Remove unused files

Remove some ancient files that are no longer used or required.

1. JenkinsFile: Was used when this was a project that only existed on my
desktop, and I used a private Jenkins instance to test it.  Today,
bmcweb uses the openbmc CI, which doesn't require this file.
2. scripts/  This script is now part of the clang
builds themselves, so it should be used from there.
3. src/ast*.cpp and src/test_resources.  These were left from when
bmcweb handled the ast video driver itself, and had unit tests to prove
it worked.  The code to run the unit tests has been long removed, we
just forgot to remove the tests.
4. static/highlight.pack.js.   This was previously used for json parsing
in the HTML UI.  It is no longer used as of commit
57fce80e24cfe08e530e0697d6c70bba14076d1c and should've been removed as
part of it, but unfortunately was not.

None of the above were used previously, so should have no measurable
impact to the build.

Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
Change-Id: I757b0dc8e4dc6cc93ba60d39218016e2f4d47ed0
diff --git a/JenkinsFile b/JenkinsFile
deleted file mode 100644
index 00e6649..0000000
--- a/JenkinsFile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-stage 'Debug Build'
-sh '''rm -rf build_debug
-  meson build_debug --buildtype=debug
-  ninja -C build_debug'''
-//stage 'Debug Test'
-//sh '''cd build_debug
-//      ctest -V --output-on-failure'''
-stage 'Release Build'
-sh '''rm -rf build_release
-  meson build_release --buildtype=release
-  ninja -C build_release'''
-//stage 'Release Test'
-//sh '''cd build_release
-//  ctest -V --output-on-failure'''
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index c42463b..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# ===- - Parallel clang-tidy runner ---------*- python -*--===#
-#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-# ===------------------------------------------------------------------------===#
-# FIXME: Integrate with
-Parallel clang-tidy runner
-Runs clang-tidy over all files in a compilation database. Requires clang-tidy
-and clang-apply-replacements in $PATH.
-Example invocations.
-- Run clang-tidy on all files in the current working directory with a default
-  set of checks and show warnings in the cpp files and all project headers.
- $PWD
-- Fix all header guards.
- -fix -checks=-*,llvm-header-guard
-- Fix all header guards included from clang-tidy and header guards
-  for clang-tidy headers.
- -fix -checks=-*,llvm-header-guard extra/clang-tidy \
-                      -header-filter=extra/clang-tidy
-Compilation database setup:
-import argparse
-import json
-import multiprocessing
-import os
-import queue
-import re
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import threading
-def find_compilation_database(path):
-    """Adjusts the directory until a compilation database is found."""
-    result = './'
-    while not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(result, path)):
-        if os.path.realpath(result) == '/':
-            print('Error: could not find compilation database.')
-            sys.exit(1)
-        result += '../'
-    return os.path.realpath(result)
-def get_tidy_invocation(f, clang_tidy_binary, checks, tmpdir, build_path,
-                        header_filter, extra_arg, extra_arg_before, quiet):
-    """Gets a command line for clang-tidy."""
-    start = [clang_tidy_binary]
-    if header_filter is not None:
-        start.append('-header-filter=' + header_filter)
-    else:
-        # Show warnings in all in-project headers by default.
-        start.append('-header-filter=^' + build_path + '/.*')
-    if checks:
-        start.append('-checks=' + checks)
-    if tmpdir is not None:
-        start.append('-export-fixes')
-        # Get a temporary file. We immediately close the handle so clang-tidy can
-        # overwrite it.
-        (handle, name) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.yaml', dir=tmpdir)
-        os.close(handle)
-        start.append(name)
-    for arg in extra_arg:
-        start.append('-extra-arg=%s' % arg)
-    for arg in extra_arg_before:
-        start.append('-extra-arg-before=%s' % arg)
-    start.append('-p=' + build_path)
-    if quiet:
-        start.append('-quiet')
-    start.append(f)
-    return start
-def apply_fixes(args, tmpdir):
-    """Calls clang-apply-fixes on a given directory. Deletes the dir when done."""
-    invocation = [args.clang_apply_replacements_binary]
-    if args.format:
-        invocation.append('-format')
-    invocation.append(tmpdir)
-    shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
-def run_tidy(args, tmpdir, build_path, this_queue):
-    """Takes filenames out of queue and runs clang-tidy on them."""
-    while True:
-        name = this_queue.get()
-        invocation = get_tidy_invocation(
-            name, args.clang_tidy_binary, args.checks,
-                                         tmpdir, build_path, args.header_filter,
-                                         args.extra_arg, args.extra_arg_before,
-                                         args.quiet)
-        sys.stdout.write(' '.join(invocation) + '\n')
-        this_queue.task_done()
-def main():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Runs clang-tidy over all files '
-                                     'in a compilation database. Requires '
-                                     'clang-tidy and clang-apply-replacements in '
-                                     '$PATH.')
-    parser.add_argument('-clang-tidy-binary', metavar='PATH',
-                        default='clang-tidy',
-                        help='path to clang-tidy binary')
-    parser.add_argument('-clang-apply-replacements-binary', metavar='PATH',
-                        default='clang-apply-replacements',
-                        help='path to clang-apply-replacements binary')
-    parser.add_argument('-checks', default=None,
-                        help='checks filter, when not specified, use clang-tidy '
-                        'default')
-    parser.add_argument('-header-filter', default=None,
-                        help='regular expression matching the names of the '
-                        'headers to output diagnostics from. Diagnostics from '
-                        'the main file of each translation unit are always '
-                        'displayed.')
-    parser.add_argument('-j', type=int, default=0,
-                        help='number of tidy instances to be run in parallel.')
-    parser.add_argument('files', nargs='*', default=['.*'],
-                        help='files to be processed (regex on path)')
-    parser.add_argument('-fix', action='store_true', help='apply fix-its')
-    parser.add_argument('-format', action='store_true', help='Reformat code '
-                        'after applying fixes')
-    parser.add_argument('-p', dest='build_path',
-                        help='Path used to read a compile command database.')
-    parser.add_argument('-extra-arg', dest='extra_arg',
-                        action='append', default=[],
-                        help='Additional argument to append to the compiler '
-                        'command line.')
