Simplify message registry to save binary size

Internally to bmcweb, we actually store two copies of every string in
the base privilege registry.  As history played out, the
error_messages.cpp was created first, then when logging was added, we
needed more fine grained programatic lookups into the message
registries, so we invented the constexpr array.  Previously, it was
thought that xz basically deduplicated the duplicated strings.  While
this is true to some extent, it using the actual processing code seems
to be a win on binary size.

This is also a -500 line diff, so it's reducing the amount of code we
have at the same time.

Note, the "InvalidUpload" message is incorrect per the standard, which
this patchset sort of teases out, as it's the only one that can't be
updated.  This patchset leaves it as-written.

xz compressed bmcweb went from 1174632 bytes, down to 1157040 bytes, or
a 1.4% (17592 bytes) reduction in compressed binary size.

curl --insecure --user root:0penBmc
  "error": {
    "@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
        "@odata.type": "#Message.v1_1_1.Message",
        "Message": "The requested resource of type #Chassis.v1_16_0.Chassis named 'foobar' was not found.",
        "MessageArgs": [
        "MessageId": "Base.1.11.0.ResourceNotFound",
        "MessageSeverity": "Critical",
        "Resolution": "Provide a valid resource identifier and resubmit the request."
    "code": "Base.1.11.0.ResourceNotFound",
    "message": "The requested resource of type #Chassis.v1_16_0.Chassis named 'foobar' was not found."

Note, the MessageId property has changed its version from Base.1.8 to
Base.1.11.  This is correct and matches the version of the registry we
use.  Also, the second argument is now quoted, as the ResourceNotFound
schema requires.

Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <>
Change-Id: Ifd0bd71a26eebeba8ba89704a1eca425f0776aa8
diff --git a/redfish-core/src/error_messages.cpp b/redfish-core/src/error_messages.cpp
index 2c98e23..fafbf21 100644
--- a/redfish-core/src/error_messages.cpp
+++ b/redfish-core/src/error_messages.cpp
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 // limitations under the License.
 #include "http_response.hpp"
+#include "registries/base_message_registry.hpp"
 #include <boost/beast/http/status.hpp>
 #include <boost/url/url.hpp>
@@ -102,6 +103,36 @@
+nlohmann::json getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index name,
+                      std::span<const std::string_view> args)
+    size_t index = static_cast<size_t>(name);
+    if (index >= redfish::message_registries::base::registry.size())
+    {
+        return {};
+    }
+    const redfish::message_registries::MessageEntry& entry =
+        redfish::message_registries::base::registry[index];
+    // Intentionally make a copy of the string, so we can append in the
+    // parameters.
+    std::string msg = entry.second.message;
+    redfish::message_registries::fillMessageArgs(args, msg);
+    nlohmann::json jArgs = nlohmann::json::array();
+    for (const std::string_view arg : args)
+    {
+        jArgs.push_back(arg);
+    }
+    std::string msgId =;
+    msgId += ".";
+    msgId += entry.first;
+    return {{"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
+            {"MessageId", std::move(msgId)},
+            {"Message", std::move(msg)},
+            {"MessageArgs", std::move(jArgs)},
+            {"MessageSeverity", entry.second.severity},
+            {"Resolution", entry.second.resolution}};
  * @internal
  * @brief Formats ResourceInUse message into JSON
@@ -111,15 +142,7 @@
 nlohmann::json resourceInUse(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ResourceInUse"},
-        {"Message", "The change to the requested resource failed because "
-                    "the resource is in use or in transition."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "Remove the condition and resubmit the request if "
-                       "the operation failed."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::resourceInUse, {});
 void resourceInUse(crow::Response& res)
@@ -137,15 +160,7 @@
 nlohmann::json malformedJSON(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.MalformedJSON"},
-        {"Message", "The request body submitted was malformed JSON and "
-                    "could not be parsed by the receiving service."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution", "Ensure that the request body is valid JSON and "
-                       "resubmit the request."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::malformedJSON, {});
 void malformedJSON(crow::Response& res)
@@ -163,15 +178,10 @@
 nlohmann::json resourceMissingAtURI(const boost::urls::url_view& arg1)
-    std::string url(, arg1.size());
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ResourceMissingAtURI"},
-        {"Message", "The resource at the URI " + url + " was not found."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {url}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution", "Place a valid resource at the URI or correct the "
-                       "URI and resubmit the request."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 1> args{
+        std::string_view{, arg1.size()}};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::resourceMissingAtURI, args);
 void resourceMissingAtURI(crow::Response& res,
@@ -192,18 +202,10 @@
                                                const std::string& arg2,
                                                const std::string& arg3)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ActionParameterValueFormatError"},
-        {"Message",
-         "The value " + arg1 + " for the parameter " + arg2 +
-             " in the action " + arg3 +
-             " is of a different format than the parameter can accept."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, arg2, arg3}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Correct the value for the parameter in the request body and "
-         "resubmit the request if the operation failed."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 3> args{arg1, arg2, arg3};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::
+                      actionParameterValueFormatError,
+                  args);
 void actionParameterValueFormatError(crow::Response& res,
@@ -225,15 +227,7 @@
 nlohmann::json internalError(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.InternalError"},
-        {"Message", "The request failed due to an internal service error.  "
-                    "The service is still operational."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution", "Resubmit the request.  If the problem persists, "
-                       "consider resetting the service."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::internalError, {});
 void internalError(crow::Response& res, const bmcweb::source_location location)
@@ -254,15 +248,8 @@
 nlohmann::json unrecognizedRequestBody(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.UnrecognizedRequestBody"},
-        {"Message", "The service detected a malformed request body that it "
