design: dynamic redfish authz

This commit proposes a design to implement a dynamic authorization
system for the Redfish interface, so that system managers can update
authorization behaviors without recompile and even service reset.

Signed-off-by: Nan Zhou <>
Change-Id: Icc6dadc1ad3230e34c7525a8b08efb6f7da52262
diff --git a/designs/ b/designs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d593c1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/designs/
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+# Dynamic Redfish Authorization
+Author: Nan Zhou (
+Created: 08/08/2022
+## Problem Description
+The Redfish authorization subsystem controls which authenticated users have
+access to resources and the type of access that users have.
+DMTF has already defined the authorization model and schemas. This design is to
+enhance the current implementation in BMCWeb Redfish interface so that OpenBMC
+systems exposes interfaces to change authorization behavior at runtime without
+Redfish service restart.
+## Background and References
+### Redfish Authorization Model
+The Redfish authorization model consists of the privilege model and the
+operation-to-privilege mapping.
+In the privilege model, there are fixed set of standard Redfish roles and each
+of them is assigned a fixed array of standard privileges (e.g., `Login`,
+`ConfigureManager`, etc). A service may define custom OEM roles (read-only). A
+service may even allow custom client-defined roles to be created, modified, and
+deleted via REST operations on `RoleCollection`.
+The operation-to-privilege mapping is defined for every resource type and
+applies to every resource the service implements for the applicable resource
+type. It is used to determine whether the identity privileges of an
+authenticated Redfish role are sufficient to complete the operation in the
+request. The Redfish Forum provides a Privilege Registry definition in its
+official registry collection as a base operation-to-privilege mapping. It also
+allows mapping overrides (Property override, Subordinate override, and Resource
+URI override) to customize mapping.
+For example, a peer who is an `Operator` that has both `Login`,
+`ConfigureComponents`, and `ConfigureSelf` privileges, is authorized to send a
+`GET` request to the `ChassisCollection`, since the `GET` operation on this
+resource only requires the `Login` privilege. On the other hand, the same peer
+gets denied access if they send a POST request to `CertificateService`, as the
+POST operation on certificates requires `ConfigureManager` privilege that the
+peer is missing.
+**Note**, in the Redfish spec, OEM roles can be added via POST to the
+`RoleCollection` in the `AccountService`; `PrivilegesUsed`,
+`OEMPrivilegesUsed`, and properties of `Mappings` are all read-only.
+### Phosphor-user-manager
+Phosphor-user-manager is an OpenBMC daemon that does user management.
+It exposes DBus APIs to dynamically add users, manage users' attributes (e.g.,
+group, privileges, status, and account policies). It has a hardcoded list of
+user groups (SSH, IPMI, Redfish, Web) and a hardcoded list of privileges
+("priv-admin", "priv-operator", "priv-user", "priv-noaccess"). These privileges
+are implemented as Linux secondary groups.
+It also integrates LDAP (supports either ActiveDirectory or OpenLDAP) for
+remote user management, where BMC acts as a LDAP client and uses nslcd to
+automatically convert Linux system calls to LDAP queries.
+### BMCWeb
+BMCWeb is an OpenBMC Daemon which implements the Redfish service (it implements
+other management interfaces as well besides Redfish).
+BMCWeb supports various "authentication" options, but under the hood, to verify
+the user is who they claim they are, there are two main authentication methods:
+1. PAM based: use Linux-PAM to do username/password style of authentication
+2. TLS based: use the Public Key infrastructure to verify signature of peer's
+certificates; then use identities (in X509 certificates, these are Common Name
+or Subject Alternative Name).
+After getting the peer's username, BMCWeb sends DBus queries to
+phosphor-user-manager to query the User's privileges and uses a hardcoded map
+to convert the privileges to Redfish roles. The hardcoded map is listed below:
+| Phosphor-user-manager privileges (implemented as groups) | BMCWeb Redfish Roles |
+| priv-admin                                               | Administrator        |
+| priv-operator                                            | Operator             |
+| priv-user                                                | ReadOnly             |
+| priv-noaccess                                            | NoAccess             |
+To map Redfish role to their assigned Redfish privileges, BMCWeb implements the
+following hardcoded map:
+| BMCWeb Redfish Roles | Assigned Redfish Privileges                                                            |
+| Administrator        | "Login", "ConfigureManager", "ConfigureUsers", "ConfigureSelf", "ConfigureComponents"} |
+| Operator             | "Login", "ConfigureSelf", "ConfigureComponents"                                        |
+| ReadOnly             | "Login", "ConfigureSelf"                                                               |
+| NoAccess             | NA                                                                                     |
+At compile time, BMCWeb assigns each operation of each entity a set of required
+Redfish Privileges. An authorization action is performed when a BMCWeb route
+callback is performed: check if the assigned Redfish Privileges is a superset
+of the required Redfish Privileges.
