Generate error messages for Redfish
error_messages.hpp and error_messages.cpp were at one time generated.
That script has been lost to the sands of time, and since then there's
been lots of places where we've been inconsistent, or updated our base
registry without updating the generated code. This causes wording,
syntax, and other errors.
This commit updates the script to simply generate this header with the
intent of generating it from here on out and avoid issues. As written,
goes to great lengths to generate exactly the same code, and make only
changes to the doxygen comments, and add the missing types. This is
done to allow for easy diffing that nothing important has changed.
Testing on last patch in series.
Change-Id: Ic1da1c02519098bdb53656d94a458b78c67d25bb
Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 4c1e7b8..29a40f1 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import argparse
import json
import os
+from collections import OrderedDict
import requests
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@
url = "{}".format(dmtf_name)
dmtf = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies)
- json_file = json.loads(dmtf.text)
+ json_file = json.loads(dmtf.text, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
path = os.path.join(include_path, header_name)
return (path, json_file, type_name, url)
@@ -187,6 +188,251 @@
+def get_old_index(entry):
+ old_order = [
+ "ResourceInUse",
+ "MalformedJSON",
+ "ResourceMissingAtURI",
+ "ActionParameterValueFormatError",
+ "ActionParameterValueNotInList",
+ "InternalError",
+ "UnrecognizedRequestBody",
+ "ResourceAtUriUnauthorized",
+ "ActionParameterUnknown",
+ "ResourceCannotBeDeleted",
+ "PropertyDuplicate",
+ "ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable",
+ "ResourceAlreadyExists",
+ "AccountForSessionNoLongerExists",
+ "CreateFailedMissingReqProperties",
+ "PropertyValueFormatError",
+ "PropertyValueNotInList",
+ "PropertyValueOutOfRange",
+ "ResourceAtUriInUnknownFormat",
+ "ServiceDisabled",
+ "ServiceInUnknownState",
+ "EventSubscriptionLimitExceeded",
+ "ActionParameterMissing",
+ "StringValueTooLong",
+ "SessionTerminated",
+ "SubscriptionTerminated",
+ "ResourceTypeIncompatible",
+ "ResetRequired",
+ "ChassisPowerStateOnRequired",
+ "ChassisPowerStateOffRequired",
+ "PropertyValueConflict",
+ "PropertyValueResourceConflict",
+ "PropertyValueExternalConflict",
+ "PropertyValueIncorrect",
+ "ResourceCreationConflict",
+ "MaximumErrorsExceeded",
+ "PreconditionFailed",
+ "PreconditionRequired",
+ "OperationFailed",
+ "OperationTimeout",
+ "PropertyValueTypeError",
+ "PropertyValueError",
+ "ResourceNotFound",
+ "CouldNotEstablishConnection",
+ "PropertyNotWritable",
+ "QueryParameterValueTypeError",
+ "ServiceShuttingDown",
+ "ActionParameterDuplicate",
+ "ActionParameterNotSupported",
+ "SourceDoesNotSupportProtocol",
+ "StrictAccountTypes",
+ "AccountRemoved",
+ "AccessDenied",
+ "QueryNotSupported",
+ "CreateLimitReachedForResource",
+ "GeneralError",
+ "Success",
+ "Created",
+ "NoOperation",
+ "PropertyUnknown",
+ "NoValidSession",
+ "InvalidObject",
+ "ResourceInStandby",
+ "ActionParameterValueTypeError",
+ "ActionParameterValueError",
+ "SessionLimitExceeded",
+ "ActionNotSupported",
+ "InvalidIndex",
+ "EmptyJSON",
+ "QueryNotSupportedOnResource",
+ "QueryNotSupportedOnOperation",
+ "QueryCombinationInvalid",
+ "EventBufferExceeded",
+ "InsufficientPrivilege",
+ "PropertyValueModified",
+ "AccountNotModified",
+ "QueryParameterValueFormatError",
+ "PropertyMissing",
+ "ResourceExhaustion",
+ "AccountModified",
+ "QueryParameterOutOfRange",
+ "PasswordChangeRequired",
+ "InvalidUpload",
+ "InsufficientStorage",
+ "OperationNotAllowed",
+ "ArraySizeTooLong",
+ "Invalid File",
+ "GenerateSecretKeyRequired",
+ ]
+ if entry[0] in old_order:
+ return old_order.index(entry[0])
+ else:
+ return 999999
+def create_error_registry(entry):
+ arg_as_url = {
+ "AccessDenied": [1],
+ "CouldNotEstablishConnection": [1],
+ "GenerateSecretKeyRequired": [1],