-                    "was unable to interpret."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "Correct the request body and resubmit the request "
-                       "if it failed."}};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::unrecognizedRequestBody, {});
 void unrecognizedRequestBody(crow::Response& res)
@@ -281,17 +268,11 @@
 nlohmann::json resourceAtUriUnauthorized(const boost::urls::url_view& arg1,
                                          const std::string& arg2)
-    std::string url(, arg1.size());
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ResourceAtUriUnauthorized"},
-        {"Message", "While accessing the resource at " + url +
-                        ", the service received an authorization error " +
-                        arg2 + "."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {url, arg2}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution", "Ensure that the appropriate access is provided for "
-                       "the service in order for it to access the URI."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 2> args{
+        std::string_view{, arg1.size()}, arg2};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::resourceAtUriUnauthorized,
+        args);
 void resourceAtUriUnauthorized(crow::Response& res,
@@ -312,16 +293,9 @@
 nlohmann::json actionParameterUnknown(const std::string& arg1,
                                       const std::string& arg2)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ActionParameterUnknown"},
-        {"Message", "The action " + arg1 +
-                        " was submitted with the invalid parameter " + arg2 +
-                        "."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, arg2}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "Correct the invalid parameter and resubmit the "
-                       "request if the operation failed."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 3> args{arg1, arg2};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::actionParameterUnknown, args);
 void actionParameterUnknown(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1,
@@ -340,14 +314,8 @@
 nlohmann::json resourceCannotBeDeleted(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ResourceCannotBeDeleted"},
-        {"Message", "The delete request failed because the resource "
-                    "requested cannot be deleted."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution", "Do not attempt to delete a non-deletable resource."}};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::resourceCannotBeDeleted, {});
 void resourceCannotBeDeleted(crow::Response& res)
@@ -365,15 +333,9 @@
 nlohmann::json propertyDuplicate(const std::string& arg1)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.PropertyDuplicate"},
-        {"Message", "The property " + arg1 + " was duplicated in the request."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Remove the duplicate property from the request body and resubmit "
-         "the request if the operation failed."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 1> args{arg1};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::propertyDuplicate,
+                  args);
 void propertyDuplicate(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1)
@@ -391,15 +353,10 @@
 nlohmann::json serviceTemporarilyUnavailable(const std::string& arg1)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable"},
-        {"Message", "The service is temporarily unavailable.  Retry in " +
-                        arg1 + " seconds."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution", "Wait for the indicated retry duration and retry "
-                       "the operation."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 1> args{arg1};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::serviceTemporarilyUnavailable,
+        args);
 void serviceTemporarilyUnavailable(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1)
@@ -420,16 +377,9 @@
                                      const std::string& arg2,
                                      const std::string& arg3)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ResourceAlreadyExists"},
-        {"Message", "The requested resource of type " + arg1 +
-                        " with the property " + arg2 + " with the value " +
-                        arg3 + " already exists."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, arg2, arg3}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution", "Do not repeat the create operation as the resource "
-                       "has already been created."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 3> args{arg1, arg2, arg3};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::resourceAlreadyExists, args);
 void resourceAlreadyExists(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1,
@@ -449,14 +399,9 @@
 nlohmann::json accountForSessionNoLongerExists(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.AccountForSessionNoLongerExists"},
-        {"Message", "The account for the current session has been removed, "
-                    "thus the current session has been removed as well."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "OK"},
-        {"Resolution", "Attempt to connect with a valid account."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::
+                      accountForSessionNoLongerExists,
+                  {});
 void accountForSessionNoLongerExists(crow::Response& res)
@@ -474,17 +419,10 @@
 nlohmann::json createFailedMissingReqProperties(const std::string& arg1)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.CreateFailedMissingReqProperties"},
-        {"Message",
-         "The create operation failed because the required property " + arg1 +
-             " was missing from the request."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Correct the body to include the required property with a valid "
-         "value and resubmit the request if the operation failed."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 2> args{arg1};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::
+                      createFailedMissingReqProperties,
+                  args);
 void createFailedMissingReqProperties(crow::Response& res,
@@ -506,17 +444,10 @@
 nlohmann::json propertyValueFormatError(const std::string& arg1,
                                         const std::string& arg2)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.PropertyValueFormatError"},
-        {"Message",
-         "The value " + arg1 + " for the property " + arg2 +
-             " is of a different format than the property can accept."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, arg2}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Correct the value for the property in the request body and "
-         "resubmit the request if the operation failed."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 2> args{arg1, arg2};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::propertyValueFormatError,
+        args);
 void propertyValueFormatError(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1,
@@ -537,17 +468,9 @@
 nlohmann::json propertyValueNotInList(const std::string& arg1,