+In the following section, we refer a BMCWeb route as the handler of an
+operation of an given resource URI, which is what the BMCWEB_ROUTE macro has
+### Gaps
+As mentioned above, majority of the current Redfish authorization settings are
+configured at compile time including:
+1. the set of Phosphor-user-manager privileges
+2. the mapping from Phosphor-user-manager privileges to Redfish roles
+3. the set of Redfish roles
+4. the mapping from Redfish roles to Redfish Privileges
+5. the operation-to-privilege mapping
+However, modern systems has use cases where Redfish roles, Redfish privileges,
+and operation-to-privilege mapping needs to change when the system keeps
+running. E.g., a new micro-service is introduced and needs to talk to existing
+BMCs in the fleet, we need to propagate a configuration so that this new peer
+gets a proper Redfish role and is authorized to access certain resources
+without rolling out a new BMC firmware.
+Another gap is that current Redfish roles and operation-to-privilege mapping
+lead to a very coarse-grained access control, and doesn't implement the
+principle of least privilege. Though these configurations are defined by DMTF,
+it is explicitly called out in the standard that implementation implement their
+own OEM roles and privileges if "the standard privilege is overly broad".
+For systems which have requirement where a given user only has access to the
+resources it needs. For example, a micro-service responsible for remote power
+control can only send GET to Chassis and ComputerSystems, and POST to
+corresponding ResetActions. With the existing implementation, such
+micro-service has at least ConfigureComponents Redfish privilege, which leads
+to being able to patch an EthernetInterface resource.
+## Requirements
+BMCWeb implements a dynamic Redfish Authorization system:
+1. Clients shall be able to add new OEM Redfish privileges without recompile
+2. Clients shall be able to add new OEM Redfish roles and assign it with any
+existing Redfish privileges without recompile
+3. Clients shall be able to modify existing operation-to-privilege mappings
+without recompile
+4. Above changes on systems shall be atomic; that is, once changed, all new
+queries will use the latest configurations
+5. BMC shall perform sanity check on above modification; that is
+    * It rejects ill formatted modification
+    * It rejects modification of non-OEM privileges
+    * It rejects deletion of OEM Redfish roles if any user (either local or
+      remote) maps such roles
+    * It rejects deletion of OEM Redfish privileges if any OEM Redfish role is
+      assigned such privileges
+6. BMC shall persist all the above modifications and recover from crash
+7. Existing systems with the static authorization shall work as if this feature
+is not introduced, including non-Redfish routes (e.g., KVM websocket)
+8. Default OEM roles and Redfish privileges must be selectable on a per system
+basis at compile time; default Redfish PrivilegeRegistry must be settable on a
+per system basis at compile time
+9. The total storage used by this feature shall be limited; this is
+    * The total rwfs disk usage increase is less than 100 KB on systems with
+      the dynamic authorization feature enabled
+    * The runtime memory usage increase is less than 1 MB on systems with
+      the dynamic authorization feature enabled
+    * The binary size increase of modified daemons is less than 100 KB on all
+      systems
+10. BMC implements a complete privilege registry; that is
+    * It shall implement all overrides in the Redfish base Privilege registries
+   at compile time; it shall support configuring overrides at runtime but
+   implementation may begin with static configuring and reject runtime
+   modification
+    * BMC exposes PrivilegeRegistry which represents the current configuration
+   and reflects runtime changes
+    * Changes to resource entities shall be propagated to the current privilege
+   registries automatically
+11. New Redfish resource can be implemented without modifying custom
+    PrivilegeRegistry
+12. All the above shall be testable; CI must be capable of finding issues
+## Proposed Design
+### Mapping: Users, Redfish Roles, and Redfish Privileges
+As mentioned in the background section, existing Redfish roles are stored as
+Linux secondary groups with prefix "priv" (includes "priv-admin",
+"priv-operator", and "priv-user"). And a Linux user is in one of these groups
+representing that a user is a specific Redfish role. BMCWeb then uses a
+hardcoded table to map Redfish role to Redfish privileges.
