emmc-storage-design: Replace LVM with GPT Partitions

Update the design to address the lack of LVM support in U-Boot and lack
of offline mode to build an LVM disk image. Add details about volume
partitioning and filesystem layout.

Move the LVM information to the Alternatives section.

Signed-off-by: Adriana Kobylak <anoo@us.ibm.com>
Signed-off-by: Milton Miller <miltonm@us.ibm.com>
Change-Id: I3f17aedfaa2e3e1fc744dc56423e082ac19100e3
diff --git a/designs/emmc-storage-design.md b/designs/emmc-storage-design.md
index a18d70d..6091a0a 100644
--- a/designs/emmc-storage-design.md
+++ b/designs/emmc-storage-design.md
@@ -4,12 +4,13 @@
 Primary assignee: Adriana Kobylak
-Other contributors: Joel Stanley < shenki! >
+Other contributors: Joel Stanley < shenki! >,
+                    Milton Miller
 Created: 2019-06-20
 ## Problem Description
-Proposal to define the storage design for an eMMC device. This includes
+Proposal to define an initial storage design for an eMMC device. This includes
 filesystem type, partitioning, volume management, boot options and
 initialization, etc.
@@ -31,6 +32,54 @@
   the wheel.
 ## Proposed Design
+- The eMMC image layout and characteristics are specified in a meta layer. This
+  allows OpenBMC to support different layouts and configurations. The tarball to
+  perform a code update is still built by image_types_phosphor, so a separate
+  IMAGE_TYPES would need to be created to support a different filesystem type.
+- Code update: Support two versions on flash. This allows a known good image to
+  be retained and a new image to be validated.
+- GPT partitioning for the eMMC User Data Area: This is chosen over dynamic
+  partitioning due to the lack of offline tools to build an LVM image (see
+  Logical Volumes in the Alternatives section below).
+- Initramfs: An initramfs is needed to run sgdisk on first boot to move the
+  secondary GPT to the end of the device where it belongs, since the yocto wic
+  tool does not currently support building an image of a specified size and
+  therefore the generated image may not be exactly the size of the device that
+  is flashed into.
+- Read-only and read-write filesystem: ext4. This is a stable and widely used
+  filesystem for eMMC.
+- Filesystem layout: The root filesystem is hosted in a read-only volume. The
+  /var directory is mounted in a read-write volume that persists through code
+  updates. The /home directory needs to be writable to store user data such as
+  ssh keys, so it is a bind mount to a directory in the read-write volume. A
+  bind mount is more reliable than an overlay, and has been around longer. Since
+  there are no contents delivered by the image in the /home directory, a bind
+  mount can be used. On the other hand, the /etc directory has content delivered
+  by the image, so it is an overlayfs to have the ability to restore its
+  configuration content on a factory reset.
+        +------------------+ +-----------------------------+
+        | Read-only volume | | Read-write volume           |
+        |------------------| |-----------------------------|
+        |                  | |                             |
+        | / (rootfs)       | | /var                        |
+        |                  | |                             |
+        | /etc  +------------->/var/etc-work/  (overlayfs) |
+        |                  | |                             |
+        | /home +------------->/var/home-work/ (bind mount)|
+        |                  | |                             |
+        |                  | |                             |
+        +------------------+ +-----------------------------+
+- Provisioning: OpenBMC will produce as a build artifact a flashable eMMC image
+  as it currently does for NOR chips.
+## Alternatives Considered
 - Store U-Boot and the Linux kernel in a separate SPI NOR flash device, since
   SOCs such as the AST2500 do not support executing U-Boot from an eMMC. In
   addition, having the Linux kernel on the NOR saves from requiring U-Boot
@@ -48,77 +97,109 @@
   Selection of the desired kernel image would be done with the existing U-Boot
   environment approach.
+  Static MTD partitions could be created to store the kernel images, but
+  additional work would be required to introduce a new method to select the
+  desired kernel image, because the static layout does not currently have dual
+  image support.
