Redfish SPDM Attestation Support

Author: Zhichuang Sun

Other contributors: Jerome Glisse, Ed Tanous

Created: June 27th, 2023 Last Updated: Oct 30th, 2023

Problem Description

Redfish added schema for ComponentIntegrity, which allows users to use SPDM or TPM to authenticate device identity, hardware configuration and firmware integrity. It would be useful to add SPDM attestation support in BMCWeb, which provides unified interface for device security attestation in data centers, and provide a generic implementation for the SPDM D-Bus Daemon.

This design focuses on SPDM.

Background and References

SPDM (Security Protocols and Data Models) is a spec published by DMTF. It is designed for secure attestation of devices. GitHub repo libspdm provides an open-source implementation of the SPDM protocol. Redfish Schema ComponentIntegrity adds support for doing SPDM-based device attestation over Redfish API.


This feature aims at supporting SPDM attestation through Redfish API and providing system administrators and operators an easy way to remotely verify the identity and integrity of devices.

This design includes:

  • New D-Bus interfaces for Redfish resources ComponentIntegrity and TrustedComponent.
  • BMCWeb changes for supporting the above Redfish resources.
  • Design for SPDM Attestation D-Bus Daemon, demonstrating how to fetch the attestation results over D-Bus.

Proposed Design

Attestation related D-Bus Interfaces

There are three type of information we will need from an attestation daemon on D-Bus:

  1. Basic information, like attestation protocol, enablement status, update timestamp, etc.
  2. Identity information, e.g., device identity certificates.
  3. Measurements information, e.g., measurements of the component firmware, hardware configuration, etc.

So far, phosphor-dbus-interfaces lacks interfaces defined for attestation purpose. Thus, we propose three new interfaces:

  • Attestation.ComponentIntegrity
  • Attestation.IdentityAuthentication
  • Attestation.MeasurementSet

Attestation.ComponentIntegrity provides basic component integrity information, including the protocol to measure the integrity, last updated time, attestation enablement status, etc. There are also associations proposed for this interface, including a link to the trusted component that the component integrity object is reporting, and a link to the systems that the component integrity object is protecting. Note, the "trusted component" in this doc refers to a trusted device, such as a TPM, an integrated Root of Trust (ROT).

Attestation.IdentityAuthentication provides identity verification information. Two associations are proposed to link it to the requester and the responder's certificates.

Attestation.MeasurementSet defines the dbus method to get SPDM measurements. It can be extended to measurements fetched using other protocol in the future.

The proposed Phosphor D-Bus Interfaces is here: component-integrity.

TrustedComponent related D-Bus Interfaces

We also propose to add one Inventory interface for TrustedComponent, namely Inventory.Item.TrustedComponent. TrustedComponent represents a trusted hardware component, typically known as Root of Trust(ROT). It can be an externally attached security chip, like a TPM, or a hardware IP integrated into a device. It can securely measure the integrity information of a device.

Inventory.Item.TrustedComponent interface defines the following properties

  • AttachmentType, which gives information on whether this trusted component is integrated into the device or is discrete from the device.

A TrustedComponent is typically associated with other hardware components which it is protecting. It should also be associated with the component integrity object reported by this TrustedComponent.

The proposed Phosphor D-Bus Interfaces for TrustedComponent is here: trusted-component.

SPDM Attestation D-Bus Daemon

Experimental support for SPDM exists for bmcweb, which adds routes in the BMCWeb for ComponentIntegrity and TrustedComponent to support it. But BMCWeb collects the information from D-Bus. The SPDM Attestation D-Bus Daemon does the actual work.

SPDM protocol needs to be bound to a transport layer protocol, which transmits SPDM messages between the BMC and the device. The transport layer protocol can be MCTP, PCIe-DOE, or even TCP socket. For MCTP, the lower physical layer can be PCI-VDM, SMBus/I2C, and so on. Note, libspdm already provides transport layer protocol binding with message encoding/decoding support. The device send/receive function is left for SPDM daemon to implement If the transport layer is using standard MCTP or PCIe-DOE, setting up the transport layer connection could be easy. In this design, we only consider SPDM over standard MCTP and PCIe-DOE connection.