                                       const std::string& arg2)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.PropertyValueNotInList"},
-        {"Message", "The value " + arg1 + " for the property " + arg2 +
-                        " is not in the list of acceptable values."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, arg2}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "Choose a value from the enumeration list that "
-                       "the implementation "
-                       "can support and resubmit the request if the "
-                       "operation failed."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 2> args{arg1, arg2};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::propertyValueNotInList, args);
 void propertyValueNotInList(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1,
@@ -566,16 +489,11 @@
 nlohmann::json resourceAtUriInUnknownFormat(const boost::urls::url_view& arg1)
-    std::string url(, arg1.size());
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ResourceAtUriInUnknownFormat"},
-        {"Message", "The resource at " + url +
-                        " is in a format not recognized by the service."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {url}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution", "Place an image or resource or file that is "
-                       "recognized by the service at the URI."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 1> args{
+        std::string_view{, arg1.size()}};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::resourceAtUriInUnknownFormat,
+        args);
 void resourceAtUriInUnknownFormat(crow::Response& res,
@@ -594,15 +512,9 @@
 nlohmann::json serviceDisabled(const std::string& arg1)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.11.0.ServiceDisabled"},
-        {"Message", "The operation failed because the service at " + arg1 +
-                        " is disabled and cannot accept requests."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "Enable the service and resubmit the request if the "
-                       "operation failed."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 1> args{arg1};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::serviceDisabled,
+                  args);
 void serviceDisabled(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1)
@@ -620,16 +532,8 @@
 nlohmann::json serviceInUnknownState(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ServiceInUnknownState"},
-        {"Message",
-         "The operation failed because the service is in an unknown state "
-         "and can no longer take incoming requests."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution", "Restart the service and resubmit the request if "
-                       "the operation failed."}};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::serviceInUnknownState, {});
 void serviceInUnknownState(crow::Response& res)
@@ -647,18 +551,9 @@
 nlohmann::json eventSubscriptionLimitExceeded(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.EventSubscriptionLimitExceeded"},
-        {"Message",
-         "The event subscription failed due to the number of simultaneous "
-         "subscriptions exceeding the limit of the implementation."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Reduce the number of other subscriptions before trying to "
-         "establish the event subscription or increase the limit of "
-         "simultaneous subscriptions (if supported)."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::
+                      eventSubscriptionLimitExceeded,
+                  {});
 void eventSubscriptionLimitExceeded(crow::Response& res)
@@ -677,16 +572,9 @@
 nlohmann::json actionParameterMissing(const std::string& arg1,
                                       const std::string& arg2)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ActionParameterMissing"},
-        {"Message", "The action " + arg1 + " requires the parameter " + arg2 +
-                        " to be present in the request body."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, arg2}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Supply the action with the required parameter in the request "
-         "body when the request is resubmitted."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 2> args{arg1, arg2};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::actionParameterMissing, args);
 void actionParameterMissing(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1,
@@ -705,15 +593,10 @@
 nlohmann::json stringValueTooLong(const std::string& arg1, int arg2)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.StringValueTooLong"},
-        {"Message", "The string " + arg1 + " exceeds the length limit " +
-                        std::to_string(arg2) + "."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, std::to_string(arg2)}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Resubmit the request with an appropriate string length."}};
+    std::string arg2String = std::to_string(arg2);
+    std::array<std::string_view, 2> args{arg1, arg2String};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::stringValueTooLong,
+                  args);
 void stringValueTooLong(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1, int arg2)
@@ -731,13 +614,8 @@
 nlohmann::json sessionTerminated(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.SessionTerminated"},
-        {"Message", "The session was successfully terminated."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "OK"},
-        {"Resolution", "No resolution is required."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::sessionTerminated,
+                  {});
 void sessionTerminated(crow::Response& res)
@@ -755,13 +633,8 @@
 nlohmann::json subscriptionTerminated(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.SubscriptionTerminated"},
-        {"Message", "The event subscription has been terminated."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "OK"},
-        {"Resolution", "No resolution is required."}};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::subscriptionTerminated, {});
 void subscriptionTerminated(crow::Response& res)
@@ -780,17 +653,10 @@
 nlohmann::json resourceTypeIncompatible(const std::string& arg1,
                                         const std::string& arg2)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ResourceTypeIncompatible"},
-        {"Message", "The @odata.type of the request body " + arg1 +
-                        " is incompatible with the @odata.type of the "
-                        "resource which is " +
-                        arg2 + "."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, arg2}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution", "Resubmit the request with a payload compatible "
-                       "with the resource's schema."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 2> args{arg1, arg2};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::resourceTypeIncompatible,
+        args);
 void resourceTypeIncompatible(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1,
@@ -810,17 +676,10 @@
 nlohmann::json resetRequired(const boost::urls::url_view& arg1,
