,
+ 		    "Failed to parse char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X\n", i, j);
++		return(1);
+ 	    }
+             /*
+@@ -338,12 +373,14 @@
+ 		fprintf(stderr,
+ 	"Failed to parse char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X: expect %d got %d\n",
+ 	                i, j, ((j & 0x3F) + ((i & 0x1F) << 6)), c);
++		return(1);
+ 	    }
+         }
+     }
++	return(0);
+ }
+-static void testCharRangeByte3(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, char *data) {
++static int testCharRangeByte3(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, char *data) {
+     int i, j, k, K;
+     int len, c;
+     unsigned char lows[6] = {0, 0x80, 0x81, 0xC1, 0xFF, 0xBF};
+@@ -368,20 +405,24 @@
+ 	 * at least 4 bytes, but we give only 3 !
+ 	 */
+ 	if ((i & 0xF0) == 0xF0) {
+-	    if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR)
++	    if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr,
+ 	"Failed to detect invalid char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X\n",
+ 			i, j, K, data[3]);
++		return(1);
++		}
+ 	}
+         /*
+ 	 * The second and the third bytes must start with 10
+ 	 */
+ 	else if (((j & 0xC0) != 0x80) || ((K & 0xC0) != 0x80)) {
+-	    if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR)
++	    if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr,
+ 	"Failed to detect invalid char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X\n",
+ 			i, j, K);
++		return(1);
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+@@ -390,10 +431,12 @@
+ 	 * the 6th byte of data[1] must be set
+ 	 */
+ 	else if (((i & 0xF) == 0) && ((j & 0x20) == 0)) {
+-	    if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR)
++	    if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr,
+ 	    "Failed to detect invalid char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X\n",
+ 			i, j, K);
++		return(1);
++		}
+ 	}
+         /*
+@@ -401,10 +444,12 @@
+ 	 */
+ 	else if (((value > 0xD7FF) && (value <0xE000)) ||
+ 	         ((value > 0xFFFD) && (value <0x10000))) {
+-	    if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR)
++	    if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr,
+ 	"Failed to detect invalid char 0x%04X for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X\n",
+ 			value, i, j, K);
++		return(1);
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+@@ -414,6 +459,7 @@
+ 	    fprintf(stderr,
+ 		"Failed to parse char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X\n",
+ 		    i, j, K);
++		return(1);
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+@@ -423,13 +469,15 @@
+ 	    fprintf(stderr,
+     "Failed to parse char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X: expect %d got %d\n",
+ 		i, j, data[2], value, c);
++		return(1);
+ 	}
+     }
+     }
+     }
++	return(0);
+ }
+-static void testCharRangeByte4(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, char *data) {
++static int testCharRangeByte4(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, char *data) {
+     int i, j, k, K, l, L;
+     int len, c;
+     unsigned char lows[6] = {0, 0x80, 0x81, 0xC1, 0xFF, 0xBF};
+@@ -458,10 +506,12 @@
+ 	 * at least 5 bytes, but we give only 4 !
+ 	 */
+ 	if ((i & 0xF8) == 0xF8) {
+-	    if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR)
++	    if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr,
+   "Failed to detect invalid char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X\n",
+ 			i, j, K, data[3]);
++		return(1);
++		}
+ 	}
+         /*
+@@ -469,10 +519,12 @@
+ 	 */
+ 	else if (((j & 0xC0) != 0x80) || ((K & 0xC0) != 0x80) ||
+ 	         ((L & 0xC0) != 0x80)) {
+-	    if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR)
++	    if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr,
+ 	"Failed to detect invalid char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X\n",
+ 			i, j, K, L);
++		return(1);
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+@@ -481,10 +533,12 @@
+ 	 * the 6 or 5th byte of j must be set
+ 	 */
+ 	else if (((i & 0x7) == 0) && ((j & 0x30) == 0)) {
+-	    if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR)
++	    if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr,
+ 	"Failed to detect invalid char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X\n",
+ 			i, j, K, L);
++		return(1);
++		}
+ 	}
+         /*
+@@ -493,10 +547,12 @@
+ 	else if (((value > 0xD7FF) && (value <0xE000)) ||
+ 	         ((value > 0xFFFD) && (value <0x10000)) ||
+ 		 (value > 0x10FFFF)) {
+-	    if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR)
++	    if (lastError != XML_ERR_INVALID_CHAR) {
+ 		fprintf(stderr,
+ "Failed to detect invalid char 0x%04X for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X\n",
+ 			value, i, j, K, L);
++		return(1);
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+@@ -506,6 +562,7 @@
+ 	    fprintf(stderr,
+ 		"Failed to parse char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X\n",
+ 		    i, j, K);
++		return(1);
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+@@ -515,11 +572,13 @@
+ 	    fprintf(stderr,
+     "Failed to parse char for Bytes 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X: expect %d got %d\n",
+ 		i, j, data[2], value, c);
++		return(1);
+ 	}
+     }
+     }
+     }
+     }
++	return(0);
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -530,11 +589,12 @@
+  * cover the full range of UTF-8 chars accepted by XML-1.0
+  */
+-static void testCharRanges(void) {
++static int testCharRanges(void) {
+     char data[5];
+     xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt;
+     xmlParserInputBufferPtr buf;
+     xmlParserInputPtr input;
++    int test_ret = 0;
+     memset(data, 0, 5);
+@@ -545,17 +605,19 @@
+     ctxt = xmlNewParserCtxt();
+     if (ctxt == NULL) {
+         fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate parser context\n");
+-	return;
++	return(1);
+     }
+     buf = xmlParserInputBufferCreateStatic(data, sizeof(data),
+                                            XML_CHAR_ENCODING_NONE);
+     if (buf == NULL) {
+         fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate input buffer\n");
++        test_ret = 1;
+ 	goto error;
+     }
+     input = xmlNewInputStream(ctxt);
+     if (input == NULL) {
+         xmlFreeParserInputBuffer(buf);
++        test_ret = 1;
+ 	goto error;
+     }
+     input->filename = NULL;
+@@ -567,25 +629,28 @@
+     printf("testing char range: 1");
+     fflush(stdout);
+-    testCharRangeByte1(ctxt, data);
++    test_ret += testCharRangeByte1(ctxt, data);
+     printf(" 2");
+     fflush(stdout);
+-    testCharRangeByte2(ctxt, data);
++    test_ret += testCharRangeByte2(ctxt, data);
+     printf(" 3");
+     fflush(stdout);
+-    testCharRangeByte3(ctxt, data);
++    test_ret += testCharRangeByte3(ctxt, data);
+     printf(" 4");
+     fflush(stdout);
+-    testCharRangeByte4(ctxt, data);
++    test_ret += testCharRangeByte4(ctxt, data);
+     printf(" done\n");
+     fflush(stdout);
+ error:
+     xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt);
++    return(test_ret);
+ }
+ int main(void) {
++    int ret = 0;
+     /*
+      * this initialize the library and check potential ABI mismatches
+      * between the version it was compiled for and the actual shared
+@@ -602,8 +667,9 @@
+     /*
+      * Run the tests
+      */
+-    testCharRanges();
+-    testDocumentRanges();
++    ret += testCharRanges();
++    ret += testDocumentRanges();
++    printf("%s: testchar\n\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
+     /*
+      * Cleanup function for the XML library.
+diff -uNr a/testdict.c b/testdict.c
+--- a/testdict.c	2013-04-16 15:08:42.971177193 +0200
++++ b/testdict.c	2013-04-18 15:59:00.699482439 +0200
+@@ -440,5 +440,6 @@
+     clean_strings();
+     xmlCleanupParser();
+     xmlMemoryDump();
++    printf("%s: testdict\n\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
+     return(ret);
+ }
+diff -uNr a/testlimits.c b/testlimits.c
+--- a/testlimits.c	2013-04-12 16:16:36.180354177 +0200
++++ b/testlimits.c	2013-04-17 14:03:17.203092987 +0200
+@@ -1630,5 +1630,6 @@
+     xmlCleanupParser();
+     xmlMemoryDump();
++    printf("%s: testlimits\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
+     return(ret);
+ }
+diff -uNr a/testrecurse.c b/testrecurse.c
+--- a/testrecurse.c	2013-04-16 13:19:49.366536295 +0200
++++ b/testrecurse.c	2013-04-17 14:06:27.367091622 +0200
+@@ -892,6 +892,7 @@
+ 	    err++;
+ 	}
+     }
++    printf("%s: %s\n", (err == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL", tst->desc);
+     return(err);
+ }
+@@ -961,5 +962,6 @@
+     xmlCleanupParser();
+     xmlMemoryDump();
++    printf("%s: testrecurse\n\n", (ret == 0) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
+     return(ret);
+ }
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2_2.9.2.bb b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2_2.9.2.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79a395c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2_2.9.2.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+require libxml2.inc
+SRC_URI += "http://www.w3.org/XML/Test/xmlts20080827.tar.gz;name=testtar \
+            file://72a46a519ce7326d9a00f0b6a7f2a8e958cd1675.patch \
+	    file://0001-threads-Define-pthread-definitions-for-glibc-complia.patch \
+	   "
+SRC_URI[libtar.md5sum] = "9e6a9aca9d155737868b3dc5fd82f788"
+SRC_URI[libtar.sha256sum] = "5178c30b151d044aefb1b08bf54c3003a0ac55c59c866763997529d60770d5bc"
+SRC_URI[testtar.md5sum] = "ae3d1ebe000a3972afa104ca7f0e1b4a"
+SRC_URI[testtar.sha256sum] = "96151685cec997e1f9f3387e3626d61e6284d4d6e66e0e440c209286c03e9cc7"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/meta/buildtools-tarball.bb b/meta/recipes-core/meta/buildtools-tarball.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..840434c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/meta/buildtools-tarball.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "SDK type target for building a standalone tarball containing python, chrpath, make, git and tar. The \
+               tarball can be used to run bitbake builds on systems which don't meet the usual version requirements."
+SUMMARY = "Standalone tarball for running builds on systems with inadequate software"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/LICENSE;md5=4d92cd373abda3937c2bc47fbc49d690 \
+                    file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
+    nativesdk-python-core \
+    nativesdk-python-modules \
+    nativesdk-python-misc \
+    nativesdk-python-git \
+    nativesdk-python-pexpect \
+    nativesdk-ncurses-terminfo-base \
+    nativesdk-chrpath \
+    nativesdk-tar \
+    nativesdk-buildtools-perl-dummy \
+    nativesdk-git \
+    nativesdk-git-perltools \
+    nativesdk-pigz \
+    nativesdk-make \
+    nativesdk-wget \
+    nativesdk-ca-certificates \
+    "
+SDK_PACKAGE_ARCHS =+ "buildtools-dummy-${SDKPKGSUFFIX}"
+TOOLCHAIN_OUTPUTNAME ?= "${SDK_NAME}-buildtools-nativesdk-standalone-${DISTRO_VERSION}"
+SDK_TITLE = "Build tools"
+inherit meta
+inherit populate_sdk
+inherit toolchain-scripts
+create_sdk_files_append () {
+	rm -f ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}/site-config-*
+	rm -f ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}/environment-setup-*
+	rm -f ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}/version-*
+	# Generate new (mini) sdk-environment-setup file
+	script=${1:-${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}/environment-setup-${SDK_SYS}}
+	touch $script
+	echo 'export PATH=${SDKPATHNATIVE}${bindir_nativesdk}:$PATH' >> $script
+	# In order for the self-extraction script to correctly extract and set up things,
+	# we need a 'OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT=xxx' line in environment setup script.
+	# However, buildtools-tarball is inherently a tool set instead of a fully functional SDK,
+	# so instead of exporting the variable, we use a comment here.
+	toolchain_create_sdk_version ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}/version-${SDK_SYS}
+	echo 'export GIT_SSL_CAINFO="${SDKPATHNATIVE}${sysconfdir}/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"' >>$script
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/meta/meta-environment-extsdk.bb b/meta/recipes-core/meta/meta-environment-extsdk.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9e5961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/meta/meta-environment-extsdk.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# meta-environment for extensible SDK
+require meta-environment.bb
+PN = "meta-environment-extsdk-${MACHINE}"
+create_sdk_files_append() {
+	local sysroot=${SDKPATH}/${@os.path.relpath(d.getVar('STAGING_DIR_TARGET', True), d.getVar('TOPDIR', True))}
+	local sdkpathnative=${SDKPATH}/${@os.path.relpath(d.getVar('STAGING_DIR_NATIVE',True), d.getVar('TOPDIR', True))}
+	toolchain_create_sdk_env_script '' '' $sysroot '' ${bindir_native} ${prefix_native} $sdkpathnative
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/meta/meta-environment.bb b/meta/recipes-core/meta/meta-environment.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49d45f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/meta/meta-environment.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+SUMMARY = "Package of environment files for SDK"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/LICENSE;md5=4d92cd373abda3937c2bc47fbc49d690 \
+                    file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
+PR = "r8"
+inherit toolchain-scripts
+SDK_DIR = "${WORKDIR}/sdk"
+SDK_OUTPUT = "${SDK_DIR}/image"
+inherit cross-canadian
+do_generate_content[cleandirs] = "${SDK_OUTPUT}"
+do_generate_content[dirs] = "${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}"
+python do_generate_content() {
+    # Handle multilibs in the SDK environment, siteconfig, etc files...
+    localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d)
+    # make sure we only use the WORKDIR value from 'd', or it can change
+    localdata.setVar('WORKDIR', d.getVar('WORKDIR', True))
+    # make sure we only use the SDKTARGETSYSROOT value from 'd'
+    localdata.setVar('SDKTARGETSYSROOT', d.getVar('SDKTARGETSYSROOT', True))
+    localdata.setVar('libdir', d.getVar('target_libdir', False))
+    # Process DEFAULTTUNE
+    bb.build.exec_func("create_sdk_files", localdata)
+    variants = d.getVar("MULTILIB_VARIANTS", True) or ""
+    for item in variants.split():
+        # Load overrides from 'd' to avoid having to reset the value...
+        overrides = d.getVar("OVERRIDES", False) + ":virtclass-multilib-" + item
+        localdata.setVar("OVERRIDES", overrides)
+        localdata.setVar("MLPREFIX", item + "-")
+        bb.data.update_data(localdata)
+        bb.build.exec_func("create_sdk_files", localdata)
+addtask generate_content before do_install after do_compile
+create_sdk_files() {
+	# Setup site file for external use
+	toolchain_create_sdk_siteconfig ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}/site-config-${REAL_MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS}
+	toolchain_create_sdk_env_script ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}/environment-setup-${REAL_MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS}
+	# Add version information
+	toolchain_create_sdk_version ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}/version-${REAL_MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS}
+do_install() {
+    install -d ${D}/${SDKPATH}
+    install -m 0644 -t ${D}/${SDKPATH} ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}/*
+PN = "meta-environment-${MACHINE}"
+FILES_${PN}= " \
+    ${SDKPATH}/* \
+    "
+do_fetch[noexec] = "1"
+do_unpack[noexec] = "1"
+do_patch[noexec] = "1"
+do_configure[noexec] = "1"
+do_compile[noexec] = "1"
+do_populate_sysroot[noexec] = "1"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/meta/meta-ide-support.bb b/meta/recipes-core/meta/meta-ide-support.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f92912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/meta/meta-ide-support.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+SUMMARY = "Integrated Development Environment support"
+DESCRIPTION = "Meta package for ensuring the build directory contains all appropriate toolchain packages for using an IDE"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/LICENSE;md5=4d92cd373abda3937c2bc47fbc49d690 \
+                    file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
+DEPENDS = "virtual/libc gdb-cross-${TARGET_ARCH} qemu-native qemu-helper-native unfs3-native"
+PR = "r3"
+inherit meta toolchain-scripts
+do_populate_ide_support () {
+  toolchain_create_tree_env_script
+do_populate_ide_support[nostamp] = "1"
+addtask populate_ide_support before do_build after do_install
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/meta/meta-toolchain.bb b/meta/recipes-core/meta/meta-toolchain.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba9fd88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/meta/meta-toolchain.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+SUMMARY = "Meta package for building a installable toolchain"
+PR = "r7"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/LICENSE;md5=4d92cd373abda3937c2bc47fbc49d690 \
+                    file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
+inherit populate_sdk
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/meta/nativesdk-buildtools-perl-dummy.bb b/meta/recipes-core/meta/nativesdk-buildtools-perl-dummy.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d971c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/meta/nativesdk-buildtools-perl-dummy.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+SUMMARY = "Dummy package which ensures perl is excluded from buildtools"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302"
+inherit nativesdk
+# Put it somewhere separate to ensure it's never used except when we want it
+PACKAGE_ARCH = "buildtools-dummy-${SDKPKGSUFFIX}"
+PERLPACKAGES = "nativesdk-perl \
+                nativesdk-perl-module-file-path"
+ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN} = "1"
+python populate_packages_prepend() {
+    d.appendVar('RPROVIDES_${PN}', '${PERLPACKAGES}')
+    d.appendVar('RCONFLICTS_${PN}', '${PERLPACKAGES}')
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/meta/package-index.bb b/meta/recipes-core/meta/package-index.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c46b49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/meta/package-index.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+SUMMARY = "Rebuilds the package index"
+do_fetch[noexec] = "1"
+do_unpack[noexec] = "1"
+do_patch[noexec] = "1"
+do_configure[noexec] = "1"
+do_compile[noexec] = "1"
+do_install[noexec] = "1"
+do_package[noexec] = "1"
+do_packagedata[noexec] = "1"
+do_package_write_ipk[noexec] = "1"
+do_package_write_rpm[noexec] = "1"
+do_package_write_deb[noexec] = "1"
+do_populate_sysroot[noexec] = "1"
+do_package_index[nostamp] = "1"
+do_package_index[depends] += "${PACKAGEINDEXDEPS}"
+python do_package_index() {
+    from oe.rootfs import generate_index_files
+    generate_index_files(d)
+addtask do_package_index before do_build
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/meta/uninative-tarball.bb b/meta/recipes-core/meta/uninative-tarball.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41f7927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/meta/uninative-tarball.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+SUMMARY = "libc and patchelf tarball for use with uninative.bbclass"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/LICENSE;md5=4d92cd373abda3937c2bc47fbc49d690 \
+                    file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
+    nativesdk-glibc \
+    nativesdk-patchelf \
+    "
+inherit meta
+inherit populate_sdk
+deltask install
+deltask package
+deltask packagedata
+SDK_DEPENDS += "patchelf-native"
+fakeroot create_sdk_files() {
+	cp ${COREBASE}/scripts/relocate_sdk.py ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}/
+	# Replace the ##DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR## with the correct pattern.
+	# Escape special characters like '+' and '.' in the SDKPATH
+	escaped_sdkpath=$(echo ${SDKPATH}/sysroots/${SDK_SYS} |sed -e "s:[\+\.]:\\\\\\\\\0:g")
+	sed -i -e "s:##DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR##:$escaped_sdkpath:" ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}/relocate_sdk.py
+fakeroot tar_sdk() {
+	mkdir -p ${SDK_DEPLOY}
+	mv sysroots/${SDK_SYS} ./${BUILD_SYS}
+	rm sysroots -rf
+	patchelf --set-interpreter ${@''.join('a' for n in xrange(1024))} ./${BUILD_SYS}/usr/bin/patchelf
+	mv ./${BUILD_SYS}/usr/bin/patchelf ./${BUILD_SYS}/usr/bin/patchelf-uninative
+	tar ${SDKTAROPTS} -c -j --file=${SDK_DEPLOY}/${TOOLCHAIN_OUTPUTNAME}.tar.bz2 .
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/ncurses/ncurses-5.9/config.cache b/meta/recipes-core/ncurses/ncurses-5.9/config.cache
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a9217d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/ncurses/ncurses-5.9/config.cache
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#! /bin/sh
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/ncurses/ncurses-5.9/tic-hang.patch b/meta/recipes-core/ncurses/ncurses-5.9/tic-hang.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cba89d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/ncurses/ncurses-5.9/tic-hang.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+'tic' of some linux distributions (e.g. fedora 11) hang in an infinite
+loop when processing the original file.
+Index: ncurses-5.7/misc/terminfo.src
+--- ncurses-5.7.orig/misc/terminfo.src
++++ ncurses-5.7/misc/terminfo.src
+@@ -3706,12 +3706,11 @@ konsole-xf3x|KDE console window with key
+ # The value for kbs reflects local customization rather than the settings used
+ # for XFree86 xterm.
+ konsole-xf4x|KDE console window with keyboard for XFree86 4.x xterm,
+-	kend=\EOF, khome=\EOH, use=konsole+pcfkeys,
+-	use=konsole-vt100,
+-# Konsole does not implement shifted cursor-keys.
+-konsole+pcfkeys|konsole subset of xterm+pcfkeys,
+-	kLFT@, kRIT@, kcbt=\E[Z, kind@, kri@, kDN@, kUP@, use=xterm+pcc2,
+-	use=xterm+pcf0,
++	kend=\EOF, kf1=\EOP, kf13=\EO2P, kf14=\EO2Q, kf15=\EO2R,
++	kf16=\EO2S, kf17=\E[15;2~, kf18=\E[17;2~, kf19=\E[18;2~,
++	kf2=\EOQ, kf20=\E[19;2~, kf21=\E[20;2~, kf22=\E[21;2~,
++	kf23=\E[23;2~, kf24=\E[24;2~, kf3=\EOR, kf4=\EOS,
++	khome=\EOH, use=konsole-vt100,
+ # KDE's "vt100" keyboard has no relationship to any terminal that DEC made, but
+ # it is still useful for deriving the other entries.
+ konsole-vt100|KDE console window with vt100 (sic) keyboard,
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/ncurses/ncurses.inc b/meta/recipes-core/ncurses/ncurses.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffd80ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/ncurses/ncurses.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+SUMMARY = "The New Curses library"
+DESCRIPTION = "SVr4 and XSI-Curses compatible curses library and terminfo tools including tic, infocmp, captoinfo. Supports color, multiple highlights, forms-drawing characters, and automatic recognition of keypad and function-key sequences. Extensions include resizable windows and mouse support on both xterm and Linux console using the gpm library."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.gnu.org/software/ncurses/ncurses.html"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://ncurses/base/version.c;beginline=1;endline=27;md5=cbc180a8c44ca642e97c35452fab5f66"
+SECTION = "libs"
+DEPENDS = "ncurses-native"
+DEPENDS_class-native = ""
+INC_PR = "r15"
+BINCONFIG = "${bindir}/ncurses-config"
+inherit autotools binconfig-disabled multilib_header pkgconfig
+# Upstream has useful patches at times at ftp://invisible-island.net/ncurses/
+SRC_URI = "ftp://invisible-island.net/${BPN}/current/${BP}-${REVISION}.tgz"
+CONFIG_SITE =+ "${WORKDIR}/config.cache"
+# Whether to enable separate widec libraries; must be 'true' or 'false'
+# TODO: remove this variable when widec is supported in every setup?
+ENABLE_WIDEC ?= "true"
+# _GNU_SOURCE is required for widec stuff and is detected automatically
+# for target objects.  But it must be set manually for native and sdk
+# builds.
+# natives don't generally look in base_libdir
+base_libdir_class-native = "${libdir}"
+# Display corruption occurs on 64 bit hosts without these settings
+# This was derrived from the upstream debian ncurses which uses
+# these settings for 32 and 64 bit hosts.
+EXCONFIG_ARGS_class-native = " \
+		--disable-lp64 \
+		--with-chtype='long' \
+		--with-mmask-t='long'"
+EXCONFIG_ARGS_class-nativesdk = " \
+		--disable-lp64 \
+		--with-chtype='long' \
+		--with-mmask-t='long'"
+PACKAGES_DYNAMIC = "^${PN}-lib.*"
+# Fall back to the host termcap / terminfo for -nativesdk and -native
+# The reality is a work around for strange problems with things like
+# "bitbake -c menuconfig busybox" where it cannot find the terminfo
+# because the sstate had a hard coded search path.  Until this is fixed
+# another way this is deemed good enough.
+EX_TERMCAP_class-native = ":/etc/termcap:/usr/share/misc/termcap"
+EX_TERMCAP_class-nativesdk = ":/etc/termcap:/usr/share/misc/termcap"
+EX_TERMINFO_class-native = ":/etc/terminfo:/usr/share/terminfo:/usr/share/misc/terminfo:/lib/terminfo"
+EX_TERMINFO_class-nativesdk = ":/etc/terminfo:/usr/share/terminfo:/usr/share/misc/terminfo:/lib/terminfo"
+# Helper function for do_configure to allow multiple configurations
+# $1 the directory to run configure in
+# $@ the arguments to pass to configure
+ncurses_configure() {
+	mkdir -p $1
+	cd $1
+	shift
+	oe_runconf \
+	        --disable-static \
+	        --without-debug \
+	        --without-ada \
+	        --without-gpm \
+	        --enable-hard-tabs \
+	        --enable-xmc-glitch \
+	        --enable-colorfgbg \
+	        --with-termpath='${sysconfdir}/termcap:${datadir}/misc/termcap${EX_TERMCAP}' \
+	        --with-terminfo-dirs='${sysconfdir}/terminfo:${datadir}/terminfo${EX_TERMINFO}' \
+	        --with-shared \
+	        --disable-big-core \
+	        --program-prefix= \
+	        --with-ticlib \
+	        --with-termlib=tinfo \
+	        --enable-sigwinch \
+	        --enable-pc-files \
+	        --disable-rpath-hack \
+	        --with-manpage-format=normal \
+	        "$@" || return 1
+	cd ..
+# Override the function from the autotools class; ncurses requires a
+# patched autoconf213 to generate the configure script. This autoconf
+# is not available so that the shipped script will be used.
+do_configure() {
+        # check does not work with cross-compiling and is generally
+        # broken because it requires stdin to be pollable (which is
+        # not the case for /dev/null redirections)
+        export cf_cv_working_poll=yes
+	#Remove ${includedir} from CPPFLAGS, need for cross compile
+	sed -i 's#-I${cf_includedir}##g' ${S}/configure || die "sed CPPFLAGS"
+	# The --enable-pc-files requires PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR existed
+	mkdir -p ${PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR}
+	( cd ${S}; gnu-configize --force )
+	ncurses_configure "narrowc" || \
+		return 1
+	! ${ENABLE_WIDEC} || \
+		ncurses_configure "widec" "--enable-widec" "--without-progs"
+do_compile() {
+        oe_runmake -C narrowc libs
+        oe_runmake -C narrowc/progs
+        ! ${ENABLE_WIDEC} || \
+            oe_runmake -C widec libs
+# set of expected differences between narrowc and widec header
+# TODO: the NCURSES_CH_T difference can cause real problems :(
+_unifdef_cleanup = " \
+  -e '\!/\* \$Id: curses.wide,v!,\!/\* \$Id: curses.tail,v!d' \
+  -e '/^#define NCURSES_CH_T /d' \
+  -e '/^#include <wchar.h>/d' \
+  -e '\!^/\* .* \*/!d' \
+do_test[depends] = "unifdef-native:do_populate_sysroot"
+do_test[dirs] = "${S}"
+do_test() {
+        ${ENABLE_WIDEC} || return 0
+        # make sure that the narrow and widec header are compatible
+        # and differ only in minor details.
+        unifdef -k narrowc/include/curses.h | \
+            sed ${_unifdef_cleanup} > curses-narrowc.h
+        unifdef -k widec/include/curses.h | \
+            sed ${_unifdef_cleanup} > curses-widec.h
+        diff curses-narrowc.h curses-widec.h
+# Split original _install_opts to two parts.
+# One is the options to install contents, the other is the parameters \
+# when running command "make install"
+_install_opts = "\
+  install.libs install.includes install.man \
+_install_cfgs = "\
+  DESTDIR='${D}' \
+  PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR='${libdir}/pkgconfig' \
+do_install() {
+        # Order of installation is important; widec installs a 'curses.h'
+        # header with more definitions and must be installed last hence.
+        # Compatibility of these headers will be checked in 'do_test()'.
+        oe_runmake -C narrowc ${_install_cfgs} ${_install_opts} \
+                install.progs
+        # The install.data should run after install.libs, otherwise
+        # there would be a race issue in a very critical conditon, since
+        # tic will be run by install.data, and tic needs libtinfo.so
+        # which would be regenerated by install.libs.
+        oe_runmake -C narrowc ${_install_cfgs} \
+                install.data
+        ! ${ENABLE_WIDEC} || \
+            oe_runmake -C widec ${_install_cfgs} ${_install_opts}
+        cd narrowc
+        # include some basic terminfo files
+        # stolen ;) from gentoo and modified a bit
+        for x in ansi console dumb linux rxvt screen screen-256color sun vt52 vt100 vt102 vt200 vt220 xterm-color xterm-xfree86 xterm-256color
+        do
+                local termfile="$(find "${D}${datadir}/terminfo/" -name "${x}" 2>/dev/null)"
+                local basedir="$(basename $(dirname "${termfile}"))"
+                if [ -n "${termfile}" ]
+                then
+                        install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/terminfo/${basedir}
+                        mv ${termfile} ${D}${sysconfdir}/terminfo/${basedir}/
+                        ln -s /etc/terminfo/${basedir}/${x} \
+                                ${D}${datadir}/terminfo/${basedir}/${x}
+                fi
+        done
+        # i think we can use xterm-color as default xterm
+        if [ -e ${D}${sysconfdir}/terminfo/x/xterm-color ]
+        then
+                ln -sf xterm-color ${D}${sysconfdir}/terminfo/x/xterm
+        fi
+        rm -f ${D}${libdir}/terminfo
+        # create linker scripts for libcurses.so and libncurses to
+        # link against -ltinfo when needed. Some builds might break
+        # else when '-Wl,--no-copy-dt-needed-entries' has been set in
+        # linker flags.
+        for i in libncurses libncursesw; do
+                f=${D}${libdir}/$i.so
+                test -h $f || continue
+                rm -f $f
+                echo '/* GNU ld script */'  >$f
+                echo "INPUT($i.so.5 AS_NEEDED(-ltinfo))" >>$f
+        done
+        # Make sure that libcurses is linked so that it gets -ltinfo
+        # also, this should be addressed upstream really.
+        ln -sf libncurses.so ${D}${libdir}/libcurses.so
+        # create libtermcap.so linker script for backward compatibility
+        f=${D}${libdir}/libtermcap.so
+        echo '/* GNU ld script */' >$f
+        echo 'INPUT(AS_NEEDED(-ltinfo))' >>$f
+        if [ ! -d "${D}${base_libdir}" ]; then
+            # Setting base_libdir to libdir as is done in the -native
+            # case will skip this code
+            mkdir ${D}${base_libdir}
+            mv ${D}${libdir}/libncurses.so.* ${D}${base_libdir}
+            ! ${ENABLE_WIDEC} || \
+                mv ${D}${libdir}/libncursesw.so.* ${D}${base_libdir}
+            mv ${D}${libdir}/libtinfo.so.* ${D}${base_libdir}
+            rm ${D}${libdir}/libtinfo.so
+            # Use lnr to ensure this is a relative link despite absolute paths
+            # (as we can't know the relationship between base_libdir and libdir).
+            # At some point we can rely on coreutils 8.16 which has ln -r.
+            lnr ${D}${base_libdir}/libtinfo.so.5 ${D}${libdir}/libtinfo.so
+        fi
+        if [ -d "${D}${includedir}/ncurses" ]; then
+            for f in `find ${D}${includedir}/ncurses -name "*.h"`
+            do
+	        f=`basename $f`
+	        test -e ${D}${includedir}/$f && continue
+                ln -sf ncurses/$f ${D}${includedir}/$f
+            done
+        fi
+        oe_multilib_header curses.h
+python populate_packages_prepend () {
+    libdir = d.expand("${libdir}")
+    base_libdir = d.expand("${base_libdir}")
+    pnbase = d.expand("${PN}-lib%s")
+    do_split_packages(d, libdir, '^lib(.*)\.so\..*', pnbase, 'ncurses %s library', prepend=True, extra_depends = '', allow_links=True)
+    if libdir is not base_libdir:
+        do_split_packages(d, base_libdir, '^lib(.*)\.so\..*', pnbase, 'ncurses %s library', prepend=True, extra_depends = '', allow_links=True)
+inherit update-alternatives
+ALTERNATIVE_ncurses-tools_class-target = "clear reset"
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
+PACKAGES += " \
+  ${PN}-tools \
+  ${PN}-terminfo \
+  ${PN}-terminfo-base \
+FILES_${PN} = "\
+  ${bindir}/tput \
+  ${bindir}/tset \
+  ${bindir}/ncurses5-config \
+  ${bindir}/ncursesw5-config \
+  ${datadir}/tabset \
+# This keeps only tput/tset in ncurses
+# clear/reset are in already busybox
+FILES_${PN}-tools = "\
+  ${bindir}/tic \
+  ${bindir}/toe \
+  ${bindir}/infotocap \
+  ${bindir}/captoinfo \
+  ${bindir}/infocmp \
+  ${bindir}/clear${@['', '.${BPN\x7d']['${CLASSOVERRIDE}' == 'class-target']} \
+  ${bindir}/reset${@['', '.${BPN\x7d']['${CLASSOVERRIDE}' == 'class-target']} \
+  ${bindir}/tack \
+  ${bindir}/tabs \
+# 'reset' is a symlink to 'tset' which is in the 'ncurses' package
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-tools = "${PN}"
+FILES_${PN}-terminfo = "\
+  ${datadir}/terminfo \
+FILES_${PN}-terminfo-base = "\
+  ${sysconfdir}/terminfo \
+RSUGGESTS_${PN}-libtinfo = "${PN}-terminfo"
+RRECOMMENDS_${PN}-libtinfo = "${PN}-terminfo-base"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/ncurses/ncurses_5.9.bb b/meta/recipes-core/ncurses/ncurses_5.9.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54d27a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/ncurses/ncurses_5.9.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+require ncurses.inc
+REVISION = "20150329"
+PR = "${INC_PR}.1"
+SRC_URI += "file://tic-hang.patch \
+            file://config.cache \
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "cee991d09e69e60ebedef424804c52d4"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "5b64f40e4dce73e3aa83d15bd9257c6eff8790ec41150f0938bd87c0eb75828f"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/ncurses/site_config/headers b/meta/recipes-core/ncurses/site_config/headers
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..087b7bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/ncurses/site_config/headers
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/netbase/netbase/hosts b/meta/recipes-core/netbase/netbase/hosts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f33245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/netbase/netbase/hosts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+	localhost.localdomain		localhost
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/netbase/netbase/netbase-add-rpcbind-as-an-alias-to-sunrpc.patch b/meta/recipes-core/netbase/netbase/netbase-add-rpcbind-as-an-alias-to-sunrpc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35ce21e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/netbase/netbase/netbase-add-rpcbind-as-an-alias-to-sunrpc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+netbase: add rpcbind as an alias to sunrpc
+the patch comes from:
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Li Wang <li.wang@windriver.com>
+ etc-rpc      |    2 +-
+ etc-services |    4 ++--
+ 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/etc-rpc b/etc-rpc
+index 1b30625..9a9a81a 100644
+--- a/etc-rpc
++++ b/etc-rpc
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ # This file contains user readable names that can be used in place of rpc
+ # program numbers.
+-portmapper	100000	portmap sunrpc
++portmapper	100000	portmap sunrpc rpcbind
+ rstatd		100001	rstat rstat_svc rup perfmeter
+ rusersd		100002	rusers
+ nfs		100003	nfsprog
+diff --git a/etc-services b/etc-services
+index 9d64a52..a19f7c8 100644
+--- a/etc-services
++++ b/etc-services
+@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ pop2		109/tcp		postoffice pop-2 # POP version 2
+ pop2		109/udp		pop-2
+ pop3		110/tcp		pop-3		# POP version 3
+ pop3		110/udp		pop-3
+-sunrpc		111/tcp		portmapper	# RPC 4.0 portmapper
+-sunrpc		111/udp		portmapper
++sunrpc		111/tcp		portmapper rpcbind	# RPC 4.0 portmapper
++sunrpc		111/udp		portmapper rpcbind
+ auth		113/tcp		authentication tap ident
+ sftp		115/tcp
+ uucp-path	117/tcp
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/netbase/netbase_5.3.bb b/meta/recipes-core/netbase/netbase_5.3.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccd89ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/netbase/netbase_5.3.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+SUMMARY = "Basic TCP/IP networking support"
+DESCRIPTION = "This package provides the necessary infrastructure for basic TCP/IP based networking"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://packages.debian.org/netbase"
+SECTION = "base"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://debian/copyright;md5=3dd6192d306f582dee7687da3d8748ab"
+PE = "1"
+SRC_URI = "${DEBIAN_MIRROR}/main/n/netbase/netbase_${PV}.tar.xz \
+           file://netbase-add-rpcbind-as-an-alias-to-sunrpc.patch \
+           file://hosts"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "2637a27fd3de02a278d2b5be7e6558c1"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "81f6c69795044d62b8ad959cf9daf049d0545fd466c52860ad3f933b1e97b88b"
+do_install () {
+	install -d ${D}/${mandir}/man8 ${D}${sysconfdir}
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/hosts ${D}${sysconfdir}/hosts
+	install -m 0644 etc-rpc ${D}${sysconfdir}/rpc
+	install -m 0644 etc-protocols ${D}${sysconfdir}/protocols
+	install -m 0644 etc-services ${D}${sysconfdir}/services
+CONFFILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/hosts"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/os-release/os-release.bb b/meta/recipes-core/os-release/os-release.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc431d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/os-release/os-release.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+inherit allarch
+SUMMARY = "Operating system identification"
+DESCRIPTION = "The /etc/os-release file contains operating system identification data."
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
+do_fetch[noexec] = "1"
+do_unpack[noexec] = "1"
+do_patch[noexec] = "1"
+do_configure[noexec] = "1"
+#                     HOME_URL SUPPORT_URL BUG_REPORT_URL
+ID = "${DISTRO}"
+BUILD_ID[vardepsexclude] = "DATETIME"
+python do_compile () {
+    import shutil
+    with open(d.expand('${B}/os-release'), 'w') as f:
+        for field in d.getVar('OS_RELEASE_FIELDS', True).split():
+            value = d.getVar(field, True)
+            if value:
+                f.write('{0}={1}\n'.format(field, value))
+    if d.getVar('RPM_SIGN_PACKAGES', True) == '1':
+        rpm_gpg_pubkey = d.getVar('RPM_GPG_PUBKEY', True)
+        os.mkdir('${B}/rpm-gpg')
+        distro_version = self.d.getVar('DISTRO_VERSION', True) or "oe.0"
+        shutil.copy2(rpm_gpg_pubkey, d.expand('${B}/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-%s' % distro_version))
+do_compile[vardeps] += "${OS_RELEASE_FIELDS}"
+do_install () {
+    install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}
+    install -m 0644 os-release ${D}${sysconfdir}/
+    if [ -d "rpm-gpg" ]; then
+        install -d "${D}${sysconfdir}/pki"
+        cp -r "rpm-gpg" "${D}${sysconfdir}/pki/"
+    fi
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/nativesdk-packagegroup-sdk-host.bb b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/nativesdk-packagegroup-sdk-host.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c6a530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/nativesdk-packagegroup-sdk-host.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 OpenedHand Ltd
+SUMMARY = "Host packages for the standalone SDK or external toolchain"
+PR = "r12"
+inherit packagegroup nativesdk
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "\
+    nativesdk-pkgconfig \
+    nativesdk-qemu \
+    nativesdk-qemu-helper \
+    nativesdk-pseudo \
+    nativesdk-unfs3 \
+    nativesdk-opkg \
+    nativesdk-libtool \
+    nativesdk-autoconf \
+    nativesdk-automake \
+    nativesdk-shadow \
+    nativesdk-makedevs \
+    nativesdk-smartpm \
+    nativesdk-postinst-intercept \
+    "
+RDEPENDS_${PN}_darwin = "\
+    nativesdk-pkgconfig \
+    nativesdk-opkg \
+    nativesdk-libtool \
+    "
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-base.bb b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-base.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e40b28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-base.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+SUMMARY = "Merge machine and distro options to create a basic machine task/package"
+PR = "r83"
+# packages which content depend on MACHINE_FEATURES need to be MACHINE_ARCH
+inherit packagegroup
+inherit bluetooth
+            packagegroup-base \
+            packagegroup-base-extended \
+            packagegroup-distro-base \
+            packagegroup-machine-base \
+            \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "acpi", "packagegroup-base-acpi", "",d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "alsa", "packagegroup-base-alsa", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "apm", "packagegroup-base-apm", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "ext2", "packagegroup-base-ext2", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "vfat", "packagegroup-base-vfat", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "irda", "packagegroup-base-irda", "",d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "keyboard", "packagegroup-base-keyboard", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "pci", "packagegroup-base-pci", "",d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "pcmcia", "packagegroup-base-pcmcia", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "phone", "packagegroup-base-phone", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "serial", "packagegroup-base-serial", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "usbgadget", "packagegroup-base-usbgadget", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "usbhost", "packagegroup-base-usbhost", "", d)} \
+            \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "bluetooth", "packagegroup-base-bluetooth", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "wifi", "packagegroup-base-wifi", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "3g", "packagegroup-base-3g", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "nfc", "packagegroup-base-nfc", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "cramfs", "packagegroup-base-cramfs", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "ipsec", "packagegroup-base-ipsec", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "ipv6", "packagegroup-base-ipv6", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "nfs", "packagegroup-base-nfs", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "ppp", "packagegroup-base-ppp", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "smbfs", "packagegroup-base-smbfs", "", d)} \
+            ${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "zeroconf", "packagegroup-base-zeroconf", "", d)} \
+            \
+            '
+# Override by distro if needed
+VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_keymaps ?= "keymaps"
+# packagegroup-base contain stuff needed for base system (machine related)
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base = "\
+    packagegroup-distro-base \
+    packagegroup-machine-base \
+    \
+    sysfsutils \
+    module-init-tools \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('MACHINE_FEATURES', 'apm', 'packagegroup-base-apm', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('MACHINE_FEATURES', 'acpi', 'packagegroup-base-acpi', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('MACHINE_FEATURES', 'keyboard', 'packagegroup-base-keyboard', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('MACHINE_FEATURES', 'phone', 'packagegroup-base-phone', '',d)} \
+    \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'alsa', 'packagegroup-base-alsa', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'ext2', 'packagegroup-base-ext2', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'vfat', 'packagegroup-base-vfat', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'irda', 'packagegroup-base-irda', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'pci', 'packagegroup-base-pci', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'pcmcia', 'packagegroup-base-pcmcia', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'usbgadget', 'packagegroup-base-usbgadget', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'usbhost', 'packagegroup-base-usbhost', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'bluetooth', 'packagegroup-base-bluetooth', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'wifi', 'packagegroup-base-wifi', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', '3g', 'packagegroup-base-3g', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'nfc', 'packagegroup-base-nfc', '',d)} \
+    \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'nfs', 'packagegroup-base-nfs', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'cramfs', 'packagegroup-base-cramfs', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'smbfs', 'packagegroup-base-smbfs', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ipv6', 'packagegroup-base-ipv6', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ipsec', 'packagegroup-base-ipsec', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ppp', 'packagegroup-base-ppp', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'zeroconf', 'packagegroup-base-zeroconf', '',d)} \
+    "
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-base = "\
+    kernel-module-nls-utf8 \
+    kernel-module-input \
+    kernel-module-uinput \
+    kernel-module-rtc-dev \
+    kernel-module-rtc-proc \
+    kernel-module-rtc-sysfs \
+    kernel-module-unix"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-extended = "\
+    packagegroup-base \
+    ${ADD_WIFI} \
+    ${ADD_BT} \
+    ${ADD_3G} \
+    ${ADD_NFC} \
+    "
+ADD_WIFI = ""
+ADD_BT = ""
+ADD_3G = ""
+ADD_NFC = ""
+python __anonymous () {
+    # If Distro want wifi and machine feature wifi/pci/pcmcia/usbhost (one of them)
+    # then include packagegroup-base-wifi in packagegroup-base
+    distro_features = set(d.getVar("DISTRO_FEATURES", True).split())
+    machine_features= set(d.getVar("MACHINE_FEATURES", True).split())
+    if "bluetooth" in distro_features and not "bluetooth" in machine_features and ("pcmcia" in machine_features or "pci" in machine_features or "usbhost" in machine_features):
+        d.setVar("ADD_BT", "packagegroup-base-bluetooth")
+    if "wifi" in distro_features and not "wifi" in machine_features and ("pcmcia" in machine_features or "pci" in machine_features or "usbhost" in machine_features):
+        d.setVar("ADD_WIFI", "packagegroup-base-wifi")
+    if "3g" in distro_features and not "3g" in machine_features and ("pcmcia" in machine_features or "pci" in machine_features or "usbhost" in machine_features):
+        d.setVar("ADD_3G", "packagegroup-base-3g")
+    if "nfc" in distro_features and not "nfc" in machine_features and ("usbhost" in machine_features):
+        d.setVar("ADD_NFC", "packagegroup-base-nfc")
+# packages added by distribution
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-distro-base = "${DISTRO} extras"
+DEPENDS_packagegroup-distro-base = "${DISTRO_EXTRA_DEPENDS}"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-distro-base = "${DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS}"
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-distro-base = "${DISTRO_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS}"
+# packages added by machine config
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-machine-base = "${MACHINE} extras"
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-machine-base = "Extra packages required to fully support ${MACHINE} hardware"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-machine-base = "${MACHINE_EXTRA_RDEPENDS}"
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-machine-base = "${MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS}"
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-keyboard = "Keyboard support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-keyboard = "\
+    ${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_keymaps}"
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-pci = "PCI bus support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-pci = "\
+    pciutils"
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-acpi = "ACPI support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-acpi = "\
+    acpid \
+    libacpi "
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-apm = "APM support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-apm = "\
+    ${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_apm} \
+    apmd"
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-ext2 = "ext2 filesystem support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-ext2 = "\
+    hdparm \
+    e2fsprogs \
+    e2fsprogs-e2fsck \
+    e2fsprogs-mke2fs"
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-vfat = "FAT filesystem support"
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-base-vfat = "\
+    kernel-module-msdos \
+    kernel-module-vfat \
+    kernel-module-nls-iso8859-1 \
+    kernel-module-nls-cp437 \
+    dosfstools"
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-alsa = "ALSA sound support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-alsa = "\
+    alsa-utils-alsactl \
+    alsa-utils-alsamixer \
+    ${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_alsa-state}"
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-base-alsa = "\
+    kernel-module-snd-mixer-oss \
+    kernel-module-snd-pcm-oss"
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-pcmcia = "PC card slot support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-pcmcia = "\
+    pcmciautils \
+    "
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-base-pcmcia = "\
+    kernel-module-pcmcia \
+    kernel-module-airo-cs \
+    kernel-module-pcnet-cs \
+    kernel-module-serial-cs \
+    kernel-module-ide-cs \
+    kernel-module-ide-disk \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'wifi', 'kernel-module-hostap-cs', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'wifi', 'kernel-module-orinoco-cs', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'wifi', 'kernel-module-spectrum-cs', '',d)}"
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-bluetooth = "Bluetooth support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-bluetooth = "\
+    ${BLUEZ} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'alsa', 'libasound-module-bluez', '',d)} \
+    "
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-base-bluetooth = "\
+    kernel-module-bluetooth \
+    kernel-module-l2cap \
+    kernel-module-rfcomm \
+    kernel-module-hci-vhci \
+    kernel-module-bnep \
+    kernel-module-hidp \
+    kernel-module-hci-uart \
+    kernel-module-sco \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'usbhost', 'kernel-module-hci-usb', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'pcmcia', 'kernel-module-bluetooth3c-cs', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'pcmcia', 'kernel-module-bluecard-cs', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'pcmcia', 'kernel-module-bluetoothuart-cs', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'pcmcia', 'kernel-module-dtl1-cs', '',d)} \
+    "
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-irda = "IrDA support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-irda = "\
+    irda-utils"
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-base-irda = "\
+    kernel-module-pxaficp-ir \
+    kernel-module-irda \
+    kernel-module-ircomm \
+    kernel-module-ircomm-tty \
+    kernel-module-irlan \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ppp', 'kernel-module-irnet', '',d)} \
+    kernel-module-irport \
+    kernel-module-irtty \
+    kernel-module-irtty-sir \
+    kernel-module-sir-dev \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'usbhost', 'kernel-module-ir-usb', '',d)} "
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-usbgadget = "USB gadget support"
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-base-usbgadget = "\
+    kernel-module-pxa27x_udc \
+    kernel-module-gadgetfs \
+    kernel-module-g-file-storage \
+    kernel-module-g-serial \
+    kernel-module-g-ether"
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-usbhost = "USB host support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-usbhost = "\
+    usbutils "
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-base-usbhost = "\
+    kernel-module-uhci-hcd \
+    kernel-module-ohci-hcd \
+    kernel-module-ehci-hcd \
+    kernel-module-usbcore \
+    kernel-module-usbhid \
+    kernel-module-usbnet \
+    kernel-module-sd-mod \
+    kernel-module-scsi-mod \
+    kernel-module-usbmouse \
+    kernel-module-mousedev \
+    kernel-module-usbserial \
+    kernel-module-usb-storage "
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-ppp = "PPP dial-up protocol support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-ppp = "\
+    ppp \
+    ppp-dialin"
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-base-ppp = "\
+    kernel-module-ppp-async \
+    kernel-module-ppp-deflate \
+    kernel-module-ppp-generic \
+    kernel-module-ppp-mppe \
+    kernel-module-slhc"
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-ipsec = "IPSEC support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-ipsec = "\
+    "
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-base-ipsec = "\
+    kernel-module-ipsec"
+# packagegroup-base-wifi contain everything needed to get WiFi working
+# WEP/WPA connection needs to be supported out-of-box
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-wifi = "WiFi support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-wifi = "\
+    ${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_wireless-tools} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'pcmcia', 'hostap-utils', '',d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'pci', 'hostap-utils', '',d)} \
+    wpa-supplicant"
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-base-wifi = "\
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('COMBINED_FEATURES', 'usbhost', 'kernel-module-zd1211rw', '',d)} \
+    kernel-module-ieee80211-crypt \
+    kernel-module-ieee80211-crypt-ccmp \
+    kernel-module-ieee80211-crypt-tkip \
+    kernel-module-ieee80211-crypt-wep \
+    kernel-module-ecb \
+    kernel-module-arc4 \
+    kernel-module-crypto_algapi \
+    kernel-module-cryptomgr \
+    kernel-module-michael-mic \
+    kernel-module-aes-generic \
+    kernel-module-aes"
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-nfc = "Near Field Communication support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-nfc = "\
+    neard"
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-base-nfc = "\
+    kernel-module-nfc"
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-3g = "Cellular data support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-3g = "\
+    ofono"
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-base-3g = "\
+    kernel-module-cdc-acm \
+    kernel-module-cdc-wdm"
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-smbfs = "SMB network filesystem support"
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-base-smbfs = "\
+    kernel-module-cifs \
+    kernel-module-smbfs"
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-cramfs = "cramfs filesystem support"
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-base-cramfs = "\
+    kernel-module-cramfs"
+# packagegroup-base-nfs provides ONLY client support - server is in nfs-utils package
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-nfs = "NFS network filesystem support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-nfs = "\
+    rpcbind"
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-base-nfs = "\
+    kernel-module-nfs "
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-zeroconf = "Zeroconf support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-zeroconf = "\
+    avahi-daemon"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-zeroconf_append_libc-glibc = "\
+    libnss-mdns \
+    "
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-ipv6 = "IPv6 support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-ipv6 = "\
+    "
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-base-ipv6 = "\
+    kernel-module-ipv6 "
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-serial = "Serial port support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-serial = "\
+    setserial \
+    lrzsz "
+SUMMARY_packagegroup-base-phone = "Cellular telephony (voice) support"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-base-phone = "\
+    ofono"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-boot.bb b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-boot.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09f5373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-boot.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 OpenedHand Ltd.
+SUMMARY = "Minimal boot requirements"
+DESCRIPTION = "The minimal set of packages required to boot the system"
+PR = "r17"
+inherit packagegroup
+# Set by the machine configuration with packages essential for device bootup
+# Distro can override the following VIRTUAL-RUNTIME providers:
+VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_dev_manager ?= "udev"
+VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_login_manager ?= "busybox"
+VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_init_manager ?= "sysvinit"
+VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_initscripts ?= "initscripts"
+VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_keymaps ?= "keymaps"
+SYSVINIT_SCRIPTS = "${@bb.utils.contains('MACHINE_FEATURES', 'rtc', 'busybox-hwclock', '', d)} \
+                    modutils-initscripts \
+                    init-ifupdown \
+                    ${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_initscripts} \
+                   "
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "\
+    base-files \
+    base-passwd \
+    busybox \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "sysvinit", "${SYSVINIT_SCRIPTS}", "", d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "keyboard", "${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_keymaps}", "", d)} \
+    netbase \
+    ${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_login_manager} \
+    ${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_init_manager} \
+    ${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_dev_manager} \
+    ${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_update-alternatives} \
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-buildessential.bb b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-buildessential.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74ed247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-buildessential.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 OpenedHand Ltd.
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
+SUMMARY = "Essential build dependencies"
+inherit packagegroup
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-core-buildessential = "\
+    autoconf \
+    automake \
+    binutils \
+    binutils-symlinks \
+    cpp \
+    cpp-symlinks \
+    gcc \
+    gcc-symlinks \
+    g++ \
+    g++-symlinks \
+    gettext \
+    make \
+    libstdc++ \
+    libstdc++-dev \
+    libtool \
+    pkgconfig \
+    "
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-eclipse-debug.bb b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-eclipse-debug.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7b013d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-eclipse-debug.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+SUMMARY = "Remote debugging tools for Eclipse integration"
+inherit packagegroup
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "\
+    gdbserver \
+    tcf-agent \
+    openssh-sftp-server \
+    "
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-nfs.bb b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-nfs.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1882d3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-nfs.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008 OpenedHand Ltd.
+SUMMARY = "NFS package groups"
+PR = "r2"
+inherit packagegroup
+PACKAGES = "${PN}-server ${PN}-client"
+SUMMARY_${PN}-client = "NFS client"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-client = "nfs-utils-client"
+SUMMARY_${PN}-server = "NFS server"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-server = "\
+    nfs-utils \
+    nfs-utils-client \
+    "
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-sdk.bb b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-sdk.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3badd0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-sdk.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 OpenedHand Ltd.
+SUMMARY = "Software development tools"
+PR = "r9"
+inherit packagegroup
+#PACKAGEFUNCS =+ 'generate_sdk_pkgs'
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-core-sdk = "\
+    packagegroup-core-buildessential \
+    coreutils \
+    ccache \
+    diffutils \
+    intltool \
+    perl-module-re \
+    perl-module-text-wrap \
+    findutils \
+    quilt \
+    less \
+    ldd \
+    file \
+    tcl"
+SANITIZERS = "libasan-dev libubsan-dev"
+SANITIZERS_aarch64 = ""
+SANITIZERS_mips = ""
+SANITIZERS_mips64 = ""
+SANITIZERS_mips64n32 = ""
+SANITIZERS_powerpc64 = ""
+SANITIZERS_sparc = ""
+SANITIZERS_libc-musl = ""
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-core-sdk = "\
+    libgomp \
+    libgomp-dev \
+#python generate_sdk_pkgs () {
+#    poky_pkgs = read_pkgdata('packagegroup-core', d)['PACKAGES']
+#    pkgs = d.getVar('PACKAGES', True).split()
+#    for pkg in poky_pkgs.split():
+#        newpkg = pkg.replace('packagegroup-core', 'packagegroup-core-sdk')
+#        # for each of the task packages, add a corresponding sdk task
+#        pkgs.append(newpkg)
+#        # for each sdk task, take the rdepends of the non-sdk task, and turn
+#        # that into rrecommends upon the -dev versions of those, not unlike
+#        # the package depchain code
+#        spkgdata = read_subpkgdata(pkg, d)
+#        rdepends = explode_deps(spkgdata.get('RDEPENDS_%s' % pkg) or '')
+#        rreclist = []
+#        for depend in rdepends:
+#            split_depend = depend.split(' (')
+#            name = split_depend[0].strip()
+#            if packaged('%s-dev' % name, d):
+#                rreclist.append('%s-dev' % name)
+#            else:
+#                deppkgdata = read_subpkgdata(name, d)
+#                rdepends2 = explode_deps(deppkgdata.get('RDEPENDS_%s' % name) or '')
+#                for depend in rdepends2:
+#                    split_depend = depend.split(' (')
+#                    name = split_depend[0].strip()
+#                    if packaged('%s-dev' % name, d):
+#                        rreclist.append('%s-dev' % name)
+#            oldrrec = d.getVar('RRECOMMENDS_%s' % newpkg, False) or ''
+#            d.setVar('RRECOMMENDS_%s' % newpkg, oldrrec + ' ' + ' '.join(rreclist))
+#            # bb.note('RRECOMMENDS_%s = "%s"' % (newpkg, d.getVar('RRECOMMENDS_%s' % newpkg, False)))
+#    # bb.note('pkgs is %s' % pkgs)
+#    d.setVar('PACKAGES', ' '.join(pkgs))
+#PACKAGES_DYNAMIC += "^packagegroup-core-sdk-.*"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-ssh-dropbear.bb b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-ssh-dropbear.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e99946f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-ssh-dropbear.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+SUMMARY = "Dropbear SSH client/server"
+PR = "r1"
+inherit packagegroup
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "dropbear"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-ssh-openssh.bb b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-ssh-openssh.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32d20e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-ssh-openssh.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+SUMMARY = "OpenSSH SSH client/server"
+PR = "r1"
+inherit packagegroup
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "openssh"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-standalone-sdk-target.bb b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-standalone-sdk-target.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37f5e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-standalone-sdk-target.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+SUMMARY = "Target packages for the standalone SDK"
+PR = "r8"
+inherit packagegroup
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "\
+    libgcc \
+    libgcc-dev \
+    libstdc++ \
+    libstdc++-dev \
+    "
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-tools-debug.bb b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-tools-debug.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82347b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-tools-debug.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008 OpenedHand Ltd.
+SUMMARY = "Debugging tools"
+inherit packagegroup
+PR = "r3"
+MTRACE = ""
+MTRACE_libc-glibc = "libc-mtrace"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "\
+    gdb \
+    gdbserver \
+    strace \
+    ${MTRACE} \
+    "
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-tools-profile.bb b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-tools-profile.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80f5933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-tools-profile.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008 OpenedHand Ltd.
+SUMMARY = "Profiling tools"
+PR = "r3"
+inherit packagegroup
+PROFILE_TOOLS_X = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'x11', 'sysprof', '', d)}"
+# sysprof doesn't support aarch64
+PROFILE_TOOLS_X_aarch64 = ""
+PROFILE_TOOLS_SYSTEMD = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'systemd-analyze', '', d)}"
+    perf \
+    trace-cmd \
+    blktrace \
+    "
+    powertop \
+    latencytop \
+    "
+# systemtap needs elfutils which is not fully buildable on uclibc
+# hence we exclude it from uclibc based builds
+SYSTEMTAP = "systemtap"
+SYSTEMTAP_libc-uclibc = ""
+SYSTEMTAP_mips = ""
+SYSTEMTAP_mips64 = ""
+SYSTEMTAP_mips64n32 = ""
+SYSTEMTAP_aarch64 = ""
+# lttng-ust uses sched_getcpu() which is not there on uclibc
+# for some of the architectures it can be patched to call the
+# syscall directly but for x86_64 __NR_getcpu is a vsyscall
+# which means we can not use syscall() to call it. So we ignore
+# it for x86_64/uclibc
+LTTNGUST = "lttng-ust"
+LTTNGUST_libc-uclibc = ""
+LTTNGUST_aarch64 = ""
+LTTNGTOOLS = "lttng-tools"
+LTTNGTOOLS_aarch64 = ""
+LTTNGMODULES = "lttng-modules"
+LTTNGMODULES_aarch64 = ""
+BABELTRACE = "babeltrace"
+BABELTRACE_aarch64 = ""
+# valgrind does not work on mips
+VALGRIND = "valgrind"
+VALGRIND_libc-uclibc = ""
+VALGRIND_mips = ""
+VALGRIND_mips64 = ""
+VALGRIND_mips64n32 = ""
+VALGRIND_arm = ""
+VALGRIND_aarch64 = ""
+#    exmap-console
+#    exmap-server
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "\
+    ${LTTNGUST} \
+    ${LTTNGTOOLS} \
+    ${BABELTRACE} \
+    ${SYSTEMTAP} \
+    ${VALGRIND} \
+    "
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-tools-testapps.bb b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-tools-testapps.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95b3988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-core-tools-testapps.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008 OpenedHand Ltd.