-    parser.add_argument('-extra-arg-before', dest='extra_arg_before',
-                        action='append', default=[],
-                        help='Additional argument to prepend to the compiler '
-                        'command line.')
-    parser.add_argument('-quiet', action='store_true',
-                        help='Run clang-tidy in quiet mode')
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    db_path = 'compile_commands.json'
-    if args.build_path is not None:
-        build_path = args.build_path
-    else:
-        # Find our database
-        build_path = find_compilation_database(db_path)
-    try:
-        invocation = [args.clang_tidy_binary, '-list-checks']
-        invocation.append('-p=' + build_path)
-        if args.checks:
-            invocation.append('-checks=' + args.checks)
-        invocation.append('-')
-        print(subprocess.check_output(invocation))
-    except:
-        print("Unable to run clang-tidy.", file=sys.stderr)
-        sys.exit(1)
-    # Load the database and extract all files.
-    database = json.load(open(os.path.join(build_path, db_path)))
-    files = [entry['file'] for entry in database]
-    max_task = args.j
-    if max_task == 0:
-        max_task = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
-    tmpdir = None
-    if args.fix:
-        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-    # Build up a big regexy filter from all command line arguments.
-    file_name_re = re.compile('|'.join(args.files))
-    try:
-        # Spin up a bunch of tidy-launching threads.
-        this_queue = queue.Queue(max_task)
-        for _ in range(max_task):
-            t = threading.Thread(target=run_tidy,
-                                 args=(args, tmpdir, build_path, this_queue))
-            t.daemon = True
-            t.start()
-        # Fill the queue with files.
-        for name in files:
-            if
-                this_queue.put(name)
-        # Wait for all threads to be done.
-        this_queue.join()
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        # This is a sad hack. Unfortunately subprocess goes
-        # bonkers with ctrl-c and we start forking merrily.
-        print('\nCtrl-C detected, goodbye.')
-        if args.fix:
-            shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
-        os.kill(0, 9)
-    if args.fix:
-        print('Applying fixes ...')
-        apply_fixes(args, tmpdir)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/src/ast_jpeg_decoder_test.cpp b/src/ast_jpeg_decoder_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7491f5a..0000000
--- a/src/ast_jpeg_decoder_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-#include "ast_jpeg_decoder.hpp"
-#include <gmock/gmock.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#ifdef BUILD_CIMG
-#define cimg_display 0
-#include <CImg.h>
-using namespace testing;
-MATCHER_P2(IsBetween, a, b,
-           std::string(negation ? "isn't" : "is") + " between " +
-               PrintToString(a) + " and " + PrintToString(b))
-    return a <= arg && arg <= b;
-TEST(AstJpegDecoder, AllBlue)
-    ast_video::RawVideoBuffer out;
-    // This binary blog was created on the aspeed hardware using a blue screen
-    // consisting of the color 0x8EFFFA in a web browser window
-    FILE* fp = fopen("test_resources/aspeedbluescreen.bin", "rb");
-    EXPECT_NE(fp, nullptr);
-    size_t bufferlen =
-        fread(, sizeof(decltype(out.buffer)::value_type),
-              out.buffer.size(), fp);
-    fclose(fp);
-    ASSERT_GT(bufferlen, 0);
-    out.ySelector = 0;
-    out.uvSelector = 0;
-    out.mode = ast_video::YuvMode::YUV444;
-    out.width = 800;
-    out.height = 600;
-    ast_video::AstJpegDecoder d;
-    d.decode(out.buffer, out.width, out.height, out.mode, out.ySelector,
-             out.uvSelector);
-    int tolerance = 16;
-    // All pixels should be blue (0x8EFFFA) to within a tolerance (due to jpeg
-    // compression artifacts and quanitization)
-    for (int i = 0; i < out.width * out.height; i++)
-    {
-        ast_video::RGB& pixel = d.outBuffer[i];
-        EXPECT_GT(pixel.r, 0x8E - tolerance);
-        EXPECT_LT(pixel.r, 0x8E + tolerance);
-        EXPECT_GT(pixel.g, 0xFF - tolerance);
-        EXPECT_LT(pixel.g, 0xFF + tolerance);
-        EXPECT_GT(pixel.b, 0xF1 - tolerance);
-        EXPECT_LT(pixel.b, 0xF1 + tolerance);
-    }
-TEST(AstJpegDecoder, AllBlack)
-    ast_video::RawVideoBuffer out;
-    // This binary blog was created on the aspeed hardware using a black screen
-    FILE* fp = fopen("test_resources/aspeedblackscreen.bin", "rb");
-    EXPECT_NE(fp, nullptr);
-    size_t bufferlen = fread(, sizeof(char),
-                             out.buffer.size() * sizeof(long), fp);
-    fclose(fp);
-    ASSERT_GT(bufferlen, 0);
-    out.ySelector = 0;
-    out.uvSelector = 0;
-    out.mode = ast_video::YuvMode::YUV444;
-    out.width = 800;
-    out.height = 600;
-    ast_video::AstJpegDecoder d;
-    d.decode(out.buffer, out.width, out.height, out.mode, out.ySelector,
-             out.uvSelector);
-    // All pixels should be blue (0x8EFFFA) to within a tolerance (due to jpeg
-    // compression artifacts and quanitization)
-    for (int x = 0; x < out.width; x++)
-    {
-        for (int y = 0; y < out.height; y++)
-        {
-            ast_video::RGB pixel = d.outBuffer[x + (y * out.width)];
-            ASSERT_EQ(pixel.r, 0x00) << "X:" << x << " Y: " << y;
-            ASSERT_EQ(pixel.g, 0x00) << "X:" << x << " Y: " << y;
-            ASSERT_EQ(pixel.b, 0x00) << "X:" << x << " Y: " << y;
-        }
-    }
-TEST(AstJpegDecoder, TestColors)
-    ast_video::RawVideoBuffer out;
-    // This binary blog was created on the aspeed hardware using a blue screen
-    // consisting of the color 0x8EFFFA in a web browser window
-    FILE* fp = fopen("test_resources/ubuntu_444_800x600_0chrom_0lum.bin", "rb");