                              const std::string& arg2)
-    std::string url(, arg1.size());
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ResetRequired"},
-        {"Message", "In order to complete the operation, a component reset is "
-                    "required with the Reset action URI '" +
-                        url + "' and ResetType '" + arg2 + "'."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {url, arg2}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Perform the required Reset action on the specified component."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 2> args{
+        std::string_view(, arg1.size()), arg2};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::resetRequired,
+                  args);
 void resetRequired(crow::Response& res, const boost::urls::url_view& arg1,
@@ -839,15 +698,9 @@
 nlohmann::json chassisPowerStateOnRequired(const std::string& arg1)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ChassisPowerStateOnRequired"},
-        {"Message", "The Chassis with Id '" + arg1 +
-                        "' requires to be powered on to perform this request."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Power on the specified Chassis and resubmit the request."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 1> args{arg1};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::resetRequired,
+                  args);
 void chassisPowerStateOnRequired(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1)
@@ -865,16 +718,10 @@
 nlohmann::json chassisPowerStateOffRequired(const std::string& arg1)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ChassisPowerStateOffRequired"},
-        {"Message",
-         "The Chassis with Id '" + arg1 +
-             "' requires to be powered off to perform this request."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Power off the specified Chassis and resubmit the request."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 1> args{arg1};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::chassisPowerStateOffRequired,
+        args);
 void chassisPowerStateOffRequired(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1)
@@ -893,16 +740,9 @@
 nlohmann::json propertyValueConflict(const std::string& arg1,
                                      const std::string& arg2)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.PropertyValueConflict"},
-        {"Message", "The property '" + arg1 +
-                        "' could not be written because its value would "
-                        "conflict with the value of the '" +
-                        arg2 + "' property."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, arg2}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "No resolution is required."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 2> args{arg1, arg2};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::propertyValueConflict, args);
 void propertyValueConflict(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1,
@@ -922,16 +762,9 @@
 nlohmann::json propertyValueIncorrect(const std::string& arg1,
                                       const std::string& arg2)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.PropertyValueIncorrect"},
-        {"Message", "The property '" + arg1 +
-                        "' with the requested value of '" + arg2 +
-                        "' could not be written because the value does not "
-                        "meet the constraints of the implementation."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, arg2}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "No resolution is required."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 2> args{arg1, arg2};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::propertyValueIncorrect, args);
 void propertyValueIncorrect(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1,
@@ -950,16 +783,12 @@
 nlohmann::json resourceCreationConflict(const boost::urls::url_view& arg1)
-    std::string url(, arg1.size());
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ResourceCreationConflict"},
-        {"Message", "The resource could not be created.  The service has a "
-                    "resource at URI '" +
-                        url + "' that conflicts with the creation request."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {url}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "No resolution is required."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 1> args{
+        std::string_view(, arg1.size())};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::resourceCreationConflict,
+        args);
 void resourceCreationConflict(crow::Response& res,
@@ -978,14 +807,8 @@
 nlohmann::json maximumErrorsExceeded(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.MaximumErrorsExceeded"},
-        {"Message", "Too many errors have occurred to report them all."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Resolve other reported errors and retry the current operation."}};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::maximumErrorsExceeded, {});
 void maximumErrorsExceeded(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1003,14 +826,8 @@
 nlohmann::json preconditionFailed(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.PreconditionFailed"},
-        {"Message", "The ETag supplied did not match the ETag required to "
-                    "change this resource."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution", "Try the operation again using the appropriate ETag."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::preconditionFailed,
+                  {});
 void preconditionFailed(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1028,15 +845,8 @@
 nlohmann::json preconditionRequired(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.PreconditionRequired"},
-        {"Message", "A precondition header or annotation is required to change "
-                    "this resource."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution", "Try the operation again using an If-Match or "
-                       "If-None-Match header and appropriate ETag."}};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::preconditionRequired, {});
 void preconditionRequired(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1054,16 +864,8 @@
 nlohmann::json operationFailed(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.OperationFailed"},
-        {"Message",
-         "An error occurred internal to the service as part of the overall "
-         "request.  Partial results may have been returned."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "Resubmit the request.  If the problem persists, "
-                       "consider resetting the service or provider."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::operationFailed,
+                  {});
 void operationFailed(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1081,15 +883,8 @@
 nlohmann::json operationTimeout(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.OperationTimeout"},
-        {"Message", "A timeout internal to the service occured as part of the "
-                    "request.  Partial results may have been returned."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "Resubmit the request.  If the problem persists, "