+SUMMARY = "Testing tools/applications"
+PR = "r2"
+inherit packagegroup
+# kexec-tools doesn't work on Mips
+KEXECTOOLS ?= "kexec"
+KEXECTOOLS_mips ?= ""
+KEXECTOOLS_mipsel ?= ""
+KEXECTOOLS_powerpc ?= ""
+KEXECTOOLS_e5500-64b ?= ""
+KEXECTOOLS_aarch64 ?= ""
+X11GLTOOLS = "\
+    mesa-demos \
+    piglit \
+    "
+3GTOOLS = "\
+    ofono-tests \
+    "
+X11TOOLS = "\
+    fstests \
+    gst-player-bin \
+    x11perf \
+    xrestop \
+    xwininfo \
+    xprop \
+    xvideo-tests \
+    "
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "\
+    blktool \
+    tslib-calibrate \
+    tslib-tests \
+    lrzsz \
+    ${KEXECTOOLS} \
+    alsa-utils-amixer \
+    alsa-utils-aplay \
+    ltp \
+    connman-tools \
+    connman-tests \
+    connman-client \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'x11', "${X11TOOLS}", "", d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'x11 opengl', "${X11GLTOOLS}", "", d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', '3g', "${3GTOOLS}", "", d)} \
+    "
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-cross-canadian.bb b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-cross-canadian.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..180dd96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-cross-canadian.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+SUMMARY = "Host SDK package for cross canadian toolchain"
+PN = "packagegroup-cross-canadian-${MACHINE}"
+inherit cross-canadian packagegroup
+# Use indirection to stop these being expanded prematurely
+BINUTILS = "binutils-cross-canadian-${TRANSLATED_TARGET_ARCH}"
+GCC = "gcc-cross-canadian-${TRANSLATED_TARGET_ARCH}"
+GDB = "gdb-cross-canadian-${TRANSLATED_TARGET_ARCH}"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "\
+    ${@all_multilib_tune_values(d, 'BINUTILS')} \
+    ${@all_multilib_tune_values(d, 'GCC')} \
+    ${@all_multilib_tune_values(d, 'GDB')} \
+    meta-environment-${MACHINE} \
+    "
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-self-hosted.bb b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-self-hosted.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d38be26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-self-hosted.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Intel Corporation
+SUMMARY = "Self-hosting"
+DESCRIPTION = "Packages required to run the build system"
+PR = "r13"
+inherit packagegroup  distro_features_check
+# rdepends on libx11-dev
+    packagegroup-self-hosted \
+    packagegroup-self-hosted-debug \
+    packagegroup-self-hosted-sdk \
+    packagegroup-self-hosted-extended \
+    packagegroup-self-hosted-graphics \
+    packagegroup-self-hosted-host-tools \
+    "
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-self-hosted = "\
+    packagegroup-self-hosted-debug \
+    packagegroup-self-hosted-sdk \
+    packagegroup-self-hosted-extended \
+    packagegroup-self-hosted-graphics \
+    packagegroup-self-hosted-host-tools \
+    "
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-self-hosted-host-tools = "\
+    connman \
+    connman-plugin-ethernet \
+    dhcp-client \
+    e2fsprogs \
+    e2fsprogs-e2fsck \
+    e2fsprogs-mke2fs \
+    e2fsprogs-tune2fs \
+    hdparm \
+    iptables \
+    lsb \
+    mc \
+    mc-fish \
+    mc-helpers \
+    mc-helpers-perl \
+    mc-helpers-python \
+    parted \
+    pseudo \
+    screen \
+    "
+RRECOMMENDS_packagegroup-self-hosted-host-tools = "\
+    kernel-module-tun \
+    kernel-module-iptable-raw \
+    kernel-module-iptable-nat \
+    kernel-module-iptable-mangle \
+    kernel-module-iptable-filter \
+	"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-self-hosted-sdk = "\
+    autoconf \
+    automake \
+    binutils \
+    binutils-symlinks \
+    ccache \
+    coreutils \
+    cpp \
+    cpp-symlinks \
+    distcc \
+    glibc-gconv-ibm850 \
+    file \
+    findutils \
+    g++ \
+    g++-symlinks \
+    gcc \
+    gcc-symlinks \
+    intltool \
+    ldd \
+    less \
+    libssp \
+    libssp-dev \
+    libssp-staticdev \
+    libstdc++ \
+    libstdc++-dev \
+    libtool \
+    make \
+    mktemp \
+    perl-module-re \
+    perl-module-text-wrap \
+    pkgconfig \
+    quilt \
+    sed \
+    "
+# glibc-utils: for rpcgen
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-self-hosted-sdk_append_libc-glibc = "\
+    glibc-utils \
+    "
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-self-hosted-debug = " \
+    gdb \
+    gdbserver \
+    rsync \
+    strace \
+    tcf-agent"
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-self-hosted-extended = "\
+    bzip2 \
+    chkconfig \
+    chrpath \
+    cpio \
+    curl \
+    diffstat \
+    diffutils \
+    elfutils \
+    expat \
+    gawk \
+    gdbm \
+    gettext \
+    gettext-runtime \
+    git \
+    git-perltools \
+    grep \
+    groff \
+    gzip \
+    settings-daemon \
+    hicolor-icon-theme \
+    sato-icon-theme \
+    libaio \
+    libusb1 \
+    libxml2 \
+    lrzsz \
+    lsof \
+    lzo \
+    man \
+    man-pages \
+    mdadm \
+    minicom \
+    mtools \
+    ncurses \
+    ncurses-terminfo-base \
+    neon \
+    nfs-utils \
+    nfs-utils-client \
+    openssl \
+    openssh-sftp-server \
+    opkg \
+    opkg-utils \
+    patch \
+    perl \
+    perl-dev \
+    perl-modules \
+    perl-pod \
+    ${PTH} \
+    python \
+    python-compiler \
+    python-git \
+    python-misc \
+    python-modules \
+    python-rpm \
+    quota \
+    readline \
+    rpm \
+    setserial \
+    socat \
+    subversion \
+    sudo \
+    sysstat \
+    tar \
+    tcl \
+    texi2html \
+    texinfo \
+    unzip \
+    usbutils \
+    watchdog \
+    wget \
+    which \
+    xinetd \
+    zip \
+    zlib \
+    xz \
+    "
+RDEPENDS_packagegroup-self-hosted-graphics = "\
+    builder \
+    libgl \
+    libgl-dev \
+    libglu \
+    libglu-dev \
+    libsdl \
+    libsdl-dev \
+    libx11-dev \
+    python-pygtk \
+    gtk-theme-clearlooks \
+    xdg-utils \
+    epiphany \
+    leafpad \
+    pcmanfm \
+    vte \
+    "
+PTH = "pth"
+PTH_libc-uclibc = ""
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/psplash/files/0001-psplash-fb-Convert-psplash_fb_plot_pixel-to-a-static.patch b/meta/recipes-core/psplash/files/0001-psplash-fb-Convert-psplash_fb_plot_pixel-to-a-static.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93b3c6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/psplash/files/0001-psplash-fb-Convert-psplash_fb_plot_pixel-to-a-static.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+From 8f5de12cc75bfaa8400adf32f30c015d8f813540 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2015 07:12:20 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] psplash-fb: Convert psplash_fb_plot_pixel() to a static
+ inline
+This function is not used outside psplash-fb.c and by making it
+static inline we keep the performance and also make it portable across
+multiple compilers and gcc versions
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+ psplash-fb.c | 2 +-
+ psplash-fb.h | 8 --------
+ 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 9 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/psplash-fb.c b/psplash-fb.c
+index bd9cd9d..6d235db 100644
+--- a/psplash-fb.c
++++ b/psplash-fb.c
+@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ psplash_fb_new (int angle)
+ #define OFFSET(fb,x,y) (((y) * (fb)->stride) + ((x) * ((fb)->bpp >> 3)))
+-inline void
++static inline void
+ psplash_fb_plot_pixel (PSplashFB    *fb,
+ 		       int          x,
+ 		       int          y,
+diff --git a/psplash-fb.h b/psplash-fb.h
+index 42592ed..c6c3144 100644
+--- a/psplash-fb.h
++++ b/psplash-fb.h
+@@ -57,14 +57,6 @@ psplash_fb_destroy (PSplashFB *fb);
+ PSplashFB*
+ psplash_fb_new (int angle);
+-inline void
+-psplash_fb_plot_pixel (PSplashFB    *fb, 
+-		       int          x, 
+-		       int          y, 
+-		       uint8        red,
+-		       uint8        green,
+-		       uint8        blue);
+ void
+ psplash_fb_draw_rect (PSplashFB    *fb, 
+ 		      int          x, 
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/psplash/files/psplash-init b/meta/recipes-core/psplash/files/psplash-init
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..66c85e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/psplash/files/psplash-init
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Provides:             psplash
+# Required-Start:
+# Required-Stop:
+# Default-Start:        S
+# Default-Stop:
+read CMDLINE < /proc/cmdline
+for x in $CMDLINE; do
+        case $x in
+        psplash=false)
+		echo "Boot splashscreen disabled" 
+		exit 0;
+                ;;
+        esac
+export TMPDIR=/mnt/.psplash
+mount tmpfs -t tmpfs $TMPDIR -o,size=40k
+if [ -e /etc/rotation ]; then
+	read rotation < /etc/rotation
+/usr/bin/psplash --angle $rotation &
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/psplash/files/psplash-poky-img.h b/meta/recipes-core/psplash/files/psplash-poky-img.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d56aa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/psplash/files/psplash-poky-img.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1259 @@
+/* GdkPixbuf RGB C-Source image dump 1-byte-run-length-encoded */
+#define POKY_IMG_ROWSTRIDE (1920)
+#define POKY_IMG_WIDTH (640)
+#define POKY_IMG_HEIGHT (480)
+#define POKY_IMG_BYTES_PER_PIXEL (3) /* 3:RGB, 4:RGBA */
+#define POKY_IMG_RLE_PIXEL_DATA ((uint8*) \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
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+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
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+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\363\376\377\374\3\373\375" \
+  "\372\360\366\370\353\360\363\202\347\355\357\5\346\354\356\347\355\357" \
+  "\351\356\360\360\366\370\371\373\370\363\376\377\374\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\353\376\377\374\10\356" \
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+  "\216ew\202\212]oz\10dv\201n\201\214~\215\223\216\236\244\247\257\267" \
+  "\274\301\303\320\326\330\352\357\362\353\376\377\374\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\346\376\377\374\5\366" \
+  "\370\364\320\326\330\255\265\275\210\227\235j}\210\232]oz\5gy\204\204" \
+  "\223\231\250\260\270\314\321\324\355\362\365\346\376\377\374\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\342\376\377" \
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+  "\217\242\252\262\320\326\330\365\372\375\342\376\377\374\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\337\376\377\374" \
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+  "\306\314\316\367\371\366\337\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\335\376\377\374\3\333\340\343\236" \
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+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\332" \
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+  "\267\277\355\362\365\332\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\330\376\377\374\3\353\360\363\252\262" \
+  "\272fx\203\272]oz\3as~\230\250\256\342\347\352\330\376\377\374\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\326\376\377" \
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+  "\326\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223" \
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+  "\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\322\376\377\374\3\372\374\371\265" \
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+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\321\376" \
+  "\377\374\2\320\326\330p\203\216\312]oz\2hz\205\302\307\312\321\376\377" \
+  "\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377" \
+  "\317\376\377\374\2\356\363\366\231\241\251\316]oz\2\204\223\231\345\352" \
+  "\355\317\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\223\377\377\377\316\376\377\374\2\311\316\321i{\206\320]oz\2bt\177\264" \
+  "\274\305\316\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\223\377\377\377\314\376\377\374\2\362\367\371\226\246\254\324]o" \
+  "z\2\206\225\233\353\360\363\314\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\313\376\377\374\2\334\342\344o\202" \
+  "\215\326]oz\2gy\204\315\322\325\313\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\312\376\377\374\2\302\307\312" \
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+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\310\376\377\374\2\372" \
+  "\374\371\236\246\256\334]oz\2\210\227\235\360\366\370\310\376\377\374" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\307" \
+  "\376\377\374\2\360\366\370\205\224\232\336]oz\2s\206\221\347\355\357" \
+  "\307\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223" \
+  "\377\377\377\306\376\377\374\2\347\355\357t\207\222\340]oz\2i{\206\333" \
+  "\340\343\306\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\223\377\377\377\305\376\377\374\2\343\350\353j}\210\251]oz\7bt\177" \
+  "w\212\226\215\234\243\236\246\256\246\256\266\254\264\274\264\274\305" \
+  "\202\300\305\310\7\264\274\305\255\265\275\250\260\270\233\252\261\222" \
+  "\241\247~\215\223ew\202\251]oz\2cu\200\322\330\332\305\376\377\374\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\304\376" \
+  "\377\374\2\337\344\346i{\206\245]oz\5j}\210\230\240\250\270\300\311\322" \
+  "\330\332\351\356\360\220\376\377\374\5\354\361\364\326\333\335\300\305" \
+  "\310\236\246\256p\203\216\245]oz\2as~\316\323\326\304\376\377\374\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\303\376" \
+  "\377\374\2\335\343\345gy\204\242]oz\4ew\202\222\241\247\276\303\305\342" \
+  "\347\352\232\376\377\374\4\352\357\362\304\311\314\233\243\253j}\210" \
+  "\242]oz\2as~\313\320\322\303\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\302\376\377\374\2\341\346\351hz" \
+  "\205\240]oz\4_q|\211\230\236\307\315\317\370\372\367\240\376\377\374" \
+  "\4\373\375\372\320\326\330\231\241\251bt\177\240]oz\2as~\317\324\327" \
+  "\302\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223" \
+  "\377\377\377\301\376\377\374\2\343\350\353i{\206\237]oz\3q\204\217\266" \
+  "\277\307\354\361\364\246\376\377\374\3\366\370\364\303\310\313\177\216" \
+  "\224\237]oz\2bt\177\325\332\334\301\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\300\376\377\374\2\355\362\365" \
+  "l\177\212\236]oz\3u\210\224\307\315\317\373\375\372\253\376\377\374\2" \
+  "\324\331\333\204\223\231\236]oz\2ew\202\341\346\351\300\376\377\374\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\277\376" \
+  "\377\374\2\365\372\375\177\216\224\235]oz\2~\215\223\315\322\325\260" \
+  "\376\377\374\2\331\336\341\211\230\236\235]oz\2l\177\212\353\360\363" \
+  "\277\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223" \
+  "\377\377\377\277\376\377\374\1\214\233\242\234]oz\2i{\206\305\312\315" \
+  "\264\376\377\374\2\324\331\333q\204\217\234]oz\2u\210\224\367\371\366" \
+  "\276\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223" \
+  "\377\377\377\276\376\377\374\1\257\267\277\233]oz\3^p{\242\252\262\362" \
+  "\367\371\266\376\377\374\3\372\374\371\261\271\302bt\177\233]oz\1\225" \
+  "\235\245\276\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\223\377\377\377\275\376\377\374\2\317\324\327^p{\232]oz\2w\212\226" \
+  "\335\343\345\272\376\377\374\2\351\356\360\211\230\236\233]oz\1\264\274" \
+  "\305\275\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\223\377\377\377\274\376\377\374\2\347\355\357ew\202\232]oz\2\242\252" \
+  "\262\371\373\370\225\376\377\374\10\336\367\374\262\355\370\220\343\361" \
+  "m\332\361G\317\353,\311\352(\307\350#\304\346\202\0\301\350\10\0\304" \
+  "\352(\307\350,\311\352B\314\347i\326\356\207\341\364\260\353\366\333" \
+  "\364\371\226\376\377\374\2\266\277\307as~\231]oz\2_q|\327\334\337\274" \
+  "\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377" \
+  "\377\377\273\376\377\374\2\373\375\372}\220\233\231]oz\2ew\202\313\320" \
+  "\322\223\376\377\374\4\334\365\372\233\345\364M\323\357\0\304\352\222" \
+  "\25\274\344\4\0\301\350J\321\355\211\342\365\314\361\372\223\376\377" \
+  "\374\2\332\337\342m\200\213\231]oz\2l\177\212\360\366\370\273\376\377" \
+  "\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377" \
+  "\273\376\377\374\1\257\267\277\231]oz\2x\213\227\347\355\357\221\376" \
+  "\377\374\3\336\367\374\206\340\363*\310\351\232\25\274\344\3#\304\346" \
+  "w\333\356\316\363\374\221\376\377\374\2\360\366\370\214\233\242\231]" \
+  "oz\1\227\237\247\273\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\272\376\377\374\2\335\343\345_q|\230]oz" \
+  "\2\210\227\235\364\371\374\217\376\377\374\3\370\376\377\256\350\364" \
+  "B\314\347\240\25\274\344\3*\310\351\233\345\364\367\375\377\217\376\377" \
+  "\374\2\373\375\372\242\252\262\231]oz\1\305\312\315\272\376\377\374\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\271\376" \
+  "\377\374\2\372\374\371w\212\226\230]oz\2\231\241\251\372\374\371\216" \
+  "\376\377\374\3\367\375\377\233\345\364(\307\350\244\25\274\344\3\0\302" \
+  "\351\206\340\363\356\373\374\217\376\377\374\1\257\267\277\230]oz\2h" \
+  "z\205\356\363\366\271\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\271\376\377\374\1\257\267\277\230]oz\1\246" \
+  "\256\266\217\376\377\374\2\237\350\367\0\304\352\250\25\274\344\3\0\276" \
+  "\345\207\341\364\370\376\377\216\376\377\374\2\277\304\306_q|\227]oz" \
+  "\1\231\241\251\271\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\223\377\377\377\270\376\377\374\2\346\354\356bt\177\227]oz\1" \
+  "\251\261\271\216\376\377\374\2\315\362\3731\313\354\254\25\274\344\2" \
+  "(\307\350\262\355\370\216\376\377\374\2\305\312\315^p{\227]oz\1\322\330" \
+  "\332\270\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\223\377\377\377\270\376\377\374\1\215\234\243\227]oz\1\233\252\261\215" \
+  "\376\377\374\3\367\375\377m\332\361\0\276\345\257\25\274\344\2L\322\356" \
+  "\356\373\374\215\376\377\374\1\274\301\303\227]oz\2t\207\222\373\375" \
+  "\372\267\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\223\377\377\377\267\376\377\374\1\325\332\334\227]oz\2\214\233\242\373" \
+  "\375\372\214\376\377\374\2\333\364\371,\311\352\262\25\274\344\2\0\304" \
+  "\352\301\356\366\215\376\377\374\1\252\262\272\227]oz\1\274\301\303\267" \
+  "\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377" \
+  "\377\377\267\376\377\374\1v\211\225\226]oz\2\205\224\232\365\372\375" \
+  "\214\376\377\374\2\236\347\366\0\276\345\264\25\274\344\3\0\276\345\203" \
+  "\334\360\370\376\377\214\376\377\374\1\236\246\256\226]oz\2hz\205\362" \
+  "\367\371\266\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\223\377\377\377\266\376\377\374\1\307\315\317\226]oz\2n\201\214" \
+  "\360\366\370\214\376\377\374\1m\332\361\270\25\274\344\2I\320\354\366" \
+  "\373\376\213\376\377\374\2\373\375\372\203\222\230\226]oz\1\254\264\274" \
+  "\266\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223" \
+  "\377\377\377\265\376\377\374\2\373\375\372s\206\221\225]oz\2as~\333\340" \
+  "\343\213\376\377\374\2\370\376\377M\323\357\272\25\274\344\2""1\313\354" \
+  "\356\373\374\213\376\377\374\2\353\360\363i{\206\225]oz\2ew\202\357\365" \
+  "\367\265\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\223\377\377\377\265\376\377\374\1\305\312\315\226]oz\1\265\276\306\213" \
+  "\376\377\374\2\366\373\376B\314\347\274\25\274\344\2(\307\350\336\367" \
+  "\374\213\376\377\374\2\322\330\332^p{\225]oz\1\252\262\272\265\376\377" \
+  "\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377" \
+  "\265\376\377\374\1u\210\224\225]oz\1\214\233\242\213\376\377\374\2\366" \
+  "\373\376B\314\347\276\25\274\344\2#\304\346\337\370\375\213\376\377\374" \
+  "\1\253\263\273\225]oz\2fx\203\367\371\366\264\376\377\374\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\264\376\377\374" \
+  "\1\322\330\332\225]oz\2i{\206\360\366\370\212\376\377\374\2\370\376\377" \
+  "I\320\354\300\25\274\344\2*\310\351\357\374\375\212\376\377\374\2\373" \
+  "\375\372~\215\223\225]oz\1\264\274\305\264\376\377\374\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\264\376\377\374\1\210" \
+  "\227\235\225]oz\1\303\310\313\213\376\377\374\1i\326\356\302\25\274\344" \
+  "\2B\314\347\370\376\377\212\376\377\374\2\335\343\345^p{\224]oz\2m\200" \
+  "\213\373\375\372\263\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\263\376\377\374\2\345\352\355^p{\224]oz" \
+  "\1~\221\235\213\376\377\374\1y\336\360\304\25\274\344\1M\323\357\213" \
+  "\376\377\374\1\242\252\262\225]oz\1\315\322\325\263\376\377\374\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\263\376\377" \
+  "\374\1\252\262\272\224]oz\2_q|\341\346\351\212\376\377\374\2\274\355" \
+  "\373\0\276\345\305\25\274\344\1\220\343\361\212\376\377\374\2\360\366" \
+  "\370i{\206\224]oz\1\211\230\236\263\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\262\376\377\374\2\372\374\371" \
+  "i{\206\224]oz\1\250\260\270\212\376\377\374\2\350\371\377\0\304\352\306" \
+  "\25\274\344\2\0\276\345\316\363\374\212\376\377\374\1\303\310\313\224" \
+  "]oz\2^p{\352\357\362\262\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\262\376\377\374\1\315\322\325\224]o" \
+  "z\2dv\201\357\365\367\212\376\377\374\1G\317\353\240\25\274\344\3\0\302" \
+  "\351,\311\352J\321\355\203L\322\356\2B\314\347#\304\346\240\25\274\344" \
+  "\2*\310\351\367\375\377\212\376\377\374\1q\204\217\224]oz\1\257\267\277" \
+  "\262\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223" \
+  "\377\377\377\262\376\377\374\1\230\240\250\224]oz\1\247\257\267\212\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\233\345\364\235\25\274\344\4*\310\351n\333\362\273\354\371" \
+  "\360\375\376\210\376\377\374\4\357\374\375\303\361\370\206\340\363/\312" \
+  "\353\235\25\274\344\1w\333\356\212\376\377\374\1\303\310\313\224]oz\1" \
+  "v\211\225\262\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\223\377\377\377\261\376\377\374\2\365\372\375dv\201\223]oz\2as~" \
+  "\353\360\363\211\376\377\374\2\356\373\374\0\302\351\232\25\274\344\3" \
+  "\0\276\345m\332\361\335\366\373\220\376\377\374\2\336\367\374(\307\350" \
+  "\232\25\274\344\2%\305\347\336\367\374\212\376\377\374\2\372\374\371" \
+  "n\201\214\224]oz\1\343\350\353\261\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\261\376\377\374\1\313\320\322" \
+  "\224]oz\1\233\252\261\212\376\377\374\1k\327\357\231\25\274\344\3\0\276" \
+  "\345\206\340\363\357\374\375\222\376\377\374\1k\327\357\232\25\274\344" \
+  "\2%\305\347\336\367\374\214\376\377\374\1\276\303\305\224]oz\1\257\267" \
+  "\277\261\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\223\377\377\377\261\376\377\374\1\226\246\254\223]oz\2^p{\347\355\357" \
+  "\211\376\377\374\2\316\363\374\0\276\345\230\25\274\344\2J\321\355\337" \
+  "\370\375\223\376\377\374\1k\327\357\232\25\274\344\2%\305\347\336\367" \
+  "\374\215\376\377\374\2\370\372\367i{\206\223]oz\1\177\216\224\261\376" \
+  "\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377" \
+  "\377\261\376\377\374\1k~\211\223]oz\1\205\224\232\212\376\377\374\1J" \
+  "\321\355\227\25\274\344\2\0\276\345\257\351\365\224\376\377\374\1m\332" \
+  "\361\232\25\274\344\2%\305\347\336\367\374\217\376\377\374\1\246\256" \
+  "\266\223]oz\2^p{\356\363\366\260\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\260\376\377\374\1\335\343\345" \
+  "\224]oz\1\303\310\313\211\376\377\374\2\333\364\371\0\276\345\226\25" \
+  "\274\344\2#\304\346\316\363\374\224\376\377\374\1m\332\361\232\25\274" \
+  "\344\2%\305\347\336\367\374\220\376\377\374\1\335\343\345\224]oz\1\306" \
+  "\314\316\260\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\223\377\377\377\260\376\377\374\1\264\274\305\223]oz\2cu\200\367" \
+  "\371\366\211\376\377\374\1i\326\356\226\25\274\344\2,\311\352\347\370" \
+  "\376\224\376\377\374\1m\332\361\232\25\274\344\2%\305\347\336\367\374" \
+  "\222\376\377\374\1t\207\222\223]oz\1\236\246\256\260\376\377\374\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\260\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\215\234\243\223]oz\1\231\241\251\211\376\377\374\2\347\370" \
+  "\376\0\276\345\225\25\274\344\2*\310\351\357\374\375\224\376\377\374" \
+  "\1m\332\361\232\25\274\344\2%\305\347\336\367\374\223\376\377\374\1\261" \
+  "\271\302\223]oz\1q\204\217\260\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\260\376\377\374\1i{\206\223]oz\1" \
+  "\317\324\327\211\376\377\374\1\207\341\364\225\25\274\344\2#\304\346" \
+  "\337\370\375\224\376\377\374\1m\332\361\232\25\274\344\2%\305\347\336" \
+  "\367\374\224\376\377\374\1\351\356\360\224]oz\1\356\363\366\257\376\377" \
+  "\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377" \
+  "\257\376\377\374\1\345\352\355\223]oz\2as~\370\372\367\211\376\377\374" \
+  "\1,\311\352\224\25\274\344\2\0\276\345\313\360\371\224\376\377\374\1" \
+  "m\332\361\232\25\274\344\2%\305\347\336\367\374\226\376\377\374\1q\204" \
+  "\217\223]oz\1\314\321\324\257\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\257\376\377\374\1\311\316\321\223" \
+  "]oz\1\202\221\227\211\376\377\374\1\320\365\376\225\25\274\344\1\207" \
+  "\341\364\224\376\377\374\1m\332\361\232\25\274\344\2%\305\347\336\367" \
+  "\374\214\376\377\374\2\236\347\366\237\350\367\211\376\377\374\1\236" \
+  "\246\256\223]oz\1\255\265\275\257\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\257\376\377\374\1\254\264\274" \
+  "\223]oz\1\255\265\275\211\376\377\374\1y\336\360\224\25\274\344\2/\312" \
+  "\353\370\376\377\223\376\377\374\1m\332\361\232\25\274\344\2%\305\347" \
+  "\336\367\374\214\376\377\374\3\236\347\366\0\276\345J\321\355\211\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\311\316\321\223]oz\1\215\234\243\257\376\377\374\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\257\376\377\374" \
+  "\1\214\233\242\223]oz\1\326\333\335\211\376\377\374\1,\311\352\224\25" \
+  "\274\344\1\312\357\370\223\376\377\374\1n\333\362\232\25\274\344\2%\305" \
+  "\347\336\367\374\214\376\377\374\5\236\347\366\0\276\345\25\274\344\0" \
+  "\276\345\367\375\377\210\376\377\374\2\356\363\366^p{\222]oz\1o\202\215" \
+  "\257\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223" \
+  "\377\377\377\257\376\377\374\1o\202\215\222]oz\2as~\366\373\376\210\376" \
+  "\377\374\2\357\374\375\0\276\345\223\25\274\344\1J\321\355\223\376\377" \
+  "\374\1n\333\362\232\25\274\344\2%\305\347\336\367\374\214\376\377\374" \
+  "\2\236\347\366\0\276\345\203\25\274\344\1\274\355\373\211\376\377\374" \
+  "\1u\210\224\222]oz\2^p{\370\372\367\256\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\256\376\377\374\2\373\375" \
+  "\372_q|\222]oz\1u\210\224\211\376\377\374\1\261\354\367\224\25\274\344" \
+  "\1\312\357\370\222\376\377\374\1n\333\362\232\25\274\344\2%\305\347\336" \
+  "\367\374\214\376\377\374\2\236\347\366\0\276\345\204\25\274\344\1\204" \
+  "\335\361\211\376\377\374\1\230\240\250\223]oz\1\342\347\352\256\376\377" \
+  "\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377" \
+  "\256\376\377\374\1\351\356\360\223]oz\1\225\235\245\211\376\377\374\1" \
+  "n\333\362\223\25\274\344\1,\311\352\222\376\377\374\1n\333\362\232\25" \
+  "\274\344\2%\305\347\336\367\374\214\376\377\374\2\236\347\366\0\276\345" \
+  "\205\25\274\344\1B\314\347\211\376\377\374\1\257\267\277\223]oz\1\317" \
+  "\324\327\256\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\223\377\377\377\256\376\377\374\1\326\333\335\223]oz\1\253\263\273" \
+  "\211\376\377\374\1B\314\347\223\25\274\344\1\211\342\365\221\376\377" \
+  "\374\1n\333\362\232\25\274\344\2%\305\347\336\367\374\214\376\377\374" \
+  "\2\236\347\366\0\276\345\206\25\274\344\1\0\302\351\211\376\377\374\1" \
+  "\307\315\317\223]oz\1\276\303\305\256\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\256\376\377\374\1\306\314" \
+  "\316\223]oz\1\305\312\315\211\376\377\374\1#\304\346\223\25\274\344\1" \
+  "\337\370\375\220\376\377\374\1w\333\356\232\25\274\344\2%\305\347\336" \
+  "\367\374\214\376\377\374\2\236\347\366\0\276\345\210\25\274\344\1\356" \
+  "\373\374\210\376\377\374\1\337\344\346\223]oz\1\253\263\273\256\376\377" \
+  "\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377" \
+  "\256\376\377\374\1\274\301\303\223]oz\1\333\340\343\210\376\377\374\2" \
+  "\367\375\377\0\276\345\222\25\274\344\1(\307\350\220\376\377\374\1\231" \
+  "\342\362\232\25\274\344\2%\305\347\336\367\374\214\376\377\374\2\236" \
+  "\347\366\0\276\345\211\25\274\344\1\302\357\367\210\376\377\374\2\364" \
+  "\371\374^p{\222]oz\1\236\246\256\256\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\256\376\377\374\1\257\267" \
+  "\277\223]oz\1\353\360\363\210\376\377\374\1\316\363\374\223\25\274\344" \
+  "\1\\\326\355\217\376\377\374\2\320\365\376\31\275\345\231\25\274\344" \
+  "\2%\305\347\336\367\374\214\376\377\374\2\236\347\366\0\276\345\212\25" \
+  "\274\344\1\237\350\367\211\376\377\374\1gy\204\222]oz\1\216\236\244\256" \
+  "\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377" \
+  "\377\377\256\376\377\374\1\242\252\262\223]oz\1\366\370\364\210\376\377" \
+  "\374\1\262\355\370\223\25\274\344\1\220\343\361\217\376\377\374\1J\321" \
+  "\355\231\25\274\344\2%\305\347\336\367\374\214\376\377\374\2\236\347" \
+  "\366\0\276\345\213\25\274\344\1\211\342\365\211\376\377\374\1m\200\213" \
+  "\222]oz\1\204\223\231\256\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\256\376\377\374\1\226\246\254\223]o" \
+  "z\211\376\377\374\1\237\350\367\223\25\274\344\1\262\355\370\216\376" \
+  "\377\374\2\350\371\377\0\276\345\230\25\274\344\2%\305\347\336\367\374" \
+  "\214\376\377\374\2\236\347\366\0\276\345\214\25\274\344\1n\333\362\211" \
+  "\376\377\374\1u\210\224\222]oz\1y\214\230\256\376\377\374\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\256\376\377\374" \
+  "\1\231\241\251\222]oz\1cu\200\211\376\377\374\1\233\345\364\223\25\274" \
+  "\344\1\316\363\374\216\376\377\374\1\235\346\365\230\25\274\344\2%\305" \
+  "\347\336\367\374\214\376\377\374\2\236\347\366\0\276\345\215\25\274\344" \
+  "\1k\327\357\211\376\377\374\1\200\217\225\222]oz\1u\210\224\256\376\377" \
+  "\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377" \
+  "\256\376\377\374\1\222\241\247\222]oz\1j}\210\211\376\377\374\1\220\343" \
+  "\361\223\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\216\376\377\374\1w\333\356\227\25\274" \
+  "\344\2#\304\346\336\367\374\214\376\377\374\2\236\347\366\0\276\345\216" \
+  "\25\274\344\1M\323\357\211\376\377\374\1\210\227\235\222]oz\1s\206\221" \
+  "\256\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223" \
+  "\377\377\377\256\376\377\374\1\211\230\236\222]oz\1n\201\214\211\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\206\340\363\223\25\274\344\1\350\371\377\216\376\377\374\1" \
+  "i\326\356\226\25\274\344\2#\304\346\336\367\374\214\376\377\374\2\236" \
+  "\347\366\0\276\345\217\25\274\344\1M\323\357\211\376\377\374\1\215\234" \
+  "\243\222]oz\1m\200\213\256\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\256\376\377\374\1\222\241\247\222]o" \
+  "z\1l\177\212\211\376\377\374\1\207\341\364\223\25\274\344\1\336\367\374" \
+  "\216\376\377\374\1n\333\362\225\25\274\344\2#\304\346\336\367\374\214" \
+  "\376\377\374\2\235\346\365\0\276\345\220\25\274\344\1M\323\357\211\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\211\230\236\222]oz\1s\206\221\256\376\377\374\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\256\376\377\374" \
+  "\1\231\241\251\222]oz\1ew\202\211\376\377\374\1\231\342\362\223\25\274" \
+  "\344\1\320\365\376\216\376\377\374\1\221\344\362\224\25\274\344\2#\304" \
+  "\346\336\367\374\214\376\377\374\2\235\346\365\0\276\345\221\25\274\344" \
+  "\1i\326\356\211\376\377\374\1\202\221\227\222]oz\1u\210\224\256\376\377" \
+  "\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377" \
+  "\256\376\377\374\1\242\252\262\222]oz\1^p{\211\376\377\374\1\237\350" \
+  "\367\223\25\274\344\1\301\356\366\216\376\377\374\1\333\364\371\223\25" \
+  "\274\344\2#\304\346\336\367\374\214\376\377\374\2\356\373\374\0\276\345" \
+  "\222\25\274\344\1n\333\362\211\376\377\374\1w\212\226\222]oz\1\202\221" \
+  "\227\256\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\223\377\377\377\256\376\377\374\1\246\256\266\223]oz\1\370\372\367\210" \
+  "\376\377\374\1\260\353\366\223\25\274\344\1\233\345\364\217\376\377\374" \
+  "\1,\311\352\221\25\274\344\2#\304\346\336\367\374\215\376\377\374\1\312" \
+  "\357\370\223\25\274\344\1\204\335\361\211\376\377\374\1o\202\215\222" \
+  "]oz\1\205\224\232\256\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\256\376\377\374\1\252\262\272\223]oz\1\355" \
+  "\362\365\210\376\377\374\1\314\361\372\223\25\274\344\1m\332\361\217" \
+  "\376\377\374\1\273\354\371\220\25\274\344\2#\304\346\336\367\374\216" \
+  "\376\377\374\1\233\345\364\223\25\274\344\1\236\347\366\211\376\377\374" \
+  "\1i{\206\222]oz\1\211\230\236\256\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\256\376\377\374\1\266\277\307" \
+  "\223]oz\1\340\345\350\210\376\377\374\1\356\373\374\223\25\274\344\1" \
+  ",\311\352\220\376\377\374\1i\326\356\216\25\274\344\2#\304\346\336\367" \
+  "\374\217\376\377\374\1\\\326\355\223\25\274\344\1\274\355\373\210\376" \
+  "\377\374\2\372\374\371_q|\222]oz\1\226\246\254\256\376\377\374\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\256\376\377" \
+  "\374\1\307\315\317\223]oz\1\313\320\322\211\376\377\374\1\0\302\351\222" \
+  "\25\274\344\2\0\276\345\357\374\375\217\376\377\374\2\370\376\377G\317" \
+  "\353\214\25\274\344\2(\307\350\336\367\374\220\376\377\374\1%\305\347" \
+  "\223\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\210\376\377\374\1\343\350\353\223]oz\1" \
+  "\254\264\274\256\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\223\377\377\377\256\376\377\374\1\327\334\337\223]oz\1\257\267" \
+  "\277\211\376\377\374\1B\314\347\223\25\274\344\1\237\350\367\220\376" \
+  "\377\374\3\370\376\377n\333\362\31\275\345\211\25\274\344\2J\321\355" \
+  "\356\373\374\220\376\377\374\1\315\362\373\223\25\274\344\1\0\301\350" \
+  "\211\376\377\374\1\316\323\326\223]oz\1\276\303\305\256\376\377\374\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\256\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\346\354\356\223]oz\1\225\245\253\211\376\377\374\1k\327\357" \
+  "\223\25\274\344\1G\317\353\222\376\377\374\3\320\365\376Z\325\354\0\301" \
+  "\350\204\25\274\344\3\0\276\345G\317\353\274\355\373\222\376\377\374" \
+  "\1w\333\356\223\25\274\344\1""3\314\355\211\376\377\374\1\264\274\305" \
+  "\223]oz\1\315\322\325\256\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\256\376\377\374\1\366\373\376\223]o" \
+  "z\1z\215\231\211\376\377\374\1\237\350\367\223\25\274\344\2\31\275\345" \
+  "\335\366\373\223\376\377\374\2\370\376\377\316\363\374\202\261\354\367" \
+  "\2\313\360\371\366\373\376\223\376\377\374\2\370\376\377\0\302\351\223" \
+  "\25\274\344\1n\333\362\211\376\377\374\1\230\250\256\223]oz\1\334\342" \
+  "\344\256\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\223\377\377\377\257\376\377\374\1m\200\213\222]oz\1ew\202\211\376\377" \
+  "\374\1\347\370\376\224\25\274\344\1m\332\361\254\376\377\374\1\233\345" \
+  "\364\224\25\274\344\1\261\354\367\211\376\377\374\1}\220\233\223]oz\1" \
+  "\366\370\364\256\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\223\377\377\377\257\376\377\374\1\211\230\236\223]oz\1\335\343" \
+  "\345\211\376\377\374\1%\305\347\223\25\274\344\2\0\276\345\336\367\374" \
+  "\252\376\377\374\2\367\375\377#\304\346\223\25\274\344\2\31\275\345\357" \
+  "\374\375\210\376\377\374\2\370\372\367as~\222]oz\1m\200\213\257\376\377" \
+  "\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377" \
+  "\257\376\377\374\1\251\261\271\223]oz\1\264\274\305\211\376\377\374\1" \
+  "k\327\357\224\25\274\344\1L\322\356\252\376\377\374\1\206\340\363\224" \
+  "\25\274\344\1""3\314\355\211\376\377\374\1\322\330\332\223]oz\1\211\230" \
+  "\236\257\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\223\377\377\377\257\376\377\374\1\305\312\315\223]oz\1\211\230\236\211" \
+  "\376\377\374\1\301\356\366\225\25\274\344\1\262\355\370\250\376\377\374" \
+  "\2\334\365\372\0\276\345\224\25\274\344\1\220\343\361\211\376\377\374" \
+  "\1\252\262\272\223]oz\1\251\261\271\257\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\257\376\377\374\1\337\344" \
+  "\346\223]oz\2ew\202\373\375\372\210\376\377\374\2\370\376\377#\304\346" \
+  "\224\25\274\344\2\0\302\351\347\370\376\246\376\377\374\2\367\375\377" \
+  ",\311\352\224\25\274\344\2\0\276\345\337\370\375\211\376\377\374\1\177" \
+  "\216\224\223]oz\1\305\312\315\257\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\257\376\377\374\2\373\375\372" \
+  "dv\201\223]oz\1\331\336\341\211\376\377\374\1n\333\362\225\25\274\344" \
+  "\2B\314\347\370\376\377\245\376\377\374\1i\326\356\225\25\274\344\1B" \
+  "\314\347\211\376\377\374\2\362\367\371_q|\223]oz\1\346\354\356\257\376" \
+  "\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377" \
+  "\377\260\376\377\374\1\210\227\235\223]oz\1\246\256\266\211\376\377\374" \
+  "\1\316\363\374\226\25\274\344\2M\323\357\370\376\377\243\376\377\374" \
+  "\1\206\340\363\226\25\274\344\1\256\350\364\211\376\377\374\1\301\306" \
+  "\311\223]oz\1k~\211\260\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\260\376\377\374\1\257\267\277\223]oz\2i" \
+  "{\206\373\375\372\211\376\377\374\1G\317\353\226\25\274\344\2\\\326\355" \
+  "\370\376\377\241\376\377\374\1\220\343\361\226\25\274\344\2\0\304\352" \
+  "\370\376\377\211\376\377\374\1\204\223\231\223]oz\1\230\240\250\260\376" \
+  "\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377" \
+  "\377\260\376\377\374\1\331\336\341\224]oz\1\317\324\327\211\376\377\374" \
+  "\1\301\356\366\227\25\274\344\2J\321\355\367\375\377\237\376\377\374" \
+  "\1w\333\356\227\25\274\344\1\206\340\363\211\376\377\374\2\351\356\360" \
+  "^p{\223]oz\1\277\304\306\260\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\260\376\377\374\2\372\374\371cu" \
+  "\200\223]oz\1\222\241\247\212\376\377\374\1/\312\353\227\25\274\344\2" \
+  ",\311\352\334\365\372\234\376\377\374\2\356\373\374I\320\354\227\25\274" \
+  "\344\2\0\301\350\366\373\376\211\376\377\374\1\261\271\302\224]oz\1\343" \
+  "\350\353\260\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\223\377\377\377\261\376\377\374\1\216\236\244\223]oz\2cu\200\362" \
+  "\367\371\211\376\377\374\1\261\354\367\230\25\274\344\3\0\276\345\233" \
+  "\345\364\370\376\377\231\376\377\374\2\262\355\370\0\304\352\230\25\274" \
+  "\344\1\206\340\363\212\376\377\374\1s\206\221\223]oz\1q\204\217\261\376" \
+  "\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377" \
+  "\377\261\376\377\374\1\305\312\315\224]oz\1\257\267\277\212\376\377\374" \
+  "\1B\314\347\231\25\274\344\2""1\313\354\303\361\370\226\376\377\374\2" \
+  "\334\365\372J\321\355\231\25\274\344\2#\304\346\366\373\376\211\376\377" \
+  "\374\1\315\322\325\224]oz\1\251\261\271\261\376\377\374\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\261\376\377\374\2\362" \
+  "\367\371as~\223]oz\2hz\205\370\372\367\211\376\377\374\2\334\365\372" \
+  "\0\276\345\232\25\274\344\3B\314\347\262\355\370\370\376\377\221\376" \
+  "\377\374\3\313\360\371L\322\356\0\276\345\232\25\274\344\1\256\350\364" \
+  "\212\376\377\374\1z\215\231\224]oz\1\333\340\343\261\376\377\374\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\262\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\207\226\234\224]oz\1\270\300\311\212\376\377\374\1w\333\356" \
+  "\234\25\274\344\4\0\304\352m\332\361\273\354\371\366\373\376\212\376" \
+  "\377\374\4\370\376\377\302\357\367y\336\360(\307\350\234\25\274\344\1" \
+  "B\314\347\212\376\377\374\1\324\331\333\224]oz\1k~\211\262\376\377\374" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\262" \
+  "\376\377\374\1\301\306\311\224]oz\2k~\211\372\374\371\211\376\377\374" \
+  "\2\366\373\376(\307\350\236\25\274\344\5\31\275\345,\311\352M\323\357" \
+  "y\336\360\211\342\365\202\233\345\364\5\220\343\361\204\335\361Z\325" \
+  "\3541\313\354\0\276\345\236\25\274\344\2\0\301\350\336\367\374\212\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\205\224\232\224]oz\1\246\256\266\262\376\377\374\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\262\376\377\374" \
+  "\2\367\371\366dv\201\224]oz\1\274\301\303\212\376\377\374\2\315\362\373" \
+  "\0\276\345\307\25\274\344\1\236\347\366\212\376\377\374\1\325\332\334" \
+  "\225]oz\1\341\346\351\262\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\263\376\377\374\1\236\246\256\224]o" \
+  "z\2fx\203\356\363\366\212\376\377\374\1\221\344\362\306\25\274\344\1" \
+  "M\323\357\212\376\377\374\2\372\374\371t\207\222\224]oz\1\177\216\224" \
+  "\263\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223" \
+  "\377\377\377\263\376\377\374\1\333\340\343\225]oz\1\226\246\254\213\376" \
+  "\377\374\1L\322\356\304\25\274\344\2,\311\352\366\373\376\212\376\377" \
+  "\374\1\265\276\306\225]oz\1\302\307\312\263\376\377\374\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\264\376\377\374\1u\210" \
+  "\224\224]oz\2^p{\331\336\341\212\376\377\374\2\366\373\376/\312\353\302" \
+  "\25\274\344\2\0\302\351\336\367\374\212\376\377\374\2\353\360\363dv\201" \
+  "\224]oz\2dv\201\364\371\374\263\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\264\376\377\374\1\302\307\312\225" \
+  "]oz\2w\212\226\372\374\371\212\376\377\374\2\350\371\377%\305\347\300" \
+  "\25\274\344\2\0\301\350\314\361\372\213\376\377\374\1\227\237\247\225" \
+  "]oz\1\246\256\266\264\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\264\376\377\374\2\372\374\371l\177\212\225" \
+  "]oz\1\252\262\272\213\376\377\374\2\337\370\375\0\304\352\276\25\274" \
+  "\344\2\0\276\345\274\355\373\213\376\377\374\1\305\312\315\225]oz\2a" \
+  "s~\353\360\363\264\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\223\377\377\377\265\376\377\374\1\270\300\311\225]oz\2^p{\322" \
+  "\330\332\213\376\377\374\2\332\363\370#\304\346\274\25\274\344\2\0\276" \
+  "\345\273\354\371\213\376\377\374\2\343\350\353dv\201\225]oz\1\236\246" \
+  "\256\265\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\223\377\377\377\265\376\377\374\2\365\372\375hz\205\225]oz\2i{\206\354" \
+  "\361\364\213\376\377\374\2\337\370\375*\310\351\272\25\274\344\2\0\302" \
+  "\351\314\361\372\213\376\377\374\2\371\373\370x\213\227\225]oz\2_q|\346" \
+  "\354\356\265\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\223\377\377\377\266\376\377\374\1\261\271\302\226]oz\2\205\224\232" \
+  "\373\375\372\213\376\377\374\2\356\373\374B\314\347\270\25\274\344\2" \
+  "%\305\347\335\366\373\214\376\377\374\1\242\252\262\226]oz\1\231\241" \
+  "\251\266\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\223\377\377\377\266\376\377\374\2\370\372\367m\200\213\226]oz\1\242" \
+  "\252\262\214\376\377\374\2\367\375\377i\326\356\266\25\274\344\2B\314" \
+  "\347\350\371\377\214\376\377\374\1\277\304\306\226]oz\2bt\177\351\356" \
+  "\360\266\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\223\377\377\377\267\376\377\374\1\305\312\315\227]oz\1\261\271\302\215" \
+  "\376\377\374\2\250\347\371\0\301\350\262\25\274\344\3\31\275\345\206" \
+  "\340\363\370\376\377\214\376\377\374\2\316\323\326_q|\226]oz\1\251\261" \
+  "\271\267\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\223\377\377\377\270\376\377\374\1y\214\230\226]oz\2^p{\301\306\311\215" \
+  "\376\377\374\2\335\366\373/\312\353\260\25\274\344\2#\304\346\312\357" \
+  "\370\215\376\377\374\2\330\335\340cu\200\226]oz\2hz\205\366\370\364\267" \
+  "\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377" \
+  "\377\377\270\376\377\374\1\332\337\342\230\222\241\247\1\353\360\363" \
+  "\215\376\377\374\3\370\376\377\231\342\362\0\301\350\254\25\274\344\3" \
+  "\0\276\345w\333\356\366\373\376\215\376\377\374\2\365\372\375\236\246" \
+  "\256\227\222\241\247\1\307\315\317\270\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\341\376\377\374\3\356\373" \
+  "\374i\326\356\0\276\345\251\25\274\344\2J\321\355\335\366\373\341\376" \
+  "\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377" \
+  "\377\343\376\377\374\3\316\363\374Z\325\354\31\275\345\245\25\274\344" \
+  "\2G\317\353\302\357\367\343\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\345\376\377\374\3\336\367\374m\332\361" \
+  "\0\276\345\240\25\274\344\3\31\275\345M\323\357\316\363\374\345\376\377" \
+  "\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377" \
+  "\347\376\377\374\4\366\373\376\237\350\367I\320\354\31\275\345\232\25" \
+  "\274\344\4\0\276\345B\314\347\231\342\362\356\373\374\347\376\377\374" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\352" \
+  "\376\377\374\4\356\373\374\235\346\365Z\325\354#\304\346\224\25\274\344" \
+  "\4\0\302\351L\322\356\221\344\362\336\367\374\352\376\377\374\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\356\376\377" \
+  "\374\6\336\367\374\237\350\367w\333\356M\323\357,\311\352\0\276\345\210" \
+  "\25\274\344\6\0\276\345*\310\351J\321\355n\333\362\233\345\364\320\365" \
+  "\376\356\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\223\377\377\377\364\376\377\374\10\367\375\377\356\373\374\335\366\373" \
+  "\316\363\374\315\362\373\335\366\373\350\371\377\366\373\376\364\376" \
+  "\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\376\377\374\361\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\377\376\377\374\361\376\377\374\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\377\376" \
+  "\377\374\361\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\223\377\377\377\377\376\377\374\361\376\377\374\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\375\376\377\374\202" \
+  "\370\376\377\250\376\377\374\1\367\375\377\217\376\377\374\1\367\375" \
+  "\377\237\376\377\374\1\367\375\377\230\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\374\376\377\374\4\237\350" \
+  "\367\0\276\345\31\275\345\203\334\360\245\376\377\374\5\316\363\374#" \
+  "\304\346\25\274\344G\317\353\367\375\377\213\376\377\374\5\335\366\373" \
+  "(\307\350\25\274\344B\314\347\366\373\376\233\376\377\374\5\356\373\374" \
+  "/\312\353\25\274\344*\310\351\337\370\375\226\376\377\374\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\374\376\377\374" \
+  "\1#\304\346\203\25\274\344\1\357\374\375\244\376\377\374\1i\326\356\203" \
+  "\25\274\344\1\260\353\366\213\376\377\374\1n\333\362\203\25\274\344\1" \
+  "\235\346\365\233\376\377\374\1\231\342\362\203\25\274\344\1y\336\360" \
+  "\226\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223" \
+  "\377\377\377\374\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1\336\367\374" \
+  "\244\376\377\374\1I\320\354\203\25\274\344\1\231\342\362\213\376\377" \
+  "\374\1M\323\357\203\25\274\344\1\206\340\363\233\376\377\374\1\206\340" \
+  "\363\203\25\274\344\1k\327\357\226\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\374\376\377\374\1\0\301\350" \
+  "\203\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\244\376\377\374\1I\320\354\203\25\274\344" \
+  "\1\231\342\362\213\376\377\374\1M\323\357\203\25\274\344\1\206\340\363" \
+  "\233\376\377\374\1\206\340\363\203\25\274\344\1k\327\357\226\376\377" \
+  "\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377" \
+  "\374\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\244\376\377" \
+  "\374\1I\320\354\203\25\274\344\1\231\342\362\213\376\377\374\1M\323\357" \
+  "\203\25\274\344\1\206\340\363\233\376\377\374\1\206\340\363\203\25\274" \
+  "\344\1k\327\357\226\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\223\377\377\377\374\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1" \
+  "\336\367\374\244\376\377\374\1I\320\354\203\25\274\344\1\231\342\362" \
+  "\213\376\377\374\1M\323\357\203\25\274\344\1\206\340\363\233\376\377" \
+  "\374\1\206\340\363\203\25\274\344\1k\327\357\226\376\377\374\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\374\376\377" \
+  "\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\244\376\377\374\1I\320" \
+  "\354\203\25\274\344\1\231\342\362\213\376\377\374\1M\323\357\203\25\274" \
+  "\344\1\206\340\363\233\376\377\374\1\206\340\363\203\25\274\344\1k\327" \
+  "\357\226\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\223\377\377\377\232\376\377\374\7\311\316\321\211\230\236j}\210cu\200" \
+  "n\201\214\233\243\253\333\340\343\206\376\377\374\2\236\246\256dv\201" \
+  "\205]oz\4_q|k~\211\222\241\247\337\344\346\210\376\377\374\7\322\330" \
+  "\332\222\241\247l\177\212cu\200k~\211\222\241\247\322\330\332\206\376" \
+  "\377\374\2\257\267\277gy\204\205]oz\4^p{i{\206\211\230\236\325\332\334" \
+  "\210\376\377\374\10\313\360\371\\\326\355%\305\347\0\276\345\0\302\351" \
+  "G\317\353\237\350\367\370\376\377\205\376\377\374\2\235\346\365\0\304" \
+  "\352\212\25\274\344\4\0\276\345\0\304\352M\323\357\315\362\373\205\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\0\301\350\207\25\274\344\4\0\301\350B\314\347\233\345\364" \
+  "\370\376\377\207\376\377\374\7\302\357\367M\323\357#\304\346\0\276\345" \
+  "\0\304\352J\321\355\260\353\366\210\376\377\374\4\315\362\373M\323\357" \
+  "#\304\346\31\275\345\207\25\274\344\1\231\342\362\204\376\377\374\4\323" \
+  "\364\367\\\326\355%\305\347\0\276\345\207\25\274\344\1\206\340\363\205" \
+  "\376\377\374\10\334\365\372m\332\361(\307\350\0\276\345\0\302\351B\314" \
+  "\347\233\345\364\370\376\377\207\376\377\374\4\336\367\374m\332\361(" \
+  "\307\350\0\276\345\207\25\274\344\1k\327\357\226\376\377\374\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\230\376\377" \
+  "\374\2\356\363\366\202\221\227\206]oz\3^p{\247\257\267\373\375\372\203" \
+  "\376\377\374\1\327\334\337\212]oz\2_q|\303\310\313\205\376\377\374\2" \
+  "\364\371\374\222\241\247\207]oz\2\222\241\247\370\372\367\203\376\377" \
+  "\374\2\353\360\363^p{\212]oz\1\254\264\274\205\376\377\374\2\370\376" \
+  "\377m\332\361\207\25\274\344\2B\314\347\350\371\377\203\376\377\374\2" \
+  "\370\376\377\0\276\345\216\25\274\344\2\31\275\345\235\346\365\204\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\0\301\350\212\25\274\344\2B\314\347\357\374\375\204\376\377" \
+  "\374\2\367\375\377Z\325\354\207\25\274\344\2G\317\353\357\374\375\205" \
+  "\376\377\374\2\235\346\365\31\275\345\212\25\274\344\1\231\342\362\203" \
+  "\376\377\374\2\256\350\364\0\276\345\212\25\274\344\1\206\340\363\204" \
+  "\376\377\374\2\206\340\363\31\275\345\206\25\274\344\2*\310\351\335\366" \
+  "\373\205\376\377\374\2\302\357\367\0\301\350\212\25\274\344\1k\327\357" \
+  "\226\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223" \
+  "\377\377\377\227\376\377\374\2\364\371\374u\210\224\211]oz\1\242\252" \
+  "\262\203\376\377\374\1\306\314\316\213]oz\2_q|\325\332\334\203\376\377" \
+  "\374\2\373\375\372\210\227\235\211]oz\2\211\230\236\373\375\372\202\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\330\335\340\214]oz\1\304\311\314\204\376\377\374\1i\326\356" \
+  "\211\25\274\344\2*\310\351\366\373\376\202\376\377\374\1\357\374\375" \
+  "\220\25\274\344\2\0\276\345\274\355\373\203\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\213" \
+  "\25\274\344\1M\323\357\204\376\377\374\1L\322\356\211\25\274\344\2""3" \
+  "\314\355\370\376\377\203\376\377\374\2\313\360\371\0\276\345\213\25\274" \
+  "\344\1\231\342\362\202\376\377\374\2\333\364\371\0\276\345\213\25\274" \
+  "\344\1\206\340\363\203\376\377\374\1\206\340\363\211\25\274\344\2\0\304" \
+  "\352\347\370\376\203\376\377\374\2\356\373\374\0\304\352\213\25\274\344" \
+  "\1k\327\357\226\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\223\377\377\377\227\376\377\374\1\251\261\271\213]oz\1\322\330\332" \
+  "\202\376\377\374\1\306\314\316\214]oz\1\200\217\225\203\376\377\374\1" \
+  "\277\304\306\213]oz\1\277\304\306\202\376\377\374\1\330\335\340\214]" \
+  "oz\2j}\210\373\375\372\202\376\377\374\1\273\354\371\213\25\274\344\1" \
+  "n\333\362\202\376\377\374\1\357\374\375\221\25\274\344\1""1\313\354\203" \
+  "\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\214\25\274\344\1\332\363\370\202\376\377\374" \
+  "\1\237\350\367\213\25\274\344\1\206\340\363\203\376\377\374\1I\320\354" \
+  "\214\25\274\344\1\231\342\362\202\376\377\374\1M\323\357\214\25\274\344" \
+  "\1\206\340\363\202\376\377\374\2\320\365\376\31\275\345\212\25\274\344" \
+  "\1L\322\356\203\376\377\374\1\203\334\360\214\25\274\344\1k\327\357\226" \
+  "\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377" \
+  "\377\377\226\376\377\374\2\370\372\367cu\200\203]oz\5s\206\221\317\324" \
+  "\327\343\350\353\276\303\305ew\202\203]oz\1\210\227\235\202\376\377\374" \
+  "\1\306\314\316\203]oz\1y\214\230\203\347\355\357\2\346\354\356\264\274" \
+  "\305\203]oz\2^p{\357\365\367\202\376\377\374\1p\203\216\203]oz\5k~\211" \
+  "\307\315\317\343\350\353\306\314\316k~\211\203]oz\1p\203\216\202\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\330\335\340\203]oz\1k~\211\204\347\355\357\2\304\311\314_" \
+  "q|\203]oz\1\334\342\344\202\376\377\374\1B\314\347\203\25\274\344\5\0" \
+  "\301\350\233\345\364\333\364\371\260\353\366(\307\350\203\25\274\344" \
+  "\4\0\276\345\367\375\377\376\377\374\357\374\375\204\25\274\344\203\335" \
+  "\366\373\204\25\274\344\3\302\357\367\335\366\373\206\340\363\204\25" \
+  "\274\344\1\356\373\374\202\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1\302" \
+  "\357\367\203\335\366\373\2\302\357\367\0\304\352\203\25\274\344\1\207" \
+  "\341\364\202\376\377\374\1,\311\352\203\25\274\344\5\0\302\351\236\347" \
+  "\366\332\363\370\256\350\364#\304\346\203\25\274\344\5\0\302\351\370" \
+  "\376\377\376\377\374\370\376\377\0\276\345\203\25\274\344\1w\333\356" \
+  "\204\335\366\373\1B\314\347\203\25\274\344\1\231\342\362\202\376\377" \
+  "\374\1\0\276\345\203\25\274\344\2m\332\361\334\365\372\203\335\366\373" \
+  "\1I\320\354\203\25\274\344\1\206\340\363\202\376\377\374\1i\326\356\203" \
+  "\25\274\344\5\0\276\345\206\340\363\323\364\367\273\354\3711\313\354" \
+  "\204\25\274\344\1\335\366\373\202\376\377\374\1,\311\352\203\25\274\344" \
+  "\2L\322\356\332\363\370\203\335\366\373\1n\333\362\203\25\274\344\1k" \
+  "\327\357\226\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\223\377\377\377\226\376\377\374\1\324\331\333\203]oz\2cu\200\353" \
+  "\360\363\203\376\377\374\1\307\315\317\203]oz\4as~\372\374\371\376\377" \
+  "\374\306\314\316\203]oz\1\202\221\227\205\376\377\374\1hz\205\203]oz" \
+  "\3\341\346\351\376\377\374\347\355\357\203]oz\2^p{\335\343\345\203\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\333\340\343\204]oz\3\347\355\357\376\377\374\330\335\340\203" \
+  "]oz\1m\200\213\205\376\377\374\1~\215\223\203]oz\4\313\320\322\376\377" \
+  "\374\370\376\377\31\275\345\203\25\274\344\1\256\350\364\203\376\377" \
+  "\374\2\336\367\374\0\276\345\203\25\274\344\3\274\355\373\376\377\374" \
+  "\357\374\375\204\25\274\344\203\376\377\374\204\25\274\344\1\336\367" \
+  "\374\202\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1\323\364\367\202\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\204\376\377\374\1n" \
+  "\333\362\203\25\274\344\3m\332\361\376\377\374\356\373\374\204\25\274" \
+  "\344\1\274\355\373\203\376\377\374\2\323\364\367\0\276\345\203\25\274" \
+  "\344\3\315\362\373\376\377\374\335\366\373\203\25\274\344\2\0\276\345" \
+  "\370\376\377\204\376\377\374\1I\320\354\203\25\274\344\3\231\342\362" \
+  "\376\377\374\366\373\376\204\25\274\344\1\366\373\376\204\376\377\374" \
+  "\1M\323\357\203\25\274\344\1\206\340\363\202\376\377\374\1%\305\347\203" \
+  "\25\274\344\1\207\341\364\203\376\377\374\2\360\375\376\0\304\352\203" \
+  "\25\274\344\1\233\345\364\202\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344" \
+  "\1\323\364\367\204\376\377\374\1\206\340\363\203\25\274\344\1k\327\357" \
+  "\226\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223" \
+  "\377\377\377\226\376\377\374\1\303\310\313\203]oz\1\204\223\231\204\376" \
+  "\377\374\2\370\372\367_q|\203]oz\3\354\361\364\376\377\374\306\314\316" \
+  "\203]oz\1\202\221\227\205\376\377\374\1m\200\213\203]oz\3\341\346\351" \
+  "\376\377\374\326\333\335\203]oz\1n\201\214\205\376\377\374\1l\177\212" \
+  "\203]oz\3\327\334\337\376\377\374\330\335\340\203]oz\1m\200\213\205\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\202\221\227\203]oz\3\306\314\316\376\377\374\337\370\375\203" \
+  "\25\274\344\2\31\275\345\370\376\377\204\376\377\374\1""3\314\355\203" \
+  "\25\274\344\3\236\347\366\376\377\374\357\374\375\204\25\274\344\203" \
+  "\376\377\374\204\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\202\376\377\374\1#\304\346" \
+  "\203\25\274\344\1\316\363\374\202\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274" \
+  "\344\1\336\367\374\204\376\377\374\1w\333\356\203\25\274\344\3k\327\357" \
+  "\376\377\374\315\362\373\203\25\274\344\1\0\301\350\205\376\377\374\1" \
+  "*\310\351\203\25\274\344\3\261\354\367\376\377\374\316\363\374\203\25" \
+  "\274\344\1\0\301\350\205\376\377\374\1I\320\354\203\25\274\344\3\231" \
+  "\342\362\376\377\374\357\374\375\204\25\274\344\205\376\377\374\1M\323" \
+  "\357\203\25\274\344\1\206\340\363\202\376\377\374\1\31\275\345\203\25" \
+  "\274\344\1\335\366\373\204\376\377\374\1M\323\357\203\25\274\344\1\203" \
+  "\334\360\202\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\204" \
+  "\376\377\374\1\206\340\363\203\25\274\344\1k\327\357\226\376\377\374" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\226" \
+  "\376\377\374\1\277\304\306\203]oz\1\211\230\236\205\376\377\374\1ew\202" \
+  "\203]oz\3\352\357\362\376\377\374\306\314\316\203]oz\1\202\221\227\205" \
+  "\376\377\374\1m\200\213\203]oz\3\341\346\351\376\377\374\317\324\327" \
+  "\203]oz\1as~\205o\202\215\1as~\203]oz\3\317\324\327\376\377\374\330\335" \
+  "\340\203]oz\1m\200\213\205\376\377\374\1\202\221\227\203]oz\3\306\314" \
+  "\316\376\377\374\336\367\374\203\25\274\344\1\0\276\345\205%\305\347" \
+  "\1\0\276\345\203\25\274\344\3\231\342\362\376\377\374\357\374\375\204" \
+  "\25\274\344\203\376\377\374\204\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\202\376\377" \
+  "\374\1#\304\346\203\25\274\344\1\316\363\374\202\376\377\374\1\0\301" \
+  "\350\203\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\204\376\377\374\1w\333\356\203\25\274" \
+  "\344\3k\327\357\376\377\374\302\357\367\203\25\274\344\1\31\275\345\205" \
+  "%\305\347\1\0\276\345\203\25\274\344\3\237\350\367\376\377\374\316\363" \
+  "\374\203\25\274\344\1\0\301\350\205\376\377\374\1I\320\354\203\25\274" \
+  "\344\3\231\342\362\376\377\374\357\374\375\204\25\274\344\205\376\377" \
+  "\374\1M\323\357\203\25\274\344\1\206\340\363\202\376\377\374\204\25\274" \
+  "\344\1#\304\346\204%\305\347\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1w\333\356\202" \
+  "\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\204\376\377\374" \
+  "\1\206\340\363\203\25\274\344\1k\327\357\226\376\377\374\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\226\376\377\374" \
+  "\1\277\304\306\203]oz\1\211\230\236\205\376\377\374\1ew\202\203]oz\3" \
+  "\352\357\362\376\377\374\306\314\316\203]oz\1\202\221\227\205\376\377" \
+  "\374\1m\200\213\203]oz\3\341\346\351\376\377\374\317\324\327\215]oz\3" \
+  "\317\324\327\376\377\374\330\335\340\203]oz\1m\200\213\205\376\377\374" \
+  "\1\202\221\227\203]oz\3\306\314\316\376\377\374\336\367\374\215\25\274" \
+  "\344\3\231\342\362\376\377\374\357\374\375\204\25\274\344\203\376\377" \
+  "\374\204\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\202\376\377\374\1#\304\346\203\25\274" \
+  "\344\1\316\363\374\202\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1\336\367" \
+  "\374\204\376\377\374\1w\333\356\203\25\274\344\3k\327\357\376\377\374" \
+  "\302\357\367\215\25\274\344\3\237\350\367\376\377\374\316\363\374\203" \
+  "\25\274\344\1\0\301\350\205\376\377\374\1I\320\354\203\25\274\344\3\231" \
+  "\342\362\376\377\374\357\374\375\204\25\274\344\205\376\377\374\1M\323" \
+  "\357\203\25\274\344\1\206\340\363\202\376\377\374\215\25\274\344\1w\333" \
+  "\356\202\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\204\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\206\340\363\203\25\274\344\1k\327\357\226\376\377\374\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\226\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\277\304\306\203]oz\1\211\230\236\205\376\377\374\1ew\202\203" \
+  "]oz\3\352\357\362\376\377\374\306\314\316\203]oz\1\202\221\227\205\376" \
+  "\377\374\1m\200\213\203]oz\3\341\346\351\376\377\374\317\324\327\215" \
+  "]oz\3\317\324\327\376\377\374\330\335\340\203]oz\1m\200\213\205\376\377" \
+  "\374\1\202\221\227\203]oz\3\306\314\316\376\377\374\336\367\374\215\25" \
+  "\274\344\3\231\342\362\376\377\374\357\374\375\204\25\274\344\203\376" \
+  "\377\374\204\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\202\376\377\374\1#\304\346\203" \
+  "\25\274\344\1\316\363\374\202\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344" \
+  "\1\336\367\374\204\376\377\374\1w\333\356\203\25\274\344\3k\327\357\376" \
+  "\377\374\302\357\367\215\25\274\344\3\237\350\367\376\377\374\316\363" \
+  "\374\203\25\274\344\1\0\301\350\205\376\377\374\1I\320\354\203\25\274" \
+  "\344\3\231\342\362\376\377\374\357\374\375\204\25\274\344\205\376\377" \
+  "\374\1M\323\357\203\25\274\344\1\206\340\363\202\376\377\374\215\25\274" \
+  "\344\1w\333\356\202\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1\336\367" \
+  "\374\204\376\377\374\1\206\340\363\203\25\274\344\1k\327\357\226\376" \
+  "\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377" \
+  "\377\226\376\377\374\1\277\304\306\203]oz\1\211\230\236\205\376\377\374" \
+  "\1ew\202\203]oz\3\352\357\362\376\377\374\306\314\316\203]oz\1\202\221" \
+  "\227\205\376\377\374\1m\200\213\203]oz\3\341\346\351\376\377\374\317" \
+  "\324\327\215]oz\3\317\324\327\376\377\374\330\335\340\203]oz\1m\200\213" \
+  "\205\376\377\374\1\202\221\227\203]oz\3\306\314\316\376\377\374\336\367" \
+  "\374\215\25\274\344\3\231\342\362\376\377\374\357\374\375\204\25\274" \
+  "\344\203\376\377\374\204\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\202\376\377\374\1#" \
+  "\304\346\203\25\274\344\1\316\363\374\202\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203" \
+  "\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\204\376\377\374\1w\333\356\203\25\274\344\3" \
+  "k\327\357\376\377\374\302\357\367\215\25\274\344\3\237\350\367\376\377" \
+  "\374\316\363\374\203\25\274\344\1\0\301\350\205\376\377\374\1I\320\354" \
+  "\203\25\274\344\3\231\342\362\376\377\374\357\374\375\204\25\274\344" \
+  "\205\376\377\374\1M\323\357\203\25\274\344\1\206\340\363\202\376\377" \
+  "\374\215\25\274\344\1w\333\356\202\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274" \
+  "\344\1\336\367\374\204\376\377\374\1\206\340\363\203\25\274\344\1k\327" \
+  "\357\226\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\223\377\377\377\226\376\377\374\1\300\305\310\203]oz\1\211\230\236\205" \
+  "\376\377\374\1bt\177\203]oz\3\352\357\362\376\377\374\306\314\316\203" \
+  "]oz\1\202\221\227\205\376\377\374\1m\200\213\203]oz\3\341\346\351\376" \
+  "\377\374\317\324\327\203]oz\1p\203\216\211\335\343\345\3\366\370\364" \
+  "\376\377\374\330\335\340\203]oz\1m\200\213\205\376\377\374\1\202\221" \
+  "\227\203]oz\3\306\314\316\376\377\374\336\367\374\203\25\274\344\1\0" \
+  "\276\345\211\314\361\372\3\350\371\377\376\377\374\357\374\375\204\25" \
+  "\274\344\203\376\377\374\204\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\202\376\377\374" \
+  "\1#\304\346\203\25\274\344\1\316\363\374\202\376\377\374\1\0\301\350" \
+  "\203\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\204\376\377\374\1w\333\356\203\25\274\344" \
+  "\3k\327\357\376\377\374\302\357\367\203\25\274\344\1\0\302\351\211\314" \
+  "\361\372\3\356\373\374\376\377\374\316\363\374\203\25\274\344\1\0\301" \
+  "\350\205\376\377\374\1I\320\354\203\25\274\344\3\231\342\362\376\377" \
+  "\374\357\374\375\204\25\274\344\205\376\377\374\1M\323\357\203\25\274" \
+  "\344\1\206\340\363\202\376\377\374\204\25\274\344\1\301\356\366\210\314" \
+  "\361\372\1\337\370\375\202\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1\336" \
+  "\367\374\204\376\377\374\1\206\340\363\203\25\274\344\1k\327\357\226" \
+  "\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377" \
+  "\377\377\226\376\377\374\1\314\321\324\203]oz\2l\177\212\372\374\371" \
+  "\203\376\377\374\1\333\340\343\203]oz\4^p{\366\373\376\376\377\374\306" \
+  "\314\316\203]oz\1\202\221\227\205\376\377\374\1k~\211\203]oz\3\341\346" \
+  "\351\376\377\374\320\326\330\203]oz\1t\207\222\213\376\377\374\1\330" \
+  "\335\340\203]oz\1m\200\213\205\376\377\374\1\202\221\227\203]oz\3\306" \
+  "\314\316\376\377\374\336\367\374\203\25\274\344\1\0\276\345\213\376\377" \
+  "\374\1\357\374\375\204\25\274\344\203\376\377\374\204\25\274\344\1\336" \
+  "\367\374\202\376\377\374\1#\304\346\203\25\274\344\1\316\363\374\202" \
+  "\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\204\376\377\374" \
+  "\1n\333\362\203\25\274\344\3k\327\357\376\377\374\303\361\370\203\25" \
+  "\274\344\1\0\304\352\213\376\377\374\1\332\363\370\203\25\274\344\1\0" \
+  "\276\345\205\376\377\374\1I\320\354\203\25\274\344\3\231\342\362\376" \
+  "\377\374\357\374\375\204\25\274\344\1\370\376\377\204\376\377\374\1M" \
+  "\323\357\203\25\274\344\1\206\340\363\202\376\377\374\204\25\274\344" \
+  "\1\356\373\374\213\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1\335\366\373" \
+  "\204\376\377\374\1\206\340\363\203\25\274\344\1k\327\357\226\376\377" \
+  "\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377" \
+  "\226\376\377\374\2\353\360\363^p{\203]oz\5\236\246\256\366\373\376\376" \
+  "\377\374\347\355\357w\212\226\203]oz\1~\215\223\202\376\377\374\1\306" \
+  "\314\316\203]oz\1\202\221\227\204\376\377\374\2\335\343\345^p{\203]o" \
+  "z\3\351\356\360\376\377\374\335\343\345\203]oz\2bt\177\343\350\353\212" \
+  "\376\377\374\1\330\335\340\203]oz\1m\200\213\205\376\377\374\1\202\221" \
+  "\227\203]oz\3\306\314\316\376\377\374\356\373\374\204\25\274\344\1\274" \
+  "\355\373\212\376\377\374\1\357\374\375\204\25\274\344\203\376\377\374" \
+  "\204\25\274\344\1\336\367\374\202\376\377\374\1#\304\346\203\25\274\344" \
+  "\1\316\363\374\202\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1\336\367\374" \
+  "\203\376\377\374\2\367\375\377/\312\353\203\25\274\344\3\204\335\361" \
+  "\376\377\374\334\365\372\203\25\274\344\2\0\276\345\314\361\372\212\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\356\373\374\204\25\274\344\1\274\355\373\204\376\377\374\1" \
+  "I\320\354\203\25\274\344\4\231\342\362\376\377\374\370\376\377\0\276" \
+  "\345\203\25\274\344\1\257\351\365\204\376\377\374\1M\323\357\203\25\274" \
+  "\344\1\206\340\363\202\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1\233\345" \
+  "\364\213\376\377\374\1#\304\346\203\25\274\344\1\207\341\364\204\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\206\340\363\203\25\274\344\1k\327\357\226\376\377\374\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\227\376" \
+  "\377\374\1\211\230\236\204]oz\3cu\200p\203\216^p{\204]oz\1\277\304\306" \
+  "\202\376\377\374\1\306\314\316\203]oz\1dv\201\203~\215\223\2v\211\225" \
+  "as~\203]oz\1n\201\214\202\376\377\374\2\371\373\370dv\201\203]oz\2bt" \
+  "\177w\212\226\205~\215\223\2\203\222\230\304\311\314\202\376\377\374" \
+  "\1\330\335\340\203]oz\1m\200\213\205\376\377\374\1\202\221\227\203]o" \
+  "z\1\306\314\316\202\376\377\374\1(\307\350\203\25\274\344\2\0\276\345" \
+  "*\310\351\205,\311\352\2""1\313\354\207\341\364\202\376\377\374\1\357" \
+  "\374\375\204\25\274\344\203\376\377\374\204\25\274\344\1\336\367\374" \
+  "\202\376\377\374\1#\304\346\203\25\274\344\1\316\363\374\202\376\377" \
+  "\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1*\310\351\203,\311\352\1\0\302\351\204" \
+  "\25\274\344\4\274\355\373\376\377\374\370\376\377\0\302\351\203\25\274" \
+  "\344\2\31\275\345*\310\351\205,\311\352\2B\314\347\231\342\362\203\376" \
+  "\377\374\1%\305\347\203\25\274\344\2\0\276\345*\310\351\203,\311\352" \
+  "\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1\231\342\362\202\376\377\374\1/\312\353" \
+  "\203\25\274\344\2\0\276\345*\310\351\203,\311\352\1\0\301\350\203\25" \
+  "\274\344\1\206\340\363\202\376\377\374\1G\317\353\204\25\274\344\1(\307" \
+  "\350\205,\311\352\3""1\313\354w\333\356\370\376\377\202\376\377\374\1" \
+  "M\323\357\204\25\274\344\1(\307\350\203,\311\352\1\0\304\352\203\25\274" \
+  "\344\1k\327\357\226\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\223\377\377\377\227\376\377\374\2\343\350\353ew\202\211]oz\2" \
+  "\177\216\224\373\375\372\202\376\377\374\1\306\314\316\214]oz\1\270\300" \
+  "\311\203\376\377\374\1\253\263\273\213]oz\4_q|\352\357\362\376\377\374" \
+  "\330\335\340\203]oz\1m\200\213\205\376\377\374\1\202\221\227\203]oz\1" \
+  "\306\314\316\202\376\377\374\1\233\345\364\214\25\274\344\3\301\356\366" \
+  "\376\377\374\357\374\375\204\25\274\344\203\376\377\374\204\25\274\344" \
+  "\1\336\367\374\202\376\377\374\1#\304\346\203\25\274\344\1\316\363\374" \
+  "\202\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\213\25\274\344\2,\311\352\370\376\377\202" \
+  "\376\377\374\1\206\340\363\214\25\274\344\1\316\363\374\202\376\377\374" \
+  "\1\233\345\364\214\25\274\344\1\231\342\362\202\376\377\374\1\250\347" \
+  "\371\214\25\274\344\1\206\340\363\202\376\377\374\1\273\354\371\214\25" \
+  "\274\344\1\236\347\366\202\376\377\374\2\313\360\371\0\276\345\213\25" \
+  "\274\344\1k\327\357\226\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\230\376\377\374\2\325\332\334gy\204\207" \
+  "]oz\2x\213\227\354\361\364\203\376\377\374\1\306\314\316\213]oz\1\225" \
+  "\235\245\204\376\377\374\2\372\374\371~\221\235\213]oz\3\333\340\343" \
+  "\376\377\374\342\347\352\203]oz\1t\207\222\205\376\377\374\1\211\230" \
+  "\236\203]oz\1\317\324\327\203\376\377\374\1M\323\357\213\25\274\344\4" \
+  "\237\350\367\376\377\374\367\375\377\0\276\345\202\25\274\344\1\0\276" \
+  "\345\203\376\377\374\1\0\301\350\203\25\274\344\1\357\374\375\202\376" \
+  "\377\374\1(\307\350\203\25\274\344\1\335\366\373\202\376\377\374\1\0" \
+  "\302\351\212\25\274\344\2\0\301\350\333\364\371\203\376\377\374\2\370" \
+  "\376\377G\317\353\213\25\274\344\1\273\354\371\203\376\377\374\1M\323" \
+  "\357\213\25\274\344\1\237\350\367\203\376\377\374\1k\327\357\213\25\274" \
+  "\344\1\231\342\362\203\376\377\374\1w\333\356\213\25\274\344\1\206\340" \
+  "\363\203\376\377\374\1\207\341\364\213\25\274\344\1n\333\362\226\376" \
+  "\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377" \
+  "\377\231\376\377\374\3\351\356\360\231\241\251bt\177\203]oz\3k~\211\257" \
+  "\267\277\370\372\367\204\376\377\374\1\306\314\316\211]oz\3gy\204\261" \
+  "\271\302\373\375\372\205\376\377\374\3\371\373\370\252\262\272dv\201" \
+  "\210]oz\2x\213\227\372\374\371\202\376\377\374\4}\220\233]oz^p{\266\277" \
+  "\307\205\376\377\374\5\311\316\321_q|]ozq\204\217\370\372\367\203\376" \
+  "\377\374\3\370\376\377\211\342\365\0\301\350\210\25\274\344\2\0\304\352" \
+  "\356\373\374\202\376\377\374\1M\323\357\202\25\274\344\1m\332\361\203" \
+  "\376\377\374\1n\333\362\202\25\274\344\1L\322\356\203\376\377\374\1\206" \
+  "\340\363\202\25\274\344\2B\314\347\370\376\377\202\376\377\374\1w\333" \
+  "\356\210\25\274\344\3\0\276\345L\322\356\336\367\374\205\376\377\374" \
+  "\3\370\376\377\204\335\361\0\301\350\210\25\274\344\2(\307\350\366\373" \
+  "\376\203\376\377\374\3\370\376\377\211\342\365\0\301\350\210\25\274\344" \
+  "\2#\304\346\356\373\374\204\376\377\374\2\233\345\364\0\302\351\210\25" \
+  "\274\344\2\0\302\351\337\370\375\204\376\377\374\2\237\350\367#\304\346" \
+  "\210\25\274\344\2\0\301\350\333\364\371\204\376\377\374\2\257\351\365" \
+  "%\305\347\210\25\274\344\2\0\276\345\314\361\372\226\376\377\374\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\233\376" \
+  "\377\374\4\365\372\375\335\343\345\325\332\334\343\350\353\207\376\377" \
+  "\374\1\306\314\316\203]oz\1u\210\224\204\324\331\333\2\335\343\345\373" \
+  "\375\372\211\376\377\374\2\372\374\371\334\342\344\206\324\331\333\2" \
+  "\331\336\341\372\374\371\203\376\377\374\3\373\375\372\332\337\342\343" \
+  "\350\353\207\376\377\374\3\351\356\360\330\335\340\366\373\376\206\376" \
+  "\377\374\2\370\376\377\316\363\374\206\273\354\371\2\302\357\367\366" \
+  "\373\376\204\376\377\374\2\314\361\372\315\362\373\205\376\377\374\2" \
+  "\316\363\374\313\360\371\205\376\377\374\3\332\363\370\312\357\370\370" \
+  "\376\377\204\376\377\374\1\316\363\374\206\273\354\371\2\302\357\367" \
+  "\356\373\374\211\376\377\374\2\370\376\377\314\361\372\206\273\354\371" \
+  "\2\302\357\367\367\375\377\206\376\377\374\2\370\376\377\316\363\374" \
+  "\206\273\354\371\2\302\357\367\366\373\376\206\376\377\374\2\370\376" \
+  "\377\316\363\374\206\273\354\371\2\301\356\366\357\374\375\207\376\377" \
+  "\374\1\332\363\370\206\273\354\371\2\301\356\366\356\373\374\207\376" \
+  "\377\374\2\333\364\371\274\355\373\205\273\354\371\2\274\355\373\350" \
+  "\371\377\227\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\223\377\377\377\246\376\377\374\1\306\314\316\203]oz\1\202\221\227" \
+  "\377\376\377\374\306\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\246\376\377\374\1\306\314\316\203]oz\1\202" \
+  "\221\227\377\376\377\374\306\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\246\376\377\374\1\306\314\316\203" \
+  "]oz\1\202\221\227\377\376\377\374\306\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\246\376\377\374\1\306\314" \
+  "\316\203]oz\1\202\221\227\377\376\377\374\306\376\377\374\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\246\376\377\374" \
+  "\1\315\322\325\203]oz\1\211\230\236\377\376\377\374\306\376\377\374\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\246\376" \
+  "\377\374\2\360\366\370i{\206\202]oz\1\302\307\312\377\376\377\374\306" \
+  "\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377" \
+  "\377\377\247\376\377\374\3\357\365\367\313\320\322\335\343\345\377\376" \
+  "\377\374\307\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\223\377\377\377\377\376\377\374\361\376\377\374\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\377\376\377\374\361" \
+  "\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\376\377\374\361\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\377\376\377\374\361\376\377\374" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\376\377\374\361\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\223\377\377\377\377\376\377\374\361\376\377\374\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\377\376\377\374" \
+  "\361\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\376\377\374\361\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\377\376\377\374\361\376\377" \
+  "\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\376\377\374\361\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\377\376\377\374\361\376\377\374\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\377\376\377" \
+  "\374\361\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\223\377\377\377\377\376\377\374\361\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\377\376\377\374\361\376" \
+  "\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\376\377\374\361\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\377\376\377\374\361\376\377\374\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\223\377\377\377\377\376" \
+  "\377\374\361\376\377\374\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
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+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377" \
+  "\377\377\377\377\232\377\377\377")
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/psplash/psplash_git.bb b/meta/recipes-core/psplash/psplash_git.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3b6479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/psplash/psplash_git.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+SUMMARY = "Userspace framebuffer boot logo based on usplash"
+DESCRIPTION = "PSplash is a userspace graphical boot splash screen for mainly embedded Linux devices supporting a 16bpp or 32bpp framebuffer. It has few dependencies (just libc), supports basic images and text and handles rotation. Its visual look is configurable by basic source changes. Also included is a 'client' command utility for sending information to psplash such as boot progress information."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/psplash"
+SECTION = "base"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://psplash.h;beginline=1;endline=16;md5=840fb2356b10a85bed78dd09dc7745c6"
+SRCREV = "14c8f7b705de944beb4de3f296506d80871e410f"
+PV = "0.1+git${SRCPV}"
+PR = "r15"
+SRC_URI = "git://git.yoctoproject.org/${BPN} \
+           file://0001-psplash-fb-Convert-psplash_fb_plot_pixel-to-a-static.patch \
+           file://psplash-init \
+           ${SPLASH_IMAGES}"
+SPLASH_IMAGES = "file://psplash-poky-img.h;outsuffix=default"
+python __anonymous() {
+    oldpkgs = d.getVar("PACKAGES", True).split()
+    splashfiles = d.getVar('SPLASH_IMAGES', True).split()
+    pkgs = []
+    localpaths = []
+    haspng = False
+    for uri in splashfiles:
+        fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch([uri], d)
+        flocal = os.path.basename(fetcher.localpath(uri))
+        fbase = os.path.splitext(flocal)[0]
+        outsuffix = fetcher.ud[uri].parm.get("outsuffix")
+        if not outsuffix:
+            if fbase.startswith("psplash-"):
+                outsuffix = fbase[8:]
+            else:
+                outsuffix = fbase
+            if outsuffix.endswith('-img'):
+                outsuffix = outsuffix[:-4]
+        outname = "psplash-%s" % outsuffix
+        if outname == '' or outname in oldpkgs:
+            bb.fatal("The output name '%s' derived from the URI %s is not valid, please specify the outsuffix parameter" % (outname, uri))
+        else:
+            pkgs.append(outname)
+        if flocal.endswith(".png"):
+            haspng = True
+        localpaths.append(flocal)
+    # Set these so that we have less work to do in do_compile and do_install_append
+    d.setVar("SPLASH_INSTALL", " ".join(pkgs))
+    d.setVar("SPLASH_LOCALPATHS", " ".join(localpaths))
+    if haspng:
+        d.appendVar("DEPENDS", " gdk-pixbuf-native")
+    d.prependVar("PACKAGES", "%s " % (" ".join(pkgs)))
+    mlprefix = d.getVar('MLPREFIX', True) or ''
+    pn = d.getVar('PN', True) or ''
+    for p in pkgs:
+        ep = '%s%s' % (mlprefix, p)
+        epsplash = '%s%s' % (mlprefix, 'psplash')
+        d.setVar("FILES_%s" % ep, "${bindir}/%s" % p)
+        d.setVar("ALTERNATIVE_%s" % ep, 'psplash')
+        d.setVarFlag("ALTERNATIVE_TARGET_%s" % ep, 'psplash', '${bindir}/%s' % p)
+        d.appendVar("RDEPENDS_%s" % ep, " %s" % pn)
+        if p == "psplash-default":
+            d.appendVar("RRECOMMENDS_%s" % pn, " %s" % ep)
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig update-rc.d update-alternatives
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[psplash] = "${bindir}/psplash"
+python do_compile () {
+    import shutil
+    # Build a separate executable for each splash image
+    workdir = d.getVar('WORKDIR', True)
+    convertscript = "%s/make-image-header.sh" % d.getVar('S', True)
+    destfile = "%s/psplash-poky-img.h" % d.getVar('S', True)
+    localfiles = d.getVar('SPLASH_LOCALPATHS', True).split()
+    outputfiles = d.getVar('SPLASH_INSTALL', True).split()
+    for localfile, outputfile in zip(localfiles, outputfiles):
+        if localfile.endswith(".png"):
+            outp = oe.utils.getstatusoutput('%s %s POKY' % (convertscript, os.path.join(workdir, localfile)))
+            print(outp[1])
+            fbase = os.path.splitext(localfile)[0]
+            shutil.copyfile("%s-img.h" % fbase, destfile)
+        else:
+            shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(workdir, localfile), destfile)
+        # For some reason just updating the header is not enough, we have to touch the .c
+        # file in order to get it to rebuild
+        os.utime("%s/psplash.c" % d.getVar('S', True), None)
+        bb.build.exec_func("oe_runmake", d)
+        shutil.copyfile("psplash", outputfile)
+do_install_append() {
+	install -d ${D}/mnt/.psplash/
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/
+	install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/psplash-init ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/psplash.sh
+	install -d ${D}${bindir}
+	for i in ${SPLASH_INSTALL} ; do
+		install -m 0755 $i ${D}${bindir}/$i
+	done
+	rm -f ${D}${bindir}/psplash
+FILES_${PN} += "/mnt/.psplash"
+INITSCRIPT_NAME = "psplash.sh"
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "start 0 S . stop 20 0 1 6 ."
