fw-inventory: Provide BiosVersion in system obj

Created a new fw_utils.hpp to reduce more indentation code in
systems.hpp and also as a base for some future refactoring for common
use cases to access firmware information.

- Verified RedfishServiceValidator.py shows no new errors
VERBO - ComputerSystem.v1_0_0.ComputerSystem:BiosVersion
VERBO -         value: IBM-witherspoon-OP9-v2.0.10-2.22 <class 'str'>
VERBO -         has Type: Edm.String Edm.String
VERBO -         is Optional
VERBO -         permission OData.Permission/Read
VERBO -         Success

- BiosVersion now correctly returned in data
$ curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET https://${BMC_IP}/redfish/v1/Systems/system
  "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#ComputerSystem.ComputerSystem",
  "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system",
  "@odata.type": "#ComputerSystem.v1_5_1.ComputerSystem",
  "Actions": {
    "#ComputerSystem.Reset": {
      "ResetType@Redfish.AllowableValues": [
      "target": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset"
  "BiosVersion": "IBM-witherspoon-OP9-v2.0.10-2.22",

Change-Id: I2d7792c724f88aa13bd7b40c0d7f70dd4aa1c807
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>
diff --git a/redfish-core/include/utils/fw_utils.hpp b/redfish-core/include/utils/fw_utils.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18773ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redfish-core/include/utils/fw_utils.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <async_resp.hpp>
+#include <string>
+namespace redfish
+namespace fw_util
+/* @brief String that indicates a bios firmware instance */
+constexpr const char *biosPurpose =
+    "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.Host";
+/* @brief String that indicates a BMC firmware instance */
+constexpr const char *bmcPurpose =
+    "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.BMC";
+ * @brief Put fw version of input type into async response json structure
+ *
+ * @param[i,o] aResp             Async response object
+ * @param[i]   fwVersionPurpose  Indicates what target to look for
+ * @param[i]   jsonIdxStr        Index in aResp->res.jsonValue to write fw ver
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+void getActiveFwVersion(std::shared_ptr<AsyncResp> aResp,
+                        const std::string &fwVersionPurpose,
+                        const std::string &jsonIdxStr)
+    // Get active FW images
+    crow::connections::systemBus->async_method_call(
+        [aResp, fwVersionPurpose,
+         jsonIdxStr](const boost::system::error_code ec,
+                     const std::variant<std::vector<std::string>> &resp) {
+            if (ec)
+            {
+                BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR << "error_code = " << ec;
+                BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR << "error msg = " << ec.message();
+                messages::internalError(aResp->res);
+                return;
+            }
+            const std::vector<std::string> *functionalFw =
+                std::get_if<std::vector<std::string>>(&resp);
+            if ((functionalFw == nullptr) || (functionalFw->size() == 0))
+            {
+                BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR << "Zero functional software in system";
+                messages::internalError(aResp->res);
+                return;
+            }
+            // example functionalFw:
+            // v as 2 "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/ace821ef"
+            //        "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/230fb078"
+            for (auto &fw : *functionalFw)
+            {
+                // if can't parse fw id then return
+                std::string::size_type idPos = fw.rfind("/");
+                if (idPos == std::string::npos)
+                {
+                    messages::internalError(aResp->res);
+                    BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Can't parse firmware ID!!";
+                    return;
+                }
+                idPos++;
+                if (idPos >= fw.size())
+                {
+                    messages::internalError(aResp->res);
+                    BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Invalid firmware ID";
+                    return;
+                }
+                std::string swId = fw.substr(idPos);
+                // Now find service that hosts it
+                crow::connections::systemBus->async_method_call(
+                    [aResp, fw, swId, fwVersionPurpose, jsonIdxStr](
+                        const boost::system::error_code ec,
+                        const std::vector<std::pair<
+                            std::string, std::vector<std::string>>> &objInfo) {
+                        if (ec)
+                        {
+                            BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "error_code = " << ec;
+                            BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "error msg = " << ec.message();
+                            messages::internalError(aResp->res);
+                            return;
+                        }
+                        // Example objInfo
+                        // a{sas} 1 "org.open_power.Software.Host.Updater" 10
+                        // "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"
+                        // "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer"
+                        // "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
+                        // "org.openbmc.Associations"
+                        // "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.FilePath"
+                        // "xyz.openbmc_project.Object.Delete"
+                        // "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation"
+                        // "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.ExtendedVersion"
+                        // "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.RedundancyPriority"
+                        // "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version"
+                        // Ensure we only got one service back
+                        if (objInfo.size() != 1)
+                        {
+                            BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR << "Invalid Object Size "
+                                             << objInfo.size();
+                            messages::internalError(aResp->res);
+                            return;
+                        }
+                        // Now grab its version info
+                        crow::connections::systemBus->async_method_call(
