Squashed 'yocto-poky/' content from commit ea562de

git-subtree-dir: yocto-poky
git-subtree-split: ea562de57590c966cd5a75fda8defecd397e6436
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm_4.11.2.bb b/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm_4.11.2.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..210c943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm_4.11.2.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+SUMMARY = "The RPM package management system"
+DESCRIPTION = "The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven \
+package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, \
+verifying, querying, and updating software packages. Each software \
+package consists of an archive of files along with information about \
+the package like its version, a description, etc."
+SUMMARY_${PN}-dev = "Development files for manipulating RPM packages"
+DESCRIPTION_${PN}-dev = "This package contains the RPM C library and header files. These \
+development files will simplify the process of writing programs that \
+manipulate RPM packages and databases. These files are intended to \
+simplify the process of creating graphical package managers or any \
+other tools that need an intimate knowledge of RPM packages in order \
+to function."
+SUMMARY_python-rpm = "Python bindings for apps which will manupulate RPM packages"
+DESCRIPTION_python-rpm = "The rpm-python package contains a module that permits applications \
+written in the Python programming language to use the interface \
+supplied by the RPM Package Manager libraries."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.rpm.org"
+LICENSE = "GPL-2.0+"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM ??= "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/GPL-2.0;md5=801f80980d171dd6425610833a22dbe6"
+DEPENDS = "db libxml2 xz findutils file popt nss bzip2 elfutils patch attr zlib acl gzip make binutils python"
+SRC_URI += "http://rpm.org/releases/rpm-4.11.x/${BP}.tar.bz2 \
+            file://use-pkgconfig-for-python.patch \
+            file://remove-db3-from-configure.patch \
+            file://add_RPMSENSE_MISSINGOK_to_rpmmodule.patch \
+            file://support-suggests-tag.patch \
+            file://remove-dir-check.patch \
+            file://disable_shortcircuited.patch \
+            file://fix_libdir.patch \
+            file://rpm-scriptetexechelp.patch \
+            file://pythondeps.sh \
+            file://rpm-CVE-2014-8118.patch \
+            file://rpm-CVE-2013-6435.patch \
+           "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "876ac9948a88367054f8ddb5c0e87173"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "403f8de632b33846ce5746f429c21a60f40dff9dcb56f1b4118f37a0652a48d4"
+PR = "r1"
+inherit autotools
+inherit pythonnative
+inherit pkgconfig
+inherit gettext
+EXTRA_OECONF += "--host=${HOST_SYS} \
+                 --program-prefix= \
+                 --prefix=${prefix} \
+                 --exec-prefix=${prefix} \
+                 --bindir=${prefix}/bin \
+                 --sbindir=${prefix}/sbin \
+                 --sysconfdir=${sysconfdir} \
+                 --datadir=${prefix}/share \
+                 --includedir=${prefix}/include \
+                 --libdir=${prefix}/lib \
+                 --libexecdir=${prefix}/libexec \
+                 --localstatedir=${localstatedir} \
+                 --sharedstatedir=${prefix}/com \
+                 --mandir=${mandir} \
+                 --infodir=${infodir} \
+                 --disable-dependency-tracking \
+                 --with-acl \
+                 --without-lua \
+                 --without-cap \
+                 --enable-shared \
+                 --enable-python \
+                 --with-external-db \
+                "
+CPPFLAGS_append = " `pkg-config --cflags nss`"
+LDFLAGS_append = " -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -ffunction-sections"
+CCFLAGS_append = " -fPIC "
+CXXFLAGS_append = " -fPIC "
+do_configure_prepend() {
+    rm -rf sqlite
+    rm -f m4/libtool.m4
+    rm -f m4/lt*.m4
+    rm -rf db3/configure*
+do_install_append() {
+    mv ${D}/${base_bindir}/rpm ${D}/${bindir}/
+    rmdir ${D}/${base_bindir}
+    rm -f ${D}${prefix}/lib/*.la
+    rm -f ${D}${prefix}/lib/rpm-plugins/*.la
+    rm -f ${D}/${libdir}/python%{with_python_version}/site-packages/*.{a,la}
+    rm -f ${D}/${libdir}/python%{with_python_version}/site-packages/rpm/*.{a,la}
+    rm -fr ${D}/var
+    install -d ${D}${prefix}/lib/rpm/bin
+    ln -s ../debugedit ${D}${prefix}/lib/rpm/bin/debugedit
+    ln -s ../rpmdeps ${D}${prefix}/lib/rpm/bin/rpmdeps-oecore
+    install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/pythondeps.sh ${D}/${libdir}/rpm/pythondeps.sh
+pkg_postinst_${PN}() {
+    [ "x\$D" == "x" ] && ldconfig
+    test -f ${localstatedir}/lib/rpm/Packages || rpm --initdb
+    rm -f ${localstatedir}/lib/rpm/Filemd5s \
+          ${localstatedir}/lib/rpm/Filedigests \
+          ${localstatedir}/lib/rpm/Requireversion \
+          ${localstatedir}/lib/rpm/Provideversion
+pkg_postrm_${PN}() {
+    [ "x\$D" == "x" ] && ldconfig
+PACKAGES += "python-${PN}"
+PROVIDES += "python-rpm"
+FILES_${PN} +=  "${libdir}/rpm \
+                 ${libdir}/rpm-plugins/exec.so \
+                "
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "base-files run-postinsts"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}_class-native = ""
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/rpm/.debug/* \
+                    ${libdir}/rpm-plugins/.debug/* \
+                    ${libdir}/python2.7/site-packages/rpm/.debug/* \
+                   "
+FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/python2.7/site-packages/rpm/*.la"
+FILES_python-${PN} = "${libdir}/python2.7/site-packages/rpm/*"
+RDEPENDS_python-${PN} = "${PN} python"