+DEPENDS_append = " ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','systemd','systemd-systemctl-native','',d)}"
+pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
+	if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','systemd','true','false',d)}; then
+		if [ -n "$D" ]; then
+			OPTS="--root=$D"
+		fi
+		systemctl $OPTS mask psplash.service
+	fi
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/readline/files/config-dirent-symbols.patch b/meta/recipes-core/readline/files/config-dirent-symbols.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfff03c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/readline/files/config-dirent-symbols.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Fix the names of the STRUCT_DIRENT_D symbols to match the names used by both
+configure and the source code.
+Upstream-Status: Submitted (http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-readline/2014-05/msg00008.html)
+Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross.burton@intel.com>
+From e48656811550774892fd4e0f4b3c7d418422da52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Ross Burton <ross.burton@intel.com>
+Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 22:32:31 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] config.h.in: fix names of STRUCT_DIRENT_D symbols
+ config.h.in |    4 ++--
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/config.h.in b/config.h.in
+index a67e43e..a42acc5 100644
+--- a/config.h.in
++++ b/config.h.in
+@@ -244,9 +244,9 @@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/readline/files/norpath.patch b/meta/recipes-core/readline/files/norpath.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d71582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/readline/files/norpath.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+This support script ends up hardcoding unnecessary rpaths into the libraries. We
+will search $libdir automatically so this is just wastes space. There may be some
+cases this is necessary but our use cases aren't one of them.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate
+RP 2012/2/23
+Index: readline-6.2/support/shobj-conf
+--- readline-6.2.orig/support/shobj-conf	2012-02-23 11:06:37.193179379 +0000
++++ readline-6.2/support/shobj-conf	2012-02-23 11:06:50.049178918 +0000
+@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
+ 	SHOBJ_LD='${CC}'
+ 	SHOBJ_LDFLAGS='-shared -Wl,-soname,$@'
+-	SHLIB_XLDFLAGS='-Wl,-rpath,$(libdir) -Wl,-soname,`basename $@ $(SHLIB_MINOR)`'
++	SHLIB_XLDFLAGS='-Wl,-soname,`basename $@ $(SHLIB_MINOR)`'
+ 	;;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline-5.2/configure-fix.patch b/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline-5.2/configure-fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be60a98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline-5.2/configure-fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Without this it fails to link against libtermcap causing various missing symbols 
+RP - 8/10/08
+Index: readline-5.2/configure.in
+--- readline-5.2.orig/configure.in	2008-10-08 09:58:52.000000000 +0100
++++ readline-5.2/configure.in	2008-10-08 09:59:03.000000000 +0100
+@@ -211,10 +211,10 @@
+         AC_MSG_CHECKING(configuration for building shared libraries)
+         eval `TERMCAP_LIB=$TERMCAP_LIB ${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} ${srcdir}/support/shobj-conf -C "${CC}" -c ${host_cpu} -o ${host_os} -v ${host_vendor}`
+-#	case "$SHLIB_LIBS" in
+-#	*curses*|*termcap*|*termlib*)	;;
+-#	esac
++	case "$SHLIB_LIBS" in
++	*curses*|*termcap*|*termlib*)	;;
++	esac
+         AC_SUBST(SHOBJ_CC)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline-5.2/fix-redundant-rpath.patch b/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline-5.2/fix-redundant-rpath.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3166b47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline-5.2/fix-redundant-rpath.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+This support script ends up hardcoding unnecessary rpaths into the libraries. We
+will search $libdir automatically so this is just wastes space. There may be some
+cases this is necessary but our use cases aren't one of them.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate
+Signed-off-by: Saul Wold <sgw@linux.intel.com>
+Index: readline-5.2/support/shobj-conf
+--- readline-5.2.orig/support/shobj-conf
++++ readline-5.2/support/shobj-conf
+@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ linux*-*|gnu*-*|k*bsd*-gnu-*)
+ 	SHOBJ_LD='${CC}'
+ 	SHOBJ_LDFLAGS='-shared -Wl,-soname,$@'
+-	SHLIB_XLDFLAGS='-Wl,-rpath,$(libdir) -Wl,-soname,`basename $@ $(SHLIB_MINOR)`'
++	SHLIB_XLDFLAGS='-Wl,-soname,`basename $@ $(SHLIB_MINOR)`'
+ 	;;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline-6.3/configure-fix.patch b/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline-6.3/configure-fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef3104f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline-6.3/configure-fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Without this it fails to link against libtermcap causing various missing
+symbols issues.
+RP - 8/10/08
+Support 6.3 which uses configure.ac rather than configure.in.
+Signed-off-by: Hongxu Jia <hongxu.jia@windriver.com>
+ configure.ac | 8 ++++----
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index cea8f91..9075b8f 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -218,10 +218,10 @@ if test -f ${srcdir}/support/shobj-conf; then
+         AC_MSG_CHECKING(configuration for building shared libraries)
+         eval `TERMCAP_LIB=$TERMCAP_LIB ${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} ${srcdir}/support/shobj-conf -C "${CC}" -c ${host_cpu} -o ${host_os} -v ${host_vendor}`
+-#	case "$SHLIB_LIBS" in
+-#	*curses*|*termcap*|*termlib*)	;;
+-#	esac
++	case "$SHLIB_LIBS" in
++	*curses*|*termcap*|*termlib*)	;;
++	esac
+         AC_SUBST(SHOBJ_CC)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline-6.3/readline-dispatch-multikey.patch b/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline-6.3/readline-dispatch-multikey.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54d1ac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline-6.3/readline-dispatch-multikey.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+From 8ef852a5be72c75e17f2510bea52455f809b56ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Chet Ramey <chet.ramey@case.edu>
+Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:07:42 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 04/10] Readline-6.3 patch 2
+Fixes multi-key issue identified in this thread:
+Upstream-Status: Backport
+Signed-off-by: Saul Wold <sgw@linux.intel.com>
+ readline.c | 3 ++-
+ 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/readline.c b/readline.c
+index eb4eae3..abb29a0 100644
+--- a/readline.c
++++ b/readline.c
+@@ -744,7 +744,8 @@ _rl_dispatch_callback (cxt)
+     r = _rl_subseq_result (r, cxt->oldmap, cxt->okey, (cxt->flags & KSEQ_SUBSEQ));
+-  if (r == 0)			/* success! */
++  /* We only treat values < 0 specially to simulate recursion. */
++  if (r >= 0 || (r == -1 && (cxt->flags & KSEQ_SUBSEQ) == 0))	/* success! or failure! */
+     {
+       _rl_keyseq_chain_dispose ();
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline-6.3/readline63-003 b/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline-6.3/readline63-003
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98a9d81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline-6.3/readline63-003
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+readline: Security Advisory - readline - CVE-2014-2524
+Upstream-Status: Backport
+Signed-off-by: Yue Tao <yue.tao@windriver.com>
+			   =====================
+Readline-Release: 6.3
+Patch-ID: readline63-003
+There are debugging functions in the readline release that are theoretically
+exploitable as security problems.  They are not public functions, but have
+global linkage.
+Patch (apply with `patch -p0'):
+*** ../readline-6.3/util.c	2013-09-02 13:36:12.000000000 -0400
+--- util.c	2014-03-20 10:25:53.000000000 -0400
+*** 477,480 ****
+--- 479,483 ----
+  }
++ #if defined (DEBUG)
+  #if defined (USE_VARARGS)
+  static FILE *_rl_tracefp;
+*** 539,542 ****
+--- 542,546 ----
+  }
+  #endif
++ #endif /* DEBUG */
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline.inc b/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f662c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+SUMMARY = "Library for editing typed command lines"
+DESCRIPTION = "The GNU Readline library provides a set of functions for use by applications that allow users to edit \
+command lines as they are typed in. Both Emacs and vi editing modes are available. The Readline library includes  \
+additional functions to maintain a list of previously-entered command lines, to recall and perhaps reedit those   \
+lines, and perform csh-like history expansion on previous commands."
+SECTION = "libs"
+# GPLv2+ (< 6.0), GPLv3+ (>= 6.0)
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d32239bcb673463ab874e80d47fae504"
+DEPENDS += "ncurses"
+SRC_URI = "${GNU_MIRROR}/readline/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.gz;name=archive \
+           file://configure-fix.patch \
+           file://config-dirent-symbols.patch \
+           file://norpath.patch"
+inherit autotools texinfo
+EXTRA_AUTORECONF += "--exclude=autoheader"
+LEAD_SONAME = "libreadline.so"
+do_configure_prepend () {
+	if [ ! -e ${S}/acinclude.m4 ]; then
+		cat ${S}/aclocal.m4 > ${S}/acinclude.m4
+	fi
+do_install_append () {
+	# Make install doesn't properly install these
+	oe_libinstall -so -C shlib libhistory ${D}${libdir}
+	oe_libinstall -so -C shlib libreadline ${D}${libdir}
+	rmdir ${D}${bindir}
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline_5.2.bb b/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline_5.2.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1007a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline_5.2.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+SUMMARY = "Library for editing typed command lines"
+DESCRIPTION = "The GNU Readline library provides a set of functions for use by applications that allow users to edit \
+command lines as they are typed in. Both Emacs and vi editing modes are available. The Readline library includes  \
+additional functions to maintain a list of previously-entered command lines, to recall and perhaps reedit those   \
+lines, and perform csh-like history expansion on previous commands."
+SECTION = "libs"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=03b36fdd84f74b8d8189a202b980b67f"
+DEPENDS += "ncurses"
+PR = "r9"
+SRC_URI = "${GNU_MIRROR}/readline/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.gz;name=archive \
+           ${GNU_MIRROR}/readline/readline-5.2-patches/readline52-001;name=patch1;apply=yes;striplevel=0 \
+           ${GNU_MIRROR}/readline/readline-5.2-patches/readline52-002;name=patch2;apply=yes;striplevel=0 \
+           ${GNU_MIRROR}/readline/readline-5.2-patches/readline52-003;name=patch3;apply=yes;striplevel=0 \
+           ${GNU_MIRROR}/readline/readline-5.2-patches/readline52-004;name=patch4;apply=yes;striplevel=0 \
+           ${GNU_MIRROR}/readline/readline-5.2-patches/readline52-005;name=patch5;apply=yes;striplevel=0 \
+           ${GNU_MIRROR}/readline/readline-5.2-patches/readline52-006;name=patch6;apply=yes;striplevel=0 \
+           ${GNU_MIRROR}/readline/readline-5.2-patches/readline52-007;name=patch7;apply=yes;striplevel=0 \
+           ${GNU_MIRROR}/readline/readline-5.2-patches/readline52-008;name=patch8;apply=yes;striplevel=0 \
+           ${GNU_MIRROR}/readline/readline-5.2-patches/readline52-009;name=patch9;apply=yes;striplevel=0 \
+           ${GNU_MIRROR}/readline/readline-5.2-patches/readline52-010;name=patch10;apply=yes;striplevel=0 \
+           ${GNU_MIRROR}/readline/readline-5.2-patches/readline52-011;name=patch11;apply=yes;striplevel=0 \
+           ${GNU_MIRROR}/readline/readline-5.2-patches/readline52-012;name=patch12;apply=yes;striplevel=0 \
+           ${GNU_MIRROR}/readline/readline-5.2-patches/readline52-013;name=patch13;apply=yes;striplevel=0 \
+           ${GNU_MIRROR}/readline/readline-5.2-patches/readline52-014;name=patch14;apply=yes;striplevel=0 \
+           file://configure-fix.patch \
+           file://config-dirent-symbols.patch \
+           file://fix-redundant-rpath.patch"
+SRC_URI[archive.md5sum] = "e39331f32ad14009b9ff49cc10c5e751"
+SRC_URI[archive.sha256sum] = "12e88d96aee2cd1192500356f0535540db499282ca7f76339fb4228c31249f45"
+SRC_URI[patch1.md5sum]    = "9d4d41622aa9b230c57f68548ce87d8f"
+SRC_URI[patch1.sha256sum] = "eac304c369154059f93049ada328739faaf40338d3cb1fb4b544c93d5ce3f8d5"
+SRC_URI[patch2.md5sum]    = "f03e512d14206e37f7d6a748b56b9476"
+SRC_URI[patch2.sha256sum] = "9deacaef25507a0c2ae0b661bf9342559b59a2954d66ea3c5f5bcd900fdfcf78"
+SRC_URI[patch3.md5sum]    = "252b42d8750f1a94b6bdf086612dceb2"
+SRC_URI[patch3.sha256sum] = "2a55d2ecb1c9b0147aeb193a6323616ab31c1c525a83b2db3a994b15594ba934"
+SRC_URI[patch4.md5sum]    = "a32333c2e603a3ed250514e91050e552"
+SRC_URI[patch4.sha256sum] = "a03b65633781efa7c3aae5d57162985e7b7a3c10acf0f2621be610e16f27e5f2"
+SRC_URI[patch5.md5sum]    = "8106796c09b789523a3a78ab69c04b6d"
+SRC_URI[patch5.sha256sum] = "06001896514148a757ea6edbbd40c4fc4331dc653847244386c37b138b150f64"
+SRC_URI[patch6.md5sum]    = "512188e2bf0837f7eca19dbf71f182ae"
+SRC_URI[patch6.sha256sum] = "dfef3e982c0adf8bb5a9b7d0468ec8f5f18138b325e28759437464de5be71013"
+SRC_URI[patch7.md5sum]    = "ac17aca62eb6fb398c9f2fe9de540aff"
+SRC_URI[patch7.sha256sum] = "775b028c7b761397ac6ae1bdfbac7e896dc3b9b3adc2f91312499180ca13bdd1"
+SRC_URI[patch8.md5sum]    = "2484c392db021905f112cf97a94dfd4c"
+SRC_URI[patch8.sha256sum] = "a21b4e0bf0530b878bad24d5be23d18a9e03a75a31ae30844dc0933bb3d77ecd"
+SRC_URI[patch9.md5sum]    = "fc6eb35d07914fae5c57d49c12483ff7"
+SRC_URI[patch9.sha256sum] = "138d5e0f0709a47a2d1621295a3dd5e3cc73b63b5cc28dab03abc4e94fe95ecf"
+SRC_URI[patch10.md5sum]    = "7a2bf3dc7ac7680b1461a5701100e91b"
+SRC_URI[patch10.sha256sum] = "83f8c1aadb86b1a2fad8821a9c6be72a8de5afd7fd9fde58a30b3b57d939693e"
+SRC_URI[patch11.md5sum]    = "ef6cef6822663470f6ac8c517c5a7ec6"
+SRC_URI[patch11.sha256sum] = "08ad3384ab0906e6fa4cc417eb8c43ff59375bcead15fd5c8e31730f0413b3d6"
+SRC_URI[patch12.md5sum]    = "e3e9f441c8111589855bc363e5640f6c"
+SRC_URI[patch12.sha256sum] = "20f0243be2299c23213492cc2c19cfd15cc528d2b566a76a2de58306bb9e4c9e"
+SRC_URI[patch13.md5sum]    = "3e2e5f543ed268a68fd1fa839faade1a"
+SRC_URI[patch13.sha256sum] = "0cc649516a5bdfa61c5e56937407570288b6972d75aa1bd060ad30ebe98144d5"
+SRC_URI[patch14.md5sum]    = "a1be30e1c6f1099bb5fcef00a2631fb8"
+SRC_URI[patch14.sha256sum] = "6f1a68320d01522ca1ea5a737124ecc8739f3dcbfea2dee21e3ccf839a21a817"
+inherit autotools
+EXTRA_AUTORECONF += "--exclude=autoheader"
+LEAD_SONAME = "libreadline.so"
+do_configure_prepend () {
+	if [ ! -e ${S}/acinclude.m4 ]; then
+		cat ${S}/aclocal.m4 > ${S}/acinclude.m4
+	fi
+do_install_append () {
+	# Make install doesn't properly install these
+	oe_libinstall -so -C shlib libhistory ${D}${libdir}
+	oe_libinstall -so -C shlib libreadline ${D}${libdir}
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline_6.3.bb b/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline_6.3.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55964a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/readline/readline_6.3.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+require readline.inc
+SRC_URI += "file://readline63-003 \
+            file://readline-dispatch-multikey.patch"
+SRC_URI[archive.md5sum] = "33c8fb279e981274f485fd91da77e94a"
+SRC_URI[archive.sha256sum] = "56ba6071b9462f980c5a72ab0023893b65ba6debb4eeb475d7a563dc65cafd43"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysfsutils/sysfsutils-2.1.0/obsolete_automake_macros.patch b/meta/recipes-core/sysfsutils/sysfsutils-2.1.0/obsolete_automake_macros.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d828d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysfsutils/sysfsutils-2.1.0/obsolete_automake_macros.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Upstream-Status: Submitted [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3600345&group_id=44427&atid=439544]
+Signed-off-by: Marko Lindqvist <cazfi74@gmail.com>
+diff -Nurd sysfsutils-2.1.0/configure.ac sysfsutils-2.1.0/configure.ac
+--- sysfsutils-2.1.0/configure.ac	2006-08-07 08:08:00.000000000 +0300
++++ sysfsutils-2.1.0/configure.ac	2013-01-11 08:13:08.651550634 +0200
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ AC_INIT(sysfsutils, 2.1.0, linux-diag-devel@lists.sourceforge.net)
+ AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([config.h.in])
+ # Checks for KLIBC support (should be before AC_PROG_LIBTOOL and AC_PROG_CC)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysfsutils/sysfsutils-2.1.0/separatebuild.patch b/meta/recipes-core/sysfsutils/sysfsutils-2.1.0/separatebuild.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82e725e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysfsutils/sysfsutils-2.1.0/separatebuild.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Fix out of tree build issues so ${B} != ${S} works.
+RP 2013/03/18
+Index: sysfsutils-2.1.0/cmd/Makefile.am
+--- sysfsutils-2.1.0.orig/cmd/Makefile.am	2013-03-08 08:57:27.224556508 +0000
++++ sysfsutils-2.1.0/cmd/Makefile.am	2013-03-08 08:57:27.480556502 +0000
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ bin_PROGRAMS = systool 
+ systool_SOURCES = systool.c names.c names.h
+-INCLUDES = -I../include
++INCLUDES = -I$(srcdir)/../include
+ LDADD = ../lib/libsysfs.la
+ AM_CFLAGS = -Wall -W -Wstrict-prototypes $(EXTRA_CFLAGS)
+Index: sysfsutils-2.1.0/lib/Makefile.am
+--- sysfsutils-2.1.0.orig/lib/Makefile.am	2013-03-08 08:57:27.224556508 +0000
++++ sysfsutils-2.1.0/lib/Makefile.am	2013-03-08 08:57:27.480556502 +0000
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ lib_LTLIBRARIES = libsysfs.la
+ libsysfs_la_SOURCES = sysfs_utils.c sysfs_attr.c sysfs_class.c dlist.c \
+       sysfs_device.c sysfs_driver.c sysfs_bus.c sysfs_module.c sysfs.h
+-INCLUDES = -I../include
++INCLUDES = -I$(srcdir)/../include
+ libsysfs_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 2:1:0
+ libsysfs_la_CFLAGS = -Wall -W -Wstrict-prototypes $(EXTRA_CLFAGS)
+Index: sysfsutils-2.1.0/test/Makefile.am
+--- sysfsutils-2.1.0.orig/test/Makefile.am	2013-03-08 08:57:27.224556508 +0000
++++ sysfsutils-2.1.0/test/Makefile.am	2013-03-08 09:06:48.196543326 +0000
+@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
+ BUILT_SOURCES = test.h
+ CLEANFILES = test.h
+ test.h:
+-	./create-test
++	$(srcdir)/create-test $(srcdir)/libsysfs.conf
+ get_device_SOURCES = get_device.c
+ get_driver_SOURCES = get_driver.c
+ get_module_SOURCES = get_module.c
+ testlibsysfs_SOURCES = test.c test_attr.c test_bus.c test_class.c \
+ 		       test_device.c test_driver.c test_module.c test_utils.c \
+ 		       testout.c test-defs.h libsysfs.conf create-test
+-INCLUDES = -I../include
++INCLUDES = -I$(srcdir)/../include
+ LDADD = ../lib/libsysfs.la
+ AM_CFLAGS = -Wall -W -Wstrict-prototypes $(EXTRA_CLFAGS)
+Index: sysfsutils-2.1.0/test/create-test
+--- sysfsutils-2.1.0.orig/test/create-test	2005-11-28 10:22:10.000000000 +0000
++++ sysfsutils-2.1.0/test/create-test	2013-03-08 09:07:03.372542838 +0000
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ rm -f test.h
+ . $conf_file
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysfsutils/sysfsutils-2.1.0/sysfsutils-2.0.0-class-dup.patch b/meta/recipes-core/sysfsutils/sysfsutils-2.1.0/sysfsutils-2.0.0-class-dup.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a35b78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysfsutils/sysfsutils-2.1.0/sysfsutils-2.0.0-class-dup.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Upstream-Status: Backport [from fedora core 9]
+This patch is from the Fedora Core 9 sysfsutils-2.1.0-3.fc9 package.
+It fixes a problem in the upstream package where not all devices 
+will be returned by the function.
+The package License indicates this is GPLv2 licensed.
+Signed-off-by: Mark Hatle <mark.hatle@windriver.com>
+diff -puN lib/sysfs_class.c~sysfsutils_class_dup lib/sysfs_class.c
+--- sysfsutils-2.1.0/lib/sysfs_class.c~sysfsutils_class_dup	2006-09-07 17:01:26.000000000 -0500
++++ sysfsutils-2.1.0-bjking1/lib/sysfs_class.c	2006-09-07 17:01:26.000000000 -0500
+@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ static int cdev_name_equal(void *a, void
+ 		return 0;
+ 	if (strncmp((char *)a, ((struct sysfs_class_device *)b)->name,
+-				strlen((char *)a)) == 0)
++				SYSFS_NAME_LEN) == 0)
+ 		return 1;
+ 	return 0;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysfsutils/sysfsutils_2.1.0.bb b/meta/recipes-core/sysfsutils/sysfsutils_2.1.0.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9f40f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysfsutils/sysfsutils_2.1.0.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+SUMMARY = "Tools for working with sysfs"
+DESCRIPTION = "Tools for working with the sysfs virtual filesystem.  The tool 'systool' can query devices by bus, class and topology."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://linux-diag.sourceforge.net/Sysfsutils.html"
+LICENSE = "GPLv2 & LGPLv2.1"
+LICENSE_${PN} = "GPLv2"
+LICENSE_libsysfs = "LGPLv2.1"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=3d06403ea54c7574a9e581c6478cc393 \
+                    file://cmd/GPL;md5=d41d4e2e1e108554e0388ea4aecd8d27 \
+                    file://lib/LGPL;md5=b75d069791103ffe1c0d6435deeff72e"
+PR = "r5"
+SRC_URI = "${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/linux-diag/sysfsutils-${PV}.tar.gz \
+           file://sysfsutils-2.0.0-class-dup.patch \
+           file://obsolete_automake_macros.patch \
+           file://separatebuild.patch"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "14e7dcd0436d2f49aa403f67e1ef7ddc"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "e865de2c1f559fff0d3fc936e660c0efaf7afe662064f2fb97ccad1ec28d208a"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/sysfsutils-${PV}"
+inherit autotools
+PACKAGES =+ "libsysfs"
+FILES_libsysfs = "${libdir}/lib*${SOLIBS}"
+FILES_libsysfs-dev = "${libdir}/lib*${SOLIBSDEV} ${includedir}"
+FILES_libsysfs-staticdev = "${libdir}/lib*.a"
+export libdir = "${base_libdir}"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-compat-units.bb b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-compat-units.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b8ff09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-compat-units.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+SUMMARY = "Enhances systemd compatilibity with existing SysVinit scripts"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/LICENSE;md5=4d92cd373abda3937c2bc47fbc49d690"
+PR = "r29"
+DEPENDS = "systemd-systemctl-native"
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+inherit allarch
+ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN} = "1"
+  busybox-udhcpc \
+  hwclock \
+  networking \
+  nfsserver \
+  nfscommon \
+  syslog.busybox \
+pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
+	cd $D${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	echo "Disabling the following sysv scripts: "
+	OPTS=""
+	if [ -n "$D" ]; then
+		OPTS="--root=$D"
+	fi
+		if [ \( -e $i -o $i.sh \) -a ! \( -e $D${sysconfdir}/systemd/system/$i.service -o  -e $D${systemd_unitdir}/system/$i.service \) ] ; then
+			echo -n "$i: " ; systemctl ${OPTS} mask $i.service
+		fi
+	done ; echo
+RDPEPENDS_${PN} = "systemd"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-serialgetty.bb b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-serialgetty.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..768b130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-serialgetty.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+SUMMARY = "Serial terminal support for systemd"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/files/common-licenses/GPL-2.0;md5=801f80980d171dd6425610833a22dbe6"
+PR = "r5"
+SERIAL_CONSOLE ?= "115200 ttyS0"
+SRC_URI = "file://serial-getty@.service"
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+do_install() {
+	if [ ! -z "${SERIAL_CONSOLES}" ] ; then
+		default_baudrate=`echo "${SERIAL_CONSOLES}" | sed 's/\;.*//'`
+		install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/
+		install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/
+		install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/serial-getty@.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/
+		sed -i -e s/\@BAUDRATE\@/$default_baudrate/g ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/serial-getty@.service
+		for entry in $tmp ; do
+			baudrate=`echo $entry | sed 's/\;.*//'`
+			ttydev=`echo $entry | sed -e 's/^[0-9]*\;//' -e 's/\;.*//'`
+			if [ "$baudrate" = "$default_baudrate" ] ; then
+				# enable the service
+				ln -sf ${systemd_unitdir}/system/serial-getty@.service \
+					${D}${sysconfdir}/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/serial-getty@$ttydev.service
+			else
+				# install custom service file for the non-default baudrate
+				install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/serial-getty@.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/serial-getty$baudrate@.service
+				sed -i -e s/\@BAUDRATE\@/$baudrate/g ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/serial-getty$baudrate@.service
+				# enable the service
+				ln -sf ${systemd_unitdir}/system/serial-getty$baudrate@.service \
+					${D}${sysconfdir}/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/serial-getty$baudrate@$ttydev.service
+			fi
+		done
+	fi
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "systemd"
+# This is a machine specific file
+FILES_${PN} = "${systemd_unitdir}/system/*.service ${sysconfdir}"
+# As this package is tied to systemd, only build it when we're also building systemd.
+python () {
+    if not bb.utils.contains ('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', True, False, d):
+        raise bb.parse.SkipPackage("'systemd' not in DISTRO_FEATURES")
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-serialgetty/serial-getty@.service b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-serialgetty/serial-getty@.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..182167b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-serialgetty/serial-getty@.service
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#  This file is part of systemd.
+#  systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+Description=Serial Getty on %I
+Documentation=man:agetty(8) man:systemd-getty-generator(8)
+After=dev-%i.device systemd-user-sessions.service plymouth-quit-wait.service
+# If additional gettys are spawned during boot then we should make
+# sure that this is synchronized before getty.target, even though
+# getty.target didn't actually pull it in.
+ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -8 -L --keep-baud %I @BAUDRATE@ $TERM
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-systemctl-native.bb b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-systemctl-native.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbdc9c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-systemctl-native.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+SUMMARY = "Wrapper for enabling systemd services"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/LICENSE;md5=4d92cd373abda3937c2bc47fbc49d690"
+PR = "r6"
+inherit native
+SRC_URI = "file://systemctl"
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+do_install() {
+	install -d ${D}${bindir}
+	install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/systemctl ${D}${bindir}
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-systemctl/systemctl b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-systemctl/systemctl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6e163bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd-systemctl/systemctl
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+echo "Started $0 $*"
+# parse command line params
+while [ $# != 0 ]; do
+	opt="$1"
+	case "$opt" in
+		enable)
+			shift
+			action="$opt"
+			services="$1"
+			cmd_args="1"
+			shift
+			;;
+		disable)
+			shift
+			action="$opt"
+			services="$1"
+			cmd_args="1"
+			shift
+			;;
+		mask)
+			shift
+			action="$opt"
+			services="$1"
+			cmd_args="1"
+			shift
+			;;
+		preset)
+			shift
+			action="$opt"
+			services="$1"
+			cmd_args="1"
+			shift
+			;;
+		--root=*)
+			ROOT=${opt##--root=}
+			cmd_args="0"
+			shift
+			;;
+		*)
+			if [ "$cmd_args" = "1" ]; then
+				services="$services $opt" 
+				shift
+			else
+				echo "'$opt' is an unkown option; exiting with error"
+				exit 1
+			fi
+			;;
+	esac
+if [ "$action" = "preset" -a "$service_file" = "" ]; then
+	services=$(for f in `find $ROOT/etc/systemd/system $ROOT/lib/systemd/system $ROOT/usr/lib/systemd/system -type f 2>1`; do basename $f; done)
+	services="$services $opt"
+	presetall=1
+for service in $services; do
+	if [ "$presetall" = "1" ]; then
+		action="preset"
+	fi
+	if [ "$action" = "mask" ]; then
+		if [ ! -d $ROOT/etc/systemd/system/ ]; then
+			mkdir -p $ROOT/etc/systemd/system/
+		fi
+		cmd="ln -s /dev/null $ROOT/etc/systemd/system/$service"
+		echo "$cmd"
+		$cmd
+		exit 0
+	fi
+	service_base_file=`echo $service | sed 's/\(@\).*\(\.[^.]\+\)/\1\2/'`
+	if [ -z `echo $service | sed '/@/p;d'` ]; then
+		echo "Try to find location of $service..."
+		service_template=false
+	else
+		echo "Try to find location of template $service_base_file of instance $service..."
+		service_template=true
+		if [ -z `echo $service | sed 's/^.\+@\(.*\)\.[^.]\+/\1/'` ]; then
+			instance_specified=false
+		else
+			instance_specified=true
+		fi
+	fi
+	# find service file
+	for p in $ROOT/etc/systemd/system \
+		 $ROOT/lib/systemd/system \
+		 $ROOT/usr/lib/systemd/system; do
+		if [ -e $p/$service_base_file ]; then
+			service_file=$p/$service_base_file
+			service_file=${service_file##$ROOT}
+		fi
+	done
+	if [ -z "$service_file" ]; then
+		echo "'$service_base_file' couldn't be found; exiting with error"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	echo "Found $service in $service_file"
+	# If any new unit types are added to systemd they should be added
+	# to this regular expression.
+	unit_types_re='\.\(service\|socket\|device\|mount\|automount\|swap\|target\|path\|timer\|snapshot\)$'
+	if [ "$action" = "preset" ]; then
+		action=`egrep -sh  $service $ROOT/etc/systemd/user-preset/*.preset | cut -f1 -d' '`
+		if [ -z "$action" ]; then
+			globalpreset=`egrep -sh  '\*'  $ROOT/etc/systemd/user-preset/*.preset | cut -f1 -d' '`
+			if [ -n "$globalpreset" ]; then
+				action="$globalpreset"
+			else
+				action="enable"
+			fi
+		fi
+	fi
+	# create the required symbolic links
+	wanted_by=$(sed '/^WantedBy[[:space:]]*=/s,[^=]*=,,p;d' "$ROOT/$service_file" \
+		        | tr ',' '\n' \
+		        | grep "$unit_types_re")
+	for r in $wanted_by; do
+		echo "WantedBy=$r found in $service"
+		if [ "$action" = "enable" ]; then
+			enable_service=$service
+			if [ "$service_template" = true -a "$instance_specified" = false ]; then
+				default_instance=$(sed '/^DefaultInstance[[:space:]]*=/s,[^=]*=,,p;d' "$ROOT/$service_file")
+				if [ -z $default_instance ]; then
+					echo "Template unit without instance or DefaultInstance directive, nothing to enable"
+					continue
+				else
+					echo "Found DefaultInstance $default_instance, enabling it"
+					enable_service=$(echo $service | sed "s/@/@$default_instance/")
+				fi
+			fi
+			mkdir -p $ROOT/etc/systemd/system/$r.wants
+			ln -s $service_file $ROOT/etc/systemd/system/$r.wants/$enable_service
+			echo "Enabled $enable_service for $wanted_by."
+		else
+			if [ "$service_template" = true -a "$instance_specified" = false ]; then
+				disable_service="$ROOT/etc/systemd/system/$r.wants/`echo $service | sed 's/@/@*/'`"
+			else
+				disable_service="$ROOT/etc/systemd/system/$r.wants/$service"
+			fi
+			rm -f $disable_service
+			[ -d $ROOT/etc/systemd/system/$r.wants ] && rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p $ROOT/etc/systemd/system/$r.wants
+			echo "Disabled ${disable_service##$ROOT/etc/systemd/system/$r.wants/} for $wanted_by."
+		fi
+	done
+	# create the required symbolic 'Alias' links
+	alias=$(sed '/^Alias[[:space:]]*=/s,[^=]*=,,p;d' "$ROOT/$service_file" \
+		        | tr ',' '\n' \
+		        | grep "$unit_types_re")
+	for r in $alias; do
+		if [ "$action" = "enable" ]; then
+			mkdir -p $ROOT/etc/systemd/system
+			ln -s $service_file $ROOT/etc/systemd/system/$r
+			echo "Enabled $service for $alias."
+		else
+			rm -f $ROOT/etc/systemd/system/$r
+			echo "Disabled $service for $alias."
+		fi
+	done
+	# call us for the other required scripts
+	also=$(sed '/^Also[[:space:]]*=/s,[^=]*=,,p;d' "$ROOT/$service_file" \
+		   | tr ',' '\n')
+	for a in $also; do
+		echo "Also=$a found in $service"
+		if [ "$action" = "enable" ]; then
+			$0 --root=$ROOT enable $a
+		fi
+	done
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/00-create-volatile.conf b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/00-create-volatile.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87cbe1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/00-create-volatile.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#This goes hand-in-hand with the base-files of OE-Core. The file must
+# be sorted before 'systemd.conf' becuase this attempts to create a file
+# inside /var/log.
+d		/var/volatile/log		-	-	-	-
+d		/var/volatile/tmp		1777	-	-
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0001-units-Prefer-getty-to-agetty-in-console-setup-system.patch b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0001-units-Prefer-getty-to-agetty-in-console-setup-system.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6ab5ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0001-units-Prefer-getty-to-agetty-in-console-setup-system.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+From 100e50604efc4032001a2de6a6b47853c0003817 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 05:29:15 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 01/11] units: Prefer getty to agetty in console setup systemd
+ units
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration specific]
+Signed-off-by: Maxime Ripard <maxime.ripard@free-electrons.com>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ units/getty@.service.m4        | 2 +-
+ units/serial-getty@.service.m4 | 2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/units/getty@.service.m4 b/units/getty@.service.m4
+index 46164ab..bdf6ec8 100644
+--- a/units/getty@.service.m4
++++ b/units/getty@.service.m4
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ ConditionPathExists=/dev/tty0
+ [Service]
+ # the VT is cleared by TTYVTDisallocate
+-ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --noclear %I $TERM
++ExecStart=-/sbin/getty -L %I $TERM
+ Type=idle
+ Restart=always
+ RestartSec=0
+diff --git a/units/serial-getty@.service.m4 b/units/serial-getty@.service.m4
+index 4522d0d..e6d499d 100644
+--- a/units/serial-getty@.service.m4
++++ b/units/serial-getty@.service.m4
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Before=getty.target
+ IgnoreOnIsolate=yes
+ [Service]
+-ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --keep-baud 115200,38400,9600 %I $TERM
++ExecStart=-/sbin/getty -L 115200 %I $TERM
+ Type=idle
+ Restart=always
+ UtmpIdentifier=%I
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0003-binfmt-Don-t-install-dependency-links-at-install-tim.patch b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0003-binfmt-Don-t-install-dependency-links-at-install-tim.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e20fd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0003-binfmt-Don-t-install-dependency-links-at-install-tim.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+From 184a89caacfa00f07e7275bca592bd7dda1b541e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 05:03:44 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 03/11] binfmt: Don't install dependency links at install time
+ for the binfmt services
+use [Install] blocks so that they get created when the service is enabled
+like a traditional service.
+The [Install] blocks were rejected upstream as they don't have a way to
+it on install without static symlinks which can't be disabled, only
+masked.  We
+however can do that in a postinst.
+Upstream-Status: Denied
+Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross.burton@intel.com>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ Makefile.am                             | 4 ----
+ units/proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount | 3 +++
+ units/systemd-binfmt.service.in         | 5 +++++
+ 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+Index: git/Makefile.am
+--- git.orig/Makefile.am
++++ git/Makefile.am
+@@ -4271,10 +4271,6 @@ INSTALL_DIRS += \
+ 	$(prefix)/lib/binfmt.d \
+ 	$(sysconfdir)/binfmt.d
+-	systemd-binfmt.service \
+-	proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount
+ endif
+Index: git/units/proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount
+--- git.orig/units/proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount
++++ git/units/proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount
+@@ -16,3 +16,6 @@ ConditionPathIsReadWrite=/proc/sys/
+ [Automount]
+ Where=/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
+Index: git/units/systemd-binfmt.service.in
+--- git.orig/units/systemd-binfmt.service.in
++++ git/units/systemd-binfmt.service.in
+@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ Documentation=man:systemd-binfmt.service
+ Documentation=https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/binfmt_misc.txt
+ DefaultDependencies=no
+ Conflicts=shutdown.target
+ After=proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount
+ Before=sysinit.target shutdown.target
+ ConditionPathIsReadWrite=/proc/sys/
+@@ -25,3 +27,6 @@ Type=oneshot
+ RemainAfterExit=yes
+ ExecStart=@rootlibexecdir@/systemd-binfmt
+ TimeoutSec=90s
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0004-configure-Check-for-additional-features-that-uclibc-.patch b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0004-configure-Check-for-additional-features-that-uclibc-.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8078da9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0004-configure-Check-for-additional-features-that-uclibc-.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+From 4e2e8dbf3f23ab7dca32286cc0f37bff6ac49e22 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 05:05:45 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 04/11] configure: Check for additional features that uclibc
+ doesnt support
+This helps in supporting uclibc which does not have all features that
+glibc might have
+Upstream-Status: Denied [no desire for uclibc support]
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ configure.ac | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+)
+Index: git/configure.ac
+--- git.orig/configure.ac
++++ git/configure.ac
+@@ -110,6 +110,24 @@ AC_PATH_PROG([UMOUNT_PATH], [umount], [/
+ AS_IF([! ln --relative --help > /dev/null 2>&1], [AC_MSG_ERROR([*** ln doesn't support --relative ***])])
++# check for few functions not implemented in uClibc
++AC_CHECK_FUNCS_ONCE(mkostemp execvpe posix_fallocate)
++# check for %ms format support - assume always no if cross compiling
++AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether %ms format is supported by *scanf])
++	 #include <stdio.h>
++	 ],[
++	    char *buf1, *buf2, *buf3, str="1 2.3 abcde" ;
++	    int rc = sscanf(str, "%ms %ms %ms", &buf1, &buf2, &buf3) ;
++	    return (rc==3)?0:1;])],
++	[AC_DEFINE([HAVE_MSFORMAT], [1], [Define if %ms format is supported by *scanf.])],
++	[AC_MSG_RESULT([no])])
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0005-nspawn-Use-execvpe-only-when-libc-supports-it.patch b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0005-nspawn-Use-execvpe-only-when-libc-supports-it.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55a0088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0005-nspawn-Use-execvpe-only-when-libc-supports-it.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From a7417c2e6950d55c22c1b0d15783898b8ff229ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 05:10:37 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 05/11] nspawn: Use execvpe only when libc supports it
+Upstream-Status: Denied [no desire for uclibc support]
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ src/nspawn/nspawn.c | 7 +++++++
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
+Index: git/src/nspawn/nspawn.c
+--- git.orig/src/nspawn/nspawn.c
++++ git/src/nspawn/nspawn.c
+@@ -143,6 +143,8 @@ typedef struct CustomMount {
+         char **lower;
+ } CustomMount;
++#include "config.h"
+ static char *arg_directory = NULL;
+ static char *arg_template = NULL;
+ static char *arg_user = NULL;
+@@ -4238,7 +4240,12 @@ static int inner_child(
+                 a[0] = (char*) "/sbin/init";
+                 execve(a[0], a, env_use);
+         } else if (argc > optind)
+                 execvpe(argv[optind], argv + optind, env_use);
++                environ = env_use;
++                execvp(argv[optind], argv + optind);
++#endif /* HAVE_EXECVPE */
+         else {
+                 chdir(home ? home : "/root");
+                 execle("/bin/bash", "-bash", NULL, env_use);
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0006-journal-Use-posix-fallocate-only-if-available.patch b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0006-journal-Use-posix-fallocate-only-if-available.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..631dd77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0006-journal-Use-posix-fallocate-only-if-available.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+From 34a61b6c9eed3fad360066fb63132ebc7e0aaaa6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 05:12:48 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 06/11] journal: Use posix fallocate only if available
+Some architecture ports in uclibc did not support it in past
+Upstream-Status: Denied [no desire for uclibc support]
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Signed-off-by: Chen Qi <Qi.Chen@windriver.com>
+ src/journal/journal-file.c  | 16 +++++++++++++++-
+ src/journal/journald-kmsg.c | 15 ++++++++++++++-
+ 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/journal/journal-file.c b/src/journal/journal-file.c
+index 2845e05..9431171 100644
+--- a/src/journal/journal-file.c
++++ b/src/journal/journal-file.c
+@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
+ #include "compress.h"
+ #include "fsprg.h"
++#include "config.h"
+ #define DEFAULT_DATA_HASH_TABLE_SIZE (2047ULL*sizeof(HashItem))
+ #define DEFAULT_FIELD_HASH_TABLE_SIZE (333ULL*sizeof(HashItem))
+@@ -354,7 +356,7 @@ static int journal_file_fstat(JournalFile *f) {
+ static int journal_file_allocate(JournalFile *f, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size) {
+         uint64_t old_size, new_size;
+-        int r;
++        int r = 0;
+         assert(f);
+@@ -418,9 +420,21 @@ static int journal_file_allocate(JournalFile *f, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size)
+         /* Note that the glibc fallocate() fallback is very
+            inefficient, hence we try to minimize the allocation area
+            as we can. */
+         r = posix_fallocate(f->fd, old_size, new_size - old_size);
+         if (r != 0)
+                 return -r;
++        /* Write something every 512 bytes to make sure the block is allocated */
++        uint64_t len = new_size - old_size;
++        uint64_t offset = old_size;
++        for (offset += (len-1) % 512; len > 0; offset += 512) {
++                len -= 512;
++                if (pwrite(f->fd, "", 1, offset) != 1)
++                        return -errno;
++        }
+         f->header->arena_size = htole64(new_size - le64toh(f->header->header_size));
+diff --git a/src/journal/journald-kmsg.c b/src/journal/journald-kmsg.c
+index c4216c4..a998ed5 100644
+--- a/src/journal/journald-kmsg.c
++++ b/src/journal/journald-kmsg.c
+@@ -436,6 +436,7 @@ fail:
+ int server_open_kernel_seqnum(Server *s) {
+         _cleanup_close_ int fd;
+         uint64_t *p;
++        int r = 0;
+         assert(s);
+@@ -449,7 +450,19 @@ int server_open_kernel_seqnum(Server *s) {
+                 return 0;
+         }
+-        if (posix_fallocate(fd, 0, sizeof(uint64_t)) < 0) {
++        r = posix_fallocate(fd, 0, sizeof(uint64_t));
++        /* Use good old method to write zeros into the journal file
++           perhaps very inefficient yet working. */
++        char *buf = alloca(sizeof(uint64_t));
++        off_t oldpos = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
++        bzero(buf, sizeof(uint64_t));
++        lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
++        r = write(fd, buf, sizeof(uint64_t));
++        lseek(fd, oldpos, SEEK_SET);
++        if (r < 0) {
+                 log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to allocate sequential number file, ignoring: %m");
+                 return 0;
+         }
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0007-util-Use-mkostemp-only-if-libc-supports-it.patch b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0007-util-Use-mkostemp-only-if-libc-supports-it.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8ab7c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0007-util-Use-mkostemp-only-if-libc-supports-it.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+From f771407d3e0288ca0c06a894194d3ddad69b9a8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 05:17:05 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 07/11] util: Use mkostemp only if libc supports it
+Upstream-Status: Denied [no desire for uclibc support]
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ src/basic/util.c | 8 ++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/src/basic/util.c b/src/basic/util.c
+index dc65280..72f4665 100644
+--- a/src/basic/util.c
++++ b/src/basic/util.c
+@@ -97,6 +97,8 @@
+ #include "def.h"
+ #include "sparse-endian.h"
++#include "config.h"
+ int saved_argc = 0;
+ char **saved_argv = NULL;
+@@ -6682,7 +6684,13 @@ int mkostemp_safe(char *pattern, int flags) {
+         u = umask(077);
+         fd = mkostemp(pattern, flags);
++        fd = mkstemp(pattern);
++        if (fd >= 0) fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags);
++#endif /* HAVE_MKOSTEMP */
+         if (fd < 0)
+                 return -errno;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0008-util-bypass-unimplemented-_SC_PHYS_PAGES-system-conf.patch b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0008-util-bypass-unimplemented-_SC_PHYS_PAGES-system-conf.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f4d4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0008-util-bypass-unimplemented-_SC_PHYS_PAGES-system-conf.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+From b45ea3bfd6635744c8a6b74d0ac701b44bb1d294 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 05:19:37 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 08/11] util: bypass unimplemented _SC_PHYS_PAGES system
+ configuration API on uclibc
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [uclibc-specific]
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ src/basic/util.c | 15 +++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/src/basic/util.c b/src/basic/util.c
+index 72f4665..cbbe3b1 100644
+--- a/src/basic/util.c
++++ b/src/basic/util.c
+@@ -6793,10 +6793,25 @@ uint64_t physical_memory(void) {
+         /* We return this as uint64_t in case we are running as 32bit
+          * process on a 64bit kernel with huge amounts of memory */
++#ifdef __UCLIBC__
++        char line[128];
++        FILE *f = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r");
++        if (f == NULL)
++                return 0;
++        while (!feof(f) && fgets(line, sizeof(line)-1, f)) {
++                if (sscanf(line, "MemTotal: %l kB", &mem) == 1) {
++                        mem *= 1024;
++                        break;
++                }
++        }
++        fclose(f);
++        return (uint64_t) mem;
+         mem = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES);
+         assert(mem > 0);
+         return (uint64_t) mem * (uint64_t) page_size();
+ }
+ void hexdump(FILE *f, const void *p, size_t s) {
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0009-sysv-generator-add-support-for-executing-scripts-und.patch b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0009-sysv-generator-add-support-for-executing-scripts-und.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ea3e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0009-sysv-generator-add-support-for-executing-scripts-und.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+From 8791b5b3934c55694872b6915a67340683ead91b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 05:22:52 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 09/11] sysv-generator: add support for executing scripts under
+ /etc/rcS.d/
+To be compatible, all services translated from scripts under /etc/rcS.d would
+run before services translated from scripts under /etc/rcN.d.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [OE specific]
+Signed-off-by: Chen Qi <Qi.Chen@windriver.com>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ src/sysv-generator/sysv-generator.c | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
+ 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/sysv-generator/sysv-generator.c b/src/sysv-generator/sysv-generator.c
+index bd67f32..6756cc6 100644
+--- a/src/sysv-generator/sysv-generator.c
++++ b/src/sysv-generator/sysv-generator.c
+@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@
+ typedef enum RunlevelType {
+         RUNLEVEL_UP,
++        RUNLEVEL_DOWN,
+ } RunlevelType;
+ static const struct {
+@@ -57,6 +58,9 @@ static const struct {
++        /* Debian style rcS.d, also adopted by OE */
+         /* Standard SysV runlevels for shutdown */
+         { "rc6.d",  SPECIAL_REBOOT_TARGET,    RUNLEVEL_DOWN }
+@@ -65,7 +69,7 @@ static const struct {
+            directories in this order, and we want to make sure that
+            sysv_start_priority is known when we first load the
+            unit. And that value we only know from S links. Hence
+-           UP must be read before DOWN */
++           UP/SYSINIT must be read before DOWN */
+ };
+ typedef struct SysvStub {
+@@ -81,6 +85,8 @@ typedef struct SysvStub {
+         char **conflicts;
+         bool has_lsb;
+         bool reload;
++        bool default_dependencies;
++        bool from_rcsd;
+ } SysvStub;
+ const char *arg_dest = "/tmp";
+@@ -183,6 +189,9 @@ static int generate_unit_file(SysvStub *s) {
+                 "Description=%s\n",
+                 s->path, s->description);
++        if (!s->default_dependencies)
++                fprintf(f, "DefaultDependencies=no\n");
+         if (!isempty(before))
+                 fprintf(f, "Before=%s\n", before);
+         if (!isempty(after))
+@@ -704,18 +713,30 @@ static int fix_order(SysvStub *s, Hashmap *all_services) {
+                 if (s->has_lsb && other->has_lsb)
+                         continue;
+-                if (other->sysv_start_priority < s->sysv_start_priority) {
+-                        r = strv_extend(&s->after, other->name);
++                /* All scripts under /etc/rcS.d should execute before scripts under
++                 * /etc/rcN.d */
++                if (!other->from_rcsd && s->from_rcsd) {
++                        r = strv_extend(&s->before, other->name);
+                         if (r < 0)
+                                 return log_oom();
+-                }
+-                else if (other->sysv_start_priority > s->sysv_start_priority) {
+-                        r = strv_extend(&s->before, other->name);
++                } else if (other->from_rcsd && !s->from_rcsd) {
++                        r = strv_extend(&s->after, other->name);
+                         if (r < 0)
+                                 return log_oom();
+-                }
+-                else
+-                        continue;
++                } else {
++                        if (other->sysv_start_priority < s->sysv_start_priority) {
++                                r = strv_extend(&s->after, other->name);
++                                if (r < 0)
++                                        return log_oom();
++                        }
++                        else if (other->sysv_start_priority > s->sysv_start_priority) {
++                                r = strv_extend(&s->before, other->name);
++                                if (r < 0)
++                                        return log_oom();
++                        }
++                        else
++                                continue;
++                 }
+                 /* FIXME: Maybe we should compare the name here lexicographically? */
+         }
+@@ -778,6 +799,8 @@ static int enumerate_sysv(LookupPaths lp, Hashmap *all_services) {
+                                 return log_oom();
+                         service->sysv_start_priority = -1;
++                        service->default_dependencies = true;
++                        service->from_rcsd = false;
+                         service->name = name;
+                         service->path = fpath;
+@@ -864,9 +887,11 @@ static int set_dependencies_from_rcnd(LookupPaths lp, Hashmap *all_services) {
+                                 if (de->d_name[0] == 'S')  {
+-                                        if (rcnd_table[i].type == RUNLEVEL_UP) {
++                                        if (rcnd_table[i].type == RUNLEVEL_UP || rcnd_table[i].type == RUNLEVEL_SYSINIT) {
+                                                 service->sysv_start_priority =
+                                                         MAX(a*10 + b, service->sysv_start_priority);
++                                                service->default_dependencies = (rcnd_table[i].type == RUNLEVEL_SYSINIT)?false:true;
++                                                service->from_rcsd = (rcnd_table[i].type == RUNLEVEL_SYSINIT)?true:false;
+                                         }
+                                         r = set_ensure_allocated(&runlevel_services[i], NULL);
+@@ -878,7 +903,8 @@ static int set_dependencies_from_rcnd(LookupPaths lp, Hashmap *all_services) {
+                                                 goto finish;
+                                 } else if (de->d_name[0] == 'K' &&
+-                                           (rcnd_table[i].type == RUNLEVEL_DOWN)) {
++                                           (rcnd_table[i].type == RUNLEVEL_DOWN ||
++                                            rcnd_table[i].type == RUNLEVEL_SYSINIT)) {
+                                         r = set_ensure_allocated(&shutdown_services, NULL);
+                                         if (r < 0)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0010-Make-root-s-home-directory-configurable.patch b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0010-Make-root-s-home-directory-configurable.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed7ff5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0010-Make-root-s-home-directory-configurable.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+From 3dc731c1d270e2e143de621db9bd898299fd849d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 05:24:49 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 10/11] Make root's home directory configurable
+OpenEmbedded has a configurable home directory for root. Allow
+systemd to be built using its idea of what root's home directory
+should be.
+Upstream-Status: Denied
+Upstream wants to have a unified hierarchy where everyone is
+using the same root folder.
+Signed-off-by: Dan McGregor <dan.mcgregor@usask.ca>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ Makefile.am                       | 2 ++
+ configure.ac                      | 7 +++++++
+ src/core/unit-printf.c            | 2 +-
+ src/nspawn/nspawn.c               | 4 ++--
+ src/basic/util.c                 | 4 ++--
+ units/console-shell.service.m4.in | 4 ++--
+ units/emergency.service.in        | 4 ++--
+ units/rescue.service.in           | 4 ++--
+ 8 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
+Index: git/Makefile.am
+--- git.orig/Makefile.am
++++ git/Makefile.am
+@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = \
+ 	-DLIBDIR=\"$(libdir)\" \
+ 	-DROOTLIBDIR=\"$(rootlibdir)\" \
+ 	-DROOTLIBEXECDIR=\"$(rootlibexecdir)\" \
++	-DROOTHOMEDIR=\"$(roothomedir)\" \
+ 	-DTEST_DIR=\"$(abs_top_srcdir)/test\" \
+ 	-I $(top_srcdir)/src \
+ 	-I $(top_builddir)/src/basic \
+@@ -5615,6 +5616,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST += \
+ substitutions = \
+        '|rootlibexecdir=$(rootlibexecdir)|' \
+        '|rootbindir=$(rootbindir)|' \
++       '|roothomedir=$(roothomedir)|' \
+        '|bindir=$(bindir)|' \
+        '|SYSTEMCTL=$(rootbindir)/systemctl|' \
+        '|SYSTEMD_NOTIFY=$(rootbindir)/systemd-notify|' \
+Index: git/configure.ac
+--- git.orig/configure.ac
++++ git/configure.ac
+@@ -1383,6 +1383,11 @@ AC_ARG_WITH([rootlibdir],
+         [with_rootlibdir=${libdir}])
+ AX_NORMALIZE_PATH([with_rootlibdir])
++        AS_HELP_STRING([--with-roothomedir=DIR], [Home directory for the root user]),
++        [],
++        [with_roothomedir=/root])
+ AC_ARG_WITH([pamlibdir],
+         AS_HELP_STRING([--with-pamlibdir=DIR], [Directory for PAM modules]),
+         [],
+@@ -1474,6 +1479,7 @@ AC_SUBST([pamlibdir], [$with_pamlibdir])
+ AC_SUBST([pamconfdir], [$with_pamconfdir])
+ AC_SUBST([rootprefix], [$with_rootprefix])
+ AC_SUBST([rootlibdir], [$with_rootlibdir])
++AC_SUBST([roothomedir], [$with_roothomedir])
+         Makefile
+@@ -1563,6 +1569,7 @@ AC_MSG_RESULT([
+         includedir:              ${includedir}
+         lib dir:                 ${libdir}
+         rootlib dir:             ${with_rootlibdir}
++        root home dir:           ${with_roothomedir}
+         SysV init scripts:       ${SYSTEM_SYSVINIT_PATH}
+         SysV rc?.d directories:  ${SYSTEM_SYSVRCND_PATH}
+         Build Python:            ${PYTHON}
+Index: git/src/core/unit-printf.c
+--- git.orig/src/core/unit-printf.c
++++ git/src/core/unit-printf.c
+@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ static int specifier_user_home(char spec
+                  * best of it if we can, but fail if we can't */
+                 if (!c->user || streq(c->user, "root") || streq(c->user, "0"))
+-                        n = strdup("/root");
++                        n = strdup(ROOTHOMEDIR);
+                 else
+                         return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+Index: git/src/nspawn/nspawn.c
+--- git.orig/src/nspawn/nspawn.c
++++ git/src/nspawn/nspawn.c
+@@ -4176,7 +4176,7 @@ static int inner_child(
+         if (envp[n_env])
+                 n_env ++;
+-        if ((asprintf((char**)(envp + n_env++), "HOME=%s", home ? home: "/root") < 0) ||
++        if ((asprintf((char**)(envp + n_env++), "HOME=%s", home ? home: ROOTHOMEDIR) < 0) ||
+             (asprintf((char**)(envp + n_env++), "USER=%s", arg_user ? arg_user : "root") < 0) ||
+             (asprintf((char**)(envp + n_env++), "LOGNAME=%s", arg_user ? arg_user : "root") < 0))
+                 return log_oom();
+@@ -4247,7 +4247,7 @@ static int inner_child(
+                 execvp(argv[optind], argv + optind);
+ #endif /* HAVE_EXECVPE */
+         else {
+-                chdir(home ? home : "/root");
++                chdir(home ? home : ROOTHOMEDIR);
+                 execle("/bin/bash", "-bash", NULL, env_use);
+                 execle("/bin/sh", "-sh", NULL, env_use);
+         }
+Index: git/src/basic/util.c
+--- git.orig/src/basic/util.c
++++ git/src/basic/util.c
+@@ -3233,7 +3233,7 @@ int get_user_creds(
+                         *gid = 0;
+                 if (home)
+-                        *home = "/root";
++                        *home = ROOTHOMEDIR;
+                 if (shell)
+                         *shell = "/bin/sh";
+@@ -4069,7 +4069,7 @@ int get_home_dir(char **_h) {
+         /* Hardcode home directory for root to avoid NSS */
+         u = getuid();
+         if (u == 0) {
+-                h = strdup("/root");
++                h = strdup(ROOTHOMEDIR);
+                 if (!h)
+                         return -ENOMEM;
+Index: git/units/console-shell.service.m4.in
+--- git.orig/units/console-shell.service.m4.in
++++ git/units/console-shell.service.m4.in
+@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ After=rc-local.service
+ Before=getty.target
+ [Service]
+ ExecStart=-@SULOGIN@
+ ExecStopPost=-@SYSTEMCTL@ poweroff
+ Type=idle
+Index: git/units/emergency.service.in
+--- git.orig/units/emergency.service.in
++++ git/units/emergency.service.in
+@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ Conflicts=rescue.service
+ Before=shutdown.target
+ [Service]
+ ExecStartPre=-/bin/plymouth --wait quit
+ ExecStartPre=-/bin/echo -e 'Welcome to emergency mode! After logging in, type "journalctl -xb" to view\\nsystem logs, "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systemctl default" or ^D to\\ntry again to boot into default mode.'
+ ExecStart=-/bin/sh -c "@SULOGIN@; @SYSTEMCTL@ --job-mode=fail --no-block default"
+Index: git/units/rescue.service.in
+--- git.orig/units/rescue.service.in
++++ git/units/rescue.service.in
+@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ After=sysinit.target plymouth-start.serv
+ Before=shutdown.target
+ [Service]
+ ExecStartPre=-/bin/plymouth quit
+ ExecStartPre=-/bin/echo -e 'Welcome to emergency mode! After logging in, type "journalctl -xb" to view\\nsystem logs, "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systemctl default" or ^D to\\nboot into default mode.'
+ ExecStart=-/bin/sh -c "@SULOGIN@; @SYSTEMCTL@ --job-mode=fail --no-block default"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0011-systemd-user-avoid-using-system-auth.patch b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0011-systemd-user-avoid-using-system-auth.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e562bca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0011-systemd-user-avoid-using-system-auth.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+From 7e202f71785bf5a67c8a4f6b58d3585608fbfdc4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 05:26:25 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 11/11] systemd-user: avoid using system-auth
+In OE, we don't provide system-auth, instead, we use common-* files.
+So modify systemd-user file to use common-* files.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [oe specific]
+Signed-off-by: Chen Qi <Qi.Chen@windriver.com>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ src/login/systemd-user | 4 ++--
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/login/systemd-user b/src/login/systemd-user
+index 8112d74..99635af 100644
+--- a/src/login/systemd-user
++++ b/src/login/systemd-user
+@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
+ #
+ # Used by systemd --user instances.
+-account  include system-auth
+-session  include system-auth
++account  include common-account
++session  include common-session
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0012-implment-systemd-sysv-install-for-OE.patch b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0012-implment-systemd-sysv-install-for-OE.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68b45a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0012-implment-systemd-sysv-install-for-OE.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+From 5f8b9f2d276c0ddbcbf5423733a23f043d688009 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2015 06:31:47 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] implment systemd-sysv-install for OE
+Use update-rc.d for enabling/disabling and status command
+to check the status of the sysv service
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [OE-Specific]
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ src/systemctl/systemd-sysv-install.SKELETON | 6 +++---
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+Index: git/src/systemctl/systemd-sysv-install.SKELETON
+--- git.orig/src/systemctl/systemd-sysv-install.SKELETON
++++ git/src/systemctl/systemd-sysv-install.SKELETON
+@@ -30,17 +30,17 @@ case "$1" in
+     enable)
+         # call the command to enable SysV init script $NAME here
+         # (consider optional $ROOT)
+-        echo "IMPLEMENT ME: enabling SysV init.d script $NAME"
++        update-rc.d -f $NAME defaults
+         ;;
+     disable)
+         # call the command to disable SysV init script $NAME here
+         # (consider optional $ROOT)
+-        echo "IMPLEMENT ME: disabling SysV init.d script $NAME"
++        update-rc.d -f $NAME remove
+         ;;
+     is-enabled)
+         # exit with 0 if $NAME is enabled, non-zero if it is disabled
+         # (consider optional $ROOT)
+-        echo "IMPLEMENT ME: checking SysV init.d script $NAME"
++        /etc/init.d/$NAME status
+         ;;
+     *)
+         usage ;;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0014-Revert-rules-remove-firmware-loading-rules.patch b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0014-Revert-rules-remove-firmware-loading-rules.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe2ba53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0014-Revert-rules-remove-firmware-loading-rules.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+From 4f0a722489154da99e7f6b3051afde984eed2f74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jonathan Liu <net147@gmail.com>
+Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 15:01:29 +1100
+Subject: [PATCH] Revert "rules: remove firmware loading rules"
+This reverts commit 70e7d754ddb356fb1a2942b262f8cee9650e2a19.
+Userspace firmware loading support is needed for Linux < 3.7.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [OE specific]
+Signed-off-by: Jonathan Liu <net147@gmail.com>
+ rules/50-firmware.rules | 3 +++
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 rules/50-firmware.rules
+diff --git a/rules/50-firmware.rules b/rules/50-firmware.rules
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..f0ae684
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rules/50-firmware.rules
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++# do not edit this file, it will be overwritten on update
++SUBSYSTEM=="firmware", ACTION=="add", RUN{builtin}="firmware"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0015-Revert-udev-remove-userspace-firmware-loading-suppor.patch b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0015-Revert-udev-remove-userspace-firmware-loading-suppor.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6308cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/0015-Revert-udev-remove-userspace-firmware-loading-suppor.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+From 7f074def4e32045353ba4336d703e17b8de7ec4e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jonathan Liu <net147@gmail.com>
+Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 15:01:33 +1100
+Subject: [PATCH] Revert "udev: remove userspace firmware loading support"
+This reverts commit be2ea723b1d023b3d385d3b791ee4607cbfb20ca.
+Userspace firmware loading support is needed for Linux < 3.7.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [OE specific]
+Signed-off-by: Jonathan Liu <net147@gmail.com>
+ Makefile.am                      |  12 +++
+ README                           |   9 ++-
+ TODO                             |   1 +
+ configure.ac                     |  20 +++++
+ src/udev/udev-builtin-firmware.c | 154 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ src/udev/udev-builtin.c          |   3 +
+ src/udev/udev.h                  |   6 ++
+ src/udev/udevd.c                 |  13 ++++
+ 8 files changed, 214 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 src/udev/udev-builtin-firmware.c
+Index: git/Makefile.am
+--- git.orig/Makefile.am
++++ git/Makefile.am
+@@ -3470,6 +3470,18 @@ libudev_core_la_LIBADD = \
+ 	$(BLKID_LIBS) \
++libudev_core_la_CPPFLAGS = \
++libudev_core_la_SOURCES += \
++	src/udev/udev-builtin-firmware.c
++dist_udevrules_DATA += \
++	rules/50-firmware.rules
+ libudev_core_la_SOURCES += \
+ 	src/udev/udev-builtin-kmod.c
+Index: git/README
+--- git.orig/README
++++ git/README
+@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ LICENSE:
+         - except src/udev/* which is (currently still) GPLv2, GPLv2+
+-        Linux kernel >= 3.7
++        Linux kernel >= 3.0
++        Linux kernel >= 3.3 for loop device partition support features with nspawn
+         Linux kernel >= 3.8 for Smack support
+         Kernel Config Options:
+@@ -51,14 +52,14 @@ REQUIREMENTS:
+           CONFIG_PROC_FS
+           CONFIG_FHANDLE (libudev, mount and bind mount handling)
+-        udev will fail to work with the legacy sysfs layout:
++        Udev will fail to work with the legacy layout:
+         Legacy hotplug slows down the system and confuses udev:
+-        Userspace firmware loading is not supported and should
+-        be disabled in the kernel:
++        Userspace firmware loading is deprecated, will go away, and
++        sometimes causes problems:
+         Some udev rules and virtualization detection relies on it:
+Index: git/TODO
+--- git.orig/TODO
++++ git/TODO
+@@ -754,6 +754,7 @@ Features:
+ * ExecOnFailure=/usr/bin/foo
+ * udev:
++  - remove src/udev/udev-builtin-firmware.c (CONFIG_FW_LOADER_USER_HELPER=n)
+   - move to LGPL
+   - kill scsi_id
+   - add trigger --subsystem-match=usb/usb_device device
+Index: git/configure.ac
+--- git.orig/configure.ac
++++ git/configure.ac
+@@ -1268,6 +1268,26 @@ fi
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_MYHOSTNAME, [test "$have_myhostname" = "yes"])
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++       AS_HELP_STRING([--with-firmware-path=DIR[[[:DIR[...]]]]],
++          [Firmware search path (default="")]),
++       [], [with_firmware_path=""])
++for i in $with_firmware_path; do
++       if test "x${FIRMWARE_PATH}" = "x"; then
++              FIRMWARE_PATH="\\\"${i}/\\\""
++       else
++              FIRMWARE_PATH="${FIRMWARE_PATH}, \\\"${i}/\\\""
++       fi
++AS_IF([test "x${FIRMWARE_PATH}" != "x"], [ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FIRMWARE, 1, [Define if FIRMWARE is available]) ])
++# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(hwdb, [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-hwdb], [disable hardware database support])],
+        enable_hwdb=$enableval, enable_hwdb=yes)
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_HWDB, [test x$enable_hwdb = xyes])
+@@ -1574,6 +1594,7 @@ AC_MSG_RESULT([
+         SysV rc?.d directories:  ${SYSTEM_SYSVRCND_PATH}
+         Build Python:            ${PYTHON}
+         sphinx binary:           ${SPHINX_BUILD}
++        firmware path:           ${FIRMWARE_PATH}
+         PAM modules dir:         ${with_pamlibdir}
+         PAM configuration dir:   ${with_pamconfdir}
+         D-Bus policy dir:        ${with_dbuspolicydir}
+Index: git/src/udev/udev-builtin-firmware.c
+--- /dev/null
++++ git/src/udev/udev-builtin-firmware.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
++ * firmware - Kernel firmware loader
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2009 Piter Punk <piterpunk@slackware.com>
++ * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Kay Sievers <kay@vrfy.org>
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
++ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
++ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * General Public License for more details:*
++ */
++#include <unistd.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <stdio.h>
++#include <getopt.h>
++#include <errno.h>
++#include <stdbool.h>
++#include <sys/utsname.h>
++#include <sys/stat.h>
++#include "udev.h"
++static bool set_loading(struct udev *udev, char *loadpath, const char *state) {
++        FILE *ldfile;
++        ldfile = fopen(loadpath, "we");
++        if (ldfile == NULL) {
++                log_error("error: can not open '%s'", loadpath);
++                return false;
++        };
++        fprintf(ldfile, "%s\n", state);
++        fclose(ldfile);
++        return true;
++static bool copy_firmware(struct udev *udev, const char *source, const char *target, size_t size) {
++        char *buf;
++        FILE *fsource = NULL, *ftarget = NULL;
++        bool ret = false;
++        buf = malloc(size);
++        if (buf == NULL) {
++                log_error("No memory available to load firmware file");
++                return false;
++        }
++        log_debug("writing '%s' (%zi) to '%s'", source, size, target);
++        fsource = fopen(source, "re");
++        if (fsource == NULL)
++                goto exit;
++        ftarget = fopen(target, "we");
++        if (ftarget == NULL)
++                goto exit;
++        if (fread(buf, size, 1, fsource) != 1)
++                goto exit;
++        if (fwrite(buf, size, 1, ftarget) == 1)
++                ret = true;
++        if (ftarget != NULL)
++                fclose(ftarget);
++        if (fsource != NULL)
++                fclose(fsource);
++        free(buf);
++        return ret;
++static int builtin_firmware(struct udev_device *dev, int argc, char *argv[], bool test) {
++        struct udev *udev = udev_device_get_udev(dev);
++        static const char *searchpath[] = { FIRMWARE_PATH };
++        char loadpath[UTIL_PATH_SIZE];
++        char datapath[UTIL_PATH_SIZE];
++        char fwpath[UTIL_PATH_SIZE];
++        const char *firmware;
++        FILE *fwfile = NULL;
++        struct utsname kernel;
++        struct stat statbuf;
++        unsigned int i;
++        int rc = EXIT_SUCCESS;
++        firmware = udev_device_get_property_value(dev, "FIRMWARE");
++        if (firmware == NULL) {
++                log_error("firmware parameter missing");
++                rc = EXIT_FAILURE;
++                goto exit;
++        }
++        /* lookup firmware file */
++        uname(&kernel);
++        for (i = 0; i < ELEMENTSOF(searchpath); i++) {
++                strscpyl(fwpath, sizeof(fwpath), searchpath[i], kernel.release, "/", firmware, NULL);
++                fwfile = fopen(fwpath, "re");
++                if (fwfile != NULL)
++                        break;
++                strscpyl(fwpath, sizeof(fwpath), searchpath[i], firmware, NULL);
++                fwfile = fopen(fwpath, "re");
++                if (fwfile != NULL)
++                        break;
++        }
++        strscpyl(loadpath, sizeof(loadpath), udev_device_get_syspath(dev), "/loading", NULL);
++        if (fwfile == NULL) {
++                log_debug("did not find firmware file '%s'", firmware);
++                rc = EXIT_FAILURE;
++                /*
++                 * Do not cancel the request in the initrd, the real root might have
++                 * the firmware file and the 'coldplug' run in the real root will find
++                 * this pending request and fulfill or cancel it.
++                 * */
++                if (!in_initrd())
++                        set_loading(udev, loadpath, "-1");
++                goto exit;
++        }
++        if (stat(fwpath, &statbuf) < 0 || statbuf.st_size == 0) {
++                if (!in_initrd())
++                        set_loading(udev, loadpath, "-1");
++                rc = EXIT_FAILURE;
++                goto exit;
++        }
++        if (!set_loading(udev, loadpath, "1"))
++                goto exit;
++        strscpyl(datapath, sizeof(datapath), udev_device_get_syspath(dev), "/data", NULL);
++        if (!copy_firmware(udev, fwpath, datapath, statbuf.st_size)) {
++                log_error("error sending firmware '%s' to device", firmware);
++                set_loading(udev, loadpath, "-1");
++                rc = EXIT_FAILURE;
++                goto exit;
++        };
++        set_loading(udev, loadpath, "0");
++        if (fwfile)
++                fclose(fwfile);
++        return rc;
++const struct udev_builtin udev_builtin_firmware = {
++        .name = "firmware",
++        .cmd = builtin_firmware,
++        .help = "kernel firmware loader",
++        .run_once = true,
+Index: git/src/udev/udev-builtin.c
+--- git.orig/src/udev/udev-builtin.c
++++ git/src/udev/udev-builtin.c
+@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ static const struct udev_builtin *builti
+         [UDEV_BUILTIN_BLKID] = &udev_builtin_blkid,
+ #endif
+         [UDEV_BUILTIN_BTRFS] = &udev_builtin_btrfs,
++        [UDEV_BUILTIN_FIRMWARE] = &udev_builtin_firmware,
+         [UDEV_BUILTIN_HWDB] = &udev_builtin_hwdb,
+         [UDEV_BUILTIN_INPUT_ID] = &udev_builtin_input_id,
+         [UDEV_BUILTIN_KEYBOARD] = &udev_builtin_keyboard,
+Index: git/src/udev/udev.h
+--- git.orig/src/udev/udev.h
++++ git/src/udev/udev.h
+@@ -146,6 +146,9 @@ enum udev_builtin_cmd {
+ #endif
+@@ -174,6 +177,9 @@ struct udev_builtin {
+ extern const struct udev_builtin udev_builtin_blkid;
+ #endif
+ extern const struct udev_builtin udev_builtin_btrfs;
++extern const struct udev_builtin udev_builtin_firmware;
+ extern const struct udev_builtin udev_builtin_hwdb;
+ extern const struct udev_builtin udev_builtin_input_id;
+ extern const struct udev_builtin udev_builtin_keyboard;
+Index: git/src/udev/udevd.c
+--- git.orig/src/udev/udevd.c
++++ git/src/udev/udevd.c
+@@ -116,6 +116,9 @@ struct event {
+         bool is_block;
+         sd_event_source *timeout_warning;
+         sd_event_source *timeout;
++        bool nodelay;
+ };
+ static inline struct event *node_to_event(struct udev_list_node *node) {
+@@ -607,6 +610,10 @@ static int event_queue_insert(Manager *m
+         event->devnum = udev_device_get_devnum(dev);
+         event->is_block = streq("block", udev_device_get_subsystem(dev));
+         event->ifindex = udev_device_get_ifindex(dev);
++        if (streq(udev_device_get_subsystem(dev), "firmware"))
++                event->nodelay = true;
+         log_debug("seq %llu queued, '%s' '%s'", udev_device_get_seqnum(dev),
+              udev_device_get_action(dev), udev_device_get_subsystem(dev));
+@@ -692,6 +699,12 @@ static bool is_devpath_busy(Manager *man
+                         return true;
+                 }
++                /* allow to bypass the dependency tracking */
++                if (event->nodelay)
++                        continue;
+                 /* parent device event found */
+                 if (event->devpath[common] == '/') {
+                         event->delaying_seqnum = loop_event->seqnum;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/init b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea52be4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/init
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Provides:          udev
+# Required-Start:    mountvirtfs
+# Required-Stop:
+# Default-Start:     S
+# Default-Stop:
+# Short-Description: Start udevd, populate /dev and load drivers.
