HTTP Client: Increase max conns and reqs

With Redfish Aggregation there is a need for a large amount of
requests to be sent to a satellite BMC.  Our current throughput of
4 connections with a 50 request buffer can be easily overwhelmed due
to the use of $expand.  Also, BMCWeb itself can support 100 active
connections so multiple clients could be attempting to query a
satellite BMC that is being aggregated.

Increase the maximum number of connections to a destination to 20 and
increase the buffer request size to 500.  These figures should be fine
since the requests themselves have a very small memory footprint and
the number of active connections is only a fifth of what the BMCWeb
in the satellite BMC should be able to support.

Note that these figures are an improvement over the current values.
They allowed making multi-level $expand requests without dropping any
subrequests due to the buffer becoming full.  Further tuning will be
done in a future patch if it is determined that optimal performance can
be obtained by choosing different values.

Debug logs after sending a multi-level $expand query showed the entire
connection pool being filled as well as well over 100 Requests being
queued.  The additional connections provided enough throughput to
handle repeated simultaneous requests.

Signed-off-by: Carson Labrado <>
Change-Id: I96f165b5fbc76086e55b65faaaa49eb2753f8ef6
1 file changed
tree: fc29b7dddd60e76ca1c9c74ab7e498d394e7bd21
  1. .github/
  2. config/
  3. http/
  4. include/
  5. redfish-core/
  6. scripts/
  7. src/
  8. static/
  9. subprojects/
  10. test/
  11. .clang-format
  12. .clang-tidy
  13. .dockerignore
  14. .gitignore
  15. .markdownlint.yaml
  16. .openbmc-enforce-gitlint
  17. .prettierignore
  18. .shellcheck
  26. meson_options.txt
  28. OWNERS
  31. run-ci
  32. setup.cfg

OpenBMC webserver

This component attempts to be a "do everything" embedded webserver for OpenBMC.


The webserver implements a few distinct interfaces:

  • DBus event websocket. Allows registering on changes to specific dbus paths, properties, and will send an event from the websocket if those filters match.
  • OpenBMC DBus REST api. Allows direct, low interference, high fidelity access to dbus and the objects it represents.
  • Serial: A serial websocket for interacting with the host serial console through websockets.
  • Redfish: A protocol compliant, DBus to Redfish translator.
  • KVM: A websocket based implementation of the RFB (VNC) frame buffer protocol intended to mate to webui-vue to provide a complete KVM implementation.


bmcweb at a protocol level supports http and https. TLS is supported through OpenSSL.



Bmcweb supports multiple authentication protocols:

  • Basic authentication per RFC7617
  • Cookie based authentication for authenticating against webui-vue
  • Mutual TLS authentication based on OpenSSL
  • Session authentication through webui-vue
  • XToken based authentication conformant to Redfish DSP0266

Each of these types of authentication is able to be enabled or disabled both via runtime policy changes (through the relevant Redfish APIs) or via configure time options. All authentication mechanisms supporting username/password are routed to libpam, to allow for customization in authentication implementations.


All authorization in bmcweb is determined at routing time, and per route, and conform to the Redfish PrivilegeRegistry.

*Note: Non-Redfish functions are mapped to the closest equivalent Redfish privilege level.


bmcweb is configured per the meson build files. Available options are documented in meson_options.txt

Compile bmcweb with default options

meson builddir
ninja -C builddir

If any of the dependencies are not found on the host system during configuration, meson will automatically download them via its wrap dependencies mentioned in bmcweb/subprojects.

Debug logging

bmcweb by default is compiled with runtime logging disabled, as a performance consideration. To enable it in a standalone build, add the


option to your configure flags. If building within Yocto, add the following to your local.conf.

EXTRA_OEMESON:pn-bmcweb:append = "-Dbmcweb-logging='enabled'"

Use of persistent data

bmcweb relies on some on-system data for storage of persistent data that is internal to the process. Details on the exact data stored and when it is read/written can seen from the persistent_data namespace.

TLS certificate generation

When SSL support is enabled and a usable certificate is not found, bmcweb will generate a self-signed a certificate before launching the server. Please see the bmcweb source code for details on the parameters this certificate is built with.