meta-aspeed: otp: create otp image
1. Add otptool.bbclass to create otp image.
2. Update u-boot recipe to "inherit otptool.bbclass" for
otp image creation in the u-boot tasks.
3. Update socsec tool for SPL and OTP image verification if
verify failed u-boot should be built failed.
4. Use OE logging utilities.
Signed-off-by: Jamin Lin <>
Change-Id: I0ba5da4d112b49d182bdf2751614afe62850eac3
diff --git a/meta-aspeed/classes/otptool.bbclass b/meta-aspeed/classes/otptool.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb766c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-aspeed/classes/otptool.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# ASPEED AST2600 devices can use Aspeed's utility 'otptool'
+# to create OTP image
+# The variables below carry default values to the create_otp()
+# function below.
+OTPTOOL_EXTRA_DEPENDS ?= " socsec-native"
+DEPENDS += '${@oe.utils.conditional("SOCSEC_SIGN_ENABLE", "1", "${OTPTOOL_EXTRA_DEPENDS}", "", d)}'
+# Creates the OTP image
+create_otp_helper() {
+ if [ "${SOC_FAMILY}" != "aspeed-g6" ] ; then
+ bbwarn "OTP creation is only supported on AST2600 boards"
+ elif [ ! -e "${OTPTOOL_CONFIG}" ] ; then
+ bbfatal "Invalid otptool config: ${OTPTOOL_CONFIG}"
+ elif [ ! -d "${OTPTOOL_KEY_DIR}" ] ; then
+ bbfatal "Invalid otptool signing key directory: ${OTPTOOL_KEY_DIR}"
+ else
+ otptool make_otp_image \
+ --key_folder ${OTPTOOL_KEY_DIR} \
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ bbfatal "Generated OTP image failed."
+ fi
+ otptool \
+ print \
+ ${B}/${CONFIG_B_PATH}/otp-all.image
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ bbfatal "Printed OTP image failed."
+ fi
+ install -m 0644 ${B}/${CONFIG_B_PATH}/otp-* ${DEPLOYDIR}
+ fi
+create_otp() {
+ mkdir -p ${DEPLOYDIR}
+ if [ -n "${UBOOT_CONFIG}" ]; then
+ for config in ${UBOOT_MACHINE}; do
+ CONFIG_B_PATH="${config}"
+ cd ${B}/${config}
+ create_otp_helper
+ done
+ else
+ cd ${B}
+ create_otp_helper
+ fi
+do_deploy:prepend() {
+ if [ "${SOCSEC_SIGN_ENABLE}" = "1" ] ; then
+ create_otp
+ fi
diff --git a/meta-aspeed/classes/socsec-sign.bbclass b/meta-aspeed/classes/socsec-sign.bbclass
index 5b90da1..f46147d 100644
--- a/meta-aspeed/classes/socsec-sign.bbclass
+++ b/meta-aspeed/classes/socsec-sign.bbclass
@@ -60,9 +60,19 @@
+verify_spl_otp() {
+ socsec verify \
+ --sec_image ${DEPLOYDIR}/${SPL_IMAGE} \
+ --otp_image ${DEPLOYDIR}/otp-all.image
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ bbfatal "Verified OTP image failed."
+ fi
do_deploy:append() {
if [ "${SOCSEC_SIGN_ENABLE}" = "1" -a -n "${SPL_BINARY}" ] ; then
+ verify_spl_otp