+. /etc/init.d/functions
+export TZ=/etc/localtime
+[ -d /sys/class ] || exit 1
+[ -r /proc/mounts ] || exit 1
+[ -x @UDEVD@ ] || exit 1
+[ -f /etc/default/udev-cache ] && . /etc/default/udev-cache
+[ -f /etc/udev/udev.conf ] && . /etc/udev/udev.conf
+readfile () {
+   filename=$1
+   if [ -r $filename ]; then
+       while read line; do
+           READDATA="$READDATA$line"
+       done < $filename
+   fi
+case "$1" in
+  start)
+    export ACTION=add
+    # propagate /dev from /sys
+    echo "Starting udev"
+    # mount the devtmpfs on /dev, if not already done
+    LANG=C awk '$2 == "/dev" && ($3 == "devtmpfs") { exit 1 }' /proc/mounts && {
+            mount -n -o mode=0755 -t devtmpfs none "/dev"
+    }
+    [ -e /dev/pts ] || mkdir -m 0755 /dev/pts
+    [ -e /dev/shm ] || mkdir -m 1777 /dev/shm
+    mount -a -t tmpfs 2>/dev/null
+    # cache handling
+    if [ "$DEVCACHE" != "" ]; then
+            readfile /proc/version
+            VERSION="$READDATA"
+            readfile /proc/cmdline
+            CMDLINE="$READDATA"
+            readfile /proc/devices
+            DEVICES="$READDATA"
+            readfile /proc/atags
+            ATAGS="$READDATA"
+            if [ -e $DEVCACHE ]; then
+                    readfile /etc/udev/cache.data
+                    if [ "$READDATA" = "$VERSION$CMDLINE$DEVICES$ATAGS" ]; then
+                            (cd /; tar xf $DEVCACHE > /dev/null 2>&1)
+                            not_first_boot=1
+                            [ "$VERBOSE" != "no" ] && echo "udev: using cache file $DEVCACHE"
+                            [ -e /dev/shm/udev.cache ] && rm -f /dev/shm/udev.cache
+                    else
+                            echo "$VERSION$CMDLINE$DEVICES$ATAGS" > /dev/shm/udev.cache
+                    fi
+            else
+                    echo "$VERSION$CMDLINE$DEVICES$ATAGS" > /dev/shm/udev.cache
+            fi
+    fi
+    # make_extra_nodes
+    killproc systemd-udevd > "/dev/null" 2>&1
+    # trigger the sorted events
+    echo -e '\000\000\000\000' > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug
+    @UDEVD@ -d
+    udevadm control --env=STARTUP=1
+    if [ "$not_first_boot" != "" ];then
+            udevadm trigger --action=add --subsystem-nomatch=tty --subsystem-nomatch=mem --subsystem-nomatch=vc --subsystem-nomatch=vtconsole --subsystem-nomatch=misc --subsystem-nomatch=dcon --subsystem-nomatch=pci_bus  --subsystem-nomatch=graphics	 --subsystem-nomatch=backlight --subsystem-nomatch=video4linux	--subsystem-nomatch=platform
+            (udevadm settle --timeout=3; udevadm control --env=STARTUP=)&
+    else
+            udevadm trigger --action=add
+            udevadm settle
+    fi
+    ;;
+  stop)
+    echo "Stopping udevd"
+    start-stop-daemon --stop --name systemd-udevd --quiet
+    ;;
+  restart)
+    $0 stop
+    sleep 1
+    $0 start
+    ;;
+  status)
+    status systemd-udevd
+    ;;
+  *)
+    echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}"
+    exit 1
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/qemuall_io_latency-core-device.c-Change-the-default-device-timeout-to-2.patch b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/qemuall_io_latency-core-device.c-Change-the-default-device-timeout-to-2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7e1711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/qemuall_io_latency-core-device.c-Change-the-default-device-timeout-to-2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [Specific case QEMU/AB]
+From 7b8c4e0a67a79a75e1bd77df3a452a5497322108 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?An=C3=ADbal=20Lim=C3=B3n?= <anibal.limon@linux.intel.com>
+Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 17:58:26 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] core/device.c: Change the default device timeout to 240 sec.
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Signed-off-by: Aníbal Limón <anibal.limon@linux.intel.com>
+ src/core/device.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/core/device.c b/src/core/device.c
+index e7efcf0..4ed8f08 100644
+--- a/src/core/device.c
++++ b/src/core/device.c
+@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ static void device_init(Unit *u) {
+          * indefinitely for plugged in devices, something which cannot
+          * happen for the other units since their operations time out
+          * anyway. */
+-        u->job_timeout = u->manager->default_timeout_start_usec;
++        u->job_timeout = (240 * USEC_PER_SEC);
+         u->ignore_on_isolate = true;
+         u->ignore_on_snapshot = true;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/run-ptest b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/run-ptest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2d61c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/run-ptest
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+tar -C test -xJf test/sys.tar.xz
+make test/rules-test.sh.log
+make test/udev-test.pl.log
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/touchscreen.rules b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/touchscreen.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d83fd16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd/touchscreen.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# There are a number of modifiers that are allowed to be used in some
+# of the different fields. They provide the following subsitutions:
+# %n the "kernel number" of the device.
+#    For example, 'sda3' has a "kernel number" of '3'
+# %e the smallest number for that name which does not matches an existing node
+# %k the kernel name for the device
+# %M the kernel major number for the device
+# %m the kernel minor number for the device
+# %b the bus id for the device
+# %c the string returned by the PROGRAM
+# %s{filename} the content of a sysfs attribute
+# %% the '%' char itself
+# Create a symlink to any touchscreen input device
+SUBSYSTEM=="input", KERNEL=="event[0-9]*", ATTRS{modalias}=="input:*-e0*,3,*a0,1,*18,*", SYMLINK+="input/touchscreen0"
+SUBSYSTEM=="input", KERNEL=="event[0-9]*", ATTRS{modalias}=="ads7846", SYMLINK+="input/touchscreen0"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd_225.bb b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd_225.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ac99cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/systemd/systemd_225.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+SUMMARY = "A System and service manager"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd"
+DESCRIPTION = "systemd is a system and service manager for Linux, compatible with \
+SysV and LSB init scripts. systemd provides aggressive parallelization \
+capabilities, uses socket and D-Bus activation for starting services, \
+offers on-demand starting of daemons, keeps track of processes using \
+Linux cgroups, supports snapshotting and restoring of the system \
+state, maintains mount and automount points and implements an \
+elaborate transactional dependency-based service control logic. It can \
+work as a drop-in replacement for sysvinit."
+LICENSE = "GPLv2 & LGPLv2.1"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE.GPL2;md5=751419260aa954499f7abaabaa882bbe \
+                    file://LICENSE.LGPL2.1;md5=4fbd65380cdd255951079008b364516c"
+PROVIDES = "udev"
+PE = "1"
+DEPENDS = "kmod docbook-sgml-dtd-4.1-native intltool-native gperf-native acl readline dbus libcap libcgroup glib-2.0 qemu-native util-linux"
+SECTION = "base/shell"
+inherit useradd pkgconfig autotools perlnative update-rc.d update-alternatives qemu systemd ptest gettext
+SRCREV = "e1439a1472c5f691733b8ef10e702beac2496a63"
+PV = "225+git${SRCPV}"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/systemd/systemd.git;protocol=git \
+           file://0003-binfmt-Don-t-install-dependency-links-at-install-tim.patch \
+           file://0004-configure-Check-for-additional-features-that-uclibc-.patch \
+           file://0005-nspawn-Use-execvpe-only-when-libc-supports-it.patch \
+           file://0006-journal-Use-posix-fallocate-only-if-available.patch \
+           file://0007-util-Use-mkostemp-only-if-libc-supports-it.patch \
+           file://0008-util-bypass-unimplemented-_SC_PHYS_PAGES-system-conf.patch \
+           file://0009-sysv-generator-add-support-for-executing-scripts-und.patch \
+           file://0010-Make-root-s-home-directory-configurable.patch \
+           file://0011-systemd-user-avoid-using-system-auth.patch \
+           file://0012-implment-systemd-sysv-install-for-OE.patch \
+           file://0014-Revert-rules-remove-firmware-loading-rules.patch \
+           file://0015-Revert-udev-remove-userspace-firmware-loading-suppor.patch \
+           file://touchscreen.rules \
+           file://00-create-volatile.conf \
+           file://init \
+           file://run-ptest \
+          "
+SRC_URI_append_qemuall = "file://qemuall_io_latency-core-device.c-Change-the-default-device-timeout-to-2.patch"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+SRC_URI_append_libc-uclibc = "\
+            file://0001-units-Prefer-getty-to-agetty-in-console-setup-system.patch \
+           "
+LDFLAGS_append_libc-uclibc = " -lrt"
+GTKDOC_DOCDIR = "${S}/docs/"
+PACKAGECONFIG ??= "xz ldconfig \
+                   ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pam', 'pam', '', d)} \
+                   ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'x11', 'xkbcommon', '', d)} \
+                   ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'selinux', 'selinux', '', d)} \
+                  "
+PACKAGECONFIG[journal-upload] = "--enable-libcurl,--disable-libcurl,curl"
+# Sign the journal for anti-tampering
+PACKAGECONFIG[gcrypt] = "--enable-gcrypt,--disable-gcrypt,libgcrypt"
+# regardless of PACKAGECONFIG, libgcrypt is always required to expand
+# the AM_PATH_LIBGCRYPT autoconf macro
+DEPENDS += "libgcrypt"
+# Compress the journal
+PACKAGECONFIG[xz] = "--enable-xz,--disable-xz,xz"
+PACKAGECONFIG[cryptsetup] = "--enable-libcryptsetup,--disable-libcryptsetup,cryptsetup"
+PACKAGECONFIG[microhttpd] = "--enable-microhttpd,--disable-microhttpd,libmicrohttpd"
+PACKAGECONFIG[elfutils] = "--enable-elfutils,--disable-elfutils,elfutils"
+PACKAGECONFIG[resolved] = "--enable-resolved,--disable-resolved"
+PACKAGECONFIG[networkd] = "--enable-networkd,--disable-networkd"
+PACKAGECONFIG[libidn] = "--enable-libidn,--disable-libidn,libidn"
+PACKAGECONFIG[audit] = "--enable-audit,--disable-audit,audit"
+PACKAGECONFIG[manpages] = "--enable-manpages,--disable-manpages,libxslt-native xmlto-native docbook-xml-dtd4-native docbook-xsl-stylesheets-native"
+PACKAGECONFIG[pam] = "--enable-pam,--disable-pam,libpam"
+# Verify keymaps on locale change
+PACKAGECONFIG[xkbcommon] = "--enable-xkbcommon,--disable-xkbcommon,libxkbcommon"
+# Update NAT firewall rules
+PACKAGECONFIG[iptc] = "--enable-libiptc,--disable-libiptc,iptables"
+PACKAGECONFIG[ldconfig] = "--enable-ldconfig,--disable-ldconfig,,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[selinux] = "--enable-selinux,--disable-selinux,libselinux"
+PACKAGECONFIG[valgrind] = "ac_cv_header_valgrind_memcheck_h=yes ac_cv_header_valgrind_valgrind_h=yes ,ac_cv_header_valgrind_memcheck_h=no ac_cv_header_valgrind_valgrind_h=no ,valgrind"
+CACHED_CONFIGUREVARS += "ac_cv_path_KILL=${base_bindir}/kill"
+CACHED_CONFIGUREVARS += "ac_cv_path_KMOD=${base_bindir}/kmod"
+CACHED_CONFIGUREVARS += "ac_cv_path_QUOTACHECK=${sbindir}/quotacheck"
+CACHED_CONFIGUREVARS += "ac_cv_path_QUOTAON=${sbindir}/quotaon"
+CACHED_CONFIGUREVARS += "ac_cv_path_SULOGIN=${base_sbindir}/sulogin"
+# Helper variables to clarify locations.  This mirrors the logic in systemd's
+# build system.
+rootprefix ?= "${base_prefix}"
+rootlibdir ?= "${base_libdir}"
+rootlibexecdir = "${rootprefix}/lib"
+CACHED_CONFIGUREVARS_class-target = "\
+                         ac_cv_path_MOUNT_PATH=${base_bindir}/mount \
+                         ac_cv_path_UMOUNT_PATH=${base_bindir}/umount \
+                         ac_cv_path_KMOD=${base_bindir}/kmod \
+                         ac_cv_path_KILL=${base_bindir}/kill \
+                         ac_cv_path_SULOGIN=${base_sbindir}/sulogin \
+                         ac_cv_path_KEXEC=${sbindir}/kexec \
+                         ac_cv_path_QUOTACHECK=${sbindir}/quotacheck \
+                         ac_cv_path_QUOTAON=${sbindir}/quotaon \
+			 "
+EXTRA_OECONF = " --with-rootprefix=${rootprefix} \
+                 --with-rootlibdir=${rootlibdir} \
+                 --with-roothomedir=${ROOT_HOME} \
+                 --disable-coredump \
+                 --enable-split-usr \
+                 --without-python \
+                 --with-sysvrcnd-path=${sysconfdir} \
+                 --with-firmware-path=/lib/firmware \
+               "
+# uclibc does not have NSS
+EXTRA_OECONF_append_libc-uclibc = " --disable-myhostname "
+do_configure_prepend() {
+	export NM="${HOST_PREFIX}gcc-nm"
+	export AR="${HOST_PREFIX}gcc-ar"
+	export RANLIB="${HOST_PREFIX}gcc-ranlib"
+	export KMOD="${base_bindir}/kmod"
+	if [ -d ${S}/units.pre_sed ] ; then
+		cp -r ${S}/units.pre_sed ${S}/units
+	else
+		cp -r ${S}/units ${S}/units.pre_sed
+	fi
+	sed -i '/ln --relative --help/d' ${S}/configure.ac
+	sed -i -e 's:\$(LN_S) --relative -f:lnr:g' ${S}/Makefile.am
+	sed -i -e 's:\$(LN_S) --relative:lnr:g' ${S}/Makefile.am
+do_install() {
+	autotools_do_install
+	install -d ${D}/${base_sbindir}
+	# Provided by a separate recipe
+	rm ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/serial-getty* -f
+	# Provide support for initramfs
+	[ ! -e ${D}/init ] && ln -s ${rootlibexecdir}/systemd/systemd ${D}/init
+	[ ! -e ${D}/${base_sbindir}/udevd ] && ln -s ${rootlibexecdir}/systemd/systemd-udevd ${D}/${base_sbindir}/udevd
+	# Create machine-id
+	# 20:12 < mezcalero> koen: you have three options: a) run systemd-machine-id-setup at install time, b) have / read-only and an empty file there (for stateless) and c) boot with / writable
+	touch ${D}${sysconfdir}/machine-id
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/tmpfiles.d
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/*.rules ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/00-create-volatile.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/tmpfiles.d/
+	if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','sysvinit','true','false',d)}; then
+		install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+		install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/init ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/systemd-udevd
+		sed -i s%@UDEVD@%${rootlibexecdir}/systemd/systemd-udevd% ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/systemd-udevd
+	fi
+	chown root:systemd-journal ${D}/${localstatedir}/log/journal
+        # Delete journal README, as log can be symlinked inside volatile.
+        rm -f ${D}/${localstatedir}/log/README
+	# Create symlinks for systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service
+	install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/graphical.target.wants
+	install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/multi-user.target.wants
+	install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/poweroff.target.wants
+	install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/reboot.target.wants
+	install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/rescue.target.wants
+	ln -sf ../systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/graphical.target.wants/systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service
+	ln -sf ../systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/multi-user.target.wants/systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service
+	ln -sf ../systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/poweroff.target.wants/systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service
+	ln -sf ../systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/reboot.target.wants/systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service
+	ln -sf ../systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/rescue.target.wants/systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service
+	# Enable journal to forward message to syslog daemon
+	sed -i -e 's/.*ForwardToSyslog.*/ForwardToSyslog=yes/' ${D}${sysconfdir}/systemd/journald.conf
+	# this file is needed to exist if networkd is disabled but timesyncd is still in use since timesyncd checks it
+	# for existence else it fails
+	if [ -s ${D}${libdir}/tmpfiles.d/systemd.conf ]; then
+		${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'networkd', ':', 'sed -i -e "\$ad /run/systemd/netif/links 0755 root root -" ${D}${libdir}/tmpfiles.d/systemd.conf', d)}
+	fi
+	install -Dm 0755 ${S}/src/systemctl/systemd-sysv-install.SKELETON ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/systemd-sysv-install
+do_install_ptest () {
+       install -d ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/test
+       cp -rf ${S}/test/* ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/test
+       install -m 0755  ${B}/test-udev ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/
+       install -d ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/build-aux
+       cp ${S}/build-aux/test-driver ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/build-aux/
+       cp -rf ${B}/rules ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/
+       # This directory needs to be there for udev-test.pl to work.
+       install -d ${D}${libdir}/udev/rules.d
+       cp ${B}/Makefile ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/
+       cp ${S}/test/sys.tar.xz ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/test
+       sed -i 's/"tree"/"ls"/' ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/test/udev-test.pl
+       sed -i 's#${S}#${PTEST_PATH}#g' ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/Makefile
+       sed -i 's#${B}#${PTEST_PATH}#g' ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/Makefile
+python populate_packages_prepend (){
+    systemdlibdir = d.getVar("rootlibdir", True)
+    do_split_packages(d, systemdlibdir, '^lib(.*)\.so\.*', 'lib%s', 'Systemd %s library', extra_depends='', allow_links=True)
+PACKAGES_DYNAMIC += "^lib(udev|systemd).*"
+PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-gui ${PN}-vconsole-setup ${PN}-initramfs ${PN}-analyze ${PN}-kernel-install \
+             ${PN}-rpm-macros ${PN}-binfmt ${PN}-pam ${PN}-zsh ${PN}-xorg-xinitrc"
+SYSTEMD_PACKAGES = "${PN}-binfmt"
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN}-binfmt = "systemd-binfmt.service"
+USERADD_PARAM_${PN} += "--system systemd-journal-gateway; --system systemd-timesync"
+GROUPADD_PARAM_${PN} = "-r lock; -r systemd-journal"
+FILES_${PN}-analyze = "${bindir}/systemd-analyze"
+FILES_${PN}-initramfs = "/init"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-initramfs = "${PN}"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-ptest += "perl python bash"
+FILES_${PN}-ptest += "${libdir}/udev/rules.d"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/systemd/ptest/.debug"
+FILES_${PN}-gui = "${bindir}/systemadm"
+FILES_${PN}-vconsole-setup = "${rootlibexecdir}/systemd/systemd-vconsole-setup \
+                              ${systemd_unitdir}/system/systemd-vconsole-setup.service \
+                              ${systemd_unitdir}/system/sysinit.target.wants/systemd-vconsole-setup.service"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-kernel-install += "bash"
+FILES_${PN}-kernel-install = "${bindir}/kernel-install \
+                              ${sysconfdir}/kernel/ \
+                              ${exec_prefix}/lib/kernel \
+                             "
+FILES_${PN}-rpm-macros = "${exec_prefix}/lib/rpm \
+                         "
+FILES_${PN}-xorg-xinitrc = "${sysconfdir}/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*"
+FILES_${PN}-zsh = "${datadir}/zsh/site-functions"
+FILES_${PN}-binfmt = "${sysconfdir}/binfmt.d/ \
+                      ${exec_prefix}/lib/binfmt.d \
+                      ${rootlibexecdir}/systemd/systemd-binfmt \
+                      ${systemd_unitdir}/system/proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.* \
+                      ${systemd_unitdir}/system/systemd-binfmt.service"
+RRECOMMENDS_${PN}-binfmt = "kernel-module-binfmt-misc"
+RRECOMMENDS_${PN}-vconsole-setup = "kbd kbd-consolefonts kbd-keymaps"
+CONFFILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/systemd/journald.conf \
+                ${sysconfdir}/systemd/logind.conf \
+                ${sysconfdir}/systemd/system.conf \
+                ${sysconfdir}/systemd/user.conf"
+FILES_${PN} = " ${base_bindir}/* \
+                ${datadir}/bash-completion \
+                ${datadir}/dbus-1/services \
+                ${datadir}/dbus-1/system-services \
+                ${datadir}/polkit-1 \
+                ${datadir}/${BPN} \
+                ${datadir}/factory \
+                ${sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/ \
+                ${sysconfdir}/dbus-1/ \
+                ${sysconfdir}/machine-id \
+                ${sysconfdir}/modules-load.d/ \
+                ${sysconfdir}/pam.d/ \
+                ${sysconfdir}/sysctl.d/ \
+                ${sysconfdir}/systemd/ \
+                ${sysconfdir}/tmpfiles.d/ \
+                ${sysconfdir}/xdg/ \
+                ${sysconfdir}/init.d/README \
+                ${rootlibexecdir}/systemd/* \
+                ${systemd_unitdir}/* \
+                ${base_libdir}/security/*.so \
+                ${libdir}/libnss_* \
+                /cgroup \
+                ${bindir}/systemd* \
+                ${bindir}/busctl \
+                ${bindir}/localectl \
+                ${bindir}/hostnamectl \
+                ${bindir}/timedatectl \
+                ${bindir}/bootctl \
+                ${bindir}/kernel-install \
+                ${exec_prefix}/lib/tmpfiles.d/*.conf \
+                ${exec_prefix}/lib/systemd \
+                ${exec_prefix}/lib/modules-load.d \
+                ${exec_prefix}/lib/sysctl.d \
+                ${exec_prefix}/lib/sysusers.d \
+                ${localstatedir} \
+                ${nonarch_base_libdir}/udev/rules.d/70-uaccess.rules \
+                ${nonarch_base_libdir}/udev/rules.d/71-seat.rules \
+                ${nonarch_base_libdir}/udev/rules.d/73-seat-late.rules \
+                ${nonarch_base_libdir}/udev/rules.d/99-systemd.rules \
+               "
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${rootlibdir}/.debug ${systemd_unitdir}/.debug ${systemd_unitdir}/*/.debug ${base_libdir}/security/.debug/"
+FILES_${PN}-dev += "${base_libdir}/security/*.la ${datadir}/dbus-1/interfaces/ ${sysconfdir}/rpm/macros.systemd"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "kmod dbus util-linux-mount udev (= ${EXTENDPKGV})"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "volatile-binds update-rc.d"
+RRECOMMENDS_${PN} += "systemd-serialgetty systemd-vconsole-setup \
+                      systemd-compat-units udev-hwdb \
+                      util-linux-agetty  util-linux-fsck e2fsprogs-e2fsck \
+                      kernel-module-autofs4 kernel-module-unix kernel-module-ipv6 \
+                      os-release \
+PACKAGES =+ "udev-dbg udev udev-hwdb"
+FILES_udev-dbg += "${nonarch_base_libdir}/udev/.debug"
+RPROVIDES_udev = "hotplug"
+RDEPENDS_udev-hwdb += "udev"
+FILES_udev += "${base_sbindir}/udevd \
+               ${rootlibexecdir}/systemd/systemd-udevd \
+               ${rootlibexecdir}/udev/accelerometer \
+               ${rootlibexecdir}/udev/ata_id \
+               ${rootlibexecdir}/udev/cdrom_id \
+               ${rootlibexecdir}/udev/collect \
+               ${rootlibexecdir}/udev/findkeyboards \
+               ${rootlibexecdir}/udev/keyboard-force-release.sh \
+               ${rootlibexecdir}/udev/keymap \
+               ${rootlibexecdir}/udev/mtd_probe \
+               ${rootlibexecdir}/udev/scsi_id \
+               ${rootlibexecdir}/udev/v4l_id \
+               ${rootlibexecdir}/udev/keymaps \
+               ${rootlibexecdir}/udev/rules.d/*.rules \
+               ${sysconfdir}/udev \
+               ${sysconfdir}/init.d/systemd-udevd \
+               ${systemd_unitdir}/system/*udev* \
+               ${systemd_unitdir}/system/*.wants/*udev* \
+               ${base_bindir}/udevadm \
+               ${datadir}/bash-completion/completions/udevadm \
+              "
+FILES_udev-hwdb = "${rootlibexecdir}/udev/hwdb.d"
+INITSCRIPT_NAME_udev = "systemd-udevd"
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS_udev = "start 03 S ."
+python __anonymous() {
+    if not bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'sysvinit', True, False, d):
+        d.setVar("INHIBIT_UPDATERCD_BBCLASS", "1")
+# TODO:
+# u-a for runlevel and telinit
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN} = "init halt reboot shutdown poweroff runlevel"
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[init] = "${rootlibexecdir}/systemd/systemd"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[init] = "${base_sbindir}/init"
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[halt] = "${base_bindir}/systemctl"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[halt] = "${base_sbindir}/halt"
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[reboot] = "${base_bindir}/systemctl"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[reboot] = "${base_sbindir}/reboot"
+ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY[reboot] ?= "300"
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[shutdown] = "${base_bindir}/systemctl"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[shutdown] = "${base_sbindir}/shutdown"
+ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY[shutdown] ?= "300"
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[poweroff] = "${base_bindir}/systemctl"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[poweroff] = "${base_sbindir}/poweroff"
+ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY[poweroff] ?= "300"
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[runlevel] = "${base_bindir}/systemctl"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[runlevel] = "${base_sbindir}/runlevel"
+ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY[runlevel] ?= "300"
+pkg_postinst_udev-hwdb () {
+	if test -n "$D"; then
+		${@qemu_run_binary(d, '$D', '${base_bindir}/udevadm')} hwdb --update \
+			--root $D
+	else
+		udevadm hwdb --update
+	fi
+pkg_prerm_udev-hwdb () {
+	if test -n "$D"; then
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	rm -f ${sysconfdir}/udev/hwdb.bin
+# As this recipe builds udev, respect systemd being in DISTRO_FEATURES so
+# that we don't build both udev and systemd in world builds.
+python () {
+    if not bb.utils.contains ('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', True, False, d):
+        raise bb.parse.SkipPackage("'systemd' not in DISTRO_FEATURES")
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-2.88dsf/crypt-lib.patch b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-2.88dsf/crypt-lib.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b34290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-2.88dsf/crypt-lib.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+# The src Makefile was checking for libcrypt.a on the host, not in the
+# build environment.  This patch checks for $LCRYPT in the environment
+# and uses it if it's there.
+# - jdike@linux.intel.com
+Index: sysvinit-2.88dsf/src/Makefile
+--- sysvinit-2.88dsf.orig/src/Makefile
++++ sysvinit-2.88dsf/src/Makefile
+@@ -85,9 +85,13 @@ else
+ endif
+ # Additional libs for GNU libc.
++ifneq ($(LCRYPT),)
+ ifneq ($(wildcard /usr/lib*/libcrypt.a),)
+   SULOGINLIBS	+= -lcrypt
+ endif
+ all:		$(BIN) $(SBIN) $(USRBIN)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-2.88dsf/install.patch b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-2.88dsf/install.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c4225a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-2.88dsf/install.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
+index e2b8028..3e11e92 100644
+--- a/src/Makefile
++++ b/src/Makefile
+@@ -65,7 +65,14 @@ else
+   INSTALL_DATA	= install -m 644
+ endif
+ INSTALL_DIR	= install -m 755 -d
+-MANDIR		= /usr/share/man
++ROOT         ?=
++base_bindir  ?= /bin
++base_sbindir ?= /sbin
++bindir       ?= /usr/bin
++sysconfdir   ?= /etc
++includedir   ?= /usr/include
++mandir       ?= /usr/share/man
+ ifeq ($(WITH_SELINUX),yes)
+@@ -138,39 +145,39 @@ clobber:	cleanobjs
+ distclean:	clobber
+ install:
+-		$(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)/bin/ $(ROOT)/sbin/
+-		$(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)/usr/bin/
++		$(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(base_bindir)/ $(ROOT)$(base_sbindir)/
++		$(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(bindir)/
+ 		for i in $(BIN); do \
+-			$(INSTALL_EXEC) $$i $(ROOT)/bin/ ; \
++			$(INSTALL_EXEC) $$i $(ROOT)$(base_bindir)/ ; \
+ 		done
+ 		for i in $(SBIN); do \
+-			$(INSTALL_EXEC) $$i $(ROOT)/sbin/ ; \
++			$(INSTALL_EXEC) $$i $(ROOT)$(base_sbindir)/ ; \
+ 		done
+ 		for i in $(USRBIN); do \
+-			$(INSTALL_EXEC) $$i $(ROOT)/usr/bin/ ; \
++			$(INSTALL_EXEC) $$i $(ROOT)$(bindir)/ ; \
+ 		done
+-		# $(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)/etc/
+-		# $(INSTALL_EXEC) initscript.sample $(ROOT)/etc/
+-		ln -sf halt $(ROOT)/sbin/reboot
+-		ln -sf halt $(ROOT)/sbin/poweroff
+-		ln -sf init $(ROOT)/sbin/telinit
+-		ln -sf /sbin/killall5 $(ROOT)/bin/pidof
+-		if [ ! -f $(ROOT)/usr/bin/lastb ]; then \
+-			ln -sf last $(ROOT)/usr/bin/lastb; \
++		# $(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(sysconfdir)/
++		# $(INSTALL_EXEC) initscript.sample $(ROOT)$(sysconfdir)/
++		ln -sf halt $(ROOT)$(base_sbindir)/reboot
++		ln -sf halt $(ROOT)$(base_sbindir)/poweroff
++		ln -sf init $(ROOT)$(base_sbindir)/telinit
++		ln -sf $(base_sbindir)/killall5 $(ROOT)$(base_bindir)/pidof
++		if [ ! -f $(ROOT)$(bindir)/lastb ]; then \
++			ln -sf last $(ROOT)$(bindir)/lastb; \
+ 		fi
+-		$(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)/usr/include/
+-		$(INSTALL_DATA) initreq.h $(ROOT)/usr/include/
+-		$(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(MANDIR)/man1/
+-		$(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(MANDIR)/man5/
+-		$(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(MANDIR)/man8/
++		$(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(includedir)/
++		$(INSTALL_DATA) initreq.h $(ROOT)$(includedir)/
++		$(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man1/
++		$(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man5/
++		$(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man8/
+ 		for i in $(MAN1); do \
+-			$(INSTALL_DATA) ../man/$$i $(ROOT)$(MANDIR)/man1/; \
++			$(INSTALL_DATA) ../man/$$i $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man1/; \
+ 		done
+ 		for i in $(MAN5); do \
+-			$(INSTALL_DATA) ../man/$$i $(ROOT)$(MANDIR)/man5/; \
++			$(INSTALL_DATA) ../man/$$i $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man5/; \
+ 		done
+ 		for i in $(MAN8); do \
+-			$(INSTALL_DATA) ../man/$$i $(ROOT)$(MANDIR)/man8/; \
++			$(INSTALL_DATA) ../man/$$i $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man8/; \
+ 		done
+ ifeq ($(ROOT),)
+ 		#
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-2.88dsf/pidof-add-m-option.patch b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-2.88dsf/pidof-add-m-option.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b5dfdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-2.88dsf/pidof-add-m-option.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+pidof: add -m option
+When used with -o, will also omit any processes that have the same
+argv[0] and argv[1] as any explicitly omitted process ids. This can be
+used to avoid multiple shell scripts concurrently calling pidof returning
+each other's pids.
+Upstream-Status: backport
+Imported patch from: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/attachment.cgi?id=658166
+Signed-off-by: Hongxu Jia <hongxu.jia@windriver.com>
+ man/pidof.8    |  6 ++++++
+ src/killall5.c | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
+ 2 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/man/pidof.8 b/man/pidof.8
+--- a/man/pidof.8
++++ b/man/pidof.8
+@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ pidof -- find the process ID of a running program.
+ .RB [ \-c ]
+ .RB [ \-n ]
+ .RB [ \-x ]
++.RB [ \-m ]
+ .RB [ \-o
+ .IR omitpid[,omitpid..] ]
+ .RB [ \-o
+@@ -63,6 +64,11 @@ shells running the named scripts.
+ Tells \fIpidof\fP to omit processes with that process id. The special
+ pid \fB%PPID\fP can be used to name the parent process of the \fIpidof\fP
+ program, in other words the calling shell or shell script.
++.IP -m
++When used with -o, will also omit any processes that have the same
++argv[0] and argv[1] as any explicitly omitted process ids. This can be
++used to avoid multiple shell scripts concurrently calling pidof returning
++each other's pids.
+ .TP
+ .B 0
+diff --git a/src/killall5.c b/src/killall5.c
+index 5937d98..e73885e 100644
+--- a/src/killall5.c
++++ b/src/killall5.c
+@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ typedef struct _s_nfs
+ /* List of processes. */
+ PROC *plist;
++PROC *olist;
+ /* List of processes to omit. */
+ OMIT *omit;
+@@ -345,6 +346,20 @@ static void clear_mnt(void)
+ 	}
+ }
++static void clear_omit(void)
++	OMIT *o;
++	PROC *p;
++	for (o = omit; o; o = omit) {
++		omit = omit->next;
++		free(o);
++	}
++	for (p = olist; p; p = olist) {
++		olist = olist->next;
++		free(p);
++	}
+ /*
+  *     Check if path is ia shadow off a NFS partition.
+  */
+@@ -452,6 +467,7 @@ int readproc(int do_stat)
+ 	DIR		*dir;
+ 	FILE		*fp;
+ 	PROC		*p, *n;
++	OMIT		*o, *m;
+ 	struct dirent	*d;
+ 	struct stat	st;
+ 	char		path[PATH_MAX+1];
+@@ -624,6 +640,17 @@ int readproc(int do_stat)
+ 		p->next = plist;
+ 		plist = p;
+ 		p->pid = pid;
++		/* Could be smarter, but it's a small list. */
++		m = omit;
++		for (o = omit; m; o = m) {
++			m = o->next;
++			if (o->pid == p->pid) {
++				n = (PROC*)xmalloc(sizeof(PROC));
++				*n = *p;
++				n->next = olist;
++				olist = n;
++			}
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	closedir(dir);
+@@ -813,6 +840,26 @@ PIDQ_HEAD *pidof(char *prog)
+ 	return q;
+ }
++int matches(PROC *o, PROC *p)
++	int ret = 0;
++	char *oargv1, *pargv1;
++	if ((o->argv0 && p->argv0 && !strcmp(o->argv0,p->argv0))) {
++		if (o->argv1 && p->argv1) {
++			if ((oargv1 = canonicalize_file_name(o->argv1)) == NULL)
++				oargv1 = strdup(o->argv1);
++			if ((pargv1 = canonicalize_file_name(p->argv1)) == NULL)
++				pargv1 = strdup(p->argv1);
++			if (! strcmp(oargv1, pargv1)) {
++				ret = 1;
++			}
++			free(oargv1);
++			free(pargv1);
++		}
++	}
++	return ret;
+ /* Give usage message and exit. */
+ void usage(void)
+ {
+@@ -845,6 +892,7 @@ void nsyslog(int pri, char *fmt, ...)
+ #define PIDOF_SINGLE	0x01
+ #define PIDOF_OMIT	0x02
+ #define PIDOF_NETFS	0x04
+ /*
+  *	Pidof functionality.
+@@ -861,6 +909,7 @@ int main_pidof(int argc, char **argv)
+ 	struct stat	st;
+ 	char		tmp[512];
++	olist = (PROC*)0;
+ 	omit = (OMIT*)0;
+ 	nlist = (NFS*)0;
+ 	opterr = 0;
+@@ -868,7 +917,7 @@ int main_pidof(int argc, char **argv)
+ 	if ((token = getenv("PIDOF_NETFS")) && (strcmp(token,"no") != 0))
+ 		flags |= PIDOF_NETFS;
+-	while ((opt = getopt(argc,argv,"hco:sxn")) != EOF) switch (opt) {
++	while ((opt = getopt(argc,argv,"hcmo:sxn")) != EOF) switch (opt) {
+ 		case '?':
+ 			nsyslog(LOG_ERR,"invalid options on command line!\n");
+ 			closelog();
+@@ -907,6 +956,9 @@ int main_pidof(int argc, char **argv)
+ 		case 'x':
+ 			scripts_too++;
+ 			break;
++		case 'm':
++			break;
+ 		case 'n':
+ 			flags |= PIDOF_NETFS;
+ 			break;
+@@ -938,10 +990,13 @@ int main_pidof(int argc, char **argv)
+ 			pid_t spid = 0;
+ 			while ((p = get_next_from_pid_q(q))) {
+ 				if ((flags & PIDOF_OMIT) && omit) {
+-					OMIT * optr;
+-					for (optr = omit; optr; optr = optr->next) {
++					PROC * optr;
++					for (optr = olist; optr; optr = optr->next) {
+ 						if (optr->pid == p->pid)
+ 							break;
++						if (flags & PIDOF_OMIT_OMIT_MATCHES)
++							if (matches(optr, p))
++								break;
+ 					}
+ 					/*
+@@ -977,6 +1032,7 @@ int main_pidof(int argc, char **argv)
+ 	if (!first)
+ 		printf("\n");
++	clear_omit();
+ 	clear_mnt();
+ 	closelog();
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-inittab/inittab b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-inittab/inittab
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6abbdf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-inittab/inittab
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# /etc/inittab: init(8) configuration.
+# $Id: inittab,v 1.91 2002/01/25 13:35:21 miquels Exp $
+# The default runlevel.
+# Boot-time system configuration/initialization script.
+# This is run first except when booting in emergency (-b) mode.
+# What to do in single-user mode.
+# /etc/init.d executes the S and K scripts upon change
+# of runlevel.
+# Runlevel 0 is halt.
+# Runlevel 1 is single-user.
+# Runlevels 2-5 are multi-user.
+# Runlevel 6 is reboot.
+l0:0:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 0
+l1:1:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 1
+l2:2:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 2
+l3:3:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 3
+l4:4:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 4
+l5:5:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 5
+l6:6:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 6
+# Normally not reached, but fallthrough in case of emergency.
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-inittab_2.88dsf.bb b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-inittab_2.88dsf.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49b1326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-inittab_2.88dsf.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+SUMMARY = "Inittab configuration for SysVinit"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/files/common-licenses/GPL-2.0;md5=801f80980d171dd6425610833a22dbe6"
+PR = "r10"
+SRC_URI = "file://inittab"
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+do_compile() {
+	:
+do_install() {
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}
+    install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/inittab ${D}${sysconfdir}/inittab
+    set -x
+    tmp="${SERIAL_CONSOLES}"
+    for i in $tmp
+    do
+	j=`echo ${i} | sed s/\;/\ /g`
+	label=`echo ${i} | sed -e 's/tty//' -e 's/^.*;//' -e 's/;.*//'`
+	echo "$label:12345:respawn:${base_sbindir}/getty -L ${j}" >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/inittab
+    done
+    if [ "${USE_VT}" = "1" ]; then
+        cat <<EOF >>${D}${sysconfdir}/inittab
+# ${base_sbindir}/getty invocations for the runlevels.
+# The "id" field MUST be the same as the last
+# characters of the device (after "tty").
+# Format:
+#  <id>:<runlevels>:<action>:<process>
+        for n in ${SYSVINIT_ENABLED_GETTYS}
+        do
+            echo "$n:12345:respawn:${base_sbindir}/getty 38400 tty$n" >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/inittab
+        done
+        echo "" >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/inittab
+    fi
+pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
+# run this on the target
+if [ "x$D" = "x" ] && [ -e /proc/consoles ]; then
+	for i in $tmp
+	do
+		j=`echo ${i} | sed s/^.*\;//g`
+		if [ -z "`grep ${j} /proc/consoles`" ]; then
+			sed -i /^.*${j}$/d /etc/inittab
+		fi
+	done
+	kill -HUP 1
+	if [ "${SERIAL_CONSOLES_CHECK}" = "" ]; then
+		exit 0
+	else
+		exit 1
+	fi
+# USE_VT and SERIAL_CONSOLES are generally defined by the MACHINE .conf.
+# Set PACKAGE_ARCH appropriately.
+FILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/inittab"
+CONFFILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/inittab"
+USE_VT ?= "1"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/0001-This-fixes-an-issue-that-clang-reports-about-mutlipl.patch b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/0001-This-fixes-an-issue-that-clang-reports-about-mutlipl.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f35c15c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/0001-This-fixes-an-issue-that-clang-reports-about-mutlipl.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+From 36ac97bfe51797458442a6035219a504a42e703a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2015 10:56:40 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] This fixes an issue that clang reports about mutliple output
+ files
+Issue is that we are passing .h file to link step as seen below.
+| arm-oe-linux-gnueabi-clang  -march=armv7-a -mthumb  -mfloat-abi=hard
+-mfpu=neon-vfpv4 -mtune=cortex-a7 -D__extern_always_inline=inline
+-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--as-needed  halt.o ifdown.o hddown.o
+utmp.o reboot.h   -o halt
+| clang-3.7: error: cannot specify -o when generating multiple output
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ src/Makefile | 6 +++---
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
+index e77ed5f..a6f9f40 100644
+--- a/src/Makefile
++++ b/src/Makefile
+@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ all:		$(BIN) $(SBIN) $(USRBIN)
+ init:		LDLIBS += $(INITLIBS) $(STATIC)
+ init:		init.o init_utmp.o
+-halt:		halt.o ifdown.o hddown.o utmp.o reboot.h
++halt:		halt.o ifdown.o hddown.o utmp.o
+-last:		last.o oldutmp.h
++last:		last.o
+ mesg:		mesg.o
+@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ sulogin:	sulogin.o
+ wall:		dowall.o wall.o
+-shutdown:	dowall.o shutdown.o utmp.o reboot.h
++shutdown:	dowall.o shutdown.o utmp.o
+ bootlogd:	LDLIBS += -lutil
+ bootlogd:	bootlogd.o
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/01_bootlogd b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/01_bootlogd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a689d92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/01_bootlogd
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+f root root 0644 /var/log/boot none
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/bootlogd.init b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/bootlogd.init
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..df5aa43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/bootlogd.init
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Provides:          bootlogd
+# Required-Start:
+# Required-Stop:
+# Default-Start:     S
+# Default-Stop:      2 3 4 5
+# Short-Description: One of the first scripts to be executed. Starts or stops
+#               the bootlogd log program. If this script is called as
+#               "stop-bootlogd", it will stop the daemon instead of
+#               starting it even when called with the "start" argument.
+DESC="Bootlog daemon"
+# source function library
+. /etc/init.d/functions
+test -f $DAEMON || exit 0
+[ -r /etc/default/bootlogd ] && . /etc/default/bootlogd
+## set -e # not needed
+	[Nn]*)
+		exit 0
+		;;
+case "$0" in
+	*stop-bootlog*)
+		if [ "$ACTION" = start ]
+		then
+			ACTION=stop
+		fi
+		;;
+case "$ACTION" in
+	start)
+		[ "${VERBOSE}" != "no" ] && echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
+		if [ -d /proc/1/. ]
+		then
+			umask 027
+			start-stop-daemon --start --quiet \
+				--exec $DAEMON -- -r -c
+		else
+			$DAEMON -r -c
+		fi
+		[ "${VERBOSE}" != "no" ] && echo "$NAME."
+		;;
+	stop)
+		# stop may get called during bootup, so let it honor
+		# rcS VERBOSE setting
+		[ "${VERBOSE}" != "no" ] && echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "
+		start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec $DAEMON
+		if [ "$STOPPER" ] && [ "$(which savelog 2>/dev/null)" ] && \
+		   [ -f /var/log/boot ] && [ -f /var/log/boot~ ]
+		then
+			cd /var/log
+			chgrp adm boot
+			savelog -p -c 5 boot > /dev/null 2>&1
+			mv boot.0 boot
+			mv boot~ boot.0
+		fi
+		[ "${VERBOSE}" != "no" ] && echo "$NAME."
+		;;
+	 restart|force-reload)
+		echo -n "Restarting $DESC: "
+		start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec $DAEMON
+		sleep 1
+		start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec $DAEMON
+		echo "$NAME."
+		;;
+	status)
+		status $DAEMON
+		exit $?
+		;;
+	*)
+		N=${0##*/}
+		N=${N#[SK]??}
+		echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|status|restart|force-reload}" >&2
+		exit 1
+		;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/rc b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/rc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7ca41ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/rc
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# rc		This file is responsible for starting/stopping
+#		services when the runlevel changes.
+#		Optimization feature:
+#		A startup script is _not_ run when the service was
+#		running in the previous runlevel and it wasn't stopped
+#		in the runlevel transition (most Debian services don't
+#		have K?? links in rc{1,2,3,4,5} )
+# Author:	Miquel van Smoorenburg <miquels@cistron.nl>
+#		Bruce Perens <Bruce@Pixar.com>
+# Version:	@(#)rc  2.78  07-Nov-1999  miquels@cistron.nl
+. /etc/default/rcS
+export VERBOSE
+startup_progress() {
+    step=$(($step + $step_change))
+    if [ "$num_steps" != "0" ]; then
+        progress=$((($step * $progress_size / $num_steps) + $first_step))
+    else
+        progress=$progress_size
+    fi
+    #echo "PROGRESS is $progress $runlevel $first_step + ($step of $num_steps) $step_change $progress_size"
+    #if type psplash-write >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    #    TMPDIR=/mnt/.psplash psplash-write "PROGRESS $progress" || true
+    #fi
+    if [ -e /mnt/.psplash/psplash_fifo ]; then
+        echo "PROGRESS $progress" > /mnt/.psplash/psplash_fifo
+    fi
+# Start script or program.
+startup() {
+  # Handle verbosity
+  [ "$VERBOSE" = very ] && echo "INIT: Running $@..."
+  case "$1" in
+	*.sh)
+		# Source shell script for speed.
+		(
+			trap - INT QUIT TSTP
+			scriptname=$1
+			shift
+			. $scriptname
+		)
+		;;
+	*)
+		"$@"
+		;;
+  esac
+  startup_progress
+  # Ignore CTRL-C only in this shell, so we can interrupt subprocesses.
+  trap ":" INT QUIT TSTP
+  # Set onlcr to avoid staircase effect.
+  stty onlcr 0>&1
+  # Limit stack size for startup scripts
+  [ "$STACK_SIZE" == "" ] || ulimit -S -s $STACK_SIZE
+  # Now find out what the current and what the previous runlevel are.
+  runlevel=$RUNLEVEL
+  # Get first argument. Set new runlevel to this argument.
+  [ "$1" != "" ] && runlevel=$1
+  if [ "$runlevel" = "" ]
+  then
+	echo "Usage: $0 <runlevel>" >&2
+	exit 1
+  fi
+  previous=$PREVLEVEL
+  [ "$previous" = "" ] && previous=N
+  export runlevel previous
+  # Is there an rc directory for this new runlevel?
+  if [ -d /etc/rc$runlevel.d ]
+  then
+	# Find out where in the progress bar the initramfs got to.
+	#if [ -f /dev/.initramfs/progress_state ]; then
+	#    . /dev/.initramfs/progress_state
+	#fi
+	# Split the remaining portion of the progress bar into thirds
+	progress_size=$(((100 - $PROGRESS_STATE) / 3))
+	case "$runlevel" in
+		0|6)
+			# Count down from -100 to 0 and use the entire bar
+			first_step=-100
+			progress_size=100
+			step_change=1
+			;;
+	        S)
+			# Begin where the initramfs left off and use 2/3
+			# of the remaining space
+			first_step=$PROGRESS_STATE
+			progress_size=$(($progress_size * 2))
+			step_change=1
+			;;
+		*)
+			# Begin where rcS left off and use the final 1/3 of
+			# the space (by leaving progress_size unchanged)
+			first_step=$(($progress_size * 2 + $PROGRESS_STATE))
+			step_change=1
+			;;
+	esac
+	num_steps=0
+	for s in /etc/rc$runlevel.d/[SK]*; do
+            case "${s##/etc/rc$runlevel.d/S??}" in
+                gdm|xdm|kdm|reboot|halt)
+                    break
+                    ;;
+            esac
+            num_steps=$(($num_steps + 1))
+        done
+        step=0
+	# First, run the KILL scripts.
+	if [ $previous != N ]
+	then
+		for i in /etc/rc$runlevel.d/K[0-9][0-9]*
+		do
+			# Check if the script is there.
+			[ ! -f $i ] && continue
+			# Stop the service.
+			startup $i stop
+		done
+	fi
+	# Now run the START scripts for this runlevel.
+	for i in /etc/rc$runlevel.d/S*
+	do
+		[ ! -f $i ] && continue
+		if [ $previous != N ] && [ $previous != S ]
+		then
+			#
+			# Find start script in previous runlevel and
+			# stop script in this runlevel.
+			#
+			suffix=${i#/etc/rc$runlevel.d/S[0-9][0-9]}
+			stop=/etc/rc$runlevel.d/K[0-9][0-9]$suffix
+			previous_start=/etc/rc$previous.d/S[0-9][0-9]$suffix
+			#
+			# If there is a start script in the previous level
+			# and _no_ stop script in this level, we don't
+			# have to re-start the service.
+			#
+			[ -f $previous_start ] && [ ! -f $stop ] && continue
+		fi
+		case "$runlevel" in
+			0|6)
+				startup $i stop
+				;;
+			*)
+				startup $i start
+				;;
+		esac
+	done
+  fi
+#Uncomment to cause psplash to exit manually, otherwise it exits when it sees a VC switch
+if [ "x$runlevel" != "xS" ] && [ ! -x /etc/rc${runlevel}.d/S??xserver-nodm ]; then
+    if type psplash-write >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+        TMPDIR=/mnt/.psplash psplash-write "QUIT" || true
+    	umount -l /mnt/.psplash
+    fi
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/rcS b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/rcS
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..080b04f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/rcS
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# rcS		Call all S??* scripts in /etc/rcS.d in
+#		numerical/alphabetical order.
+# Version:	@(#)/etc/init.d/rcS  2.76  19-Apr-1999  miquels@cistron.nl
+umask 022
+export PATH runlevel prevlevel
+#	Make sure proc is mounted
+[ -d "/proc/1" ] || mount /proc
+#	Source defaults.
+. /etc/default/rcS
+#	Trap CTRL-C &c only in this shell so we can interrupt subprocesses.
+trap ":" INT QUIT TSTP
+#	Call all parts in order.
+exec /etc/init.d/rc S
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/rcS-default b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/rcS-default
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..709cdf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/rcS-default
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#	Defaults for the boot scripts in /etc/rcS.d
+# Time files in /tmp are kept in days.
+# Set to yes if you want sulogin to be spawned on bootup
+# Set to no if you want to be able to login over telnet/rlogin
+# before system startup is complete (as soon as inetd is started)
+# Assume that the BIOS clock is set to UTC time (recommended)
+# Set VERBOSE to "no" if you would like a more quiet bootup.
+# Set EDITMOTD to "no" if you don't want /etc/motd to be edited automatically
+# Whether to fsck root on boot
+# Set FSCKFIX to "yes" if you want to add "-y" to the fsck at startup.
+# Set TICKADJ to the correct tick value for this specific machine
+# Enable caching in populate-volatile.sh
+# Indicate whether the rootfs is intended to be read-only or not.
+# Setting ROOTFS_READ_ONLY to yes and rebooting will give you a read-only rootfs.
+# Normally you should not change this value.
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit_2.88dsf.bb b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit_2.88dsf.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dfe39e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit_2.88dsf.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+SUMMARY = "System-V like init"
+DESCRIPTION = "This package is required to boot in most configurations.  It provides the /sbin/init program.  This is the first process started on boot, and the last process terminated before the system halts."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/sysvinit/"
+SECTION = "base"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=751419260aa954499f7abaabaa882bbe \
+                    file://COPYRIGHT;endline=15;md5=349c872e0066155e1818b786938876a4"
+PR = "r14"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "${PN}-inittab"
+SRC_URI = "${SAVANNAH_GNU_MIRROR}/sysvinit/sysvinit-${PV}.tar.bz2 \
+           file://install.patch \
+           file://crypt-lib.patch \
+           file://pidof-add-m-option.patch \
+           file://0001-This-fixes-an-issue-that-clang-reports-about-mutlipl.patch \
+           file://rcS-default \
+           file://rc \
+           file://rcS \
+           file://bootlogd.init \
+           file://01_bootlogd \
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "6eda8a97b86e0a6f59dabbf25202aa6f"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "60bbc8c1e1792056e23761d22960b30bb13eccc2cabff8c7310a01f4d5df1519"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/sysvinit-${PV}"
+B = "${S}/src"
+inherit update-alternatives
+DEPENDS_append = " update-rc.d-native base-passwd"
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN} = "init mountpoint halt reboot runlevel shutdown poweroff last lastb mesg utmpdump wall"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[init] = "${base_sbindir}/init"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[mountpoint] = "${base_bindir}/mountpoint"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[halt] = "${base_sbindir}/halt"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[reboot] = "${base_sbindir}/reboot"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[runlevel] = "${base_sbindir}/runlevel"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[shutdown] = "${base_sbindir}/shutdown"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[poweroff] = "${base_sbindir}/poweroff"
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN}-pidof = "pidof"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[pidof] = "${base_bindir}/pidof"
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN}-sulogin = "sulogin"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[sulogin] = "${base_sbindir}/sulogin"
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN}-doc = "mountpoint.1 last.1 mesg.1 wall.1 sulogin.8 utmpdump.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[last.1] = "${mandir}/man1/last.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[mesg.1] = "${mandir}/man1/mesg.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[mountpoint.1] = "${mandir}/man1/mountpoint.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[sulogin.8] = "${mandir}/man8/sulogin.8"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[utmpdump.1] = "${mandir}/man1/utmpdump.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[wall.1] = "${mandir}/man1/wall.1"
+PACKAGES =+ "sysvinit-pidof sysvinit-sulogin"
+FILES_${PN} += "${base_sbindir}/* ${base_bindir}/*"
+FILES_sysvinit-pidof = "${base_bindir}/pidof.sysvinit ${base_sbindir}/killall5"
+FILES_sysvinit-sulogin = "${base_sbindir}/sulogin.sysvinit"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "sysvinit-pidof initscripts-functions"
+CFLAGS_prepend = "-D_GNU_SOURCE "
+export LCRYPT = "-lcrypt"
+EXTRA_OEMAKE += "'base_bindir=${base_bindir}' \
+		 'base_sbindir=${base_sbindir}' \
+		 'bindir=${bindir}' \
+		 'sbindir=${sbindir}' \
+		 'sysconfdir=${sysconfdir}' \
+		 'includedir=${includedir}' \
+		 'mandir=${mandir}'"
+do_install () {
+	oe_runmake 'ROOT=${D}' install
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir} \
+		   ${D}${sysconfdir}/default \
+		   ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	for level in S 0 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
+		install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/rc$level.d
+	done
+	install -m 0644    ${WORKDIR}/rcS-default	${D}${sysconfdir}/default/rcS
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/rc		${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/rcS		${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755    ${WORKDIR}/bootlogd.init     ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/bootlogd
+	ln -sf bootlogd ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/stop-bootlogd
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} bootlogd start 07 S .
+	update-rc.d -r ${D} stop-bootlogd start 99 2 3 4 5 .
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/volatiles
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/01_bootlogd ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/volatiles
+	chown root.shutdown ${D}${base_sbindir}/halt ${D}${base_sbindir}/shutdown
+	chmod o-x,u+s ${D}${base_sbindir}/halt ${D}${base_sbindir}/shutdown
+python () {
+    if not bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'sysvinit', True, False, d):
+        raise bb.parse.SkipPackage("'sysvinit' not in DISTRO_FEATURES")
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/site_config/funcs b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/site_config/funcs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccc8539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/site_config/funcs
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/site_config/headers b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/site_config/headers
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..609ab53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/site_config/headers
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/site_config/types b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/site_config/types
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..178bd85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/site_config/types
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+char *
+long double
+long int
+long long
+long long int
+short int
+signed char
+unsigned char
+unsigned int
+unsigned long
+unsigned long int
+unsigned long long int
+unsigned short
+unsigned short int
+void *
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-config.inc b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-config.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b9e41c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-config.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+DEPENDS += "kern-tools-native"
+inherit cml1
+# Set the ARCH environment variable for uClibc compilation.
+# Return value must match one of the architectures known to uClibc:
+# libc/sysdeps/*/*
+valid_archs = "\
+alpha \
+arm \
+avr32 \
+bfin \
+c6x \
+cris \
+e1 \
+frv \
+h8300 \
+hppa \
+i386 \
+i960 \
+ia64 \
+m68k \
+microblaze \
+mips \
+nios \
+nios2 \
+powerpc \
+sh \
+sh64 \
+sparc \
+v850 \
+vax \
+x86_64 \
+xtensa \
+def map_uclibc_arch(a, d):
+    """Return the uClibc architecture for the given TARGET_ARCH."""
+    import re
+    valid_archs = d.getVar('valid_archs', True).split()
+    if re.match('^(arm|sa110).*', a):
+        return 'arm'
+    elif re.match('^(i.86|athlon)$', a):
+        return 'i386'
+    elif re.match('^mips.*', a):
+        return 'mips'
+    elif re.match('^parisc.*', a):
+        return 'hppa'
+    elif re.match('^ppc.*', a):
+        return 'powerpc'
+    elif re.match('^s390.*', a):
+        return 's390'
+    elif re.match('^sh.*', a):
+        return 'sh'
+    elif re.match('^(sun|sparc).*', a):
+        return 'sparc'
+    elif re.match('^xtensa.*', a):
+        return 'xtensa'
+    elif a in valid_archs:
+        return a
+    else:
+        bb.error("cannot map '%s' to a uClibc architecture" % a)
+export UCLIBC_ARCH = "${@map_uclibc_arch(d.getVar('TARGET_ARCH', True), d)}"
+def map_uclibc_abi(o, d):
+    """Return the uClibc ABI for the given TARGET_OS."""
+    import re
+    arch = d.getVar('TARGET_ARCH', True)
+    if map_uclibc_arch(d.getVar('TARGET_ARCH', True), d) == "arm":
+        if re.match('.*eabi$', o):
+            return 'ARM_EABI'
+        else:
+            return 'ARM_OABI'
+    # FIXME: This is inaccurate! Handle o32, n32, n64
+    elif re.match('^mips.*64$', arch):
+        return 'MIPS_N64_ABI'
+    elif re.match('^mips.*', arch):
+        return 'MIPS_O32_ABI'
+    return ""
+export UCLIBC_ABI = "${@map_uclibc_abi(d.getVar('TARGET_OS', True), d)}"
+def map_uclibc_endian(a, d):
+    """Return the uClibc endianess for the given TARGET_ARCH."""
+    import re
+    # Always BE
+    if re.match('^(avr32|e1|frv|(parisc|hppa)|m68k|microblaze|powerpc.*|(sparc|sun).*)$', a):
+        return 'BIG'
+    # Possibly BE
+    elif re.match('^(((arm|sa110).*eb)|h8300.*eb|(parisc|hppa).*eb|mips|mips64|sh.*eb|xtensa.*eb)$', a):
+        return 'BIG'
+    return 'LITTLE'
+export UCLIBC_ENDIAN = "${@map_uclibc_endian(d.getVar('TARGET_ARCH', True), d)}"
+# internal helper
+def uclibc_cfg(feature, features, tokens, cnf, rem):
+    if type(tokens) == type(""):
+        tokens = [tokens]
+    rem.extend(['/^[# ]*' + token + '[ =]/d' for token in tokens])
+    if type(features) == type([]) and feature in features:
+        cnf.extend([token + '=y' for token in tokens])
+    else:
+        cnf.extend(['# ' + token + ' is not set' for token in tokens])
+# Map distro features to config settings
+def features_to_uclibc_settings(d):
+    cnf, rem = ([], [])
+    distro_features = d.getVar('DISTRO_FEATURES', True).split()
+    uclibc_cfg('ipv4',      distro_features, 'UCLIBC_HAS_IPV4', cnf, rem)
+    uclibc_cfg('ipv6',      distro_features, 'UCLIBC_HAS_IPV6', cnf, rem)
+    uclibc_cfg('largefile', distro_features, 'UCLIBC_HAS_LFS', cnf, rem)
+    uclibc_cfg('nls',       distro_features, 'UCLIBC_HAS_LOCALE', cnf, rem)
+    uclibc_cfg('thumb-interwork', distro_features,'USE_BX', cnf, rem)
+    uclibc_cfg('xattr',     distro_features, 'UCLIBC_HAS_XATTR', cnf, rem)
+    uclibc_cfg('ssp',       distro_features, 'UCLIBC_HAS_SSP', cnf, rem)
+    uclibc_cfg('argp',       distro_features, 'UCLIBC_HAS_ARGP', cnf, rem)
+    uclibc_cfg('libc-posix-clang-wchar',  distro_features,'UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR', cnf, rem)
+    return "\n".join(cnf), "\n".join(rem)
+# X, Y = ${@features_to_uclibc_settings(d)}
+# unfortunately doesn't seem to work with bitbake, workaround:
+def features_to_uclibc_conf(d):
+    cnf, rem = features_to_uclibc_settings(d)
+    return cnf
+def features_to_uclibc_del(d):
+    cnf, rem = features_to_uclibc_settings(d)
+    return rem
+# returns all the elements from the src uri that are .cfg files
+def find_cfgs(d):
+    sources=src_patches(d, True)
+    sources_list=[]
+    for s in sources:
+        if s.endswith('.cfg'):
+            sources_list.append(s)
+    return sources_list
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git.inc b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14a577f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+SRCREV = "ca1c74d67dd115d059a875150e10b8560a9c35a8"
+PV = "0.9.33+git${SRCPV}"
+SRC_URI = "git://uclibc.org/uClibc.git;branch=master \
+        file://uClibc.machine \
+        file://uClibc.distro \
+        file://obstack.cfg \
+        file://locale.cfg \
+        file://0001-Disable-lrount_tes-function.patch \
+        file://0002-Add-implementation-for-copysignl-for-ppc.patch \
+        file://0003-Add-argp-implementation.patch \
+        file://0004-Dont-support-localised-optimizations-this-helps-to-h.patch \
+        file://0005-Always-use-O2-for-compiling-fork.c.patch \
+        file://0006-ldso-limited-support-for-ORIGIN-in-rpath.patch \
+        file://0007-nptl-atfork-Hide-pthread_atfork-in-shared-versions.patch \
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0001-Disable-lrount_tes-function.patch b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0001-Disable-lrount_tes-function.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..506f146
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0001-Disable-lrount_tes-function.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+From 14b865b3438d0df29b4969148678d8fa8943e1ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2015 20:49:33 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 1/7] Disable lrount_tes() function
+Its not used anyway, avoids some strict compiler warnings
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+ test/math/libm-test.inc | 2 --
+ 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/test/math/libm-test.inc b/test/math/libm-test.inc
+index f50b48b..6d70a95 100644
+--- a/test/math/libm-test.inc
++++ b/test/math/libm-test.inc
+@@ -3470,7 +3470,6 @@ logb_test (void)
+ }
+-#if 0
+ static void
+ lround_test (void)
+ {
+@@ -3605,7 +3604,6 @@ llround_test (void)
+   END (llround);
+ }
+ static void
+ modf_test (void)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0002-Add-implementation-for-copysignl-for-ppc.patch b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0002-Add-implementation-for-copysignl-for-ppc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4275c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0002-Add-implementation-for-copysignl-for-ppc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+From 5d362074e5975b150a35bcfa77eab1bfa4e30de7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2015 20:50:56 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 2/7] Add implementation for copysignl for ppc
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+ libc/sysdeps/linux/powerpc/Makefile.arch |  2 +-
+ libc/sysdeps/linux/powerpc/copysignl.c   | 89 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+ create mode 100644 libc/sysdeps/linux/powerpc/copysignl.c
+diff --git a/libc/sysdeps/linux/powerpc/Makefile.arch b/libc/sysdeps/linux/powerpc/Makefile.arch
+index 4fbcb11..7c09c87 100644
+--- a/libc/sysdeps/linux/powerpc/Makefile.arch
++++ b/libc/sysdeps/linux/powerpc/Makefile.arch
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+ # Licensed under the LGPL v2.1, see the file COPYING.LIB in this tarball.
+ #
+-CSRC-y := __syscall_error.c ioctl.c
++CSRC-y := __syscall_error.c ioctl.c copysignl.c
+ SSRC-y := \
+ 	__longjmp.S setjmp.S bsd-setjmp.S bsd-_setjmp.S brk.S \
+diff --git a/libc/sysdeps/linux/powerpc/copysignl.c b/libc/sysdeps/linux/powerpc/copysignl.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..000f653
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libc/sysdeps/linux/powerpc/copysignl.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
++/* s_copysignl.c -- long double version of s_copysign.c.
++ * Conversion to long double by Ulrich Drepper,
++ * Cygnus Support, drepper@cygnus.com.
++ */
++ * ====================================================
++ * Copyright (C) 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
++ *
++ * Developed at SunPro, a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business.
++ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
++ * software is freely granted, provided that this notice
++ * is preserved.
++ * ====================================================
++ */
++ * copysignl(long double x, long double y)
++ * copysignl(x,y) returns a value with the magnitude of x and
++ * with the sign bit of y.
++ */
++#include <endian.h>
++#include <stdint.h>
++typedef union
++  long double value;
++  struct
++  {
++    int sign_exponent:16;
++    unsigned int empty:16;
++    uint32_t msw;
++    uint32_t lsw;
++  } parts;
++} ieee_long_double_shape_type;
++typedef union
++  long double value;
++  struct
++  {
++    uint32_t lsw;
++    uint32_t msw;
++    int sign_exponent:16;
++    unsigned int empty:16;
++  } parts;
++} ieee_long_double_shape_type;
++/* Get int from the exponent of a long double.  */
++#define GET_LDOUBLE_EXP(exp,d)					\
++do {								\
++  ieee_long_double_shape_type ge_u;				\
++  ge_u.value = (d);						\
++  (exp) = ge_u.parts.sign_exponent;				\
++} while (0)
++/* Set exponent of a long double from an int.  */
++#define SET_LDOUBLE_EXP(d,exp)					\
++do {								\
++  ieee_long_double_shape_type se_u;				\
++  se_u.value = (d);						\
++  se_u.parts.sign_exponent = (exp);				\
++  (d) = se_u.value;						\
++} while (0)
++long double copysignl(long double x, long double y);
++long double copysignl(long double x, long double y)
++	uint32_t es1,es2;
++	GET_LDOUBLE_EXP(es1,x);
++	GET_LDOUBLE_EXP(es2,y);
++	SET_LDOUBLE_EXP(x,(es1&0x7fff)|(es2&0x8000));
++        return x;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0003-Add-argp-implementation.patch b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0003-Add-argp-implementation.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee94483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0003-Add-argp-implementation.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,5811 @@
+From eaae816fb22929469aa4cc3402b91b512fc69549 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Salvatore Cro <salvatore.cro@st.com>
+Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2015 20:53:37 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 3/7] Add argp implementation
+Argp is an advanced support for parsing unix-style argument vectors.
+In addition to the common getopt interface, it provides automatic
+to `--help' and `--version' options and use of custom parser in
+with argp native option parser, among others.
+Argp support is required by elfutils package and prelink.
+In uClibc argp functionalities has been moved from C library to
+Further the libc.so linker script contains an AS_NEEDED entry so that
+it doesn't need to link libuargp.so explicitely.
+Signed-off-by: Salvatore Cro <salvatore.cro@st.com>
+Signed-off-by: Filippo Arcidiacono <filippo.arcidiacono@st.com>
+Signed-off-by: Carmelo Amoroso <carmelo.amoroso@st.com>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+ Makefile.in                                 |    9 +
+ Makerules                                   |    7 +-
+ Rules.mak                                   |   13 +
+ extra/Configs/Config.in                     |   17 +
+ include/argp.h                              |  566 ++++++++
+ libc/sysdeps/linux/common/bits/getopt_int.h |  136 ++
+ libc/unistd/getopt.c                        |   19 +-
+ libuargp/Makefile                           |   14 +
+ libuargp/Makefile.in                        |   73 ++
+ libuargp/argp-ba.c                          |   26 +
+ libuargp/argp-eexst.c                       |   32 +
+ libuargp/argp-fmtstream.c                   |  439 +++++++
+ libuargp/argp-fmtstream.h                   |  314 +++++
+ libuargp/argp-fs-xinl.c                     |   44 +
+ libuargp/argp-help.c                        | 1882 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ libuargp/argp-parse.c                       |  949 ++++++++++++++
+ libuargp/argp-pv.c                          |   25 +
+ libuargp/argp-pvh.c                         |   32 +
+ libuargp/argp-xinl.c                        |   35 +
+ test/argp/Makefile                          |    7 +
+ test/argp/Makefile.in                       |   12 +
+ test/argp/argp-ex1.c                        |   15 +
+ test/argp/argp-ex2.c                        |   45 +
+ test/argp/argp-ex3.c                        |  153 +++
+ test/argp/argp-ex4.c                        |  167 +++
+ test/argp/argp-test.c                       |  209 +++
+ test/argp/bug-argp1.c                       |   26 +
+ test/argp/tst-argp1.c                       |  118 ++
+ test/argp/tst-argp2.c                       |  101 ++
+ 29 files changed, 5481 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 include/argp.h
+ create mode 100644 libc/sysdeps/linux/common/bits/getopt_int.h
+ create mode 100644 libuargp/Makefile
+ create mode 100644 libuargp/Makefile.in
+ create mode 100644 libuargp/argp-ba.c
+ create mode 100644 libuargp/argp-eexst.c
+ create mode 100644 libuargp/argp-fmtstream.c
+ create mode 100644 libuargp/argp-fmtstream.h
+ create mode 100644 libuargp/argp-fs-xinl.c
+ create mode 100644 libuargp/argp-help.c
+ create mode 100644 libuargp/argp-parse.c
+ create mode 100644 libuargp/argp-pv.c
+ create mode 100644 libuargp/argp-pvh.c
+ create mode 100644 libuargp/argp-xinl.c
+ create mode 100644 test/argp/Makefile
+ create mode 100644 test/argp/Makefile.in
+ create mode 100644 test/argp/argp-ex1.c
+ create mode 100644 test/argp/argp-ex2.c
+ create mode 100644 test/argp/argp-ex3.c
+ create mode 100644 test/argp/argp-ex4.c
+ create mode 100644 test/argp/argp-test.c
+ create mode 100644 test/argp/bug-argp1.c
+ create mode 100644 test/argp/tst-argp1.c
+ create mode 100644 test/argp/tst-argp2.c
+diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
+index 04671a4..a450af9 100644
+--- a/Makefile.in
++++ b/Makefile.in
+@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ include $(top_srcdir)libresolv/Makefile.in
+ include $(top_srcdir)libutil/Makefile.in
+ include $(top_srcdir)libpthread/Makefile.in
+ include $(top_srcdir)librt/Makefile.in
++include $(top_srcdir)libuargp/Makefile.in
+ include $(top_srcdir)libubacktrace/Makefile.in
+ # last included to catch all the objects added by others (locales/threads)
+@@ -262,6 +263,7 @@ HEADERS_RM- += sgtty.h
+ endif
+ HEADERS_RM-$(HAVE_SHARED)                    += dlfcn.h bits/dlfcn.h
+ HEADERS_RM-$(PTHREADS_DEBUG_SUPPORT)         += thread_db.h
++HEADERS_RM-$(UCLIBC_HAS_ARGP)                += argp.h
+ HEADERS_RM-$(UCLIBC_HAS_BSD_ERR)             += err.h
+ HEADERS_RM-$(UCLIBC_HAS_CRYPT)               += crypt.h
+ HEADERS_RM-$(UCLIBC_HAS_EPOLL)               += sys/epoll.h
+@@ -386,6 +388,13 @@ else
+ 	-$(INSTALL) -m 755 $(top_builddir)lib/libc.so $(PREFIX)$(DEVEL_PREFIX)$(MULTILIB_DIR)/
+ endif
++ifeq ($(UCLIBC_HAS_ARGP),y)
++# Add the AS_NEEDED entry for libuargp.so
++	if [ -f $(top_builddir)lib/libc.so -a -f $(PREFIX)$(RUNTIME_PREFIX)$(MULTILIB_DIR)/$(SHARED_MAJORNAME) ] ; then \
++		echo "GROUP ( $(UARGP_ASNEEDED) )" >> $(PREFIX)$(DEVEL_PREFIX)$(MULTILIB_DIR)/libc.so; \
++	fi
+ ifeq ($(UCLIBC_HAS_THREADS),y)
+ ifneq ($(LINUXTHREADS_OLD),y)
+diff --git a/Makerules b/Makerules
+index d6f7e24..e70050d 100644
+--- a/Makerules
++++ b/Makerules
+@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ $(eval $(call add_IS_IN_lib,libresolv,$(libresolv-a-y) $(libresolv-so-y)))
+ $(eval $(call add_IS_IN_lib,librt,$(librt-a-y) $(librt-so-y)))
+ $(eval $(call add_IS_IN_lib,libutil,$(libutil-a-y) $(libutil-so-y)))
+ $(eval $(call add_IS_IN_lib,libubacktrace,$(libubacktrace-a-y) $(libubacktrace-so-y)))
++$(eval $(call add_IS_IN_lib,libuargp,$(libuargp-a-y) $(libuargp-so-y)))
+ shared_objs = $(libc-y:.o=.os) $(libc-shared-y) $(libc-nonshared-y) \
+ 	$(libcrypt-so-y) $(libdl-so-y) \
+@@ -55,12 +56,12 @@ shared_objs = $(libc-y:.o=.os) $(libc-shared-y) $(libc-nonshared-y) \
+ 	$(libpthread-so-y) $(libpthread-nonshared-y) $(libthread_db-so-y) \
+ 	$(libresolv-so-y) $(librt-so-y) \
+ 	$(ldso-y) \
+-	$(libutil-so-y) $(libubacktrace-so-y)
++	$(libutil-so-y) $(libubacktrace-so-y) $(libuargp-so-y)
+ ar_objs =  $(libc-y) $(libc-static-y) $(libcrypt-a-y) \
+ 	$(libdl-a-y) $(libintl-a-y) $(libm-a-y) $(libnsl-a-y) \
+ 	$(libpthread-a-y) $(libthread_db-a-y) \
+-	$(libresolv-a-y) $(librt-a-y) $(libutil-a-y) $(libubacktrace-a-y)
++	$(libresolv-a-y) $(librt-a-y) $(libutil-a-y) $(libubacktrace-a-y) $(libuargp-a-y)
+ ifeq ($(DOPIC),y)
+ ar_objs := $(ar_objs:.o=.os)
+ endif
+@@ -498,7 +499,7 @@ files.dep := $(libc-a-y) $(libc-so-y) $(libc-nonshared-y) \
+ 	$(librt-a-y) $(librt-so-y)  $(libresolv-a-y) $(libresolv-so-y) \
+ 	$(libcrypt-a-y) $(libcrypt-so-y) $(libutil-a-y) $(libutil-so-y) \
+ 	$(libnsl-a-y) $(libnsl-so-y) $(ldso-y) $(libdl-a-y) $(libdl-so-y) \
+-	$(libubacktrace-a-y) $(libubacktrace-so-y)
++	$(libubacktrace-a-y) $(libubacktrace-so-y) $(libuargp-so-y) $(libuargp-a-y)
+ .depends.dep := \
+ 	$(patsubst %.s,%.s.dep,$(filter %.s,$(files.dep))) \
+ 	$(patsubst %.o,%.o.dep,$(filter %.o,$(files.dep))) \
+diff --git a/Rules.mak b/Rules.mak
+index de9ffb3..a2baf58 100644
+--- a/Rules.mak
++++ b/Rules.mak
+@@ -602,6 +602,19 @@ export UBACKTRACE_ASNEEDED:=$(shell $(CC) -Wl,--help 2>/dev/null | grep -q -- --
+ else
+ endif
++ifeq ($(UCLIBC_HAS_ARGP),y)
++# Only used in installed libc.so linker script
++export UARGP_ASNEEDED:=$(shell $(CC) -Wl,--help 2>/dev/null | grep -q -- --as-needed && \
++	echo "GROUP ( AS_NEEDED ( $(UARGP_FULL_NAME) ) )" || \
++	echo "GROUP ( $(UARGP_FULL_NAME) )")
++export UARGP_ASNEEDED:=""
+ endif
+ # Add a bunch of extra pedantic annoyingly strict checks
+diff --git a/extra/Configs/Config.in b/extra/Configs/Config.in
+index 242e45a..b36d4c9 100644
+--- a/extra/Configs/Config.in
++++ b/extra/Configs/Config.in
+@@ -1943,6 +1943,23 @@ config UCLIBC_HAS_GNU_GETSUBOPT
+ 	  Answer Y if you want to include getsubopt().
