Clang-format cleanup

It looks like some of the code reviews in progress contain clang-format
fixes as well.

This squashes all of the clang-format fixes into a single commit, that
hopefully can go through the process a little faster, as it should only
be whitespace changes.

In the past, clang-formatting the naughty strings file proved
to return inconsistent results, and even formatted files would still be
detected as unformatted.  Aparently the solution was to run
clang-format-5.0 approximately 20 times in a loop, until it decided on
a code layout that it was ok with iteration to iteration.

This is a bit of a corner case, so I don't think we need to get CI
running multiple runs in the future, and can just handle this on a case
by case basis.  I'd be surprised if anyone else had this issue.

Change-Id: I57e2a03676bce20dc376fd9cea724732b2dc7010
Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
diff --git a/include/big_list_of_naughty_strings.hpp b/include/big_list_of_naughty_strings.hpp
index fd492ce..8438366 100644
--- a/include/big_list_of_naughty_strings.hpp
+++ b/include/big_list_of_naughty_strings.hpp
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+#pragma once
+// clang-format off
 const std::string naughty_strings[] = {
     // sourced from
@@ -68,25 +72,223 @@
     // Unicode additional control characters: all of the characters with
     // general category Cf (in Unicode 8.0.0).
     // The next line may appear to be blank or mojibake in some viewers.
-    "ᅡᆳ￘タ￘チ￘ツ￘テ￘ト￘ナ￘ワᅴンᅵマ£ᅠホ¬タヒ¬タフ¬タヘ¬タホ¬タマ¬タᆰ¬タᆱ¬タᆲ¬"
-    "タᆳ¬タᆴ¬チᅠ¬チᄀ¬チᄁ¬チᆪ¬チᄂ¬チᆭ¬チᄃ¬チᄄ¬チᄅ¬チᆰ¬チᆱ¬チᆲ¬チᆳ¬チᆴ¬チᆵ￯ᄏ"
+    "ᅡᆳ￘タ￘チ￘ツ￘テ￘ト￘ナ￘ワᅴンᅵマ£ᅠホ¬"
+    "タ"
+    "ヒ"
+    "¬"
+    "タ"
+    "フ"
+    "¬"
+    "タ"
+    "ヘ"
+    "¬"
+    "タ"
+    "ホ"
+    "¬"
+    "タ"
+    "マ"
+    "¬"
+    "タ"
+    "ᆰ"
+    "¬"
+    "タ"
+    "ᆱ"
+    "¬"
+    "タ"
+    "ᆲ"
+    "¬"
+    "タᆳ¬タᆴ¬チᅠ¬チᄀ¬チᄁ¬チᆪ¬チᄂ¬チᆭ¬"
+    "チ"
+    "ᄃ"
+    "¬"
+    "チ"
+    "ᄄ"
+    "¬"
+    "チ"
+    "ᄅ"
+    "¬"
+    "チ"
+    "ᆰ"
+    "¬"
+    "チ"
+    "ᆱ"
+    "¬"
+    "チ"
+    "ᆲ"
+    "¬"
+    "チ"
+    "ᆳ"
+    "¬"
+    "チ"
+    "ᆴ"
+    "¬"
+    "チ"
+    "ᆵ"
+    "￯"
+    "ᄏ"
-    "﾿ᄍ￯﾿ᄎ￯﾿ᄏ￰ムツᄑ￰ロᄇᅠ￰ロᄇᄀ￰ロᄇᄁ￰ロᄇᆪ￰ンナᄈ￰ンナᄡ￰ンナᄉ￰ンナᄊ"
-    "￰ンナᄋ￰ンナᄌ￰ンナᄍ￰ンナᄎ￳ᅠタチ￳ᅠタᅠ￳ᅠタᄀ￳ᅠタᄁ￳ᅠタᆪ￳ᅠタᄂ"
+    "﾿ᄍ￯﾿ᄎ￯﾿ᄏ￰ムツᄑ￰ロᄇᅠ￰ロᄇᄀ￰ロᄇᄁ"
+    "￰"
+    "ロ"
+    "ᄇ"
+    "ᆪ"
+    "￰"
+    "ン"
+    "ナ"
+    "ᄈ"
+    "￰"
+    "ン"
+    "ナ"
+    "ᄡ"
+    "￰"
+    "ン"
+    "ナ"
+    "ᄉ"
+    "￰"
+    "ン"
+    "ナ"
+    "ᄊ"
+    "￰ンナᄋ￰ンナᄌ￰ンナᄍ￰ンナᄎ￳ᅠタチ￳ᅠタᅠ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "タ"
+    "ᄀ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "タ"
+    "ᄁ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "タ"
+    "ᆪ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "タ"
+    "ᄂ"
-    "タᆬ￳ᅠタᆭ￳ᅠタᄃ￳ᅠタᄄ￳ᅠタᄅ￳ᅠタᆰ￳ᅠタᆱ￳ᅠタᆲ￳ᅠタᆳ￳ᅠタᆴ"
-    "￳ᅠタᆵ￳ᅠタᄚ￳ᅠタᄆ￳ᅠタᄇ￳ᅠタᄈ￳ᅠタᄡ￳ᅠタᄉ￳ᅠタᄊ￳ᅠタᄋ"
+    "タᆬ￳ᅠタᆭ￳ᅠタᄃ￳ᅠタᄄ￳ᅠタᄅ￳ᅠタᆰ￳ᅠ"
+    "タ"
+    "ᆱ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "タ"
+    "ᆲ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "タ"
+    "ᆳ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "タ"
+    "ᆴ"
+    "￳ᅠタᆵ￳ᅠタᄚ￳ᅠタᄆ￳ᅠタᄇ￳ᅠタᄈ￳ᅠタᄡ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "タ"
+    "ᄉ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "タ"
+    "ᄊ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "タ"
+    "ᄋ"
-    "￳ᅠタᄍ￳ᅠタᄎ￳ᅠタᄏ￳ᅠタᄐ￳ᅠタᄑ￳ᅠタᄒ￳ᅠタ﾿￳ᅠチタ￳ᅠチチ"
-    "￳ᅠチツ￳ᅠチテ￳ᅠチト￳ᅠチナ￳ᅠチニ￳ᅠチヌ￳ᅠチネ￳ᅠチノ￳ᅠチハ"
+    "￳ᅠタᄍ￳ᅠタᄎ￳ᅠタᄏ￳ᅠタᄐ￳ᅠタᄑ￳ᅠタᄒ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "タ"
+    "﾿"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "タ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "チ"
+    "￳ᅠチツ￳ᅠチテ￳ᅠチト￳ᅠチナ￳ᅠチニ￳ᅠチヌ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "ネ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "ノ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "ハ"