+However, modeling roles only as static Linux secondary groups doesn't worked
+well with OEM Redfish Roles where a Redfish role maps to a dynamic set of OEM
+privileges: secondary group can't represent associations.
+To solve this, we propose the following solution:
+**Store Redfish Roles As Linux Users and Secondary Groups**
+We propose to store Redfish Roles as both Linux users and secondary groups.
+Storing as secondary groups is to associate users with Redfish roles. On the
+other hand, storing as users is to associate Redfish roles with Redfish
+privileges. See below section for these mappings.
+Users for Redfish roles won't be any predefined groups (web, redfish, ipmi). We
+can add extra attributes to distinguish them with real local and LDAP users.
+Users for Redfish roles won't have SSH permission as well.
+Redfish roles will have a fixed prefix "openbmc-rfr-". "rfr" refers to Redfish
+role. OEM redfish roles will get prefix "openbmc-orfr-". "orfr" refers to OEM
+Redfish role. For example, the base Redfish role "Administrator" will result in
+a Linux secondary group "openbmc-rfr-administrator" and a local user
+"openbmc-rfr-administrator". We can also make the vendor name ("openbmc")
+configurable at compile time. Using acronym is to save characters since Linux
+username has 31 characters limit.
+**Store Redfish Privileges as Secondary Groups**
+Redfish privileges will be stored as Linux secondary groups with a fixed prefix
+"openbmc-rfp". rfr" refers to Redfish privilege. OEM privileges will have fixed
+prefix "openbmc-orfp". "orfr" refers to OEM Redfish privilege.
+**Username to Redfish Role Mapping**
+Mapping a username to Redfish role becomes searching the group starting with
+"openbmc-rfr" that the user is in.
+**Redfish Role to Redfish Privileges Mapping**
+Mapping a Redfish Role to Redfish privileges becomes searching all the groups
+starting with "openbmc-rfp" or "openbmc-orfp" of the user.
+A user maps be in multiple linux secondary groups meaning they are assigned
+certain privileges; for example, user "PowerService" is in "openbmc-orfr-power"
+group meaning its Redfish role is "openbmc-orfr-power"; local user
+"openbmc-orfr-power" is in secondary groups "openbmc-rfp-configureself" and
+"openbmc-orfp-power" groups meaning "openbmc-orfr-power" is assigned to Redfish
+privileges "ConfigureSelf" and "OemPrivPower".
+The following diagram shows how assigned privileges of a power control service
+with identity (username in PAM, or CN/SAN in TLS) "power-service" is resolved.
+ +-----------------+
+ |  power service  |
+ |                 |
+ +--------|--------+
+          |
+          |
+ +-----------------+
+ |  authentication |
+ |   (PAM or TLS)  |
+ |      BMCWeb     |
+ +--------|--------+
+          |
+          |username:power-service
+          |
+ +-----------------+                        +-----------------+            +----------------------------+
+ |      BMCWeb     |DBus: privileges        |  phosphor-      |            |     Linux                  |
+ |                 ------------------------>|   user-manager  |            |user: power-service         |
+ |                 |<-----------------------|                 |            |group:                      |
+ |                 | privileges:            |                 <----------->|  openbmc-orfr-power        |
+ |                 |  Login, ConfigureSelf  |                 |            |                            |
+ |                 |  OemPrivPower          |                 |            |user: openbmc-orfr-power    |
+ +-----------------+                        +-----------------+            |group:                      |
+                                                                           |  openbmc-rfp-configureself |
+                                                                           |  openbmc-orfp-power        |
+                                                                           |  openbmc-rfp-login         |
+                                                                           +----------------------------+
+The above diagram works for LDAP users as well. A remote role or group can
+map to base Redfish roles or OEM Redfish roles via RemoteRoleMapping: an LDAP
+group maps to a single Redfish role stored as local users.
+We propose to extend the existing phosphor-user-manager:
+1. It returns AllPrivileges dynamically by looking up the current groups
+2. Phosphor-user-manager provides DBus APIs to query privileges of a given user
+The legacy groups (e.g., `priv-user`) still works as before. For example, a
+user in both `priv-user` and `openbmc-orfp-power` will have the following
+Redfish privileges: `Login`, `ConfigureSelf`, `OemPrivPower`.
+### Creation/Deletion: Users, Redfish Roles, and Redfish Privileges
+Base privileges and roles won't be allowed to change at runtime.