+ 	  Most people will answer Y.
++       bool "Support argp (as standalone shared object)"
++       default n
++       help
++         Argp is an interface for parsing unix-style argument vectors. Unlike
++         the common getopt interface, it provides many advanced features in
++         addition to parsing options, such as automatic output in response to
++         `--help' and `--version' options.
++         A library can export an argp option parser, which programs can easily
++         use in conjunction with their own option parser.
++         A new shared object "libuargp" is created. The "libc.so" linker script
++         contains the AS_NEEDED entry for getting the libuargp linked automatically.
++         Argp support is needed by elfutils libdw.
++         Most people can safely answer N.
+ endmenu
+diff --git a/include/argp.h b/include/argp.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..9d53728
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/include/argp.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
++/* Hierarchial argument parsing, layered over getopt.
++   Copyright (C) 1995-1999, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
++   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   Written by Miles Bader <miles at gnu.ai.mit.edu>.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.
++   Modified for uClibc by: Salvatore Cro <salvatore.cro at st.com>
++#ifndef _ARGP_H
++#define _ARGP_H
++#include <stdio.h>
++#include <ctype.h>
++#include <limits.h>
++#define __need_error_t
++#include <errno.h>
++#ifndef __const
++# define __const const
++#ifndef __THROW
++# define __THROW
++#ifndef __NTH
++# define __NTH(fct) fct __THROW
++#ifndef __attribute__
++/* This feature is available in gcc versions 2.5 and later.  */
++# if __GNUC__ < 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 5) || defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
++#  define __attribute__(Spec) /* empty */
++# endif
++/* The __-protected variants of `format' and `printf' attributes
++   are accepted by gcc versions 2.6.4 (effectively 2.7) and later.  */
++# if __GNUC__ < 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 7) || defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
++#  define __format__ format
++#  define __printf__ printf
++# endif
++/* GCC 2.95 and later have "__restrict"; C99 compilers have
++   "restrict", and "configure" may have defined "restrict".  */
++#ifndef __restrict
++# if ! (2 < __GNUC__ || (2 == __GNUC__ && 95 <= __GNUC_MINOR__))
++#  if defined restrict || 199901L <= __STDC_VERSION__
++#   define __restrict restrict
++#  else
++#   define __restrict
++#  endif
++# endif
++#ifndef __error_t_defined
++typedef int error_t;
++# define __error_t_defined
++#ifdef  __cplusplus
++extern "C" {
++/* A description of a particular option.  A pointer to an array of
++   these is passed in the OPTIONS field of an argp structure.  Each option
++   entry can correspond to one long option and/or one short option; more
++   names for the same option can be added by following an entry in an option
++   array with options having the OPTION_ALIAS flag set.  */
++struct argp_option
++  /* The long option name.  For more than one name for the same option, you
++     can use following options with the OPTION_ALIAS flag set.  */
++  __const char *name;
++  /* What key is returned for this option.  If > 0 and printable, then it's
++     also accepted as a short option.  */
++  int key;
++  /* If non-NULL, this is the name of the argument associated with this
++     option, which is required unless the OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL flag is set. */
++  __const char *arg;
++  /* OPTION_ flags.  */
++  int flags;
++  /* The doc string for this option.  If both NAME and KEY are 0, This string
++     will be printed outdented from the normal option column, making it
++     useful as a group header (it will be the first thing printed in its
++     group); in this usage, it's conventional to end the string with a `:'.  */
++  __const char *doc;
++  /* The group this option is in.  In a long help message, options are sorted
++     alphabetically within each group, and the groups presented in the order
++     0, 1, 2, ..., n, -m, ..., -2, -1.  Every entry in an options array with
++     if this field 0 will inherit the group number of the previous entry, or
++     zero if it's the first one, unless its a group header (NAME and KEY both
++     0), in which case, the previous entry + 1 is the default.  Automagic
++     options such as --help are put into group -1.  */
++  int group;
++/* The argument associated with this option is optional.  */
++/* This option isn't displayed in any help messages.  */
++#define OPTION_HIDDEN	       	0x2
++/* This option is an alias for the closest previous non-alias option.  This
++   means that it will be displayed in the same help entry, and will inherit
++   fields other than NAME and KEY from the aliased option.  */
++#define OPTION_ALIAS		0x4
++/* This option isn't actually an option (and so should be ignored by the
++   actual option parser), but rather an arbitrary piece of documentation that
++   should be displayed in much the same manner as the options.  If this flag
++   is set, then the option NAME field is displayed unmodified (e.g., no `--'
++   prefix is added) at the left-margin (where a *short* option would normally
++   be displayed), and the documentation string in the normal place.  For
++   purposes of sorting, any leading whitespace and punctuation is ignored,
++   except that if the first non-whitespace character is not `-', this entry
++   is displayed after all options (and OPTION_DOC entries with a leading `-')
++   in the same group.  */
++#define OPTION_DOC		0x8
++/* This option shouldn't be included in `long' usage messages (but is still
++   included in help messages).  This is mainly intended for options that are
++   completely documented in an argp's ARGS_DOC field, in which case including
++   the option in the generic usage list would be redundant.  For instance,
++   if ARGS_DOC is "FOO BAR\n-x BLAH", and the `-x' option's purpose is to
++   distinguish these two cases, -x should probably be marked
++#define OPTION_NO_USAGE		0x10
++struct argp;			/* fwd declare this type */
++struct argp_state;		/* " */
++struct argp_child;		/* " */
++/* The type of a pointer to an argp parsing function.  */
++typedef error_t (*argp_parser_t) (int __key, char *__arg,
++				  struct argp_state *__state);
++/* What to return for unrecognized keys.  For special ARGP_KEY_ keys, such
++   returns will simply be ignored.  For user keys, this error will be turned
++   into EINVAL (if the call to argp_parse is such that errors are propagated
++   back to the user instead of exiting); returning EINVAL itself would result
++   in an immediate stop to parsing in *all* cases.  */
++#define ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN	E2BIG /* Hurd should never need E2BIG.  XXX */
++/* Special values for the KEY argument to an argument parsing function.
++   ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN should be returned if they aren't understood.
++   The sequence of keys to a parsing function is either (where each
++   uppercased word should be prefixed by `ARGP_KEY_' and opt is a user key):
++       INIT opt... NO_ARGS END SUCCESS  -- No non-option arguments at all
++   or  INIT (opt | ARG)... END SUCCESS  -- All non-option args parsed
++   or  INIT (opt | ARG)... SUCCESS      -- Some non-option arg unrecognized
++   The third case is where every parser returned ARGP_KEY_UNKNOWN for an
++   argument, in which case parsing stops at that argument (returning the
++   unparsed arguments to the caller of argp_parse if requested, or stopping
++   with an error message if not).
++   If an error occurs (either detected by argp, or because the parsing
++   function returned an error value), then the parser is called with
++   ARGP_KEY_ERROR, and no further calls are made.  */
++/* This is not an option at all, but rather a command line argument.  If a
++   parser receiving this key returns success, the fact is recorded, and the
++   ARGP_KEY_NO_ARGS case won't be used.  HOWEVER, if while processing the
++   argument, a parser function decrements the NEXT field of the state it's
++   passed, the option won't be considered processed; this is to allow you to
++   actually modify the argument (perhaps into an option), and have it
++   processed again.  */
++#define ARGP_KEY_ARG		0
++/* There are remaining arguments not parsed by any parser, which may be found
++   starting at (STATE->argv + STATE->next).  If success is returned, but
++   STATE->next left untouched, it's assumed that all arguments were consume,
++   otherwise, the parser should adjust STATE->next to reflect any arguments
++   consumed.  */
++#define ARGP_KEY_ARGS		0x1000006
++/* There are no more command line arguments at all.  */
++#define ARGP_KEY_END		0x1000001
++/* Because it's common to want to do some special processing if there aren't
++   any non-option args, user parsers are called with this key if they didn't
++   successfully process any non-option arguments.  Called just before
++   ARGP_KEY_END (where more general validity checks on previously parsed
++   arguments can take place).  */
++#define ARGP_KEY_NO_ARGS	0x1000002
++/* Passed in before any parsing is done.  Afterwards, the values of each
++   element of the CHILD_INPUT field, if any, in the state structure is
++   copied to each child's state to be the initial value of the INPUT field.  */
++#define ARGP_KEY_INIT		0x1000003
++/* Use after all other keys, including SUCCESS & END.  */
++#define ARGP_KEY_FINI		0x1000007
++/* Passed in when parsing has successfully been completed (even if there are
++   still arguments remaining).  */
++#define ARGP_KEY_SUCCESS	0x1000004
++/* Passed in if an error occurs.  */
++#define ARGP_KEY_ERROR		0x1000005
++/* An argp structure contains a set of options declarations, a function to
++   deal with parsing one, documentation string, a possible vector of child
++   argp's, and perhaps a function to filter help output.  When actually
++   parsing options, getopt is called with the union of all the argp
++   structures chained together through their CHILD pointers, with conflicts
++   being resolved in favor of the first occurrence in the chain.  */
++struct argp
++  /* An array of argp_option structures, terminated by an entry with both
++     NAME and KEY having a value of 0.  */
++  __const struct argp_option *options;
++  /* What to do with an option from this structure.  KEY is the key
++     associated with the option, and ARG is any associated argument (NULL if
++     none was supplied).  If KEY isn't understood, ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN should be
++     returned.  If a non-zero, non-ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN value is returned, then
++     parsing is stopped immediately, and that value is returned from
++     argp_parse().  For special (non-user-supplied) values of KEY, see the
++     ARGP_KEY_ definitions below.  */
++  argp_parser_t parser;
++  /* A string describing what other arguments are wanted by this program.  It
++     is only used by argp_usage to print the `Usage:' message.  If it
++     contains newlines, the strings separated by them are considered
++     alternative usage patterns, and printed on separate lines (lines after
++     the first are prefix by `  or: ' instead of `Usage:').  */
++  __const char *args_doc;
++  /* If non-NULL, a string containing extra text to be printed before and
++     after the options in a long help message (separated by a vertical tab
++     `\v' character).  */
++  __const char *doc;
++  /* A vector of argp_children structures, terminated by a member with a 0
++     argp field, pointing to child argps should be parsed with this one.  Any
++     conflicts are resolved in favor of this argp, or early argps in the
++     CHILDREN list.  This field is useful if you use libraries that supply
++     their own argp structure, which you want to use in conjunction with your
++     own.  */
++  __const struct argp_child *children;
++  /* If non-zero, this should be a function to filter the output of help
++     messages.  KEY is either a key from an option, in which case TEXT is
++     that option's help text, or a special key from the ARGP_KEY_HELP_
++     defines, below, describing which other help text TEXT is.  The function
++     should return either TEXT, if it should be used as-is, a replacement
++     string, which should be malloced, and will be freed by argp, or NULL,
++     meaning `print nothing'.  The value for TEXT is *after* any translation
++     has been done, so if any of the replacement text also needs translation,
++     that should be done by the filter function.  INPUT is either the input
++     supplied to argp_parse, or NULL, if argp_help was called directly.  */
++  char *(*help_filter) (int __key, __const char *__text, void *__input);
++  /* If non-zero the strings used in the argp library are translated using
++     the domain described by this string.  Otherwise the currently installed
++     default domain is used.  */
++  const char *argp_domain;
++/* Possible KEY arguments to a help filter function.  */
++#define ARGP_KEY_HELP_PRE_DOC	0x2000001 /* Help text preceeding options. */
++#define ARGP_KEY_HELP_POST_DOC	0x2000002 /* Help text following options. */
++#define ARGP_KEY_HELP_HEADER	0x2000003 /* Option header string. */
++#define ARGP_KEY_HELP_EXTRA	0x2000004 /* After all other documentation;
++					     TEXT is NULL for this key.  */
++/* Explanatory note emitted when duplicate option arguments have been
++   suppressed.  */
++#define ARGP_KEY_HELP_DUP_ARGS_NOTE 0x2000005
++#define ARGP_KEY_HELP_ARGS_DOC	0x2000006 /* Argument doc string.  */
++/* When an argp has a non-zero CHILDREN field, it should point to a vector of
++   argp_child structures, each of which describes a subsidiary argp.  */
++struct argp_child
++  /* The child parser.  */
++  __const struct argp *argp;
++  /* Flags for this child.  */
++  int flags;
++  /* If non-zero, an optional header to be printed in help output before the
++     child options.  As a side-effect, a non-zero value forces the child
++     options to be grouped together; to achieve this effect without actually
++     printing a header string, use a value of "".  */
++  __const char *header;
++  /* Where to group the child options relative to the other (`consolidated')
++     options in the parent argp; the values are the same as the GROUP field
++     in argp_option structs, but all child-groupings follow parent options at
++     a particular group level.  If both this field and HEADER are zero, then
++     they aren't grouped at all, but rather merged with the parent options
++     (merging the child's grouping levels with the parents).  */
++  int group;
++/* Parsing state.  This is provided to parsing functions called by argp,
++   which may examine and, as noted, modify fields.  */
++struct argp_state
++  /* The top level ARGP being parsed.  */
++  __const struct argp *root_argp;
++  /* The argument vector being parsed.  May be modified.  */
++  int argc;
++  char **argv;
++  /* The index in ARGV of the next arg that to be parsed.  May be modified. */
++  int next;
++  /* The flags supplied to argp_parse.  May be modified.  */
++  unsigned flags;
++  /* While calling a parsing function with a key of ARGP_KEY_ARG, this is the
++     number of the current arg, starting at zero, and incremented after each
++     such call returns.  At all other times, this is the number of such
++     arguments that have been processed.  */
++  unsigned arg_num;
++  /* If non-zero, the index in ARGV of the first argument following a special
++     `--' argument (which prevents anything following being interpreted as an
++     option).  Only set once argument parsing has proceeded past this point. */
++  int quoted;
++  /* An arbitrary pointer passed in from the user.  */
++  void *input;
++  /* Values to pass to child parsers.  This vector will be the same length as
++     the number of children for the current parser.  */
++  void **child_inputs;
++  /* For the parser's use.  Initialized to 0.  */
++  void *hook;
++  /* The name used when printing messages.  This is initialized to ARGV[0],
++     or PROGRAM_INVOCATION_NAME if that is unavailable.  */
++  char *name;
++  /* Streams used when argp prints something.  */
++  FILE *err_stream;		/* For errors; initialized to stderr. */
++  FILE *out_stream;		/* For information; initialized to stdout. */
++  void *pstate;			/* Private, for use by argp.  */
++/* Flags for argp_parse (note that the defaults are those that are
++   convenient for program command line parsing): */
++/* Don't ignore the first element of ARGV.  Normally (and always unless
++   ARGP_NO_ERRS is set) the first element of the argument vector is
++   skipped for option parsing purposes, as it corresponds to the program name
++   in a command line.  */
++#define ARGP_PARSE_ARGV0  0x01
++/* Don't print error messages for unknown options to stderr; unless this flag
++   is set, ARGP_PARSE_ARGV0 is ignored, as ARGV[0] is used as the program
++   name in the error messages.  This flag implies ARGP_NO_EXIT (on the
++   assumption that silent exiting upon errors is bad behaviour).  */
++#define ARGP_NO_ERRS	0x02
++/* Don't parse any non-option args.  Normally non-option args are parsed by
++   calling the parse functions with a key of ARGP_KEY_ARG, and the actual arg
++   as the value.  Since it's impossible to know which parse function wants to
++   handle it, each one is called in turn, until one returns 0 or an error
++   other than ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN; if an argument is handled by no one, the
++   argp_parse returns prematurely (but with a return value of 0).  If all
++   args have been parsed without error, all parsing functions are called one
++   last time with a key of ARGP_KEY_END.  This flag needn't normally be set,
++   as the normal behavior is to stop parsing as soon as some argument can't
++   be handled.  */
++#define ARGP_NO_ARGS	0x04
++/* Parse options and arguments in the same order they occur on the command
++   line -- normally they're rearranged so that all options come first. */
++#define ARGP_IN_ORDER	0x08
++/* Don't provide the standard long option --help, which causes usage and
++      option help information to be output to stdout, and exit (0) called. */
++#define ARGP_NO_HELP	0x10
++/* Don't exit on errors (they may still result in error messages).  */
++#define ARGP_NO_EXIT	0x20
++/* Use the gnu getopt `long-only' rules for parsing arguments.  */
++#define ARGP_LONG_ONLY	0x40
++/* Turns off any message-printing/exiting options.  */
++/* Parse the options strings in ARGC & ARGV according to the options in ARGP.
++   FLAGS is one of the ARGP_ flags above.  If ARG_INDEX is non-NULL, the
++   index in ARGV of the first unparsed option is returned in it.  If an
++   unknown option is present, ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN is returned; if some parser
++   routine returned a non-zero value, it is returned; otherwise 0 is
++   returned.  This function may also call exit unless the ARGP_NO_HELP flag
++   is set.  INPUT is a pointer to a value to be passed in to the parser.  */
++extern error_t argp_parse (__const struct argp *__restrict __argp,
++			   int __argc, char **__restrict __argv,
++			   unsigned __flags, int *__restrict __arg_index,
++			   void *__restrict __input);
++/* Global variables.  */
++/* If defined or set by the user program to a non-zero value, then a default
++   option --version is added (unless the ARGP_NO_HELP flag is used), which
++   will print this string followed by a newline and exit (unless the
++   ARGP_NO_EXIT flag is used).  Overridden by ARGP_PROGRAM_VERSION_HOOK.  */
++extern __const char *argp_program_version;
++/* If defined or set by the user program to a non-zero value, then a default
++   option --version is added (unless the ARGP_NO_HELP flag is used), which
++   calls this function with a stream to print the version to and a pointer to
++   the current parsing state, and then exits (unless the ARGP_NO_EXIT flag is
++   used).  This variable takes precedent over ARGP_PROGRAM_VERSION.  */
++extern void (*argp_program_version_hook) (FILE *__restrict __stream,
++					  struct argp_state *__restrict
++					  __state);
++/* If defined or set by the user program, it should point to string that is
++   the bug-reporting address for the program.  It will be printed by
++   argp_help if the ARGP_HELP_BUG_ADDR flag is set (as it is by various
++   standard help messages), embedded in a sentence that says something like
++   `Report bugs to ADDR.'.  */
++extern __const char *argp_program_bug_address;
++/* The exit status that argp will use when exiting due to a parsing error.
++   If not defined or set by the user program, this defaults to EX_USAGE from
++   <sysexits.h>.  */
++extern error_t argp_err_exit_status;
++/* Flags for argp_help.  */
++#define ARGP_HELP_USAGE		0x01 /* a Usage: message. */
++#define ARGP_HELP_SHORT_USAGE	0x02 /*  " but don't actually print options. */
++#define ARGP_HELP_SEE		0x04 /* a `Try ... for more help' message. */
++#define ARGP_HELP_LONG		0x08 /* a long help message. */
++#define ARGP_HELP_PRE_DOC	0x10 /* doc string preceding long help.  */
++#define ARGP_HELP_POST_DOC	0x20 /* doc string following long help.  */
++#define ARGP_HELP_BUG_ADDR	0x40 /* bug report address */
++#define ARGP_HELP_LONG_ONLY	0x80 /* modify output appropriately to
++					reflect ARGP_LONG_ONLY mode.  */
++/* These ARGP_HELP flags are only understood by argp_state_help.  */
++#define ARGP_HELP_EXIT_ERR	0x100 /* Call exit(1) instead of returning.  */
++#define ARGP_HELP_EXIT_OK	0x200 /* Call exit(0) instead of returning.  */
++/* The standard thing to do after a program command line parsing error, if an
++   error message has already been printed.  */
++#define ARGP_HELP_STD_ERR \
++/* The standard thing to do after a program command line parsing error, if no
++   more specific error message has been printed.  */
++/* The standard thing to do in response to a --help option.  */
++#define ARGP_HELP_STD_HELP \
++/* Output a usage message for ARGP to STREAM.  FLAGS are from the set
++   ARGP_HELP_*.  */
++extern void argp_help (__const struct argp *__restrict __argp,
++		       FILE *__restrict __stream,
++		       unsigned __flags, char *__restrict __name);
++/* The following routines are intended to be called from within an argp
++   parsing routine (thus taking an argp_state structure as the first
++   argument).  They may or may not print an error message and exit, depending
++   on the flags in STATE -- in any case, the caller should be prepared for
++   them *not* to exit, and should return an appropiate error after calling
++   them.  [argp_usage & argp_error should probably be called argp_state_...,
++   but they're used often enough that they should be short]  */
++/* Output, if appropriate, a usage message for STATE to STREAM.  FLAGS are
++   from the set ARGP_HELP_*.  */
++extern void argp_state_help (__const struct argp_state *__restrict __state,
++			     FILE *__restrict __stream,
++			     unsigned int __flags);
++/* Possibly output the standard usage message for ARGP to stderr and exit.  */
++extern void argp_usage (__const struct argp_state *__state);
++/* If appropriate, print the printf string FMT and following args, preceded
++   by the program name and `:', to stderr, and followed by a `Try ... --help'
++   message, then exit (1).  */
++extern void argp_error (__const struct argp_state *__restrict __state,
++			__const char *__restrict __fmt, ...)
++     __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
++/* Similar to the standard gnu error-reporting function error(), but will
++   respect the ARGP_NO_EXIT and ARGP_NO_ERRS flags in STATE, and will print
++   to STATE->err_stream.  This is useful for argument parsing code that is
++   shared between program startup (when exiting is desired) and runtime
++   option parsing (when typically an error code is returned instead).  The
++   difference between this function and argp_error is that the latter is for
++   *parsing errors*, and the former is for other problems that occur during
++   parsing but don't reflect a (syntactic) problem with the input.  */
++extern void argp_failure (__const struct argp_state *__restrict __state,
++			  int __status, int __errnum,
++			  __const char *__restrict __fmt, ...)
++     __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 4, 5)));
++/* Returns true if the option OPT is a valid short option.  */
++extern int _option_is_short (__const struct argp_option *__opt) __THROW;
++extern int __option_is_short (__const struct argp_option *__opt) __THROW;
++/* Returns true if the option OPT is in fact the last (unused) entry in an
++   options array.  */
++extern int _option_is_end (__const struct argp_option *__opt) __THROW;
++extern int __option_is_end (__const struct argp_option *__opt) __THROW;
++/* Return the input field for ARGP in the parser corresponding to STATE; used
++   by the help routines.  */
++/* We think this should not be exported */
++extern void *__argp_input (__const struct argp *__restrict __argp,
++			   __const struct argp_state *__restrict __state)
++     __THROW;
++# ifndef ARGP_EI
++#  define ARGP_EI __extern_inline
++# endif
++ARGP_EI void
++argp_usage (__const struct argp_state *__state)
++  argp_state_help (__state, stderr, ARGP_HELP_STD_USAGE);
++ARGP_EI int
++__NTH (__option_is_short (__const struct argp_option *__opt))
++  if (__opt->flags & OPTION_DOC)
++    return 0;
++  else
++    {
++      int __key = __opt->key;
++      return __key > 0 && __key <= UCHAR_MAX && isprint (__key);
++    }
++ARGP_EI int
++__NTH (__option_is_end (__const struct argp_option *__opt))
++  return !__opt->key && !__opt->name && !__opt->doc && !__opt->group;
++#endif /* Use extern inlines.  */
++#ifdef  __cplusplus
++#endif /* argp.h */
+diff --git a/libc/sysdeps/linux/common/bits/getopt_int.h b/libc/sysdeps/linux/common/bits/getopt_int.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..291edfe
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libc/sysdeps/linux/common/bits/getopt_int.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
++/* Internal declarations for getopt.
++   Copyright (C) 1989-1994,1996-1999,2001,2003,2004
++   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#ifndef _GETOPT_INT_H
++#define _GETOPT_INT_H  1
++extern int _getopt_internal (int ___argc, char *const *___argv,
++                            const char *__shortopts,
++                            const struct option *__longopts, int *__longind,
++                            int __long_only) attribute_hidden;
++/* Reentrant versions which can handle parsing multiple argument
++   vectors at the same time.  */
++/* For __ordering member */
++enum {
++/* Data type for reentrant functions.  */
++struct _getopt_data
++  /* These have exactly the same meaning as the corresponding global
++     variables, except that they are used for the reentrant
++     versions of getopt.  */
++  int optind;
++  int opterr;
++  char *optarg;
++  smalluint optopt; /* we store characters here, a byte is enough */
++  /* Internal members.  */
++  /* True if the internal members have been initialized.  */
++  smallint __initialized;
++  /* Describe how to deal with options that follow non-option ARGV-elements.
++     If the caller did not specify anything,
++     the default is REQUIRE_ORDER if the environment variable
++     POSIXLY_CORRECT is defined, PERMUTE otherwise.
++     REQUIRE_ORDER means don't recognize them as options;
++     stop option processing when the first non-option is seen.
++     This is what Unix does.
++     This mode of operation is selected by either setting the environment
++     variable POSIXLY_CORRECT, or using `+' as the first character
++     of the list of option characters.
++     PERMUTE is the default.  We permute the contents of ARGV as we
++     scan, so that eventually all the non-options are at the end.
++     This allows options to be given in any order, even with programs
++     that were not written to expect this.
++     RETURN_IN_ORDER is an option available to programs that were
++     written to expect options and other ARGV-elements in any order
++     and that care about the ordering of the two.  We describe each
++     non-option ARGV-element as if it were the argument of an option
++     with character code 1.  Using `-' as the first character of the
++     list of option characters selects this mode of operation.
++     The special argument `--' forces an end of option-scanning regardless
++     of the value of `ordering'.  In the case of RETURN_IN_ORDER, only
++     `--' can cause `getopt' to return -1 with `optind' != ARGC.  */
++  smallint __ordering;
++  /* If the POSIXLY_CORRECT environment variable is set.  */
++  smallint __posixly_correct;
++  /* The next char to be scanned in the option-element
++     in which the last option character we returned was found.
++     This allows us to pick up the scan where we left off.
++     If this is zero, or a null string, it means resume the scan
++     by advancing to the next ARGV-element.  */
++  char *__nextchar;
++  /* Handle permutation of arguments.  */
++  /* Describe the part of ARGV that contains non-options that have
++     been skipped.  `first_nonopt' is the index in ARGV of the first
++     of them; `last_nonopt' is the index after the last of them.  */
++  int __first_nonopt;
++  int __last_nonopt;
++#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_NONOPTION_FLAGS
++  int __nonoption_flags_max_len;
++  int __nonoption_flags_len;
++# endif
++/* The initializer is necessary to set OPTIND and OPTERR to their
++   default values and to clear the initialization flag.  */
++#define _GETOPT_DATA_INITIALIZER       { 1, 1 }
++#if 0 /* first is static on uClibc, the others not used */
++extern int _getopt_internal_r (int ___argc, char *const *___argv,
++                              const char *__shortopts,
++                              const struct option *__longopts, int *__longind,
++                              int __long_only, struct _getopt_data *__data);
++#if defined __UCLIBC_HAS_GNU_GETOPT__ || defined __UCLIBC_HAS_GETOPT_LONG__
++#ifndef __need_getopt
++extern int _getopt_long_r (int ___argc, char *const *___argv,
++                          const char *__shortopts,
++                          const struct option *__longopts, int *__longind,
++                          struct _getopt_data *__data);
++extern int _getopt_long_only_r (int ___argc, char *const *___argv,
++                               const char *__shortopts,
++                               const struct option *__longopts,
++                               int *__longind,
++                               struct _getopt_data *__data);
++#endif /* getopt_int.h */
+diff --git a/libc/unistd/getopt.c b/libc/unistd/getopt.c
+index f63482b..db5e12c 100644
+--- a/libc/unistd/getopt.c
++++ b/libc/unistd/getopt.c
+@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
+    they can distinguish the relative order of options and other arguments.  */
+ #include <getopt.h>
+-#include "getopt_int.h"
++#include <bits/getopt_int.h>
+ /* For communication from `getopt' to the caller.
+@@ -1170,6 +1170,15 @@ getopt_long (int argc, char *const *argv, const char *options,
+   return _getopt_internal (argc, argv, options, long_options, opt_index, 0);
+ }
++_getopt_long_r (int argc, char *const *argv, const char *options,
++               const struct option *long_options, int *opt_index,
++               struct _getopt_data *d)
++  return _getopt_internal_r (argc, argv, options, long_options, opt_index,
++                            0, d);
+ /* Like getopt_long, but '-' as well as '--' can indicate a long option.
+    If an option that starts with '-' (not '--') doesn't match a long option,
+    but does match a short option, it is parsed as a short option
+@@ -1183,4 +1192,12 @@ getopt_long_only (int argc, char *const *argv, const char *options,
+ }
+ #endif /* __UCLIBC_HAS_GETOPT_LONG__ */
++_getopt_long_only_r (int argc, char *const *argv, const char *options,
++                    const struct option *long_options, int *opt_index,
++                    struct _getopt_data *d)
++  return _getopt_internal_r (argc, argv, options, long_options, opt_index, 1, d);
+ #endif	/* Not ELIDE_CODE.  */
+diff --git a/libuargp/Makefile b/libuargp/Makefile
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..45acdd9
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libuargp/Makefile
+@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
++# Makefile for uClibc (libuargp)
++# Copyright (C) 2010 STMicroelectronics Ltd
++# Author(s): Filippo Arcidiacono <filippo.arcidiacono at st.com>
++# Licensed under the LGPL v2.1, see the file COPYING.LIB in this tarball.
++include $(top_builddir)Rules.mak
++all: libs
++include Makefile.in
++include $(top_srcdir)Makerules
+diff --git a/libuargp/Makefile.in b/libuargp/Makefile.in
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..1498abb
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libuargp/Makefile.in
+@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
++# Makefile for uClibc (libuargp)
++# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010  STMicroelectronics Ltd.
++# Author(s): Salvatore Cro <salvatore.cro at st.com>
++#            - First implementation, embedded into libc
++#            Filippo Arcidiacono <filippo.arcidiacono at st.com>
++#            - Reworked for stand-alone libuargp implementation
++# Licensed under the LGPL v2.1, see the file COPYING.LIB in this tarball.
++CFLAGS-libuargp := -DNOT_IN_libc -DIS_IN_libuargp $(SSP_ALL_CFLAGS)
++LDFLAGS-libuargp.so := $(LDFLAGS)
++LIBS-libuargp.so := $(LIBS)
++libuargp_FULL_NAME := libuargp-$(VERSION).so
++libuargp_DIR := $(top_srcdir)libuargp
++libuargp_OUT := $(top_builddir)libuargp
++libuargp_SRC-y :=
++libuargp_SRC-$(UCLIBC_HAS_ARGP) := $(addsuffix .c,$(addprefix argp-, ba \
++			eexst fmtstream fs-xinl help parse pv pvh xinl))
++CFLAGS-argp-xinl.c = -fgnu89-inline
++libuargp_SRC := $(addprefix $(libuargp_DIR)/,$(libuargp_SRC-y))
++libuargp_OBJ := $(patsubst $(libuargp_DIR)/%.c,$(libuargp_OUT)/%.o,$(libuargp_SRC))
++libuargp_SRCS := $(libuargp_SRC)
++libuargp_OBJS := $(libuargp_OBJ)
++ifeq ($(DOPIC),y)
++libuargp-a-y := $(libuargp_OBJS:.o=.os)
++libuargp-a-y := $(libuargp_OBJS)
++libuargp-so-y := $(libuargp_OBJS:.o=.os)
++lib-a-$(UCLIBC_HAS_ARGP) += $(top_builddir)lib/libuargp.a
++lib-so-$(UCLIBC_HAS_ARGP) += $(top_builddir)lib/libuargp.so
++objclean-y += CLEAN_libuargp
++ifeq ($(DOMULTI),n)
++ifeq ($(DOPIC),y)
++$(top_builddir)lib/libuargp.so: $(top_builddir)lib/libuargp.a $(libc.depend)
++$(top_builddir)lib/libuargp.so: $(libuargp_OUT)/libuargp_so.a $(libc.depend)
++	$(call link.so,$(libuargp_FULL_NAME),$(MAJOR_VERSION))
++$(top_builddir)lib/libuargp.so: $(libuargp_OUT)/libuargp.oS $(libc.depend)
++	$(call linkm.so,$(libuargp_FULL_NAME),$(MAJOR_VERSION))
++$(libuargp_OUT)/libuargp_so.a: $(libuargp-so-y)
++	$(Q)$(RM) $@
++	$(do_ar)
++$(libuargp_OUT)/libuargp.oS: $(libuargp_SRCS)
++	$(Q)$(RM) $@
++	$(compile-m)
++$(top_builddir)lib/libuargp.a: $(libuargp-a-y)
++	$(Q)$(INSTALL) -d $(dir $@)
++	$(Q)$(RM) $@
++	$(do_ar)
++	$(do_rm) $(addprefix $(libuargp_OUT)/*., o os oS a)
+diff --git a/libuargp/argp-ba.c b/libuargp/argp-ba.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3522b02
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libuargp/argp-ba.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
++/* Default definition for ARGP_PROGRAM_BUG_ADDRESS.
++   Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   Written by Miles Bader <miles at gnu.ai.mit.edu>.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++/* If set by the user program, it should point to string that is the
++   bug-reporting address for the program.  It will be printed by argp_help if
++   the ARGP_HELP_BUG_ADDR flag is set (as it is by various standard help
++   messages), embedded in a sentence that says something like `Report bugs to
++   ADDR.'.  */
++const char *argp_program_bug_address;
+diff --git a/libuargp/argp-eexst.c b/libuargp/argp-eexst.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..445b68d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libuargp/argp-eexst.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
++/* Default definition for ARGP_ERR_EXIT_STATUS
++   Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   Written by Miles Bader <miles at gnu.ai.mit.edu>.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
++# include <config.h>
++#include <sysexits.h>
++#include <argp.h>
++/* The exit status that argp will use when exiting due to a parsing error.
++   If not defined or set by the user program, this defaults to EX_USAGE from
++   <sysexits.h>.  */
++error_t argp_err_exit_status = EX_USAGE;
+diff --git a/libuargp/argp-fmtstream.c b/libuargp/argp-fmtstream.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..75227f9
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libuargp/argp-fmtstream.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
++/* Word-wrapping and line-truncating streams
++   Copyright (C) 1997-1999,2001,2002,2003,2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   Written by Miles Bader <miles at gnu.ai.mit.edu>.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.
++   Modified for uClibc by: Salvatore Cro <salvatore.cro at st.com>
++/* This package emulates glibc `line_wrap_stream' semantics for systems that
++   don't have that.  */
++#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
++# include <config.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <errno.h>
++#include <stdarg.h>
++#include <ctype.h>
++#include "argp-fmtstream.h"
++#ifndef isblank
++#define isblank(ch) ((ch)==' ' || (ch)=='\t')
++#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
++# include <wchar.h>
++# include <libio/libioP.h>
++# define __vsnprintf(s, l, f, a) _IO_vsnprintf (s, l, f, a)
++# define __vsnprintf(s, l, f, a) vsnprintf (s, l, f, a)
++#define INIT_BUF_SIZE 200
++#define PRINTF_SIZE_GUESS 150
++/* Return an argp_fmtstream that outputs to STREAM, and which prefixes lines
++   written on it with LMARGIN spaces and limits them to RMARGIN columns
++   total.  If WMARGIN >= 0, words that extend past RMARGIN are wrapped by
++   replacing the whitespace before them with a newline and WMARGIN spaces.
++   Otherwise, chars beyond RMARGIN are simply dropped until a newline.
++   Returns NULL if there was an error.  */
++__argp_make_fmtstream (FILE *stream,
++                      size_t lmargin, size_t rmargin, ssize_t wmargin)
++  argp_fmtstream_t fs;
++  fs = (struct argp_fmtstream *) malloc (sizeof (struct argp_fmtstream));
++  if (fs != NULL)
++    {
++      fs->stream = stream;
++      fs->lmargin = lmargin;
++      fs->rmargin = rmargin;
++      fs->wmargin = wmargin;
++      fs->point_col = 0;
++      fs->point_offs = 0;
++      fs->buf = (char *) malloc (INIT_BUF_SIZE);
++      if (! fs->buf)
++       {
++         free (fs);
++         fs = 0;
++       }
++      else
++       {
++         fs->p = fs->buf;
++         fs->end = fs->buf + INIT_BUF_SIZE;
++       }
++    }
++  return fs;
++#if 0
++/* Not exported.  */
++#ifdef weak_alias
++weak_alias (__argp_make_fmtstream, argp_make_fmtstream)
++/* Flush FS to its stream, and free it (but don't close the stream).  */
++__argp_fmtstream_free (argp_fmtstream_t fs)
++  __argp_fmtstream_update (fs);
++  if (fs->p > fs->buf)
++    {
++#ifdef USE_IN_LIBIO
++      __fxprintf (fs->stream, "%.*s", (int) (fs->p - fs->buf), fs->buf);
++      fwrite_unlocked (fs->buf, 1, fs->p - fs->buf, fs->stream);
++    }
++  free (fs->buf);
++  free (fs);
++#if 0
++/* Not exported.  */
++#ifdef weak_alias
++weak_alias (__argp_fmtstream_free, argp_fmtstream_free)
++/* Process FS's buffer so that line wrapping is done from POINT_OFFS to the
++   end of its buffer.  This code is mostly from glibc stdio/linewrap.c.  */
++__argp_fmtstream_update (argp_fmtstream_t fs)
++  char *buf, *nl;
++  size_t len;
++  /* Scan the buffer for newlines.  */
++  buf = fs->buf + fs->point_offs;
++  while (buf < fs->p)
++    {
++      size_t r;
++      if (fs->point_col == 0 && fs->lmargin != 0)
++       {
++         /* We are starting a new line.  Print spaces to the left margin.  */
++         const size_t pad = fs->lmargin;
++         if (fs->p + pad < fs->end)
++           {
++             /* We can fit in them in the buffer by moving the
++                buffer text up and filling in the beginning.  */
++             memmove (buf + pad, buf, fs->p - buf);
++             fs->p += pad; /* Compensate for bigger buffer. */
++             memset (buf, ' ', pad); /* Fill in the spaces.  */
++             buf += pad; /* Don't bother searching them.  */
++           }
++         else
++           {
++             /* No buffer space for spaces.  Must flush.  */
++             size_t i;
++             for (i = 0; i < pad; i++)
++               {
++#ifdef USE_IN_LIBIO
++                 if (_IO_fwide (fs->stream, 0) > 0)
++                   putwc_unlocked (L' ', fs->stream);
++                 else
++                   putc_unlocked (' ', fs->stream);
++               }
++           }
++         fs->point_col = pad;
++       }
++      len = fs->p - buf;
++      nl = memchr (buf, '\n', len);
++      if (fs->point_col < 0)
++       fs->point_col = 0;
++      if (!nl)
++       {
++         /* The buffer ends in a partial line.  */
++         if (fs->point_col + len < fs->rmargin)
++           {
++             /* The remaining buffer text is a partial line and fits
++                within the maximum line width.  Advance point for the
++                characters to be written and stop scanning.  */
++             fs->point_col += len;
++             break;
++           }
++         else
++           /* Set the end-of-line pointer for the code below to
++              the end of the buffer.  */
++           nl = fs->p;
++       }
++      else if (fs->point_col + (nl - buf) < (ssize_t) fs->rmargin)
++       {
++         /* The buffer contains a full line that fits within the maximum
++            line width.  Reset point and scan the next line.  */
++         fs->point_col = 0;
++         buf = nl + 1;
++         continue;
++       }
++      /* This line is too long.  */
++      r = fs->rmargin - 1;
++      if (fs->wmargin < 0)
++       {
++         /* Truncate the line by overwriting the excess with the
++            newline and anything after it in the buffer.  */
++         if (nl < fs->p)
++           {
++             memmove (buf + (r - fs->point_col), nl, fs->p - nl);
++             fs->p -= buf + (r - fs->point_col) - nl;
++             /* Reset point for the next line and start scanning it.  */
++             fs->point_col = 0;
++             buf += r + 1; /* Skip full line plus \n. */
++           }
++         else
++           {
++             /* The buffer ends with a partial line that is beyond the
++                maximum line width.  Advance point for the characters
++                written, and discard those past the max from the buffer.  */
++             fs->point_col += len;
++             fs->p -= fs->point_col - r;
++             break;
++           }
++       }
++      else
++       {
++         /* Do word wrap.  Go to the column just past the maximum line
++            width and scan back for the beginning of the word there.
++            Then insert a line break.  */
++         char *p, *nextline;
++         int i;
++         p = buf + (r + 1 - fs->point_col);
++         while (p >= buf && !isblank (*p))
++           --p;
++         nextline = p + 1;     /* This will begin the next line.  */
++         if (nextline > buf)
++           {
++             /* Swallow separating blanks.  */
++             if (p >= buf)
++               do
++                 --p;
++               while (p >= buf && isblank (*p));
++             nl = p + 1;       /* The newline will replace the first blank. */
++           }
++         else
++           {
++             /* A single word that is greater than the maximum line width.
++                Oh well.  Put it on an overlong line by itself.  */
++             p = buf + (r + 1 - fs->point_col);
++             /* Find the end of the long word.  */
++             do
++               ++p;
++             while (p < nl && !isblank (*p));
++             if (p == nl)
++               {
++                 /* It already ends a line.  No fussing required.  */
++                 fs->point_col = 0;
++                 buf = nl + 1;
++                 continue;
++               }
++             /* We will move the newline to replace the first blank.  */
++             nl = p;
++             /* Swallow separating blanks.  */
++             do
++               ++p;
++             while (isblank (*p));
++             /* The next line will start here.  */
++             nextline = p;
++           }
++         /* Note: There are a bunch of tests below for
++            NEXTLINE == BUF + LEN + 1; this case is where NL happens to fall
++            at the end of the buffer, and NEXTLINE is in fact empty (and so
++            we need not be careful to maintain its contents).  */
++         if ((nextline == buf + len + 1
++              ? fs->end - nl < fs->wmargin + 1
++              : nextline - (nl + 1) < fs->wmargin)
++             && fs->p > nextline)
++           {
++             /* The margin needs more blanks than we removed.  */
++             if (fs->end - fs->p > fs->wmargin + 1)
++               /* Make some space for them.  */
++               {
++                 size_t mv = fs->p - nextline;
++                 memmove (nl + 1 + fs->wmargin, nextline, mv);
++                 nextline = nl + 1 + fs->wmargin;
++                 len = nextline + mv - buf;
++                 *nl++ = '\n';
++               }
++             else
++               /* Output the first line so we can use the space.  */
++               {
++#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
++                 __fxprintf (fs->stream, "%.*s\n",
++                             (int) (nl - fs->buf), fs->buf);
++                 if (nl > fs->buf)
++                   fwrite_unlocked (fs->buf, 1, nl - fs->buf, fs->stream);
++                 putc_unlocked ('\n', fs->stream);
++                 len += buf - fs->buf;
++                 nl = buf = fs->buf;
++               }
++           }
++         else
++           /* We can fit the newline and blanks in before
++              the next word.  */
++           *nl++ = '\n';
++         if (nextline - nl >= fs->wmargin
++             || (nextline == buf + len + 1 && fs->end - nextline >= fs->wmargin))
++           /* Add blanks up to the wrap margin column.  */
++           for (i = 0; i < fs->wmargin; ++i)
++             *nl++ = ' ';
++         else
++           for (i = 0; i < fs->wmargin; ++i)
++#ifdef USE_IN_LIBIO
++             if (_IO_fwide (fs->stream, 0) > 0)
++               putwc_unlocked (L' ', fs->stream);
++             else
++               putc_unlocked (' ', fs->stream);
++         /* Copy the tail of the original buffer into the current buffer
++            position.  */
++         if (nl < nextline)
++           memmove (nl, nextline, buf + len - nextline);
++         len -= nextline - buf;
++         /* Continue the scan on the remaining lines in the buffer.  */
++         buf = nl;
++         /* Restore bufp to include all the remaining text.  */
++         fs->p = nl + len;
++         /* Reset the counter of what has been output this line.  If wmargin
++            is 0, we want to avoid the lmargin getting added, so we set
++            point_col to a magic value of -1 in that case.  */
++         fs->point_col = fs->wmargin ? fs->wmargin : -1;
++       }
++    }
++  /* Remember that we've scanned as far as the end of the buffer.  */
++  fs->point_offs = fs->p - fs->buf;
++/* Ensure that FS has space for AMOUNT more bytes in its buffer, either by
++   growing the buffer, or by flushing it.  True is returned iff we succeed. */
++__argp_fmtstream_ensure (struct argp_fmtstream *fs, size_t amount)
++  if ((size_t) (fs->end - fs->p) < amount)
++    {
++      ssize_t wrote;
++      /* Flush FS's buffer.  */
++      __argp_fmtstream_update (fs);
++#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
++      __fxprintf (fs->stream, "%.*s", (int) (fs->p - fs->buf), fs->buf);
++      wrote = fs->p - fs->buf;
++      wrote = fwrite_unlocked (fs->buf, 1, fs->p - fs->buf, fs->stream);
++      if (wrote == fs->p - fs->buf)
++       {
++         fs->p = fs->buf;
++         fs->point_offs = 0;
++       }
++      else
++       {
++         fs->p -= wrote;
++         fs->point_offs -= wrote;
++         memmove (fs->buf, fs->buf + wrote, fs->p - fs->buf);
++         return 0;
++       }
++      if ((size_t) (fs->end - fs->buf) < amount)
++       /* Gotta grow the buffer.  */
++       {
++         size_t old_size = fs->end - fs->buf;
++         size_t new_size = old_size + amount;
++         char *new_buf;
++         if (new_size < old_size || ! (new_buf = realloc (fs->buf, new_size)))
++           {
++             __set_errno (ENOMEM);
++             return 0;
++           }
++         fs->buf = new_buf;
++         fs->end = new_buf + new_size;
++         fs->p = fs->buf;
++       }
++    }
++  return 1;
++__argp_fmtstream_printf (struct argp_fmtstream *fs, const char *fmt, ...)
++  int out;
++  size_t avail;
++  size_t size_guess = PRINTF_SIZE_GUESS; /* How much space to reserve. */
++  do
++    {
++      va_list args;
++      if (! __argp_fmtstream_ensure (fs, size_guess))
++       return -1;
++      va_start (args, fmt);
++      avail = fs->end - fs->p;
++      out = __vsnprintf (fs->p, avail, fmt, args);
++      va_end (args);
++      if ((size_t) out >= avail)
++       size_guess = out + 1;
++    }
++  while ((size_t) out >= avail);
++  fs->p += out;
++  return out;
++#if 0
++/* Not exported.  */
++#ifdef weak_alias
++weak_alias (__argp_fmtstream_printf, argp_fmtstream_printf)
+diff --git a/libuargp/argp-fmtstream.h b/libuargp/argp-fmtstream.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ca7c834
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libuargp/argp-fmtstream.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
++/* Word-wrapping and line-truncating streams.
++   Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   Written by Miles Bader <miles at gnu.ai.mit.edu>.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.
++   Modified for uClibc by: Salvatore Cro <salvatore.cro at st.com>
++/* This package emulates glibc `line_wrap_stream' semantics for systems that
++   don't have that.  If the system does have it, it is just a wrapper for
++   that.  This header file is only used internally while compiling argp, and
++   shouldn't be installed.  */
++#include <stdio.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <unistd.h>
++#ifndef __attribute__
++/* This feature is available in gcc versions 2.5 and later.  */
++# if __GNUC__ < 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 5) || defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
++#  define __attribute__(Spec) /* empty */
++# endif
++/* The __-protected variants of `format' and `printf' attributes
++   are accepted by gcc versions 2.6.4 (effectively 2.7) and later.  */
++# if __GNUC__ < 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 7) || defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
++#  define __format__ format
++#  define __printf__ printf
++# endif
++#if 0 /* uClibc: disabled */
++#if    (_LIBC - 0 && !defined (USE_IN_LIBIO)) \
++    || (defined (__GNU_LIBRARY__) && defined (HAVE_LINEWRAP_H))
++/* line_wrap_stream is available, so use that.  */
++/* line_wrap stream NOT available */
++/* Just be a simple wrapper for line_wrap_stream; the semantics are
++   *slightly* different, as line_wrap_stream doesn't actually make a new
++   object, it just modifies the given stream (reversibly) to do
++   line-wrapping.  Since we control who uses this code, it doesn't matter.  */
++#include <linewrap.h>
++typedef FILE *argp_fmtstream_t;
++#define argp_make_fmtstream line_wrap_stream
++#define __argp_make_fmtstream line_wrap_stream
++#define argp_fmtstream_free line_unwrap_stream
++#define __argp_fmtstream_free line_unwrap_stream
++#define __argp_fmtstream_putc(fs,ch) putc(ch,fs)
++#define argp_fmtstream_putc(fs,ch) putc(ch,fs)
++#define __argp_fmtstream_puts(fs,str) fputs(str,fs)
++#define argp_fmtstream_puts(fs,str) fputs(str,fs)
++#define __argp_fmtstream_write(fs,str,len) fwrite(str,1,len,fs)
++#define argp_fmtstream_write(fs,str,len) fwrite(str,1,len,fs)
++#define __argp_fmtstream_printf fprintf
++#define argp_fmtstream_printf fprintf
++#define __argp_fmtstream_lmargin line_wrap_lmargin
++#define argp_fmtstream_lmargin line_wrap_lmargin
++#define __argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin line_wrap_set_lmargin
++#define argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin line_wrap_set_lmargin
++#define __argp_fmtstream_rmargin line_wrap_rmargin
++#define argp_fmtstream_rmargin line_wrap_rmargin
++#define __argp_fmtstream_set_rmargin line_wrap_set_rmargin
++#define argp_fmtstream_set_rmargin line_wrap_set_rmargin
++#define __argp_fmtstream_wmargin line_wrap_wmargin
++#define argp_fmtstream_wmargin line_wrap_wmargin
++#define __argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin line_wrap_set_wmargin
++#define argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin line_wrap_set_wmargin
++#define __argp_fmtstream_point line_wrap_point
++#define argp_fmtstream_point line_wrap_point
++/* Guess we have to define our own version.  */
++#ifndef __const
++#define __const const
++struct argp_fmtstream
++  FILE *stream;                        /* The stream we're outputting to.  */
++  size_t lmargin, rmargin;     /* Left and right margins.  */
++  ssize_t wmargin;             /* Margin to wrap to, or -1 to truncate.  */
++  /* Point in buffer to which we've processed for wrapping, but not output.  */
++  size_t point_offs;
++  /* Output column at POINT_OFFS, or -1 meaning 0 but don't add lmargin.  */
++  ssize_t point_col;
++  char *buf;                   /* Output buffer.  */
++  char *p;                     /* Current end of text in BUF. */
++  char *end;                   /* Absolute end of BUF.  */
++typedef struct argp_fmtstream *argp_fmtstream_t;
++/* Return an argp_fmtstream that outputs to STREAM, and which prefixes lines
++   written on it with LMARGIN spaces and limits them to RMARGIN columns
++   total.  If WMARGIN >= 0, words that extend past RMARGIN are wrapped by
++   replacing the whitespace before them with a newline and WMARGIN spaces.
++   Otherwise, chars beyond RMARGIN are simply dropped until a newline.
++   Returns NULL if there was an error.  */
++extern argp_fmtstream_t __argp_make_fmtstream (FILE *__stream,
++                                              size_t __lmargin,
++                                              size_t __rmargin,
++                                              ssize_t __wmargin);
++extern argp_fmtstream_t argp_make_fmtstream (FILE *__stream,
++                                            size_t __lmargin,
++                                            size_t __rmargin,
++                                            ssize_t __wmargin);
++/* Flush __FS to its stream, and free it (but don't close the stream).  */
++extern void __argp_fmtstream_free (argp_fmtstream_t __fs);
++extern void argp_fmtstream_free (argp_fmtstream_t __fs);
++extern ssize_t __argp_fmtstream_printf (argp_fmtstream_t __fs,
++                                      __const char *__fmt, ...)
++     __attribute__ ((__format__ (printf, 2, 3)));
++extern ssize_t argp_fmtstream_printf (argp_fmtstream_t __fs,
++                                     __const char *__fmt, ...)
++     __attribute__ ((__format__ (printf, 2, 3)));
++extern int __argp_fmtstream_putc (argp_fmtstream_t __fs, int __ch);
++extern int argp_fmtstream_putc (argp_fmtstream_t __fs, int __ch);
++extern int __argp_fmtstream_puts (argp_fmtstream_t __fs, __const char *__str);
++extern int argp_fmtstream_puts (argp_fmtstream_t __fs, __const char *__str);
++extern size_t __argp_fmtstream_write (argp_fmtstream_t __fs,
++                                     __const char *__str, size_t __len);
++extern size_t argp_fmtstream_write (argp_fmtstream_t __fs,
++                                   __const char *__str, size_t __len);
++/* Access macros for various bits of state.  */
++#define argp_fmtstream_lmargin(__fs) ((__fs)->lmargin)
++#define argp_fmtstream_rmargin(__fs) ((__fs)->rmargin)
++#define argp_fmtstream_wmargin(__fs) ((__fs)->wmargin)
++#define __argp_fmtstream_lmargin argp_fmtstream_lmargin
++#define __argp_fmtstream_rmargin argp_fmtstream_rmargin
++#define __argp_fmtstream_wmargin argp_fmtstream_wmargin
++/* Set __FS's left margin to LMARGIN and return the old value.  */
++extern size_t argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin (argp_fmtstream_t __fs,
++                                         size_t __lmargin);
++extern size_t __argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin (argp_fmtstream_t __fs,
++                                           size_t __lmargin);
++/* Set __FS's right margin to __RMARGIN and return the old value.  */
++extern size_t argp_fmtstream_set_rmargin (argp_fmtstream_t __fs,
++                                         size_t __rmargin);
++extern size_t __argp_fmtstream_set_rmargin (argp_fmtstream_t __fs,
++                                           size_t __rmargin);
++/* Set __FS's wrap margin to __WMARGIN and return the old value.  */
++extern size_t argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin (argp_fmtstream_t __fs,
++                                         size_t __wmargin);
++extern size_t __argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin (argp_fmtstream_t __fs,
++                                           size_t __wmargin);
++/* Return the column number of the current output point in __FS.  */
++extern size_t argp_fmtstream_point (argp_fmtstream_t __fs);
++extern size_t __argp_fmtstream_point (argp_fmtstream_t __fs);
++/* Internal routines.  */
++extern void _argp_fmtstream_update (argp_fmtstream_t __fs);
++extern void __argp_fmtstream_update (argp_fmtstream_t __fs);
++extern int _argp_fmtstream_ensure (argp_fmtstream_t __fs, size_t __amount);
++extern int __argp_fmtstream_ensure (argp_fmtstream_t __fs, size_t __amount);
++#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
++/* Inline versions of above routines.  */
++#if !_LIBC
++#define __argp_fmtstream_putc argp_fmtstream_putc
++#define __argp_fmtstream_puts argp_fmtstream_puts
++#define __argp_fmtstream_write argp_fmtstream_write
++#define __argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin
++#define __argp_fmtstream_set_rmargin argp_fmtstream_set_rmargin
++#define __argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin
++#define __argp_fmtstream_point argp_fmtstream_point
++#define __argp_fmtstream_update _argp_fmtstream_update
++#define __argp_fmtstream_ensure _argp_fmtstream_ensure
++#ifndef ARGP_FS_EI
++#define ARGP_FS_EI __extern_inline
++ARGP_FS_EI size_t
++__argp_fmtstream_write (argp_fmtstream_t __fs,
++                       __const char *__str, size_t __len)
++  if (__fs->p + __len <= __fs->end || __argp_fmtstream_ensure (__fs, __len))
++    {
++      memcpy (__fs->p, __str, __len);
++      __fs->p += __len;
++      return __len;
++    }
++  else
++    return 0;
++ARGP_FS_EI int
++__argp_fmtstream_puts (argp_fmtstream_t __fs, __const char *__str)
++  size_t __len = strlen (__str);
++  if (__len)
++    {
++      size_t __wrote = __argp_fmtstream_write (__fs, __str, __len);
++      return __wrote == __len ? 0 : -1;
++    }
++  else
++    return 0;
++ARGP_FS_EI int
++__argp_fmtstream_putc (argp_fmtstream_t __fs, int __ch)
++  if (__fs->p < __fs->end || __argp_fmtstream_ensure (__fs, 1))
++    return *__fs->p++ = __ch;
++  else
++    return EOF;
++/* Set __FS's left margin to __LMARGIN and return the old value.  */
++ARGP_FS_EI size_t
++__argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin (argp_fmtstream_t __fs, size_t __lmargin)
++  size_t __old;
++  if ((size_t) (__fs->p - __fs->buf) > __fs->point_offs)
++    __argp_fmtstream_update (__fs);
++  __old = __fs->lmargin;
++  __fs->lmargin = __lmargin;
++  return __old;
++/* Set __FS's right margin to __RMARGIN and return the old value.  */
++ARGP_FS_EI size_t
++__argp_fmtstream_set_rmargin (argp_fmtstream_t __fs, size_t __rmargin)
++  size_t __old;
++  if ((size_t) (__fs->p - __fs->buf) > __fs->point_offs)
++    __argp_fmtstream_update (__fs);
++  __old = __fs->rmargin;
++  __fs->rmargin = __rmargin;
++  return __old;
++/* Set FS's wrap margin to __WMARGIN and return the old value.  */
++ARGP_FS_EI size_t
++__argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin (argp_fmtstream_t __fs, size_t __wmargin)
++  size_t __old;
++  if ((size_t) (__fs->p - __fs->buf) > __fs->point_offs)
++    __argp_fmtstream_update (__fs);
++  __old = __fs->wmargin;
++  __fs->wmargin = __wmargin;
++  return __old;
++/* Return the column number of the current output point in __FS.  */
++ARGP_FS_EI size_t
++__argp_fmtstream_point (argp_fmtstream_t __fs)
++  if ((size_t) (__fs->p - __fs->buf) > __fs->point_offs)
++    __argp_fmtstream_update (__fs);
++  return __fs->point_col >= 0 ? __fs->point_col : 0;
++#if !_LIBC
++#undef __argp_fmtstream_putc
++#undef __argp_fmtstream_puts
++#undef __argp_fmtstream_write
++#undef __argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin
++#undef __argp_fmtstream_set_rmargin
++#undef __argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin
++#undef __argp_fmtstream_point
++#undef __argp_fmtstream_update
++#undef __argp_fmtstream_ensure
++#endif /* __OPTIMIZE__ */
++#endif /* argp-fmtstream.h */
+diff --git a/libuargp/argp-fs-xinl.c b/libuargp/argp-fs-xinl.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..473cbbd
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libuargp/argp-fs-xinl.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
++/* Real definitions for extern inline functions in argp-fmtstream.h
++   Copyright (C) 1997, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   Written by Miles Bader <miles at gnu.ai.mit.edu>.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
++# include <config.h>
++#define ARGP_FS_EI
++#undef __OPTIMIZE__
++#define __OPTIMIZE__ 1
++#include "argp-fmtstream.h"
++#if 0
++/* Not exported.  */
++/* Add weak aliases.  */
++#if _LIBC - 0 && !defined (ARGP_FMTSTREAM_USE_LINEWRAP) && defined (weak_alias)
++weak_alias (__argp_fmtstream_putc, argp_fmtstream_putc)
++weak_alias (__argp_fmtstream_puts, argp_fmtstream_puts)
++weak_alias (__argp_fmtstream_write, argp_fmtstream_write)
++weak_alias (__argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin, argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin)
++weak_alias (__argp_fmtstream_set_rmargin, argp_fmtstream_set_rmargin)
++weak_alias (__argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin, argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin)
++weak_alias (__argp_fmtstream_point, argp_fmtstream_point)
+diff --git a/libuargp/argp-help.c b/libuargp/argp-help.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..58a5e6e
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libuargp/argp-help.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,1882 @@
++/* Hierarchial argument parsing help output
++   Copyright (C) 1995-2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
++   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   Written by Miles Bader <miles at gnu.ai.mit.edu>.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.
++   Modified for uClibc by: Salvatore Cro <salvatore.cro at st.com>
++#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
++# define _GNU_SOURCE   1
++#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
++#include <config.h>
++/* AIX requires this to be the first thing in the file.  */
++#ifndef __GNUC__
++# if HAVE_ALLOCA_H || defined _LIBC
++#  include <alloca.h>
++# else
++#  ifdef _AIX
++#pragma alloca
++#  else
++#   ifndef alloca /* predefined by HP cc +Olibcalls */
++char *alloca ();
++#   endif
++#  endif
++# endif
++#include <stddef.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <assert.h>
++#include <stdarg.h>
++#include <ctype.h>
++#include <limits.h>
++#ifdef _LIBC
++# include <wchar.h>
++#include <features.h>
++#ifndef _
++/* This is for other GNU distributions with internationalized messages.  */
++# if (defined HAVE_LIBINTL_H || defined _LIBC) && defined __UCLIBC_HAS_GETTEXT_AWARENESS__
++#  include <libintl.h>
++#  ifdef _LIBC
++#   undef dgettext
++#   define dgettext(domain, msgid) \
++  INTUSE(__dcgettext) (domain, msgid, LC_MESSAGES)
++#  endif
++# else
++#  define dgettext(domain, msgid) (msgid)
++# endif
++#ifndef _LIBC
++char *strerror_r (int errnum, char *buf, size_t buflen);
++#  endif
++# else
++char *strerror (int errnum);
++#  endif
++# endif
++#include <argp.h>
++#include "argp-fmtstream.h"
++#include <stdbool.h>
++#include <stdint.h>
++#ifndef SIZE_MAX
++# define SIZE_MAX ((size_t) -1)
++/* User-selectable (using an environment variable) formatting parameters.
++   These may be specified in an environment variable called `ARGP_HELP_FMT',
++   with a contents like:  VAR1=VAL1,VAR2=VAL2,BOOLVAR2,no-BOOLVAR2
++   Where VALn must be a positive integer.  The list of variables is in the
++   UPARAM_NAMES vector, below.  */
++/* Default parameters.  */
++#define DUP_ARGS      0                /* True if option argument can be duplicated. */
++#define DUP_ARGS_NOTE 1                /* True to print a note about duplicate args. */
++#define SHORT_OPT_COL 2                /* column in which short options start */
++#define LONG_OPT_COL  6                /* column in which long options start */
++#define DOC_OPT_COL   2                /* column in which doc options start */
++#define OPT_DOC_COL  29                /* column in which option text starts */
++#define HEADER_COL    1                /* column in which group headers are printed */
++#define USAGE_INDENT 12                /* indentation of wrapped usage lines */
++#define RMARGIN      79                /* right margin used for wrapping */
++/* User-selectable (using an environment variable) formatting parameters.
++   They must all be of type `int' for the parsing code to work.  */
++struct uparams
++  /* If true, arguments for an option are shown with both short and long
++     options, even when a given option has both, e.g. `-x ARG, --longx=ARG'.
++     If false, then if an option has both, the argument is only shown with
++     the long one, e.g., `-x, --longx=ARG', and a message indicating that
++     this really means both is printed below the options.  */
++  int dup_args;
++  /* This is true if when DUP_ARGS is false, and some duplicate arguments have
++     been suppressed, an explanatory message should be printed.  */
++  int dup_args_note;
++  /* Various output columns.  */
++  int short_opt_col;
++  int long_opt_col;
++  int doc_opt_col;
++  int opt_doc_col;
++  int header_col;
++  int usage_indent;
++  int rmargin;
++/* This is a global variable, as user options are only ever read once.  */
++static struct uparams uparams = {
++/* A particular uparam, and what the user name is.  */
++struct uparam_name
++  const char name[14];         /* User name.  */
++  bool is_bool;                        /* Whether it's `boolean'.  */
++  uint8_t uparams_offs;                /* Location of the (int) field in UPARAMS.  */
++/* The name-field mappings we know about.  */
++static const struct uparam_name uparam_names[] =
++  { "dup-args",       true, offsetof (struct uparams, dup_args) },
++  { "dup-args-note",  true, offsetof (struct uparams, dup_args_note) },
++  { "short-opt-col",  false, offsetof (struct uparams, short_opt_col) },
++  { "long-opt-col",   false, offsetof (struct uparams, long_opt_col) },
++  { "doc-opt-col",    false, offsetof (struct uparams, doc_opt_col) },
++  { "opt-doc-col",    false, offsetof (struct uparams, opt_doc_col) },
++  { "header-col",     false, offsetof (struct uparams, header_col) },
++  { "usage-indent",   false, offsetof (struct uparams, usage_indent) },
++  { "rmargin",        false, offsetof (struct uparams, rmargin) }
++#define nuparam_names (sizeof (uparam_names) / sizeof (uparam_names[0]))
++/* Read user options from the environment, and fill in UPARAMS appropiately.  */
++static void
++fill_in_uparams (const struct argp_state *state)
++  const char *var = getenv ("ARGP_HELP_FMT");
++#define SKIPWS(p) do { while (isspace (*p)) p++; } while (0);
++  if (var)
++    /* Parse var. */
++    while (*var)
++      {
++       SKIPWS (var);
++       if (isalpha (*var))
++         {
++           size_t var_len;
++           const struct uparam_name *un;
++           int unspec = 0, val = 0;
++           const char *arg = var;
++           while (isalnum (*arg) || *arg == '-' || *arg == '_')
++             arg++;
++           var_len = arg - var;
++           SKIPWS (arg);
++           if (*arg == '\0' || *arg == ',')
++             unspec = 1;
++           else if (*arg == '=')
++             {
++               arg++;
++               SKIPWS (arg);
++             }
++           if (unspec)
++             {
++               if (var[0] == 'n' && var[1] == 'o' && var[2] == '-')
++                 {
++                   val = 0;
++                   var += 3;
++                   var_len -= 3;
++                 }
++               else
++                 val = 1;
++             }
++           else if (isdigit (*arg))
++             {
++               val = atoi (arg);
++               while (isdigit (*arg))
++                 arg++;
++               SKIPWS (arg);
++             }
++           un = uparam_names;
++           size_t u;
++           for (u = 0; u < nuparam_names; ++un, ++u)
++             if (strlen (un->name) == var_len
++                 && strncmp (var, un->name, var_len) == 0)
++               {
++                 if (unspec && !un->is_bool)
++                   argp_failure (state, 0, 0,
++                                   dgettext (state == NULL ? NULL
++                                             : state->root_argp->argp_domain,
++                                             "\
++%.*s: ARGP_HELP_FMT parameter requires a value"),
++                                   (int) var_len, var);
++                 else
++                   *(int *)((char *)&uparams + un->uparams_offs) = val;
++                 break;
++               }
++           if (u == nuparam_names)
++             argp_failure (state, 0, 0,
++                             dgettext (state == NULL ? NULL
++                                       : state->root_argp->argp_domain, "\
++%.*s: Unknown ARGP_HELP_FMT parameter"),
++                             (int) var_len, var);
++           var = arg;
++           if (*var == ',')
++             var++;
++         }
++       else if (*var)
++         {
++           argp_failure (state, 0, 0,
++                           dgettext (state == NULL ? NULL
++                                     : state->root_argp->argp_domain,
++                                     "Garbage in ARGP_HELP_FMT: %s"), var);
++           break;
++         }
++      }
++/* Returns true if OPT hasn't been marked invisible.  Visibility only affects
++   whether OPT is displayed or used in sorting, not option shadowing.  */
++#define ovisible(opt) (! ((opt)->flags & OPTION_HIDDEN))
++/* Returns true if OPT is an alias for an earlier option.  */
++#define oalias(opt) ((opt)->flags & OPTION_ALIAS)
++/* Returns true if OPT is an documentation-only entry.  */
++#define odoc(opt) ((opt)->flags & OPTION_DOC)
++/* Returns true if OPT is the end-of-list marker for a list of options.  */
++#define oend(opt) __option_is_end (opt)
++/* Returns true if OPT has a short option.  */
++#define oshort(opt) __option_is_short (opt)
++   The help format for a particular option is like:
++     -xARG, -yARG, --long1=ARG, --long2=ARG        Documentation...
++   Where ARG will be omitted if there's no argument, for this option, or
++   will be surrounded by "[" and "]" appropiately if the argument is
++   optional.  The documentation string is word-wrapped appropiately, and if
++   the list of options is long enough, it will be started on a separate line.
++   If there are no short options for a given option, the first long option is
++   indented slighly in a way that's supposed to make most long options appear
++   to be in a separate column.
++   For example, the following output (from ps):
++     -p PID, --pid=PID          List the process PID
++        --pgrp=PGRP            List processes in the process group PGRP
++     -P, -x, --no-parent        Include processes without parents
++     -Q, --all-fields           Don't elide unusable fields (normally if there's
++                               some reason ps can't print a field for any
++                               process, it's removed from the output entirely)
++     -r, --reverse, --gratuitously-long-reverse-option
++                               Reverse the order of any sort
++        --session[=SID]        Add the processes from the session SID (which
++                               defaults to the sid of the current process)
++    Here are some more options:
++     -f ZOT, --foonly=ZOT       Glork a foonly
++     -z, --zaza                 Snit a zar
++     -?, --help                 Give this help list
++        --usage                Give a short usage message
++     -V, --version              Print program version
++   The struct argp_option array for the above could look like:
++   {
++     {"pid",       'p',      "PID",  0, "List the process PID"},
++     {"pgrp",      OPT_PGRP, "PGRP", 0, "List processes in the process group PGRP"},
++     {"no-parent", 'P',              0,     0, "Include processes without parents"},
++     {0,           'x',       0,     OPTION_ALIAS},
++     {"all-fields",'Q',       0,     0, "Don't elide unusable fields (normally"
++                                        " if there's some reason ps can't"
++                                       " print a field for any process, it's"
++                                        " removed from the output entirely)" },
++     {"reverse",   'r',       0,     0, "Reverse the order of any sort"},
++     {"gratuitously-long-reverse-option", 0, 0, OPTION_ALIAS},
++     {"session",   OPT_SESS,  "SID", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL,
++                                        "Add the processes from the session"
++                                       " SID (which defaults to the sid of"
++                                       " the current process)" },
++     {0,0,0,0, "Here are some more options:"},
++     {"foonly", 'f', "ZOT", 0, "Glork a foonly"},
++     {"zaza", 'z', 0, 0, "Snit a zar"},
++     {0}
++   }
++   Note that the last three options are automatically supplied by argp_parse,
++   unless you tell it not to with ARGP_NO_HELP.