-    "￳ᅠチフ￳ᅠチヘ￳ᅠチホ￳ᅠチマ￳ᅠチミ￳ᅠチム￳ᅠチメ￳ᅠチモ￳ᅠチヤ"
-    "￳ᅠチユ￳ᅠチヨ￳ᅠチラ￳ᅠチリ￳ᅠチル￳ᅠチレ￳ᅠチロ￳ᅠチワ￳ᅠチン"
+    "￳ᅠチフ￳ᅠチヘ￳ᅠチホ￳ᅠチマ￳ᅠチミ￳ᅠチム"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "メ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "モ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "ヤ"
+    "￳ᅠチユ￳ᅠチヨ￳ᅠチラ￳ᅠチリ￳ᅠチル￳ᅠチレ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "ロ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "ワ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "ン"
-    "￳ᅠチ゚￳ᅠチᅠ￳ᅠチᄀ￳ᅠチᄁ￳ᅠチᆪ￳ᅠチᄂ￳ᅠチᆬ￳ᅠチᆭ￳ᅠチᄃ"
-    "￳ᅠチᄄ￳ᅠチᄅ￳ᅠチᆰ￳ᅠチᆱ￳ᅠチᆲ￳ᅠチᆳ￳ᅠチᆴ￳ᅠチᆵ￳ᅠチᄚ"
+    "￳ᅠチ゚￳ᅠチᅠ￳ᅠチᄀ￳ᅠチᄁ￳ᅠチᆪ￳ᅠチᄂ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "ᆬ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "ᆭ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "ᄃ"
+    "￳ᅠチᄄ￳ᅠチᄅ￳ᅠチᆰ￳ᅠチᆱ￳ᅠチᆲ￳ᅠチᆳ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "ᆴ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "ᆵ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "ᄚ"
-    "￳ᅠチᄇ￳ᅠチᄈ￳ᅠチᄡ￳ᅠチᄉ￳ᅠチᄊ￳ᅠチᄋ￳ᅠチᄌ￳ᅠチᄍ￳ᅠチᄎ"
+    "￳ᅠチᄇ￳ᅠチᄈ￳ᅠチᄡ￳ᅠチᄉ￳ᅠチᄊ￳ᅠチᄋ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "ᄌ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "ᄍ"
+    "￳"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "チ"
+    "ᄎ"
@@ -99,22 +301,82 @@
     //	Strings which contain common unicode symbols (e.g. smart quotes)
     "ᅫᄅ¬ノネᅢᄃ¬ネレ¬ネᆱᅨワᅡᄉ¬ノᄂ¬ノᆬᅢᄋ", "ᅢᆬᅢ゚¬ネツᅥメᅡ례ル¬ネニᅨレᅡᆲ¬タᆭᅢᆭ",
-    "ᅤモ¬ネムᅡᄡᅡᆴ¬タᅠᅡᆬᅡ뗴ニᅢ죄タ¬タワ¬タ"
+    "ᅤモ¬ネムᅡᄡᅡᆴ¬タᅠᅡᆬᅡ뗴ニᅢ죄タ¬タ"
+    "ワ"
+    "¬"
+    "タ"
-    "ᅢナᅢヘᅢホᅢマᅨンᅢモᅢヤ￯ᆪ﾿ᅢメᅢレᅢニ¬リ"
+    "ᅢナᅢヘᅢホᅢマᅨンᅢモᅢヤ￯ᆪ﾿ᅢメᅢレᅢニ¬"
+    "リ"
-    "`¬チト¬ツᆲ¬タᄍ¬タᄎ￯ᆲチ￯ᆲツ¬タ가ᄚᅡᄋ¬タレ¬タヤᅡ"
+    "`¬チト¬ツᆲ¬タᄍ¬タᄎ￯ᆲチ￯ᆲツ¬タ가ᄚᅡ"
+    "ᄋ"
+    "¬"
+    "タ"
+    "レ"
+    "¬"
+    "タ"
+    "ヤ"
+    "ᅡ"
-    "￐チ￐ツ￐テ￐ト￐ナ￐ニ￐ヌ￐ネ￐ノ￐ハ￐ヒ￐フ￐ヘ￐ホ￐マ￐ミ￐ム￐メ"
-    "￐モ￐ヤ￐ユ￐ヨ￐ラ￐リ￐ル￐レ￐ロ￐ワ￐ン￐゙￐゚￐ᅠ￐ᄀ￐ᄁ￐ᆪ￐ᄂ"
+    "￐チ￐ツ￐テ￐ト￐ナ￐ニ￐ヌ￐ネ￐ノ￐ハ￐ヒ￐フ"
+    "￐"
+    "ヘ"
+    "￐"
+    "ホ"
+    "￐"
+    "マ"
+    "￐"
+    "ミ"
+    "￐"
+    "ム"
+    "￐"
+    "メ"
+    "￐モ￐ヤ￐ユ￐ヨ￐ラ￐リ￐ル￐レ￐ロ￐ワ￐ン￐゙"
+    "￐"
+    "゚"
+    "￐"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "￐"
+    "ᄀ"
+    "￐"
+    "ᄁ"
+    "￐"
+    "ᆪ"
+    "￐"
+    "ᄂ"
-    "￐ᄃ￐ᄄ￐ᄅ￐ᆰ￐ᆱ￐ᆲ￐ᆳ￐ᆴ￐ᆵ￐ᄚ￐ᄆ￐ᄇ￐ᄈ￐ᄡ￐ᄉ￐ᄊ￐ᄋ￐ᄌ"
-    "￐ᄍ￐ᄎ￐ᄏ￐ᄐ￐ᄑ￐ᄒ￐﾿￑タ￑チ￑ツ￑テ￑ト￑ナ￑ニ￑ヌ￑ネ￑ノ￑ハ"
+    "￐ᄃ￐ᄄ￐ᄅ￐ᆰ￐ᆱ￐ᆲ￐ᆳ￐ᆴ￐ᆵ￐ᄚ￐ᄆ￐ᄇ"
+    "￐"
+    "ᄈ"
+    "￐"
+    "ᄡ"
+    "￐"
+    "ᄉ"
+    "￐"
+    "ᄊ"
+    "￐"
+    "ᄋ"
+    "￐"
+    "ᄌ"
+    "￐ᄍ￐ᄎ￐ᄏ￐ᄐ￐ᄑ￐ᄒ￐﾿￑タ￑チ￑ツ￑テ￑ト"
+    "￑"
+    "ナ"
+    "￑"
+    "ニ"
+    "￑"
+    "ヌ"
+    "￑"
+    "ネ"
+    "￑"
+    "ノ"
+    "￑"
+    "ハ"
@@ -122,7 +384,7 @@
     //	Unicode Subscript/Superscript/Accents
     //	Strings which contain unicode subscripts/superscripts; can cause
-    //rendering issues
+    // rendering issues
     "¬チᄚ¬チᄡ¬チᄉ", "¬ツタ¬ツチ¬ツツ", "¬チᄚ¬チᄡ¬チᄉ¬ツタ¬ツチ¬ツツ",
@@ -150,7 +412,7 @@
     //	Quotation Marks
     //	Strings which contain misplaced quotation marks; can cause encoding
-    //errors
+    // errors
     "'", "\"", "''", "\"\"", "'\"'", "\"''''\"'\"", "\"'\"'\"''''\"",
     "<foo val=¬タワbar¬タン />", "<foo val=¬タワbar¬タン />",
@@ -159,19 +421,36 @@
     //	Two-Byte Characters
     //	Strings which contain two-byte characters: can cause rendering issues or
-    //character-length issues
+    // character-length issues
-    "￧ヤᄚ¦ᄌᆳ ̄チユ ̄ツモ ̄チᆱ ̄チツ ̄チメ ̄チᆭ¦ᄌヒ ̄チユ ̄チ"
+    "￧ヤᄚ¦ᄌᆳ ̄チユ ̄ツモ ̄チᆱ ̄チツ ̄チメ ̄チᆭ"
+    "¦"
+    "ᄌ"
+    "ヒ"
+    " ̄"
+    "チ"
+    "ユ"
+    " ̄"
+    "チ"
     " ̄テム ̄テᄐ ̄テニ ̄ツᆪ ̄テᄐ ̄チᄌ│ᄀフ ̄チヒ ̄チᆰ ̄チト ̄チヒ", "¥メフ│ᆪᄑ₩ᄐᄁ│ᆰ゙",
     "←テᄄ│ミᄑ₩ᅠᄐ", "↓ツᆲ■レフ↑ᄈᄐ■ユル↓ロミ ↓ヨᄡ■ユル↓ラᄚ↑ᄉᆲ↓ニフ",
-    "↓ᄚᆭ↓ᄚᄄ→ᆬᄐ ■テタ↑ᄈᅠ ↓リᄄ ■ホᄇ↓ヒワ→ᄃᄄ↑ᄈᄐ "
+    "↓ᄚᆭ↓ᄚᄄ→ᆬᄐ ■テタ↑ᄈᅠ ↓リᄄ "
+    "■ホᄇ↓ヒワ→ᄃᄄ↑ᄈᄐ "
     "↓ムロ→ヒᄂ→ᆭᆲ "
-    "￧ᄂᄒ₩ワテ￧ᄃム¥ᆳᄌ←ルᄁ│ᆰ゙¥ᆳᄌ￧ᅠヤ￧ᄅᄊ₩ノ"
+    "￧ᄂᄒ₩ワテ￧ᄃム¥ᆳᄌ←ルᄁ│ᆰ゙¥ᆳᄌ￧ᅠヤ"
+    "￧"
+    "ᄅ"
+    "ᄊ"
+    "₩"
+    "ノ"
-    "￰ᅠワホ￰ᅠワᄆ￰ᅠンᄍ￰ᅠᄆモ￰ᅠᄆᄌ￰ᅠᄇヨ￰ᅠᄈ"
+    "￰ᅠワホ￰ᅠワᄆ￰ᅠンᄍ￰ᅠᄆモ￰ᅠᄆᄌ￰ᅠᄇヨ"
+    "￰"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "ᄈ"