+                            [aResp, swId, fwVersionPurpose, jsonIdxStr](
+                                const boost::system::error_code ec,
+                                const boost::container::flat_map<
+                                    std::string, VariantType> &propertiesList) {
+                                if (ec)
+                                {
+                                    BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR << "error_code = " << ec;
+                                    BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR << "error msg = "
+                                                     << ec.message();
+                                    messages::internalError(aResp->res);
+                                    return;
+                                }
+                                // example propertiesList
+                                // a{sv} 2 "Version" s
+                                // "IBM-witherspoon-OP9-v2.0.10-2.22" "Purpose"
+                                // s
+                                // "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version.VersionPurpose.Host"
+                                boost::container::flat_map<
+                                    std::string, VariantType>::const_iterator
+                                    it = propertiesList.find("Purpose");
+                                if (it == propertiesList.end())
+                                {
+                                    BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG
+                                        << "Can't find property \"Purpose\"!";
+                                    messages::internalError(aResp->res);
+                                    return;
+                                }
+                                const std::string *swInvPurpose =
+                                    std::get_if<std::string>(&it->second);
+                                if (swInvPurpose == nullptr)
+                                {
+                                    BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "wrong types for "
+                                                        "property \"Purpose\"!";
+                                    messages::internalError(aResp->res);
+                                    return;
+                                }
+                                if (*swInvPurpose != fwVersionPurpose)
+                                {
+                                    // Not purpose we're looking for
+                                    return;
+                                }
+                                it = propertiesList.find("Version");
+                                if (it == propertiesList.end())
+                                {
+                                    BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG
+                                        << "Can't find property \"Version\"!";
+                                    messages::internalError(aResp->res);
+                                    return;
+                                }
+                                const std::string *version =
+                                    std::get_if<std::string>(&it->second);
+                                if (version == nullptr)
+                                {
+                                    BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG
+                                        << "Error getting fw version";
+                                    messages::internalError(aResp->res);
+                                    return;
+                                }
+                                aResp->res.jsonValue[jsonIdxStr] = *version;
+                            },
+                            objInfo[0].first, fw,
+                            "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "GetAll",
+                            "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version");
+                    },
+                    "xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper",
+                    "/xyz/openbmc_project/object_mapper",
+                    "xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper", "GetObject", fw,
+                    std::array<const char *, 1>{
+                        "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation"});
+            }
+        },
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper",
+        "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/functional",
+        "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Get",
+        "xyz.openbmc_project.Association", "endpoints");
+    return;
+} // namespace fw_util
+} // namespace redfish
diff --git a/redfish-core/lib/systems.hpp b/redfish-core/lib/systems.hpp
index 255c094..236767c 100644
--- a/redfish-core/lib/systems.hpp
+++ b/redfish-core/lib/systems.hpp
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>
 #include <node.hpp>
+#include <utils/fw_utils.hpp>
 #include <utils/json_utils.hpp>
 #include <variant>
@@ -192,19 +193,6 @@
                                              &property : properties)
-                                        if (property.first == "BIOSVer")
-                                        {
-                                            const std::string *value =
-                                                sdbusplus::message::variant_ns::
-                                                    get_if<std::string>(
-                                                        &property.second);
-                                            if (value != nullptr)
-                                            {
-                                                aResp->res
-                                                    .jsonValue["BiosVersion"] =
-                                                    *value;
-                                            }
-                                        }
                                         if (property.first == "UUID")
                                             const std::string *value =
@@ -277,6 +265,10 @@
                                     aResp->res.jsonValue["Name"] = "system";
                                     aResp->res.jsonValue["Id"] =
+                                    // Grab the bios version
+                                    fw_util::getActiveFwVersion(
+                                        aResp, fw_util::biosPurpose,
+                                        "BiosVersion");
                                 connection.first, path,
                                 "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "GetAll",