-    EXPECT_NE(fp, nullptr);
-    size_t bufferlen = fread(, sizeof(char),
-                             out.buffer.size() * sizeof(long), fp);
-    fclose(fp);
-    ASSERT_GT(bufferlen, 0);
-    out.ySelector = 0;
-    out.uvSelector = 0;
-    out.mode = ast_video::YuvMode::YUV444;
-    out.width = 800;
-    out.height = 600;
-    ast_video::AstJpegDecoder d;
-    d.decode(out.buffer, out.width, out.height, out.mode, out.ySelector,
-             out.uvSelector);
-    int tolerance = 16;
-    /*
-    for (int i = 0; i < out.width * out.height; i++) {
-      ast_video::RGB &pixel = d.outBuffer[i];
-      EXPECT_GT(pixel.r, 0x8E - tolerance);
-      EXPECT_LT(pixel.r, 0x8E + tolerance);
-      EXPECT_GT(pixel.g, 0xFF - tolerance);
-      EXPECT_LT(pixel.g, 0xFF + tolerance);
-      EXPECT_GT(pixel.b, 0xF1 - tolerance);
-      EXPECT_LT(pixel.b, 0xF1 + tolerance);
-    }
-    */
-// Tests the buffers around the screen aren't written to
-TEST(AstJpegDecoder, BufferLimits)
-    ast_video::RawVideoBuffer out;
-    // This binary blog was created on the aspeed hardware using a black screen
-    FILE* fp = fopen("test_resources/aspeedblackscreen.bin", "rb");
-    EXPECT_NE(fp, nullptr);
-    size_t bufferlen = fread(, sizeof(char),
-                             out.buffer.size() * sizeof(long), fp);
-    fclose(fp);
-    ASSERT_GT(bufferlen, 0);
-    out.ySelector = 0;
-    out.uvSelector = 0;
-    out.mode = ast_video::YuvMode::YUV444;
-    out.width = 800;
-    out.height = 600;
-    ast_video::AstJpegDecoder d;
-    d.decode(out.buffer, out.width, out.height, out.mode, out.ySelector,
-             out.uvSelector);
-    // reserved pixel should be default value
-    for (auto& pixel : d.outBuffer)
-    {
-        EXPECT_EQ(pixel.reserved, 0xAA);
-    }
-    // All pixels beyond the buffer should be zero
-    for (int i = out.width * out.height; i < d.outBuffer.size(); i++)
-    {
-        EXPECT_EQ(d.outBuffer[i].r, 0x00) << "index:" << i;
-        EXPECT_EQ(d.outBuffer[i].b, 0x00) << "index:" << i;
-        EXPECT_EQ(d.outBuffer[i].g, 0x00) << "index:" << i;
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ast_video_puller_test.cpp b/src/ast_video_puller_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a69f47b..0000000
--- a/src/ast_video_puller_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <ast_jpeg_decoder.hpp>
-#include <ast_video_puller.hpp>
-#include <chrono>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <thread>
-#include <vector>
-#include <gmock/gmock.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-TEST(AstvideoPuller, BasicRead)
-    ast_video::RawVideoBuffer out;
-    bool have_hardware = false;
-    if (access("/dev/video", F_OK) != -1)
-    {
-        ast_video::SimpleVideoPuller p;
-        p.initialize();
-        out = p.readVideo();
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        FILE* fp =
-            fopen("test_resources/ubuntu_444_800x600_0chrom_0lum.bin", "rb");
-        if (fp)
-        {
-            size_t newLen = fread(, sizeof(char),
-                                  out.buffer.size() * sizeof(long), fp);
-            if (ferror(fp) != 0)
-            {
-                fputs("Error reading file", stderr);
-            }
-            fclose(fp);
-            out.buffer.resize(newLen);
-            out.mode = ast_video::YuvMode::YUV444;
-            out.width = 800;
-            out.height = 600;
-            out.ySelector = 0;
-            out.uvSelector = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    FILE* fp = fopen("/tmp/screendata.bin", "wb");
-    fwrite(, sizeof(char), out.buffer.size(), fp);
-    fclose(fp);
-    ast_video::AstJpegDecoder d;
-    d.decode(out.buffer, out.width, out.height, out.mode, out.ySelector,
-             out.uvSelector);
diff --git a/src/test_resources/aspeedblackscreen.bin b/src/test_resources/aspeedblackscreen.bin
deleted file mode 100644
index 537216d..0000000
--- a/src/test_resources/aspeedblackscreen.bin
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/test_resources/aspeedbluescreen.bin b/src/test_resources/aspeedbluescreen.bin
deleted file mode 100644
index 829c674..0000000
--- a/src/test_resources/aspeedbluescreen.bin
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/test_resources/blns b/src/test_resources/blns
deleted file mode 100644
index cdbac02..0000000
--- a/src/test_resources/blns
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,685 +0,0 @@
-# sourced from
-#	Reserved Strings
-#	Strings which may be used elsewhere in code
-#	Numeric Strings
-#	Strings which can be interpreted as numeric
-1 000.00
-1 000 000.00
-1 000,00
-1 000 000,00
-#	Special Characters
-# ASCII punctuation.  All of these characters may need to be escaped in some
-# contexts.  Divided into three groups based on (US-layout) keyboard position.
-# Non-whitespace C0 controls: U+0001 through U+0008, U+000E through U+001F,
-# and U+007F (DEL)
-# Often forbidden to appear in various text-based file formats (e.g. XML),
-# or reused for internal delimiters on the theory that they should never
-# appear in input.
-# The next line may appear to be blank or mojibake in some viewers.
-# Non-whitespace C1 controls: U+0080 through U+0084 and U+0086 through U+009F.
-# Commonly misinterpreted as additional graphic characters.
-# The next line may appear to be blank, mojibake, or dingbats in some viewers.
-# Whitespace: all of the characters with category Zs, Zl, or Zp (in Unicode
-# version 8.0.0), plus U+0009 (HT), U+000B (VT), U+000C (FF), U+0085 (NEL),
-# and U+200B (ZERO WIDTH SPACE), which are in the C categories but are often
-# treated as whitespace in some contexts.
-# This file unfortunately cannot express strings containing
-# U+0000, U+000A, or U+000D (NUL, LF, CR).
-# The next line may appear to be blank or mojibake in some viewers.
-# The next line may be flagged for "trailing whitespace" in some viewers.
