Redfish Health and Status

Author: James Feist !jfei

Primary assignee: James Feist !jfei

Other contributors: None

Created: 2019-04-17

Problem Description

Redfish Status has 3 main properties: Health, HealthRollup, and State. We need ways to be able to determine from a high level the health of contained components. We also need to be able to determine the health of individual components.

Background and References

HealthRollup contains the combined health for all components below it. Main use cases are:

  • Health of individual sensors applying to health of chassis
  • Health of chassis applying to health of bmc
  • Health of host applying to system health

The more difficult examples that we need to cover are:

https:///redfish/v1/Systems/system/Memory/dimm0, where we need to roll the health of the dimm up multiple levels to the system health.

https:///redfish/v1/Managers/bmc, where we need to get the health of the bmc with no direct sensors.

https:///redfish/v1/Chassis/1Ux16_Riser_1/, where multiple sensor types roll up to the chassis health.

https:///redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth1, where the ethernet interface failing needs to contribute to bmc health.

Some examples of health with different use cases are:

  • Individual Sensors
  • Chassis containing sensors
  • Managers/BMC
  • System

Currently operational status only has pass / fail options. Where Redfish health is tri-state:

Threshold interface (Currently unused by some vendors):

Associations In Sensors:

Association Definition Interface:

Operational Status Interface:

Redfish schema guide:

BMC inventory interface:

System inventory interface:

Item interface:


  • Must minimize D-Bus calls needed to get health rollup
  • Must minimize new D-Bus objects being created
  • Should try to utilize existing D-Bus interfaces

Proposed Design

Individual Sensor Health

Map critical thresholds to health critical, and warning thresholds to health warning. If thresholds do not exist or do not indicate a problem, map OperationalStatus failed to critical.

Chassis / System Health

Chassis have individual sensors. Cross reference the individual sensors with the global health. If any of the sensors of the chassis are in the global health association for warning, the chassis rollup is warning. Likewise if any inventory for the chassis is in the global health critical, the chassis is critical. The global inventory item will be xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Global.

Chassis / System Health Rollup

Any other associations ending in "critical" or "warning" are combined, and searched for inventory. The worst inventory item in the Chassis is the rollup for the Chassis. System is treated the same.

Fan example

A fan will be marked critical if its threshold has crossed critical, or its operational state is marked false. This fan may then be placed in the global health warning association if the system determines this failure should contribute as such. The chassis that the fan is in will then be marked as warning as the inventory that it contains is warning at a global level.

Alternatives Considered

A new daemon to track global health state. Although this would be difficult to reuse to track individual component health.



Testing will be performed using sensor values and the status LED.