++/* Returns true if CH occurs between BEG and END.  */
++static int
++find_char (char ch, char *beg, char *end)
++  while (beg < end)
++    if (*beg == ch)
++      return 1;
++    else
++      beg++;
++  return 0;
++struct hol_cluster;            /* fwd decl */
++struct hol_entry
++  /* First option.  */
++  const struct argp_option *opt;
++  /* Number of options (including aliases).  */
++  unsigned num;
++  /* A pointers into the HOL's short_options field, to the first short option
++     letter for this entry.  The order of the characters following this point
++     corresponds to the order of options pointed to by OPT, and there are at
++     most NUM.  A short option recorded in a option following OPT is only
++     valid if it occurs in the right place in SHORT_OPTIONS (otherwise it's
++     probably been shadowed by some other entry).  */
++  char *short_options;
++  /* Entries are sorted by their group first, in the order:
++       1, 2, ..., n, 0, -m, ..., -2, -1
++     and then alphabetically within each group.  The default is 0.  */
++  int group;
++  /* The cluster of options this entry belongs to, or 0 if none.  */
++  struct hol_cluster *cluster;
++  /* The argp from which this option came.  */
++  const struct argp *argp;
++/* A cluster of entries to reflect the argp tree structure.  */
++struct hol_cluster
++  /* A descriptive header printed before options in this cluster.  */
++  const char *header;
++  /* Used to order clusters within the same group with the same parent,
++     according to the order in which they occurred in the parent argp's child
++     list.  */
++  int index;
++  /* How to sort this cluster with respect to options and other clusters at the
++     same depth (clusters always follow options in the same group).  */
++  int group;
++  /* The cluster to which this cluster belongs, or 0 if it's at the base
++     level.  */
++  struct hol_cluster *parent;
++  /* The argp from which this cluster is (eventually) derived.  */
++  const struct argp *argp;
++  /* The distance this cluster is from the root.  */
++  int depth;
++  /* Clusters in a given hol are kept in a linked list, to make freeing them
++     possible.  */
++  struct hol_cluster *next;
++/* A list of options for help.  */
++struct hol
++  /* An array of hol_entry's.  */
++  struct hol_entry *entries;
++  /* The number of entries in this hol.  If this field is zero, the others
++     are undefined.  */
++  unsigned num_entries;
++  /* A string containing all short options in this HOL.  Each entry contains
++     pointers into this string, so the order can't be messed with blindly.  */
++  char *short_options;
++  /* Clusters of entries in this hol.  */
++  struct hol_cluster *clusters;
++/* Create a struct hol from the options in ARGP.  CLUSTER is the
++   hol_cluster in which these entries occur, or 0, if at the root.  */
++static struct hol *
++make_hol (const struct argp *argp, struct hol_cluster *cluster)
++  char *so;
++  const struct argp_option *o;
++  const struct argp_option *opts = argp->options;
++  struct hol_entry *entry;
++  unsigned num_short_options = 0;
++  struct hol *hol = malloc (sizeof (struct hol));
++  assert (hol);
++  hol->num_entries = 0;
++  hol->clusters = 0;
++  if (opts)
++    {
++      int cur_group = 0;
++      /* The first option must not be an alias.  */
++      assert (! oalias (opts));
++      /* Calculate the space needed.  */
++      for (o = opts; ! oend (o); o++)
++       {
++         if (! oalias (o))
++           hol->num_entries++;
++         if (oshort (o))
++           num_short_options++;        /* This is an upper bound.  */
++       }
++      hol->entries = malloc (sizeof (struct hol_entry) * hol->num_entries);
++      hol->short_options = malloc (num_short_options + 1);
++      assert (hol->entries && hol->short_options);
++      assert (hol->num_entries <= SIZE_MAX / sizeof (struct hol_entry));
++      /* Fill in the entries.  */
++      so = hol->short_options;
++      for (o = opts, entry = hol->entries; ! oend (o); entry++)
++       {
++         entry->opt = o;
++         entry->num = 0;
++         entry->short_options = so;
++         entry->group = cur_group =
++           o->group
++           ? o->group
++           : ((!o->name && !o->key)
++              ? cur_group + 1
++              : cur_group);
++         entry->cluster = cluster;
++         entry->argp = argp;
++         do
++           {
++             entry->num++;
++             if (oshort (o) && ! find_char (o->key, hol->short_options, so))
++               /* O has a valid short option which hasn't already been used.*/
++               *so++ = o->key;
++             o++;
++           }
++         while (! oend (o) && oalias (o));
++       }
++      *so = '\0';              /* null terminated so we can find the length */
++    }
++  return hol;
++/* Add a new cluster to HOL, with the given GROUP and HEADER (taken from the
++   associated argp child list entry), INDEX, and PARENT, and return a pointer
++   to it.  ARGP is the argp that this cluster results from.  */
++static struct hol_cluster *
++hol_add_cluster (struct hol *hol, int group, const char *header, int index,
++                struct hol_cluster *parent, const struct argp *argp)
++  struct hol_cluster *cl = malloc (sizeof (struct hol_cluster));
++  if (cl)
++    {
++      cl->group = group;
++      cl->header = header;
++      cl->index = index;
++      cl->parent = parent;
++      cl->argp = argp;
++      cl->depth = parent ? parent->depth + 1 : 0;
++      cl->next = hol->clusters;
++      hol->clusters = cl;
++    }
++  return cl;
++/* Free HOL and any resources it uses.  */
++static void
++hol_free (struct hol *hol)
++  struct hol_cluster *cl = hol->clusters;
++  while (cl)
++    {
++      struct hol_cluster *next = cl->next;
++      free (cl);
++      cl = next;
++    }
++  if (hol->num_entries > 0)
++    {
++      free (hol->entries);
++      free (hol->short_options);
++    }
++  free (hol);
++static int
++hol_entry_short_iterate (const struct hol_entry *entry,
++                        int (*func)(const struct argp_option *opt,
++                                    const struct argp_option *real,
++                                    const char *domain, void *cookie),
++                        const char *domain, void *cookie)
++  unsigned nopts;
++  int val = 0;
++  const struct argp_option *opt, *real = entry->opt;
++  char *so = entry->short_options;
++  for (opt = real, nopts = entry->num; nopts > 0 && !val; opt++, nopts--)
++    if (oshort (opt) && *so == opt->key)
++      {
++       if (!oalias (opt))
++         real = opt;
++       if (ovisible (opt))
++         val = (*func)(opt, real, domain, cookie);
++       so++;
++      }
++  return val;
++static __inline__ int
++__attribute__ ((always_inline))
++hol_entry_long_iterate (const struct hol_entry *entry,
++                       int (*func)(const struct argp_option *opt,
++                                   const struct argp_option *real,
++                                   const char *domain, void *cookie),
++                       const char *domain, void *cookie)
++  unsigned nopts;
++  int val = 0;
++  const struct argp_option *opt, *real = entry->opt;
++  for (opt = real, nopts = entry->num; nopts > 0 && !val; opt++, nopts--)
++    if (opt->name)
++      {
++       if (!oalias (opt))
++         real = opt;
++       if (ovisible (opt))
++         val = (*func)(opt, real, domain, cookie);
++      }
++  return val;
++/* Iterator that returns true for the first short option.  */
++static __inline__ int
++until_short (const struct argp_option *opt, const struct argp_option *real,
++            const char *domain, void *cookie)
++  return oshort (opt) ? opt->key : 0;
++/* Returns the first valid short option in ENTRY, or 0 if there is none.  */
++static char
++hol_entry_first_short (const struct hol_entry *entry)
++  return hol_entry_short_iterate (entry, until_short,
++                                 entry->argp->argp_domain, 0);
++/* Returns the first valid long option in ENTRY, or 0 if there is none.  */
++static const char *
++hol_entry_first_long (const struct hol_entry *entry)
++  const struct argp_option *opt;
++  unsigned num;
++  for (opt = entry->opt, num = entry->num; num > 0; opt++, num--)
++    if (opt->name && ovisible (opt))
++      return opt->name;
++  return 0;
++/* Returns the entry in HOL with the long option name NAME, or 0 if there is
++   none.  */
++static struct hol_entry *
++hol_find_entry (struct hol *hol, const char *name)
++  struct hol_entry *entry = hol->entries;
++  unsigned num_entries = hol->num_entries;
++  while (num_entries-- > 0)
++    {
++      const struct argp_option *opt = entry->opt;
++      unsigned num_opts = entry->num;
++      while (num_opts-- > 0)
++       if (opt->name && ovisible (opt) && strcmp (opt->name, name) == 0)
++         return entry;
++       else
++         opt++;
++      entry++;
++    }
++  return 0;
++/* If an entry with the long option NAME occurs in HOL, set it's special
++   sort position to GROUP.  */
++static void
++hol_set_group (struct hol *hol, const char *name, int group)
++  struct hol_entry *entry = hol_find_entry (hol, name);
++  if (entry)
++    entry->group = group;
++/* Order by group:  0, 1, 2, ..., n, -m, ..., -2, -1.
++   EQ is what to return if GROUP1 and GROUP2 are the same.  */
++static int
++group_cmp (int group1, int group2, int eq)
++  if (group1 == group2)
++    return eq;
++  else if ((group1 < 0 && group2 < 0) || (group1 >= 0 && group2 >= 0))
++    return group1 - group2;
++  else
++    return group2 - group1;
++/* Compare clusters CL1 & CL2 by the order that they should appear in
++   output.  */
++static int
++hol_cluster_cmp (const struct hol_cluster *cl1, const struct hol_cluster *cl2)
++  /* If one cluster is deeper than the other, use its ancestor at the same
++     level, so that finding the common ancestor is straightforward.  */
++  while (cl1->depth > cl2->depth)
++    cl1 = cl1->parent;
++  while (cl2->depth > cl1->depth)
++    cl2 = cl2->parent;
++  /* Now reduce both clusters to their ancestors at the point where both have
++     a common parent; these can be directly compared.  */
++  while (cl1->parent != cl2->parent)
++    cl1 = cl1->parent, cl2 = cl2->parent;
++  return group_cmp (cl1->group, cl2->group, cl2->index - cl1->index);
++/* Return the ancestor of CL that's just below the root (i.e., has a parent
++   of 0).  */
++static struct hol_cluster *
++hol_cluster_base (struct hol_cluster *cl)
++  while (cl->parent)
++    cl = cl->parent;
++  return cl;
++/* Return true if CL1 is a child of CL2.  */
++static int
++hol_cluster_is_child (const struct hol_cluster *cl1,
++                     const struct hol_cluster *cl2)
++  while (cl1 && cl1 != cl2)
++    cl1 = cl1->parent;
++  return cl1 == cl2;
++/* Given the name of a OPTION_DOC option, modifies NAME to start at the tail
++   that should be used for comparisons, and returns true iff it should be
++   treated as a non-option.  */
++static int
++canon_doc_option (const char **name)
++  int non_opt;
++  /* Skip initial whitespace.  */
++  while (isspace (**name))
++    (*name)++;
++  /* Decide whether this looks like an option (leading `-') or not.  */
++  non_opt = (**name != '-');
++  /* Skip until part of name used for sorting.  */
++  while (**name && !isalnum (**name))
++    (*name)++;
++  return non_opt;
++/* Order ENTRY1 & ENTRY2 by the order which they should appear in a help
++   listing.  */
++static int
++hol_entry_cmp (const struct hol_entry *entry1,
++              const struct hol_entry *entry2)
++  /* The group numbers by which the entries should be ordered; if either is
++     in a cluster, then this is just the group within the cluster.  */
++  int group1 = entry1->group, group2 = entry2->group;
++  if (entry1->cluster != entry2->cluster)
++    {
++      /* The entries are not within the same cluster, so we can't compare them
++        directly, we have to use the appropiate clustering level too.  */
++      if (! entry1->cluster)
++       /* ENTRY1 is at the `base level', not in a cluster, so we have to
++          compare it's group number with that of the base cluster in which
++          ENTRY2 resides.  Note that if they're in the same group, the
++          clustered option always comes laster.  */
++       return group_cmp (group1, hol_cluster_base (entry2->cluster)->group, -1);
++      else if (! entry2->cluster)
++       /* Likewise, but ENTRY2's not in a cluster.  */
++       return group_cmp (hol_cluster_base (entry1->cluster)->group, group2, 1);
++      else
++       /* Both entries are in clusters, we can just compare the clusters.  */
++       return hol_cluster_cmp (entry1->cluster, entry2->cluster);
++    }
++  else if (group1 == group2)
++    /* The entries are both in the same cluster and group, so compare them
++       alphabetically.  */
++    {
++      int short1 = hol_entry_first_short (entry1);
++      int short2 = hol_entry_first_short (entry2);
++      int doc1 = odoc (entry1->opt);
++      int doc2 = odoc (entry2->opt);
++      const char *long1 = hol_entry_first_long (entry1);
++      const char *long2 = hol_entry_first_long (entry2);
++      if (doc1)
++       doc1 = long1 != NULL && canon_doc_option (&long1);
++      if (doc2)
++       doc2 = long2 != NULL && canon_doc_option (&long2);
++      if (doc1 != doc2)
++       /* `documentation' options always follow normal options (or
++          documentation options that *look* like normal options).  */
++       return doc1 - doc2;
++      else if (!short1 && !short2 && long1 && long2)
++       /* Only long options.  */
++       return strcasecmp (long1, long2);
++      else
++       /* Compare short/short, long/short, short/long, using the first
++          character of long options.  Entries without *any* valid
++          options (such as options with OPTION_HIDDEN set) will be put
++          first, but as they're not displayed, it doesn't matter where
++          they are.  */
++       {
++         char first1 = short1 ? short1 : long1 ? *long1 : 0;
++         char first2 = short2 ? short2 : long2 ? *long2 : 0;
++#ifdef _tolower
++         int lower_cmp = _tolower (first1) - _tolower (first2);
++         int lower_cmp = tolower (first1) - tolower (first2);
++         /* Compare ignoring case, except when the options are both the
++            same letter, in which case lower-case always comes first.  */
++         return lower_cmp ? lower_cmp : first2 - first1;
++       }
++    }
++  else
++    /* Within the same cluster, but not the same group, so just compare
++       groups.  */
++    return group_cmp (group1, group2, 0);
++/* Version of hol_entry_cmp with correct signature for qsort.  */
++static int
++hol_entry_qcmp (const void *entry1_v, const void *entry2_v)
++  return hol_entry_cmp (entry1_v, entry2_v);
++/* Sort HOL by group and alphabetically by option name (with short options
++   taking precedence over long).  Since the sorting is for display purposes
++   only, the shadowing of options isn't effected.  */
++static void
++hol_sort (struct hol *hol)
++  if (hol->num_entries > 0)
++    qsort (hol->entries, hol->num_entries, sizeof (struct hol_entry),
++          hol_entry_qcmp);
++/* Append MORE to HOL, destroying MORE in the process.  Options in HOL shadow
++   any in MORE with the same name.  */
++static void
++hol_append (struct hol *hol, struct hol *more)
++  struct hol_cluster **cl_end = &hol->clusters;
++  /* Steal MORE's cluster list, and add it to the end of HOL's.  */
++  while (*cl_end)
++    cl_end = &(*cl_end)->next;
++  *cl_end = more->clusters;
++  more->clusters = 0;
++  /* Merge entries.  */
++  if (more->num_entries > 0)
++    {
++      if (hol->num_entries == 0)
++       {
++         hol->num_entries = more->num_entries;
++         hol->entries = more->entries;
++         hol->short_options = more->short_options;
++         more->num_entries = 0;        /* Mark MORE's fields as invalid.  */
++       }
++      else
++       /* Append the entries in MORE to those in HOL, taking care to only add
++          non-shadowed SHORT_OPTIONS values.  */
++       {
++         unsigned left;
++         char *so, *more_so;
++         struct hol_entry *e;
++         unsigned num_entries = hol->num_entries + more->num_entries;
++         struct hol_entry *entries =
++           malloc (num_entries * sizeof (struct hol_entry));
++         unsigned hol_so_len = strlen (hol->short_options);
++         char *short_options =
++           malloc (hol_so_len + strlen (more->short_options) + 1);
++         assert (entries && short_options);
++         assert (num_entries <= SIZE_MAX / sizeof (struct hol_entry));
++         mempcpy (mempcpy (entries, hol->entries,
++                               hol->num_entries * sizeof (struct hol_entry)),
++                    more->entries,
++                    more->num_entries * sizeof (struct hol_entry));
++         mempcpy (short_options, hol->short_options, hol_so_len);
++         /* Fix up the short options pointers from HOL.  */
++         for (e = entries, left = hol->num_entries; left > 0; e++, left--)
++           e->short_options += (short_options - hol->short_options);
++         /* Now add the short options from MORE, fixing up its entries
++            too.  */
++         so = short_options + hol_so_len;
++         more_so = more->short_options;
++         for (left = more->num_entries; left > 0; e++, left--)
++           {
++             int opts_left;
++             const struct argp_option *opt;
++             e->short_options = so;
++             for (opts_left = e->num, opt = e->opt; opts_left; opt++, opts_left--)
++               {
++                 int ch = *more_so;
++                 if (oshort (opt) && ch == opt->key)
++                   /* The next short option in MORE_SO, CH, is from OPT.  */
++                   {
++                     if (! find_char (ch, short_options,
++                                      short_options + hol_so_len))
++                       /* The short option CH isn't shadowed by HOL's options,
++                          so add it to the sum.  */
++                       *so++ = ch;
++                     more_so++;
++                   }
++               }
++           }
++         *so = '\0';
++         free (hol->entries);
++         free (hol->short_options);
++         hol->entries = entries;
++         hol->num_entries = num_entries;
++         hol->short_options = short_options;
++       }
++    }
++  hol_free (more);
++/* Inserts enough spaces to make sure STREAM is at column COL.  */
++static void
++indent_to (argp_fmtstream_t stream, unsigned col)
++  int needed = col - __argp_fmtstream_point (stream);
++  while (needed-- > 0)
++    __argp_fmtstream_putc (stream, ' ');
++/* Output to STREAM either a space, or a newline if there isn't room for at
++   least ENSURE characters before the right margin.  */
++static void
++space (argp_fmtstream_t stream, size_t ensure)
++  if (__argp_fmtstream_point (stream) + ensure
++      >= __argp_fmtstream_rmargin (stream))
++    __argp_fmtstream_putc (stream, '\n');
++  else
++    __argp_fmtstream_putc (stream, ' ');
++/* If the option REAL has an argument, we print it in using the printf
++   format REQ_FMT or OPT_FMT depending on whether it's a required or
++   optional argument.  */
++static void
++arg (const struct argp_option *real, const char *req_fmt, const char *opt_fmt,
++     const char *domain, argp_fmtstream_t stream)
++  if (real->arg)
++    {
++      if (real->flags & OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL)
++       __argp_fmtstream_printf (stream, opt_fmt,
++                                dgettext (domain, real->arg));
++      else
++       __argp_fmtstream_printf (stream, req_fmt,
++                                dgettext (domain, real->arg));
++    }
++/* Helper functions for hol_entry_help.  */
++/* State used during the execution of hol_help.  */
++struct hol_help_state
++  /* PREV_ENTRY should contain the previous entry printed, or 0.  */
++  struct hol_entry *prev_entry;
++  /* If an entry is in a different group from the previous one, and SEP_GROUPS
++     is true, then a blank line will be printed before any output. */
++  int sep_groups;
++  /* True if a duplicate option argument was suppressed (only ever set if
++     UPARAMS.dup_args is false).  */
++  int suppressed_dup_arg;
++/* Some state used while printing a help entry (used to communicate with
++   helper functions).  See the doc for hol_entry_help for more info, as most
++   of the fields are copied from its arguments.  */
++struct pentry_state
++  const struct hol_entry *entry;
++  argp_fmtstream_t stream;
++  struct hol_help_state *hhstate;
++  /* True if nothing's been printed so far.  */
++  int first;
++  /* If non-zero, the state that was used to print this help.  */
++  const struct argp_state *state;
++/* If a user doc filter should be applied to DOC, do so.  */
++static const char *
++filter_doc (const char *doc, int key, const struct argp *argp,
++           const struct argp_state *state)
++  if (argp && argp->help_filter)
++    /* We must apply a user filter to this output.  */
++    {
++      void *input = __argp_input (argp, state);
++      return (*argp->help_filter) (key, doc, input);
++    }
++  else
++    /* No filter.  */
++    return doc;
++/* Prints STR as a header line, with the margin lines set appropiately, and
++   notes the fact that groups should be separated with a blank line.  ARGP is
++   the argp that should dictate any user doc filtering to take place.  Note
++   that the previous wrap margin isn't restored, but the left margin is reset
++   to 0.  */
++static void
++print_header (const char *str, const struct argp *argp,
++             struct pentry_state *pest)
++  const char *tstr = dgettext (argp->argp_domain, str);
++  const char *fstr = filter_doc (tstr, ARGP_KEY_HELP_HEADER, argp, pest->state);
++  if (fstr)
++    {
++      if (*fstr)
++       {
++         if (pest->hhstate->prev_entry)
++           /* Precede with a blank line.  */
++           __argp_fmtstream_putc (pest->stream, '\n');
++         indent_to (pest->stream, uparams.header_col);
++         __argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin (pest->stream, uparams.header_col);
++         __argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin (pest->stream, uparams.header_col);
++         __argp_fmtstream_puts (pest->stream, fstr);
++         __argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin (pest->stream, 0);
++         __argp_fmtstream_putc (pest->stream, '\n');
++       }
++      pest->hhstate->sep_groups = 1; /* Separate subsequent groups. */
++    }
++  if (fstr != tstr)
++    free ((char *) fstr);
++/* Inserts a comma if this isn't the first item on the line, and then makes
++   sure we're at least to column COL.  If this *is* the first item on a line,
++   prints any pending whitespace/headers that should precede this line. Also
++   clears FIRST.  */
++static void
++comma (unsigned col, struct pentry_state *pest)
++  if (pest->first)
++    {
++      const struct hol_entry *pe = pest->hhstate->prev_entry;
++      const struct hol_cluster *cl = pest->entry->cluster;
++      if (pest->hhstate->sep_groups && pe && pest->entry->group != pe->group)
++       __argp_fmtstream_putc (pest->stream, '\n');
++      if (cl && cl->header && *cl->header
++         && (!pe
++             || (pe->cluster != cl
++                 && !hol_cluster_is_child (pe->cluster, cl))))
++       /* If we're changing clusters, then this must be the start of the
++          ENTRY's cluster unless that is an ancestor of the previous one
++          (in which case we had just popped into a sub-cluster for a bit).
++          If so, then print the cluster's header line.  */
++       {
++         int old_wm = __argp_fmtstream_wmargin (pest->stream);
++         print_header (cl->header, cl->argp, pest);
++         __argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin (pest->stream, old_wm);
++       }
++      pest->first = 0;
++    }
++  else
++    __argp_fmtstream_puts (pest->stream, ", ");
++  indent_to (pest->stream, col);
++/* Print help for ENTRY to STREAM.  */
++static void
++hol_entry_help (struct hol_entry *entry, const struct argp_state *state,
++               argp_fmtstream_t stream, struct hol_help_state *hhstate)
++  unsigned num;
++  const struct argp_option *real = entry->opt, *opt;
++  char *so = entry->short_options;
++  int have_long_opt = 0;       /* We have any long options.  */
++  /* Saved margins.  */
++  int old_lm = __argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin (stream, 0);
++  int old_wm = __argp_fmtstream_wmargin (stream);
++  /* PEST is a state block holding some of our variables that we'd like to
++     share with helper functions.  */
++  struct pentry_state pest = { entry, stream, hhstate, 1, state };
++  if (! odoc (real))
++    for (opt = real, num = entry->num; num > 0; opt++, num--)
++      if (opt->name && ovisible (opt))
++       {
++         have_long_opt = 1;
++         break;
++       }
++  /* First emit short options.  */
++  __argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin (stream, uparams.short_opt_col); /* For truly bizarre cases. */
++  for (opt = real, num = entry->num; num > 0; opt++, num--)
++    if (oshort (opt) && opt->key == *so)
++      /* OPT has a valid (non shadowed) short option.  */
++      {
++       if (ovisible (opt))
++         {
++           comma (uparams.short_opt_col, &pest);
++           __argp_fmtstream_putc (stream, '-');
++           __argp_fmtstream_putc (stream, *so);
++           if (!have_long_opt || uparams.dup_args)
++             arg (real, " %s", "[%s]",
++                  state == NULL ? NULL : state->root_argp->argp_domain,
++                  stream);
++           else if (real->arg)
++             hhstate->suppressed_dup_arg = 1;
++         }
++       so++;
++      }
++  /* Now, long options.  */
++  if (odoc (real))
++    /* A `documentation' option.  */
++    {
++      __argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin (stream, uparams.doc_opt_col);
++      for (opt = real, num = entry->num; num > 0; opt++, num--)
++       if (opt->name && ovisible (opt))
++         {
++           comma (uparams.doc_opt_col, &pest);
++           /* Calling gettext here isn't quite right, since sorting will
++              have been done on the original; but documentation options
++              should be pretty rare anyway...  */
++           __argp_fmtstream_puts (stream,
++                                  dgettext (state == NULL ? NULL
++                                            : state->root_argp->argp_domain,
++                                            opt->name));
++         }
++    }
++  else
++    /* A real long option.  */
++    {
++      __argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin (stream, uparams.long_opt_col);
++      for (opt = real, num = entry->num; num > 0; opt++, num--)
++       if (opt->name && ovisible (opt))
++         {
++           comma (uparams.long_opt_col, &pest);
++           __argp_fmtstream_printf (stream, "--%s", opt->name);
++           arg (real, "=%s", "[=%s]",
++                state == NULL ? NULL : state->root_argp->argp_domain, stream);
++         }
++    }
++  /* Next, documentation strings.  */
++  __argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin (stream, 0);
++  if (pest.first)
++    {
++      /* Didn't print any switches, what's up?  */
++      if (!oshort (real) && !real->name)
++       /* This is a group header, print it nicely.  */
++       print_header (real->doc, entry->argp, &pest);
++      else
++       /* Just a totally shadowed option or null header; print nothing.  */
++       goto cleanup;           /* Just return, after cleaning up.  */
++    }
++  else
++    {
++      const char *tstr = real->doc ? dgettext (state == NULL ? NULL
++                                              : state->root_argp->argp_domain,
++                                              real->doc) : 0;
++      const char *fstr = filter_doc (tstr, real->key, entry->argp, state);
++      if (fstr && *fstr)
++       {
++         unsigned int col = __argp_fmtstream_point (stream);
++         __argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin (stream, uparams.opt_doc_col);
++         __argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin (stream, uparams.opt_doc_col);
++         if (col > (unsigned int) (uparams.opt_doc_col + 3))
++           __argp_fmtstream_putc (stream, '\n');
++         else if (col >= (unsigned int) uparams.opt_doc_col)
++           __argp_fmtstream_puts (stream, "   ");
++         else
++           indent_to (stream, uparams.opt_doc_col);
++         __argp_fmtstream_puts (stream, fstr);
++       }
++      if (fstr && fstr != tstr)
++       free ((char *) fstr);
++      /* Reset the left margin.  */
++      __argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin (stream, 0);
++      __argp_fmtstream_putc (stream, '\n');
++    }
++  hhstate->prev_entry = entry;
++  __argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin (stream, old_lm);
++  __argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin (stream, old_wm);
++/* Output a long help message about the options in HOL to STREAM.  */
++static void
++hol_help (struct hol *hol, const struct argp_state *state,
++         argp_fmtstream_t stream)
++  unsigned num;
++  struct hol_entry *entry;
++  struct hol_help_state hhstate = { 0, 0, 0 };
++  for (entry = hol->entries, num = hol->num_entries; num > 0; entry++, num--)
++    hol_entry_help (entry, state, stream, &hhstate);
++  if (hhstate.suppressed_dup_arg && uparams.dup_args_note)
++    {
++      const char *tstr = dgettext (state == NULL ? NULL
++                                  : state->root_argp->argp_domain, "\
++Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or \
++optional for any corresponding short options.");
++      const char *fstr = filter_doc (tstr, ARGP_KEY_HELP_DUP_ARGS_NOTE,
++                                    state ? state->root_argp : 0, state);
++      if (fstr && *fstr)
++       {
++         __argp_fmtstream_putc (stream, '\n');
++         __argp_fmtstream_puts (stream, fstr);
++         __argp_fmtstream_putc (stream, '\n');
++       }
++      if (fstr && fstr != tstr)
++       free ((char *) fstr);
++    }
++/* Helper functions for hol_usage.  */
++/* If OPT is a short option without an arg, append its key to the string
++   pointer pointer to by COOKIE, and advance the pointer.  */
++static int
++add_argless_short_opt (const struct argp_option *opt,
++                      const struct argp_option *real,
++                      const char *domain, void *cookie)
++  char **snao_end = cookie;
++  if (!(opt->arg || real->arg)
++      && !((opt->flags | real->flags) & OPTION_NO_USAGE))
++    *(*snao_end)++ = opt->key;
++  return 0;
++/* If OPT is a short option with an arg, output a usage entry for it to the
++   stream pointed at by COOKIE.  */
++static int
++usage_argful_short_opt (const struct argp_option *opt,
++                       const struct argp_option *real,
++                       const char *domain, void *cookie)
++  argp_fmtstream_t stream = cookie;
++  const char *arg = opt->arg;
++  int flags = opt->flags | real->flags;
++  if (! arg)
++    arg = real->arg;
++  if (arg && !(flags & OPTION_NO_USAGE))
++    {
++      arg = dgettext (domain, arg);
++      if (flags & OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL)
++       __argp_fmtstream_printf (stream, " [-%c[%s]]", opt->key, arg);
++      else
++       {
++         /* Manually do line wrapping so that it (probably) won't
++            get wrapped at the embedded space.  */
++         space (stream, 6 + strlen (arg));
++         __argp_fmtstream_printf (stream, "[-%c %s]", opt->key, arg);
++       }
++    }
++  return 0;
++/* Output a usage entry for the long option opt to the stream pointed at by
++   COOKIE.  */
++static int
++usage_long_opt (const struct argp_option *opt,
++               const struct argp_option *real,
++               const char *domain, void *cookie)
++  argp_fmtstream_t stream = cookie;
++  const char *arg = opt->arg;
++  int flags = opt->flags | real->flags;
++  if (! arg)
++    arg = real->arg;
++  if (! (flags & OPTION_NO_USAGE))
++    {
++      if (arg)
++       {
++         arg = dgettext (domain, arg);
++         if (flags & OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL)
++           __argp_fmtstream_printf (stream, " [--%s[=%s]]", opt->name, arg);
++         else
++           __argp_fmtstream_printf (stream, " [--%s=%s]", opt->name, arg);
++       }
++      else
++       __argp_fmtstream_printf (stream, " [--%s]", opt->name);
++    }
++  return 0;
++/* Print a short usage description for the arguments in HOL to STREAM.  */
++static void
++hol_usage (struct hol *hol, argp_fmtstream_t stream)
++  if (hol->num_entries > 0)
++    {
++      unsigned nentries;
++      struct hol_entry *entry;
++      char *short_no_arg_opts = alloca (strlen (hol->short_options) + 1);
++      char *snao_end = short_no_arg_opts;
++      /* First we put a list of short options without arguments.  */
++      for (entry = hol->entries, nentries = hol->num_entries
++          ; nentries > 0
++          ; entry++, nentries--)
++       hol_entry_short_iterate (entry, add_argless_short_opt,
++                                entry->argp->argp_domain, &snao_end);
++      if (snao_end > short_no_arg_opts)
++       {
++         *snao_end++ = 0;
++         __argp_fmtstream_printf (stream, " [-%s]", short_no_arg_opts);
++       }
++      /* Now a list of short options *with* arguments.  */
++      for (entry = hol->entries, nentries = hol->num_entries
++          ; nentries > 0
++          ; entry++, nentries--)
++       hol_entry_short_iterate (entry, usage_argful_short_opt,
++                                entry->argp->argp_domain, stream);
++      /* Finally, a list of long options (whew!).  */
++      for (entry = hol->entries, nentries = hol->num_entries
++          ; nentries > 0
++          ; entry++, nentries--)
++       hol_entry_long_iterate (entry, usage_long_opt,
++                               entry->argp->argp_domain, stream);
++    }
++/* Make a HOL containing all levels of options in ARGP.  CLUSTER is the
++   cluster in which ARGP's entries should be clustered, or 0.  */
++static struct hol *
++argp_hol (const struct argp *argp, struct hol_cluster *cluster)
++  const struct argp_child *child = argp->children;
++  struct hol *hol = make_hol (argp, cluster);
++  if (child)
++    while (child->argp)
++      {
++       struct hol_cluster *child_cluster =
++         ((child->group || child->header)
++          /* Put CHILD->argp within its own cluster.  */
++          ? hol_add_cluster (hol, child->group, child->header,
++                             child - argp->children, cluster, argp)
++          /* Just merge it into the parent's cluster.  */
++          : cluster);
++       hol_append (hol, argp_hol (child->argp, child_cluster)) ;
++       child++;
++      }
++  return hol;
++/* Calculate how many different levels with alternative args strings exist in
++   ARGP.  */
++static size_t
++argp_args_levels (const struct argp *argp)
++  size_t levels = 0;
++  const struct argp_child *child = argp->children;
++  if (argp->args_doc && strchr (argp->args_doc, '\n'))
++    levels++;
++  if (child)
++    while (child->argp)
++      levels += argp_args_levels ((child++)->argp);
++  return levels;
++/* Print all the non-option args documented in ARGP to STREAM.  Any output is
++   preceded by a space.  LEVELS is a pointer to a byte vector the length
++   returned by argp_args_levels; it should be initialized to zero, and
++   updated by this routine for the next call if ADVANCE is true.  True is
++   returned as long as there are more patterns to output.  */
++static int
++argp_args_usage (const struct argp *argp, const struct argp_state *state,
++                char **levels, int advance, argp_fmtstream_t stream)
++  char *our_level = *levels;
++  int multiple = 0;
++  const struct argp_child *child = argp->children;
++  const char *tdoc = dgettext (argp->argp_domain, argp->args_doc), *nl = 0;
++  const char *fdoc = filter_doc (tdoc, ARGP_KEY_HELP_ARGS_DOC, argp, state);
++  if (fdoc)
++    {
++      const char *cp = fdoc;
++      nl = strchrnul (cp, '\n');
++      if (*nl != '\0')
++       /* This is a `multi-level' args doc; advance to the correct position
++          as determined by our state in LEVELS, and update LEVELS.  */
++       {
++         int i;
++         multiple = 1;
++         for (i = 0; i < *our_level; i++)
++           cp = nl + 1, nl = strchrnul (cp, '\n');
++         (*levels)++;
++       }
++      /* Manually do line wrapping so that it (probably) won't get wrapped at
++        any embedded spaces.  */
++      space (stream, 1 + nl - cp);
++      __argp_fmtstream_write (stream, cp, nl - cp);
++    }
++  if (fdoc && fdoc != tdoc)
++    free ((char *)fdoc);       /* Free user's modified doc string.  */
++  if (child)
++    while (child->argp)
++      advance = !argp_args_usage ((child++)->argp, state, levels, advance, stream);
++  if (advance && multiple)
++    {
++      /* Need to increment our level.  */
++      if (*nl)
++       /* There's more we can do here.  */
++       {
++         (*our_level)++;
++         advance = 0;          /* Our parent shouldn't advance also. */
++       }
++      else if (*our_level > 0)
++       /* We had multiple levels, but used them up; reset to zero.  */
++       *our_level = 0;
++    }
++  return !advance;
++/* Print the documentation for ARGP to STREAM; if POST is false, then
++   everything preceeding a `\v' character in the documentation strings (or
++   the whole string, for those with none) is printed, otherwise, everything
++   following the `\v' character (nothing for strings without).  Each separate
++   bit of documentation is separated a blank line, and if PRE_BLANK is true,
++   then the first is as well.  If FIRST_ONLY is true, only the first
++   occurrence is output.  Returns true if anything was output.  */
++static int
++argp_doc (const struct argp *argp, const struct argp_state *state,
++         int post, int pre_blank, int first_only,
++         argp_fmtstream_t stream)
++  const char *text;
++  const char *inp_text;
++  void *input = 0;
++  int anything = 0;
++  size_t inp_text_limit = 0;
++  const char *doc = dgettext (argp->argp_domain, argp->doc);
++  const struct argp_child *child = argp->children;
++  if (doc)
++    {
++      char *vt = strchr (doc, '\v');
++      inp_text = post ? (vt ? vt + 1 : 0) : doc;
++      inp_text_limit = (!post && vt) ? (vt - doc) : 0;
++    }
++  else
++    inp_text = 0;
++  if (argp->help_filter)
++    /* We have to filter the doc strings.  */
++    {
++      if (inp_text_limit)
++       /* Copy INP_TEXT so that it's nul-terminated.  */
++       inp_text = strndup (inp_text, inp_text_limit);
++      input = __argp_input (argp, state);
++      text =
++       (*argp->help_filter) (post
++                             ? ARGP_KEY_HELP_POST_DOC
++                             : ARGP_KEY_HELP_PRE_DOC,
++                             inp_text, input);
++    }
++  else
++    text = (const char *) inp_text;
++  if (text)
++    {
++      if (pre_blank)
++       __argp_fmtstream_putc (stream, '\n');
++      if (text == inp_text && inp_text_limit)
++       __argp_fmtstream_write (stream, inp_text, inp_text_limit);
++      else
++       __argp_fmtstream_puts (stream, text);
++      if (__argp_fmtstream_point (stream) > __argp_fmtstream_lmargin (stream))
++       __argp_fmtstream_putc (stream, '\n');
++      anything = 1;
++    }
++  if (text && text != inp_text)
++    free ((char *) text);      /* Free TEXT returned from the help filter.  */
++  if (inp_text && inp_text_limit && argp->help_filter)
++    free ((char *) inp_text);  /* We copied INP_TEXT, so free it now.  */
++  if (post && argp->help_filter)
++    /* Now see if we have to output a ARGP_KEY_HELP_EXTRA text.  */
++    {
++      text = (*argp->help_filter) (ARGP_KEY_HELP_EXTRA, 0, input);
++      if (text)
++       {
++         if (anything || pre_blank)
++           __argp_fmtstream_putc (stream, '\n');
++         __argp_fmtstream_puts (stream, text);
++         free ((char *) text);
++         if (__argp_fmtstream_point (stream)
++             > __argp_fmtstream_lmargin (stream))
++           __argp_fmtstream_putc (stream, '\n');
++         anything = 1;
++       }
++    }
++  if (child)
++    while (child->argp && !(first_only && anything))
++      anything |=
++       argp_doc ((child++)->argp, state,
++                 post, anything || pre_blank, first_only,
++                 stream);
++  return anything;
++/* Output a usage message for ARGP to STREAM.  If called from
++   argp_state_help, STATE is the relevent parsing state.  FLAGS are from the
++   set ARGP_HELP_*.  NAME is what to use wherever a `program name' is
++   needed. */
++static void
++_help (const struct argp *argp, const struct argp_state *state, FILE *stream,
++       unsigned flags, char *name)
++  int anything = 0;            /* Whether we've output anything.  */
++  struct hol *hol = 0;
++  argp_fmtstream_t fs;
++  if (! stream)
++    return;
++  flockfile (stream);
++  fill_in_uparams (state);
++  fs = __argp_make_fmtstream (stream, 0, uparams.rmargin, 0);
++  if (! fs)
++    {
++      funlockfile (stream);
++      return;
++    }
++    {
++      hol = argp_hol (argp, 0);
++      /* If present, these options always come last.  */
++      hol_set_group (hol, "help", -1);
++      hol_set_group (hol, "version", -1);
++      hol_sort (hol);
++    }
++    /* Print a short `Usage:' message.  */
++    {
++      int first_pattern = 1, more_patterns;
++      size_t num_pattern_levels = argp_args_levels (argp);
++      char *pattern_levels = alloca (num_pattern_levels);
++      memset (pattern_levels, 0, num_pattern_levels);
++      do
++       {
++         int old_lm;
++         int old_wm = __argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin (fs, uparams.usage_indent);
++         char *levels = pattern_levels;
++         if (first_pattern)
++           __argp_fmtstream_printf (fs, "%s %s",
++                                    dgettext (argp->argp_domain, "Usage:"),
++                                    name);
++         else
++           __argp_fmtstream_printf (fs, "%s %s",
++                                    dgettext (argp->argp_domain, "  or: "),
++                                    name);
++         /* We set the lmargin as well as the wmargin, because hol_usage
++            manually wraps options with newline to avoid annoying breaks.  */
++         old_lm = __argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin (fs, uparams.usage_indent);
++         if (flags & ARGP_HELP_SHORT_USAGE)
++           /* Just show where the options go.  */
++           {
++             if (hol->num_entries > 0)
++               __argp_fmtstream_puts (fs, dgettext (argp->argp_domain,
++                                                    " [OPTION...]"));
++           }
++         else
++           /* Actually print the options.  */
++           {
++             hol_usage (hol, fs);
++             flags |= ARGP_HELP_SHORT_USAGE; /* But only do so once.  */
++           }
++         more_patterns = argp_args_usage (argp, state, &levels, 1, fs);
++         __argp_fmtstream_set_wmargin (fs, old_wm);
++         __argp_fmtstream_set_lmargin (fs, old_lm);
++         __argp_fmtstream_putc (fs, '\n');
++         anything = 1;
++         first_pattern = 0;
++       }
++      while (more_patterns);
++    }
++  if (flags & ARGP_HELP_PRE_DOC)
++    anything |= argp_doc (argp, state, 0, 0, 1, fs);
++  if (flags & ARGP_HELP_SEE)
++    {
++      __argp_fmtstream_printf (fs, dgettext (argp->argp_domain, "\
++Try `%s --help' or `%s --usage' for more information.\n"),
++                              name, name);
++      anything = 1;
++    }
++  if (flags & ARGP_HELP_LONG)
++    /* Print a long, detailed help message.  */
++    {
++      /* Print info about all the options.  */
++      if (hol->num_entries > 0)
++       {
++         if (anything)
++           __argp_fmtstream_putc (fs, '\n');
++         hol_help (hol, state, fs);
++         anything = 1;
++       }
++    }
++  if (flags & ARGP_HELP_POST_DOC)
++    /* Print any documentation strings at the end.  */
++    anything |= argp_doc (argp, state, 1, anything, 0, fs);
++  if ((flags & ARGP_HELP_BUG_ADDR) && argp_program_bug_address)
++    {
++      if (anything)
++       __argp_fmtstream_putc (fs, '\n');
++      __argp_fmtstream_printf (fs, dgettext (argp->argp_domain,
++                                            "Report bugs to %s.\n"),
++                              argp_program_bug_address);
++      anything = 1;
++    }
++  funlockfile (stream);
++  if (hol)
++    hol_free (hol);
++  __argp_fmtstream_free (fs);
++/* Output a usage message for ARGP to STREAM.  FLAGS are from the set
++   ARGP_HELP_*.  NAME is what to use wherever a `program name' is needed. */
++void argp_help (const struct argp *argp, FILE *stream,
++                 unsigned flags, char *name)
++  _help (argp, 0, stream, flags, name);
++char *
++__argp_short_program_name (void)
++ * uClibc provides both program_invocation_name and
++ * program_invocation_short_name
++ */
++ return (char *) program_invocation_short_name;
++# else
++  /* FIXME: What now? Miles suggests that it is better to use NULL,
++     but currently the value is passed on directly to fputs_unlocked,
++     so that requires more changes. */
++# if __GNUC__
++#  warning No reasonable value to return
++# endif /* __GNUC__ */
++  return "";
++# endif
++/* Output, if appropriate, a usage message for STATE to STREAM.  FLAGS are
++   from the set ARGP_HELP_*.  */
++argp_state_help (const struct argp_state *state, FILE *stream, unsigned flags)
++  if ((!state || ! (state->flags & ARGP_NO_ERRS)) && stream)
++    {
++      if (state && (state->flags & ARGP_LONG_ONLY))
++       flags |= ARGP_HELP_LONG_ONLY;
++      _help (state ? state->root_argp : 0, state, stream, flags,
++            state ? state->name : __argp_short_program_name ());
++      if (!state || ! (state->flags & ARGP_NO_EXIT))
++       {
++         if (flags & ARGP_HELP_EXIT_ERR)
++           exit (argp_err_exit_status);
++         if (flags & ARGP_HELP_EXIT_OK)
++           exit (0);
++       }
++  }
++/* If appropriate, print the printf string FMT and following args, preceded
++   by the program name and `:', to stderr, and followed by a `Try ... --help'
++   message, then exit (1).  */
++argp_error (const struct argp_state *state, const char *fmt, ...)
++  if (!state || !(state->flags & ARGP_NO_ERRS))
++    {
++      FILE *stream = state ? state->err_stream : stderr;
++      if (stream)
++       {
++         va_list ap;
++         flockfile (stream);
++         va_start (ap, fmt);
++#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
++         char *buf;
++         if (_IO_vasprintf (&buf, fmt, ap) < 0)
++           buf = NULL;
++         __fxprintf (stream, "%s: %s\n",
++                     state ? state->name : __argp_short_program_name (), buf);
++         free (buf);
++         fputs_unlocked (state ? state->name : __argp_short_program_name (),
++                         stream);
++         putc_unlocked (':', stream);
++         putc_unlocked (' ', stream);
++         vfprintf (stream, fmt, ap);
++         putc_unlocked ('\n', stream);
++         argp_state_help (state, stream, ARGP_HELP_STD_ERR);
++         va_end (ap);
++         funlockfile (stream);
++       }
++    }
++/* Similar to the standard gnu error-reporting function error(), but will
++   respect the ARGP_NO_EXIT and ARGP_NO_ERRS flags in STATE, and will print
++   to STATE->err_stream.  This is useful for argument parsing code that is
++   shared between program startup (when exiting is desired) and runtime
++   option parsing (when typically an error code is returned instead).  The
++   difference between this function and argp_error is that the latter is for
++   *parsing errors*, and the former is for other problems that occur during
++   parsing but don't reflect a (syntactic) problem with the input.  */
++argp_failure (const struct argp_state *state, int status, int errnum,
++               const char *fmt, ...)
++  if (!state || !(state->flags & ARGP_NO_ERRS))
++    {
++      FILE *stream = state ? state->err_stream : stderr;
++      if (stream)
++       {
++         flockfile (stream);
++#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
++         __fxprintf (stream, "%s",
++                     state ? state->name : __argp_short_program_name ());
++         fputs_unlocked (state ? state->name : __argp_short_program_name (),
++                         stream);
++         if (fmt)
++           {
++             va_list ap;
++             va_start (ap, fmt);
++#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
++             char *buf;
++             if (_IO_vasprintf (&buf, fmt, ap) < 0)
++               buf = NULL;
++             __fxprintf (stream, ": %s", buf);
++             free (buf);
++             putc_unlocked (':', stream);
++             putc_unlocked (' ', stream);
++             vfprintf (stream, fmt, ap);
++             va_end (ap);
++           }
++         if (errnum)
++           {
++#if (defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO) || defined HAVE_STRERROR_R
++             char buf[200];
++#if defined _LIBC && defined USE_IN_LIBIO
++             __fxprintf (stream, ": %s",
++                         strerror_r (errnum, buf, sizeof (buf)));
++             putc_unlocked (':', stream);
++             putc_unlocked (' ', stream);
++             fputs (strerror_r (errnum, buf, sizeof (buf)), stream);
++# else
++             fputs (strerror (errnum), stream);
++# endif
++           }
++#ifdef USE_IN_LIBIO
++         if (_IO_fwide (stream, 0) > 0)
++           putwc_unlocked (L'\n', stream);
++         else
++           putc_unlocked ('\n', stream);
++         funlockfile (stream);
++         if (status && (!state || !(state->flags & ARGP_NO_EXIT)))
++           exit (status);
++       }
++    }
+diff --git a/libuargp/argp-parse.c b/libuargp/argp-parse.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..86b2b24
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libuargp/argp-parse.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,949 @@
++/* Hierarchial argument parsing, layered over getopt
++   Copyright (C) 1995-2000, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   Written by Miles Bader <miles at gnu.ai.mit.edu>.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.
++   Modified for uClibc by: Salvatore Cro <salvatore.cro at st.com>
++#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
++#include <config.h>
++/* AIX requires this to be the first thing in the file.  */
++#ifndef __GNUC__
++# if HAVE_ALLOCA_H || defined _LIBC
++#  include <alloca.h>
++# else
++#  ifdef _AIX
++#pragma alloca
++#  else
++#   ifndef alloca /* predefined by HP cc +Olibcalls */
++char *alloca ();
++#   endif
++#  endif
++# endif
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <unistd.h>
++#include <limits.h>
++#include <getopt.h>
++#include <bits/getopt_int.h>
++#include <features.h>
++#ifndef _
++/* This is for other GNU distributions with internationalized messages.
++   When compiling libc, the _ macro is predefined.  */
++# if (defined HAVE_LIBINTL_H || defined _LIBC) && defined __UCLIBC_HAS_GETTEXT_AWARENESS__
++#  include <libintl.h>
++#  ifdef _LIBC
++#   undef dgettext
++#   define dgettext(domain, msgid) \
++  INTUSE(__dcgettext) (domain, msgid, LC_MESSAGES)
++#  endif
++# else
++#  define dgettext(domain, msgid) (msgid)
++#  define gettext(msgid) (msgid)
++# endif
++#ifndef N_
++# define N_(msgid) (msgid)
++#include <argp.h>
++/* Getopt return values.  */
++#define KEY_END (-1)           /* The end of the options.  */
++#define KEY_ARG 1              /* A non-option argument.  */
++#define KEY_ERR '?'            /* An error parsing the options.  */
++/* The meta-argument used to prevent any further arguments being interpreted
++   as options.  */
++#define QUOTE "--"
++/* The number of bits we steal in a long-option value for our own use.  */
++/* The number of bits available for the user value.  */
++#define USER_BITS ((sizeof ((struct option *)0)->val * CHAR_BIT) - GROUP_BITS)
++#define USER_MASK ((1 << USER_BITS) - 1)
++/* EZ alias for ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN.  */
++/* Default options.  */
++/* When argp is given the --HANG switch, _ARGP_HANG is set and argp will sleep
++   for one second intervals, decrementing _ARGP_HANG until it's zero.  Thus
++   you can force the program to continue by attaching a debugger and setting
++   it to 0 yourself.  */
++static volatile int _argp_hang;
++#define OPT_PROGNAME   -2
++#define OPT_USAGE      -3
++#define OPT_HANG       -4
++static const struct argp_option argp_default_options[] =
++  {"help",       '?',          0, 0,  N_("Give this help list"), -1},
++  {"usage",      OPT_USAGE,    0, 0,  N_("Give a short usage message")},
++  {"program-name",OPT_PROGNAME,"NAME", OPTION_HIDDEN, N_("Set the program name")},
++     N_("Hang for SECS seconds (default 3600)")},
++  {0, 0}
++static error_t
++argp_default_parser (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state)
++  switch (key)
++    {
++    case '?':
++      argp_state_help (state, state->out_stream, ARGP_HELP_STD_HELP);
++      break;
++    case OPT_USAGE:
++      argp_state_help (state, state->out_stream,
++                      ARGP_HELP_USAGE | ARGP_HELP_EXIT_OK);
++      break;
++    case OPT_PROGNAME:         /* Set the program name.  */
++      program_invocation_name = arg;
++      /* [Note that some systems only have PROGRAM_INVOCATION_SHORT_NAME (aka
++        __PROGNAME), in which case, PROGRAM_INVOCATION_NAME is just defined
++        to be that, so we have to be a bit careful here.]  */
++      /* Update what we use for messages.  */
++      state->name = strrchr (arg, '/');
++      if (state->name)
++       state->name++;
++      else
++       state->name = arg;
++      program_invocation_short_name = state->name;
++      if ((state->flags & (ARGP_PARSE_ARGV0 | ARGP_NO_ERRS))
++         == ARGP_PARSE_ARGV0)
++       /* Update what getopt uses too.  */
++       state->argv[0] = arg;
++      break;
++    case OPT_HANG:
++      _argp_hang = atoi (arg ? arg : "3600");
++      while (_argp_hang-- > 0)
++       sleep (1);
++      break;
++    default:
++      return EBADKEY;
++    }
++  return 0;
++static const struct argp argp_default_argp =
++  {argp_default_options, &argp_default_parser, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "libc"};
++static const struct argp_option argp_version_options[] =
++  {"version",    'V',          0, 0,  N_("Print program version"), -1},
++  {0, 0}
++static error_t
++argp_version_parser (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state)
++  switch (key)
++    {
++    case 'V':
++      if (argp_program_version_hook)
++       (*argp_program_version_hook) (state->out_stream, state);
++      else if (argp_program_version)
++       fprintf (state->out_stream, "%s\n", argp_program_version);
++      else
++       argp_error (state, dgettext (state->root_argp->argp_domain,
++                                      "(PROGRAM ERROR) No version known!?"));
++      if (! (state->flags & ARGP_NO_EXIT))
++       exit (0);
++      break;
++    default:
++      return EBADKEY;
++    }
++  return 0;
++static const struct argp argp_version_argp =
++  {argp_version_options, &argp_version_parser, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "libc"};
++/* Returns the offset into the getopt long options array LONG_OPTIONS of a
++   long option with called NAME, or -1 if none is found.  Passing NULL as
++   NAME will return the number of options.  */
++static int
++find_long_option (struct option *long_options, const char *name)
++  struct option *l = long_options;
++  while (l->name != NULL)
++    if (name != NULL && strcmp (l->name, name) == 0)
++      return l - long_options;
++    else
++      l++;
++  if (name == NULL)
++    return l - long_options;
++  else
++    return -1;
++/* The state of a `group' during parsing.  Each group corresponds to a
++   particular argp structure from the tree of such descending from the top
++   level argp passed to argp_parse.  */
++struct group
++  /* This group's parsing function.  */
++  argp_parser_t parser;
++  /* Which argp this group is from.  */
++  const struct argp *argp;
++  /* Points to the point in SHORT_OPTS corresponding to the end of the short
++     options for this group.  We use it to determine from which group a
++     particular short options is from.  */
++  char *short_end;
++  /* The number of non-option args sucessfully handled by this parser.  */
++  unsigned args_processed;
++  /* This group's parser's parent's group.  */
++  struct group *parent;
++  unsigned parent_index;       /* And the our position in the parent.   */
++  /* These fields are swapped into and out of the state structure when
++     calling this group's parser.  */
++  void *input, **child_inputs;
++  void *hook;
++/* Call GROUP's parser with KEY and ARG, swapping any group-specific info
++   from STATE before calling, and back into state afterwards.  If GROUP has
++   no parser, EBADKEY is returned.  */
++static error_t
++group_parse (struct group *group, struct argp_state *state, int key, char *arg)
++  if (group->parser)
++    {
++      error_t err;
++      state->hook = group->hook;
++      state->input = group->input;
++      state->child_inputs = group->child_inputs;
++      state->arg_num = group->args_processed;
++      err = (*group->parser)(key, arg, state);
++      group->hook = state->hook;
++      return err;
++    }
++  else
++    return EBADKEY;
++struct parser
++  const struct argp *argp;
++  /* SHORT_OPTS is the getopt short options string for the union of all the
++     groups of options.  */
++  char *short_opts;
++  /* LONG_OPTS is the array of getop long option structures for the union of
++     all the groups of options.  */
++  struct option *long_opts;
++  /* OPT_DATA is the getopt data used for the re-entrant getopt.  */
++  struct _getopt_data opt_data;
++  /* States of the various parsing groups.  */
++  struct group *groups;
++  /* The end of the GROUPS array.  */
++  struct group *egroup;
++  /* An vector containing storage for the CHILD_INPUTS field in all groups.  */
++  void **child_inputs;
++  /* True if we think using getopt is still useful; if false, then
++     remaining arguments are just passed verbatim with ARGP_KEY_ARG.  This is
++     cleared whenever getopt returns KEY_END, but may be set again if the user
++     moves the next argument pointer backwards.  */
++  int try_getopt;
++  /* State block supplied to parsing routines.  */
++  struct argp_state state;
++  /* Memory used by this parser.  */
++  void *storage;
++/* The next usable entries in the various parser tables being filled in by
++   convert_options.  */
++struct parser_convert_state
++  struct parser *parser;
++  char *short_end;
++  struct option *long_end;
++  void **child_inputs_end;
++/* Converts all options in ARGP (which is put in GROUP) and ancestors
++   into getopt options stored in SHORT_OPTS and LONG_OPTS; SHORT_END and
++   CVT->LONG_END are the points at which new options are added.  Returns the
++   next unused group entry.  CVT holds state used during the conversion.  */
++static struct group *
++convert_options (const struct argp *argp,
++                struct group *parent, unsigned parent_index,
++                struct group *group, struct parser_convert_state *cvt)
++  /* REAL is the most recent non-alias value of OPT.  */
++  const struct argp_option *real = argp->options;
++  const struct argp_child *children = argp->children;
++  if (real || argp->parser)
++    {
++      const struct argp_option *opt;
++      if (real)
++       for (opt = real; !__option_is_end (opt); opt++)
++         {
++           if (! (opt->flags & OPTION_ALIAS))
++             /* OPT isn't an alias, so we can use values from it.  */
++             real = opt;
++           if (! (real->flags & OPTION_DOC))
++             /* A real option (not just documentation).  */
++             {
++               if (__option_is_short (opt))
++                 /* OPT can be used as a short option.  */
++                 {
++                   *cvt->short_end++ = opt->key;
++                   if (real->arg)
++                     {
++                       *cvt->short_end++ = ':';
++                       if (real->flags & OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL)
++                         *cvt->short_end++ = ':';
++                     }
++                   *cvt->short_end = '\0'; /* keep 0 terminated */
++                 }
++               if (opt->name
++                   && find_long_option (cvt->parser->long_opts, opt->name) < 0)
++                 /* OPT can be used as a long option.  */
++                 {
++                   cvt->long_end->name = opt->name;
++                   cvt->long_end->has_arg =
++                     (real->arg
++                      ? (real->flags & OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL
++                         ? optional_argument
++                         : required_argument)
++                      : no_argument);
++                   cvt->long_end->flag = 0;
++                   /* we add a disambiguating code to all the user's
++                      values (which is removed before we actually call
++                      the function to parse the value); this means that
++                      the user loses use of the high 8 bits in all his
++                      values (the sign of the lower bits is preserved
++                      however)...  */
++                   cvt->long_end->val =
++                     ((opt->key | real->key) & USER_MASK)
++                     + (((group - cvt->parser->groups) + 1) << USER_BITS);
++                   /* Keep the LONG_OPTS list terminated.  */
++                   (++cvt->long_end)->name = NULL;
++                 }
++             }
++           }
++      group->parser = argp->parser;
++      group->argp = argp;
++      group->short_end = cvt->short_end;
++      group->args_processed = 0;
++      group->parent = parent;
++      group->parent_index = parent_index;
++      group->input = 0;
++      group->hook = 0;
++      group->child_inputs = 0;
++      if (children)
++       /* Assign GROUP's CHILD_INPUTS field some space from
++           CVT->child_inputs_end.*/
++       {
++         unsigned num_children = 0;
++         while (children[num_children].argp)
++           num_children++;
++         group->child_inputs = cvt->child_inputs_end;
++         cvt->child_inputs_end += num_children;
++       }
++      parent = group++;
++    }
++  else
++    parent = 0;
++  if (children)
++    {
++      unsigned index = 0;
++      while (children->argp)
++       group =
++         convert_options (children++->argp, parent, index++, group, cvt);
++    }
++  return group;
++/* Find the merged set of getopt options, with keys appropiately prefixed. */
++static void
++parser_convert (struct parser *parser, const struct argp *argp, int flags)
++  struct parser_convert_state cvt;
++  cvt.parser = parser;
++  cvt.short_end = parser->short_opts;
++  cvt.long_end = parser->long_opts;
++  cvt.child_inputs_end = parser->child_inputs;
++  if (flags & ARGP_IN_ORDER)
++    *cvt.short_end++ = '-';
++  else if (flags & ARGP_NO_ARGS)
++    *cvt.short_end++ = '+';
++  *cvt.short_end = '\0';
++  cvt.long_end->name = NULL;
++  parser->argp = argp;
++  if (argp)
++    parser->egroup = convert_options (argp, 0, 0, parser->groups, &cvt);
++  else
++    parser->egroup = parser->groups; /* No parsers at all! */
++/* Lengths of various parser fields which we will allocated.  */
++struct parser_sizes
++  size_t short_len;            /* Getopt short options string.  */
++  size_t long_len;             /* Getopt long options vector.  */
++  size_t num_groups;           /* Group structures we allocate.  */
++  size_t num_child_inputs;     /* Child input slots.  */
++/* For ARGP, increments the NUM_GROUPS field in SZS by the total number of
++ argp structures descended from it, and the SHORT_LEN & LONG_LEN fields by
++ the maximum lengths of the resulting merged getopt short options string and
++ long-options array, respectively.  */
++static void
++calc_sizes (const struct argp *argp,  struct parser_sizes *szs)
++  const struct argp_child *child = argp->children;
++  const struct argp_option *opt = argp->options;
++  if (opt || argp->parser)
++    {
++      szs->num_groups++;
++      if (opt)
++       {
++         int num_opts = 0;
++         while (!__option_is_end (opt++))
++           num_opts++;
++         szs->short_len += num_opts * 3; /* opt + up to 2 `:'s */
++         szs->long_len += num_opts;
++       }
++    }
++  if (child)
++    while (child->argp)
++      {
++       calc_sizes ((child++)->argp, szs);
++       szs->num_child_inputs++;
++      }
++extern char * __argp_short_program_name (void);
++/* Initializes PARSER to parse ARGP in a manner described by FLAGS.  */
++static error_t
++parser_init (struct parser *parser, const struct argp *argp,
++            int argc, char **argv, int flags, void *input)
++  error_t err = 0;
++  struct group *group;
++  struct parser_sizes szs;
++  struct _getopt_data opt_data = _GETOPT_DATA_INITIALIZER;
++  szs.short_len = (flags & ARGP_NO_ARGS) ? 0 : 1;
++  szs.long_len = 0;
++  szs.num_groups = 0;
++  szs.num_child_inputs = 0;
++  if (argp)
++    calc_sizes (argp, &szs);
++  /* Lengths of the various bits of storage used by PARSER.  */
++#define GLEN (szs.num_groups + 1) * sizeof (struct group)
++#define CLEN (szs.num_child_inputs * sizeof (void *))
++#define LLEN ((szs.long_len + 1) * sizeof (struct option))
++#define SLEN (szs.short_len + 1)
++  parser->storage = malloc (GLEN + CLEN + LLEN + SLEN);
++  if (! parser->storage)
++    return ENOMEM;
++  parser->groups = parser->storage;
++  parser->child_inputs = parser->storage + GLEN;
++  parser->long_opts = parser->storage + GLEN + CLEN;
++  parser->short_opts = parser->storage + GLEN + CLEN + LLEN;
++  parser->opt_data = opt_data;
++  memset (parser->child_inputs, 0, szs.num_child_inputs * sizeof (void *));
++  parser_convert (parser, argp, flags);
++  memset (&parser->state, 0, sizeof (struct argp_state));
++  parser->state.root_argp = parser->argp;
++  parser->state.argc = argc;
++  parser->state.argv = argv;
++  parser->state.flags = flags;
++  parser->state.err_stream = stderr;
++  parser->state.out_stream = stdout;
++  parser->state.next = 0;      /* Tell getopt to initialize.  */
++  parser->state.pstate = parser;
++  parser->try_getopt = 1;
++  /* Call each parser for the first time, giving it a chance to propagate
++     values to child parsers.  */
++  if (parser->groups < parser->egroup)
++    parser->groups->input = input;
++  for (group = parser->groups;
++       group < parser->egroup && (!err || err == EBADKEY);
++       group++)
++    {
++      if (group->parent)
++       /* If a child parser, get the initial input value from the parent. */
++       group->input = group->parent->child_inputs[group->parent_index];
++      if (!group->parser
++         && group->argp->children && group->argp->children->argp)
++       /* For the special case where no parsing function is supplied for an
++          argp, propagate its input to its first child, if any (this just
++          makes very simple wrapper argps more convenient).  */
++       group->child_inputs[0] = group->input;
++      err = group_parse (group, &parser->state, ARGP_KEY_INIT, 0);
++    }
++  if (err == EBADKEY)
++    err = 0;                   /* Some parser didn't understand.  */
++  if (err)
++    return err;
++  if (parser->state.flags & ARGP_NO_ERRS)
++    {
++      parser->opt_data.opterr = 0;
++      if (parser->state.flags & ARGP_PARSE_ARGV0)
++       /* getopt always skips ARGV[0], so we have to fake it out.  As long
++          as OPTERR is 0, then it shouldn't actually try to access it.  */
++       parser->state.argv--, parser->state.argc++;
++    }
++  else
++    parser->opt_data.opterr = 1;       /* Print error messages.  */
++  if (parser->state.argv == argv && argv[0])
++    /* There's an argv[0]; use it for messages.  */
++    {
++      char *short_name = strrchr (argv[0], '/');
++      parser->state.name = short_name ? short_name + 1 : argv[0];
++    }
++  else
++    parser->state.name = __argp_short_program_name ();
++  return 0;
++/* Free any storage consumed by PARSER (but not PARSER itself).  */
++static error_t
++parser_finalize (struct parser *parser,
++                error_t err, int arg_ebadkey, int *end_index)
++  struct group *group;
++  if (err == EBADKEY && arg_ebadkey)
++    /* Suppress errors generated by unparsed arguments.  */
++    err = 0;
++  if (! err)
++    {
++      if (parser->state.next == parser->state.argc)
++       /* We successfully parsed all arguments!  Call all the parsers again,
++          just a few more times... */
++       {
++         for (group = parser->groups;
++              group < parser->egroup && (!err || err==EBADKEY);
++              group++)
++           if (group->args_processed == 0)
++             err = group_parse (group, &parser->state, ARGP_KEY_NO_ARGS, 0);
++         for (group = parser->egroup - 1;
++              group >= parser->groups && (!err || err==EBADKEY);
++              group--)
++           err = group_parse (group, &parser->state, ARGP_KEY_END, 0);
++         if (err == EBADKEY)
++           err = 0;            /* Some parser didn't understand.  */
++         /* Tell the user that all arguments are parsed.  */
++         if (end_index)
++           *end_index = parser->state.next;
++       }
++      else if (end_index)
++       /* Return any remaining arguments to the user.  */
++       *end_index = parser->state.next;
++      else
++       /* No way to return the remaining arguments, they must be bogus. */
++       {
++         if (!(parser->state.flags & ARGP_NO_ERRS)
++             && parser->state.err_stream)
++           fprintf (parser->state.err_stream,
++                    dgettext (parser->argp->argp_domain,
++                              "%s: Too many arguments\n"),
++                    parser->state.name);
++         err = EBADKEY;
++       }
++    }
++  /* Okay, we're all done, with either an error or success; call the parsers
++     to indicate which one.  */
++  if (err)
++    {
++      /* Maybe print an error message.  */
++      if (err == EBADKEY)
++       /* An appropriate message describing what the error was should have
++          been printed earlier.  */
++       argp_state_help (&parser->state, parser->state.err_stream,
++                          ARGP_HELP_STD_ERR);
++      /* Since we didn't exit, give each parser an error indication.  */
++      for (group = parser->groups; group < parser->egroup; group++)
++       group_parse (group, &parser->state, ARGP_KEY_ERROR, 0);
++    }
++  else
++    /* Notify parsers of success, and propagate back values from parsers.  */
++    {
++      /* We pass over the groups in reverse order so that child groups are
++        given a chance to do there processing before passing back a value to
++        the parent.  */
++      for (group = parser->egroup - 1
++          ; group >= parser->groups && (!err || err == EBADKEY)
++          ; group--)
++       err = group_parse (group, &parser->state, ARGP_KEY_SUCCESS, 0);
++      if (err == EBADKEY)
++       err = 0;                /* Some parser didn't understand.  */
++    }
++  /* Call parsers once more, to do any final cleanup.  Errors are ignored.  */
++  for (group = parser->egroup - 1; group >= parser->groups; group--)
++    group_parse (group, &parser->state, ARGP_KEY_FINI, 0);
++  if (err == EBADKEY)
++    err = EINVAL;
++  free (parser->storage);
++  return err;
++/* Call the user parsers to parse the non-option argument VAL, at the current
++   position, returning any error.  The state NEXT pointer is assumed to have
++   been adjusted (by getopt) to point after this argument; this function will
++   adjust it correctly to reflect however many args actually end up being
++   consumed.  */
++static error_t
++parser_parse_arg (struct parser *parser, char *val)
++  /* Save the starting value of NEXT, first adjusting it so that the arg
++     we're parsing is again the front of the arg vector.  */
++  int index = --parser->state.next;
++  error_t err = EBADKEY;
++  struct group *group;
++  int key = 0;                 /* Which of ARGP_KEY_ARG[S] we used.  */
++  /* Try to parse the argument in each parser.  */
++  for (group = parser->groups
++       ; group < parser->egroup && err == EBADKEY
++       ; group++)
++    {
++      parser->state.next++;    /* For ARGP_KEY_ARG, consume the arg.  */
++      key = ARGP_KEY_ARG;
++      err = group_parse (group, &parser->state, key, val);
++      if (err == EBADKEY)
++       /* This parser doesn't like ARGP_KEY_ARG; try ARGP_KEY_ARGS instead. */
++       {
++         parser->state.next--; /* For ARGP_KEY_ARGS, put back the arg.  */
++         key = ARGP_KEY_ARGS;
++         err = group_parse (group, &parser->state, key, 0);
++       }
++    }
++  if (! err)
++    {
++      if (key == ARGP_KEY_ARGS)
++       /* The default for ARGP_KEY_ARGS is to assume that if NEXT isn't
++          changed by the user, *all* arguments should be considered
++          consumed.  */
++       parser->state.next = parser->state.argc;
++      if (parser->state.next > index)
++       /* Remember that we successfully processed a non-option
++          argument -- but only if the user hasn't gotten tricky and set
++          the clock back.  */
++       (--group)->args_processed += (parser->state.next - index);
++      else
++       /* The user wants to reparse some args, give getopt another try.  */
++       parser->try_getopt = 1;
++    }
++  return err;
++/* Call the user parsers to parse the option OPT, with argument VAL, at the
++   current position, returning any error.  */
++static error_t
++parser_parse_opt (struct parser *parser, int opt, char *val)
++  /* The group key encoded in the high bits; 0 for short opts or
++     group_number + 1 for long opts.  */
++  int group_key = opt >> USER_BITS;
++  error_t err = EBADKEY;
++  if (group_key == 0)
++    /* A short option.  By comparing OPT's position in SHORT_OPTS to the
++       various starting positions in each group's SHORT_END field, we can
++       determine which group OPT came from.  */
++    {
++      struct group *group;
++      char *short_index = strchr (parser->short_opts, opt);
++      if (short_index)
++       for (group = parser->groups; group < parser->egroup; group++)
++         if (group->short_end > short_index)
++           {
++             err = group_parse (group, &parser->state, opt,
++                                parser->opt_data.optarg);
++             break;
++           }
++    }
++  else
++    /* A long option.  We use shifts instead of masking for extracting
++       the user value in order to preserve the sign.  */
++    err =
++      group_parse (&parser->groups[group_key - 1], &parser->state,
++                  (opt << GROUP_BITS) >> GROUP_BITS,
++                  parser->opt_data.optarg);
++  if (err == EBADKEY)
++    /* At least currently, an option not recognized is an error in the
++       parser, because we pre-compute which parser is supposed to deal
++       with each option.  */
++    {
++      static const char bad_key_err[] =
++       N_("(PROGRAM ERROR) Option should have been recognized!?");
++      if (group_key == 0)
++       argp_error (&parser->state, "-%c: %s", opt,
++                     dgettext (parser->argp->argp_domain, bad_key_err));
++      else
++       {
++         struct option *long_opt = parser->long_opts;
++         while (long_opt->val != opt && long_opt->name)
++           long_opt++;
++         argp_error (&parser->state, "--%s: %s",
++                       long_opt->name ? long_opt->name : "???",
++                       dgettext (parser->argp->argp_domain, bad_key_err));
++       }
++    }
++  return err;
++/* Parse the next argument in PARSER (as indicated by PARSER->state.next).
++   Any error from the parsers is returned, and *ARGP_EBADKEY indicates
++   whether a value of EBADKEY is due to an unrecognized argument (which is
++   generally not fatal).  */
++static error_t
++parser_parse_next (struct parser *parser, int *arg_ebadkey)
++  int opt;
++  error_t err = 0;
++  if (parser->state.quoted && parser->state.next < parser->state.quoted)
++    /* The next argument pointer has been moved to before the quoted
++       region, so pretend we never saw the quoting `--', and give getopt
++       another chance.  If the user hasn't removed it, getopt will just
++       process it again.  */
++    parser->state.quoted = 0;
++  if (parser->try_getopt && !parser->state.quoted)
++    /* Give getopt a chance to parse this.  */
++    {
++      /* Put it back in OPTIND for getopt.  */
++      parser->opt_data.optind = parser->state.next;
++      /* Distinguish KEY_ERR from a real option.  */
++      parser->opt_data.optopt = KEY_END;
++      if (parser->state.flags & ARGP_LONG_ONLY)
++       opt = _getopt_long_only_r (parser->state.argc, parser->state.argv,
++                                  parser->short_opts, parser->long_opts, 0,
++                                  &parser->opt_data);
++      else
++       opt = _getopt_long_r (parser->state.argc, parser->state.argv,
++                             parser->short_opts, parser->long_opts, 0,
++                             &parser->opt_data);
++      /* And see what getopt did.  */
++      parser->state.next = parser->opt_data.optind;
++      if (opt == KEY_END)
++       /* Getopt says there are no more options, so stop using
++          getopt; we'll continue if necessary on our own.  */
++       {
++         parser->try_getopt = 0;
++         if (parser->state.next > 1
++             && strcmp (parser->state.argv[parser->state.next - 1], QUOTE)
++                  == 0)
++           /* Not only is this the end of the options, but it's a
++              `quoted' region, which may have args that *look* like
++              options, so we definitely shouldn't try to use getopt past
++              here, whatever happens.  */
++           parser->state.quoted = parser->state.next;
++       }
++      else if (opt == KEY_ERR && parser->opt_data.optopt != KEY_END)
++       /* KEY_ERR can have the same value as a valid user short
++          option, but in the case of a real error, getopt sets OPTOPT
++          to the offending character, which can never be KEY_END.  */
++       {
++         *arg_ebadkey = 0;
++         return EBADKEY;
++       }
++    }
++  else
++    opt = KEY_END;
++  if (opt == KEY_END)
++    {
++      /* We're past what getopt considers the options.  */
++      if (parser->state.next >= parser->state.argc
++         || (parser->state.flags & ARGP_NO_ARGS))
++       /* Indicate that we're done.  */
++       {
++         *arg_ebadkey = 1;
++         return EBADKEY;
++       }
++      else
++       /* A non-option arg; simulate what getopt might have done.  */
++       {
++         opt = KEY_ARG;
++         parser->opt_data.optarg = parser->state.argv[parser->state.next++];
++       }
++    }
++  if (opt == KEY_ARG)
++    /* A non-option argument; try each parser in turn.  */
++    err = parser_parse_arg (parser, parser->opt_data.optarg);
++  else
++    err = parser_parse_opt (parser, opt, parser->opt_data.optarg);
++  if (err == EBADKEY)
++    *arg_ebadkey = (opt == KEY_END || opt == KEY_ARG);
++  return err;
++/* Parse the options strings in ARGC & ARGV according to the argp in ARGP.
++   FLAGS is one of the ARGP_ flags above.  If END_INDEX is non-NULL, the
++   index in ARGV of the first unparsed option is returned in it.  If an
++   unknown option is present, EINVAL is returned; if some parser routine
++   returned a non-zero value, it is returned; otherwise 0 is returned.  */
++argp_parse (const struct argp *argp, int argc, char **argv, unsigned flags,
++             int *end_index, void *input)
++  error_t err;
++  struct parser parser;
++  /* If true, then err == EBADKEY is a result of a non-option argument failing
++     to be parsed (which in some cases isn't actually an error).  */
++  int arg_ebadkey = 0;
++  if (! (flags & ARGP_NO_HELP))
++    /* Add our own options.  */
++    {
++      struct argp_child *child = alloca (4 * sizeof (struct argp_child));
++      struct argp *top_argp = alloca (sizeof (struct argp));
++      /* TOP_ARGP has no options, it just serves to group the user & default
++        argps.  */
++      memset (top_argp, 0, sizeof (*top_argp));
++      top_argp->children = child;
++      memset (child, 0, 4 * sizeof (struct argp_child));
++      if (argp)
++       (child++)->argp = argp;
++      (child++)->argp = &argp_default_argp;
++      if (argp_program_version || argp_program_version_hook)
++       (child++)->argp = &argp_version_argp;
++      child->argp = 0;
++      argp = top_argp;
++    }
++  /* Construct a parser for these arguments.  */
++  err = parser_init (&parser, argp, argc, argv, flags, input);
++  if (! err)
++    /* Parse! */
++    {
++      while (! err)
++       err = parser_parse_next (&parser, &arg_ebadkey);
++      err = parser_finalize (&parser, err, arg_ebadkey, end_index);
++    }
++  return err;
++/* Return the input field for ARGP in the parser corresponding to STATE; used
++   by the help routines.  */
++void *
++__argp_input (const struct argp *argp, const struct argp_state *state)
++  if (state)
++    {
++      struct group *group;
++      struct parser *parser = state->pstate;
++      for (group = parser->groups; group < parser->egroup; group++)
++       if (group->argp == argp)
++         return group->input;
++    }
++  return 0;
+diff --git a/libuargp/argp-pv.c b/libuargp/argp-pv.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..f1227b5
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libuargp/argp-pv.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
++/* Default definition for ARGP_PROGRAM_VERSION.
++   Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   Written by Miles Bader <miles at gnu.ai.mit.edu>.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++/* If set by the user program to a non-zero value, then a default option
++   --version is added (unless the ARGP_NO_HELP flag is used), which will
++   print this this string followed by a newline and exit (unless the
++   ARGP_NO_EXIT flag is used).  Overridden by ARGP_PROGRAM_VERSION_HOOK.  */
++const char *argp_program_version;
+diff --git a/libuargp/argp-pvh.c b/libuargp/argp-pvh.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..1f1d962
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libuargp/argp-pvh.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
++/* Default definition for ARGP_PROGRAM_VERSION_HOOK.