     //	Changing length when lowercased
@@ -184,14 +463,15 @@
     //	Japanese Emoticons
     //	Strings which consists of Japanese-style emoticons which are popular on
-    //the web
+    // the web
     " ̄テᄑ¢ᄐᄐ¢ᄎネ￙トᅪワ¢ᄎネ¢ᄐᄑ￯ᄒノ "
     " ̄テᄑ¢ᄐᄐ¢ᄎネ￙トᅪワ¢ᄎネ¢ᄐᄑ￯ᄒノ",
     "(￯ᄑᄀ¬ラユ ¬ネタ ¬ラユ￯ᄑᄀ)",
     "￯ᄑタ￯ᄑᄄ(ᅡᄡ¬ネタ￯ᄑタ¬ネᄅ", "__￯ᄒロ(,_,*)",
     " ̄テᄏ(￯﾿ᆪ¬ネタ￯﾿ᆪ) ̄テᄏ:*:",
-    "￯ᄒ゚￯ᄑᆬ¬ワ﾿ ̄テᄒ¬ユᄇ(￯ᄑᄀ¬ラユ¬タ﾿¬ラユ￯ᄑᄀ)"
+    "￯ᄒ゚￯ᄑᆬ¬ワ﾿ ̄テᄒ¬ユᄇ("
+    "￯ᄑᄀ¬ラユ¬タ﾿¬ラユ￯ᄑᄀ)"
     ", ̄タツ ̄テᄏ:*: ̄テᄏ ̄ツワ¬タル( ¬リᄏ ᅬノ ¬リᄏ ) ̄タツ ̄テᄏ:*: ̄テᄏ ̄ツワ¬タル",
     "(¬ユᆵᅡᄚ¬ヨ가ᄚ￯ᄐノ¬ユᆵ￯ᄌᄉ "
@@ -203,20 +483,34 @@
     //	Emoji
     //	Strings which contain Emoji; should be the same behavior as two-byte
-    //characters, but not always
+    // characters, but not always
     "￰゚リヘ", "￰゚ムᄅ￰゚マᄑ",
-    "￰゚ムᄒ ￰゚ルヌ ￰゚メチ ￰゚ルナ ￰゚ルニ ￰゚ルヒ ￰゚ルホ "
+    "￰゚ムᄒ ￰゚ルヌ ￰゚メチ ￰゚ルナ ￰゚ルニ "
+    "￰゚ルヒ "
+    "￰゚ルホ "
     "￰゚ミᄉ ￰゚ルネ ￰゚ルノ ￰゚ルハ",
-    "¬ンᄂ￯ᄌマ ￰゚メヤ ￰゚メフ ￰゚メユ ￰゚メ゙ ￰゚メモ ￰゚メラ ￰゚メヨ ￰゚メリ ￰゚メン "
+    "¬ンᄂ￯ᄌマ ￰゚メヤ ￰゚メフ ￰゚メユ ￰゚メ゙ "
+    "￰゚メモ "
+    "￰゚メラ "
+    "￰゚メヨ "
+    "￰゚メリ "
+    "￰゚メン "
     "￰゚メ゚ ￰゚メワ ￰゚メロ ￰゚メレ "
-    "¬ワヒ￰゚マ﾿ ￰゚メᆰ￰゚マ﾿ ￰゚ムミ￰゚マ﾿ ￰゚ルフ￰゚マ﾿ ￰゚ムマ￰゚マ﾿ "
+    "¬ワヒ￰゚マ﾿ ￰゚メᆰ￰゚マ﾿ ￰゚ムミ￰゚マ﾿ "
+    "￰゚ルフ￰゚マ﾿ "
+    "￰゚ムマ￰゚マ﾿ "
-    "￰゚レᄒ ￰゚ニメ ￰゚ニモ ￰゚ニユ ￰゚ニヨ ￰゚ニラ ￰゚ニル "
+    "￰゚レᄒ ￰゚ニメ ￰゚ニモ ￰゚ニユ ￰゚ニヨ "
+    "￰゚ニラ "
+    "￰゚ニル "
-    "0￯ᄌマ¬テᆪ 1￯ᄌマ¬テᆪ 2￯ᄌマ¬テᆪ 3￯ᄌマ¬テᆪ 4￯ᄌマ¬テᆪ 5￯ᄌマ¬テᆪ "
+    "0￯ᄌマ¬テᆪ 1￯ᄌマ¬テᆪ 2￯ᄌマ¬テᆪ "
+    "3￯ᄌマ¬テᆪ "
+    "4￯ᄌマ¬テᆪ "
+    "5￯ᄌマ¬テᆪ "
     "6￯ᄌマ¬テᆪ 7￯ᄌマ¬テᆪ 8￯ᄌマ¬テᆪ "
     "9￯ᄌマ¬テᆪ "
@@ -228,57 +522,101 @@
     "￰゚ヌᄎ￰゚ヌᄌ￰゚ヌᄋ￰゚ヌᄎ￰゚ヌᄌ "
-    "￰゚ヌᄎ￰゚ヌᄌ￰゚ヌᄋ￰゚ヌᄎ￰゚ヌᄌ￰゚ヌᆭ￰゚ヌᆱ￰゚ヌᆭ￰゚ヌ"
+    "￰゚ヌᄎ￰゚ヌᄌ￰゚ヌᄋ￰゚ヌᄎ￰゚ヌᄌ￰゚ヌᆭ"
+    "￰"
+    "゚"
+    "ヌ"
+    "ᆱ"
+    "￰"
+    "゚"
+    "ヌ"
+    "ᆭ"
+    "￰"
+    "゚"
+    "ヌ"
     //	Unicode Numbers
     //	Strings which contain unicode numbers; if the code is localized, it
-    //should see the input as numeric
+    // should see the input as numeric
     "￯ᄐム￯ᄐメ￯ᄐモ", "￙ᄀ￙ᄁ￙ᆪ",
     //	Right-To-Left Strings
     //	Strings which contain text that should be rendered RTL if possible (e.g.
-    //Arabic, Hebrew)
+    // Arabic, Hebrew)
     "￘ᆱ￙ナ ￙ニ￙チ￘ᄈ ￘ᄈ￙ツ￘ᄋ￘ᆰ "
-    "￙ネ￘ᄄ￘ᄃ￙ト￘ᆰ￘ᆳ￘ᆵ￙ハ￘ᆵ￘フ, ￘ᆲ￘ᄇ￙ハ￘ᄆ￘ᆰ￙ハ "
+    "￙ネ￘ᄄ￘ᄃ￙ト￘ᆰ￘ᆳ￘ᆵ￙ハ￘ᆵ￘フ, "
+    "￘ᆲ￘ᄇ￙ハ￘ᄆ￘ᆰ￙ハ "
     "￘ᄄ￘ᄃ￘ᄈ￘ᆰ￘ᆴ￘ᆵ￘ᄃ￙ナ ￘ᆪ￙ニ "
-    "￘ᆵ￙ニ￙ネ. ￘ᆬ￘ᄚ ￙ヌ￙ニ￘ᄃ￘゚ ￘ᄃ￙ト￘ᄈ￘ᆰ￘ᄃ￘ᄆ "
-    "￙ネ￘ᆰ￙ニ￘ᄉ￙ハ￘ᄄ ￙テ￘ᄃ￙ニ. ￘ᆪ￙ヌ￙ム￙ト "
+    "￘ᆵ￙ニ￙ネ. ￘ᆬ￘ᄚ ￙ヌ￙ニ￘ᄃ￘゚ "
+    "￘ᄃ￙ト￘ᄈ￘ᆰ￘ᄃ￘ᄆ "
+    "￙ネ￘ᆰ￙ニ￘ᄉ￙ハ￘ᄄ ￙テ￘ᄃ￙ニ. "
+    "￘ᆪ￙ヌ￙ム￙ト "
     "￘ᄃ￙ハ￘ᄋ￘ᄃ￙ト￙ハ￘ᄃ￘フ "
-    "￘ᄄ￘ᄆ￙ハ￘ᄋ￘ᄃ￙ニ￙ハ￘ᄃ-￙チ￘ᄆ￙ニ￘ᄈ￘ᄃ ￙ツ￘ᆵ "
-    "￘ᆪ￘ᆴ￘ᄚ. ￘ᄈ￙ト￙ハ￙ナ￘ᄃ￙ニ￘フ ￘ᆬ￘ᆰ￙チ￘ᄃ￙ツ￙ハ￘ᄅ "
+    "￘ᄄ￘ᄆ￙ハ￘ᄋ￘ᄃ￙ニ￙ハ￘ᄃ-"
+    "￙チ￘ᄆ￙ニ￘ᄈ￘ᄃ "
+    "￙ツ￘ᆵ "
+    "￘ᆪ￘ᆴ￘ᄚ. ￘ᄈ￙ト￙ハ￙ナ￘ᄃ￙ニ￘フ "
+    "￘ᆬ￘ᆰ￙チ￘ᄃ￙ツ￙ハ￘ᄅ "
     "￘ᄄ￙ハ￙ニ "
-    "￙ナ￘ᄃ, ￙ハ￘ᄚ￙テ￘ᄆ ￘ᄃ￙ト￘ᆳ￘ᆵ￙ネ￘ᆵ ￘ᆪ￙ハ "
+    "￙ナ￘ᄃ, ￙ハ￘ᄚ￙テ￘ᄆ "
+    "￘ᄃ￙ト￘ᆳ￘ᆵ￙ネ￘ᆵ "
+    "￘ᆪ￙ハ "
     "￘ᄄ￘ᄍ￘ᆵ, ￙ナ￘ᄍ￘ᄃ￙ナ￙ト￘ᄅ "
     "￘ᄄ￙ネ￙ト￙ニ￘ᆵ￘ᄃ￘フ "
     "￘ᄃ￙ト￘ᆬ￘ᄋ￙ト￘ᄃ￙ツ ￘ᄍ￙ト "
     "ᅲムᅱᄚᅱ튜뛰슈ミᅲ뤼ᄡᅲチᅲルᅲᆰ, ᅲムᅱ쥐튜뛰쥬ミ ᅲミᅱ뮤ワᅱ쮸ヤᅱᄡᅲルᅲン, ᅲミᅱ슑 "
     "ᅲヤᅱ유뤼쥐튜チᅲ゙ᅱ유ルᅱᄡᅲン, ᅲユᅱᄚᅲミᅱ슑 ᅲヤᅱ쥬ミᅱ쥬뛰쓙",
-    "ᅲヤᅱ쥬ルᅱᄚᅲᆰᅱ쥬ヤtest￘ᄃ￙ト￘ᄉ￙チ￘ᆳ￘ᄃ￘ᆰ "
+    "ᅲヤᅱ쥬ルᅱᄚᅲᆰᅱ쥬ヤtest￘ᄃ￙ト￘ᄉ￙チ￘"
+    "ᆳ"
+    "￘"
+    "ᄃ"
+    "￘"
+    "ᆰ"
+    " "
     "￯ᄋᄑ", "￯ᄋᄎ",
-    "￙ナ￙マ￙ニ￙ホ￘ᄃ￙ツ￙ホ￘ᄡ￙ホ￘ᄅ￙マ ￘ᄈ￙マ￘ᄄ￙マ￙ト￙ミ "
-    "￘ᄃ￙ミ￘ᄈ￙メ￘ᆰ￙ミ￘ᆴ￙メ￘ᆵ￙ホ￘ᄃ￙ナ￙ミ"
+    "￙ナ￙マ￙ニ￙ホ￘ᄃ￙ツ￙ホ￘ᄡ￙ホ￘ᄅ￙マ "
+    "￘ᄈ￙マ￘ᄄ￙マ￙ト￙ミ "
+    "￘ᄃ￙ミ￘ᄈ￙メ￘ᆰ￙ミ￘ᆴ￙メ￘ᆵ￙ホ￘ᄃ￙ナ"
+    "￙"
+    "ミ"
     " "
     "￘ᄃ￙ト￙ト￙ム￙マ￘ᄎ￙ホ￘ᄅ￙ミ ￙チ￙ミ￙ハ "
     "￘ᄃ￙ト￙ニ￙ム￙マ￘ᄌ￙マ￙ナ￙ミ "
     "￘ᄃ￙ト￙メ￙ツ￙ホ￘ᄃ￘ᆭ￙ミ￙ナ￙ホ￘ᄅ￙ミ "
-    "￙ネ￙ホ￙チ￙ミ￙ハ￙ナ ￙ハ￙ホ￘ᆴ￙マ￘ᄉ￙ム￙ホ "
-    "￘ᄃ￙ト￘ᆰ￙ム￙ホ￘ᄋ￙メ￘ᄄ￙ミ￙ハ￙ツ￙ホ￘ᄃ￘ᆰ￙マ"
+    "￙ネ￙ホ￙チ￙ミ￙ハ￙ナ "
+    "￙ハ￙ホ￘ᆴ￙マ￘ᄉ￙ム￙ホ "
+    "￘ᄃ￙ト￘ᆰ￙ム￙ホ￘ᄋ￙メ￘ᄄ￙ミ￙ハ￙ツ￙ホ"
+    "￘"
+    "ᄃ"
+    "￘"
+    "ᆰ"
+    "￙"
+    "マ"
     " "
-    "￘ᄃ￙ト￙メ￘ᆳ￘ᄃ￘ᄈ￙マ￙ネ￘ᄄ￙ミ￙ハ￙ム￙ホ￘ᄅ￙マ￘フ"
+    "￘ᄃ￙ト￙メ￘ᆳ￘ᄃ￘ᄈ￙マ￙ネ￘ᄄ￙ミ￙ハ￙ム"
+    "￙"
+    "ホ"
+    "￘"
+    "ᄅ"
+    "￙"
+    "マ"
+    "￘"
+    "フ"
     " ",
     //	Trick Unicode
     //	Strings which contain unicode with unusual properties (e.g.
