Updated PFR event log message entries.
Updated PFR event log message entries for
specific components.
Signed-off-by: AppaRao Puli <apparao.puli@linux.intel.com>
Change-Id: I129af7eed001232e32ea61991d8fe8c1662182f6
diff --git a/designs/redfish-resource-supplement-for-pfr.md b/designs/redfish-resource-supplement-for-pfr.md
index fd2c7be..43ed4fb 100644
--- a/designs/redfish-resource-supplement-for-pfr.md
+++ b/designs/redfish-resource-supplement-for-pfr.md
@@ -99,31 +99,90 @@
events can be found at document [Redfish logging in bmcweb
+Below type of events should be logged as part of PFR or provisioning. These
+redfish events are created for basic firmware components BIOS, BMC, CPLD and
+ME and must be extended whenever new firmware modules are supported under PFR.
+ 1) Platform Firmware Resiliency Errors:
+ This is used to log the platform firmware resiliency errors.
+ MessageID's:
+ - BIOSFirmwareResiliencyError
+ - BMCFirmwareResiliencyError
+ - CPLDFirmwareResiliencyError
+ - MEFirmwareResiliencyError
+ Severity: Critical
+ Below are some cases, where firmware resiliency error events logged
+ for specific components.
+ - Boot failure
+ - Update Failure
+ 2) Platform Firmware Panic reason:
+ This is used to log the reason for platform firmware panic.
+ MessageID's:
+ - BIOSFirmwarePanicReason
+ - BMCFirmwarePanicReason
+ - CPLDFirmwarePanicReason
+ - MEFirmwarePanicReason
+ Severity: Warning
+ Below are some cases, where these events can be logged.
+ - Boot time watchdog expired
+ - Firmware authentication failure
+ 3) Platform Firmware Recovery reasons:
+ This is used to log the reason for last platform firmware
+ component recovery.
+ MessageID's:
+ - BIOSFirmwareRecoveryReason
+ - BMCFirmwareRecoveryReason
+ - CPLDFirmwareRecoveryReason
+ - MEFirmwareRecoveryReason
+ Severity: Warning
+ Below are few cases, where these events can be logged.
+ - Launch failures
+ - Update failures
+ - Authentication failures
+Event logs associated with BMC component is specified here as example.
- "PlatformFirmwareError",
- {
- .description = "Indicates that the specific error occurred in "
- "platform firmware.",
- .message = "Error occurred in platform firmware. ErrorCode=%1",
- .severity = "Critical",
- .numberOfArgs = 1,
- .paramTypes = {"string"},
- .resolution = "None.",
- }},
- MessageEntry{
- "PlatformFirmwareEvent",
- {
- .description = "Indicates that the platform firmware events like "
- "panic or recovery occurred for the specified "
- "reason.",
- .message = "Platform firmware %1 event triggered due to %2.",
- .severity = "Critical",
- .numberOfArgs = 2,
- .paramTypes = {"string", "string"},
- .resolution = "None.",
- }},
+ MessageEntry{"BMCFirmwareResiliencyError",
+ {
+ "Indicates BMC firmware encountered resilience error",
+ "BMC firmware resiliency error. Error reason: %1.",
+ "Critical",
+ 1,
+ {
+ "string",
+ },
+ "None.",
+ }},
+ MessageEntry{"BMCFirmwarePanicReason",
+ {
+ "Indicates the reason for last BMC firmware panic.",
+ "BMC firmware panic occurred due to %1.",
+ "Warning",
+ 1,
+ {
+ "string",
+ },
+ "None.",
+ }},
+ MessageEntry{"BMCFirmwareRecoveryReason",
+ {
+ "Indicates the reason for last BMC firmware recovery.",
+ "BMC firmware recovery occurred due to %1.",
+ "Warning",
+ 1,
+ {
+ "string",
+ },
+ "None.",
+ }},