For SPDM-over-MCTP, SPDM daemon can query the mctpd for information about MCTP endpoint, including the endpoint id(eid) and upper layer responder, and create a connection only for endpoint that has SPDM as its upper layer responder.

For SPDM-over-PCIe-DOE, SPDM daemon need the PCIe device BDF to handle DOE mailbox discovery. Given that not all PCIe devices support DOE support SPDM, we cannot query about whether a DOE capable device supports SPDM. Therefore, we need a way to pass the device info to the dameon. However, PCIe device BDF(Bus:Device:Function) info are dynamically assigned during system boot. The same device may get assigned different BDF on different machine. What the daemon needs should be the PCIe device ID, which is identified by VendorId:DeviceId. For the convenience of configuration, we should pass PCIe device ID to the daemon, so that the daemon can enumerate all the PCIe devices and find the matching devices by their device ID. There are different ways to pass PCIe device ID info to the dameon, e.g., configuration file, command line parameters.

For PCIe DOE devices, SPDM daemon can enumerage all PCI devices under sysfs and find out all BDFs with matching VendorId:DeviceId. SPDM daemon also needs to query InventoryManager to get all PCI device inventory paths. By querying InventoryManager managed objects and checking object interface xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.PCIeDevice, which has property FunctionXVendorId and FunctionXDeviceId (X represents numbers from 0 to 7), we can find all PCI device inventory paths with matching VendorId:DeviceId. So far, there is no universal way to map a given device's BDF to its inventory path. It is up to the vendor to do the association.

For MCTP devices detection, the community has been working on mctpreactor daemon in dbus-sensors to handle the configuration. The link to implementation is here, the related PR discussion is here. SPDM daemon will monitor mctpd for InterfacesAdded signals providing the xyz.openbmc_project.MCTP.Endpoint interface, which exposes the message types supported by the endpoint in the SupportedMessageTypes member. SPDM daemon set up a connection with the SPDM-capable endpoints to get certificates and measurements. For signals sent before SPDM daemon launches, SPDM daemon should query the mctpd for any detected endpoints after it gets launched.

Below is a high-level diagram showing the relationship between different components.

    +------+            +---------+
    |Client|            |Inventory|
    +--+---+            |Manager  |
       |                +---^-----+           +-------+
       |                    |                 |PCIe   |
    +--v---+            +---+---+------------>|Device |
    |BMCWeb+----------->|SPDM   |             +-------+
    +------+            |Daemon |
                            |                 |MCTP   |
                        +---v---+             |Device |
                        |mctpd  |             +-------+

A reference D-Bus Daemon workflow would be like this:

  1. (Probing phase) Entity Manager will parse the configuration file for trusted components; mctpd finish discovery of mctp endpoints. These are prerequisites for SPDM daemon.
  2. Check transport layer protocol. For MCTP, it queries mctpd to gather all eids that support SPDM; For PCIe-DOE, it performs DOE mailbox discovery with the PCIe device ID.
  3. For each endpoint, which could be MCTP or PCIe-DOE, SPDM daemon query Entity Manger for the matching trusted component configuration. It then creates and initializes the corresponding D-Bus object for TrustedComponent and ComponentIntegrity with device specific information.
  4. Create the associations between the above objects and associations with other objects, e.g., protected components, active software images;
  5. Set up a connection between the BMC and each SPDM-capable device;
  6. Initialize the SPDM context on top of the connection.
  7. Exchange SPDM messages to get device certificates.
  8. Create device certificate objects and create certificate associations for trusted component object and component integrity object.
  9. Wait on D-Bus and serve any runtime SPDMGetSignedMeasurements requests.

