blob: 912dd31362bb2f8a4d7a8ec9f00597089aed2605 [file] [log] [blame]
* AngularJS module that adds support for ui-bootstrap modal states when using ui-router.
* @link
* @license angular-ui-router-uib-modal v0.0.11
* (c) Copyright Stepan Riha <>
* License MIT
(function(angular) {
"use strict";
angular.module("ui.router.modal", ["ui.router"])
.config(["$stateProvider", function ($stateProvider) {
var stateProviderState = $stateProvider.state;
$stateProvider["state"] = state;
function state(name, config) {
var stateName;
var options;
// check for $stateProvider.state({name: "state", ...}) usage
if (angular.isObject(name)) {
options = name;
stateName =;
else {
options = config;
stateName = name;
if (options.modal) {
if (options.onEnter) {
throw new Error("Invalid modal state definition: The onEnter setting may not be specified.");
if (options.onExit) {
throw new Error("Invalid modal state definition: The onExit setting may not be specified.");
var openModal_1;
// Get modal.resolve keys from state.modal or state.resolve
var resolve_1 = (Array.isArray(options.modal) ? options.modal : []).concat(Object.keys(options.resolve || {}));
var inject_1 = ["$uibModal", "$state"];
options.onEnter = function ($uibModal, $state) {
// Add resolved values to modal options
if (resolve_1.length) {
options.resolve = {};
for (var i = 0; i < resolve_1.length; i++) {
options.resolve[resolve_1[i]] = injectedConstant(arguments[inject_1.length + i]);
var thisModal = openModal_1 = $;
openModal_1.result['finally'](function () {
if (thisModal === openModal_1) {
// Dialog was closed via $uibModalInstance.close/dismiss, go to our parent state
$state.go($state.get("^", stateName).name);
// Make sure that onEnter receives state.resolve configuration
options.onEnter["$inject"] = inject_1.concat(resolve_1);
options.onExit = function () {
if (openModal_1) {
// State has changed while dialog was open
openModal_1 = null;
return$stateProvider, stateName, options);
function injectedConstant(val) {
return [function () { return val; }];