designs: Add psu firmware update design doc

This doc introduces the proposed design for PSU firmware update.

Change-Id: I84b8fef4d4ffb225d05f866645b8536d5982d572
Signed-off-by: Lei YU <>
diff --git a/designs/ b/designs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c204e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/designs/
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+# PSU firmware update
+   Lei YU <> <LeiYU>
+Primary assignee:
+   None
+Other contributors:
+   Su Xiao <>
+   Derek Howard <>
+   2019-06-03
+## Problem Description
+There is no support in OpenBMC to update the firmware for PSUs.
+## Background and References
+In OpenBMC, there is an existing interface for [software update][1].
+The update process consists of:
+1. Uploading an image to the BMC;
+2. Processing the image to check the version and purpose of the image;
+3. Verifying and activating the image.
+Currently, BMC and BIOS firmware update are supported:
+* [phosphor-bmc-code-mgmt][2] implements BMC code update, and it supports all
+  the above 3 processes.
+* [openpower-pnor-code-mgmt][3] implements BIOS code update, and it only
+  implements "verifying and activating" the image. It shares the function of
+  the above 1 & 2 processes.
+* Both of the above use the same [Software DBus interface][1].
+For PSU firmware update, it is preferred to re-use the same function for the
+above 1 & 2.
+## Requirements
+The PSU firmware shall be updated in the below cases:
+1. The user manually invokes the APIs to do the update;
+2. After BMC code update and if there is a newer PSU image in the BMC's
+   filesystem, BMC shall update the PSU firmware;
+3. When a PSU is replaced and the version is older than the one in BMC's
+   filesystem, BMC shall update the PSU firmware.
+4. There are cases that a system could use different models of PSUs, and thus
+   different PSU firmware images need to be supported.
+For some PSUs, it is risky to do PSU code update while the host is running to
+avoid power loss. This shall be handled by PSU vendor-specific tools, but not
+in the generic framework.
+Note: The "vendor-specific" referred below is the PSU vendor-specific.
+So the below checks are optional and expected to be handled by vendor-specific
+1. If the host is powered off;
+2. If the redundant PSUs are all connected;
+3. If the AC input and DC standby output is OK on all the PSUs;
+## Proposed Design
+As described in the above requirements, there are different cases where the
+PSU firmware is updated:
+* When the APIs are invoked;
+* When a new version is updated together with BMC code update;
+* When a PSU is replaced with an old version of the firmware.
+### Update by API
+This method is usually used by users who manually update PSU firmware.
+It will re-use the current interfaces to upload, verify, and activate the
+1. The "Version" interface needs to be extended:
+   * Add a new [VersionPurpose][4] for PSU;
+   * Re-use the existing `ExtendedVersion` as an additional string for
+     vendor-specific purpose, e.g. to indicate the PSU model.
+2. Re-use the existing functions implemented by [phosphor-bmc-code-mgmt][2] for
+   uploading and processing the image.
+   * The PSU update image shall be a tarball that consists of a MANIFEST,
+     images, and signatures.
+   * When the PSU image is uploaded and processed, a `VersionObject` shall be
+     created to indicate the version and its purpose.
+3. There will be a new service that implements the [Activation][5] interface to
+   update the PSU firmware.
+   * The service will be started by default when BMC starts;
+   * On start, the service will check the PSU's existing firmware and create
+     the `Version` and `Activation` interfaces.
+   * The service shall watch the interface added on
+     `/xyz/openbmc_project/Software`.
+   * When a new object with PSU `VersionPurpose` is added, the service will
+     verify the signature of the image;
+   * The service shall check the `ExtendedVersion` to make sure the image
+     matches the PSU model.
+   * The service will have a configuration file to describe the PSU model and
+     its related vendor-specific tools.
+   * The service will find the matched vendor-specific tool to perform the code
+     update.
+     For example, if a vendor specific tool `foo` is configured in
+     `psu-update@foo.service` which executes `foo psu.bin`, the service will
+     find the `psu-update@foo.service` and start it by systemd, which performs
+     the update.