+#### OEM Redfish Privileges
+PATCH OEMPrivilegesUsed in PrivilegeRegistry creating/deleting OEM privileges
+to create or delete OEM Privileges at runtime.
+We propose to extend the existing phosphor-user-manager:
+1. Phosphor-user-manager provides DBus APIs to create/delete OEM Redfish
+   privileges; under the hood, it stores privileges as Linux groups, as today
+   how base Redfish roles are stored
+2. Phosphor-user-manager keeps a maximum number of Redfish privileges; we
+   propose 32 as the first iteration considering fast bit manipulation
+3. Phosphor-user-manager performs validation:
+   * Names of OEM Redfish privileges are unique and valid; e.g., start with
+     "openbmc-orfp-"
+   * Reject deletion of a privilege that's currently in use (assigned to any
+     Redfish roles that have a user associated with)
+Systems can also optionally add OEM Privileges at compile time via Yocto's
+GROUPADD_PARAM in the useradd class.
+#### OEM Redfish Roles
+POST on the RoleCollection in the AccountService to create an OEM role, with
+assigned Privileges in the AssignedPrivileges and OemPrivileges properties in
+the Role resource.
+DELETE on the specific Role in the RoleCollection to delete an OEM role.
+Predefined roles are not allowed to be deleted.
+We propose to extend the existing phosphor-user-manager:
+1. Phosphor-user-manager provides DBus APIs to create Redfish role
+2. Phosphor-user-manager keeps a maximum number of Redfish roles; we propose 32
+   as the first iteration considering fast bit manipulation
+3. Phosphor-user-manager performs validation:
+   * Names of OEM Redfish roles are unique and valid; e.g., start with
+     "openbmc-orfr-"
+   * Reject deletion of a RedfishRole that's currently in use (associated with
+     users)
+#### Users
+POST on the ManagerAccountCollection to create a user, with a RoleId to the
+assigned Redfish role.
+DELETE on the specific user in the ManagerAccountCollection to delete a user.
+Note: modification on ManagerAccountCollection need authorization as well. For
+example, a user with only "ConfigureSelf" permission is not allowed to delete
+other users.
+#### Typical Workflow
+In summary, a typical workflow to create a new local user with an new OEM
+Redfish role which is assigned a new set of OEM Redfish Privileges is mapped
+out below.
+         Root User                    BMCWeb                  Phosphor-User-Manager             Linux
+              |   PATCH PrivilegeRegistry |                              |                        |
+              |-------------------------->|   DBus: createGroup          |                        |
+              |   Add OemAddPowerService  |----------------------------->|     groupadd           |
+  Create      |                           |                              |----------------------->|
+  OemPrivilege|                           |            Okay              |<-----------------------|
+              |           Okay            |<-----------------------------|        Okay            |
+              |<--------------------------|                              |                        |
+              |                           |                              |                        |
+              |                           |                              |                        |
+              | POST RoleCollection       |                              |                        |
+              |-------------------------->|  DBus: createUser            |                        |
+              |                           |----------------------------->|  useradd + groupadd    |
+  Create      |                           |                              |----------------------->|
+  OemRole     |                           |            Okay              |<-----------------------|
+              |          Okay             |<-----------------------------|         Okay           |
+              |<--------------------------|                              |                        |
+              |                           |                              |                        |
+              |                           |                              |                        |
+              |POST                       |                              |                        |
+              | ManagerAccountCollection  |                              |                        |
+              |-------------------------->| DBus: createUser             |                        |
+              |                           |----------------------------->|       useradd          |
+  Create      |                           |                              |----------------------->|
+  User        |                           |                              |<-----------------------|
+              |                           |<-----------------------------|        Okay            |
+              |<--------------------------|            Okay              |                        |
+              |           Okay            |                              |                        |
+  Time        |                           |                              |                        |
+              v                           v                              v                        v
+### Non-Redfish Routes or OEM Resources
+We still keep the current `privileges` C++ API to add explicit Redfish
+privileges for non-redfish routes via `BMCWEB_ROUTE`.
+### Redfish Routes
+We propose to create a new macro `REDFISH_ROUTE` so existing `REDFISH_ROUTE`
+stay unchanged for non-redfish routes.