-    //Right-to-left override) (c.f.
+    // Right-to-left override) (c.f.
+    //
     "¬タᆰ¬タᆰtest¬タᆰ", "¬タᆱtest¬タᆱ", "¬タᄅtest¬タᄅ",
     "test¬チᅠtest¬タᆱ", "¬チᆭtest¬チᄃ",
@@ -286,25 +624,199 @@
     //	Zalgo Text
     //	Strings which contain \"corrupted\" text. The corruption will not appear
-    //in non-HTML text, however. (via
+    // in non-HTML text, however. (via
-    "£ᄍᄚᅩ초초ユoᅪ゙ ᅩᄋiᅩ볿ᅪヌᅩᆰᅪルnᅩンᅩラᅪユvᅩ゚ᅩワᅩリᅩᆭᅪ゚oᅩ쏘ルᅩᄚᅩᅠkᅢ똬レᅩᆴᅩ촑ᅩ쪼모ᄂ "
+    "£ᄍᄚᅩ초초ユoᅪ゙ "
+    "ᅩᄋiᅩ볿ᅪヌᅩᆰᅪルnᅩンᅩラᅪユvᅩ゚ᅩワᅩリᅩᆭᅪ゚oᅩ쏘ルᅩᄚᅩ"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "k"
+    "ᅢ"
+    "ᄄ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "レ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆴ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄎ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆰ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄍ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄆ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄂ"
+    " "
     "ᅩヨtᅩンᅪユᅩ뽃ᅩ콝ᅪ゙hᅩ톼モᅩ볺ᅩ뽀リᅩᄇeᅪヌᅩᆪᅩᄚᅩᆭᅩᆲᅪホ "
     "mᅩᄁiᅪナnᅩヨᅩ초゙ᅩ봂ᅩᄚdᅩ소토゚ᅪルᅩ로토リᅩᄈ "
-    "ᅩ゙ᅩᆬᅩ모뽌rᅩロᅩラᅩリeᅪルpᅪᅠrᅩ토゙ᅩ콠ᅩラeᅩ초ᅠᅩᆪᅪ゚sᅩリᅪヌᅩ뽜ヘᅩンᅪノeᅪノᅩᆬᅩᆵᅩ゙ᅩ봐レᅩ"
-    "ᆲᅪワᅦ쫇ᅪホᅪホᅩ゚ᅩヨᅪヌᅩᄂtᅪヘᅩᆲᅩ놔モᅩ톬ᅪリᅪナiᅩᆰᅩᄆnᅪᅠgᅩᄡᅪノ"
+    "ᅩ゙ᅩᆬᅩ모뽌rᅩロᅩラᅩリeᅪルpᅪᅠrᅩ토"
+    "゙"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄏ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆳ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ラ"
+    "e"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄎ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆪ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "゚"
+    "s"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "リ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ヌ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄈ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ヘ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ン"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ノ"
+    "e"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ノ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆬ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆵ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "゙"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄇ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "レ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆲᅪワᅦ쫇ᅪホᅪホᅩ゚ᅩヨᅪヌᅩᄂtᅪヘᅩᆲᅩ놔モᅩ톬ᅪリᅪナiᅩᆰᅩᄆnᅪ"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "g"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄡ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ノ"
     " "
-    "ᅩ과モᅩ゙ᅪナIᅩラᅩリᅩᆭᅪンnᅪヌᅪヌᅪルvᅩᆴᅩᆱokᅩ볾ᅩルᅪネiᅩヨᅪルᅩᆳᅩ쪼ᅠᅩ゙nᅩ고콡ᅩᆪᅩᄎgᅩ봐ネᅪルᅩᆳ"
+    "ᅩ과モᅩ゙ᅪナIᅩラᅩリᅩᆭᅪンnᅪヌᅪヌᅪルvᅩᆴᅩᆱokᅩ볾ᅩルᅪネiᅩヨᅪルᅩᆳᅩ쪼"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "゙"
+    "n"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄀ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄏ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆴ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆪ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄎ"
+    "g"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄇ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ネ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ル"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆳ"
     "ᅪルᅩᆲᅪホ ᅩᄚtᅪヤᅩᆭhᅩ゙ᅩᄇeᅩ꼬ᄂ "
-    "ᅪヘᅩᆲᅩ봐ヨfᅩᄡᅩリᅪユᅩᆪᅢ똬ヨ£ᄎ쫁ᅩᄅlᅪヨᅪヤᅪレiᅪモᅪレᅩᆭᅪᅠnᅪヨᅪヘᅩラᅪモᅩ뽍gᅪヘ "
+    "ᅪヘᅩᆲᅩ봐ヨfᅩᄡᅩリᅪユᅩᆪᅢ똬ヨ£ᄎ쫁ᅩᄅlᅪヨᅪヤᅪレiᅪモᅪレᅩᆭᅪ"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "n"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ヨ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ヘ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ラ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "モ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄈ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆴ"
+    "g"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ヘ"
+    " "
     "ᅩᄄoᅪレᅩᆰᅪᄀfᅩリᅩᆪᅩᆲ "
     "ᅩラᅩ촤ヨᅩ쫊ᅪモ£ᄍᆴᅩ놔ヘᅩᆬᅪヌᅪネhᅩ보チeᅪマᅪモᅩ토ラᅩルᅩ톣ᅪヤ "
-    "ᅪヌᅩワᅩ모ᅠᅪモᅪヘᅪナNᅪユᅪᅠeᅩラᅩᄆzᅩリᅩンᅩワᅩ촤ルpᅩ노초쫘ヘᅩᆵᅪレeᅩᅠᅩ코ᅠᅪワrᅩ또놔ヘᅩᄎ"
-    "ᅩヨᅪヤᅩヨᅩヨdᅩᅠᅩ゚ᅩᆳᅩᆲᅩンᅪ゚iᅩᆭᅪヨᅩ롸モᅪヤᅩᄂaᅩᅠᅩラᅩᆲᅪノᅩルnᅪレᅪワ"
+    "ᅪヌᅩワᅩ모ᅠᅪモᅪヘᅪナNᅪユᅪᅠeᅩラᅩᄆzᅩ"
+    "リ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ン"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ワ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄎ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ル"
+    "p"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄂ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄎ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄍ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ヘ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆵ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "レ"
+    "e"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄏ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ワ"
+    "r"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄄ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄂ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ヘ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄎ"
+    "ᅩヨᅪヤᅩヨᅩヨdᅩᅠᅩ゚ᅩᆳᅩᆲᅩンᅪ゚iᅩᆭᅪヨ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄅ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "モ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ヤ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄂ"
+    "a"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᅠ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ラ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆲ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ノ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ル"
+    "n"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "レ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ワ"
     " "
     "ᅩ코゙ᅩᄚᅪレᅪナhᅩ솨ノiᅩ뽀゙vᅩ꽈ヌ£ᄌルᅪホᅪ゚-ᅭノᅩᆳᅩ로톼ヤmᅩ놄ᅩᆱiᅪユᅪヌᅩンᅩᆭnᅩラᅪル£ᄌヘᅩ゚ "
     "ᅩᆵᅩ봐ユᅪ゙ᅦᆱᅩ゚ᅩᆵᅩᄚᅩ봐ルᅩ코ンf "
@@ -312,21 +824,92 @@
     "ᅩᆭHᅩᆲᅩ노ラᅩ놔ンeᅪワ ᅩワᅩᆬᅩンᅩ콰ヘᅩ゚ᅩチwᅩユhᅩヨᅩᆵᅪモoᅩンᅪルᅩヨᅪホᅩ몵 "
     "ᅭノᅩ초ルᅩ゙ᅩ゚ᅪネWᅩ오톬aᅩ촑ᅪヘᅣᆵᅪネᅪユᅩᆳᅪルᅩᆵᅩワtᅩ쏘톭sᅩリᅪルᅪヨᅩユ "
-    "ᅩᅠᅩᆱᅩᅠBᅩ콰ヘᅪルᅪノᅩ뽜ナeᅩᄉhᅩ솗ᅪヌᅩᆱᅪルiᅩ쫘モᅩ뽀뽍ᅪホᅩᆱᅩユnᅪ゚dᅩᄡᅩᆰᅩワᅩヨ "
+    "ᅩᅠᅩᆱᅩᅠBᅩ콰ヘᅪルᅪノᅩ뽜ナeᅩᄉhᅩ소"
+    "ᆲ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ヌ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆱ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ル"
+    "i"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄍ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "モ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄈ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄈ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆴ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ホ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆱ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ユ"
+    "n"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "゚"
+    "d"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄡ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆰ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ワ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ヨ"
+    " "
     "ᅩᄚᅪノᅩ롸ヌᅪルᅩ봐゙ᅪナTᅪヨᅩ톼モᅩᆰᅪᄁhᅪマᅪモᅩᆴᅩᄏeᅩᆲᅩンᅩ゚ᅪナ "
-    "Zᅩᆴᅩ゙ᅩᅠᅪルᅪヤᅪナ£ᄌタᅩラᅩ゙ᅪネᅩ코ラ£ᄌ쏴ルᅪホᅩᆵᅩ쪼゙ᅪモGᅩᄏOᅩᆳᅩラᅩ"
+    "Zᅩᆴᅩ゙ᅩᅠᅪルᅪヤᅪナ£ᄌタᅩラᅩ゙ᅪネᅩ코"
+    "ラ"
+    "£"
+    "ᄌ"
+    "ᄊ"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ル"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "ホ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆵ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄍ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "゙"
+    "ᅪ"
+    "モ"
+    "G"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᄏ"
+    "O"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ᆳ"
+    "ᅩ"
+    "ラ"
+    "ᅩ"
     //	Unicode Upsidedown
     //	Strings which contain unicode with an \"upsidedown\" effect (via
-    //
+    //
-    "ᅨル￉ミnb£ᄡノl￉ミ ￉ミuᅥテ￉ミ￉ᆵ ᅦン￉ᄍolop ᅧヌᅦン ᅦン￉ᄍoq￉ミl ᅧヌn "
-    "ᅧヌunp£ᄡノp£ᄡノ￉ヤu£ᄡノ ￉ᄍod￉ᆵᅦンᅧヌ po￉ᆵsn£ᄡノᅦン op pᅦンs "
+    "ᅨル￉ミnb£ᄡノl￉ミ ￉ミuᅥテ￉ミ￉ᆵ ᅦン￉ᄍolop "
+    "ᅧヌᅦン "
+    "ᅦン￉ᄍoq￉ミl "
+    "ᅧヌn "
+    "ᅧヌunp£ᄡノp£ᄡノ￉ヤu£ᄡノ ￉ᄍod￉ᆵᅦンᅧヌ "
+    "po￉ᆵsn£ᄡノᅦン "
+    "op "
+    "pᅦンs "
     "'ᅧヌ£ᄡノlᅦン "
-    "ᅥテu£ᄡノ￉ヤs£ᄡノd£ᄡノp￉ミ ￉ᄍnᅧヌᅦンᅧヌ￉ヤᅦンsuo￉ヤ 'ᅧヌᅦン￉ᆵ￉ミ ᅧヌ£ᄡノs "