+   * When the PSU code update is completed, an informational event log shall be
+     created.
+   * When the PSU code update is completed, the image, MANIFEST, and optionally
+     the signature will be saved to a pre-defined directory in read-write
+     filesystem for future use, in case a new PSU with old firmware is plugged.
+4. The vendor-specific tool shall run all the checks it needs to be run, before
+   and after the PSU update, and return a status to the above service to
+   indicate the result.
+5. When the vendor-specific tool returns errors, the PSU update will be aborted
+   and an error event log shall be created.
+6. During the update, the service shall set the related sensors to
+   non-functional, and when the update is done, it shall set the related
+   sensors back to functional.
+### Update by new BMC image
+When BMC is updated and a new version of PSU firmware is included, it shall be
+updated to the PSU.
+This will be done by the same service described above.
+1. On start, the service will check the PSU image, model and version in its
+   filesystem, compare with the ones in PSU hardware and decide if PSU firmware
+   update shall be performed.
+2. There could be two places containing the PSU images:
+   * The pre-defined directory in read-only filesystem, which is part of BMC
+     image.
+   * The other pre-defined directory in read-write filesystem, which is the
+     location for the saved PSU images by API update.
+   Both places shall be checked and a newer version will be selected to compare
+   with the PSU hardware.
+3. If PSU update is needed, the service will find the matched vendor-specific
+   tool to perform the code update.
+4. The following process will be the same as [Update by API].
+### Update on replaced PSU
+When a PSU is replaced, and the firmware version is older than the one in BMC
+filesystem, it shall be updated.
+This will be done by the same service described above.
+1. On start, the service will subscribe to the PropertiesChanged signal to
+   the PSU object path to monitor the PSU presence status.
+   (Or maybe subscribe the InterfacesAdded/Removed signal?)
+2. When a PSU's presence status is changed from false to true (or the
+   InterfacesAdded event occurs), the service will check the new PSU's model,
+   firmware version to decide if the firmware needs to be updated.
+3. If yes, the service will find the matched vendor-specific tool to perform
+   the code update.
+4. The following process will be the same as [Update by API].
+## Alternatives Considered
+### General implementation
+The PSU firmware update could be implemented by separated recipes that only
+call vendor-specific tools.
+It will be a bit simpler but loses the unified interface provided by OpenBMC's
+existing [software update interface][1], and thus it will become difficult to
+use a standard API to the PSU firmware update.
+### VersionPurpose
+It is possible to re-use the `VersionPurpose.Other` to represent the PSU
+image's version purpose.
+But that requires additional information about the image, otherwise, there is
+no way to tell if the image is for PSU, or CPLD, or other peripherals.
+A new `VersionPurpose.PSU` is more specific and makes it easier to implement
+and friendly for the user.
+### Additional string
+The design proposal uses `ExtendedVersion` as the additional string for
+vendor-specific purpose, e.g. to indicate the PSU model, so the implementation
+could check and compare if the image matches the PSU model.
+It is possible to make it optional or remove this additional string, then the
+implementation will not verify if the image matches the PSU. It could be OK if
+we trust the user who is uploading the correct image, especially the image
+shall be signed.
+But it is always risky in case the image does not match the PSU, and cause
+unintended damage if the incorrect PSU firmware is updated.
+## Impacts
+This design only introduces a new `VersionPurpose` enum into the dbus
+The newly introduced PSU firmware update service will be a new service that
+implements existing [Activation][5] interface.
+There will be new configuration files for the service to:
+* Link the vendor specific tool with PSU models.
+* Get the sensors related to the PSU.
+* etc.
+So the impacts are minimal to existing systems.
+## Testing
+It requires the manual tests to verify the PSU code update process.
+* Verify the PSU code update is done on all PSUs successfully;
+* Verify the PSU code update will fail if the vendor-specific tool fails on
+  pre-condition check, of fails on updating PSU.
+* Verify the PSU code update is performed after a new BMC image is updated
+  containing a new version of PSU firmware.
+* Verify the PSU code update is performed after a PSU with old firmware is
+  plugged in.