meson: Order dependencies as an approximate in-order tree traversal

meson appears to not be terribly fancy about resolving dependency
constraints. Dependencies appear to be evaluated in their order of
declaration, as an in-order tree traversal. This ordering is problematic
for escalating version constraints.

As a concrete example, we currently declare `dependency('sdbusplus')`
before `dependency('boost')`. sdbusplus itself depends on boost, without
a version constraint. If boost is available on the build system then
this is selected. However, dbus-sensors' boost dependency may have a
version constraint of e.g. >=1.83.0. In this arrangement we hit the the
following error:

sdbusplus| Run-time dependency Boost found: YES 1.81.0 (/usr/include)
Dependency boost found: NO found 1.81.0 but need: '>=1.83.0' (cached) ERROR: Dependency 'boost' is required but not found.

Declare (common) dependencies as an approximate in-order traversal to
avoid conflicts.

Change-Id: I0277061f3ac36361495183018293a61163d70a36
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <>
diff --git a/ b/
index fe7be9e..454f8b4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -33,24 +33,15 @@
     language: 'cpp',
-gpiodcxx = dependency(
-    'libgpiodcxx',
-    default_options: ['bindings=cxx'],
+threads = dependency('threads')
 # i2c-tools doesn't ship a pkg-config file for libi2c
 i2c = meson.get_compiler('cpp').find_library('i2c')
-sdbusplus = dependency('sdbusplus', include_type: 'system')
-phosphor_logging_dep = dependency('phosphor-logging')
-nlohmann_json_dep = dependency('nlohmann_json', include_type: 'system')
-threads = dependency('threads')
-boost = dependency('boost', version: '>=1.79.0', include_type: 'system')
 uring = dependency('liburing', include_type: 'system')
+nlohmann_json_dep = dependency('nlohmann_json', include_type: 'system')
+gpiodcxx = dependency('libgpiodcxx', default_options: ['bindings=cxx'])
+boost = dependency('boost', version: '>=1.79.0', include_type: 'system')
+sdbusplus = dependency('sdbusplus', include_type: 'system')
+phosphor_logging_dep = dependency('phosphor-logging')
 default_deps = [