   The AST2600 supports executing U-Boot from the eMMC, so that provides the
   flexibility of just having the eMMC chip on a system, or still have U-Boot in
   a separate chip for recovery in cases where the eMMC goes bad.
-- Filesystem: ext4. This is a stable and widely used filesystem for eMMC. See
-  the Alternatives section below for additional options.
-- Volume management: LVM. This allows for dynamic partition/removal, similar to
-  the current UBI implementation. LVM support increases the size of the kernel
-  by ~100kB, but the increase in size is worth the ability of being able to
-  resize the partition if needed. In addition, UBI volume management works in a
-  similar way, so it would not be complex to implement LVM management in the
-  code update application.
-- Partitioning: Model the full eMMC as a single device containing logical
-  volumes, instead of fixed-size partitions. This provides flexibility for cases
-  where the contents of a partition outgrow its size. This also means that other
-  firmware images, such as BIOS and PSU, would be stored in volume in the single
-  eMMC device.
-- Initramfs: Use an initramfs, which is the default in OpenBMC, to boot the
-  rootfs from a logical volume. An initramfs allows for flexibility if
-  additional boot actions are needed, such as mounting overlays. It also
-  provides a point of departure (environment) to provision and format the eMMC
-  volume(s). To boot the rootfs, the initramfs would search for the desired
-  rootfs volume to be mounted, instead of using the U-Boot environments. Exact
-  details on how the volumes will be named and how the initramfs would determine
-  which one to use are still being developed, and the proposal will be updated
-  for review once that is done.
-- Mount points: For firmware images such as BIOS that currently reside in
-  separate SPI NOR modules, the logical volume in the eMMC would be mounted in
-  the same paths as to prevent changes to the applications that rely on that
-  data.
-- Code update: Support multiple versions on flash, default to two like the
-  current UBI implementation.
-- Provisioning: The eMMC vendor would be provided with an OpenBMC image that can
-  be flashed into the eMMC. The image must have the BMC rootfs, and optionally
-  any additional partitions that the system owner decides to have. Then the
-  vendor would deliver the BMC cards with the eMMC already flashed to
-  manufacturing. At this stage, the system can be code updated to a newer
-  version of firmware. If a use case existed where systems with blank eMMCs
-  would be provided to developers for example, a method of flashing the eMMC
-  from the NOR could be developed, such as adding a rootfs to the NOR.
-  This provisioning is needed since, unlike a NOR chip, the eMMC cannot be
-  removed from the board and flashed by a standard flash programmer.
-## Alternatives Considered
 - Filesystem: f2fs (Flash-Friendly File System). The f2fs is an up-and-coming
   filesystem, and therefore it may be seen as less mature and stable than the
   ext4 filesystem, although it is unknown how any of the two would perform in an
-  OpenBMC environment. Plans are still in place to try it out to compare the two
-  for OpenBMC.
+  OpenBMC environment.
+  A suitable alternative would be btrfs, which has checksums for both metadata
+  and data in the filesystem, and therefore provides stronger guarantees on the
+  data integrity.
+- All Code update artifacts combined into a single image.
+  This provides simple code maintenance where an image is intact or not, and
+  works or not, with no additional fragments lying around. U-Boot has one choice
+  to make - which image to load, and one piece of information to forward to the
+  kernel.
+  To reduce boot time by limiting IO reading unneeded sectors into memory, a
+  small FS is placed at the beginning of the partition to contain any artifacts
+  that must be accessed by U-Boot.
+  This file system will be selected from ext2, FAT12, and cramfs, as these are
+  all supported in both the Linux kernel and U-Boot. (If we desire the U-Boot
+  environment to be per-side, then choose one of ext2 or FAT12 (squashfs support
+  has not been merged, it was last updated in 2018 -- two years ago).
 - No initramfs: It may be possible to boot the rootfs by passing the UUID of the
-  logical volume to the kernel, although a pre-init script[1] will likely still
+  logical volume to the kernel, although a [pre-init script][] will likely still
   be needed. Therefore, having an initramfs would offer a more standard
   implementation for initialization.