-	 …             ​

-# Unicode additional control characters: all of the characters with
-# general category Cf (in Unicode 8.0.0).
-# The next line may appear to be blank or mojibake in some viewers.
-# "Byte order marks", U+FEFF and U+FFFE, each on its own line.
-# The next two lines may appear to be blank or mojibake in some viewers.
-#	Unicode Symbols
-#	Strings which contain common unicode symbols (e.g. smart quotes)
-#	Unicode Subscript/Superscript/Accents
-#	Strings which contain unicode subscripts/superscripts; can cause rendering issues
-ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็ ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็ ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็
-#	Quotation Marks
-#	Strings which contain misplaced quotation marks; can cause encoding errors
-<foo val=“bar” />
-<foo val=“bar” />
-<foo val=”bar“ />
-<foo val=`bar' />
-#	Two-Byte Characters
-#	Strings which contain two-byte characters: can cause rendering issues or character-length issues
-사회과학원 어학연구소
-찦차를 타고 온 펲시맨과 쑛다리 똠방각하
-#	Changing length when lowercased
-#	Characters which increase in length (2 to 3 bytes) when lowercased
-#	Credit:

-#	Japanese Emoticons
-#	Strings which consists of Japanese-style emoticons which are popular on the web
-ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
-(。◕ ∀ ◕。)
-・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:
-,。・:*:・゜’( ☻ ω ☻ )。・:*:・゜’
-(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
-(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
-┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
-#	Emoji
-#	Strings which contain Emoji; should be the same behavior as two-byte characters, but not always
-👾 🙇 💁 🙅 🙆 🙋 🙎 🙍
-🐵 🙈 🙉 🙊
-❤️ 💔 💌 💕 💞 💓 💗 💖 💘 💝 💟 💜 💛 💚 💙
-✋🏿 💪🏿 👐🏿 🙌🏿 👏🏿 🙏🏿
-🚾 🆒 🆓 🆕 🆖 🆗 🆙 🏧
-0️⃣ 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ 6️⃣ 7️⃣ 8️⃣ 9️⃣ 🔟
-#       Regional Indicator Symbols
-#       Regional Indicator Symbols can be displayed differently across
-#       fonts, and have a number of special behaviors
-🇺🇸🇷🇺🇸 🇦🇫🇦🇲🇸
-#	Unicode Numbers
-#	Strings which contain unicode numbers; if the code is localized, it should see the input as numeric
-#	Right-To-Left Strings
-#	Strings which contain text that should be rendered RTL if possible (e.g. Arabic, Hebrew)
-ثم نفس سقطت وبالتحديد،, جزيرتي باستخدام أن دنو. إذ هنا؟ الستار وتنصيب كان. أهّل ايطاليا، بريطانيا-فرنسا قد أخذ. سليمان، إتفاقية بين ما, يذكر الحدود أي بعد, معاملة بولندا، الإطلاق عل إيو.
-בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ
-הָיְתָהtestالصفحات التّحول
-مُنَاقَشَةُ سُبُلِ اِسْتِخْدَامِ اللُّغَةِ فِي النُّظُمِ الْقَائِمَةِ وَفِيم يَخُصَّ التَّطْبِيقَاتُ الْحاسُوبِيَّةُ، 
-#	Trick Unicode
-#	Strings which contain unicode with unusual properties (e.g. Right-to-left override) (c.f.

-#	Zalgo Text
-#	Strings which contain "corrupted" text. The corruption will not appear in non-HTML text, however. (via
-Ṱ̺̺̕o͞ ̷i̲̬͇̪͙n̝̗͕v̟̜̘̦͟o̶̙̰̠kè͚̮̺̪̹̱̤ ̖t̝͕̳̣̻̪͞h̼͓̲̦̳̘̲e͇̣̰̦̬͎ ̢̼̻̱̘h͚͎͙̜̣̲ͅi̦̲̣̰̤v̻͍e̺̭̳̪̰-m̢iͅn̖̺̞̲̯̰d̵̼̟͙̩̼̘̳ ̞̥̱̳̭r̛̗̘e͙p͠r̼̞̻̭̗e̺̠̣͟s̘͇̳͍̝͉e͉̥̯̞̲͚̬͜ǹ̬͎͎̟̖͇̤t͍̬̤͓̼̭͘ͅi̪̱n͠g̴͉ ͏͉ͅc̬̟h͡a̫̻̯͘o̫̟̖͍̙̝͉s̗̦̲.̨̹͈̣
-̡͓̞ͅI̗̘̦͝n͇͇͙v̮̫ok̲̫̙͈i̖͙̭̹̠̞n̡̻̮̣̺g̲͈͙̭͙̬͎ ̰t͔̦h̞̲e̢̤ ͍̬̲͖f̴̘͕̣è͖ẹ̥̩l͖͔͚i͓͚̦͠n͖͍̗͓̳̮g͍ ̨o͚̪͡f̘̣̬ ̖̘͖̟͙̮c҉͔̫͖͓͇͖ͅh̵̤̣͚͔á̗̼͕ͅo̼̣̥s̱͈̺̖̦̻͢.̛̖̞̠̫̰
-̗̺͖̹̯͓Ṯ̤͍̥͇͈h̲́e͏͓̼̗̙̼̣͔ ͇̜̱̠͓͍ͅN͕͠e̗̱z̘̝̜̺͙p̤̺̹͍̯͚e̠̻̠͜r̨̤͍̺̖͔̖̖d̠̟̭̬̝͟i̦͖̩͓͔̤a̠̗̬͉̙n͚͜ ̻̞̰͚ͅh̵͉i̳̞v̢͇ḙ͎͟-҉̭̩̼͔m̤̭̫i͕͇̝̦n̗͙ḍ̟ ̯̲͕͞ǫ̟̯̰̲͙̻̝f ̪̰̰̗̖̭̘͘c̦͍̲̞͍̩̙ḥ͚a̮͎̟̙͜ơ̩̹͎s̤.̝̝ ҉Z̡̖̜͖̰̣͉̜a͖̰͙̬͡l̲̫̳͍̩g̡̟̼̱͚̞̬ͅo̗͜.̟
-̦H̬̤̗̤͝e͜ ̜̥̝̻͍̟́w̕h̖̯͓o̝͙̖͎̱̮ ҉̺̙̞̟͈W̷̼̭a̺̪͍į͈͕̭͙̯̜t̶̼̮s̘͙͖̕ ̠̫̠B̻͍͙͉̳ͅe̵h̵̬͇̫͙i̹͓̳̳̮͎̫̕n͟d̴̪̜̖ ̰͉̩͇͙̲͞ͅT͖̼͓̪͢h͏͓̮̻e̬̝̟ͅ ̤̹̝W͙̞̝͔͇͝ͅa͏͓͔̹̼̣l̴͔̰̤̟͔ḽ̫.͕
-#	Unicode Upsidedown
-#	Strings which contain unicode with an "upsidedown" effect (via
-˙ɐnbᴉlɐ ɐuƃɐɯ ǝɹolop ʇǝ ǝɹoqɐl ʇn ʇunpᴉpᴉɔuᴉ ɹodɯǝʇ poɯsnᴉǝ op pǝs 'ʇᴉlǝ ƃuᴉɔsᴉdᴉpɐ ɹnʇǝʇɔǝsuoɔ 'ʇǝɯɐ ʇᴉs ɹolop ɯnsdᴉ ɯǝɹo˥
-#	Unicode font
-#	Strings which contain bold/italic/etc. versions of normal characters
-The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
-𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐱 𝐣𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐠
-𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖖𝖚𝖎𝖈𝖐 𝖇𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖓 𝖋𝖔𝖝 𝖏𝖚𝖒𝖕𝖘 𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖆𝖟𝖞 𝖉𝖔𝖌
-𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝒇𝒐𝒙 𝒋𝒖𝒎𝒑𝒔 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒛𝒚 𝒅𝒐𝒈
-𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓺𝓾𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓫𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓷 𝓯𝓸𝔁 𝓳𝓾𝓶𝓹𝓼 𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓪𝔃𝔂 𝓭𝓸𝓰
-𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝕓𝕣𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝕗𝕠𝕩 𝕛𝕦𝕞𝕡𝕤 𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕒𝕫𝕪 𝕕𝕠𝕘
-𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚡 𝚓𝚞𝚖𝚙𝚜 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚣𝚢 𝚍𝚘𝚐
-⒯⒣⒠ ⒬⒰⒤⒞⒦ ⒝⒭⒪⒲⒩ ⒡⒪⒳ ⒥⒰⒨⒫⒮ ⒪⒱⒠⒭ ⒯⒣⒠ ⒧⒜⒵⒴ ⒟⒪⒢
-#	Script Injection
-#	Strings which attempt to invoke a benign script injection; shows vulnerability to XSS
-<img src=x onerror=alert(123) />
-< / script >< script >alert(123)< / script >
- onfocus=JaVaSCript:alert(123) autofocus
-" onfocus=JaVaSCript:alert(123) autofocus
-' onfocus=JaVaSCript:alert(123) autofocus
-"><script>alert(123);</script x="
-'><script>alert(123);</script x='
-><script>alert(123);</script x=
-" autofocus onkeyup="javascript:alert(123)
-' autofocus onkeyup='javascript:alert(123)
