Fix the build on clang-11

Clang tidy 11 got some really neat checks that do a much better job.
Unfortunately, this, combined with the change in how std::executors has
defined how callbacks should work differently in the past, which we
picked up in 1.73, and now in theory we have recursion in a bunch of our
IO loops that we have to break manually.  In practice, this is unlikely
to matter, as there's almost a 0% chance that we go through N thousand
requests without ever starving the IO buffer.

Other changes to make this build include:
1. Adding inline on the appropriate places where declared in a header.
2. Removing an Openssl call that did nothing, as the result was
immediately overwritten.
3. Declaring the subproject dependencies as system dependencies, which
silences the clang-tidy checks for those projects.

Code builds again, clang-tidy passes

Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
Change-Id: Ic11b1002408e8ac19a17a955e9477cac6e0d7504
diff --git a/http/http_client.hpp b/http/http_client.hpp
index 5c7b13f..1ac890c 100644
--- a/http/http_client.hpp
+++ b/http/http_client.hpp
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
         BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Trying to connect to: " << host << ":" << port;
         // Set a timeout on the operation
         conn.async_connect(endpoint, [self(shared_from_this())](
                                          const boost::beast::error_code& ec,
                                          const boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::