design: Add multi-host support in ipmid and ipmbbridged

Multi host design proposal for ipmi commands handling

Signed-off-by: Velumani Thangavel <>
Change-Id: I99ca26d94f5f33d1af6c02820a915c9202df8901
diff --git a/designs/ b/designs/
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index 0000000..ee43d19
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+# Multi-host IPMI design
+  Velumani T(velu),  [velumanit@hcl](
+  Kumar T(kumar_t), [](
+Primary assignee:
+Other contributors:
+ June 26, 2020
+## Problem Description
+The current version of OpenBMC does not support multi-host implementation in
+IPMI commands handling. We have a multi-host system and proposing the design
+to support multi-host.
+As detailed below the hosts are connected in the IPMB interface, all host
+related communication is based on IPMB. The OpenBMC uses ipmbbridged to manage
+IPMB buses and the IPMB messages are routed to ipmid.
+Issue 1: ipmbridged does not send the channel number (ie HostId)
+Issue 2: ipmid does not have the information on which IPMB channel the request
+has come from. The ipmid handlers should have the host details to fetch the
+host specific responses.
+## Background and References
+IPMI and IPMB System architecture:
+ +------------------------------------+
+ |               BMC                  |
+ | +-----------+       +------------+ |      +--------+
+ | |           |       |            | | IPMB1|        |
+ | |           |       |            |-|------| Host-1 |
+ | |           |       |            | |      |        |
+ | |           |       |            | |      +--------+
+ | |           |       |            | |
+ | |           |       |            | |
+ | |           | D-Bus |            | |      +--------+
+ | | ipmid     |-------| ipmbbridged| | IPMB2|        |
+ | |           |       |            |-|------| Host-2 |
+ | |           |       |            | |      |        |
+ | |           |       |            | |      +--------+
+ | |           |       |            | |
+ | |           |       |            | |
+ | |           |       |            | |      +--------+
+ | |           |       |            | | IPMBn|        |
+ | |           |       |            |-|------| Host-N |
+ | |           |       |            | |      |        |
+ | +-----------+       +------------+ |      +--------+
+ +------------------------------------+
+Hosts are connected with IPMB interface, the hosts can be 1 to N. The IPMB
+request coming from the hosts are routed to ipmid by the ipmbbridged.
+The IPMB requests are routed from ipmid or any service by D-Bus interface and
+The outgoing IPMB requests are routed by ipmbbridged to IPMB interface.
+## Requirements
+The current version of OpenBMC does not support multi-host implementation in
+IPMI commands handling. We have a multi-host system and proposing the design
+to support multi-host.
+## Proposed Design
+To address issue1 and issue2, we propose the following design changes in
+ipmbbridged and ipmid.
+To address out-of-band IPMI command from the network,the proposal is captured
+in section "Changes in netipmid".
+Issue1: Changes in ipmbbridged:
+ipmbbridged to send the channel details from where the request is received.
+**Change: Sending Host detail as additional parameter**
+While routing the IPMB requests coming from the host channel, We will be
+adding new entry in the json config file for the host ID '"devIndex": 0'
+ipmbbridged will send '"devIndex": 0' as optional parameter(options) in D-Bus
+interface to ipmid.This can be used to get the information on which IPMB bus
+the message comes from.
+The json file looks like below. Each devIndex can have one "me" and "ipmb"
+channel.To ensure existing platforms does not get affected, if the "devIndex"
+key is not present in the file ipmbbridged uses default "devIndex" as 0.
+{ "type": "me",
+"slave-path": "/dev/ipmb-1",
+"bmc-addr": 32,
+"remote-addr": 64,
+"devIndex": 0
+{ "type": "ipmb",
+"slave-path": "/dev/ipmb-2",
+"bmc-addr": 32,
+"remote-addr": 64,
+"devIndex": 0
+{ "type": "me",
+"slave-path": "/dev/ipmb-3",
+"bmc-addr": 32,
+"remote-addr": 64,
+"devIndex": 1
+{ "type": "ipmb",
+"slave-path": "/dev/ipmb-4",
+"bmc-addr": 32,
+"remote-addr": 64,
+"devIndex": 1
+Issue2: Changes in ipmid:
+Receive the optional parameter sent by the ipmbbridged as host details, while
+receiving the parameter in the executionEntry method call the same will be
+passed to the command handlers in both common and oem handlers.The command
+handlers can make use of the host information to fetch host specific data.