-ABC<div style="x\x3Aexpression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:expression\x5C(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:expression\x00(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:exp\x00ression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:exp\x5Cression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\x0Aexpression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\x09expression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\xE3\x80\x80expression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\xE2\x80\x84expression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\xC2\xA0expression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\xE2\x80\x80expression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\xE2\x80\x8Aexpression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\x0Dexpression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\x0Cexpression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\xE2\x80\x87expression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\xEF\xBB\xBFexpression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\x20expression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\xE2\x80\x88expression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\x00expression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\xE2\x80\x8Bexpression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\xE2\x80\x86expression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\xE2\x80\x85expression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\xE2\x80\x82expression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\x0Bexpression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\xE2\x80\x81expression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\xE2\x80\x83expression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-ABC<div style="x:\xE2\x80\x89expression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF
-<a href="\x0Bjavascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x0Fjavascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\xC2\xA0javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x05javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\xE1\xA0\x8Ejavascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x18javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x11javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\xE2\x80\x88javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\xE2\x80\x89javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\xE2\x80\x80javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x17javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x03javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x0Ejavascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x1Ajavascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x00javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x10javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\xE2\x80\x82javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x20javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x13javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x09javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\xE2\x80\x8Ajavascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x14javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x19javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
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-<a href="\x1Fjavascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
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-<a href="\x1Djavascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
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-<a href="\x07javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
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-<a href="\xE2\x80\x83javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x04javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x01javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x08javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
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-<a href="\xE2\x80\x86javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\xE3\x80\x80javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x12javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x0Djavascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x0Ajavascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
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-<a href="\x06javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
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-<a href="\xE2\x80\x85javascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x1Ejavascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\xE2\x81\x9Fjavascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="\x1Cjavascript:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="javascript\x00:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="javascript\x3A:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="javascript\x09:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="javascript\x0D:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-<a href="javascript\x0A:javascript:alert(1)" id="fuzzelement1">test</a>
-`"'><img src=xxx:x \x0Aonerror=javascript:alert(1)>
-`"'><img src=xxx:x \x22onerror=javascript:alert(1)>
-`"'><img src=xxx:x \x0Bonerror=javascript:alert(1)>
-`"'><img src=xxx:x \x0Donerror=javascript:alert(1)>
-`"'><img src=xxx:x \x2Fonerror=javascript:alert(1)>
-`"'><img src=xxx:x \x09onerror=javascript:alert(1)>
-`"'><img src=xxx:x \x0Conerror=javascript:alert(1)>
-`"'><img src=xxx:x \x00onerror=javascript:alert(1)>
-`"'><img src=xxx:x \x27onerror=javascript:alert(1)>
-`"'><img src=xxx:x \x20onerror=javascript:alert(1)>
-<img \x00src=x onerror="alert(1)">