-                       "consider resetting the service or provider."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::operationTimeout,
+                  {});
 void operationTimeout(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1109,17 +904,9 @@
 nlohmann::json propertyValueTypeError(const std::string& arg1,
                                       const std::string& arg2)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.PropertyValueTypeError"},
-        {"Message",
-         "The value " + arg1 + " for the property " + arg2 +
-             " is of a different type than the property can accept."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, arg2}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Correct the value for the property in the request body and "
-         "resubmit the request if the operation failed."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 2> args{arg1, arg2};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::propertyValueTypeError, args);
 void propertyValueTypeError(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1,
@@ -1131,7 +918,7 @@
  * @internal
- * @brief Formats ResourceNotFound message into JSON
+ * @brief Formats ResourceNotFound message into JSONd
  * See header file for more information
  * @endinternal
@@ -1139,15 +926,9 @@
 nlohmann::json resourceNotFound(const std::string& arg1,
                                 const std::string& arg2)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ResourceNotFound"},
-        {"Message", "The requested resource of type " + arg1 + " named " +
-                        arg2 + " was not found."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, arg2}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Provide a valid resource identifier and resubmit the request."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 2> args{arg1, arg2};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::resourceNotFound,
+                  args);
 void resourceNotFound(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1,
@@ -1166,18 +947,12 @@
 nlohmann::json couldNotEstablishConnection(const boost::urls::url_view& arg1)
-    std::string url(, arg1.size());
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.CouldNotEstablishConnection"},
-        {"Message",
-         "The service failed to establish a connection with the URI " + url +
-             "."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {url}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Ensure that the URI contains a valid and reachable node name, "
-         "protocol information and other URI components."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 1> args{
+        std::string_view(, arg1.size())};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::couldNotEstablishConnection,
+        args);
 void couldNotEstablishConnection(crow::Response& res,
@@ -1197,16 +972,9 @@
 nlohmann::json propertyNotWritable(const std::string& arg1)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.PropertyNotWritable"},
-        {"Message", "The property " + arg1 +
-                        " is a read only property and cannot be "
-                        "assigned a value."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "Remove the property from the request body and "
-                       "resubmit the request if the operation failed."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 1> args{arg1};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::propertyNotWritable,
+                  args);
 void propertyNotWritable(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1)
@@ -1225,17 +993,10 @@
 nlohmann::json queryParameterValueTypeError(const std::string& arg1,
                                             const std::string& arg2)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.QueryParameterValueTypeError"},
-        {"Message",
-         "The value " + arg1 + " for the query parameter " + arg2 +
-             " is of a different type than the parameter can accept."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, arg2}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Correct the value for the query parameter in the request and "
-         "resubmit the request if the operation failed."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 2> args{arg1, arg2};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::queryParameterValueTypeError,
+        args);
 void queryParameterValueTypeError(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1,
@@ -1255,15 +1016,8 @@
 nlohmann::json serviceShuttingDown(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ServiceShuttingDown"},
-        {"Message", "The operation failed because the service is shutting "
-                    "down and can no longer take incoming requests."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution", "When the service becomes available, resubmit the "
-                       "request if the operation failed."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::serviceShuttingDown,
+                  {});
 void serviceShuttingDown(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1282,18 +1036,10 @@
 nlohmann::json actionParameterDuplicate(const std::string& arg1,
                                         const std::string& arg2)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ActionParameterDuplicate"},
-        {"Message",
-         "The action " + arg1 +
-             " was submitted with more than one value for the parameter " +
-             arg2 + "."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, arg2}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Resubmit the action with only one instance of the parameter in "
-         "the request body if the operation failed."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 2> args{arg1, arg2};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::actionParameterDuplicate,
+        args);
 void actionParameterDuplicate(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1,
@@ -1313,15 +1059,10 @@
 nlohmann::json actionParameterNotSupported(const std::string& arg1,
                                            const std::string& arg2)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ActionParameterNotSupported"},
-        {"Message", "The parameter " + arg1 + " for the action " + arg2 +
-                        " is not supported on the target resource."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, arg2}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "Remove the parameter supplied and resubmit the "
-                       "request if the operation failed."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 2> args{arg1, arg2};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::actionParameterNotSupported,
+        args);
 void actionParameterNotSupported(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1,
@@ -1342,16 +1083,11 @@
 nlohmann::json sourceDoesNotSupportProtocol(const boost::urls::url_view& arg1,
                                             const std::string& arg2)
-    std::string url(, arg1.size());