+For example, host1 send a request to get boot order from BMC, BMC maintains
+data separately for each host. When this command comes to ipmid the commands
+handler gets the host in which the command received. The handler will fetch
+host1 boot order details and respond from the command handler. This is
+applicable for both common and oem handlers.
+Changes in netipmid:
+The "options" parameter can be used for sending the host information from
+netipmid. The changes proposed for ipmbbridged can be used in netipmid as well.
+The netipmid sends the "devIndex" on which channel the request comes from.
+There will not be any further changes required in ipmid.
+The netipmid can have multiple approaches to handle multi-host.Some of the
+approaches are listed down and but not limited to this list.
+1. Virtual Ethernet interfaces - One virtual interface per host.
+2. Different port numbers - Can have different port numbers for each host.
+3. VLAN Ids- VLAN IDs can be used to support multi host.
+The netipmid shall have a config file where in the interfaces can be configured
+for each host. Also one or more interfaces can be configured to each of the
+host. The interfaces can be virtual or physical.
+Below is the sample configuration file
+Example implementation of approach1:Virtual ethernet interface.
+|           BMC                              |
+| +--------+       +-----------+   +------+  |      +--------+
+| |        | D-Bus |           |   |      |  |      |        |
+| |        |-------| netipmid1 |---|veth1 |---------| Host-1 |
+| |        |       |           |   |      |  |      |        |
+| |        |       +-----------+   +------+  |      +--------+
+| |        |                                 |
+| |        |       +-----------+   +------+  |      +--------+
+| | ipmid  | D-Bus |           |   |      |  |      |        |
+| |        |-------| netipmid2 |---|veth2 |---------| Host-2 |
+| |        |       |           |   |      |  |      |        |
+| |        |       +-----------+   +------+  |      +--------+
+| |        |                                 |
+| |        |       +-----------+   +------+  |      +--------+
+| |        | D-Bus |           |   |      |  |      |        |
+| |        |-------| netipmidN |---|vethN |---------| Host-N |
+| |        |       |           |   |      |  |      |        |
+| +--------+       +-----------+   +------+  |      +--------+
+In the above diagram one instance of netipmid runs per host. Each instance
+is tied to one virtual ethernet interface, The virutal interface ID can be
+used to make a devIndex. This represents the HostId.
+## Alternatives Considered
+Approach1:ipmbbridged to send host-id in the payload
+The ipmbbridged shall be modified to send the host id in data payload. This
+looks to be a simple change but impacts the existing platforms which are already
+using it.This may not be a right approach.
+Approach2:Create multiple ipmid to handle multihost.One ipmid process per host.
+This is a multi service appoach,one instance of ipmid service shall be
+spawned to respond each host.The changes looks simple and no major design
+change from the existing design. But many common handlers will be running as
+duplicate in multiple instances.
+Approach3:Using a different IPMI channel for handling multiple host.
+Using a different IPMI channel for handling multiple hosts, in the ipmbbridged
+the channel id can be used to identify host. In this approach we will be having
+multiple instances of ipmbbridged and each instance will be registered with the
+a channel number.Maximum channel numbers are limited to 8 as per the
+specification.This limits the maximum hosts to be supported.
+## Impacts
+There may not be an impact in ipmid command handler functions.This design will
+not affect the current functionality.
+## Testing
+The proposed design can be tested in a platform in which the multiple hosts
+are connected.The commands requests are received from all the hosts and
+responses are host specific data.When the request coming from the host as IPMB
+command, ipmbbridged appends devIndex and ipmid receives the respective
+devIndex.ipmid responds based on the received devIndex(Host Id) and
+response reaches all the way to host.The data can be validated in host.