code-update: add design doc for revision to code update

This design doc is a revision to existing code update flow.

Change-Id: I84a5ae4b6501126a8318541156aeebe8b110416c
Signed-off-by: Jagpal Singh Gill <>
diff --git a/designs/ b/designs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8588800
--- /dev/null
+++ b/designs/
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+# Code Update Design
+Author: Jagpal Singh Gill <>
+Created: 4th August 2023
+## Problem Description
+This section covers the limitations discoverd with
+1. Current code update flow is complex as it involves 3 different daemons -
+   Image Manager, Image Updater and Update Service.
+2. Update invocation flow has no explicit interface but rather depends upon the
+   discovery of a new file in /tmp/images by Image Manager.
+3. Images POSTed via Redfish are downloaded by BMCWeb to /tmp/images which
+   requires write access to filesystem. This poses a security risk.
+4. Current design doesn't support parallel upgrades for different firmware
+   ([Issue](
+## Background and References
+- [phosphor-bmc-code-mgmt](
+- [Software DBus Interface](
+- [Code Update Design](
+## Requirements
+1. Able to start an update, given a firmware image and update settings.
+- Update settings shall be able to specify when to apply the image, for example
+  immediately or on device reset or on-demand.
+2. Able to retrieve the update progress and status.
+3. Able to produce an interface complaint with
+   [Redfish UpdateService](
+4. Unprivileged daemons with access to DBus should be able to accept and perform
+   a firmware update.
+5. Update request shall respond back immediately, so client can query the status
+   while update is in progress.
+6. All errors shall propagate back to the client.
+7. Able to support update for different type of hardware components such as
+   CPLD, NIC, BIOS, BIC, PCIe switches, etc.
+8. Design shall impose no restriction to choose any specific image format.
+9. Able to update multiple hardware components of same type running different
+   firmware images, for example, two instances of CPLDx residing on the board,
+   one performing functionX and other performing functionY and hence running
+   different firmware images.
+10. Able to update multiple components in parallel.
+11. Able to restrict critical system actions, such as reboot for entity under
+    update while the code update is in flight.
+## Proposed Design
+### Proposed End to End Flow
+participant CL as Client
+participant BMCW as BMCWeb
+participant CU as <deviceX>CodeUpdater<br> ServiceName: xyz.openbmc_project.Software.<deviceX>
+% Bootstrap Action for CodeUpdater
+note over CU: Get device access info from<br> /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/... path
+note over CU: VersionId = Version Read from <deviceX> + Salt
+CU ->> CU: Create Interface<br> xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Update<br> at /xyz/openbmc_project/Software/<deviceX>/<VersionId>
+CU ->> CU: Create Interface<br> xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version<br> at /xyz/openbmc_project/Software/<deviceX>/<VersionId>
+CU ->> CU: Create Interface<br>xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation<br> at /xyz/openbmc_project/Software/<deviceX>/<VersionId> <br> with Status = Active
+CU ->> CU: Create functional association <br> from Version to Inventory Item
+CL ->> BMCW: HTTP POST: /redfish/v1/UpdateService/update <br> (Image, settings, RedfishTargetURIArray)
+loop For every RedfishTargetURI
+  note over BMCW: Map RedfishTargetURI to<br> System Inventory Item
+  note over BMCW: Get object path (i.e. /xyz/openbmc_project/Software/<deviceX>/<VersionId>)<br>for associated Version interface to System Inventory Item
+  note over BMCW: Get serviceName corresponding to the object path <br>from mapper.
+  BMCW ->> CU: StartUpdate(Image, ApplyTime)
+  note over CU: Verify Image
+  break Image Verification FAILED
+      CU -->> BMCW: {NULL, Update.Error}
+      BMCW -->> CL: Return Error
+  end
+  note over CU: VersionId = Version from Image + Salt
+  note over CU: ObjectPath = /xyz/openbmc_project/Software/<deviceX>/<VersionId>
+  CU ->> CU: Create Interface<br> xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version<br> at ObjectPath
+  CU -->> BMCW: {ObjectPath, Success}
+  CU ->> CU: << Delegate Update for asynchronous processing >>
+  par BMCWeb Processing
+      BMCW ->> BMCW: Create Matcher<br>(PropertiesChanged,<br> xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation,<br> ObjectPath)
+      BMCW ->> BMCW: Create Matcher<br>(PropertiesChanged,<br> xyz.openbmc_project.Software.ActivationProgress,<br> ObjectPath)
+      BMCW ->> BMCW: Create Task<br> to handle matcher notifications
+      BMCW -->> CL: <TaskNum>
+      loop
+          BMCW --) BMCW: Process notifications<br> and update Task attributes
+          CL ->> BMCW: /redfish/v1/TaskMonitor/<TaskNum>
+          BMCW -->>CL: TaskStatus
+      end
+  and << Asynchronous Update in Progress >>
+      CU ->> CU: Create Interface<br>xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation<br> at ObjectPath with Status = Ready
+      CU ->> CU: Create Interface<br>xyz.openbmc_project.Software.ActivationProgress<br> at ObjectPath
+      CU ->> CU: Create Interface<br> xyz.openbmc_project.Software.ActivationBlocksTransition<br> at ObjectPath
+      note over CU: Start Update
+      loop
+          CU --) BMCW: Notify ActivationProgress.Progress change
+      end
+      note over CU: Finish Update
+      CU ->> CU: Activation.Status = Active
+      CU --) BMCW: Notify Activation.Status change
+      CU ->> CU: Delete Interface<br> xyz.openbmc_project.Software.ActivationBlocksTransition
+      CU ->> CU: Delete Interface<br> xyz.openbmc_project.Software.ActivationProgress
+      alt ApplyTime == Immediate
+          note over CU: Reset Device and<br> update functional association to System Inventory Item
+      else
+          note over CU: Create active association to System Inventory Item
+      end
+  end
+- Each upgradable hardware type may have a separate daemon (\<deviceX\> as per
+  above flow) handling its update process and would need to implement the
+  proposed interfaces in next section. This satisfies the
+  [Requirement# 6](#requirements).
