Format readjson

clang-format may potentially reformat the readJson calls if they may
have more keys or key names are longer. This makes formatting in a way
that's readable by forcing to break a line for each key using an
empty-comment (`//`) each line.

It also allows trivially alphabetizing the list such that new additions
are less likely to have merge conflicts.

- Check whitespace only.
- Code compiles.
- Redfish Service Validator with the same results before this

Change-Id: I3824a8c4faa9fa7c820d5d2fab6b565404926e2c
Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
Signed-off-by: Myung Bae <>
diff --git a/redfish-core/lib/trigger.hpp b/redfish-core/lib/trigger.hpp
index d405d26..306742a 100644
--- a/redfish-core/lib/trigger.hpp
+++ b/redfish-core/lib/trigger.hpp
@@ -280,9 +280,12 @@
     std::string activation;
     std::string dwellTimeStr;
-    if (!json_util::readJsonObject(threshold, res, "Reading", reading,
-                                   "Activation", activation, "DwellTime",
-                                   dwellTimeStr))
+    if (!json_util::readJsonObject( //
+            threshold, res, //
+            "Activation", activation, //
+            "DwellTime", dwellTimeStr, //
+            "Reading", reading //
+            ))
         return false;
@@ -391,9 +394,13 @@
         std::string dwellTimeStr;
         std::string severity;
-        if (!json_util::readJsonObject(thresholdInfo, res, "Name", name,
-                                       "Value", value, "DwellTime",
-                                       dwellTimeStr, "Severity", severity))
+        if (!json_util::readJsonObject( //
+                thresholdInfo, res, //
+                "DwellTime", dwellTimeStr, //
+                "Name", name, //
+                "Severity", severity, //
+                "Value", value //
+                ))
             return false;
@@ -595,26 +602,25 @@
     std::optional<std::vector<nlohmann::json::object_t>> discreteTriggers;
     std::optional<std::vector<std::string>> metricReportDefinitions;
     NumericThresholds thresholds;
-    // clang-format off
-    if (!json_util::readJsonPatch(
-            req, res,
-	    "Id", id,
-            "Name", name,
-	    "MetricType", metricType,
-            "TriggerActions", triggerActions,
-            "DiscreteTriggerCondition", discreteTriggerCondition,
-            "DiscreteTriggers", discreteTriggers,
-            "NumericThresholds/UpperCritical", thresholds.upperCritical,
-            "NumericThresholds/UpperWarning", thresholds.upperWarning,
-            "NumericThresholds/LowerWarning", thresholds.lowerWarning,
-            "NumericThresholds/LowerCritical", thresholds.lowerCritical,
-            "MetricProperties", ctx.metricProperties,
-            "Links/MetricReportDefinitions", metricReportDefinitions)
-    )
+    if (!json_util::readJsonPatch( //
+            req, res, //
+            "Id", id, //
+            "DiscreteTriggerCondition", discreteTriggerCondition, //
+            "DiscreteTriggers", discreteTriggers, //
+            "Links/MetricReportDefinitions", metricReportDefinitions, //
+            "MetricProperties", ctx.metricProperties, //
+            "MetricType", metricType, //
+            "Name", name, //
+            "NumericThresholds/LowerCritical", thresholds.lowerCritical, //
+            "NumericThresholds/LowerWarning", thresholds.lowerWarning, //
+            "NumericThresholds/UpperCritical", thresholds.upperCritical, //
+            "NumericThresholds/UpperWarning", thresholds.upperWarning, //
+            "TriggerActions", triggerActions //
+            ))
         return false;
-    // clang-format on = *id; = *name;