blob: b1f78a0cd1777e1e6d6517dada48ef1c24eb28cd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
from import OESelftestTestCase
from oeqa.utils.commands import runCmd, get_bb_var
from oeqa.utils.git import GitRepo
class KernelDev(OESelftestTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(KernelDev, cls).setUpClass()
# Create the recipe directory structure inside the created layer
cls.layername = 'meta-kerneltest'
runCmd('bitbake-layers create-layer %s' % cls.layername)
runCmd('mkdir -p %s/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto' % cls.layername)
cls.recipes_linuxyocto_dir = os.path.join \
(cls.builddir, cls.layername, 'recipes-kernel', 'linux', 'linux-yocto')
cls.recipeskernel_dir = os.path.dirname(cls.recipes_linuxyocto_dir)
runCmd('bitbake-layers add-layer %s' % cls.layername)
def tearDownClass(cls):
runCmd('bitbake-layers remove-layer %s' % cls.layername, ignore_status=True)
runCmd('rm -rf %s' % cls.layername)
super(KernelDev, cls).tearDownClass()
def setUp(self):
super(KernelDev, self).setUp()
self.set_machine_config('MACHINE = "qemux86-64"\n')
def test_apply_patches(self):
Summary: Able to apply a single patch to the Linux kernel source
Expected: The README file should exist and the patch changes should be
displayed at the end of the file.
Product: Kernel Development
Author: Yeoh Ee Peng <>
AutomatedBy: Mazliana Mohamad <>
runCmd('bitbake virtual/kernel -c patch')
kernel_source = get_bb_var('STAGING_KERNEL_DIR')
readme = os.path.join(kernel_source, 'README')
# This test step adds modified file 'README' to git and creates a
# patch file '0001-KERNEL_DEV_TEST_CASE.patch' at the same location as file
patch_content = 'This is a test to apply a patch to the kernel'
with open(readme, 'a+') as f:
repo = GitRepo('%s' % kernel_source, is_topdir=True)
repo.run_cmd('add %s' % readme)
repo.run_cmd(['commit', '-m', 'KERNEL_DEV_TEST_CASE'])
repo.run_cmd(['format-patch', '-1'])
patch_name = '0001-KERNEL_DEV_TEST_CASE.patch'
patchpath = os.path.join(kernel_source, patch_name)
runCmd('mv %s %s' % (patchpath, self.recipes_linuxyocto_dir))
runCmd('rm %s ' % readme)
recipe_append = os.path.join(self.recipeskernel_dir, 'linux-yocto_%.bbappend')
with open(recipe_append, 'w+') as fh:
fh.write('SRC_URI += "file://%s"\n' % patch_name)
fh.write('ERROR_QA:remove:pn-linux-yocto = "patch-status"\n')
fh.write('FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"')
runCmd('bitbake virtual/kernel -c clean')
runCmd('bitbake virtual/kernel -c patch')
result = runCmd('tail -n 1 %s' % readme)
self.assertEqual(result.output, patch_content)