+ "InvalidObject": [1],
+ "PasswordChangeRequired": [1],
+ "PropertyValueResourceConflict": [3],
+ "ResetRequired": [1],
+ "ResourceAtUriInUnknownFormat": [1],
+ "ResourceAtUriUnauthorized": [1],
+ "ResourceCreationConflict": [1],
+ "ResourceMissingAtURI": [1],
+ "SourceDoesNotSupportProtocol": [1],
+ }
+ arg_as_json = {
+ "ActionParameterValueError": [1],
+ "ActionParameterValueFormatError": [1],
+ "ActionParameterValueTypeError": [1],
+ "PropertyValueExternalConflict": [2],
+ "PropertyValueFormatError": [1],
+ "PropertyValueIncorrect": [2],
+ "PropertyValueModified": [2],
+ "PropertyValueNotInList": [1],
+ "PropertyValueOutOfRange": [1],
+ "PropertyValueResourceConflict": [2],
+ "PropertyValueTypeError": [1],
+ "QueryParameterValueFormatError": [1],
+ "QueryParameterValueTypeError": [1],
+ }
+ arg_as_int = {
+ "StringValueTooLong": [2],
+ }
+ arg_as_uint64 = {
+ "ArraySizeTooLong": [2],
+ }
+ arg_as_int64 = {
+ "InvalidIndex": [1],
+ }
+ file, json_dict, namespace, url = entry
+ # Note, this message doesn't exist in DMTF. Needs cleaned up at some point
+ json_dict["Messages"]["InvalidUpload"] = {
+ "Message": "Invalid file uploaded to %1: %2.*",
+ "ParamTypes": ["string", "string"],
+ }
+ messages = OrderedDict(
+ sorted(json_dict["Messages"].items(), key=get_old_index)
+ )
+ error_messages_hpp = os.path.join(
+ SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "redfish-core", "include", "error_messages.hpp"
+ )
+ with open(
+ error_messages_hpp,
+ "w",
+ ) as out:
+ out.write(PRAGMA_ONCE)
+ out.write(WARNING)
+ out.write(
+ """
+#include "http_response.hpp"
+#include <boost/url/url_view_base.hpp>
+#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <source_location>
+#include <string>
+#include <string_view>
+// IWYU pragma: no_forward_declare crow::Response
+namespace redfish
+namespace messages
+ constexpr const char* messageVersionPrefix = "Base.1.11.0.";
+ constexpr const char* messageAnnotation = "@Message.ExtendedInfo";
+ /**
+ * @brief Moves all error messages from the |source| JSON to |target|
+ */
+ void moveErrorsToErrorJson(nlohmann::json& target, nlohmann::json& source);
+ )
+ for entry_id, entry in messages.items():
+ message = entry["Message"]
+ for index in range(1, 10):
+ message = message.replace(f"'%{index}'", f"<arg{index}>")
+ message = message.replace(f"%{index}", f"<arg{index}>")
+ out.write("/**\n")
+ out.write(f"* @brief Formats {entry_id} message into JSON\n")
+ out.write(f'* Message body: "{message}"\n')
+ out.write("*\n")
+ arg_index = 0
+ for arg_index, arg in enumerate(entry.get("ParamTypes", [])):
+ arg_index += 1
+ out.write(
+ f"* @param[in] arg{arg_index} Parameter of message that will replace %{arg_index} in its body.\n"
+ )
+ out.write("*\n")
+ out.write(f"* @returns Message {entry_id} formatted to JSON */\n")
+ args = []
+ for arg_index, arg in enumerate(entry.get("ParamTypes", [])):
+ arg_index += 1
+ if arg_index in arg_as_url.get(entry_id, []):
+ typename = "const boost::urls::url_view_base&"
+ elif arg_index in arg_as_json.get(entry_id, []):
+ typename = "const nlohmann::json&"
+ elif arg_index in arg_as_int.get(entry_id, []):
+ typename = "int"
+ elif arg_index in arg_as_uint64.get(entry_id, []):
+ typename = "uint64_t"
+ elif arg_index in arg_as_int64.get(entry_id, []):
+ typename = "int64_t"
+ else:
+ typename = "std::string_view"
+ args.append(f"{typename} arg{arg_index}")
+ function_name = entry_id[0].lower() + entry_id[1:]
+ arg = ", ".join(args)
+ out.write(f"nlohmann::json {function_name}({arg});\n\n")
+ args.insert(0, "crow::Response& res")
+ if entry_id == "InternalError":
+ args.append(
+ "std::source_location location = std::source_location::current()"
+ )
+ arg = ", ".join(args)
+ out.write(f"void {function_name}({arg});\n\n")
+ out.write(" }\n")
+ out.write("}\n")
+ os.system(f"clang-format -i {error_messages_hpp}")
def make_privilege_registry():
path, json_file, type_name, url = make_getter(
@@ -293,6 +539,8 @@
+ create_error_registry(files[0])
if "privilege" in registries: