logging: switch to lg2

After switching to C++20, it is recommended to use `phosphor::lg2`
to format log, and the correct `CODE_LINE` and `CODE_FUNC` values
can be used in log tracking.

Tested: built biosConfigManager successfully.
journalctl -o json-pretty SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=biosconfig-manager
 "_TRANSPORT" : "journal",
 "_PID" : "244",
 "__MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP" : "513878067",
 "_SYSTEMD_SLICE" : "system.slice",
 "CODE_LINE" : "123",
 "_HOSTNAME" : "fp5280g2",
 "_CAP_EFFECTIVE" : "1ffffffffff",
 "_BOOT_ID" : "40382c3612f54e1a96a6ecf41fe6b38e",
 "SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER" : "biosconfig-manager",
 "_CMDLINE" : "/usr/bin/biosconfig-manager",
 "_EXE" : "/usr/bin/biosconfig-manager",
 "LOG2_FMTMSG" : "BIOS attribute not found in the BaseBIOSTable",
 "_SYSTEMD_UNIT" : "xyz.openbmc_project.biosconfig_manager.service",
 "MESSAGE" : "BIOS attribute not found in the BaseBIOSTable",
 "PRIORITY" : "3",
 "CODE_FILE" : "../biosconfig-manager/src/manager.cpp",
 "CODE_FUNC" : "virtual bios_config::Manager::PendingAttributes

Signed-off-by: George Liu <liuxiwei@inspur.com>
Change-Id: I274d61827279b10ba3fe9d61404ce8b654ccdd9e
3 files changed