+    "ᅥテu£ᄡノ￉ヤs£ᄡノd£ᄡノp￉ミ "
+    "￉ᄍnᅧヌᅦンᅧヌ￉ヤᅦンsuo￉ヤ "
+    "'ᅧヌᅦン￉ᆵ￉ミ "
+    "ᅧヌ£ᄡノs "
     "￉ᄍolop ￉ᆵnsd£ᄡノ "
@@ -335,55 +918,79 @@
     //	Strings which contain bold/italic/etc. versions of normal characters
-    "￯ᄐᄡ￯ᄑネ￯ᄑナ ￯ᄑム￯ᄑユ￯ᄑノ￯ᄑテ￯ᄑヒ ￯ᄑツ￯ᄑメ￯ᄑマ￯ᄑラ￯ᄑホ "
-    "￯ᄑニ￯ᄑマ￯ᄑリ ￯ᄑハ￯ᄑユ￯ᄑヘ￯ᄑミ￯ᄑモ ￯ᄑマ￯ᄑヨ￯ᄑナ￯ᄑメ "
+    "￯ᄐᄡ￯ᄑネ￯ᄑナ ￯ᄑム￯ᄑユ￯ᄑノ￯ᄑテ￯ᄑヒ "
+    "￯ᄑツ￯ᄑメ￯ᄑマ￯ᄑラ￯ᄑホ "
+    "￯ᄑニ￯ᄑマ￯ᄑリ ￯ᄑハ￯ᄑユ￯ᄑヘ￯ᄑミ￯ᄑモ "
+    "￯ᄑマ￯ᄑヨ￯ᄑナ￯ᄑメ "
     "￯ᄑヤ￯ᄑネ￯ᄑナ "
     "￯ᄑフ￯ᄑチ￯ᄑレ￯ᄑル ￯ᄑト￯ᄑマ￯ᄑヌ",
-    "￰ンミモ￰ンミᄀ￰ンミ゙ ￰ンミᆰ￰ンミᆴ￰ンミᄁ￰ンミワ￰ンミᄂ "
-    "￰ンミロ￰ンミᆱ￰ンミᄄ￰ンミᄚ￰ンミᄃ ￰ンミ゚￰ンミᄄ￰ンミᄆ "
+    "￰ンミモ￰ンミᄀ￰ンミ゙ "
+    "￰ンミᆰ￰ンミᆴ￰ンミᄁ￰ンミワ￰ンミᄂ "
+    "￰ンミロ￰ンミᆱ￰ンミᄄ￰ンミᄚ￰ンミᄃ "
+    "￰ンミ゚￰ンミᄄ￰ンミᄆ "
     "￰ンミᆪ￰ンミᆴ￰ンミᆭ￰ンミᄅ￰ンミᆲ "
-    "￰ンミᄄ￰ンミᆵ￰ンミ゙￰ンミᆱ ￰ンミᆳ￰ンミᄀ￰ンミ゙ "
+    "￰ンミᄄ￰ンミᆵ￰ンミ゙￰ンミᆱ "
+    "￰ンミᆳ￰ンミᄀ￰ンミ゙ "
     "￰ンミᆬ￰ンミレ￰ンミᄈ￰ンミᄇ "
-    "￰ンユ﾿￰ンヨヘ￰ンヨハ ￰ンヨヨ￰ンヨレ￰ンヨホ￰ンヨネ￰ンヨミ "
-    "￰ンヨヌ￰ンヨラ￰ンヨヤ￰ンヨワ￰ンヨモ ￰ンヨヒ￰ンヨヤ￰ンヨン "
+    "￰ンユ﾿￰ンヨヘ￰ンヨハ "
+    "￰ンヨヨ￰ンヨレ￰ンヨホ￰ンヨネ￰ンヨミ "
+    "￰ンヨヌ￰ンヨラ￰ンヨヤ￰ンヨワ￰ンヨモ "
+    "￰ンヨヒ￰ンヨヤ￰ンヨン "
     "￰ンヨマ￰ンヨレ￰ンヨメ￰ンヨユ￰ンヨリ "
-    "￰ンヨヤ￰ンヨロ￰ンヨハ￰ンヨラ ￰ンヨル￰ンヨヘ￰ンヨハ "
+    "￰ンヨヤ￰ンヨロ￰ンヨハ￰ンヨラ "
+    "￰ンヨル￰ンヨヘ￰ンヨハ "
     "￰ンヨム￰ンヨニ￰ンヨ゚￰ンヨ゙ "
-    "￰ンムᄏ￰ンメノ￰ンメニ ￰ンメメ￰ンメヨ￰ンメハ￰ンメト￰ンメフ "
-    "￰ンメテ￰ンメモ￰ンメミ￰ンメリ￰ンメマ ￰ンメヌ￰ンメミ￰ンメル "
+    "￰ンムᄏ￰ンメノ￰ンメニ "
+    "￰ンメメ￰ンメヨ￰ンメハ￰ンメト￰ンメフ "
+    "￰ンメテ￰ンメモ￰ンメミ￰ンメリ￰ンメマ "
+    "￰ンメヌ￰ンメミ￰ンメル "
     "￰ンメヒ￰ンメヨ￰ンメホ￰ンメム￰ンメヤ "
-    "￰ンメミ￰ンメラ￰ンメニ￰ンメモ ￰ンメユ￰ンメノ￰ンメニ "
+    "￰ンメミ￰ンメラ￰ンメニ￰ンメモ "
+    "￰ンメユ￰ンメノ￰ンメニ "
     "￰ンメヘ￰ンメツ￰ンメロ￰ンメレ "
-    "￰ンモᆪ￰ンモᄆ￰ンモᆴ ￰ンモᄎ￰ンモᄒ￰ンモᄇ￰ンモᆲ￰ンモᄡ "
-    "￰ンモᆱ￰ンモᄏ￰ンモᄌ￰ンヤタ￰ンモᄋ ￰ンモᆵ￰ンモᄌ￰ンヤチ "
+    "￰ンモᆪ￰ンモᄆ￰ンモᆴ "
+    "￰ンモᄎ￰ンモᄒ￰ンモᄇ￰ンモᆲ￰ンモᄡ "
+    "￰ンモᆱ￰ンモᄏ￰ンモᄌ￰ンヤタ￰ンモᄋ "
+    "￰ンモᆵ￰ンモᄌ￰ンヤチ "
     "￰ンモᄈ￰ンモᄒ￰ンモᄊ￰ンモᄍ￰ンモᄐ "
-    "￰ンモᄌ￰ンモ﾿￰ンモᆴ￰ンモᄏ ￰ンモᄑ￰ンモᄆ￰ンモᆴ "
+    "￰ンモᄌ￰ンモ﾿￰ンモᆴ￰ンモᄏ "
+    "￰ンモᄑ￰ンモᄆ￰ンモᆴ "
     "￰ンモᄉ￰ンモᆰ￰ンヤテ￰ンヤツ "
-    "￰ンユヒ￰ンユル￰ンユヨ ￰ンユᄁ￰ンユᆭ￰ンユレ￰ンユヤ￰ンユワ "
-    "￰ンユモ￰ンユᆪ￰ンユᅠ￰ンユᄄ￰ンユ゚ ￰ンユラ￰ンユᅠ￰ンユᄅ "
+    "￰ンユヒ￰ンユル￰ンユヨ "
+    "￰ンユᄁ￰ンユᆭ￰ンユレ￰ンユヤ￰ンユワ "
+    "￰ンユモ￰ンユᆪ￰ンユᅠ￰ンユᄄ￰ンユ゚ "
+    "￰ンユラ￰ンユᅠ￰ンユᄅ "
     "￰ンユロ￰ンユᆭ￰ンユ゙￰ンユᄀ￰ンユᄂ "
-    "￰ンユᅠ￰ンユᄃ￰ンユヨ￰ンユᆪ ￰ンユᆬ￰ンユル￰ンユヨ "
+    "￰ンユᅠ￰ンユᄃ￰ンユヨ￰ンユᆪ "
+    "￰ンユᆬ￰ンユル￰ンユヨ "
     "￰ンユン￰ンユメ￰ンユᆱ￰ンユᆰ "
-    "￰ンレテ￰ンレム￰ンレホ ￰ンレレ￰ンレ゙￰ンレメ￰ンレフ￰ンレヤ "
-    "￰ンレヒ￰ンレロ￰ンレリ￰ンレᅠ￰ンレラ ￰ンレマ￰ンレリ￰ンレᄀ "
+    "￰ンレテ￰ンレム￰ンレホ "
+    "￰ンレレ￰ンレ゙￰ンレメ￰ンレフ￰ンレヤ "
+    "￰ンレヒ￰ンレロ￰ンレリ￰ンレᅠ￰ンレラ "
+    "￰ンレマ￰ンレリ￰ンレᄀ "
     "￰ンレモ￰ンレ゙￰ンレヨ￰ンレル￰ンレワ "
-    "￰ンレリ￰ンレ゚￰ンレホ￰ンレロ ￰ンレン￰ンレム￰ンレホ "
+    "￰ンレリ￰ンレ゚￰ンレホ￰ンレロ "
+    "￰ンレン￰ンレム￰ンレホ "
     "￰ンレユ￰ンレハ￰ンレᆪ￰ンレᄁ "
-    "¬メᆵ¬メᆪ¬メᅠ ¬メᆲ¬メᄚ¬メᄂ¬メ゙¬メᆭ ¬メン¬メᆳ¬メᆰ¬メᄇ¬メᄅ ¬メᄀ¬メᆰ¬メᄈ "
-    "¬メᆬ¬メᄚ¬メᄄ¬メᆱ¬メᆴ ¬メᆰ¬メᄆ¬メᅠ¬メᆳ ¬メᆵ¬メᆪ¬メᅠ "
+    "¬メᆵ¬メᆪ¬メᅠ ¬メᆲ¬メᄚ¬メᄂ¬メ゙¬メᆭ "
+    "¬メン¬メᆳ¬メᆰ¬メᄇ¬メᄅ "
+    "¬メᄀ¬メᆰ¬メᄈ "
+    "¬メᆬ¬メᄚ¬メᄄ¬メᆱ¬メᆴ "
+    "¬メᆰ¬メᄆ¬メᅠ¬メᆳ "
+    "¬メᆵ¬メᆪ¬メᅠ "
     "¬メᄃ¬メワ¬メᄉ¬メᄡ "
     //	Script Injection
     //	Strings which attempt to invoke a benign script injection; shows
-    //vulnerability to XSS
+    // vulnerability to XSS
@@ -705,7 +1312,7 @@
     //      XXE Injection (XML)
     //	String which can reveal system files when parsed by a badly configured
-    //XML parser
+    // XML parser
     "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?><!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ELEMENT "
     "foo ANY ><!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM \"file:///etc/passwd\" >]><foo>&xxe;</foo>",
@@ -713,8 +1320,9 @@
     //	Unwanted Interpolation
     //	Strings which can be accidentally expanded into different strings if
-    //evaluated in the wrong context, e.g. used as a printf format string or via
-    //Perl or
+    // evaluated in the wrong context, e.g. used as a printf format string or
+    // via
+    // Perl or
     // shell eval. Might expose sensitive data from the program doing the
     // interpolation, or might just represent the wrong string.
@@ -723,7 +1331,7 @@
     //	File Inclusion
     //	Strings which can cause user to pull in files that should not be a part
-    //of a web server
+    // of a web server
@@ -785,7 +1393,20 @@
     //	Strings which crashed iMessage in various versions of iOS
-    "Power￙ト￙マ￙ト￙マ￘ᄉ￙ム￘ᄄ￙マ￙ト￙マ￙ト￘ᄉ￙ム￘ᄄ￙マ￘ᄆ￘ᄆ"
+    "Power￙ト￙マ￙ト￙マ￘ᄉ￙ム￘ᄄ￙マ￙ト￙マ￙ト￘"
+    "ᄉ"
+    "￙"
+    "ム"
+    "￘"
+    "ᄄ"
+    "￙"
+    "マ"
+    "￘"
+    "ᄆ"
+    "￘"
+    "ᄆ"
     "￙ヒ ¢ᆬᆪ ¢ᆬᆪh ¢ᆬᆪ "
-    "￰゚マᄈ0￰゚フネ￯ᄌマ"};
\ No newline at end of file
+    "￰゚マᄈ0￰゚フネ￯ᄌマ"};
+// clang-format on
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/include/gzip_helper.hpp b/include/gzip_helper.hpp
index e577c1f..e14fc1b 100644
--- a/include/gzip_helper.hpp
+++ b/include/gzip_helper.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 #include <string>
 inline bool gzipInflate(const std::string& compressedBytes,
-                         std::string& uncompressedBytes) {
+                        std::string& uncompressedBytes) {
   if (compressedBytes.empty()) {
     uncompressedBytes = compressedBytes;
     return true;
diff --git a/include/openbmc_dbus_rest.hpp b/include/openbmc_dbus_rest.hpp
index 1f3b9e2..ad6104b 100644
--- a/include/openbmc_dbus_rest.hpp
+++ b/include/openbmc_dbus_rest.hpp
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
         // if we're the last outstanding caller, finish the request
         if (transaction.use_count() == 1) {
           res.jsonValue = {{"status", "ok"},
-                            {"bus_name", processName},
-                            {"objects", std::move(*transaction)}};
+                           {"bus_name", processName},
+                           {"objects", std::move(*transaction)}};
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
                          const nlohmann::json &input_json) {
   int r = 0;
   BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Converting " << input_json.dump()
-                 << " to type: " << arg_type;
+                   << " to type: " << arg_type;
   const std::vector<std::string> arg_types = dbus_arg_split(arg_type);
   // Assume a single object for now.
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
     } else if (boost::starts_with(arg_code, "v")) {
       std::string contained_type = arg_code.substr(1);
       BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "variant type: " << arg_code
-                     << " appending variant of type: " << contained_type;
+                       << " appending variant of type: " << contained_type;
       r = sd_bus_message_open_container(m, SD_BUS_TYPE_VARIANT,
       if (r < 0) {
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
 void find_action_on_interface(std::shared_ptr<InProgressActionData> transaction,
                               const std::string &connectionName) {
   BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "find_action_on_interface for connection "
-                 << connectionName;
+                   << connectionName;
         transaction, connectionName{std::string(connectionName)}
@@ -416,16 +416,16 @@
         BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "got xml:\n " << introspect_xml;
         if (ec) {
           BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR << "Introspect call failed with error: "
-                         << ec.message() << " on process: " << connectionName
-                         << "\n";
+                           << ec.message() << " on process: " << connectionName
+                           << "\n";
         } else {
           tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc;
           tinyxml2::XMLNode *pRoot = doc.FirstChildElement("node");
           if (pRoot == nullptr) {
-            BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR << "XML document failed to parse " << connectionName
-                           << "\n";
+            BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR << "XML document failed to parse "
+                             << connectionName << "\n";
           } else {
             tinyxml2::XMLElement *interface_node =
@@ -478,8 +478,8 @@
                         transaction->res.jsonValue = {{"status", "ok"},