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.SourceDoesNotSupportProtocol"},
-        {"Message", "The other end of the connection at " + url +
-                        " does not support the specified protocol " + arg2 +
-                        "."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {url, arg2}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution", "Change protocols or URIs. "}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 2> args{
+        std::string_view(, arg1.size()), arg2};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::sourceDoesNotSupportProtocol,
+        args);
 void sourceDoesNotSupportProtocol(crow::Response& res,
@@ -1372,12 +1108,7 @@
 nlohmann::json accountRemoved(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{{"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-                          {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.AccountRemoved"},
-                          {"Message", "The account was successfully removed."},
-                          {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-                          {"MessageSeverity", "OK"},
-                          {"Resolution", "No resolution is required."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::accountRemoved, {});
 void accountRemoved(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1395,16 +1126,9 @@
 nlohmann::json accessDenied(const boost::urls::url_view& arg1)
-    std::string url(, arg1.size());
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.AccessDenied"},
-        {"Message", "While attempting to establish a connection to " + url +
-                        ", the service denied access."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {url}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution", "Attempt to ensure that the URI is correct and that "
-                       "the service has the appropriate credentials."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 1> args{
+        std::string_view(, arg1.size())};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::accessDenied, args);
 void accessDenied(crow::Response& res, const boost::urls::url_view& arg1)
@@ -1422,14 +1146,8 @@
 nlohmann::json queryNotSupported(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.QueryNotSupported"},
-        {"Message", "Querying is not supported by the implementation."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "Remove the query parameters and resubmit the "
-                       "request if the operation failed."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::queryNotSupported,
+                  {});
 void queryNotSupported(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1447,16 +1165,9 @@
 nlohmann::json createLimitReachedForResource(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.CreateLimitReachedForResource"},
-        {"Message", "The create operation failed because the resource has "
-                    "reached the limit of possible resources."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Either delete resources and resubmit the request if the "
-         "operation failed or do not resubmit the request."}};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::createLimitReachedForResource,
+        {});
 void createLimitReachedForResource(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1474,14 +1185,7 @@
 nlohmann::json generalError(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{{"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-                          {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.GeneralError"},
-                          {"Message",
-                           "A general error has occurred. See Resolution for "
-                           "information on how to resolve the error."},
-                          {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-                          {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-                          {"Resolution", "None."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::generalError, {});
 void generalError(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1499,12 +1203,7 @@
 nlohmann::json success(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{{"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-                          {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.Success"},
-                          {"Message", "Successfully Completed Request"},
-                          {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-                          {"MessageSeverity", "OK"},
-                          {"Resolution", "None"}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::success, {});
 void success(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1523,13 +1222,7 @@
 nlohmann::json created(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.Created"},
-        {"Message", "The resource has been created successfully"},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "OK"},
-        {"Resolution", "None"}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::created, {});
 void created(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1547,15 +1240,7 @@
 nlohmann::json noOperation(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.NoOperation"},
-        {"Message", "The request body submitted contain no data to act "
-                    "upon and no changes to the resource took place."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Add properties in the JSON object and resubmit the request."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::noOperation, {});
 void noOperation(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1574,17 +1259,9 @@
 nlohmann::json propertyUnknown(const std::string& arg1)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.PropertyUnknown"},
-        {"Message", "The property " + arg1 +
-                        " is not in the list of valid properties for "
-                        "the resource."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "Remove the unknown property from the request "
-                       "body and resubmit "
-                       "the request if the operation failed."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 1> args{arg1};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::propertyUnknown,
+                  args);
 void propertyUnknown(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1)
@@ -1602,15 +1279,7 @@
 nlohmann::json noValidSession(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.NoValidSession"},
-        {"Message",
-         "There is no valid session established with the implementation."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Establish a session before attempting any operations."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::noValidSession, {});
 void noValidSession(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1628,16 +1297,10 @@
 nlohmann::json invalidObject(const boost::urls::url_view& arg1)
-    std::string url(, arg1.size());
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.InvalidObject"},