++   Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   Written by Miles Bader <miles at gnu.ai.mit.edu>.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
++#include <config.h>
++#include <argp.h>
++/* If set by the user program to a non-zero value, then a default option
++   --version is added (unless the ARGP_NO_HELP flag is used), which calls
++   this function with a stream to print the version to and a pointer to the
++   current parsing state, and then exits (unless the ARGP_NO_EXIT flag is
++   used).  This variable takes precedent over ARGP_PROGRAM_VERSION.  */
++void (*argp_program_version_hook) (FILE *stream, struct argp_state *state);
+diff --git a/libuargp/argp-xinl.c b/libuargp/argp-xinl.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..f1d3000
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/libuargp/argp-xinl.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
++/* Real definitions for extern inline functions in argp.h
++   Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   Written by Miles Bader <miles at gnu.ai.mit.edu>.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
++# include <config.h>
++#if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE_FEATURES_H
++# include <features.h>
++# define __USE_EXTERN_INLINES  1
++#define ARGP_EI
++#undef __OPTIMIZE__
++#define __OPTIMIZE__ 1
++#include <argp.h>
+diff --git a/test/argp/Makefile b/test/argp/Makefile
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..616fe71
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/argp/Makefile
+@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
++# uClibc argp tests
++# Licensed under the LGPL v2.1, see the file COPYING.LIB in this tarball.
++include ../Rules.mak
++-include Makefile.in
++include ../Test.mak
+diff --git a/test/argp/Makefile.in b/test/argp/Makefile.in
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d81b359
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/argp/Makefile.in
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++# uClibc argp tests
++# Licensed under the LGPL v2.1, see the file COPYING.LIB in this tarball.
++TESTS := $(addprefix argp-, ex1 ex2 ex3 ex4 test) \
++         bug-argp1 tst-argp1 tst-argp2
++EXTRA_LDFLAGS = -luargp
++OPTS_argp-ex3 = ARG1 ARG2
++OPTS_argp-ex4 = ARG1 string1 string2 string3
++OPTS_bug-argp1 = -- --help
+diff --git a/test/argp/argp-ex1.c b/test/argp/argp-ex1.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7bb5f22
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/argp/argp-ex1.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
++/* Argp example #1 -- a minimal program using argp */
++/* This is (probably) the smallest possible program that
++   uses argp.  It won't do much except give an error
++   messages and exit when there are any arguments, and print
++   a (rather pointless) messages for --help.  */
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <argp.h>
++int main (int argc, char **argv)
++  argp_parse (0, argc, argv, 0, 0, 0);
++  exit (0);
+diff --git a/test/argp/argp-ex2.c b/test/argp/argp-ex2.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..c49fbac
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/argp/argp-ex2.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
++/* Argp example #2 -- a pretty minimal program using argp */
++/* This program doesn't use any options or arguments, but uses
++   argp to be compliant with the GNU standard command line
++   format.
++   In addition to making sure no arguments are given, and
++   implementing a --help option, this example will have a
++   --version option, and will put the given documentation string
++   and bug address in the --help output, as per GNU standards.
++   The variable ARGP contains the argument parser specification;
++   adding fields to this structure is the way most parameters are
++   passed to argp_parse (the first three fields are usually used,
++   but not in this small program).  There are also two global
++   variables that argp knows about defined here,
++   global variables because they will almost always be constant
++   for a given program, even if it uses different argument
++   parsers for various tasks).  */
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <argp.h>
++const char *argp_program_version =
++  "argp-ex2 1.0";
++const char *argp_program_bug_address =
++  "<bug-gnu-utils@@gnu.org>";
++/* Program documentation.  */
++static char doc[] =
++  "Argp example #2 -- a pretty minimal program using argp";
++/* Our argument parser.  The @code{options}, @code{parser}, and
++   @code{args_doc} fields are zero because we have neither options or
++   arguments; @code{doc} and @code{argp_program_bug_address} will be
++   used in the output for @samp{--help}, and the @samp{--version}
++   option will print out @code{argp_program_version}.  */
++static struct argp argp = { 0, 0, 0, doc };
++int main (int argc, char **argv)
++  argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, 0);
++  exit (0);
+diff --git a/test/argp/argp-ex3.c b/test/argp/argp-ex3.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..24d5c50
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/argp/argp-ex3.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
++/* Argp example #3 -- a program with options and arguments using argp */
++/* This program uses the same features as example 2, and uses options and
++   arguments.
++   We now use the first four fields in ARGP, so here's a description of them:
++     OPTIONS  -- A pointer to a vector of struct argp_option (see below)
++     PARSER   -- A function to parse a single option, called by argp
++     ARGS_DOC -- A string describing how the non-option arguments should look
++     DOC      -- A descriptive string about this program; if it contains a
++                 vertical tab character (\v), the part after it will be
++                 printed *following* the options
++   The function PARSER takes the following arguments:
++     KEY  -- An integer specifying which option this is (taken
++             from the KEY field in each struct argp_option), or
++             a special key specifying something else; the only
++             special keys we use here are ARGP_KEY_ARG, meaning
++             a non-option argument, and ARGP_KEY_END, meaning
++             that all arguments have been parsed
++     ARG  -- For an option KEY, the string value of its
++             argument, or NULL if it has none
++     STATE-- A pointer to a struct argp_state, containing
++             various useful information about the parsing state; used here
++             are the INPUT field, which reflects the INPUT argument to
++             argp_parse, and the ARG_NUM field, which is the number of the
++             current non-option argument being parsed
++   It should return either 0, meaning success, ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN, meaning the
++   given KEY wasn't recognized, or an errno value indicating some other
++   error.
++   Note that in this example, main uses a structure to communicate with the
++   parse_opt function, a pointer to which it passes in the INPUT argument to
++   argp_parse.  Of course, it's also possible to use global variables
++   instead, but this is somewhat more flexible.
++   The OPTIONS field contains a pointer to a vector of struct argp_option's;
++   that structure has the following fields (if you assign your option
++   structures using array initialization like this example, unspecified
++   fields will be defaulted to 0, and need not be specified):
++     NAME   -- The name of this option's long option (may be zero)
++     KEY    -- The KEY to pass to the PARSER function when parsing this option,
++               *and* the name of this option's short option, if it is a
++               printable ascii character
++     ARG    -- The name of this option's argument, if any
++     FLAGS  -- Flags describing this option; some of them are:
++                 OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL -- The argument to this option is optional
++                 OPTION_ALIAS        -- This option is an alias for the
++                                        previous option
++                 OPTION_HIDDEN       -- Don't show this option in --help output
++     DOC    -- A documentation string for this option, shown in --help output
++   An options vector should be terminated by an option with all fields zero. */
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <argp.h>
++const char *argp_program_version =
++  "argp-ex3 1.0";
++const char *argp_program_bug_address =
++  "<bug-gnu-utils@@gnu.org>";
++/* Program documentation.  */
++static char doc[] =
++  "Argp example #3 -- a program with options and arguments using argp";
++/* A description of the arguments we accept.  */
++static char args_doc[] = "ARG1 ARG2";
++/* The options we understand.  */
++static struct argp_option options[] = {
++  {"verbose",  'v', 0,      0,  "Produce verbose output" },
++  {"quiet",    'q', 0,      0,  "Don't produce any output" },
++  {"silent",   's', 0,      OPTION_ALIAS },
++  {"output",   'o', "FILE", 0,
++   "Output to FILE instead of standard output" },
++  { 0 }
++/* Used by @code{main} to communicate with @code{parse_opt}.  */
++struct arguments
++  char *args[2];               /* @var{arg1} & @var{arg2} */
++  int silent, verbose;
++  char *output_file;
++/* Parse a single option.  */
++static error_t
++parse_opt (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state)
++  /* Get the @var{input} argument from @code{argp_parse}, which we
++     know is a pointer to our arguments structure.  */
++  struct arguments *arguments = state->input;
++  switch (key)
++    {
++    case 'q': case 's':
++      arguments->silent = 1;
++      break;
++    case 'v':
++      arguments->verbose = 1;
++      break;
++    case 'o':
++      arguments->output_file = arg;
++      break;
++    case ARGP_KEY_ARG:
++      if (state->arg_num >= 2)
++       /* Too many arguments.  */
++       argp_usage (state);
++      arguments->args[state->arg_num] = arg;
++      break;
++    case ARGP_KEY_END:
++      if (state->arg_num < 2)
++       /* Not enough arguments.  */
++       argp_usage (state);
++      break;
++    default:
++      return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN;
++    }
++  return 0;
++/* Our argp parser.  */
++static struct argp argp = { options, parse_opt, args_doc, doc };
++int main (int argc, char **argv)
++  struct arguments arguments;
++  /* Default values.  */
++  arguments.silent = 0;
++  arguments.verbose = 0;
++  arguments.output_file = "-";
++  /* Parse our arguments; every option seen by @code{parse_opt} will
++     be reflected in @code{arguments}.  */
++  argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, &arguments);
++  printf ("ARG1 = %s\nARG2 = %s\nOUTPUT_FILE = %s\n"
++         "VERBOSE = %s\nSILENT = %s\n",
++         arguments.args[0], arguments.args[1],
++         arguments.output_file,
++         arguments.verbose ? "yes" : "no",
++         arguments.silent ? "yes" : "no");
++  exit (0);
+diff --git a/test/argp/argp-ex4.c b/test/argp/argp-ex4.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..c77c7ef
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/argp/argp-ex4.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
++/* Argp example #4 -- a program with somewhat more complicated options */
++/* This program uses the same features as example 3, but has more
++   options, and somewhat more structure in the -help output.  It
++   also shows how you can `steal' the remainder of the input
++   arguments past a certain point, for programs that accept a
++   list of items.  It also shows the special argp KEY value
++   ARGP_KEY_NO_ARGS, which is only given if no non-option
++   arguments were supplied to the program.
++   For structuring the help output, two features are used,
++   *headers* which are entries in the options vector with the
++   first four fields being zero, and a two part documentation
++   string (in the variable DOC), which allows documentation both
++   before and after the options; the two parts of DOC are
++   separated by a vertical-tab character ('\v', or '\013').  By
++   convention, the documentation before the options is just a
++   short string saying what the program does, and that afterwards
++   is longer, describing the behavior in more detail.  All
++   documentation strings are automatically filled for output,
++   although newlines may be included to force a line break at a
++   particular point.  All documentation strings are also passed to
++   the `gettext' function, for possible translation into the
++   current locale.  */
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <error.h>
++#include <argp.h>
++const char *argp_program_version =
++  "argp-ex4 1.0";
++const char *argp_program_bug_address =
++  "<bug-gnu-utils@@prep.ai.mit.edu>";
++/* Program documentation.  */
++static char doc[] =
++  "Argp example #4 -- a program with somewhat more complicated\
++\vThis part of the documentation comes *after* the options;\
++ note that the text is automatically filled, but it's possible\
++ to force a line-break, e.g.\n<-- here.";
++/* A description of the arguments we accept.  */
++static char args_doc[] = "ARG1 [STRING...]";
++/* Keys for options without short-options.  */
++#define OPT_ABORT  1           /* --abort */
++/* The options we understand.  */
++static struct argp_option options[] = {
++  {"verbose",  'v', 0,       0, "Produce verbose output" },
++  {"quiet",    'q', 0,       0, "Don't produce any output" },
++  {"silent",   's', 0,       OPTION_ALIAS },
++  {"output",   'o', "FILE",  0,
++   "Output to FILE instead of standard output" },
++  {0,0,0,0, "The following options should be grouped together:" },
++  {"repeat",   'r', "COUNT", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL,
++   "Repeat the output COUNT (default 10) times"},
++  {"abort",    OPT_ABORT, 0, 0, "Abort before showing any output"},
++  { 0 }
++/* Used by @code{main} to communicate with @code{parse_opt}.  */
++struct arguments
++  char *arg1;                  /* @var{arg1} */
++  char **strings;              /* [@var{string}@dots{}] */
++  int silent, verbose, abort;  /* @samp{-s}, @samp{-v}, @samp{--abort} */
++  char *output_file;           /* @var{file} arg to @samp{--output} */
++  int repeat_count;            /* @var{count} arg to @samp{--repeat} */
++/* Parse a single option.  */
++static error_t
++parse_opt (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state)
++  /* Get the @code{input} argument from @code{argp_parse}, which we
++     know is a pointer to our arguments structure.  */
++  struct arguments *arguments = state->input;
++  switch (key)
++    {
++    case 'q': case 's':
++      arguments->silent = 1;
++      break;
++    case 'v':
++      arguments->verbose = 1;
++      break;
++    case 'o':
++      arguments->output_file = arg;
++      break;
++    case 'r':
++      arguments->repeat_count = arg ? atoi (arg) : 10;
++      break;
++    case OPT_ABORT:
++      arguments->abort = 1;
++      break;
++    case ARGP_KEY_NO_ARGS:
++      argp_usage (state);
++    case ARGP_KEY_ARG:
++      /* Here we know that @code{state->arg_num == 0}, since we
++        force argument parsing to end before any more arguments can
++        get here.  */
++      arguments->arg1 = arg;
++      /* Now we consume all the rest of the arguments.
++        @code{state->next} is the index in @code{state->argv} of the
++        next argument to be parsed, which is the first @var{string}
++        we're interested in, so we can just use
++        @code{&state->argv[state->next]} as the value for
++        arguments->strings.
++        @emph{In addition}, by setting @code{state->next} to the end
++        of the arguments, we can force argp to stop parsing here and
++        return.  */
++      arguments->strings = &state->argv[state->next];
++      state->next = state->argc;
++      break;
++    default:
++      return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN;
++    }
++  return 0;
++/* Our argp parser.  */
++static struct argp argp = { options, parse_opt, args_doc, doc };
++int main (int argc, char **argv)
++  int i, j;
++  struct arguments arguments;
++  /* Default values.  */
++  arguments.silent = 0;
++  arguments.verbose = 0;
++  arguments.output_file = "-";
++  arguments.repeat_count = 1;
++  arguments.abort = 0;
++  /* Parse our arguments; every option seen by @code{parse_opt} will be
++     reflected in @code{arguments}.  */
++  argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, &arguments);
++  if (arguments.abort)
++    error (10, 0, "ABORTED");
++  for (i = 0; i < arguments.repeat_count; i++)
++    {
++      printf ("ARG1 = %s\n", arguments.arg1);
++      printf ("STRINGS = ");
++      for (j = 0; arguments.strings[j]; j++)
++       printf (j == 0 ? "%s" : ", %s", arguments.strings[j]);
++      printf ("\n");
++      printf ("OUTPUT_FILE = %s\nVERBOSE = %s\nSILENT = %s\n",
++             arguments.output_file,
++             arguments.verbose ? "yes" : "no",
++             arguments.silent ? "yes" : "no");
++    }
++  exit (0);
+diff --git a/test/argp/argp-test.c b/test/argp/argp-test.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b3d573b
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/argp/argp-test.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
++/* Test program for argp argument parser
++   Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   Written by Miles Bader <miles at gnu.ai.mit.edu>.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
++#include <config.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <time.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <argp.h>
++const char *argp_program_version = "argp-test 1.0";
++struct argp_option sub_options[] =
++  {"subopt1",       's',     0,  0, "Nested option 1"},
++  {"subopt2",       'S',     0,  0, "Nested option 2"},
++  { 0, 0, 0, 0, "Some more nested options:", 10},
++  {"subopt3",       'p',     0,  0, "Nested option 3"},
++  {"subopt4",       'q',     0,  0, "Nested option 4", 1},
++  {0}
++static const char sub_args_doc[] = "STRING...\n-";
++static const char sub_doc[] = "\vThis is the doc string from the sub-arg-parser.";
++static error_t
++sub_parse_opt (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state)
++  switch (key)
++    {
++    case ARGP_KEY_NO_ARGS:
++      printf ("NO SUB ARGS\n");
++      break;
++    case ARGP_KEY_ARG:
++      printf ("SUB ARG: %s\n", arg);
++      break;
++    case 's' : case 'S': case 'p': case 'q':
++      printf ("SUB KEY %c\n", key);
++      break;
++    default:
++      return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN;
++    }
++  return 0;
++static char *
++sub_help_filter (int key, const char *text, void *input)
++  if (key == ARGP_KEY_HELP_EXTRA)
++    return strdup ("This is some extra text from the sub parser (note that it \
++is preceded by a blank line).");
++  else
++    return (char *)text;
++static struct argp sub_argp = {
++  sub_options, sub_parse_opt, sub_args_doc, sub_doc, 0, sub_help_filter
++/* Structure used to communicate with the parsing functions.  */
++struct params
++  unsigned foonly;             /* Value parsed for foonly.  */
++  unsigned foonly_default;     /* Default value for it.  */
++#define OPT_PGRP 1
++#define OPT_SESS 2
++struct argp_option options[] =
++  {"pid",       'p',     "PID", 0, "List the process PID"},
++  {"pgrp",      OPT_PGRP,"PGRP",0, "List processes in the process group PGRP"},
++  {"no-parent", 'P',    0,     0, "Include processes without parents"},
++  {0,           'x',     0,     OPTION_ALIAS},
++  {"all-fields",'Q',     0,     0, "Don't elide unusable fields (normally"
++                                  " if there's some reason ps can't"
++                                  " print a field for any process, it's"
++                                  " removed from the output entirely)" },
++  {"reverse",   'r',    0,      0, "Reverse the order of any sort"},
++  {"gratuitously-long-reverse-option", 0, 0, OPTION_ALIAS},
++  {"session",  OPT_SESS,"SID",  OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL,
++                                  "Add the processes from the session"
++                                  " SID (which defaults to the sid of"
++                                  " the current process)" },
++  {0,0,0,0, "Here are some more options:"},
++  {"foonly", 'f', "ZOT", OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "Glork a foonly"},
++  {"zaza", 'z', 0, 0, "Snit a zar"},
++  {0}
++static const char args_doc[] = "STRING";
++static const char doc[] = "Test program for argp."
++ "\vThis doc string comes after the options."
++ "\nHey!  Some manual formatting!"
++ "\nThe current time is: %s";
++static void
++popt (int key, char *arg)
++  char buf[10];
++  if (isprint (key))
++    sprintf (buf, "%c", key);
++  else
++    sprintf (buf, "%d", key);
++  if (arg)
++    printf ("KEY %s: %s\n", buf, arg);
++  else
++    printf ("KEY %s\n", buf);
++static error_t
++parse_opt (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state)
++  struct params *params = state->input;
++  switch (key)
++    {
++    case ARGP_KEY_NO_ARGS:
++      printf ("NO ARGS\n");
++      break;
++    case ARGP_KEY_ARG:
++      if (state->arg_num > 0)
++       return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN; /* Leave it for the sub-arg parser.  */
++      printf ("ARG: %s\n", arg);
++      break;
++    case 'f':
++      if (arg)
++       params->foonly = atoi (arg);
++      else
++       params->foonly = params->foonly_default;
++      popt (key, arg);
++      break;
++    case 'p': case 'P': case OPT_PGRP: case 'x': case 'Q':
++    case 'r': case OPT_SESS: case 'z':
++      popt (key, arg);
++      break;
++    default:
++      return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN;
++    }
++  return 0;
++static char *
++help_filter (int key, const char *text, void *input)
++  char *new_text;
++  struct params *params = input;
++  if (key == ARGP_KEY_HELP_POST_DOC && text)
++    {
++      time_t now = time (0);
++      asprintf (&new_text, text, ctime (&now));
++    }
++  else if (key == 'f')
++    /* Show the default for the --foonly option.  */
++    asprintf (&new_text, "%s (ZOT defaults to %x)",
++             text, params->foonly_default);
++  else
++    new_text = (char *)text;
++  return new_text;
++static struct argp_child argp_children[] = { { &sub_argp }, { 0 } };
++static struct argp argp = {
++  options, parse_opt, args_doc, doc, argp_children, help_filter
++main (int argc, char **argv)
++  struct params params;
++  params.foonly = 0;
++  params.foonly_default = random ();
++  argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, &params);
++  printf ("After parsing: foonly = %x\n", params.foonly);
++  return 0;
+diff --git a/test/argp/bug-argp1.c b/test/argp/bug-argp1.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a28cf4b
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/argp/bug-argp1.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
++#include <argp.h>
++static const struct argp_option test_options[] =
++  { NULL, 'a', NULL, OPTION_DOC, NULL },
++  { NULL, 'b', NULL, OPTION_DOC, NULL },
++  { NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL }
++static struct argp test_argp =
++  test_options
++static int
++do_test (int argc, char *argv[])
++  int i;
++  argp_parse (&test_argp, argc, argv, 0, &i, NULL);
++  return 0;
++#define TEST_FUNCTION do_test (argc, argv)
++#include "../test-skeleton.c"
+diff --git a/test/argp/tst-argp1.c b/test/argp/tst-argp1.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..827daca
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/argp/tst-argp1.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
++/* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   Contributed by Ulrich Drepper <drepper at redhat.com>, 2002.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#include <argp.h>
++#define OPT_TO_THREAD          300
++#define OPT_TO_PROCESS         301
++#define OPT_SYNC_SIGNAL                302
++#define OPT_SYNC_JOIN          303
++#define OPT_TOPLEVEL           304
++static const struct argp_option test_options[] =
++  {
++    { NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "\
++This is a test for threads so we allow ther user to selection the number of \
++threads which are used at any one time.  Independently the total number of \
++rounds can be selected.  This is the total number of threads which will have \
++run when the process terminates:" },
++    { "threads", 't', "NUMBER", 0, "Number of threads used at once" },
++    { "starts", 's', "NUMBER", 0, "Total number of working threads" },
++    { "toplevel", OPT_TOPLEVEL, "NUMBER", 0,
++      "Number of toplevel threads which start the other threads; this \
++implies --sync-join" },
++    { NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "\
++Each thread can do one of two things: sleep or do work.  The latter is 100% \
++CPU bound.  The work load is the probability a thread does work.  All values \
++from zero to 100 (inclusive) are valid.  How often each thread repeats this \
++can be determined by the number of rounds.  The work cost determines how long \
++each work session (not sleeping) takes.  If it is zero a thread would \
++effectively nothing.  By setting the number of rounds to zero the thread \
++does no work at all and pure thread creation times can be measured." },
++    { "workload", 'w', "PERCENT", 0, "Percentage of time spent working" },
++    { "workcost", 'c', "NUMBER", 0,
++      "Factor in the cost of each round of working" },
++    { "rounds", 'r', "NUMBER", 0, "Number of rounds each thread runs" },
++    { NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "\
++There are a number of different methods how thread creation can be \
++synchronized.  Synchronization is necessary since the number of concurrently \
++running threads is limited." },
++    { "sync-signal", OPT_SYNC_SIGNAL, NULL, 0,
++      "Synchronize using a signal (default)" },
++    { "sync-join", OPT_SYNC_JOIN, NULL, 0, "Synchronize using pthread_join" },
++    { NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "\
++One parameter for each threads execution is the size of the stack.  If this \
++parameter is not used the system's default stack size is used.  If many \
++threads are used the stack size should be chosen quite small." },
++    { "stacksize", 'S', "BYTES", 0, "Size of threads stack" },
++    { "guardsize", 'g', "BYTES", 0,
++      "Size of stack guard area; must fit into the stack" },
++    { NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "Signal options:" },
++    { "to-thread", OPT_TO_THREAD, NULL, 0, "Send signal to main thread" },
++    { "to-process", OPT_TO_PROCESS, NULL, 0,
++      "Send signal to process (default)" },
++    { NULL, 0, NULL, 0, "Administrative options:" },
++    { "progress", 'p', NULL, 0, "Show signs of progress" },
++    { "timing", 'T', NULL, 0,
++      "Measure time from startup to the last thread finishing" },
++    { NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL }
++  };
++/* Prototype for option handler.  */
++static error_t parse_opt (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state);
++/* Data structure to communicate with argp functions.  */
++static struct argp argp =
++  test_options, parse_opt
++static int
++do_test (void)
++  int argc = 2;
++  char *argv[3] = { (char *) "tst-argp1", (char *) "--help", NULL };
++  int remaining;
++  /* Parse and process arguments.  */
++  argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, &remaining, NULL);
++  return 0;
++/* Handle program arguments.  */
++static error_t
++parse_opt (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state)
++  return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN;
++#define TEST_FUNCTION do_test ()
++#include "../test-skeleton.c"
+diff --git a/test/argp/tst-argp2.c b/test/argp/tst-argp2.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..705cdca
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/test/argp/tst-argp2.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
++/* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
++   Contributed by Jakub Jelinek <jakub at redhat.com>, 2007.
++   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++   Lesser General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
++   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
++   02111-1307 USA.  */
++#include <argp.h>
++static const struct argp_option opt1[] =
++  {
++    { "opt1", '1', "NUMBER", 0, "Option 1" },
++    { NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL }
++  };
++static const struct argp_option opt2[] =
++  {
++    { "opt2", '2', "NUMBER", 0, "Option 2" },
++    { NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL }
++  };
++static const struct argp_option opt3[] =
++  {
++    { "opt3", '3', "NUMBER", 0, "Option 3" },
++    { NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL }
++  };
++static const struct argp_option opt4[] =
++  {
++    { "opt4", '4', "NUMBER", 0, "Option 4" },
++    { NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL }
++  };
++static const struct argp_option opt5[] =
++  {
++    { "opt5", '5', "NUMBER", 0, "Option 5" },
++    { NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL }
++  };
++static struct argp argp5 =
++  {
++    opt5, NULL, "args doc5", "doc5", NULL, NULL, NULL
++  };
++static struct argp argp4 =
++  {
++    opt4, NULL, "args doc4", "doc4", NULL, NULL, NULL
++  };
++static struct argp argp3 =
++  {
++    opt3, NULL, "args doc3", "doc3", NULL, NULL, NULL
++  };
++static struct argp_child children2[] =
++  {
++    { &argp4, 0, "child3", 3 },
++    { &argp5, 0, "child4", 4 },
++    { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }
++  };
++static struct argp argp2 =
++  {
++    opt2, NULL, "args doc2", "doc2", children2, NULL, NULL
++  };
++static struct argp_child children1[] =
++  {
++    { &argp2, 0, "child1", 1 },
++    { &argp3, 0, "child2", 2 },
++    { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }
++  };
++static struct argp argp1 =
++  {
++    opt1, NULL, "args doc1", "doc1", children1, NULL, NULL
++  };
++static int
++do_test (void)
++  argp_help (&argp1, stdout, ARGP_HELP_LONG, (char *) "tst-argp2");
++  return 0;
++#define TEST_FUNCTION do_test ()
++#include "../test-skeleton.c"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0004-Dont-support-localised-optimizations-this-helps-to-h.patch b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0004-Dont-support-localised-optimizations-this-helps-to-h.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..629e13c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0004-Dont-support-localised-optimizations-this-helps-to-h.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+From 31785c544abe8b215dbb2264fb11ee7051515797 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2015 20:58:59 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 4/7] Dont support localised optimizations this helps to have a
+ global -O level
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+ libpthread/nptl/pthread_mutex_timedlock.c | 2 ++
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/libpthread/nptl/pthread_mutex_timedlock.c b/libpthread/nptl/pthread_mutex_timedlock.c
+index 04187f6..f56f6c5 100644
+--- a/libpthread/nptl/pthread_mutex_timedlock.c
++++ b/libpthread/nptl/pthread_mutex_timedlock.c
+@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@
+  * error: can't find a register in class ‘GENERAL_REGS’ while reloading ‘asm’
+  */
+ int
++#ifndef  __OPTIMIZE__
+ attribute_optimize("Os")
+ pthread_mutex_timedlock (
+      pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
+      const struct timespec *abstime)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0005-Always-use-O2-for-compiling-fork.c.patch b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0005-Always-use-O2-for-compiling-fork.c.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad9b246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0005-Always-use-O2-for-compiling-fork.c.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+From 883debc22e30a947fe5858cc07ee5aebd3d07a2e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2015 20:59:56 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 5/7] Always use -O2 for compiling fork.c
+When compiling in thumb mode for arm with -Os gcc gives up since it can
+not find registers to spill. So we use -O2 option for compiling fork.c
+It may be addressable in gcc.
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+ libpthread/nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/Makefile.arch | 6 ++++++
+ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/libpthread/nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/Makefile.arch b/libpthread/nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/Makefile.arch
+index 0ea0b29..0767e9c 100644
+--- a/libpthread/nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/Makefile.arch
++++ b/libpthread/nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/Makefile.arch
+@@ -21,3 +21,9 @@ ASFLAGS-pt-vfork.S = -marm
+ CFLAGS-OMIT-pt-vfork.S = -mthumb
+ ASFLAGS-vfork.S = -marm
+ CFLAGS-OMIT-vfork.S = -mthumb
++# For arm fork.c does not compile with -Os when compiling
++# in thumb1 mode
++CFLAGS-fork.c = -O2
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0006-ldso-limited-support-for-ORIGIN-in-rpath.patch b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0006-ldso-limited-support-for-ORIGIN-in-rpath.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0d8737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0006-ldso-limited-support-for-ORIGIN-in-rpath.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+From b40c129ed2d53b69463883a5422dd4a012a398f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Junling Zheng <zhengjunling@huawei.com>
+Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2015 05:02:27 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 6/7] ldso: limited support for $ORIGIN in rpath
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Derived from:
+However, the above patch introduced '_dl_strchr' in ldso/ldso/dl-elf.c,
+and caused the following undefined referencing compiling error:
+  | .../libdl.a(libdl.os): In function `search_for_named_library':
+  | .../dl-elf.c:156: undefined reference to `_dl_strchr'
+  | collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
+This problem would be reproduced through compiling gdb in static mode
+using uclibc.
+So, add the definition of '_dl_strchr' to fix it. The '_dl_strstr' is
+added as well.
+Upstream-Status: Submitted
+Signed-off-by: Timo Teräs <timo.teras at iki.fi>
+Signed-off-by: Junling Zheng <zhengjunling@huawei.com>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+ ldso/include/dl-string.h |  2 ++
+ ldso/ldso/dl-elf.c       | 79 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
+ ldso/ldso/ldso.c         | 18 +++++++++--
+ 3 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/ldso/include/dl-string.h b/ldso/include/dl-string.h
+index aacad10..14ae617 100644
+--- a/ldso/include/dl-string.h
++++ b/ldso/include/dl-string.h
+@@ -204,7 +204,9 @@ static __always_inline char * _dl_get_last_path_component(char *path)
+ # define _dl_strcat strcat
+ # define _dl_strcpy strcpy
+ # define _dl_strcmp strcmp
++# define _dl_strchr strchr
+ # define _dl_strrchr strrchr
++# define _dl_strstr strstr
+ # define _dl_memcpy memcpy
+ # define _dl_memcmp memcmp
+ # define _dl_memset memset
+diff --git a/ldso/ldso/dl-elf.c b/ldso/ldso/dl-elf.c
+index 5631905..6ab7afe 100644
+--- a/ldso/ldso/dl-elf.c
++++ b/ldso/ldso/dl-elf.c
+@@ -133,56 +133,60 @@ _dl_protect_relro (struct elf_resolve *l)
+  * in uClibc/ldso/util/ldd.c */
+ static struct elf_resolve *
+ search_for_named_library(const char *name, unsigned rflags, const char *path_list,
+-	struct dyn_elf **rpnt)
++	struct dyn_elf **rpnt, const char* origin)
+ {
+-	char *path, *path_n, *mylibname;
++	char *mylibname;
++	const char *p, *pn;
+ 	struct elf_resolve *tpnt;
+-	int done;
++	int plen;
+ 	if (path_list==NULL)
+ 		return NULL;
+-	/* We need a writable copy of this string, but we don't
+-	 * need this allocated permanently since we don't want
+-	 * to leak memory, so use alloca to put path on the stack */
+-	done = _dl_strlen(path_list);
+-	path = alloca(done + 1);
+ 	/* another bit of local storage */
+ 	mylibname = alloca(2050);
+-	_dl_memcpy(path, path_list, done+1);
+ 	/* Unlike ldd.c, don't bother to eliminate double //s */
+ 	/* Replace colons with zeros in path_list */
+ 	/* : at the beginning or end of path maps to CWD */
+ 	/* :: anywhere maps CWD */
+ 	/* "" maps to CWD */
+-	done = 0;
+-	path_n = path;
+-	do {
+-		if (*path == 0) {
+-			*path = ':';
+-			done = 1;
++	for (p = path_list; p != NULL; p = pn) {
++		pn = _dl_strchr(p + 1, ':');
++		if (pn != NULL) {
++			plen = pn - p;
++			pn++;
++		} else
++			plen = _dl_strlen(p);
++		if (plen >= 7 && _dl_memcmp(p, "$ORIGIN", 7) == 0) {
++			int olen;
++			if (rflags && plen != 7)
++				continue;
++			if (origin == NULL)
++				continue;
++			for (olen = _dl_strlen(origin) - 1; olen >= 0 && origin[olen] != '/'; olen--)
++				;
++			if (olen <= 0)
++				continue;
++			_dl_memcpy(&mylibname[0], origin, olen);
++			_dl_memcpy(&mylibname[olen], p + 7, plen - 7);
++			mylibname[olen + plen - 7] = 0;
++		} else if (plen != 0) {
++			_dl_memcpy(mylibname, p, plen);
++			mylibname[plen] = 0;
++		} else {
++			_dl_strcpy(mylibname, ".");
+ 		}
+-		if (*path == ':') {
+-			*path = 0;
+-			if (*path_n)
+-				_dl_strcpy(mylibname, path_n);
+-			else
+-				_dl_strcpy(mylibname, "."); /* Assume current dir if empty path */
+-			_dl_strcat(mylibname, "/");
+-			_dl_strcat(mylibname, name);
++		_dl_strcat(mylibname, "/");
++		_dl_strcat(mylibname, name);
+ #ifdef __LDSO_SAFE_RUNPATH__
+-			if (*mylibname == '/')
++		if (*mylibname == '/')
+ #endif
+-				if ((tpnt = _dl_load_elf_shared_library(rflags, rpnt, mylibname)) != NULL)
+-					return tpnt;
+-			path_n = path+1;
+-		}
+-		path++;
+-	} while (!done);
++		if ((tpnt = _dl_load_elf_shared_library(rflags, rpnt, mylibname)) != NULL)
++			return tpnt;
++	}
+ 	return NULL;
+ }
+@@ -234,7 +238,8 @@ struct elf_resolve *_dl_load_shared_library(unsigned rflags, struct dyn_elf **rp
+ 	if (pnt) {
+ 		pnt += (unsigned long) tpnt->dynamic_info[DT_STRTAB];
+ 		_dl_if_debug_dprint("\tsearching RPATH='%s'\n", pnt);
+-		if ((tpnt1 = search_for_named_library(libname, rflags, pnt, rpnt)) != NULL)
++		if ((tpnt1 = search_for_named_library(libname, rflags, pnt, rpnt,
++						      tpnt->libname)) != NULL)
+ 			return tpnt1;
+ 	}
+ #endif
+@@ -243,7 +248,7 @@ struct elf_resolve *_dl_load_shared_library(unsigned rflags, struct dyn_elf **rp
+ 	/* Check in LD_{ELF_}LIBRARY_PATH, if specified and allowed */
+ 	if (_dl_library_path) {
+ 		_dl_if_debug_dprint("\tsearching LD_LIBRARY_PATH='%s'\n", _dl_library_path);
+-		if ((tpnt1 = search_for_named_library(libname, rflags, _dl_library_path, rpnt)) != NULL)
++		if ((tpnt1 = search_for_named_library(libname, rflags, _dl_library_path, rpnt, NULL)) != NULL)
+ 		{
+ 			return tpnt1;
+ 		}
+@@ -257,7 +262,7 @@ struct elf_resolve *_dl_load_shared_library(unsigned rflags, struct dyn_elf **rp
+ 	if (pnt) {
+ 		pnt += (unsigned long) tpnt->dynamic_info[DT_STRTAB];
+ 		_dl_if_debug_dprint("\tsearching RUNPATH='%s'\n", pnt);
+-		if ((tpnt1 = search_for_named_library(libname, rflags, pnt, rpnt)) != NULL)
++		if ((tpnt1 = search_for_named_library(libname, rflags, pnt, rpnt, NULL)) != NULL)
+ 			return tpnt1;
+ 	}
+ #endif
+@@ -291,7 +296,7 @@ struct elf_resolve *_dl_load_shared_library(unsigned rflags, struct dyn_elf **rp
+ 	/* Look for libraries wherever the shared library loader
+ 	 * was installed */
+ 	_dl_if_debug_dprint("\tsearching ldso dir='%s'\n", _dl_ldsopath);
+-	tpnt1 = search_for_named_library(libname, rflags, _dl_ldsopath, rpnt);
++	tpnt1 = search_for_named_library(libname, rflags, _dl_ldsopath, rpnt, NULL);
+ 	if (tpnt1 != NULL)
+ 		return tpnt1;
+ #endif
+@@ -304,7 +309,7 @@ struct elf_resolve *_dl_load_shared_library(unsigned rflags, struct dyn_elf **rp
+ #ifndef __LDSO_CACHE_SUPPORT__
+ 					":" UCLIBC_RUNTIME_PREFIX "usr/X11R6/lib"
+ #endif
+-					, rpnt);
++					, rpnt, NULL);
+ 	if (tpnt1 != NULL)
+ 		return tpnt1;
+diff --git a/ldso/ldso/ldso.c b/ldso/ldso/ldso.c
+index f38f9e3..3812908 100644
+--- a/ldso/ldso/ldso.c
++++ b/ldso/ldso/ldso.c
+@@ -402,6 +402,20 @@ static ptrdiff_t _dl_build_local_scope (struct elf_resolve **list,
+ 				p += _dl_build_local_scope (p, q->tpnt);
+ 	return p - list;
+ }
++static void _dl_setup_progname(const char *argv0)
++	char image[PATH_MAX];
++	ssize_t s;
++	s = _dl_readlink("/proc/self/exe", image, sizeof(image));
++	if (s > 0 && image[0] == '/') {
++		image[s] = 0;
++		_dl_progname = _dl_strdup(image);
++	} else if (argv0) {
++		_dl_progname = argv0;
++	}
+ void *_dl_get_ready_to_run(struct elf_resolve *tpnt, DL_LOADADDR_TYPE load_addr,
+ 			  ElfW(auxv_t) auxvt[AT_EGID + 1], char **envp, char **argv
+@@ -454,9 +468,7 @@ void *_dl_get_ready_to_run(struct elf_resolve *tpnt, DL_LOADADDR_TYPE load_addr,
+ 	 * been fixed up by now.  Still no function calls outside of this
+ 	 * library, since the dynamic resolver is not yet ready.
+ 	 */
+-	if (argv[0]) {
+-		_dl_progname = argv[0];
+-	}
++	_dl_setup_progname(argv[0]);
+ #ifdef __DSBT__
+ 	_dl_ldso_dsbt = (void *)tpnt->dynamic_info[DT_DSBT_BASE_IDX];
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0007-nptl-atfork-Hide-pthread_atfork-in-shared-versions.patch b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0007-nptl-atfork-Hide-pthread_atfork-in-shared-versions.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee932c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/0007-nptl-atfork-Hide-pthread_atfork-in-shared-versions.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+From 90516af9f776f9c2835b47fc52775dcb307a85ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2012 15:59:01 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 7/7] nptl/atfork: Hide pthread_atfork in shared versions
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+ libpthread/nptl/Makefile.in | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/libpthread/nptl/Makefile.in b/libpthread/nptl/Makefile.in
+index 55eeba2..8cb8fa9 100644
+--- a/libpthread/nptl/Makefile.in
++++ b/libpthread/nptl/Makefile.in
+@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ libc-shared-routines-y = forward.c libc-cancellation.c
+ libc-static-routines-y = alloca_cutoff.c libc-cancellation.c
+ libpthread-shared-only-routines-y = version.c
+ libpthread-static-only-routines-y = pthread_atfork.c
+ libpthread-routines- += $(notdir $(wildcard $(libpthread_DIR)/gen_*.c)) # dummy generated files
+ libpthread-routines- += allocatestack.c # dummy included by pthread_create.c
+ libpthread-routines- += pthread_mutex_getprioceiling.c pthread_mutex_setprioceiling.c # XXX: delete those or use them!
+@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@ CFLAGS-msgsnd.c = -fexceptions -fasynchronous-unwind-tables
+ CFLAGS-tcdrain.c = -fexceptions -fasynchronous-unwind-tables
+ CFLAGS-pt-system.c = -fexceptions -I$(top_srcdir)libc/stdlib
++CFLAGS-pthread_atfork.c = -DNOT_IN_libc
+ #
+ # The rest of this file is uClibc specific.
+ #
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/locale.cfg b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/locale.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc66435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/locale.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/obstack.cfg b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/obstack.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36bf9d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/obstack.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/uClibc.distro b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/uClibc.distro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6575482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/uClibc.distro
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+# General Library Settings
+# HAVE_NO_PIC is not set
+# DOPIC is not set
+# HAVE_NO_SHARED is not set
+# ARCH_HAS_NO_LDSO is not set
+# HAS_NO_THREADS is not set
+# LINUXTHREADS_OLD is not set
+# MALLOC is not set
+# MALLOC_SIMPLE is not set
+# Advanced Library Settings
+# Networking Support
+# String and Stdio Support
+# UCLIBC_HAS_LOCALE is not set
+# UCLIBC_HAS_STDIO_BUFSIZ_512 is not set
+# UCLIBC_HAS_STDIO_BUFSIZ_1024 is not set
+# UCLIBC_HAS_STDIO_BUFSIZ_2048 is not set
+# UCLIBC_HAS_STDIO_BUFSIZ_4096 is not set
+# UCLIBC_HAS_STDIO_BUFSIZ_8192 is not set
+# Big and Tall
+# UCLIBC_HAS_REGEX_OLD is not set
+# Library Installation Options
+# Security options
+# UCLIBC_BUILD_PIE is not set
+# HAVE_NO_SSP is not set
+# UCLIBC_HAS_SSP is not set
+# uClibc development/debugging options
+# DODEBUG is not set
+# DODEBUG_PT is not set
+# DOSTRIP is not set
+# DOASSERTS is not set
+# SUPPORT_LD_DEBUG is not set
+# EXTRA_WARNINGS is not set
+# DOMULTI is not set
+# UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY is not set
+# math stuff for perl
+# UCLIBC_LINUX_MODULE_24 is not set
+# The below option is needed for ARM since depending
+# upong what intruction set is chosen this will be
+# enabled. As such it is harmless and will be punted
+# by menuconfig for other arches.
+# needed by systemd
+# needed for LTP
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/uClibc.machine b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/uClibc.machine
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..595f444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/uClibc.machine
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Automatically generated make config: don't edit
+# Version: 0.9.32-git
+# Mon Jul 19 01:34:29 2010
+# Using ELF file format
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-initial_git.bb b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-initial_git.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c937ccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-initial_git.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+SECTION = "base"
+require uclibc.inc
+require uclibc-git.inc
+DEPENDS = "linux-libc-headers ncurses-native virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc-initial libgcc-initial kern-tools-native"
+PROVIDES = "virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}libc-initial"
+STAGINGCC = "gcc-cross-initial-${TARGET_ARCH}"
+STAGINGCC_class-nativesdk = "gcc-crosssdk-initial-${TARGET_ARCH}"
+do_install() {
+	# Install initial headers into the cross dir
+		install_headers install_startfiles
+        # add links to linux-libc-headers: final uclibc build need this.
+        for t in linux asm asm-generic; do
+                if [ -d ${D}${includedir}/$t ]; then
+                    rm -rf ${D}${includedir}/$t
+                fi
+                ln -sf ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${includedir}/$t ${D}${includedir}/
+        done
+do_compile() {
+	:
+do_siteconfig () {
+        :
+do_populate_sysroot[sstate-outputdirs] = "${STAGING_DIR_TCBOOTSTRAP}/"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-package.inc b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-package.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1815f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-package.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Ensure the uclibc-dev package is processed before uclibc-staticdev to allow
+# *_nonshared.a libraries to be packaged in the uclibc-dev package.
+PACKAGES = "ldd uclibc-utils-dbg uclibc-utils uclibc-gconv uclibc-thread-db uclibc-argp uclibc-backtrace uclibc-libcrypt uclibc-libintl uclibc-libnsl uclibc-libresolv uclibc-libm uclibc-libdl uclibc-libutil uclibc-libpthread uclibc-librt ${PN}-dbg ${PN}-dev ${PN}-staticdev ${PN}-doc ${PN}"
+FILES_uclibc-libcrypt = "${base_libdir}/libcrypt*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libcrypt-*.so"
+FILES_uclibc-libintl = "${base_libdir}/libintl*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libintl-*.so"
+FILES_uclibc-libnsl = "${base_libdir}/libnsl*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libnsl-*.so"
+FILES_uclibc-libresolv = "${base_libdir}/libresolv*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libresolv-*.so"
+FILES_uclibc-libm = "${base_libdir}/libm*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libm-*.so"
+FILES_uclibc-libdl = "${base_libdir}/libdl*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libdl-*.so"
+FILES_uclibc-libutil = "${base_libdir}/libutil*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libutil-*.so"
+FILES_uclibc-libpthread = "${base_libdir}/libpthread*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libpthread-*.so"
+FILES_uclibc-librt = "${base_libdir}/librt*.so.* ${base_libdir}/librt-*.so"
+FILES_ldd = "${bindir}/ldd"
+FILES_uclibc-utils = "${bindir} ${sbindir}"
+FILES_uclibc-utils-dbg += "${bindir}/.debug ${sbindir}/.debug"
+FILES_uclibc-gconv = "${libdir}/gconv"
+FILES_uclibc-thread-db = "${base_libdir}/libthread_db*"
+FILES_uclibc-argp = "${base_libdir}/libuargp-*.so ${base_libdir}/libuargp*.so.*"
+FILES_uclibc-backtrace = "${base_libdir}/libubacktrace-*.so ${base_libdir}/libubacktrace*.so.*"
+# The last line (gdb and lib1) is for uclinux-uclibc builds
+uclibc_baselibs = "${base_libdir}/ld*.so.* ${base_libdir}/ld*.so \
+                   ${base_libdir}/libc*.so.* ${base_libdir}/libuClibc-*.so \
+                   ${libdir}/libc.gdb ${libdir}/libc ${base_libdir}/lib1.so \
+                  "
+FILES_SOLIBSDEV = "${libdir}/lib*${SOLIBSDEV}"
+FILES_${PN}-dev += "\
+        ${libdir}/lib*.so \
+        ${libdir}/*_nonshared.a \
+        ${libdir}/[S]*crt[1in].o \
+        ${libdir}/crtreloc*.o \
+        ${includedir}/*.h ${includedir}/*/*.h \
+       "
+FILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir} ${uclibc_baselibs} /sbin/ldconfig \
+               ${libexecdir} ${datadir}/zoneinfo ${libdir}/locale"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc.inc b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..533aa3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+SUMMARY = "C library for embedded systems"
+DESCRIPTION = "The name uClibc is an abbreviation for 'the \
+microcontroller C library'. For simplicity, uClibc is pronounced \
+'yew-see-lib-see'.  The goal of uClibc is to provide as much \
+functionality as possible in a small amount of space, and it is intended \
+primarily for embedded use. It is also highly configurable in supported \
+features, at the cost of ABI differences for different configurations. \
+uClibc has been designed from the ground up to be a C library for \
+embedded Linux.  It is NOT compatible with binaries linked against glibc."
+LICENSE = "LGPLv2.1+"
+SECTION = "libs"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING.LIB;md5=a6f89e2100d9b6cdffcea4f398e37343 \
+		    file://COPYING.LIB.boilerplate;md5=aaddeadcddeb918297e0e4afc52ce46f \
+PR = "r9"
+require uclibc-config.inc
+# siteconfig.bbclass runs configure which needs a working compiler
+# For the compiler to work we need a working libc yet libc isn't
+# in the sysroots directory at this point. This means the libc.so
+# linker script won't work as the --sysroot setting isn't correct.
+# Here we create a hacked up libc linker script and pass in the right
+# flags to let configure work. Ugly.
+EXTRASITECONFIG = "CFLAGS='${CFLAGS} -Wl,-L${WORKDIR}/site_config_libc -L${WORKDIR}/site_config_libc -L${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${libdir} -L${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${base_libdir} -Wl,-L${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${libdir} -Wl,-L${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${base_libdir}'"
+siteconfig_do_siteconfig_gencache_prepend = " \
+mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/site_config_libc; \
+cp ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${libdir}/libc.so ${WORKDIR}/site_config_libc; \
+sed -i -e 's# ${base_libdir}# ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${base_libdir}#g' -e 's# ${libdir}# ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}${libdir}#g' ${WORKDIR}/site_config_libc/libc.so; \
+# For now, we will skip building of a gcc package if it is a uclibc one
+# and our build is not a uclibc one, and we skip a glibc one if our build
+# is a uclibc build.
+COMPATIBLE_HOST = ".*-uclibc.*"
+# do_stage barfs on a CC with whitespace, therefore put the 'HOST_CC_ARCH' in
+# the CFLAGS (when building the utils).
+                'HOSTCC=${BUILD_CC}' \
+                'HOST_CFLAGS=${BUILD_CFLAGS}' \
+                'CC=${CC}' \
+                ARCH=${UCLIBC_ARCH}"
+EXTRA_OEMAKE_task_do_package = "${OEMAKE_NO_CC}"
+# enable verbose output:
+export V="2"
+# -O<n> -fno-omit-frame-pointer ends up with GCC ICE on thumb as reported
+# http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=44860
+CFLAGS_arm := "${@oe_filter_out('-fno-omit-frame-pointer', '${CFLAGS}', d)}"
+UCLIBC_EXTRA_CFLAGS  := "${@oe_filter_out('(-I\S+|-i\S+)', '${CFLAGS}', d)}"
+do_compile_prepend () {
+  oe_runmake pregen
+configmangle = '/^KERNEL_HEADERS/d; \
+                /^RUNTIME_PREFIX/d; \
+                /^DEVEL_PREFIX/d; \
+                /^SHARED_LIB_LOADER_PREFIX/d; \
+                /^UCLIBC_EXTRA_CFLAGS/d; \
+                s,.*UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR.*,UCLIBC_HAS_WCHAR=y,g; \
+                ${@["","s,.*COMPILE_IN_THUMB_MODE.*,COMPILE_IN_THUMB_MODE=y,;"][d.getVar("ARM_INSTRUCTION_SET", True) != "arm"]} \
+                ${@["","s,.*UCLIBC_HAS_LOCALE.*,UCLIBC_HAS_LOCALE=y,;"][d.getVar("USE_NLS", True) == "yes"]} \
+                ${@["","s,.*LDSO_GNU_HASH_SUPPORT.*,# LDSO_GNU_HASH_SUPPORT is not set,;"][d.getVar("TARGET_ARCH", True) in ['mips', 'mipsel', 'mips64', 'mips64el', 'avr32']]} \
+                /^CROSS/d; \
+                /^TARGET_ARCH=/d; \
+                /^TARGET_/s,^\([^=]*\).*,# \1 is not set,g; \
+                s,^DOSTRIP.*,# DOSTRIP is not set,g; \
+                /_[EO]*ABI/d; \
+                /HAS_FPU/d; \
+                ${@["","s,.*MULTILIB_DIR.*,MULTILIB_DIR=\"${baselib}\",;"][d.getVar("baselib", True) != "lib"]} \
+               '
+OE_FEATURES := "${@features_to_uclibc_conf(d)}"
+OE_DEL      := "${@features_to_uclibc_del(d)}"
+python () {
+    if "${OE_DEL}":
+        d.setVar('configmangle_append', "${OE_DEL}" + "\n")
+    # by default uclibc uses mips1 ISA for o32 ABI
+    # if we use TARGET_CC_ARCH="-march=mips32" we end up 
+    # with conflicting march options to gcc. Here we
+    # ask for MIPS32 ISA to match the chosen arch
+    tune = d.getVar("DEFAULTTUNE", True)
+    if tune.startswith('mips32'):
+        import re
+        tune = re.sub('(el)*(-nf)*', '', tune)
+        d.setVar('configmangle_append',
+                 "/^### MIPS32_CHECK$/a\\\nCONFIG_MIPS_ISA_%s=y\n\n" % (tune.upper()))
+    if "${OE_FEATURES}":
+        d.setVar('configmangle_append',
+                   "/^### DISTRO FEATURES$/a\\\n%s\n\n" %
+                   ("\\n".join((d.expand("${OE_FEATURES}").split("\n")))))
+    d.setVar('configmangle_append',
+                 "/^### CROSS$/a\\\n%s\n" %
+                  ("\\n".join(["CROSS_COMPILER_PREFIX=\"${TARGET_PREFIX}\"",
+                        "UCLIBC_EXTRA_CFLAGS=\"${UCLIBC_EXTRA_CFLAGS}\"",
+                         "KERNEL_HEADERS=\"${STAGING_INCDIR}\"",
+                         "RUNTIME_PREFIX=\"/\"",
+                         "DEVEL_PREFIX=\"/${prefix}\"",
+                         "SHARED_LIB_LOADER_PREFIX=\"/lib\"",
+                        ])
+                  ))
+    d.setVar('configmangle_append',
+                 "/^### TGT$/a\\\nTARGET_ARCH=\"%s\"\\nTARGET_%s=y\n" %
+                        ("${UCLIBC_ARCH}", "${UCLIBC_ARCH}"))
+    d.setVar('configmangle_append',
+    "/^### FPU$/a\\\n%s\n\n" % (["UCLIBC_HAS_FPU=y","# UCLIBC_HAS_FPU is not set"][d.getVar('TARGET_FPU', True) in [ 'soft' ]]))
+    if "${UCLIBC_ENDIAN}":
+        d.setVar('configmangle_append',
+                   "/^### ABI$/a\\\nARCH_WANTS_%s_ENDIAN=y\n\n" % ("${UCLIBC_ENDIAN}"))
+    if "${UCLIBC_ABI}":
+        d.setVar('configmangle_append',
+                   "/^### ABI$/a\\\nCONFIG_%s=y\n\n" % ("${UCLIBC_ABI}"))
+python do_patch_append() {
+    import subprocess
+    subprocess.call("ln -sf ${STAGING_INCDIR}/linux ${S}/include/linux", shell=True)
+    subprocess.call("ln -sf ${STAGING_INCDIR}/asm ${S}/include/asm", shell=True)
+do_configure() {
+        rm -f ${S}/.config
+        # OpenEmbedded splits the uClibc.config in two parts:
+        # uClibc.machine, uClibc.distro
+        echo "### uClibc.machine ###" >${S}/merged.config
+        cat ${WORKDIR}/uClibc.machine >>${S}/merged.config
+        echo "### uClibc.distro ###" >>${S}/merged.config
+        cat ${WORKDIR}/uClibc.distro >>${S}/merged.config
+        echo "### CROSS" >>${S}/merged.config
+        echo "### TGT" >>${S}/merged.config
+        echo "### MMU" >>${S}/merged.config
+        echo "### FPU" >>${S}/merged.config
+        echo "### ABI" >>${S}/merged.config
+        echo "### DISTRO FEATURES" >>${S}/merged.config
+        echo "### MIPS32_CHECK" >>${S}/merged.config
+        # Mangle the resulting .config depending on OE variables
+        sed -i -e '${configmangle}' ${S}/merged.config
+	cp ${S}/merged.config .config
+        merge_config.sh -r -n -m .config ${@" ".join(find_cfgs(d))}
+	cml1_do_configure
+do_install() {
+	oe_runmake PREFIX=${D} install
+	rm -rf ${D}${includedir}/iconv.h
+# build ldd, ldconfig and friends but only for full uclibc
+do_install_append_pn-uclibc () {
+        oe_runmake PREFIX=${D} "SSP_ALL_CFLAGS=${TARGET_LINK_HASH_STYLE}" -C utils utils_install
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc_git.bb b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc_git.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd02b3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc_git.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+require uclibc.inc
+require uclibc-package.inc
+require uclibc-git.inc
+STAGINGCC = "gcc-cross-initial-${TARGET_ARCH}"
+STAGINGCC_class-nativesdk = "gcc-crosssdk-initial-${TARGET_ARCH}"
+PROVIDES += "virtual/libc virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}libc-for-gcc"
+DEPENDS = "virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}binutils \
+           virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc-initial \
+           virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}libc-initial \
+           linux-libc-headers ncurses-native \
+           libgcc-initial kern-tools-native"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-dev = "linux-libc-headers-dev"
+RPROVIDES_${PN}-dev += "libc-dev virtual-libc-dev"
+# uclibc does not really have libsegfault but then using the one from glibc is also not
+# going to work. So we pretend that we have it to make bitbake not pull other recipes
+# to satisfy this dependency for the images/tasks
+RPROVIDES_${PN} += "libsegfault rtld(GNU_HASH)"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/automount.rules b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/automount.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62578ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/automount.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# There are a number of modifiers that are allowed to be used in some
+# of the different fields. They provide the following subsitutions:
+# %n the "kernel number" of the device.
+#    For example, 'sda3' has a "kernel number" of '3'
+# %e the smallest number for that name which does not matches an existing node
+# %k the kernel name for the device
+# %M the kernel major number for the device
+# %m the kernel minor number for the device
+# %b the bus id for the device
+# %c the string returned by the PROGRAM
+# %s{filename} the content of a sysfs attribute
+# %% the '%' char itself
+# Media automounting
+SUBSYSTEM=="block", ACTION=="add"    RUN+="/etc/udev/scripts/mount.sh"
+SUBSYSTEM=="block", ACTION=="remove" RUN+="/etc/udev/scripts/mount.sh"
+SUBSYSTEM=="block", ACTION=="change", ENV{DISK_MEDIA_CHANGE}=="1" RUN+="/etc/udev/scripts/mount.sh"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/autonet.rules b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/autonet.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19676aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/autonet.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# There are a number of modifiers that are allowed to be used in some
+# of the different fields. They provide the following subsitutions:
+# %n the "kernel number" of the device.
+#    For example, 'sda3' has a "kernel number" of '3'
+# %e the smallest number for that name which does not matches an existing node
+# %k the kernel name for the device
+# %M the kernel major number for the device
+# %m the kernel minor number for the device
+# %b the bus id for the device
+# %c the string returned by the PROGRAM
+# %s{filename} the content of a sysfs attribute
+# %% the '%' char itself
+# Handle network interface setup
+SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add" RUN+="/etc/udev/scripts/network.sh"
+SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="remove" RUN+="/etc/udev/scripts/network.sh"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/localextra.rules b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/localextra.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d51d3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/localextra.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# There are a number of modifiers that are allowed to be used in some
+# of the different fields. They provide the following subsitutions:
+# %n the "kernel number" of the device.
+#    For example, 'sda3' has a "kernel number" of '3'
+# %e the smallest number for that name which does not matches an existing node
+# %k the kernel name for the device
+# %M the kernel major number for the device
+# %m the kernel minor number for the device
+# %b the bus id for the device
+# %c the string returned by the PROGRAM
+# %s{filename} the content of a sysfs attribute
+# %% the '%' char itself
+# The first rtc device is symlinked to /dev/rtc
+KERNEL=="rtc0", SYMLINK+="rtc"
+#The first framebuffer is symlinked to /dev/fb
+KERNEL=="fb0",  SYMLINK+="fb"
+# Make all input devices read-write to the input group
+SUBSYSTEM=="input", GROUP="input", MODE="660"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/mount.blacklist b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/mount.blacklist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e493494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/mount.blacklist
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/mount.sh b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/mount.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eea910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/mount.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Called from udev
+# Attempt to mount any added block devices and umount any removed devices
+for line in `grep -v ^# /etc/udev/mount.blacklist`
+	if [ ` expr match "$DEVNAME" "$line" ` -gt 0 ];
+	then
+		logger "udev/mount.sh" "[$DEVNAME] is blacklisted, ignoring"
+		exit 0
+	fi
+automount() {	
+	name="`basename "$DEVNAME"`"
+	! test -d "/run/media/$name" && mkdir -p "/run/media/$name"
+	# Silent util-linux's version of mounting auto
+	if [ "x`readlink $MOUNT`" = "x/bin/mount.util-linux" ] ;
+	then
+		MOUNT="$MOUNT -o silent"
+	fi
+	# If filesystem type is vfat, change the ownership group to 'disk', and
+	# grant it with  w/r/x permissions.
+	case $ID_FS_TYPE in
+	vfat|fat)
+		MOUNT="$MOUNT -o umask=007,gid=`awk -F':' '/^disk/{print $3}' /etc/group`"
+		;;
+	# TODO
+	*)
+		;;
+	esac
+	if ! $MOUNT -t auto $DEVNAME "/run/media/$name"
+	then
+		#logger "mount.sh/automount" "$MOUNT -t auto $DEVNAME \"/run/media/$name\" failed!"
+		rm_dir "/run/media/$name"
+	else
+		logger "mount.sh/automount" "Auto-mount of [/run/media/$name] successful"
+		touch "/tmp/.automount-$name"
+	fi
+rm_dir() {
+	# We do not want to rm -r populated directories
+	if test "`find "$1" | wc -l | tr -d " "`" -lt 2 -a -d "$1"
+	then
+		! test -z "$1" && rm -r "$1"
+	else
+		logger "mount.sh/automount" "Not removing non-empty directory [$1]"
+	fi
+# No ID_FS_TYPE for cdrom device, yet it should be mounted
+name="`basename "$DEVNAME"`"
+[ -e /sys/block/$name/device/media ] && media_type=`cat /sys/block/$name/device/media`
+if [ "$ACTION" = "add" ] && [ -n "$DEVNAME" ] && [ -n "$ID_FS_TYPE" -o "$media_type" = "cdrom" ]; then
+	if [ -x "$PMOUNT" ]; then
+		$PMOUNT $DEVNAME 2> /dev/null
+	elif [ -x $MOUNT ]; then
+    		$MOUNT $DEVNAME 2> /dev/null
+	fi
+	# If the device isn't mounted at this point, it isn't
+	# configured in fstab (note the root filesystem can show up as
+	# /dev/root in /proc/mounts, so check the device number too)
+	if expr $MAJOR "*" 256 + $MINOR != `stat -c %d /`; then
+		grep -q "^$DEVNAME " /proc/mounts || automount
+	fi
+if [ "$ACTION" = "remove" ] || [ "$ACTION" = "change" ] && [ -x "$UMOUNT" ] && [ -n "$DEVNAME" ]; then
+	for mnt in `cat /proc/mounts | grep "$DEVNAME" | cut -f 2 -d " " `
+	do
+		$UMOUNT $mnt
+	done
+	# Remove empty directories from auto-mounter
+	name="`basename "$DEVNAME"`"
+	test -e "/tmp/.automount-$name" && rm_dir "/run/media/$name"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/network.sh b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/network.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ee9271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf/network.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# We get two "add" events for hostap cards due to wifi0
+echo "$INTERFACE" | grep -q wifi && exit 0
+# udevd does clearenv(). Export shell PATH to children.
+export PATH
+# Check if /etc/init.d/network has been run yet to see if we are 
+# called by starting /etc/rcS.d/S03udev and not by hotplugging a device
+# At this stage, network interfaces should not be brought up
+# automatically because:
+# a)	/etc/init.d/network has not been run yet (security issue)
+# b) 	/var has not been populated yet so /etc/resolv,conf points to 
+#	oblivion, making the network unusable
+spoofp="`grep ^spoofprotect /etc/network/options`"
+if test -z "$spoofp"
+	# This is the default from /etc/init.d/network
+	spoofp_val=yes
+	spoofp_val=${spoofp#spoofprotect=}
+test "$spoofp_val" = yes && spoofp_val=1 || spoofp_val=0
+# I think it is safe to assume that "lo" will always be there ;)
+if test "`cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/lo/rp_filter`" != "$spoofp_val" -a -n "$spoofp_val"
+	echo "$INTERFACE" >> /dev/udev_network_queue	
+	exit 0
+# Code taken from pcmcia-cs:/etc/pcmcia/network
+# if this interface has an entry in /etc/network/interfaces, let ifupdown
+# handle it
+if grep -q "iface \+$INTERFACE" /etc/network/interfaces; then
+  case $ACTION in
+    add)
+    	ifconfig | grep -q "^$INTERFACE" || ifup $INTERFACE
+    	;;
+    remove)
+    	ifdown $INTERFACE
+    	;;
+  esac
+  exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf_1.1.bb b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf_1.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fbd925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev-extraconf_1.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+SUMMARY = "Extra machine specific configuration files"
+DESCRIPTION = "Extra machine specific configuration files for udev, specifically blacklist information."
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/LICENSE;md5=4d92cd373abda3937c2bc47fbc49d690 \
+                    file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
+SRC_URI = " \
+       file://automount.rules \
+       file://mount.sh \
+       file://mount.blacklist \
+       file://autonet.rules \
+       file://network.sh \
+       file://localextra.rules \
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+do_install() {
+    install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d
+    install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/automount.rules     ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/automount.rules
+    install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/autonet.rules       ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/autonet.rules
+    install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/localextra.rules    ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/localextra.rules
+    install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/mount.blacklist     ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/
+    install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/scripts/
+    install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/mount.sh ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/scripts/mount.sh
+    install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/network.sh ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/scripts
+FILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/udev"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "udev"
+CONFFILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/udev/mount.blacklist"
+# to replace udev-extra-rules from meta-oe
+RPROVIDES_${PN} = "udev-extra-rules"
+RREPLACES_${PN} = "udev-extra-rules"
+RCONFLICTS_${PN} = "udev-extra-rules"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev.inc b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a00dad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+SUMMARY = "/dev/ and hotplug management daemon"
+DESCRIPTION = "udev is a daemon which dynamically creates and removes device nodes from \
+/dev/, handles hotplug events and loads drivers at boot time."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/hotplug/udev/udev.html"
+LICENSE = "GPLv2.0+ & LGPLv2.1+"
+LICENSE_${PN} = "GPLv2.0+"
+LICENSE_libudev = "LGPLv2.1+"
+LICENSE_libgudev = "LGPLv2.1+"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263 \
+                    file://src/COPYING;md5=17c4e5fb495e6707ac92a3864926f979 \
+                    file://src/gudev/COPYING;md5=fb494485a7d0505308cb68e4997cc266"
+LDFLAGS += "-lrt"
+DEPENDS = "glib-2.0 libusb usbutils pciutils glib-2.0-native gperf-native libxslt-native util-linux"
+RPROVIDES_${PN} = "hotplug"
+SRC_URI = "${KERNELORG_MIRROR}/linux/utils/kernel/hotplug/udev-${PV}.tar.gz \
+           file://0001-Fixing-keyboard_force_release.sh-shell-script-path.patch \
+           file://avoid-mouse-autosuspend.patch \
+           file://run.rules \
+           file://udev.rules \
+           file://devfs-udev.rules \
+           file://links.conf \
+           file://permissions.rules \
+           file://local.rules \
+           file://udev-cache \
+           file://udev-cache.default \
+           file://add-install-ptest.patch \
+           file://fix_rule-syntax-regex-ptest.patch \
+           file://run-ptest \
+           file://init"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig update-rc.d ptest
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-ptest += "make perl python"
+libexecdir = "${base_libdir}"
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--disable-introspection \
+                --with-rootlibdir=${base_libdir} \
+                --with-pci-ids-path=${datadir}/pci.ids \
+                ac_cv_file__usr_share_pci_ids=no \
+                ac_cv_file__usr_share_hwdata_pci_ids=no \
+                ac_cv_file__usr_share_misc_pci_ids=yes \
+                --sbindir=${base_sbindir} \
+                --libexecdir=${nonarch_base_libdir} \
+                --with-rootlibdir=${base_libdir} \
+                --with-rootprefix= \
+                --without-systemdsystemunitdir \
+               "
+PACKAGES =+ "udev-cache"
+PACKAGES =+ "libudev"
+PACKAGES =+ "libgudev"
+INITSCRIPT_PACKAGES = "udev udev-cache"
+INITSCRIPT_NAME_udev = "udev"
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS_udev = "start 04 S ."
+INITSCRIPT_NAME_udev-cache = "udev-cache"
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS_udev-cache = "start 36 S ."
+FILES_${PN} += "${libexecdir} ${libdir}/ConsoleKit ${nonarch_base_libdir}/udev ${bindir}/udevadm"
+RRECOMMENDS_${PN} += "udev-cache"
+# udev-utils has been removed as a package.  Note that udev conflicts with udev-utils so that
+# udev-utils is removed from systems on upgrade.
+RCONFLICTS_${PN} += "udev-utils"
+RREPLACES_${PN} += "udev-utils"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libexecdir}/.debug"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${base_libdir}/udev/.debug/"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${base_libdir}/udev/.debug/*"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${nonarch_base_libdir}/udev/.debug/*"
+FILES_${PN}-dev = "${datadir}/pkgconfig/udev.pc \
+                   ${includedir}/libudev.h ${libdir}/libudev.so ${libdir}/libudev.la \
+                   ${libdir}/libudev.a ${libdir}/pkgconfig/libudev.pc \
+                   ${includedir}/gudev* ${libdir}/libgudev*.so ${libdir}/libgudev*.la \
+                   ${libdir}/libgudev*.a ${libdir}/pkgconfig/gudev*.pc"
+FILES_libudev = "${base_libdir}/libudev.so.*"
+FILES_libgudev = "${base_libdir}/libgudev*.so.* ${libdir}/libgudev*.so.*"
+FILES_udev-cache = "${sysconfdir}/init.d/udev-cache ${sysconfdir}/default/udev-cache"
+do_install_append () {
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/init ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/udev
+	install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/udev-cache ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/udev-cache
+	sed -i s%@UDEVD@%${nonarch_base_libdir}/udev/udevd% ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/udev
+	sed -i s%@UDEVD@%${nonarch_base_libdir}/udev/udevd% ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/udev-cache
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/default
+	install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/udev-cache.default ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/udev-cache
+	touch ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/cache.data
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/local.rules         ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/local.rules
+	# hid2hci has moved to bluez4. removed in udev as of version 169
+	rm -f ${D}${base_libdir}/udev/hid2hci
+	echo 'udev_run="/var/run/udev"' >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/udev.conf
+# As systemd also builds udev, skip this package if we're doing a systemd build.
+python () {
+    if bb.utils.contains ('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', True, False, d):
+        raise bb.parse.SkipPackage("'systemd' in DISTRO_FEATURES")
+do_compile_ptest() {
+    oe_runmake test-udev
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/0001-Fixing-keyboard_force_release.sh-shell-script-path.patch b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/0001-Fixing-keyboard_force_release.sh-shell-script-path.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41deafa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/0001-Fixing-keyboard_force_release.sh-shell-script-path.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+From 0f8290c943da298abd269ca60fd8375dfb219971 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Alexandru DAMIAN <alexandru.damian@intel.com>
+Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 12:54:48 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH] Fixing keyboard_force_release.sh shell script path
+With the introduction of rootprefix, the keyboard-force-release.sh.in
+was modified to be executed with @rootprefix@/bin/sh, which is wrong
+because @rootprefix@ defaults to /usr (which is correct), but the
+shell is always at /bin/sh (IEEE Std 1003.2-1992).
+Therefore the interpreter for shell scripts needs to be /bin/sh at all times.
+The upstream moved to configurable root prefix, this patch taclkes a 
+transition bug, and will not be applied upstream.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [legacy version]
+Signed-off-by: Alexandru DAMIAN <alexandru.damian@intel.com>
+ src/keymap/keyboard-force-release.sh.in |    2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/keymap/keyboard-force-release.sh.in b/src/keymap/keyboard-force-release.sh.in
+index dd040ce..597a3a6 100755
+--- a/src/keymap/keyboard-force-release.sh.in
++++ b/src/keymap/keyboard-force-release.sh.in
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#!@rootprefix@/bin/sh -e
++#!/bin/sh -e
+ # read list of scancodes, convert hex to decimal and
+ # append to the atkbd force_release sysfs attribute
+ # $1 sysfs devpath for serioX
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/add-install-ptest.patch b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/add-install-ptest.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfc2e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/add-install-ptest.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+Adjustements for ptest:
+- Add 'install-ptest' rule.
+- Print a standard result line for each test.
+- Replace the use of "tree" with "find".
+Signed-off-by: Björn Stenberg <bjst@enea.com>
+Signed-off-by: Alexandra Safta <alst@enea.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Add missing files for rule-syntax-check
+- Add rule-syntax-check.py
+- Add the deployed udev rules to the testdata
+Signed-off-by: Max Krummenacher <max.oss.09@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+--- a/Makefile.am	2012-03-18 16:28:14.000000000 +0100
++++ b/Makefile.am	2013-02-18 10:03:36.531101244 +0100
+@@ -708,3 +708,18 @@
+ 	for i in src/docs/html/*.{html,css,png}; do echo $$i; kup put $$i $$i.sign /pub/linux/utils/kernel/hotplug/libudev/; done
+ 	for i in src/gudev/docs/html/*.{html,css,png}; do rm -f $$i.sign; gpg --armor --detach-sign --output=$$i.sign $$i; done
+ 	for i in src/gudev/docs/html/*.{html,css,png}; do echo $$i; kup put $$i $$i.sign /pub/linux/utils/kernel/hotplug/gudev/; done
++RULES = rules/* src/accelerometer/61-accelerometer.rules \
++	 src/cdrom_id/60-cdrom_id.rules \
++	 src/keymap/95-keyboard-force-release.rules src/keymap/95-keymap.rules \
++	 src/mtd_probe/75-probe_mtd.rules src/v4l_id/60-persistent-v4l.rules
++	install test-udev $(DESTDIR)
++	cp Makefile $(DESTDIR)
++	sed -i -e 's|^Makefile:|_Makefile:|' $(DESTDIR)/Makefile
++	install -d $(DESTDIR)/test $(DESTDIR)/rules
++	(cd $(top_srcdir) && install $(TESTS) $(DESTDIR)/test)
++	(cd $(top_srcdir) && install test/rule-syntax-check.py $(DESTDIR)/test)
++	(cd $(top_srcdir) && install $(RULES) $(DESTDIR)/rules)
++	cp $(top_srcdir)/test/sys.tar.xz $(DESTDIR)/test/
+--- a/test/udev-test.pl	2012-03-18 16:43:36.000000000 +0100
++++ b/test/udev-test.pl	2013-02-18 10:31:29.706357321 +0100
+@@ -1459,11 +1459,13 @@
+                 print "add:         error";
+                 if ($rules->{exp_add_error}) {
+                         print " as expected\n";
++                        print "XFAIL: TEST $number: $rules->{desc}: add\n";
+                 } else {
+                         print "\n";
+-                        system("tree $udev_root");
++                        system("find $udev_root");
+                         print "\n";
+                         $error++;
++                        print "FAIL: TEST $number: $rules->{desc}: add\n";
+                         sleep(1);
+                 }
+         }
+@@ -1479,15 +1481,18 @@
+                 print "remove:      error";
+                 if ($rules->{exp_rem_error}) {
+                         print " as expected\n";
++                        print "XFAIL: TEST $number: $rules->{desc}: remove\n";
+                 } else {
+                         print "\n";
+-                        system("tree $udev_root");
++                        system("find $udev_root");
+                         print "\n";
+                         $error++;
++                        print "FAIL: TEST $number: $rules->{desc}: remove\n";
+                         sleep(1);
+                 }
+         } else {
+                 print "remove:      ok\n";
++                print "PASS: TEST $number: $rules->{desc}: remove\n";
+         }
+         print "\n";
+--- a/configure.ac      2013-11-28 09:14:02.814248826 +0100
++++ b/configure.ac      2013-11-28 09:14:34.260874296 +0100
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
+        [http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/hotplug/udev.html])
+ AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/udevd.c])
+ AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([build-aux])
+-AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([check-news foreign 1.11 -Wall -Wno-portability silent-rules tar-pax no-dist-gzip dist-xz subdir-objects])
++AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([check-news foreign 1.11 -Wall -Wno-portability silent-rules tar-pax no-dist-gzip dist-xz subdir-objects serial-tests])
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/avoid-mouse-autosuspend.patch b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/avoid-mouse-autosuspend.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c31b33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/avoid-mouse-autosuspend.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Source: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/systemd/systemd/commit/rules/42-usb-hid-pm.rules?id=e0386cf2809219bbdd30895f46f1f567b56902b6
+Some USB ports on external hubs may be reported as "fixed". We only want
+to auto-enable this on ports that are internal to the machine, so check
+the parent state as well.