+For each `REDFISH_ROUTE`, instead of taking a privileges array (or reference to
+a privileges array), this design proposes to create the following extra C++
+1. `entity`: it takes a string representing the Resource name (the same
+definition as it in the PrivilegeRegistry); for example,
+"/redfish/v1/Managers/${ManagerId}/EthernetInterfaces/" will provide a string
+"EthernetInterfaceCollection" as the entity
+2. `subordinateTo`: it takes an array of string representing what resource this
+router is subordinate to (the same definition as it in the PrivilegeRegistry);
+for example, a route with URL
+"/redfish/v1/Managers/${ManagerId}/EthernetInterfaces/" will provide an array
+of {"Manager", "EthernetInterfaceCollection"} as the value of `subordinateTo`.
+Any Redfish route must provide these attributes. Non Redfish route shall not
+provide them, instead, they specify `privileges` directly. The values of these
+attributes can be generated from the schema at compile time. To guarantee this
+in C++ code, we can make them required parameters in constructors.
+See below for how we propose to get required Redfish privileges for a given
+method on a given resource by using the proposed `entity` & `subordinateTo`,
+the existing `methods`, and the URL from the request.
+See the alternatives section for how we can get rid of setting these attributes
+at manually.
+### Operation-to-Privilege Mapping Data Structure in Memory
+BMCWeb keeps a JSON like data structure in memory to represent the whole
+Operation-to-Privilege Mapping. For a given route with known entity name, HTTP
+method, and resource URL, the required set of privileges can be retrieved
+The operation to check if a user is authorized to perform a Redfish operation
+is still the existing bit-wise `isSupersetOf` between the required privileges
+of a given operation on a given resource and the assigned privileges of a role.
+### Generate Operation-to-Privilege Mapping Data Structure at Compile Time
+BMCWeb has requirements that it doesn't prefer to load a large file at service
+start time since it slows down the service, and whatever services rely on it.
+Thus, we propose to generate the data structure at compile time, it takes a
+PrivilegeRegistry JSON, and generate necessary headers and sources files to
+hold a variable that represent the whole Operation-to-Privilege Mapping. The
+input JSON can change across systems.
+This can be implemented as a customized Meson generator.
+We will delete the current static privileges header, but the generated header
+will increase the binary size. We shall limit the increase to <= 100KB. The
+size of `Redfish_1.3.0_PrivilegeRegistry.json` is about 275 KB; the minified
+version of it (no whitespace) is about 62 KB. When parsing this JSON and
+converting it to C++ codes, we shall not increase the binary size a lot
+otherwise we can just store the whole registry as a Nlohmann JSON object.
+### Operation-to-Privilege Mapping Overrides
+In routing codes, we can parse the Operation-to-Privilege Mapping Data
+Structure and look for SubordinateOverrides and ResourceURIOverrides, combine
+them with the attributes from route and request, and perform authorization.
+Most part of the Authorization codes run before resource handlers. However,
+PropertyOverrides for read operation can only be executed when response is
+ready since we need to inspect the response attributes. PropertyOverrides for
+write operator shall still run before the handler codes: the authorization code
+inspect the request payload and corresponding properties, and look them up in
+the Operation-to-Privilege Mapping in-memory Data Structure.
+A example execution flow for a read operation is mapped out below.
+    +---------------+
+    |   BMCWeb      | Get
+    |    routing    | /redfish/v1/Managers/${ManagerId}/EthernetInterfaces/
+    +-------|-------+
+            | Known information:
+            |  Request.URL
+            |  Request.method
+            |  Route.entity
+            |  Route.subordinateTo
+            |
++-----------------------+       +--------------------------------------------------------------+
+| Any                   |       |Operation-to-Privilege Mapping in-memory Data Structure       |
+| ResourceURIOverrides? <------>|                                                              |
+|                       |       |{                                                             |
++-----------|-----------+       |   "Entity": "EthernetInterface",                             |
+            |Updated            |   "OperationMap": {                                          |
+            |RequiredPrivileges |      "Get": [{                                               |
++-----------------------+       |         "Privilege": ["ConfigureComponents"]                 |
+| Any                   |       |      }]                                                      |
+| SubordinateOverrides? |<----->|   },                                                         |
+|                       |       |   "SubordinateOverrides": [{                                 |
++-----------------------+       |      "Targets": ["Manager", "EthernetInterfaceCollection"],  |
+            |Updated            |      "OperationMap": {                                       |
+            |RequiredPrivileges |         "Get": [{                                            |
+            v                   |            "Privilege": ["ConfigureManager"]                 |
++-----------------------+       |         }]                                                   |
+| Authorization         |       |      }                                                       |
++-----------|-----------+       |   }]                                                         |
+            |Okay               |}                                                             |
+            |Got Response       |                                                              |
+            |                   +--------------------------------------------------------------+
++-----------------------+                       ^
+| Any                   |                       |
+| PropertyOverrides?    |<----------------------+
+            |
+            |
+            v
+        Final Response
+The implementation may start with implementing just the overrides specified in
+DMTF's base PrivilegeRegistry at compile time and reject any PATCH on overrides
+### PrivilegeRegistry Resource
+BMCWeb will implement PrivilegeRegistry in a new route. The route will reflect
+the current PrivilegeRegistry in used including dynamic changes.
