Remove ambiguous privileges constructor

There are a number of endpoints that assume that a given routes
privileges are governed by a single set of privileges, instead of
multiple sets ORed together.  To handle this, there were two overloads
of the privileges() method, one that took a vector of Privileges, and
one that took an initializer_list of const char*.  Unfortunately, this
leads some code in AccountService to pick the wrong overload when it's
called like this
.privileges( {{"ConfigureUsers"}, {"ConfigureManager"},

This is supposed to be "User must have ConfigureUsers, or
ConfigureManager, or ConfigureSelf".  Currently, because it selects the
wrong overload, it computes to "User must have ConfigureUsers AND
ConfigureManager AND ConfigureSelf.

The double braces are supposed to cause this to form a vector of
Privileges, but it appears that the initializer list gets consumed, and
the single invocation of initializer list is called.  Interestingly,
trying to put in a privileges overload of
intializer_list<initializer_list<const char*>> causes the compilation to
fail with an ambiguous call error, which is what I would've expected to
see previously in this case, but alas, I'm only a novice when it comes
to how the C++ standard works in these edge cases.  This is likely due
in part to the fact that they were templates of an unused template param
(seemingly copied from the previous method) and SFINAE rules around

This commit functionally removes one of the privileges overloads, and
adds a second set of braces to every privileges call that previously had
a single set of braces.  Previous code will not compile now, which is
IMO a good thing.

This likely popped up in the Node class removal, because the Node class
explicitly constructs a vector of Privilege objects, ensuing it can hit
the right overload

Ran Redfish service validator

Tested the specific use case outlined on discord with:
Creating a new user with operator privilege:
redfishtool -S Always -u root -p 0penBmc -vvvvvvvvv -r
AccountService adduser foo mysuperPass1 Operator

Then attempting to list accounts:
curl -vvvv --insecure --user foo:mysuperPass1

Which succeeded and returned the account in question.

Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
Change-Id: I83e62b70e97f56dc57d43b9081f333a02fe85495
33 files changed
tree: b6e3cb5fbacce2b0c58944a8428366e5eec5594c
  1. .github/
  2. http/
  3. include/
  4. redfish-core/
  5. scripts/
  6. src/
  7. static/
  8. subprojects/
  9. .clang-format
  10. .clang-ignore
  11. .clang-tidy
  12. .dockerignore
  13. .gitignore
  14. .shellcheck
  16. bmcweb.socket
  22. Dockerfile
  23. Dockerfile.base
  27. meson_options.txt
  29. OWNERS
  30. pam-webserver

OpenBMC webserver

This component attempts to be a "do everything" embedded webserver for openbmc.


At this time, the webserver implements a few interfaces:

  • Authentication middleware that supports cookie and token based authentication, as well as CSRF prevention backed by linux PAM authentication credentials.
  • An (incomplete) attempt at replicating phosphor-dbus-rest interfaces in C++. Right now, a few of the endpoint definitions work as expected, but there is still a lot of work to be done. The portions of the interface that are functional are designed to work correctly for phosphor-webui, but may not yet be complete.
  • Replication of the rest-dbus backend interfaces to allow bmc debug to logged in users.
  • An initial attempt at a read-only redfish interface. Currently the redfish interface targets ServiceRoot, SessionService, AccountService, Roles, and ManagersService. Some functionality here has been shimmed to make development possible. For example, there exists only a single user role.
  • SSL key generation at runtime. See the configuration section for details.
  • Static file hosting. Currently, static files are hosted from the fixed location at /usr/share/www. This is intended to allow loose coupling with yocto projects, and allow overriding static files at build time.
  • Dbus-monitor over websocket. A generic endpoint that allows UIs to open a websocket and register for notification of events to avoid polling in single page applications. (this interface may be modified in the future due to security concerns.


BMCWeb is configured by setting -D flags that correspond to options in bmcweb/meson_options.txt and then compiling. For example, meson <builddir> -Dkvm=disabled ... followed by ninja in build directory. The option names become C++ preprocessor symbols that control which code is compiled into the program.

Compile bmcweb with default options:

meson builddir
ninja -C builddir

Compile bmcweb with yocto defaults:

meson builddir -Dbuildtype=minsize -Db_lto=true -Dtests=disabled
ninja -C buildir

If any of the dependencies are not found on the host system during configuration, meson automatically gets them via its wrap dependencies mentioned in bmcweb/subprojects.

Enable/Disable meson wrap feature

meson builddir -Dwrap_mode=nofallback
ninja -C builddir

Enable debug traces

meson builddir -Dbuildtype=debug
ninja -C builddir

Generate test coverage report:

meson builddir -Db_coverage=true -Dtests=enabled
ninja coverage -C builddir test

When BMCWeb starts running, it reads persistent configuration data (such as UUID and session data) from a local file. If this is not usable, it generates a new configuration.

When BMCWeb SSL support is enabled and a usable certificate is not found, it will generate a self-sign a certificate before launching the server. The keys are generated by the secp384r1 algorithm. The certificate

  • is issued by C=US, O=OpenBMC, CN=testhost,
  • is valid for 10 years,
  • has a random serial number, and
  • is signed using the SHA-256 algorithm.