Port to meson

Similar to ports done elsewhere, port this repo to meson.

Change-Id: I8be9f36b55eb52d085958919cd6c853b46b93674
Signed-off-by: Ed Tanous <edtanous@google.com>
3 files changed
tree: 92d274c36009684ebb5807c6b6b592b1d344ac46
  1. .shellcheck
  2. .travis.yml
  3. bootstrap.sh
  4. btbridged.c
  5. btbridged.service
  6. configure.ac
  8. Makefile.am
  9. meson.build
  10. org.openbmc.HostIpmi.conf
  11. OWNERS
  12. README.md

To Build

To build this package, do the following steps:

    1. meson setup build
    2. meson compile -C build