-- Static partitioning for the eMMC: This would avoid the kernel memory overhead
-  to cache the extents mapping the LVM volume where the rootfs resides, but this
-  is probably not significant. In addition, having static partitioning requires
-  committing to a fixed size, without the ability to be able to resize in the
-  future if more space is needed for that partition.
+- FAT MBR partitioning: FAT is a simple and well understood partition table
+  format. There is space for 4 independent partitions. Alternatively one slot
+  can be chained into extended partitions, but each partition in the chan
+  depends on the prior partition. Four partitions may be sufficient to meet the
+  initial demand for a shared (single) boot filesystem design (boot, rofs-a,
+  rofs-b, and read-write). Additional partitions would be needed for a dual boot
+  volume design.
-- Static partitioning for the NOR: Static MTD partitions could be created to
-  store the kernel images, but additional work would be required to introduce a
-  new method to select the desired kernel image, because the static layout does
-  not currently have dual image support.
+  If common space is needed for the U-Boot environment, is is redundantly stored
+  as file in partition 1. The U-Boot SPL will be located here. If this is not
+  needed, partition 1 can remain unallocated.
+  The two code sides are created in slots 2 and 3.
+  The read-write filesystem occupies partition 4.
+  If in the future there is demand for additional partitions, partition can be
+  moved into an extended partition in a future code update.
+- Device Mapper: The eMMC is divided using the device-mapper linear target,
+  which allows for the expansion of devices if necessary without having to
+  physically repartition since the device-mapper devices expose logical blocks.
+  This is achieved by changing the device-mapper configuration table entries
+  provided to the kernel to append unused physical blocks.
+- Logical Volumes:
+  - Volume management: LVM. This allows for dynamic partition/removal, similar
+    to the current UBI implementation. LVM support increases the size of the
+    kernel by ~100kB, but the increase in size is worth the ability of being
+    able to resize the partition if needed. In addition, UBI volume management
+    works in a similar way, so it would not be complex to implement LVM
+    management in the code update application.
+  - Partitioning: If the eMMC is used to store the boot loader, a ext4 (or vfat)
+    partition would hold the FIT image containing the kernel, initrd and device
+    tree. This volume would be mounted as /boot. This allows U-Boot to load the
+    kernel since it doesn't have support for LVM. After the boot partition,
+    assign the remaining eMMC flash as a single physical volume containing
+    logical volumes, instead of fixed-size partitions. This provides flexibility
+    for cases where the contents of a partition outgrow a fixed size. This also
+    means that other firmware images, such as BIOS and PSU, can be stored in
+    volumes in the single eMMC device.
+  - Initramfs: Use an initramfs, which is the default in OpenBMC, to boot the
+    rootfs from a logical volume. An initramfs allows for flexibility if
+    additional boot actions are needed, such as mounting overlays. It also
+    provides a point of departure (environment) to provision and format the eMMC
+    volume(s). To boot the rootfs, the initramfs would search for the desired
+    rootfs volume to be mounted, instead of using the U-Boot environments.
+  - Mount points: For firmware images such as BIOS that currently reside in
+    separate SPI NOR modules, the logical volume in the eMMC would be mounted in
+    the same paths as to prevent changes to the applications that rely on the
+    location of that data.
+  - Provisioning: Since the LVM userspace tools don't offer an offline
+    mode, it's not straightforward to assemble an LVM disk image from a bitbake
+    task. Therefore, have the initramfs create the LVM volume and fetch the
+    rootfs file into tmpfs from an external source to flash the volume. The
+    rootfs file can be fetched using DHCP, UART, USB key, etc. An alternative
+    option include to build the image from QEMU, this would require booting QEMU
+    as part of the build process to setup the LVM volume and create the image
+    file.
 ## Impacts
 This design would impact the OpenBMC build process and code update
@@ -135,4 +216,4 @@
 Verify OpenBMC functionality in a system containing an eMMC. This system could
 be added to the CI pool.
-[1]: https://github.com/openbmc/openbmc/blob/master/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/preinit-mounts/preinit-mounts/init
+[pre-init script]: https://github.com/openbmc/openbmc/blob/master/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/preinit-mounts/preinit-mounts/init