+With the proposed Dynamic Operation-to-Privilege Mapping Data Structure, and
+DBus APIs that phosphor-user-manager provides, the implementation is trivial:
+convert the JSON data structure into a JSON response.
+### PATCH on PrivilegeRegistry
+Though the Redfish spec declares PrivilegeRegistry to be read-only, this design
+still proposes implementing PATCH on PrivilegeRegistry: users can PATCH any
+attributes directly, e.g., patch the POST privilege array of OperationMap of
+Entity EthernetInterface so that users with "OemEthernetManager" can also send
+GET to EthernetInterface.
+    Entity": "EthernetInterface",
+    "OperationMap": {
+        "GET": [
+            {
+                "Privilege": [
+                    "Login"
+                ]
+            },
+            {
+                "Privilege": [
+                    "OemEthernetManager"
+                ]
+            }
+        ]
+    }
+The implementation might reject modification on certain attributes when
+corresponding implementation is not ready. E.g., it rejects modifying
+SubordinateOverrides when the service doesn't have SubordinateOverrides
+Changes against the base PrivilegeRegistry will be rejected, e.g., deleting
+ConfigureSelf from a OperationMap. This design is for OEMPrivileges and
+### Persistent Data
+OEM Redfish roles, Redfish privileges, and users are persisted by Linux. With a
+maximum number of roles and privileges being set, the total persistent data
+will be very small (around several KB).
+To minimize size of persistent data, we propose that BMCWeb only stores the
+serial of PATCH requests on the PrivilegeRegistry. This data can be stored in
+the existing `bmcweb_persistent_data.json`. When restart from crash or reset,
+BMCWeb will be able to execute the serial of PATCH requests to recover the
+PrivilegeRegistry. A change on existing `bmcweb_persistent_data.json` is that
+now BMCWeb will write changes to disk (commit) before it returns okay to
+clients' PATCH on PrivilegeRegistry. Given that operations on PrivilegeRegistry
+is much less often than other management and monitoring resources, writing a
+small piece of data to disk is acceptable.
+We can set a maximum number of PATCH requests that BMCWeb allows to limit the
+disk usage. Most upstream systems also have several MB of read-write partition
+configured. For example, `romulus` as of the design was written, 4194304 bytes
+for rwfs. We propose to start with allowing 1000 requests.
+Systems without enabling dynamic authorization feature won't have any new
+persistent data added.
+## Alternatives Considered
+### Infer Entity and SubordinateTo from URL
+We can infer the entity from the URL by building a Trie like data structure.
+However, it's not a big deal to hardcode an entity for a route, since entity
+and SubordinateTo never change at runtime.
+## Impacts
+1. New DBus interfaces on phosphor-user-manager
+2. New persistent data managed by BMCWeb will be added on BMCs
+3. Binary size will increase on BMCWeb
+4. Existing systems with the static authorization shall work as if this feature
+is not introduced
+## Organizational
+No new repository is required. Phosphor-user-manager and BMCWeb will be
+modified to implement the design.
+## Testing
+Existing tests shall still pass as if this feature is not introduced.
+New Robot Framework test can be added to test runtime modification of
+Test cases should include:
+1. verify base Redfish roles, privileges, and base operation-to-privilege
+   respect the Redfish spec when no runtime modification is made
+2. verify Redfish OemPrivilege can be added via PATCH to PrivilegeRegistry and
+   reflected in the PrivilegeRegistry resource
+3. verify Redfish OemRole can be added via POST to ManagerAccountCollection
+   with assigned OemPrivilege and reflected in the ManagerAccountCollection
+4. verify operation-to-privilege can be modified via PATCH on
+   PrivilegeRegistry; mapping of an action on a resource can be added with the
+   above OemPrivilege, and finally the user of that OemRole now can access the
+   resource
+5. verify the 3 dynamic overriding is working as expected; e.g., a new override
+   can be added to PrivilegeRegistry and should be reflected in new requests
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