Device Certificate

In OpenBMC, there is a certificate manager, which allows users to install or replace server/client certificates. However, the existing certificates manager is designed for managing server/client certificates for HTTPS/LDAP services. It's not suitable for device certificates. Existing cert manager has several limitations:

  • Each manager can only manage one certificate.
  • Each manager assumes access to both the private key and the public key (e.g., for completing CSR request).

Device certificates have different requirements:

  • Device certificate manager manages several certificates for a group of devices, for example, four GPUs would have four certificates.
  • Device certificate does not assume private key access. It is used for identity authentication only. It does not provide CSR signing services. The private key should never leave the device Root of Trust(RoT) component.

For device certificates, we only need to create/replace certificate objects, no need for a global cert manager that "manages" the device certificates. SPDM D-Bus daemon can simply talk to the devices, get the certificates from them, and create D-Bus object for the certificates.

In Redfish, device certificates are under Chassis, and are accessible via /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Certificates/. Existing cert manager constructs cert path following the pattern "/xyz/openbmc_project/certs/{type}/{endpoint}". To comply with it, we propose to put device certificates under /xyz/openbmc_project/certs/chassis/{ChassisId}/{certsId}. So that for all device certificates on a chassis, we can find those certificates with its chassisId on D-Bus.

BMCWeb Support

In BMCWeb, we need to add routes handler for ComponentIntegrity, TrustedComponent and Certificates. The corresponding URI are specified as follows according to Redfish spec:

  • /redfish/v1/ComponentIntegrity/
  • /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/TrustedComponents/
  • /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Certificates/

On the D-Bus Daemon side, we propose that the dbus objects are organized in the following way:

  • /xyz/openbmc_project/ComponentIntegrity/{ComponentIntegrityId}
  • /xyz/openbmc_project/TrustedComponents/{TrustedComponentId}
  • /xyz/openbmc_project/certs/devices/{ChassisId}/{CertId}

In BMCWeb, we can reconstruct the following redfish URI by querying the associated Chassis from the trusted component:

  • /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/TrustedComponents/{TrustedComponentId}

Alternatives Considered

Alternative way to manage device certificates would be modifying existing phosphor-certificate-manager.

Device certificates management has two steps:

  • Step 1: fetch device certificate by exchange SPDM messages with device.
  • Step 2: create or update a dbus certificate object.

Step 1 can only be handled by the SPDM daemon. Step 2 is simple enough to be handled by the D-Bus daemon, too. It would be a over-kill to modify existing phosphor-certificate-manager for the sole purpose.


This change will:

  • Create a SPDM daemon that can do SPDM attestation for SPDM-capable devices over PCIe DOE or MCTP.
  • Add ComponentIntegrity and TrustedComponent related D-Bus interfaces in phosphor-dbus-interfaces.
  • Extend existing certificate service in BMCWeb.
  • Add SPDM support in BMCWeb with new routes.


This repository requires creating a new repository for the SPDM daemon. In addition, the following repositories are expected to be modified to execute this design:


Unit Test

For the BMCWeb changes, unit test can be done with the Redfish Service Validator.

For the SPDM Attestation D-Bus Daemon, unit tests should cover the following cases:

  • Set up a transport layer connection with the device.
  • SPDM connection setup, including get capabilities, negotiate algorithms.
  • Get device certificates from device and create D-Bus object.
  • SPDMGetSignedMeasurements method test.
  • Enumerate trusted component D-Bus objects and check properties and associations.
  • Enumerate component integraty D-Bus objects and check properties and associations.

Integration Test

BMCWeb/D-Bus Daemon integration test should cover the following type of requests:

  • Get a collection of ComponentIntegrity resources.
  • Get a collection of TrustedComponent resource.
  • Get properties of a ComponentIntegrity resources.
  • Get properties of a TrustedComponent resource.
  • Follow the resouces link to get the device certificates.
  • Call Action on the ComponentIntegrity resource to get measurements.