meta-zaius: vcs-control: remove UCD driver bind/unbind hackery

The i2cget/i2cset commands in this script can theoretically
interfere with the linux hwmon driver state so the bind/unbind
around running the i2c commands was added as a defensive measure.

But in reality the linux ucd9000 driver does not touch the GPIO registers
so there is no chance of any interference.

Remove the bind/unbind steps which have had issues in the past and
isntead use '-f' argument to i2cget/i2cset to allow the script to
run even when the hwmon driver is loaded.

Change-Id: I0b3748e263a0578b3da533d75fa2f3ccc3a68b09
Signed-off-by: Robert Lippert <>
diff --git a/meta-openbmc-machines/meta-openpower/meta-ingrasys/meta-zaius/recipes-phosphor/chassis/vcs-control/ b/meta-openbmc-machines/meta-openpower/meta-ingrasys/meta-zaius/recipes-phosphor/chassis/vcs-control/
index b65b12d..49bf0b0 100755
--- a/meta-openbmc-machines/meta-openpower/meta-ingrasys/meta-zaius/recipes-phosphor/chassis/vcs-control/
+++ b/meta-openbmc-machines/meta-openpower/meta-ingrasys/meta-zaius/recipes-phosphor/chassis/vcs-control/
@@ -24,42 +24,18 @@
 # Result stored in $ucd_reg
-    retry i2cget -y $ucd_bus $ucd_addr $1 b
+    retry i2cget -f -y $ucd_bus $ucd_addr $1 b
 # Usage: ucd_get address value
-    retry i2cset -y $ucd_bus $ucd_addr $1 $2 b
-    if [ -e $ucd_path/$ucd_driver ]; then
-        echo -e "\tUnbinding UCD driver $ucd_driver"
-        echo $ucd_driver > $ucd_path/unbind
-    else
-        echo -e "\tWarning: $ucd_path/$ucd_driver doesn't exist"
-    fi
-    if [ -e $ucd_path ]; then
-        echo -e "\tBinding UCD driver $ucd_driver"
-        local i=0
-        until [ -d $ucd_path/$ucd_driver ] || [ $i -ge $ucd_retries ]; do
-            i=$((i+1))
-            echo $ucd_driver > $ucd_path/bind || ret=$?
-        done
-        if [ ! -d $ucd_path/$ucd_driver ]; then exit $ret; fi
-    fi
+    retry i2cset -f -y $ucd_bus $ucd_addr $1 $2 b
-    unbind_ucd
     echo -e "\tSetting UCD GPIO 5 to $1"
     ucd_set 0xFA 5
     ucd_set 0xFB $1
@@ -68,13 +44,11 @@
     ucd_set 0xFA 6
     ucd_set 0xFB $1
     ucd_set 0xFB $1
-    rebind_ucd
     echo Reading VCS settings
-    unbind_ucd
     ucd_set 0xFA 5
     ucd_get 0xFB
     local val=`echo $ucd_reg | grep -i -c 0x0f`
@@ -83,7 +57,6 @@
     ucd_get 0xFB
     local val=`echo $ucd_reg | grep -i -c 0x0f`
     echo -e "\tUCD GPIO 6 state=$val"
-    rebind_ucd