-<img \x47src=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img \x11src=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img \x12src=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img\x47src=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img\x10src=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img\x13src=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img\x32src=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img\x47src=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img\x11src=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img \x47src=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img \x34src=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img \x39src=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img \x00src=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src\x09=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src\x10=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src\x13=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src\x32=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src\x12=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src\x11=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src\x00=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src\x47=x onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src=x\x09onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src=x\x10onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src=x\x11onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src=x\x12onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src=x\x13onerror="javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src=x onerror=\x09"javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src=x onerror=\x10"javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src=x onerror=\x11"javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src=x onerror=\x12"javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src=x onerror=\x32"javascript:alert(1)">
-<img src=x onerror=\x00"javascript:alert(1)">
-<a href=java&#1&#2&#3&#4&#5&#6&#7&#8&#11&#12script:javascript:alert(1)>XXX</a>
-<img src="x` `<script>javascript:alert(1)</script>"` `>
-<img src onerror /" '"= alt=javascript:alert(1)//">
-<title onpropertychange=javascript:alert(1)></title><title title=>
-<a href=`y></a><img alt="`><img src=x:x onerror=javascript:alert(1)></a>">
-<!--[if]><script>javascript:alert(1)</script -->
-<!--[if<img src=x onerror=javascript:alert(1)//]> -->
-<script src="/\%(jscript)s"></script>
-<script src="\\%(jscript)s"></script>
-<IMG """><SCRIPT>alert("XSS")</SCRIPT>">
-<IMG SRC=javascript:alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))>
-<IMG SRC=# onmouseover="alert('xxs')">
-<IMG SRC= onmouseover="alert('xxs')">
-<IMG onmouseover="alert('xxs')">
-<IMG SRC=&#106;&#97;&#118;&#97;&#115;&#99;&#114;&#105;&#112;&#116;&#58;&#97;&#108;&#101;&#114;&#116;&#40;&#39;&#88;&#83;&#83;&#39;&#41;>
-<IMG SRC=&#0000106&#0000097&#0000118&#0000097&#0000115&#0000099&#0000114&#0000105&#0000112&#0000116&#0000058&#0000097&#0000108&#0000101&#0000114&#0000116&#0000040&#0000039&#0000088&#0000083&#0000083&#0000039&#0000041>
-<IMG SRC=&#x6A&#x61&#x76&#x61&#x73&#x63&#x72&#x69&#x70&#x74&#x3A&#x61&#x6C&#x65&#x72&#x74&#x28&#x27&#x58&#x53&#x53&#x27&#x29>
-<IMG SRC="jav   ascript:alert('XSS');">
-<IMG SRC="jav&#x09;ascript:alert('XSS');">
-<IMG SRC="jav&#x0A;ascript:alert('XSS');">
-<IMG SRC="jav&#x0D;ascript:alert('XSS');">
-perl -e 'print "<IMG SRC=java\0script:alert(\"XSS\")>";' > out
-<IMG SRC=" &#14;  javascript:alert('XSS');">
-<BODY onload!#$%&()*~+-_.,:;?@[/|\]^`=alert("XSS")>
-<IMG SRC="javascript:alert('XSS')"
-<iframe src= <
-<u oncopy=alert()> Copy me</u>
-<i onwheel=alert(1)> Scroll over me </i>
-#	SQL Injection
-#	Strings which can cause a SQL injection if inputs are not sanitized
-1;DROP TABLE users
-1'; DROP TABLE users-- 1
-' OR 1=1 -- 1
-' OR '1'='1
-#	Server Code Injection
-#	Strings which can cause user to run code on server as a privileged user (c.f.
-/dev/null; touch /tmp/ ; echo
-`touch /tmp/`
-$(touch /tmp/
-@{[system "touch /tmp/"]}
-#	Command Injection (Ruby)
-#	Strings which can call system commands within Ruby/Rails applications
-eval("puts 'hello world'")
-System("ls -al /")
-`ls -al /`
-Kernel.exec("ls -al /")
-%x('ls -al /')
-#      XXE Injection (XML)
-#	String which can reveal system files when parsed by a badly configured XML parser
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ELEMENT foo ANY ><!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd" >]><foo>&xxe;</foo>
-#	Unwanted Interpolation
-#	Strings which can be accidentally expanded into different strings if evaluated in the wrong context, e.g. used as a printf format string or via Perl or shell eval. Might expose sensitive data from the program doing the interpolation, or might just represent the wrong string.
-#	File Inclusion
-#	Strings which can cause user to pull in files that should not be a part of a web server
-#	Known CVEs and Vulnerabilities
-#	Strings that test for known vulnerabilities
-() { 0; }; touch /tmp/;
-() { _; } >_[$($())] { touch /tmp/; }
-<<< %s(un='%s') = %u
-#	MSDOS/Windows Special Filenames
-#	Strings which are reserved characters in MSDOS/Windows
-#   IRC specific strings
-#   Strings that may occur on IRC clients that make security products freak out
-#	Scunthorpe Problem
-#	Innocuous strings which may be blocked by profanity filters (
-Scunthorpe General Hospital
-Penistone Community Church
-Lightwater Country Park
-Jimmy Clitheroe
-Horniman Museum
-shitake mushrooms
-Craig Cockburn, Software Specialist
-Linda Callahan
-Dr. Herman I. Libshitz
-magna cum laude
-Super Bowl XXX
-medieval erection of parapets
-Arsenal canal
-Tyson Gay
-Dick Van Dyke
-#	Human injection
-#	Strings which may cause human to reinterpret worldview
-If you're reading this, you've been in a coma for almost 20 years now. We're trying a new technique. We don't know where this message will end up in your dream, but we hope it works. Please wake up, we miss you.
-#	Terminal escape codes
-#	Strings which punish the fools who use cat/type on this file
-Roses are red, violets are blue. Hope you enjoy terminal hue
-But now...for my greatest trick...
