Add designs/ for ExternalSensor

This document explains ExternalSensor, a new sensor daemon,
to be added to the dbus-sensors package.

Signed-off-by: Josh Lehan <>
Change-Id: I07481ef87112b4329b361fa5dc7236a3bc90fdbd
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+# ExternalSensor in dbus-sensors
+Author: Josh Lehan[^1]
+Other contributors: Ed Tanous, Peter Lundgren, Alex Qiu
+Created: March 19, 2021
+## Introduction
+In OpenBMC, the _dbus-sensors_[^2] package contains a suite of sensor daemons.
+Each daemon monitors a particular type of sensor. This document provides
+rationale and motivation for adding _ExternalSensor_, another sensor daemon, and
+gives some example usages of it.
+## Motivation
+There are 10 existing sensor daemons in _dbus-sensors_. Why add another sensor
+*   Most of the existing sensor daemons are tied to one particular physical
+    quantity they are measuring, such as temperature, and are hardcoded as such.
+    An externally-updated sensor has no such limitation, and should be flexible
+    enough to measure any physical quantity currently supported by OpenBMC.
+*   Essentially all of the existing sensor daemons obtain the sensor values they
+    publish to D-Bus by reading from local hardware (typically by reading from
+    virtual files provided by the _hwmon_[^3] subsystem of the Linux kernel).
+    None of the daemons are currently designed with the intention of accepting
+    values pushed in from an external source. Although there is some debugging
+    functionality to add this feature to other sensor daemons[^25], it is not
+    the primary purpose for which they were designed.
+*   Even if the debugging functionality of an existing daemon were to be used,
+    the daemon would still need a valid configuration tied to recognized
+    hardware, as detected by _entity-manager_[^4], in order for the daemon to
+    properly initialize itself and participate in the OpenBMC software stack.
+*   For the same reason it is desirable for existing sensor daemons to detect
+    and properly indicate failures of their underlying hardware, it is desirable
+    for _ExternalSensor_ to detect and properly indicate loss of timely sensor
+    updates from their external source. This is a new feature, and does not
+    cleanly fit into the architecture of any existing sensor daemon, thus a new
+    daemon is the correct choice for this behavior.
+For these reasons, _ExternalSensor_ has been added[^5], as the eleventh sensor
+daemon in _dbus-sensors_.
+## Design
+After some discussion, a proof-of-concept _HostSensor_[^6] was published. This
+was a stub, but it revealed the minimal implementation that would still be
+capable of fully initializing and participating in the OpenBMC software stack.
+_ExternalSensor_ was formed by using this example _HostSensor_, and also one of
+the simplest existing sensor daemons, _HwmonTempSensor_[^7], as references to
+build upon.
+As written, after validating parameters during initialization, there is
+essentially no work for _ExternalSensor_ to do. The main loop is mostly idle,
+remaining blocked in the Boost ASIO[^8] library, handling D-Bus requests as they
+come in. This utilizes the functionality in the underlying _Sensor_[^9] class,
+which already contains the D-Bus hooks necessary to receive values from the
+external source.
+An example external source is the IPMI service[^10], receiving values from the
+host via the IPMI "Set Sensor Reading" command[^11]. _ExternalSensor_ is
+intended to be source-agnostic, so it does not matter if this is IPMI or
+Redfish[^12] or something else in the future, as long as they are received
+similarly over D-Bus.
+### Timeout
+The timeout feature is the primary feature which distinguishes _ExternalSensor_
+from other sensor daemons. Once an external source starts providing updates, the
+external source is expected to continue to provide timely updates. Each update
+will be properly published onto D-Bus, in the usual way done by all sensor
+daemons, as a floating-point value.
+A timer is used, the same Boost ASIO[^13] timer mechanism used by other sensor
+daemons to poll their hardware, but in this case, is used to manage how long it
+has been since the last known good external update. When the timer expires, the
+sensor value will be deemed stale, and will be replaced with floating-point
+quiet _NaN_[^14].
+### NaN
+The advantage of floating-point _NaN_ is that it is a drop-in replacement for
+the valid floating-point value of the sensor. A subtle difference of the earlier
+OpenBMC sensor "Value" schema change, from integer to floating-point, is that
+the field is essentially now nullable. Instead of having to arbitrarily choose
+an arbitrary integer value to indicate "not valid", such as -1 or 9999 or
+whatever, floating-point explicitly has _NaN_ to indicate this. So, there is no
+possibility of confusion that this will be mistaken for a valid sensor value, as
+_NaN_ is literally _not a number_, and thus can not be misparsed as a valid
+sensor reading. It thus saves having to add a second field to reliably indicate
+validity, which would break the existing schema[^15].
+An alternative to using _NaN_ for staleness indication would have been to use a
+timestamp, which would introduce the complication of having to parse and compare
+timestamps within OpenBMC, and all the subtle difficulties thereof[^16]. What's
+more, adding a second field might require a second D-Bus message to update, and
+D-Bus messages are computationally expensive[^17] and should be used sparingly.
+Periodic things like sensors, which send out regular updates, could easily lead
+to frequent D-Bus traffic and thus should be kept as minimal as practical. And
+finally, changing the Value schema would cause a large blast radius, both in
+design and in code, necessitating a large refactoring effort well beyond the
+scope of what is needed for _ExternalSensor_.
