Chassis: Add support for Version property

Add support for the Version property of Chassis resources.  That
property was added in Chassis schema v1.21.0.

This makes use of the "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision"
interface that is already defined by phosphor-dbus-interfaces.

Validator passed and Version property was correctly populated.  No
issues on other Chassis resources which do not have a Version property.

I added this to an entity-manager json config:

"xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision": {
        "Version": "$PRODUCT_VERSION"

The PRODUCT_VERSION field from a given FRU eeprom was picked up by
FruDevice and it was exposed under the associated Chassis resource:

busctl get-property xyz.openbmc_project.FruDevice \
/xyz/openbmc_project/FruDevice/Test \
xyz.openbmc_project.FruDevice PRODUCT_VERSION
s "V1.0"

curl -s 'localhost/redfish/v1/Chassis/TestChassis'
  "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/TestChassis",
  "Version": "V1.0"

Signed-off-by: Carson Labrado <>
Change-Id: Ie1391d46e81fd8c503fe4b1e6d683dd4553a5419
diff --git a/redfish-core/lib/chassis.hpp b/redfish-core/lib/chassis.hpp
index 06ce583..e827f03 100644
--- a/redfish-core/lib/chassis.hpp
+++ b/redfish-core/lib/chassis.hpp
@@ -537,6 +537,8 @@
         const std::string replaceableInterface =
+        const std::string revisionInterface =
+            "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision";
         for (const auto& interface : interfaces2)
             if (interface == assetTagInterface)
@@ -573,6 +575,23 @@
                     asyncResp->res.jsonValue["HotPluggable"] = property;
+            else if (interface == revisionInterface)
+            {
+                sdbusplus::asio::getProperty<std::string>(
+                    *crow::connections::systemBus, connectionName, path,
+                    revisionInterface, "Version",
+                    [asyncResp, chassisId](const boost::system::error_code& ec2,
+                                           const std::string& property) {
+                    if (ec2)
+                    {
+                        BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR("DBus response error for Version: {}",
+                                         ec2);
+                        messages::internalError(asyncResp->res);
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Version"] = property;
+                });
+            }
         for (const char* interface : hasIndicatorLed)