design: System Power Mode and Idle Power Saver support

Signed-off-by: Chris Cain <>
Change-Id: Ibe705a00b34dc281db2da3011e383d8198f285fb
diff --git a/designs/ibm/ b/designs/ibm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e28f80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/designs/ibm/
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+# System Power Mode and Idle Power Saver Support
+Chris Cain
+Primary assignee:
+Chris Cain
+Other contributors:
+Martha Broyles
+## Problem Description
+Power management on POWER platforms needs assistance from the BMC for
+managing the system power mode and idle power save modes.
+We need the ability to set and query the system power mode and also
+the ability to control and set idle power save parameters.
+This design is only applicable to POWER processors.
+## Background and References
+Each POWER processor contains an embedded PowerPC 405 processor that is
+referred to as the On Chip Controller or OCC.  The OCC provides real time
+power and thermal monitoring and control.
+When a system is powered on, the OCCs will go to an Active state.
+Anytime the OCC state changes to active, the BMC will need to send a
+mode change and idle power saver (IPS) settings to the OCC.  It will also
+need to send the commands if the user changes the mode or idle power save
+## Requirements
+When a system is booted, the OCC will move to an ACTIVE state.  In the
+ACTIVE state, the OCC is managing the processor frequency, power consumption,
+and monitoring the systems thermal sensors.  For certain error conditions
+it may be necessary to reset the OCC.  When this happens, the OCC will move
+out of ACTIVE state.  After recovery, the OCC will be put back into the
+ACTIVE state.
+Anytime the OCC state changes to ACTIVE or the customer updates these new
+parameters at runtime, the BMC will need to send the mode and the idle
+power saver settings to the OCC.
+PowerMode was added to version 2021.1 Redfish Schema Supplement:
+Current Customer Settable System Power Modes that will be sent to the OCCs:
+ - Static
+ - Power Saver
+ - Maximum Performance
+A proposal for adding Idle Power Saving parameters was submitted to the
+Redfish committee and will be used if/when approved.
+Customer Settable Idle Power Save Parameters:
+ - Enabled / Disabled
+ - Enter Delay Time (in seconds)
+ - Enter Utilization threshold (percentage)
+ - Exit Delay Time (in seconds)
+ - Exit Utilization threshold (percentage)
+Defaults will need to be configurable by the system owner (via JSON file)
+## Proposed Design
+The new code would be part of the openpower-occ-control repository.
+New code will be triggered by the following:
+ - OCC poll response data showing a new state of Active (0x03)
+ - OCC Active sensor is enabled (may be covered in above bullet)
+ - Customer updates system power mode user interface or Redfish interface
+ - Customer updates idle power save setting or Redfish interface
+Code will need to trigger off of OCC state changes.  The kernel currently
+sends a POLL command to the OCC periodically (every second).  The OCC state
+is available in the OCC poll response data.
+When initiated, the new code will send a SET_MODE_AND_STATE command (0x20)
+to the OCC and a SET_CONFIG_DATA (0x21) command with the Idle Power
+Saver parameters.
+These commands are defined in the OCC Interface Spec:
+Default values will also be defined for Power Mode and Idle Power Saver
+parameters for the system.  If the customer has not yet set any of these
+paramters, these default values will be used.  If/when the customer does
+set any of these, that new customer parameter will become current and the
+default value will no longer be used.
+The customer requested PowerMode and Idle Power Saver parameters will
+be stored as D-Bus object in the phosphor-dbus-interfaces repository:
+  xyz/openbmc_project/Control/Power/Mode.interface.yaml
+Once set, these values will be retained across power cycles, AC loss,
+code updates, etc.
+## Alternatives Considered
+- Using hardcoded power mode and Idle Power Save parameters (no flexibility
+to control system power usage)
+## Impacts
+New interfaces that were described in the requirements section will be
+implemented.  Parameters should be able to be set via user interface or
+via Redfish.
+API impact - Add Redfish support fo new parameters as well as new user
+interface to allow customer to set power mode and idle power saver settings
+Security impact - update of these parameters should be able to be restricted
+to specific users/groups (may not want any user updating these parameters)
+Documentation impact - need to document new parameters
+Performance impact - minimal, new code will only execute on OCC state change
+which should normally happen once at boot time or when user changes parameters.
+The new code is only sending 2 additional commands which should complete
+within a few seconds.
+Developer impact - code to be written by OCC team with guidance from
+OpenBMC power managmenet team
+Upgradability impact - None
+## Testing
+This will be able to be tested by directly updating the power mode and
+idle power saver setting.
+This testing will be automated