dbus-sensors: utils: Utility to get device bus & addr from dev name.
This is applicable to all the services which rely on "bus-addr" fmt.
1. FanSensor
2. HwmonTempSensor
3. IntelCPUSensor
4. PSUSensor
In addition this would also fix Fansensor Daemon crashes due to
stoi() exceptions weren't caught earlier.
For example: In a FanSensor Daemon -
Device of f0103000.pwm-fan-controller would be classified as i2cfan
based on new way of defining fan type.
Hence when we parse string for bus-addr, bus=f0103000.pwm and
addr=fan-controller for which stoi() would crash.
This would be true for all non I2c devices defaulting to I2cFan type.
Solution is to use 'std::from_chars' which handles under/overflow
properly. Centralizing this now in Utils would also allow us to manage
this appropriatelty across various services.
Tested sanity of all daemons in the system and they work as expected.
Change-Id: I546e967abae7c0fb9fca645867e3037046037647
Signed-off-by: Akshit Shah <shahakshit@google.com>
diff --git a/src/PSUSensorMain.cpp b/src/PSUSensorMain.cpp
index aceb094..ab439b8 100644
--- a/src/PSUSensorMain.cpp
+++ b/src/PSUSensorMain.cpp
@@ -368,27 +368,10 @@
devType = DevTypes::IIO;
- auto findHyphen = deviceName.find('-');
- if (findHyphen == std::string::npos)
- {
- std::cerr << "found bad device" << deviceName << "\n";
- continue;
- }
- std::string busStr = deviceName.substr(0, findHyphen);
- std::string addrStr = deviceName.substr(findHyphen + 1);
size_t bus = 0;
size_t addr = 0;
- try
+ if (!getDeviceBusAddr(deviceName, bus, addr))
- bus = std::stoi(busStr);
- addr = std::stoi(addrStr, nullptr, 16);
- }
- catch (const std::invalid_argument&)
- {
- std::cerr << "Error parsing bus " << busStr << " addr " << addrStr
- << "\n";