+- Since, there would be single daemon handling the update (as compared to
+  three), less hand shaking would be involved and hence addresses the
+  [Issue# 1](#problem-description) and [Requirement# 4](#requirements).
+### Proposed D-Bus Interface
+The DBus Interface for code update will consist of following -
+| Interface Name                                                                                                                                                                                         | Existing/New |                               Purpose                               |
+| :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :----------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------: |
+| [xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Update](                                                                                           |     New      |                       Provides update method                        |
+| [xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version](                                       |   Existing   |                        Provides version info                        |
+| [xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation](                                 |   Existing   |                     Provides activation status                      |
+| [xyz.openbmc_project.Software.ActivationProgress](                 |   Existing   |               Provides activation progress percentage               |
+| [xyz.openbmc_project.Software.ActivationBlocksTransition]( |   Existing   | Signifies barrier for state transitions while update is in progress |
+| [xyz.openbmc_project.Software.RedundancyPriority](                 |   Existing   |     Provides the redundancy priority for the version interface      |
+Introduction of xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Update interface streamlines the
+update invocation flow and hence addresses the [Issue# 2](#problem-description)
+and [Requirement# 1 & 2](#requirements).
+#### Association
+`running` : A `running` association from xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item to
+xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version represents the current functional or
+running software version for the associated inventory item. The `ran_on` would
+be the corresponding reverse association.
+`activating` : An `activating` association from
+xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item to xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version
+represents the activated (but not yet run) software version for the associated
+inventory item. There could be more than one active versions for an inventory
+item, for example, in case of A/B redundancy models there are 2 associated
+flash-banks and xyz.openbmc_project.Software.RedundancyPriority interface
+defines the priority for each one.
+For A/B redundancy model with staging support, the
+xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation.Activations.Staged will help to define
+which software version is currently staged.
+The `activated_on` would be the corresponding reverse association.
+### Keep images in memory
+Images will be kept in memory and passed to \<deviceX>CodeUpdater using a file
+descriptor rather than file path. Implementation needs to monitor appropriate
+memory limits to prevent parallel updates from running BMC out of memory.
+### Propagate errors to client
+xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Update.StartUpdate return value will propagate any
+errors related to initial setup and image metadata/header parsing back to user.
+Any asynchronous errors which happen during the update process will be notified
+via failed activation status which maps to failed task associated with the
+update. Also, a phosphor-logging event will be created and sent back to client
+[Redfish Log Service](
+Another alternative could be to use
+[Redfish Event Services](
+### Firmware Image Format
+Image parsing will be performed in \<deviceX>CodeUpdater and since
+\<deviceX>CodeUpdater may be a device specific daemon, vendor may choose any
+image format for the firmware image. This fulfills the
+[Requirement# 7](#requirements).
+### Multi part Images
+A multi part image has multiple component images as part of one image package.
+PLDM image is one such example of multi part image format. Sometimes, for multi
+part devices there is no concrete physical firmware device but firmware device
+itself consists of multiple phsyical components, each of which may have its own
+component image. In such a scenario, \<deviceX>CodeUpdater can create a logical
+inventory item for the firmware device. While performing the firmware device
+update, the client may target the logical firmware device which further knows
+how to update the corresponding child components for supplied component images.
+The user can also update the specific component by providing the image package
+with component as head node. The \<deviceX>CodeUpdater can implement the
+required logic to verify if the supplied image is targeted for itself (and child
+components) or not.
+### Update multiple devices of same type
+- For same type devices, extend the Dbus path to specify device instance, for
+  example, /xyz/openbmc_project/Software/\<deviceX>/\<InstanceNum>/\<VersionId>.
+  All the corresponding interfaces can reside on this path and same path will be
+  returned from xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Update.StartUpdate.
+This fulfills the [Requirement# 9](#requirements).