-The quick brown fox... [Beeeep]
-#	iOS Vulnerabilities
-#	Strings which crashed iMessage in various versions of iOS
-Powerلُلُصّبُلُلصّبُررً ॣ ॣh ॣ ॣ冗
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test_resources/ubuntu_444_800x600_0chrom_0lum.bin b/src/test_resources/ubuntu_444_800x600_0chrom_0lum.bin
deleted file mode 100644
index 929540c..0000000
--- a/src/test_resources/ubuntu_444_800x600_0chrom_0lum.bin
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/highlight.pack.js b/static/highlight.pack.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d71c4a..0000000
--- a/static/highlight.pack.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-/*! highlight.js v9.12.0 | BSD3 License | */
-!function(e){var n="object"==typeof window&&window||"object"==typeof self&&self;"undefined"!=typeof exports?e(exports):n&&(n.hljs=e({}),"function"==typeof define&&define.amd&&define([],function(){return n.hljs}))}(function(e){function n(e){return e.replace(/&/g,"&amp;").replace(/</g,"&lt;").replace(/>/g,"&gt;")}function t(e){return e.nodeName.toLowerCase()}function r(e,n){var t=e&&e.exec(n);return t&&0===t.index}function a(e){return k.test(e)}function i(e){var n,t,r,i,o=e.className+" ";if(o+=e.parentNode?e.parentNode.className:"",t=B.exec(o))return w(t[1])?t[1]:"no-highlight";for(o=o.split(/\s+/),n=0,r=o.length;r>n;n++)if(i=o[n],a(i)||w(i))return i}function o(e){var n,t={},,1);for(n in e)t[n]=e[n];return r.forEach(function(e){for(n in e)t[n]=e[n]}),t}function u(e){var n=[];return function r(e,a){for(var i=e.firstChild;i;i=i.nextSibling)3===i.nodeType?a+=i.nodeValue.length:1===i.nodeType&&(n.push({event:"start",offset:a,node:i}),a=r(i,a),t(i).match(/br|hr|img|input/)||n.push({event:"stop",offset:a,node:i}));return a}(e,0),n}function c(e,r,a){function i(){return e.length&&r.length?e[0].offset!==r[0].offset?e[0].offset<r[0].offset?e:r:"start"===r[0].event?e:r:e.length?e:r}function o(e){function r(e){return" "+e.nodeName+'="'+n(e.value).replace('"',"&quot;")+'"'}s+="<"+t(e),r).join("")+">"}function u(e){s+="</"+t(e)+">"}function c(e){("start"===e.event?o:u)(e.node)}for(var l=0,s="",f=[];e.length||r.length;){var g=i();if(s+=n(a.substring(l,g[0].offset)),l=g[0].offset,g===e){f.reverse().forEach(u);do c(g.splice(0,1)[0]),g=i();while(g===e&&g.length&&g[0].offset===l);f.reverse().forEach(o)}else"start"===g[0].event?f.push(g[0].node):f.pop(),c(g.splice(0,1)[0])}return s+n(a.substr(l))}function l(e){return e.v&&!e.cached_variants&&({return o(e,{v:null},n)})),e.cached_variants||e.eW&&[o(e)]||[e]}function s(e){function n(e){return e&&e.source||e}function t(t,r){return new RegExp(n(t),"m"+(e.cI?"i":"")+(r?"g":""))}function r(a,i){if(!a.compiled){if(a.compiled=!0,a.k=a.k||a.bK,a.k){var o={},u=function(n,t){e.cI&&(t=t.toLowerCase()),t.split(" ").forEach(function(e){var t=e.split("|");o[t[0]]=[n,t[1]?Number(t[1]):1]})};"string"==typeof a.k?u("keyword",a.k):x(a.k).forEach(function(e){u(e,a.k[e])}),a.k=o}a.lR=t(a.l||/\w+/,!0),i&&(a.bK&&(a.b="\\b("+a.bK.split(" ").join("|")+")\\b"),a.b||(a.b=/\B|\b/),a.bR=t(a.b),a.e||a.eW||(a.e=/\B|\b/),a.e&&(a.eR=t(a.e)),a.tE=n(a.e)||"",a.eW&&i.tE&&(a.tE+=(a.e?"|":"")+i.tE)),a.i&&(a.iR=t(a.i)),null==a.r&&(a.r=1),a.c||(a.c=[]),a.c=Array.prototype.concat.apply([],{return l("self"===e?a:e)})),a.c.forEach(function(e){r(e,a)}),a.starts&&r(a.starts,i);var{return e.bK?"\\.?("+e.b+")\\.?":e.b}).concat([a.tE,a.i]).map(n).filter(Boolean);a.t=c.length?t(c.join("|"),!0):{exec:function(){return null}}}}r(e)}function f(e,t,a,i){function o(e,n){var t,a;for(t=0,a=n.c.length;a>t;t++)if(r(n.c[t].bR,e))return n.c[t]}function u(e,n){if(r(e.eR,n)){for(;e.endsParent&&e.parent;)e=e.parent;return e}return e.eW?u(e.parent,n):void 0}function c(e,n){return!a&&r(n.iR,e)}function l(e,n){var t=N.cI?n[0].toLowerCase():n[0];return e.k.hasOwnProperty(t)&&e.k[t]}function p(e,n,t,r){var a=r?"":I.classPrefix,i='<span class="'+a,o=t?"":C;return i+=e+'">',i+n+o}function h(){var e,t,r,a;if(!E.k)return n(k);for(a="",t=0,E.lR.lastIndex=0,r=E.lR.exec(k);r;)a+=n(k.substring(t,r.index)),e=l(E,r),e?(B+=e[1],a+=p(e[0],n(r[0]))):a+=n(r[0]),t=E.lR.lastIndex,r=E.lR.exec(k);return a+n(k.substr(t))}function d(){var e="string"==typeof E.sL;if(e&&!y[E.sL])return n(k);var t=e?f(E.sL,k,!0,x[E.sL]):g(k,E.sL.length?E.sL:void 0);return E.r>0&&(B+=t.r),e&&(x[E.sL],p(t.language,t.value,!1,!0)}function b(){L+=null!