-        {"Message", "The object at " + url + " is invalid."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {url}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Either the object is malformed or the URI is not correct.  "
-         "Correct the condition and resubmit the request if it failed."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 1> args{
+        std::string_view(, arg1.size())};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::invalidObject,
+                  args);
 void invalidObject(crow::Response& res, const boost::urls::url_view& arg1)
@@ -1655,15 +1318,8 @@
 nlohmann::json resourceInStandby(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ResourceInStandby"},
-        {"Message", "The request could not be performed because the "
-                    "resource is in standby."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution", "Ensure that the resource is in the correct power "
-                       "state and resubmit the request."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::resourceInStandby,
+                  {});
 void resourceInStandby(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1683,18 +1339,10 @@
                                              const std::string& arg2,
                                              const std::string& arg3)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ActionParameterValueTypeError"},
-        {"Message",
-         "The value " + arg1 + " for the parameter " + arg2 +
-             " in the action " + arg3 +
-             " is of a different type than the parameter can accept."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, arg2, arg3}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Correct the value for the parameter in the request body and "
-         "resubmit the request if the operation failed."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 3> args{arg1, arg2, arg3};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::actionParameterValueTypeError,
+        args);
 void actionParameterValueTypeError(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1,
@@ -1715,17 +1363,8 @@
 nlohmann::json sessionLimitExceeded(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.SessionLimitExceeded"},
-        {"Message", "The session establishment failed due to the number of "
-                    "simultaneous sessions exceeding the limit of the "
-                    "implementation."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution", "Reduce the number of other sessions before trying "
-                       "to establish the session or increase the limit of "
-                       "simultaneous sessions (if supported)."}};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::sessionLimitExceeded, {});
 void sessionLimitExceeded(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1743,18 +1382,9 @@
 nlohmann::json actionNotSupported(const std::string& arg1)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ActionNotSupported"},
-        {"Message",
-         "The action " + arg1 + " is not supported by the resource."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "The action supplied cannot be resubmitted to the implementation. "
-         " Perhaps the action was invalid, the wrong resource was the "
-         "target or the implementation documentation may be of "
-         "assistance."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 1> args{arg1};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::actionNotSupported,
+                  args);
 void actionNotSupported(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1)
@@ -1772,15 +1402,9 @@
 nlohmann::json invalidIndex(int64_t arg1)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.InvalidIndex"},
-        {"Message", "The Index " + std::to_string(arg1) +
-                        " is not a valid offset into the array."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {std::to_string(arg1)}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "Verify the index value provided is within the "
-                       "bounds of the array."}};
+    std::string arg1Str = std::to_string(arg1);
+    std::array<std::string_view, 1> args{arg1Str};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::invalidIndex, args);
 void invalidIndex(crow::Response& res, int64_t arg1)
@@ -1798,15 +1422,7 @@
 nlohmann::json emptyJSON(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.EmptyJSON"},
-        {"Message", "The request body submitted contained an empty JSON "
-                    "object and the service is unable to process it."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Add properties in the JSON object and resubmit the request."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::emptyJSON, {});
 void emptyJSON(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1824,14 +1440,9 @@
 nlohmann::json queryNotSupportedOnResource(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.QueryNotSupportedOnResource"},
-        {"Message", "Querying is not supported on the requested resource."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "Remove the query parameters and resubmit the "
-                       "request if the operation failed."}};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::queryNotSupportedOnResource,
+        {});
 void queryNotSupportedOnResource(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1849,14 +1460,9 @@
 nlohmann::json queryNotSupportedOnOperation(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.QueryNotSupportedOnOperation"},
-        {"Message", "Querying is not supported with the requested operation."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "Remove the query parameters and resubmit the request "
-                       "if the operation failed."}};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::queryNotSupportedOnOperation,
+        {});
 void queryNotSupportedOnOperation(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1874,15 +1480,8 @@
 nlohmann::json queryCombinationInvalid(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.QueryCombinationInvalid"},
-        {"Message", "Two or more query parameters in the request cannot be "
-                    "used together."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "Remove one or more of the query parameters and "
-                       "resubmit the request if the operation failed."}};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::queryCombinationInvalid, {});
 void queryCombinationInvalid(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1900,17 +1499,8 @@
 nlohmann::json insufficientPrivilege(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.InsufficientPrivilege"},
-        {"Message", "There are insufficient privileges for the account or "
-                    "credentials associated with the current session to "
-                    "perform the requested operation."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Either abandon the operation or change the associated access "
-         "rights and resubmit the request if the operation failed."}};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::insufficientPrivilege, {});
 void insufficientPrivilege(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1929,14 +1519,9 @@
