OpenBMC Design Template

This is a proposed design template for new OpenBMC features. It is
heavily influenced by the OpenStack, PEP and Google design

Change-Id: I80cd52873e2692a4ffed6589507c46b5d99f47fb
Signed-off-by: Kurt Taylor <>
diff --git a/designs/ b/designs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76cc0f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/designs/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+### Design Guidelines - *Delete this section*
+* Not all new features need a design document. If a feature can be
+  contributed in a single reasonably small patchset that has little impact
+  to any other areas, it doesn't need a design discussion and documentation.
+* The focus of the design is to define the problem we need to solve and how it
+  will be implemented.
+* This is not intended to be extensive documentation for a new feature.
+* You should get your design reviewed and merged before writing your code.
+  However you are free to prototype the implementation, but remember that
+  you may learn of new requirements during the design review process that
+  could result in a very different solution.
+* Your spec should be in Markdown format, like this template.
+* Please wrap text at 79 columns.
+* Please do not delete any of the sections in this template.  If you have
+  nothing to say for a whole section, just write: None
+* To view your .md file, see:
+* If you would like to provide a diagram with your spec, ASCII diagrams are
+  required. is a very nice tool to assist with making
+  ASCII diagrams.  Plain text will allow the review to proceed without
+  having to look at additional files which can not be viewed in Gerrit.  It
+  will also allow inline feedback on the diagram itself.
+### Example design - this is the design title
+  < Name and IRC nic >
+Primary assignee:
+  < Name and/or IRC nic or None >
+Other contributors:
+  < Name and/or IRC nic or None >
+  < Date initially created, revisions in will be tracked in Gerrit >
+#### Problem Description
+(1 paragraph) What are we doing and why? What problem are you trying to
+solve? What are the goals and NON-goals? Please make the objective
+understandable for someone unfamiliar with this project by including the
+necessary context, but keep it short. Elaborate on the details below in the
+Background and Requirements sections.
+#### Background and References
+(1-2 paragraphs) What background context is necessary? You should mention
+related work inside and outside of OpenBMC. What other Open Source projects
+are trying to solve similar problems? Try to use links or references to
+external sources (other docs or Wikipedia), rather than writing your own
+explanations. Please include document titles so they can be found when links
+go bad.  Include a glossary if necessary. Note: this is background; do not
+write about your design, specific requirements details, or ideas to solve
+problems here.
+#### Requirements
+(2-5 paragraphs) What are the constraints for the problem you are trying to
+solve? Who are the users of this solution? What is required to be produced?
+What is the scope of this effort? Your job here is to quickly educate others
+about the details you know about the problem space, so they can help review
+your implementation. Roughly estimate relevant details. How big is the data?
+What are the transaction rates? Bandwidth?
+#### Proposed Design
+(2-5 paragraphs) A short and sweet overview of your implementation ideas. If
+you have alternative solutions to a problem, list them concisely in a bullet
+list.  This should not contain every detail of your implementation, and do
+not include code. Use a diagram when necessary. Cover major structural
+elements in a very succinct manner. Which technologies will you use? What
+new components will you write? What technologies will you use to write them?
+#### Alternatives Considered
+(2 paragraphs) Include alternate design ideas here which you are leaning away
+from. Elaborate on why a design was considered and why the idea was rejected.
+Show that you did an extensive survey about the state of the art. Compares
+your proposal's features & limitations to existing or similar solutions.
+#### Impacts
+API impact? Security impact? Documentation impact? Performance impact?
+Developer impact? Upgradability impact?
+#### Testing
+How will this be tested? How will this feature impact CI testing?