=E.sL?d():h(),k=""}function v(e){L+=e.cN?p(e.cN,"",!0):"",E=Object.create(e,{parent:{value:E}})}function m(e,n){if(k+=e,null==n)return b(),0;var t=o(n,E);if(t)return t.skip?k+=n:(t.eB&&(k+=n),b(),t.rB||t.eB||(k=n)),v(t,n),t.rB?0:n.length;var r=u(E,n);if(r){var a=E;a.skip?k+=n:(a.rE||a.eE||(k+=n),b(),a.eE&&(k=n));do E.cN&&(L+=C),E.skip||(B+=E.r),E=E.parent;while(E!==r.parent);return r.starts&&v(r.starts,""),a.rE?0:n.length}if(c(n,E))throw new Error('Illegal lexeme "'+n+'" for mode "'+(E.cN||"<unnamed>")+'"');return k+=n,n.length||1}var N=w(e);if(!N)throw new Error('Unknown language: "'+e+'"');s(N);var R,E=i||N,x={},L="";for(R=E;R!==N;R=R.parent)R.cN&&(L=p(R.cN,"",!0)+L);var k="",B=0;try{for(var M,j,O=0;;){if(E.t.lastIndex=O,M=E.t.exec(t),!M)break;j=m(t.substring(O,M.index),M[0]),O=M.index+j}for(m(t.substr(O)),R=E;R.parent;R=R.parent)R.cN&&(L+=C);return{r:B,value:L,language:e,top:E}}catch(T){if(T.message&&-1!==T.message.indexOf("Illegal"))return{r:0,value:n(t)};throw T}}function g(e,t){t=t||I.languages||x(y);var r={r:0,value:n(e)},a=r;return t.filter(w).forEach(function(n){var t=f(n,e,!1);t.language=n,t.r>a.r&&(a=t),t.r>r.r&&(a=r,r=t)}),a.language&&(r.second_best=a),r}function p(e){return I.tabReplace||I.useBR?e.replace(M,function(e,n){return I.useBR&&"\n"===e?"<br>":I.tabReplace?n.replace(/\t/g,I.tabReplace):""}):e}function h(e,n,t){var r=n?L[n]:t,a=[e.trim()];return e.match(/\bhljs\b/)||a.push("hljs"),-1===e.indexOf(r)&&a.push(r),a.join(" ").trim()}function d(e){var n,t,r,o,l,s=i(e);a(s)||(I.useBR?(n=document.createElementNS("","div"),n.innerHTML=e.innerHTML.replace(/\n/g,"").replace(/<br[ \/]*>/g,"\n")):n=e,l=n.textContent,r=s?f(s,l,!0):g(l),t=u(n),t.length&&(o=document.createElementNS("","div"),o.innerHTML=r.value,r.value=c(t,u(o),l)),r.value=p(r.value),e.innerHTML=r.value,e.className=h(e.className,s,r.language),e.result={language:r.language,re:r.r},r.second_best&&(e.second_best={language:r.second_best.language,re:r.second_best.r}))}function b(e){I=o(I,e)}function v(){if(!v.called){v.called=!0;var e=document.querySelectorAll("pre code");,d)}}function m(){addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",v,!1),addEventListener("load",v,!1)}function N(n,t){var r=y[n]=t(e);r.aliases&&r.aliases.forEach(function(e){L[e]=n})}function R(){return x(y)}function w(e){return e=(e||"").toLowerCase(),y[e]||y[L[e]]}var E=[],x=Object.keys,y={},L={},k=/^(no-?highlight|plain|text)$/i,B=/\blang(?:uage)?-([\w-]+)\b/i,M=/((^(<[^>]+>|\t|)+|(?:\n)))/gm,C="</span>",I={classPrefix:"hljs-",tabReplace:null,useBR:!1,languages:void 0};return e.highlight=f,e.highlightAuto=g,e.fixMarkup=p,e.highlightBlock=d,e.configure=b,e.initHighlighting=v,e.initHighlightingOnLoad=m,e.registerLanguage=N,e.listLanguages=R,e.getLanguage=w,e.inherit=o,e.IR="[a-zA-Z]\\w*",e.UIR="[a-zA-Z_]\\w*",e.NR="\\b\\d+(\\.\\d+)?",e.CNR="(-?)(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+|(\\b\\d+(\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)([eE][-+]?\\d+)?)",e.BNR="\\b(0b[01]+)",e.RSR="!|!=|!==|%|%=|&|&&|&=|\\*|\\*=|\\+|\\+=|,|-|-=|/=|/|:|;|<<|<<=|<=|<|===|==|=|>>>=|>>=|>=|>>>|>>|>|\\?|\\[|\\{|\\(|\\^|\\^=|\\||\\|=|\\|\\||~",e.BE={b:"\\\\[\\s\\S]",r:0},e.ASM={cN:"string",b:"'",e:"'",i:"\\n",c:[e.BE]},e.QSM={cN:"string",b:'"',e:'"',i:"\\n",c:[e.BE]},e.PWM={b:/\b(a|an|the|are|I'm|isn't|don't|doesn't|won't|but|just|should|pretty|simply|enough|gonna|going|wtf|so|such|will|you|your|they|like|more)\b/},e.C=function(n,t,r){var a=e.inherit({cN:"comment",b:n,e:t,c:[]},r||{});return a.c.push(e.PWM),a.c.push({cN:"doctag",b:"(?:TODO|FIXME|NOTE|BUG|XXX):",r:0}),a},e.CLCM=e.C("//","$"),e.CBCM=e.C("/\\*","\\*/"),e.HCM=e.C("#","$"),e.NM={cN:"number",b:e.NR,r:0},e.CNM={cN:"number",b:e.CNR,r:0},e.BNM={cN:"number",b:e.BNR,r:0},e.CSSNM={cN:"number",b:e.NR+"(%|em|ex|ch|rem|vw|vh|vmin|vmax|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|deg|grad|rad|turn|s|ms|Hz|kHz|dpi|dpcm|dppx)?",r:0},e.RM={cN:"regexp",b:/\//,e:/\/[gimuy]*/,i:/\n/,c:[e.BE,{b:/\[/,e:/\]/,r:0,c:[e.BE]}]},e.TM={cN:"title",b:e.IR,r:0},e.UTM={cN:"title",b:e.UIR,r:0},e.METHOD_GUARD={b:"\\.\\s*"+e.UIR,r:0},e});hljs.registerLanguage("json",function(e){var i={literal:"true false null"},n=[e.QSM,e.CNM],r={e:",",eW:!0,eE:!0,c:n,k:i},t={b:"{",e:"}",c:[{cN:"attr",b:/"/,e:/"/,c:[e.BE],i:"\\n"},e.inherit(r,{b:/:/})],i:"\\S"},c={b:"\\[",e:"\\]",c:[e.inherit(r)],i:"\\S"};return n.splice(n.length,0,t,c),{c:n,k:i,i:"\\S"}});
\ No newline at end of file