+Upstream-Status: backport
+Signed-off-by: Nitin A Kamble <nitin.a.kamble@intel.com>
+Index: udev-182/rules/42-usb-hid-pm.rules
+--- udev-182.orig/rules/42-usb-hid-pm.rules
++++ udev-182/rules/42-usb-hid-pm.rules
+@@ -46,4 +46,9 @@ ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{i
+ ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="14dd", ATTR{idProduct}="0002", TEST=="power/control", ATTR{power/control}="auto"
+ # USB HID devices that are internal to the machine should also be safe to autosuspend
++# And skip it for devices which are external but say "fixed"
++ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{removable}=="removable", GOTO="usb_hid_pm_end"
++ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{removable}=="unknown", GOTO="usb_hid_pm_end"
+ ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{bInterfaceClass}=="03", ATTRS{removable}=="fixed", TEST=="../power/control", ATTR{../power/control}="auto"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/devfs-udev.rules b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/devfs-udev.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ba1ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/devfs-udev.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# The use of these rules is not recommended or supported.
+# In a world where devices can come and go at any time, the devfs scheme
+# of simple device enumeration does not help _anything_. Just forget about
+# it. Use custom rules to name your device or look at the persistent device
+# naming scheme, which is implemented for disks and add your subsystem.
+# ide block devices
+BUS="ide", KERNEL="hd*", PROGRAM="/etc/udev/ide-devfs.sh %k %b %n", NAME="%k", SYMLINK="%c{1} %c{2}"
+# md block devices
+KERNEL="md[0-9]*", NAME="md/%n"
+# floppy devices
+KERNEL="fd[0-9]*", NAME="floppy/%n"
+# tty devices
+KERNEL="tty[0-9]*",    NAME="vc/%n", SYMLINK="%k"
+KERNEL="ttyS[0-9]*",   NAME="tts/%n", SYMLINK="%k"
+KERNEL="ttyUSB[0-9]*", NAME="tts/USB%n"
+# vc devices
+KERNEL="vcs",        NAME="vcc/0"
+KERNEL="vcs[0-9]*",  NAME="vcc/%n"
+KERNEL="vcsa",       NAME="vcc/a0"
+KERNEL="vcsa[0-9]*", NAME="vcc/a%n"
+# v4l devices
+KERNEL="video[0-9]*", NAME="v4l/video%n"
+KERNEL="radio[0-9]*", NAME="v4l/radio%n"
+KERNEL="vbi[0-9]*",   NAME="v4l/vbi%n"
+KERNEL="vtx[0-9]*",   NAME="v4l/vtx%n"
+# dm devices (ignore them)
+KERNEL="dm-[0-9]*", NAME=""
+# i2c devices
+KERNEL="i2c-[0-9]*", NAME="i2c/%n", SYMLINK="%k"
+# loop devices
+KERNEL="loop[0-9]*", NAME="loop/%n", SYMLINK="%k"
+# ramdisks
+KERNEL="ram[0-9]*", NAME="rd/%n", SYMLINK="%k"
+# framebuffer devices
+KERNEL="fb[0-9]*", NAME="fb/%n", SYMLINK="%k"
+# misc
+KERNEL="rtc",     NAME="misc/%k", SYMLINK="%k"
+KERNEL="psaux",   NAME="misc/%k", SYMLINK="%k"
+KERNEL="agpgart", NAME="misc/%k", SYMLINK="%k"
+KERNEL="rtc",     NAME="misc/%k", SYMLINK="%k"
+KERNEL="psaux",   NAME="misc/%k", SYMLINK="%k"
+KERNEL="uinput",  NAME="misc/%k", SYMLINK="%k"
+# alsa devices
+KERNEL="controlC[0-9]*", NAME="snd/%k"
+KERNEL="hw[CD0-9]*",     NAME="snd/%k"
+KERNEL="pcm[CD0-9cp]*",  NAME="snd/%k"
+KERNEL="midi[CD0-9]*",   NAME="snd/%k"
+KERNEL="timer",          NAME="snd/%k"
+KERNEL="seq",            NAME="snd/%k"
+# oss devices
+KERNEL="audio*",     NAME="sound/%k", SYMLINK="%k"
+KERNEL="dmmidi",     NAME="sound/%k", SYMLINK="%k"
+KERNEL="dsp*",       NAME="sound/%k", SYMLINK="%k"
+KERNEL="midi*",      NAME="sound/%k", SYMLINK="%k"
+KERNEL="mixer*",     NAME="sound/%k", SYMLINK="%k"
+KERNEL="sequencer*", NAME="sound/%k", SYMLINK="%k"
+# input devices
+KERNEL="mice",   NAME="input/%k"
+KERNEL="mouse*", NAME="input/%k"
+KERNEL="event*", NAME="input/%k"
+KERNEL="js*",    NAME="input/%k"
+KERNEL="ts*",	 NAME="input/%k"
+# USB devices
+KERNEL="hiddev*",	NAME="usb/%k"
+KERNEL="auer*",		NAME="usb/%k"
+KERNEL="legousbtower*",	NAME="usb/%k"
+KERNEL="dabusb*",	NAME="usb/%k"
+BUS="usb", KERNEL="lp[0-9]*",	NAME="usb/%k"
+# netlink devices
+KERNEL="route",		NAME="netlink/%k"
+KERNEL="skip",		NAME="netlink/%k"
+KERNEL="usersock",	NAME="netlink/%k"
+KERNEL="fwmonitor",	NAME="netlink/%k"
+KERNEL="tcpdiag",	NAME="netlink/%k"
+KERNEL="nflog",		NAME="netlink/%k"
+KERNEL="xfrm",		NAME="netlink/%k"
+KERNEL="arpd",		NAME="netlink/%k"
+KERNEL="route6",	NAME="netlink/%k"
+KERNEL="ip6_fw",	NAME="netlink/%k"
+KERNEL="dnrtmsg",	NAME="netlink/%k"
+KERNEL="tap*",		NAME="netlink/%k"
+# CAPI devices
+KERNEL="capi",		NAME="capi20", SYMLINK="isdn/capi20"
+KERNEL="capi*",		NAME="capi/%n"
+# Network devices
+KERNEL="tun",		NAME="net/%k"
+# raw devices
+KERNEL="raw[0-9]*",     NAME="raw/%k" 
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/fix_rule-syntax-regex-ptest.patch b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/fix_rule-syntax-regex-ptest.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..593c46c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/fix_rule-syntax-regex-ptest.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+The rule-syntax-check script fails with errors like this:
+Invalid line /lib/udev/rules.d/95-keymap.rules:49: ENV{DMI_VENDOR}=="ASUS*", KERNELS=="input*", ATTRS{name}=="Asus Extra Buttons", ATTR{[dmi/id]product_name}=="W3J", RUN+="keymap $name module-asus-w3j"
+('  clause:', 'ATTR{[dmi/id]product_name}=="W3J"')
+Move line comment from end of rules file to its own line, the regex used to
+test correct syntax choke on it.
+The rule-syntax-check.py uses regex which errournessly complains on ATTR rules
+of the form ATTR{[dmi/id]board_name}=="30B7"
+Use the regex from systemd's script which allow [] characters and additional
+compare operators
+The Makefile passes rules-test.sh script a build host path to the testdata.
+Ignore the argument and use a relative path instead.
+Signed-off-by: Max Krummenacher <max.oss.09@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate (cross environment path)
+diff -Naur udev-182.orig/src/keymap/95-keymap.rules udev-182/src/keymap/95-keymap.rules
+--- udev-182.orig/src/keymap/95-keymap.rules	2012-02-07 00:01:55.154640792 +0100
++++ udev-182/src/keymap/95-keymap.rules	2015-01-24 20:58:40.156930520 +0100
+@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@
+ ENV{DMI_VENDOR}=="Hewlett-Packard", ATTR{[dmi/id]product_name}=="HP G62 Notebook PC", RUN+="keymap $name 0xB2 www"
+ ENV{DMI_VENDOR}=="Hewlett-Packard", ATTR{[dmi/id]product_name}=="HP ProBook*", RUN+="keymap $name 0xF8 rfkill"
+ # HP Pavillion dv6315ea has empty DMI_VENDOR
+-ATTR{[dmi/id]board_vendor}=="Quanta", ATTR{[dmi/id]board_name}=="30B7", ATTR{[dmi/id]board_version}=="65.2B", RUN+="keymap $name 0x88 media" # "quick play
++# "quick play"
++ATTR{[dmi/id]board_vendor}=="Quanta", ATTR{[dmi/id]board_name}=="30B7", ATTR{[dmi/id]board_version}=="65.2B", RUN+="keymap $name 0x88 media"
+ # Gateway clone of Acer Aspire One AOA110/AOA150
+ ENV{DMI_VENDOR}=="Gateway*", ATTR{[dmi/id]product_name}=="*AOA1*", RUN+="keymap $name acer"
+diff -Naur udev-182.orig/test/rule-syntax-check.py udev-182/test/rule-syntax-check.py
+--- udev-182.orig/test/rule-syntax-check.py	2012-02-15 20:10:12.872333342 +0100
++++ udev-182/test/rule-syntax-check.py	2015-01-24 21:08:00.496049600 +0100
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
+ no_args_tests = re.compile('(ACTION|DEVPATH|KERNELS?|NAME|SYMLINK|SUBSYSTEMS?|DRIVERS?|TAG|RESULT|TEST)\s*(?:=|!)=\s*"([^"]*)"$')
+ args_tests = re.compile('(ATTRS?|ENV|TEST){([a-zA-Z0-9/_.*%-]+)}\s*(?:=|!)=\s*"([^"]*)"$')
+ no_args_assign = re.compile('(NAME|SYMLINK|OWNER|GROUP|MODE|TAG|PROGRAM|RUN|LABEL|GOTO|WAIT_FOR|OPTIONS|IMPORT)\s*(?:\+=|:=|=)\s*"([^"]*)"$')
+-args_assign = re.compile('(ATTR|ENV|IMPORT){([a-zA-Z0-9/_.*%-]+)}\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"$')
++args_assign = re.compile('(ATTR|ENV|IMPORT|RUN){([][a-zA-Z0-9/_.*%-]+)}\s*(=|==|\+=)\s*"([^"]*)"$')
+ result = 0
+ buffer = ''
+--- udev-182.orig/test/rules-test.sh	2012-01-29 01:15:46.000000000 +0100
++++ udev-182/test/rules-test.sh	2015-01-24 17:53:51.201858658 +0100
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+ # (C) 2010 Canonical Ltd.
+ # Author: Martin Pitt <martin.pitt@ubuntu.com>
+-[ -n "$srcdir" ] || srcdir=`dirname $0`/..
++srcdir=`dirname $0`/..
+ # skip if we don't have python
+ type python >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/init b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ab028b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/init
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# Provides:          udev
+# Required-Start:    mountvirtfs
+# Required-Stop:     
+# Default-Start:     S
+# Default-Stop:
+# Short-Description: Start udevd, populate /dev and load drivers.
+export TZ=/etc/localtime
+[ -d /sys/class ] || exit 1
+[ -r /proc/mounts ] || exit 1
+[ -x @UDEVD@ ] || exit 1
+DEVCACHE_REGEN="/dev/shm/udev-regen" # create to request cache regen
+# A list of files which are used as a criteria to judge whether the udev cache could be reused.
+CMP_FILE_LIST="/proc/version /proc/cmdline /proc/devices"
+[ -f /proc/atags ] && CMP_FILE_LIST="$CMP_FILE_LIST /proc/atags"
+# List of files whose metadata (size/mtime/name) will be included in cached
+# system state.
+META_FILE_LIST="lib/udev/rules.d/* etc/udev/rules.d/*"
+# Command to compute system configuration.
+sysconf_cmd () {
+	cat -- $CMP_FILE_LIST
+	stat -c '%s %Y %n' -- $META_FILE_LIST | awk -F/ '{print $1 " " $NF;}'
+[ -f /etc/default/udev-cache ] && . /etc/default/udev-cache
+[ -f /etc/udev/udev.conf ] && . /etc/udev/udev.conf
+[ -f /etc/default/rcS ] && . /etc/default/rcS
+kill_udevd () {
+    pid=`pidof -x udevd`
+    [ -n "$pid" ] && kill $pid
+case "$1" in
+  start)
+    export ACTION=add
+    # propagate /dev from /sys
+    echo "Starting udev"
+    # Check for requireed devtmpfs before trying to start udev and
+    # mount a no-existant fs.
+    if ! grep -q devtmpfs /proc/filesystems
+    then
+        echo "Missing devtmpfs, which is required for udev to run";
+        echo "Halting..."
+        halt
+    fi
+    # mount the devtmpfs on /dev, if not already done
+    LANG=C awk '$2 == "/dev" && ($3 == "devtmpfs") { exit 1 }' /proc/mounts && {
+            mount -n -o mode=0755 -t devtmpfs none "/dev"
+    }
+    [ -e /dev/pts ] || mkdir -m 0755 /dev/pts
+    [ -e /dev/shm ] || mkdir -m 1777 /dev/shm
+    # the automount rule for udev needs /tmp directory available, as /tmp is a symlink
+    # to /var/tmp which in turn is a symlink to /var/volatile/tmp, we need to make sure
+    # /var/volatile/tmp directory to be available.
+    mkdir -m 1777 -p /var/volatile/tmp
+    # Cache handling.
+    if [ "$DEVCACHE" != "" ]; then
+            if [ -e $DEVCACHE ]; then
+		    sysconf_cmd > "$SYSCONF_TMP"
+		    if cmp $SYSCONF_CACHED $SYSCONF_TMP >/dev/null; then
+                            tar xmf $DEVCACHE -C / -m
+                            not_first_boot=1
+                            [ "$VERBOSE" != "no" ] && echo "udev: using cache file $DEVCACHE"
+                            [ -e $SYSCONF_TMP ] && rm -f "$SYSCONF_TMP"
+                            [ -e "$DEVCACHE_REGEN" ] && rm -f "$DEVCACHE_REGEN"
+                    else
+			    # Output detailed reason why the cached /dev is not used
+			    cat <<EOF
+udev: Not using udev cache because of changes detected in the following files:
+udev:     $CMP_FILE_LIST
+udev:     $META_FILE_LIST
+udev: The udev cache will be regenerated. To identify the detected changes,
+udev: compare the cached sysconf at   $SYSCONF_CACHED
+udev: against the current sysconf at  $SYSCONF_TMP
+			    touch "$DEVCACHE_REGEN"
+                    fi
+	    else
+		    if [ "$ROOTFS_READ_ONLY" != "yes" ]; then
+			    # If rootfs is not read-only, it's possible that a new udev cache would be generated;
+			    # otherwise, we do not bother to read files.
+			    touch "$DEVCACHE_REGEN"
+		    fi
+            fi
+    fi
+    # make_extra_nodes
+    kill_udevd > "/dev/null" 2>&1
+    # trigger the sorted events
+    [ -e /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug ] && echo -e '\000' >/proc/sys/kernel/hotplug
+    @UDEVD@ -d
+    udevadm control --env=STARTUP=1
+    if [ "$not_first_boot" != "" ];then
+            if [ "$PROBE_PLATFORM_BUS" != "yes" ]; then
+                PLATFORM_BUS_NOMATCH="--subsystem-nomatch=platform"
+            else
+                PLATFORM_BUS_NOMATCH=""
+            fi
+            udevadm trigger --action=add --subsystem-nomatch=tty --subsystem-nomatch=mem --subsystem-nomatch=vc --subsystem-nomatch=vtconsole --subsystem-nomatch=misc --subsystem-nomatch=dcon --subsystem-nomatch=pci_bus --subsystem-nomatch=graphics --subsystem-nomatch=backlight --subsystem-nomatch=video4linux $PLATFORM_BUS_NOMATCH
+            (udevadm settle --timeout=3; udevadm control --env=STARTUP=)&
+    else
+            udevadm trigger --action=add
+            udevadm settle
+    fi
+    ;;
+  stop)
+    echo "Stopping udevd"
+    start-stop-daemon --stop --name udevd --quiet
+    ;;
+  restart)
+    $0 stop
+    sleep 1
+    $0 start
+    ;;
+  status)
+    pid=`pidof -x udevd`
+    if [ -n "$pid" ]; then
+	echo "udevd (pid $pid) is running ..."
+    else
+	echo "udevd is stopped"
+    fi
+    ;;
+  *)
+    echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}"
+    exit 1
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/links.conf b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/links.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fff922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/links.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This file does not exist. Please do not ask the debian maintainer about it.
+# You may use it to do strange and wonderful things, at your risk.
+L fd		/proc/self/fd
+L stdin		/proc/self/fd/0
+L stdout	/proc/self/fd/1
+L stderr	/proc/self/fd/2
+L core		/proc/kcore
+L sndstat	/proc/asound/oss/sndstat
+D pts
+D shm
+# Hic sunt leones.
+M ppp		c 108 0
+D loop
+M loop/0	b 7 0
+D net
+M net/tun	c 10 200
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/local.rules b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/local.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d502cdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/local.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# There are a number of modifiers that are allowed to be used in some
+# of the different fields. They provide the following subsitutions:
+# %n the "kernel number" of the device.
+#    For example, 'sda3' has a "kernel number" of '3'
+# %e the smallest number for that name which does not matches an existing node
+# %k the kernel name for the device
+# %M the kernel major number for the device
+# %m the kernel minor number for the device
+# %b the bus id for the device
+# %c the string returned by the PROGRAM
+# %s{filename} the content of a sysfs attribute
+# %% the '%' char itself
+# Create a symlink to any touchscreen input device
+# Trigger based on input type, that the evbit (-e) has EV_SYN and EV_ABS,
+# has an EV_ABS value (-a) which is used for touchscreen type devices.
+SUBSYSTEM=="input", KERNEL=="event[0-9]*", ENV{ID_INPUT_TOUCHSCREEN}=="1", SYMLINK+="input/touchscreen0"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/permissions.rules b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/permissions.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..205b733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/permissions.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ACTION!="add", GOTO="permissions_end"
+# workarounds needed to synchronize with sysfs
+# only needed for kernels < v2.6.18-rc1
+SUBSYSTEM=="scsi", KERNEL=="[0-9]*:[0-9]*",	WAIT_FOR_SYSFS="ioerr_cnt"
+# only needed for kernels < 2.6.16
+SUBSYSTEM=="net",				WAIT_FOR_SYSFS="address"
+# only needed for kernels < 2.6.17
+SUBSYSTEM=="net", ENV{DRIVER}=="?*",		WAIT_FOR_SYSFS="device/driver"
+# devices needed to load the drivers providing them
+KERNEL=="tun",					OPTIONS+="ignore_remove"
+KERNEL=="ppp",					OPTIONS+="ignore_remove"
+KERNEL=="loop[0-9]*",				OPTIONS+="ignore_remove"
+# default permissions for block devices
+SUBSYSTEM=="block",				GROUP="disk"
+# the aacraid driver is broken and reports that disks removable (see #404927)
+SUBSYSTEM=="block", ATTRS{removable}=="1", \
+	DRIVERS!="aacraid",			GROUP="floppy"
+# all block devices on these buses are "removable"
+SUBSYSTEM=="block", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb|ieee1394|mmc|pcmcia", GROUP="floppy"
+# IDE devices
+KERNEL=="hd[a-z]|pcd[0-9]*", 			DRIVERS=="ide-cdrom|pcd", \
+	IMPORT{program}="cdrom_id --export $tempnode"
+ENV{ID_CDROM}=="?*",				GROUP="cdrom"
+KERNEL=="ht[0-9]*", 				GROUP="tape"
+KERNEL=="nht[0-9]*", 				GROUP="tape"
+# SCSI devices
+KERNEL=="sr[0-9]*", IMPORT{program}="cdrom_id --export $tempnode"
+SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", ATTRS{type}=="1",				GROUP="tape"
+SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", ATTRS{type}=="3", ATTRS{vendor}=="HP",	GROUP="scanner"
+SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", ATTRS{type}=="3", ATTRS{vendor}=="Epson",	GROUP="scanner"
+SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", ATTRS{type}=="3", ATTRS{vendor}=="EPSON",	GROUP="scanner"
+SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", ATTRS{type}=="4",				GROUP="cdrom"
+SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", ATTRS{type}=="5",				GROUP="cdrom"
+SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", ATTRS{type}=="6",				GROUP="scanner"
+SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", ATTRS{type}=="8",				GROUP="tape"
+# USB devices
+KERNEL=="legousbtower*",	MODE="0666"
+KERNEL=="lp[0-9]*", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb",		GROUP="lp"
+# usbfs-like devices
+SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", \
+				MODE="0664"
+# iRiver music players
+SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device",	GROUP="plugdev", \
+	ATTRS{idVendor}=="4102", ATTRS{idProduct}=="10[01][135789]"
+# serial devices
+SUBSYSTEM=="tty",				GROUP="dialout"
+SUBSYSTEM=="capi",				GROUP="dialout"
+SUBSYSTEM=="slamr",				GROUP="dialout"
+SUBSYSTEM=="zaptel",				GROUP="dialout"
+# vc devices (all members of the tty subsystem)
+KERNEL=="ptmx",			MODE="0666",	GROUP="root"
+KERNEL=="console",		MODE="0600",	GROUP="root"
+KERNEL=="tty",			MODE="0666",	GROUP="root"
+KERNEL=="tty[0-9]*",				GROUP="root"
+KERNEL=="pty*",			MODE="0666",	GROUP="tty"
+# video devices
+SUBSYSTEM=="video4linux",			GROUP="video"
+SUBSYSTEM=="drm",				GROUP="video"
+SUBSYSTEM=="dvb",				GROUP="video"
+SUBSYSTEM=="em8300",				GROUP="video"
+SUBSYSTEM=="graphics",				GROUP="video"
+SUBSYSTEM=="nvidia",				GROUP="video"
+# misc devices
+KERNEL=="random",		MODE="0666"
+KERNEL=="urandom",		MODE="0666"
+KERNEL=="mem",			MODE="0640",	GROUP="kmem"
+KERNEL=="kmem",			MODE="0640",	GROUP="kmem"
+KERNEL=="port",			MODE="0640",	GROUP="kmem"
+KERNEL=="full",			MODE="0666"
+KERNEL=="null",			MODE="0666"
+KERNEL=="zero",			MODE="0666"
+KERNEL=="inotify",		MODE="0666"
+KERNEL=="sgi_fetchop",		MODE="0666"
+KERNEL=="sonypi",		MODE="0666"
+KERNEL=="agpgart",				GROUP="video"
+KERNEL=="nvram",				GROUP="nvram"
+KERNEL=="rtc|rtc[0-9]*",			GROUP="audio"
+KERNEL=="tpm*",			MODE="0600",	OWNER="tss", GROUP="tss"
+KERNEL=="fuse",					GROUP="fuse"
+KERNEL=="kqemu",		MODE="0666"
+KERNEL=="kvm",					GROUP="kvm"
+KERNEL=="tun",			MODE="0666",
+KERNEL=="cdemu[0-9]*",				GROUP="cdrom"
+KERNEL=="pktcdvd[0-9]*",			GROUP="cdrom"
+KERNEL=="pktcdvd",		MODE="0644"
+KERNEL=="uverbs*",				GROUP="rdma"
+KERNEL=="ucm*",					GROUP="rdma"
+KERNEL=="rdma_ucm",				GROUP="rdma"
+# printers and parallel devices
+SUBSYSTEM=="printer",				GROUP="lp"
+SUBSYSTEM=="ppdev",				GROUP="lp"
+KERNEL=="irlpt*",				GROUP="lp"
+KERNEL=="pt[0-9]*",				GROUP="tape"
+KERNEL=="pht[0-9]*",				GROUP="tape"
+# sound devices
+SUBSYSTEM=="sound",				GROUP="audio"
+# ieee1394 devices       
+KERNEL=="raw1394",				GROUP="disk"
+KERNEL=="dv1394*",				GROUP="video"
+KERNEL=="video1394*",				GROUP="video"
+# input devices
+KERNEL=="event[0-9]*", ATTRS{name}=="*dvb*|*DVB*|* IR *" \
+				MODE="0664",	GROUP="video"
+KERNEL=="js[0-9]*",		MODE="0664"
+KERNEL=="lirc[0-9]*",				GROUP="video"
+# AOE character devices
+SUBSYSTEM=="aoe",		MODE="0220",	GROUP="disk"
+SUBSYSTEM=="aoe", KERNEL=="err", MODE="0440"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/run-ptest b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/run-ptest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e39806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/run-ptest
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+tar -C test/ -xJf test/sys.tar.xz
+make -k check-TESTS
+make test-sys-distclean
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/run.rules b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/run.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75d7137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/run.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# debugging monitor
+# run a command on remove events
+ACTION=="remove", ENV{REMOVE_CMD}!="", RUN+="$env{REMOVE_CMD}"
+# ignore the events generated by virtual consoles
+KERNEL=="ptmx",		OPTIONS+="last_rule"
+KERNEL=="console",	OPTIONS+="last_rule"
+KERNEL=="tty"	,	OPTIONS+="last_rule"
+KERNEL=="tty[0-9]*",	OPTIONS+="last_rule"
+KERNEL=="pty*",		OPTIONS+="last_rule"
+SUBSYSTEM=="vc",	OPTIONS+="last_rule"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/udev-cache b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/udev-cache
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcfff1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/udev-cache
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# Provides:          udev-cache
+# Required-Start:    mountall
+# Required-Stop:
+# Default-Start:     S
+# Default-Stop:
+# Short-Description: cache /dev to speedup the udev next boot
+export TZ=/etc/localtime
+[ -r /proc/mounts ] || exit 1
+[ -x @UDEVD@ ] || exit 1
+[ -d /sys/class ] || exit 1
+[ -f /etc/default/rcS ] && . /etc/default/rcS
+DEVCACHE_REGEN="/dev/shm/udev-regen" # create to request cache regen
+# A list of files which are used as a criteria to judge whether the udev cache could be reused.
+CMP_FILE_LIST="/proc/version /proc/cmdline /proc/devices"
+[ -f /proc/atags ] && CMP_FILE_LIST="$CMP_FILE_LIST /proc/atags"
+# List of files whose metadata (size/mtime/name) will be included in cached
+# system state.
+META_FILE_LIST="lib/udev/rules.d/* etc/udev/rules.d/*"
+# Command to compute system configuration.
+sysconf_cmd () {
+	cat -- $CMP_FILE_LIST
+	stat -c '%s %Y %n' -- $META_FILE_LIST | awk -F/ '{print $1 " " $NF;}'
+[ -f /etc/default/udev-cache ] && . /etc/default/udev-cache
+if [ "$ROOTFS_READ_ONLY" = "yes" ]; then
+    [ "$VERBOSE" != "no" ] && echo "udev-cache: read-only rootfs, skip generating udev-cache"
+    exit 0
+[ "$DEVCACHE" != "" ] || exit 0
+[ "${VERBOSE}" == "no" ] || echo -n "udev-cache: checking for ${DEVCACHE_REGEN}... "
+if ! [ -e "$DEVCACHE_REGEN" ]; then
+	[ "${VERBOSE}" == "no" ] || echo "not found."
+	exit 0
+[ "${VERBOSE}" == "no" ] || echo "found."
+echo "Populating dev cache"
+err_cleanup () {
+        echo "udev-cache: update failed!"
+        udevadm control --start-exec-queue
+	set -e
+	trap 'err_cleanup' EXIT
+	udevadm control --stop-exec-queue
+	sysconf_cmd > "$SYSCONF_TMP"
+	find /dev -xdev \( -type b -o -type c -o -type l \) | cut -c 2- \
+		| xargs tar cf "${DEVCACHE_TMP}"
+	gzip < "${DEVCACHE_TMP}" > "$DEVCACHE"
+	rm -f "${DEVCACHE_TMP}"
+	udevadm control --start-exec-queue
+	trap - EXIT
+) &
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/udev-cache.default b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/udev-cache.default
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3b7326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/udev-cache.default
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Default for /etc/init.d/udev
+# Comment this out to disable device cache
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/udev.rules b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/udev.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a19d4a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev/udev.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# There are a number of modifiers that are allowed to be used in some
+# of the different fields. They provide the following subsitutions:
+# %n the "kernel number" of the device.
+#    For example, 'sda3' has a "kernel number" of '3'
+# %e the smallest number for that name which does not matches an existing node
+# %k the kernel name for the device
+# %M the kernel major number for the device
+# %m the kernel minor number for the device
+# %b the bus id for the device
+# %c the string returned by the PROGRAM
+# %s{filename} the content of a sysfs attribute
+# %% the '%' char itself
+# workaround for devices which do not report media changes
+SUBSYSTEMS=="ide", KERNEL=="hd[a-z]", ATTR{removable}=="1", \
+	ENV{ID_MODEL}=="IOMEGA_ZIP*",	NAME="%k", OPTIONS+="all_partitions"
+SUBSYSTEMS=="ide", KERNEL=="hd[a-z]", ATTRS{media}=="floppy", \
+	OPTIONS+="all_partitions"
+# SCSI devices
+SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", KERNEL=="sr[0-9]*",	NAME="scd%n", SYMLINK+="sr%n"
+# USB devices
+SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", KERNEL=="auer[0-9]*",	NAME="usb/%k"
+SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", KERNEL=="cpad[0-9]*",	NAME="usb/%k"
+SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", KERNEL=="dabusb*",		NAME="usb/%k"
+SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", KERNEL=="hiddev*",		NAME="usb/%k"
+SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", KERNEL=="legousbtower*",	NAME="usb/%k"
+SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", KERNEL=="lp[0-9]*",		NAME="usb/%k"
+SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", KERNEL=="ttyUSB*", \
+	ATTRS{product}=="Palm Handheld*|Handspring Visor|palmOne Handheld", \
+					SYMLINK+="pilot"
+# usbfs-like devices
+SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device",	PROGRAM="/bin/sh -c 'K=%k; K=$${K#usbdev}; printf bus/usb/%%03i/%%03i $${K%%%%.*} $${K#*.}'", ACTION=="add", \
+				NAME="%c"
+SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device",	NAME="bus/usb/$env{BUSNUM}/$env{DEVNUM}"
+# serial devices
+KERNEL=="capi",			NAME="capi20", SYMLINK+="isdn/capi20"
+KERNEL=="capi[0-9]*",		NAME="capi/%n"
+# video devices
+KERNEL=="dvb*",			PROGRAM="/bin/sh -c 'K=%k; K=$${K#dvb}; printf dvb/adapter%%i/%%s $${K%%%%.*} $${K#*.}", ACTION=="add", \
+				NAME="%c"
+KERNEL=="card[0-9]*",		NAME="dri/%k"
+# misc devices
+KERNEL=="hw_random",		NAME="hwrng"
+KERNEL=="tun",			NAME="net/%k"
+KERNEL=="evtchn",		NAME="xen/%k"
+KERNEL=="cdemu[0-9]*",		NAME="cdemu/%n"
+KERNEL=="pktcdvd[0-9]*",	NAME="pktcdvd/%n"
+KERNEL=="pktcdvd",		NAME="pktcdvd/control"
+KERNEL=="cpu[0-9]*",		NAME="cpu/%n/cpuid"
+KERNEL=="msr[0-9]*",		NAME="cpu/%n/msr"
+KERNEL=="microcode",		NAME="cpu/microcode"
+KERNEL=="umad*",		NAME="infiniband/%k"
+KERNEL=="issm*",		NAME="infiniband/%k"
+KERNEL=="uverbs*",		NAME="infiniband/%k"
+KERNEL=="ucm*",			NAME="infiniband/%k"
+KERNEL=="rdma_ucm",		NAME="infiniband/%k"
+# ALSA devices
+KERNEL=="controlC[0-9]*",	NAME="snd/%k"
+KERNEL=="hwC[D0-9]*",		NAME="snd/%k"
+KERNEL=="pcmC[D0-9cp]*",	NAME="snd/%k"
+KERNEL=="midiC[D0-9]*",		NAME="snd/%k"
+KERNEL=="timer",		NAME="snd/%k"
+KERNEL=="seq",			NAME="snd/%k"
+# ieee1394 devices       
+KERNEL=="dv1394*",		NAME="dv1394/%n"
+KERNEL=="video1394*",		NAME="video1394/%n"
+# input devices
+KERNEL=="mice",			NAME="input/%k"
+KERNEL=="mouse[0-9]*",		NAME="input/%k"
+KERNEL=="event[0-9]*",		NAME="input/%k"
+KERNEL=="js[0-9]*",		NAME="input/%k"
+KERNEL=="ts[0-9]*",		NAME="input/%k"
+KERNEL=="uinput",		NAME="input/%k"
+# Zaptel
+KERNEL=="zapctl",		NAME="zap/ctl"
+KERNEL=="zaptimer",		NAME="zap/timer"
+KERNEL=="zapchannel",		NAME="zap/channel"
+KERNEL=="zappseudo",		NAME="zap/pseudo"
+KERNEL=="zap[0-9]*",		NAME="zap/%n"
+# AOE character devices
+SUBSYSTEM=="aoe", KERNEL=="discover",	NAME="etherd/%k"
+SUBSYSTEM=="aoe", KERNEL=="err",	NAME="etherd/%k"
+SUBSYSTEM=="aoe", KERNEL=="interfaces",	NAME="etherd/%k"
+SUBSYSTEM=="aoe", KERNEL=="revalidate",	NAME="etherd/%k"
+# device mapper creates its own device nodes, so ignore these
+KERNEL=="dm-[0-9]*",		OPTIONS+="ignore_device"
+KERNEL=="device-mapper",	NAME="mapper/control"
+KERNEL=="rfcomm[0-9]*", NAME="%k", GROUP="users", MODE="0660"
+# Firmware Helper
+ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="firmware", RUN+="/lib/udev/firmware.sh"
+# Samsung UARTS
+KERNEL=="s3c2410_serial[0-9]",   NAME="ttySAC%n"
+KERNEL=="ttymxc[0-4]",   NAME="ttymxc%n"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev_182.bb b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev_182.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b216352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/udev/udev_182.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+include udev.inc
+PR = "r9"
+# module-init-tools from kmod_git will provide libkmod runtime
+DEPENDS += "module-init-tools"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "1b964456177fbf48023dfee7db3a708d"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "7857ed19fafd8f3ca8de410194e8c7336e9eb8a20626ea8a4ba6449b017faba4"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/update-rc.d/update-rc.d/add-verbose.patch b/meta/recipes-core/update-rc.d/update-rc.d/add-verbose.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb443ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/update-rc.d/update-rc.d/add-verbose.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+--- update-rc.d/update-rc.d.org	2005-01-03 00:30:47.000000000 +0200
++++ update-rc.d/update-rc.d	2007-12-01 19:41:08.000000000 +0200
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+ notreally=0
+ force=0
+ dostart=0
+ usage()
+ {
+@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@
+        update-rc.d [-n] [-r <root>] [-s] <basename> start|stop NN runlvl [runlvl] [...] .
+ 		-n: not really
+ 		-f: force
++		-v: verbose
+ 		-r: alternate root path (default is /)
+ 		-s: invoke start methods if appropriate to current runlevel
+@@ -69,7 +71,7 @@
+ 	lev=`echo $2 | cut -d/ -f1`
+ 	nn=`echo $2 | cut -d/ -f2`
+ 	fn="${etcd}${lev}.d/${startstop}${nn}${bn}"
+-	echo "  $fn -> ../init.d/$bn"
++	[ $verbose -eq 1 ] && echo "  $fn -> ../init.d/$bn"
+ 	if [ $notreally -eq 0 ]; then
+ 		mkdir -p `dirname $fn`
+  		ln -s ../init.d/$bn $fn
+@@ -89,7 +91,7 @@
+ 		exit 0
+ 	fi
+-	echo " Adding system startup for $initd/$bn ..."
++	echo " Adding system startup for $initd/$bn."
+ 	for i in $startlinks; do
+ 		dolink S $i
+@@ -105,6 +107,10 @@
+ 			shift
+ 			continue
+ 			;;
++		-v)	verbose=1
++			shift
++			continue
++			;;
+ 		-f)	force=1
+ 			shift
+ 			continue
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/update-rc.d/update-rc.d/check-if-symlinks-are-valid.patch b/meta/recipes-core/update-rc.d/update-rc.d/check-if-symlinks-are-valid.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..075171a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/update-rc.d/update-rc.d/check-if-symlinks-are-valid.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Check if symlinks are valid
+When using root option and $initd/$bn is a symlink, the script would fail because
+the symlink points to a path on target. For example:
+/path/to/target/rootfs/etc/init.d/syslog -> /etc/init.d/syslog.busybox
+Hence, [ -f /path/to/target/rootfs/etc/init.d/syslog ] condition would return
+This patch adds the posibility to check whether the file the symlink points to
+actually exists in rootfs path and then continue.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Laurentiu Palcu <laurentiu.palcu@intel.com> 
+Signed-off-by: Christopher Larson <chris_larson@mentor.com>
+Index: git/update-rc.d
+--- git.orig/update-rc.d
++++ git/update-rc.d
+@@ -147,13 +147,34 @@ fi
+ bn=$1
+ shift
++if [ -L "$sn" -a -n "$root" ]; then
++	if which readlink >/dev/null; then
++		while true; do
++			linksn="$(readlink "$sn")"
++			if [ -z "$linksn" ]; then
++				break
++			fi
++			sn="$linksn"
++			case "$sn" in
++				/*) sn="$root$sn" ;;
++				*)  sn="$initd/$sn" ;;
++			esac
++		done
++	else
++		echo "update-rc.d: readlink tool not present, cannot check whether \
++				$sn symlink points to a valid file." >&2
++	fi
+ if [ $1 != "remove" ]; then
+-	if [ ! -f "$initd/$bn" ]; then
++	if [ ! -f "$sn" ]; then
+ 		echo "update-rc.d: $initd/$bn: file does not exist" >&2
+ 		exit 1
+ 	fi
+ else
+-	if [ -f "$initd/$bn" ]; then
++	if [ -f "$sn" ]; then
+ 		if [ $force -eq 1 ]; then
+ 			echo "update-rc.d: $initd/$bn exists during rc.d purge (continuing)" >&2
+ 		else
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/update-rc.d/update-rc.d/fix-to-handle-priority-numbers-correctly.patch b/meta/recipes-core/update-rc.d/update-rc.d/fix-to-handle-priority-numbers-correctly.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85bc234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/update-rc.d/update-rc.d/fix-to-handle-priority-numbers-correctly.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Fix to handle priority numbers correctly.
+Previously, if the priority number is '08' or '09', for example,
+the script cannot handle them correctly as these numbers are treated
+as octal numbers.
+Signed-off-by: Chen Qi <Qi.Chen@windriver.com>
+ update-rc.d |    2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/update-rc.d b/update-rc.d
+index ec50d15..c70b859 100644
+--- a/update-rc.d
++++ b/update-rc.d
+@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ case $1 in
+ 				exit 1
+ 			fi
+ 			shift
+-			NN=`printf %02d $1`
++			NN=`printf %02d $(expr $1 + 0)`
+ 			shift
+ 			while [ "x$1" != "x." ]; do
+ 				if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/update-rc.d/update-rc.d_0.7.bb b/meta/recipes-core/update-rc.d/update-rc.d_0.7.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c15cb78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/update-rc.d/update-rc.d_0.7.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+SUMMARY = "manage symlinks in /etc/rcN.d"
+DESCRIPTION = "update-rc.d is a utilities that allows the management of symlinks to the initscripts in the /etc/rcN.d directory structure."
+SECTION = "base"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://update-rc.d;beginline=5;endline=15;md5=148a48321b10eb37c1fa3ee02b940a75"
+PR = "r5"
+# Revision corresponding to tag update-rc.d_0.7
+SRCREV = "eca680ddf28d024954895f59a241a622dd575c11"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/philb/update-rc.d.git \
+           file://add-verbose.patch \
+           file://check-if-symlinks-are-valid.patch \
+           file://fix-to-handle-priority-numbers-correctly.patch \
+          "
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+inherit allarch
+do_compile() {
+do_install() {
+	install -d ${D}${sbindir}
+	install -m 0755 ${S}/update-rc.d ${D}${sbindir}/update-rc.d
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux.inc b/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4072bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+SUMMARY = "A suite of basic system administration utilities"
+DESCRIPTION = "Util-linux includes a suite of basic system administration utilities \
+commonly found on most Linux systems.  Some of the more important utilities include \
+disk partitioning, kernel message management, filesystem creation, and system login."
+SECTION = "base"
+LICENSE = "GPLv2+ & LGPLv2.1+ & BSD"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://README.licensing;md5=1715f5ee3e01203ca1e1e0b9ee65918c \
+                    file://COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263 \
+                    file://Documentation/licenses/COPYING.GPLv2;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263 \
+                    file://Documentation/licenses/COPYING.LGPLv2.1;md5=4fbd65380cdd255951079008b364516c \
+                    file://Documentation/licenses/COPYING.BSD-3;md5=58dcd8452651fc8b07d1f65ce07ca8af \
+                    file://Documentation/licenses/COPYING.UCB;md5=263860f8968d8bafa5392cab74285262 \
+                    file://libuuid/COPYING;md5=b442ffb762cf8d3e9df1b99e0bb4af70 \
+                    file://libmount/COPYING;md5=fb93f01d4361069c5616327705373b16 \
+                    file://libblkid/COPYING;md5=fb93f01d4361069c5616327705373b16"
+inherit autotools gettext pkgconfig systemd update-alternatives python-dir
+DEPENDS = "zlib ncurses"
+DEPENDS_append_class-native = " lzo-native"
+DEPENDS_append_class-nativesdk = " lzo-native"
+SRC_URI = "${KERNELORG_MIRROR}/linux/utils/util-linux/v${MAJOR_VERSION}/util-linux-${PV}.tar.xz \
+           "
+PACKAGES =+ "util-linux-agetty util-linux-fdisk util-linux-cfdisk util-linux-sfdisk \
+             util-linux-swaponoff util-linux-losetup util-linux-umount \
+             util-linux-mount util-linux-readprofile util-linux-uuidd \
+             util-linux-uuidgen util-linux-lscpu util-linux-fsck util-linux-blkid \
+             util-linux-mkfs util-linux-mcookie util-linux-reset \
+             util-linux-mkfs.cramfs util-linux-fsck.cramfs util-linux-fstrim \
+             util-linux-partx ${PN}-bash-completion util-linux-hwclock \
+             util-linux-findfs util-linux-getopt util-linux-sulogin"
+PACKAGES += "${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'pylibmount', 'util-linux-pylibmount', '', d)}"
+PACKAGES_DYNAMIC = "^util-linux-lib.*"
+SHARED_EXTRA_OECONF = "--disable-use-tty-group \
+                       --disable-makeinstall-chown \
+                       --enable-kill --enable-last --enable-mesg --enable-partx \
+                       --enable-raw --enable-reset --disable-login \
+                       --disable-vipw --disable-newgrp --disable-chfn-chsh \
+                       --enable-write --enable-mount \
+                       --enable-libuuid --enable-libblkid --enable-fsck --without-udev \
+                       usrsbin_execdir='${sbindir}' \
+EXTRA_OECONF = "${SHARED_EXTRA_OECONF} --libdir=${base_libdir}"
+PACKAGECONFIG_class-target ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pam', 'pam', '', d)}"
+PACKAGECONFIG[pam] = "--enable-su --enable-runuser,--disable-su --disable-runuser, libpam,"
+# Respect the systemd feature for uuidd
+PACKAGECONFIG[systemd] = "--with-systemd --with-systemdsystemunitdir=${systemd_unitdir}/system/, --without-systemd --without-systemdsystemunitdir,systemd"
+# Build setpriv requires libcap-ng
+PACKAGECONFIG[libcap-ng] = "--enable-setpriv,--disable-setpriv,libcap-ng,"
+# Build python bindings for libmount
+PACKAGECONFIG[pylibmount] = "--with-python --enable-pylibmount,--without-python --disable-pylibmount,python"
+FILES_${PN}-bash-completion += "${datadir}/bash-completion"
+FILES_${PN}-doc += "${datadir}/getopt/getopt-*.*"
+FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/${PYTHON_DIR}/dist-packages/libmount/pylibmount.la"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/${PYTHON_DIR}/dist-packages/libmount/.debug/"
+FILES_util-linux-agetty = "${base_sbindir}/agetty"
+FILES_util-linux-fdisk = "${base_sbindir}/fdisk.${BPN}"
+FILES_util-linux-fstrim = "${base_sbindir}/fstrim"
+FILES_util-linux-cfdisk = "${base_sbindir}/cfdisk"
+FILES_util-linux-sfdisk = "${sbindir}/sfdisk"
+FILES_util-linux-swaponoff = "${base_sbindir}/swapon.${BPN} ${base_sbindir}/swapoff.${BPN}"
+FILES_util-linux-losetup = "${base_sbindir}/losetup.${BPN}"
+FILES_util-linux-mount = "${base_bindir}/mount.${BPN}"
+FILES_util-linux-mcookie = "${bindir}/mcookie"
+FILES_util-linux-umount = "${base_bindir}/umount.${BPN}"
+FILES_util-linux-readprofile = "${sbindir}/readprofile.${BPN}"
+FILES_util-linux-uuidgen = "${bindir}/uuidgen"
+FILES_util-linux-uuidd = "${sbindir}/uuidd"
+FILES_util-linux-reset = "${base_bindir}/reset"
+FILES_util-linux-partx = "${sbindir}/partx"
+FILES_util-linux-hwclock = "${base_sbindir}/hwclock.${BPN}"
+FILES_util-linux-findfs = "${sbindir}/findfs"
+FILES_util-linux-getopt = "${base_bindir}/getopt.${BPN}"
+FILES_util-linux-pylibmount = "${libdir}/${PYTHON_DIR}/dist-packages/libmount/pylibmount.so \
+                               ${libdir}/${PYTHON_DIR}/dist-packages/libmount/__init__.*"
+FILES_util-linux-lscpu = "${bindir}/lscpu"
+FILES_util-linux-fsck = "${base_sbindir}/fsck*"
+FILES_util-linux-mkfs = "${sbindir}/mkfs"
+FILES_util-linux-fsck.cramfs = "${sbindir}/fsck.cramfs"
+FILES_util-linux-mkfs.cramfs = "${sbindir}/mkfs.cramfs"
+FILES_util-linux-sulogin = "${base_sbindir}/sulogin*"
+# Util-linux' blkid replaces the e2fsprogs one
+FILES_util-linux-blkid = "${base_sbindir}/blkid*"
+RCONFLICTS_util-linux-blkid = "e2fsprogs-blkid"
+RREPLACES_util-linux-blkid = "e2fsprogs-blkid"
+# reset calls 'tput'
+RDEPENDS_util-linux-reset += "ncurses"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "util-linux-umount util-linux-swaponoff util-linux-losetup util-linux-sulogin"
+RRECOMMENDS_${PN} = "util-linux-fdisk util-linux-cfdisk util-linux-sfdisk util-linux-mount util-linux-readprofile util-linux-mkfs "
+RRECOMMENDS_${PN}_class-native = ""
+RRECOMMENDS_${PN}_class-nativesdk = ""
+RDEPENDS_${PN}_class-native = ""
+RDEPENDS_${PN}_class-nativesdk = ""
+RPROVIDES_${PN}-dev = "util-linux-libblkid-dev util-linux-libmount-dev util-linux-libuuid-dev"
+#SYSTEMD_PACKAGES = "${PN}-uuidd ${PN}-fstrim"
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN}-uuidd = "uuidd.socket uuidd.service"
+SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE_${PN}-uuidd = "disable"
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN}-fstrim = "fstrim.timer fstrim.service"
+SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE_${PN}-fstrim = "disable"
+do_compile () {
+	set -e
+do_install () {
+	# with ccache the timestamps on compiled files may
+	# end up earlier than on their inputs, this allows
+	# for the resultant compilation in the install step.
+	oe_runmake ARCH=${TARGET_ARCH} CPU= CPUOPT= \
+		'OPT=${CFLAGS}' 'CC=${CC}' 'LD=${LD}' \
+		'LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS}' 'DESTDIR=${D}' install
+	mkdir -p ${D}${base_bindir}
+        sbinprogs="agetty ctrlaltdel cfdisk vipw vigr"
+        sbinprogs_a="pivot_root hwclock mkswap mkfs.minix fsck.minix losetup swapon swapoff fdisk fsck blkid blockdev fstrim sulogin switch_root"
+        binprogs_a="dmesg getopt kill more umount mount login reset su"
+        if [ "${base_sbindir}" != "${sbindir}" ]; then
+        	mkdir -p ${D}${base_sbindir}
+                for p in $sbinprogs $sbinprogs_a; do
+                        if [ -f "${D}${sbindir}/$p" ]; then
+                                mv "${D}${sbindir}/$p" "${D}${base_sbindir}/$p"
+                        fi
+                done
+        fi
+        if [ "${base_bindir}" != "${bindir}" ]; then
+        	mkdir -p ${D}${base_bindir}
+                for p in $binprogs_a; do
+                        if [ -f "${D}${bindir}/$p" ]; then
+                                mv "${D}${bindir}/$p" "${D}${base_bindir}/$p"
+                        fi
+                done
+        fi
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/
+	echo 'MOUNTALL="-t nonfs,nosmbfs,noncpfs"' > ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/mountall
+	rm -f ${D}${bindir}/chkdupexe
+# reset and nologin causes a conflict with ncurses-native and shadow-native
+do_install_append_class-native () {
+	rm -f ${D}${base_bindir}/reset
+	rm -f ${D}${base_sbindir}/nologin
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN}  = "dmesg kill more mkswap blockdev pivot_root switch_root"
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN} += "mkfs.minix hexdump last lastb logger mesg renice wall"
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN} += "setsid chrt flock utmpdump eject"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[dmesg] = "${base_bindir}/dmesg"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[kill] = "${base_bindir}/kill"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[more] = "${base_bindir}/more"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[mkswap] = "${base_sbindir}/mkswap"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[blockdev] = "${base_sbindir}/blockdev"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[pivot_root] = "${base_sbindir}/pivot_root"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[switch_root] = "${base_sbindir}/switch_root"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[mkfs.minix] = "${base_sbindir}/mkfs.minix"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[eject] = "${bindir}/eject"
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN}-doc = "mountpoint.1 last.1 lastb.1 mesg.1 wall.1 nologin.8 sulogin.8 utmpdump.1 reset.1 kill.1 libblkid.3 blkid.8 findfs.8 fsck.8 uuid.3"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[last.1] = "${mandir}/man1/last.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[lastb.1] = "${mandir}/man1/lastb.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[mesg.1] = "${mandir}/man1/mesg.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[mountpoint.1] = "${mandir}/man1/mountpoint.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[nologin.8] = "${mandir}/man8/nologin.8"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[reset.1] = "${mandir}/man1/reset.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[sulogin.8] = "${mandir}/man8/sulogin.8"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[utmpdump.1] = "${mandir}/man1/utmpdump.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[wall.1] = "${mandir}/man1/wall.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[kill.1] = "${mandir}/man1/kill.1"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[libblkid.3] = "${mandir}/man3/libblkid.3"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[blkid.8] = "${mandir}/man8/blkid.8"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[findfs.8] = "${mandir}/man8/findfs.8"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[fsck.8] = "${mandir}/man8/fsck.8"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[uuid.3] = "${mandir}/man3/uuid.3"
+ALTERNATIVE_util-linux-hwclock = "hwclock"
+# There seems to be problem, atleast on nslu2, with these, untill they are
+# fixed the busybox ones have higher priority
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[hwclock] = "${base_sbindir}/hwclock"
+ALTERNATIVE_util-linux-fdisk = "fdisk"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[fdisk] = "${base_sbindir}/fdisk"
+ALTERNATIVE_util-linux-agetty = "getty"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[getty] = "${base_sbindir}/getty"
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[getty] = "${base_sbindir}/agetty"
+ALTERNATIVE_util-linux-mount = "mount"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[mount] = "${base_bindir}/mount"
+ALTERNATIVE_util-linux-umount = "umount"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[umount] = "${base_bindir}/umount"
+ALTERNATIVE_util-linux-readprofile = "readprofile"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[readprofile] = "${sbindir}/readprofile"
+ALTERNATIVE_util-linux-losetup = "losetup"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[losetup] = "${base_sbindir}/losetup"
+ALTERNATIVE_util-linux-swaponoff = "swapoff swapon"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[swapoff] = "${base_sbindir}/swapoff"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[swapon] = "${base_sbindir}/swapon"
+ALTERNATIVE_util-linux-fsck = "fsck.minix fsck"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[fsck.minix] = "${base_sbindir}/fsck.minix"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[fsck] = "${base_sbindir}/fsck"
+ALTERNATIVE_util-linux-blkid = "blkid"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[blkid] = "${base_sbindir}/blkid"
+ALTERNATIVE_util-linux-reset = "reset"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[reset] = "${bindir}/reset"
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[reset] = "${base_bindir}/reset"
+ALTERNATIVE_util-linux-getopt = "getopt"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[getopt] = "${base_bindir}/getopt"
+ALTERNATIVE_util-linux-sulogin = "sulogin"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[sulogin] = "${base_sbindir}/sulogin"
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
+python do_package_prepend () {
+    if '--enable-su' in d.getVar('EXTRA_OECONF', True).split():
+        alt_name = "su"
+        d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME', alt_name, '%s/%s' % (d.getVar('base_bindir', True), alt_name))
+        d.appendVar('ALTERNATIVE_%s' % (d.getVar('PN', True)), ' ' + alt_name)
+python populate_packages_prepend() {
+    do_split_packages(d, '${base_libdir}', '^lib(.*)\.so\..*$',
+                      output_pattern='util-linux-lib%s',
+                      description='util-linux lib%s',
+                      extra_depends='', prepend=True, allow_links=True)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/configure-sbindir.patch b/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/configure-sbindir.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5b1ff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/configure-sbindir.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+util-linux: take ${sbindir} from the environment if it is set there
+fix the test, the [ ] syntax was getting eaten by autoconf
+Signed-off-by: Phil Blundell <pb@pbcl.net>
+Signed-off-by: Saul Wold <sgw@linux.intel.com
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+Index: util-linux-2.22.1/configure.ac
+--- util-linux-2.22.1.orig/configure.ac
++++ util-linux-2.22.1/configure.ac
+@@ -73,7 +73,10 @@ AC_SUBST([localstatedir])
+ usrbin_execdir='${exec_prefix}/bin'
+ AC_SUBST([usrbin_execdir])
++if test -z "$usrsbin_execdir" ;
++   usrsbin_execdir='${exec_prefix}/sbin'
+ AC_SUBST([usrsbin_execdir])
+ case $libdir in
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/fix-parallel-build.patch b/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/fix-parallel-build.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adb271c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/fix-parallel-build.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+From 774f55f9dd22c01e4041a183d8dff14811f29114 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Robert Yang <liezhi.yang@windriver.com>
+Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2014 17:33:04 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH] sys-utils/Makemodule.am: fix parallel build issue
+The rule SETARCH_MAN_LINKS is used for the files under the sys-utils
+dir, for example:
+echo ".so man8/setarch.8" > sys-utils/linux32.8
+but it depends on nothing so that the sys-utils dir may not exist, we
+can create the sys-utils dir to fix problem.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Robert Yang <liezhi.yang@windriver.com>
+ sys-utils/Makemodule.am | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/sys-utils/Makemodule.am b/sys-utils/Makemodule.am
+index 6265282..62ead37 100644
+--- a/sys-utils/Makemodule.am
++++ b/sys-utils/Makemodule.am
+@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ man_MANS += $(SETARCH_MAN_LINKS)
++	$(MKDIR_P) sys-utils
+ 	$(AM_V_GEN)echo ".so man8/setarch.8" > $@
+ install-exec-hook-setarch:
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/uclibc-__progname-conflict.patch b/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/uclibc-__progname-conflict.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5031a73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/uclibc-__progname-conflict.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+configure should include errno.h instead of argp.h when
+checking for presence of program_invocation_short_name
+uclibc defines this to be const char* unlike util-linux-ng
+which defines this to be char* so this error goes unnoticed
+on glibc/eglibc systems.
+here is the error it fixes
+in file included from mountP.h:14:0,                                                                               
+                 from cache.c:29:                                                                                  
+/home/kraj/work/slugos/build/tmp-slugos-uclibc/sysroots/nslu2le/usr/include/errno.h:55:46: error: conflicting types for '__progname'                                                                                                  
+../../../include/c.h:118:14: note: previous declaration of '__progname' was here                                   
+make[3]: *** [cache.lo] Error 1          
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Signed-off-by: Jonathan Liu <net147@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Index: util-linux-2.22.1/configure.ac
+--- util-linux-2.22.1.orig/configure.ac
++++ util-linux-2.22.1/configure.ac
+@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ esac
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether program_invocation_short_name is defined])
+-	#include <argp.h>
++	#include <errno.h>
+ ]], [[
+ 	program_invocation_short_name = "test";
+ ]])], [
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/util-linux-native-qsort.patch b/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/util-linux-native-qsort.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68bf22d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/util-linux-native-qsort.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+From f220d809be1baa654503bf6ff52f3630b0d7015c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Robert Yang <liezhi.yang@windriver.com>
+Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 01:30:29 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] sun.c: use qsort() to instead of qsort_r()
+qsort_r() was added to glibc in version 2.8, so there is no qsort_r() on
+the host like CentOS 5.x.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [Other]
+Signed-off-by: Robert Yang <liezhi.yang@windriver.com>
+ libfdisk/src/sun.c | 5 ++---
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+Index: util-linux-2.24.2/libfdisk/src/sun.c
+--- util-linux-2.24.2.orig/libfdisk/src/sun.c
++++ util-linux-2.24.2/libfdisk/src/sun.c
+@@ -431,10 +431,9 @@ static int sun_verify_disklabel(struct f
+     }
+     verify_sun_starts = starts;
+-    qsort_r(array,ARRAY_SIZE(array),sizeof(array[0]),
+-	  (int (*)(const void *,const void *,void *)) verify_sun_cmp,
+-	  verify_sun_starts);
++    qsort(array,ARRAY_SIZE(array),sizeof(array[0]),
++         (int (*)(const void *,const void *)) verify_sun_cmp);
+     if (array[0] == -1) {
+ 	fdisk_info(cxt, _("No partitions defined."));
+ 	return 0;
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/util-linux-native.patch b/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/util-linux-native.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f496de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/util-linux-native.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+Support older hosts with latest util-linux-native
+mkostemp is not defined on older machines.  So we detect this and
+provide a define that uses mkstemp instead.
+O_CLOEXEC is not defined on older machines.  It is however defined
+in the 'c.h' header.  Fix up the users to include 'c.h'.
+fdisks/fdisksunlabel.c was modified to use qsort_r, however
+this is not defined on older hosts.  Revert:
+  commit c69bbca9c1f6645097bd20fe3a21f5a99a2a0698
+  fdisk: (sun): use ask API, remove global variable
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [other]
+Patches revert upstream changes in order to support older
+Signed-off-by: Mark Hatle <mark.hatle@windriver.com>
+Signed-off-by: Chen Qi <Qi.Chen@windriver.com>
+ configure.ac | 1 +
+ include/c.h  | 7 +++++++
+ 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index eb3680b..93e015f 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -318,6 +318,7 @@ AC_CHECK_FUNCS([ \
+ 	llseek \
+ 	lseek64 \
+ 	mempcpy \
++	mkostemp \
+ 	nanosleep \
+ 	open_memstream \
+ 	personality \
+diff --git a/include/c.h b/include/c.h
+index e423e8b..cf33b94 100644
+--- a/include/c.h
++++ b/include/c.h
+@@ -233,6 +233,13 @@ static inline int dirfd(DIR *d)
+ #endif
+ /*
++ * mkostemp replacement
++ */
++#define mkostemp(template, flags) mkstemp(template)
+  * MAXHOSTNAMELEN replacement
+  */
+ static inline size_t get_hostname_max(void)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/util-linux-ng-2.16-mount_lock_path.patch b/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/util-linux-ng-2.16-mount_lock_path.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5773d7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/util-linux-ng-2.16-mount_lock_path.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [embedded specific]
+The FHS indicates that /etc must be capable of being mounted R/O.
+The FHS also indicates that lock files belong in /var/lock, and /var must
+be R/W as soon as possible during boot.
+This patch moves the mtab lock file from the potentially R/O /etc, to the
+R/W /var/lock area.  This lock file is used when mounting disks and making
+other mount adjustments.  The _PATH_MOUNTED_TMP is not adjusted, as failing
+to write to this file does not cause any functional limitations.
+(Note, if /etc is R/O, then /etc/mtab should be a symlink to /proc/mounts)
+Signed-off-by: Mark Hatle <mark.hatle@windriver.com>
+--- util-linux-ng-2.16/include/pathnames.h.orig
++++ util-linux-ng-2.16/include/pathnames.h
+@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
+ # endif
+ #endif
++#define _PATH_MOUNTED_LOCK	"/var/lock/mtab~"
+ #ifndef _PATH_DEV
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/util-linux-ng-replace-siginterrupt.patch b/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/util-linux-ng-replace-siginterrupt.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6717a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux/util-linux-ng-replace-siginterrupt.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Chen Qi <Qi.Chen@windriver.com>
+ login-utils/login.c | 5 ++++-
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/login-utils/login.c b/login-utils/login.c
+index ebb76f5..38c881b 100644
+--- a/login-utils/login.c
++++ b/login-utils/login.c
+@@ -1110,6 +1110,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ 	char *buff;
+ 	int childArgc = 0;
+ 	int retcode;
++	struct sigaction act;
+ 	char *pwdbuf = NULL;
+ 	struct passwd *pwd = NULL, _pwd;
+@@ -1123,7 +1124,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ 	timeout = (unsigned int)getlogindefs_num("LOGIN_TIMEOUT", LOGIN_TIMEOUT);
+ 	signal(SIGALRM, timedout);
+-	siginterrupt(SIGALRM, 1);	/* we have to interrupt syscalls like ioctl() */
++	(void) sigaction(SIGALRM, NULL, &act);
++	act.sa_flags &= ~SA_RESTART;
++	sigaction(SIGALRM, &act, NULL);
+ 	alarm(timeout);
+ 	signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
+ 	signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux_2.26.2.bb b/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux_2.26.2.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc7dc6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/util-linux/util-linux_2.26.2.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+require util-linux.inc
+# To support older hosts, we need to patch and/or revert
+# some upstream changes.  Only do this for native packages.
+OLDHOST_class-native = "file://util-linux-native.patch \
+                        file://util-linux-native-qsort.patch \
+			"
+SRC_URI += "file://util-linux-ng-replace-siginterrupt.patch \
+            file://util-linux-ng-2.16-mount_lock_path.patch \
+            file://uclibc-__progname-conflict.patch \
+            file://configure-sbindir.patch \
+            file://fix-parallel-build.patch \
+            ${OLDHOST} \
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "9bdf368c395f1b70325d0eb22c7f48fb"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "0e29bda142528a48a0a953c39ff63093651a4809042e1790fbd6aa8663fd9666"
+CACHED_CONFIGUREVARS += "scanf_cv_alloc_modifier=ms"
+                             --disable-fallocate \
+			     --disable-use-tty-group \
+EXTRA_OECONF_class-nativesdk = "${SHARED_EXTRA_OECONF} \
+                                --disable-fallocate \
+				--disable-use-tty-group \
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/volatile-binds/files/COPYING.MIT b/meta/recipes-core/volatile-binds/files/COPYING.MIT
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e7d574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/volatile-binds/files/COPYING.MIT
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/volatile-binds/files/mount-copybind b/meta/recipes-core/volatile-binds/files/mount-copybind
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2aeaf84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/volatile-binds/files/mount-copybind
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Perform a bind mount, copying existing files as we do so to ensure the
+# overlaid path has the necessary content.
+if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+    echo >&2 "Usage: $0 spec mountpoint [OPTIONS]"
+    exit 1
+if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then
+    options=$3
+    options=
+[ -n "$options" ] && options=",$options"
+mkdir -p "${spec%/*}"
+if [ -d "$mountpoint" ]; then
+    if [ ! -d "$spec" ]; then
+        mkdir "$spec"
+        cp -pPR "$mountpoint"/. "$spec/"
+    fi
+elif [ -f "$mountpoint" ]; then
+    if [ ! -f "$spec" ]; then
+        cp -pP "$mountpoint" "$spec"
+    fi
+mount -o "bind$options" "$spec" "$mountpoint"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/volatile-binds/files/volatile-binds.service.in b/meta/recipes-core/volatile-binds/files/volatile-binds.service.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b23355a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/volatile-binds/files/volatile-binds.service.in
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Description=Bind mount volatile @where@
+RequiresMountsFor=@whatparent@ @whereparent@
+ExecStart=/sbin/mount-copybind @what@ @where@
+ExecStop=/bin/umount @where@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/volatile-binds/volatile-binds.bb b/meta/recipes-core/volatile-binds/volatile-binds.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fee7275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/volatile-binds/volatile-binds.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+SUMMARY = "Volatile bind mount setup and configuration for read-only-rootfs"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING.MIT;md5=5750f3aa4ea2b00c2bf21b2b2a7b714d"
+SRC_URI = "\
+    file://mount-copybind \
+    file://COPYING.MIT \
+    file://volatile-binds.service.in \
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+inherit allarch systemd distro_features_check
+    /var/volatile/lib /var/lib\n\
+VOLATILE_BINDS[type] = "list"
+VOLATILE_BINDS[separator] = "\n"
+def volatile_systemd_services(d):
+    services = []
+    for line in oe.data.typed_value("VOLATILE_BINDS", d):
+        if not line:
+            continue
+        what, where = line.split(None, 1)
+        services.append("%s.service" % what[1:].replace("/", "-"))
+    return " ".join(services)
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "${@volatile_systemd_services(d)}"
+FILES_${PN} += "${systemd_unitdir}/system/*.service"
+do_compile () {
+    while read spec mountpoint; do
+        if [ -z "$spec" ]; then
+            continue
+        fi
+        servicefile="${spec#/}"
+        servicefile="$(echo "$servicefile" | tr / -).service"
+        sed -e "s#@what@#$spec#g; s#@where@#$mountpoint#g" \
+            -e "s#@whatparent@#${spec%/*}#g; s#@whereparent@#${mountpoint%/*}#g" \
+            volatile-binds.service.in >$servicefile
+    done <<END
+${@d.getVar('VOLATILE_BINDS', True).replace("\\n", "\n")}
+    if [ -e var-volatile-lib.service ]; then
+        # As the seed is stored under /var/lib, ensure that this service runs
+        # after the volatile /var/lib is mounted.
+        sed -i -e "/^Before=/s/\$/ systemd-random-seed.service/" \
+               -e "/^WantedBy=/s/\$/ systemd-random-seed.service/" \
+               var-volatile-lib.service
+    fi
+do_compile[dirs] = "${WORKDIR}"
+do_install () {
+    install -d ${D}${base_sbindir}
+    install -m 0755 mount-copybind ${D}${base_sbindir}/
+    install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+    for service in ${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_volatile-binds}; do
+        install -m 0644 $service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/
+    done
+do_install[dirs] = "${WORKDIR}"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/zlib/site_config/headers b/meta/recipes-core/zlib/site_config/headers
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5026891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/zlib/site_config/headers
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/zlib/zlib-1.2.8/Makefile-runtests.patch b/meta/recipes-core/zlib/zlib-1.2.8/Makefile-runtests.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61eea82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/zlib/zlib-1.2.8/Makefile-runtests.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Add 'ptest' target to Makefile, to run tests without checking dependencies.
+Signed-off-by: Anders Roxell <anders.roxell@enea.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+diff -uNr a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
+--- a/Makefile.in	2013-06-10 13:48:14.321959162 +0200
++++ b/Makefile.in	2013-06-10 13:49:36.686476448 +0200
+@@ -83,6 +83,9 @@
+ test: all teststatic testshared
+ teststatic: static
++	@make runteststatic
+ 	@TMPST=tmpst_$$; \
+ 	if echo hello world | ./minigzip | ./minigzip -d && ./example $$TMPST ; then \
+ 	  echo '		*** zlib test OK ***'; \
+@@ -92,6 +95,9 @@
+ 	rm -f $$TMPST
+ testshared: shared
++	@make runtestshared
+@@ -105,6 +111,9 @@
+ 	rm -f $$TMPSH
+ test64: all64
++	@make runtestall64
+ 	@TMP64=tmp64_$$; \
+ 	if echo hello world | ./minigzip64 | ./minigzip64 -d && ./example64 $$TMP64; then \
+ 	  echo '		*** zlib 64-bit test OK ***'; \
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/zlib/zlib-1.2.8/ldflags-tests.patch b/meta/recipes-core/zlib/zlib-1.2.8/ldflags-tests.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19c40b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/zlib/zlib-1.2.8/ldflags-tests.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Obey LDFLAGS for tests
+Signed-off-by: Christopher Larson <chris_larson@mentor.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+--- zlib-1.2.8.orig/Makefile.in
++++ zlib-1.2.8/Makefile.in
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ CFLAGS=-O
+-TEST_LDFLAGS=-L. libz.a
+ CPP=$(CC) -E
+@@ -176,22 +176,22 @@ placebo $(SHAREDLIBV): $(PIC_OBJS) libz.
+	-@rmdir objs
+ example$(EXE): example.o $(STATICLIB)
+-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ example.o $(TEST_LDFLAGS)
++	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ example.o $(TEST_LDFLAGS) $(STATICLIB)
+ minigzip$(EXE): minigzip.o $(STATICLIB)
+-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ minigzip.o $(TEST_LDFLAGS)
++	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ minigzip.o $(TEST_LDFLAGS) $(STATICLIB)
+ examplesh$(EXE): example.o $(SHAREDLIBV)
+-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ example.o -L. $(SHAREDLIBV)
++	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ example.o $(TEST_LDFLAGS) $(SHAREDLIBV)
+ minigzipsh$(EXE): minigzip.o $(SHAREDLIBV)
+-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ minigzip.o -L. $(SHAREDLIBV)
++	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ minigzip.o $(TEST_LDFLAGS) $(SHAREDLIBV)
+ example64$(EXE): example64.o $(STATICLIB)
+-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ example64.o $(TEST_LDFLAGS)
++	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ example64.o $(TEST_LDFLAGS) $(STATICLIB)
+ minigzip64$(EXE): minigzip64.o $(STATICLIB)
+-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ minigzip64.o $(TEST_LDFLAGS)
++	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ minigzip64.o $(TEST_LDFLAGS) $(STATICLIB)
+ install-libs: $(LIBS)
+	-@if [ ! -d $(DESTDIR)$(exec_prefix)  ]; then mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(exec_prefix); fi
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/zlib/zlib-1.2.8/remove.ldconfig.call.patch b/meta/recipes-core/zlib/zlib-1.2.8/remove.ldconfig.call.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..403b482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/zlib/zlib-1.2.8/remove.ldconfig.call.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+When /etc/ld.so.cache is writeable by user running bitbake then it creates invalid cache 
+(in my case libstdc++.so cannot be found after building zlib(-native) and I have to call 
+touch */libstdc++.so && /sbin/ldconfig to fix it.
+So remove ldconfig call from make install-libs
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [disable feature]
+diff -uNr zlib-1.2.6.orig/Makefile.in zlib-1.2.6/Makefile.in
+--- zlib-1.2.6.orig/Makefile.in	2012-01-28 23:48:50.000000000 +0100
++++ zlib-1.2.6/Makefile.in	2012-02-13 15:38:20.577700723 +0100
+@@ -199,7 +199,6 @@
+ 	  rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(sharedlibdir)/$(SHAREDLIB) $(DESTDIR)$(sharedlibdir)/$(SHAREDLIBM); \
+ 	  ln -s $(SHAREDLIBV) $(DESTDIR)$(sharedlibdir)/$(SHAREDLIB); \
+ 	  ln -s $(SHAREDLIBV) $(DESTDIR)$(sharedlibdir)/$(SHAREDLIBM); \
+-	  ($(LDCONFIG) || true)  >/dev/null 2>&1; \
+ 	fi
+ 	cp zlib.3 $(DESTDIR)$(man3dir)
+ 	chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(man3dir)/zlib.3
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/zlib/zlib-1.2.8/run-ptest b/meta/recipes-core/zlib/zlib-1.2.8/run-ptest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..884d9dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/zlib/zlib-1.2.8/run-ptest
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+make -k runteststatic runtestshared | sed -r -e 's/^(\s+\*+ (.+?) test OK \*+)/\1\nPASS: \2/' -e 's/^(\s+\*+ (.+?) test FAILED \*+)/\1\nFAIL: \2/'
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/zlib/zlib_1.2.8.bb b/meta/recipes-core/zlib/zlib_1.2.8.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9470adb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/zlib/zlib_1.2.8.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+SUMMARY = "Zlib Compression Library"
+DESCRIPTION = "Zlib is a general-purpose, patent-free, lossless data compression \
+library which is used by many different programs."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://zlib.net/"
+SECTION = "libs"
+LICENSE = "Zlib"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://zlib.h;beginline=4;endline=23;md5=fde612df1e5933c428b73844a0c494fd"
+SRC_URI = "http://www.zlib.net/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.xz \
+           file://remove.ldconfig.call.patch \
+           file://Makefile-runtests.patch \
+           file://ldflags-tests.patch \
+           file://run-ptest \
+           "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "28f1205d8dd2001f26fec1e8c2cebe37"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "831df043236df8e9a7667b9e3bb37e1fcb1220a0f163b6de2626774b9590d057"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-ptest += "make"
+inherit ptest
+do_configure (){
+	./configure --prefix=${prefix} --shared --libdir=${libdir}
+do_compile (){
+	oe_runmake
+do_compile_ptest() {
+	oe_runmake static shared
+do_install() {
+	oe_runmake DESTDIR=${D} install
+do_install_ptest() {
+	install ${B}/Makefile   ${D}${PTEST_PATH}
+	install ${B}/example    ${D}${PTEST_PATH}
+	install ${B}/minigzip   ${D}${PTEST_PATH}
+	install ${B}/examplesh  ${D}${PTEST_PATH}
+	install ${B}/minigzipsh ${D}${PTEST_PATH}
+# Move zlib shared libraries for target builds to $base_libdir so the library
+# can be used in early boot before $prefix is mounted.
+do_install_append_class-target() {
+	if [ ${base_libdir} != ${libdir} ]
+	then
+		mkdir -p ${D}/${base_libdir}
+		mv ${D}/${libdir}/libz.so.* ${D}/${base_libdir}
+		libname=`readlink ${D}/${libdir}/libz.so`
+		ln -sf ${@oe.path.relative("${libdir}", "${base_libdir}")}/$libname ${D}${libdir}/libz.so
+	fi
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"