 nlohmann::json propertyValueModified(const std::string& arg1,
                                      const std::string& arg2)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.PropertyValueModified"},
-        {"Message", "The property " + arg1 + " was assigned the value " + arg2 +
-                        " due to modification by the service."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, arg2}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "No resolution is required."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 2> args{arg1, arg2};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::propertyValueModified, args);
 void propertyValueModified(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1,
@@ -1955,14 +1540,8 @@
 nlohmann::json accountNotModified(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.AccountNotModified"},
-        {"Message", "The account modification request failed."},
-        {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution", "The modification may have failed due to permission "
-                       "issues or issues with the request body."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::accountNotModified,
+                  {});
 void accountNotModified(crow::Response& res)
@@ -1981,17 +1560,10 @@
 nlohmann::json queryParameterValueFormatError(const std::string& arg1,
                                               const std::string& arg2)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.QueryParameterValueFormatError"},
-        {"Message",
-         "The value " + arg1 + " for the parameter " + arg2 +
-             " is of a different format than the parameter can accept."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, arg2}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Correct the value for the query parameter in the request and "
-         "resubmit the request if the operation failed."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 2> args{arg1, arg2};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::
+                      queryParameterValueFormatError,
+                  args);
 void queryParameterValueFormatError(crow::Response& res,
@@ -2013,18 +1585,9 @@
 nlohmann::json propertyMissing(const std::string& arg1)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.PropertyMissing"},
-        {"Message", "The property " + arg1 +
-                        " is a required property and must be included in "
-                        "the request."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Ensure that the property is in the request body and has a "
-         "valid "
-         "value and resubmit the request if the operation failed."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 1> args{arg1};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::propertyMissing,
+                  args);
 void propertyMissing(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1)
@@ -2042,16 +1605,9 @@
 nlohmann::json resourceExhaustion(const std::string& arg1)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.ResourceExhaustion"},
-        {"Message", "The resource " + arg1 +
-                        " was unable to satisfy the request due to "
-                        "unavailability of resources."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-        {"Resolution", "Ensure that the resources are available and "
-                       "resubmit the request."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 1> args{arg1};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::resourceExhaustion,
+                  args);
 void resourceExhaustion(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1)
@@ -2069,12 +1625,8 @@
 nlohmann::json accountModified(void)
-    return nlohmann::json{{"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-                          {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.AccountModified"},
-                          {"Message", "The account was successfully modified."},
-                          {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()},
-                          {"MessageSeverity", "OK"},
-                          {"Resolution", "No resolution is required."}};
+    return getLog(redfish::message_registries::base::Index::accountModified,
+                  {});
 void accountModified(crow::Response& res)
@@ -2094,18 +1646,10 @@
                                         const std::string& arg2,
                                         const std::string& arg3)
-    return nlohmann::json{
-        {"@odata.type", "#Message.v1_1_1.Message"},
-        {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.QueryParameterOutOfRange"},
-        {"Message", "The value " + arg1 + " for the query parameter " + arg2 +
-                        " is out of range " + arg3 + "."},
-        {"MessageArgs", {arg1, arg2, arg3}},
-        {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
-        {"Resolution",
-         "Reduce the value for the query parameter to a value that is "
-         "within range, such as a start or count value that is within "
-         "bounds of the number of resources in a collection or a page that "
-         "is within the range of valid pages."}};
+    std::array<std::string_view, 3> args{arg1, arg2, arg3};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::queryParameterOutOfRange,
+        args);
 void queryParameterOutOfRange(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1,
@@ -2116,6 +1660,15 @@
                           queryParameterOutOfRange(arg1, arg2, arg3));
+nlohmann::json passwordChangeRequired(const boost::urls::url_view& arg1)
+    std::array<std::string_view, 1> args{
+        std::string_view(, arg1.size())};
+    return getLog(
+        redfish::message_registries::base::Index::passwordChangeRequired, args);
  * @internal
  * @brief Formats PasswordChangeRequired message into JSON
@@ -2126,22 +1679,7 @@
 void passwordChangeRequired(crow::Response& res,
                             const boost::urls::url_view& arg1)
-    std::string url(, arg1.size());
-    messages::addMessageToJsonRoot(
-        res.jsonValue,
-        nlohmann::json{
-            {"@odata.type", "/redfish/v1/$metadata#Message.v1_5_0.Message"},
-            {"MessageId", "Base.1.8.1.PasswordChangeRequired"},
-            {"Message", "The password provided for this account must be "
-                        "changed before access is granted.  PATCH the "
-                        "'Password' property for this account located at "
-                        "the target URI '" +
-                            url + "' to complete this process."},
-            {"MessageArgs", {url}},
-            {"MessageSeverity", "Critical"},
-            {"Resolution", "Change the password for this account using "
-                           "a PATCH to the 'Password' property at the URI "
-                           "provided."}});
+    messages::addMessageToJsonRoot(res.jsonValue, passwordChangeRequired(arg1));
 void invalidUpload(crow::Response& res, const std::string& arg1,
@@ -2168,7 +1706,6 @@
         {"MessageSeverity", "Warning"},
         {"Resolution", "None."}};
 } // namespace messages
 } // namespace redfish