-                                                       {"message", "200 OK"},
-                                                       {"data", nullptr}};
+                                                      {"message", "200 OK"},
+                                                      {"data", nullptr}};
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@
         BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "GetObject returned objects "
-                       << interface_names.size();
+                         << interface_names.size();
         for (const std::pair<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> &object :
              interface_names) {
@@ -546,8 +546,8 @@
         } else {
           res.jsonValue = {{"status", "ok"},
-                            {"message", "200 OK"},
-                            {"data", std::move(objectPaths)}};
+                           {"message", "200 OK"},
+                           {"data", std::move(objectPaths)}};
@@ -563,8 +563,8 @@
           const GetSubTreeType &object_names) {
         if (ec) {
           res.jsonValue = {{"message", "200 OK"},
-                            {"status", "ok"},
-                            {"data", nlohmann::json::object()}};
+                           {"status", "ok"},
+                           {"data", nlohmann::json::object()}};
@@ -597,14 +597,15 @@
 void handle_get(crow::Response &res, std::string &object_path,
                 std::string &dest_property) {
-  BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "handle_get: " << object_path << " prop:" << dest_property;
+  BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "handle_get: " << object_path
+                   << " prop:" << dest_property;
   std::shared_ptr<std::string> property_name =
   using GetObjectType =
       std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<std::string>>>;
       [&res, object_path, property_name](const boost::system::error_code ec,
-                                  const GetObjectType &object_names) {
+                                         const GetObjectType &object_names) {
         if (ec || object_names.size() <= 0) {
@@ -653,8 +654,8 @@
                   if (response.use_count() == 1) {
                     res.jsonValue = {{"status", "ok"},
-                                      {"message", "200 OK"},
-                                      {"data", *response}};
+                                     {"message", "200 OK"},
+                                     {"data", *response}};
@@ -761,7 +762,7 @@
                 tinyxml2::XMLNode *pRoot = doc.FirstChildElement("node");
                 if (pRoot == nullptr) {
                   BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR << "XML document failed to parse: "
-                                 << introspectXml;
+                                   << introspectXml;
@@ -1004,9 +1005,8 @@
         if (interfaceName.empty()) {
-              [&, processName, objectPath](
-                  const boost::system::error_code ec,
-                  const std::string &introspect_xml) {
+              [&, processName, objectPath](const boost::system::error_code ec,
+                                           const std::string &introspect_xml) {
                 if (ec) {
                       << "Introspect call failed with error: " << ec.message()
diff --git a/redfish-core/include/node.hpp b/redfish-core/include/node.hpp
index ebd8989..20d2951 100644
--- a/redfish-core/include/node.hpp
+++ b/redfish-core/include/node.hpp
@@ -74,14 +74,14 @@
   void getSubRoutes(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Node>>& allNodes) {
     const std::string* url = getUrl();
     if (url == nullptr) {
-      //BMCWEB_LOG_CRITICAL << "Unable to get url for route";
+      // BMCWEB_LOG_CRITICAL << "Unable to get url for route";
     for (const auto& node : allNodes) {
       const std::string* route = node->getUrl();
       if (route == nullptr) {
-        //BMCWEB_LOG_CRITICAL << "Unable to get url for route";
+        // BMCWEB_LOG_CRITICAL << "Unable to get url for route";
       if (boost::starts_with(*route, *url)) {
diff --git a/redfish-core/lib/ethernet.hpp b/redfish-core/lib/ethernet.hpp
index 4c44527..aa8d66f 100644
--- a/redfish-core/lib/ethernet.hpp
+++ b/redfish-core/lib/ethernet.hpp
@@ -390,17 +390,18 @@
                                  const std::string &name,
                                  const std::string &newValue,
                                  const std::shared_ptr<AsyncResp> &asyncResp) {
-    auto callback =
-        [asyncResp, ipIdx{std::move(ipIdx)}, name{std::move(name)},
-         newValue{std::move(newValue)}](const boost::system::error_code ec) {
-          if (ec) {
-            messages::addMessageToJson(
-                asyncResp->res.jsonValue, messages::internalError(),
-                "/IPv4Addresses/" + std::to_string(ipIdx) + "/" + name);
-          } else {
-            asyncResp->res.jsonValue["IPv4Addresses"][ipIdx][name] = newValue;
-          }
-        };
+    auto callback = [
+      asyncResp, ipIdx{std::move(ipIdx)}, name{std::move(name)},
+      newValue{std::move(newValue)}
+    ](const boost::system::error_code ec) {
+      if (ec) {
+        messages::addMessageToJson(
+            asyncResp->res.jsonValue, messages::internalError(),
+            "/IPv4Addresses/" + std::to_string(ipIdx) + "/" + name);
+      } else {
+        asyncResp->res.jsonValue["IPv4Addresses"][ipIdx][name] = newValue;
+      }
+    };
         std::move(callback), "xyz.openbmc_project.Network",
@@ -428,17 +429,17 @@
                         const std::string &newValueDbus,
                         const std::shared_ptr<AsyncResp> &asyncResp) {
     auto callback =
-        [asyncResp, ipIdx{std::move(ipIdx)},
-         newValue{std::move(newValue)}](const boost::system::error_code ec) {
-          if (ec) {
-            messages::addMessageToJson(
-                asyncResp->res.jsonValue, messages::internalError(),
-                "/IPv4Addresses/" + std::to_string(ipIdx) + "/AddressOrigin");
-          } else {
-            asyncResp->res.jsonValue["IPv4Addresses"][ipIdx]["AddressOrigin"] =
-                newValue;
-          }
-        };
+        [ asyncResp, ipIdx{std::move(ipIdx)},
+          newValue{std::move(newValue)} ](const boost::system::error_code ec) {
+      if (ec) {
+        messages::addMessageToJson(
+            asyncResp->res.jsonValue, messages::internalError(),
+            "/IPv4Addresses/" + std::to_string(ipIdx) + "/AddressOrigin");
+      } else {
+        asyncResp->res.jsonValue["IPv4Addresses"][ipIdx]["AddressOrigin"] =
+            newValue;
+      }
+    };
         std::move(callback), "xyz.openbmc_project.Network",
@@ -464,9 +465,9 @@
       const std::string &ifaceId, int ipIdx, const std::string &ipHash,
       const std::string &newValueStr, uint8_t &newValue,
       const std::shared_ptr<AsyncResp> &asyncResp) {
-    auto callback = [asyncResp, ipIdx{std::move(ipIdx)},
-                     newValueStr{std::move(newValueStr)}](
-                        const boost::system::error_code ec) {
+    auto callback = [
+      asyncResp, ipIdx{std::move(ipIdx)}, newValueStr{std::move(newValueStr)}
+    ](const boost::system::error_code ec) {
       if (ec) {
             asyncResp->res.jsonValue, messages::internalError(),
@@ -533,8 +534,8 @@
                   unsigned int ipIdx,
                   const std::shared_ptr<AsyncResp> &asyncResp) {
-        [ipIdx{std::move(ipIdx)},
-         asyncResp{std::move(asyncResp)}](const boost::system::error_code ec) {
+        [ ipIdx{std::move(ipIdx)}, asyncResp{std::move(asyncResp)} ](
+            const boost::system::error_code ec) {
           if (ec) {
                 asyncResp->res.jsonValue, messages::internalError(),
@@ -562,15 +563,15 @@
                   uint8_t subnetMask, const std::string &gateway,
                   const std::string &address,