+### Parallel Upgrade
+- Different type hardware components:
+  Upgrade for different type hardware components can be handled either by
+  different <deviceX>CodeUpdater daemons or by a single daemon for hardware
+  components with common features, for example, PLDMd may handle update for
+  devices using PLDM specification. Such updates can be invoked in parallel from
+  BMCWeb and tracked via different tasks.
+- Similar type hardware component:
+  BMCWeb will trigger xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Update.StartUpdate on
+  different D-Bus paths pertaining to each hardware instance. For more details
+  on D-Bus paths refer to
+  [Update multiple devices of same type](#update-multiple-devices-of-same-type).
+This fulfills the [Requirement# 9](#requirements).
+### Uninterrupted Updates
+`ActivationBlocksTransitions` interface will be created on the specific D-Bus
+path for a version update which will help to block any interruptions from
+critical system actions such as reboots. This interface can in turn start and
+stop services such as Boot Guard Service to prevent such interruptions.
+Moreover, when a device is being upgraded the sensor scanning for that device
+might need to be disabled. To achieve this, the sensor scanning flow can check
+for existence of `ActivationBlocksTransitions` interface on associated `Version`
+DBus path for the inventory item. If such interface exists, the sensor scanning
+for that device can be skipped by returning back relevant error (such as
+`EBUSY`) to the client. Another alternative is to check for existence of
+`ActivationBlocksTransitions` interface only if sensor scanning times out. This
+won't impact average case performance for sensor scanning but only the worst
+case scenario when device is busy, for example, due to update in progress.
+## Alternatives Considered
+### Centralized Design with Global Software Manager
+Single SoftwareManager which communicates with the BCMWeb, hosts all the
+interfaces such as Version, Activation, Progress for all hardware components
+within the system on different DBus paths. Software Manager keeps list of
+various hardware update services within the system and start them based on
+update request. These on-demand services update the hardware and interfaces
+hosted by Software Manager and exits.
+#### Pros
+- Most of the DBus interfaces gets implemented by Software Manager and vendors
+  would need to write minimal code to change properties for these interfaces
+  based on status and progress.
+- Under normal operating conditions (no update in flight), only Software Manager
+  will be running.
+#### Cons
+- Imposes the need of a common image format as Software Manager needs to parse
+  and verify the image for creating interfaces.
+- Limitation in the design, as there is a need to get the current running
+  version from the hardware at system bring up. So, Software Manager would need
+  to start each update daemon at system startup to get the running version.
+### Pull model for Status and Progress
+The proposed solution uses a push model where status and progress updates are
+asynchronously pushed to BMCWeb. Another alternative would be to use a pull
+model where Update interface can have get methods for status and progress (for
+example, getActivationStatus and getActivationProgress).
+#### Pros
+- Server doesn't have to maintain a Dbus matcher
+  ([Issue](
+- Easier implementation in Server as no asynchronous handlers would be required.
+#### Cons
+- Server would still need maintain some info so it can map client's task status
+  request to Dbus path for /xyz/openbmc_project/Software/<deviceX> for calling
+  getActivationStatus and getActivationProgress.
+- Aforementioned [issue]( is more
+  of an implementation problem which can be resolved through implementation
+  changes.
+- Currently, activation and progress interfaces are being used in
+  [lot of Servers](#organizational). In future, harmonizing the flow to single
+  one will involve changing the push to pull model in all those places. With the
+  current proposal, the only change will be in update invocation flow.
+## Impacts
+The introduction of new DBus API will temporarily create two invocation flows
+from Server. Servers (BMCWeb, IPMI, etc) can initially support both the code
+stacks. As all the code update daemons gets moved to the new flow, Servers would
+be changed to only support new API stack. No user-api impact as design adheres
+to Redfish UpdateService.
+## Organizational
+### Does this design require a new repository?
+Yes. There will be a device transport level repositories and multiple
+\<deviceX>CodeUpdater using similar transport layer can reside in same
+repository. For example, all devices using PMBus could have a common repository.
+### Who will be the initial maintainer(s) of this repository?
+Meta will propose repositories for following devices and `Jagpal Singh Gill` &
+`Patrick Williams` will be the maintainer for them.
+- VR Update
+- CPLD Update
+### Which repositories are expected to be modified to execute this design?
+Requires changes in following repositories to incorporate the new interface for
+update invocation -
+| Repository                                                                      | Modification Owner |
+| :------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :----------------- |
+| [phosphor-bmc-code-mgmt](     | Jagpal Singh Gill  |
+| [BMCWeb](                                     | Jagpal Singh Gill  |
+| [phosphor-host-ipmid](           | Jagpal Singh Gill  |
+| [pldm](                   | Jagpal Singh Gill  |
+| [openpower-pnor-code-mgmt]( | Adriana Kobylak    |
+| [openbmc-test-automation](   | Adriana Kobylak    |
+NOTE: For
+[phosphor-psu-code-mgmt]( code
+seems unused, so not tracking for change.
+## Testing
+### Unit Testing
+All the functional testing of the reference implementation will be performed
+using GTest.
+### Integration Testing
+The end to end integration testing involving Servers (for example BMCWeb) will
+be covered using openbmc-test-automation.