+### Configuration
+Configuring a sensor for use with _ExternalSensor_ should be done in the usual
+way[^18] that is done for use with other sensor daemons, namely, a JSON
+dictionary that is an element of the "Exposes" array within a JSON configuration
+file to be read by _entity-manager_. In that JSON dictionary, the valid names
+are listed below. All of these are mandatory parameters, unless mentioned as
+optional. For fields listed as "Numeric" below, this means that it can be either
+integer or valid floating-point.
+*   "Name": String. The sensor name, which this sensor will be known as. A
+    mandatory component of the `entity-manager` configuration, and the resulting
+    D-Bus object path.
+*   "Units": String. This parameter is unique to _ExternalSensor_. As
+    _ExternalSensor_ is not tied to any particular physical hardware, it can
+    measure any physical quantity supported by OpenBMC. This string will be
+    translated to another string via a lookup table[^19], and forms another
+    mandatory component of the D-Bus object path.
+*   "MinValue": Numeric. The minimum valid value for this sensor. Although not
+    used by _ExternalSensor_ directly, it is a valuable hint for services such
+    as IPMI, which need to know the minimum and maximum valid sensor values in
+    order to scale their reporting range accurately. As _ExternalSensor_ is not
+    tied to one particular physical quantity, there is no suitable default value
+    for minimum and maximum. Thus, unlike other sensor daemons where this
+    parameter is optional, in _ExternalSensor_ it is mandatory.
+*   "MaxValue": Numeric. The maximum valid value for this sensor. It is treated
+    similarly to "MinValue".
+*   "Timeout": Numeric. This parameter is unique to _ExternalSensor_. It is the
+    timeout value, in seconds. If this amount of time elapses with no new
+    updates received over D-Bus from the external source, this sensor will be
+    deemed stale. The value of this sensor will be replaced with floating-point
+    _NaN_, as described above. This field is optional. If not given, the timeout
+    feature will be disabled for this sensor (so it will never be deemed stale).
+*   "Type": String. Must be exactly "ExternalSensor". This string is used by
+    _ExternalSensor_ to obtain configuration information from _entity-manager_
+    during initialization. This string is what differentiates JSON stanzas
+    intended for _ExternalSensor_ versus JSON stanzas intended for other
+    _dbus-sensors_ sensor daemons.
+*   "Thresholds": JSON dictionary. This field is optional. It is passed through
+    to the main _Sensor_ class during initialization, similar to other sensor
+    daemons. Other than that, it is not used by _ExternalSensor_.
+*   "PowerState": String. This field is optional. Similarly to "Thresholds", it
+    is passed through to the main _Sensor_ class during initialization.
+Here is an example. The sensor created by this stanza will form this object
+path: /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/HostDevTemp
+        {
+            "Name": "HostDevTemp",
+            "Units": "DegreesC",
+            "MinValue": -16.0,
+            "MaxValue": 111.5,
+            "Timeout": 4.0,
+            "Type": "ExternalSensor"
+        },
+There can be multiple _ExternalSensor_ sensors in the configuration. There is no
+set limit on the number of sensors, except what is supported by a service such
+as IPMI.
+## Implementation
+As it stands now, _ExternalSensor_ is up and running[^20]. However, the timeout
+feature was originally implemented at the IPMI layer. Upon further
+investigation, it was found that IPMI was the wrong place for this feature, and
+that it should be moved within _ExternalSensor_ itself[^21]. It was originally
+thought that the timeout feature would be a useful enhancement available to all
+IPMI sensors, however, expected usage of almost all external sensor updates is a
+one-shot adjustment (for example, somebody wishes to change a voltage regulator
+setting, or fan speed setting). In this case, the timeout feature would not only
+not be necessary, it would get in the way and require additional coding[^22] to
+compensate for the unexpected _NaN_ value. Only sensors intended for use with
+_ExternalSensor_ are expected to receive continuous periodic updates from an
+external source, so it makes sense to move this timeout feature into
+_ExternalSensor_. This change also has the advantage of making _ExternalSensor_
+not dependent on IPMI as the only source of external updates.
+A challenge of generalizing the timeout feature into _ExternalSensor_, however,
+was that the existing _Sensor_ base class did not currently allow its existing
+D-Bus setter hook to be customized. This feature was straightforward to
+add[^23]. One limitation was that the existing _Sensor_ class, by design,
+dropped updates that duplicated the existing sensor value. For use with
+_ExternalSensor_, we want to recognize all updates received, even duplicates, as
+they are important to pet the watchdog, to avoid inadvertently triggering the
+timeout feature. However, it is still important to avoid needlessly sending the
+D-Bus _PropertiesChanged_ event for duplicate readings.
+The timeout value was originally a compiled-in constant. If _ExternalSensor_ is
+to succeed as a general-purpose tool, this must be configurable. It was
+straightforward to add another configurable parameter[^24] to accept this
+timeout value, as shown in "Parameters" above.
+The hardest task of all, however, was getting it accepted upstream. If you are
+reading this, then most likely, it was successful!
+## Footnotes