                   const std::shared_ptr<AsyncResp> &asyncResp) {
-    auto createIpHandler =
-        [ipIdx{std::move(ipIdx)},
-         asyncResp{std::move(asyncResp)}](const boost::system::error_code ec) {
-          if (ec) {
-            messages::addMessageToJson(
-                asyncResp->res.jsonValue, messages::internalError(),
-                "/IPv4Addresses/" + std::to_string(ipIdx) + "/");
-          }
-        };
+    auto createIpHandler = [
+      ipIdx{std::move(ipIdx)}, asyncResp{std::move(asyncResp)}
+    ](const boost::system::error_code ec) {
+      if (ec) {
+        messages::addMessageToJson(
+            asyncResp->res.jsonValue, messages::internalError(),
+            "/IPv4Addresses/" + std::to_string(ipIdx) + "/");
+      }
+    };
         std::move(createIpHandler), "xyz.openbmc_project.Network",
@@ -640,10 +641,11 @@
   void getEthernetIfaceData(const std::string &ethifaceId,
                             CallbackFunc &&callback) {
-        [this, ethifaceId{std::move(ethifaceId)},
-         callback{std::move(callback)}](
-            const boost::system::error_code error_code,
-            const GetManagedObjectsType &resp) {
+        [
+          this, ethifaceId{std::move(ethifaceId)}, callback{std::move(callback)}
+        ](const boost::system::error_code error_code,
+          const GetManagedObjectsType &resp) {
           EthernetInterfaceData ethData{};
           std::vector<IPv4AddressData> ipv4Data;
@@ -693,7 +695,7 @@
   template <typename CallbackFunc>
   void getEthernetIfaceList(CallbackFunc &&callback) {
-        [this, callback{std::move(callback)}](
+        [ this, callback{std::move(callback)} ](
             const boost::system::error_code error_code,
             GetManagedObjectsType &resp) {
           // Callback requires vector<string> to retrieve all available ethernet
@@ -776,27 +778,26 @@
     std::string managerId = "openbmc";
     // get eth interface list, and call the below callback for JSON preparation
-    ethernetProvider.getEthernetIfaceList(
-        [&, managerId{std::move(managerId)}](
-            const bool &success, const std::vector<std::string> &iface_list) {
-          if (success) {
-            nlohmann::json ifaceArray = nlohmann::json::array();
-            for (const std::string &ifaceItem : iface_list) {
-              ifaceArray.push_back(
-                  {{"", "/redfish/v1/Managers/" + managerId +
-                                     "/EthernetInterfaces/" + ifaceItem}});
-            }
-            Node::json["Members"] = ifaceArray;
-            Node::json["Members@odata.count"] = ifaceArray.size();
-            Node::json[""] =
-                "/redfish/v1/Managers/" + managerId + "/EthernetInterfaces";
-            res.jsonValue = Node::json;
-          } else {
-            // No success, best what we can do is return INTERNALL ERROR
-            res.result(boost::beast::http::status::internal_server_error);
-          }
-          res.end();
-        });
+    ethernetProvider.getEthernetIfaceList([&, managerId{std::move(managerId)} ](
+        const bool &success, const std::vector<std::string> &iface_list) {
+      if (success) {
+        nlohmann::json ifaceArray = nlohmann::json::array();
+        for (const std::string &ifaceItem : iface_list) {
+          ifaceArray.push_back(
+              {{"", "/redfish/v1/Managers/" + managerId +
+                                 "/EthernetInterfaces/" + ifaceItem}});
+        }
+        Node::json["Members"] = ifaceArray;
+        Node::json["Members@odata.count"] = ifaceArray.size();
+        Node::json[""] =
+            "/redfish/v1/Managers/" + managerId + "/EthernetInterfaces";
+        res.jsonValue = Node::json;
+      } else {
+        // No success, best what we can do is return INTERNALL ERROR
+        res.result(boost::beast::http::status::internal_server_error);
+      }
+      res.end();
+    });
   // Ethernet Provider object
@@ -902,7 +903,7 @@
       paramsJson["VLANId"] = inputVlanId;
           ifaceId, static_cast<uint32_t>(inputVlanId),
-          [&, asyncResp, pathPrefx{std::move(pathPrefix)}](
+          [&, asyncResp, pathPrefx{std::move(pathPrefix)} ](
               const boost::system::error_code ec) {
             if (ec) {
@@ -914,7 +915,7 @@
     } else if (inputVlanEnabled == false) {
       // Disable VLAN
-          ifaceId, [&, asyncResp, pathPrefx{std::move(pathPrefix)}](
+          ifaceId, [&, asyncResp, pathPrefx{std::move(pathPrefix)} ](
                        const boost::system::error_code ec) {
             if (ec) {
@@ -1286,7 +1287,7 @@
     // get single eth interface data, and call the below callback for JSON
     // preparation
-        ifaceId, [&, ifaceId, patchReq = std::move(patchReq)](
+        ifaceId, [&, ifaceId, patchReq = std::move(patchReq) ](
                      const bool &success, const EthernetInterfaceData &eth_data,
                      const std::vector<IPv4AddressData> &ipv4_data) {
           if (!success) {
@@ -1482,7 +1483,7 @@
     // Get single eth interface data, and call the below callback for JSON
     // preparation
-        ifaceId, [&, parent_ifaceId, ifaceId, patchReq = std::move(patchReq)](
+        ifaceId, [&, parent_ifaceId, ifaceId, patchReq = std::move(patchReq) ](
                      const bool &success, const EthernetInterfaceData &eth_data,
                      const std::vector<IPv4AddressData> &ipv4_data) {
           if (!success) {
@@ -1644,47 +1645,45 @@
     std::string rootInterfaceName = params[0];
     // get eth interface list, and call the below callback for JSON preparation
-    ethernetProvider.getEthernetIfaceList(
-        [&, managerId{std::move(managerId)},
-         rootInterfaceName{std::move(rootInterfaceName)}](
-            const bool &success, const std::vector<std::string> &iface_list) {
-          if (success) {
-            bool rootInterfaceFound = false;
-            nlohmann::json ifaceArray = nlohmann::json::array();
+    ethernetProvider.getEthernetIfaceList([
+          &, managerId{std::move(managerId)},
+          rootInterfaceName{std::move(rootInterfaceName)}
+    ](const bool &success, const std::vector<std::string> &iface_list) {
+      if (success) {
+        bool rootInterfaceFound = false;
+        nlohmann::json ifaceArray = nlohmann::json::array();
-            for (const std::string &ifaceItem : iface_list) {
-              if (ifaceItem == rootInterfaceName) {
-                rootInterfaceFound = true;
-              } else if (boost::starts_with(ifaceItem,
-                                            rootInterfaceName + "_")) {
-                ifaceArray.push_back(
-                    {{"", "/redfish/v1/Managers/" + managerId +
-                                       "/EthernetInterfaces/" +
-                                       rootInterfaceName + "/VLANs/" +
-                                       ifaceItem}});
-              }
-            }
-            if (rootInterfaceFound) {
-              Node::json["Members"] = ifaceArray;
-              Node::json["Members@odata.count"] = ifaceArray.size();
-              Node::json[""] = "/redfish/v1/Managers/" + managerId +
-                                        "/EthernetInterfaces/" +
-                                        rootInterfaceName + "/VLANs";
-              res.jsonValue = Node::json;
-            } else {
-              messages::addMessageToErrorJson(
-                  res.jsonValue, messages::resourceNotFound("EthernetInterface",
-                                                            rootInterfaceName));
-              res.result(boost::beast::http::status::not_found);
-              res.end();
-            }
-          } else {
-            // No success, best what we can do is return INTERNALL ERROR
-            res.result(boost::beast::http::status::internal_server_error);
+        for (const std::string &ifaceItem : iface_list) {
+          if (ifaceItem == rootInterfaceName) {
+            rootInterfaceFound = true;
+          } else if (boost::starts_with(ifaceItem, rootInterfaceName + "_")) {
+            ifaceArray.push_back(
+                {{"", "/redfish/v1/Managers/" + managerId +
+                                   "/EthernetInterfaces/" + rootInterfaceName +
+                                   "/VLANs/" + ifaceItem}});
+        }
+        if (rootInterfaceFound) {
+          Node::json["Members"] = ifaceArray;
+          Node::json["Members@odata.count"] = ifaceArray.size();
+          Node::json[""] = "/redfish/v1/Managers/" + managerId +
+                                    "/EthernetInterfaces/" + rootInterfaceName +
+                                    "/VLANs";
+          res.jsonValue = Node::json;
+        } else {
+          messages::addMessageToErrorJson(
+              res.jsonValue, messages::resourceNotFound("EthernetInterface",
+                                                        rootInterfaceName));
+          res.result(boost::beast::http::status::not_found);
-        });
+        }
+      } else {
+        // No success, best what we can do is return INTERNALL ERROR
+        res.result(boost::beast::http::status::internal_server_error);
+      }
+      res.end();
+    });
   void doPost(crow::Response &res, const crow::Request &req,
@@ -1719,49 +1718,49 @@
     // get eth interface list, and call the below callback for JSON preparation
-    ethernetProvider.getEthernetIfaceList(
-        [&, managerId{std::move(managerId)},
-         rootInterfaceName{std::move(rootInterfaceName)}](
-            const bool &success, const std::vector<std::string> &iface_list) {
-          if (success) {
-            bool rootInterfaceFound = false;
+    ethernetProvider.getEthernetIfaceList([
+          &, managerId{std::move(managerId)},
+          rootInterfaceName{std::move(rootInterfaceName)}
+    ](const bool &success, const std::vector<std::string> &iface_list) {
+      if (success) {
+        bool rootInterfaceFound = false;
-            for (const std::string &ifaceItem : iface_list) {
-              if (ifaceItem == rootInterfaceName) {
-                rootInterfaceFound = true;
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            if (rootInterfaceFound) {
-              ethernetProvider.createVlan(
-                  rootInterfaceName, vlanId,
-                  [&, vlanId, rootInterfaceName,
-                   req{std::move(req)}](const boost::system::error_code ec) {
-                    if (ec) {
-                      messages::addMessageToErrorJson(
-                          res.jsonValue, messages::internalError());
-                      res.end();
-                    } else {
-                      memberVlan.doGet(
-                          res, req,
-                          {rootInterfaceName,
-                           rootInterfaceName + "_" + std::to_string(vlanId)});
-                    }
-                  });
-            } else {
-              messages::addMessageToErrorJson(
-                  res.jsonValue, messages::resourceNotFound("EthernetInterface",
-                                                            rootInterfaceName));
-              res.result(boost::beast::http::status::not_found);
-              res.end();
-            }
-          } else {
-            // No success, best what we can do is return INTERNALL ERROR
-            res.result(boost::beast::http::status::internal_server_error);
-            res.end();
+        for (const std::string &ifaceItem : iface_list) {
+          if (ifaceItem == rootInterfaceName) {
+            rootInterfaceFound = true;
+            break;
-        });
+        }
+        if (rootInterfaceFound) {
+          ethernetProvider.createVlan(
+              rootInterfaceName, vlanId,
+              [&, vlanId, rootInterfaceName,
+               req{std::move(req)} ](const boost::system::error_code ec) {
+                if (ec) {
+                  messages::addMessageToErrorJson(res.jsonValue,
+                                                  messages::internalError());
+                  res.end();
+                } else {
+                  memberVlan.doGet(
+                      res, req,
+                      {rootInterfaceName,
+                       rootInterfaceName + "_" + std::to_string(vlanId)});
+                }
+              });
+        } else {
+          messages::addMessageToErrorJson(
+              res.jsonValue, messages::resourceNotFound("EthernetInterface",
+                                                        rootInterfaceName));
+          res.result(boost::beast::http::status::not_found);
+          res.end();
+        }
+      } else {
+        // No success, best what we can do is return INTERNALL ERROR
+        res.result(boost::beast::http::status::internal_server_error);
+        res.end();
+      }
+    });
   // Ethernet Provider object
diff --git a/redfish-core/lib/systems.hpp b/redfish-core/lib/systems.hpp
index 836249a..f1c3d92 100644
--- a/redfish-core/lib/systems.hpp
+++ b/redfish-core/lib/systems.hpp
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
     BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Get available system components.";
-        [name, aResp{std::move(aResp)}](
+        [ name, aResp{std::move(aResp)} ](
             const boost::system::error_code ec,
             const std::vector<std::pair<
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
               BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Found name: " << name;
               const std::string connectionName = connectionNames[0].first;
-                  [aResp, name(std::string(name))](
+                  [ aResp, name(std::string(name)) ](
                       const boost::system::error_code ec,
                       const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, VariantType>>
                           &propertiesList) {
@@ -332,9 +332,9 @@
                            CallbackFunc &&callback) {
     BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Get led groups";
-        [aResp{std::move(aResp)}, &callback](
-            const boost::system::error_code &ec,
-            const ManagedObjectsType &resp) {
+        [
+          aResp{std::move(aResp)}, &callback
+        ](const boost::system::error_code &ec, const ManagedObjectsType &resp) {
           if (ec) {
             BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "DBUS response error " << ec;
@@ -372,8 +372,9 @@
                       CallbackFunc &&callback) {
     BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Get identify led properties";
-        [aResp{std::move(aResp)}, &callback](const boost::system::error_code ec,
-                                             const PropertiesType &properties) {
+        [ aResp{std::move(aResp)}, &callback ](
+            const boost::system::error_code ec,
+            const PropertiesType &properties) {
           if (ec) {
             BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "DBUS response error " << ec;
@@ -645,7 +646,7 @@
       // Update led group
       BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Update led group.";
-          [&, asyncResp{std::move(asyncResp)}](
+          [&, asyncResp{std::move(asyncResp)} ](
               const boost::system::error_code ec) {
             if (ec) {
               BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "DBUS response error " << ec;
@@ -663,7 +664,7 @@
       // Update identify led status
       BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Update led SoftwareInventoryCollection.";
-          [&, asyncResp{std::move(asyncResp)}](
+          [&, asyncResp{std::move(asyncResp)} ](
               const boost::system::error_code ec) {
             if (ec) {
               BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "DBUS response error " << ec;